Stephanie Tarapchak v. County of Lackawanna ( 2018 )

  •                                                         NOT PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 17-3565
    of Lackawanna County Prison Home Detention Program
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civ. No. 3-15-cv-02078)
    District Judge: Honorable Mark A. Kearney
    Submitted Pursuant to Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)
    June 18, 2018
    Before: VANASKIE, COWEN and NYGAARD, Circuit Judges
    (Opinion filed: June 19, 2018)
    This disposition is not an opinion of the full Court and pursuant to I.O.P. 5.7 does not
    constitute binding precedent.
    Stephanie Tarapchak appeals from orders of the District Court granting
    Lackawanna County’s Rule 50(a) motion for judgment as a matter of law and denying
    her Rule 59(e) motion for reconsideration and a new trial. For the reasons that follow, we
    will affirm.
    On January 2, 2014, Tarapchak was arrested on criminal charges stemming from
    the operation of her medical practice and detained at the Lackawanna County Prison on
    $100,000 bail.1 Lackawanna County Court of Common Pleas Judge Vito P. Geroulo
    reduced Tarapchak’s bail and ordered that she be placed in the Lackawanna County
    House Arrest Program while out on bail. In his May 5, 2014 Order, Judge Geroulo
    warned that “[v]iolations of House Arrest regulations will result in termination from the
    programs and further result in re-incarceration in the Lackawanna County Prison.” The
    Order further advised Tarapchak that, pursuant to 61 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 2141,2 “if
    you fail to abide by all conditions set forth by the House Arrest Programs or fail to return
    to Official Detention, a Bench Warrant will be issued for your arrest and Escape Felony
    Charges will be filed.” Last, the Order provided that it would “serve as a temporary
    Bench Warrant until Formal Charges for Escape are filed by the County District
    Tarapchak eventually was convicted in the Schuylkill County Court of Common Pleas
    and sentenced on March 10, 2016 to a term of imprisonment of 7½-15 years.
    This statute actually was repealed in 2008 and replaced by 42 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. §
    9813. See Commonwealth. v. Flaherty, 
    89 A.3d 286
    , 289 (Pa. Super. Ct. 2014). Section
    9813 concerns work release for sentenced prisoners; subparagraph (c) specifically
    provides that, if the offender violates the conditions of work release, “the order of court
    may be revoked or modified at any time with notice to the prisoner.” 
     at § 9813(c).
    During the relevant time period Tarapchak was a pretrial detainee, not a sentenced
    Attorney’s Office.” Tarapchak remained in the House Arrest program without incident
    from May 5, 2014 to October 22, 2014.
    Pursuant to the terms of her release to the House Arrest Program, Tarapchak was
    permitted to be away from her residence from 3:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. On October 23,
    2014, her electronic monitoring device indicated that she left her residence at 5:17 p.m.
    but did not return until just after midnight the next day. On October 23, 2014, Tarapchak
    appeared at the House Arrest facility and essentially admitted that she had violated the
    conditions of the House Arrest Program the previous evening. Patrick Lynn, the Director
    of the Lackawanna County House Arrest program, accordingly charged her with a
    misconduct and she was remanded to the Lackawanna County Prison.
    The next day, October 24, Director Lynn and Correctional Officer Julie Kelly
    conducted a misconduct hearing; Tarapchak declined to participate. Director Lynn wrote
    a misconduct hearing report (dated the same day), and in it he recommended that
    Tarapchak “remain incarcerated in the Lackawanna County Prison pending action by the
    Attorney General Office.” Director Lynn then wrote to Judge Geroulo on October 27,
    2014, stating that Tarapchak had been terminated from the House Arrest Program due to
    a “Program Violation: Unauthorized Departure and Unauthorized Sites,” and
    recommending that she remain in the Lackawanna County Prison. In the meantime, on
    October 24, and thus the day after Tarapchak was re-incarcerated, the Pennsylvania
    Attorney General’s Office faxed a motion to revoke Tarapchak’s bail to her criminal
    defense attorney and to Judge Geroulo. We note that state criminal Rule 150 requires
    that a hearing on a bail revocation motion take place before a judicial officer within 72
    hours of re-incarceration. Pa. R. Crim. P. 150(A)(5)(b). A hearing before a judicial
    officer on the Attorney General’s motion to revoke Tarapchak’s bail did not take place
    until November 7, 2014, fifteen (15) days after she was re-incarcerated.
    On October 27, 2015, Tarapchak filed a civil action in the United States District
    Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, against Lackawanna County; the
    Pennsylvania Attorney General and an Assistant Attorney General; a United States
    Magistrate Judge; three individual judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna
    County, including Judge Geroulo; the Warden of the Lackawanna Prison; counsel for the
    Lackawanna County Prison; Director Lynn; a Lackawanna County Public Defender; and
    Conflict Counsel for the Lackawanna County Public Defender’s Office, alleging
    violations of her civil rights, 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , in connection with her pre-trial and post-
    trial detention at the Lackawanna County Prison.3 Joseph Pilchesky, a non-lawyer,
    sought standing as a “next friend.” After Tarapchak filed a second amended complaint,
    the defendants moved to dismiss it.
    On March 24, 2016, the District Court denied Mr. Pilchesky’s application for
    “next friend” standing and granted most of the defendants’ motions to dismiss. The
    Court denied in part Lackawanna County’s and Director Lynn’s motions “as to the
    Fourteenth Amendment due process claim relating only to the extended pretrial detention
    due to the alleged failure to timely schedule the statutory hearing … as … Tarapchak
    Pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 292
    (b), our Chief Judge designated and assigned the Honorable
    Mark Kearney of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    to hear the matter.
    states a potential claim for Director Lynn’s individual liability and Lackawanna County’s
    Monell liability4 subject to review after discovery.” Tarapchak was directed to file a
    Third Amended Complaint focusing on her due process claim against Lackawanna
    County and Director Lynn. In her Third Amended Complaint, Tarapchak contended that,
    “[a]lthough arrested for a bail violation, [she] didn’t get her mandatory bail violation
    hearing before a judicial officer within (72) hours as mandated by Pa. Code 234 § 150 et
    seq., instead, she was subjected to Lackawanna County’s longstanding, non-judicial
    “Custom and Practice” … of managing some bail violations without a judicial officer….”
    Third Amended Complaint, at 2. In citing to “Pa. Code 234 § 150” it appears that
    Tarapchak was referring to state criminal Rules 536 and 150. Rule 536 provides:
    When a violation of a condition [of bail] occurs, the bail authority may
    issue a bench warrant for the defendant’s arrest. When the bench warrant is
    executed, the bench warrant proceedings shall be conducted pursuant to
    Rule 150.
    Pa. R. Crim. P. 536.
    After answering the Third Amended Complaint, both Director Lynn and
    Lackawanna County moved for summary judgment, Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a), and submitted
    supporting briefs and documents. Lackawanna County argued that summary judgment in
    its favor was warranted because a bench warrant did not actually issue in Tarapchak’s
    case and thus criminal Rules 536 and Rule 150 did not apply to her circumstances.
    Director Lynn, on the other hand, conceded in his summary judgment motion that
    Tarapchak’s interest in remaining in home confinement status while on bail was protected
    Monell v. Dep’t of Social Services, 
    436 U.S. 658
    by the Fourteenth Amendment and that the hearing of November 7, 2014 conducted on
    the bail revocation motion did not take place within the Rule 150 time-frame. He argued,
    however, that the scheduling of hearings on bail revocation motions was not a process
    over which he exercised any control; that Rule 150 contemplates that the President Judge
    of the Court of Common Pleas will establish procedures for the monitoring of the time
    that individuals are detained pending their bench warrant hearings; and that he was
    diligent in notifying Judge Geroulo of the execution of the bench warrant in Tarapchak’s
    case. In the alternative, he argued that he was qualifiedly immunized from a § 1983 suit
    for damages.
    On November 10, 2016, the District Court granted Director Lynn’s motion for
    summary judgment and denied Lackawanna County’s motion for summary judgment. In
    pertinent part, the District Court determined that Judge Geroulo’s May 5 Order operated
    as a bench warrant and thus that Rule 150’s hearing before a judicial officer within 72
    hours requirement applied; that the judges of the Lackawanna County Court of Common
    Pleas are responsible for scheduling bail revocation hearings; and that Director Lynn’s
    misconduct hearing, although it was held within 72 hours, lacked adequate procedural
    protections. The case was scheduled for trial and Tarapchak moved for appointment of
    counsel to assist her in prosecuting her case against the County. The District Court
    granted the motion but then was unable to secure counsel after having contacted over ten
    attorneys, see Docket Entry No. 274.
    The District Court eventually ordered Tarapchak to proceed at trial pro se. She
    did so, but was unable to present sufficient evidence to show that the County was liable
    for the alleged procedural due process violation. The County moved for judgment as a
    matter of law, Fed. R. Civ. P. 50(a), following the close of Tarapchak’s case, and, in an
    order entered on May 17, 2017, the District Court granted the motion. Tarapchak then
    sought reconsideration and a new trial, Fed. R. Civ. P. 59(e), arguing that inadequate
    discovery and her lack of counsel had prejudiced her case. In an order entered on
    October 23, 2017, the District Court denied Tarapchak’s motion, concluding, in pertinent
    part, that there had been no abuse of discretion in requiring her to proceed pro se. The
    District Court noted Tarapchak’s ability to present her arguments without the assistance
    of counsel, that it had tried zealously but without success to find her pro bono counsel,
    that there were no discovery violations, and that the trial was conducted in a fair manner.
    Tarapchak appeals pro se. We have jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . We may
    affirm the judgment of the District Court on any basis which finds support in the record.
    See Bernitsky v. United States, 
    620 F.2d 948
    , 950 (3d Cir. 1980). In her Informal Brief
    on appeal, Tarapchak argues that the District Court erred in failing to appoint counsel
    prior to the trial and that the absence of a lawyer substantially prejudiced her case. She
    further contends that the District Court erred in granting the County’s Rule 50 motion for
    judgment as a matter of law and in denying her Rule 59 motion.
    We exercise plenary review of an order granting a motion for judgment as a matter
    of law under Rule 50. See Lightning Lube, Inc. v. Witco Corp, 
    4 F.3d 1153
    , 1166 (3d
    Cir. 1993). “Such a motion should be granted only if, viewing the evidence in the light
    most favorable to the nonmovant and giving it the advantage of every fair and reasonable
    inference, there is insufficient evidence from which a jury reasonably could find
     In deciding whether appointment of counsel is warranted, courts consider
    as a threshold matter whether the appeal has arguable merit in fact or law. Tabron v.
    6 F.3d 147
    , 155 (3d Cir. 1993). Courts also consider the litigant’s ability to
    present her case and the difficulty of the particular legal issues presented. 
    Id. at 156
    To make out a prima facie case under § 1983, the plaintiff must demonstrate that a
    person acting under color of law deprived her of a federal right. See Groman v.
    Township of Manalapan, 
    47 F.3d 628
    , 633 (3d Cir. 1995). The Due Process Clause
    protects against the extended detention of a criminal defendant without a hearing before a
    judicial officer to contest the validity of the detention. See Gerstein v. Pugh, 
    420 U.S. 103
    , 114 (1975). In Baker v. McCollan, 
    443 U.S. 137
     (1979), the Supreme Court held
    that no constitutional deprivation occurred where the arrest was made pursuant to a valid
    warrant, and the plaintiff was jailed for three days over a New Year’s weekend before
    being released, but the Court suggested that the lawfulness of “detention pursuant to a
    valid warrant ... will after the lapse of a certain amount of time deprive the accused of
    liberty without due process of law.” 
    Id. at 145
    . The Supreme Court has further held that
    due process requires that courts hold parole revocation hearings within a reasonable time
    after arrest. Morrissey v. Brewer, 
    408 U.S. 471
    , 488 (1972). Although both bail and
    parole are conditional liberties, a bailee has a greater liberty interest because, unlike a
    parolee, a bailee has not been convicted and the presumption of innocence still applies.
    Pennsylvania criminal Rule 150 provides for the required procedures “when a
    bench warrant is executed.” Pa. R. Crim. P. 150(A). It provides that:
    When a defendant … is arrested pursuant to a bench warrant, he or she shall
    be taken without unnecessary delay for a hearing on the bench warrant.
    The hearing shall be conducted by the judicial officer who issued the bench
    warrant, or, another judicial officer designated by the president judge or by
    the president judge’s designee to conduct bench warrant hearings.
    Pa. R. Crim. P. 150(A)(1). Subparagraph (A)(5)(b) of Rule 150 provides that “the
    individual shall not be detained without a bench warrant hearing on that bench warrant
    longer than 72 hours, or the close of the next business day if the 72 hours expires on a
    non-business day.” We assume arguendo that Rule 150, with its requirement that a bail
    revocation hearing be held before a judicial officer within 72 hours, satisfies federal
    constitutional due process requirements.
    Here, it is undisputed that a hearing before a judicial officer on the Attorney
    General’s motion to revoke Tarapchak’s bail did not take place until November 7, 2014,
    fifteen (15) days after she was re-incarcerated. It is further undisputed that Director Lynn
    is not a judicial officer.5 He testified at trial that his misconduct hearings are
    administrative proceedings and not bail revocation hearings; and that a misconduct
    hearing is merely a chance for the individual to tell her side of the story for the report he
    sends to the judge. Thus, a claim for nominal damages may be stated.6 Nevertheless, we
    agree with the District Court that there was insufficient evidence to show that
    A “judicial officer” is a judge. Cf. Pa. R. Crim. P. 150(B) (“As used in this rule,
    ‘judicial officer’ is limited to the magisterial district judge or common pleas court judge
    who issued the bench warrant, or the magisterial district judge or common pleas court
    judge designated by the president judge or by the president judge’s designee to conduct
    bench warrant hearings….”
    Presumably, Tarapchak received credit for time served between October 23, 2014 and
    the date she was sentenced.
    Lackawanna County is liable for the alleged procedural due process violation.
    Lackawanna County cannot be held liable for the unconstitutional acts of its employees
    on a theory of respondeat superior. See Monell, 
    436 U.S. at 691
    . Therefore, Tarapchak
    must prove that the violation of her rights was caused by either a policy or a custom of
    the County. See Berg v. County of Allegheny, 
    219 F.3d 261
    , 275 (3d Cir. 2000) (per
    curiam). Once a § 1983 plaintiff identifies a municipal policy or custom, she must
    “demonstrate that, through its deliberate conduct, the municipality was the moving force
    behind the injury alleged.” Board of County Commissioners of Bryan County v. Brown,
    520 U.S. 397
    , 404 (1997) (internal quotation marks removed). If the policy or custom
    does not facially violate federal law, causation can be established by “demonstrat[ing]
    that the municipal action was taken with ‘deliberate indifference’ as to its known or
    obvious consequences.” 
    Id. at 407
     (quoting City of Canton v. Harris, 
    489 U.S. 378
    , 388
    (1989)). “Failure to adequately screen or train municipal employees can be considered
    deliberate indifference where the failure has caused a pattern of violations.” Berg, 
    219 F.3d at 276
    Tarapchak attempted to prove that the County failed to adequately screen and train
    Director Lynn, but no evidence showed nor could have shown that Lackawanna County
    through its deliberate conduct was the moving force behind the injury alleged where the
    judges of the Lackawanna County Court of Common Pleas are responsible for the timely
    scheduling of bail revocation hearings. There was no proof whatever that Director Lynn
    was masquerading as a judicial officer or that Lackawanna County has any control over
    the scheduling of timely bail revocation hearings.7 Accordingly, the District Court
    properly granted judgment to the County pursuant to Rule 50. Insofar as the Court was
    unable to locate counsel willing to take Tarapchak’s case, there was no error in declining
    to appoint counsel to represent her. Tarapchak’s motion for reconsideration and a new
    trial pursuant to Rule 59 was properly denied. See Max’s Seafood Café v. Quinteros, 
    176 F.3d 669
    , 673 (3d Cir. 1999).
    For the foregoing reasons, we will affirm the orders of the District Court granting
    Lackawanna County’s Rule 50 motion for judgment as a matter of law and denying
    Tarapchak’s Rule 59 motion for reconsideration and a new trial.
    Any claim against the President Judge and/or the Lackawanna County Court of
    Common Pleas is precluded by the Eleventh Amendment, which immunizes
    Pennsylvania, its agencies, and its employees acting in their official capacities, from suits
    brought pursuant to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     in federal court, see Pennhurst State School &
    Hosp. v. Halderman, 
    465 U.S. 89
    , 100 (1984); Laskaris v. Thornburgh, 
    661 F.2d 23
    , 25
    (3d Cir. 1981). The Lackawanna County Court of Common Pleas is part of
    Pennsylvania’s unified judicial system and all courts in the unified judicial system are
    part of the Commonwealth and are entitled to Eleventh Amendment immunity. See
    Haybarger v. Lawrence County Adult Probation & Parole, 
    551 F.3d 193
    , 198 (3d Cir.
    2008). Furthermore, “all components of the judicial branch of the Pennsylvania
    government are state entities and thus are not persons for section 1983 purposes.”
    Callahan v. City of Philadelphia, 
    207 F.3d 668
    , 674 (3d Cir. 2000). See also Will v.
    Michigan Dep’t of State Police, 
    491 U.S. 58
     (1989) (“[A] State is not a ‘person’ within
    the meaning of § 1983.”). None of the exceptions to Eleventh Amendment immunity
    would apply here because Pennsylvania has not consented to suit in federal court, see 1
    Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 2310; 42 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 8521(b).