NJ Univ Medicine v. Inspector Gen HHS ( 2003 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2003 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    NJ Univ Medicine v. Inspector Gen HHS
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 03-1268
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    Filed October 17, 2003
    No. 03-1268
    The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
    Jersey; The Cooper Health System; University
    Physician Associates of New Jersey, Inc.,
    *(Pursuant to Rule 43(c), F.R.A.P.)
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    D.C. Civil Action No. 99-cv-05046
    (Honorable Harold A. Ackerman)
    Argued April 23, 2003
    Before: SCIRICA, Chief Judge,** AMBRO and
    WEIS, Circuit Judges
    (Filed: October 17, 2003)
    ** Judge Scirica began his term as Chief Judge on May 4, 2003.
    Epstein, Becker & Green
    Gateway Two, 12th Floor
    Newark, New Jersey 07102
    Archer & Greiner
    One Centennial Square
    P.O. Box 3000
    Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033
    Attorneys for Appellants,
    The University of Medicine and
    Dentistry of New Jersey and
    The Cooper Health System
    Gibbons, Del Deo, Dolan,
    Griffinger & Vecchione
    One Riverfront Plaza
    Newark, New Jersey 07102
    Attorney for Appellant,
    University Physician Associates of
    New Jersey, Inc.
    United States Department of Justice
    Civil Division, Appellate Staff
    601 D Street, N.W., Room 9147
    Washington, D.C. 20530
    Office of United States Attorney
    970 Broad Street, Room 700
    Newark, New Jersey 07102
    Attorneys for Appellee
    SCIRICA, Chief Judge.
    This is an action seeking an injunction against a planned
    Medicare audit of New Jersey teaching hospitals by the
    inspector general of the Department of Health and Human
    Services. The District Court held that it did not have
    standing to consider plaintiffs’ claims under the
    Administrative Procedures Act, 
    5 U.S.C. § 704
    , and that
    plaintiffs failed to state a due process claim. The District
    Court also granted defendant’s motion to enforce
    subpoenas related to the audit. We will affirm.
    A.   Medicare Billing.
    The underlying dispute in this case involves Medicare
    billing at teaching hospitals. The parties differ on when
    physicians could bill for work performed by interns and
    residents under Health and Human Services regulations in
    effect before July 1996. Plaintiffs contend defendant’s
    planned audit of their billing records would use an
    improper standard and should be enjoined.1
    The Medicare program is the responsibility of the United
    States Department of Health and Human Services. Within
    the department, the program is administered by the
    Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the successor
    to the Health Care Financing Administration. The
    processing of bills submitted by the healthcare providers for
    particular services rendered has been contracted out to
    several insurance companies known as “carriers.” Because
    1. Plaintiffs are the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
    and two corporations associated with it: the Cooper Health System, a
    non-profit corporation that owns and operates a teaching hospital
    affiliated with the university; and University Physician Associates of New
    Jersey, Inc., a non-profit corporation that processes bills and Medicare
    payments for university faculty members. The claims of all parties are
    based on the proposed audit of the university’s teaching hospitals.
    the carriers handle the billing and payment, they have
    initial responsibility for ensuring compliance with the
    statutes and regulations governing Medicare billing of
    individually billable services.2
    Medicare payments to healthcare providers fall under two
    categories. Medicare Part A covers general hospital
    expenses, including residents’ and interns’ salaries. Part B
    covers payments made on a fee-for-service basis,
    reimbursing direct care by physicians, among other
    services. Consequently, at teaching hospitals, most services
    performed by residents are covered under Part A, which
    reimburses the hospitals for residents’ salaries, but does
    not reimburse them on the basis of particular services they
    provide. 42 U.S.C. § 1395x(b)(6). Physicians providing care
    to patients, by contrast, are reimbursed under Part B based
    on the service performed and in line with reimbursement
    paid to physicians for services outside of teaching hospitals.
    But this distinction is not so easily drawn. Physicians
    can also bill Medicare for services in which residents and
    interns participate, so long as the physician is sufficiently
    involved in the provision of services. The appropriate
    standard for determining when physicians may bill under
    Part B for work performed by residents and interns is the
    subject of the underlying dispute in this case.
    In 1968, HHS promulgated regulations for Part B
    reimbursement of services performed at teaching hospitals.
    The regulations authorized payment to an “attending
    physician” for services “of the same character, in terms of
    the responsibilities to the patient that are assumed and
    fulfilled, as the services he renders to his other paying
    patients” if the physician “provides personal and
    identifiable direction to interns or residents who are
    participating in the care of his patient.” 
    20 C.F.R. § 405.521
    (1968). Notwithstanding, “[i]n the case of major surgical
    procedures and other complex and dangerous procedures
    2. Payments for other kinds of costs, i.e., not on a fee-for-service basis,
    are made by “intermediaries”—private entities contracted by HHS for
    processing payments under Medicare Part A. Like the carriers, their Part
    B analogues, intermediaries have a certain amount of responsibility for
    ensuring compliance with Medicare requirements. 42 U.S.C. § 1395h.
    or situations, such personal and identifiable direction must
    include supervision in person by the attending physician.”
    In 1980, Congress amended the statute, largely adopting
    the standard HHS stated in its regulations, but omitting the
    specific references to surgery and other hazardous
    procedures. The statute now provides that if a physician
    “renders sufficient personal and identifiable physicians’
    services to the patient to exercise full, personal control over
    the management of the portion of the case for which the
    payment is sought, [and] the services are of the same
    character as the services the physician furnishes to
    patients not entitled to benefits under this subchapter,” the
    physician may bill for the services under Part B. 42 U.S.C.
    § 1395u(b)(7)(A)(i)(I).
    HHS’s regulations were changed in 1992, but continued
    to authorize payment to a teaching physician only when the
    attending physician “furnishes personal and identifiable
    direction to interns or residents who are participating in the
    care of the patient.” 
    42 C.F.R. § 405.521
    (b)(1) (1992). And
    the regulations continued to require that the physician
    “personally supervise” the residents and interns in the case
    of major surgery or other dangerous procedures.
    Between 1992 and 1996, the Health Care Financing
    Administration began to interpret the phrase “furnishes
    personal and identifiable direction” as requiring the
    physician to be physically present when and where the
    resident or intern provides the billed service in order to be
    eligible for Part B payment. This interpretation led to
    widespread complaints from healthcare providers, many of
    whom claimed that it amounted to a change in the
    regulation. A physician could provide “personal and
    identifiable direction,” it was claimed, without being
    physically present when the resident performed the billed
    care. The university contends that in response to these
    comments, the Health Care Financing Administration
    agreed to refrain from imposing such a requirement until
    there was a new rule clarifying the agency’s position.
    In December 1995, HHS adopted a new rule governing
    physicians at teaching hospitals that took effect July 1,
    1996. The rule now provides, “If a resident participates in
    a service furnished in a teaching setting, physician fee
    schedule payment is made only if a teaching physician is
    present during the key portion of any service or procedure
    for which payment is sought.” 
    42 C.F.R. § 415.170
    Because the carriers are initially responsible for enforcing
    the billing standards, the carriers themselves often issue
    clarifying instructions to the healthcare providers,
    furnishing a source of information about Medicare billing
    requirements in addition to the statute and regulations.
    B.   The Inspector General.
    The Office of Inspector General of HHS, along with
    inspector generalships for other federal administrative
    agencies and departments, is governed by the Inspector
    General Act of 1978, 5 U.S.C. App. 3.3 Offices of Inspector
    General are designed to be “independent and objective
    units” separate from their respective departments and
    agencies. 5 U.S.C. App. 3 § 2. They are directed to “conduct
    and supervise audits and investigations relating to the
    programs and operations” of their respective agencies. Id.
    Their primary task is to prevent fraud and abuse within
    such programs and operations. The Office of Inspector
    General of HHS is thus an independent office with a
    primary function to investigate fraud and abuse within the
    Medicare program.
    The Inspector General Act grants inspectors general
    broad discretion to determine which investigations and
    audits are necessary to its mission, authorizing them “to
    make such investigations and reports relating to the
    administration of the programs and operations of the
    applicable establishment as are, in the judgment of the
    Inspector General, necessary or desirable.” 5 U.S.C. App. 3
    § 2.
    3. The inspector general for HHS (then the Department of Health,
    Education, and Welfare) was created by statute in 1976. Pub L. No. 94-
    505. The Inspector General Act is similar in relevant respects to the
    original statute.
    C.   The PATH Audits.
    The HHS inspector general’s auditing of teaching
    hospitals for overbilling began with an audit of the
    University of Pennsylvania Health System’s Medicare billing
    records from 1989 to 1994. The audit disclosed three
    purported deficiencies in the University of Pennsylvania
    Health System’s billing. First, the inspector general
    reported a substantial amount of billing by physicians for
    work performed by residents. Second, the audit revealed a
    certain amount of “upcoding”—billing for procedures more
    complex than were actually performed. And finally, the
    inspector general contended that documentation was
    inadequate for many of the billed items. The University of
    Pennsylvania Health System paid $30 million to settle any
    potential False Claims Act charges.
    Following that audit, the inspector general (then June
    Gibbs Brown) decided to expand the investigation to
    determine if these practices were widespread. The result
    was the Physicians at Teaching Hospitals (“PATH”)
    initiative, under which the inspector general selected a
    large number of teaching hospitals nationwide for audits
    looking for the alleged problems discovered in the
    University of Pennsylvania audit.
    The PATH initiative was launched in 1996, the same year
    the new HHS regulations expressly adopted a physical
    presence requirement. PATH audits—including the one now
    challenged—were directed at billing in the years before the
    rule change. The operative rules for these audits, therefore,
    are primarily the rules as amended in 1992, which spoke of
    “personal and identifiable direction,” but did not expressly
    state that a physician’s presence was required. 
    42 C.F.R. § 404.521
    (b)(1) (1992).
    PATH audits are of two types. “PATH I” audits are those
    performed by the Office of Inspector General at its expense.
    A healthcare provider can choose, however, to hire an
    independent auditor to perform the audit, reporting the
    results to the inspector general. This is a “PATH II” audit.
    A number of healthcare providers and medical
    professional organizations objected to the initiative,
    claiming the PATH audits amounted to retroactive
    application of the 1996 rules. The inspector general
    contended instead that the rules had always required the
    physical presence of the physician for Part B payments,
    even though it was not stated as clearly as under the new
    HHS responded to the controversy by issuing the so-
    called “Rabb letter.” Harriet Rabb, the general counsel of
    HHS, issued a letter clarifying her views concerning the
    PATH audits. Rabb, of course, worked for HHS, not the
    independent Office of Inspector General. Accordingly, her
    letter is not a policy statement from the Office of Inspector
    General. Rather, it expressed Rabb’s understanding of the
    standards the Office of Inspector General would apply in
    determining when a PATH audit would be conducted.
    In the letter, Rabb acknowledged that “the standards for
    paying teaching physicians under Part B of Medicare have
    not been consistently and clearly articulated by [the Health
    Care Financing Administration, now the Centers for
    Medicine and Medicaid Services] over a period of decades.”
    Letter of Harriet S. Rabb, HHS General Counsel, at 4 (July
    11, 1997). Nevertheless, Rabb concluded that the inspector
    general’s interpretation, even if not clearly stated before
    1996, was the correct one. Because of the ambiguity, Rabb
    stated that clear statements by the carriers “would be
     Thus, if the carriers had issued materials
    clearly stating a physical presence requirement, the
    providers would bound by it. Rabb concluded that many,
    though not all, carriers had expressly stated that physical
    presence was required for teaching physicians to receive
    compensation under Medicare Part B.
    Given this, Rabb stated her understanding that carrier
    notification would be a necessary requirement for initiation
    of a PATH audit: “[T]he OIG will undertake PATH audits
    only where carriers, before December 30, 1992, issued clear
    explanations” that Part B payments would be made only
    “when the teaching physicians either personally furnished
    services to Medicare beneficiaries or were physically present
    when the services were furnished by interns or residents.”
    Id. at 5
    . An audit would go forward only after the Office of
    Inspector General had “obtained carrier materials showing
    that clear instructions on the need for teaching physicians
    to be physically present were given to the institutions or
    physicians served by that carrier.” 
    Id. at 5-6
    . If the Office of
    Inspector General obtained such materials, a hospital
    would “have the opportunity to show, as a matter of fact,
    that it or the teaching physicians at the institution received
    guidance from the carrier which the hospital views as
    contradictory to the standard referenced above.” 
    Id. at 6
    Importantly, the letter states, “The decision whether clear
    guidance was given by carriers to teaching hospitals and
    physicians will be made by OIG. That determination is,
    necessarily, a fact bound one and will have to be made
    particularly and in each instance.” 
    In short, Rabb—speaking on behalf of HHS, not the
    inspector general—stated the Office of Inspector General
    would begin a PATH audit only if it was convinced, after a
    hospital had an opportunity to respond, that the hospital
    had received clear instructions from its carrier of the
    physical presence requirement.
    D.   This Case.
    When the Office of Inspector General informed of its
    intention to initiate a PATH audit, the University of
    Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey initially elected to
    have a PATH II audit performed by an independent auditor
    at its expense. But it never went forward with the audits
    and instead filed this action to enjoin the audits.
    The university contends the audits are unlawful for
    several reasons. First, it argues the inspector general lacks
    the power to conduct PATH audits, as they are properly the
    function of HHS. It also argues the Office of Inspector
    General did not comply with the terms of the Rabb letter,
    concluding the University of Medicine and Dentistry was
    auditable without its having received clear notice from its
    carrier. And because it lacked prior notice of the standard
    the Office of Inspector General intends to apply in its audit,
    the university contends the initiation of the audits is
    arbitrary and capricious and violates its due process rights.
    Because of the university’s refusal to go forward with the
    audit, the inspector general issued administrative
    subpoenas for the relevant records. The university refused
    to comply with the subpoenas. Consequently, the inspector
    general filed a motion to enforce the subpoenas in the
    District Court.
    The District Court rejected the university’s claims,
    primarily on the basis of its finding a lack of subject-matter
    jurisdiction for lack of finality and ripeness. It also granted
    the inspector general’s motion to enforce the administrative
    subpoenas. The university appealed.
    The university’s challenge to the PATH audits comes to
    us in two forms. First, because the university has resisted
    the administrative subpoenas issued by the inspector
    general, the inspector general brought an action seeking
    enforcement of those subpoenas. The university appeals the
    District Court’s order enforcing the subpoenas. Second, the
    university seeks injunctive relief against the audits. Under
    both sets of claims, the university seeks to block the
    initiation of the PATH audits. But the audits themselves
    would appear to be an early stage in an investigation that
    may or may not lead to enforcement actions. Because of
    this, the District Court determined that review of most of
    the university’s claims was premature. As we discuss, we
    hold that the District Court lacked jurisdiction to consider
    these claims at this stage in the proceedings, but that it
    had jurisdiction over the inspector general’s motion to
    enforce the subpoenas.
    With respect to the subpoenas, the District Court found—
    correctly—that it had jurisdiction to enforce the subpoenas.
    Under the Inspector General Act, each inspector general “is
    authorized . . . to require by subpena [sic] the production
    of all . . . documentary evidence necessary in the
    performance of the functions assigned by this Act, which
    subpena, in the case of contumacy or refusal to obey, shall
    be enforceable by order of any appropriate United States
    district court.” 5 U.S.C. app. § 6(a)(4); see also 
    28 U.S.C. § 1345
     (“[T]he district courts shall have original jurisdiction
    of all civil actions, suits or proceedings commenced by the
    United States, or by any agency or officer thereof expressly
    authorized to sue by Act of Congress.”).
    Although orders enforcing, or refusing to quash,
    subpoenas issued in the trial context are ordinarily not
    considered final orders subject to appeal (unless a
    contempt order is entered, which is itself a final order
    subject to appeal), orders enforcing administrative
    subpoenas are subject to appellate review. “These orders
    are considered ‘final’ for purposes of 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    because there is no ongoing judicial proceeding that would
    be delayed by an appeal.” In re Subpoena Duces Tecum, 
    228 F.3d 341
    , 345-46 (4th Cir. 2000); see also FDIC v. Wentz,
    55 F.3d 905
     (3d Cir. 1995) (reviewing order enforcing
    administrative subpoena); NLRB v. Frazier, 
    966 F.2d 812
    815 (3d Cir. 1992) (reviewing quashal). “[W]e will affirm an
    order enforcing an agency’s subpoena unless we conclude
    that the district court has abused its discretion.” Wentz, 
    55 F.3d at 908
    As the Supreme Court has said of the Federal Trade
    Commission and Internal Revenue Service, an agency
    ordinarily “can investigate merely on suspicion that the law
    is being violated, or even just because it wants assurance
    that it is not.” United States v. Powell, 
    379 U.S. 48
    , 57
    (1964) (IRS); United States v. Morton Salt Co., 
    338 U.S. 632
    642-643 (1950) (FTC); see also Wentz, 
    55 F.3d at 908
    (FDIC). The power to effectively investigate HHS and the
    participants in the Medicare program is fundamental to the
    HHS inspector general’s mission. Cf. Fed. Maritime Comm’n
    v. Port of Seattle, 
    521 F.2d 431
     (9th Cir. 1975) (“It is beyond
    cavil that the very backbone of an administrative agency’s
    effectiveness in carrying out the congressionally mandated
    duties of industry regulation is the rapid exercise of the
    power to investigate the activities of the entities over which
    it has jurisdiction and the right under the appropriate
    conditions to have district courts enforce its subpoenas.”).
    In the ordinary course, judicial proceedings are appropriate
    only after the investigation has led to enforcement, because
    “[j]udicial supervision of agency decisions to investigate
    might hopelessly entangle the courts in areas that would
    prove to be unmanageable and would certainly throw great
    amounts of sand into the gears of the administrative
    process.” SEC v. Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp., 
    648 F.2d 118
    , 127 n.12 (3d Cir. 1981) (quoting Dresser Industries,
    Inc. v. United States, 
    596 F.2d 1231
    , 1235 n.1 (5th Cir.
    For these reasons, judicial review of administrative
    subpoenas is “strictly limited.” FTC v. Texaco, 
    555 F.2d 862
    , 871-72 (D.C. Cir. 1997) (en banc). “The ultimate
    inquiry . . . is whether the enforcement of the
    administrative subpoena would constitute an abuse of the
    court’s process.” Wheeling-Pittsburgh, 
    648 F.2d at 125
    . A
    district court should enforce a subpoena if the agency can
    show “that the investigation will be conducted pursuant to
    a legitimate purpose, that the inquiry is relevant, that the
    information demanded is not already within the agency’s
    possession, and that the administrative steps required by
    the statute have been followed. The demand for information
    must not be unreasonably broad or burdensome.” Wentz,
    55 F.3d at
    908 (citing Powell, 
    379 U.S. at 57-58
    ; Morton
    338 U.S. at 652
    The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
    contends the subpoenas were not “issued pursuant to a
    legitimate purpose” because the inspector general lacks the
    authority to conduct PATH audits in the absence of
    evidence of fraud or abuse. And the university avers that
    the inspector general admitted to them that she had no
    evidence of Medicare fraud at the university hospitals.
    As noted, the Inspector General Act creates Offices of
    Inspector General “to prevent and detect fraud and abuse
    in . . . programs and operations” of their respective
    departments and agencies. 5 U.S.C. App. 3 § 2. To
    accomplish these ends, the statute specifically authorizes
    inspectors general “to conduct and supervise audits and
    investigations relating to [these] programs and operations.”
    Id. Furthermore, the Act grants inspectors general a degree
    of discretion in determining when such audits and
    investigations are appropriate: “In addition to the authority
    otherwise provided by this Act, each Inspector General, in
    carrying out the provisions of the Act, is authorized . . . to
    make such investigations and reports relating to the
    administration of the programs and operations of the
    applicable establishments as are, in the judgment of the
    Inspector General, necessary or desirable.” Id. § 6, 6(a)(2).
    Here, the inspector general determined that the PATH
    audits are necessary or desirable for the purposes of
    preventing and detecting fraud and abuse in teaching
    hospitals’ Medicare Part B billing. Accordingly, at first
    blush, the PATH audits would seem to fall comfortably
    within the Inspector General Act’s broad grant of authority.
    That authority is subject to certain limitations, however.
    Section 9 of the Act contains a restriction on the ability of
    the inspectors general to perform program operating
    responsibilities.4 The Act permits the transfer of
    departmental functions that the head of the agency “may
    determine are properly related to the functions of the Office
    [of Inspector General] and would, if so transferred, further
    the purposes of this Act.” The Act specifically provides,
    however, that no such transfer shall include “program
    operating responsibilities.” 5 U.S.C. App. 3 § 9.
    The hospitals rely on this section in attempting to
    establish a distinction between “routine compliance audits”
    and “fraud investigations.” The administration of the
    Medicare program is the responsibility of HHS (carried out
    by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, an
    agency within HHS). HHS’s direct role with respect to Part
    B payments at teaching hospitals, however, is one of
    oversight. Most of the direct interaction with the healthcare
    providers is done by the carriers, who process the bills
    submitted by the healthcare providers. The carriers are
    responsible for ensuring, in the first instance, that the bills
    they receive comply with the statutory and regulatory
    requirements of the Medicare program, subject to the
    oversight of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
    Services. Indeed, 42 U.S.C. § 1395u(a) provides that “the
    Secretary shall to the extent possible enter into . . .
    contracts [to] . . . make such audits of the records of
    4. The 1976 Act contained a similar limitation.
    providers of services as may be necessary to assure that
    proper payments are made under this part.” Thus, HHS,
    through the carriers, is statutorily responsible for routine
    compliance audits, which are core “program operating
    responsibilities,” according to the university. And because
    the PATH audits are routine compliance audits, the
    university contends the authority to conduct them cannot
    be transferred to the inspector general unless it is acting on
    a specific allegation of fraud or abuse.
    The university does not challenge the inspector general’s
    authority to investigate healthcare providers directly under
    the right circumstances. While a primary purpose of the
    inspectors general is to investigate the operations of their
    federal departments internally, they are charged with
    preventing fraud and abuse in the programs of their
    departments as well. The providers are participants in the
    Medicare program, and through that program they receive
    federal funds. Thus, they are not merely regulated by HHS,
    they are part of the Medicare program. As such, they are
    within the range of legitimate targets of the inspector
    general’s efforts “to prevent and detect fraud and abuse” in
    the Medicare program. Cf. Inspector Gen. of the U.S. Dept.
    of Agric. v. Glenn, 
    122 F.3d 1007
    , 1011 (11th Cir. 1997)
    (“While we agree that the [Inspector General Act]’s main
    function is to detect abuse within agencies themselves, the
    IGA’s legislative history indicates that Inspectors General
    are permitted and expected to investigate public
    involvement with the programs in certain situations.”). The
    university concedes this, but contends the inspector
    general’s authority to investigate healthcare providers
    arises only after the inspector general has received a
    referral from a carrier, or is otherwise responding to a
    specific allegation of fraud.
    If the carriers uncover any evidence that gives rise to a
    suspicion of fraud on the part of healthcare providers, they
    are directed to refer the case to the Office of Inspector
    General for a fraud investigation. Medicare Program
    Integrity Manual, ch. 3 § 10.1. (“Carriers . . . have a duty to
    identify cases of suspected fraud and to make referrals of
    all such cases to the OIG, regardless of dollar thresholds or
    subject matter.”). But in the absence of a specific allegation
    of fraud, according to the university, an audit is simply a
    routine matter of ensuring compliance with the regulations,
    a responsibility central to the basic mission of HHS itself.
    HHS directs and oversees the carriers’ routine auditing of
    healthcare providers. And because this is routine work
    performed by HHS (through the carriers), permitting the
    inspector general to perform such functions would amount
    to a transfer of “program operating responsibilities.”
    At bottom, the university contends the inspector general
    cannot perform such audits because HHS can and does5
    perform those audits in the ordinary course of business.
    But we see no basis for concluding that the inspector
    general’s authority cannot overlap with that of the
    department. As the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
    stated, “Section 9(a)(2) prohibits the transfer of ‘program
    operating responsibilities,’ and not the duplication of
    functions or the copying of techniques. No transfer of
    operating responsibility occurs and the IG’s independence
    and objectivity is not compromised when the IG mimics or
    adapts agency investigatory methods or functions in the
    course of an independent audit or investigation.” Winters
    Ranch Partnership v. Viadero, 
    123 F.3d 327
    , 334 (5th Cir.
    1997). The inspector general’s mandate to prevent and
    detect fraud and abuse is not limited by HHS’s—or its
    agents’—own efforts to prevent and detect fraud and abuse.
    If the department fails to perform a function that is
    within its responsibilities, and the inspector general takes
    on those responsibilities, then it may be correct to speak of
    “transfer” of program operating responsibilities. See, e.g.,
    id. at 334
    ; Burlington N. R.R. Co. v. Office of Inspector
    General, R.R. Retirement Bd., 
    983 F.2d 631
     (5th Cir. 1993)
    (finding impermissible transfer of authority where the
    inspector general audited railroad employers for tax
    compliance when the board had declined to do so). For in
    such a case, the department might be said to be abdicating
    5. HHS itself does not appear to perform any compliance audits.
    According to plaintiffs, these are the responsibility of the carriers, acting
    as contractors for the department. We need not determine what effect, if
    any, the fact that these audits are not, strictly speaking, functions of the
    department itself may have on the analysis.
    its own responsibilities, which is arguably one of the
    concerns animating § 9(a)(2)’s prohibition on transfers of
    program operating responsibilities. But this is not a
    concern here.
    Furthermore, that HHS can and does perform routine
    compliance audits does not necessarily make them
    “program operating responsibilities.” Routine compliance
    audits, routine as they be, are nonetheless investigatory in
    nature, and are directed at enforcing the rules under which
    the providers operate. They need not be seen as part of the
    “operation” of the Medicare program. In any event, the
    statute contemplates the transfer of any duties that may
    assist the inspector general in its mission, so long as they
    are not “program operating responsibilities.” Presumably,
    this would include a range of responsibilities the
    department might perform, that do not constitute program
    operating responsibilities. Thus, the fact that the
    department can and does perform some of these tasks
    would not alone prevent their transfer to the Office of
    Inspector General.
    The university relies on a seemingly contrary decision
    reached by the Court of Appeals for the District of
    Columbia Circuit. In Truckers United for Safety v. Mead,
    251 F.3d 183
     (D.C. Cir. 2001), the court held the Office of
    Inspector General for the Department of Transportation had
    overstepped its statutory authority when it engaged in a
    joint operation with the Office of Motor Carriers (an office
    within DOT) to investigate trucking records. The program
    was designed “to create a greater deterrence to motor
    carrier violations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
    Id. at 187
    . The inspector general subpoenaed
    a variety of records seeking, inter alia, to uncover
    falsification of hours of service logs.
    The court viewed the investigation “as part of enforcing
    motor carrier safety regulations—a role which is central to
    the basic operations of the agency.” 
    Id. at 189
    . On the
    court’s view, the inspector general was not engaged in an
    audit investigation, rather, he “merely lent his search and
    seizure    authority    to  standard    OMC     enforcement
     The court concluded that the “actions of
    the IG were ultra vires.” 
    Id. at 190
    Here, by contrast, there is no suggestion that the PATH
    audits are aimed at anything other than the inspector
    general’s (admittedly broad) view of what constitutes fraud
    and abuse in the Medicare program. The inspector general
    is charged with preventing and detecting, by audit and
    investigation, fraud and abuse in the Medicare program.
    There is no statutory basis for imposing an additional
    requirement that the inspector general begin such an audit
    or investigation only after she has received a referral or
    other allegation of fraud. And this is especially true given
    the broad discretion the inspector general enjoys when
    determining audits and investigations are appropriate.
    In sum, the PATH audits are of a kind that is squarely
    within the broad authority of the inspector general to audit
    providers for the purpose of preventing fraud and abuse
    within the Medicare program. The PATH audits do not
    represent     a     “transfer”  of   “program     operating
    responsibilities.” The important issue here is not whether
    the inspector general is doing something that HHS itself (or
    its agents) might also do, but whether the PATH audits are
    within the authority granted the inspector general by the
    Inspector General Act. For the reasons discussed, we hold
    that they are.
    There is no dispute that the subpoenas at issue are
    relevant to the inspector general’s purpose, that the
    inspector general lacks the information it seeks, that
    statutory procedures have been followed, or that the
    demand for information is not unreasonably broad or
    burdensome. See Wentz, 
    55 F.3d at 908
    . Consequently, the
    subpoenas are lawful and we will affirm the District Court’s
    order to enforce them.
    In addition to opposing the inspector general’s motion to
    enforce its subpoenas, the University of Medicine and
    Dentistry of New Jersey seeks to enjoin the PATH audits for
    several reasons. The District Court declined to consider the
    merits of these claims, deciding it lacked jurisdiction over
    these claims. We agree.
    The District Court found a lack of jurisdiction on two
    related grounds. First, it held it lacked jurisdiction to
    review the agency action under the Administrative
    Procedures Act, 
    5 U.S.C. § 704
    , because the decision to
    initiate the audit was not “final.” It also concluded, for
    similar reasons, that the case was not sufficiently “ripe” at
    this point to permit judicial review.
    Ripeness and finality in this context are closely related.
    Finality is an element in the test for ripeness. Nat’l Park
    Hospitality Assoc. v. Dept. of the Interior, 
    123 S. Ct. 2026
    2032 (2003); Abbott Labs. v. Gardner, 
    387 U.S. 136
    , 149
    (1967). And as we have noted, “the Court’s treatment of the
    finality issue has involved an inquiry into the broader
    question of whether a given action is ripe for judicial
    review.” CEC Energy Co. v. Public Serv. Comm’n, 
    891 F.2d 1107
    , 1110 (3d Cir. 1989). We will address finality within
    the context of an assessment of ripeness.
    Determining whether a dispute over agency action is ripe
    involves a two-part inquiry. We must assess “(1) the fitness
    of the issues for judicial decision and (2) the hardship to
    the parties of withholding court consideration.” Nat’l Park
    Hospitality Assoc., 
    123 S. Ct. at 2030
    ; Abbott Labs., 
    387 U.S. at 149
    . The fitness question, in turn, requires an
    assessment of whether the issues presented are “purely
    legal,” whether the agency action is final for purposes of
    section 10 of the Administrative Procedures Act,6 and
    whether “further factual development would ‘significantly
    advance our ability to deal with the legal issues
    presented.’ ” Nat’l Park Hospitality Assoc., 
    123 S. Ct. at 2028
     (quoting Duke Power Co. v. Caroline Envtl. Study
    Group, Inc., 
    438 U.S. 59
     (1978)); Abbott Labs., 
    387 U.S. at 149
    6. Under section 10(c) of the Administrative Procedures Act, federal
    courts have jurisdiction to review “final agency action for which there is
    no other adequate remedy,” 
    5 U.S.C. § 704
    , unless the action “is
    committed to agency discretion by law.” § 701(a)(2).
    While there are some factual disputes in this case, the
    main issue—whether the inspector general has the
    authority to initiate audits of the providers under the
    announced standard—is primarily legal. Further factual
    development does not seem necessary to resolve these
    issues. But we believe the case is not sufficiently “fit” for
    judicial review, because the action of the inspector general
    was not a final one for these purposes.
    No matter how decisive the inspector general’s
    determination to initiate a PATH audit of the University of
    Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under its stated
    standard was, it was only a decision to initiate an
    investigation of the university’s prior billing practices.
    Neither the university nor the other plaintiffs has been
    charged with fraud, nor has any kind of enforcement
    proceeding commenced. The hospitals are required neither
    to change their billing practices nor pay a penalty for past
    practices. All they are required to do is to cooperate with
    the audit—an audit the Office of Inspector General would
    perform at its expense if the university so chose.
    Courts should hesitate to scrutinize decisions to initiate
    administrative audits and investigations for the same
    reasons they accord administrative entities broad leeway in
    issuing subpoenas. Subpoenas in this context are part of
    an investigation or audit, taken after the decision to
    investigate has been made, where there is a reason to
    believe the target of the subpoena may not cooperate
    without a legal requirement. It would be anomalous to
    demand a greater showing for the initiation of an
    investigation than is required for the issuance of
    “An investigation, even one conducted with an eye to
    enforcement, is quintessentially non-final as a form of
    agency action.” Assoc. of Am. Med. Colls. v. United States,
    217 F.3d 770
    , 781 (9th Cir. 2000). In the ordinary course,
    an investigation is the beginning of a process that may or
    may not lead to an ultimate enforcement action. The
    decision to investigate is normally seen as a preliminary
    step—non-final by definition—leading toward the possibility
    of a “final action” in the form of an enforcement or other
    action. That path is highly uncertain. Here, as in most
    actions, the possibility that no enforcement action may be
    taken is real for several reasons, not least of which is that
    the inspector general may change her mind on one or more
    issues along the way. “Judicial intervention into the agency
    process denies the agency an opportunity to correct its own
    mistakes and to apply its expertise.” FTC v. Standard Oil
    449 U.S. 232
    , 242 (1980).
    The university nevertheless contends that the initiation of
    the PATH audits is a final decision under the standards
    announced by the Supreme Court and this court. Even if
    the decision to initiate the audits is not deemed final, the
    hospitals argue the decision to employ a standard
    incorporating a physical-presence requirement was itself
    “final action” subject to judicial review.
    We have listed several factors relevant to an assessment
    of finality in the administrative context, the most important
    of which for these purposes are “whether the decision
    represents the agency’s definitive position on the question,”
    “whether the decision has the status of law with the
    expectation of immediate compliance,” and “whether the
    decision has immediate impact on the day-to-day
    operations of the party seeking review.”7 CEC Energy, 
    891 F.2d at
    1110 (citing Standard Oil, 
    449 U.S. at 239-40
    ; Solar
    Turbines, Inc. v. Seif, 
    879 F.2d 1073
    ,1080 (3d Cir. 1989).
    7. In CEC Energy, we provided the following list of relevant factors:
    1) whether the decision represents the agency’s definitive position on
    the question; 2) whether the decision has the status of law with the
    expectation of immediate compliance; 3) whether the decision has
    immediate impact on the day-to-day operations of the party seeking
    review; 4) whether the decision involves a pure question of law that
    does not require further factual development; and 5) whether
    immediate judicial review would speed enforcement of the relevant
    891 F.2d at 1110
    We recognize the decision involves a pure question of law that may not
    require further factual development. We have doubts that immediate
    judicial review would speed enforcement, but would reach the same
    result even if we concluded it might.
    The decision to initiate the PATH audit represents a
    “definitive position” of the inspector general only in the
    narrowest sense. The decision is not likely to be reopened,
    but it is a decision only to investigate, which is by nature
    a preliminary one. It is the initiation of a process designed
    to make a determination as to plaintiffs’ potential fraud and
    abuse in the Medicare program. Intermediate decisions
    made in the course of determining what position will
    ultimately be taken are not “determinative” in the
    appropriate sense. As the Court of Appeals for the Ninth
    Circuit stated:
    [O]n the facts before this court it is an open question
    whether the PATH audits will actually result in findings
    of abuse or fraud. . . . OIG could still modify its rather
    draconian view of the Act’s requirements for Part B
    billing, and, for any number of reasons, the PATH
    audits may not reveal significant violations. Even if
    violations are found there are a panoply of
    administrative and judicial remedies open to the
    Secretary and DOJ, at least some of which we might be
    without jurisdiction review under 
    42 U.S.C. § 405
    and [Shalala v. ]Illinois Council [on Long Term Care,
    529 U.S. 1
    , (2000)].
    Assoc. of Am. Med. Colls., 
    217 F.3d at 781
    The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
    also contends the decision to initiate the audits “has the
    status of law with the expectation of immediate
    compliance,” and “has immediate impact on the day-to-day
    operations of the party seeking review.” CEC Energy, 
    891 F.2d at 1110
    . Instead of focusing on potential enforcement
    measures, the university contends the burdens of
    compliance with the audits themselves constitute the
    relevant effects. The university avers the decision requires
    that they immediately comply with the audits—a disruptive
    process it alleges would detract from providing healthcare
    and would cost over one million dollars.8
    8. This figure appears to be based on an assessment of a PATH II audit,
    which would be performed by a third party at the university’s expense.
    A PATH I audit, which the university could have chosen, would be
    performed by the Office of Inspector General at its cost. Accordingly, it
    appears the university could choose a course substantially less costly
    than the one it selected.
    These burdens, however, are not the kind of burdens that
    support a finding of finality. In Standard Oil, the Supreme
    Court held the FTC’s issuance of a complaint was not a
    final order in the face of a similar contention. The Court
    noted that the only legal effect of filing the complaint on
    defendant was the requirement that it participate in the
    proceeding by responding to the charges against it. The
    Court stated, “Although this burden certainly is
    substantial, it is different in kind and legal effect from the
    burdens attending what heretofore has been considered to
    be a final action.” 
    449 U.S. at 242
    . The Court noted that
    “the expense and annoyance of litigation is part of the
    social burden of living under government.” 
    Id. at 244
    . There
    is no basis for treating the expense and annoyance of
    administrative audits and investigations any differently. See
    CEC Energy, 
    891 F.2d at 1110
     (following Standard Oil and
    stating that the obligation to respond to the FTC’s inquiries,
    even if substantial, is not a basis for finding finality). And
    because the audit at issue here is directed only at past
    conduct, the only effects plaintiffs will encounter are related
    to their participation in the investigatory process and
    actions that might be taken as a result—there is no direct
    effect on plaintiffs’ “primary conduct.” See Nat’l Park
    Hospitality Assoc., 
    123 S. Ct. at 2031
    ; Toilet Goods Assn.,
    Inc. v. Gardner, 
    387 U.S. 158
    , 164 (1967).
    We are cognizant of the special responsibilities entrusted
    to healthcare providers and the obstacles they face. The
    economics of healthcare are at a precarious juncture.
    Placing additional burdens—financial and otherwise—on
    already taxed hospitals may have serious consequences for
    access to healthcare, either by increasing its cost or by
    diminishing its availability. It is to be hoped that a decision
    to initiate a PATH audit will be made only after
    consideration    of   these      consequences.     But   these
    considerations are, in the first instance, ones for the
    inspector general, who has been charged with uncovering
    fraud and has been given the authority to determine when
    audits are appropriate to that end.
    Focusing not on the decision to initiate the audit, but to
    initiate the audit under a particular standard, the lack of
    finality is even more clear. For it seems unlikely that the
    choice of which standard would be applied in assessing the
    billing data compiled would have a significant effect on the
    university during the audit. The relevant costs would seem
    to be associated with collecting the data, not applying any
    particular standard in interpreting it. The only apparent
    effect from that choice would come if and when it resulted
    in a conclusion about plaintiffs’ compliance with the
    applicable standards. And as we have seen, we are not now
    in a position to assess what might or might not happen at
    the end of this process.
    For the foregoing reasons, the present dispute is not
    sufficiently “fit” for review at this time. Nor have the
    hospitals shown sufficient “hardship” to support a
    determination that the case is ripe for judicial
    consideration. Again, the only significant hardships
    resulting from the challenged decision are those related to
    compliance with a request for information reasonably
    directed at a legitimate purpose of the inspector general.
    This is a cost that plaintiffs—recipients of Medicare funding
    —must face as a “burden of living under government.”
    Standard Oil, 
    449 U.S. at 244
    While the hospitals have raised profoundly serious
    questions about the wisdom and fairness of the PATH
    audits, the audits are within the broad authority of the
    inspector general, and any challenges are properly made
    when they have led to action against the hospitals and their
    employees, if any. Accordingly, we will affirm the judgment
    of the District Court.
    AMBRO, Circuit Judge, Concurring:
    The majority decides (1) generally that the Inspector
    General (“IG”) of the federal Department of Health and
    Human Services (“HHS”) has the authority to issue
    subpoenas in furtherance of an audit of appellants’
    teaching hospitals in determining compliance with certain
    Medicare requirements, and (2) specifically that the District
    Court lacks jurisdiction to enjoin the audit at issue here
    because the IG’s decision merely to investigate by issuing
    subpoenas was neither final nor ripe for review. I agree as
    to (1) and concur in the result as to (2).
    At the outset is a paradox. If there is no jurisdiction to
    consider appellants’ attempt to block the Medicare audit,
    how does jurisdiction exist to enforce subpoenas to turn
    over documents for the audit? Stated conversely, if there is
    jurisdiction to review the enforcement of administrative
    subpoenas like those of the IG, should not jurisdiction also
    exist to review whether an audit (which the subpoenas
    attempt to implement) is allowed in appellants’ case?
    The majority handles this conundrum deftly. The IG has
    the power under the Inspector General Act of 1978 to
    investigate fraud and abuse involving Medicare. Inherent
    within its investigatory power is the authority to issue
    subpoenas. But a subpoena to an entity operating within
    the Medicare program merely begins an investigation
    lacking both the finality and ripeness of an enforcement
    action that may result from the investigation. Thus the
    general authority for the IG to issue subpoenas is not, for
    any particular entity, an action alleging noncompliance
    with Medicare.
    But rather than deciding that specific enforcement of the
    IG’s auditing powers is not final nor ripe for review, I simply
    would rely on 
    5 U.S.C. § 701
    (a)(2) of the Administrative
    Procedures Act (“APA”), which exempts from judicial review
    “agency action . . . committed to agency discretion by law.”
    As § 6(a)(2) [5 U.S.C. app. 3, § 6(a)(2)] of the Inspector
    General Act authorizes the IG “to make such investigations
    . . . relating to the administration of the programs and
    operations of [HHS] as are, in the judgment of the [IG],
    necessary or desirable,” § 701(a)(2) applies. Cf. Webster v.
    486 U.S. 592
    , 600 (1988).
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 03-1268

Filed Date: 10/17/2003

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (22)

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View All Authorities »