Wise v. Amer Gen Life Ins Co , 459 F.3d 443 ( 2006 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2006 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Wise v. Amer Gen Life Ins Co
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 05-2715
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    No. 05-2715
    DANIELLE WISE, individually and as ADMINISTRATRIX
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. No. 04-cv-3711)
    District Judge: Honorable Bruce W. Kauffman
    Argued February 27, 2006
    Before: SLOVITER, FUENTES, and BECKER,* Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: August 21, 2006)
    This case was argued before the panel of Judges Sloviter,
    Fuentes, and Becker. Judge Becker died on May 19, 2006, before
    the filing of the opinion. The decision is filed by a quorum of the
    panel. 28 U.S.C. § 46(d).
    Richard L. Bazelon (Argued)
    Natalie D’Amora
    1515 Market Street, Suite 700
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Peter Jason (Argued)
    Jonathan L. Swichar
    Duane Morris LLP
    30 South 17th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    James W. Gicking (Argued)
    Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin
    1845 Walnut Street, 21st Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    FUENTES, Circuit Judge.
    After receiving a quote from an internet website, William
    Wise applied for a life insurance policy from American General
    Life Insurance Company. American General approved the
    application and mailed Wise a policy on March 3, 2004. The
    policy provided that the policy year would begin on the date of
    issue, March 3, 2004, but that no coverage would be provided until
    the first premium was paid by Wise while he remained in good
    health. Wise died unexpectedly on March 10, 2004, the same day
    that he received the policy in the mail, and one week after the “date
    of issue” of the policy. His wife, Danielle Wise, mailed the first
    premium to American General the following day. We are asked to
    determine whether the life insurance policy was in effect at the
    time of Wise’s death. Because, as of the date of Wise’s death,
    Wise had not accepted the insurance contract by paying the
    premium, we conclude that the life insurance policy never took
    I. Factual and Procedural Background
    In anticipation of the birth of his first child, William Wise
    (“Wise”) used an internet website run by defendant Intelliquote
    Insurance Services (“Intelliquote”) to research life insurance
    policies for himself in January 2004. By entering personal
    information on the Intelliquote website, Wise was able to obtain
    quotes from several insurance carriers. After comparing the annual
    premiums offered by each carrier, Wise selected an American
    General policy, and Intelliquote sent him an application.
    The American General application mailed to Wise consisted
    of two parts. Part A of the application required the applicant to
    disclose personal information for the purposes of obtaining a
    policy. It also described, among other things, an option for a
    “Limited Temporary Life Insurance Agreement” (“Temporary
    Insurance”). (Appendix “App.” at A107.) The application stated
    that Temporary Insurance was available to the applicant only if 1)
    the full first modal premium was submitted with the application
    and 2) the applicant had not had certain health problems and was
    not more than seventy years old.1 (Id. at A105, A107.) The
    application did not indicate the amount of the first premium
    Part A of the application also required Wise’s signature
    acknowledging that he had read the application, that his statements
    The health problems that preclude an applicant from being
    eligible for Temporary Insurance are any past incidence of a heart
    attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes, or disorder of the immune system
    or if the applicant has, during the last two years, “been confined in
    a hospital or other health care facility or been advised to have any
    diagnostic test or surgery not yet performed.” (Id. at 105.) Wise
    indicated on his insurance application that he qualified for
    Temporary Insurance. (Id.)
    were true and complete, and that he understood that his application
    would be the basis of his policy. Wise was also asked to affirm
    Except as may be provided in a Limited Temporary Life
    Insurance Agreement (LTLIA), I understand and agree
    that no insurance will be in effect pursuant to this
    application, or under any new policy issued by the
    Company, unless or until: the policy has been delivered
    and accepted; the first full modal premium for the issued
    policy has been paid; and there has been no change in
    the health of any proposed insured that would change
    the answers to any questions in the application.
    (Id. at A107.) Part B required that Wise sign an identical statement
    after providing his medical history. (Id. at A46.) Wise completed
    the application, signed both statements, and returned it on or about
    February 7, 2004. Wise did not submit a premium payment with
    his application.
    American General issued a life insurance policy to Wise on
    March 3, 2004, in the amount of $500,000. American General
    mailed the policy to Intelliquote, which in turn mailed the policy to
    Wise, who received the policy on March 10, 2004. The letter
    accompanying the policy stated, “[t]his policy is your contract and
    is for you to keep with other important documents.” (Id. at A51.)
    The letter briefly described the policy and stated:
    To place this coverage inforce [sic] the documents listed
    below need to be completed, signed, and returned:
    •       Amount Due $600.00 (annual premium
    •       Check must be made payable to American
    General Life Insurance Company
    •       Delivery Receipt
    All the above requirements must be in our office by
    March 26th, 2004.
    The first page of the policy stated that the policy was “a
    legal contract between the owner and American General.” (Id. at
    A53.) The policy stated that the entire contract consisted of the
    policy received by Wise on March 10th, any riders and
    endorsements, and the original application, along with any
    amendments or supplemental applications. (Id. at 158.) The policy
    bore a “date of issue” of March 3, 2004. (Id. at A55.) The date of
    issue was described as the date on which the policy year and all
    subsequent policy years would begin. (Id. at A57.) The policy
    explained that, with the exception of the first premium, all
    premiums not paid by the date of issue, March 3rd of each year,
    would be in default. (Id.) The policy also stated that the first
    premium was due on the date of issue and that insurance would
    “not take effect until that premium [was] paid.” (Id.) Moreover,
    the policy stated that, “[t]he owner may return this policy to us at
    the above address or to the agent from whom it was purchased
    within thirty days after receipt. This policy will then be cancelled
    as of its date of issue and any premium paid will be refunded.” (Id.
    at 55.)
    The day that Wise received his policy in the mail, he died
    suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. His wife, Danielle
    Wise (“Plaintiff”), mailed the annual premium payment to
    American General the following day. When she requested the
    proceeds of the policy, American General denied her claim and
    returned her premium check. Plaintiff brings claims against
    American General for breach of contract and bad faith under 42 Pa.
    Cons. Stat. Ann. § 8371 (2005), and against American General,
    Intelliquote, and insurance agent Gary R. Lardy for violations of
    Pennsylvania’s Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection
    Law, 73 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 201-1 et seq. (2005) (the
    The United States District Court for the Eastern District of
    Plaintiff originally filed suit in the Philadelphia Court of
    Common Pleas. The action was removed to the United States
    District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania by American
    General and Intelliquote. The District Court exercised subject
    matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332.
    We exercise jurisdiction over this appeal pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §
    Pennsylvania dismissed the complaint pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) of
    the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for failure to state a claim
    upon which relief can be granted. Wise v. Am. Gen. Life Ins. Co.,
    No. 04-3711, 
    2005 WL 670697
    , at * 7 (E.D. Pa. Mar. 22, 2005).
    The District Court found that, taking all the facts alleged in the
    Complaint as true and making all inferences in favor of Plaintiff,
    there was no contract formed for insurance because “there is no
    indication in any of the documents of [American General’s] intent
    to be bound prior to delivery of the policy, and no consideration
    was offered by [Wise] from which liability might be inferred up to
    that point.” 
    Id. at *3.
    The District Court determined that the life
    insurance policy unambiguously required the payment of the
    premium before any insurance coverage was to take effect, and that
    this provision was not waived by American General. 
    Id. at *3-5.
    The District Court reasoned that, because Wise never accepted the
    offer of the policy by paying consideration in the form of the
    premium, there was no insurance in effect at the time of his death.
    Id. Based on
    this finding, the District Court dismissed all of
    Plaintiff’s claims. 
    Id. at *7.
    Plaintiff now appeals.
    II. Analysis
    A. There was no contractual obligation to provide coverage
    under the American General Policy
    We must first determine whether American General was
    contractually obligated to provide life insurance coverage for Wise
    on the date of his death.3 Under Pennsylvania law, the creation of
    an insurance contract requires an offer, an acceptance, and a
    meeting of the minds. See Moser Mfg. Co. v. Donegal & Conoy
    We exercise plenary review over the District Court’s Rule
    12(b)(6) dismissal. See Allegheny Gen. Hosp. v. Philip Morris,
    228 F.3d 429
    , 434 (3d Cir. 2000) (citing Steamfitters Local
    Union No. 420 Welfare Fund v. Philip Morris, Inc., 
    171 F.3d 912
    919 (3d Cir. 1999)). “In judging that dismissal, we take all the
    [plaintiffs’] factual allegations as true, and affirm only if it is
    certain that no relief can be granted under any set of facts which
    could be proved.” 
    Id. at 434-35
    (internal quotation marks and
    citation omitted).
    Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 
    66 A.2d 581
    , 582 (Pa. 1949). Plaintiff argues
    that Wise’s insurance application constituted an offer, which
    American General accepted as of March 3, 2004, by issuing the
    policy. Plaintiff argues that American General was therefore
    contractually obligated to provide insurance coverage to Wise as
    of the March 3, 2004 date of issue.
    The application for insurance and the documents
    accompanying the policy explicitly stated that no coverage would
    be in effect until and unless Wise paid the premium while he
    remained in good health.4 Under Pennsylvania law, this constitutes
    a valid requirement that must be fulfilled before coverage begins.5
    See Landy v. Philadelphia Life Ins. Co., 
    78 Pa. Super. 47
    , 54
    (1921); see also Brodsky v. Equitable Life Assurance Soc’y of the
    U.S., No. 99-1218, 
    1999 WL 637221
    , at *1 (E.D. Pa. Aug. 20,
    1999), vacated on other grounds, 
    1999 WL 755184
    (E.D. Pa. Sept.
    20, 1999); 44 Corpus Juris Secundum Insurance § 324 (“A
    stipulation or agreement by the company and applicant that a
    policy of life insurance shall not take effect or be binding on the
    company unless the first premium is paid while the applicant is
    alive or in good or sound health is valid and will be given effect
    according to its terms; it is a condition precedent to liability on the
    part of the company . . . .”). Neither party was bound by the
    insurance contract until Wise tendered the premium payment while
    in good health; Wise was free to turn down the policy, and
    American General was not obligated to provide insurance
    coverage. See 
    Landy, 78 Pa. Super. at 56
    (holding that, where life
    insurance policy stated it would only take effect when delivered
    and accepted through payment of premium while applicant was in
    As stated in the application and policy, and agreed by the
    parties, the insurance contract at issue consists of the application
    completed by Wise, all supporting documents, and the policy
    issued on March 3, 2004. See Murray v. John Hancock Mut. Life
    Ins. Co., 
    69 A.2d 182
    , 183 (Pa. Super. 1949) (stating that, as
    general rule, insurance contract consists of both application and
    subsequently issued policy).
    The parties agree that Pennsylvania law applies to these
    good health, no coverage existed where applicant accepted while
    at brink of death); Brodsky, 
    1999 WL 637221
    , at *1 (finding no
    insurance coverage as matter of law where payment of premium
    was required for coverage to begin and applicant died before
    remitting first premium). Accordingly, because Wise did not fulfill
    the requirement of remitting the first premium payment while there
    was no change in his health, the insurance policy did not go into
    effect, and American General had no contractual obligation to
    provide insurance coverage to Wise upon his death.
    Plaintiff contends that American General waived the
    requirement of the premium payment by making it impossible for
    Wise to comply with it. Plaintiff argues that, by mailing the policy
    on March 3, 2004, the date of issue, American General ensured that
    Wise could not receive the policy, pay the premium, and begin to
    receive coverage until after the date of issue. Under Pennsylvania
    law, “an insurer will not be permitted to take advantage of the
    failure of the insured to perform a condition precedent contained in
    the policy, where the insurer itself is the cause of the failure to
    perform the condition.” Fratto v. New Amsterdam Cas. Co., 
    252 A.2d 606
    , 607 (Pa. 1969) (quoting Arlotte v. Nat’l Liberty Ins. Co.,
    167 A. 295
    , 296 (Pa. 1933)).
    Plaintiff’s argument fails, however, because it relies on the
    flawed assumption that, for coverage to begin, the policy required
    payment of the premium by the March 3, 2004 date of issue.
    Nowhere does the policy state that the initial premium must be paid
    before the date of issue for coverage to take effect. To the
    contrary, the policy simply states that coverage will not begin until
    the applicant remits payment of the premium while he remains in
    good health. Although the initial premium is “due” on the date of
    issue, failure to pay the initial premium after the date of issue is not
    considered a default under the terms of the policy. Had Wise
    remained in good health and paid the policy upon its receipt on
    March 10, 2004, coverage would have taken effect on that date.
    Payment of the premium while Wise remained in good health was
    made impossible by Wise’s unfortunate and untimely death rather
    than by the actions of American General. We therefore conclude
    that American General did not waive the requirement of payment
    of the first premium by making compliance impossible.
    Plaintiff also contends that American General’s practice of
    backdating its policies is inherently unfair because it results in the
    insured receiving less than a year’s insurance in return for his
    annual premium. The practice of backdating a contract ensures that
    the recipient of the policy cannot fulfill the requirement of payment
    of the first premium until after the date of issue from which the
    policy year is measured. This results in a period during the policy
    year in which the insurer is not obligated to provide coverage to the
    insured. Plaintiff argues that this unfairness should be remedied by
    treating the insurance policy as if coverage began on the date of
    issue, March 3, 2004, resulting in Wise receiving a full year’s
    insurance coverage in return for his annual premium.
    We find no support under Pennsylvania law for the notion
    that backdating an insurance contract waives the requirement that
    the first premium must be paid before coverage begins. In Sydnor
    v. Metropolian Life Insurance Company, 
    26 Pa. Super. 521
    the Pennsylvania Superior Court examined a life insurance contract
    dated March 31, 1902, which measured subsequent premium
    payments from that date, but which provided that there would be
    no coverage until the payment of the first premium. 
    Id. at 522-23.
    The policy was not delivered to the insured’s home until two days
    after the date of issue, and the first premium was not paid until
    three weeks after that. 
    Id. at 522.
    The Sydnor court held that, once
    the first premium had been paid, the parties were bound by the
    terms of the contract, which provided that the policy year was to
    begin on March 31, 1902, and that all future premium payments
    would be measured from that date. 
    Id. at 525.
    Moreover, the
    Sydnor court explicitly noted that if, as here, the insured died
    between the date of issue and the payment of the first premium,
    “there could have been no recovery upon the policy.” 
    Id. Similarly, in
    McDonough v. Prudential Insurance Company
    of America, 
    85 Pa. Super. 63
    (1924), the Pennsylvania Superior
    Court considered an insurance contract that was not effective until
    the first premium was paid while the applicant was in good health,
    but which was issued as of April 6, 1921, almost one month earlier.
    Id. at 66.
    The contract stated that the policy year was to be
    measured from April 6, 1921, and that premiums would be due on
    a semi-annual basis as measured from that date. 
    Id. Relying on
    Sydnor, the McDonough court held that the policy was to be
    enforced according to its terms, and that premiums were therefore
    due on April 6 and October 6 of each year, notwithstanding the fact
    that the contract did not go into effect until the first premium was
    paid on May 3, 1921. 
    Id. at 67-68.
    Like the court in Sydnor, the
    McDonough court recognized that, until the first premium was
    paid, the insurer had no obligation to provide insurance coverage
    to the applicant. 
    Id. at 67.
    In Ford v. Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company, 
    170 A. 270
    (Pa. 1934), the Pennsylvania Supreme Court relied on Sydnor
    and McDonough in holding that backdated contracts are not
    inherently unfair and should be enforced according to their explicit
    Id. at 271.
    In Ford, the parties had signed an insurance
    contract with a February 10, 1931 date of issue, but which stated
    that the anniversary of the policy was February 7, 1931, and that all
    premium payments were to be measured from that date. 
    Id. The Pennsylvania
    Supreme Court held that the terms of the contract
    were to be enforced, and that premiums were required to be paid on
    the named dates. 
    Id. Ford relied
    on Sydnor’s conclusion that
    backdated contracts should be enforced according to their terms,
    even where this results in the insured receiving no coverage
    between the date of issue and the payment of the first premium. 
    Id. Pennsylvania’s enforcement
    of backdated contracts
    according to their terms is consistent with the practice of the
    majority of courts in other states that have considered the question
    of whether backdating is inherently unfair or fraudulent. Like the
    Pennsylvania Superior Court in Sydnor and McDonough, the
    majority of courts in other states have enforced the terms of
    backdated contracts even though this often results in a gap between
    the date of issue and the beginning of insurance coverage. See,
    e.g., Olsen v. Fed. Kemper Life Assurance Co., 
    700 P.2d 231
    , 233-
    35 (Or. 1985) (where remaining in good health was a requirement
    for insurance contract to become effective, no insurance contract
    was formed where plaintiff was diagnosed with terminal cancer
    before receiving contract and paying premium, even though policy
    was dated and premium calculated one day before plaintiff’s
    diagnosis); Life Ins. Co. of Southwest v. Overstreet, 
    603 S.W.2d 780
    , 782-83 (Tex. 1980) (noting that antedated insurance contract
    with payment of the premium was required before insurance took
    effect was “enforceable as written notwithstanding the fact that the
    first premium is paid . . . after it is ‘due’ and ‘payable’ . . . . This
    is the rule even though the insured obtains less than a full year's
    coverage for the first year's premium”); Boswell v. Gulf Life Ins.
    29 S.E.2d 71
    , 72-73 (Ga. 1944) (no liability where coverage
    conditioned upon receipt and acceptance and plaintiff died before
    receipt, even though date of issuance predated his death); Fawcett
    v. Sec. Benefit Ass’n, 
    104 P.2d 214
    , 219 (Utah 1940) (upholding
    backdated insurance contract even though insured obtained less
    than full month’s insurance for first month due to delay in contract
    taking effect); Berry v. Prudential Ins. Co. of Am., 
    134 S.W.2d 886
    , 891-92 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1939) (insurance contract may be
    backdated to contain a period during which insurer assumes no
    44 A.L.R. 2d 472
    § 2 (2005) (“[I]n a large majority of the
    cases where the question has been considered, it has been held that
    the date stipulated in the policy as that from which premiums are
    to be calculated must be given effect, notwithstanding the provision
    that the coverage was not actually in force until a later date.”).
    Thus, under the majority rule concerning the interpretation of
    backdated contracts, American General was under no obligation to
    provide insurance coverage for Wise, regardless of the fact that the
    date of issue preceded the date of Wise’s death, because Wise did
    not fulfill the requirement of paying the first premium while in
    good health.6
    Moreover, even if Pennsylvania were to change its position
    to reject the practice of backdating, the states that have taken this
    minority view on backdating have held that the backdating on such
    contracts should be ignored, and that the policy year and all future
    premium payments should be construed as beginning no later than
    the date coverage takes effect upon the fulfillment of the
    requirement of acceptance and payment of the first premium. See
    Duerksen v. Brookings Int’l Life & Cas. Co., 
    166 N.W.2d 567
    569-71 (S.D. 1969); Guerin v. Cal. Western States Life Ins. Co., 
    40 Cal. Rptr. 344
    , 348 (Cal Dist. Ct. App. 1964); Carolina Life Ins.
    Co. v. DuPont, 
    141 So. 2d 624
    , 626 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1962);
    Lentin v. Cont’l Assurance Co., 
    105 N.E.2d 735
    , 738 (Ill. 1952);
    Columbian Nat’l Life Ins. Co. v. McClain, 
    174 P.2d 348
    , 350, 352
    (Colo. 1946); Hampe v. Metro. Life Ins., 
    21 S.W.2d 926
    , 927-29
    (Mo. Ct. App. 1929). Here, the minority rule would entail moving
    the date of issue to the date that Wise paid the first annual premium
    Plaintiff next argues that we should follow the reasoning of
    the Fifth Circuit in Monumental Life Insurance Company v. Hayes-
    403 F.3d 304
    (5th Cir. 2005), which held that a material
    issue of fact existed as to whether an insurer that issued a
    backdated policy had waived the condition precedent of payment
    of the first premium. 
    Id. at 311-12.
    In Monumental, a married
    couple received an unsolicited application for a Monumental Life
    Insurance Company (“Monumental”) policy through their
    mortgage lender. 
    Id. at 308.
    The application and accompanying
    brochure stated that when their certificate/insurance policy arrived,
    they would have thirty “risk free” days in which they could look it
    over, during which they would be “fully covered.” 
    Id. The application
    told them that if they chose to return the policy during
    that thirty-day period they would owe nothing. 
    Id. It also
    the applicants that they would not be required to mail a separate
    check for their premium payments because their premiums would
    be automatically added to their mortgage bills. 
    Id. However, the
    application also contained fine print that stated that their insurance
    would not be in effect until their first premium was paid. 
    Id. at 310.
    The couple completed and mailed the application and, on
    March 14, 2001, they were informed that their policy had been
    Id. at 309.
    On April 4, 2001, the husband died. The
    following day, the certificate/policy arrived in the mail. 
    Id. The policy
    stated that it was effective as of April 1, 2001, three days
    before the husband’s death. 
    Id. The applicants
    were not billed for
    their first premium until their April mortgage bill was mailed on
    April 10, 2001, and they timely paid the bill two weeks later. 
    Id. at 309-10.
    The Fifth Circuit, applying Texas law, held that a material
    issue of fact existed as to whether Monumental had waived its right
    to insist on payment of the first premium as a condition precedent
    to coverage. 
    Id. at 314-15.
    The Fifth Circuit stated that
    Monumental may have waived the condition precedent “when it
    unconditionally approved [the applicants’] application on March
    14, 2001, with an April 1, 2001 effective date, prior to receiving
    while in good health. Because Wise was unable to fulfill the
    requirement of payment of the first premium, no contract for
    insurance was formed under the minority rule.
    [the applicants’] first premium payment directly, and in the full
    knowledge that–under its arrangement with [the mortgage
    holder]–[the applicants] could not possibly have been invoiced . .
    . for their first premium until sometime after April 9, 2001.” 
    Id. Plaintiff notes
    that, similarly, here American General approved
    Wise’s application with a March 3, 2004 date of issue with full
    knowledge that, because it mailed the policy on the date of issue,
    Wise could not pay the first premium until after that date.
    Unlike the insurer in Monumental, American General did
    not take action contradicting the requirement that the premium be
    paid before insurance coverage began. Monumental guaranteed
    that the applicants would receive thirty risk-free days of coverage
    beginning with their receipt of the insurance policy, and instructed
    the applicants not to send a premium check because the applicants
    would pay the premium with their monthly mortgage payment. 
    Id. at 308.
    Monumental then made certain that the applicants could
    not pay the premium until after they received the insurance
    policy–well into the thirty days in which they were purportedly
    “fully covered.” 
    Id. at 309-10.
    Moreover, the insurance policy
    stated that insurance coverage commenced on April 1, 2001–well
    before the applicants received their April mortgage bill that
    included their first premium, directly contradicting the condition
    precedent stated on the application. 
    Id. American General
    promised insurance coverage before payment of the premium, and
    consistently informed Wise that coverage would not begin until the
    premium was paid. Regardless, to the extent that Monumental
    does stand for the proposition that backdating alone may waive the
    requirement of payment of the first premium by creating ambiguity
    as to when coverage takes effect, we find no support for this
    proposition under Pennsylvania law.
    B. Plaintiff’s causes of action for breach of contract, bad
    faith, and violation of the UTPCPL
    Because there was no contract for insurance as of Wise’s
    death, Plaintiff’s breach of contract claim must fail. Similarly, the
    District Court properly dismissed Plaintiff’s claim under
    Pennsylvania’s bad faith statute. A plaintiff bringing a claim under
    that statute must demonstrate that an insurer has acted in bad faith
    toward the insured through “any frivolous or unfounded refusal to
    pay proceeds of a policy.” Terletsky v. Prudential Prop. & Cas. Ins.
    649 A.2d 680
    , 688 (Pa. Super. 1994). Because there was no
    insurance policy in effect at the time of Wise’s death, Plaintiff
    cannot establish a prima facie case under the bad faith statute.
    Plaintiff’s claim under Pennsylvania’s Unfair Trade Practices and
    Consumer Protection Law, 73 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 201-1 et seq.
    (2005) (the “UTPCPL”), must also be dismissed because, as the
    District Court noted, only purchasers of goods may bring actions
    under that law. See Lauer v. McKean Corp., 
    2 Pa. D. & C. 4th
    394, 395-96 (Pa. Com. Pl. 1989); Bonacci v. Save Our Unborn
    Lives, Inc., 
    11 Pa. D. & C. 3d
    259, 262 (Pa. Com. Pl. 1979). A
    plaintiff who seeks to enter into a contract for purchase but fails to
    do so may not bring a claim under the UTPCPL, even where the
    plaintiff is prevented from making the purchase by the defendant’s
    allegedly fraudulent conduct. See Lauer, 
    2 Pa. D. & C. 4th
    at 396.
    Because Wise never purchased a life insurance policy from
    American General, Plaintiff’s UTPCPL was properly dismissed.
    III. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the District Court’s
    dismissal of Plaintiff’s complaint.