United States v. Mussayev ( 2003 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2003 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    USA v. Mussayev
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 02-1924P
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    Filed August 6, 2003
    No. 02-1924
    Tsion “Alex” Mussayev,
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. Criminal No. 00-cr-00180)
    District Judge: Honorable Anne E. Thompson
    Argued February 3, 2003
    Circuit Judges.
    (Filed August 6, 2003)
    Chester M. Keller, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Andrea D. Bergman, Esq.
    Office of Federal Public Defender
    972 Broad Street
    Newark, NJ 07102
    Counsel for Appellant
    George S. Leone, Esq.
    Office of United States Attorney
    970 Broad Street, Room 700
    Newark, NJ 07102
    Thomas Ott, Esq. [ARGUED]
    United States Department
    of Justice
    Organized Crime & Racketeering
    1301 New York Avenue, N.W.,
    Room 715
    Washington, DC 20005
    Counsel for Appellee
    RENDELL, Circuit Judge.
    Alex Mussayek1 appeals from the final judgment of
    conviction and sentence entered against him by the District
    Court on March 27, 2002, after he was found guilty by a
    jury of one count each of conspiracy to commit extortion
    and interstate travel in aid of racketeering. We will affirm.
    Alex Mussayek emigrated from Israel to the United States
    in 1979. He settled in Brooklyn with his family, and
    established himself as owner of a small flower and candy
    business. Over several years, Mussayek was apparently
    victimized by two individuals, Ike Fogel and Phillip Ben
    Jacob, in separate scams. Mussayek claims to have been
    first defrauded by Fogel in a transaction involving $400,000
    worth of “diamonds,” which apparently later turned out to
    be nothing but cubic zirconia. Attempting to recoup his
    losses, Mussayek then apparently committed $140,000 to a
    1. In the caption of this case and in the record, Appellant’s surname is
    spelled, variously, as “Mussayek,” Mussayel,” “Mussyev,” and
    “Mussayev.” Throughout our opinion we will use “Mussayek,” the
    construction adopted in both parties’ briefs.
    partnership with Ben Jacob, which ultimately dissolved
    with Ben Jacob refusing to return any of Mussayek’s
    Mussayek’s brief depicts a persevering immigrant trying
    to live out “the classic American dream,” struggling to make
    a living and support his family while being swindled by two
    supposed “friends” of over $500,000. Not surprisingly, the
    government paints a very different picture of Mussayek, as
    a deal maker involved in a variety of illicit ventures who
    sought the help of undercover agents — who he thought
    were “Italian Mafioso” — in connection with several of them.
    Most relevant to this appeal, Mussayek enlisted two agents
    to assist with a plan carried out with another business
    associate, Joseph Aharanoff, to extort money from Ben
    Jacob and Fogel in furtherance of Mussayek’s “deep
    commitment,” as Mussayek has termed it, to recover his
    Following the undercover investigation, Mussayek and
    Aharanoff were indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit
    extortion against Ben Jacob and Fogel.2 Pursuant to an
    agreement with the government, Aharanoff pled guilty and
    testified against Mussayek. At trial, the jury heard
    extensive evidence relating to the conspiracy, including
    numerous tape recorded conversations between Mussayek
    and the agents, as well as the testimony of Aharonoff,
    Mussayek himself, and both of the undercover agents,
    Zyckowski and Calvarese. Aharonoff and the two agents
    testified consistently that Mussayek was outraged and
    preoccupied with the supposed betrayal by Fogel and Ben
    Jacob and was determined that the agents should, if
    necessary, break their legs or kill them. In addition, they
    testified that Mussayek wanted to double his money or
    obtain $1 million from Fogel, and was prepared to kidnap
    his daughter. Mussayek warned the agents that Ben Jacob
    had guns with silencers and agreed to pay them twenty-five
    percent of their recovery, giving them a $5,000 down
    2. Mussayek and Aharanoff were also indicted for money laundering
    activity allegedly relating to transactions involving proceeds from illegal
    drug dealings. As Mussayek was acquitted of those charges, however, we
    are concerned here only with the charges relating to extortion.
    payment. The jury further heard that Aharanoff had once
    traveled to Israel, where he was later joined by Mussayek,
    in an effort to locate Fogel, and that subsequently
    Aharanoff and Agent Calvarese were on their way to Israel
    to “complete Mussayek’s mission” when they were stopped
    by the Federal Bureau of Investigation at the John F.
    Kennedy International Airport in New York.
    Ultimately, the jury found Mussayek guilty of conspiracy
    to commit extortion and interstate travel in aid of
    racketeering. On appeal Mussayek levels eight challenges to
    the District Court’s handling of his trial and sentencing. We
    will focus on three of his claims, all related to his
    sentencing, as the remainder are fairly straightforward and
    will be addressed briefly in the margin.3
    The Pre-Sentence Report recommended, and the
    government argued, that Mussayek’s base offense level
    should be enhanced two levels under U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2(b)(1),
    because it “involved an express or implied threat of death,
    bodily injury, or kidnapping.” Mussayek objected, stating,
    “This enhancement presumes that the victim in fact
    received a threat . . . . [N]o reasonable threats were ever
    communicated to any purported ‘victim’ and thus the
    enhancement cannot apply.” Addendum to Pre-Sentence
    Report, p. 18, ¶ 2.
    Mussayek similarly objected to another proposed
    enhancement,     under   U.S.S.G.   § 2B3.2(b)(3)(B),  for
    “preparation to carry out a threat of . . . serious bodily
    3. Contrary to Mussayek’s contentions, we conclude that: (1) the District
    Court adequately instructed the jury on two occasions that the
    indictment was not evidence, and it did not abuse its discretion by
    refusing to give a third such instruction; (2) there was no abuse by the
    District Court in curbing the questioning of a hostile witness, Aharonoff,
    when the interrogation became argumentative and repetitive; (3) there
    was no plain error in the District Court’s admission of evidence of
    Mussayek’s involvement with a controlled substance, “khat;” (4) the
    application of a sentencing enhancement under U.S.S.G. § 3B1.1(c) for
    Mussayek’s supervisory role was not clearly erroneous; and (5) we lack
    jurisdiction to review the District Court’s exercise of discretion in
    connection with its refusal to depart downward based on family
    circumstances, as it clearly considered this argument but was not
    persuaded by it.
    injury.” Mussayek contended that he told the agents to talk
    to Fogel and Ben Jacob “nicely,” stating at one point, “Talk
    to him nicely everything, I don’t wanna kill the guy, I don’t
    wanna make him damage something.” Addendum, ¶ 3.
    Mussayek’s counsel stated:
    While Mr. Mussayek provided information about both
    Ike Fogel and Phillip Ben Jacob, it was in order to
    assist the agent in locating them and in identifying
    assets. Mr. Mussayek gave information about Ike Fogel
    and Phillip Ben Jacob in an effort to get his money
    legally. He told Agent Calvarese where Mr. Ben Jacobs’
    office was located and provided a phone number.
    Addendum, ¶ 3. Counsel also argued that Aharanoff ’s
    travel to Israel was for personal reasons, not to obtain
    information about Fogel for the purpose of later extorting
    In addition to arguing against the government’s proposed
    enhancements, Mussayek urged the District Court to grant
    him a downward departure for victim provocation, under
    U.S.S.G. § 5K2.10, based on the “[un]clean hands” of his
    debtors, Fogel and Ben Jacob, i.e., their unethical and, at
    least in the case of Fogel, perhaps illegal, taking of money
    from him.
    The District Court ruled against Mussayek on all three
    sentencing issues. The court held first that the “threat”
    enhancement applied, reasoning that if the conviction was
    for conspiracy, the threat need not be communicated. It
    noted: “If [the threat] was communicated to the person who
    was supposed to carry it out, and it was in this case and
    the jury so finds, then it seems to me that the argument
    cannot prevail.” The District Court also applied the
    “preparation” enhancement, stating:
    Whether you characterize the trip to Israel as
    Aharonoff was going to make the trip anyway or not,
    the specific locating of the victim in Israel was clearly
    directed by the defendant. That in and of itself would
    seem to me clearly to be preparation to carry out the
    Finally, the court had little difficulty in refusing to apply a
    departure downward for victim conduct under § 5K2.10.
    Under its view, the guideline envisioned a situation in
    which the victim’s conduct was more “directly provocative,”
    and “contributed to the danger presented,” whereas here
    there was only a “debt owed” such that the “redress . . .
    appropriate would be a lawsuit, a resort to a report to the
    Mussayek now challenges the District Court’s disposition
    of all three of these sentencing issues. We can find no
    reversible error, and will address each argument in turn.4
    I.   Enhancement for Threat of Death, Bodily Injury or
    Kidnapping under U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2(b)(1)
    Mussayek first raises the novel question as to whether, in
    order for the base offense level for conspiracy to commit
    extortion to be enhanced because it “involved an express or
    implied threat of death, bodily injury, or kidnapping,”
    U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2(b)(1), the threat must have been
    communicated to the victim. As we noted above, the
    District Court relied on the fact that the underlying
    conviction was for conspiracy, and the fact that the threat
    was communicated to persons who were to carry it out, in
    finding the enhancement to apply. Our review of the
    District Court’s legal interpretation of the Sentencing
    Guidelines is plenary. See, e.g., United States v. Bamfield,
    328 F.3d 115
    , 118 (3d Cir. 2003). We will affirm the District
    Court’s application of the enhancement.
    The extortion guideline at issue provides for a base
    offense level of 18, with the following specific offense
    characteristic: “If the offense involved an express or implied
    threat of death, bodily injury, or kidnapping, increase by 2
    levels.” U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2(b)(1). That subsection is followed
    by a listing of four other specific offense characteristics that
    increase the base offense level, including “the amount
    demanded or the loss to the victim;” the use, brandishing,
    possession, or discharge of a firearm or other dangerous
    weapon; bodily injury sustained by the victim; and
    abduction or physical restraint of any person. U.S.S.G.
    §§ 2B3.2(b)(2)-(b)(5). Also included is the enhancement for
    4. The District Court had jurisdiction under 
    18 U.S.C. § 3231
    , and we
    have jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    18 U.S.C. § 3742
    the preparation to carry out threats, see U.S.S.G.
    § 2B3.2(b)(3)(B)(ii), which is also at issue here and is
    discussed further below.
    Mussayek argues that the purpose of the guideline is to
    punish more severely those who place their victims in fear
    of, for instance, death or serious bodily injury, and,
    accordingly, urges that an enhancement for the content of
    a threat makes little sense if the threat was not
    communicated. In short, he maintains that if the
    enhancement is meant to redress, and punish for,
    particular harms to victims caused by threatening
    statements, then the enhancement should not apply where,
    as here, the victims did not know about, and thus could
    not have been harmed by, the statements in question.
    Contrary to Mussayek’s contentions, however, the
    guideline appears to be but one example of the Sentencing
    Commission’s manifest desire to address dangers presented
    by the defendant wholly apart from the actual damage or
    harm caused. The guidelines contain numerous situations
    in which the Sentencing Commission looks to, and
    escalates punishment for, the danger presented, as
    distinguished from the harm actually caused by an offense.
    For instance, whether a defendant possessed a firearm or
    other dangerous weapon during the commission of a crime
    — as opposed to brandishing or using it in some way — or
    whether a defendant conducted more than minimal
    planning, are facts that go to the danger presented by the
    defendant without, at least typically, affecting whatsoever
    the harm actually caused by the crime. Yet sentences are
    routinely enhanced under the guidelines for just those sorts
    of circumstances. See, e.g., U.S.S.G. § 2B2.1 (providing, in
    the burglary guideline, for one two-level enhancement for
    “more than minimal planning” and another if “a dangerous
    weapon (including a firearm) was possessed”).
    Similar concerns seem to underlie § 2B3.2, the guideline
    at issue here. The provision’s Application Notes refer to very
    generalized types of threats, such as threats “to cause labor
    problems,” U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2, cmt. 2, or to cause death or
    serious bodily injury to many, as with a plan “to derail a
    passenger train or poison consumer products.” Id. at cmt.
    7. Such threats are seen as warranting an enhancement
    not because additional harm is actually imposed on the
    intended victims, who will likely be unaware of the threat
    posed to them, but because the defendant’s conduct
    presented a level of danger beyond that for which the base
    level of the offense was designed.
    Mussayek relies heavily on dicta in United States v.
    32 F.3d 1203
     (7th Cir. 1994), as supporting his
    view that a “threat” has been made only when it has been
    communicated. In Rainone, the Court of Appeals for the
    Seventh Circuit considered the applicability of the provision
    at issue here where the defendant made threats to extortion
    victims that included threats against the victims’ family
    Id. at 1208
    . The defendant apparently argued
    that an enhancement was not justified because the threats
    against the family members had not been directly
    communicated to them. 
     The court held that it made “no
    difference that the threats against the members of the
    families of the extortion victims were not communicated
    directly to those family members” because the “extortion
    victims themselves . . . were also threatened with physical
     The mention of the victims’ families “merely
    magnified the threats.” 
    In reaching its conclusion that the issue of
    communication was irrelevant under the facts before it,
    however, the court commented:
    The guidelines do imply that a threat of which the
    threatened person remains ignorant is not a basis for
    an upward adjustment or departure, see U.S.S.G.
    § 2B3.1, Application Note 6; § 2B3.2, Application Note
    2; United States v. Wint, 
    974 F.2d 961
     (8th Cir. 1992),
    and there is no indication that the victims of the
    defendants’ extortions told their families about the
     Notwithstanding the Seventh Circuit’s dicta, the
    authorities cited in Rainone in fact provide little support for
    Mussayek’s position here.
    First, United States v. Wint is completely inapposite.
    There the Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit held only
    that the circumstances of the threats involved there —
    ongoing, sincere death threats made against an individual
    and his family — were “sufficiently unusual” to warrant an
    upward departure. Wint, 
    974 F.2d at 971
    . The court was
    not presented with any question as to whether threats
    needed to be communicated under § 2B3.2, nor did it even
    implicitly address the issue anywhere in the opinion.
    Similarly, Application Note 6 of § 2B3.1 is clearly
    distinguishable. First of all, it pertains to a sentencing
    enhancement for a different offense characteristic — a
    “threat of death” — in connection with a different crime,
    robbery. U.S.S.G. § 2B3.1(b)(2)(F). In addition, the content
    of the Application Notes under the robbery guideline is very
    different from the content of the Application Notes under
    the extortion guideline at issue here. The enhancement for
    a threat of death during a robbery, for instance,
    contemplates a situation in which an offender uses phrases
    like “Give me the money or I will kill you,” or “Give me the
    money or else (where the defendant draws his hand across
    his throat in a slashing motion),” and courts are explicitly
    instructed to consider, in deciding whether to apply the
    enhancement, whether the defendant’s conduct would
    instill a fear of death in a reasonable victim. U.S.S.G.
    § 2B3.1, cmt. 6. In contrast, the Application Notes actually
    applicable here reference very generalized threats and
    “plan[s],” and at no point make any reference to the effect
    on the potential victim. U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2, cmts. 2, 7. Thus,
    to the extent that the guidelines might indeed be read to
    “imply” that a threat of death made in connection with a
    robbery needs to be communicated, little could be plausibly
    inferred from that conclusion about the proper application
    of enhancements under the guideline at issue here.
    Application Note 2 of § 2B3.2, on the other hand, at least
    concerns the correct guideline and enhancement, but the
    focus of the Note is on the content of particular extortionate
    threats. The Note advises that the sentencing enhancement
    applies as long as the threat “reasonably could be
    interpreted as one to injure a person or physically damage
    property,” and includes “any comparably serious threat.”
    U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2, cmt. 2. Nothing in the Note suggests that
    the threat need be communicated in order to count for
    enhancement purposes.
    In fact, to the extent the Application Notes to § 2B3.2 can
    be read to address the issue of communication at all, they
    appear to signal precisely the opposite conclusion. As
    indicated above, several refer to very generalized threats —
    causing labor problems, derailing a train, or poisoning
    consumer products. In factual circumstances involving
    such threats, the court clearly could not assess the impact
    of the threats on the intended but unidentifiable victims.
    The inclusion of such situations, then, within the scope of
    the guideline, strongly suggests that whether particular
    intended victims — here, Fogel and Ben Jacob — were
    aware of the threat is immaterial to the determination of
    whether a particular threat may be the basis for enhancing
    a sentence under the guideline.
    Indeed, both the guideline and the Application Notes
    indicate that the key to the application of this enhancement
    is not, as Mussayek contends, the causation of additional
    harm to victims, but is, rather, the seriousness of the
    defendant’s conduct, judged by objective standards. The
    Application Notes advise that the guideline applies
    whenever “there was any threat, express or implied, that
    reasonably could be interpreted as one to injure a person or
    physically damage property, or any comparably serious
    threat,” U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2, cmt. 2 (emphasis added), and the
    enhancement is applied for all such offenses that “involved
    an express or implied threat of death, bodily injury, or
    kidnapping,” U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2 (emphasis added). Far from
    focusing on the causation of actual harm or psychological
    trauma to the victim, then, the guideline is specifically
    concerned only with the precise nature of the defendant’s
    conduct. Absent any reference to the intended victim or
    victims, the guideline differentiates extortionate conduct
    that involved potential damage to property from similar
    conduct that involved potential physical violence, and goes
    on to suggest that an “upward departure may be
    warranted” when the conduct “involved the threat of death
    or serious bodily injury to numerous victims.” U.S.S.G.
    § 2B3.2, cmt. 7. Despite Mussayek’s contentions to the
    contrary, such distinctions are wholly logical, evidencing
    the Sentencing Commission’s justified determination that
    some of those threatening extortion must be punished more
    severely than others. As the Court of Appeals for the First
    Circuit has stated:
    [W]e do not think it seems at all unusual that the
    Sentencing Commission . . . would choose to
    distinguish among various types of extortion for
    sentencing purposes and, accordingly, seek to punish
    extortionists who employ “express or implied threat[s]
    of death, bodily injury, or kidnapping,” see U.S.S.G.
    § 2B3.2(b)(1), with greater severity than other, less
    callous, practitioners of the same crime.
    United States v. Jones, 
    997 F.2d 967
    , 969 (1st Cir. 1993).
    In other words, “the enhancement provision [was designed]
    specifically to target those who made a bad situation worse
    by using ‘an express or implied threat of death, bodily
    injury, or kidnapping’ as a tool of the extortion trade.” 
    (quoting U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2(b)(1)).
    We can find no reason to limit the meaning of the term
    “threat” as used in § 2B3.2(b)(1) to contemplate only
    statements communicated to their intended victims. Here,
    Mussayek’s offense clearly “involved an express or implied
    threat of death, bodily injury, or kidnapping,” U.S.S.G.
    § 2B3.2(b)(1), and, accordingly, the District Court did not
    err in applying the threat enhancement.5
    II.   Enhancement for Preparation to Carry out a
    Threat of Serious Bodily Injury under U.S.S.G.
    § 2B3.2(b)(3)(B)
    Mussayek next challenges the District Court’s application
    of the enhancement under § 2B3.2(b)(3)(B), based on its
    conclusion that Mussayek’s conspiracy to commit extortion
    involved the “preparation to carry out a threat of . . .
    serious bodily injury,” or “otherwise demonstrated the
    ability to carry out such threat.” We review the District
    Court’s factual findings for clear error, and accord “due
    5. The government notes that the jury convicted Mussayek of conspiring
    to commit extortion, an offense that was charged in the indictment as
    involving the “wrongful use of actual and threatened force, violence and
    fear.” A use of force could only have been “threatened” if there was a
    “threat.” Thus, it seems that the jury here understood that a “threat”
    made to someone other than the intended victim is still a threat.
    deference” to its application of the guidelines to the facts.
    See United States v. Chau, 
    293 F.3d 96
    , 99 (3d Cir. 2002).
    We agree with the District Court that the enhancement was
    proper under the circumstances presented here.
    The District Court could easily have found that Mussayek
    did more than merely make a verbal threat, but instead
    made preparations to carry it out. The court alluded only to
    the sending of Aharanoff to Israel, but the record contains
    much more. Mussayek solicited the assistance of the agents
    and discussed physical violence, including kidnapping
    Fogel’s daughter and breaking the legs of both Fogel and
    Ben Jacob. Mussayek and the agents met to discuss the
    plan, and the agents were given physical descriptions and
    background information. Mussayek paid the agents $5,000
    as a down payment, arranged for Agent Calvarese to travel
    to Israel, and instructed Aharanoff to help Calvarese locate
    Fogel. In sum, there is overwhelming evidence that
    Mussayek prepared to “carry out” his threats of serious
    bodily injury, or that he had otherwise demonstrated the
    ability to carry them out. See U.S.S.G. § 2B3.2(b)(3)(B).
    Mussayek argues that policy reasons argue against
    application of the enhancement because the “preparation”
    here would never have resulted in any actual extortion,
    since it was all part of a “sting” operation against him.
    Again the limitation that Mussayek seeks to impress on the
    applicability of the guideline is unwarranted. Contrary to
    Mussayek’s view, we see the enhancement for the
    “preparation” or “ability to carry out” a threat as standing
    alone, punishing those who do more than merely threaten
    with death, serious bodily injury, kidnaping or product
    tampering. Under the plain language of the guideline, it
    matters not whether a particular extortion conspiracy is
    ultimately unsuccessful because it was thwarted, botched,
    or simply abandoned after a remorseful offender’s change of
    heart; the guideline asks only whether “the offense involved
    preparation to carry out” the threat, or whether “the
    participant(s) otherwise demonstrated the ability” to carry it
    out. As noted above, there was certainly sufficient evidence
    in the record to satisfy that standard, and, accordingly, we
    can find no error in the District Court’s application of the
    III.   Downward Departure for                Victim      Provocation
    under U.S.S.G. § 5K2.10
    Finally, we turn to the District Court’s refusal to depart
    downward for victim provocation under § 5K2.10. If a
    district court’s ruling is based on the belief that a departure
    was legally impermissible, and, thus, involves an issue of
    law, we have jurisdiction to review. See, e.g., United States
    v. Marin-Castaneda, 
    134 F.3d 551
    , 554 (3d Cir. 1998).
    Here, it is clear that the District Court concluded that the
    departure did not fit this situation and was thus
    6. As the District Court pointed out, the offense conduct here was
    conspiracy to commit extortion, not extortion itself, so the completion of
    the threat in the form of actual extortion was not at issue.
    7. The District Court stated:
    [A]t the end of the day when you read the language of this
    departure, when you read the language of this victim conduct
    provision, they are talking about something that is more directly
    provocative, contributed to the danger presented. That’s the
    language. And I think that language connotes an immediate, if not
    perhaps even physical provocation and not what we have in this
    . . . .
    [W]hen you read this provision 5K2.10, you get a sense of a more
    direct physical danger, relevant physical characteristics, size and
    strength of the victim, persistence of the victim’s conduct and efforts
    by the defendant to prevent confrontation, danger reasonably
    perceived by the defendant, by the victim’s reputation for violence,
    danger presented to the defendant by the victim.
    That was not this case. In this case the redress that would be
    appropriate would be a lawsuit, a resort to a report to the police.
    That’s the kind of conduct that would be expected for a person in
    the defendant’s position to take against these two people, Ben Jacob
    and Fogel.
    . . . .
    I think you would have a better argument on the range, the
    application where within the range this defendant should be
    sentenced, but I don’t think you have sufficient to draw the
    application of this, what I read as the departure conceived of by this
    Section 5K2.10 provides that departures may be made
    where “the victim’s wrongful conduct contributed
    significantly to provoking the offense behavior.” U.S.S.G.
    § 5K2.10. It then instructs:
    In deciding the extent of a sentence reduction, the
    court should consider: a) the size and strength of the
    victim, or other relevant physical characteristics, in
    comparison with those of the defendant; b) the
    persistence of the victim’s conduct and any efforts by
    the defendant to prevent confrontation; c) the danger
    reasonably perceived by the defendant, including the
    victim’s reputation for violence; d) the danger actually
    presented to the defendant by the victim; and e) any
    other relevant conduct by the victim that substantially
    contributed to the danger presented.
    Id. In addition, the guideline indicates that victim
    provocation departures are most often applicable when the
    defendant’s offense behavior was of a violent nature, but
    also provides that there may be “unusual circumstances” in
    which “substantial victim misconduct,” such as “an
    extended course of provocation and harassment,” could
    justify a departure even in the case of a non-violent offense
    such as theft or the destruction of property. Id.
    We have previously noted that departures are most
    clearly “contemplate[d] . . . where the victim’s conduct
    posed actual, or reasonably perceived, danger to the
    defendant, with an emphasis on physical danger,” and that
    “[g]enerally only violent conduct . . . justifies a downward
    departure.” United States v. Paster, 
    173 F.3d 206
    , 211 (3d
    Cir. 1999). Yet neither our court, nor the guidelines
    themselves, restrict departures to situations involving
    violence or physical danger. See, e.g., United States v.
    293 F.3d 863
    , 872-73 (5th Cir. 2002). The key to
    the viability of a claim for a downward departure for victim
    provocation appears to depend on the unique facts of each
    case regarding whether the requisite provocation existed.
    As cases applying § 5K2.10 focus on whether, under
    particular    circumstances,   the    victim’s misconduct
    contributed significantly to provoking the defendant’s
    specific offense behavior, the starting point must be the
    careful consideration of “all of the circumstances” of the
    encounter in question. Paster, 
    173 F.3d at 211
    Exemplifying this principle is the Supreme Court’s decision
    in Koon v. United States, 
    518 U.S. 81
     (1996). Koon arose
    out of the Rodney King excessive force incident that
    occurred in Los Angeles in 1991. Notably, the District Court
    had made a factual finding that at the time the defendants
    actually crossed the line from lawful conduct to unlawful,
    excessive force — the offense behavior in question — King
    no longer “posed [an] objective threat, and the defendants
    had no reasonable perception of danger.” 
    Id. at 102
    . Yet the
    Supreme Court affirmed the downward departure for victim
    provocation. The Court stated that it “would be a startling
    interpretation and contrary to ordinary understandings of
    provocation” to find that King’s extended course of
    misconduct — which included “driving while intoxicated,
    fleeing from the police, refusing to obey the officers’
    commands, attempting to escape from police custody, etc.”
    — provoked the officers “lawful force but not the unlawful
    force that followed without interruption.” 
    Id. at 102, 104
    . “A
    response,” the Court noted, “need not immediately follow an
    action in order to be provoked by it.” 
    Id. at 104
    . Although
    King was eventually subdued, the overall atmosphere
    remained volatile, and the officers’ offense behavior
    “followed within seconds” of King’s misconduct, during the
    course of a “dynamic arrest situation.” 
    Id. at 102, 104
    Taking into account all of these circumstances, the Court
    held that the District Court did not err in holding that
    King’s wrongful conduct contributed significantly to
    provoking the officers’ excessive force, and granting a
    downward departure accordingly. 
    Id. at 104-05
    The precise contours of the departure, however, are
    difficult to define. It does appear that the mere fact that the
    victim’s misconduct was a cause of the defendant’s offense
    behavior, in the sense that the offense behavior may not
    have been committed but for the victim’s conduct, is not
    enough; downward departures are authorized under the
    guideline only where the victim’s misconduct “contributed
    significantly to provoking” the defendant’s offense behavior.
    Cf. United States v. Corrado, 
    304 F.3d 593
    , 615 (6th Cir.
    2002) (noting distinction between a “but-for cause” and
    provocation). We perceive the distinguishing factors to lie in
    the specific nature of both the victim’s misconduct and the
    defendant’s offense behavior, and the precise nature of the
    relationship between the two. To that end, it is useful to
    focus on the straightforward meaning of the term
    “provocation” itself, as provocation necessarily involves a
    distinct element of incitement, arousal, or the like. See
    Black’s Law Dictionary 1225 (6th ed. 1990) (“The act of
    inciting another to do a particular deed. That which
    arouses, moves, calls forth, causes, or occasions. Such
    conduct or actions . . . as tend to arouse rage, resentment,
    or fury . . . .”); cf. United States v. LeRose, 
    219 F.3d 335
    340 (4th Cir. 2000) (indicating a lack of provocation where
    the victim “in no way goaded” the defendant’s specific
    offense behavior).
    In addition, courts have often relied heavily on the
    concept of proportionality, that is, that the necessary
    provocation only exists if the provoked offense is
    proportional to the provoking conduct. This reasoning
    makes sense, as it would be exceedingly difficult to apply
    § 5K2.10 to a situation in which the offense behavior was
    excessively disproportional to the victim’s misconduct.
    The need for proportionality in the response is “evidenced
    by the factors that § 5K2.10 instructs the courts to
    consider,” including the efforts made by the defendant to
    avoid confrontation, and the danger actually presented or
    reasonably perceived to be presented by the victim. United
    States v. Morin, 
    80 F.3d 124
    , 128 (4th Cir. 1996). Further,
    § 5K2.10 explicitly connects the victim’s misconduct not
    just to the defendant’s response in a broad sense, but to
    the defendant’s specific offense behavior. As the Fifth
    Circuit has noted, “ ‘the offense behavior’ is an important
    phrase” as “it signifies that there is a relationship between
    the type of offense behavior and the type of victim
    misconduct that would ‘contribute[ ] significantly to
    provoking’ it.” Harris, 293 F.3d at 872-73. In short, certain
    less serious victim misconduct may be sufficient to provoke
    some types of lesser offense behaviors, but insufficient to
    provoke more severe conduct on the part of the defendant.
    See, e.g., id. at 872-74.
    In Paster, for instance, we considered the disturbing case
    of a defendant who viciously stabbed his wife to death soon
    after she divulged a number of extramarital affairs. In the
    District Court the defendant sought, unsuccessfully, a
    downward departure under § 5K2.10. Paster, 
    173 F.3d at 210-11
    . Taking into account “all of the circumstances” —
    such as the defendant’s initiation of the fatal confrontation,
    the fact that his wife posed no reasonable threat as he
    attacked her when she was emerging from the shower, and
    that the defendant already knew that his wife was
    unfaithful — we found “ample record evidence to support”
    the District Court’s denial of a downward departure. 
    211-12 & 212 n.3. Even if the wife’s infidelities constituted
    misconduct, and even if that misconduct could have
    prompted some response by the defendant, the defendant’s
    offense behavior — the brutal murder of his unarmed wife
    — “was grossly disproportionate to any provocation.” 
    Id. at 212
    Several of our sister Courts of Appeals have also explicitly
    expressed a concern for proportionality. The Court of
    Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, for example, has recently held,
    in a thoughtful and persuasive discussion of the issue, that
    “[t]aken as a whole, Section 5K2.10 evinces a concern that
    the offense behavior be not excessively disproportionate to
    the provocation.” Harris, 
    293 F.3d at 873
    . Similarly, in
    United States v. Blankenship, 
    159 F.3d 336
     (8th Cir. 1998),
    the Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit stated that
    § 5K2.10 “manifests a concern for proportionality in the
    defendant’s response,” and held there that the defendant’s
    claim for a departure was meritless since his “response was
    disproportionate to the threat posed by the victim’s
    conduct.” Id. at 339; id. (“[The defendant’s] response . . .
    simply was not proportionate to the threat.”); United States
    v. Shortt, 
    919 F.2d 1325
    , 1328 (8th Cir. 1990) (stating that
    “[a] concern for the proportionality of the defendant’s
    response is manifested by the terms of § 5K2.10” and
    reversing the District Court’s downward departure). The
    Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit also agrees. See
    80 F.3d 124
     at 128.
    Turning to the facts at hand, Mussayek characterizes the
    District Court’s interpretation of § 5K2.10 as overly narrow
    and as holding as a matter of law that to qualify the victim
    provocation must be “immediate” and “physical.” But
    Mussayek does a disservice to the District Court’s
    thoughtful analysis. The District Court did in fact concern
    itself with the specific nature and relationship of the victim
    misconduct and offense behavior at issue here, as the
    guideline requires, and found that Mussayek’s conspiracy
    to commit extortion was not provoked by the two acts of
    swindling in the way contemplated by the departure
    provision. The Court concluded that there was a lack of
    immediacy and that Mussayek’s response was not
    proportional, noting, for example, that “[i]n this case the
    redress that would be appropriate would be a lawsuit, a
    resort to a report to the police. That’s the kind of conduct
    that would be expected for a person in the defendant’s
    position to take against these two people, Ben Jacob and
    We agree with the District Court that the circumstances
    here simply do not evidence provocation as required by
    § 5K2.10. Mussayek was the apparent victim of Fogel’s
    fraud, and Ben Jacob’s unethical — at the very least —
    behavior with regard to their partnership. But there is no
    evidence that Fogel or Ben Jacob somehow provoked
    Mussayek into attempting to extort money from them. Any
    wrong done to him was economic in nature,8 and took place
    without the immediacy, or the highly-charged context of
    8. We note two other cases in which the supposed provocation was
    essentially economic in nature. In United States v. Bigelow, 
    914 F.2d 966
    (7th Cir. 1990), the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit reversed the
    District Court’s grant of a departure for victim provocation where the
    defendants were convicted on extortion and related charges for a number
    of threats made to the victim arising out of the victim’s failure to satisfy
    a debt. 
    Id. at 969, 975
    . The court held that the victim simply had not
    provoked the defendants’ extortion of him as contemplated by § 5K2.10.
    Id. at 975. By contrast, in United States v. Dailey, 
    24 F.3d 1323
    Cir. 1994), the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit upheld the
    District Court’s grant of a departure where the defendant was convicted
    of making a single threatening phone call after an individual defrauded
    him of tens of thousands of dollars. 
    Id. at 1324, 1328
    . The court there
    was unwilling, under a clear error standard, to reverse the District
    Court’s finding that the defendant’s conduct had been provoked. 
    Id. at 1327-28
    . These contrary results only amplify the conclusion that each
    § 5K2.10 case must be decided on its particular facts. See, e.g., Dailey,
    24 F.3d at 1327-28
     (distinguishing Bigelow on its facts).
    tension, emotional build-up, or arousal, that typically
    exemplifies the provocative situation. See Black’s Law
    Dictionary, 1225 (6th ed. 1990) (defining provocation);
    173 F.3d at 211-212
     (affirming that no departure is
    available where the defendant brutally murdered his
    unarmed wife after she divulged her infidelity); U.S.S.G.
    § 5K2.10 (stating that an “extended course of provocation
    and harassment” could justify a departure for nonviolent
    offense conduct); see also Koon, 
    518 U.S. at 102-105
    (upholding departure for excessive force during arrest
    situation); Harris, 
    293 F.3d at 872-76
     (same); United States
    v. Tsosie, 
    14 F.3d 1438
     (10th Cir. 1994) (upholding
    departure where the defendant fatally stabbed the victim
    during a physical altercation moments after learning that
    the victim was having an affair with his wife); United States
    v. Yellow Earrings, 
    891 F.2d 650
     (8th Cir. 1989) (upholding
    departure where the defendant stabbed the victim
    immediately after the victim verbally abused and publicly
    humiliated her); United States v. DeJesus, 
    75 F. Supp. 2d 141
    , 144-46 (S.D.N.Y. 1999) (granting departure where the
    defendant set out to attack the victim just after the victim
    seriously assaulted the defendant’s pregnant girlfriend and
    threatened her life).
    Additionally, Mussayek’s response took place long after
    the alleged scams; he did not react within days, or even
    weeks, but many months — and in the case of Fogel, nearly
    a year — later. Indeed, the response involved extensive
    scheming and planning: the discussions with the agents
    took place over several months, information was gathered
    about the intended victims, and Aharanoff and Mussayek
    flew to Israel to conduct what was in essence
    reconnaissance activity. In short, Mussayek’s offense
    behavior was not, as one court has well put it, “directly
    responsive to the immediate provocation,” but was, rather,
    the epitome of “a calculated planned response.” DeJesus,
    75 F. Supp. 2d at 146
    ; see also, e.g., Blankenship, 
    159 F.3d at 339
     (rejecting claim for departure where the victim
    started the confrontation but defendant left and later
    returned with a loaded gun); Morin, 
    80 F.3d at 128
    (reversing departure where the defendant made plans to
    hire someone to murder his lover’s husband after learning
    he was abusing her); Shortt, 
    919 F.2d at 1328
    departure for a defendant who built a pipe bomb and put
    it in his wife’s lover’s truck); Bigelow, 
    914 F.2d at 975
    (reversing departure for defendants who made extensive
    extortionate threats to victim who owed them money).
    Further, Mussayek’s offense behavior was “grossly
    disproportionate to any provocation” on the part of his
    victims. Paster, 
    173 F.3d at 212
    . It is to be expected that
    one who suffered the frauds apparently suffered by
    Mussayek would undertake efforts to recover the money.
    But we certainly cannot conclude that the District Court
    erred in finding that Mussayek’s conduct — attempting to
    hire others to threaten, intimidate, kidnap, assault, shoot,
    and even murder to achieve his ends — was not a
    proportional response. In response to past economic
    wrongs, Mussayek committed himself to an extensive plan
    of extortion, authorizing the use of grave and even deadly
    force to recover his losses. Essentially, Mussayek now seeks
    to transform a mere but-for cause of his conduct into
    significant provocation. The District Court did not err in
    holding that this is not the type of situation envisioned by
    § 5K2.10.
    The District Court correctly concluded that Mussayek
    was eligible for sentence enhancements for the content of
    his threats, and for his preparations to carry out those
    threats. In addition, it did not err in holding that Mussayek
    was ineligible for a downward departure for victim
    provocation. In light of the foregoing, we will AFFIRM.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit