Johnson v. Guhl ( 2004 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2004 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Johnson v. Guhl
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 01-3774
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    PRECEDENTIAL            names);ROBERT GROSS;
    GEORGE ALLEN; Social Services;
    COURT OF APPEALS                        KOELHOFFER;
    No. 01-3774                         EDNA ALLEN;
    JOHNSON;                             SAHL;
    MARIANI;                          BAKERIAN;
    FLEMING;                            DERROT;
    SCHAIBLE,                          OBREGON;
    by her Court Appointed Guardian;     ROY W. MCDOWELL; JUNE M.
    LOIS BENEDETTO; GERALD                      MCDOW ELL;
    DONNA R. BANKS; CHARLES V.                       MEZZO;
    BANKS, Estate of;                  MATHILDA GROSS
    FRANCES C. DENMAN;                                  v.
    HICKS;                MICHELLE K. GUHL, Commissioner;
    ANN B. SILBERNAGEL; NORMAN V.                          STATE OF
    ANNA PRYSTASCH; STANLEY                        HUMAN SERVICES,
    PRYSTASCH;                  MARGARET A. MURRAY, Director,
    MARY MACKRON; ANTHONY                               Division of
    MACKRON, Estate of;            Medical Assistance and Health Service;
    JANET WHALON; HAROLD B.             JOHN ROE, (1-5 fictitious names) their
    WHALON, JR.;                  agents, servants, employees, and/or
    BERNADINE WEISER; RICHARD C.               assigns, jointly, severally or in the
    WEISER;               alternative; EDWARD TESTA, Director,
    GRACE LAFORGE; BLACE             Bergen County Board of Social Services;
    MARY FILLMORE; JOHN DOE, (1-5                            Morris
    fictitious names);              County Board of Social Services;
    JANE DOE, (1-5 fictitious        JAMES WILLIAM S, Director, Essex
    County                         (Opinion filed: February 6, 2004)
    Board of Social Services; JANE ROE,
    Director, ABC County Board of Social
    Services, (1-5 fictitious names);           Donald M. McHugh, Esquire (Argued)
    ESSEX COUNTY BOARD OF                       McHugh & Macri
    CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS                        49 Ridgedale Avenue
    ESSEX COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL                    East Hanover, NJ 07936
    National Academy of Elder Law
    Donald H. Johnson, Juanita L. Johnson,          New Jersey Chapter
    William C. Schaible, Phyllis R. Schaible,       Eugene Rosner, Esquire
    Charles N. Hicks, Marie L. Hicks,               1093 Raritan Road
    Ann B. Silbernagel, Norman V.                   Clark, NJ 07066
    Anna Prystasch, Stanley Prystasch,                     Attorneys for Appellants
    David Samson
    Attorney General of New Jersey
    On Appeal from the                     Michael J. Haas
    United States District Court for the          Assistant Attorney General
    District of New Jersey                  M. Elizabeth Doyle (Argued)
    D.C. Civil Action No. 99-cv-05403             Deputy Attorney General
    (Honorable Dennis M. Cavanaugh)               Office of Attorney General of New
    Division of Law, P.O. Box 112
    Argued April 22, 2003                  R. J. Hughes Justice Complex
    25 Market Street
    Before: SCIRICA*, Chief Judge,               Trenton, NJ 08625
    AM BRO and W EIS, Circuit Judges
    Attorneys for Appellees
    Commissioner and State Divisions
    *Judge Scirica began his term as
    Chief Judge on May 4, 2003.                     Edwin C. Eastwood, Jr., Esquire
    Law Offices of Edwin C. Eastwood, Jr.
    723 Kennedy Boulevard
    North Bergen, NJ 07047
    Attorney for Appellee
    Edward Testa                              spouse”) and the other resides in the
    community (the “community spouse”).
    Daniel W. O’Mullan, Esquire                      Plaintiffs, New Jersey residents, sought
    O’Mullan & Brady                                 and were denied M edicaid benefits
    57 Whippany Road                                 because their assets exceed a level
    Whippany, NJ 07981                               qualifying them for Medicaid eligibility.
    They challenge their benefits denials
    Attorney for Appellee                     under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, and seek both
    Elizabeth Lehmann                         injunctive relief and a declaratory
    judgment. The District Court held, inter
    alia, that New Jersey did not violate
    federal law in denying plaintiffs benefits
    OPINION OF THE COURT                      and thus dismissed their complaint.
    Whether plaintiffs are entitled to
    AM BRO, Circuit Judge                            Medicaid benefits depends on how we
    view certain private trusts they
    Medicaid is a federal assistance          established for the community spouse’s
    program, administered by the states, that        benefit. Those trusts, known as
    helps individuals with below a certain           Community Spouse Annuity Trusts
    level of assets pay for medical expenses.1       (“CSATs”), are designed to provide a
    Because Medicaid is available only to the        stream of annuity payments to the
    needy, creative lawyers and financial            community spouse for the duration of his
    planners have devised various ways to            or her life. From 1994 to 1999, New
    “shield” wealthier claimants’ assets in          Jersey did not consider the corpus of
    determining M edicaid eligibility. In this       these CSATs as “countable” assets – that
    context, we decide, among other issues,          is, among plaintiffs’ available resources
    whether New Jersey has correctly                 for Medicaid eligibility purposes – so
    interpreted federal law to preclude use of       long as, on the community spouse’s
    a private annuity trust to shield assets.        death, New Jersey would be the first
    beneficiary of the CSAT to the extent
    I. Background                       that the State paid benefits on behalf of
    the institutionalized spouse (“state
    Plaintiffs in this case are elderly       payback” or “state-payback
    couples in which one spouse resides in a         requirement”). Thus, New Jersey
    nursing home (the “institutionalized             effectively permitted Medicaid claimants
    to use CSATs to shield a couple’s assets
    from Medicaid eligibility determinations
    1                                             during the community spouse’s lifetime.
    The Medicaid Act is codified at 42
    New Jersey would then be reimbursed
    U.S.C. § 1396 et seq.
    for benefits paid if any funds remained in                Plaintiffs applied for Medicaid
    the CSAT after the community spouse’s             benefits during the period that New
    death. If no funds remained, New Jersey           Jersey was implementing its CSAT
    would recover nothing.                            policy change. They claim that, during
    this period, New Jersey delayed in
    In 1999 New Jersey changed its            processing their pending Medicaid
    position on the countability of CSATs,            applications for anywhere between eight
    largely in response to an earlier                 and eighteen months. When New Jersey
    interpretive letter from an employee of           finally determined plaintiffs’ eligibility,
    the Department of Health and Human                applying its “new” policy, it deemed
    Services (“HHS”) stating that trusts such         their asset levels too high to qualify for
    as CSATs should be considered                     Medicaid benefits because it included
    countable assets. With this change New            their CSATs as available assets.
    Jersey considers CSATs among                      Plaintiffs dispute that the corpus of their
    Medicaid claimants’ assets when                   CSATs should be counted among their
    determining their total resources for             assets.
    eligibility purposes. Thus, CSATs can
    no longer be used to shelter assets.2 New                 Recognizing the difficulties its
    Jersey has taken a similar position with          policy change caused plaintiffs (who had
    respect to commercial annuities.3                 established CSATs expecting pre-1999
    policy to apply), New Jersey advised that
    it would allow them to replace their
    2                                              CSATs with commercial annuities. As a
    In this context, state paybacks no
    compromise to plaintiffs, the State would
    longer were exacted.
    treat these annuities as non-countable
    Like CSATs, commercial annuities              (whereas for other Medicaid claimants
    provide a stream of payments (in this             the State treats commercial annuities as
    context, to the community spouse) for a           countable), so long as plaintiffs included
    fixed term of years. However, they are            a state-payback provision in the
    administered differently from CSATs.              annuities. Plaintiffs, however, did not
    Whereas the corpus of a CSAT is                   accept this settlement.4
    administered by a trustee, who is often
    related to the elderly couple, the “corpus”
    of a commercial annuity is paid to an                 Plaintiffs argue that they notified
    unrelated third party (typically an               New Jersey that they wished to exchange
    insurance company) to purchase the                their CSATs for commercial annuities.
    annuity. The annuity company then                 New Jersey responds that they instructed
    makes payments to the community                   plaintiffs how to do so, but they declined
    spouse from a combination of principal            to follow these instructions and therefore
    and income from that corpus.                      waived this offer of compromise.
    After New Jersey held their                imposes no such requirement), the Court
    CSATs countable (thereby making them               saw no risk of irreparable harm because
    ineligible for Medicaid), plaintiffs sought        New Jersey ceased to require state
    to prove that New Jersey’s denial of               paybacks for CSATs post-1999 when it
    benefits would cause them “undue                   began to deem CSATs countable assets.
    hardship.” Under federal law, if denial            Finally, the Court confirmed that
    of Medicaid benefits to a claimant causes          plaintiffs must be afforded an
    undue hardship, the state must provide             opportunity for an undue hardship
    benefits, even though the claimant would           hearing (and that New Jersey had failed
    otherwise not be so entitled. Federal law          to promulgate procedures for such a
    requires states to establish hearing               hearing). However, because New Jersey
    procedures by which individuals can                conceded its obligation and had
    present their undue hardship claims. But           committed to promulgating regulations
    at that time New Jersey had not                    for hearings, the Court held that its
    promulgated these procedures, leaving              failure to do so thus far posed no risk of
    plaintiffs without any administrative              irreparable harm. Judge Bassler left
    avenue for undue hardship relief.                  open the possibility that plaintiffs could
    return to federal court if New Jersey
    As a result of these circumstances,       failed to implement its promised
    plaintiffs filed suit in the District Court.       procedures.
    They challenged, inter alia, New Jersey’s
    determination that their CSATs are                        In the meantime, despite the
    countable resources, the state-payback             absence of officially promulgated
    requirement for CSATs deemed not                   procedures, New Jersey offered plaintiffs
    countable, and New Jersey’s failure to             the opportunity to plead undue hardship
    promulgate procedures for undue                    in conformity with federally mandated
    hardship hearings required by federal              standards. The State sent “amended”
    law. The District Court (per Judge                 denial letters to plaintiffs in December
    Bassler) denied relief and dismissed               1999 notifying them of their right to
    certain of their claims (though both               apply for an undue hardship exception.
    actions were without prejudice in part).           Plaintiffs declined to do so, however.5
    First, it held plaintiffs’ CSATs countable
    under federal law. Second, although the
    Court believed that New Jersey’s state-               5
    Plaintiffs’ counsel asked New Jersey
    payback requirement violates federal law           by letter on January 11, 2000 to “send . . .
    by imposing M edicaid eligibility criteria         the undue hardship policy provision
    more stringent than those imposed by the           contained in the New Jersey State
    Medicaid Act (i.e., that Medicaid                  Medicaid Plan” that implements the
    claimants with CSATs name New Jersey               federal mandate to afford undue hardship
    first beneficiary, when federal law                hearings. He said that, “[u]pon receipt of
    In 2001, New Jersey’s undue-              determining their eligibility, it should be
    hardship regulations became effective.           equitably estopped from applying its new
    Plaintiffs believe those regulations are         CSAT countability policy to plaintiffs.
    inadequate, however, because they fail to        The Court reasoned that equitable
    specify a time in which the State must           estoppel will rarely lie against
    hold a hearing, thereby violating a              governmental entities. Moreover, Judge
    federal Medicaid regulation requiring a          Cavanaugh rejected plaintiffs’ state-
    “timely process for determining whether          payback argument, though for different
    an undue hardship waiver will be                 reasons than did Judge Bassler. Judge
    granted.” Health Care Financing                  Cavanaugh found no evidence that New
    Administration (now Centers for                  Jersey any longer requires state paybacks
    Medicare & Medicaid                              for CSATs. However, in disagreement
    Services)(“HCFA”) Transmittal No. 64 §           with Judge Bassler, Judge Cavanaugh
    3259.8C.                                         held that state paybacks are consistent
    with federal policy disfavoring Medicaid
    Plaintiffs returned to the District       claimants’ attempts to shelter assets and
    Court. This time the Court (with Judge           thus do not violate federal law. Finally,
    Cavanaugh now presiding) denied their            the Court disagreed with plaintiffs that
    motion for, inter alia, injunctive relief        New Jersey’s newly promulgated undue
    and dismissed their complaint. It again          hardship hearing provisions were
    held plaintiffs’ CSATs countable in              deficient for their failure explicitly to
    determining Medicaid eligibility. It also        provide a time frame in which a hearing
    rejected their argument that, because            must be conducted. Rather, it held that
    New Jersey unduly delayed in                     the State had “substantially complied”
    with federal law’s mandate to provide for
    undue hardship hearing procedures.
    that information, my clients will file the
    undue hardship request.” As noted, New                  Plaintiffs appeal Judge
    Jersey had no formal procedures in place         Cavanaugh’s dismissal of their
    at that time, but rather was attempting to       complaint. 6 They raise essentially five
    accommodate plaintiffs’ complaint by             issues for our review 7 : (1) whether
    providing ad hoc procedures that would
    comply with federal law. Thus New
    Jersey had nothing to send plaintiffs.              6
    The District Court had jurisdiction
    Plaintiffs – presumably because they did         under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. We have
    not receive the then-nonexistent                 jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §
    provisions – never provided New Jersey           1291.
    with the information necessary to
    determine whether they were entitled to              These are questions of statutory
    an undue hardship exception.                     interpretation, over which we exercise
    CSATs are countable assets for M edicaid                  As this is a question of statutory
    eligibility purposes; (2) whether in any          interpretation,8 we begin (and end) our
    event New Jersey should be estopped               inquiry with the relevant statute, 42
    from treating plaintiffs’ CSATs as                U.S.C. § 1396p(d)(3)(B). That provision
    countable assets because they delayed             provides, in subsection (i), that “[i]n the
    unduly in determining plaintiffs’                 case of an irrevocable trust -- if there are
    Medicaid eligibility (or alternatively            any circumstances under which payment
    whether the District Court should hold a          from the trust could be made to or for the
    hearing on plaintiffs’ estoppel claim); (3)       benefit of the individual [the
    whether New Jersey’s state-payback                institutionalized spouse whose assets are
    requirement pre-1999 for CSATs violates           used to establish the trust], the portion of
    federal law; (4) whether New Jersey’s             the corpus from which, or the income on
    state-payback requirement for the                 the corpus from which, payment to the
    commercial annuity option offered to              individual could be made shall be
    plaintiffs violates federal law; and (5)          considered resources available to the
    whether the undue hardship regulations            individual . . . .” Both parties agree that
    of New Jersey violate federal law by              CSATs are irrevocable trusts. They are
    failing explicitly to provide a time by           generally funded with marital assets
    which it must hold a hearing. Plaintiffs          (assets that belong to both spouses).
    also seek attorneys’ fees.                        Moreover, CSATs are designed so that
    the corpus and the income on the corpus
    II. Discussion                       will provide the community spouse a
    stream of payments. Once the
    community spouse receives these
    A. Countability of CSATs                          payments, there is nothing preventing her
    or him from sharing them with the
    New Jersey deemed plaintiffs               institutionalized spouse as well. Section
    ineligible for Medicaid benefits because,         1396p(d)(3)(B)(i) thus squarely covers
    when the capital in their CSATs was
    taken into account, they had assets
    exceeding a level qualifying them for                8
    We note that there is some question
    Medicaid. Plaintiffs argue that New               “whether third parties may sue to enforce
    Jersey should not have considered their           Spending Clause legislation [such as
    CSATs as countable assets.                        provisions of the Medicaid Act].”
    Pharmaceutical Research & Mfrs. of Am.
    v. Walsh, 
    123 S. Ct. 1855
    , 1878 (2003)
    (Thomas, J., concurring) (citations
    plenary review. Moody v. Sec. Pac. Bus.           omitted). However, as neither party
    Credit, Inc., 
    971 F.2d 1056
    , 1063 (3d             raises this issue on appeal, we have no
    Cir. 1992).                                       occasion to decide it.
    CSATs – as “circumstances [exist] under              we affirm the District Court ruling that
    which payment from the trust could be                plaintiffs’ CSAT assets are countable
    made to or for the benefit of” the                   resources.
    institutionalized spouse – and deems
    them countable resources.9 Accordingly,              B. Equitable Estoppel
    Plaintiffs argue that New Jersey
    Indeed, an interpretive letter from an          “stalled” their Medicaid applications for
    HHS employee supports our analysis.                  eight to eighteen months to allow the
    On April 16, 1998, Robert A. Streimer,               State to make a “policy change”
    with the Disabled and Elderly Health                 regarding CSATs’ countability. As a
    Programs Group of HHS’s Center for                   result, plaintiffs assert that we should
    Medicaid and State Operations, wrote to              equitably estop New Jersey from
    an attorney in Virginia who inquired                 attempting to apply its new CSAT
    about the treatment of her client’s trust.           countability rule to plaintiffs or at least
    According to the letter, the Virginia                order the District Court to hold a hearing
    Department of Social Services denied her             and allow discovery on this claim.
    client Medicaid benefits because, when
    the trust’s corpus was counted as an                          We decline to do either.
    eligible resource, the client had assets in          “[E]quitable estoppel will not lie against
    excess of a M edicaid-qualifying level.              the Government as it lies against private
    Streimer opined that Virginia’s                      litigants.” Office of Personnel Mgmt. v.
    determination was correct. He reasoned               Richmond, 
    496 U.S. 414
    , 419 (1990). In
    that the trust “falls under the jurisdiction         Richmond, even though a federal
    of [§ 1396p(d)] if the trust was                     employee provided misinformation to the
    established by either member of the                  plaintiff (on which he relied to his
    couple, using at least some of the                   detriment), the Supreme Court declined
    Medicaid applicant’s assets.” Second,                equitably to estop the Government. 
    Id. at because
    “the trust . . . is an irrevocable
    trust, the corpus of which can be paid at
    some point in time to the community                  commercial annuities would not be
    spouse[,] . . . the corpus . . . is considered       countable resources. Because, as will be
    as an available resource to the                      discussed below, the countability of
    beneficiary, and thus must be included as            commercial annuities is not a question
    a countable resource in determining                  raised in plaintiffs’ complaint, we need
    Medicaid eligibility for the                         not decide whether the Streimer letter’s
    institutionalized spouse.” The Streimer              position on the countability of
    letter went on to draw a distinction                 commercial annuities – a position
    between irrevocable (private) trusts and             conflicting with New Jersey’s – is
    commercial annuities, suggesting that                correct.
    433-34. In a case more than a century              trusts, see § 1396p(d)(4)(A)-(C), 11
    before, The Floyd Acceptances, the Court           Congress knew how to specify state
    similarly held that the Government could           payback when it wanted; that it did not
    not be compelled to honor bills of                 do so for spousal trusts indicates that it
    exchange issued by a government official           did not intend to permit states to seek
    where there was no statutory authority             payback for CSATs. New Jersey
    for the issuance of the bills. 
    74 U.S. 666
    ,        counters that this issue is now moot
    682-83 (1868). An analogous principle              because it considers CSATs countable
    applies here: because, as discussed, there         and therefore no longer imposes this
    is no statutory authority (federal or state)       condition. W e agree with New Jersey.
    for treating CSAT assets as not
    countable, New Jersey should not be                        As background, § 1396p(d)(3)
    estopped from treating them as                     instructs states how to treat trusts for
    countable. While the Richmond Court                Medicaid eligibility purposes.
    left open the possibility that some kind of        Previously, when New Jersey considered
    “‘affirmative misconduct’ might give rise          CSATs noncountable, it presumably
    to estoppel against the Government,”               believed them to be governed by §
    plaintiffs allege no affirmative                   1396p(d)(3)(B)(ii), which addresses
    misconduct here. Richmond, 496 U.S. at             irrevocable trusts when no income or
    421 (citations omitted). In this context,          principal from the trust “could under any
    the District Court was correct in                  circumstances be made to the individual
    eschewing the estoppel of New Jersey’s             [establishing the trust].” That section
    countability rule.10                               provides that these trusts “shall be
    considered . . . to be assets disposed by
    C. State-payback requirement for                   the individual for purposes of subsection
    CSATs                                              (c) of this section [imposing a penalty on
    transfers of assets].” The creation of a
    Plaintiffs challenge New Jersey’s           CSAT results in a transfer of marital
    state-payback requirement for CSATs.               assets to the community spouse. See §
    They argue that no provision of the                1396p(c)(3). Thus, absent some
    Medicaid Act allows a state to seek                exception, even though a CSAT is
    payback from a community spouse’s                  noncountable it still is subject to §
    estate. Moreover, because § 1396p
    requires state payback for other types of
    10                                                 11
    As there is no need in this case for               The trusts provided for in this
    any hearing (including discovery), the             section are known as special-needs,
    District Court’s refusal to conduct a              “Miller,” and pooled trusts, and are not
    hearing is also affirmed.                          implicated in this case.
    1396p(c)’s transfer penalty.12 Section              payback issue plaintiffs assert is moot
    1396p(c)(2)(B)(i), however, exempts                 with respect to CSATs.
    transfers from penalty when made “for
    the sole benefit of the individual’s                D. Commercial annuity option offered
    spouse.” In M edicaid parlance, this is             to plaintiffs
    known as an “SBO transfer.” New
    Jersey conditioned application of the                       Plaintiffs argue that the
    SBO exception to the § 1396p(c) transfer            commercial annuity option New Jersey
    penalty by defining an SBO transfer to              offered them – whereby New Jersey
    include when the State is named first               would deem commercial annuities
    beneficiary of the trust to the extent of           noncountable assets so long as they
    benefits paid on behalf of the                      provided for state payback – violates
    institutionalized spouse. N.J. Admin.               federal law for the same reasons
    Code tit. 10, § 71-4.10(f). In layman’s             discussed above. New Jersey responds
    language, transfers of assets by the                that because plaintiffs did not raise this
    institutionalized spouse for the sole               issue in their complaint (i.e., plaintiffs
    benefit of the community spouse are not             only raised the issue with respect to
    penalized for Medicaid eligibility,                 CSATs), it is not properly before us.
    according to New Jersey, if it has first
    call on those trust assets equal to the                     We agree that plaintiffs take issue
    Medicaid benefits it pays to the                    too late. Moreover, at oral argument
    institutionalized spouse.                           New Jersey made clear that its offer to
    treat any commercial annuities plaintiffs
    Because New Jersey no longer                 might purchase as noncountable (so long
    requires state paybacks for CSATs, we
    have no occasion to decide whether it
    had the authority to define an SBO                  of a commercial annuity) contrary to
    transfer in this manner. 13 Thus the state-         New Jersey’s view that SBO transfers
    can include it as a beneficiary. See letter
    dated September 26, 2002, from Thomas
    The “transfer penalty” is a period of          E. Hamilton, Director of the Disabled
    ineligibility for Medicaid benefits.                and Elderly Health Programs Group of
    HHS’s Centers for Medicare and
    Although § 71-4.10(f) is no longer             Medicaid Services, to Donald M.
    applied by New Jersey with respect to               McHugh, Esq. (one of plaintiffs’ counsel
    CSATs, it apparently is still in effect, and        in this case). Interestingly, the Hamilton
    thus presumably contemplates state                  letter, notwithstanding § 71-4.10(f),
    paybacks in non-CSAT contexts.                      refers to New Jersey’s interpretation as a
    We also note in this regard that             “policy, rather than state statute or
    HHS has taken a position (in the context            regulation.”
    as they named New Jersey as first                  hardship” determinations. Section
    beneficiary) was intended to be a                  3259.8A provides that “[u]ndue hardship
    settlement available to the plaintiffs, not        exists when application of the trust
    a policy generally applicable to all               provisions would deprive the individual
    Medicaid claimants. New Jersey need                of medical care such that his/her health
    not have offered this compromise to                or his/her life would be endangered [or]
    plaintiffs, and instead could have chosen          when application of the trust provisions
    to treat countable assets in any annuities         would deprive the individual of food,
    (whether private or commercial)                    clothing, shelter, or other necessities of
    plaintiffs purchased. Regardless,                  life.” While states have “considerable
    plaintiffs rejected this settlement, and           flexibility in deciding the circumstances
    New Jersey tells us it is no longer on the         under which [they] will not count funds
    table. Thus, not only was this issue not           in trusts . . . because of undue hardship,”
    properly pled, it is moot as well.                 the regulation requires that states, “at a
    minimum, provide for: [1] [n]otice to
    E. Undue Hardship Hearing                          recipients that an undue hardship
    exception exists; [2] [a] timely process
    Section 1396p(d)(5) requires               for determining whether an undue
    states to afford otherwise ineligible              hardship waiver will be granted; [and]
    claimants Medicaid benefits if “undue              [3] [a] process under which an adverse
    hardship” would result from the failure            determination can be appealed.” §
    to provide benefits.14 The relevant                3259.8C. Moreover, a state’s “undue
    Medicaid regulation, § 3259.8 of HCFA              hardship provision must discuss how [the
    Transmittal No. 64, sets standards for             state] will meet these requirements.” 
    Id. states to
    apply in making “undue
    Plaintiffs’ arguments have
    necessarily shifted through the course of
    42 U.S.C. § 1396p(d)(5) provides              this case because, before seeking relief
    that “[t]he State agency [responsible for          initially in the District Court, New Jersey
    administering Medicaid] shall establish            had not promulgated procedures under
    procedures (in accordance with standards           which Medicaid claimants could seek
    specified by the Secretary) under which            undue hardship hearings in accordance
    the agency waives the application of this          with § 1396p(d)(5) of the Medicaid Act
    subsection [relating to “[t]reatment of            and § 3259.8 of Transmittal No. 64.
    trust amounts”] with respect to an                 However, after the hearing before Judge
    individual if the individual establishes           Bassler, New Jersey implemented the
    that such application would work an                long-promised undue hardship
    undue hardship on the individual as                regulations. See N.J. Admin. Code tit.
    determined on the basis of criteria                10, § 71:4.11(i). According to plaintiffs,
    established by the Secretary.”                     however, New Jersey’s regulations do
    not fully comply with federal law. They            2001, this chronology is irrelevant. 15
    argued before Judge Cavanaugh – and                What is important is that (the lack of
    now before us – that New Jersey’s                  formal regulations notwithstanding) New
    regulations do not specify within what             Jersey offered plaintiffs the opportunity
    time period the State will afford an               to apply for an undue hardship hearing,
    undue hardship hearing and thus do not             as federal law requires. For whatever
    “discuss how [New Jersey] will meet”               reason, plaintiffs chose not to seek a
    Transmittal No. 64's “timely process”              hearing for undue hardship at that time.
    requirement. This failure, plaintiffs              Thus they have suffered no injury (and
    argue, violates federal law.                       indeed have no basis to believe that New
    Jersey would not have timely processed
    New Jersey responds that                   their request). 16 As a consequence,
    plaintiffs are without standing to                 plaintiffs are without standing.
    complain about the lack of an explicit
    timeliness clause in its regulation                F. Attorneys’ fees
    because plaintiffs have not availed
    themselves of the offered undue hardship                   Because plaintiffs have not
    remedy and thus have suffered no injury            received a favorable judgment on any of
    as a result of the lack of an explicit             their claims – either in the District Court
    timeliness provision in § 71:4.11(i). On
    the merits, New Jersey also argues that
    neither § 1396p(d)(5) nor § 3259.8 of                 15
    We recognize that plaintiffs could
    Transmittal No. 64 requires states to
    not receive an undue hardship hearing
    include an express timeliness provision.
    under § 71-4.11(i) today. This provision
    requires claimants to apply for an undue
    We agree with New Jersey that
    hardship waiver “within 20 days of
    plaintiffs lack standing because they
    notification of the denial of eligibility or
    have suffered no injury related to §
    termination of benefits,” a period long-
    71:4.11(i)’s lack of an explicit timeliness
    passed. But as discussed, New Jersey
    provision. Plaintiffs conceded both in
    offered plaintiffs the opportunity to seek
    their brief and at oral argument that New
    an undue hardship hearing in December
    Jersey notified them of their right to an
    1999. Having done so, it followed
    undue hardship hearing in December
    federal law.
    1999 and required them to submit “the
    reasons and all documentation that you                16
    Had plaintiffs sought a hearing, and
    believe gives rise to an undue hardship . .        had New Jersey delayed unduly in
    . to the county welfare agency within 20           providing them a hearing or otherwise
    day[s] of this letter.” While these notices        not complied with federal standards for
    were sent out before New Jersey’s undue            such a hearing, they would have had
    hardship regulations became effective in           standing.
    or here – they are not entitled to
    attorneys’ fees. Cf. Buckhannon Bd. and
    Care Home, Inc. v. West Virginia Dep’t
    of Health & Human Resources, 
    532 U.S. 598
    , 600 (2001) (party that failed to win
    on the merits by judgment or consent
    decree, yet obtained result it sought by
    defendant’s voluntary change, is not a
    prevailing party entitled to attorney’s
    fees and costs).
    We hold that CSATs are
    countable resources for Medicaid
    eligibility purposes and decline (a) to
    estop New Jersey from treating
    plaintiffs’ CSAT assets as countable or
    (b) to require the District Court to hold a
    hearing on the issue. Moreover, we hold
    that plaintiffs’ claims with respect to
    state paybacks are moot both as to
    CSATs and commercial annuities, and
    they are without standing to attack New
    Jersey’s undue hardship regulations.
    Finally, because plaintiffs do not prevail
    on the merits, they have no claim for
    attorneys’ fees.