United States v. Rowlands ( 2006 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2006 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    USA v. Rowlands
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 05-3425
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    No. 05-3425
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. Crim. No. 81-cr-00245)
    District Judge: Hon. John C. Lifland
    Argued April 21, 2006
    Before: SLOVITER and AMBRO, Circuit Judges, and
    DuBOIS * , District Judge
    (Filed June 9, 2006)
    Lawrence S. Lustberg
    Fruqan Mouzon      (Argued)
    Gibbons, Del Deo, Dolan, Griffinger & Vecchione
    Newark, New Jersey 07102
    Attorneys for Appellant
    Hon. Jan E. DuBois, Senior Judge, United States District
    Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
    Christopher J. Christie
    United States Attorney
    George S. Leone
    Chief, Appeals Division
    David B. Lat
    Mark E. Coyne        (Argued)
    Assistant United States Attorneys
    Newark, New Jersey 07102-2535
    Attorneys for Appellee
    SLOVITER, Circuit Judge.
    This case presents the question of whether federal courts
    have the power to authorize expungement of a criminal record
    where the legality of the underlying criminal conviction is not
    being challenged. The District Court denied the application of
    Appellant David C. Rowlands for expungement of his 1982
    conviction of several white collar crimes. On appeal, Rowlands
    contends that the District Court erred in holding that it lacked
    jurisdiction over his petition for expungement either pursuant to
    its inherent power to order equitable relief or pursuant to the All
    Writs Act.
    David Rowlands was a public official and employee of
    the town of Kearny, New Jersey. He served, at various times, as
    a Councilman and Mayor of Kearny. Unbeknownst to
    Rowlands, another Kearny public official solicited a bribe of
    $12,000 in cash from Richard Mace, the owner of a furniture
    store. In exchange for the bribe, Richard Mace was promised
    approval of his plans to build additional showrooms. Rowlands
    received $6,000 in cash, and the remainder of the bribe was kept
    by another public official.
    Rowlands was subsequently indicted and, following a
    jury trial, he was convicted of conspiring to obstruct and delay
    interstate commerce in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1951, knowingly
    attempting to obstruct and delay interstate commerce by
    extortion, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1951-52, and knowingly
    attempting to influence and obstruct a federal grand jury
    investigation, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1503. Rowlands was
    sentenced to eight years in prison. In explaining this sentence,
    the District Court stated: “I was morally certain that the way they
    were operating in that community on that one transaction
    indicated to me that they were in business and that there was a
    lot more to Messrs. Rowlands and Grimes than the $6,000 they
    each took from Mr. Mace.” App. at 31-32. Nonetheless, after
    Rowlands had served only ten months, the District Court
    reduced Rowlands’s sentence to time served. Two Assistant
    United States Attorneys who had prosecuted Rowlands on behalf
    of the Government urged reduction of Rowlands’s sentence
    because of his significant post-sentencing cooperation in the
    Government’s investigation and prosecution of others. At the
    sentence reduction hearing, the District Court noted, “I am
    satisfied, morally and beyond any shadow of a doubt that these
    two men have fully cooperated and have done everything they
    could do to be honest, truthful and helpful, and to make
    amends.” App. at 33. While a co-defendant’s defense lawyer
    was present at the hearing, Rowlands’s defense lawyer was not.
    Since Rowlands’s release from prison in 1983, he has
    been gainfully employed in the retail automobile industry as a
    salesman and manager. In 1990, he sought reinstatement of his
    teaching certificate, which had been revoked pursuant to New
    Jersey law, because of his conviction. See generally N.J.S.A.
    18A:6-38. Two Assistant United States Attorneys who
    prosecuted Rowlands on behalf of the Government wrote letters
    on Rowlands’s behalf. One wrote to the New Jersey State Board
    of Examiners and urged the Board to “exercise lenity” and
    reinstate Rowlands’s teaching certificate. The other sent a letter
    that stated, “While there is no question that Mr. Rowlands was
    properly convicted of serious crimes, there is also no question
    that he has been punished for those crimes and that he has done
    all within his power to make restitution. . . . It is my personal
    hope that David Rowlands’ past criminal activity will not be a
    permanent impediment to meaningful and rewarding
    employment and community service in the future.” App. at 36.
    In 2005, the State Board of Examiners declined to reinstate
    Rowlands’s teaching certificate or to recertify him.
    Rowlands then turned to the courts. In January 2005,
    Rowlands petitioned the United States District Court for the
    District of New Jersey for an expungement of his criminal
    record. Rowlands contended that the District Court had
    jurisdiction over his petition pursuant to its inherent equitable
    power and pursuant to the All Writs Act, 28 U.S.C. § 1651. The
    District Court dismissed the petition, concluding that neither its
    inherent equitable powers nor the All Writs Act provided it with
    jurisdiction over Rowlands’s petition. On July 8, 2005,
    Rowlands timely filed his notice of appeal with this court.
    On this appeal, Rowlands explains that he seeks
    expungement of his record in order to gain re-certification as a
    teacher. He contends that because his defense attorney was not
    present at his reduction of sentence hearing, the issue of whether
    his conviction should serve as a permanent forfeiture of his New
    Jersey teaching license was never raised.
    This court has twice previously considered the question of
    whether federal courts have the power to authorize expungement
    of a criminal record. See United States v. Noonan, 
    906 F.2d 952
    (3d Cir. 1990); United States v. Dunegan, 
    251 F.3d 477
    (3d Cir.
    2001). Rowlands contends that these decisions are
    “contradictory.” Appellant’s Br. at 9. We revisit the issue now
    to clarify our jurisprudence.
    A defendant who moves to expunge his or her conviction
    does not seek to vacate or set aside the conviction. Rather, s/he
    seeks “[t]he judicial editing of history.” Rogers v. Slaughter,
    469 F.2d 1084
    , 1085 (5th Cir. 1972) (per curiam). Although
    different states may define “expungement” differently, “in
    general when a defendant moves to expunge records, she asks
    that the court destroy or seal the records of the fact of the
    defendant's conviction and not the conviction itself.” United
    States v. Crowell, 
    374 F.3d 790
    , 792 (9th Cir. 2004).
    Rowlands contends that this court’s jurisprudence
    regarding expungement is inconsistent. He notes that in United
    States v. Noonan, we stated, “Clearly, a federal court has the
    inherent power to expunge an arrest and conviction record.” 
    906 F.2d 952
    , 956 (3d Cir. 1990). However, eleven years later, in
    United States v. Dunegan, “we h[e]ld that in the absence of any
    applicable statute enacted by Congress, or an allegation that the
    criminal proceedings were invalid or illegal, a District Court
    does not have the jurisdiction to expunge a criminal record, even
    when ending in an acquittal.” 
    251 F.3d 477
    , 480 (3d Cir. 2001).
    According to Rowlands, “The Dunegan panel’s conclusion was
    in direct contradiction to the earlier Noonan decision.”
    Appellant’s Br. at 19. We find this argument unconvincing. A
    close reading of Noonan and Dunegan demonstrates that the two
    opinions are not in conflict.
    In his case, Noonan sought expungement of his
    conviction of violation of the Military Selective Service Act.
    Noonan’s argument that his record should be expunged was
    predicated on the premise that “a Presidential pardon has the
    force of wiping out guilt.” 
    Noonan, 906 F.2d at 958
    . Therefore,
    he contended the presidential pardon, restoring to him “full
    political [and] civil rights” as well as “other rights” constituted
    the legal authority for expunging his criminal conviction.” 
    Id. at 955
    (alteration in original) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    We rejected the argument that “the President has the ability,
    through the pardon power vested under Article II, § 2, to tamper
    with judicial records.” 
    Id. at 956.
    We stated that such an idea
    “flies in the face of the separation of powers doctrine.” 
    Id. After noting
    that in inquiring into the effect of a pardon on a
    valid conviction record we were writing on a clean slate, we
    stated: “The collective experience of our judiciary reflected by
    reported cases, however, discloses that expunction of criminal
    court records is an extraordinary remedy. Clearly, a federal
    court has the inherent power to expunge an arrest and conviction
    Id. Rowlands relies
    on the latter sentence as the basis
    for his claim that we have jurisdiction. Significantly, in Noonan
    we ultimately held that a presidential pardon did not entitle
    Noonan to expungement of his criminal record.
    Rowlands is mistaken in his contention that Noonan holds
    that this court has jurisdiction over any and all petitions for
    expungement. Our holding in Noonan was not nearly that broad.
    We held only that we have jurisdiction over petitions for
    expungement in certain narrow circumstances – namely, where
    the “predicate for the expunction is a challenge to the validity of
    either the arrest or conviction.” 
    Id. at 957.
    We noted that the
    instances in which courts had previously granted expungement
    were those “in which a court invoked its inherent power to
    remedy an acquittal, an unconstitutional conviction or an abuse
    of power.” 
    Id. We noted
    that we found no cases in which
    expungement had “been ordered (1) where the circumstances of
    conviction have not been challenged, or (2) on the basis of a
    pardon following an unchallenged or otherwise valid
    Id. In cases
    where expungement was warranted,
    we applied “a balancing test in which the harm to the individual
    caused by the existence of the records is weighed against the
    governmental interest in maintenance of the records.” 
    Id. Because we
    found Noonan’s argument that his pardon “blot[ted]
    out of existence [his] guilt” unconvincing, we declined to apply
    the balancing test to his case. 
    Id. at 955
    (internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    The cases upon which Noonan relied support our
    conclusion here that we have jurisdiction over petitions for
    expungement in narrow circumstances: where the validity of the
    underlying criminal proceeding is challenged. In United States
    v. Friesen, the court stated that only “unusually compelling
    circumstances . . . justify the exercise of the trial court’s
    ‘narrow’ power to order expunction.” 
    853 F.2d 816
    , 818 (10th
    Cir. 1988). Because the trial court had granted a petition for
    expungement without a finding of unusual circumstances, the
    Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit reversed the grant.
    Similarly, in United States v. McMains, the court stated, “It is
    established that the federal courts have inherent power to
    expunge criminal records when necessary to preserve basic legal
    rights. The power is a narrow one, usually exercised in cases of
    illegal prosecution or acquittals and is not to be routinely used.”
    540 F.2d 387
    , 389-90 (8th Cir. 1978) (citations omitted). Nearly
    all of the cases the McMains court cited in support of its
    conclusion that district courts have jurisdiction over petitions for
    expungement challenged the legality of the underlying criminal
    Our narrow holding in Noonan does not conflict with our
    holding in Dunegan as Rowlands vigorously argues. In
    Dunegan, we addressed the question of whether this court had
    “jurisdiction . . . to entertain . . . a petition [for expunction] in the
    absence of a challenge to the legality of the conviction or 
    arrest.” 251 F.3d at 479
    (emphasis added). Dunegan was a police officer
    who had been indicted for violating a suspect’s civil rights. He
    was subsequently tried and acquitted. Dunegan did not contend
    that his indictment was invalid or legally infirm for any other
    reason. The Dunegan court expressly did not “consider . . .
    whether a record may be expunged on the basis of Constitutional
    or statutory infirmity in the underlying criminal proceedings or
    on the basis of an unlawful arrest or conviction.” 
    Id. at 480.
    is evident, therefore, that our holding in Noonan – that we have
    jurisdiction to consider expungement where the underlying
    criminal proceeding is being challenged – does not contradict
    See Menard v. Saxbe, 
    498 F.2d 1017
    (D.C. Cir. 1974)
    (holding that expungement of arrest record from FBI files
    appropriate where law enforcement officers lacked probable cause
    to arrest defendant); Sullivan v. Murphy, 
    478 F.2d 938
    (D.C. Cir.
    1973), cert. denied, 
    414 U.S. 880
    (1974) (finding expungement of
    records of mass arrests appropriate where established procedures
    broke down so that there was no showing of probable cause);
    United States v. McLeod, 
    385 F.2d 734
    (5th Cir. 1967) (finding
    expungement of criminal records appropriate when arrests were
    made for purpose of interfering with right to vote). The one
    exception is Chastain v. Kelley, 
    510 F.2d 1232
    (D.C. Cir. 1975).
    In that case, the petitioner, an FBI agent, sought expungement of
    the administrative record regarding his dismissal after the FBI
    reversed its decision to dismiss him.
    Notwithstanding our holdings in Noonan and Dunegan,
    Rowlands urges this court to follow, inter alia, United States v.
    714 F. Supp. 522
    (S.D. Fla. 1989), and United States v.
    935 F. Supp. 478
    (S.D.N.Y. 1996). In Johnson, the court
    granted a petition for expungement because Johnson was
    acquitted and retention of his criminal records would result in
    the denial of future jobs. In Doe, the court granted a petition for
    expungement in similar circumstances. These cases are
    unconvincing. They are not from this Circuit, and our precedent
    clearly establishes that we have jurisdiction over petitions for
    expungement only when the validity of the underlying criminal
    proceeding is challenged. Because Rowlands has not attacked
    the validity of the underlying conviction, we reject his
    contention that we have inherent jurisdiction over his petition for
    Rowlands’s alternative contention that the All Writs Act,
    28 U.S.C. § 1651, grants federal district courts the legal
    authority to expunge the record of a legal and valid criminal
    conviction is also unavailing. The All Writs Act, in pertinent
    part, provides: “The Supreme Court and all courts established by
    Act of Congress may issue all writs necessary or appropriate in
    aid of their respective jurisdictions and agreeable to the usages
    and principles of law.” 28 U.S.C. § 1651(a). “[A] court of
    appeals has the power, under the ‘all writs’ act, to issue a writ
    . . . ‘where it may be necessary for the exercise of a jurisdiction
    already existing.’” United States v. Brooks, 
    230 F.3d 643
    , 646
    n.3 (3d Cir. 2000) (citing Whitney v. Dick, 
    202 U.S. 132
    , 136-37
    (1906)); see also Syngenta Crop Prot., Inc. v. Henson, 
    537 U.S. 28
    , 33 (2002). We concluded above that we do not have
    jurisdiction over Rowlands’s petition. The All Writs Act does
    nothing to alter our conclusion.
    Rowlands unconvincingly argues that other courts have
    found authority to grant petitions for expungement pursuant to
    the All Writs Act. He cites to United States v. Javanmard, 767
    8 F. Supp. 1109
    (D. Kan. 1991), and United States v. Bohr, 406 F.
    Supp. 1218 (E.D. Wisc. 1976), in support of this contention. In
    Javanmard, the court granted a petition for expungement of a
    criminal conviction pursuant to a guilty plea because the record
    of the conviction would preclude the petitioner from availing
    himself of the amnesty provisions of the Immigration Reform
    and Control Act. The court found that it had jurisdiction over
    the petition for expungement and invoked the All Writs Act in
    aid of that jurisdiction. In Bohr, the court granted a petition for
    expungement where the petitioner was a lawyer whose legal
    practice was severely hindered by the record of his conviction.2
    Neither of these cases provides any support for
    Rowlands’s contention. First, we have concluded we lack
    jurisdiction over his petition. Second, both Javanmard and Bohr
    have been superseded by appellate authority from the applicable
    courts of appeals. In United States v. Pinto, 
    1 F.3d 1069
    Cir. 1993), the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit (which
    includes the District of Kansas) held that it lacked authority to
    expunge the petitioner’s conviction for filing false tax returns.
    The petitioner did not challenge the validity of her conviction
    but contended that the record of the conviction impeded her from
    finding employment. The court held that the trial court “was
    without power to grant this petition.” 
    Id. at 1070.
    It also
    rejected the All Writs Act as a source of jurisdiction over Pinto’s
    petition: “While we agree that the All Writs Act plays a part in
    enabling the court to issue the writs . . . necessary to accomplish
    an actual expungement, we believe that the authority to consider
    the issue in the first place is not contained in that Act.” 
    Id. at 1070
    n.1. Pinto clearly rejects the reasoning in Javanmard.
    Similarly, in United States v. Flowers, 
    389 F.3d 737
    Cir. 2004), the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit (which
    includes the District of Wisconsin) held that expungement is not
    available to remedy “adverse consequences which attend every
    The relevance of the All Writs Act to the holding in Bohr
    is unclear. The court cites the Act in passing without any
    arrest and conviction. Those are unfortunate but generally not
    considered unwarranted adverse consequences. It is possible,
    even likely, that any person with an arrest or conviction record
    may well be impeded in finding employment.” 
    Id. at 739
    (emphasis in original). As an example of “unwarranted adverse
    consequences,” the court cited to McLeod, in which the Court of
    Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ordered expungement of records of
    arrests made in order to harass. See United States v. McLeod,
    385 F.2d 734
    (5th Cir. 1967). Under Flowers, the analysis in
    Bohr is incorrect. A defendant’s difficulty in finding or
    retaining employment is a common consequence of conviction
    and does not constitute grounds for expungement.
    Because we agree that there is no jurisdiction over
    Rowlands’s petition for expungement, we will affirm the District
    Court’s dismissal.