Jevic Holding Corp. v. , 787 F.3d 173 ( 2015 )

  •                                           PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 14-1465
    In re: JEVIC HOLDING CORP., et al.,
    on behalf of the bankruptcy estates
    of Jevic Holding Corp., et al.
    in its capacity as Agent;
    on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated,
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Delaware
    (D.C. Nos. 13-cv-00104 & 1-13-cv-00105)
    District Judge: Honorable Sue L. Robinson
    Argued January 14, 2015
    Circuit Judges
    (Filed: May 21, 2015)
    Jack A. Raisner, Esq. (Argued)
    Rene S. Roupinian, Esq.
    Outten & Golden
    3 Park Avenue, 29th Floor
    New York, NY 10016
    Christopher D. Loizides, Esq.
    Loizides, P.A.
    1225 King Street, Suite 800
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Attorneys for Appellants
    Domenic E. Pacitti, Esq.
    Linda Richenderfer, Esq.
    Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg
    919 Market Street, Suite 1000
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Attorneys for Appellee Debtors
    Robert J. Feinstein, Esq.
    Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones
    780 Third Avenue, 36th Floor
    New York, NY 10017
    James E. O’Neill III, Esq.
    Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones
    919 North Market Street
    P.O. Box 8705, 17th Floor
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Attorneys for Appellee Official Committee of
    Unsecured Creditors
    Christopher Landau, Esq. (Argued)
    James P. Gillespie, Esq.
    Jason R. Parish, Esq.
    Kirkland & Ellis
    655 15th Street, N.W., Suite 1200
    Washington, DC 20005
    Danielle R. Sassoon, Esq.
    Kirkland & Ellis
    601 Lexington Avenue
    New York, NY 10022
    Curtis S. Miller, Esq.
    Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell
    1201 North Market Street
    P.O. Box 1347
    Wilmington, DE 19899
    Attorneys for Appellee Sun Capital Partners IV, LP,
    Sun Capital Partners, Inc., Sun Capital Partners
    Management IV, LLC.
    Tyler P. Brown, Esq.
    Shannon E. Daily, Esq.
    Hunton & Williams
    951 East Byrd Street
    13th Floor, East Tower, Riverfront Plaza
    Richmond, VA 23219
    Richard P. Norton, Esq.
    Hunton & Williams
    200 Park Avenue, 52nd Floor
    New York, NY 10166
    Attorneys for Appellee CIT Group Business Credit Inc.
    Ramona D. Elliott, Esq.
    P. Matthew Sutko, Esq.
    Wendy L. Cox, Esq. (Argued)
    United States Department of Justice
    441 G Street, N.W., Suite 6150
    Washington, DC 20530
    Attorneys for Amicus Curiae
    HARDIMAN, Circuit Judge
    This appeal raises a novel question of bankruptcy law:
    may a case arising under Chapter 11 ever be resolved in a
    “structured dismissal” that deviates from the Bankruptcy
    Code’s priority system? We hold that, in a rare case, it may.
    Jevic Transportation, Inc. was a trucking company
    headquartered in New Jersey. In 2006, after Jevic’s business
    began to decline, a subsidiary of the private equity firm Sun
    Capital Partners acquired the company in a leveraged buyout
    financed by a group of lenders led by CIT Group. The buyout
    entailed the extension of an $85 million revolving credit
    facility by CIT to Jevic, which Jevic could access as long as it
    maintained at least $5 million in assets and collateral. The
    company continued to struggle in the two years that followed,
    however, and had to reach a forbearance agreement with
    CIT—which included a $2 million guarantee by Sun—to
    prevent CIT from foreclosing on the assets securing the loans.
    By May 2008, with the company’s performance stagnant and
    the expiration of the forbearance agreement looming, Jevic’s
    board of directors authorized a bankruptcy filing. The
    company ceased substantially all of its operations, and its
    employees received notice of their impending terminations on
    May 19, 2008.
    The next day, Jevic filed a voluntary Chapter 11
    petition in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District
    of Delaware. At that point, Jevic owed about $53 million to
    its first-priority senior secured creditors (CIT and Sun) and
    over $20 million to its tax and general unsecured creditors. In
    June 2008, an Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors
    (Committee) was appointed to represent the unsecured
    This appeal stems from two lawsuits that were filed in
    the Bankruptcy Court during those proceedings. First, a group
    of Jevic’s terminated truck drivers (Drivers) filed a class
    action against Jevic and Sun alleging violations of federal and
    state Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification
    (WARN) Acts, under which Jevic was required to provide 60
    days’ written notice to its employees before laying them off.
    See 29 U.S.C. § 2102; N.J. Stat. Ann. § 34:21-2. Meanwhile,
    the Committee brought a fraudulent conveyance action
    against CIT and Sun on the estate’s behalf, alleging that Sun,
    with CIT’s assistance, “acquired Jevic with virtually none of
    its own money based on baseless projections of almost
    immediate growth and increasing profitability.” App. 770
    (Second Am. Compl. ¶ 1). The Committee claimed that the
    ill-advised leveraged buyout had hastened Jevic’s bankruptcy
    by saddling it with debts that it couldn’t service and described
    Jevic’s demise as “the foreseeable end of a reckless course of
    action in which Sun and CIT bore no risk but all other
    constituents did.” App. 794 (Second Am. Compl. ¶ 128).
    Almost three years after the Committee sued CIT and
    Sun for fraudulent conveyance, the Bankruptcy Court granted
    in part and denied in part CIT’s motion to dismiss the case.
    The Court held that the Committee had adequately pleaded
    claims of fraudulent transfer and preferential transfer under
    11 U.S.C. §§ 548 and 547. Noting the “great potential for
    abuse” in leveraged buyouts, the Court concluded that the
    Committee had sufficiently alleged that CIT had played a
    critical role in facilitating a series of transactions that
    recklessly reduced Jevic’s equity, increased its debt, and
    shifted the risk of loss to its other creditors. In re Jevic
    Holding Corp., 
    2011 WL 4345204
    , at *10 (Bankr. D. Del.
    Sept. 15, 2011) (quoting Moody v. Sec. Pac. Bus. Credit, Inc.,
    971 F.2d 1056
    , 1073 (3d Cir. 1992)). The Court dismissed
    without prejudice the Committee’s claims for fraudulent
    transfer under 11 U.S.C. § 544, for equitable subordination of
    CIT’s claims against the estate, and for aiding and abetting
    Jevic’s officers and directors in breaching their fiduciary
    duties, because the Committee’s allegations in support of
    these claims were too sparse and vague.
    In March 2012, representatives of all the major
    players—the Committee, CIT, Sun, the Drivers, and what was
    left of Jevic—convened to negotiate a settlement of the
    Committee’s fraudulent conveyance suit. By that time, Jevic’s
    only remaining assets were $1.7 million in cash (which was
    subject to Sun’s lien) and the action against CIT and Sun. All
    of Jevic’s tangible assets had been liquidated to repay the
    lender group led by CIT. According to testimony in the
    Bankruptcy Court, the Committee determined that a
    settlement ensuring “a modest distribution to unsecured
    creditors” was desirable in light of “the risk and the [re]wards
    of litigation, including the prospect of waiting for perhaps
    many years before a litigation against Sun and CIT could be
    resolved” and the lack of estate funds sufficient to finance
    that litigation. App. 1275.
    In the end, the Committee, Jevic, CIT, and Sun
    reached a settlement agreement that accomplished four
    things. First, those parties would exchange releases of their
    claims against each other and the fraudulent conveyance
    action would be dismissed with prejudice. Second, CIT would
    pay $2 million into an account earmarked to pay Jevic’s and
    the Committee’s legal fees and other administrative expenses.
    Third, Sun would assign its lien on Jevic’s remaining $1.7
    million to a trust, which would pay tax and administrative
    creditors first and then the general unsecured creditors on a
    pro rata basis.1 Lastly, Jevic’s Chapter 11 case would be
    dismissed. The parties’ settlement thus contemplated a
    structured dismissal, a disposition that winds up the
    bankruptcy with certain conditions attached instead of simply
    dismissing the case and restoring the status quo ante. See In
    re Strategic Labor, Inc., 
    467 B.R. 11
    , 17 n.10 (Bankr. D.
    Mass. 2012) (“Unlike the old-fashioned one sentence
    dismissal orders—‘this case is hereby dismissed’—structured
    dismissal orders often include some or all of the following
    additional provisions: ‘releases (some more limited than
    others), protocols for reconciling and paying claims, “gifting”
    of funds to unsecured creditors[, etc.]’” (citation omitted)).
    There was just one problem with the settlement: it left
    out the Drivers, even though they had an uncontested WARN
    Act claim against Jevic.2 The Drivers never got the chance to
    present a damages case in the Bankruptcy Court, but they
    estimate their claim to have been worth $12,400,000, of
    This component of the agreement originally would
    have paid all $1.7 million to the general unsecured creditors,
    but the United States Trustee, certain priority tax creditors,
    and the Drivers objected. The general unsecured creditors
    ultimately received almost four percent of their claims under
    the settlement.
    Although Sun was eventually granted summary
    judgment in the WARN Act litigation because it did not
    qualify as an employer of the Drivers, In re Jevic Holding
    492 B.R. 416
    , 425 (Bankr. D. Del. 2013), the
    Bankruptcy Court entered summary judgment against Jevic
    because it had “undisputed[ly]” violated the state WARN Act,
    In re Jevic Holding Corp., 
    496 B.R. 151
    , 165 (Bankr. D. Del.
    which $8,300,000 was a priority wage claim under 11 U.S.C.
    § 507(a)(4). See Drivers’ Br. 6 & n.3; In re Powermate
    Holding Corp., 
    394 B.R. 765
    , 773 (Bankr. D. Del. 2008)
    (“Courts have consistently held that WARN Act damages are
    within ‘the nature of wages’ for which § 507(a)(4)
    provides.”). The record is not explicit as to why the
    settlement did not provide for any payment to the Drivers
    even though they held claims of higher priority than the tax
    and trade creditors’ claims.3 It seems that the Drivers and the
    other parties were unable to agree on a settlement of the
    WARN Act claim, and Sun was unwilling to pay the Drivers
    as long as the WARN Act lawsuit continued because Sun was
    a defendant in those proceedings and did not want to fund
    litigation against itself.4 The settling parties also accept the
    For example, Jevic’s chief restructuring officer
    opaquely testified in the Bankruptcy Court: “There was no
    decision not to pay the WARN claimants. There was a
    decision to settle certain proceedings amongst parties. The
    WARN claimants were part of that group of people that
    decided to create a settlement. So there was no decision not to
    pay the WARN claimants.” App. 1258.
    Sun’s counsel acknowledged as much in the
    Bankruptcy Court, stating:
    [I]t doesn’t take testimony for Your Honor . . .
    to figure out, Sun probably does care where the
    money goes because you can take judicial
    notice that there’s a pending WARN action
    against Sun by the WARN plaintiffs. And if the
    money goes to the WARN plaintiffs, then
    you’re funding somebody who is suing you who
    Drivers’ contention that it was “the paramount interest of the
    Committee to negotiate a deal under which the [Drivers] were
    excluded” because a settlement that paid the Drivers’ priority
    claim would have left the Committee’s constituents with
    nothing. Appellees’ Br. 26 (quoting Drivers’ Br. 28).
    The Drivers and the United States Trustee objected to
    the proposed settlement and dismissal mainly because it
    distributed property of the estate to creditors of lower priority
    than the Drivers under § 507 of the Bankruptcy Code. The
    Trustee also objected on the ground that the Code does not
    permit structured dismissals, while the Drivers further argued
    that the Committee breached its fiduciary duty to the estate by
    “agreeing to a settlement that, effectively, freezes out the
    [Drivers].” App. 30–31 (Bankr. Op. 8–9). The Bankruptcy
    Court rejected these objections in an oral opinion approving
    the proposed settlement and dismissal.
    The Bankruptcy Court began by recognizing the
    absence of any “provision in the code for distribution and
    dismissal contemplated by the settlement motion,” but it
    noted that similar relief has been granted by other courts.
    App. 31 (Bankr. Op. 9). Summarizing its assessment, the
    otherwise doesn’t have funds and is doing it on
    a contingent fee basis.
    App. 1363; accord Appellees’ Br. 26. This is the only reason
    that appears in the record for why the settlement did not
    provide for either direct payment to the Drivers or the
    assignment of Sun’s lien on Jevic’s remaining cash to the
    estate rather than to a liquidating trust earmarked for
    everybody but the Drivers.
    Court found that “the dire circumstances that are present in
    this case warrant the relief requested here by the Debtor, the
    Committee and the secured lenders.” 
    Id. The Court
    went on to
    make findings establishing those dire circumstances. It found
    that there was “no realistic prospect” of a meaningful
    distribution to anyone but the secured creditors unless the
    settlement were approved because the traditional routes out of
    Chapter 11 bankruptcy were impracticable. App. 32 (Bankr.
    Op. 10). First, there was “no prospect” of a confirmable
    Chapter 11 plan of reorganization or liquidation being filed.
    Id. Second, conversion
    to liquidation under Chapter 7 of the
    Bankruptcy Code would have been unavailing for any party
    because a Chapter 7 trustee would not have had sufficient
    funds “to operate, investigate or litigate” (since all the cash
    left in the estate was encumbered) and the secured creditors
    had “stated unequivocally and credibly that they would not do
    this deal in a Chapter 7.” 
    Id. The Bankruptcy
    Court then rejected the objectors’
    argument that the settlement could not be approved because it
    distributed estate assets in violation of the Code’s “absolute
    priority rule.” After noting that Chapter 11 plans must comply
    with the Code’s priority scheme, the Court held that
    settlements need not do so. The Court also disagreed with the
    Drivers’ fiduciary duty argument, dismissing the notion that
    the Committee’s fiduciary duty to the estate gave each
    creditor veto power over any proposed settlement. The
    Drivers were never barred from participating in the settlement
    negotiations, the Court observed, and their omission from the
    settlement distribution would not prejudice them because
    their claims against the Jevic estate were “effectively
    worthless” since the estate lacked any unencumbered funds.
    App. 36 (Bankr. Op. 14).
    Finally, the Bankruptcy Court applied the multifactor
    test of In re Martin, 
    91 F.3d 389
    (3d Cir. 1996), for
    evaluating settlements under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy
    Procedure 9019. It found that the Committee’s likelihood of
    success in the fraudulent conveyance action was “uncertain at
    best,” given the legal hurdles to recovery, the substantial
    resources of CIT and Sun, and the scarcity of funds in the
    estate to finance further litigation. App. 34–35 (Bankr. Op.
    12–13). The Court highlighted the complexity of the litigation
    and expressed its skepticism that new counsel or a Chapter 7
    trustee could be retained to continue the fraudulent
    conveyance suit on a contingent fee basis. App. 35–36
    (Bankr. Op. 13–14) (“[O]n these facts I think any lawyer or
    firm that signed up for that role should have his head
    examined.”). Faced with, in its view, either “a meaningful
    return or zero,” the Court decided that “[t]he paramount
    interest of the creditors mandates approval of the settlement”
    and nothing in the Bankruptcy Code dictated otherwise. App.
    36 (Bankr. Op. 14). The Bankruptcy Court therefore approved
    the settlement and dismissed Jevic’s Chapter 11 case.
    The Drivers appealed to the United States District
    Court for the District of Delaware and filed a motion in the
    Bankruptcy Court to stay its order pending appeal. The
    Bankruptcy Court denied the stay request, and the Drivers did
    not renew their request for a stay before the District Court.
    The parties began implementing the settlement months later,
    distributing over one thousand checks to priority tax creditors
    and general unsecured creditors.
    The District Court subsequently affirmed the
    Bankruptcy Court’s approval of the settlement and dismissal
    of the case. The Court began by noting that the Drivers
    “largely do not contest the bankruptcy court’s factual
    findings.” Jevic Holding Corp., 
    2014 WL 268613
    , at *2 (D.
    Del. Jan. 24, 2014). In analyzing those factual findings, the
    District Court held, the Bankruptcy Court had correctly
    applied the Martin factors and determined that the proposed
    settlement was “fair and equitable.” 
    Id. at *2–3.
    The Court
    also rejected the Drivers’ fiduciary duty and absolute priority
    rule arguments for the same reasons explained by the
    bankruptcy judge. 
    Id. at *3.
    And even if the Bankruptcy Court
    had erred by approving the settlement and dismissing the
    case, the District Court held in the alternative that the appeal
    was equitably moot because the settlement had been
    “substantially consummated as all the funds have been
    Id. at *4.
    The Drivers filed this timely appeal,
    with the United States Trustee supporting them as amicus
    The Bankruptcy Court had jurisdiction under 28
    U.S.C. § 157(b), and the District Court had jurisdiction under
    28 U.S.C. §§ 158(a) and 1334. We have jurisdiction under 28
    U.S.C. §§ 158(d) and 1291.
    “Because the District Court sat below as an appellate
    court, this Court conducts the same review of the Bankruptcy
    Court’s order as did the District Court.” In re Telegroup, Inc.,
    281 F.3d 133
    , 136 (3d Cir. 2002). We review questions of law
    de novo, findings of fact for clear error, and exercises of
    discretion for abuse thereof. In re Goody’s Family Clothing
    610 F.3d 812
    , 816 (3d Cir. 2010).
    To the extent that the Bankruptcy Court had discretion
    to approve the structured dismissal at issue, the Drivers tacitly
    concede that the Court did not abuse that discretion in
    approving a settlement of the Committee’s action against CIT
    and Sun and dismissing Jevic’s Chapter 11 case.
    First, Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9019
    expressly authorizes settlements as long as they are “fair and
    equitable.” Protective Comm. for Indep. Stockholders of TMT
    Trailer Ferry, Inc. v. Anderson (TMT Trailer Ferry), 
    390 U.S. 414
    , 424 (1968). In Martin, we gleaned from TMT Trailer
    Ferry four factors to guide bankruptcy courts in this regard:
    “(1) the probability of success in litigation; (2) the likely
    difficulties in collection; (3) the complexity of the litigation
    involved, and the expense, inconvenience and delay
    necessarily attending it; and (4) the paramount interest of the
    creditors.” 91 F.3d at 393
    . None of the objectors contends that
    the Bankruptcy Court erred in concluding that the balance of
    these factors favors settlement, and we agree. Although the
    Committee’s fraudulent conveyance suit survived a motion to
    dismiss, it was far from compelling, especially in view of
    CIT’s and Sun’s substantial resources and the Committee’s
    lack thereof. App. 35 (Bankr. Op. 13); see App. 1273
    (summarizing expert testimony CIT planned to offer that
    Jevic’s failure was caused by systemic economic and
    industrial problems, not the leveraged buyout); In re World
    Health Alts., Inc., 
    344 B.R. 291
    , 302 (Bankr. D. Del. 2006)
    (“[S]uccessful challenges to a pre-petition first lien creditor’s
    position are unusual, if not rare.”). The litigation promised to
    be complex and lengthy, whereas the settlement offered most
    of Jevic’s creditors actual distributions.
    Nor do the Drivers dispute that the Bankruptcy Court
    generally followed the law with respect to dismissal. A
    bankruptcy court may dismiss a Chapter 11 case “for cause,”
    and one form of cause contemplated by the Bankruptcy Code
    is “substantial or continuing loss to or diminution of the estate
    and the absence of a reasonable likelihood of
    rehabilitation[.]” 11 U.S.C. § 1112(b)(1), (b)(4)(A). By the
    time the settling parties requested dismissal, the estate was
    almost entirely depleted and there was no chance of a plan of
    reorganization being confirmed. But for $1.7 million in
    encumbered cash and the fraudulent conveyance action, Jevic
    had nothing.
    Instead of challenging the Bankruptcy Court’s
    discretionary judgments as to the propriety of a settlement
    and dismissal, the Drivers and the United States Trustee argue
    that the Bankruptcy Court did not have the discretion it
    purported to exercise. Specifically, they claim bankruptcy
    courts have no legal authority to approve structured
    dismissals, at least to the extent they deviate from the priority
    system of the Bankruptcy Code in distributing estate assets.
    We disagree and hold that bankruptcy courts may, in rare
    instances like this one, approve structured dismissals that do
    not strictly adhere to the Bankruptcy Code’s priority scheme.
    We begin by considering whether structured dismissals
    are ever permissible under the Bankruptcy Code. The Drivers
    submit that “Chapter 11 provides debtors only three exits
    from bankruptcy”: confirmation of a plan of reorganization,
    conversion to Chapter 7 liquidation, or plain dismissal with
    no strings attached. Drivers’ Br. 18. They argue that there is
    no statutory authority for structured dismissals and that “[t]he
    Bankruptcy Court admitted as much.” 
    Id. at 44.
    They cite a
    provision of the Code and accompanying legislative history
    indicating that Congress understood the ordinary effect of
    dismissal to be reversion to the status quo ante. 
    Id. at 45
    (citing 11 U.S.C. § 349(b)(3); H.R. Rep. No. 595, 95th Cong.,
    1st Sess. 338 (1977)).
    The Drivers are correct that, as the Bankruptcy Court
    acknowledged, the Code does not expressly authorize
    structured dismissals. See App. 31 (Bankr. Op. 9). And as
    structured dismissals have occurred with increased
    frequency,5 even commentators who seem to favor this trend
    have expressed uncertainty about whether the Code permits
    them.6 As we understand them, however, structured
    dismissals are simply dismissals that are preceded by other
    orders of the bankruptcy court (e.g., orders approving
    See Norman L. Pernick & G. David Dean, Structured
    Chapter 11 Dismissals: A Viable and Growing Alternative
    After Asset Sales, Am. Bankr. Inst. J., June 2010, at 1; see,
    e.g., In re Kainos Partners Holding Co., 
    2012 WL 6028927
    (D. Del. Nov. 30, 2012); World Health 
    Alts., 344 B.R. at 293
    95. But cf. In re Biolitec, Inc., 
    2014 WL 7205395
    D.N.J. Dec. 16, 2014) (rejecting a proposed structured
    dismissal as invalid under the Code).
    See, e.g., Brent Weisenberg, Expediting Chapter 11
    Liquidating Debtor’s Distribution to Creditors, Am. Bankr.
    Inst. J., April 2012, at 36 (“[T]he time is ripe to make crystal
    clear that these procedures are in fact authorized by the
    Code.”). But cf. Nan Roberts Eitel et al., Structured
    Dismissals, or Cases Dismissed Outside of Code’s Structure?,
    Am. Bankr. Inst. J., March 2011, at 20 (article by United
    States Trustee staff arguing that structured dismissals are
    improper under the Code).
    settlements, granting releases, and so forth) that remain in
    effect after dismissal. And though § 349 of the Code
    contemplates that dismissal will typically reinstate the pre-
    petition state of affairs by revesting property in the debtor and
    vacating orders and judgments of the bankruptcy court, it also
    explicitly authorizes the bankruptcy court to alter the effect of
    dismissal “for cause”—in other words, the Code does not
    strictly require dismissal of a Chapter 11 case to be a hard
    reset. 11 U.S.C. § 349(b); H.R. Rep. No. 595 at 338 (“The
    court is permitted to order a different result for cause.”); see
    also Matter of Sadler, 
    935 F.2d 918
    , 921 (7th Cir. 1991)
    (“‘Cause’ under § 349(b) means an acceptable reason.”).
    Quoting Justice Scalia’s oft-repeated quip “Congress
    . . . does not, one might say, hide elephants in mouseholes,”
    Whitman v. Am. Trucking Ass’ns, 
    531 U.S. 457
    , 468 (2001),
    the Drivers forcefully argue that Congress would have spoken
    more clearly if it had intended to leave open an end run
    around the procedures that govern plan confirmation and
    conversion to Chapter 7, Drivers’ Br. 22. According to the
    Drivers, the position of the District Court, the Bankruptcy
    Court, and Appellees overestimates the breadth of bankruptcy
    courts’ settlement-approval power under Rule 9019,
    “render[ing] plan confirmation superfluous” and paving the
    way for illegitimate sub rosa plans engineered by creditors
    with overwhelming bargaining power. Id.; see also 
    id. at 24–
    25. Neither “dire circumstances” nor the bankruptcy courts’
    general power to carry out the provisions of the Code under
    11 U.S.C. § 105(a), the Drivers say, authorizes a court to
    evade the Code’s requirements. 
    Id. at 32–35,
    But even if we accept all that as true, the Drivers have
    proved only that the Code forbids structured dismissals when
    they are used to circumvent the plan confirmation process or
    conversion to Chapter 7. Here, the Drivers mount no real
    challenge to the Bankruptcy Court’s findings that there was
    no prospect of a confirmable plan in this case and that
    conversion to Chapter 7 was a bridge to nowhere. So this
    appeal does not require us to decide whether structured
    dismissals are permissible when a confirmable plan is in the
    offing or conversion to Chapter 7 might be worthwhile. For
    present purposes, it suffices to say that absent a showing that
    a structured dismissal has been contrived to evade the
    procedural protections and safeguards of the plan
    confirmation or conversion processes, a bankruptcy court has
    discretion to order such a disposition.
    Having determined that bankruptcy courts have the
    power, in appropriate circumstances, to approve structured
    dismissals, we now consider whether settlements in that
    context may ever skip a class of objecting creditors in favor
    of more junior creditors. See In re Buffet Partners, L.P., 
    2014 WL 3735804
    , at *4 (Bankr. N.D. Tex. July 28, 2014)
    (approving a structured dismissal while “emphasiz[ing] that
    not one party with an economic stake in the case has objected
    to the dismissal in this manner”). The Drivers’ primary
    argument in this regard is that even if structured dismissals
    are permissible, they cannot be approved if they distribute
    estate assets in derogation of the priority scheme of § 507 of
    the Code. They contend that § 507 applies to all distributions
    of estate property under Chapter 11, meaning the Bankruptcy
    Court was powerless to approve a settlement that skipped
    priority employee creditors in favor of tax and general
    unsecured creditors. Drivers’ Br. 21, 35–36; see 11 U.S.C.
    § 103(a) (“[C]hapters 1, 3, and 5 of this title apply in a case
    under chapter 7, 11, 12, or 13[.]”); Law v. Siegel, 
    134 S. Ct. 18
    1188, 1194 (2014) (“‘[W]hatever equitable powers remain in
    the bankruptcy courts must and can only be exercised within
    the confines of’ the Bankruptcy Code.” (citation omitted)).
    The Drivers’ argument is not without force. Although
    we are skeptical that § 103(a) requires settlements in Chapter
    11 cases to strictly comply with the § 507 priorities,7 there is
    some tacit support in the caselaw for the Drivers’ position.
    For example, in TMT Trailer Ferry, the Supreme Court held
    that the “requirement[] . . . that plans of reorganization be
    both ‘fair and equitable,’ appl[ies] to compromises just as to
    other aspects of 
    reorganizations.” 390 U.S. at 424
    . The Court
    also noted that “a bankruptcy court is not to approve or
    confirm a plan of reorganization unless it is found to be ‘fair
    and equitable.’ This standard incorporates the absolute
    priority doctrine under which creditors and stockholders may
    participate only in accordance with their respective
    Id. at 441;
    see also 11 U.S.C. § 1129(b)(2)(B)(ii)
    (codifying the absolute priority rule by requiring that a plan
    of reorganization pay senior creditors before junior creditors
    in order to be “fair and equitable” and confirmable). This
    latter statement comports with a line of cases describing “fair
    There is nothing in the Code indicating that Congress
    legislated with settlements in mind—in fact, the bankruptcy
    courts’ power to approve settlements comes from a Federal
    Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure promulgated by the Supreme
    Court, not Congress. See Rules Enabling Act, 28 U.S.C.
    § 2075. If § 103(a) meant that all distributions in Chapter 11
    cases must comply with the priorities of § 507, there would
    have been no need for Congress to codify the absolute
    priority rule specifically in the plan confirmation context. See
    11 U.S.C. § 1129(b)(2)(B)(ii).
    and equitable” as “‘words of art’ which mean that senior
    interests are entitled to full priority over junior ones[.]” SEC
    v. Am. Trailer Rentals Co., 
    379 U.S. 594
    , 611 (1965); accord
    Otis & Co. v. SEC, 
    323 U.S. 624
    , 634 (1945); Case v. L.A.
    Lumber Prods. Co., 
    308 U.S. 106
    , 115–16 (1939).
    Although these cases provide some support to the
    Drivers, they are not dispositive because each of them spoke
    in the context of plans of reorganization, not settlements. See,
    e.g., TMT Trailer 
    Ferry, 424 U.S. at 441
    ; Am. Trailer
    Rentals, 379 U.S. at 611
    ; see also In re Armstrong World
    Indus., Inc., 
    432 F.3d 507
    (3d Cir. 2005) (applying the
    absolute priority rule to deny confirmation of a proposed
    plan). When Congress codified the absolute priority rule
    discussed in the line of Supreme Court decisions cited above,
    it did so in the specific context of plan confirmation, see
    § 1129(b)(2)(B)(ii), and neither Congress nor the Supreme
    Court has ever said that the rule applies to settlements in
    bankruptcy. Indeed, the Drivers themselves admit that the
    absolute priority rule “plainly does not apply here,” even as
    they insist that the legal principle embodied by the rule
    dictates a result in their favor. Drivers’ Br. 37.
    Two of our sister courts have grappled with whether
    the priority scheme of § 507 must be followed when
    settlement proceeds are distributed in Chapter 11 cases. In
    Matter of AWECO, Inc., the Court of Appeals for the Fifth
    Circuit rejected a settlement of a lawsuit against a Chapter 11
    debtor that would have transferred $5.3 million in estate
    assets to an unsecured creditor despite the existence of
    outstanding senior claims. 
    725 F.2d 293
    , 295–96 (1984). The
    Court held that the “fair and equitable” standard applies to
    settlements, and “fair and equitable” means compliant with
    the priority system. 
    Id. at 298.
    Criticizing the Fifth Circuit’s rule in AWECO, the
    Second Circuit adopted a more flexible approach in In re
    Iridium Operating LLC, 
    478 F.3d 452
    (2007). There, the
    unsecured creditors’ committee sought to settle a suit it had
    brought on the estate’s behalf against a group of secured
    lenders; the proposed settlement split the estate’s cash
    between the lenders and a litigation trust set up to fund a
    different debtor action against Motorola, a priority
    administrative creditor. 
    Id. at 45
    6, 459–60. Motorola objected
    to the settlement on the ground that the distribution violated
    the Code’s priority system by skipping Motorola and
    distributing funds to lower-priority creditors. 
    Id. at 45
    Rejecting the approach taken by the Fifth Circuit in AWECO
    as “too rigid,” the Second Circuit held that the absolute
    priority rule “is not necessarily implicated” when “a
    settlement is presented for court approval apart from a
    reorganization plan[.]” 
    Id. at 463–64.
    The Court held that
    “whether a particular settlement’s distribution scheme
    complies with the Code’s priority scheme must be the most
    important factor for the bankruptcy court to consider when
    determining whether a settlement is ‘fair and equitable’ under
    Rule 9019,” but a noncompliant settlement could be approved
    when “the remaining factors weigh heavily in favor of
    approving a settlement[.]” 
    Id. at 464.
            Applying its holding to the facts of the case, the
    Second Circuit noted that the settlement at issue deviated
    from the Code priorities in two respects: first, by skipping
    Motorola in distributing estate assets to the litigation fund
    created to finance the unsecured creditors committee’s suit
    against Motorola; and second, by skipping Motorola again in
    providing that any money remaining in the fund after the
    litigation concluded would go straight to the unsecured
    creditors. 478 F.3d at 459
    , 465–66. The Court indicated that
    the first deviation was acceptable even though it skipped
    It is clear from the record why the Settlement
    distributes money from the Estate to the
    [litigation vehicle]. The alternative to settling
    with the Lenders—pursuing the challenge to the
    Lenders’ liens—presented too much risk for the
    Estate, including the administrative creditors. If
    the Estate lost against the Lenders (after years
    of litigation and paying legal fees), the Estate
    would be devastated, all its cash and remaining
    assets liquidated, and the Lenders would still
    possess a lien over the Motorola Estate Action.
    Similarly, administrative creditors would not be
    paid if the Estate was unsuccessful against the
    Lenders. Further, as noted at the Settlement
    hearing, having a well-funded litigation trust
    was preferable to attempting to procure
    contingent fee-based representation.
    Id. at 465–66.
    But because the record did not adequately
    explain the second deviation, the Court remanded the case to
    allow the bankruptcy court to consider that issue. 
    Id. at 466
    (“[N]o reason has been offered to explain why any balance
    left in the litigation trust could not or should not be
    distributed pursuant to the rule of priorities.”).
    We agree with the Second Circuit’s approach in
    Iridium—which, we note, the Drivers and the United States
    Trustee cite throughout their briefs and never quarrel with.
    See Drivers’ Br. 27, 36; Reply Br. 11–13; Trustee Br. 21. As
    in other areas of the law, settlements are favored in
    bankruptcy. In re Nutraquest, 
    434 F.3d 639
    , 644 (3d Cir.
    2006). “Indeed, it is an unusual case in which there is not
    some litigation that is settled between the representative of
    the estate and an adverse party.” 
    Martin, 91 F.3d at 393
    Given the “dynamic status of some pre-plan bankruptcy
    Iridium, 478 F.3d at 464
    , it would make sense
    for the Bankruptcy Code and the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy
    Procedure to leave bankruptcy courts more flexibility in
    approving settlements than in confirming plans of
    reorganization. For instance, if a settlement is proposed
    during the early stages of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the
    “nature and extent of the [e]state and the claims against it”
    may be unresolved. 
    Id. at 464.
    The inquiry outlined in Iridium
    better accounts for these concerns, we think, than does the per
    se rule of AWECO.
    At the same time, we agree with the Second Circuit’s
    statement that compliance with the Code priorities will
    usually be dispositive of whether a proposed settlement is fair
    and equitable. 
    Id. at 45
    5. Settlements that skip objecting
    creditors in distributing estate assets raise justifiable concerns
    about collusion among debtors, creditors, and their attorneys
    and other professionals. See 
    id. at 464.
    Although Appellees
    have persuaded us to hold that the Code and the Rules do not
    extend the absolute priority rule to settlements in bankruptcy,
    we think that the policy underlying that rule—ensuring the
    evenhanded and predictable treatment of creditors—applies in
    the settlement context. As the Drivers note, nothing in the
    Code or the Rules obliges a creditor to cut a deal in order to
    receive a distribution of estate assets to which he is entitled.
    Drivers’ Br. 42–43. If the “fair and equitable” standard is to
    have any teeth, it must mean that bankruptcy courts cannot
    approve settlements and structured dismissals devised by
    certain creditors in order to increase their shares of the estate
    at the expense of other creditors. We therefore hold that
    bankruptcy courts may approve settlements that deviate from
    the priority scheme of § 507 of the Bankruptcy Code only if
    they have “specific and credible grounds to justify [the]
    Iridium, 478 F.3d at 466
    We admit that it is a close call, but in view of the
    foregoing, we conclude that the Bankruptcy Court had
    sufficient reason to approve the settlement and structured
    dismissal of Jevic’s Chapter 11 case. This disposition,
    unsatisfying as it was, remained the least bad alternative since
    there was “no prospect” of a plan being confirmed and
    conversion to Chapter 7 would have resulted in the secured
    creditors taking all that remained of the estate in “short
    order.” App. 32 (Bankr. Op. 10).
    Our dissenting colleague’s contrary view rests on the
    counterfactual premise that the parties could have reached an
    agreeable settlement that conformed to the Code priorities. He
    would have us make a finding of fact to that effect and order
    the Bankruptcy Court to redesign the settlement to comply
    with § 507. We decline to do so because, even if it were
    appropriate for us to review findings of fact de novo and
    equitably reform settlements on appeal, there is no evidence
    calling into question the Bankruptcy Court’s conclusion that
    there was “no realistic prospect” of a meaningful distribution
    to Jevic’s unsecured creditors apart from the settlement under
    review. App. 32 (Bankr. Op. 10). If courts required
    settlements to be perfect, they would seldom be approved;
    though it’s regrettable that the Drivers were left out of this
    one, the question—as Judge Scirica recognizes—is whether
    the settlement serves the interests of the estate, not one
    particular group of creditors. There is no support in the record
    for the proposition that a viable alternative existed that would
    have better served the estate and the creditors as a whole.
    The distribution of Jevic’s remaining $1.7 million to
    all creditors but the Drivers was permissible for essentially
    the same reasons that the initial distribution of estate assets to
    the litigation fund was allowed by the Second Circuit in
    Iridium.8 As in that case, here the Bankruptcy Court had to
    choose between approving a settlement that deviated from the
    priority scheme of § 507 or rejecting it so a lawsuit could
    proceed to deplete the estate. Although we are troubled by the
    fact that the exclusion of the Drivers certainly lends an
    element of unfairness to the first option, the second option
    would have served the interests of neither the creditors nor
    the estate. The Bankruptcy Court, in Solomonic fashion,
    reluctantly approved the only course that resulted in some
    payment to creditors other than CIT and Sun.
    *      *      *
    Counsel for the United States Trustee told the
    Bankruptcy Court that it is immaterial whether there is a
    viable alternative to a structured dismissal that does not
    Judge Scirica reads Iridium as involving a settlement
    that deviated from the § 507 priority scheme in just one
    respect, and a minor one at that. As we have explained,
    however, the Iridium settlement involved two deviations: (1)
    the initial distribution of estate funds to the litigation fund
    created to sue Motorola; and (2) the contingent provision that
    money left in the fund after the litigation concluded would go
    directly to the unsecured creditors. 
    See supra
    Section III-B.
    The Second Circuit held that, while the second deviation
    needed to be explained on remand, the first was acceptable
    despite the fact that it impaired Motorola because it clearly
    served the interests of the estate. See 
    Iridium, 478 F.3d at 465
    comply with the Bankruptcy Code’s priority scheme. “[W]e
    have to accept the fact that we are sometimes going to get a
    really ugly result, an economically ugly result, but it’s an
    economically ugly result that is dictated by the provisions of
    the code,” he said. App. 1327. We doubt that our national
    bankruptcy policy is quite so nihilistic and distrustful of
    bankruptcy judges. Rather, we believe the Code permits a
    structured dismissal, even one that deviates from the § 507
    priorities, when a bankruptcy judge makes sound findings of
    fact that the traditional routes out of Chapter 11 are
    unavailable and the settlement is the best feasible way of
    serving the interests of the estate and its creditors. Although
    this result is likely to be justified only rarely, in this case the
    Bankruptcy Court provided sufficient reasons to support its
    approval of the settlement under Rule 9019. For that reason,
    we will affirm the order of the District Court.
    SCIRICA, Circuit Judge
    I concur in parts of the Court’s analysis in this difficult
    case, but I respectfully dissent from the decision to affirm.
    Rejection of the settlement was called for under the
    Bankruptcy Code and, by approving the settlement, the
    bankruptcy court’s order undermined the Code’s essential
    priority scheme. Accordingly, I would vacate the bankruptcy
    court’s order and remand for further proceedings, described
    At the outset, I should state that this is not a case
    where equitable mootness applies. We recently made clear in
    In re Semcrude, L.P., 
    728 F.3d 314
    (3d Cir. 2013), that this
    doctrine applies only where there is a confirmed plan of
    reorganization. I would also adopt the Second Circuit’s
    standard from In re Iridium Operating LLC, 
    478 F.3d 452
    Cir. 2007), and hold that settlements presented outside of plan
    confirmations must, absent extraordinary circumstances,
    comply with the Code’s priority scheme.
    Where I depart from the majority opinion, however, is
    in holding this appeal presents an extraordinary case where
    departure from the general rule is warranted. The bankruptcy
    court believed that because no confirmable Chapter 11 plan
    was possible, and because the only alternative to the
    settlement was a Chapter 7 liquidation in which the WARN
    Plaintiffs would have received no recovery, compliance with
    the Code’s priority scheme was not required. For two reasons,
    however, I respectfully dissent.
    First, it is not clear to me that the only alternative to
    the settlement was a Chapter 7 liquidation. An alternative
    settlement might have been reached in Chapter 11, and might
    have included the WARN Plaintiffs. The reason that such a
    settlement was not reached was that one of the defendants
    being released (Sun) did not want to fund the WARN
    Plaintiffs in their ongoing litigation against it. As Sun’s
    counsel explained at the settlement hearing, “if the money
    goes to the WARN plaintiffs, then you’re funding someone
    who is suing you who otherwise doesn’t have funds and is
    doing it on a contingent fee basis.” Sun therefore insisted that,
    as a condition to participating in the fraudulent conveyance
    action settlement, the WARN Plaintiffs would have to drop
    their WARN claims. Accordingly, to the extent that the only
    alternative to the settlement was a Chapter 7 liquidation, that
    reality was, at least in part, a product of appellees’ own
    More fundamentally, I find the settlement at odds with
    the goals of the Bankruptcy Code. One of the Code’s core
    goals is to maximize the value of the bankruptcy estate, see
    Toibb v. Radloff, 
    501 U.S. 157
    , 163 (1991), and it is the duty
    of a bankruptcy trustee or debtor-in-possession to work
    toward that goal, including by prosecuting estate causes of
    action,1 see Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n v.
    471 U.S. 343
    , 352 (1985); Official Comm. of
    Unsecured Creditors of Cybergenics Corp. v. Chinery, 
    330 F.3d 548
    , 573 (3d Cir. 2003). The reason creditors’
    Of course, it was the creditors’ committee, rather than
    a bankruptcy trustee or debtor-in-possession, who was
    responsible for prosecuting the fraudulent conveyance action
    committees may bring fraudulent conveyance actions on
    behalf of the estate is that such committees are likely to
    maximize estate value; “[t]he possibility of a derivative suit
    by a creditors’ committee provides a critical safeguard against
    lax pursuit of avoidance actions [by a debtor-in-possession].”
    Cybergenics, 330 F.3d at 573
    . The settlement of estate causes
    of action can, and often does, play a crucial role in
    maximizing estate value, as settlements may save the estate
    the time, expense, and uncertainties associated with litigation.
    See Protective Comm. for Ind. Stockholders of TMT Trailer
    Ferry, Inc. v. Anderson, 
    390 U.S. 414
    , 424 (1968) (“In
    administering reorganization proceedings in an economical
    and practical manner it will often be wise to arrange the
    settlement of claims as to which there are substantial and
    reasonable doubts.”); In re A&C Props., 
    784 F.2d 1377
    1380-81 (9th Cir. 1986) (“The purpose of a compromise
    agreement is to allow the trustee and the creditors to avoid the
    expenses and burdens associated with litigating sharply
    contested and dubious claims.”). Thus, to the extent that a
    settlement’s departure from the Code’s priority scheme was
    necessary to maximize the estate’s overall value, I would not
    But here, it is difficult to see how the settlement is
    directed at estate-value maximization. Rather, the settlement
    deviates from the Code’s priority scheme so as to maximize
    the recovery that certain creditors receive, some of whom (the
    unsecured creditors) would not have been entitled to recover
    anything in advance of the WARN Plaintiffs had the estate
    property been liquidated and distributed in Chapter 7
    proceedings or under a Chapter 11 “cramdown.” There is, of
    course, a substantial difference between the estate itself and
    specific estate constituents. The estate is a distinct legal
    entity, and, in general, its assets may not be distributed to
    creditors except in accordance with the strictures of the
    Bankruptcy Code.2
    In this sense, then, the settlement and structured
    dismissal raise the same concern as transactions invalidated
    under the sub rosa plan doctrine. In In re Braniff Airways,
    700 F.2d 935
    (5th Cir. 1983), the Court of Appeals for
    the Fifth Circuit rejected an asset sale that “had the practical
    effect of dictating some of the terms of any future
    reorganization plan.” 
    Id. at 940.
    The sale was impermissible
    because the transaction “short circuit[ed] the requirements of
    Chapter 11 for confirmation of a reorganization plan by
    establishing the terms of the plan sub rosa in connection with
    a sale of assets.” 
    Id. “When a
    proposed transaction specifies
    terms for adopting a reorganization plan, ‘the parties and the
    district court must scale the hurdles erected in Chapter 11.’”
    This point is reinforced with an analogy to trust law.
    Where there are two or more beneficiaries of a trust, the
    trustee is under a duty to deal with them impartially, and
    cannot take an action that rewards certain beneficiaries while
    harming others. Restatement (Second) of Trusts § 183 (1959);
    see also Varity Corp. v. Howe, 
    516 U.S. 489
    , 514 (1996)
    (“The common law of trusts recognizes the need to preserve
    assets to satisfy future, as well as present, claims and requires
    a trustee to take impartial account of the interests of all
    beneficiaries.”). Yet that is what the Committee did here. This
    duty persists even where the trustee is a beneficiary of the
    trust himself, like the creditors’ committee was here. See
    Restatement (Third) of Trusts § 32 (2003) (“A natural person,
    including a settlor or beneficiary, has capacity . . . to
    administer trust property and act as trustee . . . .”)
    In re Cont’l Air Lines, Inc., 
    780 F.2d 1223
    , 1226 (5th Cir.
    1986) (quoting 
    Braniff, 700 F.2d at 940
    ). Although the
    combination of the settlement and structured dismissal here
    does not, strictly speaking, constitute a sub rosa plan — the
    hallmark of such a plan is that it dictates the terms of a
    reorganization plan, and the settlement here does not do so —
    the broader concerns underlying the sub rosa doctrine are at
    play. The settlement reallocated assets of the estate in a way
    that would not have been possible without the authority
    conferred upon the creditors’ committee by Chapter 11 and
    effectively terminated the Chapter 11 case, but it failed to
    observe Chapter 11’s “safeguards of disclosure, voting,
    acceptance, and confirmation.” In re Lionel Corp., 
    722 F.2d 1063
    , 1071 (2d Cir. 1982); see also In re Biolitec Inc., No.
    2014 WL 7205395
    , at *8 (Bankr. D.N.J. Dec. 17,
    2014) (rejecting settlement and structured dismissal that
    assigned rights and interests but did not allow parties to vote
    on settlement’s provisions in part because it “resemble[d] an
    impermissible sub rosa plan”). This settlement then appears
    to constitute an impermissible end-run around the carefully
    designed routes by which a debtor may emerge from Chapter
    11 proceedings.
    Critical to this analysis is the fact that the money paid
    by the secured creditors in the settlement was property of the
    estate. A cause of action held by the debtor is property of the
    estate, see Bd. of Trs. of Teamsters Local 863 v. Foodtown,
    296 F.3d 164
    , 169 (3d Cir. 2002), and “proceeds . . . of
    or from property of the estate” are considered estate property
    as well, 11 U.S.C. § 541(a)(6). Here, the administrative and
    unsecured creditors received the $3.7 million as consideration
    for the releases from the fraudulent conveyance action, so this
    payment qualifies as “proceeds” from the estate’s cause of
    action.3 See Black’s Law Dictionary 1325 (9th ed. 2009)
    (defining proceeds as “[s]omething received upon selling,
    exchanging, collecting, or otherwise disposing of collateral”);
    see also Strauss v. Morn, Nos. 97-16481 & 97-16483, 
    1998 WL 546957
    , at *3 (9th Cir. 1998) (Ҥ 541(a)(6) mandates the
    broad interpretation of the term ‘proceeds’ to encompass all
    proceeds of property of the estate”); In re Rossmiller, No. 95-
    1996 WL 175369
    , at *2 (10th Cir. 1996) (similar). This
    case is thus distinguishable from the so-called “gifting” cases
    such as In re World Health Alternatives, 
    344 B.R. 291
    (Bankr. D. Del. 2006), and In re SPM Manufacturing Corp.,
    984 F.2d 1305
    (1st Cir. 1993). In fact, those courts explicitly
    distinguished estate from non-estate property, and approved
    the class-skipping arrangements only because the proceeds
    being distributed were not estate property. See World 
    Health, 344 B.R. at 299-300
    SPM, 984 F.3d at 1313
    . The
    arrangement here is closer to a § 363 asset sale where the
    proceeds from the debtor’s assets are distributed directly to
    certain creditors, rather than the bankruptcy estate. Cf. In re
    Chrysler LLC, 
    576 F.3d 108
    , 118 (2d Cir. 2009) (noting, in
    upholding a § 363 sale, that the bankruptcy court
    On June 30, 2006, Sun acquired Jevic in a leveraged
    buyout, which included an $85 million revolving credit
    facility from a bank group led by CIT. The fraudulent
    conveyance action complaint sets forth that Jevic and Sun
    allegedly knew that Jevic would default on the CIT financing
    agreement by September 11 of that year. The fraudulent
    conveyance action sought over $100 million in damages, and
    the unsecured creditors’ committee alleged that “[w]ith CIT’s
    active assistance . . . Sun orchestrated a[n] . . . LBO whereby
    Debtors’ assets were leveraged to enable a Sun affiliate to pay
    $77.4 million . . . with no money down.”
    demonstrated “proper solicitude for the priority between
    creditors and deemed it essential that the [s]ale in no way
    upset that priority”), vacated as moot, 
    592 F.3d 370
    . It is
    doubtful that such an arrangement would be permissible.
    The majority likens the deviation in this case to the
    first deviation in Iridium, in which the settlement would
    initially distribute funds to the litigation trust instead of the
    Motorola administrative creditors. For two reasons, however,
    I find this analogy unavailing. First, it is not clear to me that
    the Second Circuit saw the settlement’s initial distribution of
    funds to the litigation trust as a deviation from the Code’s
    priority scheme at all. As the Second Circuit explained, if the
    litigation was successful, the majority of the proceeds from
    that litigation would actually flow back to the estate, then to
    be distributed in accordance with the Code’s priority 
    scheme. 459 F.3d at 462
    .4 Second, the critical (and, in my view,
    determinative) characteristic of the settlement in this case is
    that it skips over an entire class of creditors. That is precisely
    what the second “deviation” in Iridium did, and the Second
    Circuit remanded to the bankruptcy court for further
    consideration of that aspect of the settlement.
    In fact, the second “deviation” in Iridium deviated
    from the priority scheme in a more minor way than the
    settlement at issue here. In Iridium, the settlement would have
    deviated from the priority scheme only in the event that
    Motorola, an administrative creditor and a defendant in
    various litigation matters brought by the creditors’ committee,
    had prevailed in the litigation or if its administrative claims
    Here, by contrast, none of the settlement proceeds
    flowed to the estate.
    had exceeded its liability in the litigation. 
    Iridium, 478 F.3d at 465
    . The Second Circuit thus characterized this aspect of the
    settlement as a mere “possible deviation” in “one regard,” but
    nevertheless remanded for the bankruptcy court to assess the
    “possible” deviation’s justification. 
    Id. at 466
    . Here, of
    course, it is clear that the settlement deviates from the priority
    scheme, as it provides no compensation for an entire class of
    priority creditors, while providing $1.7 million to the general
    unsecured creditors.
    Finally, I do not question the factual findings made by
    the bankruptcy court. That court found that there was “no
    realistic prospect” of a meaningful distribution to Jevic’s
    unsecured creditors apart from the settlement under review.
    But whether there was a realistic prospect of distribution to
    the unsecured creditors in the absence of this settlement is not
    relevant to my concerns. What matters is whether the
    settlement’s deviation from the priority scheme was necessary
    to maximize the value of the estate. There is a difference
    between the estate and certain creditors of the estate, and
    there has been no suggestion that the deviation maximized the
    value of the estate itself.
    The able bankruptcy court here was faced with an
    unpalatable set of alternatives. But I do not believe the
    situation it faced was entirely sui generis. It is not unusual for
    a debtor to enter bankruptcy with liens on all of its assets, nor
    is it unusual for a debtor to enter Chapter 11 proceedings —
    the flexibility of which enabled appellees to craft this
    settlement in the first place — with the goal of liquidating,
    rather than rehabilitating, the debtor.5 It is also not difficult to
    imagine another secured creditor who wants to avoid
    providing funds to priority unsecured creditors, particularly
    where the secured creditor is also the debtor’s ultimate parent
    and may have obligations to the debtor’s employees.
    Accordingly, approval of the bankruptcy court’s ruling in this
    case would appear to undermine the general prohibition on
    settlements that deviate from the Code’s priority scheme.
    I recognize that if the settlement were unwound, this
    case would likely be converted to a Chapter 7 liquidation in
    See Ralph Brubaker, The Post-RadLAX Ghosts of
    Pacific Lumber and Philly News (Part II): Limiting Credit
    Bidding, Bankr. L. Letter, July 2014, at 4 (describing the
    “ascendancy of secured credit in Chapter 11 debtors’ capital
    structures, such that it is now common that a dominant
    secured lender has blanket liens on substantially all of the
    debtor’s assets securing debts vastly exceeding the value of
    the debtor’s business and assets”); Kenneth M. Ayotte &
    Edward R. Morrison, Creditor Control & Conflict in Chapter
    11, 1 J.L. Analysis 511, 519 (2009) (finding that secured
    claims exceeded the value of the company in twenty-two
    percent of the bankruptcies surveyed); Stephen J. Lubben,
    Business Liquidation, 81 Am. Bankr. L.J. 65 (2007) (noting
    that although “chapter 7 is the prevailing method of business
    liquidation, . . . a sizable number of firms first attempt either
    a reorganization or liquidation under chapter 11”); 11 U.S.C.
    § 1123(b)(4) (providing that a chapter 11 plan may “provide
    for the sale of all or substantially all of the property of the
    estate, and the distribution of the proceeds of such sale among
    holders of claims or interests”).
    which the secured creditors would be the only creditors to
    recover. Accordingly, I would not unwind the settlement
    entirely. Instead, I would permit the secured creditors to
    retain the releases for which they bargained and would not
    disturb any of the proceeds received by the administrative
    creditors either. But I would also require the bankruptcy court
    to determine the WARN Plaintiffs’ damages under the New
    Jersey WARN Act, as well as the proportion of those
    damages that qualifies for the wage priority.6 I would then
    have the court order any proceeds that were distributed to
    creditors with a priority lower than that of the WARN
    Plaintiffs disgorged, and apply those proceeds to the WARN
    Plaintiffs’ wage priority claim. To the extent that funds are
    left over, I would have the court redistribute them to the
    remaining creditors in accordance with the Code’s priority
    At this point, the WARN litigation has largely
    concluded, with the WARN Plaintiffs having established
    liability on their New Jersey WARN claims against Jevic but
    having lost on all other claims. On May 10, 2013, the
    bankruptcy court dismissed the WARN Plaintiffs’ claims
    against Sun (but not Jevic) on the grounds that Sun was not a
    “single employer” for purposes of the WARN Acts. The
    district court affirmed that decision on September 29, 2014.
    In re Jevic Holding Corp., No. 13-1127-SLR, 
    2014 WL 4949474
    (D. Del. Sept. 29, 2014). In a separate opinion on
    May 10, 2013, the bankruptcy court dismissed the federal
    WARN Act claims against Jevic, but granted summary
    judgment in favor of the WARN Plaintiffs against Jevic on
    their New Jersey WARN Act claims. No appeal was taken of
    that ruling; in fact, Jevic did not contest liability on the New
    Jersey WARN Act claims.

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-1465

Citation Numbers: 787 F.3d 173

Filed Date: 5/21/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 5/21/2015

Authorities (25)

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