Secretary of Labor v. James Doyle , 657 F. App'x 117 ( 2016 )

  •                                                 NOT PRECEDENTIAL
    Nos. 15-1380 and 15-1574
    Third-Party Plaintiff
    Cynthia Holloway,
    Appellant in No. 15-1380
    James Doyle,
    Appellant in No. 15-1574
    District Judge: Honorable Joseph H. Rodriguez
    Argued: January 21, 2016
    Before: JORDAN, HARDIMAN, and GREENAWAY, JR., Circuit Judges.
    (Opinion Filed: August 18, 2016)
    Thomas E. Perez, Secretary of Labor
    M. Patricia Smith, Solicitor of Labor
    G. Williams Scott, Associate Solicitor
    Thomas Tso, Counsel for Appellate and Special Litigation
    Marcia E. Bove [ARGUED]
    David Edeli
    United States Department of Labor
    Office of the Solicitor
    Room N-4611
    200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20210
    Attorneys for Appellee
    Rachel J. Gallagher
    Steven K. Ludwig [ARGUED]
    Fox Rothschild
    2000 Market Street, 20th Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Attorneys for Appellant Cynthia Holloway
    Jill A. Guldin [ARGUED]
    Lauletta Birnbaum
    591 Mantua Boulevard, #200
    Sewell, NJ 08080
    Attorney for Appellant James Doyle
    GREENAWAY, JR., Circuit Judge.
    This disposition is not an opinion of the full Court and pursuant to I.O.P. 5.7 does not
    constitute binding precedent.
    This matter returns to the Third Circuit on a consolidated appeal. The District
    Court found, based on evidence adduced at a bench trial, that Appellants James Doyle
    and Cynthia Holloway breached their fiduciary duties to the Professional Industrial Trade
    Workers Union (“PITWU”) Health & Welfare Fund (“Fund”), a plan governed by the
    Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”). For the reasons that follow, we
    will affirm the District Court’s judgment as to Doyle, and vacate and remand the District
    Court’s judgment as to Holloway.
    A.     Factual Background
    The District Court’s full factual findings are set forth in our prior opinion and the
    District Court’s opinion following remand; we need not repeat them in detail here.
    However, we provide an overview of the facts for context.
    Holloway first learned of PITWU from an insurance broker in 2000, after David
    Weinstein had established PITWU earlier that year. After an attorney provided Holloway
    with verification of PITWU’s union status, she and three other individuals established the
    Fund on May 1, 2001, as reflected by an Agreement and Declaration of Trust. The Fund
    operated until May 2003 as a multiple employer welfare arrangement providing health
    benefits to numerous small employers. Holloway’s company, Employers Depot, Inc.
    (“EDI”), was a member of the Fund from the Fund’s inception. EDI was a professional
    employer organization (“PEO”). Generally, PEOs provide human resources services to
    client-employers as well as payroll, workers’ compensation, and health and retirement
    The Fund had various third-party administrators who reviewed and paid health
    claims covered by the Fund, as well as trustees, counsel, and an actuary. The Fund’s
    initial claims administrator was Union Privileged Care (“UPC”), which was owned by
    Weinstein. Holloway served as one of the original Fund trustees from the Fund’s
    creation until she resigned on September 27, 2002.
    Weinstein also owned two PEOs, Privileged Care, Inc. (“PCI”) and NorthPoint
    PEO (“NP”),1 which became members of the Fund sometime after January 2002 by
    entering into ostensible collective bargaining agreements (“CBAs”) with PITWU.2 In
    the CBAs, PCI/NP agreed to contribute to the Fund at specified rates so that their client-
    employers could receive health benefits under the Fund.
    Doyle’s company, Privilege Care Marketing Group (“PCMG”), contracted with
    PCI/NP to market PEO services and access to the Fund to small businesses. Client-
    employers gained access to the Fund by checking a “health benefit” box and a “union”
    The District Court concluded that PCI and NP were effectively the same organization in
    that they shared consultants, office space, owners, and employees. See Sec’y of Labor v.
    Doyle, No. 05-cv-2264, 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *2 n.2 (D.N.J. Dec. 1, 2014). Therefore,
    PCI and NP are referred to as “PCI/NP.”
    As we previously described, the collective bargaining relationship between PCI/NP and
    PITWU was a “sham” and the CBAs were “bogus” insofar as “they were not the result of
    bona fide collective bargaining, and the employees [PITWU] enrolled in the union by
    PCI/Northpoint were not genuine union members.” Sec’y of Labor v. Doyle, 
    675 F.3d 187
    , 197 n.23, 201 (3d Cir. 2012). For example, client-employers never received copies
    of the CBAs, see Doyle, 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *9 (citing J.A. 726, 744, 796, 967), and
    several client-employers testified at trial that their employees were not unionized, id. at
    box on enrollment forms, even though their employees did not become members of
    PITWU. Although enrollment forms listed a number of additional PEO services, the only
    service consistently offered by PCI/NP was health benefits through the Fund.
    When businesses decided to enroll their employees in the Fund (and become
    client-employers of PCI/NP), Doyle required them to initially pay a single check to
    PCMG. Thereafter, Doyle required PCI/NP’s client-employers to make monthly
    payments to PCMG via two checks. PCMG remitted the first check (“Check 1”) to
    PCI/NP and retained the second check (“Check 2”) as various fees and marketing
    commissions. PCI/NP retained a portion of Check 1, sent a portion back to PCMG as a
    “refund,” paid a portion to PITWU as “union dues,” and sent the remainder to claims
    In January 2002, less than a month after PCI/NP and PCMG became members of
    the Fund, the Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner entered a cease and desist order against
    PCI, PCMG, and two of its marketing affiliates. The Commissioner found that they were
    engaging in the unauthorized sale of insurance and therefore ordered them to cease and
    desist from any further sales or marketing of insurance in the state.
    Weinstein’s company, UPC, was replaced as the claims administrator in March
    2002. At an April 23, 2002 meeting with the Fund’s new claims administrator, Holloway
    learned of “several boxes” of pending, unpaid claims from member-employees, and of
    concern that claims may not have been paid since November 2001. J.A. 161–63, 1005–
    06. Holloway requested a date by which all claims be entered into the Fund’s database to
    determine the magnitude of unpaid or pending claims.
    Despite Holloway’s “general concerns” about Weinstein, Holloway and another
    trustee appointed Weinstein as a trustee to the Fund. J.A. 1008, 1013.3 However, at a
    subsequent trustee meeting held on May 30, 2002, Weinstein resigned as trustee. At this
    meeting, the Fund’s accountant informed the trustees that he could not prepare a financial
    statement for the Fund because the financial information he had requested from UPC had
    not yet been provided. The Fund’s actuary reported that it had received insufficient
    information from Weinstein to offer an opinion on whether the Fund was underfunded.
    The trustees developed a plan with Weinstein to provide all necessary data.4
    In June 2002, the Louisiana Insurance Commissioner issued a cease and desist
    order based on its finding that that PCI/NP was selling health insurance without
    authorization. The Commissioner found that there was no collective bargaining by
    PITWU on behalf of its members and that client-employers of PCI/NP received no
    representation or benefit from PITWU other than access to the Fund.5
    On September 20, 2002, the Fund’s new claims administrator informed Holloway
    Holloway testified that she had “general concerns” regarding the appointment of
    Weinstein as a trustee for the PITWU Fund but did not elucidate what motivated those
    concerns; she also testified that she did not research Weinstein’s qualifications to be a
    trustee. See J.A. 1009–14.
    The trustee meeting minutes indicate that the trustees and PITWU Fund counsel gave
    Weinstein “specific instructions” regarding the data that he was to provide the new third-
    party administrator. See J.A. 1077–78.
    By the time the Fund ceased operations in May 2003, five other states had entered
    similar cease and desist orders against PCI/NP, the Fund, PCMG, Doyle, and others,
    arising from the marketing and providing of health care services in the states without the
    necessary authorization. See Doyle, 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *7.
    of problems relating to lack of funding because of PCI/NP’s failure to make contributions
    to the Fund and other problems arising from inadequate paperwork. In a letter dated
    September 20, 2002, Holloway resigned as trustee. In her letter of resignation, she
    identified multiple reasons leading to her resignation, including the lack of financial
    accountability for contributions to the Fund and the resulting lack of funding to pay
    claims. Holloway also noted that several states had issued cease and desist orders “based
    on the representation by other membership/trustees that PITWU [was] an insurance
    program.” J.A. 196–97.
    PCMG received a total of $2.1 million ($2,107,361) in Check 2 monies, which it
    retained as marketing commissions and fees. J.A. 417 (Column 15, Row 33).
    PCMG also received a total of approximately $4.5 million ($4,497,067, J.A. 417 at
    Column 13, Row 33) in Check 1 monies. Of this $4.5 million, the District Court
    determined that, after approximately $197,000 ($196,998, J.A. 424, sum of Columns 8
    and 9, Row 20) in refunds/commissions was returned from PCI/NP to PCMG, only a net
    total of approximately $3.1 million was forwarded by PCMG to PCI/NP. Doyle, 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *15. Of the approximately $1.4 million in Check 1 monies not
    forwarded to PCI/NP ($4.5 million minus $3.1 million), approximately $645,000
    ($645,232, J.A. 425 at Column 1, Row 35) was sent directly from PCMG to third-party
    administrators, leaving approximately $755,000 of Check 1 monies retained and
    unaccounted for by PCMG.6 Thus, a total of $952,000 of Check 1 monies ($755,000 plus
    $197,000) was ultimately retained by PCMG. Doyle, 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *15.
    Of the approximately $3.1 million in Check 1 monies received from PCMG,
    PCI/NP sent approximately $2.1 million ($2,076,329, J.A. 425, sum of Column 1, Rows
    4, 9, 14, and 19) to third-party claims administrators.7 PCI/NP also sent approximately
    $430,000 ($429,310, J.A. 423 at Column 1, Row 16) of Check 1 monies to PITWU as
    “union dues.” The District Court concluded that PCI/NP retained several hundred
    thousand dollars of Check 1 monies. Doyle, 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *15.
    B.     Procedural Background
    In April 2005, the Secretary of Labor initiated this action for breach of fiduciary
    duties against Doyle, Holloway, the Fund, and two other individuals.8 The case
    proceeded to a bench trial in October 2009. As to Holloway and Doyle, the District
    Court concluded that the Secretary had failed to show that they had breached their
    fiduciary duties to the Fund, and entered judgment in their favor. See Solis v. Doyle, No.
    The Secretary does not allege breach of fiduciary duty with respect to the approximately
    $645,000 sent by PCMG directly to claims administrators. See Doyle, 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *15.
    The Secretary does not allege breach of fiduciary duty with respect to this
    approximately $2.1 million sent by PCI/NP to claims administrators. See Doyle, 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *15.
    The two other defendants were Michael Garnett and Mark Maccariella. At the
    beginning of trial, Maccariella accepted a consent judgment enjoining him from serving
    as a fiduciary or service provider to an ERISA plan and requiring him to pay $195,317.
    See Doyle, 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *2. Garnett did not appear at trial and the District
    Court entered a default judgment against him. 
    2010 WL 2671984
     (D.N.J. June 30, 2010). The District Court noted that
    “the Secretary is offended by the percentage of employer contributions that were not
    forwarded to medical providers to pay claims” but had “introduced no evidence that the
    fees charged [by Doyle/PCMG] were excessive, unreasonable, or contrary to plan
    documents.” Id. at *8. The District Court noted that Doyle offered undisputed testimony
    that PCMG’s fees were customary. Id. The Secretary of Labor appealed.
    On appeal, we vacated the District Court’s judgment and remanded to the District
    Court for additional factual findings. See Sec’y of Labor v. Doyle, 
    675 F.3d 187
     (3d Cir.
    2012). Specifically, we directed the District Court to: (1) make detailed factual findings
    concerning the nature of the funds received and controlled by Doyle and determine
    whether some or all of those funds were “plan assets” under ERISA;9 (2) determine
    whether Doyle was a functional fiduciary with respect to any plan assets; (3) determine
    whether Doyle breached his fiduciary duties; and (4) determine whether Holloway
    breached her fiduciary duties with respect to plan assets. 
     at 202–03.
    In our opinion, we observed that “Doyle’s unrefuted testimony that the Check 2
    funds he collected for marketing fees were customary or reasonable does not mean that
    he did not violate any fiduciary duties under ERISA.” 
    Id. at 201
    . Finding the state cease
    and desist orders significant, we likened PCI/NP’s promotion of the Fund to a “scheme”
    As we noted, a determination of what funds were “plan assets” was necessary because
    “if . . . the payments collected by PCI/NP and PCMG were not plan assets, and the only
    assets of the Fund were those payments received by the Fund’s claims administrators,
    then Doyle did not handle any plan assets, and could not be a fiduciary under ERISA.”
    675 F.3d at 200
    to “masquerad[e]” an “inadequately funded health benefit plan” as an ERISA-exempt
    plan “in order to evade the solvency controls imposed by state insurance regulation.” 
    Id. at 197
    . We concluded that the CBAs between PITWU and PCI/NP were “bogus” insofar
    as they were not the result of bona fide collective bargaining to benefit employer
    members and the employees enrolled by PCI/NP in PITWU were not genuine union
     at 197 n.23. We noted “it is important to keep the nature of the scheme
    firmly in mind” and stated that, “[a]t a minimum, expenditures for marketing this illegal
    scheme were not reasonable expenses for the benefit of plan participants.” 
    Id. at 197, 201
    After remand, the parties submitted proposed findings of fact and conclusions of
    law to the District Court. The District Court heard no further testimony and held no
    further proceedings.
    In its decision following remand, the District Court found that both the Check 1
    and Check 2 monies were plan assets of the Fund because of representations made to
    employers by PCMG and PCI/NP that the total amount of employers’ contributions—i.e.,
    Check 1 and Check 2 monies combined—was the cost of procuring health insurance
    when the employers adopting the Fund as a health plan. See Sec’y of Labor v. Doyle, No.
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *11 (D.N.J. Dec. 1, 2014). The District Court
    declined to consider the CBAs between PCI/NP and the Fund—which set the
    contribution rates—because the client-employers of PCI/NP did not receive the CBAs
    and because their employees did not become genuine union members. Id. at *9.10
    The District Court found that Doyle was a functional fiduciary of the Fund’s plan
    assets because he had discretion over how much money PCMG would retain from the
    employer contributions. Id. at *14. The Court concluded that Doyle had breached his
    duty of loyalty with respect to: (1) the approximately $952,000 which PCMG retained
    from Check 1; (2) the $374,000 which PCI/NP retained from Check 1; and (3) the
    $429,310 in “union dues” forwarded by PCI/NP to PITWU. Id. at *15. In addition, the
    Court found that Doyle had breached his duties of loyalty and prudence by permitting the
    diversion of plan assets to PCMG and PCI/NP as payments for sales commissions,
    service fees, administrative charges, and union dues. Id. at *16.
    The District Court further determined that Holloway had breached her duty of
    prudence to the Fund. Id. at *17–18. The Court explained that Holloway knew or should
    have known that the CBAs were not the result of bona fide collective bargaining. See id.
    The Court concluded that Holloway had breached her duty of prudence by ignoring
    evidence that the Fund was being mismanaged and was underfunded, and by failing to do
    enough in the face of this evidence. See id. The Court also relied on the fact that
    Holloway did not ask for financial records of PCI/NP and PCMG, did not compel an
    accounting or invoke the mandatory arbitration clause in the Trust Agreement, and did
    not sue her co-trustees. Id. at *17.
    The Court held Doyle and Holloway jointly and severally liable as co-fiduciaries
    See supra n.2.
    and entered judgment against Doyle in the amount of $3,882,867.9811 plus prejudgment
    interest, and against Holloway in the amount of $4,698,871.98,12 plus prejudgment
    interest. Id. at *20. This timely appeal followed.
    The District Court had jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    . We have
    jurisdiction to hear this appeal pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    On appeal from a bench trial, we review a district court’s findings of fact for clear
    error and its conclusions of law de novo. VICI Racing, LLC v. T-Mobile USA, Inc., 
    763 F.3d 273
    , 283 (3d Cir. 2014). “A finding of fact is clearly erroneous when it is
    ‘completely devoid of minimum evidentiary support displaying some hue of credibility or
    bears no rational relationship to the supportive evidentiary data.’” 
     (quoting Berg
    Chilling Sys., Inc. v. Hull Corp., 
    369 F.3d 745
    , 754 (3d Cir. 2004)).
    This amount “represents the difference between the money that employers paid in for
    benefits and the money that was paid out to claims administrators to administer and pay
    benefits—plan assets diverted from the Fund.” 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at *20.
    The difference between this amount and Doyle’s liability (i.e., $816,004) “is the
    amount of money received by PCI/NP from employers who were not recruited through
    PCMG; accordingly, none of this money passed through PCMG.” 
    2014 WL 6747882
    , at
    III.    ANALYSIS13
    A.     Plan Assets
    Appellants first argue that the District Court erred in concluding that all
    contributions from PCI/NP’s employer-clients—i.e., both Check 1 and Check 2 monies—
    were “plan assets” under ERISA. Specifically, Appellants contend that the District Court
    improperly analyzed the Fund’s interest in employer contributions from the employers’
    point of view and improperly disregarded the CBAs between PITWU and PCI/NP.
    Under Appellants’ approach, the CBAs are the only representations relevant to the “plan
    assets” inquiry, and these limited the Fund’s interest to only those contributions sent from
    PCI/NP and to only those amounts specified by the rates contained in the CBAs.
    Appellants’ arguments are unavailing.
    In Doyle I, we explained that: “assets of a plan generally are to be identified on
    the basis of ordinary notions of property rights under non-ERISA law” and may include
    “any property . . . in which the plan has a beneficial ownership interest.” See 
    675 F.3d at 203
     (quoting Department of Labor, Advisory Op. No. 93-14A, 
    1993 WL 188473
    , at *4
    (May 5, 1993)). In an Advisory Opinion cited by Appellants in their papers, the
    Department of Labor advised that whether a plan has acquired a beneficial interest in
    particular funds depends on “whether the plan sponsor expresses an intent to grant such a
    We note that, generally, ERISA is a remedial statute and “should be liberally construed
    in favor of protecting the participants in employee benefit plans.” Einhorn v. M.L.
    Ruberton Constr. Co., 
    632 F.3d 89
    , 98 (3d Cir. 2011) (quoting IUE AFL-CIO Pension
    Fund v. Barker & Williamson, Inc., 
    788 F.2d 118
    , 127 (3d Cir. 1986)).
    beneficial interest or has acted or made representations sufficient to lead participants and
    beneficiaries of the plan to reasonably believe that such funds separately secure the
    promised benefits or are otherwise plan assets.” Department of Labor, Advisory Op. No.
    1994 WL 501646
    , at *3 (Sept. 9, 1994) (emphasis added). Contrary to
    Appellants’ assertion, under this latter phrase, a court may consider the reasonable beliefs
    of plan participants—here, PCI/NP’s client-employers—based on representations
    attributable to PITWU. Therefore, the District Court did not err in examining
    participating employers’ reasonable beliefs, based on Doyle’s representations, that their
    total contributions to PCMG were required to participate in the Fund.
    The record supports the District Court’s conclusion that employers reasonably
    believed the combined Check 1 and Check 2 amount was the cost of insurance for each
    employee. By Doyle’s design, employers originally sent in one single check to enroll in
    the Fund and get health benefits for their employees, and only after did he divide
    payments into two checks, ostensibly one for health insurance contributions (Check 1)
    and one for PEO services (Check 2). Several employers testified that they believed that
    their payments to PCMG were only for health insurance. Based on the above, we agree
    with the District Court that the Fund had a beneficial interest in all employer
    contributions, regardless of whether the contributions were made via the initial single
    check, Check 1, or Check 2.
    Doyle asserts that he had no contract or agreement with the Fund and that without
    such a relationship, the Fund had no interest in the Check 2 monies. Even accepting
    Doyle’s assertion that he had no direct authorization to be the Fund’s agent, Doyle acted
    with apparent authority of the Fund. See In re Mushroom Transp. Co., 
    382 F.3d 325
    , 345
    (3d Cir. 2004) (apparent authority is “that authority which, although not actually granted,
    the principal knowingly permits the agent to exercise”); Taylor v. Peoples Nat. Gas Co.,
    49 F.3d 982
    , 989–90 (3d Cir. 1995) (applying doctrine of apparent authority to determine
    whether individual was an agent of ERISA plan). Doyle and PCMG promoted the Fund,
    acted as a conduit for the Fund by representing that PCMG would remit the enrollment
    forms or change of coverage forms to the Fund, and PCMG was the single contact for
    employers’ contributions to the Fund. Moreover, employers never received the CBAs
    which specified the contribution rates; employers relied upon PCMG’s representations
    regarding the applicable contribution rate.
    These representations referenced PITWU and were permitted by the Fund. In the
    client enrollment forms which Doyle provided to employers to gain access to the Fund,
    employers checked the “health benefit” box and the “union” box. J.A. 155. Employers
    were required to execute a “Disclosure Form” which stated that “[t]his health and welfare
    plan is sponsored by [PITWU].” J.A. 158. And the Fund’s third-party administrators
    received and reviewed these enrollment forms and did nothing to stop Doyle and
    PCMG’s representations, thereby permitting the representations.
    Appellants also argue that only payments from PCI/NP to the Fund constitute plan
    assets because only PCI/NP signed on to the Declaration of Trust. The Declaration of
    Trust creating the Fund identified the Fund’s assets as “any and all contributions payable
    by EMPLOYERS” and required that these contributions “shall be paid” “into” the Fund.
    J.A. 92. However, we need not determine whether PCI/NP’s client-employers became
    “EMPLOYERS” under the Declaration of Trust because, as explained above, monies
    may become plan assets not only based on the terms of the plan’s governing documents,
    but by the plan sponsor’s representations to participants. And we have determined that
    the representations made by PCI/NP and PCMG were sufficient to lead participants to
    reasonably believe that their contributions were made to secure benefits.
    Finally, Appellants argue that the CBAs between PCI/NP and the Fund should
    limit the amount of client-employer contributions in which the Fund had a beneficial
    interest because the CBAs set forth contributory rates that were less than total client-
    employer contributions to PCMG. As we noted in Doyle I, the CBAs were “bogus”
    insofar as they were not the result of bona fide collective bargaining between PCI/NP and
    PITWU and PCI/NP’s client-employers were not genuine PITWU members. 
    675 F.3d at
    197 n.23. Allowing the CBAs to shield liability for diversion of plan assets would be
    counter to ERISA’s remedial purpose. Given our previous guidance that “it is important
    to keep the nature of the scheme firmly in mind,” 
    id. at 197
    , we agree with the District
    Court that the CBAs’ contribution rates should not limit its “plan assets” analysis.
    In sum, we find no error in the District Court’s conclusion that all contributions
    from employers—i.e., both Check 1 and Check 2 monies—were “plan assets” within the
    meaning of ERISA.
    B.     Doyle’s Status as Functional Fiduciary and Breach of His Duties
    Doyle next argues that the District Court erred in holding that he was a functional
    fiduciary of the Fund and that he breached his duties of loyalty and prudence to the Fund.
    Doyle primarily argues that he had no authority or control over the Check 1 and Check 2
    monies so as to be a functional fiduciary under ERISA, and that the Secretary failed to
    prove Doyle’s knowledge that the Check 1 employer contributions forwarded to PCI/NP
    were not being used for any legitimate purpose related to the Fund.14
    Under ERISA, a person is a fiduciary if, inter alia, “he exercises any discretionary
    authority or discretionary control respecting management of such plan or exercises any
    authority or control respecting management or disposition of its assets.” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1002
    (21)(A)(i).15 Having concluded that all employer contributions were “plan assets,”
    we have no trouble agreeing with the District Court that Doyle exercised authority and
    control over the disposition of those assets.
    Doyle not only set up the two-check system, invoiced employers, collected Checks
    1 and 2, and was responsible for remitting Check 1 to PCI/NP, he determined how much
    to charge employers for sales commissions—without consulting PCI/NP or Fund
    To the extent that Doyle argues that the marketing fees paid to PCMG via Check 2
    were reasonable and cannot support a finding that he breached his fiduciary duties, (Br.
    of Appellant Doyle at 24–25), we decline to overrule our prior determination in Doyle I
    that “expenditures for marketing th[e] illegal scheme were not reasonable expenses for
    the benefit of plan participants.” See 
    675 F.3d at 201
    Although Doyle argues that he had no “discretionary authority or control” over the
    Fund’s assets, (Br. of Appellant Doyle at 13), we need not rely on a finding of discretion
    to conclude that Doyle was a functional fiduciary. We recognize a “significant difference
    between the two clauses [of subsection (i) in] that discretion is specified as a prerequisite
    to fiduciary status for a person managing an ERISA plan, but the word ‘discretionary’ is
    conspicuously absent when the text refers to assets.” Srein v. Frankford Trust Co., 
    323 F.3d 214
    , 221 (3d Cir. 2003). “The statute treats control over the cash differently from
    control over administration,” and imposes “a lower threshold for fiduciary status where
    control of assets is at stake.” See Bd. of Trustees of Bricklayers v. Wettlin Assocs., Inc.,
    237 F.3d 270
    , 274 (3d Cir. 2001) (internal quotation and citation omitted).
    trustees—and therefore it was he who determined how much PCMG would retain of
    employer contributions. See Pipefitters Local 636 Ins. Fund v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield
    of Mich., 
    722 F.3d 861
    , 866–67 (6th Cir. 2013) (rejecting defendant’s claim that it
    “merely acted as a ‘pass-through’ and not as a fiduciary” and concluding that insurer that
    was an ERISA fiduciary with respect to hidden fees that it unilaterally added to hospital
    claims subsequently paid by the fund); Metzler v. Solidarity of Labor Orgs. Health &
    Welfare Fund, No. 95-CV-7247, 
    1998 WL 477964
    , at *7 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 14, 1998), aff’d
    sub nom. Herman v. Goldstein, 
    224 F.3d 128
     (2d Cir. 2000) (“[B]ecause defendants had
    set the total sum of the contribution employers had to pay (over and above the coverage
    rates set by the Fund and the union membership fee set by [the union]) to receive benefits
    through the Fund, the Court [] concludes that defendants are fiduciaries within the
    meaning of ERISA.”).
    As a functional fiduciary, Doyle had a duty of loyalty to act “for the exclusive
    purpose of (i) providing benefits to [Fund] participants and beneficiaries; and (ii)
    defraying reasonable expenses of administering the plan.” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1104
    Doyle argues that the District Court erred in concluding that Doyle breached his duty of
    loyalty with respect to: (1) the approximately $952,000 that PCMG retained from Check
    1; (2) the $374,000 that PCI/NP retained from Check 1; and (3) the $429,310 in “union
    dues” forwarded by PCI/NP to PITWU.
    As to the $952,000 that PCMG retained from Check 1, the District Court
    concluded that this sum consisted of $755,000 of unaccounted for Check 1 monies and
    approximately $197,000 in “refunds” from PCI/NP to PCMG. Doyle contends that the
    these monies “could have [] included payments” for payroll services, gap insurance, and
    administrative fees that were combined with Check 1 health claims contributions when
    client-employers paid a single check to PCMG. (Br. of Appellant Doyle at 21.)
    However, Doyle’s argument on appeal as to what services the $755,000 or $197,000
    “could have” paid for does not convince us that the District Court clearly erred in
    concluding that the monies did not go to benefit contributing employers.
    As to the other two sums, the District Court relied on Doyle’s own testimony that
    he was aware that PCI/NP retained a portion of the Check 1 monies and remitted a
    portion for “union dues.” See 
    2014 WL 6747882
     at *16 (citing Trial. Tr. 64:10–15,
    71:24–72:5, 85:6–22, 88:3–17, 138:2–12). Given these admissions, we conclude that the
    District Court did not clearly err in concluding that Doyle breached his duty of loyalty to
    the Fund because he knew that these monies were not used to benefit plan participants.16
    C.     Holloway’s Fiduciary Duties
    Holloway challenges the District Court’s finding that she breached her duty of
    prudence to the Fund on the ground that the Secretary did not establish that Holloway
    failed to monitor the Fund or deviated from the ERISA standard of care. We conclude
    Because we agree with the District Court’s finding that Doyle knew or should have
    known about PCI/NP’s scheme to retain plan assets—and therefore breached his duties of
    loyalty and prudence—we need not separately address Doyle’s argument that the District
    Court erred in concluding that Doyle is liable for PCI/NP’s breaches as a co-fiduciary.
    29 U.S.C. § 1105
    (a)(2) (providing for liability for the breach of a co-fiduciary where
    fiduciary, “by his failure to comply with [the duty of loyalty or prudence] in the
    administration of his specific responsibilities which give rise to his status as a fiduciary,
    [that] fiduciary has enabled such other fiduciary to commit a breach”).
    that, although the District Court may have properly found that Holloway breached her
    duty of prudence through inaction during her tenure as trustee, the evidence adduced at
    trial is insufficient to support a conclusion that Holloway failed to act as a prudent trustee
    prior to May 30, 2002. Therefore, we will not affirm the District Court’s conclusion that
    Holloway was liable for all diverted plan assets, regardless of when the diversion
    occurred. Rather, we will remand to the District Court to make detailed factual findings
    about the extent of Holloway’s liability after May 30, 2002, considering when Holloway
    became aware of red flags related to diverted participant contributions.
    The District Court first concluded that, generally, “Holloway knew or should have
    known the facts upon which the Circuit based its conclusion that the CBAs ‘were not the
    result of bona fide collective bargaining.’” 
    2014 WL 6747882
     at *17 (quoting Doyle I,
    675 F.3d at 197
    ). The District Court also relied on the fact that “at least one of the cease
    and desist orders contained an express finding that the PITWU Union [sic] was not a
    bona fide labor union.” 
     However, when we concluded in Doyle I that the CBAs were
    not the result of bona fide collective bargaining, we also rejected the Secretary’s claim
    that PITWU was a “bogus” union and noted that “no similar evidence [regarding the lack
    of bona fide collective bargaining] was presented concerning the CBAs between PITWU
    and its other employer members, ECI and EDI”—the latter of which Holloway owned.
    675 F.3d at
    197 n.23. Moreover, the cease and desist order cited by the District Court
    was issued in June 2002, and therefore cannot support a finding of breach of fiduciary
    duty by Holloway prior to that date.
    The District Court also concluded that
    [f]rom nearly the inception of her trusteeship, Holloway was aware that:
    there were “boxes” of claims that had not been processed; that there were
    large numbers of unpaid health claims; financial reports could not be
    prepared because of the lack of financial data; [and] the [third-party
    administrator] reported insufficient funding to pay adjudicated and valid
    2014 WL6747882 at *17. However, the District Court’s factual findings indicate that
    Holloway first learned about the “boxes” of pending claims and the administrator’s
    concern that claims had not been paid for months at the trustee meeting on April 23,
    2002. At that time, the magnitude of unpaid claims, and whether there was sufficient
    funding to meet this requirement, was unknown due to lack of data. See 
     Because the
    District Court’s factual findings do not indicate that evidence of the Fund’s
    mismanagement was available to Holloway before April 23, 2002, we cannot agree that
    Holloway should have known “[f]rom nearly the inception of her trusteeship” in May
    2001 that the Fund was being mismanaged or was underfunded.
    Moreover, we disagree with the District Court’s conclusion that Holloway did not
    react as a prudent trustee should to the concerns raised at the April 23, 2002 meeting.
    When Holloway first learned of the “boxes” of unprocessed claims, she ordered the
    Fund’s new third-party administrator to enter all claims into the Fund’s database to
    determine the size and nature of the problem and set a deadline for a report-back. Thus,
    although the reports of unprocessed claims raised concerns, Holloway reasonably reacted
    to and addressed the potential problem.
    However, more serious red flags were raised at the May 30, 2002 trustee meeting.
    Then, both the Fund’s accountant and actuary reported that they still lacked the financial
    information “required by them to perform their essential functions” such as reporting on
    the financial condition of the Fund. J.A. 171. Further, the record reveals a discrepancy
    regarding Weinstein’s responsiveness to the trustees’ prior request for information: while
    Weinstein claimed to have already provided all information to the new third-party
    administrator, the administrator reported that it had not received all the previous
    information and documentation about the Fund. See J.A. 171–72. Although Holloway
    and the trustees developed a plan for the information and documentation to be conveyed
    to the relevant parties, Holloway’s lack of meaningful follow-up after this meeting
    supports a finding of a breach of her fiduciary duties after May 30, 2002.
    At oral argument, the Secretary contended that Holloway should be liable for all
    diverted assets because she failed, from the creation of the Fund in January 2001, to
    create a mechanism for collecting employer contributions and processing benefit claims
    that would have prevented PCMG and PCI/NP’s scheme. We disagree.17 As we have
    explained, Holloway’s action or inaction as a trustee must be assessed against when
    information or red flags became available to her. Accordingly, we will vacate the District
    Court’s judgment regarding Holloway’s liability and remand to the District Court to
    make detailed factual findings as to when, after May 30, 2002, Holloway knew or should
    The Secretary’s stance would impose the impossible standard of omniscience on
    Holloway. There is nothing inherently nefarious about a PEO such as PCI/NP becoming
    a member of the Fund, should it properly remit its client-employer contributions to the
    Fund and provide other legitimate PEO services. Indeed, Holloway’s PEO, EDI, was a
    member of the Fund. There is nothing in the record indicating that, ab initio, Holloway
    should have suspected that Weinstein, through PCI/NP, would divert plan assets.
    have known that the Fund was being mismanaged or was underfunded.18
    For the foregoing reasons, we will affirm the judgment of the District Court
    regarding Doyle and vacate and remand the District Court’s judgment regarding
    On remand, the District Court should, based on its findings regarding Holloway,
    similarly clarify the extent of Holloway’s liability for the breaches of other fiduciaries.