Prusky v. Reliastar Life Ins ( 2006 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2006 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Prusky v. Reliastar Life Ins
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 05-1611
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    No. 05-1611
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    District Court Civil No. 03-cv-06196
    District Judge: The Honorable Herbert J. Hutton
    Argued January 27, 2006
    Before: RENDELL and SMITH, Circuit Judges,
    and IRENAS, District Judge *
    The Honorable Joseph E. Irenas, Senior District Judge for the
    District of New Jersey, sitting by designation.
    (Filed March 20, 2006 )
    Arlin M. Adams
    Bruce P. Merenstein [ARGUED]
    Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP
    1600 Market Street, Suite 3600
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Counsel for Appellants
    Joseph P. Moodhe [ARGUED]
    Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
    919 Third Avenue
    New York, NY 10022
    Mathieu J. Shapiro
    Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP
    One Penn Center, 19 th Floor
    1617 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Counsel for Appellee
    IRENAS, Senior District Judge.
    Paul and Steven Prusky (collectively the “Pruskys”)
    appeal from an order of the United States District Court for the
    Eastern District of Pennsylvania denying partial summary
    judgment on their breach of contract claims and entering
    summary judgment sua sponte in favor of ReliaStar Life
    Insurance Company (“ReliaStar”). The District Court had
    jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. We exercise appellate
    jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1291. For the reasons set
    forth below, we will reverse the grant of summary judgment to
    ReliaStar and remand the case to the District Court.
    Between February 1998 and March 1999, the Windsor
    Securities, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan (the “Plan”), through its
    trustees, the Pruskys, purchased seven flexible premium variable
    universal life insurance policies from ReliaStar. The policies,
    which are identical for all purposes relevant to this appeal, each
    named the Plan as the policies’ owner and was payable on the
    last to die of Paul Prusky1 and his wife, Susan. As of August 2,
    1999, the Plan had paid almost $2.5 million in premiums for
    various death benefits amounting to more than $42 million.
    However, it is the use of the policies as an investment vehicle
    that is at the root of the dispute in this case.
    Many traditional life insurance policies provided that a
    portion of the premium be set aside in a policy reserve which
    accrued interest at a predetermined rate, set by the terms of the
    policy, which is unrelated to the return on the investments made
    by the insurance company. This reserve is, in effect, paid out to
    the beneficiary as part of the face value of the policy when the
    insured dies, and, as the basis of the policy’s cash value, can be
    used for borrowing or returned to the policy’s owner should a
    decision be made to terminate the policy. See Joseph E. Irenas,
    Life Insurance Income Under the Federal Income Tax, 21 Tax
    L. Rev. 297, 297-301 (1966). “[M]ost insurance policies are not
    only contracts covering the risk of death, . . . but also vehicles
    of saving by which money is deposited with the insurance
    Paul Prusky brought suit individually and as a trustee of the
    company to accumulate at interest for the benefit of the policy
    Id. at 297.
    At some point certain segments of the life insurance
    industry recognized that a life insurance policy which, like
    traditional whole life insurance, offered a fixed death benefit
    and a substantial savings component and, unlike a traditional
    policy, offered the policyholder a right to control in some
    fashion the investment of accumulated reserves, might be
    attractive to individuals who believed they had superior
    investment skills. The seven flexible premium variable
    universal life policies purchased by the Plan from Reliastar
    contained this investment control feature.
    Pursuant to the policies’ terms, ReliaStar maintained a
    unit investment trust, the “Variable Account.” The Variable
    Account, in turn, was divided into various mutual fund sub-
    accounts, in which the Plan was entitled to invest a portion of
    the net premiums paid.2 Thus, the cash values of the policies
    were tied to the market value of the assets held in the sub-
    accounts. The Plan’s trustees often communicated daily with
    ReliaStar, directing the allocation of its assets among the sub-
    accounts in an effort to increase the cash value of the policies.3
    Premiums needed to keep each policy in force could be paid
    by the Plan or deducted from the Variable Account to the extent
    that its investment performance would not reduce the account
    below the minimum required by a particular policy.
    Each policy also provided that investments could be
    allocated to a “Fixed Account” which would earn interest at a
    rate determined by the policy which was not tied to ReliaStar’s
    actual investment performance. However, in all policies the
    Plan chose to allocate 100% of its investments to the Variable
    ReliaStar’s standard policies provided that (1) “written”
    transfer requests could be made only four times in a policy year
    and (2) transfers would be made on the first valuation date after
    the request was received. The policies also provided that
    Reliastar could charge a fee for each transfer up to a maximum
    of $25.00. However, the Pruskys specifically negotiated
    alternate terms. The amendments to each of the seven policies
    were embodied in seven practically identical memoranda drafted
    by ReliaStar’s Second Vice President, M.C. Peg Sierk (the
    “Sierk Memos”).
    First, the Sierk Memos gave the Plan the right to make
    daily transfers by telephone, facsimile, or other electronic means
    in unlimited amounts without any transfer fee. Thus the
    provisions facilitated the Pruskys’ preferred investment strategy
    of making frequent trades to take advantage of short-term
    variations in mutual fund pricing, a practice commonly known
    as “market timing.” 4
    Second, the Sierk Memos allowed the Plan to execute
    trades until 4:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST) -- one hour
    after the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) closes at 4:00 p.m.
    Eastern Standard Time (EST) -- and mandated that those after-
    closing transfers receive unit values calculated for that day.
    Market timing seeks to take advantage of information that
    has not yet been incorporated into the price of a security held in
    a mutual fund’s portfolio. Because net asset values (“NAVs”)
    are typically calculated once daily, market timers must conduct
    transactions frequently to obtain the advantage of the price /
    value discrepancy. See generally Disclosure Regarding Market
    Timing and Selective Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings, 68 Fed.
    Reg. 70,402 (Dec. 17, 2003). The parties do not dispute that
    market timing is legal.
    This practice is known as “late trading.”
    Beginning in March 1998, Paul Prusky placed sub-
    account transfer requests, by telephone or other electronic
    means, often on a daily basis, and ReliaStar made the transfers.
    Many of the transfer requests were made between 3:00 p.m. and
    3:30 p.m. CST (after the NYSE had closed for the day) but were
    valued at the current day’s price.
    In November, 2002, ReliaStar informed the Plan that it
    would no longer implement transfer instructions as of the date
    The term “late trading” is somewhat misleading because
    trading after the close of the market is entirely permissible so
    long as the trades are priced using the NAV set the next day.
    See Pricing of Redeemable Securities for Distribution,
    Redemption and Repurchase, 17 C.F.R. § 270.22c-1 (“No
    registered investment company issuing any redeemable security
    . . . shall sell, redeem, or repurchase any such security except at
    a price based on the current net asset value of such security
    which is next computed after receipt of a tender of such security
    for redemption or of an order to purchase or sell such
    security.”) (emphasis supplied). The Rule’s requirement that
    prices be based on the next computed NAV is referred to as
    “forward pricing.” Disclosure Regarding Market Timing and
    Selective Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings, 68 Fed. Reg. 70,402
    (Dec. 17, 2003). Thus, late trading may be more aptly described
    as violating the forward pricing rule. Appellants do not seek to
    enforce the late trading provisions of the Sierk Memos, which
    explicitly provided that the price of the securities transferred
    would be based on the current day’s NAV, contrary to the
    forward pricing rule.
    received unless the requests were received by the close of the
    NYSE (3:00 p.m. CST). ReliaStar’s stated reason for the
    change was to comply with applicable law and regulations
    requiring transfer requests made after the close of NYSE to be
    valued at the next day’s price. The Pruskys objected to this
    unilateral change of the agreement, but nonetheless continued
    dealing with ReliaStar, and ReliaStar continued to honor all
    trades made by electronic means (so long as they were placed
    before 3:00 p.m. CST) until October 8, 2003, when it notified
    the Plan that, after receiving a complaint from the Pioneer funds,
    it would no longer accept trades “via facsimile, phone or
    internet” in those funds. Effective November 7, 2003, that
    restriction was applied to trades in all funds, thereby effectively
    eliminating the Pruskys’ ability to execute daily transfers in
    accordance with their market timing strategy.
    This diversity suit followed, seeking damages for breach
    of contract and specific performance of only the market timing
    provisions. Neither damages nor specific performance was
    sought for the elimination of the late trading provisions of the
    Sierk memos. The Pruskys moved for partial summary
    judgment on liability only. ReliaStar opposed the motion
    asserting, among other things, that because the late trading
    provisions were both illegal and an integral part of the contract
    between the parties, the policies were void in their entirety. The
    District Court accepted this argument, denied the Plan’s motion
    for partial summary judgment, and, sua sponte, entered
    summary judgment in favor of ReliaStar. Because of this ruling
    the trial judge did not consider other defenses raised by
    ReliaStar in opposition to the partial summary judgment motion.
    The Pruskys filed this timely appeal.
    Because we are reviewing a grant of summary judgment,
    our review is plenary. Am. Flint Glass Workers Union v.
    Beaumont Glass Co., 
    62 F.3d 574
    , 578 (3d Cir. 1995). Drawing
    all reasonable inferences in favor of the party against whom
    judgment is sought, judgment pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil
    Procedure 56 should be granted only when no issues of material
    fact exist and the party for whom judgment is entered is entitled
    to judgment as a matter of law. 
    Id. The Pruskys
    assert that the District Court procedurally
    erred by sua sponte entering summary judgment in favor of
    ReliaStar without adequate notice, and substantively erred by
    concluding that the late trading provision voided the life
    insurance contracts in their entirety, thereby precluding the
    Pruskys from enforcing the market timing provisions. We hold
    that the District Court erred on the merits 6 and will reverse and
    We also note that “‘A district court may not grant summary
    judgment sua sponte unless the court gives notice and an
    opportunity to oppose summary judgment.’ . . . orders granting
    summary judgment sua sponte endanger important rights, and .
    . . are likely to result in judicial inefficiency and deprivation of
    the rights of one of the parties.” Am. Flint Glass Workers Union
    , 62 F.3d at 578 n.5 (quoting Otis Elevator Co. v. George
    Washington Hotel Corp., 
    27 F.3d 903
    , 910 (3d Cir. 1994)); see
    also Chambers Dev. Co. v. Passaic County Utils. Auth., 
    62 F.3d 582
    , 584 n.5 (3d Cir. 1995) (“a judgment cannot be entered
    without first placing the adversarial party on notice that the
    court is considering a sua sponte summary judgment motion.
    The court must also provide the party with an opportunity to
    present relevant evidence in opposition to that motion.”)(citing
    Celotex v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 326 (1986)). Though we do
    not decide the issue, nothing in the record indicates that the
    District Court provided the Pruskys with actual notice that it was
    considering entering summary judgment in favor of ReliaStar,
    and it is debatable whether the Pruskys otherwise had sufficient
    The District Court held that the undisputed evidence
    demonstrated that the illegal late trading provisions were “an
    essential and non-severable part of the [life insurance]
    contracts.” We disagree.
    Under Pennsylvania contract law, a party my enforce
    legal provisions of a contract containing an illegal provision
    provided that the primary purpose of the contract or an essential
    part of the agreed exchange is not affected by disregarding the
    illegal provision. Spinetti v. Service Corp. Int’l, 
    324 F.3d 212
    219-20 (3d Cir. 2003) (quoting Restatements (First) and
    (Second) of Contracts, §§ 603 and 184 respectively); see also
    Huber v. Huber, 
    323 Pa. Super. 530
    , 538 (1984) (holding the
    child support provisions under post-nuptial agreement were
    enforceable although the other terms of the contract may have
    been illegal); Forbes v. Forbes, 
    159 Pa. Super. 243
    , 249 (1946)
    (upholding validity of contract when disregarding the illegal
    provision “would not defeat the primary purpose of the
    The undisputed record evidence demonstrates that the
    primary purpose of the contracts at issue was to insure the lives
    of Paul and Susan Prusky, while simultaneously providing the
    Plan with savings and investment opportunities. This goal may
    be accomplished without the late trading provisions. 7 Certainly
    notice to satisfy this requirement.
    Despite the Pruskys’ assertions that the late trading
    provisions of the contracts could in theory be performed in a
    manner consistent with applicable law and regulations and
    the late trading provision did not impact the life insurance aspect
    of the ReliaStar policies.8 Nor was the goal to use the policies
    as investment vehicles meaningfully impaired. Whatever value
    the right of late trading may have been to the Pruskys, it is small
    compared to the overall investment benefit of the policies which
    the Pruskys have striven hard to keep in effect. For more than
    a year after ReliaStar informed the Plan that it would no longer
    permit late trading on orders received after 3 p.m. CST, the Plan
    continued to place numerous sub-account transfer requests
    before the NYSE closed, which ReliaStar honored.9
    The Plan surely bargained for the late trading provisions,
    but such bargaining does not per se turn the provision into one
    that is the “primary purpose” of the policy.            Contract
    therefore are not illegal, we agree with the District Court’s
    conclusion that the late trading provisions of the contracts
    specifically allowed the Plan to execute transfers after the close
    of the NYSE, receiving the current day’s NAV instead of the
    next day’s NAV, in violation of the forward pricing rule.
    These policies were issued more than six years ago.
    Particularly for insureds in the age group of Paul and Susan
    Prusky, life insurance may become more valuable with the
    passage of time.
    Appellee argues that one cannot modify a contract without
    the mutual consent of both sides, and it alleges that the Plan
    never really agreed to the elimination of the late trading
    provisions and, indeed, resisted the change. Standard contract
    principles would certainly provide that a new obligation cannot
    be placed on a contracting party without that party’s consent. In
    this case elimination of the late trading right may have some
    impact on the Plan, but puts no new burden whatever on
    negotiations often involve a series of offers and counter-offers
    involving issues large and small. The fact that a bargained for
    benefit is ceded by the other party is no particular indication of
    the importance of the benefit to either side of the deal. Indeed,
    the willingness of one side to concede a benefit to another might
    just as well be a sign of its unimportance. Moreover, the
    importance of a contract right to a particular party is not
    necessarily an indication that it is the “primary purpose” of the
    contract. Potential parties to a contract may invest a great deal
    of importance to what others might consider a minor point.
    ReliaStar argued three alternate grounds for upholding
    the grant of summary judgment, not relied upon by the District
    Court, two of which were argued on this appeal: (i) changed
    circumstance had rendered the performance of the market timing
    provisions of the Sierk memos impracticable and impossible;
    and (ii) the market timing provisions, although not illegal, were
    not enforceable because they violated public policy.10
    ReliaStar asserts that it should be excused from
    performing its obligations in the Sierk Memos because recent
    regulatory developments designed to deal with market timing
    have made performance impracticable. Under Pennsylvania
    law, a party’s obligations may be discharged by a “supervening
    impracticability” “where after the contract is made, a party’s
    performance is made impracticable without his fault by the
    occurrence of an event, the non-occurrence of which was a basic
    assumption on which the contract was made, his duty to render
    We are considering these issues because the Court of
    Appeals may affirm the grant of summary judgment on grounds
    different from those relied upon by the District Court. Maschio
    v. Prestige Motors, 
    37 F.3d 908
    , 910 n.1 (3d Cir. 1994).
    that performance is discharged, unless the language or the
    circumstances indicate to the contrary.” Luber v. Luber, 
    614 A.2d 771
    , 774 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1992) (quoting Restatement
    (Second) of Contracts § 261). “The theory of legal impossibility
    is objective rather than subjective; the act contemplated under
    the settlement must be incapable of being performed.” Felix v.
    Giuseppe Kitchens & Baths, Inc., 
    848 A.2d 943
    , 948 (Pa. Super.
    Ct. 2004). On the record before us ReliaStar has not met this
    ReliaStar in fact allowed the Plan to execute frequent
    transfers via electronic means, which clearly indicates that the
    contract could be performed. ReliaStar honored such transfers
    (as long as they were executed before the close of the NYSE)
    until late 2003. Moreover, while regulators have focused more
    attention on dealing with the perceived adverse effects of market
    timing in recent years 11 no regulation prevented ReliaStar from
    executing frequent transfers submitted by electronic means. The
    regulatory focus on market timing 12 may have imposed
    See, e.g., Disclosure Regarding Market Timing and
    Selective Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings, 68 Fed. Reg. 70,402
    (Dec. 17, 2003).
    We also question whether increased regulatory attention to
    market timing can be considered changed circumstances at all.
    The practice of market timing was well known at the time the
    Sierk Memos were drafted, as were the funds’ distaste for such
    practices. See Windsor Secur., Inc. v. Hartford Life Ins. Co.,
    986 F.2d 655
    , 666 (3d Cir. 1993) (“market timing caused
    increased trading and transaction costs, disruption of planned
    investment strategies, forced and unplanned portfolio turnover,
    lost opportunity costs, and subjected a fund’s asset base to large
    asset swings that diminished a fund’s ability to provide a
    maximized return to all contract owners. . . .These concerns
    difficulties on ReliaStar in conducting these transactions, but
    increased burden on a party does not render performance
    impracticable. See 
    Luber, 614 A.2d at 774
    (“a party generally
    assumes the risk of his own inability to perform his contractual
    were shared by others in the mutual fund industry and noted by
    the Securities and Exchange Commission. See Offers of
    Exchange Involving Registered Open-End Investment
    Companies and Unit Investment Trusts, Investment Company
    Act Rel. No. IC-16504, 53 Fed. Reg. 30,299, 30,301, 30,307
    (1988). During [1989 and 1990], other mutual funds such as
    Fidelity Investments and Vanguard Group began imposing
    ‘anti-timer’ restrictions to mitigate the perceived negative
    effects of unrestricted timing activity.”).
    The question of ReliaStar’s contractual obligation should
    a particular fund lawfully refuse to honor a purchase or sale
    initiated by Plan on the ground that it involved market timing is
    not before this Court. While the Pioneer Mid Cap Fund
    apparently did raise the issue of market timing with ReliaStar,
    nothing in the record suggests any fund has ever refused to
    execute an order from ReliaStar initiated by the Pruskys. We
    note that effective May 23, 2005, the Securities and Exchange
    Commission adopted 17 C.F.R.
    § 270.22c-2(a). This provision may bar the redemption of fund
    shares within seven days of issue unless a redemption fee is
    paid. This same regulation may also require a financial
    intermediary, like ReliaStar, to agree not to execute purchases
    or exchanges of fund shares for shareholders who have been
    identified by the fund as violators of a fund’s policies on market
    timing. § 270.22c-2(a)(2). The impact of this new regulation
    and other recent developments on the rights and duties of the
    parties may be considered by the District Court on remand.
    Similarly, we also conclude that the market timing
    provisions do not violate public policy. ReliaStar readily admits
    that market timing is not illegal and that investors are expressly
    permitted to engage in market timing under applicable
    regulations. Yet ReliaStar asserts that they are excused from
    performing because market timing is a “disruptive,” “suspect
    and disfavored activity.” This is not the law. “Public policy is
    to be ascertained by reference to the laws and legal precedents
    and not from general considerations of supposed public interest.
    As the term ‘public policy’ is vague, there must be found
    definite indications in the law of the sovereignty to justify the
    invalidation of a contract as contrary to that policy.” Prudential
    Prop. & Cas. Ins. Co. v. Colbert, 
    813 A.2d 747
    , 750 (Pa. 2002).
    We find no basis in the laws or legal precedents to conclude that
    market timing is contrary to public policy. Thus we hold
    ReliaStar’s nonperformance may not be excused on public
    policy grounds.14
    ReliaStar also argued before the District Court (but not on
    appeal) that the Pruskys are precluded from recovering pursuant
    to the doctrine of unclean hands because the Pruskys accepted
    brokers’ commissions on the contracts at issue in violation of
    Pennsylvania law in effect at the time. “No insured person . . .
    shall, directly or indirectly, receive or accept, or agree to receive
    or accept, . . . all or any part of any . . . broker’s commission [on
    insurance].” 40 P.S. (Purdon’s) § 276 (Repealed by 2002, Dec.
    6, P.L. 1183, No. 147, § 1). The Pruskys replied that any such
    acceptance was legal because Steven Prusky accepted
    commissions in his capacity as a broker at a time when he was
    neither a trustee of the Plan nor an insured. Even assuming,
    arguendo, that Steven Prusky did accept illegal commissions,
    unclean hands do not bar relief because the misconduct does not
    have an “immediate and necessary relation” to the market timing
    provisions. New Valley Corp. v. Corporate Prop. Assocs. 2 &
    3 (In re New Valley Corp.), 
    181 F.3d 517
    (3d Cir. 1999).
    Based on the foregoing we will reverse the District
    Court’s sua sponte grant of summary judgment to ReliaStar
    and remand the case to that Court for further proceedings
    consistent with this Opinion.