St George Warehouse v. NLRB ( 2005 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2005 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    St George Warehouse v. NLRB
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 04-2893
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    Nos. 04-2893 and 04-3363
    Petitioner in No. 04-2893
    Petitioner in No. 04-3363
    On Application for Review and Cross-Application for
    Enforcement of an Order of the National Labor Relations
    Board Entered May 12, 2004, in Case 22-CA-24902
    Argued May 9, 2005
    Before: SLOVITER and FISHER, Circuit Judges,
    and POLLAK,* District Judge.
    *Honorable Louis H. Pollak, Senior District Judge for the
    United States District Court for the Eastern District of
    Pennsylvania, sitting by designation.
    (Filed August 23, 2005)
    JOHN A. CRANER, Esq. (argued)
    Craner, Satkin & Scheer, P.A.
    320 Park Avenue
    P.O. Box 367
    Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
    Attorney for St. George Warehouse, Inc.
    DANIEL A. BLITZ, Esq. (argued)
    JOHN E. HIGGINS, JR., Esq.
    National Labor Relations Board
    1099 14 th Street, NW
    Suite 8101
    Washington, DC 20570
    Attorneys for National Labor Relations Board
    POLLAK, District Judge:
    St. George Warehouse, Inc. (“St. George”), a company
    that warehouses shipping containers, petitions for review of
    an order of the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” and
    “Board”) finding that it violated section 8(a)(5) and 8(a)(1) of
    the NLRA, 
    29 U.S.C. § 158
    (a)(1) and (5),1 by unilaterally
    transferring unit work to temporary agency employees, who
    are not union members. To remedy these violations, the Board
    ordered St. George to restore the ratio of direct hires to
    temporary agency employees to the status quo that existed just
    prior to the union election. St. George contests the Board’s
    order, arguing that the union’s complaint was time-barred,
    that the hiring practices complained of were consistent with
    the NLRA, and that the restoration remedy is “repugnant” to
    the purposes and policies undergirding the NLRA. The Board
    has cross-petitioned, seeking enforcement of its order. For the
    reasons which follow, we will deny the petition for review
    and enforce the order of the Board.
    “Unfair labor practices by employer. It shall be an unfair
    labor practice for an employer--
    (1) to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the
    exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 7 [29 USCS §
    157]; ... (5) to refuse to bargain collectively with the
    representatives of his employees, subject to the provisions of
    section 9(a) [29 USCS § 159(a)].” 29 USCS § 158(a).
    St. George is a corporation with an office and place of
    business in South Kearny, New Jersey, that warehouses
    containers from ships. On March 8, 1999, Local 641 of the
    International Brotherhood of Teamsters (“IBT”) petitioned the
    NLRB for a representation election of St. George’s warehouse
    employees. According to Local 641, the unit was to include
    “[a]ll full-time and regular part-time warehouse employees
    employed by [St. George] at its South Kearny, New Jersey
    facility, but excluding all temporary agency employees, office
    clerical employees, professional employees, guards and
    supervisors as defined in the Act.” J.A. at 11 (emphasis
    On April 14, 1999, a secret ballot election was held at
    St. George. The union won the election and, on October 27,
    2000, the union was certified. On December 19, 2000, the
    union requested that St. George meet with it to begin the
    collective bargaining process. St. George refused, and Local
    641 filed an unfair labor practice charge. On April 10, 2001,
    the Board ruled in favor of the union on summary judgment
    St. George represents, and the Board does not dispute, that
    what distinguishes the “temporary agency employee” from the
    employee eligible for inclusion in the unit is not the amount of
    time for which each works for St. George but the employer of
    each. In particular, the agency employee is jointly employed
    by the agency and St. George, while the unit employee is
    employed directly and exclusively by St. George.
    and, on August 7, 2001, the Third Circuit enforced the
    Board’s order directing St. George to bargain collectively
    with the union. St. George Warehouse, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    261 F.3d 493
     (3d Cir. 2001).
    In 2002, the union filed a second unfair practice charge
    with the NLRB. That charge alleged that St. George had
    decided, some time after the union election, to stop making
    direct hires, and to replace terminated or departed workers
    exclusively with agency (i.e., non-unit) employees. As a result
    of this practice, the unit decreased from 42 employees at the
    time of the election to 8 employees by July 2002, when the
    union and St. George appeared before an ALJ for a hearing
    inquiring into St. George’s hiring practices. It is undisputed
    that the decision to replace departing direct hires with
    temporary agency workers was made unilaterally, without
    notice to the union or an opportunity for it to bargain.
    The ALJ found that St. George had altered the status
    quo that existed before the union election. More specifically,
    the ALJ determined that prior to the union’s election, which
    was held in April 1999, St. George did not have a policy or
    practice of hiring agency warehousemen to replace direct
    hires who left St. George’s employ. The ALJ concluded that
    St. George’s unilateral transfer of unit work to temporary
    agency employees without giving the union notice and the
    opportunity to bargain violated section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the
    29 U.S.C. §158
    (a)(5) and (1).3
    In reviewing the ALJ’s decision, the Board agreed with
    the ALJ’s finding that St. George had violated section 8(a)(5)
    and (1) by unilaterally transferring work to agency employees.
    The Board disagreed with the ALJ’s proposed remedy for the
    section 8(a)(5) and (1) violations, however. The ALJ had
    recommended that St. George immediately restore and
    maintain the ratio of direct hires to agency employees that
    existed at the time of the union election, which the ALJ found
    to be 7:1. The Board determined that the 7:1 ratio was not
    entirely appropriate because, prior to the union election, the
    total number of agency employees used by St. George
    fluctuated from week to week, as did the total number of
    direct hires. The ALJ’s 7:1 ratio did not account for this
    fluctuation. Thus, the Board decided to leave to the
    compliance stage the determination of the proportion of direct
    hires and agency employees that St. George must maintain in
    The ALJ found further that St. George violated these same
    provisions by (a) failing to furnish the union with the names
    and addresses of the temporary agencies supplying workers to
    St. George, as well as the contracts governing the terms of
    employment of the temporary agency workers; and (b)
    engaging in surface bargaining (i.e., by failing to engage in
    good faith bargaining). The Board affirmed the ALJ with
    respect to St. George’s failure to supply the information that
    the union requested, but rejected the ALJ’s finding with
    respect to surface bargaining. Neither of these issues is before
    this court.
    order for the unit to be properly restored.4
    St. George has petitioned for review, and the Board has
    cross-petitioned for enforcement of its order.
    Section 10(b) of the NLRA, 
    29 U.S.C. § 160
    provides in relevant part that “no complaint shall issue based
    on any unfair labor practice occurring more than six months
    prior to the filing of the charge with the Board and the service
    of a copy thereof upon the person against whom such charge
    is made.” St. George argues that the union was aware of the
    labor practice of which it complains more than six months
    before November 26, 2001, when the union filed its charge. In
    particular, St. George maintains that, as of December 2000,
    Jan Katz, who was made the union’s business agent in April
    The Board’s order also required St. George to notify, and on
    request bargain collectively with, the union before
    implementing any changes in the terms of the unit members’
    employment; provide the union with the information it
    requested regarding the agencies and the agency workers’
    employment terms; post copies of the Board’s decision at the
    warehouse; and notify the Board by sworn affidavit sent
    within 21 days of the date of the Board’s decision that St.
    George was in compliance.
    Because the Board found that St. George had not
    engaged in surface bargaining, it rejected the remedy that the
    ALJ had proposed to address this alleged violation.
    2001, knew or should have known about St. George’s transfer
    of unit positions to temporary agency employees. St. George
    thus contends that the union’s complaint is time-barred.
    St. George presented this argument to both the ALJ
    and the Board. The ALJ found that Katz, who testified that it
    was August 2001 when he first learned of the shift in
    employee composition, was credible. The Board agreed that
    St. George had not met its burden of establishing that the
    union had actual or constructive notice of St. George’s hiring
    practices prior to August 2001. St. George nonetheless asks
    the court to reject Katz’s testimony and credit instead the
    testimony of Tony Daniels, from whose statements St. George
    infers that Katz would have learned of the unilateral transfers
    in April 2001.
    “The final determination of credibility rests with the
    Administrative Law Judge as long as he considers all relevant
    factors and sufficiently explains his resolutions.” NLRB v. W.
    C. McQuaide, Inc., 
    552 F.2d 519
    , 526 n.14 (3d Cir. 1977).
    Further, “[t]he ALJ's credibility determinations should not be
    reversed unless inherently incredible or patently
    unreasonable.” Atlantic Limousine, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    243 F.3d 711
    , 718-19 (3d Cir. 2001) (quoting NLRB v. Lee Hotel
    13 F.3d 1347
     (9th Cir. 1994)). We will not substitute
    our own credibility finding for the ALJ’s, especially where, as
    the ALJ noted was the case here, a witness’s testimony is
    corroborated by documentary evidence and the testimony of
    other witnesses. Accordingly, we find no error in the Board’s
    determination that the charge was not time-barred.
    Because St. George’s practice of supplementing direct
    hires with temporary agency employees pre-dated the union
    election, and because the union certification specifically
    excluded, inter alia, “temporary agency employees,” St.
    George argues that it was free to hire temporary agency
    employees in whatever numbers it chose without first seeking
    union approval.
    The ALJ found that the decision to replace direct hires
    with temporary agency employees occurred some time after
    the union election, but before certification, and that this
    decision marked a significant change from St. George’s pre-
    election hiring practices, according to which it used agency
    employees only to supplement and augment the workforce
    consisting of direct hires, and not to replace the direct hires.
    “[A]n employer that chooses unilaterally to change its
    employees' terms and conditions of employment between the
    time of an election and the time of certification does so at its
    own peril, if the union is ultimately certified.” Overnite
    Transportation Co., 
    335 N.L.R.B. 372
    , 372-373 (2001). The
    record amply supports the ALJ’s findings regarding the
    timing and significance of St. George’s decision to replace
    direct hires with temporary agency workers. “The findings of
    the Board with respect to questions of fact if supported by
    substantial evidence on the record considered as a whole shall
    be conclusive.” 
    29 U.S.C. § 160
    (e). Accordingly, we find no
    reason to disturb the ALJ’s conclusion, which the Board
    adopted, that St. George was required to bargain with the
    union over the issue of replacing departing or terminated
    direct hires with agency employees, and that St. George’s
    failure to do so constituted a violation of section 8(a)(5) and
    (1) of the NLRA.
    St. George contests, on a number of grounds, the
    portion of the Board’s remedy requiring St. George to restore
    the employee composition existing prior to the union
    29 U.S.C. § 160
    (e) and 
    29 C.F.R. § 102.48
    (d), the
    Board argues that, because St. George did not move for
    reconsideration of the Board’s restoration remedy, St.
    George’s objections to that remedy are not properly before
    this court. Section 160(e) provides, in pertinent part, that
    “[n]o objection that has not been urged before the Board, its
    member, agent, or agency, shall be considered by the court,
    unless the failure or neglect to urge such objection shall be
    excused because of extraordinary circumstances.” St. George
    did contest the restoration remedy before the Board, however,
    and so § 160(e) does not bar the issue before the court. While
    29 C.F.R. § 102.48
    (d)(1) states, in pertinent part, that a party
    “may, because of extraordinary circumstances, move for
    reconsideration, rehearing, or reopening of the record after the
    Board decision or order,” it does not make reconsideration a
    prerequisite to presenting a claim in court. Thus, we find no
    bar to St. George’s objections to the restoration remedy.
    In general, the Board’s power to fashion remedies for
    unfair labor practices is a “broad and discretionary one,
    subject to limited review.” Fibreboard Paper Products Corp.
    v. NLRB, 
    379 U.S. 203
    , 216 (1964). Further, the NLRB
    frequently orders restoration to the status quo ante in cases,
    like the instant one, where the employer unilaterally alters the
    conditions of employment. See, e.g., 
    id. at 215
    ; NLRB v.
    691 F.2d 1023
    , 1025 (D.C. Cir. 1982); Taylor
    Warehouse Corp. v. NLRB, 
    98 F.3d 892
     (6th Cir. 1996);
    Southwest Forest Indus. v. NLRB, 
    841 F.2d 270
    , 274 (9th Cir.
    1988); Duke University and Amalgamated Transit Union,
    Local 1328, 
    315 N.L.R.B. 1291
     (1995); Land O’Lakes, 
    299 N.L.R.B. 982
    St. George nonetheless opposes the restoration remedy.
    It argues that the Board’s remedy would be appropriate only if
    St. George had terminated some of the direct hires because of
    their involvement with the union, which would constitute a
    violation of section 8(a)(3) of the NLRA,6 and that neither the
    ALJ nor the Board found that St. George had committed such
    a violation. The argument is wide of the mark. The restoration
    remedy need not be limited to section 8(a)(3) violations in
    order for it to “be adapted to the situation which calls for
    redress.” N.L.R.B. v. Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., 304
    Section 8(a)(3), 
    29 U.S.C. § 158
    (a)(3), defines an unfair
    labor practice as “discrimination in regard to hire or tenure of
    employment or any term or condition of employment to
    encourage or discourage membership in any labor
    11 U.S. 333
    , 348 (1938). The NLRB has in the past ordered
    similar restoration remedies where no section 8(a)(3)
    violation was found. See, e.g., Duke University, supra
    (requiring that employer who was found to have violated
    section 8(a)(5) and (1), by ceasing to hire full-time drivers
    who would be union members and instead hiring non-union
    part-time drivers, restore the unit to what it would have been
    without the unlawful changes).
    St. George next argues that the Board’s remedy is
    improper because it guarantees to the union a specific number
    of constituents despite the fact that some of the former unit
    workers departed voluntarily. The argument misconstrues the
    remedy, however, for the Board’s order defers to the
    compliance stage a determination of the proportion of union
    to agency employees to be restored. Thus, at the compliance
    stage, the Board could take ordinary attrition rates into
    account in setting the target ratio.
    St. George argues further that the remedy gives the
    union control over the agency hires without the benefit of an
    election. The argument presumes that, to effectuate the
    Board’s remedy, St. George would have to confer direct hire
    status upon the temporary agency employees currently on its
    workforce. Yet, while the ALJ suggested this option as one
    way in which St. George could restore the status quo, neither
    the ALJ nor the Board mandated this route. Moreover, even if
    St. George did elect this route, “[t]here is ... nothing
    permanent in a bargaining order, and if, after the effects of the
    employer's acts have worn off, the employees clearly desire to
    disavow the union, they can do so by filing a representation
    petition.” NLRB v. Gissel Packing Co., 
    395 U.S. 575
    , 613
    In its reply brief, St. George alleges that only a
    minority of the currently employed direct hires continue to
    support the union. Yet the record before us neither supports
    nor controverts this contention, and so we intimate no view on
    the question of whether changed circumstances have
    undermined the propriety of the Board’s restoration remedy.7
    Finally, St. George argues that the relevant date for
    purposes of ascertaining the status quo ante should not be
    April 1999 because, according to St. George, “the Board
    cannot go back more than six months from the date of filing
    the charge.” St. George appears to glean this supposed
    limitation from its readings of 
    29 U.S.C. § 160
    (b), and NLRB
    v. Katz, 
    369 U.S. 736
    , 746 n.13 (1962). In fact, § 160(b) states
    that “no complaint shall issue based upon any unfair labor
    practice occurring more than six months prior to the filing of
    the charge with the Board and the service of a copy thereof
    upon the person against whom such charge is made....”
    It is possible that St. George will have an opportunity, at the
    compliance stage, to present evidence regarding the current
    state of union support. See, e.g., Duke University, 315
    N.L.R.B. at 1291 (permitting employer to introduce evidence
    at the compliance stage regarding appropriateness of
    restoration remedy in light of post-trial events); We Can, Inc.,
    315 N.L.R.B. 170
     (1994) (same). But compare Lear Siegler,
    295 N.L.R.B. 857
    , 861 (1989).
    (emphasis added). Similarly, the time bar at issue in Katz
    pertained to the date of the filing of the charge relative to the
    date of the allegedly unlawful conduct; Katz did not deal with
    the issue of how far back the Board may look in fixing the
    status quo ante. In short, neither Katz nor § 160(b) precludes
    remedies that seek to address or restore conditions that existed
    more than six months prior to the filing of an NLRB
    complaint, and no such restriction exists elsewhere, see, e.g.,
    Duke University, 315 N.L.R.B. at 1291-92 (ordering a
    restoration to the status quo existing prior to the August 1991
    union election in a case for which the charge was filed on
    August 10, 1993, and amended on September 23, 1993).
    In short, St. George’s objections to the status quo
    remedy are unpersuasive. That remedy addresses the
    violations St. George committed, and is appropriately tailored
    to redress the resultant harms. Accordingly, we will not
    disturb the Board’s remedial order.8
    While the Board eschewed imposition of the ALJ’s
    recommended restoration to a 7:1 ratio between unit and
    temporary agency employees, we nonetheless presume that
    the ALJ’s findings regarding the division of labor between the
    two sets of employees will provide some guidance to the
    Board at the compliance stage. We thus note that the 7:1 ratio
    at which the ALJ arrived does not comport with his findings
    of fact: The ALJ found that, at the time of the election, St.
    George employed 7 agency employees and 42 direct hires, for
    a total of 49 employees. The correct ratio between direct hires
    and agency employees at the time of the election is thus 6:1,
    For the foregoing reasons we will deny the Petition for
    Review of the Order of the National Labor Relations Board
    and grant the Cross-Application for Enforcement of the Order of
    the National Labor Relations Board.
    not 7:1.