Comm PA Dept Env Res v. Tri State Clinical ( 1999 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1999 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Comm PA Dept Env Res v. Tri State Clinical
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 98-3332
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    Filed June 2, 1999
    No. 98-3332
    JOSEPH NIGRO, Trustee,
    Civil Action No. 97-cv-02115
    District Judge: Hon. Donald J. Lee
    Argued: January 26, 1999
    Circuit Judges.
    (Filed June 2, 1999)
    Stuart M. Bliwas, Esq. (Argued)
    Pennsylvania Department of
    Environmental Resources
    Office of Chief Counsel
    400 Market Street, P.O. Box 8464
    Harrisburg, PA 17105
    Attorney for Appellant
    James M. Malley, Esq.
    Joseph P. Nigro, Esq.
    Matthew M. Pavlovich, Esq. (Argued)
    Nigro & Malley
    2 Gateway Center, Suite 1270
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    Attorneys for Appellees
    Rachel J. Lehr, Esq.
    Office of Attorney General of N.J.
    25 Market Street
    Trenton, N.J. 08625
    Attorney for Amicus-Appellant
    McKEE, Circuit Judge.
    We are asked to decide if a criminal fine is entitled to
    priority as an administrative expense under Chapter 7 of
    the Bankruptcy Code. The fine was imposed upon a debtor
    in possession for post-petition conduct that violated
    Pennsylvania's Solid Waste Management Act.
    Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Resources
    ("DER") filed a proof of claim in which it asserted that it
    was entitled to have the fine paid as an administrative
    expense under S 503(b) of the Bankruptcy Code. The
    bankruptcy court disagreed, and sustained the trustee's
    objection to the proof of claim. The district court affirmed.
    We hold that a post-petition criminal fine is not an
    administrative expense under Chapter 7, and therefore we
    I. Factual Background and Procedural History
    On August 14, 1990, Tri-State Clinical Laboratories, Inc.
    filed a voluntary petition under Chapter 11 of the United
    States Bankruptcy Code. A few months later, on October 4,
    1990, two municipal workers were sprayed with blood while
    emptying a dumpster located behind Tri-State's place of
    business. The blood came from test tubes that Tri-State
    had illegally placed in the dumpster. The test tubes would
    have been collected and deposited in a municipal landfill
    had they not been discovered.
    On January 21, 1992, the Office of Attorney General filed
    a criminal complaint charging Tri-State with violations of
    Pennsylvania's Solid Waste Management Act for illegally
    disposing of infectious waste. Count I of the complaint
    charged Tri-State with unlawfully storing municipal waste
    on or about July 18, 1990 (before Tri-State hadfiled its
    Chapter 11 petition). Count II charged Tri-State with
    unlawfully disposing of infectious waste in the dumpster on
    or about October 4, 1990 (after Tri-State had filed its
    Chapter 11 petition).
    On September 10, 1992, Joseph P. Nigro was appointed
    Chapter 11 Trustee. Shortly thereafter, on October 6, 1992,
    the case was converted to Chapter 7, and Mr. Nigro was
    appointed the Chapter 7 Trustee.
    On July 28, 1994, while the Chapter 7 proceedings were
    still pending, the Court of Common Pleas of Westmoreland
    County convicted Tri-State on Counts I and II of the
    complaint and imposed a fine of $10,000 for the violation
    charged in Count I, and a fine of $20,000 for the violation
    charged in Count II. It is undisputed that thesefines were
    punitive in nature, and unrelated to actual costs or
    expenses incurred by the DER.
    On August 19, 1994, the DER filed a proof of claim
    asserting a $10,000 subordinated unsecured claim under
    11 U.S.C. S 726(a)(4); and a $20,000 claim for
    administrative expenses pursuant to 11 U.S.C. SS 503(b),
    507(a)(1), and 726(a)(1).1 The trustee objected to treating
    the $20,000 fine as an administrative expense. However,
    there was no objection to allowing the $10,000 claim for
    pre-petition conduct under 11 U.S.C. S 726(a)(4), and that
    fine is not an issue in this appeal.
    The bankruptcy court concluded that administrative
    expenses must be claimed by filing a "request for payment,"
    and not by filing a "proof of claim." Accordingly, the
    1. The bankruptcy court had previously granted the DER's motion to file
    a proof of claim beyond the bar date.
    bankruptcy court held that "[its previous] order granting
    the DER leave to file its proof of claim beyond the bar date
    is, in effect, a nullity." In the alternative, the court held that
    the $20,000 fine for post-petition criminal conduct is not
    an administrative expense under S 503(b). Instead, the
    court allowed the DER to pursue the fine as an unsecured
    The district court subsequently affirmed the bankruptcy
    court's determination that the $20,000 fine was not an
    administrative expense. Thus, it was not necessary for the
    district court to decide if it agreed with the bankruptcy
    court's conclusion that an administrative expense must be
    asserted in a request for payment, rather than a proof of
    claim. This appeal followed.2
    II. Discussion
    The DER contends that the $20,000 fine imposed upon
    the debtor in possession for conduct that occurred after it
    filed the petition must be given priority status as an
    2. The district court's appellate jurisdiction was based on 28 U.S.C.
    S 158(a). We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. S 158(c) and 28
    U.S.C. S 1291. We exercise plenary review over a district Court's
    bankruptcy decision. Universal Minerals, Inc. v. C.A. Hughes & Co., 
    669 F.2d 98
    , 100 (3d Cir. 1981). "Because the bankruptcy court, rather than
    the district Court, was the trier of fact in this case, we are in as good
    position as the district court to review the findings of the bankruptcy
    court, so we review the bankruptcy court's findings by the standards the
    district court should employ, to determine whether the district court
    erred in its review." In re Fegeley, 
    118 F.3d 979
    , 982 (3d Cir. 1997)
    (internal quotations omitted). Accordingly, we review the bankruptcy
    court's findings of fact for clear error, and exercise plenary review over
    legal issues. 
    Id. Although the
    parties have briefed the procedural issue of whether an
    administrative expense can be asserted in a proof of claim, that issue is
    not properly before us because it is not part of the district court's
    Moreover, because we conclude that the fines here are not administrative
    expenses, we need not decide whether the administrative expense claim
    was properly asserted.
    administrative expense under S 503(b)(1)(A) of the
    Bankruptcy Code. The DER bases its argument upon the
    nonexclusive nature of the list of expenses in S 503(b), and
    the fact that other courts have held that tort damages,
    post-petition civil penalties, and civil environmental fines
    are administrative expenses. The DER insists that there is
    no rational basis to distinguish those civil penalties from
    these criminal fines. According to the DER, both must be
    treated as an "actual necessary expense of preserving the
    estate" under S 503(b). Appellant's Br. at 10. The DER
    seeks to bolster this argument with policy considerations. It
    insists that if criminal fines are not given priority, "Chapter
    11 debtors in possession [will be encouraged] to disregard
    criminal statutes and other valid laws that might impede a
    debtor in possession's effort to turn a profit," because such
    a debtor can violate the law "secure in the knowledge that
    no economic punishment would follow." Appellant's Br. at
    23-24. The DER warns that this would "create[ ] an
    incentive for any marginal corporate business to attempt to
    free itself from regulatory restraints by seeking the safe
    haven of Chapter 11 protection." 
    Id. at 24.
    The trustee's rejoinder relies heavily upon our decision in
    Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental
    Resources v. Conroy, 
    24 F.3d 568
    (3d Cir. 1994). 3 The
    trustee argues that we drew a distinction in Conroy
    between compensatory assessments which may enjoy
    priority status as actual administrative expenses, and non-
    compensatory assessments which do not reimburse
    creditors for actual expenses. The trustee argues that
    because Congress expressly refers to non-compensatory
    criminal fines and penalties elsewhere in the Code, it would
    have expressly included such fines under S 503(b) if it
    intended to treat them as administrative expenses. The
    trustee also adds its own policy "spin" to rebut the policy
    considerations that the DER urges upon us. The trustee
    argues that non-compensatory criminal fines survive
    bankruptcy, and can be assessed against the corporation or
    3. Tri-State Clinical Laboratories and the trustee are jointly listed as
    "appellee" on the briefs and in the caption. Inasmuch as we are deciding
    the validity of the trustee's objection in the bankruptcy court we will
    refer to the appellee as the "trustee."
    corporate officers individually. Thus, those who are
    responsible for the operation of the business have no
    incentive to cut costs by violating the law as the DER
    suggests. Appellee's Br. at 24-25.
    The starting point of any statutory analysis is the
    language of the statute. Pennsylvania Dept. of Public
    Welfare v. Davenport, 
    495 U.S. 552
    , 557-58 (1990); Kelly v.
    479 U.S. 40
    , 43 (1986). Thus, we begin at the
    beginning by examining the text of the statute. In doing so,
    "we must not be guided by a single sentence or member of
    a sentence, but look to the provisions of the whole law, and
    to its object and policy." 
    Kelly, 479 U.S. at 43
    quotation marks omitted).
    Section 503(b)(1)(A) of the Bankruptcy Code provides:
    (b) [T]here shall be allowed, administrative expenses,
    . . . including --
    (1)(A) the actual, necessary costs and expenses of
    preserving the estate, including wages, salaries, or
    commissions for services rendered after the
    commencement of the case . . .
    11 U.S.C. S 503(b)(1)(A) (1997). Thus, for a claim to be given
    priority as an administrative expense under this provision
    of the Code, it must be (1) a "cost" or "expense" that is (2)
    "actual" and "necessary" to (3) "preserving the estate."
    We construe the words of a statute according to their
    ordinary meaning, unless the context suggests otherwise.
    See Moskal v. United States, 
    498 U.S. 103
    , 108 (1990);
    Idahoan Fresh v. Advantage Produce, Inc., 
    157 F.3d 197
    202 (3d Cir. 1998). In Reading Co. v. Brown, the Supreme
    Court concluded that "the words `preserving the estate'
    include the larger objective, common to arrangements, of
    operating the debtor's business with a view to rehabilitating
    391 U.S. 471
    , 476-77 (1968). The dictionary defines
    "necessary" as "absolutely required" or"needed to bring
    about a certain effect or result." Webster's II New Riverside
    University Dictionary 787 (1994). However, the Supreme
    Court has held that the concept of "necessary costs" under
    the Code is somewhat broader than would be suggested by
    the dictionary definition. Thus, " `usual and necessary
    costs' should include costs ordinarily incident to operation
    of a business, and not be limited to costs without which
    rehabilitation would be impossible." 
    Reading, 391 U.S. at 483
    To determine Congress' intent in enacting S 503(b)(1)(A),
    we also must consider the other provisions of S 503. See
    Neal v. Clark, 
    95 U.S. 704
    , 708-09 (1978) ("a word is known
    by the company it keeps"). Section 503(b) specifically lists
    several expenditures that are included within the meaning
    of "administrative expenses." These include certain taxes
    and fines or penalties that relate to those taxes, 
    id. at S
    503(b)(1)(B) & (C); compensation for services rendered by
    trustees and indenture trustees, 
    id. at S
    503(b)(2) &
    S 503(b)(5); the actual, necessary expenses incurred by
    certain creditors pressing their claims, 
    id. at S
    reasonable compensation for the professional services of
    attorneys and accountants who provide particular services,
    id. at S
    503(b)(4); and other specified fees and mileage,
    S 503(b)(6). These specified administrative expenses all
    describe compensation for services that are necessarily
    incident to the operation of a business, see, e.g.,
    S 503(b)(2), (4) & (5), or reimbursement for actual expenses
    incurred, see, e.g., S 503(b)(3) & (6).4 Moreover, paragraph
    4. Although taxes incurred by the estate, as well as fines and penalties
    relating to those taxes, are expressly included inS 503's definition of
    administrative expense, taxes are treated uniquely throughout the
    Bankruptcy Code, and the policies underlying the treatment of taxes do
    not apply to other debts and expenses. Thus, the inclusion of taxes and
    tax penalties in this section is not particularly helpful to our analysis.
    Indeed, to the extent that the express reference to tax penalties in S 503
    implies anything, it implies that Congress did not intend to include non-
    compensatory criminal fines and penalties within the category of
    "administrative expenses." Pursuant to well-established canons of
    construction, the fact that Congress expressly included tax fines and
    penalties in S 503 implies that had Congress intended to include other
    types of fines and penalties within the class of administrative expenses,
    it would have done so expressly. See Bates v. United States, 
    522 U.S. 23
    (1997) (" `[W]here Congress includes particular language in one section of
    a statute but omits it in another section of the same Act, it is generally
    presumed that Congress acts intentionally and purposely in the
    disparate inclusion or exclusion.' ") (quoting Russello v. United States,
    464 U.S. 16
    , 23 91983) (other internal quotation marks omitted)).
    (1)(A) designates "wages, salaries, or commissions for
    services rendered after the commencement of the case" as
    "actual, necessary costs and expenses of preserving the
    estate." See S 503(1)(A) (emphasis added). Thus, the
    language of S 503(b), read as a whole, suggests a quid pro
    quo pursuant to which the estate accrues a debt in
    exchange for some consideration necessary to the operation
    or rehabilitation of the estate. Priority, therefore, is afforded
    such expenses to compensate the providers of necessary
    goods, services or labor.
    Such a construction is supported by the purposes of the
    Bankruptcy Code. Chapter 11 is intended to "rehabilitat[e]
    the debtor and avoid[ ] forfeiture by creditors." Pioneer
    Services, 507 U.S. at 389
    . The drafters of the
    Code recognized that to achieve that purpose, the debtor
    has to continue to operate between the filing of the petition
    and the adjudication of bankruptcy. This can result in
    additional expenses that are necessary to the continued
    operation of the business or to successfully winding it
    down. Congress recognized this need to provide an
    incentive to creditors who otherwise would not continue to
    provide services to a failing business. Accordingly,"the
    actual, necessary costs and expenses of preserving the
    estate" are given priority under the Code. See H.R. Rep. No.
    95-595, at 186-187 (1977) reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N.
    5963, 6147 ("Those who must wind up the affairs of a
    debtor's estate must be assured of payment, or else they
    will not participate in the liquidation or distribution of the
    id. at 187,
    1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. at 6147-6148 ("The
    purpose of [giving priority to wages earned within three
    months before bankruptcy,] as with the administrative
    expense priority, is in part to ensure that employees will
    not abandon a failing business for fear of not being paid.");
    Report of the Commission on the Bankruptcy Laws of the
    United States, H.R. Doc. 93-137, pt. 1, at 214 (1973)
    [hereinafter "Commission Report to the House"]
    (recommending priority status for administrative expenses
    incurred during the reorganization period because"[s]uch
    expenses must be paid first to assure the availability of the
    services needed to administer a liquidation or
    reorganization case."). Absent the priority established under
    S 503, a debtor in possession could not keep its employees,
    nor obtain services necessary to its operation as it attempts
    to reorganize, or wind-down pending ultimate liquidation.
    We believe the relevance of this consideration extends to
    interpreting Congress' intent in according priority to certain
    claims under Chapter 7.
    The Supreme Court's holding in Reading illustrates these
    principles. In Reading, I. J. Knight Realty Corporation filed
    a petition for an arrangement under Chapter 11 of the
    Bankruptcy Act which was then in effect.5 The district court
    appointed a receiver, and authorized him to continue to
    conduct the debtor's business of leasing an industrial
    building. Thereafter the building was totally destroyed by a
    fire which spread to the surrounding property. In a
    resulting tort action, one of the adjacent property owners
    recovered a judgment against the receiver in an effort to
    obtain compensation for the damage the fire inflicted upon
    its property as a result of the receiver's negligence. Because
    the debtor in possession was in bankruptcy, an issue arose
    as to the priority that the judgment should be accorded
    against the bankrupt estate. The Supreme Court held that
    the tort judgment was entitled to priority as an
    administrative expense under S 64a(1) of the Bankruptcy
    Act, 11 U.S.C. S 104(a)(1), even though the expense was not
    technically a cost of preserving the estate.6
    The Court's holding was motivated by the considerations
    of fairness and practicality which underlie the purposes of
    the bankruptcy laws. The Court believed that those who
    continue to transact business with the debtor during the
    Chapter 11 case, and who suffer financially as a result, are
    entitled to priority over other creditors who have not
    affirmatively assumed such risk. The Court reasoned that
    5. The prior Bankruptcy Act is analogous to the current version.
    6. Section 64a of the prior Bankruptcy Act defined administrative
    expenses in relevant part as follows:
    The debts to have priority, in advance of the payment of dividends
    to creditors and to be paid in full out of bankrupt estates, and
    order of payment, shall be (1) the costs and expenses of
    administration, including the actual and necessary costs and
    expenses of preserving the estate subsequent tofiling the petition
    . . . .
    fairness dictates that those injured by the operation of a
    bankrupt business by a receiver acting within the scope of
    his authority be compensated for the injury. The Court
    concluded that it simply is not fair to deny innocent victims
    compensation for injuries they would not have incurred had
    the law not allowed the debtor to continue operating its
    business. Because Reading is so important to our inquiry
    we take the liberty of quoting the Court's opinion at length.
    The Court stated:
    In our view the trustee has overlooked one important,
    and here decisive, statutory objective: fairness to all
    persons having claims against an insolvent. Petitioner
    suffered grave financial injury from what is here agreed
    to have been the negligence of the receiver and a
    workman. It is conceded that, in principle, petitioner
    has a right to recover for that injury from their
    `employer,' the business under arrangement, upon the
    rule of respondeat superior. Respondents contend,
    however, that petitioner is in no different position from
    anyone else injured by a person with scant assets: its
    right to recover exists in theory but is not enforceable
    in practice.
    That, however, is not an adequate description of
    petitioner's position. At the moment when an
    arrangement is sought, the debtor is insolvent. Its
    existing creditors hope that by partial or complete
    postponement of their claims, they will through
    successful rehabilitation, eventually recover from the
    debtor either in full or in larger proportion than they
    would in immediate bankruptcy. Hence the present
    petitioner did not merely suffer injury at the hands of
    an insolvent business: it had an insolvent business
    thrust upon it by operation of law. That business will,
    in any event, be unable to pay its fire debts in full. But
    the question is whether the fire claimants should be
    subordinated to, should share equally with, or collect
    ahead of those creditors for whose benefit the
    continued operation of the business (which
    unfortunately led to the fire instead of the hoped-for
    rehabilitation) was allowed. . . . The `master,' liable for
    the negligence of the `servant' in this case was the
    business operating under Chapter XI arrangement for
    the benefit of creditors and with the hope of
    rehabilitation. That benefit and that rehabilitation are
    worthy objectives. But it would be inconsistent both
    with the principle of respondeat superior and with the
    rule of fairness in bankruptcy to seek these objectives
    at the cost of excluding tort creditors of the
    arrangement from its assets, or totally subordinating
    the claims of those on whom the arrangement is
    imposed to the claims of those for whose benefit it is
    * * *
    In considering whether those injured by the
    operation of the business during an arrangement
    should share equally with, or recover ahead of, those
    for whose benefit the business is carried on, the latter
    seems more natural and just. Existing creditors are, to
    be sure, in a dilemma not of their own making, but
    there is no obvious reason why they should be allowed
    to attempt to escape that dilemma at the risk of
    imposing it on others equally 
    innocent. 391 U.S. at 477-83
    The Court also considered the practical consequences of
    not allowing the tort claimant to recover ahead of other
    More directly in point is the possibility of insurance. An
    arrangement may provide for suitable coverage, and
    the Court below recognized that the cost of insurance
    against tort claims arising during an arrangement is an
    administrative expense payable in full under S 64a(1)
    . . . It is . . . obvious that proper insurance premiums
    must be given priority, else insurance could not be
    obtained; and if a receiver or debtor in possession is to
    be encouraged to obtain insurance in adequate
    amounts, the claims against which insurance is
    obtained should be potentially payable in full.
    Id. at 483.
    Thirdly, the Court considered the background of tort law.
    It has long been the rule of equity receiverships that
    torts of the receivership create claims against the
    receivership itself; in those cases the statutory
    limitation to "actual and necessary costs" is not
    involved, but the explicit recognition extended to tort
    claims in those cases weighs heavily in favor of
    considering them within the general category of costs
    and expenses.
    Id. at 485.
    The Court concluded that, because the torts of
    a receivership create claims against the receiver, it could
    not distinguish between claims arising from conduct which
    is integral to the operation of the business, and torts
    arising from "nonessential" activity.
    No principle of tort law of which we are aware offers
    guidance for distinguishing, within the class of torts
    committed by receivers while acting in furtherance of
    the business, between those "integral" to the business
    and those that are not. . . . We hold that damages
    resulting from the negligence of a receiver acting within
    the scope of his authority as receiver give rise to
    "actual and necessary costs" of a Chapter XI
    Id. Inasmuch as
    the receiver was acting within the scope of
    its authority, the demands of fair compensation required
    that persons who were injured by the receiver's negligence
    be compensated. This, in turn, required giving their claims
    priority over the claims of other creditors.7
    Here, allowing the DER's claim to be treated as an
    administrative expense will allow that claim to be paid to
    the exclusion of, and out of the resources otherwise
    7. We realize that the debtor in Reading was seeking an arrangement
    under Chapter 11, and the Court reached its holding in that context.
    Here, of course, the defendant initially filed for the contemporary
    counterpart of an arrangement -- a reorganization-- under Chapter 11,
    and the case was thereafter converted to a liquidation ("straight
    bankruptcy" using the terms of the prior Bankruptcy Act). However, we
    think this is a distinction without a difference. In Reading the Court
    noted: "It is agreed that this section [64a] applicable by its terms to
    straight bankruptcies, governs payment of administration expenses of
    Chapter XI 
    arrangements". 391 U.S. at 475
    available for, claims of other creditors. The practical result
    would be that fines for committing crimes would be paid by
    innocent third persons -- the creditors -- rather than Tri-
    State -- the criminal. That is as unfair as it is impractical.
    The payment of the criminal fine would not compensate for
    any damages resulting from Tri-State's conduct. It would
    merely cause Tri-State to satisfy its obligations to the state
    out of the pockets of Tri-State's creditors.
    The DER argues that the cost of complying with the
    criminal laws is a necessary cost of doing business (no less
    than taxes, wages, or fees), and therefore any criminal
    penalties in the form of fines resulting from violating the
    law must be treated as an administrative expense. Thus,
    the DER would have us hold that a violation of a criminal
    law intended to protect public safety is necessary or
    ordinarily incident to operating a business, and therefore, is
    incurred as an expense of "preserving the estate." However,
    the DER fails to recognize that, even if the costs associated
    with operating a business in accordance with the law are
    necessary to preserving the estate, it does not follow that
    criminal fines and the conduct they attempt to punish are
    ordinarily incident to operating a business. We refuse to
    adopt an analysis of administrative expenses that is based
    upon the assumption that legitimate businesses engage in
    a "cost-benefit" analysis to determine if they will comply
    with criminal laws that protect the very public that the
    owners and operators of those legitimate businesses are
    part of. It is neither reasonable nor necessary for a
    commercial enterprise to violate criminal laws and
    endanger the public to preserve the estate or to conduct
    legitimate business operations, and we refuse the DER's
    invitation to hold otherwise. Rather, we believe Congress
    intended only for those "actual necessary costs and
    expenses" that arise in the context of, or compensate for,
    legitimate business activity, or the losses resulting
    therefrom, to be treated as expenses of preserving the
    estate, and accorded priority as an administrative expense.
    Although both parties to this appeal rely upon our
    holding in 
    Conroy, supra
    , to support their arguments, we
    view Conroy as supporting the distinction we draw between
    claims for compensatory expenses and those for criminal
    fines. In Conroy, the DER filed a claim for reimbursement
    for costs incurred in cleaning up hazardous chemicals at a
    site the Chapter 11 debtors had attempted to abandon. In
    holding that those costs were administrative expenses
    entitled to priority we said:
    [I]f the DER had not itself undertaken to clean up the
    [site,] the Conroys could not have escaped their
    obligation to do so by abandoning the hazardous
    property in question. Furthermore, if Frank Conroy
    had arranged for cleanup of the facility after he had
    filed a Chapter 11 petition, the costs of this cleanup
    would have constituted administrative expenses under
    11 U.S. C
    . S 503(b)(1)(A), since they are a portion of `the
    actual, necessary costs and expenses of preserving the
    Id. at 569.
    We also held that reimbursement for that
    portion of the administrative and legal costs incurred in
    arranging for cleanup which the DER had "sufficiently
    substantiated" as reasonable compensation also qualified
    as an administrative expense. 
    Id. at 570-71.
    By cleaning up
    the site, the DER provided a service to the debtor-- a
    service that the debtor itself would have had to perform
    during the course of normal operations -- and therefore,
    the DER was entitled to compensation for that service.
    The situation here is quite different. Tri-State was not
    required to endanger the health and welfare of residents of
    the community by illegally disposing of test tubes
    containing blood, and the sanction that was imposed as
    punishment for doing so has nothing to do with
    compensation or proper business operations. Rather the
    purpose of this criminal fine is deterrence, retribution, and
    Our conclusion is also consistent with the legislative
    history relating to the classification of non-compensatory
    criminal fines and penalties. Before Congress replaced the
    Bankruptcy Act of 1898 with the current Bankruptcy Code,
    a creditor had to show that a claim was both "allowable"
    (under S 57 of that Act), and "provable" (under S 63 of that
    Act) before the creditor could participate in the distribution
    of assets at all. See H.R. Doc. 93-137, pt. 1, at 21 (1973);
    Kelly v. Robinson, 
    479 U.S. 36
    , 44-45 (1986). Section 57(j)
    specifically excluded criminal penalties from the class of
    allowable debts insofar as they did not compensate for an
    actual loss. Section 57(j) of the Act provided:
    Debts owing to the United States, a State, a county, a
    district, or a municipality as a penalty or forfeiture
    shall not be allowed, except for the amount of the
    pecuniary loss sustained by the act, transaction, or
    proceeding out of which the penalty or forfeiture arose.
    30 Stat. 561 (emphasis added). Section 63 defined
    "provable" debts to include criminal penalties. Thus, by the
    early 1970s, when Congress began reexamining the
    bankruptcy laws, it was well established that criminal fines
    were not allowable debts subject to distribution from the
    estate under Chapter 7.8
    In 1973, the Commission on the Bankruptcy Laws of the
    United States, which was established to propose changes to
    the bankruptcy laws, recommended combining the concepts
    of "allowable" and "provable" claims into a single enlarged
    class of "allowable" claims. H.R. Doc. No. 93-137, pt.1, at
    21. The Commission also recommended subordinating
    certain claims to other unsecured claims within that large
    class. Among this class of subordinated claims were claims
    specified in S 4-406(a) of the proposed bill, including "any
    claim, whether secured or unsecured, to the extent it is for
    a fine, penalty or forfeiture or for multiple, punitive or
    exemplary claims." 
    Id. at 22
    and pt. 2, at 115. The
    Commission recommended changing the law to subordinate
    such claims, rather than disallowing them, "to prevent the
    debtor from obtaining a windfall of a disallowance intended
    only to benefit its creditors." The Bankruptcy Reform Act:
    Hearings on S. 235 and S. 236 Before the Subcomm. on
    8. Tri-State's bankruptcy is an example of the frequency with which
    cases begun under Chapter 11 eventually convert to Chapter 7. We do
    not think that the conversion from Chapter 11 to Chapter 7 alters our
    analysis. See 
    Reading, supra
    (noting that the provisions for straight
    bankruptcies govern priority under an arrangement under the prior
    Improvements in Judicial Machinery of the Senate Comm. on
    the Judiciary, 95th Cong. 761 (1975) [hereinafter "Hearings
    S. 235"]. In that same Report, the Commission also
    recommended establishing three categories of priority
    claims: (1) administrative expenses, which the Commission
    explained "must necessarily be given first priority in order
    for estates to be liquidated and any distributions made to
    any creditors"; (2) wages; and (3) taxes accruing within one
    year prior to bankruptcy. H.R. Doc. 93-137, pt.1, at 21.
    Based on the Commission's recommendations, the House
    and the Senate drafted bills which provided for
    subordinating and prioritizing certain kinds of claims. The
    relevant provision, which was set forth in S 4-406 in both
    bills, expressly subordinated any claim for a fine, penalty,
    or multiple, punitive, or exemplary damages. See H.R.
    10792, 93rd Cong. (1973); S. 236, 94th Cong. (1975). In
    prepared remarks before the Senate subcommittee drafting
    the proposed legislation, the Commission explained that
    this subordination "is derived from sec. 57 of the present
    Act which disallows fines, penalties, and forfeitures owing
    the government. This provision simply subordinates. It
    won't change the result in many cases but prevents any
    return to a solvent debtor who has incurred a penalty and
    extends the principle to exemplary and [sic] damages."
    Hearings S. 235 at 15 (emphasis added).
    In drafting the current Bankruptcy Code, Congress
    considered the policy ramifications of subordinating
    criminal penalties to unsecured debts. During
    congressional hearings the Assistant Attorney General for
    the Civil Division of the Department of Justice argued that
    criminal judgments should not be subordinated, stating:
    "Fine judgments represent a solemn judgment rendered
    against a debtor for a crime against society. Thefine debtor
    has not paid his debt to society until the fine is satisfied. As
    a matter of public policy such judgments should at least
    share priority with the Government's non-tax claims and
    not be subordinated." Hearings S. 235 at 478. The
    American Life Insurance Association argued to the contrary:
    "[The Civil Division] overlooks the fact that in a bankruptcy
    situation, the other creditors in effect end up paying the
    fine if it is not subordinated. For that reason, it should not
    be paid out of the estate unless all other claims
    (subordinated or unsubordinated) are first paid in full."
    Bankruptcy Act Revision: Hearings on H.R. 31 and H.R. 32
    Before the Subcomm. on Civil and Constitutional Rights of
    the House Comm. on the Judiciary, 94th Cong. 1590-91
    (1976). Similarly, the Securities and Exchange Commission
    recommended deleting S 4-406 entirely and substituting in
    its place S 57(j) of the original Bankruptcy Act, which
    disallowed fines and penalties. Hearings S. 235 at 736. The
    SEC favored disallowance over subordination because it
    feared that subordinated fines and penalties would still
    take priority over the interests of stockholders. 
    Id. The statute
    as enacted did not include a separate section
    covering subordinated claims. Instead, Congress enacted
    S 726, "Distribution of property of the estate," which
    "dictates the order in which [sic] distribution of property of
    the estate, which has usually been reduced to money by
    the trustee under the requirements of section 704(1)." S.
    Rep. No. 95-989, at 96-97 (1978). Section 726 provides in
    relevant part:
    (a) . . . [P]roperty of the estate shall be distributed--
    (1) first, in payment of claims of the kind specified
    in, and in the order specified in, section 507 of this
    title [referring to administrative expenses under
    S 503];
    (2) second, in payment of any allowed unsecured
    claim . . . proof of which is [timely filed under
    sections 501(a), (b), or (c), or tardily filed under
    section 501(a)];
    (3) third, in payment of any allowed unsecured claim
    proof of which is tardily filed under section 501(a)
    . . .;
    (4) fourth, in payment of any allowed claim, whether
    secured or unsecured, for any fine, penalty, or
    forfeiture, or for multiple, exemplary, or punitive
    damages, arising before the earlier of the order for
    relief or the appointment of a trustee, to the extent
    such fine, penalty, forfeiture, or damages are not
    compensation for actual pecuniary loss suffered by
    the holder of such claim;
    (5) fifth, in payment of interest at the legal rate from
    the date of the filing of the petition, on any claim
    paid under paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4) of this
    subsection; and
    (6) sixth, to the debtor.
    11 U.S.C. S 726. The Senate explained paragraph (4) as
    Fourth, distribution is to holders of fine, penalty,
    forfeiture, or multiple, punitive, or exemplary damage
    claims. More of these claims are disallowed entirely
    under present law. They are simply subordinated here.
    Paragraph (4) provides that punitive penalties,
    including pre-petition tax penalties, are subordinated
    to the payment of all other classes of claims, except
    claims for interest accruing during the case. In effect,
    these penalties are payable out of the estate's assets
    only if and to the extent that a surplus of assets would
    otherwise remain at the close of the case for distribution
    back to the debtor.
    S. Rep. No. 95-989 at 97 (emphasis added). Thus,
    prepetition fines were accorded second class status in the
    distribution scheme.
    This provision works in tandem with S 523 of the current
    version of the Code, which governs the dischargeability of
    debts at the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings. To
    understand S 523, however, it is useful to understand its
    history as well. Section 17 of the old Bankruptcy Act
    provided that a discharge in bankruptcy released a debtor
    from all provable debts at the conclusion of the bankruptcy
    case with four specified exceptions. Although criminal
    penalties were not excepted from discharge underS 17,
    courts historically had refused to discharge state criminal
    penalties under federal bankruptcy because of
    considerations of comity. See 
    Kelly, 479 U.S. at 44-46
    . In
    1978, Congress codified this judicial exception to
    dischargeability of criminal fines and penalties in S 523.
    That section, entitled "Exceptions to Discharge," provides:
    (a) A discharge under section 727, 1141, 1228(a),
    1228(b), or 1328(b) of this title does not discharge an
    individual debtor from any debt --
    . . . (7) to the extent such debt is for a fine, penalty, or
    forfeiture payable to and for the benefit of a
    governmental unit, and is not compensation for actual
    pecuniary loss, . . .
    11 U.S.C. S 523(a)(7); see also FRBP Official Form 18
    (9/97), Explanation of Bankruptcy Discharge in a Chapter
    7 Case ("Some of the common types of debts which are not
    discharged in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case are . . .[d]ebts
    for most fines, penalties, forfeitures, or criminal restitution
    The Supreme Court explained the evolution of this
    exception to discharge in Kelly v. Robinson, 
    479 U.S. 40
    (1986). In that case, a defendant was ordered to pay
    restitution as a condition of probation after pleading guilty
    to welfare fraud. After she was sentenced, she filed a
    voluntary petition in bankruptcy under Chapter 7 listing
    the restitution obligation as a debt. The appropriate state
    agencies did not file a proof of claim in the court for the
    outstanding restitution, but the bankruptcy court
    nevertheless ruled that the restitution payments were not
    dischargeable under S 523(a)(7) of the Code. The court held
    that, even though restitution reimburses the victim of
    criminal activity, its purpose is rehabilitation, and not
    compensation. Thus, the criminal statute focused" `upon
    the offender and not the . . . the victim, . . . restitution is
    part of the criminal penalty rather than compensation for a
    victim's actual loss.' " 
    Kelly, 479 U.S. at 41
    . The district
    court agreed, but the Court of Appeals for the Second
    Circuit reversed. It held that restitution was a"debt" as
    that term was defined in the Bankruptcy Code. It relied
    upon legislative history to conclude that "Congress intended
    to broaden the definition of "debt" from the narrower
    definition of the Bankruptcy Act of 1898." 
    Id. The Court
    Appeals further concluded that the restitution was
    discharged under S 523(a)(7), which provides for automatic
    discharge of certain debts. The Supreme Court reversed,
    relying in part on an opinion the New York Supreme Court
    had reached four years before Congress enacted the current
    Bankruptcy Code. The Supreme Court stated:
    A discharge in bankruptcy has no effect whatsoever
    upon a condition of restitution of a criminal sentence.
    A bankruptcy proceeding is civil in nature and is
    intended to relieve an honest and unfortunate debtor of
    his debts and to permit him to begin his financial life
    anew. A condition of restitution in a sentence of
    probation is a part of the judgment of conviction. It
    does not create a debt nor a debtor-creditor
    relationship between the persons making and receiving
    restitution. As with any other condition of a
    probationary sentence, it is intended as a means to
    insure the defendant will lead a law-abiding life
    Thus, Congress enacted the Code in 1978 against the
    background of an established judicial exception to
    discharge for criminal sentences . . . an exception
    created in the face of a statute drafted with
    considerable care and 
    specificity. 479 U.S. at 46
    (internal quotation marks and citations
    Four years later the Supreme Court elaborated upon the
    holding in Kelly, and emphasized the extent to which the
    purpose of the Code was relevant to determining
    dischargeability. In Pennsylvania Department of Public
    Welfare v. Davenport, 
    495 U.S. 552
    (1990), the Court held
    that, even though restitution payments were not discharged
    under Chapter 7, such payments were dischargeable
    "debts" under Chapter 13. The Court explained:
    [I]n locating Congress' policy choice regarding the
    dischargeability of restitution orders in S 523(a)(7),
    Kelly is faithful to the language and structure of the
    Code: Congress defined "debt" broadly and took care to
    except particular debts from discharge where policy
    considerations so warranted. Accordingly, Congress
    secured a broader discharge for debtors under Chapter
    13 than Chapter 7 by extending to Chapter 13
    proceedings some, but not all, of S 523(a)'s exceptions
    to discharge. . . . Among those exceptions that
    Congress chose not to extend to Chapter 13
    proceedings is S 523(a)(7)'s exception for debts arising
    from a "fine, penalty, or forfeiture." Thus, to construe
    "debt" narrowly in this context would be to override the
    balance Congress struck in crafting the appropriate
    discharge exceptions for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
    debtors. 495 U.S. at 562-3
    We conclude that the policy considerations evidenced by
    the aforementioned legislative history, as well as the text of
    the Code and the cases interpreting it, support our view
    that non-compensatory criminal fines imposed on a
    Chapter 7 debtor or trustee should not be deemed
    administrative expenses. This interpretation also is
    consistent with Congress' limitation on the dischargeability
    of criminal fines and penalties. Under Chapter 7, that
    portion of a fine that is compensatory is discharged. 11
    U.S.C. S 523(7). See 
    Davenport, 495 U.S. at 559
    ("The Court
    in Kelly analyzed the purposes of restitution in construing
    the qualifying clauses of S 523(a)(7), which explicitly tie the
    application of that provision to the purpose of the
    compensation required."). We do not believe that Congress
    intended for us to ignore the non-compensatory character
    of a criminal fine in deciding if it is an administrative
    expense under S 503, while explicitly requiring that
    consideration under S 523(7). Rather, for the reasons
    previously stated, we conclude that S 503's restriction to
    "expenses of preserving the estate" limits such expenses to
    those that constitute compensation for expenditures
    necessary to the operation of the debtor-in-possession's
    business. As we noted above, we will not stretch our policy
    analysis to include within this category the payment of the
    criminal fines for Tri-State's conduct here.
    We recognize, of course, that Tri-State may not have the
    funds to pay this fine after the estate is liquidated.
    However, that is often a possibility when criminalfines are
    imposed, and we see nothing in the statutes that Tri-State
    has violated, nor anything endemic to the process of
    bankruptcy, that would justify us in removing the
    Commonwealth's hand from the empty pockets of the
    criminal, and placing it in the pockets of creditors merely
    because those pockets are deeper. Tri-State was sentenced
    while in bankruptcy for an act that occurred after it filed its
    bankruptcy petition. The sentencing judge clearly knew
    that Tri-State's ability to pay any fine was suspect at best.
    Yet, the sanction here was on the corporate entity, not
    upon the responsible individuals. It should not now come
    as any great surprise that the bankrupt debtor lacks the
    resources to pay this criminal fine and meet its obligations
    to creditors. Tri-State's precarious financial condition does
    not, however, allow us to stretch the concept of
    administrative expense to remedy the DER's predicament.
    Finally, we realize, of course, that there is a certain
    tension between our analysis here, and the analysis in N.P.
    Mining Co. v. Alabama Surface Mining Commission, 963
    F2d. 1449 (11th Cir. 1992). There, the court held that civil
    fines imposed solely as punishment for violation of
    environmental regulations were entitled to priority as an
    administrative expense under Chapter 11. The holding was
    based upon the requirement in S 969(b) that the trustee or
    debtor in possession manage and operate the property in
    compliance with state law. The court of appeals reasoned
    [i]f postpetition costs "ordinarily incident to operation
    of a business" that do not confer a benefit on the estate
    [the tort claims in Reading] can indeed qualify as
    "actual, necessary" expenses of preserving the estate,
    then a strong case can be made that when a licensed
    business operates in the regulated atmosphere of strip
    mining in Alabama, incurring regulatory penalties is a
    cost ordinarily incident to operation of a business and
    should be accorded administrative-expense priority.
    Id at 1454-5.
    However, we do not think that rationale applies here,
    even if it is appropriate for a civil fine on a business in a
    heavily regulated industry. As noted above, doing so would
    require us to infer that disposing of infectious human waste
    in a manner that not only endangers members of the
    general public, but also constitutes criminal activity, is part
    of the ordinary and necessary operations of a business.
    Moreover, the court in N.P. Mining stressed that the
    violation before it did not involve safety. See N.P. 
    Mining, 963 F.2d at 1458
    ("Here, there is no threat to public health
    or safety."). We are not convinced the court's holding would
    be the same if it were faced with the kind of reckless
    conduct in which Tri-State engaged. Finally, the court in
    N.P. Mining did not consider the extensive legislative history
    regarding prepetition penalties to be as relevant as we do in
    determining whether punitive criminal fines should be given
    preferential treatment. See 
    id. at 1452
    (stating "[t]he
    legislative history of section 503(b) as well as the legislative
    history of other relevant sections of the Bankruptcy Code,
    is silent regarding the treatment of punitive post petition
    penalties"). Accordingly, we are not persuaded by N.P.
    Mining, the cases upon which it relies, or the cases that
    have relied upon N.P. Mining. See, e.g. , In re Bill's Coal
    Company, Inc., 
    124 B.R. 827
    (D. Kan. 1991); In re
    Charlesbank Laundry, Inc., 
    755 F.2d 200
    (1st Cir. 1985); In
    re Double B Distributors, Inc., 
    176 B.R. 271
    (Bky. M.D.Fla.
    1994); In re Motel Investments, Inc., 
    172 B.R. 105
    M.D.Fla. 1994).
    III. Conclusion
    In sum, based on the plain language of the Bankruptcy
    Code, its purpose and legislative history, and the principles
    of fairness upon which the Code is grounded, we hold that
    punitive criminal fines arising from post-petition behavior
    are not administrative expenses under 11 U.S.C.S 503(b),
    and therefore, are not accorded priority status pursuant to
    S 507(a)(1). Therefore, the orders of the Bankruptcy Court
    and the District Court will be affirmed in accordance with
    this decision.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit