Carter v. City of Philadelphia , 181 F.3d 339 ( 1999 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1999 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Carter v. City of Philadelphia
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 98-1581
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    Filed April 28, 1999
    No. 98-1581
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civ. No. 97-cv-04499)
    Before: Honorable Bruce W. Kauffman
    March 10, 1999
    Circuit Judges.
    (Filed April 28, 1999)
    Robert W. Small, Esquire (ARGUED)
    Berlinger & Small
    1494 Old York Road
    Suite 200
    Abington, PA 19001
    Of Counsel:
    Susan F. Burt, Esquire
    Berlinger & Small
    North American Building,
    11th Floor
    121 South Broad Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Marcia Berman, Esquire
    City of Philadelphia Law Department
    1515 Arch Street
    One Parkway Building, 17th Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    R. David Walk, Jr., Esquire
    Bebe H. Kivitz, Esquire
    Kevin J. Kotch, Esquire
    Chonda Jordan Nwamu, Esquire
    Hoyle, Morris & Kerr
    1650 Market Street
    4900 One Liberty Place
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Emily Zimmerman
    Chief, Civil Litigation Unit
    District Attorney's Office
    1421 Arch Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19201
    Calvin R. Koons, Esquire
    Office of the Attorney General
    of Pennsylvania
    Strawberry Square, 15th Floor
    Harrisburg, PA 17120
    Stuard B. Suss
    Deputy District Attorney
    Ralph A. Germak
    President, Pennsylvania
    District Attorneys Association
    PDAA/PDAI Headquarters
    2929 North Front Street
    Harrisburg, PA 17110
    MANSMANN, Circuit Judge.
    In this appeal we must first determine whether our
    requirement that a district court provide a brief statement
    of reasons in certifying a judgment for appeal pursuant to
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b) precludes our exercise of jurisdiction
    to hear the appeal where we are otherwise able to ascertain
    the propriety of the certification from the record. Exercise of
    jurisdiction and consideration on the merits in turn require
    that we decide, as a matter of first impression, whether
    Pennsylvania's Eleventh Amendment immunity extends to
    Philadelphia District Attorneys for claims arising from
    administrative and policymaking - rather than
    prosecutorial - functions. We must also determine whether,
    if sovereign immunity does not apply, the official capacity
    claims are alternatively barred by absolute prosecutorial
    immunity. Finally, we must consider whether claims
    against unknown policymakers in the Philadelphia District
    Attorney's Office in their personal capacity have been
    adequately pled.
    The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office contends that
    because the DA's Office acts in the name of the
    Commonwealth and carries out a sovereign function, it is
    entitled to share in the Commonwealth's sovereign
    immunity as an arm of the state. The District Court
    accepted this contention, holding that application of the
    factors by which we determine Eleventh Amendment
    immunity weighed "strongly in favor of finding that the
    District Attorney's Office, when performing its historic
    functions of investigating and prosecuting crimes on behalf
    of the Commonwealth, is an `arm of the state' not subject
    to suit in federal court without its consent." 1 The District
    Court further dismissed claims against unknown
    policymakers in the DA's Office in their personal capacity
    for failure to state a cause of action under 42 U.S.C.
    S 1983.
    Because we find that the consequences of the District
    Court's failure to provide a statement of reasons need not
    be visited on the parties by delaying resolution of their case
    when the ripeness of the appeal is apparent, we will
    exercise jurisdiction. On the merits, we find that (1) the
    performance of an essential sovereign function does not of
    itself give rise to state surrogate status under Pennsylvania
    law; (2) a correct application of the factors we set forth in
    Fitchik v. New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, 
    873 F.2d 655
    (3d Cir. en banc), cert. denied, 
    493 U.S. 850
    compels a finding that the Commonwealth's sovereign
    immunity does not encompass the DA's Office; and (3) even
    if the DA's Office were entitled to sovereign immunity as a
    state actor during the performance of its prosecutorial
    functions, such immunity would not extend to the local
    office administrative, investigative and management
    functions which underlie this action. We will, therefore,
    reverse the District Court's holding that the DA's Office is
    entitled to sovereign immunity for purposes of the claims at
    hand. We reject the alternative assertion of absolute
    prosecutorial immunity as lacking merit where the cause of
    1. Carter v. City of Philadelphia, 
    4 F. Supp. 2d 386
    , 393 (E.D. Pa. 1998).
    action lies on administrative and investigative, rather than
    prosecutorial, conduct. Finally, because we find that the
    section 1983 claims against unknown policymakers in the
    DA's Office in their personal capacities have been
    adequately pled and Carter should be allowed to pursue
    discovery, we will also reverse the District Court's dismissal
    of those claims.2
    Raymond Carter had been convicted of murder and had
    served ten (10) years of a life sentence without possibility of
    parole before his conviction was overturned and the case
    against him nol prossed following disclosures of long-
    standing corruption within Philadelphia's 39th Police
    District.3 Carter then brought an action against the City of
    Philadelphia, named police officers,4 unknown employees of
    the Philadelphia Police Department, and unknown
    policymakers within the Philadelphia DA's Office.5
    Carter's action against individuals in the DA's Office was
    premised on their failure as administrators to establish
    training, supervision and discipline policies which would
    2. The District Court declined to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over
    Carter's state law claims when factually related federal claims remained
    pending against other defendants. Because we will reverse the District
    Court's dismissal of Carter's federal claims against the DA's Office, we
    need not address whether this was consistent with the sound exercise of
    judicial discretion.
    3. During disclosures of police misconduct uncovered during an
    investigation of that district, it came to light that the single
    testimony placing Carter at the murder scene - the testimony on which
    his conviction rested - was purchased by a 39th District officer, Thomas
    Ryan, from a prostitute-informant (Ms. Jenkins) with whom Ryan was
    intimate. In subsequent proceedings, Ryan was convicted of obstruction
    of justice and Jenkins admitted her perjured testimony. There was no
    forensic evidence linking Carter to the crime scene and Carter maintains
    his innocence.
    4. Carter names Thomas Ryan, Wayne Settle, and Michael Duffy
    individually and as police officers for the City of Philadelphia.
    5. Carter brings a section 1983 action, together with various state causes
    of action, against the defendants.
    have (a) prevented or discouraged Philadelphia police
    officers from procuring perjurious "eyewitnesses" and (b)
    alerted assistant district attorneys to the falsity of such
    information and prevented its introduction as evidence.6
    The District Court dismissed all claims against the DA's
    Office, concluding that those defendants were"state
    officials" and therefore immune from suit for acts in their
    professional capacity by virtue of the Eleventh Amendment.7
    It further concluded that Carter had failed to state a cause
    of action against those defendants in their personal
    capacities. Finally, it declined to exercise supplemental
    jurisdiction over Carter's state law claims. The District
    Court subsequently entered a revised order rendering the
    judgment final pursuant to Rule 54(b),8 but neglected to set
    forth specific findings in support of its decision to grant
    54(b) certification, despite our express direction in previous
    cases that district courts do so.
    Ordinarily, an order which terminates fewer than all
    claims, or claims against fewer than all parties, does not
    constitute a "final" order for purposes of appeal under 28
    U.S.C. S 1291. Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b), however, provides that
    such an order may be final and immediately appealable
    under S 1291 when the district court makes an express
    determination that there is no just cause for delay and
    expressly directs entry of final judgment.9 We consistently
    6. Carter also alleges that the DA's Office failed to disclose exculpatory
    evidence found in its post-conviction investigation.
    7. The District Court framed the question before it as "[w]hether the
    District Attorney's Office, when performing its investigatory and
    prosecutorial functions, is an `arm of the state' under the Eleventh
    Carter, 4 F. Supp. 2d at 390
    8. The order states that "[p]ursuant to Rule 54(b) . . . , the Court finds
    that there is no just reason for delay and, accordingly, directs that
    judgment be entered in favor of [the DA's Office] and against Carter on
    all claims . . . ."
    9. When more than one claim for relief is presented in an action, . . .,
    or when multiple parties are involved, the court may direct the
    entry of a final judgment as to one or more but fewer than all of
    require that district courts provide a statement of reasons
    when entering final judgment under Rule 54(b). See, e.g.,
    Waldorf v. Shuta, 
    142 F.3d 601
    , 610-11 (3d Cir. 1998);
    Anthius v. Colt Industries Operating Corp., 
    971 F.2d 999
    1003 (3d Cir. 1992); Metro Transportation Co. v. North Star
    Reinsurance Co., 
    912 F.2d 672
    , 677 (3d Cir. 1990); Cemar,
    Inc. v. Nissan Motor Corp., 
    897 F.2d 120
    , 123 (3d Cir. 1990).10
    We have remanded cases in which a district court's failure
    to provide the reasons supporting its exercise of discretion
    renders us "unable to conclude that the granting of the
    Rule 54(b) certification was proper."11 We have not had
    occasion to address the result when, notwithstanding the
    absence of the required explanation, the propriety of appeal
    under 54(b) is apparent to the reviewing court on the
    claims or parties only upon an express determination that there is
    no just reason for delay and upon an express direction for entry of
    judgment . . . .
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b).
    10. Our requirement that a district court accompany a Rule 54(b)
    certification with a statement of the reasons comes from our
    "endorse[ment]" and "incorporati[on]", in Allis-Chalmers Corp. v.
    Philadelphia Elec. Co., 
    521 F.2d 360
    , 364 (3d Cir. 1975), of the Second
    suggest[ion] to the district courts that . . . it would be helpful
    to [the
    appellate court] in reviewing the exercise of discretion in
    granting a
    Rule 54(b) certification if the court . . . would make a brief
    statement in support of its determination that `there is no just
    reason for delay' and its express direction for`the entry of a
    judgment . . .' where the justification for the certification is
    Gumer v. Shearson, Hammill & Co., 
    516 F.2d 283
    (2d Cir. 1974) (quoted
    Allis-Chalmers, 521 F.2d at 364
    ) (emphasis added).
    Allis-Chalmers, 521 F.2d at 357
    ; see also 
    Cemar, 897 F.2d at 122
    (noting that "[b]ecause the reason for the Rule 54(b) certification [was]
    apparent from the record", we required "a statement of reasons by the
    district court in order to determine the juridical concerns [were] met by
    its determination that no just reason remains for delay") (emphasis
    Other courts of appeals have held that a district court's
    failure to state the reasons for its Rule 54(b) certification
    does not pose a jurisdictional barrier to appeal. The
    prevailing rule is perhaps best expressed in Bank of
    Lincolnwood v. Federal Leasing, Inc., 
    622 F.2d 944
    (7th Cir.
    [Articulation of the considerations underlying the
    district court's discretionary certification] constitutes
    the "better practice," and the failure to provide a
    written statement of reasons may in an appropriate
    case lead to a remand for such a statement.
    The statement is, however, primarily an aid to the
    appellate court to permit it to review the exercise of the
    trial court's discretion. The failure of the district court
    to make a written statement at the time it makes a
    54(b) certification is not a jurisdictional defect, . . . and
    need not occasion even a remand if the basis for the
    district court's determination is otherwise apparent.
    Id. at 948-49.12
    12. See also, e.g., Feinstein v. Resolution Trust Corp., 
    942 F.2d 32
    Cir. 1991) (holding that appellate jurisdiction attached notwithstanding
    district court's failure to state reasons for certification where
    was apparent and sufficient); Pension Ben. Guar. Corp. v. LTV Corp., 
    875 F.2d 1008
    (2d Cir. 1989) (holding court of appeals had jurisdiction
    although district court did not provide reasoned explanation for
    certification where it was clear explanation could easily be provided and
    interest of sound judicial administration favored expeditious resolution
    of conflict); Kelly v. Lee's Old Fashioned Hamburgers, Inc., 
    908 F.2d 1218
    (5th Cir. 1990) (holding appropriate certification of order
    dismissing all claims against one defendant where order and record
    taken together signaled district court's conclusion that requirements of
    the rule had been met); Fuller v. M.G. Jewelry, 
    950 F.2d 1437
    (9th Cir.
    1991) (holding that 54(b) certification did not have "jurisdictional
    merely because district court did not include specific findings regarding
    appropriateness of certification); Ebrahimi v. City of Huntsville Bd. of
    114 F.3d 162
    (11th Cir. 1997) (explaining that where reasons for
    entry of separate judgment for fewer than all parties or claims are
    obvious, and remand would result only in unnecessary delay in appeal
    process, the court of appeals will not require explanation; but when the
    sound basis for certification is not obvious, the court must dismiss the
    appeal for lack of final judgment). Cf. Corrosioneering, Inc. v. Thyssen
    Environmental Sys., 
    807 F.2d 1279
    (6th Cir. 1986) (stating that in
    absence of reasons for certification no deference will be given to
    to certify and reviewing propriety of certification de novo).
    Although we have not yet addressed whether an appeal
    may go forward when, notwithstanding the absence of the
    required explanation, the propriety of certification under
    Rule 54(b) is apparent on the record, we have previously
    indicated that we share the prevailing view. See supra note
    11. In our recent decision in Waldorf, however, we indicated
    that we had dismissed an earlier appeal "for want of
    jurisdiction" because the district court failed to "provide a
    written opinion outlining its reasons for 
    certification". 142 F.3d at 611
    . See also Anthius v. Colt Industries Operating
    971 F.2d 999
    (3d Cir. 1992) (indicating that
    certification without explanation is not "competent" and we
    were therefore "obliged to dismiss").13
    Assuming that sufficient justification for certification may
    be discerned from the record in the present case, the Allis-
    Chalmers, Waldorf and Anthius cases are distinguishable
    because due to their complexities we were unable to
    conclude that certification was proper absent explication by
    the district court.14 In none of these cases was there any
    13. This interpretation may follow from Allis-Chalmers's holding that the
    54(b) certification "must be vacated because of the failure of the court
    articulate reasons for the 
    certification," 521 F.2d at 361
    , and from its
    statements that "[a] proper exercise of discretion under Rule 54(b)
    requires the district court to do more than just recite the 54(b)
    and that "we incorporate [the giving of a brief reasoned statement] as a
    requirement for all Rule 54(b) certifications," 
    id. at 364.
    But see Bank
    Lincolnwood, 622 F.2d at 949
    Allis-Chalmers, 521 F.2d at 367
    16 "(remanding case for a statement of reasons)" for the proposition that
    failure to provide a written explanation with certification is not a
    jurisdictional defect).
    14. See 
    Allis-Chalmers, 521 F.2d at 365
    (concluding that absent
    petitioner's demonstration of unusual or harsh circumstances, the
    presence of a counterclaim "weighed heavily" against the district court's
    grant of certification); 
    Waldorf, 142 F.3d at 611-612
    complexity of case and potential interrelationship of claims and cross-
    Anthius, 971 F.2d at 1003
    n.3 (stating that court's "familiarity
    with the issues and arguments" makes it "question whether there could
    ever be a proper exercise of judicial discretion which would result in an
    `entry of final judgment' certification under Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b)").
    It should be noted that the holding of Allis-Chalmers as to the
    significance of counterclaims was rejected by the Supreme Court in
    Curtiss-Wright Corp. v. General Electric Co., 
    446 U.S. 1
    indication that the majority believed the propriety of the
    certification was apparent but that the appeal must
    nonetheless be dismissed.15 Consequently, any suggestion
    in the language of these cases that the Allis-Chalmers
    statement-of-reasons requirement deprives us of appellate
    jurisdiction where the propriety of the district court's
    certification is determinable from the record is, at most,
    dicta. That question remains open for our decision.
    A rule requiring remand or dismissal even when the
    propriety of immediate appeal is apparent would not
    optimally balance the competing concerns that must inform
    our interpretation of Rule 54(b). See 
    Curtiss-Wright, 446 U.S. at 2
    , 100 S. Ct. at 1462 (explaining that decision to
    certify must take into account the interests of sound
    judicial administration and the equities involved); Allis-
    Chalmers, 521 F.2d at 363
    ("The rule attempts to strike a
    balance between the undesirability of piecemeal appeals
    and the need for making review available at a time that best
    serves the needs of the parties."); see also 
    Waldorf, 142 F.3d at 608
    (observing that question in certification is
    whether the issue was "ready for appeal . . . tak[ing] into
    account judicial administrative interests as well as the
    equities involved").
    In view of these concerns, Allis-Chalmers's requirement of
    a statement of reasons in every case stands not as a
    jurisdictional prerequisite but as a prophylactic means of
    enabling the appellate court to ensure that immediate
    appeal will advance the purposes of the rule.16 It follows
    15. Cf. Curtiss-Wright Corp. v. General Elec. Co., 
    599 F.2d 1259
    , 1261 (3d
    Cir. 1979) (Gibbons, J., dissenting) (noting that his dissent in Allis-
    Chalmers was directed to the majority's "unprecedented and
    unwarranted imposition of a `statement of reasons' requirement in a case
    where the justification for certification was[in J. Gibbons's opinion]
    glaringly apparent on the face of the record").
    16. Indeed, as we acknowledged in Allis-Chalmers in "endors[ing]" Gumer,
    the purpose of the appellate courts' first suggestion - in 1974 - that
    district courts provide an explanation "where the justification for the
    certification is not apparent" was to facilitate appellate review in its
    threshold jurisdictional inquiry. See 
    Gumer, 516 F.2d at 284
    , 286; Allis-
    Chalmers, 521 F.2d at 364
    ("It is essential .. . that a reviewing court
    have some basis for distinguishing between well-reasoned conclusions
    . . . and . . . approval . . . unsupported by evaluation of the facts or
    analysis of the law . . . .") (quoting Protective Committee v. Anderson,
    390 U.S. 414
    , 434 (1968)).
    that the absence of an explanation by the district court
    does not pose a jurisdictional bar when the propriety of the
    appeal may be discerned from the record.
    Therefore, to the extent Allis-Chalmers or a subsequent
    case may be read to have suggested (in dicta) that our
    mandatory statement-of-reasons requirement in Rule 54(b)
    certifications stands as a jurisdictional bar prohibiting
    appellate review even where the propriety of the certification
    is apparent from the record, we now clarify that the better
    reading of Allis-Chalmers is that although it is always the
    best practice for district courts to explain a decision to
    certify a judgment for appeal and we require them to do so,
    their failure to meet this directive need not result in
    dismissal or remand where judicial economy - which is the
    purpose of the finality requirement of S1291, as
    implemented in Rule 54(b)17 - would not be served.18
    Accordingly, we will proceed to reach the merits on appeal
    when a sufficient basis for a district court's certification is
    otherwise apparent.19
    Here, despite the District Court's inadvertence, the
    requirements of Rule 54(b) are clearly met. This case
    17. See, e.g., 
    Curtiss-Wright, 446 U.S. at 10
    (identifying the "interest
    sound judicial administration" as the standard against which a district
    court's 54(b) certification is to be judged).
    18. Cf. 
    Kelly, 908 F.2d at 1220
    ("[r]ejecting a `form-over-substance'
    approach that `would not significantly advance the purposes of Rule
    54(b) . . .' " in holding sufficient certification based on record)
    Crowley Maritime Corp. v. Panama Canal Comm'n, 
    849 F.2d 951
    , 953
    (5th Cir. 1988)); St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. v. Pepsico, Inc., 
    884 F.2d 688
    , 694 (2d Cir. 1989) (noting that purpose of Rule 54(b) is served
    by exercise of jurisdiction where justification for certification is clear
    record). As the Court of Appeals observed in Kelly, Fed. R. Civ. P. 1
    directs that the rules be "construed to secure the just, speedy and
    inexpensive determination of every 
    action." 908 F.2d at 1221
    19. This interpretation of Allis-Chalmers is consistent with the approach
    to Rule 54(b) certifications directed by the Supreme Court in Curtiss-
    Wright. As discussed supra note 14, Curtiss-Wright rejected our previous
    conclusion that the existence of a counterclaim will ordinarily defeat
    certification. That decision reflects the Supreme Court's general
    disapproval of inappropriately restrictive views of Rule 54(b)
    and it counsels us to remain mindful of the competing concerns.
    unquestionably involves multiple claims and parties; the
    decision below was a "final judgment" in the sense that it
    was an "ultimate disposition" of Carter's claims against the
    DA's office. See 
    Curtiss-Wright, 446 U.S. at 7
    . The only real
    question is whether there is any just reason for delaying
    appeal until disposition of Carter's claims against the
    remaining defendants. The Supreme Court has interpreted
    this requirement as balancing considerations of judicial
    administrative interests (preservation of the federal policy
    against piecemeal appeals) and equities (justice to the
    litigants). See 
    id., 446 U.S.
    at 8. Factors to be considered
    therefore include "whether the claims under review [are]
    separable from the others remaining to be adjudicated and
    whether the nature of the claims already determined[is]
    such that no appellate court would have to decide the same
    issues more than once even if there were subsequent
    Id. Here, the
    issue presented is plainly separable
    and there is no real risk of duplicative appeals, as the
    Eleventh Amendment defense which was the basis of the
    District Court's dismissal of claims against the DA's Office
    is not asserted to be applicable to any of the remaining
    defendants.20 On the other hand, denial of an immediate
    appeal may pose a substantial risk that the District Court
    and the parties will be forced to undergo duplicative trials.
    Thus, on balance, the interests of judicial economy favor
    hearing the appeal. Finally, the importance of the issue
    presented by this appeal also militates in favor of our
    prompt consideration. Remand to the District Court for
    technical compliance at this time, when justification is
    already apparent, would unduly delay the proceedings.
    Therefore, although we adhere to our consistent
    requirement that the district courts provide a brief
    statement of reasons in certifying a judgment for appeal
    pursuant to Rule 54(b) in this and in every case, we
    nevertheless hold that we have jurisdiction to hear this
    20. Although there may be some factual overlap between the issues in
    this appeal and those in a potential future appeal concerning qualified
    immunity of the remaining defendants, the same issues are not likely to
    be presented. It is generally recognized that complete legal or factual
    distinction is not necessary to 54(b) certification. See 10 C. Wright & A.
    Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure,S 2657 at 50-54.
    appeal because we are able to ascertain the propriety of the
    Rule 54(b) certification from the record. To hold otherwise
    would undermine the policies which Rule 54(b) seeks to
    The Eleventh Amendment provides:
    The judicial power of the United States shall not be
    construed to extend to any suit in law or equity,
    commenced or prosecuted against one of the United
    States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or
    Subjects of any Foreign State.
    Despite its language, the Supreme Court has consistently
    interpreted the Amendment to immunize an unconsenting
    state "from suits brought in federal courts by her own
    citizens as well as by citizens of another state." Pennhurst
    State School & Hospital v. Halderman, 
    465 U.S. 89
    , 100
    (1984) (quoting Employees v. Missouri Dept. Of Public Health
    and Welfare, 
    411 U.S. 279
    , 180 (1973)). In addition, a suit
    may be barred "even though the state is not named a party
    to the action, as long as the state is the real party in
    Fitchik, 873 F.2d at 658
    (citing Edelman v.
    415 U.S. 651
    , 663 (1974)) (emphasis added).
    Eleventh Amendment immunity is an affirmative defense
    and the burden is thus on the DA's Office to establish its
    immunity from suit. See Christy v. Pennsylvania Turnpike
    54 F.3d 1140
    , 1144 (3d Cir. 1985) ("[T]he
    party asserting Eleventh Amendment immunity (and
    standing to benefit from its acceptance) bears the burden of
    proving its applicability."). We determine Eleventh
    Amendment immunity by examining the evidence on three
    factors: (1) the source of funding - i.e., whether payment of
    any judgment would come from the state's treasury, (2) the
    status of the agency/individual under state law, and (3) the
    degree of autonomy from state regulation.21 See Fitchik, 873
    21. The DA's Office asserts that a fourth factor was later added by the
    Supreme Court in Hess v. Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corp., 
    513 U.S. 30
    (1994) - viz., whether the functions at issue are "typically state or
    unquestionably local". The Hess Court did not adopt this distinction as
    a criterion for determining state status: it did not adopt or formulate
    test. Indeed, the Court concluded that this purported "fourth factor" did
    not advance its inquiry. See 
    Hess, 513 U.S. at 45
    . Moreover, to the
    extent that the distinction may be relevant, it appears to be subsumed
    within Fitchik's "status under state law" test.
    13 F.2d 655
    Although the District Court applied the appropriate three
    factors, it erred both in its analysis of the individual
    factors, and in their balancing:
    (1) Funding - The DA's Office acknowl edges that it is
    funded by the City of Philadelphia and that the funds for
    any judgment against it would come from the City. 23 We
    have twice held en banc that the three Fitchik factors are
    not weighed evenly and that the "most important" question
    in determining Eleventh Amendment immunity is "whether
    any judgment would be paid from the state treasury."
    Bolden v. Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation
    953 F.2d 807
    , 816 (3d Cir. 1991); 
    Fitchik, 873 F.2d at 659
    . As we explained in Christy,"[t]he special
    emphasis we place upon the funding factor is supported by
    the Eleventh Amendment's central goal: the prevention of
    federal court judgments that must be paid out of the state's
    treasury." 54 F.3d at 1145
    We are not alone in emphasizing the importance of the
    funding factor. The Supreme Court recognized in Hess that
    22. Fitchik reformatted our test for Eleventh Amendment immunity from
    the nine questions identified in Urbano v. Board of Managers, 
    415 F.2d 247
    (3d Cir. 1969), cert. denied, 
    397 U.S. 948
    (1970). Funding
    encompasses the Urbano inquiry into whether satisfaction of a judgment
    would come from the state treasury, whether the agency had funds to
    satisfy the judgment, and whether the sovereign was immunized from
    responsibility for the agency's debt. Status encompasses the Urbano
    inquiry into how state law treated the agency generally, whether it was
    separately incorporated, could sue or be sued in its own right, or was
    immune from state taxation. Autonomy continues to address the Urbano
    inquiry into the degree of autonomy from state control. Fitchik
    specifically rejected the ninth Urbano factor, inquiry into whether the
    individual performed a governmental or proprietary function, as no
    longer relevant. 
    See 873 F.2d at 659
    23. See 
    Carter, 4 F. Supp. 2d at 390
    . Cf. 16 Pa. Stat. Ann. S 1403
    (district attorney's expenses to be paid by county from its general
    24. See also 
    Hess, 513 U.S. at 50
    (describing "prevention of federal-court
    judgments that must be paid out of a State's treasury" as "the impetus
    for the Eleventh Amendment" and explaining that if the state is not
    obligated to pay any indebtedness, "then the Eleventh Amendment's core
    concern is not implicated").
    the vulnerability of the state's purse is considered "the most
    salient factor" in Eleventh Amendment determinations. 
    See 513 U.S. at 48
    (citing courts of appeals cases at length).
    Indeed, the "vast majority of [courts of appeals] . . . have
    concluded that the state treasury factor is the most
    important factor to be considered . . . and, in practice, have
    generally accorded it dispositive weight." 
    Id. at 49
    in original) (quoted in 
    Christy, 54 F.3d at 1145
    In Fitchik we concluded that non-applicability of state
    funds provides an "extremely strong" indication that an
    agency is not the alter-ego of the state, so that the first
    factor weighed heavily against a finding of 
    immunity. 873 F.2d at 664
    . The funding factor weighs even more heavily
    against immunity in this case than it did in Fitchik and
    Bolden, where approximately one-third and one-fourth,
    respectively, of the agencies' funds were provided by the
    states. See 
    Bolden, 953 F.2d at 819
    . Here, despite the DA's
    efforts to elevate a statutory funding mandate to the status
    of "indirect" funding, it appears that no portion of the DA's
    funds are provided by the state and no portion of any
    judgment will be paid directly or indirectly by the state.25 As
    we reasoned in Bolden, "this most important fact weighs
    more heavily" against immunity as the proportion of state
    funding decreases. 
    Id. (2) Status
    under State Law - The status of the DA's Office
    under state law is necessarily derived from Pennsylvania's
    Constitution, statutory and decisional law.26 As we defined
    this second question in Fitchik, it is whether state law
    treats an agency as an independent entity or as a surrogate
    for (i.e., as an arm of) the state. 
    See 873 F.2d at 662
    Christy, 54 F.3d at 1148
    25. Cf. 
    Christy, 54 F.3d at 1145
    -1146 (rejecting arguments regarding
    state regulation of agency funding as irrelevant to the funding inquiry
    and reiterating that "under our case law" question is simply one of
    state's "affirmative obligation to pay").
    26. See, e.g., Regents v. Doe, 
    519 U.S. 425
    (1997) (explaining that
    question of whether state instrumentality has "independent status . . .
    or is instead . . . `one of the United States' within the meaning of the
    Eleventh Amendment . . . . . can only be answered after considering the
    provisions of state law that define the agency's character").
    Pennsylvania's Constitution expressly defines District
    Attorneys as county rather than state officers. See Pa.
    Const., Article IX, Section 4 ("County officers shall consist
    of . . . district attorneys . . . and such others as may from
    time to time be provided by law."). The Pennsylvania
    Supreme Court has held equivalent language from a prior
    version of the Pennsylvania Constitution to be "crystal
    clear": the court explained that "[the Pennsylvania
    Constitution] states in the clearest imaginable language
    that district attorneys are county - not state- officers, and
    in Philadelphia, by virtue of [its Charter and a
    Constitutional amendment making county officers into
    officers of the city], are City - not State- officers, and no
    Procrustean stretch can alter or change or nullify this clear
    language." Chalfin v. Specter, 
    233 A.2d 562
    , 565 (Pa. 1967).27
    The DA's Office attempts to minimize this apparently
    controlling authority by arguing that "the only proposition
    with which four Justices agreed was that the Philadelphia
    District Attorney is subject to the Philadelphia Home Rule
    Charter for election purposes." As those four Justices
    clearly recognized, however, the Philadelphia Home Rule
    Charter by its terms applied only to Philadelphia officials,
    rather than state officials; and their opinions did not in any
    way differentiate between the District Attorney's status for
    election purposes or any other purposes.
    Pennsylvania's statutes also reflect the local status of the
    DA's Office. Under the Commonwealth Attorney's Act of
    1850, 71 P.S. SS 732-101, et seq., district attorneys were
    redefined as the "chief law enforcement officer[s] for the
    27. The foregoing language is from the opinion of Chief Justice Bell,
    which was not joined by any other Justice. As the Chief Justice noted,
    however, "the majority of this 7 Judge Court agree . . . on this point and
    are convinced that under the Constitution of Pennsylvania . . . the
    District Attorney of Philadelphia is a City officer . . . ." 
    Id. See also
    id. at
    (Musmanno, J., dissenting) ("[I]n the present decision . . . FOUR
    Justices declare mathematically, specifically, and without equivocation
    that [the district attorney] is a CITY OFFICER.") (capitals in original);
    id. (Cohen, J.
    , dissenting) ("The only position that enlists a majority of
    Court determines that the District Attorney is a City Officer."); 
    id. (Eagan, J.
    , dissenting) ("Four of the seven members of this Court,
    including myself, are convinced that [the district attorney] is subject to
    the provisions of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter. . .").
    county in which [they were] elected." 
    Id. at S
    Since that time, local district attorneys have been elected29
    and funded30 by their counties. Other provisions of
    Pennsylvania statutory law similarly treat district attorneys
    as county officials.31 The DA's Office, which has the burden
    of proving its affirmative defense, does not identify any
    Pennsylvania statutes treating local district attorneys as
    state, rather than county, officials. Finally, Pennsylvania's
    statute defining the scope of sovereign immunity does not
    encompass district attorneys within its detailed definitions
    of the agencies and employees protected from suit. 32
    Consistent with its constitutional and statutory law,
    Pennsylvania's case law defines district attorneys-
    Philadelphia District Attorneys in particular - as local, and
    expressly not state, officials. See 
    Chalfin, 233 A.2d at 565
    See also, e.g., Schroeck v. Pennsylvania State Police, 
    362 A.2d 486
    , 490 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1976) ("District Attorneys and
    their assistants are officers of the counties in which they
    are elected and not officers of the Commonwealth.") (citing
    28. Prior to 1850, district attorneys had been appointed by the Attorney
    General, a state executive, and were subject to his direct supervision and
    29. See 
    Chalfin, 233 A.2d at 565
    ("[I]t is important to further note that
    . . . the District Attorney of Philadelphia . . . is Elected in municipal
    not] State-wide elections . . . .").
    30. See note 
    23, supra
    31. For example, the Attorney General participates as a "state employee"
    in the state's retirement program, while district attorneys participate in
    their County Retirement System pursuant to County Pension Law. See
    16 P.S. SS11651-11682.
    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has found it significant that "the
    powers and functions of the [district attorneys'] office are found in
    16, Counties, of Purdon's Statutes." Duggan v. 807 Liberty Ave. Inc., 
    288 A.2d 750
    , 752 n.6. (Pa. 1972) (declining to hold district attorney as
    "officer of the Commonwealth" under jurisdiction of Commonwealth
    Court). See also Cross v. Meisel, 
    720 F. Supp. 486
    , 488 n.3 (E.D. Pa.
    1989) (explaining that case regarding "state officials" was irrelevant to
    suit against district attorney because, besides constitutional definition
    county officers, district attorneys' duties are defined in the County Code
    and their expenses are paid by the county from its general funds).
    32. See 42 Pa.C.S.A. SS 102, 8501-8528.
    Section 401(a)(11) of the County Code, as amended 16 P.S.
    S 401(1)(11)).33
    The DA's Office argues that the various authorities
    holding district attorneys to be local officials are
    inapplicable because they did not involve prosecutorial
    conduct. In the "law enforcement and prosecutorial"
    context, according to the DA's Office, "courts have
    uniformly held that the District Attorney is an arm of the
    state". None of the Pennsylvania authorities cited, however,
    actually holds that a district attorney is a state officer or
    arm of the state in any context. Rather, these authorities
    relied upon by the DA's Office merely hold that district
    attorneys act on behalf of and in the name of the
    Commonwealth in investigating and prosecuting crimes
    within their district.34 See, e.g. Commonwealth v. Bauer,
    261 A.2d 573
    (Pa. 1970) (finding only that district attorney
    has power and duty to represent the Commonwealth's
    interests in law enforcement).
    The District Court similarly equated simply acting in the
    name of the state with being an arm of the state entitled to
    share in its sovereign immunity. The District Court deemed
    the Pennsylvania authorities designating district attorneys
    as local officials irrelevant, because it erroneously believed
    performance of a sovereign function, such as investigation
    and prosecution of crime, was alone sufficient to accord
    local prosecutors sovereign immunity.35 This approach,
    33. The Commonwealth has similarly declined to hold assistant district
    attorneys to be state officials. See Specter v. Moak, 
    307 A.2d 884
    1973) (refusing to classify Philadelphia assistant district attorneys as
    state officers simply because they enforce Commonwealth penal laws of
    state-wide application "in the name of the Commonwealth").
    34. In Chalfin, Chief Justice Bell pointedly noted that "the essential and
    principal and most important powers, functions, duties, limitations and
    boundaries of the District Attorney of Philadelphia involve only crimes
    committed - not throughout the Commonwealth but- only in the City of
    Philadelphia." 233 A.2d at 565
    35. See 
    Carter, 4 F. Supp. 2d at 390
    , 392 n.8 (dismissing constitutional
    provisions as "not in any way affect[ing] the District Attorney's function
    of investigating and prosecuting crimes in the name of the
    Commonwealth" and emphasizing that "[i]t would be hard to imagine
    functions more essential to the sovereignty of state government").
    however, clearly proves too much; many local officials act in
    the name of the state and carry out delegated sovereign
    functions. Under such an expansive theory, every police
    officer, for example, would be entitled to Eleventh
    Amendment immunity. See Lake Country Estates, Inc. v.
    Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 
    440 U.S. 391
    , 401 (1979)
    ("[T]he Court has consistently refused to construe the
    [Eleventh] Amendment to afford protection to political
    subdivisions such as counties and municipalities even
    though such entities exercise a `slice of state power.' ").36
    Pennsylvania case law makes it clear that performance of
    an essential sovereign function on behalf of or in the name
    of the state does not give rise to state surrogate status
    under state law. See Specter v. Commonwealth, 
    341 A.2d 481
    , 485-88 (Pa. 1975) (declaring Turnpike Commission
    unentitled to sovereign immunity although it was
    constituted as an "instrument of the Commonwealth" and
    performed "an essential government function of the
    Commonwealth"); Pennsylvania Gamefowl Breeders Ass'n.
    v. Commonwealth, 
    551 A.2d 361
    , 363 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1988)
    (finding district attorneys county officers, not state officers,
    although they are "charged with conducting criminal
    prosecutions in the name of the Commonwealth" and thus
    "perform sovereign functions of state government"); Specter
    Moak, 307 A.2d at 886
    (rejecting Philadelphia Assistant
    District Attorneys' contention that "since they perform
    functions primarily on behalf of the Commonwealth they
    should be classified as state employees", reasoning that
    "[m]any officials" - such as the Mayor, Sheriff, Police
    Commissioner and City Solicitor - "perform state
    functions") (internal quotations omitted).37 Cf. Cross, 720 F.
    Supp. at 488 n.3 ("Although it is true that certain sovereign
    powers of the Commonwealth are delegated to a district
    36. The Lake Country Court observed that"some agencies exercising
    state power have been permitted to invoke the Amendment in order to
    protect the state treasury from liability" but rejected a more "expansive
    reading" that would effectively immunize every agency, unless it were
    expressly waived. 
    Id. at 400-401
    (emphasis added).
    37. The Moak Court further observed that it could not be argued that
    one is a state officer "merely because he has the duty to `cause . . . the
    laws of the State to be executed and enforced.' " 
    Id. 19 attorney,
    this is true generally of county and local officials
    . . . .").
    Moreover, even if it were true that district attorneys act
    as an arm of the state, entitled to its sovereign immunity,
    whenever they perform prosecutorial functions in the name
    of the Commonwealth, it would not follow that the Eleventh
    Amendment immunizes the conduct at issue here.38 The
    District Court mischaracterized the basis of Carter's claim
    as a prosecutorial function and declined to distinguish the
    Philadelphia DA's training/supervision/administrative
    activities from its core state function of prosecution. In
    dismissing the possibility of a meaningful analytical
    distinction between a district attorney's prosecutorial and
    policy-making functions,39 the District Court adopted a
    position which would inappropriately pull all functions of
    the office within the scope of its (purportedly sovereign)
    prosecutorial function. Other federal courts have taken a
    different view. They have acknowledged the obvious basis
    for distinction: making and applying county-wide policy
    differs from carrying out state-wide policy and they have,
    therefore, repeatedly differentiated between administrative
    and prosecutorial functions, generally finding the former to
    be local and the latter to be state.
    The most instructive (and analogous) case is Walker v.
    City of New York, 
    974 F.2d 293
    (2d Cir. 1992) from our
    sister court of appeals. Walker spent 19 years in prison
    after police officers and prosecutors covered up exculpatory
    evidence and committed perjury to secure his conviction.
    38. Carter argues that the nature of the function should not be
    considered because the Eleventh Amendment focuses on the status of
    the entity as a whole, and the functional analysis is erroneously
    borrowed from section 1983 decisions. As the DA's Office observes, the
    propriety of the functional analysis has been reserved by the Supreme
    Court. See Regents v. Doe, 
    117 S. Ct. 900
    , 902 n.2 ("Nor is it necessary
    to decide whether there may be some state instrumentalities that qualify
    as `arms of the State' for some purposes but not others.") In the present
    case it is similarly unnecessary to reach this issue, as application of
    Fitchik factors compels us to find that in Pennsylvania the prosecutor's
    office is not an arm of the state either generally or with respect to the
    managerial functions in question.
    39. See 
    Carter, 4 F. Supp. 2d at 393
    Id. at 294.
    In his section 1983 action, Walker alleged that
    the district attorney's office failed adequately to train and
    supervise police with respect to the obligation to avoid use
    of perjury and suppression of exculpatory evidence. 
    Id. at 295,
    298. In holding that Walker stated a proper claim
    against the district attorney's office, the Court of Appeals
    determined that "the district attorney's management of the
    office -- in particular the decision not to supervise or train
    [assistant district attorneys] on Brady40 and perjury issues"
    -- constituted policymaking for the county, rather than the
    Id. at 301.
    The Court observed that an earlier case
    holding that the district attorney is a state official41 was
    limited to "specific decisions . . . to prosecute." 
    Id. (citing Gentile
    v. County of Suffolk, 
    926 F.2d 142
    , 152 n.5 (2d Cir.
    1991)). See also Gan v. City of New York, 
    996 F.2d 522
    536 (2d Cir. 1993) ("With respect . . . to claims centering
    not on decisions whether or not, and on what charges, to
    prosecute but rather on the administration of the district
    attorney's office, the district attorney has been treated not
    as a state official but rather as an official of the
    municipality to which he is assigned.") (citing Walker and
    Gentile).42 As recently as last year, the Court of Appeals for
    the Second Circuit applied the Walker and Gentile holdings
    in finding a county liable under section 1983 for its district
    attorney's implementation of a policy regarding investigative
    procedures. See Myers v. County of Orange, 
    157 F.3d 66
    77 (2d Cir. 1998).
    Other courts of appeals have similarly recognized the
    hybrid nature of the district attorney's office-
    distinguishing between a DA's prosecutorial function and
    his role as elected county policymaker. See, e.g., Esteves v.
    106 F.3d 674
    , 678 (5th Cir. 1997) ("A county official
    40. Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    (1963) recognized that prosecutorial
    suppression of exculpatory evidence violates due process.
    41. See Baez v. Hennessy, 
    853 F.2d 73
    , 77 (2d Cir. 1988) ("[W]hen
    prosecuting a criminal matter, a district attorney in New York State . . .
    represents the State, not the county.").
    42. The Gan court's parenthetical descriptions of Walker and Gentile
    indicate that it considered "administration" to include "office policy
    governing . . . subornation of perjury" and "office policy as to
    of law enforcement personnel". 
    Id. 21 `pursues
    his duties as a state agent when he is enforcing
    state law or policy' " by conducting trials; but "[f]or those
    [remaining] duties that are administrative or managerial in
    nature, . . . a district attorney . . . functions as a final
    policymaker for the county.") (quoting Echols v. Parker, 
    909 F.2d 795
    , 801 (5th Cir. 1990);43Pusey v. City of
    142 F.3d 435
    (6th Cir. 1998) (prosecutor is
    city official but acts as state agent when enforcing state law
    or policy); Owens v. Fulton County, 
    877 F.2d 947
    , 952 (11th
    Cir. 1989) ("[A]n official may simultaneously exercise county
    authority over some matters and state authority over
    others. . . . [A]n administrative function . .. might be
    characterized as an exercise of county power. However, . . .
    the district attorney's authority over prosecutorial decisions
    . . . is vested . . . pursuant to state authority."). Cf. Franklin
    v. Zaruba, 
    150 F.3d 682
    (7th Cir. 1998) (sheriff is acting as
    county official, and not acting as agent of state, at time of
    alleged failure to properly train subordinates or establish
    policies to protect arrestees); Scott v. O'Grady, 
    975 F.2d 366
    , 370 (7th Cir. 1992) (sheriff is local official when
    serving as "chief law enforcement officer" of county, but
    arm of state when enforcing state court order).44
    The recurring theme that emerges from these cases is
    that county or municipal law enforcement officials may be
    State officials when they prosecute crimes or otherwise
    carry out policies established by the State, but serve as
    local policy makers when they manage or administer their
    own offices. Indeed, we ourselves concluded in Coleman v.
    87 F.3d 1491
    , 1499 (3d Cir. 1996), that county
    prosecutors can have "a dual or hybrid status." When
    "enforcing their sworn duties to enforce the law . . . they act
    as agents of the State [but] when county prosecutors are
    called upon to perform administrative tasks unrelated to
    their strictly prosecutorial functions . . . the county
    prosecutor in effect acts on behalf of the county that is the
    43. See also Davis v. Ector County, Texas, 
    40 F.3d 777
    (5th Cir. 1995)
    (DA is local policy maker for purposes of personnel decision (firing),
    though state official when enforcing state law).
    44. Cf. Commonwealth Attorney's Act of 1850, 71 P.S. SS 732-206(a),
    defining district attorneys as the "chief law enforcement officer[s] for
    county in which [they were] elected."
    situs of his or her office." 
    Id. Absent direct
    intervention by
    the state, county prosecutors act as county officials when
    they are called upon to make administrative decisions on a
    local level. See 
    Coleman, 87 F.3d at 1504
    (applying New
    Jersey law).45
    Reading the Complaint in the light most favorable to
    Carter, it appears that the function complained of here is
    not prosecutorial, but administrative: it involves local
    policies relating to training, supervision and discipline,
    rather than decisions about whether and how to prosecute
    violations of state law. Therefore, even if a member of the
    Philadelphia DA's Office were deemed a state actor with
    respect to prosecutorial functions, she would nevertheless
    be a local policymaker with respect to the conduct at issue
    (3) Autonomy - When the District Court considered
    autonomy from the Commonwealth, it concluded that factor
    weighed strongly in favor of immunity.46 This finding is
    contrary to Pennsylvania's consciously and deliberately
    designed autonomous role for its district attorneys; it is
    also contrary to our prior decisions. In Pennsylvania, the
    Attorney General (the "AG") is without authority to replace
    a district attorney (who must be impeached, like other
    locally elected officials) and in Pennsylvania, unlike many
    other jurisdictions, the AG has no inherent authority to
    supersede a district attorney's decisions generally. 47 The
    45. In Coleman we distinguished between the "day-to-day management of
    the prosecutor's office" - a function in which the DA acts as a county
    official - and the use of a "grossly erroneous" search warrant - an
    investigatory and prosecutorial function in which he acts as a state
    Id. at 1502,
    46. The District Court initially focused on the political autonomy of the
    DA's Office from the City of Philadelphia. Autonomy is measured,
    however, by the DA's Office's relationship with the Commonwealth (i.e.,
    the more autonomous, the less an "alter ego" of the state). Moreover, the
    asserted autonomy from the City actually supports Carter's position with
    respect to the "failure to state a claim" argument addressed infra Section
    V, as it underscores the DA's role as final policymaker on law
    enforcement issues for the City. Cf. Degenova v. Sheriff of DuPage
    18 F. Supp. 2d 848
    , 852 (N.D. Ill. 1998).
    47. See Commonwealth v. Lawson, 
    658 A.2d 801
    , 803 (Pa. Super. 1995)
    (describing Commonwealth v. Khorey/Trputec, 
    555 A.2d 100
    (1989), as
    Pennsylvania AG is permitted only a narrowly
    circumscribed power to supersede a district attorney in a
    particular criminal prosecution subject to court
    authorization under an abuse of discretion standard (or at
    the district attorney's own invitation).48 The mere possibility
    of supersession by the AG through cumbersome court
    proceedings is insufficient to support the District Court's
    conclusion that lack of autonomy weighed in favor of
    holding the DA's Office an arm of the state.
    To the contrary, in Coleman we concluded that "[d]espite
    the Attorney General's statutory power of supersession,
    ` . . . the [county] prosecutors are largely independent of
    control by the attorney general . . . .' 
    " 87 F.3d at 1504
    (quoting Morss v. Forbes, 
    132 A.2d 1
    , 16 (N.J. 1957)).49 As
    "establish[ing] categorically that the Attorney General, pursuant to
    statute which supplanted common law, has no authority to supersede
    the District Attorney"); Commonwealth v. Carsia, 
    491 A.2d 237
    , 251 (Pa.
    Super. 1985) (explaining that limited criminal jurisdiction extended to
    AG in Commonwealth Attorney's Act reflected legislature's concerns that
    it not "imping[e] upon the jurisdiction and duties of the constitutionally
    created office of county-elected district attorney").
    48. See 72 P.S. S 732-205(a)(3)-(5).
    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has explained that although the AG
    "had the common law power to replace his own deputies," that "does not
    justify the conclusion that he now has the right to supersede an elected
    district attorney." Commonwealth v. Schab, 
    383 A.2d 819
    (Pa. 1978). In
    refusing to require at the AG's request prosecution of a homicide the
    district attorney deemed excusable, the Court observed that "[i]t would
    be incongruous to place a district attorney in the position of being
    responsible to the electorate for the performance of his duties while
    actual control over his performance was, in effect, in the attorney
    Id. 49. Moreover,
    the supersedure authority provided by New Jersey law is
    much more extensive than the limited supersedure under Pennsylvania
    law, in that it permits the AG broadly to supersede county prosecutors,
    leaving the prosecutors to "exercise only such powers and perform such
    duties as are required of them by the Attorney General." N.J. Stat. Ann.
    S 52:17(b)-106, quoted in Coleman. We held that even such a broad
    statutory supersedure scheme "provides county prosecutors . . . with a
    substantial degree of autonomy from the state government" in non-
    prosecutorial matters. 
    Coleman, 87 F.3d at 1502
    we concluded in Coleman, "[i]t would be an unwarranted
    extension of the implications of the Attorney General's
    supersedure authority to conclude that the mere possibility
    of its exercise can somehow serve to bring [issues of "day-
    to-day management of the county prosecutor's office"]
    within the purview of the Attorney General's 
    control." 87 F.3d at 1502
    In addition to the AG's power to supersede a particular
    failure to prosecute (with court approval), the District Court
    cited one other source of State control over district
    attorneys: the courts' power to supervise court proceedings.50
    This power, however, is equally applicable to all persons
    who appear in court; and it is plainly limited to the district
    attorney's prosecution function. The other potential means
    of "control" cited by the DA's Office - e.g., impeachment,
    legislative acts, funding mandate, reporting requirement -
    similarly do not represent any meaningful practical
    restraint on the district attorney's autonomy from the
    Commonwealth. Cf. 
    Hess, 513 U.S. at 61-62
    (O'Connor, J.,
    dissenting) ("The critical inquiry . . . should be whether and
    to what extent the elected state government exercises
    oversight over the entity. . . . . The inquiry should turn on
    real, immediate control and oversight rather than on the
    potentiality of a state taking action to seize the reins.");51
    873 F.2d 663
    (evaluating autonomy in terms of
    independence from "supervision or control").
    The limited state powers52 relied upon by the District
    Court and the DA's Office clearly do not extend to control
    over the district attorney's office administration in general,
    or over training, supervision and discipline of assistant
    50. See 
    Carter, 4 F. Supp. 2d at 392
    51. Justice O'Connor viewed the state's   power to appoint and remove an
    agency's officers, to veto its actions,   to receive its annual reports, and
    approve or disapprove each of its rules   and projects as evidence of the
    type of authority which would support a   finding of immunity. 
    Id. at 63.
    52. The power of the legislature (and to a lesser extent the courts) over
    the DA's Office is of course not narrowly limited; but "autonomy" would
    be a meaningless concept if it were rendered inapplicable by subjection
    to the (unexercised) legislative and judicial powers, to which all persons
    are subject.
    district attorneys and police officers in particular. If we
    should focus on the particular function at issue in
    determining status under state law, we should do so in
    determining autonomy as well. Moreover, even a
    substantial degree of control by the state would cause the
    autonomy factor to weigh only slightly in favor of according
    immunity. See 
    Fitchik, 873 F.2d at 664
    ("Since the degree
    of control . . . is fairly substantial, we think that this factor
    counsels slightly in favor of according immunity . . . .")
    (emphasis added). See also 
    Christy, 54 F.3d at 1149
    significant control the Commonwealth exercises through
    the power to appoint all the members of the Commission
    weighs slightly in favor of Commission immunity. . . .")
    (emphasis added).
    Balancing - In balancing the Fitchik factors, the District
    Court concluded that although the first factor weighed
    against immunity, the remaining factors weighed "strongly
    in favor of finding that the District Attorney's Office, when
    performing its historic functions of investigating and
    prosecuting crimes on behalf of the Commonwealth, is an
    `arm of the state' not subject to suit in federal court without
    its consent." See 
    Carter, 4 F. Supp. 2d at 393
    . Because, as
    explained above, the District Court misapplied the second
    and third factors, it erred in the balancing as well.53
    In Fitchik, we found that the non-applicability of state
    funds outweighed the combination of an ambiguous status
    under state law that balanced slightly in favor of immunity
    together with "fairly substantial" state control over the
    agency. See also 
    Christy 54 F.3d at 1150
    (finding that
    balance is "clearly struck" against immunity where funding
    53. Cf. 
    Hess, 513 U.S. at 47
    (stating that when indicators of immunity
    point in different directions, the court is guided primarily by the
    Eleventh Amendment's twin reasons for being: the States' dignity and
    their financial solvency). A suit for damages against a district
    office does not implicate the dignity of the state. The federal courts'
    consideration of status and autonomy under state law preserves the
    state's dignity by making its chosen structures controlling. Here, even if
    there is some doubt as to the entity's status under the law, and even if
    there is some degree of control by the state, the status and control do
    not rise to the level at which the exercise of judicial power over the
    Office would offend the dignity of the State.
    factor weighed against, and only one factor - autonomy -
    weighed slightly in favor).54 Here the funding factor weighs
    more heavily against immunity than in Fitchik and Bolden;
    the claim of state entity status under state law appears
    substantially weaker than in those cases in view of the
    express designation as a county official under
    constitutional, statutory and case law; and, at least for
    practical purposes, the autonomy of the DA's Office is
    greater than that of the transit authorities in those cases.
    Accordingly, as in Bolden, "[s]ince we are not prepared to
    overrule Fitchik, it follows that [the DA's Office] is not
    protected by the Eleventh 
    Amendment." 953 F.2d at 821
    We must begin with "[t]he presumption . . . that qualified
    rather than absolute immunity is sufficient to protect
    54. An illuminating comparison of circumstances in which we have
    found extension of immunity and those in which we have not appears in
    953 F.2d 815-16
    . We there observed that we found immunity
    where we concluded that the state intended the agency be considered a
    state agency for Eleventh Amendment purposes, the state was obligated
    to meet the agency's liabilities, the agency's commissioners were
    appointed by the state, and the state retained substantial power over the
    agency's actions. Port Auth. Police Benevolent Assoc. v. Port Auth. of
    and N.J., 
    819 F.2d 413
    (3d Cir. 1987). On the other hand, we refused to
    find immunity where an agency was state-created and largely state-
    funded but was "independent" and "direct[ed] its own actions" and was
    "responsible on its own for judgments resulting from [its] actions."
    Kovats v. Rutgers, 
    822 F.2d 1303
    , 1312 (3d Cir. 1987).
    55. We note that the DA's Office provides an impressive-looking list of
    cases to support the proposition that "Judges across the country have
    agreed, virtually without exception, that district attorneys are state
    officials protected by Eleventh Amendment immunity." It must be
    remembered, however, that the determinative factors of funding, state
    law status and autonomy will vary from state to state, so that decisions
    concerning other states' district attorneys provide very little guidance
    absent a comparison of those factors. The cited cases do not withstand
    such a comparison because they involved state funding, state
    supervision, and/or a state court determination that prosecutors were
    state officials. The DA's Office omits to mention cases in which the same
    courts of appeals have held district attorneys in other states within
    jurisdiction to be local officials.
    government officials in the exercise of their duties" and the
    observation that the Supreme Court has been "quite
    sparing" in its recognition of absolute immunity. Burns v.
    500 U.S. 478
    , 486-87 (1991).56 We also note that the
    Supreme Court directs a "functional" approach to immunity
    id., and requires
    the official seeking absolute
    immunity to bear the burden of showing it is justified for
    the function in question, see Buckley v. Fitzsimmons, 
    509 U.S. 259
    With this guidance, we conclude that the alternative
    argument of the DA's Office that Carter's section 1983
    claims should have been dismissed due to absolute
    prosecutorial immunity lacks merit, because Carter does
    not complain about conduct on the part of the DA's Office
    in the course of his prosecution. See Imbler v. Pachtman,
    424 U.S. 409
    , 430-31 (1976) (prosecutors are immune from
    suit under section 1983 for "initiating and pursuing a
    criminal prosecution"). None of the cases cited by the DA's
    Office extends this prosecutorial immunity to
    administrative, rather than prosecutorial, conduct.
    Rather, as we have previously explained, "prosecutors are
    subject to varying levels of official immunity" and absolute
    prosecutorial immunity attaches only to "actions performed
    in a `quasi-judicial' role", such as participation in court
    proceedings and other conduct "intimately associated with
    the judicial phases" of litigation. Guiffre v. Bissell, 
    31 F.3d 1241
    , 1251 (3d Cir. 1994) (quoting 
    Imbler, 424 U.S. at 430
    "By contrast, a prosecutor acting in an investigative or
    administrative capacity is protected only by qualified
    immunity." Id. (citing 
    Imbler, 424 U.S. at 430
    Burns, 500 U.S. at 483-84
    n.2, 111 S. Ct. at 1938 
    n.2). 58
    56. See also Schrob v. Catterson, 
    948 F.2d 1402
    , 1409 (3d Cir. 1991).
    57. In Imbler, the Supreme Court held "only that in initiating a
    prosecution and in presenting the State's case, the prosecutor is immune
    from a civil suit for damages under S 1983" and left open the question
    of whether absolute immunity would apply to "those aspects of the
    prosecutor's responsibility that cast him in the role of an administrator
    or investigative officer rather than that of advocate" for the 
    state. 424 U.S. at 430-31
    58. In Guiffre, we followed the Supreme Court's holding in Burns that a
    prosecutor is not absolutely immunized for advice given to police during
    Qualified immunity protects official action "if the officer's
    behavior was `objectively reasonable' in light of the
    constitutional rights affected." 
    Id. If Carter
    succeeds in
    establishing that the DA's Office defendants acted with
    deliberate indifference to constitutional rights- as Carter
    must in order to recover under section 1983, then a fortiori
    their conduct was not objectively reasonable.
    As the District Court observed, the standard for personal
    liability under section 1983 is the same as that for
    municipal liability. See Sample v. Diecks, 
    885 F.2d 1099
    1118 (3d Cir. 1989). That standard was enunciated in
    Monell v. New York City Dept. of Social Services, 
    436 U.S. 658
    , 694 (1978): "when execution of a government's policy
    or custom, whether made by its lawmakers or by those
    whose edicts and acts may fairly be said to represent
    official policy, inflicts the injury . . . the government as an
    entity is responsible under S 1983." Where, as here, the
    policy in question concerns a failure to train or supervise
    municipal employees, liability under section 1983 requires
    a showing that the failure amounts to "deliberate
    indifference" to the rights of persons with whom those
    the investigative stages of a criminal proceeding. 
    See 31 F.3d at 1253
    Burns, 500 U.S. at 496
    In addressing the question left open in Imbler, and resolving a
    subsequent split among the courts of appeals, the Burns Court expressly
    rejected argument that a prosecutor's directory role in police
    investigations is sufficiently related to her advocate function. The
    Supreme Court explained that "[a]lmost any action by a prosecutor . . .
    could be said to be in some way related to the ultimate decision whether
    to prosecute, but we have never indicated that absolute immunity is that
    Burns, 500 U.S. at 495
    . The Court also rejected the
    government's argument that adequate checks on prosecutorial
    misconduct in this context exist, observing that "one of the most
    important . . . checks, the judicial process, will not necessarily
    a prosecutor's out-of-court activities that occur prior to the initiation
    a prosecution." 
    Id. Thus it
    concluded that neither common law nor policy
    considerations support an extension of absolute immunity, which applies
    "only for actions that are connected with the prosecutor's role in
    proceedings, not for every litigation-inducing conduct." 
    Id. at 49
    employees will come into contact. City of Canton v. Harris,
    489 U.S. 378
    , 388 (1989).
    The Court in Canton observed that failure to train may
    amount to deliberate indifference where the need for more
    or different training is obvious, and inadequacy very likely
    to result in violation of constitutional rights. See 
    id. at 389.
    For example, if the police often violate rights, a need for
    further training might be obvious. See 
    id. at 390
    n.10. See
    Sample, 885 F.2d at 1118
    (deliberate indifference may
    be established where harm occurred on numerous previous
    occasions and officials failed to respond appropriately, or
    where risk of harm is great and obvious).
    Once again, the factually similar Walker case is
    instructive. The Walker court analyzed Canton's discussion
    of the deliberate indifference requirement and formulated a
    three-part test: in order for a municipality's failure to train
    or supervise to amount to deliberate indifference, it must be
    shown that (1) municipal policymakers know that
    employees will confront a particular situation; 59 (2) the
    situation involves a difficult choice or a history of
    employees mishandling; and (3) the wrong choice by an
    employee will frequently cause deprivation of constitutional
    rights. See 
    Walker, 974 F.2d at 297-98
    In the present case, as in Walker, elements (1) and (3) are
    plainly met: "city policymakers know to a moral certainty
    that police officers will be presented with opportunities to
    commit perjury or proceed against the innocent. Moreover,
    a failure by police officers to resist these opportunities will
    almost certainly result in deprivations of constitutional
    Id. at 299.
    As for element (2), although it may
    usually be appropriate to assume employees will obey their
    oaths and the perjury laws, "where there is a history of
    conduct rendering this assumption untenable, city
    policymakers may display deliberate indifference by doing
    Id. at 300.
    59. Although the Walker Court, adopting language from Canton,
    indicated that the policymaker's knowledge should be"to a moral
    certainty", it does not appear that this qualifying phrase adds anything
    other than emphasis to the requirement of ordinary knowledge.
    The Court of Appeals concluded that "Walker should be
    allowed to pursue discovery in order to determine whether
    there was a practice of condoning perjury (evidenced
    perhaps by a failure to discipline for perjury) 60 or a pattern
    of police misconduct sufficient to require the police
    department to train and supervise police officers to assure
    they tell the truth." 
    Id. The same
    result should apply to
    The District Court's insistence that Carter must identify
    a particular policy and attribute it to a policymaker, at the
    pleading stage without benefit of discovery, is unduly harsh.62
    Carter is not engaged in a mere fishing expedition. Carter
    alleges that he spent ten years in prison as a result of a
    pervasive pattern of egregious, unconstitutional conduct by
    Philadelphia's police. He surmises, reasonably, that such
    misconduct reflects inadequate training and supervision.
    He cannot be expected to know, without discovery, exactly
    what training policies were in place or how they were
    60. Cf. 
    Gentile, 926 F.2d at 152
    n.5 (predicating liability on "long
    of negligent disciplinary practices regarding law enforcement personnel
    . . . .").
    61. If Carter is able to demonstrate that the DA's failure to adopt a
    amounts to deliberate indifference, he must of course then establish that
    his conviction was "actually caused" by that failure. 
    Canton, 489 U.S. at 391
    ; see also 
    Sample, 885 F.2d at 1118
    (requiring plaintiff to prove his
    injury "resulted from" the failure to adopt a policy). The Canton Court
    explained that actual causation turns on whether "the injury [would]
    have been avoided had the employee been trained under a program that
    was not deficient in the identified 
    respect." 489 U.S. at 391
    62. The District Court read the Complaint as asserting only passive
    adoption by the DA's Office defendants of a policy imposed by the City.
    Carter, 4 F. Supp. 2d at 394-95
    . Nonetheless, an appropriately
    generous reading would indicate that the DA's Office defendants were
    the policymakers who adopted the inadequate training, supervision and
    discipline policies on behalf of the City.
    63. Cf. 
    Gentile 926 F.2d at 152
    ("Plaintiffs were not obliged to produce
    particular evidence that defendants had specific knowledge of a declared
    policy of the County . . . .").
    We hold that (1) the Philadelphia District Attorney's
    Office is a local agency not within the Commonwealth's
    Eleventh Amendment immunity for purposes of claims
    arising from administrative and policymaking - rather than
    prosecutorial - functions; (2) the official capacity claims are
    not alternatively barred by absolute prosecutorial
    immunity; and (3) the personal capacity claims have been
    adequately pled. Accordingly, we will reverse the District
    Court's dismissal of Carter's claims against the DA's Office
    and remand for further proceedings.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 98-1581

Citation Numbers: 181 F.3d 339

Filed Date: 4/27/1999

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

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