United States v. Weatherly , 525 F.3d 265 ( 2008 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2008 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    USA v. Weatherly
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 07-1019
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    No. 07-1019
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    (District Court No. 06-cr-00258)
    District Judge: Honorable Anne E. Thompson
    Submitted Pursuant to Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)
    March 14, 2008
    Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: March 31, 2008)
    Lisa Van Hoeck, Esq.
    Office of Federal Public Defender
    22 South Clinton Avenue
    Station Plaza #4, 4th Floor
    Trenton, NJ 08609
    Counsel for Appellant
    Eric H. Jaso, Esq.
    George S. Leone, Esq.
    Steven G. Sanders, Esq.
    Office of United States Attorney
    970 Broad Street
    Room 700
    Newark, NJ 07102
    Counsel for Appellee
    VAN ANTWERPEN, Circuit Judge.
    Appellant Thomas Weatherly appeals from the
    judgment of conviction and sentence entered by the District
    Court for the District of New Jersey on December 20, 2006.
    For the following reasons, this Court will affirm.
    At approximately noon on August 31, 2005, Officer
    John Ryel observed Thomas Weatherly sitting in Zelley Alley
    in Trenton, New Jersey. Appendix (“App.”) at 144. As
    Officer Ryel approached Weatherly, he realized that
    Weatherly was drinking alcohol in public in violation of a city
    Id. at 144-45.
    When requested by Officer Ryel,
    Weatherly provided his name and identification, and Officer
    Ryel radioed this information into a police dispatch in order to
    conduct a warrant check. 
    Id. at 146-47.
    During this
    encounter, Weatherly made no attempt to resist arrest or
    otherwise flee. 
    Id. at 173.
    Upon hearing back from the police dispatch, Officer
    Ryel learned that Weatherly had an active warrant out for his
    arrest. App. at 149. A few minutes prior to receiving the call
    about the active warrant, in response to a call to radio dispatch
    by Officer Ryel, Detective Luis Medina arrived at the scene.
    Id. at 210A-11,
    148-49. Both Officer Ryel and Detective
    Medina stated that as they were helping Weatherly to his feet
    in order to arrest him for the active warrant, they observed a
    handgun protruding out of the waistband in the rear of his
    Id. at 149,
    211-12. Upon seeing the weapon, Detective
    Medina seized the gun and the officers handcuffed and
    arrested Weatherly. 
    Id. at 150,
    Weatherly was charged in an indictment with violating
    18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1), as a prior convicted felon in
    possession of a firearm.1 App. at 14. Weatherly’s defense at
    trial “was that the officers found the firearm in question in the
    alley near Mr. Weatherly, assumed it was his, and embellished
    their story to strengthen their case against him.” Defendant’s
    Brief (“Def. Br.”) at 7; see also App. at 297. In support of this
    theory, Weatherly introduced the following evidence at trial.
    First, Weatherly described a discrepancy in the
    testimony of the officers as to whether Weatherly was sitting
    throughout the entirety of the encounter. Def. Br. at 7.
    Officer Ryel’s testimony seems to indicate that Weatherly was
    seated throughout the encounter.2 App. at 149, 172.
    However, Detective Medina stated that Weatherly was
    standing at some point during the encounter, and was told to
    sit while Officer Ryel and Detective Medina waited for a
    response about the warrant check.3 
    Id. at 211-12.
    Weatherly was also charged with violating 18 U.S.C. §
    924(e)(1), which provides for a mandatory minimum sentence
    of fifteen years for a felon-in-possession convicted under 18
    U.S.C. § 922(g) who also has sustained three or more
    convictions for violent felonies or serious drug offenses.
    It is not entirely clear that Officer Ryel stated that
    Weatherly was seated throughout the entire encounter, only that
    he was seated when Officer Ryel first observed him and was
    seated when advised of the active warrant.
    Weatherly argues that this discrepancy is important,
    because if Weatherly was standing at some point prior to the
    In addition, Weatherly offered evidence to attempt to
    prove that it was common to find abandoned guns in Zelley’s
    Alley. Detective Jerome James Commiso testified that 152
    abandoned guns were found in Trenton, New Jersey during
    2005. App. at 233. However, on cross examination,
    Detective Commiso stated that no abandoned guns were
    recovered in Zelley Alley (or the immediately surrounding
    area) during 2005. 
    Id. at 242.
    Weatherly also introduced the
    testimony of Carniell Peagler, a 20-year-old ex-convict who
    testified that while playing pickup baseball4 in a field adjacent
    to Zelley Alley, he observed gang members stashing or
    discarding guns in Zelley Alley. 
    Id. at 257.
    Weatherly also offered evidence in an attempt to
    demonstrate that he was not in possession of a weapon shortly
    before the arrest. Bernadette Humphrey, Weatherly’s wife’s
    adult daughter, testified that when Weatherly left the house at
    approximately 11:20 a.m., she never saw “the handle of a
    handgun sticking out of his pants” or “any bulges in his
    waistband area.” App. at 307. Longino Martinez, who
    worked at the liquor store where Weatherly (a regular
    customer) allegedly bought his alcohol, stated that during
    arrest for the active warrant, Officer Ryel and Detective Medina
    should have been able to see the gun. Def. Br. at 7.
    Despite testifying that he played baseball “five days out
    of a week” during the summer, Peagler was unable to remember
    what position he played and admitted that he did not know the
    positions in baseball. App. at 261-63.
    August 2005 he never observed a customer with a gun and
    would have called the police if he had. 
    Id. at 284-85.
    However, on cross examination, Mr. Martinez testified that he
    did not recall August 31, 2005 in great detail, and he further
    testified that he does not pay a lot of attention to Weatherly
    when he is in the store. 
    Id. at 288-89.
    Before trial began, Weatherly submitted the following
    proposed “mere presence” jury instruction in order to explain
    to the jury the legal justification for his defense theory: “Mere
    presence in the area of any contraband, including a firearm, or
    awareness of its location is not sufficient to establish
    possession.” App. at 63. After the judge declined to include
    the “mere presence” instruction in her proposed jury charge
    on the issue of possession, Weatherly objected and explained
    that the “mere presence” instruction went to the very heart of
    his defense. 
    Id. at 297-298.
    The District Court, however,
    stated in response to the request to include the “mere
    presence” instruction, “I don’t think it’s relevant.” 
    Id. at 298.
    Instead, the District Court gave the following
    instructions to the jury regarding the issue of “possession”:
    In order to sustain its burden of proof for
    the crime of possessing a firearm as charged in
    the indictment, the Government must prove . . .
    that the defendant knowingly possessed the
    firearm described in the indictment.
    To possess means to have something
    within your control. This does not necessarily
    mean that you must hold it physically, that is to
    have actual possession of it. As long as the
    firearm is within your control, you would possess
    Proof of ownership is not required. The
    Government is not required to prove that at the
    time of possession the defendant knew he was
    breaking the law. It is sufficient if you find that
    the defendant knowingly possessed the firearm
    Knowingly is defined as knowledge,
    voluntarily and intentionally, and not because of
    mistake or accident or other innocent reason.
    Now, to possess means to have it within
    the person’s control. That does not mean, and I
    said earlier, it doesn’t have to be held physically.
    It doesn’t even have to be on the person. But in
    this case, the proofs and the allegations are that
    the defendant had it on his person [and] had
    actual possession of it. In other words, you can be
    in possession of a weapon in your car and you can
    be 25-50 feet from the car. But that’s not this
    case. That’s all I’m saying. This case, the
    allegation is that the defendant had possession of
    it, actual possession on his person.
    To satisfy the possession element, you
    must find that the defendant knowingly possessed
    – we said that earlier.
    App. at 343-46.
    In summation, Weatherly conceded that he was only
    contesting the issue of whether he “possessed” the gun. App.
    at 364. Weatherly argued that his guilt hinged upon the
    credibility of Officer Ryel and Detective Medina, 
    id., and he
    asserted that Ryel and Medina lied in their testimony. 
    Id. at 370-72.
    In rebuttal, the Government argued that Weatherly
    failed to show any reasons why Ryel and Medina would lie.
    Id. at 384.
    Towards the end of his rebuttal, the Government
    posed this rhetorical question: “Why would Officer Ryel and
    Detective Medina risk their 32-34 years of experience on the
    police force over this case?” 
    Id. at 396.
    Weatherly’s attorney
    objected to this statement as “vouching for the witnesses,” but
    the District Court never ruled on the objection. 
    Id. at 396-
    On September 8, 2006, the jury returned a guilty
    verdict against Weatherly. App. at 2. At the sentencing
    hearing on December 15, 2006, Weatherly argued that the
    application of the Armed Career Criminal Act, and
    particularly 18 U.S.C. § 924(e)(1), violated his Fifth and Sixth
    Amendment rights. 
    Id. at 409-10.
    However, the District
    Court disagreed, and sentenced Weatherly to 200 months’
    imprisonment, to be followed by five years’ supervised
    Id. at 418-19.
    Weatherly filed a timely notice of
    appeal on January 4, 2007. 
    Id. at 1.
    The District Court had subject matter jurisdiction
    under 18 U.S.C. § 3231. This Court has appellate jurisdiction
    to review the defendant’s appeal of his conviction and
    sentence under 28 U.S.C. § 1291 and 18 U.S.C. § 3742(a).
    Because a different standard of review applies to each
    of Weatherly’s three issues, these standards will be addressed
    individually with respect to each issue in the analysis section.
    A. Jury Instructions
    The District Court’s refusal to give a requested jury
    instruction is reviewed for abuse of discretion. United States
    v. Flores, 
    454 F.3d 149
    , 156 (3d Cir. 2006). “A defendant is
    entitled to an instruction on his theory of the case where the
    record contains evidentiary support for it.” United States v.
    183 F.3d 231
    , 250 (3d Cir. 1999). “A court errs in
    refusing a requested instruction only if the omitted instruction
    is correct, is not substantially covered by other instructions,
    and is so important that its omission prejudiced the
    Id. Because the
    actual instructions substantially
    covered Weatherly’s requested “mere presence” instruction
    and because Weatherly was not prejudiced by the District
    Court’s refusal to give the “mere presence” instruction, the
    District Court did not err in refusing to include Weatherly’s
    proposed instruction in her actual jury instructions.
    Weatherly argues that because the actual instructions
    failed to include the explanation that the defendant had to
    “intend to exercise dominion and control” 5 over the firearm,
    the actual instructions did not substantially cover his
    requested instruction. Def. Br. at 15. As a result, Weatherly
    argues that the jury could have found him guilty even if they
    believed his defense, because the actual instructions defined
    possession to include the situation where the firearm was
    simply near him or susceptible to his control. 
    Id. However, this
    is an incorrect interpretation of the actual jury
    At two different points during the jury instructions,
    once at the beginning and once at the end, the District Court
    clearly indicated that the government must prove that
    Weatherly “knowingly possessed” the firearm in order to find
    him guilty. App. at 343, 346. The District Court stated that
    “[k]nowingly is defined as knowledge, voluntarily and
    Although Weatherly objected to the District Court’s
    rejection of his proposed “mere presence” instruction, Weatherly
    failed to object to the District Court’s instructions defining
    “possession” and “knowingly.” App. at 296-98. Therefore, we
    review any alleged error in the actual jury instructions for plain
    error, and we conclude that Weatherly’s arguments fail under
    this standard. Gov’t of Virgin Islands v. Smith, 
    949 F.2d 677
    681 (3d Cir. 1991).
    intentionally, and not because of mistake or accident or other
    innocent reason.” 
    Id. at 344-45.
    The District Court defined
    “possession” to mean “to have something within your
    Id. at 344.
    Putting those two definitions together,
    the District Court’s jury instructions defined the “possession”
    element of the felon-in-possession statute to mean “to
    voluntarily and intentionally have [a firearm] within your
    Id. at 343-46.
    Therefore, the actual jury instructions
    covered Weatherly’s proposed “mere presence” instruction,
    because the jury could not find that Weatherly knowingly
    possessed the firearm under the actual jury instructions due
    simply to his “[m]ere presence in the area of any contraband,
    including a firearm, or awareness of its location.” 
    Id. at 63,
    Alternatively, even if the actual jury instructions did
    not substantially cover Weatherly’s proposed jury instruction,
    the District Court did not err because the “mere presence”
    instruction was not “so important that its omission prejudiced
    the defendant.” See 
    Davis, 183 F.3d at 250
    . At trial, the
    Government’s theory was that Weatherly actually possessed
    the firearm. See App. at 355 (Government’s closing
    statement). In addition, the District Court’s jury instructions
    made it clear at several points that this was a case of actual
    possession, not constructive possession.6 The “mere
    “But in this case, the proofs and the allegations are that
    the defendant had it on his person [and] had actual possession of
    it. In other words, you can be in possession of a weapon in your
    car and you can be 25-50 feet from the car. But that’s not this
    presence” defense is clearly not relevant or applicable to a
    case where the Government’s allegations and the District
    Court’s instructions limit the theory of “possession” to actual
    possession. See, e.g., United States v. Meads, 
    479 F.3d 598
    601-02 (8th Cir. 2007). Because the “mere presence”
    instruction is not relevant to this actual possession case,
    Weatherly was not prejudiced by the omission of his proposed
    jury instruction; therefore, the District Court did not err in
    refusing to give the proposed instruction.
    B. Vouching
    In order for vouching to be improper, the prosecutor’s
    assurance of a witness’s credibility must be “‘based on either
    the prosecutor’s personal knowledge, or other information not
    contained in the record.’” United States v. Harris, 
    471 F.3d 507
    , 512 (3d Cir. 2006) (quoting United States v. Walker, 
    155 F.3d 180
    , 187 (3d Cir. 1998)). Weatherly contends that the
    prosecutor improperly vouched for the credibility of the
    government witnesses by posing the following rhetorical
    question: “Why would Officer Ryel and Detective Medina
    risk their 32-34 years of experience on the police force over
    this case?” App. at 396. This Court concludes that the
    statement made by the prosecutor in his rebuttal was not
    improper for two reasons.
    case. That’s all I’m saying. This case, the allegation is that the
    defendant had possession of it, actual possession on his person.”
    App. at 345-46.
    First, although we acknowledge that in some cases
    statements that a police officer would be risking his career to
    lie under oath are improper vouching,7 the statements by the
    In United States v. Pungitore, 
    910 F.2d 1084
    , 1125 (3d
    Cir. 1990), this Court determined that the prosecutor’s vouching
    was improper where “there was no evidence backing the
    prosecutor’s comments that the U.S. Attorneys and law
    enforcement officers could not have behaved as unscrupulously
    as defense counsel alleged they did without violating their oaths
    of office and jeopardizing their careers.” However, the
    Pungitore case dealt with a situation where the prosecutor
    invoked his own oath of office to defend the credibility of
    government witnesses, a situation that greatly concerned this
    Court and one which is not before us today. 
    Id. This Court
    also notes that we look favorably upon the
    comments of Judge McKee, who responded as follows to a
    similar argument by the prosecutor in the case before him: “That
    argument [that the government agent would not risk his career
    to lie] was forceful, responsive, and absolutely proper. The
    Assistant U.S. Attorney was asking the jury to reach a common
    sense conclusion that the agent had too much to lose to commit
    perjury merely to convict this defendant. It was the kind of
    effective and logical response to an attack on an agent’s
    credibility that has been made in countless numbers of closing
    arguments, and will be made in countless more.” United States
    v. Bethancourt, 
    65 F.3d 1074
    , 1082 (3d Cir. 1995) (McKee, J.,
    dissenting) (dissenting from the majority’s conclusion that other
    improper statements by the prosecutor did not constitute plain
    prosecutor in this case were proper because they were based
    on evidence in the record. During Officer Ryel’s redirect, the
    prosecutor asked Ryel what would be taken into consideration
    by his superiors in making the decision of whether to promote
    him from the position of police patrol officer (an entry level
    position that Ryel currently held) to Sergeant (a supervisory
    position). App. at 184. Ryel testified that in addition to the
    result on the written exam and sick time, he stated his
    superiors would consider “disciplinary action taken against
    [him] if [he] had any.” 
    Id. at 185.
    Although not actually
    introduced into evidence, the average juror could easily infer
    that a police officer who conspired with another officer to
    deliberately fabricate evidence and perjured himself in open
    court while testifying under oath in an official capacity would
    risk at least some sort of disciplinary action. Therefore, the
    prosecutor’s rhetorical question about why the police officers
    would risk their careers to testify falsely against this single
    defendant was proper because it called for an inference
    directly based upon evidence in the record.
    Second, the prosecutor’s statement in this case was not
    improper vouching because it was a reasonable response to
    allegations of perjury by Weatherly’s attorney. When
    determining whether a prosecutor’s statements improperly
    vouched for a witness’s credibility, the statements must be
    considered in context. United States v. Brennan, 
    326 F.3d 176
    , 186 (3d Cir. 2003). In this case, the prosecutor gave his
    closing argument first, and there are no statements from that
    portion of his argument at issue here. App. at 350-59. Then,
    Weatherly’s attorney delivered her closing argument, which
    presented the defense’s single theory: the police officers
    found a gun near the defendant, conspired with each other to
    lie about the incident, and then proceeded to perjure
    themselves in court. 
    Id. at 360-79.
    Defense counsel
    speculated at some length that the officers fabricated their
    story because they were under “enormous pressure” and
    wanted to demonstrate that they were “relevant” because
    “there’s terrible crime in 
    Trenton.” 8 Ohio App. at 371-72
    . It is
    The defense counsel told the jury:
    If they thought the gun
    was his, does it make sense that
    they would decide that the ends
    would justify the means? And
    consider the climate in which
    they work. There’s terrible
    crime in Trenton.
    My goodness, you’re
    hearing that there were 152
    found and abandoned guns. . . .
    [T]hat is a terrible problem in
    Trenton. This is the climate in
    which these officers work.
    These are two officers on
    the same police force, the same
    fraternity if you will. Both
    trying and struggling with the
    crime that’s facing Trenton
    right now and was facing
    Trenton last summer.
    permissible for counsel to argue inferences, but an inference
    must flow logically and convincingly from the facts in the
    record. See United States v. Navarro, 
    145 F.3d 580
    , 593 (3d
    Cir. 1998). Defense counsel’s argument in this case crossed
    the line, urging the jury to speculate rather than infer. It was
    only in response to these accusations, in his rebuttal, that the
    prosecutor felt the need to address the credibility of the two
    So ask yourself whether
    or not it makes sense whether
    these officers are under
    enormous pressure. They’re
    under enormous pressure to
    attempt to demonstrate that they
    are making a difference in the
    crime that is facing Trenton,
    that they’re making a difference
    by making an arrest. Maybe
    you can understand that.
    Maybe you can understand that
    sometimes when we’re under
    pressure, we feel this enormous
    burden and we want to
    demonstrate that we’re relevant,
    that we are making a difference.
    It’s been said that how
    you treat the least of my
    brothers is how you treat me.
    App. at 371-72.
    witnesses whom the defense attorney painted as not credible.
    When looked at in context, this Court concludes that the
    statement was nothing more than a brief and appropriate
    response to the defense attorney’s speculation and attacks on
    the credibility of the government witnesses.9
    Even if we had determined that the prosecutor’s
    statement was improper vouching, it would have been
    harmless error. This Court reviews improper vouching for
    witness credibility under the harmless error standard.10
    Although there was evidence that 152 guns were found
    on the streets of Trenton in 2005, there was no direct evidence
    that the officers were “under enormous pressure to attempt to
    demonstrate that they are making a difference in the crime that
    is facing Trenton, that they’re making a difference by making an
    arrest.” App. at 372. In fact, the evidence was to the contrary.
    During redirect, Officer Ryel stated that his superiors were not
    focused on foot patrol officers making arrests, but rather were
    “primarily focused on quality of life issues,” such as drinking in
    Id. at 185-86.
    The Government argues that because Weatherly failed
    to request relief (i.e. mistrial), this Court should only review the
    vouching issue for plain error. Gov’t Br. at 28 (citing United
    States v. Richards, 
    241 F.3d 335
    , 341-42 (3d Cir. 2001)).
    Weatherly made a contemporaneous objection after the
    prosecutor asked, “Why would Officer Ryel and Detective
    Medina risk their 32-34 years of experience on the police force
    over this case?” App. at 396. The District Court never ruled on
    United States v. Zehrbach, 
    47 F.3d 1252
    , 1264 (3d Cir. 1995).
    “[V]ouching that is aimed at the witness’s credibility and is
    based on extra-record evidence is deemed non-constitutional
    error.” United States v. Dispoz-O-Plastics, Inc., 
    172 F.3d 275
    , 286 (3d Cir. 1999). This Court finds non-constitutional
    error harmless when “it is highly probable that the error did
    not contribute to the judgment.” 
    Id. (quoting Gov’t
    of Virgin
    Islands v. Toto, 
    529 F.2d 278
    , 284 (3d Cir. 1976)). To
    determine if the defendant was prejudiced, the Court must
    consider “the scope of the comments and their relationship to
    the proceeding, the extent of any curative instructions, and the
    strength of the evidence against defendants.” Dispoz-O-
    Plastics, 172 F.3d at 286
    Here, even if the rhetorical question posed by the
    prosecutor is considered improper vouching, any error
    stemming from the comment was harmless. First, as stated
    above, this comment was made in rebuttal, in response to
    speculation and an attack by the defense attorney on the
    this motion, and we do not fault Weatherly for failing to seek
    relief. Therefore, we review this statement under a harmless
    error standard.
    However, all other statements contained in the
    prosecutor’s closing argument and rebuttal were not timely
    objected to, and any arguments regarding improper vouching
    related to these other statements would be subject to plain error
    review. United States v. Harris, 
    471 F.3d 507
    , 512 (3d Cir.
    2006). Under this more stringent standard, we conclude that
    none of the other statements warrants reversal.
    credibility of the government witnesses. As such, it is likely
    that the jury simply viewed this statement as a response to the
    defendant’s accusations. In addition, this statement was brief
    and isolated, when it is considered that the prosecutor’s
    rebuttal alone stretches for 18-pages in the transcript. App. at
    379-397. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that this statement
    had any influence on the jury. Finally, prior to the closing
    arguments, the judge thoroughly instructed the jury as to the
    nature of counsel’s arguments and credibility issues.11 These
    instructions make it highly probable that the alleged improper
    vouching by the prosecutor did not contribute to the jury
    finding Weatherly guilty. See Dispoz-O-
    Plastics, 172 F.3d at 286
    . For all of the above reasons, even if the prosecutor’s
    statement was improper vouching, this Court concludes that
    the improper vouching was harmless because we have a “sure
    conviction that the error did not prejudice” Weatherly. See 
    id. C. Constitutionality
    of the Armed Career Criminal Act
    This Court reviews challenges to the constitutionality
    of a statute under a de novo standard of review. United States
    v. Singletary, 
    268 F.3d 196
    , 198-99 (3d Cir. 2001).
    The District Court told the jurors that the statements of
    counsel are meant to persuade, and should be considered as
    argument, not evidence. App. at 331. Also, the judge told the
    jurors that they are the sole judges of credibility, and that the
    testimony of law enforcement officers does not deserve any
    more weight than the testimony of non-government employee
    Id. at 338-40.
    Weatherly challenges the constitutionality of the Armed
    Career Criminal Act, which imposes a mandatory minimum
    fifteen-year prison sentence for felons-in-possession
    convicted under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) who have sustained three
    (or more) convictions for violent felonies or serious drug
    offenses. 18 U.S.C. § 924(e)(1). Specifically, Weatherly
    asserts that the statute is unconstitutional because the jury, not
    the District Court, should determine whether any of his prior
    convictions qualified as “violent felonies” or “serious drug
    offenses” under 18 U.S.C. § 924(g)(1). However, as
    Weatherly concedes, this argument was rejected already by
    this Court in United States v. Coleman, 
    451 F.3d 154
    , 161 (3d
    Cir. 2006).12 In light of our decision in Coleman, therefore,
    we reject Weatherly’s argument that the Armed Career
    Criminal Act is unconstitutional.
    We have considered all other arguments made by the
    parties on appeal, and conclude that no further discussion is
    necessary. For the above reasons, the conviction and sentence
    of the District Court will be affirmed.
    Weatherly raises this issue before this Court only to
    preserve the issue for review.