Wastak v. Lehigh Valley Health ( 2003 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2003 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Wastak v. Lehigh Valley Health
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 02-2111
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    Filed June 10, 2003
    No. 02-2111
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civil No. 00-cv-04797)
    District Court Judge: Honorable Herbert J. Hutton
    Argued March 10, 2003
    Before: RENDELL, AMBRO and MAGILL,*
    Circuit Judges.
    (Filed June 10, 2003)
    Donald P. Russo, Esq. [ARGUED]
    117 East Broad Street
    P.O. Box 1890
    Bethlehem, PA 18016
    Counsel for Appellant
    * The Honorable Frank J. Magill, Senior Circuit Judge of the United
    States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, sitting by designation.
    Jonathan B. Sprague, Esq.
    Post & Schell
    1800 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
    19th Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Counsel for Appellee
    Benjamin N. Gutman, Esq.
    Equal Employment Opportunity
    1801 L. Street, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20507
    Counsel for Amicus-appellant Equal
    Employment Opportunity
    RENDELL, Circuit Judge.
    John Wastak appeals from an order entered in the
    District Court on March 27, 2002, granting summary
    judgment in favor of his former employer, defendant Lehigh
    Valley Health Network, with regard to Wastak’s allegations
    of age discrimination. The District Court held that Wastak’s
    suit was precluded by a valid release agreement, pursuant
    to which Wastak, in exchange for various benefits, waived
    his right to assert any claims arising out of his employment
    or termination. We will affirm.
    In January of 1990, Lehigh Valley Health Network hired
    John Wastak as the Administrator for its Department of
    Psychiatry. Wastak held the position for eight years, during
    which time Wastak believed that Lehigh Valley was satisfied
    with his performance, and that his employment was secure.
    Sometime in 1997, Wastak began negotiations to lease
    office space for the Department. That December, however,
    the Psychiatry Department Chair, Dr. Michael Kauffman,
    directed Wastak to cease the discussions. Subsequently,
    the Department engaged in the lease negotiations with a
    different employee as its representative.
    On March 12, 1998, Lehigh Valley fired Wastak, who was
    fifty-seven years old at the time. Dr. Kauffman indicated
    that the termination was a result of Wastak’s conducting
    inappropriate lease negotiations. Wastak was given a
    proposed Separation Agreement and Release (“Release”),
    along with a letter explaining and supplementing its
    provisions. The Release states, in pertinent part:
    Wastak . . . herein agrees that [he will not] file a
    charge, complaint, lawsuit or other claim against
    [Lehigh Valley] . . . for any acts, omissions or
    statements arising out of any aspect of Wastak’s
    employment or termination of Wastak’s employment
    with [Lehigh Valley]. By way of example only and
    without limiting the immediately preceding sentence,
    Wastak promises not to file a claim or lawsuit under
    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age
    Discrimination in Employment Act (
    29 U.S.C. § 621
    Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the Equal
    Pay Act of 1963, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and
    Civil Rights Act of 1991, Pennsylvania Human
    Relations Act, Employee Retirement Income Security
    29 U.S.C. §§ 1001
     et seq., and any other state or
    federal equal employment opportunity law or statute.
    In addition, Wastak agrees not to file any cause of
    action or claim relating to the breach of an oral or
    written     contract,  misrepresentation,    defamation,
    interference with contract and intentional or negligent
    infliction of emotional distress, and any other common
    law claims and all claims for counsel fees and costs.
    The Release also relevantly provided that (1) if litigation
    was brought in violation of the covenant not to sue, the
    prevailing party would be entitled to reasonable costs and
    attorneys’ fees; (2) performance of each party was
    contingent on the other party’s compliance with the terms
    of the agreement; (3) the Release contained all the promises
    and understandings of the parties; (4) Wastak was advised
    by Lehigh Valley to seek an attorney; (5) Wastak had
    twenty-one days within which to sign the Release, and (6)
    Wastak could revoke acceptance of the Release within
    seven days of signing.
    In exchange for his execution of the Release, Lehigh
    Valley offered Wastak income protection for a period of
    thirty-six weeks, paid biweekly. Under the provisions of the
    agreement,     Wastak    was    guaranteed    remuneration
    equivalent to his Lehigh Valley salary, whether or not he
    secured other employment during the benefits period. Thus,
    if Wastak accepted lower-paid employment prior to the end
    of the period, Lehigh Valley would cover the difference in
    salary, but Wastak’s benefits would terminate if he was
    able to secure employment at a salary equal to or exceeding
    his salary at Lehigh Valley. Lehigh Valley also promised
    Wastak the free use of a professional outplacement firm.
    As noted above, the Release provided that Wastak could
    sign the agreement anytime within twenty-one days, and
    Lehigh Valley advised Wastak to consult an attorney before
    signing. Unfortunately, however, Wastak’s attempts to
    secure counsel were unsuccessful as, for various reasons,
    none of the three lawyers Wastak contacted could or would
    represent him. Nonetheless, Wastak signed the Release.
    The day of his termination, Lehigh Valley told Wastak
    that it intended to hire a replacement for him. Nine months
    later, in December of 1998, Wastak, who was then fifty-
    eight, learned that Lehigh Valley had replaced him with a
    forty-four year old woman. Then suspecting that he was
    fired as a result of age discrimination, Wastak secured legal
    counsel, and on July 20, 1999 — 495 days after his
    termination — filed an age discrimination charge with the
    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”).
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    (d)(2), however, the EEOC charge was
    required to be filed within 300 days of the accrual of the
    cause of action. On March 1, 2000, the EEOC dismissed
    the charge as untimely.
    That August, Wastak filed suit in the Court of Common
    Pleas of Lehigh County, claiming age discrimination in
    violation of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, 43 P.S.
    §§ 951, et seq. (“PHRA”), and the Age Discrimination in
    Employment Act, 
    29 U.S.C. § 623
     et seq. (“ADEA”). A month
    later, Lehigh Valley removed the action to the federal court
    in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In an opinion dated
    March 27, 2002, the District Court granted Lehigh Valley’s
    Motion for Summary Judgment on the basis of the Release.
    The District Court rejected Wastak’s claims that the waiver
    was void under the provisions of the Older Workers Benefit
    Protection Act, 
    29 U.S.C. § 626
     (“OWBPA”), or that the
    agreement was otherwise invalid because he did not enter
    into it knowingly and voluntarily. According to the District
    Court, the Release executed by Wastak and Lehigh Valley
    was legally valid, and by its plain language barred the suit
    by Wastak under the PHRA or ADEA. Wastak then filed this
    timely appeal.
    The District Court had jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    28 U.S.C. § 1367
    , and we have jurisdiction
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . Our review of a district court’s
    grant of summary judgment is plenary, and we apply the
    same standard as the district court. See Abramson v.
    William Paterson College of N.J., 
    260 F.3d 265
    , 276 (3d Cir.
    2001). Summary judgment is appropriate when there are
    no genuine issues of material fact and, viewing the evidence
    in the light most favorable to the non-moving party, the
    moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. See
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c); Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    (1986); Abramson, 
    260 F.3d at 276
    Wastak initially takes the position that the District Court
    erred in finding that this particular claim is barred because
    his cause of action is not covered by the terms of the
    Release. He asserts that it arose long after he executed the
    Release, i.e., when he learned that Lehigh Valley had
    replaced him with a younger employee. Additionally,
    Wastak makes a number of attacks on the validity of the
    Release itself. According to Wastak, the Release is without
    legal effect because it failed to satisfy the exacting
    standards of the OWBPA. He argues that the Release
    invalidly prohibited him from filing a charge with the
    EEOC, was structured to discourage him from filing such a
    charge, and is independently invalid because it provided for
    the recovery of costs and attorneys’ fees in violation of
    EEOC regulations. Finally, Wastak asserts that the Release
    was unsupported by adequate consideration, and was not
    entered into knowingly and voluntarily.
    In addition to responding to Wastak’s arguments, Lehigh
    Valley asserts that Wastak’s claim must be dismissed
    simply because it was untimely. Although the EEOC did in
    fact find the claim time-barred, Wastak maintains that we
    should consider the relevant statute of limitations to have
    been equitably tolled given the circumstances of this case.
    Because we affirm the District Court’s conclusion that the
    Release was valid and, accordingly, barred Wastak’s filing
    of these claims, we need not reach the various timeliness
    By the plain terms of the Release, Wastak agreed not to
    bring any actions against Lehigh Valley arising from his
    employment or termination under the PHRA or ADEA. Yet
    Wastak contends that his present age discrimination
    causes of action are not barred by the Release because the
    claims had not yet accrued when the Release was executed.
    Under the OWBPA, employees may not waive their rights to
    ADEA claims that “arise after the date the waiver is
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    (f)(1)(C). Thus, if Wastak’s
    present causes of action did not arise until after the
    Release was executed, they could not have been waived in
    the Release and Lehigh Valley cannot now raise the Release
    as a defense.
    Wastak asserts that his age discrimination claims did not
    accrue until December 1998, when he learned of his
    replacement by a younger worker and was thus potentially
    enabled to establish his prima facie case. We cannot agree.
    Wastak’s argument misconceives the nature of the
    “discovery rule” in employment discrimination cases, and is
    precluded by our decision in Oshiver v. Levin, Fishbein,
    Sedran & Berman, 
    38 F.3d 1380
     (3d Cir. 1994).
    In Oshiver, we considered the timeliness of claims made
    by a female attorney, Oshiver, under Title VII and the
    PHRA. On April 10, 1990, Oshiver was dismissed from her
    position as an hourly attorney for a law firm. 
    Id. at 1384
    The firm indicated that she was being terminated because
    of insufficient work, but stated that they would contact her
    if another hourly attorney or associate position became
     In May of 1991, Oshiver discovered that the
    firm had hired a male attorney to replace her, and in
    January of 1992, Oshiver learned that a male attorney had
    been hired as an associate. 
     That December, Oshiver
    filed a lawsuit alleging wrongful discharge and wrongful
    failure to hire. 
    On appeal, we upheld the District Court’s dismissal of
    Oshiver’s claims as untimely. Like Wastak, who argues that
    his claim did not arise until he learned that he had been
    replaced by a younger individual, Oshiver argued that her
    claim did not arise, and the limitations period did not begin
    to run, until she first discovered that the firm had replaced
    her with a male attorney. 
    Id. at 1385
    . We rejected that
    argument, stating that under the discovery rule a cause of
    action accrues the moment the plaintiff “either is aware, or
    should be aware, of the existence of and source of an
    Id. at 1386
    . Thus, with regard to Oshiver’s claim of
    discriminatory discharge, we stated:
    [W]e have no difficulty in concluding that for purposes
    of the discovery rule, Oshiver “discovered” the injury on
    April 10, 1990, the very date defendant law firm
    informed her of her discharge. Simply put, at the
    moment the law firm conveyed her dismissal to her,
    Oshiver became aware (1) that she had been injured,
    i.e., discharged, and (2) that this injury had been
    caused by another party’s conduct.
    Id. at 1390-91
    Similarly, here it is clear from the record that Wastak’s
    injury was complete and discovered when Lehigh Valley
    terminated him. At that point, Wastak knew both of his
    injury — the discharge — and the cause of his injury —
    Lehigh Valley’s decision to terminate his employment.
    Wastak argues strenuously that he had little reason to
    believe that he was the victim of age discrimination until he
    learned that he had been replaced by a younger employee.1
    1. In addition, Wastak argues that he was unable to make out a prima
    facie case until he was replaced. However, in Pivirotto v. Innovative
    That may well be true, but it has little to do with whether
    his claim was prospective in March of 1998, a question that
    depends solely on when his claim accrued under the
    discovery rule.2 And, as we made clear in Oshiver, “a claim
    accrues in a federal cause of action upon awareness of
    actual injury, not upon awareness that this injury
    constitutes a legal wrong.” 
    Id. at 1386
    ; see also 
    id. at 1391
    (“That Oshiver may have been deceived regarding the
    underlying motive behind her discharge is irrelevant for
    purposes of the discovery rule.”); accord Amini v. Oberlin
    259 F.3d 493
    , 498-500 (6th Cir. 2001) (holding
    that the statute of limitations began to run when the
    plaintiff was notified of the employment action at issue);
    Bennett v. Coors Brewing Co., 
    189 F.3d 1221
    , 1235 (10th
    Cir. 1999) (“While the hiring of new, younger employees
    might be evidence of Coors’ alleged discriminatory intent at
    the time appellants left Coors, it is the alleged
    discriminatory ‘discharge’ that appellants seek to redress.”);
    Thelen v. Marc’s Big Boy Corp., 
    64 F.3d 264
    , 267 (7th Cir.
    1995) (“A plaintiff ’s action [under the ADEA] accrues when
    he discovers that he has been injured, not when he
    determines that the injury was unlawful. . . . [Appellant’s]
    injury was his termination.”); Dring v. McDonnell Douglas
    Systems, Inc., 
    191 F.3d 344
    , 347 (3d Cir. 1999), we held that “a plaintiff
    claiming discriminatory firing need not prove, to make out a prima facie
    case, that she was replaced by someone outside the relevant class.” All
    that is necessary is “evidence adequate to create an inference” that he
    was fired because of his age. 
    Id. at 355
     (quotations omitted). And, as the
    District Court noted, “The Record reflects that the Plaintiff believed
    inferences of age discrimination existed at the time of his discharge.”
    2. By contrast, such considerations may be relevant to the question of
    whether the statute of limitations should be considered equitably tolled
    under particular factual circumstances. See, e.g., Oshiver, 
    38 F.3d at 1389
     (“[W]here a defendant actively misleads the plaintiff regarding the
    reason for the plaintiff ’s dismissal, the statute of limitations . . . will be
    tolled, until the facts which would support the plaintiff ’s cause of action
    are apparent, or should be apparent to a person with a reasonably
    prudent regard for his or her rights.”). Indeed, much of Wastak’s brief is
    devoted to arguing that his claim was not untimely under principles of
    equitable tolling. As stated above, however, we need not reach these
    arguments because Wastak’s suit is barred by the valid Release.
    58 F.3d 1323
    , 1328 (8th Cir. 1995) (“In the context
    of an ADEA action, . . . the limitations period begins to run
    when the plaintiff receives notice of a termination
    decision.”). See generally Forbes v. Eagleson, 
    228 F.3d 471
    485 (3d Cir. 2000) (applying discovery rule); New Castle
    County v. Halliburton NUS Corp., 
    111 F.3d 1116
    , 1124-25
    (3d Cir. 1997) (same).
    Wastak’s present suit alleges age discrimination in
    violation of the PHRA and ADEA, claims which, under the
    discovery rule, accrued on March 12, 1998, the date of his
    discharge. We must therefore reject Wastak’s argument that
    his claims are not precluded by the Release because they
    arose after the execution of that document.
    Wastak makes several challenges to the Release itself,
    relying heavily on the OWBPA, which amended the ADEA
    and governs the validity of waivers of ADEA rights. See,
    e.g., Oubre v. Entergy Operations, Inc., 
    522 U.S. 422
    , 426-
    27 (1998) (discussing the OWBPA generally); Long v. Sears
    Roebuck & Co., 
    105 F.3d 1529
    , 1534-35 (3d Cir. 1997)
    (same). The OWBPA provides that all ADEA waivers must
    be “knowing and voluntary,” and mandates that no waiver
    is to “be considered knowing and voluntary unless at a
    minimum” it satisfies each of a set of listed requirements.
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    (f)(1). The statutory requirements are fairly
    straightforward, and the Release executed here appears to
    satisfy each of the enumerated prerequisites for a knowing
    and voluntary waiver.3 However, Wastak and the EEOC,
    3. The OWBPA’s minimum waiver requirements are as follows:
    (A) the waiver is part of an agreement between the individual and
    the employer that is written in a manner calculated to be
    understood by such individual, or by the average individual eligible
    to participate;
    (B) the waiver specifically refers to rights or claims arising under
    this chapter;
    (C) the individual does not waive rights or claims that may arise
    after the date the waiver is executed;
    (D) the individual waives rights or claims only in exchange for
    consideration in addition to anything of value to which the
    individual already is entitled;
    who appears before us as amicus, argue that for various
    reasons this Release does not in fact satisfy the OWBPA’s
    stringent requirements and, thus, “can have no effect on
    [his] ADEA claim.” Oubre, 
    522 U.S. at 427
    Wastak’s first argument involves a challenge to the
    specific language in the Release that provided that he
    agreed not to “file a charge, complaint, lawsuit or other
    claim against [Lehigh Valley].” Wastak asserts that this
    charge-filing ban conflicts with the following section of the
    No waiver agreement may affect the Commission’s
    rights and responsibilities to enforce this chapter. No
    waiver may be used to justify interfering with the
    protected right of an employee to file a charge or
    (E) the individual is advised in writing to consult with an attorney
    prior to executing the agreement;
    (F)(I) the individual is given a period of at least 21 days within which
    to consider the agreement; or (ii) if a waiver is requested in
    connection with an exit incentive or other employment termination
    program offered to a group or class of employees, the individual is
    given a period of at least 45 days within which to consider the
    (G) the agreement provides that for a period of at least 7 days
    following the execution of such agreement, the individual may
    revoke the agreement, and the agreement shall not become effective
    or enforceable until the revocation period has expired;
    (H) if a waiver is requested in connection with an exit incentive or
    other employment termination program offered to a group or class
    of employees, the employer (at the commencement of the period
    specified in subparagraph (F)) informs the individual in writing in a
    manner calculated to be understood by the average individual
    eligible to participate, as to — (i) any class, unit, or group of
    individuals covered by such program, any eligibility factors for such
    program, and any time limits applicable to such program; and (ii)
    the job titles and ages of all individuals eligible or selected for the
    program, and the ages of all individuals in the same job
    classification or organizational unit who are not eligible or selected
    for the program.
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    participate in an investigation or proceeding conducted
    by the Commission.
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    (f)(4). Accordingly, Wastak argues that the
    Release is rendered void because in it he agreed not to file
    a charge with the EEOC. While perhaps superficially
    appealing, Wastak’s argument is undermined by the
    language, structure, and legislative history of the OWBPA,
    as well as relevant case law.4 In addition, the EEOC’s
    reliance on policy arguments is unavailing. We will discuss
    each of these aspects in turn.
    In interpreting any statute, we begin with the statute’s
    plain language. See, e.g., Kaiser Aluminum & Chem. Corp.
    v. Bonjourno, 
    494 U.S. 827
    , 835 (1990); Mitchell v. Horn,
    318 F.3d 523
    , 535 (3d Cir. 2003). Unlike the preceding
    subsections of the statute, § 626(f)(4) does not deal with the
    validity of waiver agreements at all. See Thiessen v. General
    Electric Capital Corp., 
    232 F. Supp. 2d 1230
    , 1242-43 (D.
    Kan. 2002). Rather, its language is very specific and
    provides only that waivers may not (1) “affect the
    Commission’s rights and responsibilities to enforce” the
    ADEA, or (2) “be used to justify interfering with the
    protected rights of an employee” to file an EEOC charge or
    participate in an EEOC investigation. 
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    In stark contrast to the mandatory prerequisites listed for
    waiver agreements under § 626(f)(1), then, there is no clear
    statutory indication that a waiver agreement that contains
    a provision that runs afoul of the provisions of § 626(f)(4) is
    suspect, let alone invalid. Indeed, the language suggests
    just the opposite. The statute essentially states that,
    whatever its provisions, a privately executed waiver
    4. Wastak asserts that the OWBPA “explicitly states that the party
    seeking to enforce the terms of an ADEA waiver agreement carries the
    burden of proof at all times,” and argues that the District Court erred in
    failing to appreciate that Lehigh Valley bore the burden of proving the
    waiver’s validity. The statute, however, allocates the burden of proof to
    “the party asserting the validity of a waiver” only in connection with
    subsections (1) and (2) of § 626. 
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    (f)(3). Thus, Wastak’s
    primary challenge to the validity of the Release, namely, that it violates
    paragraph § 626(f)(4), does not fall within the ambit of the statute’s
    burden of proof allocation. We are convinced, however, that this Release
    is valid whichever party was to have borne the burden of proof.
    agreement cannot alter or obstruct the EEOC’s ability to
    exercise its rights and responsibilities, and that an
    employer may not invoke a waiver in an attempt to impede
    an employee’s participation in EEOC procedures. Both
    requirements appear to contemplate the validity of an
    underlying waiver of a legal action and deal only with the
    administrative process — namely, the right of the EEOC to
    do its job and the right of the employee to file a claim with
    the agency. At most, the statutory language can be read to
    mean only that a provision that purports to, for example,
    alter the EEOC’s rights to pursue and investigate a claim
    that is filed, is unenforceable. See EEOC v. Johnson &
    Higgins, Inc., 
    91 F.3d 1529
    , 1536 (2d Cir. 1996) (stating
    that where the EEOC has the authority to enforce the
    ADEA, “that authority cannot be altered by a waiver of the
    rights of a private party — even a private party with a direct
    interest in the subject of concern to the EEOC”). In sum,
    the statute is clear that any attempt by an employer to
    enforce a contractual provision prohibiting an employee
    from filing a charge or participating in an EEOC
    investigation would be ineffectual, but there is no indication
    that the mere presence of that contractual language would
    void an otherwise knowing and voluntary waiver.
    Moreover, here there was no apparent violation of the
    clear terms of § 626(f)(4). Wastak does not allege that the
    Release    “affect[ed]  the    Commission’s      rights   and
    responsibilities,” or that Lehigh Valley interposed the
    Release or otherwise “use[d] [it] to justify interfering with”
    Wastak’s protected right to file that charge. Wastak in fact
    filed an EEOC charge, and Lehigh Valley does not take
    issue with the filing of that charge, but only with the
    subsequent filing of a lawsuit in violation of the terms of
    the Release.
    The structure of § 626(f) supports this plain meaning
    interpretation. The statute is divided into four subsections.
    As noted above, the first enumerates a list of mandatory
    prerequisites for a valid waiver. The second sets forth a
    narrow exception to those requirements. The third allocates
    the burden of proof with regard to disputes about the first
    two subsections, placing on the party asserting the waiver
    the burden to prove that it was made knowingly and
    voluntarily. Finally, § 626(f)(4), the subsection in question,
    clarifies that even otherwise statutorily compliant waiver
    agreements cannot be used to interfere with the EEOC’s
    exercise of its duties, or with an employee’s right to
    complain to the agency. The provision is crucially distinct
    from the list of necessary prerequisites for a valid waiver.
    See Thiessen, 
    232 F. Supp. 2d at 1242-43
    . Had Congress
    intended that a charge-filing ban of the sort found here
    would operate to invalidate a waiver, it could have either
    stated so explicitly, or, more consistently with the structure
    of the statute, simply included a provision similar to
    § 626(f)(4) within the list of enumerated prerequisites in
    § 626(f)(1). It did neither.
    The legislative history suggests, moreover, that
    Congress’s choice in structuring § 626(f) as it did was not
    merely fortuitous. Neither the Senate Report nor the House
    Report contain the slightest indication that § 626(f)(4) was
    to be considered among the prerequisites for a valid waiver.
    Further, the Senate Report, which accompanied the version
    of the legislation ultimately adopted by Congress, and
    which offers the only specific discussion of this subsection,
    distinctly suggests that the requirements of the subsection
    were not meant to void an otherwise knowing and voluntary
    waiver. Under the subheading “Right to Participate in
    EEOC Proceedings,” the Senate Report states, in full:
    The legislation provides that a waiver may not interfere
    with the EEOC’s rights and responsibilities to enforce
    the ADEA, nor may such a waiver be used to interfere
    with the employee’s protected right to file a charge or
    to participate in an EEOC investigation or proceeding.
    The Committee intends this provision as a clear
    statement of support for the principle that the
    elimination of age discrimination in the workplace is a
    matter of public as well as private interest. No waiver
    agreement may be permitted to interfere with the
    achievement of that goal. This position is consistent
    with the holding and reasoning of EEOC v. Cosmair,
    821 F.2d 1085
     (5th Cir. 1987). An employee may
    validly waive the right to recover in his own lawsuit as
    well as the right to recover in a suit brought by the
    Commission on his own behalf.
    S. Rep. 101-263, at 35         (1990),   reprinted   in   1990
    U.S.C.C.A.N. 1509, 1541.
    Notably, the Report does not refer to or even hint at the
    potential invalidity of particular waivers. To the contrary,
    the resounding message is that § 626(f)(4) was meant only
    to establish that waiver agreements between employers and
    employees have no effect on the EEOC’s ability to carry out
    its public duties, and that the employer may not use a
    waiver to interfere with the employee’s rights to participate
    in EEOC processes. That is, the intent of the subsection is
    not to impose new restraints on private waivers, but to
    ensure that those waivers do not materially interfere with
    the EEOC’s pursuit of the public’s interest in eradicating
    age discrimination from the workplace. A waiver’s release of
    rights to pursue or participate in a lawsuit, as Lehigh
    Valley interposes here — which is essentially the focus of
    the remainder of § 626 — remains intact.
    We note further that, because it was specifically endorsed
    in the Senate Report, EEOC v. Cosmair, Inc., 
    821 F.2d 1085
    (5th Cir. 1987), is particularly instructive. There the Court
    of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit considered the case of an
    employee who filed a charge with the EEOC alleging age
    discrimination after signing a waiver in exchange for
    severance benefits. 
    Id. at 1087
    . The employee’s EEOC
    charge, however, did not request relief. 
    the employer terminated the employee’s severance benefits,
    claiming that the employee had violated the waiver
    The court began by noting that EEOC charges are
    distinct from typical employee claims against an employer
    in that their purpose “is not to seek recovery from the
    employer but rather to inform the EEOC of possible
    Id. at 1089
    . Accordingly, the court found
    that the employee, who had waived “all actions, causes of
    action, claims and demands whatsoever,” had not actually
    waived his right to file an EEOC charge. 
     Further, to the
    extent the agreement was meant to forfeit such rights, the
    court noted that “[a]llowing the filing of charges to be
    obstructed by enforcing a waiver of the right to file a charge
    could impede EEOC enforcement of the civil rights laws.”
    Id. at 1090
    . It thus concluded that any “waiver of the right
    to file a charge is void as against public policy,” and,
    therefore, that “any attempt by [the employee] to waive his
    right to file a charge is void.” 
    Id. at 1090
    . The court made
    clear, however, that “the fact that a waiver of the right to
    file a charge is void does not invalidate a waiver of a cause
    of action with which it is conjoined.”5 
    Id. at 1091
    As stated above, the Senate Report indicated that
    § 626(f)(4) was meant to be consistent with both the
    “holding and reasoning” of Cosmair. Accordingly, two
    conclusions may be permissibly drawn from that decision
    about Congress’s intent for § 626(f)(4), both of which
    support our analysis thus far. First, the provision was
    intended to prohibit employers from using waivers to
    interfere with the filing of a charge by, for instance, refusing
    to perform under the agreement if an EEOC claim is filed.
    In Cosmair, the court held that an employer’s recourse to a
    waiver provision under such circumstances would be
    unenforceable, and the statute similarly renders such
    attempts clearly ineffectual. Second, a knowing and
    voluntary waiver of the right to sue is not void solely
    because it also references a charge-filing ban, a conclusion
    explicitly adopted by the court in Cosmair. See Cosmair,
    821 F.2d at 1091
    ; see also, e.g., McCall v. U.S. Postal
    839 F.2d 664
    , 666 n* (Fed. Cir. 1988) (“[E]ven if
    McCall’s attempted waiver of his right to file EEOC charges
    is void, that would not affect the validity of the other
    portions of the agreement.”). Notably, the court in Cosmair
    cited for this proposition the Restatement of Contracts,
    recognizing that the conclusion is largely driven by a
    straight-forward application of well-settled principles of
    contracts law. See Cosmair, 
    821 F.2d at
    1091 (citing
    Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 184(1) (1981) (“If less
    5. The court also stated that “although an employee cannot waive the
    right to file a charge with the EEOC, the employee can waive not only
    the right to recover in his or her own lawsuit but also the right to recover
    in a suit brought by the EEOC on the employee’s behalf.” Cosmair, 821
    F.3d at 1091. This holding was echoed in the Senate Report. See S. Rep.
    101-263, at 35 (1990), reprinted in 1990 U.S.C.C.A.N. 1509, 1541 (“An
    employee may validly waive the right to recover in his own lawsuit as
    well as the right to recover in a suit brought by the Commission on his
    own behalf.”).
    than all of an agreement is unenforceable . . . a court may
    nevertheless enforce the rest of the agreement in favor of a
    party who did not engage in serious misconduct if the
    performance as to which the agreement is unenforceable is
    not an essential part of the agreed exchange.”)).
    We recently had occasion to consider a similar set of
    questions in Spinetti v. Serv. Corp. Int’l, 
    324 F.3d 212
    Cir. 2003). At issue in Spinetti was the enforceability, under
    Pennsylvania law, of an employment arbitration agreement
    that included certain provisions that conflicted with federal
    Id. at 213
    . We held that the offensive provisions could
    be severed without disturbing the enforceability of the
    remainder of the agreement. 
    Id. at 213-14
    . Although our
    decision in Spinetti is in some ways distinguishable from
    the case before us, several of the principles underlying that
    decision are equally applicable here. As Judge Aldisert
    pithily noted, “You don’t cut down the trunk of a tree
    because some of its branches are sickly.” 
    Id. at 214
    . Put
    simply, the presence of a sickly charge-filing ban does not
    render this Release involuntary, unknowing, or otherwise
    Perhaps recognizing the fatal weaknesses in Wastak’s
    argument that this Release is void solely because it
    contains an unenforceable charge-filing ban under
    § 626(f)(4), the EEOC offers an alternative but related
    argument for invalidating the waiver. The EEOC maintains
    that this Release does violate one of § 626(f)(1)’s
    enumerated prerequisites for a knowing and voluntary
    waiver because it is not “written in a manner calculated to
    be understood by” the employee. 
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    According to the EEOC, by including the unenforceable
    prohibition on filing a charge, the agreement misrepresents
    Wastak’s rights. “Since the waiver misstates Wastak’s legal
    rights,” the EEOC urges, “it is not written in a manner
    calculated to be understood as required by § 626(f)(1)(A).”
    We are unable to accept the EEOC’s conceptual leap.
    Although the EEOC is clearly correct to the extent it asserts
    that the agreement purports to deny Wastak a right he
    actually had, it has not offered a convincing rationale as to
    how that misstatement renders the agreement not
    understandable. We can find nothing at all inherently
    incomprehensible about the language of the Release, and,
    indeed, Wastak admitted that he generally understood the
    terms of the Release. During a deposition, Wastak testified
    that, a few days after his termination, he was able to calm
    down and read the relevant documents, and that he
    understood that he was agreeing not to sue Lehigh Valley
    in exchange for thirty-six weeks of salary continuation and
    outplacement services. Further, neither Wastak nor the
    EEOC has pointed to anything in the language, structure,
    or legislative history of the OWBPA that supports the
    proposition that the Release’s misstatement of Wastak’s
    legal rights on this issue renders the entire waiver
    unknowing or involuntary under the statute. The EEOC’s
    argument would incorporate the provisions of § 626(f)(4)
    into the minimum requirements for a knowing and
    voluntary waiver listed in § 626(f)(1) by way of the section’s
    general mandate that waivers be written in an
    understandable     fashion.    Absent     some     compelling
    justification, we will not read the statute in a way that
    disturbs its meaning.
    The EEOC’s final recourse is to policy arguments, and it
    maintains that “[e]nforcing Wastak’s waiver would hinder
    [its] efforts to enforce the ADEA.” However, as we have
    noted, the waiver enforced by the District Court was solely
    as to Wastak’s right to bring a lawsuit, and refusing to
    recognize a statutorily compliant and otherwise valid waiver
    would be equally contrary to statutory policy. Further, it is
    worth reiterating that no such imposition ever occurred in
    this case, as the EEOC was in fact presented with Wastak’s
    claim. Finally, the EEOC’s generalized claim of hindrance is
    neither adequately explained nor supported. Instead, the
    EEOC simply asserts that a ruling in Lehigh Valley’s favor
    will encourage and embolden employers to include
    unenforceable charge-filing bans or other similar
    concoctions in their waiver agreements in wrongful
    attempts to dissuade terminated employees from filing
    EEOC charges or otherwise exercising their rights. We
    rejected a nearly identical argument from the EEOC in
    Spinetti, see Spinetti, 
    324 F.3d 223
    , and we remain
    6. We reiterate that this is not a case in which the employer clearly
    prohibited resort to administrative process, or in which the employee
    Wastak also argues that the Release was invalid because
    it violated 
    29 C.F.R. § 1625.23
    (b). That regulation states:
    No ADEA waiver agreement, covenant not to sue, or
    other equivalent arrangement may impose any
    condition precedent, any penalty, or any other
    limitation adversely affecting any individual’s right to
    challenge the agreement. This prohibition includes, but
    is not limited to, provisions requiring employees to
    tender back consideration received, and provisions
    allowing employers to recover attorneys’ fees and/or
    damages because of the filing of an ADEA suit. This
    rule is not intended to preclude employers from
    recovering attorneys’ fees or costs specifically
    authorized under federal law.
     Wastak alleges that Section V of the Release, in
    particular, violates this regulation. That section provides:
    In the event that suit is filed in breach of this covenant
    not to sue, it is expressly understood and agreed that
    either understood that he was not permitted to file an EEOC charge, or
    did not do so based on the waiver. To the contrary, the plaintiff here
    seeks to void a waiver agreement because it contained the word “charge”
    in the prohibition section, notwithstanding the fact that he in fact
    pursued an administrative charge and does not contend that he was
    actually misled or disadvantaged by the language in any way. Wastak
    came before the district court desirous of proceeding in court, something
    he clearly agreed not to do. The only issue before us is whether, given
    the statutory provisions at issue and the facts before us, we would
    permit him to avoid the agreement he entered into.
    We note, however, that a regulation that became effective after the
    incident before us clearly precludes the inclusion of provisions that
    prohibit resort to administrative process. See 
    29 C.F.R. § 1625.22
    (“No waiver agreement may include any provision prohibiting any
    individual from . . . [f]iling a charge or complaint, including a challenge
    to the validity of the waiver agreement, with [the] EEOC.”). The presence
    of such a prohibition in a waiver agreement that is subject to this
    regulation could certainly lead a court to find, under proper
    circumstances, that the waiver “ha[d] the effect of misleading,
    misinforming, or failing to inform” the plaintiff, 
    29 C.F.R. § 1625.22
    thus rendering the waiver not “knowing and voluntary,” and, therefore,
    invalid. But, again, that is not this case.
    this covenant shall constitute a complete defense to
    any such suit. In the event litigation is brought to
    enforce the terms of this paragraph, the prevailing
    party shall be entitled to recover reasonable costs and
    attorneys’ fees.
    We can find no conflict between the provisions of the
    Release and the terms of § 1625.23. The EEOC’s anti-
    retaliatory regulation plainly prohibits employers from
    imposing any penalty or limitation upon the employee’s
    right to challenge the validity of waiver agreements. But
    Wastak has not pointed to any term in the Release that
    could arguably be said to violate that provision. Despite
    Wastak’s suggestions to the contrary, the Release does not
    “allow[ ] [Lehigh Valley] to recover attorneys’ fees and/or
    damages because of the filing of an ADEA suit,” as
    prohibited in the statute. 
    29 C.F.R. § 1625.23
    . Instead, it
    provides only for prevailing party costs and fees. See, e.g.,
    65 Fed. Reg. 77,438
    , 77,442 (Dec. 11, 2000) (stating that
    the regulation prohibits “the use of provisions allowing the
    recovery of damages and/or attorneys’ fees simply because
    suit has been filed” (emphasis added)). Such a provision
    does not impose a limitation or condition on the ability to
    challenge the waiver, but, rather, represents a recognized
    and accepted contractual arrangement for the shifting of
    fees at the termination of litigation.7 Under such an
    7. Wastak also appears to argue that this provision of the Release
    violates public policy in that it conflicts with the ADEA’s provision that
    explicitly authorizes attorneys’ fees to prevailing plaintiffs only. See 
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    (b) (incorporating 
    29 U.S.C. § 216
    (b)). We note, however, that
    a fee-shifting arrangement made pursuant to an enforceable contract is
    one of the primary common law exceptions to the American rule of fee
    allocation, Alyeska Pipeline Serv. Co. v. Wilderness Soc’y, 
    421 U.S. 240
    257 (1975), and there is little reason to believe that in enacting the
    ADEA Congress intended to abrogate those exceptions. See, e.g.,
    Turlington v. Atlanta Gas Light Co., 
    135 F.3d 1428
    , 1437 (11th Cir. 1998)
    (allowing employer-defendant in ADEA suit to recover attorneys’ fees
    under common law exception for claims brought in bad faith); 
    65 Fed. Reg. 77,438
    , 77,442 (Dec. 11, 2000) (agreeing with this line of decisions);
    accord Hoover v. Armco, Inc., 
    915 F.2d 355
    , 356-57 (8th Cir. 1990); Gray
    v. New England Tel. & Tel., 
    792 F.2d 251
    , 260 & n. 1 (1st Cir. 1986);
    Morgan v. Union Metal Mfg., 
    757 F.2d 792
    , 796 (6th Cir. 1985); Cesaro
    v. Thompson Publ’g Group, 
    20 F. Supp. 2d 725
    , 726 (D.N.J. 1998); Miller
    v. State Chem. Mfg. Co., 
    706 F. Supp. 1166
    , 1172 (M.D. Pa. 1988).
    arrangement, a plaintiff who levels a successful attack on a
    waiver agreement will benefit by being entitled to recover
    his fees and costs. This is not the penalty proscribed by the
    regulation, which would punish the mere initiation of a
    suit, even if that suit was ultimately meritorious. In short,
    Wastak has offered absolutely no basis on which to
    conclude that the relevant terms of this Release could be
    construed as violating § 1625.23.8
    Wastak’s penultimate argument is that the Release is
    invalid because it was not supported by consideration. He
    cites to the OWBPA’s mandate that all valid waivers be “in
    exchange for consideration in addition to anything of value
    to which the individual already is entitled.” 
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    (f)(1)(D). According to Wastak, Lehigh Valley’s offer of
    severance      benefits   did   not   constitute   adequate
    consideration because the benefits took the form of income
    protection and therefore would cease if Wastak secured
    other employment at an equal or higher salary during the
    relevant period. This argument is without merit.
    Notwithstanding the fact that Lehigh Valley also provided
    Wastak with the free use of an outplacement firm, the
    thirty-six weeks of income protection was substantial and
    certainly “in addition” to what Wastak was entitled to upon
    his termination — nothing.
    Finally, Wastak argues that the Release violated the
    general principles of the OWBPA in that, regardless of
    whether it satisfied the specific minimum prerequisites set
    forth in § 626(f)(1), it was not made knowingly and
    voluntarily. He relies on the fact that he was unable to
    secure counsel to review the relevant documents, and
    8. We similarly reject Wastak’s argument that the Release violated
    § 1625.23 because the reciprocal obligations clause of the contract was
    an unlawful limitation on his right to challenge the agreement, since
    Lehigh Valley could discontinue the payment of benefits if he posed such
    a challenge. The EEOC regulation is appropriately concerned with, for
    example, “provisions requiring employees to tender back consideration
    received, and provisions allowing employers to recover attorneys’ fees
    and/or damages because of the filing of an ADEA suit.” 
    29 C.F.R. § 1615.23
    . But there is little reason to believe, as Wastak suggests, that
    it is intended to disturb the longstanding contract principle that one
    party’s performance is excused by the other party’s breach.
    asserts that he did not understand the nature and content
    of the Release. He also claims that at the time the Release
    was executed he was suffering from “psychological trauma”
    due to his termination and its accompanying financial
    The record here belies any claim that Wastak signed this
    Release unknowingly or involuntarily.9 Although Wastak
    testified that he was, understandably, not familiar with the
    particular statutory citations in the Release, when asked
    directly whether he understood that “in return for the 36
    weeks of salary continuation and the out placement
    services, [he was] agreeing not to sue or file a lawsuit
    9. Neither party has raised the issue of the proper standard under which
    we should evaluate Wastak’s general claim that the Release was not
    knowing and voluntary apart from the requirements of the OWBPA. The
    statute provides that its requirements set only a “minimum,” 
    29 U.S.C. § 626
    (f)(1), which, the legislative history states, “must be satisfied before
    a court may proceed to determine factually whether the execution of a
    waiver was ‘knowing and voluntary.’ ” S. Rep. No. 101-263, at 32 (1990),
    reprinted in 1990 U.S.C.C.A.N. 1509, 1537; see also H.R. Rep. No. 101-
    664, at 51 (1990). Notably, with regard to that factual inquiry, the
    legislative history explicitly endorses the “totality of circumstances”
    approach we employed prior to the passage of the statute. See S. Rep.
    No. 101-263, at 32, reprinted in 1990 U.S.C.C.A.N. 1509, 1537; H.R.
    Rep. No. 101-664, at 51; see also Cirillo v. Arco Chem. Co., 
    862 F.2d 448
    , 451-52 (3d Cir. 1988) (analyzing waiver under a totality of the
    circumstances test); Coventry v. U.S. Steel, 
    856 F.2d 514
     (3d Cir. 1988)
    (same). In Long v. Sears Roebuck & Co., 
    105 F.3d 1529
     (3d Cir. 1997),
    to which some courts have cited for the proposition that the OWBPA
    completely preempts application of the pre-OWBPA totality of the
    circumstances analysis, we held only that the OWBPA precludes
    application of the common law doctrines of ratification and tender-back,
    and specifically stated that “the OWBPA was enacted to ‘establish[ ] a
    floor, not a ceiling.’ ” 
    Id. at 1539
     (quoting Soliman v. Digital Equip. Corp.,
    869 F. Supp. 65
    , 69 n.13 (D. Mass. 1994)); see also Bennett v. Coors
    Brewing Co., 
    189 F.3d 1221
    , 1229 (10th Cir. 1999) (holding that
    satisfaction of the OWBPA’s statutory requirements is not sufficient to
    establish knowing and voluntary waiver and that courts must inquire
    into the totality of the circumstances); Griffin v. Kraft General Foods, Inc.,
    62 F.3d 368
    , 373-74 (11th Cir. 1995) (same); EEOC v. Johnson &
    5 F. Supp. 2d 181
    , 186 (S.D.N.Y. 1998) (same). We conclude,
    therefore, that general considerations that bear on the issue, apart from
    the statutory prerequisites, are relevant.
    against Lehigh Valley,” Wastak answered that he did. As for
    Wastak’s claim that he signed the waiver involuntarily given
    his financial circumstances and fragile mental state, while
    Wastak correctly notes that such claims should usually be
    decided by a jury, we agree with the District Court that
    Wastak has not come forth with sufficient evidence to
    create a genuine issue of material fact with regard to any
    lack of understanding or voluntariness on his part in
    signing the Release. Wastak testified that he was able to
    comprehend the nature of the Release. He was also of a
    sufficient mental state to make several attempts to retain
    legal counsel. Wastak asserts that after he was terminated
    he faced the prospect of serious financial pressures,
    conditions that ultimately caused him to suffer severe
    depression and anxiety, for which he sought psychological
    treatment and medication. There is, however, no evidence
    in the record to support the claim that he was experiencing
    mental impairments when he signed the Release, and the
    law is clear that the existence of financial pressure to sign
    a waiver is insufficient to establish that it was executed
    involuntarily. See, e.g., Cirillo v. Arco Chem. Co., 
    862 F.2d 448
    , 452 n.2 (3d Cir. 1988) (“[E]conomic pressure alone is
    insufficient to establish a claim of duress that would void
    an otherwise valid release.”); Three Rivers Motor Co. v. Ford
    Motor Co., 
    522 F.2d 885
    , 893 (3d Cir. 1975).
    Wastak’s complaint also seeks relief under the PHRA, but
    that claim is similarly barred by the Release. As correctly
    noted by the District Court, the statutory provisions of the
    OWBPA apply only to ADEA claims, and thus, the effect of
    the Release with regard to the state PHRA claims is
    “determined by the ordinary meaning of the language
    contained therein.” Strickland v. Univ. of Scranton, 
    700 A.2d 979
    , 986 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1997). Here, the Release
    unambiguously prohibits Wastak from pursuing claims
    under the PHRA, and Wastak has come forth with no
    evidence of fraud, duress or other circumstances sufficient
    to invalidate the agreement. See, e.g., Bowersox Truck Sales
    & Serv., Inc. v. Harco Nat’l Ins. Comp., 
    209 F.3d 273
    , 279
    (3d Cir. 2000) (stating, in a case involving Pennsylvania
    law, that “ ‘[a] signed release is binding upon the parties
    unless executed and procured by fraud, duress, accident or
    mutual mistake.’ ” (quoting Three Rivers Motors, 
    522 F.2d 23
    at 892); Davis v. Gov’t Employees Ins. Co., 
    775 A.2d 871
    875 (Pa. Super. Ct. 2001) (same); Strickland, 
    700 A.2d at 986
    John Wastak and Lehigh Valley executed a valid release
    pursuant to which Wastak agreed to waive his right to
    bring ADEA and related claims arising out of his
    employment and termination in exchange for thirty-six
    weeks of income protection and other benefits. Accordingly,
    we hold that the present claims are barred, and that the
    District Court correctly entered summary judgment in favor
    of Lehigh Valley.
    For all of the foregoing reasons, the order of the District
    Court will be AFFIRMED.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-2111

Filed Date: 6/11/2003

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (36)

40-fair-emplpraccas-1597-41-empl-prac-dec-p-36451-irving-p-gray-v , 792 F.2d 251 ( 1986 )

Bennett v. Coors Brewing Co. , 189 F.3d 1221 ( 1999 )

Three Rivers Motors Company v. The Ford Motor Company and ... , 522 F.2d 885 ( 1975 )

Griffin v. Kraft General Foods, Inc. , 62 F.3d 368 ( 1995 )

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Johnson & ... , 91 F.3d 1529 ( 1996 )

76-fair-emplpraccas-bna-303-72-empl-prac-dec-p-45186-11-fla-l , 135 F.3d 1428 ( 1998 )

Patricia M. Pivirotto v. Innovative Systems, Inc , 191 F.3d 344 ( 1999 )

Mark Mitchell v. Martin F. Horn , 318 F.3d 523 ( 2003 )

New Castle County Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Zeneca, Inc. v. ... , 111 F.3d 1116 ( 1997 )

Maryann Spinetti v. Service Corporation International and ... , 324 F.3d 212 ( 2003 )

Gertrude W. Abramson v. William Paterson College of New ... , 260 F.3d 265 ( 2001 )

Bowersox Truck Sales and Service, Inc. v. Harco National ... , 209 F.3d 273 ( 2000 )

Vincent A. Cirillo v. Arco Chemical Company, a Division of ... , 862 F.2d 448 ( 1988 )

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Thomas J. Morgan v. Union Metal Manufacturing , 757 F.2d 792 ( 1985 )

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Cosmair, Inc., L'... , 821 F.2d 1085 ( 1987 )

Sherry J. Oshiver v. Levin, Fishbein, Sedran & Berman , 38 F.3d 1380 ( 1994 )

Thomas Long v. Sears Roebuck & Company Sears Merchandise ... , 105 F.3d 1529 ( 1997 )

United States v. Joseph Cordo , 324 F.3d 223 ( 2003 )

james-coventry-william-bryer-opt-in-v-united-states-steel-corporation , 856 F.2d 514 ( 1988 )

View All Authorities »