Citgo Asphalt v. Local 2-991 ( 2004 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2004 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Citgo Asphalt v. Local 2-991
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 03-1503
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    Opinion Filed: October 14, 2004
    Ronald H. DeMaria, Esquire
    McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney, LLP
    Nos: 03-1503                    1300 Mt. Kemble Avenue
    Morristown, New Jersey 07962
    James J. McGovern III, Esq.
    Genova, Burns & Vernoia
    CITGO ASPHALT REFINING                 354 Eisenhower Parkway
    COMPANY,                        Plaza II, Suite 2575
    Appellant                  Livingston, NJ 07039
    Attorneys for Appellant
    CHEMICAL, AND ENERGY WORKERS                  Robert F. Henninger, Esquire
    2-991                            Warren J. Borish
    Spear, Wilderman, Borish, Endy, Spear
    and Runckel
    36 Tanner Street, 2nd Floor
    On Appeal from the Order of the United       Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033
    States District
    Court for the District of New Jersey        Attorneys for Appellee
    (Civil Action No. 02-CV-00864)
    District Judge: Hon. Joseph E. Irenas                       OPINION
    McKEE, Circuit Judge.
    CITGO Asphalt Refining Company
    Argued December 18, 2003
    appeals the district court’s confirmation of
    a labor arbitrator’s decision that CITGO’s
    Before: ROTH and M cKee, Circuit
    zero tolerance drug abuse policy is
    unreasonable. For the reasons that follow,
    and CUDAHY, Senior Circuit Judge *
    we will reverse.
    The Hon. Richard D. Cudahy, Senior        Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, sitting by
    Circuit Judge of the United States Court of   designation.
    I. FACTS                           them that they were going to
    be scheduled for their
    CITGO Asphalt Refining Company
    physical and requiring them
    (“CARCO”) is a New Jersey partnership
    to respon d to th e
    involved in the oil refining industry.
    questionnaires. They were
    C I T G O Petrole u m C o r p o r a t i o n
    given one or two days
    (“CITGO”), is the majority partner of
    advance notice of the annual
    CARCO. In December 1998, CITGO
    physical after they had
    announced that it was going to implement
    completed the questionnaire.
    a new uniform national substance abuse
    Other than this drug testing
    policy, which included a zero tolerance
    as part of the annual
    policy (the “policy”), at all of its
    physical, there was not
    petroleum refining facilities in the nation.
    random testing. Under the
    The policy was thereafter implemented at
    new policy, random testing
    more than sixty locations. Local 3-0673
    is done immediately after
    of the Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical
    receiving notice.
    and Energy Workers International Union
    (“PACE”) challenged the policy after it
    was implemented at CARCO’s asphalt
    (2). Under the old policy,
    plant in Savannah, and the challenge
    off-duty conduct could not
    proceeded to arbitration. The arbitrator
    be a violation, but it is . . .
    ruled that the policy was proper, valid and
    under the new policy.
    reasonable in all respects, and issued an
    opinion and award denying the Union
    grievance in its entirety. The policy was
    (3). [Under the old policy]
    also challenged at CARCO’s asphalt plant
    [ C] a use , suspic ion o r
    in Paulsboro, New Jersey, where the
    t e c h n ic a l p e r f o rm a n c e
    hourly workers are represented by PACE
    problems or occurrence of
    Local 2-991. There, Local 2-991 argued
    an accident or incident or
    that the new zero tolerance policy changed
    safety violation could
    the existing policy as follows:
    trigger a drug test as part of
    (1). . . .Under the old policy,             the annual physical. Under
    urine tests for drugs were                  the new policy, drug testing
    given during the annual                     can be done without any of
    physical, with the                          these prerequisites.
    individuals to be given their
    p h y s ic a l e x a m s a n d
    receiving a w ritten                        (4). Under the old policy,
    questionnaire a week or two                 employees who tested
    before the physical notifying               positive during an annual
    physical were given an                     that is totally unreasonable.”
    opportunity               for
    The grievances proceeded to
    rehabilitation, i.e., a second
    arbitration after the parties agreed upon
    chance. But, under the new
    the following submission:
    policy, no employee is given
    a second-chance opportunity                       Did CITGO violate Article
    unless they come forward                          X X X o f t h e L a b or
    and admit their drug use                          Agreement by improperly
    prior to any positive drug                        implementing its National
    test, called “self-                               Substance Abuse Policy at
    acknowledgment.”                                  the Paulsboro facility on
    October 1, 1999. If not,
    was     the     policy
    Local 2-991's Br. at 9-10.                               unreasonable?
    Local 2-991 challenged the new
    policy by filing two grievances. One
    At the arbitration hearing, the
    alleged an “Improper implementation of a
    parties stipulated that the Management
    ‘new’ drug and alcohol policy.” That
    Rights Clause (Article III) and the Future
    grievance claimed that CARCO violated
    Bargaining Clause (Article XXX) in the
    the controlling collective bargaining
    then current CBA were identical to those
    agreement (“CBA”) by not bargaining
    contained in every CBA that had been in
    over the new policy,1 and that the policy
    effect at Paulsboro since 1977. Article III,
    violated a provision of the CBA dealing
    the Management Rights Clause provides,
    with future bargaining.      The other
    in applicable part, as follows:
    grievance alleged that the “Company
    implemented a drug and alcohol policy
    Except to the extent
    The collective bargaining relationship               expressly abridged by an
    between the parties began at Paulsboro in                express and sp ecific
    the mid-1970s. The first labor contract at               provision of this
    Paulsboro was negotiated in 1997.                        Agreement, the Company
    CITGO bought the facility in 1991 and                    reserves and retains all of its
    continued both the bargaining relationship               Common Law or other
    and the CBA. The Paulsboro facility                      rights to manage the
    became a refinery in the late 1970s and is               business as such rights
    engaged in the processing of crude oil into              existed prior to the
    asphalt and other products. There were                   execution of this or any
    some 56 bargaining unit members when                     other previous Agreement
    the grievances were filed.                               with the Union or any other
    Union.       The rights of              amending, modifying,
    management which are not                supplementing or otherwise
    abridged by this Agreement,             altering in any respect
    shall include, but are not              whatsoever this Agreement
    limited to: . . . make and              or any part thereof.
    enforce rules for the
    maintenance of discipline
    and safety, and to suspend,                     **********
    discharge, or otherwise
    discipline employees for
    just cause. The listing of              25.4. The Union and the
    specific rights in this                 Company both agree that
    Agreement is not intended               the submission to the
    to be nor shall it be                   arbitrator shall be based on
    restrictive of or a waiver of           t h e o r i g inal w r i t t e n
    any of the rights of                    grievance submitted in the
    management not listed and               grievance procedure. . . .
    specifically surrendered
    herein, whether or not such
    rights have been exercised                      **********
    by the Company in the past.
    25.6.      The power and
    authority of the arbitrator
    Article XXV of the CBA, entitled:             shall be strictly limited to
    “Grievance Procedure and Arbitration,”        determining the meaning
    provides, in relevant part, as follows:       and interpretation of the
    explicit terms of this
    25.1.      Grievances are
    Agreement as herein
    defined as alleged violations
    expressly set forth. The
    of express and specific
    arbitrator shall not have
    provisions of this
    authority to add or to
    Agreement occurring during
    subtract from or modify any
    the term of this Agreement
    of said terms, or to limit or
    or any renewal or extension
    impair any Common Law or
    thereof. . . . Neither the
    other right of the Company,
    Union nor an employee
    or to establish or change any
    shall use or attempt to use
    wage or rate of pay. .. . The
    the grievance procedure as a
    parties agree that the power
    m e a n s o f c h a n gi n g ,
    and jurisdiction of any
    arbitrator chosen hereunder              any attachments hereto
    shall be limited to deciding             during the term hereof.
    whether there has been a
    violation of a provision of
    this Agreement.               The        The parties also stipulated that:
    a r b i t r a t o r s h a l l n ot
    (1). The Paulsboro refinery
    substitute his judgment for
    is a hazardous work
    that of the Company in the
    environment that can
    absence of a clear abuse of
    explode and poses a
    discretion. The arbitrator
    potential threat to workers,
    shall not be empowered,
    the environment, and to the
    and shall have no
    public at large.
    jurisdiction, to base his
    Award on any alleged
    practices or oral
    (2). The bargaining unit
    understandings which are
    positions affected by the
    not incorporated in writing
    drug testing policy are
    in this Agreement. . . .
    safety sensitive (as defined
    in [Department of
    Article XXX, the Future Bargaining
    Clause, provides:
    (3). The duties of the
    The parties acknowledge
    bargaining unit employees
    that, during the negotiations
    are such that their attempts
    which resulted in this
    to perform while in a state
    Agr eement and any
    of drug impairment may
    attachments hereto, each
    pose a threat to co-workers,
    had the unlimited right and
    to the workplace, to the
    opportunity to make
    environment, and to the
    demands and proposals with
    public at large.
    respect to any subject . . .
    not removed from the area
    of collective bargaining . .
    (4).      All employees
    .and therefore each waives
    (management and
    the right to further
    bargaining unit employees
    bargaining on any subject
    alike) at Paulsboro play a
    not covered or covered
    critical role in both
    under this Agreement and
    preventing accidents and                         the bargaining unit and only
    minimizing the effects of                        two people have ever been
    accidents.                                       disciplined in two years.
    (5).      The speed in                           (2). Motiva never requested
    responding to a dangerous                        a zero tolerance program.
    condition is critical to
    limiting potential damage
    and injury.                                      (3). Motiva’s safety record,
    unlike CITGO’s, is just
    “industry standard.”
    In addition, Owen Haynes, a CARCO
    employee for 30 years and Local 2-991
    President for approximately 12 years,                   (4). Motiva, like CITGO,
    testified that Paulsboro is a “potentially              needed a standardized
    dangerous work environment,” and Mike                   policy, company-wide.
    Drager, the manager of the Paulsboro
    facility, testified about “toxic and deadly”
    gases at the refinery.                                  (5). The policy was adopted
    by “consensus,” not through
    CITGO contends that the only
    evidence Local 2-991 offered to support
    its grievance that the Policy was
    unreasonable was the testimony of Eric
    (6).        Both employees
    Hamilton, the president of the PACE local
    disciplined under Motiva’s
    at a company called “Motiva,” and the
    p o l i c y w e r e “repeat
    testimony of Timothy Koladi, the
    offenders.” Both violated
    chairman of the union grievance
    the policy a second time
    committee at Sun Oil. Both men testified
    after not being disciplined
    that the substance abuse policies at their
    for an initial violation, and
    respective facilities included random drug
    both were detected by
    testing.     They also testified that the
    random testing.
    Motiva and Sun Oil policies are virtually
    identical to the CITGO policy except for
    CITGO’s zero tolerance provision.
    As to the policy at Sun, Oil, Koladi
    Hamilton testified as follows               testified:
    regarding the policy at Motiva:
    (1). There are 384 people in
    (1).     There    are   525
    employees in one                                   During his testimony, DeLeon gave
    bargaining unit and 550                    specific reasons for a zero tolerance
    employees in the other.                    provision. He testified that CITGO’s
    safety record is the best in the industry, a
    fact not challenged by Local 2-991, and
    (2). That in the ten years                 that CITGO wanted to maintain its record.
    since 1990, only four to six               He explained that, in CITGO’s judgment,
    employees have been                        offering a second chance “sends a
    disciplined under the policy               message to employees that it’s okay to do
    and they too were all second               drugs until you get caught. . . . [T]hat was
    offenders, after having been               a very strong feeling, . . . .” DeLeon also
    given a “first chance”                     explained that the zero tolerance policy
    without discipline.                        does not apply if an employee comes
    forward and identifies him/herself as a
    person with a substance abuse problem.
    John DeLeon, CITGO’s Manager             He also explained that CITGO’s medical
    of Human Resources and Labor Relations,          director was on the team that designed the
    testified in defense of CITGO’s Policy and       program, and added that the only union in
    explained the steps CITGO took in                the country that had challenged the
    designing its national substance abuse           program was the union at the Savannah,
    policy. DeLeon testified that CITGO              Georgia, asphalt plant. As noted, the
    reviewed the practices of other companies        Savannah arbitration resulted in an award
    in the industry and patterned much of its        which found that the CITGO Policy was
    policy after the Omnibus Transportation          reasonable in all respects. The president
    Employee Testing Act of 1991, 49 U.S.C.          of Local 2-991 testified that the Savannah
    § 31306 et seq. DeLeon also explained            plant is virtually identical to the Paulsboro
    that, because a uniform policy was needed,       facility.
    all aspects of the program including
    The arbitrator found “no
    random testing, zero tolerance, etc. apply
    contractual breach by [CITGO] with
    to all employees, from the president of
    respect to its unilateral adoption and
    CITGO down. He further explained that
    implementation of a substance abuse
    the policy was implemented nationwide,
    program in 1999.” He also found that the
    including all facilities where there was
    mandatory, random testing procedure was
    union representation, and that he did not
    both proper and reasonable. However, he
    know of a major refinery that did not have
    sustained the local’s challenge to the zero
    random testing. According to DeLeon,
    tolerance policy. The arbitrator ruled that
    Tosco, Marathon and Exxon, three major
    part of the Policy was unreasonable. He
    companies in the industry, also had zero
    tolerance substance abuse polices.
    DeLeon’s testimony was unrebutted.                      [T]here can be no serious
    quarrel with the right of a                   legitimate objective for any
    company in this type of                       company, it has not been
    industry to make certain that                 shown to my satisfaction
    s a f e t y c o n c e r n s a re              that permitting an employee
    paramount and should be                       to have a “second chance”
    adequately addressed. . . .                   would be inconsistent with
    Indeed, it was recited that                   that goal. That being so, the
    CITGO has the best safety                     Arbitrator agrees with the
    record in the industry and                    Union that the Policy,
    wants to keep it that way. I                  without giving a second
    therefore will not seek to                    chance for rehabilitation, is
    disturb that record.                          unreasonable to that extent
    However, there are specific                   and to that extent only. This
    areas of the Policy that are                  is especially so where the
    troubling to me. . . .                        DOT regulations permit
    second chance or
    rehabilitation opportunities.
    While the Union argued that                   I therefore find that the
    mandatory random testing                      Policy should be modified
    should be declared                            in that regard.
    unreasonable, the Arbitrator
    cannot agree with that
    position. Having said that,            Thus, “[t]he arbitrator . . . sustained [the
    I do nevertheless understand           policy] as written except where it does not
    and appreciate the Union’s             permit a (sic) employee second-chance or
    argument with respect to               rehabilitation opportunities.” App. at 473.
    employees who test positive            The arbitrator held that the policy
    as the result of random                (including CARCO’s right to conduct
    testing not being given a              random drug testing), was reasonable,
    second chance under the                except for the so-called “zero tolerance”
    Policy. The facts reveal that          provision. . . .
    this is contrary to the
    policies in place at the
    Motiva refinery in Delaware
    City, Delaware, and at the                     CARCO filed a complaint in the
    Sun refinery in Marcus                 district court challenging the arbitration
    Hook. While the Arbitrator
    fully acknowledges that the
    best safety record in the
    industry is obviously a
    opinion and award.2 CARCO alleged that             standard the district court should have
    the arbitrator: (1) exceeded the power and         applied. Exxon Shipping Co. v. Exxon
    authority given to him by the parties; (2)         Seaman’s Union, 
    73 F.3d 1287
    , 1291 (3d
    rendered an award which did not draw its           Cir. 1996) (“Exxon III”).
    essence from the labor agreement; (3)
    Courts play a very limited role in
    ignored the plain language imposing
    reviewing the decision of an arbitrator
    limitations on his authority; (4) rendered
    appointed pursuant to a collective
    an award which was not totally supported
    bargaining agre em ent.             Un ited
    by the record; and (5) failed to apply the
    Paperworkers International Union, AFL-
    standard of review set forth in the CBA.
    CIO v. Misco, Inc., 
    484 U.S. 29
    , 36
    Local 2-991 filed an answer and
    (1987). “When the parties include an
    counterclaim to enforce the award in its
    arbitration clause in their [CBA], they
    entirety. In time, cross-motions for
    choose to have disputes concerning
    summary judgment were filed and the
    constructions of the contract resolved by
    district court thereafter entered an order
    an arbitrator.” W.R. Grace and Co. v.
    granting Local 2-991's motion for
    Local Union 759, International Union of
    confirmation of the award in its entirety.
    the United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and
    This appeal followed. The arbitrator’s
    Plastic Workers of America, 
    461 U.S. 757
    rejection of the zero tolerance provision of
    764 (1983). Consequently, we “are not
    the policy is the only issue on appeal.
    authorized to reconsider the merits of an
    III. STANDARD OF REVIEW                        award even though the parties may allege
    that the award rests on errors of fact or on
    We exercise plenary review of the
    misinterpretation of the contract.” United
    district court’s confirmation of a labor
    Paperworkers Union v. Misco, Inc., 484
    arbitration award and apply the same
    U.S. at 36. This follows from the fact that
    the arbitrator’s judgment was bargained
    for by the parties. United Steelworkers of
    The district court had subject matter         America v. American Manufacturing Co.,
    jurisdiction pursuant to Section 301(a) of         
    363 U.S. 564
    , 568 (1960). “Full-blown
    the Labor Management Relations Act, 29             judicial review of labor arbitrators’
    U.S.C. § 185(a), which provides: “Suits            decisions would annul the bargain of the
    for violation of contracts between an              parties for an arbitrator’s construction of
    employer and a labor organization                  their [CBA]” and replace it with the
    representing employees in an industry              court’s con struc tion.       Stroehmann
    affecting commerce as defined in this              Bakeries, Inc. v. Local 776, International
    chapter, or between any such labor                 Brotherhood of Teamsters, 
    969 F.2d 1436
    organizations, may be brought in any               1441 (3d Cir. 1992) (citing United
    district court of the United States having         Steelworkers of America v. Enterprise
    jurisdiction of the parties, without respect       Wheel and Car Corp., 
    363 U.S. 593
    , 599
    to the amount in controversy . . . .”
    (1960)).                                             factfinder did not.” 
    Therefore, we do not review an                      Nevertheless, “[a]n arbitrator has
    arbitrator’s award for legal error. Exxon            the authority to decide only the issues
    73 F.3d at 1295
    . “[A]s long as the              actually submitted.” Matteson v. Ryder
    arbitrator’s award draws its essence from            System Inc., 
    99 F.3d 108
    , 112 (3d Cir.
    the [CBA] and is not merely [the                     1996) (citation omitted). “It is the
    arbitrator’s] own brand of industrial                responsibility of the arbitrator in the first
    justice, the award is legitimate.” Misco,            instance to interpret the scope of the
    484 U.S. at 370
     (citation and internal               parties’ submission, but it is within the
    quotations omitted). “[O]nly where there             courts’ province to review an arbitrator’s
    is a manifest disregard of the agreement,            interpretation.”       
    Id. at 113
    totally unsupported by the principles of             omitted). Although our review of an
    contract construction and the law of the             arbitration award is “highly deferential[,]”
    shop, may a reviewing court disturb the              
     we do not “simply . . . rubber stamp
    award.” Exxon III, 
    73 F.3d at 1295
                       [arbitrators’] interpretations and decisions
    (citations and internal quotations omitted).         . . . .” 
     (citation and internal quotations
    Accordingly, the award stands “even if the          omitted).
    court finds the basis for it to be ambiguous
    or disagrees with its conclusions under the
    law.” Stroehman Bakeries, Inc., v. Local                     As noted above, the only issue
    969 F.2d at 1441
     (citation omitted).            before us is the propriety of the arbitrator’s
    determination that CITGO’s zero tolerance
    Therefore, a court can only vacate
    policy is unreasonable. CITGO makes two
    an arbitrator’s award “if it is entirely
    separate, yet closely related, arguments in
    unsupported by the record or if it reflects a
    support of its challenge to that portion of
    manifest disregard of the agreement.”
    the arbitrator’s determination.         First,
    Exxon III, 
    73 F.3d at 1291
     (citation and
    CITGO contends that the arbitrator acted
    internal quotations omitted).           “An
    outside the scope of his authority and
    arbitrator’s decision need be neither wise
    rendered an award that did not draw its
    nor internally consistent.” 
    Id. at 1297
    essence from the CBA.             Second, it
    The decision is “subject to a standard of
    contends that the arbitrator’s determination
    only minimal rationality.” 
    that the zero tolerance policy is
    It follows that a reviewing court            unreasonable is not supported by the
    must defer to the arbitrator’s factual               record. We will address each contention in
     “[F]indings of fact and                turn.
    inferences to be drawn therefrom are the
    A. The arbitrator acted outside the
    exclusive province of the arbitrator.” 
    scope of his delegated
    (citing Misco, 
    484 U.S. at 36
    ). It is not the
    court’s “role to draw inferences that the            authority and rendered an award that
    did not draw                         Company in the absence of a clear abuse
    of discretion.”4      The arbitrator could
    its essence from the collective
    therefore only conclude that the zero
    bargaining agreement.
    tolerance policy was unreasonable if he
    found that CITGO clearly abused its
    discretion in instituting it. However, the
    The arbitrator made three separate
    arbitrator found no abuse of discretion,
    findings. He agreed that there can be no
    and this record supports none. The
    “serious quarrel” with CITGO’s right to
    arbitrator found that the zero tolerance
    “make certain that safety concerns are
    policy was unreasonable simply because
    paramount and . . . adequately addressed.”
    he did not believe that giving an employee
    Second, he agreed that CITGO did have
    a second chance was inconsistent with
    the best safety record in the industry and
    CITGO’s goal of having the best safety
    “wants to keep it that way.”3 Third, he
    record in the industry. He wrote: “[I]t has
    agreed that having the best safety record in
    not been shown to my satisfaction that
    the industry “is obviously a legitimate
    permitting an employee to have a ‘second
    o b j e c t i v e fo r a ny c om pa ny. ”
    chance’ would be inconsistent with that
    Notwithstanding this, he stated: “It has not
    goal.” Thus, rather than concluding that
    been shown to my satisfaction that
    CITGO abused its discretion in adopting a
    permitting an employee to have a ‘second
    zero tolerance policy, the arbitrator
    chance’ would be inconsistent with
    simply substituted his own judgment for
    [having the best safety record in the
    CITGO’s, and declared CITGO’s zero
    industry].” He concluded his analysis
    tolerance provision unreasonable.
    with: “[T]hat being so the arbitrator agrees
    with the Union that the policy, without                    However, an arbitrator’s opinion
    giving a second chance for rehabilitation           a n d a w a r d b a s e d o n “ g e n er a l
    is unreasonable.”                                   considerations of fairness and equity” as
    opposed to the exact terms of the CBA,
    However, in finding that the
    fails to derive its essence from the CBA.
    absence of a second chance was
    MidMichigan Reg’l Med. Ctr – Clare v.
    unreasonable, the arbitrator ignored the
    Professional Employees Div., 183 F.3d
    parameters of his inquiry as defined in the
    497, 502 (6th Cir. 1999). As we explain
    CBA. As we noted above, Article XXV,
    more fully below, the award here
    § 25.6 of the CBA provides, in relevant
    comported with the arbitrator’s view of
    part, that “[t]he arbitrator shall not
    fairness, but did not draw its essence from
    substitute his judgment for that of the
    the CBA.
    3                                                   4
    As noted, the arbitrator added that he               According to CITGO, this “is a very
    would therefore not “seek to disturb that           unusual provision to have in a labor
    record.”                                            agreement.” CITGO’s Br. at 23.
    Local 2-991 defends the arbitrator’s                that go beyond the four corners of a
    conclusion by arguing that the parties’                     collective bargaining agreement.” Id.
    submission allowed the arbitrator to go                     (citations omitted) (emphasis added).
    beyond the § 25.6 “abuse of discretion”
    As recited earlier, the agreed-upon
    standard. We agree that, although the
    submission read:
    CBA is the “sole source of the arbitrator’s
    authority[,] . . . [t]he parties may . . . agree                  Did CITGO violate Article
    to allow an arbitrator to go beyond the                           X X X o f t h e L a b or
    express terms” of the CBA.                 High                   Agreement by improperly
    Concrete Structures, Inc. v. United                               implementing its National
    Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of                          Substance Abuse Policy at
    America, Local 166, 
    879 F.2d 1215
    , 1218                           the Paulsboro facility on
    (3d Cir. 1989) (citation omitted). “They                          October 1, 1999. If not,
    may do so either by providing in the                              was     the     policy
    collective bargaining agreement for                               unreasonable?
    interest arbitration as well as rights
    arbitration,5 or by agreeing, separately, to
    submit specific issues to arbitration.” 
                     As Local 2-991 sees it, even if the
    (emphasis added). A submission may be                       language of the CBA prohibited the
    “express, may incorporate an antecedent                     arbitrator from substituting his own
    grievance, or may be based on other                         judgment for that of CITGO’s absent an
    relevant submissions or actions.” 
     at                    abuse of discretion by CITGO, it is the
    1219 (citations omitted). “But however                      language of the parties’ submission that
    derived, the terms of the submission may                    controls the extent of the arbitrator’s
    empower the arbitrator to resolve disputes                  authority. Therefore, argues Local 2-991,
    because the submission required that the
    arbitrator determine, in the event that he
    In “interest arbitration,” the parties ask
    found that the policy did not violate
    the arbitrator to set new terms and
    Article XXX (the Future Bargaining
    conditions of employment, while in “rights
    Clause) of the CBA, whether the policy
    arbitration,” the arbitrator is asked to
    was reasonable, the submission freed the
    r e s o lv e d i s p u t e s i n v o l v i n g t h e
    arbitrator from the confines of that
    interpretation or application of terms and
    portion of the CBA that prohibited the
    conditions of employment already agreed
    arbitrator from substituting his own
    to in the CBA.               Local 801, Int’l
    judgment for CITGO’s absent an abuse of
    Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron
    discretion by CITGO. More succinctly,
    Shipbuilders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and
    Local 2-991 argues that the broad
    Helpers, ALF-CIO v. Pennsylvania
    language of the last sentence of the
    Shipbuilding Co., 
    835 F.2d 1045
    , 1046-47
    submission trumped the narrower
    (3d Cir. 1987).
    language of § 25.6 of the CBA.
    According to Local 2-991, the arbitrator          arbitrator’s conclusion. 6 That failure
    merely                                            leads to CITGO’s second argument.
    reviewed the terms of the                   B. The arbitrator’s decision that the
    CBA, listened to the                                 zero tolerance policy
    witn esses’ testi m o n y,
    is unreasonable is not supported by
    reviewed the terms of
    the record.
    documents submitted, and
    considered attorney
    argument. After digesting
    As recited earlier, “[a]n arbitrator’s
    all of this evidence, [the
    award must be enforced so long as it
    arbitrator] addressed the
    draws its essence from the collective
    stipulated issue and found
    bargaining agreement.” United Industrial
    that there was no contract
    Workers v. Government of the Virgin
    violation. Which brought
    987 F.2d 162
    , 170 (3d Cir. 1993)
    the arbitrator to the next
    (citation and internal quotations omitted).
    question placed before him
    “A labor arbitration decision fails to draw
    by the parties: whether the
    its essence from the collective bargaining
    policy was unreasonable.
    agreement if the arbitrator acted in
    The arbitrator answered that
    manifest disregard of the law, or if the
    question and found the
    record before the arbitrator reveals no
    “zero tolerance” portion of
    support for the arbitrator’ s
    the policy unreasonable.
     (citation omitted)
    [Thus, according to the
    (emphasis added). CITGO argues that,
    union,] [u]nder the
    circumstances, there can be
    no doubt that the award is
    enforceable.                                      Local 2-991's argument seems to
    establish no standard by which to judge
    the propriety of the arbitrator’s decision.
    Local 2-991's Br. at 23.                          Once the CBA’s “abuse of discretion”
    standard is jettisoned, the union’s
    argument would allow the arbitrator to
    However, assuming arguendo that            apply any free-floating standard including
    the submission trumped the “abuse of              his/her own subjective judgment whether
    discretion” standard in the CBA, it is            or not it was supported by the record.
    nevertheless still apparent that Local 2-         This gives the arbitrator almost unfettered
    991 has only described what the arbitrator        discretion to determine the reasonableness
    did. The union has not explained either           of a challenged policy. The union claims
    the rationale for, or the basis of, the           that the last sentence of the submission did
    just that.
    regardless of the scope of the last sentence        tolerance policies certainly casts doubt
    of the submission, the award must still be          upon the arbitrator’s focus on Motiva and
    supported by the record, and this award is          Sun Oil, and the arbitrator never explained
    not. We agree.7                                     why he elevated the importance of Motiva
    and Sun Oil refineries over larger ones
    The arbitrator relied only on two
    with better safety records.
    “facts” to support his determination that
    the zero tolerance policy was                               The arbitrator also relied upon
    unreasonable. First, the arbitrator noted           provisions of the Omnibus Transportation
    that neither Motiva nor Sun Oil have zero           Employee Testing Act of 1991, 49 U.S.C.
    tolerance policies at their refineries.             § 31306 et seq., and the Department of
    However, the fact that two companies with           Transportation regulations promulgated
    safety records that are inferior to CITGO’s         under it, 
    49 C.F.R. § 382.101
     et seq. That
    do not have zero tolerance policies does            Act and its regulations allow employees a
    not establish that CITGO acted                      second chance for rehabilitation.
    unreasonably in adopting a zero tolerance           However, that does not mean that a
    policy. In fact, considering the stipulated         decision to the contrary is unreasonable.
    catastrophic repercussions of a safety              This is especially true when we consider
    lapse at the Paulsboro plant, and CITGO’s           the hazardous nature of CITGO’s
    superior safety record, one could just as           facilities, the need for prompt and
    readily conclude that it was unreasonable           unimpaired action in the event of an
    for Sun Oil and Motiva not to have a zero           emergency, and the exception for
    tolerance policy.           Moreover, the           employees who step forward seeking help
    a r b i t r a tor’s f i n d in g o f th e           for a substance abuse problem that CITGO
    unreasonableness of the zero tolerance              has included in its policy.8 Indeed, the
    policy completely ignores DeLeon’s                  Supreme Court has noted that the statute
    unrebutted testimony that the three largest         and the regulations at issue leave it to the
    companies in the industry – Exxon,                  parties to define appropriate discipline.
    Marathon and Tosco –              have zero         The Court explained the backdrop of the
    tolerance policies exactly like CITGO’s.            safety regulations as follows:
    The undisputed fact that the three largest
    [W]hen promulgating these
    companies in the industry have zero
    7                                                      8
    We do not believe that the arbitrator’s                   We do not understand how the
    determination that the zero tolerance               arbitrator could conclude on this record
    policy is unreasonable is supported by the          that it is unreasonable for CITGO to adopt
    record under CITGO’s narrow “abuse of               a policy that attempts to pressure impaired
    discretion” standard” or under Local 2-             employees into stepping forward and
    991's broader “submission trumps the                seeking help before their impairment
    CBA” standard.                                      results in a catastrophe.
    regulations, DOT decided                       employed in safety-sensitive positions
    not to require employers                       there, and that impaired employees pose a
    either to provid e                             threat to co-workers, the work-place, the
    rehabilitation or to hold a                    environment and to the public at large.
    job open for a driver who
    Since the Managements Rights
    has tested positive, on the
    Clause of the CBA (Article III), expressly
    basis that such decisions
    gives CITGO the right “to make and
    should be left to
    enforce rules for the maintenance of
    m anagement/driver
    discipline and safety” and since CITGO §
    negotiation.          That
    25.6 of Article XXV precludes either the
    determination reflects basic
    union or CITGO from using the grievance
    background labor law
    process to amend the CBA, we are hard-
    principles, which caution
    pressed to understand how the arbitrator
    against interference with
    could have concluded that the zero
    tolerance policy is unreasonable without
    agreements about
    substituting his own judgment for
    appropriate emplo yee
    CITGO’s and ignoring CITGO’s expressly
    reserved right “to make . . . rules for . . .
    Eastern Associated Coal Corp. v. United                          V. CONCLUSION
    Mine Workers of America, District 17, 531
    For the above reasons, we will
    U.S. 57, 65 (2000) (citations omitted)
    reverse the district court’s order enforcing
    (emphasis added). The arbitrator’s award
    the arbitrator’s decision and award, and
    here ignores that caution as well as the
    remand to the district court for an order
    express reservation of the employer’s
    vacating the arbitration award.
    prerogatives as set forth in Article III, the
    Management Rights Clause.
    Thus, the fact that Motiva and Sun
    Oil do not have zero tolerance policies and
    the fact that a particular federal statute and
    its implementing regulations allow a
    second chance, are not sufficient to
    support a finding that CITGO’s zero
    tolerance policy is unreasonable. This is
    especially true given the undisputed
    evidence that the Paulsboro facility is a
    hazardous work environment susceptible
    to explosions, Local 2-991 members are