McGowan v. NJR Ser Corp ( 2005 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2005 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    McGowan v. NJR Ser Corp
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 04-3620
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    NO. 04-3620
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. Civil No. 03-cv-01035)
    District Judge: The Honorable Stanley R. Chesler
    Argued June 8, 2005
    Circuit Judges
    (Filed September 13, 2005)
    Samuel J. Halpern (Argued)
    443 Northfield Avenue
    West Orange, NJ 07052
    Counsel for Appellant
    Richard C. Mariani (Argued)
    Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
    10 Madison Avenue, Suite 402
    Morristown, NJ 07960
    Counsel for Appellee New Jersey Natural Gas Company
    VAN ANTWERPEN, Circuit Judge
    Appellant James M. McGowan, Sr., was employed by
    Appellee New Jersey Natural Gas Company (“NJNG”) for
    more than 27 years. He participated in NJNG’s Plan for
    Retirement Allowances for Non-represented Employees (“the
    Plan”) and initially designated his second wife, Rosemary, the
    “joint and survivor contingent beneficiary.” On March 5,
    2003, McGowan filed an action in the United States District
    Court for the District of New Jersey, seeking declaratory
    relief directing NJNG and the Plan to recognize: (1)
    Rosemary’s purported waiver of her rights as beneficiary; and
    (2) McGowan’s subsequent nomination of his present wife,
    Donna, as the new beneficiary.
    Whether the administrators of a retirement plan that is
    covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
    1974 (“ERISA”), 
    29 U.S.C. §§ 1001
    , et seq., are required to
    recognize an individual’s waiver of her beneficiary interest
    under the plan is an issue of first impression in this Circuit,
    and there is a split among the courts of appeals that have
    considered the issue. The District Court below denied
    McGowan’s motion for summary judgment and granted
    summary judgment in favor of NJNG. The court held that
    Plan administrators are not required to look beyond Plan
    documents to determine whether a waiver has been
    effectuated in a private agreement between the participant and
    his named beneficiary. For the reasons set forth below, we
    will affirm.1
    McGowan was employed by NJNG from May 12,
    1969, until his retirement on November 30, 1996. As of the
    date of his retirement, McGowan was married to his second
    wife, Rosemary Byrne. Shortly before his retirement,
    McGowan elected to receive his retirement benefits in the
    Although this Opinion represents the Opinion of the Court
    in affirming the lower court’s decision, Judge Becker has
    declined to join in the reasoning contained in Part III.A.1, infra.
    See Concurring Op. at 22.
    form of an “automatic surviving spouse option,” creating a
    50% survivor annuity for Rosemary. This election remained
    in effect when he began receiving benefits in 1996.
    McGowan and Rosemary were divorced in Palm Beach
    County, Florida, on May 24, 1999. On July 23, 1998, prior to
    the formal entry of the divorce, they entered into a Marital
    Settlement Agreement, which was later incorporated into the
    final judgment of dissolution. The agreement stated that
    Rosemary “waives any and all rights, title, interest or claims .
    . . to all bank accounts, life insurance policies and any right to
    the New Jersey Gas Company Employee Pension Plan of the
    Husband.” (App. at A61.) Shortly after Rosemary signed this
    purported waiver, McGowan contacted the Plan to change the
    named survivor beneficiary. On July 27, 1998, Rosemary
    signed a form consenting to the election of McGowan’s first
    wife, Shirley McGowan, as the replacement beneficiary.
    In an August 6, 1998, letter, the Plan’s benefits
    manager, Nancy Renner, informed McGowan that the Plan
    did not permit changes to his prior contingent beneficiary
    election once he started receiving benefit payments.
    Notwithstanding the Plan’s denial of his initial request,
    McGowan sought to change beneficiaries again after his
    marriage to his current wife, Donna McGowan, on November
    3, 2001. NJNG refused to recognize McGowan’s nomination
    of Donna as the new contingent beneficiary and maintained
    that Rosemary was still the beneficiary under the Plan.
    On February 25, 2002, McGowan filed an appeal with
    the Plan, which was denied by the Plan Claims
    Administration Committee on April 30, 2002. McGowan
    subsequently exhausted all administrative appeals and
    commenced the present action with a two-count Complaint in
    the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey
    on March 5, 2003. In Count I, McGowan sought a declaration
    directing NJNG to recognize Rosemary’s waiver and the
    subsequent nomination of Donna as the new beneficiary. In
    Count II, McGowan sought the imposition of civil penalties
    against NJNG for allegedly failing to produce Plan documents
    within the time period designated by ERISA at 
    29 U.S.C. § 1132
    In its July 26, 2004, Order and Opinion, the District
    Court denied McGowan’s Motion for Summary Judgment and
    granted NJNG’s Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment.
    Appellant filed a timely Notice of Appeal with this Court on
    August 23, 2004.
    NJNG’s retirement plan is an “employee welfare
    benefit plan” within the meaning of ERISA, 
    29 U.S.C. § 1002
    (1). The District Court thus had federal question
    jurisdiction over the instant dispute pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    . See also 
    29 U.S.C. § 1132
    (a)(1)(B) (a plan participant
    has the right to bring a civil action “to recover benefits due to
    him under the terms of his plan, to enforce his rights under the
    terms of the plan, or to clarify his rights to future benefits
    under terms of the plan”). Pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , this
    Court has appellate jurisdiction over the District Court’s final
    order ruling on the parties’ cross-motions for summary
    “The standard of review in an appeal from an order
    resolving cross-motions for summary judgment is plenary.”
    Cantor v. Perelman, __ F.3d __, 
    2005 WL 1620323
    , *3 n.2
    (3d Cir. July 12, 2005) (citing Int’l Union, United Mine
    Workers of Am. v. Racho Trucking Co., 
    897 F.2d 1248
    , 1252
    (3d Cir. 1990)). In reviewing the propriety of a summary
    judgment ruling, we apply the same standard that the District
    Court should have applied. Bucks County Dep’t of Mental
    Health/Mental Retardation v. Pennsylvania, 
    379 F.3d 61
    , 65
    (3d Cir. 2004). Under Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c), summary
    judgment should be granted where the “pleadings,
    depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on
    file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no
    genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party
    is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.” See Celotex
    Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 325 (1986). The material facts
    of this case are not in dispute, and the issue presented is
    purely legal: whether NJNG should be compelled to recognize
    Rosemary’s waiver of her rights as a beneficiary under the
    With respect to McGowan’s claim that NJNG failed to
    provide Plan documents in a timely manner, we review the
    District Court’s denial of civil penalties under 
    29 U.S.C. § 1132
    (c) for abuse of discretion. See Bruch v. Firestone Tire
    & Rubber Co., 
    828 F.2d 134
    , 153 (3d Cir. 1987), rev’d in part
    on other grounds, 
    489 U.S. 101
    A.     Waiver of Benefits Under ERISA
    As noted, there is a circuit split on the issue of whether
    administrators of an ERISA plan are required to recognize a
    beneficiary’s waiver of his or her benefits. The majority of
    circuits that have addressed this issue have held that such
    waivers are valid under certain circumstances. See, e.g.,
    Altobelli v. Int’l Bus. Mach. Corp., 
    77 F.3d 78
     (4th Cir.
    1996); Mohamed v. Kerr, 
    53 F.3d 911
     (8th Cir. 1995);
    Brandon v. Travelers Ins. Co., 
    18 F.3d 1321
     (5th Cir. 1994);
    Metro. Life Ins. Co. v. Hanslip, 
    939 F.2d 904
     (10th Cir.
    1991); Fox Valley & Vicinity Constr. Workers Pension Fund
    v. Brown, 
    897 F.2d 275
     (7th Cir. 1990) (en banc). Only two
    courts of appeals have disagreed, holding that plan
    administrators need not look beyond the documents on file
    with the plan to determine whether there has been a valid
    waiver effectuated in outside private documents. Krishna v.
    Colgate Palmolive Co., 
    7 F.3d 11
     (2d Cir. 1993); McMillan v.
    913 F.2d 310
     (6th Cir. 1990).2
    Although this is an issue of first impression in this Court,
    the District Court’s decision in this case is the fourth time that
    a district court within this Circuit has addressed waivers under
    ERISA. Including decision below, two district court decisions
    in this Circuit have sided with the minority view, see also
    Zienowicz v. Metro. Life. Ins. Co., 
    205 F. Supp. 2d 339
    2002), and two others have applied the majority approach, John
    Hancock Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Timbo, 
    67 F. Supp. 2d 413
    “ERISA is an intricate, comprehensive statute.” Boggs
    v. Boggs, 
    520 U.S. 833
    , 841 (1997). It is so designed in order
    to protect “the interests of participants in employee benefit
    plans and their beneficiaries[.]” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1001
    (b); Shaw v.
    Delta Air Lines, Inc., 
    463 U.S. 85
    , 90 (1983). The majority
    approach is largely based on the premise that, despite the
    comprehensive nature of the statute, there are “gaps” that may
    be filled by reliance on federal common law. See, e.g.,
    Altobelli, 77 F.3d at 80; Brandon, 
    18 F.3d at 1325
    ; Fox
    897 F.2d at 278
    ; Lyman Lumber Co. v. Hill, 
    877 F.2d 692
    , 693 (8th Cir. 1989); see also Heasley v. Belden & Blake
    2 F.3d 1249
    , 1257 n.8 (3d Cir. 1993) (“Firestone
    authorizes the federal courts to develop federal common law
    to fill gaps left by ERISA.” (citing Firestone Tire and Rubber
    Co. v. Bruch, 
    489 U.S. 101
    , 110 (1989))).
    According to the majority approach, because ERISA
    does not explicitly address “waiver” by a beneficiary, we may
    turn to federal common law to determine whether, and under
    what circumstances, an individual may validly waive her
    benefits in an ERISA plan. See Altobelli, 77 F.3d at 81;
    18 F.3d at 1326
    ; Fox Valley, 
    897 F.2d at 281
    Lyman Lumber, 
    877 F.2d at 693
    . Under the federal common
    law that has developed, an individual’s waiver is valid if,
    “upon reading the language in the divorce decree, a
    reasonable person would have understood that she was
    waiving her beneficiary interest. . . .” Clift v. Clift, 210 F.3d
    (D.N.J. 1999); Trustees of Iron Workers Local 451 Annuity
    Fund v. O’Brien, 
    937 F. Supp. 346
     (D. De. 1996).
    268, 271-72 (5th Cir. 2000); see also Mohamed, 
    53 F.3d at 914-15
     (“a property settlement agreement entered into
    pursuant to a dissolution may divest former spouses of
    beneficiary rights in each other’s [ERISA benefits], if the
    agreement makes it clear that the former spouses so intend.”).
    Moreover, “any waiver must be voluntarily made in good
    faith.” Clift, 210 F.3d at 272.
    We disagree with McGowan’s argument that the
    situation presented by this case is not resolved by looking to
    the express terms of ERISA, and we therefore decline to
    follow the federal common law approach.
    1.     ERISA’s Requirement that Plans Be
    Administered in Accordance with the
    Plan Documents
    ERISA imposes a fiduciary duty on plan administrators
    to discharge their duties “in accordance with the documents
    and instruments governing the plan. . . .” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1104
    (a)(1)(D). As such, the statute dictates that it is the
    documents on file with the Plan, and not outside private
    agreements between beneficiaries and participants, that
    determine the rights of the parties. McMillan, 
    913 F.2d at 311-12
     (“This clear statutory command, together with the plan
    provisions, answer the question; the documents control. . . .”);
    cf. Egelhoff v. Egelhoff, 
    532 U.S. 141
    , 150 (2001) (noting
    “ERISA’s requirements that plans be administered, and
    benefits be paid, in accordance with plan documents.”).
    The Plan documents in this case designate Rosemary
    as the beneficiary, and any requirement imposed on Plan
    administrators to look beyond these documents would go
    against the specific command of § 1104(a)(1)(D). Because
    this case is resolved by reference to the terms of ERISA and
    the Plan documents alone, federal common law should simply
    have no place in our analysis.
    Our holding is not only required by the terms of §
    1104(a)(1)(D), but it is also necessary to promote one of the
    principal goals underlying ERISA – ensuring that “plans be
    uniform in their interpretation and simple in their
    application.” McMillan, 
    913 F.2d at
    312 (citing H.R. Rep.
    No. 93-533 (1974), reprinted in 1974 U.S.C.C.A.N. 4639,
    4650); see also Krishna, 
    7 F.3d at 16
     (noting the “strong
    interest in uniform, uncomplicated administration of ERISA
    plans.”). This extremely important policy goal is best served
    by the conclusion that, under § 1104(a)(1)(D), outside waivers
    are not binding on Plan administrators. Cf. Fox Valley, 
    897 F.2d at 284
     (Ripple, J., dissenting) (noting that §
    1104(a)(1)(D) “embodies a strong federal policy that all
    parties – participant, trustee, and beneficiary – be able to
    ascertain their rights and liabilities with certainty.”). As
    Judge Wilkinson stated in his dissenting opinion in Altobelli:
    Strict adherence to § 1104(a)(1)(D) ensures that
    all interested parties, including participants,
    beneficiaries, and plan administrators, can
    identify their rights and duties with certainty, a
    primary objective of ERISA. This in turn limits
    costly disputes over the effect of outside
    documents on the distribution of plan benefits.
    Altobelli, 77 F.3d at 82 (Wilkinson, C.J., dissenting) (internal
    citations omitted).
    The Supreme Court similarly relied on the need for
    certainty and uniformity in the administration of ERISA plans
    when it held in Egelhoff, 
    532 U.S. at 148-51
    , that ERISA
    preempts a state statute whereby a former spouse’s
    beneficiary designation was automatically revoked upon
    divorce. The Court also relied on “the congressional goal of
    ‘minimiz[ing] the administrative and financial burden[s]’ on
    plan administrators. . . .” 
    Id. at 150
     (quoting Ingersoll-Rand
    Co. v. McClendon, 
    498 U.S. 133
    , 142 (1990)). The Court
    noted that, if ERISA did not preempt the state law at issue, a
    burden would be created for administrators to “familiarize
    themselves with state statutes so that they can determine
    whether the named beneficiary’s status has been ‘revoked’ by
    operation of law” rather than “simply . . . identifying the
    beneficiary specified by the plan documents.” 
    Id. at 148-49
    These same concerns counsel against requiring administrators
    to familiarize themselves with the various private agreements
    that might exist between participants and beneficiaries to
    determine whether they contain valid waivers under federal
    common law.
    My colleagues accept McGowan’s assertion that
    requiring Plan administrators to recognize waivers does not in
    fact undermine certainty or uniformity, and that it would not
    create any administrative burden that is not already imposed
    by ERISA itself. McGowan points to 
    29 U.S.C. § 1056
    which allows the designation of an alternate payee by
    obtaining a qualified domestic relations order (“QDRO”).3
    Administrators are already required to review domestic
    relations orders, such as divorce decrees and property
    settlement agreements,4 to determine whether they are
    All parties agree that the Florida state judgment of
    dissolution, which incorporated McGowan’s Marital Settlement
    Agreement and Rosemary’s waiver, does not qualify as a
    ERISA defines a “domestic relations order” as:
    [A]ny judgment, decree, or order (including
    approval of property settlement agreement) which
    (I) relates to the provision of child support,
    alimony payments, or marital property rights to a
    spouse, former spouse, child, or other dependent
    of a participant, and
    (II) is made pursuant to a State domestic
    relations law (including a community property
    29 U.S.C. § 1056
    “qualified” under the requirements set forth in 
    29 U.S.C. §§ 1056
    (d)(3)(C) & (D). Thus, McGowan claims that the
    enforcement of waivers would place no burden on
    administrators that does not already exist. Cf. Altobelli, 77
    F.3d at 81; Fox Valley, 
    897 F.2d at 282
     (“No such additional
    burdens will be imposed. . . . Our decision only requires plan
    administrators to continue their current practice of thoroughly
    investigating the marital status of a participant.”).
    I disagree. Sections 1056(d)(3)(C) & (D) provide very
    specific, objective elements that must be present for a
    domestic relations order to be “qualified.” Thus, to determine
    if a document is a QDRO, administrators can essentially
    utilize a checklist and easily ascertain whether, for example,
    the document “specifies the name and the last known mailing
    address (if any) of the participant and the name and mailing
    address of each alternate payee covered by the order,” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1056
    (d)(3)(C)(i). Under the majority approach, on
    the other hand, administrators have to interpret documents
    that could otherwise be summarily discarded as non-QDROs,
    applying less concrete standards, to determine whether they
    were (1) voluntarily entered into, (2) in good faith, and (3)
    specific enough that a “reasonable person” would see them as
    valid waivers. It cannot be denied that requiring
    administrators to review contractual language under an
    amorphous “reasonable person” standard will create a risk of
    litigation and administrative burdens beyond what is created
    by requiring them to review orders under the uncomplicated
    set of objective elements set forth in § 1056(d)(3).
    Nevertheless, McGowan argues that there is no data
    suggesting that plans in jurisdictions that enforce waivers
    have actually experienced greater administrative burdens. On
    the contrary, we need look no further than Eighth Circuit
    precedent for evidence that the majority approach creates the
    prospect of extensive litigation that is not created under the
    QDRO provision. Since that court’s ruling in Lyman Lumber,
    it has been faced with multiple cases involving the issue of
    whether particular divorce settlement agreements contained
    sufficiently specific language to constitute valid waivers
    under the federal common law. See, e.g., Hill v. AT&T
    125 F.3d 646
    , 649-50 (8th Cir. 1997); Nat’l Auto.
    Dealers & Assoc. Ret. Trust, 
    89 F.3d 496
    , 501 (8th Cir.
    1996); Mohamed, 
    53 F.3d at 915
    . The fact that the Eighth
    Circuit has repeatedly re-visited this issue belies the notion
    that ERISA’s goals of certainty, simplicity and uniformity can
    be achieved through the establishment of a uniform federal
    common law.
    In sum, the express terms of ERISA, as well as the
    policies underlying the Act, require us to affirm the District
    Court. “Rules requiring payment to named beneficiaries yield
    simple administration, avoid double liability, and ensure that
    beneficiaries get what’s coming quickly, without the folderol
    essential under less-certain rules.” Fox Valley, 897 F.2d at
    283 (Easterbrook, J., dissenting). We recognize that our
    holding produces the somewhat strange result whereby
    Rosemary continues to enjoy the benefits of McGowan’s
    survivor annuity, even after purportedly signing away her
    rights under the Plan. However, Congress has carefully laid
    out the requirements for designating (and changing)
    beneficiaries under ERISA plans and has specifically required
    benefits to be paid in accordance with plan documents. As
    such, our holding “is a decision already made by legislation.”
    Id. at 284.
    2.     ERISA’s Prohibition on the Alienation or
    Assignment of Benefits
    Recognition of Rosemary’s waiver in this case would
    also contravene ERISA’s anti-alienation provision, 
    29 U.S.C. § 1056
    (d)(1).5 McGowan argues that “waiver” is a distinct
    concept from “assignment” or “alienation” and that waiver is
    therefore not expressly prohibited by § 1056(d)(1). Cf.
    Altobelli, 77 F.3d at 81; Brandon, 
    18 F.3d at 1324
    ; Fox
    Section 1056(d)(1) reads, in relevant part, “Each pension
    plan shall provide that benefits provided under the plan may not
    be assigned or alienated.” The Plan in this case states, in turn:
    No benefit payable under the Plan shall be subject
    in any manner to anticipation, alienation, sale,
    transfer, assignment, pledge, encumbrance, or
    charge, and any such action shall be void and of
    no effect; nor shall any such benefit be in any
    manner liable for or subject to the debts,
    contracts, liabilities, engagements or torts of the
    person entitled to such benefit, except as
    specifically provided in the Plan.
    (App. at A133.)
    897 F.2d at 279
    . We agree as a general matter that
    “waiver” is not the same thing as assignment or alienation.
    Assignment or alienation involves an affirmative transfer of
    benefits to another person, whereas waiver usually involves
    only a refusal of benefits on the part of the individual slated to
    receive them. Cf. Fox Valley, 
    897 F.2d at 279
    That said, McGowan’s argument on this point is
    similar to an argument rejected by the Supreme Court in
    Boggs. In that case, the Supreme Court reversed the Fifth
    Circuit’s ruling that ERISA did not preempt a state law
    allowing a beneficiary to transfer her interests in her former
    spouse’s pension plan by testamentary instrument. The court
    of appeals had addressed whether the testamentary transfer
    was prohibited by § 1056(d)(1) and attempted to distinguish
    that transfer from an “assignment or alienation”:
    [Section 1056(d)(1)] was not intended to affect
    support obligations among the members of a
    family. Furthermore, a non-participant spouse’s
    ownership of an interest in the participant
    spouse’s retirement benefits involves neither an
    alienation nor an assignment. Under community
    property law, ownership vests immediately in
    the non-earning spouse, and no transaction is
    needed to convey ownership. Thus, no
    transaction prohibited by the ERISA spendthrift
    provision has occurred.
    Boggs v. Boggs, 
    82 F.3d 90
    , 97 (5th Cir. 1996), rev’d, 
    520 U.S. 833
    The Supreme Court disagreed, stating that the
    testamentary transfer at issue was indeed prohibited under §
    1056(d)(1), as it fell within the regulatory definition of
    “assignment or alienation.” Boggs, 
    520 U.S. at 851
    26 C.F.R. § 1.401
    (a)-13(c)(1)(ii)). The regulation defines
    “assignment or alienation” as “[a]ny direct or indirect
    arrangement . . . whereby a party acquires from a participant
    or beneficiary a right or interest enforceable against the plan
    in, or to, all or any part of a plan benefit payment which is, or
    may become, payable to the participant or beneficiary.” 
    26 C.F.R. § 1.401
    (a)-13(c)(1)(ii) (emphasis added). Boggs thus
    demonstrates that actions which may be semantically
    distinguishable from “assignment or alienation” may
    nevertheless be prohibited by § 1056(d)(1).
    Similarly, although the common definitions of
    “waiver” and “assignment” may diverge, McGowan seeks to
    use the concept of waiver in order to effectuate what is the
    functional equivalent of an assignment of benefits from his
    former wife to his current wife.6 As Judge Easterbrook
    McGowan is actually asking this Court to enforce two
    successive assignments – the first being the consent form that
    Rosemary signed in 1998 allowing Shirley, his first wife, to be
    pointed out in his dissenting opinion in Fox Valley, a
    “waiver” in the ERISA context is not merely a refusal of
    benefits, but also functions as “an anticipatory gift, to
    whoever is next in line under the [Plan’s] rules[.]” 897 F.2d
    at 282-83 (Easterbrook, J., dissenting). Rosemary’s “waiver”
    here, if recognized, creates an “indirect arrangement”
    whereby the Plan benefits are transferred to Donna, who in
    turn gains an “interest enforceable against the plan.” These
    actions therefore fit within the definition of “assignment or
    alienation” provided in 
    26 C.F.R. § 1.401
    Thus, even though ERISA does not expressly state that
    “waivers” are prohibited, recognition of the waiver sought in
    this case would undermine § 1056(d)(1).
    Finally, it is worth noting that any concern for the
    ability of individuals to freely and voluntarily relinquish
    certain rights in their former spouses’ ERISA plan benefits
    upon divorce has already been addressed by Congress through
    the passage of the QDRO provision in 1984. The Supreme
    Court in Boggs emphasized the care with which Congress
    created the QDRO mechanism in order “to give enhanced
    protection to the spouse and dependent children in the event
    of divorce or separation[.]” Boggs, 
    520 U.S. at 847
    . The
    Court also made clear that the QDRO exception to §
    1056(d)(1) is to be narrowly construed and is “not subject to
    judicial expansion.” Id. at 851. As such, recognition of
    additional methods of dispersing ERISA benefits in the event
    named as beneficiary, and the second being his present action
    seeking to replace Shirley with Donna, his current wife.
    of a divorce would be inconsistent with this comprehensive
    The surviving spouse annuity and QDRO
    provisions, which acknowledge and protect
    specific pension plan community property
    interests, give rise to the strong implication that
    other community property claims are not
    consistent with the statutory scheme. ERISA’s
    silence with respect to the right of a
    nonparticipant spouse to control pension plan
    benefits by testamentary transfer provides
    powerful support for the conclusion that the
    right does not exist.
    Id. at 847-48 (emphasis added) (citing Mass. Mut. Life Ins.
    Co. v. Russell, 
    473 U.S. 134
    , 147-48 (1985)).
    Applying this reasoning to the case at hand, ERISA’s
    silence with respect to the right to waive benefits supports the
    conclusion that such a right does not exist. The
    comprehensive nature of the QDRO provision suggests that
    Congress provided only one option to individuals in
    McGowan’s position. In other words, the QDRO provision,
    which recognizes the right to designate alternate payees under
    certain circumstances, “give[s] rise to the strong implication
    that” the designation of alternate payees under other
    circumstances (i.e. through waivers) is “not consistent with
    the statutory scheme,” 
    In sum, McGowan was required to satisfy the very
    specific requirements of § 1056(d)(3) in order to change
    beneficiaries, and he has provided no reason why he could not
    have obtained a QDRO from the Florida state courts
    effectuating Rosemary’s intent to be removed as the
    beneficiary under the Plan at the time of the divorce. He
    should not now be able to circumvent the requirements of §
    1056(d)(3), as well as the requirements of § 1104(a)(1)(D), by
    couching this change of beneficiaries in “waiver” terms.
    B.     Civil Penalties Under 
    29 U.S.C. § 1132
    Count II of McGowan’s Complaint alleged that NJNG
    violated ERISA by failing to furnish requested Plan
    documents within 30 days of his initial request and sought
    civil penalties under 
    29 U.S.C. § 1132
    (c). NJNG concedes
    that McGowan’s attorney made an initial request for copies of
    relevant Plan documents on June 19, 2002. NJNG also
    concedes that the company failed to comply with this request
    until October 28, 2002 (five days after McGowan’s attorney
    made a second request). NJNG argues, however, that they
    were acting under a good faith (but mistaken) belief that the
    June 19 th letter did not put them on notice of McGowan’s
    request for documents.
    Section 1132(c) grants the District Court broad
    discretion in deciding whether to impose civil penalties for
    delayed discovery. Bruch, 
    828 F.2d at 153
    . This Court has
    held that a district court “would be well within its discretion
    in setting damages at $0” if, for example, “the employee’s
    claim for benefits is not colorable, and if the employer
    displayed no bad faith in responding to the claim. . . .” 
    Here, the District Court based its decision to set damages at
    zero on the determination that NJNG did not act in bad faith.
    Even though the District Court held that the June 19 th letter,
    when objectively viewed, was a valid request under § 1132(c),
    the court determined that NJNG was under a subjective good
    faith belief that they did not yet have to furnish the requested
    documents. Nothing has been presented to this Court which
    would cause us to question the District Court’s conclusion
    that the NJNG did not act in bad faith. We therefore find no
    abuse of discretion on the part of the District Court in this
    For the foregoing reasons, we will affirm the July 26,
    2004, Order and Opinion of the District Court denying
    McGowan’s Motion for Summary Judgment and granting
    summary judgment in favor of NJNG.
    McGowan v. NJR Service Corporation; New Jersey Natural
    Gas Company, No. 04-3620
    BECKER, Circuit Judge, concurring.
    I agree with the result reached in Part III.A of Judge
    Van Antwerpen’s opinion, which holds that we should
    embrace the “minority rule,” thus rendering ineffective
    Rosemary’s purported waiver of her rights as beneficiary and
    McGowan’s subsequent nomination of his present wife,
    Donna, as the new beneficiary. I also agree with Judge Van
    Antwerpen’s disposition, in Part III.B, of the civil penalties
    issue. As the foregoing suggests, I join in the judgment
    affirming the District Court.
    Judge Van Antwerpen relies on three theories to
    support his conclusion that Rosemary’s waiver is ineffective.
    First, he reasons that, because the Plan documents in this case
    designate Rosemary as the beneficiary, any requirement
    imposed on Plan administrators to look beyond these
    documents would violate the specific command of 
    29 U.S.C. § 1104
    (a)(1)(D). Second, and relatedly, he argues that this
    holding is necessary to promote one of the principal goals
    underlying ERISA—ensuring that “plans be uniform in their
    interpretation and simple in their application.” McMillan v.
    913 F.2d 310
    , 312 (6th Cir. 1990). Third, he points out
    that recognition of Rosemary’s waiver in this case would
    contravene ERISA’s prohibition of assignment or alienation
    of benefits under 
    29 U.S.C. § 1056
    (d)(1). I write separately
    to explain why I disagree with the first and second
    justifications, and thus do not join Part III.A.1. I agree with
    the third justification, and thus join Part III.A.2. However,
    since Judge Van Antwerpen’s discussion of that point is brief,
    I think it useful to expand upon it, and begin with that issue.
    The anti-alienation or spendthrift provision, 
    29 U.S.C. § 1056
    (d), provides:
    Assignment or alienation of plan benefits
    (1) Each pension plan shall provide that benefits
    provided under the plan may not be assigned or
    As Judge Van Antwerpen notes, “assignment” or “alienation”
    is defined by regulation to include:
    Any direct or indirect arrangement (whether
    revocable or irrevocable) whereby a party
    acquires from a participant or beneficiary a right
    or interest enforceable against the plan in, or to,
    all or any part of a plan benefit payment which
    is, or may become, payable to the participant or
    26 C.F.R. 1.401(a)-13(c)(1)(ii).7 Under this definition, I think
    that the purported waiver in this case was clearly a prohibited
    assignment or alienation. Rosemary’s waiver was more than a
    renunciation of her right to benefits under the plan; rather, it
    was an attempt to transfer her interest in the plan to
    McGowan, with the expectation that he would then be
    permitted to assign that interest to someone else, as he in fact
    attempted to do on two separate occasions. I see nothing in
    the anti-alienation provision that excepts transfers from plan
    Neither party has challenged the validity of this definition,
    and the Supreme Court’s reliance on it in Boggs v. Boggs, 
    520 U.S. 833
    , 851 (1997), suggests that we owe it deference.
    beneficiaries to plan participants, particularly when the plan
    participant then seeks to transfer that interest to a third party.
    The purported waiver in this case fits squarely within the
    definition of assignment or alienation as an “indirect
    arrangement . . . whereby a party acquires from a participant
    or beneficiary a right or interest enforceable against the plan.”
    In this context, it is also useful to reference the QDRO
    provisions, for they shed additional light upon the subject.
    Congress added the QDRO provisions at the same time it
    required plans to offer benefits in the form of qualified joint
    and survivor annuities. See Retirement Equity Act of 1984,
    Pub. L. No. 98-397, 
    98 Stat. 1426
     (1984). I believe that
    Congress saw QDROs as the only means by which a
    participant or beneficiary could assign or alienate his or her
    interest in the plan.8 This is confirmed by the language from
    While I join in Part III.A.2 of the majority opinion, believing
    that Judge Van Antwerpen correctly interprets the Supreme
    Court’s discussion of the QDRO provision in Boggs v. Boggs,
    520 U.S. 833
     (1997), I feel constrained to note that the Supreme
    Court's congressional silence jurisprudence is somewhat of a
    patchwork. To be sure, a number of cases use silence as
    evidence of legislative intent, see, e.g., Morrison-Knudsen
    Construction Co. v. Director, Office of Workers’ Compensation
    461 U.S. 624
    , 632-33 (1983); Johnson v.
    Transportation Agency, 
    480 U.S. 616
    , 629 n.7 (1987).
    However, Justice Scalia dissented in Johnson, delivering a
    critique of the majority’s discussion of silence. First, Justice
    Scalia argued that the assumption that Congress’s failure to
    the 1984 Senate Report noting that, absent a QDRO, the
    participant’s first spouse is still entitled to benefits upon the
    participant’s death.9 Since the waiver at issue in this case was
    amend a statute demonstrates that a prior judicial interpretation
    of the statute is correct should be abandoned because “[i]t is
    based. . .on the patently false premise that the correctness of
    statutory construction is to be measured by what the current
    Congress desires, rather than by what the law as enacted meant.”
    Id. at 671
     (Scalia, J., dissenting). Justice Scalia also argued that
    it is impossible to determine whether congressional silence
    demonstrates “(1) approval of the status quo, as opposed to (2)
    inability to agree upon how to alter the status quo, (3)
    unawareness of the status quo, (4) indifference to the status quo,
    or even (5) political cowardice.” 
    Id. at 672
    Moreover, a number of cases have rejected silence as
    evidence of legislative intent. See e.g. Fogerty v. Fantasy, Inc.
    510 U.S. 517
    , 527-33 (1994); Borough of Ridgefield v. New
    York Susquehanna & Western Railroad, 
    810 F.2d 57
    , 60 (3d Cir.
    The Report stated:
    The bill provides that a qualified joint and
    survivor annuity is not required to be provided by
    a plan unless the participant and spouse have been
    married throughout the one-year period ending on
    the earlier of (1) the participant’s annuity starting
    date (the first day of the first period for which an
    amount is received as an annuity (whether by
    not a QDRO, it is prohibited by ERISA’s anti-alienation
    Nevertheless, some courts have concluded that the
    anti-alienation clause was intended solely to prevent the
    participant from alienating his or her benefits and should not
    act to prevent a secondary beneficiary from alienating his or
    her rights. For instance, Judge Harlington Wood, Jr.,
    speaking for the full Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit,
    reason of retirement or disability)), or (2) the date
    of the participant’s death. If a participant dies
    after the annuity starting date, the spouse to
    whom the participant was married during the
    one-year period ending on the annuity starting
    date is entitled to the survivor annuity under the
    plan whether or not the participant and spouse
    are married on the date of the participant’s death.
    The rule does not apply, however, if a qualified
    domestic relations orders . . . otherwise provides
    for the division for payment of the participant’s
    retirement benefits. For example, a qualified
    domestic relations order could provide that the
    former spouse is not entitled to any survivor
    benefits under the plan.
    S. Rep. No. 98-575, reprinted in 1984 U.S.C.C.A.N. 2547,
    2561-62 (emphasis added).
    The spendthrift provisions of ERISA are
    designed to “ensure that the employee’s accrued
    benefits are actually available for retirement
    purposes,” by preventing unwise assignment or
    alienation. These provisions focus on the
    assignment or alienation of benefits by a
    participant, not the waiver of a right to payment
    of benefits made by a designated beneficiary.
    Fox Valley & Vicinity Constr. Workers Pension Fund v.
    897 F.2d 275
    , 279 (7th Cir. 1990) (en banc) (citation
    omitted); see also Estate of Altobelli v. International Business
    Machines Corp., 
    77 F.3d 78
    , 81 (4th Cir. 1996) (“We agree
    with the Seventh Circuit that the anti-alienation clause does
    not apply to a beneficiary’s waiver.”).
    This approach is not without appeal. It does seem
    untoward that McGowan should not be able to have his
    pension awarded to his present wife, rather than to a woman
    from whom he is long divorced. The anti-alienation clause,
    however, does not distinguish between benefits provided to
    participants and those provided to secondary beneficiaries;
    rather, it simply states that “benefits provided under the plan
    may not be assigned or alienated.” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1056
    Additionally, while the legislative history supports the view
    that the purpose of the clause was to prohibit a spendthrift
    from unwisely selling his or her interests in a plan, there is no
    reason why this focus of this concern should be limited to
    plan participants. If, hypothetically, McGowan were still
    married to Rosemary, but she wanted to sell her rights under
    the plan, I believe that most courts would find such a sale to
    be prohibited. This view finds support in Judge Easterbrook’s
    dissenting opinion in Fox Valley:
    Although the majority holds that this rule
    applies only to “participants” in a pension plan
    29 U.S.C. § 1002
    (7) defines that term, it is
    not so limited. Section 1056(d)(1) bars the
    assignment of “benefits”—that is, payments
    under the plan—without regard to the identity
    of the person making that assignment. Section
    1056(d)(2) reinforces this in saying that “a loan
    made to a participant or beneficiary shall not be
    treated as an assignment or alienation”, an
    exemption unnecessary if the anti-alienation
    clause does not apply to beneficiaries in the first
    place. So Laurine could not have transferred the
    money to Dessie in exchange for a sofa—at
    least, Dessie could not have enforced the
    promise by attaching the benefits as they came
    in. Why, then, should Laurine be allowed to
    transfer the money to Dessie without getting a
    897 F. 2d at 283 (Easterbrook, J., dissenting).
    In view of the foregoing, I do not see how the fact that
    McGowan and Rosemary are divorced changes this analysis.
    Since the waiver in this case occurred in the context of a
    divorce settlement, it would not be unreasonable to assume
    that Rosemary received something—perhaps not a sofa, but
    probably a greater share of some other portion of McGowan’s
    assets—in return for her agreement to waive her interest in
    McGowan’s pension plan. While Congress may have only
    intended to bar the “unwise” alienation of benefits, the plain
    language of the anti-alienation clause prohibits us from
    inquiring into the wisdom of a beneficiary’s decision to
    transfer her interest to someone else.
    Finally, as Judge Van Antwerpen correctly notes, this
    interpretation finds further support in Boggs. In that case, the
    Court held that the anti-alienation clause preempted a state
    law permitting a testamentary transfer by a plan beneficiary.
    520 U.S. at 851
    . At the very least, Boggs stands for the
    proposition that the anti-alienation clause applies equally to
    beneficiaries and participants, and thus it implicitly rejects the
    reasoning relied on by the Seventh Circuit in Fox Valley.
    For all these reasons, I agree with Judge Van
    Antwerpen that the anti-alienation clause prohibits
    Rosemary’s waiver.
    Most courts adopting the minority rule have not relied
    on ERISA’s anti-alienation clause; rather, like Judge Van
    Antwerpen, they have looked to 
    29 U.S.C. § 1104
    (a)(1). That
    section provides:
    . . . [A] fiduciary shall discharge his duties with
    respect to a plan solely in the interest of the
    participants and beneficiaries and—
    (D) in accordance with the
    documents and instruments
    governing the plan insofar as such
    documents and instruments are
    consistent with the provisions of
    this subchapter and subchapter III
    of this chapter.
    Judge Van Antwerpen concludes that this provision “dictates
    that it is the documents on file with the Plan, and not outside
    private agreements between beneficiaries and participants,
    that determine the rights of the parties.” See Maj. Op. at 9. I
    am not persuaded that this is the case. In my view, §
    1104(a)(1)(D) simply embodies the common-sense notion that
    a plan administrator should not take actions that are
    inconsistent with the plan’s guidelines. Nothing in the
    language prohibits the administrator from consulting other
    documents, insofar as those documents do not conflict with
    the language of the plan. Indeed, an administrator must
    consult other documents to determine whether a participant
    has obtained a valid QDRO.
    In this regard, it is important to note that the provision
    authorizing QDROs explicitly states that such orders are
    exempt from ERISA’s anti-alienation clause but says nothing
    whatsoever about § 1104(a)(1)(D). This suggests that
    Congress simply did not see a conflict between the
    requirement that plan administrators perform their duties “in
    accordance with the documents and instruments governing the
    plan” and the requirement that they give effect to a transfer of
    benefits pursuant to a QDRO, underscoring my view that the
    real obstacle to the waiver in this case is the anti-alienation
    clause, not § 1104(a)(1)(D).
    The plan documents in this case do not explicitly
    prohibit waivers of the sort Rosemary sought to execute.10
    Rather, the documents mirror the statutory language regarding
    the ability of a participant to waive the qualified joint and
    survivor annuity provided his spouse consents and does so
    prior to the date the spouse begins receiving benefits. Thus,
    The applicable provision reads:
    The Participant may exercise his right to elect an
    optional form of benefit at any time during the
    election period specific in paragraph (b) below;
    provided, however, that such election . . . shall be
    effective only if made in writing on a form
    provided by the Committee for that purpose,
    signed by the Participant and delivered to the
    Committee during the election period. Such
    election form shall provide for the Participant to
    certify (i) that he revokes the automatic surviving
    spouse option or (ii) that he elects to be covered
    under such option . . . .
    the Plan documents do not prohibit waivers of the sort at issue
    Judge Van Antwerpen also argues, in accord with
    many of the courts that have adopted the minority rule, that
    concerns of efficiency and uniformity justify refusing to
    permit a beneficiary to waive her right to benefits. I am not
    persuaded by this argument. While Congress clearly intended
    to promote the uniform and efficient operation of plans, I
    agree with McGowan that the increased burden on the plan in
    this case would be minimal, particularly in light of the fact
    that plan administrators must already review external
    documents to determine whether they qualify as QDROs.
    Judge Van Antwerpen argues that it is inherently easier
    for plan administrators to evaluate purported QDROs, because
    the statutory authorization for such agreements provides
    specific criteria for doing so. But I see nothing that would
    prohibit us from using our authority to fashion federal
    common law in this area to develop similarly clear criteria for
    evaluating purported waivers.
    In addition, as both parties acknowledge, plan
    administrators would need to make further actuarial
    calculations when a beneficiary waives her right to benefits.
    But administrators already need to make such calculations in
    the context of QDROs, and indeed in most cases of this genre.
    These kinds of calculations are de rigeur for plan
    administrators; it is the “stuff” of their work. Thus, while
    there would be some additional burden, I do not think it is
    nearly as great as Judge Van Antwerpen suggests.
    For the above reasons, while I do not agree with some
    of the justifications offered in Judge Van Antwerpen’s
    opinion, I concur in the result and in the judgment. The plain
    language of ERISA prohibits waivers of the type at issue here,
    so we have no choice but to affirm the decision of the District
    McGowan v. NJR Service Corporation; New Jersey Natural
    Gas Company, No. 04-3620
    Fuentes, Circuit Judge, dissenting.
    I disagree with the result reached by Judge Van
    Antwerpen and Judge Becker, that, although Rosemary
    knowingly and voluntarily signed a waiver of her pension
    benefits, in accordance with a negotiated and court-approved
    divorce settlement, the waiver is not permitted under ERISA.
    The primary question here is whether Rosemary may waive her
    pension benefits despite ERISA’s anti-alienation provision,
    which bars alienation or assignment of pension benefits absent
    a particular order not present here. This question is the subject
    of a long-standing “circuit split,” the minority position of which
    is adopted by my colleagues today.
    Because I believe that both ERISA and the Plan are silent
    on the enforceability of waivers of benefits (as waivers are
    neither alienations nor assignments), and that federal common
    law ought to fill this gap by respecting the time-honored
    principle of state autonomy in the domestic law area, I would
    allow waivers of sufficient specificity to be given effect. I
    therefore respectfully dissent.11
    A.     ERISA’s Anti-Alienation Clause
    My colleagues agree that ERISA’s anti-alienation (or
    “spendthrift”) clause, 
    29 U.S.C. § 1056
    (d), bars the waiver in
    this case. I, however, agree with the Courts of Appeals that
    have found that the anti-alienation provision does not address
    waivers. See, e.g., Estate of Altobelli v. Int’l Bus. Mach. Corp.,
    77 F.3d 78
    , 81 (4th Cir. 1996); Fox Valley & Vicinity Constr.
    Workers Pension Fund v. Brown, 
    897 F.2d 275
    , 280 (7th Cir.
    1990) (en banc); cf. Metro. Life Ins. Co. v. Hanslip, 
    939 F.2d 904
    , 907 (10th Cir. 1991) (noting that an “applicable divorce
    decree” may change a beneficiary designation); Lyman Lumber
    Co. v. Hill, 
    877 F.2d 692
    , 693 (8th Cir. 1989) (finding that no
    provision of ERISA addresses waiver).12 ERISA is a detailed
    I join Judge Van Antwerpen’s opinion as to Part III.B.
    I find it immaterial that the waiver here took place after
    McGowan’s retirement. But see Anderson v. Marshall, 
    856 F. Supp. 604
    , 607 (D. Kan. 1994). The Plan here does contain an
    anti-revocation provision, modeled after 
    29 U.S.C. § 1055
    which bars revocation of the pension benefit involved here after
    and carefully worded statute, and I am wary of expanding the
    prohibitions in § 1056(d) beyond those specifically enumerated
    by Congress. Cf. Great-West Life & Annuity Ins. Co. v.
    534 U.S. 204
    , 209 (2002) (“[W]e have noted that
    ERISA’s carefully crafted and detailed enforcement scheme
    provides strong evidence that Congress did not intend to
    authorize other remedies that it simply forgot to incorporate
    expressly.”) (internal quotations omitted).
    As my colleagues recognize, absent a Qualified Domestic
    Relations Order (“QDRO”), the anti-alienation clause bars only
    assignments and alienations of benefits; it makes no reference
    to waivers. An “alienation” is a “[c]onveyance or transfer of
    property to another.” Black’s Law Dictionary 73 (7th ed. 1999)
    (emphases added). “Assignment” is defined as “the transfer of
    rights or property.” Id. at 115 (emphasis added); see also id.
    (“‘An assignment is a transfer or setting over of property, or of
    some right or interest therein, from one person to
    another . . . .’”) (quoting Alexander M. Burrill, A Treatise on the
    Law and Practice of Voluntary Assignments for the Benefit of
    Creditors § 1, at 1 (James Avery Webb 6th ed. 1894)). In
    contrast, “waiver” is defined as “[t]he voluntary relinquishment
    or abandonment–express or implied–of a legal right or
    advantage.” Id. at 1574. Waiver does not involve a transfer of
    retirement. However, a revocation (with consent) of one’s
    election to a benefit is materially different from a waiver of
    benefits by a vested beneficiary, as the language of § 1055(c)
    appears to be a limitation only on the participant’s actions,
    rather than on the beneficiary’s actions.
    rights; it is merely a relinquishment. Congress understands this
    distinction between a waiver and an assignment, see 
    5 U.S.C. § 8465
    ,13 and chose only to prohibit the latter (along with
    alienations) in the anti-alienation provision of ERISA.
    I find the distinction between waiver and assignment or
    alienation to be a significant one. The anti-alienation provision
    serves specific purposes. It prevents spouses who have been
    given rights and benefits under a plan from unwisely
    squandering those rights. For example, it safeguards against
    unscrupulous predators preying upon participants and
    beneficiaries by offering inadequate immediate gratification in
    Section 8465, which governs the Federal Employees’
    Retirement System and is entitled “Waiver, allotment, and
    assignment of benefits,” reads:
    (a) An individual entitled to an annuity payable
    from the Fund may decline to accept all or any
    part of the amount of the annuity by a waiver
    signed and filed with the Office. The waiver may
    be revoked in writing at any time. Payment of the
    annuity waived may not be made for the period
    during which the waiver is in effect.
    (b) An individual entitled to an annuity payable
    from the Fund may make allotments or
    assignments of amounts from the annuity for such
    purposes as the Office considers appropriate.
    § 8465 (emphases added).
    exchange for the long-term benefits ERISA is designed to
    guarantee. See Coar v. Kazimir, 
    990 F.2d 1413
    , 1420 (3d Cir.
    1993)14 (noting that the legislative history of the anti-alienation
    provision suggests that it was “intended to protect plan
    beneficiaries by ensuring that plan assets are used only for
    payment of benefits”) (internal quotation omitted). These
    concerns are not nearly as strong with respect to waiver, as
    waiver is not likely to be induced by an offer from an
    unscrupulous, predatory character. Only the participant would
    derive benefits from a waiver (as one cannot waive rights to a
    third party), whereas anyone could pay a beneficiary for an
    assignment or alienation. Another concern animating the anti-
    alienation provision is creditor’s access to benefits, which is
    notably absent here. 15 See Coar, 990 F.2d at 1420-21 (noting
    that “we do not believe that Congress intended the
    Similar to the set-off in Coar, the waiver here is
    conceptually distinct from assignment and alienation.
    Accordingly, our comment that “inasmuch as a set-off is not an
    alienation, then the absence of an exception allowing a set-off
    to the restraint on alienation is meaningless” applies with equal
    force here. Coar, 990 F.2d at 1424.
    We also noted in Coar that the legislative history of the
    provision speaks of “a garnishment or levy” and that the there
    are remarks in the history that term it an “anti-garnishment
    provision.” 990 F.2d at 1420-21. Congress’s concern regarding
    this sort of involuntary alienation further underscores my belief
    that it was not targeting knowing and voluntary waivers when
    drafting the provision.
    anti-alienation provision to dilute the potential relief available
    to pension beneficiaries. Instead, we read section 206(d)(1) and,
    by extension [Guidry v. Sheet Metal Workers National Pension
    493 U.S. 365
     (1990)], as shielding only the beneficiaries’
    interest under the pension plan from third-party creditors.”).
    Both of my colleagues find much import in 
    26 C.F.R. § 1.401
    (a)-13(c)(1)(ii), a regulation promulgated by the Internal
    Revenue Service concerning the anti-alienation provision. The
    regulation interprets the statute as covering “[a]ny direct or
    indirect arrangement (whether revocable or irrevocable)
    whereby a party acquires from a participant or beneficiary a
    right or interest enforceable against the plan.” 
     As noted by
    my colleagues, allowing McGowan’s subsequent and
    independent attempt to nominate Donna appears to transform
    Rosemary’s waiver into an indirect assignment, as described by
    26 C.F.R. § 1.401
    (a)-13(c)(1)(ii). However, such a reading
    allows third-party actions to invalidate what would otherwise be
    valid waivers. Indeed, the majority would appear to prohibit all
    waivers, even though in many cases, there will be no
    “renomination” at issue. The majority’s argument also puts the
    cart before the horse, inasmuch as it presupposes that the Plan
    must give effect to McGowan’s renomination of Donna. Were
    the combination of the waiver and the nomination to create a
    prohibited indirect assignment, only the latter action should be
    invalidated, as it is that action that creates the problematic
    arrangement.16 Conceiving of the waiver as an acquisition of
    Although I would have remanded the question whether the
    renomination of Donna for the annuity option should be given
    rights by McGowan himself is also untenable, as he would not
    get rights to the benefit involved here (a survivor annuity) if the
    waiver is given effect. Instead, the right to the annuity would be
    destroyed by the waiver.
    In Boggs v. Boggs, the Supreme Court “consider[ed]
    whether [ERISA] pre-empts a state law allowing a
    nonparticipant spouse to transfer by testamentary instrument an
    interest in undistributed pension plan benefits.” 
    520 U.S. 833
    835-36 (1997). The Court addressed whether state community
    property law was preempted by ERISA, and the Court rejected
    the argument that ERISA simply did not speak to the issue. It
    found that it could “begin, and in this case end, the analysis by
    simply asking if state law conflicts with the provisions of
    ERISA or operates to frustrate its objects” and held “that there
    is a conflict, which suffices to resolve the case.” 
    Id. at 841
    . All
    of the cases considering Boggs’s effect on waivers of the sort
    considered here recognize that ERISA broadly preempts state
    effect, I note that there are good reasons not to honor it. If no
    renomination is allowed, waiver could only occur once, so there
    would be no danger of repeated divorces causing high
    administrative costs based on the need to do several actuarial
    recalculations. However, this is not to say that Donna would be
    without protection, as the waiver would likely result in the
    lump-sum death benefit under Section 6.2 of the Plan (as
    opposed to the survivor annuity under Option B of Section 8.2)
    going into effect, as the annuity option would then not be
    effective. Indeed, McGowan could change beneficiaries for the
    lump-sum benefit freely under Section 6.3.
    law, and go on to find that the federal common law approach is
    not in conflict with the holding of Boggs. See, e.g., Manning v.
    212 F.3d 866
    , 873 (5th Cir. 2000) (holding that Boggs
    does not cast doubt on Brandon v. Travelers Ins. Co., 
    18 F.3d 1321
     (5th Cir. 1994)); Metro. Life Ins. Co. v. Pettit, 
    164 F.3d 857
    , 864 (4th Cir. 1998) (reaffirming Altobelli after Boggs).
    Importantly, when discussing the surviving spouse annuity
    (which is the benefit here), the Boggs Court noted that the wife
    “has not waived her right to the survivor’s annuity.” 
    520 U.S. at 842
    . Also, the Court, noted that the “anti-alienation provision
    can ‘be seen to bespeak a pension law protective policy of
    special intensity: Retirement funds shall remain inviolate until
    Id. at 851
     (quoting J. Langbein & B. Wolk,
    Pension and Employee Benefit Law 547 (2d ed. 1995)). Here,
    Rosemary’s waiver occurred after McGowan’s retirement.
    However, some of the language in Boggs may cast doubt
    on the policies behind the majority rule. The Court stated that
    the “principal object [of ERISA] is to protect plan participants
    and beneficiaries.” 
    Id. at 845
     (emphasis added). This language
    seems to conflict with the language in the Fox Valley majority
    opinion discussing how the QDRO provision is meant to protect
    participants, not beneficiaries. Compare 
    id. at 847
     (“In creating
    the QDRO mechanism Congress was careful to provide that the
    alternate payee, the ‘spouse, former spouse, child, or other
    dependent of a participant,’ is to be considered a plan
    beneficiary.”) (quoting §§ 1056(d)(3)(K) & (J)), with Fox
    897 F.2d at 279
     (noting that the anti-alienation provision
    “focus[es] on the assignment or alienation of benefits by a
    participant, not the waiver of a right to payment of benefits
    made by a designated beneficiary”). Similarly, the Court noted
    that “[t]he QDRO provisions protect those persons who, often
    as a result of divorce, might not receive the benefits they
    otherwise would have had available during their retirement as a
    means of income.” Id. at 854; see also id. at 853 (“Even a plan
    participant cannot defeat a nonparticipant surviving spouse’s
    statutory entitlement to an annuity.”). I agree with my
    colleagues that Boggs makes clear that the anti-alienation clause
    provides a restraint on actions by both participants and
    beneficiaries. However, that does not change my view that the
    provision does not speak to waivers.
    Given the silence of the anti-alienation provision on the
    issue of waiver, I find it inapplicable here. I agree with Judge
    Becker, for the reasons he states, that the fiduciary duty
    provision of ERISA, 
    29 U.S.C. § 1104
    (a)(1)(D), is of no import
    here.17    Because the QDRO exception applies only to
    I note also that Judge Van Antwerpen’s opinion reads this
    provision as allowing all documents filed with the Plan to
    govern its administration, including forms filed to designate
    beneficiaries. However, although I need not resolve this issue
    because this case is ultimately decided only on the anti-
    alienation provision, I note in passing that the governing
    documents could reasonably be limited to those that set forth the
    terms of the plan. Cf. McElroy v. SmithKline Beecham Health
    & Welfare Benefits Trust Plan for U.S. Employees, 
    340 F.3d 139
    , 143-44 (3d Cir. 2003) (“Clearly, the ‘documents and
    instruments governing the plan’ do not necessarily include all
    relevant documents and, in particular, do not necessarily include
    the plaintiff’s claim file.”).
    assignments and alienations, it is also irrelevant to this case. See
    Fox Valley, 
    897 F.2d at 279
     (“The QDRO requirements specify
    the procedures necessary to assign benefits, but those procedures
    need not be followed when a nonparticipant is waiving an
    interest in pension benefits. ERISA allows beneficiaries to
    waive their interests in benefits.”).
    In accord with the majority of the courts of appeals that
    have faced the issue, given the comprehensive nature of ERISA,
    its broad preemptive scope, and its goal of uniformity in the law
    of employee benefit plans, I believe that ERISA’s silence on
    waiver should be filled by federal common law. See McGurl v.
    Trucking Employees of North Jersey Welfare Fund, Inc., 
    124 F.3d 471
    , 481 (3d Cir. 1997) (“‘[W]here state law is preempted
    and no specific federal provision governs, a court is forced to
    make law or leave a void where neither state nor federal law
    applies. In such a situation it is a reasonable inference that
    Congress intended some law, and therefore federal law, to
    apply.’”) (quoting Wayne Chem., Inc. v. Columbus Agency
    Serv. Corp., 
    426 F. Supp. 316
    , 322 (N.D. Ill. 1977)); see also
    Heasley v. Belden & Blake Corp., 
    2 F.3d 1249
    , 1257 n.8 (3d
    Cir. 1993) (“[Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Bruch, 
    489 U.S. 101
    , 110 (1989)] authorizes the federal courts to develop federal
    common law to fill gaps left by ERISA.”).
    B.      Federal Common Law
    My conclusion that federal common law should fill the
    gap in ERISA concerning the enforceability of waivers does not
    end the inquiry, as it must be determined whether, and in what
    instances, federal common law should recognize waivers.
    Allowing waiver fulfills the intent of the parties to a divorce,
    allows spouses broader room to negotiate during the settlement
    of property attendant to divorce, and comports with
    longstanding common law domestic relations rules. The Fox
    Valley majority reasoned that, because ERISA does not prohibit
    or preempt a waiver and because enforcement will not create an
    undue burden for plan administrators, a proper waiver should be
    given effect. 897 F.2d at 279-80; see also Altobelli, 77 F.3d at
    I agree with Judge Becker that the enforcement of
    waivers would not lead to disuniformity and complexity in the
    administration of ERISA plans. The Fox Valley court also
    disagreed with the suggestion that its “decision imposes
    burdensome obligations on plan administrators,” stating that
    “[n]o such additional burdens will be imposed because, under
    the ERISA statutory scheme, a plan administrator must
    investigate the marital history of a participant and determine
    whether any domestic relations orders exist that could affect the
    distribution of benefits.” 879 F.2d at 282. The Fifth Circuit has
    also discussed the “long and venerable history” of “[f]ederal
    respect for state domestic relations law” in support of the federal
    common law approach. Brandon, 
    18 F.3d at 1326
     (quoting De
    Sylva v. Ballentine, 
    351 U.S. 570
    , 580 (1956) (citations
    omitted)). I find the reasoning of the Fox Valley and Brandon
    courts to be compelling.
    Although I find that federal policy favors giving effect to
    waivers, it is still unclear whether federal common law should
    (1) allow waivers to be given effect if the plan provisions do not
    specifically prohibit it or (2) mandate that waivers be given
    effect notwithstanding any plan provisions to the contrary.
    Although the former option may be more in line with
    § 1104(a)(1)(D) (the fiduciary duty provision), the better option
    is the latter, which promotes uniformity and certainty in plan
    administration. However, given that the Plan here is silent on
    waiver, this case does not mandate resolution of this issue, as
    Rosemary’s waiver should be given effect under either
    Although in some cases there may be a dispute over
    whether particular language in a divorce settlement is specific
    and definite enough to constitute waiver of a pension benefit,
    there is no serious dispute here as to whether Rosemary’s waiver
    was insufficient. It clearly identified the Plan and waives all
    rights to benefits under the Plan. Accordingly, I would give
    effect to Rosemary’s waiver.

Document Info

Docket Number: 04-3620

Filed Date: 9/13/2005

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

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