Ogbudimkpa v. Atty Gen USA ( 2003 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2003 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Ogbudimkpa v. Atty Gen USA
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 02-1181P
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    Filed August 22, 2003
    No. 02-1181
    JOHN ASHCROFT, Attorney General
    of the United States;
    KENNETH JOHN ELWOOD, District Director,
    INS Philadelphia District
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civil Action No. 01-cv-01511)
    District Judge: Honorable James M. Munley
    Argued June 26, 2003
    Before: SLOVITER, AMBRO, Circuit Judges,
    and TUCKER,* District Judge
    (Opinion Filed: August 22, 2003)
    * Honorable Petrese B. Tucker, United States District Court Judge for the
    Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation.
    Timothy C. Hester, Esquire
    Kevin C. Newsom, Esquire (Argued)
    Covington & Burling
    1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20004
    Attorneys for Petitioner
    Kate L. Mershimer, Esquire
    Office of the United States Attorney
    Federal Building
    228 Walnut Street
    P.O. Box 11754
    Harrisburg, PA 17108
    Ethan B. Kanter, Esquire
    United States Department of Justice
    Office of Immigration Litigation
    1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20530
    Robert D. McCallum, Jr.
    Assistant Attorney General
    Civil Division
    Michael P. Lindemann
    Assistant Director
    Christopher C. Fuller (Argued)
    Senior Litigation Counsel
    United States Department of Justice
    Office of Immigration Litigation
    P.O. Box 878
    Ben Franklin Station
    Washington, D.C. 20044
    Attorneys for Respondent
    AMBRO, Circuit Judge:
    We decide whether a district court has jurisdiction to
    consider a habeas corpus petition that alleges violations of
    Article 3 of the United Nations Convention Against Torture
    (“CAT”).1 Congress has implemented CAT2 by enacting the
    Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998
    (“FARRA”).3     Because   generally    we    do     not   infer
    Congressional intent to repeal habeas jurisdiction, and
    because FARRA’s jurisdictional provisions do not
    specifically foreclose habeas corpus jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    , the general habeas statute, we hold that
    CAT claims are cognizable under § 2241. We therefore
    reverse the District Court’s dismissal for lack of jurisdiction
    of Christopher Ogbudimkpa’s habeas corpus petition and
    remand so that it may consider the merits of his petition.
    I.   Facts and Procedural History
    Ogbudimkpa is a citizen of Nigeria who entered the
    United States in 1982 on a non-immigrant student visa. In
    1985 an Immigration Judge (“IJ”) ordered Ogbudimkpa to
    be deported for remaining longer than his visa permitted
    and for working without Government authorization, under
    Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”) § 241(a)(9), 
    8 U.S.C. § 1251
    (a)(9) (current version at 
    8 U.S.C. § 1227
    (a)(1)). The
    Immigration and Naturalization Service (“INS”) did not
    immediately remove him. In 1994 Ogbudimkpa was
    convicted and sentenced on state drug charges and, upon
    his release from prison in 1996, paroled to INS custody.
    In 1999 the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”) granted
    Ogbudimkpa’s motion to reopen his removal proceedings so
    that he might seek protection under Article 3 of CAT, which
    provides that “[n]o State Party shall expel, return (‘refouler’)
    or extradite a person to another State where there are
    substantial grounds for believing that he would be in
    danger of being subjected to torture.” Ogbudimkpa testified
    that, if he were returned to Nigeria, he would be
    imprisoned, tortured, or possibly executed by “his extended
    1. The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
    Degrading Treatment of Punishment, G.A. Res. 39/46, Annex, 39 U.N.
    GAOR Supp. No. 51, at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984).
    2. To facilitate ease of understanding, we adopt colloquial usage by
    eliminating “the” before “CAT” and the later-defined “FARRA,” “IIRIRA”
    and “AEDPA.”
    3. Pub. L. No. 105-277, div. G, Title XXII, § 2242, 
    112 Stat. 2681
    , 2681-
    822 (1998) (codified as Note to 
    8 U.S.C. § 1231
    family members, one of whom is a senator, past president
    of the Nigerian government, and another who holds the
    rank of major either in the police or the military.” The IJ
    concluded that Ogbudimkpa had testified credibly, but had
    not demonstrated that it was more likely than not he would
    be tortured if returned to Nigeria. The BIA affirmed the IJ’s
    Ogbudimkpa filed a pro se Motion for Emergency Stay of
    Removal in the United States District Court for the Middle
    District of Pennsylvania, arguing that the United States
    Attorney General had erred in not granting him relief from
    removal under Article 3 of CAT. The District Court treated
    this motion as a petition for a writ of habeas corpus under
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    . In the first set of what became a game of
    forum ping pong, the Government moved to dismiss for lack
    of jurisdiction, arguing that the Circuit Court was the
    proper forum for Ogbudimkpa’s CAT claims.4 Ogbudimkpa
    (continuing to act pro se) petitioned the District Court to
    transfer his case to our Court, and the Government
    consented. But upon transfer of the case to our Court, the
    Government again moved to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction,
    claiming the jurisdictional bar of § 309(c)(4)(G) of the Illegal
    Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of
    1996 (“ IIRIRA”) applied to Ogbudimkpa because of his
    status as a criminal alien, even though the criminal
    conviction did not form the basis of the charges of
    deportation. This was exactly the opposite tack to the one
    taken by the Government in the District Court.5 Unaware of
    4. To the District Court, the Government argued that, under § 2242 of
    FARRA, only our Court had jurisdiction to review his claim because
    FARRA provides that review may only be had for final orders of
    deportation, and the courts of appeals have exclusive jurisdiction to
    conduct that review. The Government noted that, if the basis of the order
    of removal of Ogbudimkpa had been his criminal conviction, then
    § 309(c)(4)(G) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
    Responsibility Act of 1996 would preclude our Court from exercising
    jurisdiction, and in that situation his only recourse would be to file a
    habeas petition in the District Court. However, “the basis of the charges
    of deportation against [Ogbudimkpa] was not because he was a criminal
    alien,” but because he had violated the conditions of his visa. Hence, we
    would have jurisdiction.
    5. We caution that the Catch-22 tactics of the Government are
    inappropriately confusing and misleading, especially when used against
    a pro se litigant.
    the “whipsawing” procedural posture of this case, we
    granted the Government’s motion to dismiss in an
    unpublished (and of course non-precedential) judgment
    order.6 In doing so we noted the possibility that
    Ogbudimkpa might petition for a writ of habeas corpus.7
    6. The issue raised by the Government’s flip-flopping positions —
    whether the jurisdictional bar applies only where the INS actually
    charges the criminal conduct as the basis for removal (as the
    Government conceded in the District Court) or whether it is a status-
    based bar and applies to any alien with an applicable criminal conviction
    (as the Government argued before us) — has resulted in a circuit split.
    Compare Lopez-Elias v. Reno, 
    209 F.3d 788
    , 793 (5th Cir. 2000) (basis
    of charge for removal immaterial for purposes of jurisdictional bar);
    Fernandez-Bernal v. Attorney General, 
    257 F.3d 1304
    , 1310 (11th Cir.
    2001) (same) with Choeum v. INS, 
    129 F.3d 29
    , 38 (1st Cir. 1997)
    (jurisdictional bar applies only when criminal conduct is basis of charge
    for removal); Yousefi v. INS, 
    260 F.3d 318
    , 324-25 (4th Cir. 2001) (same);
    Briseno v. INS, 
    192 F.3d 1320
    , 1322-23 (9th Cir. 1999) (same). We have
    not addressed this issue in a published opinion, and do not do so in this
    7. Ogbudimkpa argues that the District Court erred in ignoring the law
    of the case as set forth by this unpublished judgment order. Under the
    law-of-the-case doctrine, “once an issue has been decided, parties may
    not relitigate that issue in the same case.” Waldorf v. Shuta, 
    142 F.3d 601
    , 616 n.4 (3d Cir. 1998). Because, in dismissing Ogbudimkpa’s
    petition, we stated that Ogbudimkpa “may seek review of his claims
    before the District Court in a habeas corpus proceeding,” Ogbudimkpa
    argues that we have decided that the District Court has jurisdiction to
    hear his habeas corpus claims.
    We shall not impute the resolution of a complicated issue from dictum
    in a judgment order. Dicta statements are not binding law of the case.
    See United Artists Theatre Circuit, Inc. v. Township of Warrington, 
    316 F.3d 392
    , 397 (3d Cir. 2003). Similarly, courts may refuse to infer
    decisions on issues that were barely presented, or from summary
    decisions. 18B Charles A. Wright et al., Federal Practice and Procedure
    § 4478 (2d ed. 2002); see also Univ. Hosps. of Cleveland v. Emerson Elec.
    202 F.3d 839
    , 848 n.6 (6th Cir. 2000) (refusing to presume that
    “footnote tersely stating [the conclusion] without discussion” constituted
    law of the case).
    Ogbudimkpa argues that we were obliged to decide the issue at the
    time of the Government’s motion and cites to Liang v. INS, 
    206 F.3d 308
    (3d Cir. 2000). In Liang, we concluded that IIRIRA divests courts of
    Back yet again in District Court, Ogbudimkpa (still acting
    pro se) filed a petition for habeas relief that essentially
    replicated the petition he had filed in November 2000. The
    Government moved to dismiss for lack of subject matter
    jurisdiction and the District Court granted that motion,
    concluding that it lacked jurisdiction to consider his petition.8
    This appeal followed,9 an appeal in which Ogbudimkpa has
    been superbly represented by appointed counsel.10
    appeals of jurisdiction over certain petitions for review, but that district
    courts retain their general habeas jurisdiction under § 2241 to consider
    the lawfulness of the removal orders. 
    206 F.3d at 319
    . We noted that the
    “determination of our jurisdiction over [aliens’] petitions for review is
    inextricably intertwined with the question whether the district courts
    have continued habeas jurisdiction.” 
    Id. at 312
    . But we are not
    persuaded by this argument that the two decisions are necessarily
    intertwined. In Liang, we affirmatively noted our intent to resolve the
    issue whether district courts had habeas corpus jurisdiction. 
     We find
    no intent to resolve the issue presented in this case in our prior
    unpublished judgment order.
    8. The District Court concluded that it lacked jurisdiction to review
    Ogbudimkpa’s claims in part because there is no judicial review under
    FARRA “except as part of the review of a final order of removal pursuant
    to section 242 of the [INA]” and because Ogbudimkpa’s final order of
    removal was issued pursuant to § 241(a)(9), not § 242 of the INA. As
    Ogbudimkpa notes, and as the Government conceded at oral argument,
    what occurs pursuant to § 242 of the INA is judicial review, not the
    issuance of final orders of removal. All final orders of removal are issued
    pursuant to another section, such as § 241(a)(9). Compare INA § 242
    (setting forth procedure for judicial review of orders of removal) with
    § 241(a) (listing deportable aliens). If the District Court’s interpretation of
    FARRA were correct, then no court would ever have jurisdiction because
    no final orders are issued pursuant to § 242 of the INA. Because the
    District Court based its conclusion that it lacked jurisdiction on another
    ground, we note this error only in passing.
    9. We have jurisdiction to review the final decision of the District Court
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . Our review of jurisdictional questions is plenary.
    Allied Signal Recovery Trust v. Allied Signal, Inc., 
    298 F.3d 263
    , 267 (3d
    Cir. 2002).
    10. The Court is grateful for the outstanding efforts of appointed counsel
    Kevin C. Newsom and Timothy C. Hester of the Covington & Burling law
    firm in Washington, D.C. Their briefs and advocacy exhibit both an
    exceptional amount of research and a high level of craftsmanship.
    II.   Discussion
    A.       Background
    1.    The Convention Against Torture
    The United Nations drafted CAT in order to “make more
    effective the struggle against torture and other cruel,
    inhuman     or   degrading   treatment   or   punishment
    throughout the world.” United Nations: Draft Convention
    Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
    Treatment or Punishment, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1984/72,
    Preamble (1984). On December 10, 1984, the United
    Nations General Assembly adopted CAT by unanimous
    agreement. Committee on Foreign Relations, Convention
    Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
    Treatment or Punishment, S. Exec. Rep. No. 101-30, at 2
    President Reagan signed CAT on April 18, 1988, 
    the following reservation: “The Government of the United
    States of America reserves the right to communicate, upon
    ratification, such reservations, interpretive understandings,
    or declarations as are deemed necessary.” United Nations
    Treaty Collection: Declarations and Reservations, http://
    www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/treaty12_asp.htm.              One
    month later, the President transmitted CAT to the Senate
    for approval, with nineteen proposed “reservations,
    understandings,      and    declarations,”    including    the
    “declaration that [CAT] is not self-executing,” and the
    assurance that “[t]he recommended legislation necessary to
    implement [CAT] will be submitted to the Congress
    separately.” S. Treaty Doc. No. 100-20, iii, vi (1988).11
    11. The President’s message also stated: “Although the terms of [CAT],
    with the suggested reservations and understandings, are consonant with
    U.S. law, it is nevertheless preferable to leave any further
    implementation that may be desired to the domestic legislative and
    judicial process. The following declaration is therefore recommended, to
    clarify that the provisions of [CAT] would not of themselves become
    effective as domestic law: “The United States declares that the provisions
    of Articles 1 through 16 of [CAT] are not self-executing.” S. Treaty Doc.
    No. 100-20, at 2.
    The Senate adopted a resolution of advice and consent to
    ratification of CAT, subject to the declaration that it be
    deemed non-self-executing, on October 27, 1990. 136 Cong.
    Rec. 36,198 (1990). The instrument of ratification included
    the declaration that “the provisions of articles 1 through 16
    of [CAT] are not self-executing.” United Nations Treaty
    Collection:    Declarations   and    Reservations,     http://
    www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/treaty12_asp.htm.               On
    October 21, 1994, President Clinton deposited the
    instrument of ratification with the United Nations.
    Regulations Concerning the Convention Against Torture, 
    64 Fed. Reg. 8478
    -01 (Feb. 19, 1999).
    2.   FARRA
    To implement Article 3 of CAT, Congress passed FARRA
    in 1998. FARRA § 2242(a) provides that “[i]t shall be the
    policy of the United States not to expel, extradite, or
    otherwise effect the involuntary return of any person to a
    country in which there are substantial grounds for
    believing the person would be in danger of being subjected
    to torture.” Section 2242(b) of FARRA requires “the heads of
    the appropriate agencies” to “prescribe regulations to
    implement the obligations of the United States under
    [CAT’s] Article 3.” Accordingly, the Department of Justice (of
    which the INS at that time was a division) promulgated
    regulations delineating the procedures for deciding CAT
    claims. Pursuant to 
    8 C.F.R. § 208.16
    (c)(2), if an alien can
    demonstrate that it is “more likely than not” that he or she
    would be tortured if removed to a particular country, the
    INS must grant him or her protection. Depending on the
    status of the alien, that protection may take the form either
    of permanent withholding of removal or of temporary
    deferral of removal. 
    8 C.F.R. § 208.16
    (c)(4). The latter
    protection exists only until changed conditions in the
    In response to criticisms of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
    President Bush submitted a “revised and reduced list” of twelve proposed
    conditions in January 1990. S. Exec. Rep. No. 101-30, at 2. The
    Committee concluded that the revised list “in large measure eliminate[d]
    th[e] problem” and recommended ratification. 
    Id. at 2, 4
    proposed country of removal make it no longer more likely
    than not that the alien will be tortured if returned. 
    8 C.F.R. § 208.17
    At issue in this case are the jurisdictional provisions of
    FARRA and whether they preclude district courts from
    exercising habeas jurisdiction over claims alleging
    violations of CAT. Section 2242(d) of FARRA contains a
    jurisdiction-limiting   provision    and    a    jurisdiction-
    consolidating provision. The jurisdiction-limiting provision
    denies federal courts the power to review the regulations
    promulgated      under    FARRA.    
       The    jurisdiction-
    consolidating provision12 prescribes that CAT claims may be
    considered only as part of final orders of deportation
    reviewed pursuant to § 242 of the INA, 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (“[N]othing in this section shall be construed as providing
    any court jurisdiction to consider or review claims raised
    under [CAT] or this section, or any other determination
    made with respect to the application of the policy set forth
    in subsection (a), except as part of the review of a final
    order of removal pursuant to section 242 of the
    Immigration and Nationality Act.”).
    While on its face FARRA’s zipper clause acts only to
    consolidate jurisdiction in one action in the court of
    appeals, its effect is also to limit the extent to which courts
    of appeal may exercise that jurisdiction. Section 2242(d) of
    FARRA provides that only CAT claims that arise in the
    context of final orders of removal may be reviewed by the
    courts of appeal. But FARRA is not the first federal
    enactment to affect courts’ jurisdiction in immigration
    proceedings. IIRIRA “expressly precludes the courts of
    appeals from exercising ‘jurisdiction to review any final
    order of removal against any alien who is removable by
    reason of ’ a conviction for certain criminal offenses,
    including any aggravated felony.” See Calcano-Martinez v.
    533 U.S. 348
    , 350 (2001) (citing 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (a)(2)(C)).13 By confining judicial review to final orders
    12. This type of provision is often referred to as a “zipper clause” as it
    “consolidates or ‘zips’ ‘judicial review’ of immigration proceedings into
    one action in the court of appeals.” Mahadeo v. Reno, 
    226 F.3d 3
    , 12 (1st
    Cir. 2000); accord INS v. St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. 289
    , 313 (2001).
    13. Indeed, IIRIRA was not the first statute to limit the jurisdiction of the
    federal courts in immigration proceedings. The Antiterrorism and
    of removal, which are unreviewable if the petitioner has
    committed certain crimes, FARRA prevents the courts of
    appeals from reviewing CAT claims raised in deportation
    proceedings by aliens with certain criminal convictions.
    3.   St. Cyr
    We follow the breadcrumb trail to the Supreme Court’s
    opinion in INS v. St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. 289
     (2001), which may
    provide an answer to the question whether habeas relief
    remains available. St. Cyr decided this issue with respect
    to, inter alia, IIRIRA,14 which contains a jurisdictional
    Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (“AEDPA”), was enacted on April 24,
    1996. Pub.L. No. 104-132, 
    110 Stat. 1214
    . It added a new provision to
    the immigration laws that “[a]ny final order of deportation against an
    alien who is deportable by reason of having committed [an enumerated
    crime] shall not be subject to review by any court.” AEDPA § 440(a), 110
    Stat. at 1276. Six months later, Congress enacted IIRIRA. Pub. L. No.
    110 Stat. 3009
    -546 (1996).
    Relevant to this case are the provisions of IIRIRA that consolidate and
    limit judicial review in removal proceedings. IIRIRA, like FARRA, contains
    a zipper clause that consolidates and limits judicial review in removal
    proceedings to review of final orders of removal under INA § 242, 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    . IIRIRA § 306(a) (codified at INA § 242(b)(9), 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (b)(9)) (“Judicial review of all questions of law and fact . . . arising
    from any action taken or proceeding brought to remove an alien from the
    United States under this subchapter shall be available only in judicial
    review of a final order under this section.”). The scope of this provision
    is, as yet, not fully clear. Calcano-Martinez, 533 U.S. at 350 n.2.
    IIRIRA also codified AEDPA’s jurisdiction-limiting provision mentioned
    supra note 13. 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (a)(2)(C). Under IIRIRA’s transitional rules
    (applicable to removal proceedings commenced before April 1, 1997),
    IIRIRA § 309(c)(4)(G), “there shall be no appeal permitted in the case of
    an alien who is inadmissible or deportable by reason of having
    committed” certain enumerated criminal offenses. 
    110 Stat. 3009
    626-27. Under IIRIRA’s permanent rules (applicable to removal
    proceedings commenced after April 1, 1997), IIRIRA § 306(a), “no court
    shall have jurisdiction to review any final order of removal against an
    alien who is removable by reason of having committed” certain
    enumerated criminal offenses. (codified at INA § 242(a)(2)(c), 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    14. At issue in St. Cyr were two provisions of IIRIRA (codified in three
    separate sections of the United States Code), §§ 306 and 306(a) (codified
    provision similar to FARRA. The Supreme Court held that
    the jurisdiction-limiting provisions of IIRIRA (which deprive
    appellate courts of the right to review the final orders of
    removal of certain classes of criminal aliens) did not
    contain a sufficiently explicit statement of Congress’ intent
    to deprive district courts of their pre-existing habeas
    jurisdiction to effect that foreclosure.15 533 U.S. at 314. As
    a result, the Court concluded that habeas relief remained
    available under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
     to raise challenges to
    petitioners’ final orders of deportation. 
    Two canons of statutory                 construction guided the
    Supreme Court’s analysis in St.           Cyr. One canon provided a
    reason to conclude that the               statute did not foreclose
    habeas review; the other made             that construction possible.
    The Court invoked the canon of constitutional avoidance:
    “if an otherwise acceptable construction of a statute would
    raise serious constitutional problems, and where an
    alternative interpretation of the statute is fairly possible, we
    are obligated to construe the statute to avoid such
    Id. at 299-300
     (internal citations omitted). Here,
    the “serious constitutional problem” that concerned the
    Court was the potential violation of the Constitution’s
    Suspension Clause implicated by foreclosure of habeas
    review.16 Construing the statute to allow for habeas review
    8 U.S.C. §§ 1252
    (a)(1), 1252(a)(2)(C), and 1252(b)(9)). St. Cyr also dealt
    with a jurisdiction-limiting provision of AEDPA — § 401(e) — that
    repealed former INA § 106(a)(10), which provided, inter alia, habeas relief
    for an alien in custody pursuant to a deportation order. St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. at 309
    . We refer primarily to St. Cyr’s interpretation of IIRIRA because it
    is IIRIRA that more closely mirrors the language of FARRA.
    15. We had reached the same conclusion the previous year in Liang, 
    206 F.3d at 319
    16. The Suspension Clause provides that “[t]he privilege of the Writ of
    Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of
    Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.” U.S. Const. art.
    1, § 9, cl. 2. As the Court noted in St. Cyr, there are differing opinions
    as to the scope of the Suspension Clause and whether it protects the
    writ only to the extent it was available in 1789, as it existed after the
    1867 amendment extending the writ to state prisoners, or in its current
    form as a result of subsequent legal developments. 533 U.S. at 300-01.
    would avoid a potential Suspension Clause issue, thus not
    requiring the Court “to answer the difficult question of what
    the Suspension Clause protects.” Id. at 301 n.13.17
    The second canon of construction invoked by the Court
    was the plain statement rule. This rule is designed “to
    ensure that, absent unambiguous evidence of Congress’s
    intent, extraordinary constitutional powers are not invoked,
    or important constitutional protections eliminated, or
    seemingly inequitable doctrines applied.” Cipollone v. Liggett
    Group, Inc., 
    505 U.S. 504
    , 546 (1992) (Scalia, J.,
    concurring). Here, both the extraordinary power of
    Congress to eliminate all Article III review of the deportation
    orders of certain aliens and the elimination of the important
    constitutional protections embodied by the Suspension
    Clause were at issue. “[W]hen a particular interpretation of
    a statute invokes the outer limits of Congress’ power” —
    here, the power to deprive the courts of all jurisdiction to
    review certain types of cases — “we expect a clear
    indication that Congress intended that result.” St. Cyr, 533
    U.S. at 299 (citing Edward J. DeBartolo Corp. v. Fla. Gulf
    Coast Bldg. & Constr. Trades Council, 
    485 U.S. 568
    , 575
    (1988)).18 And there exists a “longstanding rule requiring a
    clear statement of congressional intent to repeal habeas
    jurisdiction.” St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. at
    298 (citing Ex parte
    8 Wall. 85
    , 102 (1869)). “Implications from statutory
    text or legislative history are not sufficient . . . ; instead
    Congress must articulate specific and unambiguous
    statutory directives to effect a repeal” of habeas
    17. The Supreme Court did suggest that the Suspension Clause might be
    violated if habeas review were to be foreclosed in the immigration
    context. It noted that because of the Clause, “ ‘some judicial intervention
    in deportation cases’ is unquestionably ‘required by the Constitution.’ ”
    St. Cyr, 533 U.S. at 300 (quoting Heikkila v. Barber, 
    345 U.S. 229
    , 235
    (1953)). At the very least, it protects the writ of habeas corpus as it
    existed in 1789. 
    Id. at 301
    . “At its historical core” the writ of habeas
    corpus was designed to provide a means for “reviewing the legality of
    Executive detention” and hence it is in this context that the writ’s
    protections are at their strongest. Id.
    18. If habeas review was unavailable for these petitioners, there would be
    “an absence of [a judicial] forum” to hear their claims. St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. at 314
    Id. at 299
    ; see also Felker v. Turpin, 
    518 U.S. 651
    , 660-61 (1996) (declining to conclude that Title I of
    AEDPA repealed habeas jurisdiction because it did not
    explicitly mention habeas corpus);19 Demore v. Kim, ___ U.S.
    ___, ___, 
    123 S. Ct. 1708
    , 1714 (2003) (concluding that
    district court had jurisdiction to consider habeas corpus
    claim challenging statute permitting aliens to be held
    indefinitely without bail despite language stating that “[n]o
    court may set aside any action or decision by the Attorney
    General” because “where a provision precluding review is
    claimed to bar habeas review, the Court has required a
    particularly clear statement that such is Congress’ intent”).
    In the context of these principles, the Court concluded
    that the language of IIRIRA was not sufficiently precise to
    repeal the habeas jurisdiction theretofore available via 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    . None of the jurisdiction-limiting provisions
    that the Government alleged divested the district court of
    habeas jurisdiction contained a “clear, unambiguous, and
    express statement of congressional intent to preclude
    judicial consideration on habeas.” St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. at 314
    In particular, they did not “explicitly mention[ ] habeas, or
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    Id. at 312
    . As a result, the Court
    concluded, no provision of IIRIRA “speaks with sufficient
    clarity to bar jurisdiction pursuant to the general habeas
    Id. at 312-13
    B.   Cognizability of Habeas Corpus Claims Under
    Notwithstanding the above, the District Court in this case
    concluded that it lacked habeas jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
     to consider claims arising under CAT and its
    implementing     legislation    and    regulations.    After
    consideration of the parties’ arguments, we conclude that
    FARRA’s jurisdictional provisions do not preclude habeas
    As noted above, two provisions of FARRA affect the
    jurisdiction of the federal courts. Only one is relevant to
    19. Felker involved provisions of AEDPA, entirely unrelated to those at
    issue in St. Cyr, that provide habeas relief to persons confined pursuant
    to a state-court conviction. 
    518 U.S. at 656
    this case. FARRA’s jurisdiction-limiting provision provides
    that “[n]o court shall have jurisdiction to review the
    regulations adopted to implement this section.” FARRA
    § 2242(d). Here, however, Ogbudimkpa does not challenge
    the regulations themselves, but the IJ’s application of the
    regulations to his case, and thus this provision is not
    implicated. At issue here is whether the jurisdiction-
    consolidating clause in § 2242(d), which limits courts’
    jurisdiction to consider CAT claims to the review of final
    orders of removal, precludes habeas review.
    1.   Applying St. Cyr’s Principles
    Guided by St. Cyr’s analysis of a similar provision in
    IIRIRA, we join the First, Second and Ninth Circuits in
    concluding that, because § 2242(d) of FARRA fails to state
    explicitly that a district court may not exercise jurisdiction
    over habeas corpus claims or mention 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    , the
    District Court retains that jurisdiction.20 St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. at 312
     (holding that a statute must “explicitly mention[ ]
    habeas, or 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    ,” to “speak[ ] with sufficient
    clarity to bar jurisdiction pursuant to the general habeas
    statute”); see also Demore, 
    123 S.Ct. at 1714
     (describing St.
    Cyr as “establish[ing] ‘a superclear statement, “magic
    words” requirement for the congressional expression of ’ an
    intent to preclude habeas review”) (quoting St. Cyr, 533
    20. Prior to the Supreme Court’s decision in St. Cyr, the Ninth Circuit
    concluded that habeas review was available for CAT claims. Cornejo-
    Barreto v. Seifert, 
    218 F.3d 1004
    , 1015-16 (9th Cir. 2000). The Court
    reasoned that, although § 2242(b) of FARRA did not provide a new grant
    of jurisdiction to federal courts, nothing precluded them from “look[ing]
    to existing jurisdictional statutes to entertain a petition for review.” Id. at
    1015. After St. Cyr, the First and Second Circuits recently concluded as
    well that habeas review is available for CAT claims. Saint Fort v.
    329 F.3d 191
    , 200 (1st Cir. 2003); Wang v. Ashcroft, 
    320 F.3d 130
    , 141 (2d Cir. 2003).
    We note that several district courts in this Circuit have anticipated our
    holding in this case, apparently assuming that, as a result of St. Cyr,
    district courts have jurisdiction to consider habeas corpus claims
    alleging CAT or FARRA claims. See, e.g., Builes v. Nye, 
    239 F. Supp. 2d 518
    , 525 (M.D. Pa. 2003); Chinchilla-Jimenez v. INS, 
    226 F. Supp.2d 680
    , 683 (E.D. Pa. 2002).
    U.S. at 327 (Scalia, J., dissenting)); Wang, 
    320 F.3d at 141
    (“[A] statute must, at a minimum, explicitly mention either
    ‘habeas corpus’ or ‘
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    ’ in order to limit or
    restrict § 2241 jurisdiction.”).
    We note first that the same constitutional concern that
    guided the Supreme Court to its conclusion in St. Cyr is
    present in this case. As in St. Cyr, the Government asks us
    to interpret a statute in a way that would foreclose an
    individual’s ability to invoke the writ of habeas corpus. To
    determine whether this foreclosure violates the Suspension
    Clause of the Constitution would require us to construe
    that Clause’s scope, a task the Supreme Court concluded
    should be a last resort in light of the considerable
    differences of opinion on the breadth of the Clause. 533
    U.S. at 301 n.13. The danger of a Suspension Clause
    violation here is as acute as in St. Cyr because this case
    involves the “historical core” of the writ of habeas corpus:
    providing a means for “reviewing the legality of Executive
    detention,” including the detention of aliens. Id. at 301. We
    decline to consider the Government’s argument that
    “ ‘[a]cknowledging no habeas corpus remedy for a narrow
    subject-matter category of claims does not effect an
    outright ‘suspension’ of the writ of habeas corpus.” Resp’t
    Br. at 24-25. Accepting or denying the truth of this
    statement is, spot on, what the St. Cyr Court sought to
    avoid. 553 U.S. at 301 n.13 (“The fact that this Court would
    be required to answer the difficult question of what the
    Suspension Clause protects is in and of itself a reason to
    avoid answering the constitutional questions that would be
    raised by concluding that review was barred entirely.”). We
    follow the Supreme Court’s lead and thus forgo construing
    the Suspension Clause. St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. at 300-01
    ; see
    also Wang, 
    320 F.3d at 141
     (noting desire to “avoid serious
    constitutional concerns”).
    We note also that the reasons to require a clear
    statement of Congressional intent are also present here. As
    discussed above, while Ogbudimkpa initially sought review
    of the final order of removal issued in his case, that petition
    was dismissed by our Court for lack of jurisdiction. If we
    were to conclude here that there is no habeas jurisdiction,
    no Article III court will review Ogbudimkpa’s CAT claims.
    We are reluctant to construe the statute to bar any type of
    judicial review without a clear statement from Congress
    indicating its intent to do so. Accord St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. at 299
    . In addition, the construction that the Government
    proposes would eliminate habeas jurisdiction, something
    that also requires a clear statement of intent on the part of
    Id. at 298
    With these considerations in mind, we turn to the
    language of FARRA. A side-by-side comparison (with
    emphasis added) of the provision of IIRIRA at issue in St.
    Cyr that most closely mirrors the language of FARRA at
    issue here convinces us that FARRA does not foreclose
    habeas review.
    IIRIRA § 306(a)              FARRA § 2242(d)4
    “Notwithstanding        any    “Notwithstanding        any
    other provision of law, no     other provision of law, . . .
    court shall have jurisdic-     nothing in this section
    tion to review any final       shall be construed as pro-
    order of removal against       viding any court jurisdic-
    an alien who is removable      tion    to   consider     or
    by reason of having com-       review claims under [CAT]
    mitted” certain enumer-        or this section . . . except
    ated criminal offenses.        as part of the review of a
    final order of removal pur-
    suant to section 242 of the
    With strong indication from the Supreme Court that
    nothing will suffice but the most explicit statement that
    habeas jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
     is repealed, and
    because § 2242(d) of FARRA does not mention habeas
    corpus or 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    , we conclude, by analogy to St.
    Cyr, that FARRA does not foreclose a district court from
    exercising habeas jurisdiction over claims alleging
    violations of CAT.
    2.        Arguments to Distinguish St. Cyr
    a.    Differences between FARRA and IIRIRA
    The Government reasons that a different result from St.
    Cyr should occur in this case, carefully parsing the
    differences between the statutory language of FARRA and
    IIRIRA in search of support. It notes that FARRA does not
    just forbid “review” but also “expressly prohibits any
    interpretation of its terms that would confer jurisdiction
    either to ‘consider’ or to ‘review’ ” a CAT claim.
    St. Cyr rejects this line of argument. That the wording of
    FARRA is minimally different from IIRIRA is immaterial in
    the absence of a clear statement by Congress of its intent
    explicitly to foreclose habeas jurisdiction. Even assuming
    that FARRA’s language is broader than IIRIRA’s language at
    best does nothing more than create a slight ambiguity as to
    Congress’ intent. But statutory “ambiguity does not help
    the INS” and “[o]nly the clearest statement of congressional
    intent will support the INS’ position.” St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. at
    312 n.35. Indeed, in St. Cyr the Court concluded that
    habeas relief under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
     remained available
    notwithstanding the fact that one provision under review,
    entitled “Elimination of Custody Review by Habeas Corpus,”
    repealed the INA provision authorizing habeas relief, INA
    § 106(a)(10).21 The Court reasoned that this provision could
    not “eliminate what it did not originally grant — namely,
    habeas jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    .” St. Cyr,
    533 U.S. at 311
    . In other words, excising a specific INA
    provision theretofore authorizing habeas review did not
    affect the general habeas authority granted by § 2241. If
    excising a provision authorizing habeas review is not
    sufficiently explicit an expression of Congressional intent to
    foreclose habeas jurisdiction, then the use of the word
    “consider” in addition to the word “review” cannot be
    deemed sufficiently explicit.
    21. As already noted, see supra note 14, St. Cyr considered jurisdictional
    provisions of both IIRIRA and AEDPA. The caption quoted is from AEDPA
    § 401(3).
    b.   Non-Self-Executing Treaties
    The Government argues that because St. Cyr did not
    involve a non-self-executing treaty, the Supreme Court’s
    reasoning does not apply to FARRA. Further, because
    FARRA involves such a treaty, there is no habeas
    jurisdiction unless Congress grants it. With a self-executing
    treaty, “no domestic legislation is required to give [it] the
    force of law in the United States.” Trans World Airlines, Inc.
    v. Franklin Mint Corp., 
    466 U.S. 243
    , 252 (1984).
    Conversely, a non-self-executing treaty is one that “must be
    implemented by legislation before it gives rise to a private
    cause of action.” Mannington Mills, Inc. v. Congoleum Corp.,
    595 F.2d 1287
    , 1298 (3d Cir. 1979) (citing Head Money
    112 U.S. 580
    , 589-90 (1884)). As noted above, in
    ratifying CAT the Senate gave its “advice and consent
    subject to [the declaration by the United States] that the
    provisions of Articles 1 through 16 of [CAT] are not self-
    executing.” 136 Cong. Rec. 36,198.22
    22. Ogbudimkpa argues that (a) CAT should be deemed a self-executing
    treaty, (b) the District Court erred in relying solely on the Senate’s
    declaration that CAT was non-self-executing, and (c) the Senate’s
    declaration that the treaty was non-self-executing was unconstitutional.
    Because in enacting FARRA Congress implemented CAT, we need not
    consider whether CAT is self-executing. See Cornejo-Barreto, 
    218 F.3d at
    1011 n.6 (“Because Congress passed legislation implementing Article 3 of
    [CAT], we need not reach the issue of whether that provision of the treaty
    is self-executing.”).
    We similarly find it unnecessary to consider the proposition that
    habeas corpus claims may be based on violations of treaties regardless
    whether the treaty is non-self-executing or self-executing. While this
    argument is well-thought-out, it has been rejected by a number of our
    sister Circuits in a rather cursory manner.
    The argument starts from the basic premise that CAT, as a ratified
    treaty, is the law of the United States, with or without implementing
    legislation. See U.S. Const. art. VI, cl. 2 (“This Constitution, and the
    Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof;
    and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the
    United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land.”). Courts have
    jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
     to consider cases arising out of
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
     (“The district courts shall have original
    jurisdiction of all civil actions arising under the Constitution, laws, or
    treaties of the United States.”). While the exact meaning of the terms
    “self-executing” and “non-self-executing” is the subject of much scholarly
    Premised on its conclusion that CAT is not self-executing,
    the Government states that an alien has only those CAT
    debate, see, e.g., Carlos Manuel Vazquez, The Four Doctrines of Self-
    Executing Treaties, 89 Am. J. Int’l L. 695 (1995), the law of this Circuit,
    as already noted, defines a non-self-executing treaty as one that “must
    be implemented by legislation before it gives rise to a private cause of
    action.” Mannington Mills, 
    595 F.2d at 1298
    ; see also Tel-Oren v. Libyan
    Arab Republic, 
    726 F.2d 774
    , 808 (D.C. Cir. 1984) (Bork, J., concurring)
    (quoting Mannington Mills, 
    595 F.2d at 1298
    ); but see Restatement
    (Third) on Foreign Relations Law, § 111 cmt h (“Whether a treaty is self-
    executing is a question distinct from whether the treaty creates private
    rights or remedies.”). Ratification purporting to cabin a treaty as non-
    self-executing nonetheless provides jurisdiction to the United States
    courts to hear cases premised on its violation (one example might be
    where CAT is interposed as a defense to removal), but does not provide
    a cause of action. Dreyfus v. Von Finck, 
    534 F.2d 24
    , 28, 30 (2d Cir.
    1976) (dismissing claim based on non-self-executing treaty violation
    because while 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
     provided jurisdiction for the court to
    consider a claim under a treaty, it did not provide a cause of action).
    Habeas relief is available for violations of a treaty. See 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    (c)(3) (providing that writs of habeas corpus may be granted to a
    prisoner who is “in custody in violation of the Constitution or laws or
    treaties of the United States”); see also Mali v. Keeper of the Common
    120 U.S. 1
     (1887) (considering habeas petition premised on treaty
    violation). Thus, the general habeas statute, 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    , provides
    a cause of action that 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
     does not. As a result, the
    argument continues, a treaty that is ratified but not self-executing need
    not be implemented in order for a party to have a habeas cause of action
    under that treaty. But see Wang, 
    320 F.3d at 140
     (“Unless a treaty is
    self-executing, however, it does not, in and of itself, create individual
    rights that can give rise to habeas relief.”); accord Bannerman v. Snyder,
    325 F.3d 722
    , 724 (6th Cir. 2003) (concluding that “the reference to
    ‘treaties of the United States’ in § 2241 cannot be construed as an
    implementation of non-self-executing provisions of treaties so as to
    render them judicially enforceable under § 2241”); Al Odah v. United
    321 F.3d 1134
    , 1146 (D.C. Cir. 2003) (rejecting habeas claim
    because “[t]reaties do not generally create rights privately enforceable in
    the courts. Without authorizing legislation, individuals may sue for
    treaty violations only if the treaty is self-executing.”) (Randolph, J.,
    concurring); Wesson v. U.S. Penitentiary Beaumont, 
    305 F.3d 343
    , 348
    (5th Cir. 2002) (“Wesson’s claim of a violation of the International
    Covenant on Civil and Political Rights fails because the treaty is not self-
    executing and Congress has not enacted implementing legislation. Thus,
    claims that Congress has expressly provided. In essence,
    the Government contends, the question that the Supreme
    Court asked in St. Cyr — is there evidence that Congress
    intended to foreclose the availability of habeas review — is
    turned around in the context of a non-self-executing treaty
    and becomes, instead, whether there is evidence that
    Congress intended to provide for the availability of habeas
    review. Were this analysis correct, habeas review would not
    be available for claims based on violations of CAT because,
    the Government points out, there is no explicit evidence
    that Congress intended to provide for that review.
    We agree with the First and Second Circuits that the
    proper starting point is the question whether FARRA
    deprives the District Court of habeas jurisdiction, not
    whether it grants it. Habeas relief is available for an
    individual who claims his or her continued detention
    violates a statute or a treaty. 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    (c)(3). CAT
    has been implemented by FARRA and its accompanying
    regulations. FARRA makes it federal law that no one shall
    be removed “to a country in which there are substantial
    grounds for believing the person would be in danger of
    being subjected to torture.” FARRA, § 2242(a). It follows
    that those individuals whose detention violates FARRA may
    challenge their detention under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    , just as
    with any other detentions that violate federal law. See
    320 F.3d at
    141 n.16 (“Once Congress created rights
    under CAT by enacting FARRA, § 2241 necessarily became
    habeas relief is not available for such a violation.”); United States v.
    Warden, FMC Rochester, 
    286 F.3d 1059
    , 1063 (8th Cir. 2002) (rejecting
    § 2241 claim alleging violations of treaty on ground that it “does not bind
    federal courts because the treaty is not self-executing and Congress has
    yet to enact implementing legislation”).
    Thus, while we sidestep this thicket (whether a treaty is self-executing
    or non-self-executing treaty has been dubbed “the most confounding”
    distinction in the law of treaties, Vazquez, The Four Doctrines of Self-
    Executing Treaties, 89 Am. J. Int’l L. at 695 (quoting United States v.
    589 F.2d 862
    , 876 (5th Cir. 1979))), we note the interesting
    issues the argument engenders, particularly those with respect to the
    availability of habeas relief under a non-self-executing treaty absent
    implementing legislation.
    a proper avenue of relief for individuals in custody in
    violation of FARRA and its implementing regulations.”);
    Saint Fort, 
    329 F.3d at 202
     (“Saint Fort’s claims do not rest
    solely on a treaty that is not self-executing, they rest on the
    CAT through the FARRA and the regulations, and on a
    claim of violation of constitutional rights.”).23 Thus, whether
    CAT is or is not self-executing is irrelevant.
    c.   Historical Practice
    In support of its argument that Congress must
    affirmatively grant habeas jurisdiction, the Government
    notes that there is no history of district courts reviewing
    CAT claims in the form of habeas corpus petitions. We are
    unpersuaded that this is relevant. In the words of the
    Second Circuit (which also dismissed this argument), “it
    makes no difference whether the type of claim allegedly
    being excluded from § 2241 is long-standing or newly
    created.” Wang, 
    320 F.3d at
    141 n.16. Once Congress
    created rights under CAT by enacting FARRA, § 2241
    “became a proper avenue of relief for individuals in custody
    in violation of FARRA and its implementing regulations.” Id.
    In a similar vein, the Government contends that the lack
    of history of habeas review of CAT claims distinguishes this
    case from St. Cyr because there was a longstanding history
    of habeas review of deportation and exclusion orders prior
    23. The Government argues that because FARRA provides “an
    affirmative, but limited grant of jurisdiction,” it must also affirmatively
    grant habeas jurisdiction. Resp. Br. at 24. For this argument to be
    correct, FARRA must be different from other statutes with a limited grant
    of jurisdiction. For instance, every federal criminal law provides an
    affirmative, though limited, grant of jurisdiction (because the federal
    Government has no general police power) and yet nearly all federal
    criminal laws do not explicitly provide for habeas jurisdiction. If the
    Government’s theory of habeas jurisdiction is correct, every time
    Congress enacted a criminal law, a district court would lack jurisdiction
    to hear habeas corpus claims based on violations of that law unless that
    criminal statute affirmatively granted habeas jurisdiction. Cf. Reply Br.
    at 13 (“The Government’s position would . . . require Congress to go
    through the pointless exercise of attaching (redundant) jurisdiction
    grants to each and every point of legislation implementing a treaty’s
    to IIRIRA, whereas there is no such history of CAT claims
    prior to FARRA. But the St. Cyr Court’s analysis of the
    historical availability of the writ of habeas corpus did not
    focus narrowly, as the Government would have us do, on
    whether there was a history of habeas review of the exact
    claims at issue in that case.
    Using the broad lens of the St. Cyr Court, we conclude
    that the question is whether the general nature of the
    claims at issue were historically reviewable on a writ of
    habeas corpus. Habeas corpus writs were traditionally
    issued “to command the discharge of seamen who had a
    statutory exemption from impressment into the British
    Navy, to emancipate slaves, and to obtain the freedom of
    apprentices and asylum inmates.” St. Cyr, 533 U.S. at 302.
    Here, as in St. Cyr, the general nature of the claim is that
    of a challenge to the validity of executive detentions, and we
    are persuaded by St. Cyr’s analysis demonstrating that
    these challenges invoke the writ’s protections in their
    purest form. Id. at 301 (“At its historical core, the writ of
    habeas corpus has served as a means of reviewing the
    legality of Executive detention”); id. at 303-04 (noting “the
    historical use of habeas corpus to remedy unlawful
    Executive action” and “to redress the improper exercise of
    official discretion”); id. at 305 (arguing that “to conclude
    that the writ is no longer available in this context would
    represent a departure from historical practice in
    immigration law. The writ of habeas corpus has always
    been available to review the legality of Executive
    Even if we were to narrow the lens, disallowing habeas
    relief would still be a departure from historical practice. Not
    only did the writ traditionally issue as a means to review
    the legality of Executive detention of citizens, it also issued
    as a means of reviewing the legality of Executive detention
    of aliens. St. Cyr, 533 U.S. at 305-06. And it traditionally
    issued as a means of reviewing the legality of the detention
    of aliens in the face of alleged treaty violations. Brief Amici
    Curiae of Legal Historians Listed Herein in Support of
    Respondents: INS v. St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. 289
    16 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 465
    , 482 (2001) (describing cases in which
    deserting alien sailors brought habeas corpus petitions
    based on violations of treaties or federal laws); see also
    120 U.S. at 1
     (considering habeas corpus petition
    brought on behalf of alien sailor alleging violations of
    consular agreement between the United States and
    Belgium). Hence the conclusion that habeas review was not
    available for CAT claims would, as in St. Cyr, represent “a
    departure from historical practice,” a departure we decline
    to follow. St. Cyr, 533 U.S. at 305.
    We therefore hold that district courts may exercise
    habeas jurisdiction over petitions alleging violations of CAT
    or FARRA and that FARRA does not speak with sufficient
    clarity to deprive the district courts of that jurisdiction.24
    24. We hold that a district court has jurisdiction to consider habeas
    corpus petitions that allege violations of CAT. If CAT is a non-self-
    executing treaty (and individuals do not have a right to bring habeas
    claims based on violations of non-self-executing treaties, as discussed
    supra note 22), then, strictly speaking, the District Court may have
    jurisdiction only to consider claims alleging FARRA violations. The
    Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law, § 111 cmt h (1987),
    suggests that “it is the implementing legislation, rather than the
    agreement itself, that is given effect as law in the United States. That is
    true even when a non-self-executing agreement is ‘enacted’ by, or
    incorporated in, implementing legislation.” Assuming that CAT is non-
    self-executing, then so-called CAT claims may be, in fact, FARRA claims.
    But because the language of FARRA is virtually identical to the
    language of Article 3 of CAT, the distinction is one without a difference.
    It would be absurdly formalistic to conclude that there is no habeas
    jurisdiction if a petitioner invokes Article 3 of CAT, but that there is
    habeas jurisdiction if a petitioner invokes § 2242(a) of FARRA, when the
    language of the two provisions are substantively the same. Compare
    Article 3, CAT (“No State Party shall expel, return (“refouler”) or extradite
    a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for
    believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture.”) with
    FARRA § 2242(a) (“It shall be the policy of the United States not to expel,
    extradite, or otherwise effect the involuntary return of any person to a
    country in which there are substantial grounds for believing the person
    would be in danger of being subjected to torture.”).
    The “bottom line” — if CAT is indeed non-self-executing, then FARRA
    implements CAT and provides a cause of action for violations of CAT, but
    it does not make CAT self-executing. The technical result — an
    individual has a claim under FARRA for a violation of CAT, but not
    under CAT itself. But because the distinction between FARRA and Article
    3 of CAT is inconsequential, the continued colloquial reference to CAT
    rather than FARRA is likewise inconsequential and thus we relegate this
    discussion to a footnote.
    C.    Scope of Review
    The Government further asserts that, even if we were to
    conclude (as we have done) that district courts have
    jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
     to review CAT or
    FARRA claims, the District Court has no jurisdiction over
    Ogbudimkpa’s habeas corpus claims because he has not
    sought review on a legal or constitutional claim, but rather
    of a factual issue. We disagree. Ogbudimkpa does not
    dispute the factual findings of the IJ. Rather, he argues
    that the IJ wrongly applied the standard for relief set forth
    in FARRA and its implementing regulations to the facts of
    his case. Habeas relief is traditionally available to correct
    “errors of law, including the erroneous application or
    interpretation of statutes.” St. Cyr, 533 U.S. at 302
    (emphasis added). A district court’s habeas jurisdiction
    encompasses review of the BIA’s application of legal
    principles to undisputed facts. Wang, 
    320 F.3d at 143
    (“Wang’s argument on appeal challenging the BIA’s
    application of the particular facts in this case to the
    relevant law falls within the permissible scope of review.”);
    see also Saint Fort, 
    329 F.3d at 203
     (noting the Second
    Circuit’s conclusion in Wang while declining to reach issue
    because the petitioner’s claim was constitutional in nature).
    Because Ogbudimkpa alleges misapplication of a legal
    principle to undisputed facts of record, this case falls
    within the scope of habeas jurisdiction granted to the
    District Court by 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    III.   Conclusion
    District courts have jurisdiction to consider claims
    alleging violations of CAT raised in habeas corpus petitions.
    Congress implemented CAT by passing FARRA. FARRA’s
    jurisdictional provisions do not refer to habeas corpus or 
    28 U.S.C. § 2241
    , and thus do not speak with sufficient
    precision to divest district courts of that habeas
    jurisdiction. Because the scope of habeas jurisdiction
    extends to claims concerning the correct interpretation or
    application of a statute, the District Court has jurisdiction
    to    consider    Ogbudimkpa’s      claim   that    the   BIA
    misinterpreted FARRA (and the regulations implementing
    FARRA) in concluding that the facts in this case do not
    satisfy the standard for relief under CAT. Accordingly, we
    reverse the District Court’s dismissal for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction and remand for it to consider the merits
    of Ogbudimkpa’s habeas corpus petition.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-1181P

Filed Date: 8/22/2003

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (34)

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