Alexander v. Anthony Intl ( 2003 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2003 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Alexander v. Anthony Intl
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 02-3764P
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    Filed August 19, 2003
    No. 02-3764
    On Appeal from the District Court
    of the Virgin Islands
    (D.C. Civil No. 97-cv-00058)
    District Judge: Hon. Raymond L. Finch, Chief Judge
    Argued April 30, 2003
    BEFORE: ROTH, MCKEE and COWEN, Circuit Judges
    (Filed August 19, 2003)
    K. Glenda Cameron, Esq. (Argued)
    Law Office of Lee J. Rohn
    1101 King Street, Suite 2
    Christiansted, St. Croix
    USVI, 00820
    Counsel for Appellants
    Linda J. Blair, Esq. (Argued)
    Bryant, Barnes & Moss
    1134 King Street, 2nd Floor
    Christiansted, St. Croix
    USVI, 00820
    Counsel for Appellee
    COWEN, Circuit Judge.
    Blaise Alexander and Gerald Freeman appeal from the
    order of the District Court for the Virgin Islands compelling
    arbitration pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”),
    9 U.S.C. § 1
    , et seq., and dismissing their complaint against
    Anthony Crane International, L.P. (“Anthony Crane”)1 with
    prejudice. Plaintiffs asserted several claims under Virgin
    Islands law arising out of the alleged discriminatory
    conduct of Anthony Crane, their previous employer.
    Because of an arbitration agreement in the employment
    contract, the District Court ruled that such claims must be
    pursued in the arbitral forum and dismissed plaintiffs’
    complaint. We, however, conclude that this agreement to
    arbitrate is unenforceable pursuant to the well-established
    doctrine of unconscionability. We therefore will reverse.
    Plaintiffs have worked for over twenty years as heavy
    equipment and certified crane operators at the Hess oil
    refinery on St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands.
    Plaintiffs, originally from St. Lucia, attended schools
    operating under the British system of education. Alexander
    left school at the age of fourteen, having received the
    equivalent of a seventh-grade education. Freeman, who also
    left school at the same age, had no more than the
    equivalent of a fifth-grade education.
    Hess     Oil   Virgin    Islands      Corporation     has    entered
    1. The caption identifies the defendant as Anthony International, L.P.
    arrangements with a series of contractors to provide heavy
    equipment services. It announced in June 1996 that the
    equipment contract was awarded to Anthony Crane.
    Anthony Crane, a Pennsylvania company, has offices
    throughout the United States and the world.
    On August 10, 1996, plaintiffs, along with other
    prospective employees, attended an orientation meeting
    conducted by Anthony Crane. The attendees received
    several documents, including the Hourly Employee
    Contract. The acceptance of this standard form contract
    constituted a condition of employment, and plaintiffs had
    no opportunity to negotiate or otherwise reject its specific
    terms. Plaintiffs signed the agreement and began working
    for Anthony Crane. They claimed that they accepted the
    terms of the contract because they needed the job.
    Alexander actually had three children in college at the time.
    Among its various provisions, the Hourly Employee
    Contract contains several clauses governing the resolution
    of disputes. It provides that “[a]ny controversy or claim
    arising out of or relating in any way to this Contract, to the
    breach of this Contract, and/or to EMPLOYEE’s
    employment with ANTHONY . . . shall be settled by
    arbitration and not in a court or before an administrative
    law judge.” App. at 17, 30. Arbitrable matters include all
    claims “arising out of or relating in any fashion to this
    Contract, to the breach of this Contract, or to EMPLOYEE’S
    employment with ANTHONY.”2 App. at 18, 31. The employee
    2. The Hourly Employee Contract continues:
    Arbitrable matters include, but are not limited to, the following:
    claims for wrongful or retaliatory discharge or wrongful treatment
    under Virgin Islands or Federal law, including, but not limited to,
    the Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1871, and 1964, Title VII, the Equal
    Employment Opportunity Act, the Equal Pay Act, the Fair Labor
    Standards Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the
    Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act,
    and Titles 10 and 24 of the Virgin Islands Code; claims for
    employment discrimination under Virgin Islands law or Federal law;
    defamation or matters sounding in tort; and the issue of arbitrability
    of any claim or dispute.
    App. at 18.
    also waives the right to a trial by jury as to any claim or
    dispute ruled non-arbitrable.
    The arbitration must occur pursuant to the FAA and “the
    arbitration provisions of the Employment Dispute
    Resolution Rules of the American Arbitration Association
    (Rules 11-35 of the January 1993 version, to the extent
    applicable).” App. at 19, 32. According to the Hourly
    Employee Contract, the employee must satisfy a thirty-day
    limitations period in order to pursue a claim against
    Anthony Crane:
    EMPLOYEE must present EMPLOYEE’s claim in
    written form to the Company within thirty (30) calender
    days of the event which forms the basis of the claim.
    For the purposes of this time limitation, the event
    forming the basis of a claim arising from discharge of
    EMPLOYEE shall be the date of discharge. In no event
    may EMPLOYEE bring a claim of any nature against
    ANTHONY unless the claim is filed as set forth in this
    paragraph within thirty (30) days of the last day
    EMPLOYEE was employed by ANTHONY. The written
    notice submitted by the EMPLOYEE shall describe the
    event forming the basis of claim, a description of his
    claim, the relief sought by EMPLOYEE, and an address
    and telephone number where EMPLOYEE can be
    reached. Notice must be given to the General Manager
    by hand delivery or by certified mail, return receipt
    requested, and must be received by the General
    Manager on or before the expiration of thirty (30)
    calender days from the date of the event forming the
    basis of the claim. If notice is given by hand delivery,
    EMPLOYEE must retain a receipted copy of the notice.
    If notice is given by certified mail, EMPLOYEE must
    retain a copy of the return receipt. In the event that
    timely notice is not provided to the Company as set
    forth herein, it is agreed that the EMPLOYEE has
    waived EMPLOYEE’s right to assert the claim, and
    shall have no further remedy against the Company. It
    is further agreed that this time limitation is to be
    strictly enforced by the arbitrator.
    App. at 19-20, 32-33. The contract further requires
    Anthony Crane to submit, within fifteen calender days of its
    receipt of the employee’s timely notice, a request to the
    Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service or the American
    Arbitration Association (“AAA”) for a list of five impartial
    arbitrators in order to commence the selection process.
    The Hourly Employee Contract also allocates the costs of
    arbitration. It provides that the “losing party shall bear the
    costs of the arbitrator’s fees and expenses.” App. at 20, 33.
    Anthony Crane agreed to advance these fees and expenses,
    but, if it prevails in the proceeding, the employee is bound
    to provide reimbursement. The contract states that, with
    the exception of the arbitrator’s fees and expenses, “each
    party shall bear its own costs and expenses, including
    attorney’s fees.” App. at 20, 33.
    The Hourly Employee Contract delineates the form and
    extent of any arbitration award in the employee’s favor. It
    authorizes the arbitrator to uphold Anthony Crane’s actions
    or grant relief to the employee. Such relief “shall consist of
    net pecuniary damages and/or reinstatement.” App. at 21,
    34. “Net pecuniary damages” is defined as:
    . . . gross wages which EMPLOYEE could have earned
    with ANTHONY during any period of suspension or
    from the time period commencing on the date of
    discharge and terminating on the date of the
    arbitration award, minus any compensation from other
    employment earned by EMPLOYEE during such time
    period, and minus any unemployment compensation
    received by EMPLOYEE during such time period.
    App. at 21, 34. The contract “specifically excluded”
    incidental or consequential damages from this definition.
    App. at 21, 34. The arbitrator is also prohibited from
    substituting his or her judgment for the judgment of
    Anthony Crane and from altering or amending the form of
    any disciplinary action if the arbitrator found such action
    was merited. The Hourly Employee Contract finally contains
    an invalidity provision, stating that the invalidity of any
    portion of the contract shall not affect the validity of any
    other provision and that the parties agree that any
    remaining provisions “shall remain in full force and effect.”
    App. at 22, 35.
    Anthony Crane allegedly engaged in discriminatory
    conduct after its hiring of plaintiffs. Plaintiffs claimed that
    it used “white, Statesider employees” to perform the same
    or similar work at higher pay and benefits. App. at 42.
    Anthony Crane allegedly discriminated in making
    promotions, with all foreman and higher positions filled by
    these “white, Stateside employees.” App. at 42. Michael
    Cain, the operations manager, allegedly informed Anthony
    Crane workers at a September 1996 meeting that the
    company would not recognize seniority and “that no ‘old
    men’ would be filling” crane operator positions. App. at 43.
    On February 17, 1997, Anthony Crane ordered Alexander
    to take a qualification test. Plaintiffs alleged that Alexander
    was given no warning or an opportunity to prepare and that
    only certain older, black employees were required to take
    this examination. Anthony Crane then terminated
    Alexander based on his test performance. According to
    plaintiffs, the company interpreted the test results in a
    discriminatory fashion. Alexander was fifty-nine years old
    at the time of his termination.
    Anthony Crane informed Freeman on December 26, 1996
    that he was being laid off because of a work reduction.
    Plaintiffs challenged this purported justification, claiming
    that Anthony Crane retained younger, white employees with
    less experience and fewer qualifications and hired such
    employees to perform the same or similar work after
    Freeman’s “layoff.” Although Freeman allegedly discovered
    that Anthony Crane was still hiring crane operators, the
    company informed him that no work was available.
    Plaintiffs filed charges with both the Equal Employment
    Opportunity       Commission     and   the  Virgin   Islands
    Department of Labor. On May 27, 1997, plaintiffs filed a
    complaint in the District Court. Alleging that Anthony
    Crane is a citizen of Pennsylvania, plaintiffs premised
    jurisdiction on diversity of citizenship. The complaint
    lacked any federal causes of action but contained five
    counts under Virgin Islands law. Anthony Crane allegedly
    violated both the Virgin Islands Wrongful Discharge Act and
    the Virgin Islands Civil Rights Act. The complaint further
    alleged that Anthony Crane’s actions constituted intentional
    and negligent infliction of emotional distress. Plaintiffs
    sought punitive damages in addition to back pay, costs,
    and attorney’s fees.
    On December 22, 1997, Anthony Crane moved to stay
    this action pending arbitration. In an order dated April 6,
    1998, the Magistrate Judge determined that, because it is
    the responsibility of the court and not the arbitrator to
    ascertain the validity of an arbitration agreement, he must
    decide whether the agreement at issue here constitutes a
    contract of adhesion and is unconscionable or contrary to
    public policy.3 The Magistrate Judge granted Anthony
    Crane’s motion in a May 6, 1998 order. The Magistrate
    Judge accepted that the Hourly Employee Contract was a
    form document and that prospective employees “may have
    no realistic ability to modify its terms.” App. at 128. He,
    however, still decided to enforce the agreement to arbitrate,
    rejecting plaintiffs’ contention that the agreement is
    unconscionable or offends public policy.
    Expecting any arbitration to take at least seven days,
    plaintiffs claimed that they informed Anthony Crane of their
    inability to afford arbitration. Plaintiffs relied on
    information submitted by the potential arbitrators to
    demonstrate the amount of fees at issue. One prospective
    arbitrator indicated that she charged $175.00 per hour or
    between $800.00 and $1000.00 per day. Another arbitrator
    said that he is compensated at the rate of $275.00 per
    hour. A third possible choice stated that he charged
    $175.00 per hour or $1000.00 per diem. Anthony Crane
    paid the AAA’s arbitration administration fee on April 1,
    1998. In a September 14, 1998 letter, Lee J. Rohn, Esq.,
    counsel for plaintiffs, responded to an inquiry from defense
    counsel concerning the selection process. She indicated
    that Glenda Cameron, Esq., who was responsible for
    researching and striking proposed arbitrators, had gone to
    Washington, D.C. for emergency surgery and would not
    3. The Magistrate Judge originally ordered a factual hearing on this issue
    of enforceability. For purposes of its motion for a stay, Anthony Crane
    stipulated to the truthfulness of plaintiffs’ account of the signing of the
    Hourly Employee Contract and even conceded “ ‘that the court could find
    that the employment contract is one of adhesion.’ ” App. at 127. No
    evidentiary hearing was ever held.
    return for at least two weeks. Rohn stated that she would
    ask her to make this selection process a priority upon her
    return. It also appears that Maurice Cusick, Esq., another
    attorney handling plaintiffs’ case, “developed heart
    problems and was out of the office and the matter did not
    advance for a period of time.” App. at 134. The AAA closed
    this case in January 1999.
    Plaintiffs accordingly filed a notice of status and motion
    to vacate the order of arbitration on May 7, 2002. Finding
    that he lacked the authority to decide a motion to compel
    arbitration, the Magistrate Judge referred this motion to
    Chief Judge Finch.
    In an order dated September 12, 2002, the District Court
    vacated the stay, compelled arbitration, and dismissed
    plaintiffs’ complaint with prejudice. It concluded in an
    accompanying memorandum opinion that the Magistrate
    Judge did not have jurisdiction to decide Anthony Crane’s
    original motion. It therefore considered the Magistrate
    Judge’s order as a report containing proposed findings of
    fact and recommendations and plaintiffs’ motion to vacate
    as untimely objections to this “report.” The District Court
    reviewed these proposed findings and recommendations for
    clear error. It ruled that the Magistrate Judge’s finding that
    the agreement to arbitrate is enforceable regardless of
    Virgin Islands public policy was not clearly erroneous
    because of the application of the FAA and its preemption of
    any alleged territorial policy against arbitration in the
    employment context. The District Court then considered
    plaintiffs’ contention that the arbitration agreement
    improperly provided for the surrender of several rights
    under Virgin Islands law. Plaintiffs challenged the thirty-
    day notice requirement based on territorial statutes of
    limitations and claimed that the contract also restricted
    their right to obtain attorney’s fees as well as incidental,
    consequential, and punitive damages. The District Court,
    however, concluded that the enforceability of such waivers
    must be decided by the arbitrator. The District Court finally
    held that the Magistrate Judge did not commit any clear
    error as to the matter of arbitration expenses because
    plaintiffs never argued before the Magistrate Judge that
    they were deterred by the “loser pays” provision from
    pursuing arbitration and never provided any evidence to
    the Magistrate Judge of the actual costs at issue or their
    inability to pay them. Plaintiffs timely appealed.
    Plaintiffs challenge the manner in which the District
    Court considered the Magistrate Judge’s ruling. Although
    they agree with the District Court that the Magistrate Judge
    lacked the authority to grant the stay, they assert that the
    District Court erred in treating the Magistrate Judge’s order
    as proposed findings of fact and recommendations.
    According to plaintiffs, the District Court was required to
    vacate this ruling as a nullity and render a fully de novo
    determination regarding the validity and enforceability of
    the agreement to arbitrate. They alternatively assert that
    the District Court, even if it properly considered the order
    of the Magistrate Judge as proposed findings and
    recommendations, failed to subject the Magistrate Judge’s
    legal conclusions to the proper de novo review. Anthony
    Crane, while defending the decision to treat the order as a
    recommendation under a clear error standard of review,
    argues that the Magistrate Judge actually possessed the
    power to issue this order to stay.
    Because we clearly have appellate jurisdiction over the
    District Court’s order dismissing this action, see, e.g., Blair
    v. Scott Specialty Gases, 
    283 F.3d 595
    , 598-602 (3d Cir.
    2002), we need not resolve these preliminary issues. We
    instead proceed directly to whether the Magistrate Judge
    and the District Court erred in finding that the parties
    entered a valid and enforceable agreement to arbitrate their
    disputes. We exercise plenary review. See, e.g., Harris v.
    Green Tree Fin. Corp., 
    183 F.3d 173
    , 176 (3d Cir. 1999).
    Plaintiffs challenge the agreement to arbitrate and its
    specific components on a number of grounds. We, however,
    need     only   consider   the   dispositive   matter   of
    unconscionability. We agree with plaintiffs that the
    agreement to arbitrate is fundamentally unconscionable.
    Needing to work for Anthony Crane, they were presented
    with its terms without any real opportunity to negotiate.
    The thirty-day time limitation, the restrictions on relief
    available to the plaintiffs, and, under the circumstances of
    this case, the “loser pays” provision for arbitrator’s fees and
    expenses unreasonably favor Anthony Crane to the
    plaintiffs’ detriment. These numerous elements of illegality
    permeate the overall agreement to arbitrate. Refusing to
    sever, we must strike down the arbitration agreement as
    Congress enacted the FAA in 1925 in response to the
    traditional judicial hostility to the enforcement of
    arbitration agreements. See, e.g., Circuit City Stores, Inc. v.
    532 U.S. 105
    , 112 (2001); Harris v. Green Tree Fin.
    183 F.3d 173
    , 178 (3d Cir. 1999). The FAA provides
    that such agreements are “enforceable to the same extent
    as other contracts.” Seus v. John Nuveen & Co., 
    146 F.3d 175
    , 178 (3d Cir. 1998). The enactment establishes a
    strong federal policy in favor of the resolution of disputes
    through arbitration. See, e.g., Moses H. Cone Mem’l Hosp.
    v. Mercury Constr. Corp., 
    460 U.S. 1
    , 24 (1983).
    Accordingly, “federal law presumptively favors the
    enforcement of arbitration agreements.” Harris, 
    183 F.3d at
    178 (citing In re Prudential Ins. Co. of Am. Sales Practice
    133 F.3d 225
    , 231 (3d Cir. 1998)). A party to a valid
    and enforceable arbitration agreement is entitled to a stay
    4. Plaintiffs also challenge the prohibition on filing an administrative
    claim and the AAA’s “confidentiality” requirements on unconscionability
    grounds. Because we need not find these specific aspects
    unconscionable in order to strike down the arbitration agreement, we do
    not address them.
    Anthony Crane argues that we should not consider some assertions of
    plaintiffs due to a failure to advance such arguments before the
    Magistrate Judge or the District Court. These include the challenges to
    the thirty-day limitations period and the requirement that each party
    generally bear its own costs and attorney’s fees. Plaintiffs clearly
    asserted below that the agreement to arbitrate is unconscionable, and
    the Magistrate Judge expressly rejected these assertions. Although
    plaintiffs could have further developed their contentions as to
    unconscionability, Anthony Crane fully responded to any further
    elaborations offered on appeal. We therefore consider all of the relevant
    arguments of the parties.
    of federal court proceedings pending arbitration as well as
    an order compelling such arbitration. See, e.g., 
    9 U.S.C. §§ 3-4
    ; Seus, 
    146 F.3d at 179
    Defendants apparently contest the ability of a court to
    consider any challenge to an arbitration agreement on such
    grounds as unconscionability. In Great Western Mortgage
    Corp. v. Peacock, 
    110 F.3d 222
     (3d Cir. 1997), the Third
    Circuit indicated that it is for the arbitrator to address “any
    argument that the provisions of the Arbitration Agreement
    involve a waiver of substantive rights afforded by the state
    Id. at 231
    . But a court, before directing the parties
    to proceed with this favored method of dispute resolution,
    must still ascertain whether the parties entered a valid
    agreement to arbitrate. See, e.g., 
    id. at 228, 231
    9 U.S.C. § 2
    A written provision in any maritime transaction or a
    contract evidencing a transaction involving commerce
    to settle by arbitration a controversy thereafter arising
    out of such contract or transaction, or the refusal to
    perform the whole or any part thereof, or an agreement
    in writing to submit to arbitration an existing
    controversy arising out of such a contract, transaction,
    or refusal, shall be valid, irrevocable, and enforceable,
    save upon such grounds as exist at law or in equity for
    the revocation of any contract.
    We are to look to the relevant state law of contracts in
    making this determination. See, e.g., Blair v. Scott Specialty
    283 F.3d 595
    , 603 (3d Cir. 2002); Harris, 
    183 F.3d at 179
    . An agreement to arbitrate may be unenforceable
    based on a generally applicable contractual defense, such
    as unconscionability. See, e.g., Doctor’s Assocs., Inc. v.
    517 U.S. 681
    , 687 (1996). According to the
    Supreme Court, courts must “remain attuned to well-
    supported claims that the agreement to arbitrate resulted
    from the sort of fraud or overwhelming economic power that
    would provide grounds ‘for the revocation of any contract.’ ”
    Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 
    473 U.S. 614
    , 624 (1985). Although possibly relevant,
    considerations of public policy and the loss of state
    statutory rights are not dispositive in the unconscionability
    inquiry. The generally applicable standards of this
    contractual doctrine continue to dictate the result of any
    analysis. Consistent with the Supreme Court’s call, we have
    on several occasions dealt with claims that an arbitration
    contract is invalid on grounds of unconscionability or
    disparity in bargaining power.5 See Harris, 
    183 F.3d at
    84; Seus, 
    146 F.3d at 184
    ; Great Western Mortgage Corp.,
    110 F.3d at 228-30
    ; Pritzker v. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner
    & Smith, Inc., 
    7 F.3d 1110
    , 1118 (3d Cir. 1993).
    It appears uncontested that Virgin Islands law furnishes
    the relevant contractual principles in this case. Statutory
    law mandates that we turn to “the rules of the common
    law, as expressed in the restatements of the law approved
    by the American Law Institute.” 1 V.I. Code Ann. § 4.
    A.   Unconscionability
    Section 208 of the Restatement (Second) of Contracts
    If a contract or term thereof is unconscionable at the
    time the contract is made a court may refuse to enforce
    the contract, or may enforce the remainder of the
    contract without the unconscionable term, or may so
    limit the application of any unconscionable term as to
    avoid any unconscionable result.
    Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 208 (1981).6
    5. At oral argument, Anthony Crane acknowledged that a court may
    resolve an unconscionability challenge to an arbitration contract.
    6. Section 208 is based on a provision of the Uniform Commercial Code:
    (1) If the court as a matter of law finds the contract or any clause
    of the contract to have been unconscionable at the time it was made
    the court may refuse to enforce the contract, or it may enforce the
    remainder of the contract without the unconscionable clause, or it
    may so limit the application of any unconscionable clause as to
    avoid any unconscionable result.
    (2) When it is claimed or appears to the court that the contract or
    any clause thereof may be unconscionable the parties shall be
    afforded a reasonable opportunity to present evidence as to its
    commercial setting, purpose and effect to aid the court in making
    the determination.
    11A V.I. Code Ann. § 2-302.
    Courts have generally recognized that the doctrine of
    unconscionability       involves  both   “procedural”     and
    “substantive” elements. See, e.g., Harris, 
    183 F.3d at
    82 (applying Pennsylvania law); Ting v. AT&T, 
    319 F.3d 1126
    , 1148 (9th Cir.) (applying California law), pet. for cert.
    71 U.S.L.W. 3680
     (U.S. Apr. 16, 2003). “Procedural
    unconscionability pertains to the process by which an
    agreement is reached and the form of an agreement,
    including the use therein of fine print and convoluted or
    unclear language.” Harris, 
    183 F.3d at
    181 (citing E. Allan
    Farnsworth, Contracts § 4.28 (2d ed. 1990)). This element is
    generally satisfied if the agreement constitutes a contract of
    adhesion. See, e.g., Ting, 
    319 F.3d at
    118 (citing
    Armendariz v. Found. Health Psychcare Servs., Inc., 
    6 P.3d 669
    , 690 (Cal. 2000)). A contract of adhesion “ ‘is one which
    is prepared by the party with excessive bargaining power
    who presents it to the other party for signature on a take-
    it-or-leave-it basis.’ ” Trailer Marine Transp. Corp. v.
    Charley’s Trucking, Inc., 
    20 V.I. 282
    , 284 (1984) (citation
    A contract, however, is “not unconscionable merely
    because the parties to it are unequal in bargaining
    position.” Restatement (Second) of Contracts, supra, § 208
    cmt. d; see also, e.g., Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane
    500 U.S. 20
    , 33 (1991); Great Western Mortgage
    110 F.3d at 229
    ; Pritzker, 
    7 F.3d at 1118
    . An
    adhesion contract is not necessarily unenforceable. See,
    e.g., Seus, 
    146 F.3d at 184
    The party challenging the contract therefore must also
    establish “substantive unconscionability.” This element
    refers to terms that unreasonably favor one party to which
    the disfavored party does not truly assent. Harris, 
    183 F.3d at
    181 (citing Germantown Mfg. Co. v. Rawlinson, 
    491 A.2d 138
    , 145-47 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1985); Denlinger, Inc. v.
    608 A.2d 1061
    , 1068 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1992)).
    According to the commentary accompanying section 208:
    [G]ross inequality of bargaining power, together with
    terms unreasonably favorable to the stronger party,
    may confirm indications that the transaction involved
    elements of deception or compulsion, or may show that
    the weaker party had no meaningful choice, no real
    alternative, or did not in fact assent or appear to
    assent to the unfair terms.
    Restatement (Second) of Contracts, supra, § 208 cmt. d; see
    also Plaskett v. Bechtel Int’l, Inc., 
    243 F. Supp. 2d 334
    , 340
    (D.V.I. 2003) (quoting section 208). In the end,
    unconscionability “ ‘requires a two-fold determination: that
    the contractual terms are unreasonably favorable to the
    drafter and that there is no meaningful choice on the part
    of the other party regarding acceptance of the provisions.’ ”
    183 F.3d at 181
     (quoting Bensalem Township v. Int’l
    Surplus Lines Ins. Co., 
    38 F.3d 1303
    , 1312 (3d Cir. 1994));
    see also, e.g., Seus, 
    146 F.3d at 184
    1.    Procedural Unconscionability
    The arbitration agreement in the Hourly Employee
    Contract was “ ‘prepared by the party with excessive
    bargaining power’ ” and presented to plaintiffs “ ‘for
    signature on a take-it-or-leave-it basis.’ ” Trailer Marine
    Transp. Corp., 20 V.I. at 284 (citation omitted). Anthony
    Crane, which conducts business throughout the nation and
    the world, clearly possessed more bargaining power than
    two long-time equipment operators with limited educational
    backgrounds and, at best, very narrow options for other
    employment. The acceptance of the standard form contract
    was a condition of employment, and, as the Magistrate
    Judge acknowledged, prospective employees “may have no
    realistic ability to modify its terms.” App. at 128. Even
    Anthony Crane conceded for purposes of its motion to stay
    “that the court could find that the employment contract is
    one of adhesion.” App. at 127. The Magistrate Judge did
    correctly point out that the arbitration provision is not
    hidden in small print. Anthony Crane also presents its own
    account of the orientation meeting, in which a full
    explanation of the arbitration clauses was provided to
    plaintiffs and other employees. Plaintiffs nevertheless were
    still presented with a “take-it-or-leave-it” agreement to
    arbitrate by a multinational corporation. Because plaintiffs
    had no real choice but to accept these terms, they have
    established the existence of procedural unconscionability.
    2.    Substantive Unconscionability
    In order to pursue an arbitration proceeding under the
    Hourly Employee Contract, an employee must present his
    or her claim in written form to the General Manager within
    thirty days of the event providing the basis of the claim.
    The agreement to arbitrate expressly prohibits such an
    employee from bringing any claim unless it is filed within
    thirty days of the last day of employment. We recognize that
    a provision limiting the time to bring a claim or provide
    notice of such a claim to the defendant is not necessarily
    unfair or otherwise unconscionable. But such a time period
    must still be reasonable. See, e.g., Order of United
    Commercial Travelers v. Wolfe, 
    331 U.S. 586
    , 608 (1947)
    (noting that contractual provision may validly limit time for
    bringing action as long as “the shorter period itself shall be
    a reasonable period”); Soltani v. Western & Southern Life
    Ins. Co., 
    258 F.3d 1038
    , 1042-47 (9th Cir. 2001) (upholding
    six-month limitation provision for bringing suit but striking
    down 10-day contractual notice of suit requirement as
    unconscionable). The thirty-day limitations period, however,
    is clearly unreasonable and unduly favorable to Anthony
    Virgin Islands law generally provides that a tort cause of
    action may be initiated within two years and establishes a
    six-year statute of limitations for contractual actions. See 5
    V.I. Code Ann. § 31(3), (4). Anthony Crane does point out
    that collective bargaining agreements sometimes mandate
    limitations periods of less than thirty days and that the
    Virgin Islands Wrongful Discharge Act provides for an
    employee to file a written complaint with the Virgin Islands
    Commissioner of Labor “within thirty (30) days after
    discharge.” 24 V.I. Code Ann. § 77(a). Nevertheless, as the
    District Court of the Virgin Islands recognized in Plaskett v.
    Bechtel International, Inc., 
    243 F. Supp. 2d 334
    2003), a requirement to notify the employer “within thirty
    days of the event forming the basis of the claims with the
    further qualification that such limitation be strictly
    enforced” is unreasonable. 
    Id. at 341
    . In addition to
    providing an apparently insufficient time to bring a well-
    supported claim, such an obligation prevents an employee
    from invoking the continuing violation and tolling doctrines.
    The Ninth Circuit has actually struck down more generous
    one-year limitations periods on the grounds that they
    deprived the plaintiff of the benefit of the continuing
    violation doctrine. Ingle v. Circuit City Stores, Inc., 
    328 F.3d 16
    1165, 1175 (9th Cir. 2003); Circuit City Stores, Inc. v.
    279 F.3d 889
    , 894 (9th Cir. 2002), cert. denied, 
    535 U.S. 1112
     (2002); see also, e.g., Stirlen v. Supercuts, Inc., 
    60 Cal. Rptr. 2d 138
    , 152 (Ct. App. 1997) (striking down one-
    year statute of limitation that expressly provides it is not
    subject to tolling).
    Parties do generally benefit from the efficient resolution of
    disputes. But the requirement in this case inappropriately
    assists Anthony Crane by making it unnecessarily
    burdensome for an employee to seek relief from the
    company’s illegal conduct. Such an unfair advantage is
    only compounded by the fact that Anthony Crane is
    apparently not required to provide detailed and written
    notice to an employee of any of its own claims within a
    strictly enforced thirty-day time period.7 We therefore find
    that the thirty-day time restriction is substantively
    The arbitration agreement also substantially limits the
    relief available to plaintiffs. Reinstatement and narrowly
    defined “net pecuniary damages” constitute the only
    available forms of relief for a successful employee. The
    parties also bear their own costs and expenses, including
    attorney’s fees. The Virgin Islands Wrongful Discharge Act,
    however, provides that a court shall award “reasonable
    attorney’s fees and costs” to a prevailing plaintiff. 24 V.I.
    Code Ann. § 79. Section 541 also states:
    The measure and mode of compensation of attorneys
    shall be left to the agreement, express or implied, of
    the parties; but there shall be allowed to the prevailing
    party in the judgment such sums as the court in its
    discretion may fix by way of indemnity for his
    attorney’s fees in maintaining the action or defenses
    thereto; provided, however, the award of attorney’s fees
    in personal injury cases is prohibited unless the court
    finds that the complaint filed or the defense is
    5 V.I. Code Ann. § 541(b).
    7. The Hourly Employee Contract does require Anthony Crane to submit
    an arbitration request within fifteen days of the receipt of timely notice.
    These restrictions are one-sided in the extreme and
    unreasonably favorable to Anthony Crane. They prevent an
    employee from recovering not only his or her attorney’s fees
    but also such potentially significant relief as punitive
    damages. An employee therefore is not entitled to complete
    compensation for any harm done and the company is able
    to evade full responsibility for its actions. Anthony Crane
    does correctly note that both parties surrendered any
    eligibility for attorney’s fees under section 541. See
    243 F. Supp. 2d at 340-41
     (finding elimination of
    attorney’s fees unconscionable as to Title VII but not
    substantively unconscionable under Virgin Islands law
    because both parties surrendered eligibility for such fees).
    Such a relinquishment, however, clearly helps Anthony
    Crane, the party with a substantially stronger bargaining
    position and more resources, to the disadvantage of an
    employee needing to obtain legal assistance. Furthermore,
    Anthony Crane did not similarly accept a general restriction
    of relief for any arbitration claim it may assert against its
    employees. Under such circumstances, these restrictions
    are substantively unconscionable.
    As an exception to the general obligation that each party
    to the arbitration pay for costs and expenses, the
    agreement requires the losing party to “bear the costs of the
    arbitrator’s fees and expenses.” App. at 20, 33. The
    Supreme Court considered the issue of arbitration costs in
    Green Tree Financial Corp.-Alabama v. Randolph, 
    531 U.S. 79
     (2000). The purchaser of a mobile home brought claims
    against several financial institutions pursuant to the Truth
    in Lending Act and the Equal Opportunity Credit Act. 
    Id. at 82-84
    . The Court rejected the contention that an
    arbitration agreement that is silent as to arbitration costs
    is unenforceable because of failure to provide sufficient
    protection from substantial costs. 
    Id. at 89-92
    . Although
    acknowledging that high costs “could preclude a litigant . . .
    from effectively vindicating her federal statutory rights in
    the arbitral forum,” it found that the “ ‘risk’ ” that the
    plaintiff would bear such prohibitive expenses was too
    Id. at 91
    . The Court added:
    8. The Court further found that the evidence submitted by the plaintiff
    to demonstrate the cost of arbitration was insufficient. Green Tree, 
    531 U.S. at
    91 n.6.
    [Where] a party seeks to invalidate an arbitration
    agreement on the ground that arbitration would be
    prohibitively expensive, that party bears the burden of
    showing the likelihood of incurring such costs. . . .
    How detailed the showing of prohibitive expenses must
    be before the party seeking arbitration must come
    forward with contrary evidence is a matter we need not
    Id. at 92
    In Blair v. Scott Specialty Gases, 
    283 F.3d 595
     (3d Cir.
    2002), the Third Circuit considered the enforceability of a
    “fee-sharing” or “fee-splitting” provision. In this employment
    discrimination action, the plaintiff asserted both federal
    and state law claims against her former employer. 
    Id. at 598
    . The arbitration agreement, by reference to AAA rules,
    effectively required the plaintiff to pay one-half of the
    arbitrator’s compensation and expenses. 
    Id. at 604-05
    Applying Green Tree’s burden-shifting approach, we agreed
    with the district court that the plaintiff, who formerly
    worked as a plant manager, did not establish either her
    inability to pay her share or the high cost of arbitration. 
    Id. at 607-08
    . We specifically observed that the plaintiff ’s
    affidavit contained only conclusory assertions of financial
    distress without any supporting documentation and that
    she presented no information regarding arbitration costs.
     We, however, determined that the Supreme Court’s
    Green Tree ruling entitled a party to limited discovery as to
    these issues. 
    Id. at 608-10
    . This Court therefore ordered a
    remand to allow limited discovery and give the plaintiff “the
    opportunity to prove, as required under Green Tree, that
    resort to arbitration would deny her a forum to vindicate
    her statutory rights.” 
    Id. at 610
    . We further indicated that
    the defendant should be afforded the chance “to meet its
    burden to prove that arbitration will not be prohibitively
    expensive, or as has been suggested in other cases, offer to
    pay all of the arbitrator’s fees.” 
    We recently applied the Green Tree standard in Spinetti v.
    Service Corp. International, 
    324 F.3d 212
     (3d Cir. 2003).
    The plaintiff previously worked for the defendant as a “sales
    Id. at 214
    . Following the termination of her
    employment, she alleged that the defendant violated Title
    VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. 
    responding to defendant’s motion to compel arbitration, the
    plaintiff argued inter alia that the agreement to arbitrate
    was unenforceable because of its fee-splitting provision. 
    Id. at 214-15
    . The district court refused to enforce this
    payment scheme, finding that the plaintiff established that
    the costs of arbitrating her statutory claims were
    Id. at 215, 217-18
    Although reiterating that a party challenging an
    arbitration contract on the grounds of prohibitive costs has
    the burden of proving the likelihood of incurring such
    expenses, we noted that “ ‘Green Tree does not provide us
    with a standard for how detailed the showing of prohibitive
    expenses must be to support the conclusion that the
    provision, at minimum, is unenforceable.’ ” 
    Id. at 217
    (quoting Morrison v. Circuit City Stores, Inc., 
    317 F.3d 646
    660 (6th Cir. 2003)). We, however, expressed our
    satisfaction “that the district court’s analysis properly
    followed the ‘case-by-case’ approach of Green Tree on how
    to decide if a cost-splitting provision in an arbitration
    agreement denies potential litigants the opportunity to
    vindicate their statutory rights.” 
     Under the arbitration
    agreement, the plaintiff was required to pay $4250.00 in
    assorted filing fees, an additional charge of $150.00 for
    each day of the hearing, and one-half of the cost of an
     The evidence indicated that “a mid-range
    arbitrator” in the region charges about $250.00 an hour at
    a minimum per diem rate of $2000.00. 
     While the
    plaintiff made $65,000.00 a year working for the defendant,
    she did not work for six months following her termination.
     When she obtained employment, she earned less than
    $300.00 a week, and her monthly food expenses and rent
    were approximately $2,000.00. 
     She was forced to take
    cash advances from credit cards to cover the difference. 
    The district court therefore properly “intended that the
    employer pay all costs of arbitration.” 
    Like the plaintiff in Spinetti, Alexander and Freeman
    submitted evidence as to the rates of the prospective
    arbitrators, ranging from $800.00 a day to $1000.00 a day.
    Plaintiffs admittedly did not provide any detailed
    information about their own financial status. They,
    however, needed the job at the St. Croix refinery, and
    Alexander also apparently had to support three children in
    college. As discharged refinery workers, they clearly could
    not meet this financial burden even if the arbitration did
    not last the seven days they predicted. See, e.g., Giordano
    v. Pep Boys - - Manny, Moe & Jack, Inc., No. CIV. A. 99-
    2001 WL 484360
    , at *6 (E.D. Pa. Mar. 29, 2001)
    (“However, nothing in Green Tree requires courts to
    undertake detailed analyses of the household budgets of
    low-level employees to conclude that arbitration costs in the
    thousands of dollars deter the vindication of employees’
    claims in arbitral fora.”). Plaintiffs thereby are effectively
    denied      recompense    for   Anthony     Crane’s    alleged
    misconduct, resulting in an unfair advantage for their
    former employer.9 Anthony Crane does assert that plaintiffs
    did not allege any inability to pay until their motion to
    vacate and that it was never given the opportunity to offer
    to pay the arbitrator’s fees and expenses. Even if such an
    offer to pay constitutes a relevant consideration,10 the
    employer possessed numerous opportunities following the
    submission of this motion to indicate that it would not seek
    reimbursement from the plaintiffs. But it neither made
    such an offer nor presented any evidence to challenge
    plaintiffs’ own submissions regarding the arbitrators’ rates.
    See, e.g., Blair, 
    283 F.3d at 607-10
     (noting shift in burden).
    We therefore must find that the “loser pays” provision is
    unconscionable as to these particular plaintiffs.11
    9. Plaintiffs in their opening brief assert that they were denied the right
    to discovery regarding the costs of arbitration. Because plaintiffs have
    shown the existence of prohibitive costs, we need not remand this matter
    for further proceedings.
    10. In Blair, this Court indicated that the other party should be given the
    opportunity to “offer to pay all of the arbitrator’s fees.” Blair, 
    283 F.3d at 610
    . However, we apparently rejected such “after-the-fact” offers as
    irrelevant to the cost inquiry in Spinetti. Spinetti, 
    324 F.3d at
    217 n.2
    (quoting Morrison, 
    317 F.3d at 660
    ). We express no opinion at this time
    as to the appropriate role of these offers.
    11. There does appear to be a question about whether the arbitration
    cost analysis developed in Green Tree and its successors actually applies
    to a “loser pays” provision. Unlike a fee-splitting arrangement, the “cost-
    shifting” approach at issue here does not require the parties to share in
    We conclude that plaintiffs have sufficiently established
    both the substantive and the procedural aspects of
    unconscionability. A multinational corporation presented
    them with an agreement to arbitrate without providing any
    opportunity to negotiate its terms. We must find that the
    thirty-day notice requirement, the various restrictions on
    remedies as well as the recovery of attorney’s fees, and the
    provision regarding arbitrator’s fees and expenses are one-
    sided and unreasonable. At the very least, these specific
    provisions are not enforceable.
    B.   Severability
    Anthony Crane urges us to sever any unenforceable
    provision and compel arbitration of plaintiffs’ claims under
    the remainder of the arbitration agreement. Applying Virgin
    Islands contract law, we must turn to Restatement
    principles. Section 603 of the Restatement (First) of
    Contracts provides:
    A bargain that is illegal only because of a promise or a
    provision for a condition, disregard of which will not
    defeat the primary purpose of the bargain, can be
    enforced with the omission of the illegal portion by a
    party to the bargain who is not guilty of serious moral
    turpitude unless this result is prohibited by statute.
    Recovery is more readily allowed where there has been
    part performance of the legal portion of the bargain.
    Restatement (First) of Contracts § 603 (1932).                         The
    Restatement (Second) of Contracts similarly states:
    (1)   If less than all of an agreement is unenforceable
    the costs of arbitration but ensures that the “losing party” is responsible
    for arbitrator’s fees and expenses. See Morrison v. Circuit City Stores,
    317 F.3d 646
    , 658 n.3 (6th Cir. 2003) (distinguishing between cost-
    splitting and cost-shifting). Some courts have refused to strike down
    such provisions, partly because any costs remain speculative unless and
    until the objecting party actually loses the arbitration. See, e.g., Musnick
    v. King Motor Co. of Fort Lauderdale, 
    325 F.3d 1255
    , 1260-62 (11th Cir.
    2003); Goodman v. Espe America, Inc., No. 00-CV-862, 
    2001 WL 64749
    at *3-*4 (E.D. Pa. Jan. 19, 2001). We, however, need not resolve this
    question because the parties do not address it.
    under the rule stated in § 178,12 a court may
    nevertheless enforce the rest of the agreement in favor
    of a party who did not engage in serious misconduct if
    the performance as to which the agreement is
    unenforceable is not an essential part of the agreed
    (2) A court may treat only part of a term as
    unenforceable under the rule stated in Subsection (1)
    if the party who seeks to enforce the term obtained it
    in good faith and in accordance with reasonable
    standards of fair dealing.
    Restatement (Second) of Contracts, supra, § 184 (footnote
    added). A court may either refuse to enforce a contract
    containing an unconscionable provision or “enforce the
    remainder of the contract without the unconscionable
    term.” Id. § 208.
    In Spinetti, we considered Restatement principles and
    Pennsylvania case law to determine whether offensive
    provisions requiring the parties to pay their own attorney’s
    fees and to share the costs of arbitration vitiated the entire
    agreement to arbitrate. Spinetti, 
    324 F.3d at 213-14
    , 218-
    23. Because the primary purpose of the agreement was “to
    provide a mechanism to resolve employment-related
    id. at 219
    , we affirmed the district court’s
    determination to sever the unenforceable provisions and
    compel arbitration under the remaining terms of the
    Id. at 213-14, 218-23
    Severance is not an appropriate remedy in this case. The
    Hourly Employee Contract does contain a clause providing
    that the remaining agreement shall remain in force even if
    any provision is held to be invalid. Even taking this
    provision into account, we must still find that
    unconscionability permeates the agreement between
    plaintiffs and Anthony Crane and thoroughly taints its
    central purpose of requiring the arbitration of employment
    disputes. See, e.g., Plaskett, 
    243 F. Supp. 2d at 345
    (refusing to enforce arbitration provisions because of
    12. Section 178 governs the unenforceability of contractual terms on the
    grounds of public policy.
    numerous unconscionable provisions). Confronting only two
    illegal provisions, we emphasized that “[y]ou don’t cut down
    the trunk of a tree because some of its branches are
    sickly.” Spinetti, 
    324 F.3d at 214
    . Plaintiffs in this case
    were given no real choice but to accept arbitration on
    Anthony Crane’s terms. In addition to facing a burdensome
    requirement to pay the arbitrator’s fees and costs if
    unsuccessful, an employee must comply with an
    unreasonable time limitation, lose any right to attorney’s
    fees, and give up the chance to receive any relief beyond
    either reinstatement or “net pecuniary damages.” These
    draconian terms unreasonably favor Anthony Crane to the
    severe disadvantage of plaintiffs and other St. Croix
    employees. The cumulative effect of so much illegality
    prevents us from enforcing the arbitration agreement.
    Because the sickness has infected the trunk, we must cut
    down the entire tree.
    In refusing to allow severance, we do not challenge the
    liberal policy in favor of arbitration. We also continue to
    recognize the real benefits of arbitration in the employment
    context and do not by any means intend to discourage the
    adoption of fair and appropriate arbitration arrangements
    by employers and their employees. See 
    id. at 223
    . But we
    cannot give effect to an agreement to arbitrate afflicted by
    so much fundamental and pervasive unfairness.13
    13. According to the partial dissent, we should allow the District Court
    to determine in the first instance whether severance of the unenforceable
    provisions would defeat the central purpose of the parties in entering
    this agreement to arbitrate. We agree that a district court should
    ordinarily be accorded the opportunity to rule on the issue of severance
    based on a sufficiently developed record. But, under the circumstances
    of this case, no reasonable finder of fact could conclude that severance
    is appropriate. We are confronted with a procedurally unconscionable
    agreement containing multiple unreasonable terms. Unconscionability
    accordingly permeates the essence of this contract. The invalidation of
    the thirty-day time restriction, the limitations on the recovery of damages
    and attorney’s fees, and the “loser pays” provision leaves little of any
    substance in the agreement between plaintiffs and their former
    employer. This agreement cannot be redeemed by permitting further
    District Court proceedings and the development of a more extensive
    The arbitration agreement between plaintiffs and Anthony
    Crane    is    unenforceable   under     the     theory    of
    unconscionability. Because no enforceable contractual
    provision mandates the arbitration of plaintiffs’ claims, the
    District Court erred in compelling arbitration and
    dismissing the complaint. Its order therefore will be
    reversed and the matter remanded to the District Court for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    ROTH, Circuit Judge, concurring in part, dissenting in part:
    I agree with the majority that the District Court should
    be reversed because the provisions of the arbitration
    agreement relating to notice, remedies, attorney’s fees and
    costs, and the arbitrator’s costs and fees are unreasonable.
    However, I respectfully disagree with the majority’s decision
    to strike the entire arbitration agreement. I would remand
    to the District Court to determine if the unenforceable
    provisions are severable. Having concluded that the
    challenged provisions were enforceable, the District Court
    did not have an opportunity to rule on whether to strike the
    entire arbitration agreement, or to sever the unenforceable
    The majority concludes that, under Spinetti v. Service
    Corporation International, 
    324 F.3d 212
     (3d Cir. 2003), the
    four unenforceable provisions in the arbitration agreement
    at issue in the present case cannot be severed from the rest
    of the arbitration agreement. In Spinetti, we held that
    unenforceable provisions regarding the costs and fees of
    arbitrators and attorneys are severable because these
    provisions cannot “be considered the essential part of the
    bargain,” which is “to provide a mechanism to resolve
    employment-related disputes . . . .” 
    Id. at 219
    .1 Contrary to
    the majority’s conclusion, it is not clear from the record
    before us that the unenforceable provisions at issue in the
    present case constitute the central part of the bargain,
    such that they cannot be severed under Spinetti.
    The majority fails to explain how the statute of
    limitations and damages available are any more related to
    the central purpose of choosing a forum in which to resolve
    disputes than the provisions relating to the allocation of
    1. In Spinetti, this Court applied Pennsylvania law to determine whether
    to sever the unenforceable provisions. See 
    324 F.3d at 219
    . However, the
    law of the Virgin Islands does not differ materially in this respect. Both
    Pennsylvania and Virgin Islands law rely on the Restatement (First) of
    Contracts and the Restatement (Second) of Contracts, which recognize
    that an unenforceable provision may be severed if the unenforceable
    provisions are not an essential part of the agreement. See 
    Restatement (First) of Contracts § 603 (1932); Restatement (Second) of
    Contracts § 194 (1981)).
    costs and fees for attorneys and arbitrators that the Spinetti
    Court found are severable. Apparently the majority believes
    that Spinetti is distinguishable because the arbitration
    agreement in Spinetti only involved two unenforceable
    provisions, while the arbitration agreement in the present
    case involves four unenforceable provisions (two of which
    were similar to the unenforceable provisions in Spinetti).
    However, the issue for purposes of severability analysis is
    not the number of unenforceable provisions, but rather
    whether those provisions go to the central purpose of the
    agreement. To continue the analogy that the majority draws
    from Spinetti, it does not matter whether two or four
    branches are sick, the issue in determining whether to
    chop down the tree is whether the trunk can survive.
    The majority also relies on the extent to which the four
    provisions are unfair in deciding not to sever them from the
    rest of the contract. This analysis improperly blurs the
    issue whether the four provisions are unenforceable and
    the issue whether the provisions are severable if they are
    unenforceable. The degree to which the unenforceable
    provisions are unfair is not relevant to the decision whether
    to sever them or strike the entire agreement because, in
    either case, the plaintiffs will not be subject to the unfair
    provisions. To draw further upon the majority’s analogy,
    since the sickly branches will be removed, it does not
    matter how sick the branches are, so long as they have not
    infected the trunk.
    While it may turn out that the unenforceable provisions,
    taken together, are an essential part of the bargain struck
    between the parties, the majority’s reasoning does not
    adequately support this conclusion. Rather than attempting
    to resolve this issue at this time, the more appropriate
    course of action would be to give the District Court the
    opportunity to determine, in the first instance, whether
    severing the unenforceable provisions would defeat the
    parties’ central purpose in entering into the arbitration
    agreement. Id.; Restatement (First) of Contacts § 603;
    Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 184. This approach
    would allow for the development of a more extensive record
    on the issue, which in turn would give us more to work
    with on appeal. In particular, it would permit the District
    Court to make the factual determination of what the
    inclusion of a severability clause, which was not part of the
    arbitration agreement at issue in Spinetti, reveals about the
    relationship between the struck provisions and the parties’
    intentions in entering into the agreement. Accordingly, I
    respectfully concur in part and dissent in part.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-3764P

Filed Date: 8/19/2003

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (23)

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