Miller v. Cigna Corporation ( 1994 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1994 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Miller v. Cigna Corporation
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 93-1773
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    N0. 93-1773
    On Appeal From the United States District Court
    For the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civil Action No. 92-05751)
    Argued March 28, 1994
    (Opinion Filed June 28, l994 )
    Stephanie A. Middleton (Argued)
    Gregory B. Tobin
    One Liberty Place, 52nd Floor
    1650 Market Street
    P.O. Box 7716
    Philadelphia, PA 19101
    Attorneys for Appellees
    CIGNA Corporation and
    Insurance Company of North America
    Alice W. Ballard (Argued)
    Lynn Malmgren
    Samuel & Ballard
    225 South 15th Street
    Suite 1700
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Attorneys for Appellant
    STAPLETON, Circuit Judge:
    Defendant Insurance Company of North America ["INA"]
    terminated plaintiff William J. Miller from his job after fifteen
    years of employment.1   Miller alleges that he was discriminated
    against on the basis of his age in violation of the Age
    Discrimination in Employment Act ["ADEA"], 29 U.S.C. §§ 621-34
    At trial, the district judge instructed the jury that
    it could return a verdict for Miller only if he proved that age
    was "the sole cause" of INA's decision.   After the jury returned
    a verdict in INA's favor, Miller appealed, asserting that the
    district court improperly charged the jury regarding his burden
    of proof.   We hold that in ADEA cases that do not qualify for a
    burden shifting charge under Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, 
    490 U.S. 228
    (1989), district courts should instruct the jury that
    At oral argument, the parties stipulated that INA was the
    plaintiff's employer at all times relevant to this appeal.   At
    trial, however, both INA and CIGNA Corp. were defendants.
    the plaintiff's burden is to prove that age played a role in the
    employer's decisionmaking process and that it had a determinative
    effect on the outcome of that process.   Since it is not necessary
    for the plaintiff to prove that age was the sole cause of the
    employer's decision, we conclude that Miller is entitled to a new
    Miller was hired in 1975 as an assistant to INA's Chief
    Financial Officer.   In that position, he directed INA's
    reinsurance operations at the Newark Reinsurance Company, created
    a financial processing service center, and directed the
    production of summary financial documents.   After serving as Vice
    President and Director of INA's Special Risk Facility, Miller was
    promoted to Senior Vice President, Field Operations.   He created
    a new organization, managed a $200 million budget, and supervised
    over 8,000 employees.   At this point in his career, Miller was
    compensated at pay grade sixty-one and his superior consistently
    evaluated his performance as exceeding expectations.
    After his promotion to Senior Vice President, Miller
    was asked to join a special team of other executives called
    IMPACT.   IMPACT's mission was to identify major strategic issues
    and market strategies for INA's Property and Casualty Division.
    Caleb Fowler, Chief Financial Officer of the Property and
    Casualty Division, and Richard Hoag, Chief of Human Resources,
    told Miller they would find him a permanent position at the
    conclusion of the project.   When IMPACT concluded in late 1984,
    Miller was assigned to a special project on reinsurance
    Upon completing the special project on reinsurance
    collection, Miller was appointed to the position of Senior Vice
    President of the Underwriting Division.    In this position, Miller
    managed four departments, handled complaints from agents and
    regulatory agencies, prepared state filings and annual budgets,
    and managed a $70 million annual budget.
    In late 1988, Miller's supervisor, Jack Morrison,
    advised Miller that he should search for another job, both inside
    and outside the company, because his position might be
    eliminated.   In March of 1989, Miller's position was eliminated.
    Miller's superior, Nord Bjorke, sent him to Richard Hoag to
    receive a special assignment reducing real estate costs in the
    Property and Casualty Division.
    One year later, Hoag informed Miller that, despite his
    success in reducing real estate costs, his position as "real
    estate czar" was being terminated.    Hoag advised Miller that he
    could assist Robert O'Neil, head of Real Estate in the Corporate
    Staff, with special projects.   In November of 1990, Miller was
    informed that this position was being eliminated and that he
    would be terminated at the end of December.   At the time he was
    terminated, Miller was fifty-eight years old and had been
    downgraded to pay grade fifty-nine.   At no time during 1990 was
    Miller informed about five vacancies at the company for which he
    might have applied.
    The first vacancy was for the position of Vice
    President, Filing and Regulation.    Defendant announced that
    Darrell DeMoss, age forty-two, had been selected.    Miller had not
    known of the position and contends that he was qualified for it
    because, as Senior Vice President, Finance and Administration, he
    supervised the Filing and Regulation function.    Defendant asserts
    that Miller was not considered because the position required
    legal analysis and Richard Franklin, the hiring manager for this
    position, decided to hire an attorney.    Miller notes, however,
    that his name was not included on the list of nonlawyer
    candidates who were considered but disqualified, and that the
    previous Vice President, Filing and Regulation, was not a lawyer.
    The second vacancy was in the position of General
    Manager of CIGNA Reinsurance Company, United Kingdom.    Among the
    desired qualifications were "[w]ork experience with either United
    Kingdom accounting practices or reinsurance accounting practices
    and principles . . . ."    App. at 712.   Miller asserts that this
    position involved the same responsibilities he had when he
    supervised the Newark Reinsurance Company.    James Godorecci, who
    was in charge of hiring for the position, acknowledged that he
    wrote the job qualifications with Michael Durkin, age thirty-
    five, in mind and that he never considered Miller for the
    position.    INA contends that Miller lacked the desired academic
    credentials, work experience and knowledge of United Kingdom
    accounting practices.
    The third vacancy was for the position of Senior Vice
    President, Finance Systems and Administration, in the Claims
    Department.   Qualifications desired for the position included:
    broad knowledge and experience in the Property and Casualty
    business; knowledge of financial measures and objectives;
    credibility and the ability to work with other managers; skill in
    influencing managers and implementing strategy; and effective
    verbal and written skills.   Miller contends he satisfied these
    requirements because of his management experience.    James Engle,
    the hiring manager for this position, testified Miller was not
    qualified because he did not have a strong math and statistical
    background, and was not familiar with loss control and
    statistical monitors.   The company asserts that Victor DiFelice,
    age thirty-eight, was better qualified for the job.
    The fourth vacancy, for the position of Head of
    Strategy Implementation, was filled by Ronald Peters, age forty-
    nine.   The company conceded that Miller was qualified for the
    job, but maintained that Peters was better qualified.
    The fifth vacancy was for the position of Vice
    President, Property and Casualty Marketing.   Hiring manager
    Thomas Cobb appointed Cynthia Cole-Dougherty, age thirty-eight.
    Job qualifications included an ability to conduct market studies,
    market research, competitive analyses and segmentation studies.
    INA asserts that, although Cynthia Cole-Dougherty did not have
    insurance experience, one of the primary considerations in the
    hiring decision was a desire to hire from outside both the
    company and the industry.
    During trial, the district judge asked counsel if
    Miller's was a "pretext" or "mixed motives" case.     This inquiry
    made reference to the distinction between employment
    discrimination cases in which the plaintiff seeks to carry his or
    her burden by showing that the employer's tendered reason for the
    challenged action is a pretext for discrimination2 and cases that
    qualify for a mixed motives, burden shifting instruction under
    Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, 
    490 U.S. 228
    .   Miller's counsel
    advised the district court that this was a "pretext" case. The
    district judge then "distribute[d] to counsel the questions [to
    be used] to submit the case to the jury. . . ."   App. at 610.
    After reviewing those questions, Miller's counsel stated that she
    had an objection.   Counsel cited Hazen Paper Co. v. Biggins, 
    113 S. Ct. 1701
    (1993), and asserted that plaintiff's burden of proof
    under that case was to establish that age was "a determining
    factor," i.e., that it "made a difference" in the employer's
    decision.    App. at 612.
    Notwithstanding this objection, the district judge
    instructed the jury as follows:
    To recover under the pretext theory
    which the plaintiff asserts in this case, the
    plaintiff must establish by a preponderance
    of the evidence that his age was the sole
    cause of defendants' failure to hire him into
    vacancies that became available and to
    terminate his position as a real estate czar
    in the last of those listings that I've put
    on the page that you have; that he was
    qualified and rejected for the positions in
    question solely because of his age.
    * * *
    See, e.g., McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    (1973); Texas Dep't of Community Affairs v. Burdine, 
    450 U.S. 248
    (1981); St. Mary's Honor Ctr. v. Hicks, 
    113 S. Ct. 2742
    If the defendants articulate a
    legitimate non-discriminatory reason for his
    rejection, the plaintiff at all times retains
    the ultimate burden of persuading you that
    the defendant intentionally discriminated
    against him because of his age.
    * * *
    The plaintiff under the law must prove
    that the discriminatory motive was the sole
    cause of the employment action.
    In order to prove pretext, the plaintiff
    must show that the defendant's reasons were
    false and that discrimination was the real
    reason, however, if you disbelieve the
    reasons put forth by the defendants to
    justify their decision, you may but are not
    required to find intentional discrimination.
    * * *
    The plaintiff doesn't have to prove that
    the employer hated him . . . . He has to
    prove that plaintiff's age was the sole
    determinative factor in the particular
    employment decision.
    App. at 673-77 (emphasis added).     At the conclusion of the
    charge, Miller's counsel renewed her "objection to . . . the
    verdict sheet. . . [and stated that] the question before them is
    whether age was a determinative factor according to Biggins."
    App. at 683 (emphasis added).   The district court declined to
    alter the charge.
    During its deliberations, the jury sent the following
    message to the district judge:
    The jury requests clarification on the
    meaning of defendants' employment decisions
    in question # 2.
    Is the question which we are addressing
    (regarding discrimination based solely on the
    plaintiff's age) focused on: a) Mr. Miller
    not being actively considered -- on the
    candidate slate, or b) Mr. Miller not being
    selected as the person to get the job, for
    each of the jobs a through e?
    App. at 691. In response the district judge stated:
    [Y]ou must decide whether Mr. Miller's not
    being selected to get the job of Vice
    President of Filing and Regulation to take
    "a" and that job going to another person was
    a decision made by the defendants as a
    pretext for discrimination based solely on
    Mr. Miller's age.
    "b" in the question sheet the question
    you have to decide is whether to give that
    job to the person who received it for the
    CIGNA (UK) position was made as a pretext for
    discrimination against Mr. Miller based
    solely on Mr. Miller's age and so on with
    regard to each of the other decisions in 2 a.
    considered separately[.]
    App. at 691-92 (emphasis added).       After two days of
    deliberations, the jury returned a verdict in favor of INA.
    We conduct plenary review when an appellant contends
    that the instructions to the jury, read as a whole, do not state
    the correct legal standard.     Griffiths v. CIGNA Corp., 
    988 F.2d 457
    , 462 (3d Cir.), cert. denied, 
    114 S. Ct. 186
    (1993) (citing
    Savarese v. Agriss, 
    883 F.2d 1194
    , 1202 (3d Cir. 1989)).     "[W]e
    will reverse if the instructions were capable of confusing and
    thereby misleading the jury."    
    Id. (citing Limbach
    Co. v. Sheet
    Metal Workers Int'l Ass'n, 
    949 F.2d 1241
    , 1259 n.15 (3d Cir.
    1991) (in banc)).3
    Like Title VII which prohibits an employer from taking
    adverse employment actions against an employee "because of such
    individual's race, color, religion, sex or national origin," 42
    U.S.C. § 2000 e-2(a)(1), the ADEA prohibits an employer from
    taking adverse employment actions against an employee "because of
    such individual's age."   29 U.S.C. § 623(a)(1).   Not
    surprisingly, the ADEA jurisprudence concerning this prohibition
    has followed the Title VII jurisprudence interpreting the
    analogous prohibition.    Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Thurston,
    469 U.S. 111
    , 121 (1985).   A district judge in a case under
    either statute must, of course, instruct the jury in a manner
    consistent with Congress' mandate that the adverse employment
    action must have been taken "because of" the prohibited
    The nature of the causal connection mandated by the use
    of the phrase "because of" in Title VII was a focus of the
    Supreme Court's opinions in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, 
    490 U.S. 3
    Defendant argues that Miller failed to preserve his objection to
    the jury charge. We disagree. Miller's counsel objected, both
    before and after the district court charged the jury, that
    plaintiff's burden on the issue of causation was to show that age
    was a determinative factor, not the sole cause of the employment
    decision. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 51; Dunn v. Hovic, 
    1 F.3d 1371
    1379 (3d Cir. 1993) (in banc) (to preserve an objection to a jury
    charge, appellant must provide the trial judge with an
    opportunity to correct the erroneous charge).
    228.   The members of the Court differed as to whether "because
    of" meant that the forbidden consideration must be a "but-for"
    cause (i.e., one without which the adverse employment action
    would not have been taken) or only that the impermissible
    consideration must have "played a motivating part" in the
    decision to take that action.   See 
    id. at 244.
      All members of
    the Court agreed, however, that "because of" did not mean "solely
    because of."   See, e.g., 
    id. at 241,
    Justice Brennan, writing for himself and Justices
    Marshall, Blackmun and Stevens, took the position that "because
    of" required only a finding that gender or some other prohibited
    consideration played a part in the decision to take the
    challenged action.   He explained their position in part as
    We take these words to mean that gender must
    be irrelevant to employment decisions. To
    construe the words "because of" as colloquial
    shorthand for "but-for causation," as does
    Price Waterhouse, is to misunderstand them.
    * * *
    The critical inquiry . . . is whether gender
    was a factor in the employment decision at
    the moment it was made. Moreover, since we
    know that the words "because of" do not mean
    "solely because of,"7 we also know that Title
    VII meant to condemn even those decisions
    based on a mixture of legitimate and
    illegitimate considerations. When,
    therefore, an employer considers both gender
    and legitimate factors at the time of making
    a decision, that decision was "because of"
    sex and the other, legitimate considerations
    -- even if we may say later, in the context
    of litigation, that the decision would have
    been the same if gender had not been taken
    into account.
    7Congress specifically rejected an
    amendment that would have placed
    the word "solely" in front of the
    words "because of." 110 Cong.Rec.
    2728, 13837 (1964).
    Waterhouse, 490 U.S. at 240
    , 241 (emphasis added).
    Justice Kennedy, writing in dissent for himself, the
    Chief Justice, and Justice Scalia, concluded that "because of"
    required "but-for" cause.   In doing so, he likewise rejected the
    suggestion that it was intended to mean "solely because of":
    By any normal understanding, the phrase
    "because of" conveys the idea that the motive
    in question made a difference to the outcome.
    We use the words this way in everyday speech.
    And assuming, as the plurality does, that we
    ought to consider the interpretive memorandum
    prepared by the statute's drafters, we find
    that this is what the words meant to them as
    well. "To discriminate is to make a
    distinction, to make a difference in
    treatment or favor." 110 Cong.Rec. 7213
    (1964). Congress could not have chosen a
    clearer way to indicate that proof of
    liability under Title VII requires a showing
    that race, color, religion, sex, or national
    origin caused the decision at issue.
    Our decisions confirm that Title VII is
    not concerned with the mere presence of
    impermissible motives; it is directed to
    employment decisions that result from those
    motives. The verbal formulae we have used in
    our precedents are synonymous with but-for
    * * *
    We are told . . . that but-for cause is
    not required, since the words "because of" do
    not mean "solely because of." Ante, at 241.
    No one contends, however, that sex must be
    the sole cause of a decision before there is
    a Title VII violation. This is a separate
    question from whether consideration of sex
    must be a cause of the decision. Under the
    accepted approach to causation that I have
    discussed, sex is a cause for the employment
    decision whenever, either by itself or in
    combination with other factors, it made a
    difference to the decision. Discrimination
    need not be the sole cause in order for
    liability to arise, but merely a necessary
    element of the set of factors that caused the
    decision, i.e., a but-for cause.
    Waterhouse, 490 U.S. at 281-82
    , 284 (emphasis added).
    Justice O'Connor, while concurring in the result
    reached in Justice Brennan's plurality opinion, disagreed with
    the plurality's reading of "because of" and agreed with that of
    the dissent:
    The legislative history of Title VII bears
    out what its plain language suggests: a
    substantive violation of the statute only
    occurs when consideration of an illegitimate
    criterion is the "but-for" cause of an
    adverse employment action. The legislative
    history makes it clear that Congress was
    attempting to eradicate discriminatory
    actions in the employment setting, not mere
    discriminatory thoughts. . . . Senator Case,
    whose views the plurality finds so persuasive
    elsewhere, responded:
    "The man must do or fail to do
    something in regard to employment.
    There must be some specific
    external act, more than a mental
    act. Only if he does the act
    because of the grounds stated in
    the bill would there by any legal
    Ibid. Thus, I disagree
    with the plurality's dictum
    that the words "because of" do not mean "but-
    for" causation; manifestly they do."
    Waterhouse, 490 U.S. at 262-63
    .   In the course of her
    opinion, Justice O'Connor likened the relevant principles to
    those involved in Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan
    Housing Development Corp., 
    429 U.S. 252
    (1977), where the Court
    held that "the plaintiff was not required to prove that the
    challenged action rested solely on racially discriminatory
    purposes." 490 U.S. at 268
    (emphasis supplied).
    Finally, Justice White, who also concurred in the
    judgment of the Court, looked to Mt. Healthy City School District
    Board of Education v. Doyle, 
    429 U.S. 274
    (1977), for guidance in
    interpreting "because of."      In the context of a public employer's
    decision not to rehire an employee in part because of his
    exercise of First Amendment rights, the Court had there rejected
    a rule of causation that focused "solely on whether protected
    conduct played a part, 'substantial' or otherwise, in a decision
    not to rehire."    Price 
    Waterhouse, 490 U.S. at 259
    .    Under the
    Mt. Healthy approach, the plaintiff was required to prove only
    that "the unlawful motive was a substantial factor in the adverse
    employment action," but there could be no liability if the
    defendant showed that it "would have reached the same decision
    . . . even in the absence of the protected conduct."     
    Id. A necessary
    corollary to this approach, according to Justice White,
    was that a plaintiff does not have "to prove that the
    illegitimate factor was the only, principal, or true reason for
    petitioner's action."     
    Id. We find
    it clear from the opinions in Price Waterhouse,
    and from the legislative history they cite, that Congress, by
    using the phrase "because of," did not mean "solely because of."
    Even if we did not have this guidance, however, we would be
    reluctant to attribute to Congress an intention that an employer
    should be liable if a discharge decision is based solely on an
    employee's age and not liable if the discharge decision is based
    primarily on the employee's age but also on the fact that the
    employee's supervisor did not like his personality, hair color,
    or some other personal trait or conduct.
    Having concluded that "because of" does not mean
    "solely because of," we now look to the governing precedents to
    determine the proper jury instruction in an employment
    discrimination case that does not qualify for a mixed motives,
    burden shifting charge under Price Waterhouse.
    The Justices concurring in the judgment in Price
    Waterhouse declined to apply to the situation before them the
    familiar rules for allocating the burdens of production and
    persuasion found in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    (1973), and Texas Department of Community Affairs v. Burdine,
    450 U.S. 248
    (1981).4   They viewed those cases as "pretext" cases
    As summarized in Burdine, those rules are:
    [First] the plaintiff has the burden of
    proving by a preponderance of the evidence a
    prima facie case of discrimination. Second,
    if the plaintiff succeeds in proving the
    prima facie case, the burden [of production]
    shifts to the defendant to articulate some
    legitimate nondiscriminatory reason for the
    employee's rejection. Third, should the
    defendant carry this burden, the plaintiff
    must then have the opportunity to prove by a
    preponderance of the evidence that the
    legitimate reasons offered by the defendant
    and the case before them as a "mixed motives" case.   The Court
    held that, in cases where the plaintiff offers "direct evidence"
    of unlawful discrimination and the evidence as a whole permits a
    conclusion that both permissible and impermissible considerations
    played a role in the employer's decision, the plaintiff need only
    show that the unlawful motive was a substantial motivating factor
    in that decision.   If the finder of fact concludes that the
    plaintiff has carried this burden, the burden of persuasion
    shifts to the defendant to prove that the unlawful motive was not
    a but-for cause, i.e., that the same action would have been
    taken, because of legitimate considerations, in the absence of
    the unlawful motive.
    The members of the Court concurring in the judgment in
    Price Waterhouse reached this result by different routes.
    Justices Brennan, Marshall, Blackmun and Stevens read the statute
    as imposing liability in any situation where the unlawful motive
    was a "motivating" factor, but recognized an "affirmative
    defense" where the employer shows that the same actions would
    have been taken in the absence of the unlawful motive.    Price
    Waterhouse, 490 U.S. at 244
    , 250.    Justice O'Connor agreed with
    the three dissenters that the statute required but-for cause as a
    predicate to liability, but favored a burden shifting rule for
    cases in which the plaintiff "show[s] by direct evidence that an
    were not its true reasons, but were a pretext
    for discrimination.
    Texas Dep't of Community Affairs v. Burdine, 
    450 U.S. 248
    , 252-53
    (1981) (citations omitted).
    illegitimate criterion was a substantial factor in the decision."
    Id. at 276.
       In such cases, the burden shifts "to the employer to
    justify its decision," -- "to show that the decision would have
    been the same absent discrimination."    
    Id. "[W]here a
    has made this type of strong showing of illicit motivation, the
    fact finder is entitled to presume that the employer's
    discriminatory animus made a difference in the outcome, absent
    proof to the contrary from the employer."      
    Id. Justice White
    found it unnecessary "to get into a semantic discussion on
    whether Mt. Healthy . . . creates an affirmative defense."        He
    agreed with Justice O'Connor, however, that the plaintiff in
    Price Waterhouse had made the requisite showing that sex was a
    substantial factor in the employer's decision and that the
    "burden of persuasion then should have shifted to Price
    Waterhouse to prove" the same decision would have been made
    absent the unlawful motive.
    For present purposes, there are two important things to
    note about the several opinions in Price Waterhouse.       First, a
    majority of the members of the Court did not endorse the
    plurality's view that Title VII imposed liability whenever a
    prohibited factor played a motivating role in the challenged
    decision.   Justices O'Connor and White and the three dissenters
    rejected, in the words of Justice White, "a rule of causation
    that focused solely on whether protected conduct played a part,
    substantial or otherwise, in a 
    decision." 490 U.S. at 259
    Second, while the holding of the Court fashioned a special rule
    reducing the plaintiff's burden of persuasion in a defined
    category of Title VII individual discrimination cases, a majority
    of the Court endorsed views of Title VII that would leave
    plaintiffs in other individual discrimination cases with the
    burden of showing but-for cause.
    All members of the Court now seem to agree that a
    showing of but-for causation by the plaintiff is required in ADEA
    cases that do not call for special treatment under Price
    Waterhouse.5   In Hazen Paper Co., 
    113 S. Ct. 1701
    , the plaintiff,
    like the plaintiff here, claimed that he had been discharged
    because of his age in violation of the ADEA.   The Supreme Court
    was called upon to address the relationship between the standard
    of ordinary liability under the ADEA and the standard of
    liability for liquidated damages under the provision of that Act
    authorizing such damages for "willful" violations.   With respect
    to the former, Justice O'Connor, writing for a unanimous Court,
    reviewed the case law applicable to disparate treatment (i.e.,
    individual discrimination) cases and concluded as follows:
    Whatever the employer's decisionmaking
    process, a disparate treatment claim cannot
    succeed unless the employee's protected trait
    actually played a role in that process and
    had a determinative influence on the outcome.
    Id. at 1706.
    Section 107 of the 1991 Civil Rights Act, codified at 42 U.S.C.
    § 2000e-2(m), provides that "an unlawful employment practice is
    established when the complaining party demonstrates that [a
    prohibited consideration] was a motivating factor for any
    employment practice, even though other factors also motivated the
    practice." Miller does not contend that this provision is
    applicable to ADEA cases. We have today held in Hook v. Ernst &
    Young, ____ F.3d ____ (3d Cir. 1994) that section 107 does not
    apply to any case in which the alleged conduct giving rise to the
    claim occurred before the passage of the 1991 Act.
    With respect to the standard of liability for
    liquidated damages, the Court held:
    We therefore reaffirm that the Thurston
    definition of "willful" -- that the employer
    either knew or showed reckless disregard for
    the matter of whether its conduct was
    prohibited by the statute -- applies to all
    disparate treatment cases under the ADEA.
    Once a "willful" violation has been shown,
    the employee need not additionally . . .
    prove that age was the predominant rather
    than a determinative factor in the employment
    Id. at 1710.
    We find support in Hazen Paper for our earlier
    conclusion that "because of" does not mean "solely because of."
    If an ADEA plaintiff need not show that age was "the predominant
    factor" in order to establish liability for liquidated damages,
    surely such a plaintiff does not have to show that age was the
    sole cause of the challenged decision in order to establish a
    right to normal forms of relief.     We also believe Hazen Paper
    provides an authoritative answer to our second inquiry.     A
    plaintiff in an ADEA case who does not qualify for a burden
    shifting instruction under Price Waterhouse has the burden of
    persuading the trier of fact by a preponderance of the evidence
    that age "actually played a role in [the employer's
    decisionmaking] process and had a determinative influence on the
    outcome" of that process.   
    Id. at 1706.
    Contrary to INA's insistence, the foregoing conclusions
    are not inconsistent with our holding in Griffiths v. CIGNA
    988 F.2d 457
    .   Griffiths was a Title VII case in which the
    plaintiff, a Jamaican immigrant, had been denied a promotion and
    had filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity
    Commission asserting that CIGNA's decision was based on his
    national origin.   In the six months prior to the filing of this
    complaint, CIGNA had experienced a series of thefts and had
    conducted an investigation.    The report resulting from this
    investigation, issued shortly after Griffiths' EEOC complaint,
    implicated Griffith in the thefts.    He was terminated for the
    stated reason that he had failed to cooperate with the
    investigation.   Griffiths filed suit alleging that he was
    discharged in retaliation for his EEOC complaint.
    Following a trial at which Griffiths introduced
    evidence tending to show that CIGNA falsely had accused him of
    the thefts and that the stated reason for his discharge was a
    pretext to cover a retaliatory motive, the trial judge charged
    the jury that CIGNA would be liable "if retaliation was 'a
    motivating factor' or 'one of the reasons' for Griffiths'
    discharge." 988 F.2d at 468
    .   On appeal, we held that it was
    error for the district court to require Griffiths to show that
    the unlawful motivation played only a role in the challenged
    Our opinion in Griffiths recognized that, under Price
    Waterhouse, the correct wording of a causation instruction to a
    jury differs depending on whether the case before the court is a
    "mixed motives" or a "pretext" case.    Only in a "mixed motives"
    case is the plaintiff entitled to an instruction that he or she
    need show only that the forbidden motive played a role, i.e., was
    "a motivating factor."    Even in such cases, we noted that such an
    instruction must be followed by an explanation that the defendant
    may escape liability by showing that the challenged action would
    have been taken in the absence of the forbidden motive.
    We first concluded that Griffiths had "failed to submit
    any evidence that [could] fairly be said to 'directly reflect'
    the alleged retaliatory motive for his termination."    
    Id. at 470.
    Accordingly, he was not entitled to a burden shifting instruction
    under Price Waterhouse.   We next concluded that all Title VII
    individual discrimination cases which do not qualify for a Price
    Waterhouse instruction are governed by "the Burdine pretext
    Id. at 470
    n.13. Our holding was as follows:
    As this case properly is characterized as a
    pretext case, the court should not have
    charged the jury that retaliation could be
    only "a motivating factor" or "one of the
    reasons" for Griffiths' discharge.
    Id. at 472.
      We reaffirm this holding today.
    In the course of our opinion, we went on to discuss
    "the Burdine pretext standard."    We found "some inconsistency
    within this circuit" with respect to the language used to
    describe the required causation in a pretext case.    We noted that
    in Chipollini v. Spencer Gifts, Inc., 
    814 F.2d 893
    (3d Cir.),
    cert. dismissed, 
    483 U.S. 1052
    (1987), an in banc decision of
    this court, we held that an ADEA plaintiff "need not prove that
    age was the employer's sole or exclusive consideration, but must
    prove that age made a difference in the decision."    
    Id. at 897.
    We further noted that a long line of panel decisions of this
    court followed this "but for" approach and required a showing
    that the prohibited motive was "a determinative" factor.       See,
    e.g., Gray v. York Newspapers, Inc., 
    957 F.2d 1070
    , 1079 (3d Cir.
    1992); Billett v. CIGNA Corp., 
    940 F.2d 812
    , 816 (3d Cir. 1991);
    Bruno v. W.B. Saunders Co., 
    882 F.2d 760
    , 764 (3d Cir. 1989),
    cert. denied sub nom. CBS, Inc. v. Bruno, 
    493 U.S. 1062
    Roebuck v. Drexel Univ., 
    852 F.2d 715
    , 726 (3d. Cir. 1988); Blum
    v. Witco Chemical Corp., 
    829 F.2d 367
    , 373 (3d Cir. 1987); and
    Lewis v. University of Pittsburgh, 
    725 F.2d 910
    (3d Cir. 1983),
    cert. denied, 
    469 U.S. 892
    (1984).   On the other hand, we noted
    that our decision in Bellissimo v. Westinghouse Electric 
    Corp., 764 F.2d at 175
    (3d Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 
    475 U.S. 1035
    (1986), spoke of the concept of but-for cause as being
    inconsistent with a charge using the phrase "the determinative
    Id. at 176,
    n. 1 (emphasis in original).     Even
    Bellissimo, however, was consistent with the proposition that the
    plaintiff in a pretext case need not prove that the prohibited
    motive was the sole cause of for the adverse employment action.
    This was apparent from the following segment of that case which
    we quoted in Griffiths:
    Interpreting Title VII to require proof of
    "the determinative factor" is inconsistent
    with the "but-for" causation test, insofar as
    plaintiff would be required to show that the
    discriminatory motive was the sole reason for
    the action taken.   More than one "but for"
    cause can contribute to an employment
    decision, and if any one of those
    determinative factors is discriminatory,
    Title VII has been violated.    See Lewis v.
    University of 
    Pittsburgh, 725 F.2d at 917
    8. 988 F.2d at 471
    (emphasis in original).
    Immediately following this review of our case law, our
    opinion in Griffiths includes the following, admittedly cryptic,
    observation upon which the district court here relied in giving
    its "sole cause" instruction:
    [W]hile we recognize that in our pretext
    cases we have stated in passing, without
    focusing on the matter, that the
    discriminatory motive need not be the sole
    factor causing the employment decision . . .
    it is clear that in pretext cases the claim
    is that the discriminatory motive was the
    sole cause of the employment action and
    therefore it is inappropriate to state that
    the plaintiff only need show that the
    discrimination played "a motivating" or "a
    role. 988 F.2d at 472
    (emphasis in original).
    For several reasons, we do not understand this sentence
    in Griffiths to mandate a charge in this case requiring the
    plaintiff to show that the impermissible factor was the sole
    cause of the adverse employment action.   First, while the term
    "sole cause" is used, the purpose of this sentence in the opinion
    is to make the point that our prior cases refusing to require a
    showing that the discriminatory motive was the sole cause are not
    inconsistent with our holding that "it is inappropriate to state
    [in a pretext case] that the plaintiff only need show that the
    discrimination played 'a motivating' or 'a substantial' role."
    Second, to read this sentence as the district court
    here did would make the panel's decision in Griffiths
    inconsistent with Hazen Paper as well as with our in banc
    decision in Chipollini.   A panel of this court is not free to
    ignore an in banc decision of this court.    See Siegel v. Alpha
    Wire Corp., 
    894 F.2d 50
    , 53 n.2 (3d Cir.), cert. denied, 
    496 U.S. 906
    (1990) ("The defendants argue that we should overrule
    Chipollini.   Of course we do not have the power to do so -- a
    panel of this court may not overrule a decision of another panel.
    In addition, Chipollini was decided by this court sitting in
    banc, which makes doubly frivolous this invitation to overrule
    it."); Halderman v. Pennhurst State Sch. & Hosp., 
    707 F.2d 702
    720 (3d Cir. 1983) (Sloviter, J., dissenting) ("Even if the
    Master had relied upon the presumption in favor of
    deinstitutionalization, it was one mandated by in banc decisions
    of this court, which a panel is not free to disregard."); cf.
    Third Circuit I.O.P. 9.1 (only the court in banc may overrule the
    published decision of a previous panel).    Moreover, a decision of
    this court that conflicts with a subsequent decision of the
    Supreme Court does not remain binding precedent in this court.
    See, e.g., Nationwide Ins. Co. v. Patterson, 
    953 F.2d 44
    , 46 (3d
    Cir. 1991) ("Ordinarily, a panel of this court is bound to follow
    the holdings of published opinions of prior panels of this court
    unless overruled by the court in banc or the holding is
    undermined by a subsequent Supreme Court case."); Frangos v.
    Doering Equip. Corp., 
    860 F.2d 70
    , 72 (3d Cir. 1988) ("Although a
    cogent argument could have previously been waged based on past
    precedent within this circuit, the Supreme Court has recently
    rendered a decision making the Appellee's position untenable.").
    Finally, it is no longer necessarily true, even if one
    thought it to be so at the time of Griffiths, that the trier of
    fact in a pretext case is limited to a choice between findings
    that the alleged discriminatory motive or the employer's
    nondiscriminatory explanation was the sole cause of the
    employment action.   At the time we decided Griffiths, it was
    permissible to view all pretext cases as presenting only two
    possibilities: the fact finder could conclude either that the
    plaintiff had succeeded in proving that the employer's
    explanation was a pretext for discrimination, or that the
    plaintiff had failed to so prove.    Under this view, if the
    plaintiff proved the employer's proffered reason was pretextual,
    the trier of fact presumed, as a matter of law, that the
    impermissible cause alleged by plaintiff was the sole cause of
    the employer's decision.
    The Supreme Court recently has instructed that this
    bipolar view of pretext cases is inaccurate.    A finding that the
    employer's nondiscriminatory explanation is a pretext permits,
    but does not require, the trier of fact to conclude that the
    employer discriminated against the plaintiff based on the ground
    alleged.   St. Mary's Honor Ctr. v. Hicks, 
    113 S. Ct. 2742
    In St. Mary's, the plaintiff, an African-American, had
    been demoted and ultimately discharged by his employer.     He
    brought suit under Title VII, asserting that the employer's
    actions were the result of racial animus.    The employer insisted
    it took these actions because plaintiff threatened his superior
    and permitted his subordinates to break institutional rules.       The
    district court, as the trier of fact, found that the threatening
    conduct and rules violations had occurred, but concluded that
    neither these events nor the plaintiff's race were the real
    reason for plaintiff's demotion and discharge.    Rather, the
    district court concluded that "although [the plaintiff had]
    proven the existence of a crusade to terminate him, he [had] not
    proven that the crusade was racially rather than personally
    motivated."   Hicks v. St. Mary's Honor Ctr., 
    756 F. Supp. 1244
    1252 (E.D. Mo. 1991).
    The court of appeals, viewing pretext cases as bipolar,
    ruled that, once plaintiff proved the employer's proffered
    reasons were pretextual, he was entitled to judgment as a matter
    of law.   Hicks v. St. Mary's Honor Ctr., 
    970 F.2d 487
    , 492 (8th
    Cir. 1992).   The Supreme Court reversed, concluding that the
    trier of fact's rejection of the employer's proffered reason for
    its action did not compel the conclusion that race was the sole
    cause of the employment decision.    Rather, the record evidence
    supported three possible causes: race, threats and violations of
    the employer's rules, and personal animosity.    The Supreme Court
    ruled that the trier of fact was entitled to draw from the record
    evidence whatever inferences that evidence would support.        Since
    the district court concluded that the explanation advanced by the
    employer was a pretext, it could have further inferred that there
    was an impermissible motive to hide.   It was not required to do
    so, however.   If the district court inferred that personal
    animosity was the cause of the demotion and discharage, that,
    too, was permissible.
    We think it clear from the Supreme Court's opinion in
    St. Mary's that the trier of fact in a pretext case, where the
    record will support it, may choose not to accept either party's
    litigating position as reflecting the whole truth.   This may, as
    in St. Mary's, take the form of a conclusion that the adverse
    action was taken for a reason other than the reasons urged by the
    parties.   It may also take the form of a conclusion that the
    alleged discrimination and the employer's nondiscriminatory
    explanation both played a role in the employer's decision.      If
    the plaintiff, for example, argues that he or she was discharged
    because of age and the employer insists that it was because of
    the plaintiff's record of absenteeism, the trier of fact may
    conclude that the plaintiff's absenteeism record played a part,
    but that the plaintiff would not have been fired if he or she
    were twenty years younger.
    In some cases, the nondiscriminatory reason advanced by
    the employer may involve such turpitude that the only rational
    choices for the trier of fact are the plaintiff's explanation or
    the defendant's.   If the plaintiff alleges age discrimination and
    the employer asserts that the plaintiff embezzled $100,000, for
    example, it would clearly not be reversible error to give an
    instruction giving the jury the choice between age as the sole
    cause and embezzlement as the sole cause.   A rational trier of
    fact could not believe that the plaintiff embezzled $100,000 and
    at the same time conclude that the plaintiff would not have been
    discharged but for his or her age.   In other cases, however,
    where the record will support an inference that both a legitimate
    and an illegitimate reason played a role in the employer's
    decision, the charge to the jury must provide for the possibility
    that it will find the employer's decision to be the product of
    more than one consideration.   In those cases, the court must
    charge, in accordance with Hazen Paper, that the plaintiff's
    burden is to show that the prohibited consideration played a role
    in the decisionmaking process and that it was a determinative
    factor in the outcome of that process.6
    In this case, Miller alleged that, because of his age,
    he was not selected for various open high level management
    positions for which he was qualified, and that thereafter he was
    terminated.   For each of the open positions, Miller's employer
    asserted either that Miller was not qualified or was less
    We are here, of course, describing cases that involve mixed
    motives decisionmaking. It is important to understand, however,
    that these cases do not fall within the legal category of "mixed
    motives" cases reserved for special treatment under Price
    Waterhouse. As we explain more fully in Griffiths and Hook v.
    Ernst & Young, ___F.3d ___ (3d Cir., May, 1994), "mixed motives"
    cases in Price Waterhouse terms are cases not only where the
    record would support a conclusion that both legitimate and
    illegitimate factors played a role in the employer's decision,
    but where the plaintiff's evidence of discrimination is
    sufficiently strong to shift the burden of proof to the employer
    on the issue of whether the same decision would have been made in
    the absence of the discriminatory animus.
    qualified than the person hired.     Based on the evidence presented
    at trial, the jury could well have concluded that the employer
    took both qualifications and age into account.     It might have
    found, for example, that Miller was qualified for one or more of
    the open positions, but that his credentials did not sufficiently
    distinguish him from the competing managers to overcome the
    employer's bias favoring younger executives.     Even though age was
    not the sole cause of the decision and Miller would have gotten
    one of the positions if he had been better qualified, Miller
    should have prevailed if he would not have been passed over but
    for his age.   The district court's "sole cause" charge did not
    permit the jury to find in Miller's favor on this basis.     It
    follows that Miller is entitled to a new trial.
    We hold that in an ADEA case which does not qualify for
    a burden shifting instruction under Price Waterhouse, a district
    court should instruct the jury that the plaintiff must prove by a
    preponderance of the evidence that age played a role in the
    employer's decisionmaking process and that it was a determinative
    factor in the outcome of that process.7    Since the district court
    instructed that age must be shown to be the sole cause of the
    In the course of this opinion, we have relied on Title VII cases
    because the development of the relevant case law under the two
    statutes prior to the Civil Rights Act Amendments of 1991
    followed parallel courses. It should be noted, however, that the
    1991 Act amended Title VII but did not amend the ADEA.
    employer's decision and since the record would support a
    conclusion that, while other factors played a role, age was a
    determinative factor, we will reverse and remand for a new trial.

Document Info

Docket Number: 93-1773

Filed Date: 6/24/1994

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (23)

Jaime Blum, Brij Kapur and James C. Spitsbergen, in 86-5349 ... , 829 F.2d 367 ( 1987 )

Adeline M. Bruno v. W.B. Saunders Company and Cbs ... , 882 F.2d 760 ( 1989 )

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Limbach Company v. Sheet Metal Workers International ... , 949 F.2d 1241 ( 1991 )

Anthony J. Chipollini v. Spencer Gifts, Inc., a Delaware ... , 814 F.2d 893 ( 1987 )

Lewis H. BILLET, Jr., Appellant, v. CIGNA CORPORATION; And ... , 940 F.2d 812 ( 1991 )

Roebuck, Dr. James R. v. Drexel University , 852 F.2d 715 ( 1988 )

63-fair-emplpraccas-bna-1205-61-empl-prac-dec-p-42108-jackey-b , 988 F.2d 457 ( 1993 )

terri-lee-halderman-a-retarded-citizen-by-her-mother-and-guardian , 707 F.2d 702 ( 1983 )

McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green , 93 S. Ct. 1817 ( 1973 )

Texas Department of Community Affairs v. Burdine , 101 S. Ct. 1089 ( 1981 )

Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing ... , 97 S. Ct. 555 ( 1977 )

Mt. Healthy City School District Board of Education v. Doyle , 97 S. Ct. 568 ( 1977 )

Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins , 109 S. Ct. 1775 ( 1989 )

Hicks v. St. Mary's Honor Center , 756 F. Supp. 1244 ( 1991 )

View All Authorities »