Madison v. Resources for Human Dev. ( 2000 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2000 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Madison v. Resources for Human Dev.
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 99-1821
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    Corrected Reprint
    Filed November 15, 2000
    No. 99-1821
    DANNETT MADISON, on behalf of herself and others
    similarly situated
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    D.C. Civil Action No. 97-cv-07402
    (Honorable Marvin Katz)
    Argued July 14, 2000
    Before: SCIRICA and McKEE, Circuit Judges,
    and ACKERMAN, District Judge*
    (Filed: November 15, 2000)
    * The Honorable Harold A. Ackerman, United States District Judge for
    the District of New Jersey, sitting by designation.
    Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg
    & Ellers
    260 South Broad Street, Suite 400
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
    Attorneys for Appellant
    Brodie & Rubinsky
    924 Cherry Street, Suite 400
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
    Attorneys for Appellee
    SCIRICA, Circuit Judge.
    The issue on appeal is whether the Fair Labor Standards
    Act applies to a non-profit corporation pr oviding residential
    human services programs for mentally ill and mentally
    retarded adults. The District Court held the FLSA applied,
    and granted plaintiffs summary judgment, r elying in part
    on an interpretive guideline of the Department of Labor. We
    agree the FLSA applies. But in view of the Supr eme Court's
    recent clarification of the amount of defer ence to be
    accorded administrative agencies' infor mal statutory
    interpretations, we will vacate the judgment and remand for
    further findings. See Christensen v. Harris County, 
    529 U.S. 576
    120 S. Ct. 1655
    , 1662 (2000).
    I. Background
    Plaintiffs are current and for mer employees of Defendant
    Resources for Human Development, Inc. (RHD). RHD is a
    Pennsylvania non-profit corporation that pr ovides its
    clients--mentally ill and mentally retar ded adults--with
    human services programs such as community health
    centers, transportation services, and community living
    facilities and assistance. RHD employs approximately 2,400
    persons. Plaintiffs, residential advisers in RHD's "Mandela"
    and "Visions" programs, claimed RHD violated the FLSA by
    underpaying them. Specifically, they claim RHD improperly
    calculated their regular and overtime pay rates by failing to
    include in the calculation the value of the RHD employee
    benefits plan, which has a cash option. RHD denied
    coverage on the ground that its residential advisors in the
    Mandela and Visions programs fell within FLSA's
    "companionship exemption."
    A. The RHD Fairshare Employee Benefit Plan
    RHD provides its employees with a benefit plan--the
    "Fairshare Plan"--that allows employees to select benefits
    from a "menu" of choices including health insurance,
    medical reimbursement accounts, life insurance, long-term
    disability insurance, and cash.1 Each month, RHD
    contributes to each of its employees' Fairshar e accounts an
    amount comprising $100.00 plus seven percent of the
    employee's base monthly salary. Employees also may
    supplement their accounts to buy additional benefits.
    Employees who want to receive some or all benefits in cash
    must sign a written waiver of health insurance coverage.
    RHD then includes the cash amount in the employee's
    regular paycheck.
    When calculating an employee's regular pay rate, RHD
    does not include its contributions to the employee's
    Fairshare account. RHD uses an employee's r egular pay
    rate to calculate any overtime pay; overtime pay is equal to
    1.5 times an employee's regular pay rate.
    B. RHD's Mandela and Visions Programs
    RHD's Mandela and Visions programs pr ovide assistance,
    support, and training to mentally ill and mentally r etarded
    adults. Both programs are "community living
    arrangements" that help clients make the transition from
    1. Because employees can select differ ent benefits from a "menu," the
    plan is referred to as a "cafeteria" plan. The cash option is consistent
    with the Internal Revenue Code's provisions regarding cafeteria plans.
    See 26 U.S.C. S 125(d)(1)(B).
    institutional to independent living. Each client is supported
    by a team assembled by the county, which includes a
    county case manager, mental health pr ofessionals, family
    members, and an RHD staff member. The county managers
    and other county officials monitor RHD's services to ensure
    they comply with a service plan. The service plan content is
    set by state and federal regulations. The plan itself is
    funded with the state and federal money that funded the
    client's prior institutionalization.
    With the help of RHD residential advisors, clients in the
    Mandela and Visions programs select r esidences from a list
    of RHD-approved options. RHD rents the pr operty and
    subleases it to its clients.2 Although utility service is
    arranged in clients' names, payment is made thr ough RHD.
    RHD prepares lists of potential roommates from which
    clients may choose.3 If they wish, clients can change
    locations or residential advisors. Clients also may
    discontinue RHD's services, but then they must vacate the
    RHD-leased property.
    Clients pay up to 72 percent of their monthly Social
    Security Disability payments to cover rent and other
    ordinary living expenses. RHD maintains a custodial
    account for clients' Social Security benefits; RHD is the
    payee of some benefit checks. For some clients who receive
    spending money, RHD holds and distributes the money.
    Mandela clients' subleases with RHD include "house
    rules." House rules state: (1) no drugs, alcohol, or loud
    music; (2) residents be dressed if outside their bedrooms
    between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.; and (3) residents keep
    the staff informed of their wher eabouts at all times. Visions
    clients' subleases have no house rules.
    Clients in both programs must maintain and keep up
    their residences; they also may choose their home
    furnishings. They must choose, purchase, and prepare food
    for their own meals. They must maintain personal hygiene,
    2. In a few cases, RHD owns the property and rents it directly to
    program participants.
    3. On occasion, the county refers clients to RHD to live with another
    person in the program.
    and select and wash their own clothes. But if a client is
    physically or mentally unable to cook, clean, or maintain
    the residence, RHD employees will do so.
    RHD retains keys to clients' residences. On-duty RHD
    employees may use the keys to enter clients' r esidents, but
    must knock before entering. Clients deemed capable keep
    their own keys. In the Mandela program, only six of eleven
    clients have keys to their own residences; only three are
    allowed to leave their residences unattended.
    II. Proceedings
    Dannett Madison, an RHD resident advisor , filed this
    class action in the United States District Court for the
    Eastern District of Pennsylvania on December 5, 1997.
    Madison claimed RHD improperly calculated overtime pay
    by excluding from the regular pay rate calculation: (1)
    Fairshare benefits payments; (2) bonuses; and (3) the 15-
    minute periods by which plaintiffs came to work early each
    day. Twenty-two additional plaintiffs opted into the class
    action; fourteen before the District Court issued its
    summary judgment decision and eight after, in accord with
    the FLSA's opt-in provisions.4 See 29 U.S.C. S 216(b).
    RHD moved for summary judgment on three gr ounds.
    First, RHD claimed the FLSA wage and hours rules did not
    apply to plaintiffs because they fell within the
    "companionship exemption." That provision excludes from
    FLSA coverage "domestic service" employees who provide
    companionship services to "individuals who (because of age
    or infirmity) are unable to car e for themselves." 29 U.S.C.
    4. Four members of the class, including Madison, also filed a class action
    suit in Pennsylvania state court alleging RHD failed to include
    contributions to its employee benefit plan in its calculation of overtime
    pay rates; RHD failed to include yearly bonuses in its calculation of
    overtime pay rates; and RHD failed to pay all wages and bonuses when
    One plaintiff, Carl Scott, filed suit in the Eastern District of
    Pennsylvania alleging retaliation by RHD for having opted in to this class
    action. A bench trial in that case resulted in judgment for RHD which is
    currently being appealed.
    S 213(a)(15). Second, RHD contended its benefit plan was a
    bona fide health and welfare benefits plan, and thus its
    payments properly were excluded fr om the regular pay rate
    calculation. See 29 U.S.C. S 207(e)(4).5 Third, RHD argued
    bonuses need not be included in the calculation of the
    regular rate of pay. See 29 U.S.C.S 207(e)(3). Plaintiffs
    opposed the motion, but did not file their own cr oss-motion
    for summary judgment.
    On January 8, 1999, the District Court granted in part
    and denied in part RHD's motion for summary judgment.
    The court found there were no material factual disputes on
    the application of the FLSA and of S 213(a)(15) and
    S 207(e)(4). See Madison v. Resour ces for Human
    Development, Inc., Civ. No. 97-7402, slip op. at 4 n.4 (E.D.
    Pa. Jan. 8, 1999). The court also held as a matter of law
    RHD could not claim the companionship exemption and the
    bona fide plan exclusion. See 
    id. at 18.
    The parties settled
    the 15 minutes issue and stipulated to the amount of
    damages and prospective relief on the benefits issue.6
    In June 1999, on RHD's motion, the District Court closed
    the class, and in September 1999 entered judgment in
    favor of 17 plaintiffs. RHD appealed.
    We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. S 1291. Our review
    of summary judgment is plenary. We view all evidence and
    draw all inferences in the light most favorable to the non-
    movant, affirming if no reasonable jury could find for the
    non-movant. See Whiteland Woods, L.P . v. Township of West
    193 F.3d 177
    , 180 (3d Cir . 1999). Our review of
    the district court's interpretation of the FLSA is plenary.
    See, e.g., Stephens v. Kerrigan, 122 F .3d 171, 176 (3d Cir.
    5. "[T]he "regular rate" at which an employee is employed shall be
    deemed to include all remuneration for employment paid to, or on behalf
    of, the employee, but shall not be deemed to include. . . (4)
    contributions irrevocably made by an employer to a trustee or third
    person pursuant to a bona fide plan for pr oviding old-age, retirement,
    life, accident, or health insurance, or similar benefits for employees
    . . . ." 29 U.S.C. S 207(e)(4).
    6. The District Court granted RHD summary judgment with respect to
    the bonus issue. See Madison, Civ. No. 97-7402, slip op. at 18.
    III. Discussion
    A. The District Court Complied With
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56
    A threshold issue is whether the District Court complied
    with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56 in deciding RHD's
    summary judgment motion. The District Court concluded
    plaintiffs "are not employees exempted from FLSA coverage
    by the companion exemption, so RHD's overtime payment
    must comply with FLSA's rules." Madison, Civ. No. 97-
    7402, slip op. at 18. RHD asserts the decision constituted
    a sua sponte summary judgment in Madison's favor ,
    without the notice required by Rule 56. 7 RHD is correct
    that "a district court may not grant summary judgment sua
    sponte unless the court gives notice and an opportunity to
    oppose summary judgment." Otis Elevator Co. v. George
    Washington Hotel Corp., 
    27 F.3d 903
    , 910 (3d Cir. 1994).
    But that did not happen here.
    Faced with RHD's motion for summary judgment, the
    District Court decided whether RHD was entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law under 29 U.S.C. S 213(a)(15).
    In addressing the motion, the court found no dispute of
    material fact with respect to whether FLSA and its
    companionship exemption applied (a conclusion neither
    party contests), and concluded as a matter of law RHD was
    not entitled to judgment under that provision. In rejecting
    RHD's asserted affirmative defense, the District Court held
    RHD could not, as a matter of law, meet its bur den of
    proof. See Madison, Civ. No. 97-7402, slip op. at 4.
    Holding RHD could not prevail as a matter of law, on
    what RHD apparently considered one of its strongest
    affirmative defenses, does not mean the court improperly
    granted summary judgment to plaintiffs. The District
    Court's judgment left intact RHD's other affir mative
    defenses (statute of limitations, laches, waiver , estoppel,
    7. Defendant argues the same with r espect to the District Court's
    conclusion that RHD's Fairshare Plan was not exempted from the regular
    pay rate calculation under 29 U.S.C. S 207(e)(4). Given our disposition of
    that issue, we need not address RHD's summary judgment argument
    with respect to S 207(e)(4). See discussion infra.
    good faith) that RHD was free to pursue. Indeed, the court
    did not enter judgment for plaintiffs until nine months after
    denying in part RHD's summary judgment motion. RHD
    appealed only after the parties stipulated to damages and
    prospective relief, and settled other claims. We see no
    violation of Rule 56.
    B. The FLSA Companionship Exemption
    1. Interpreting "domestic service employment"
    The District Court held the FLSA companionship
    exemption did not apply to RHD's Mandela and V isions
    employees. That provision excludes from FLSA minimum
    wage and maximum hours rules:
    [A]ny employee employed in domestic service
    employment to provide companionship services for
    individuals who (because of age or infirmity) are unable
    to care for themselves (as such terms ar e defined and
    delineated by regulations of the Secretary) . . . .
    29 U.S.C. S 213(a)(15). The statute does not define
    "domestic service employment." To construe the exemption,
    the District Court relied on 29 C.F.R.S 552.3, which defines
    "domestic service" as
    services of a household nature perfor med by an
    employee in or about a private home (permanent or
    temporary) of the person by whom he or she is
    employed. The term includes employees such as cooks,
    waiters, butlers, valets, maids, housekeepers,
    governesses, nurses, janitors, laundresses, caretakers,
    handymen, gardeners, footmen, grooms, and
    chauffeurs . . . . This listing is illustrative and not
    The District Court understood this regulation to mean the
    exemption applied only to employees who "per form
    household services in a private home." See Madison, Civ.
    No. 97-7402, slip op. at 3. The District Court then
    concluded RHD could not establish that its clients' homes
    were "`private' within the meaning of the statute." 
    Id. at 4.
    We agree with the District Court's r eliance on 29 C.F.R.
    S 552.3 to determine the meaning of"domestic service." We
    also agree that in order for services to constitute a
    "domestic service" under Section 552.3, they must be
    provided in "private homes."8 But there is scant regulation,
    legislative history, or case law to guide deter mination of
    whether the living arrangements here constitute"private
    2. Regulatory, legislative, and case law
    interpretations of "private home"
    The pertinent regulation discussing "private home" as
    used in 29 C.F.R. S 552.3 is not dispositive. It provides:
    (a) The definition of "domestic service employment"
    contained in S 552.3 is derived from the regulations
    issued under the Social Security Act (20 CFR 404.1057)
    and from "the generally accepted meaning" of the term.
    Accordingly, the term includes persons who are
    frequently referred to as "private household workers."
    See S. Rep. 93-690, p. 20. The domestic service must
    be performed in or about the private home of the
    employer whether that home is a fixed place of abode or
    a temporary dwelling as in the case of an individual or
    family traveling on vacation. A separate and distinct
    dwelling maintained by an individual or a family in an
    apartment house, condominium or hotel may constitute
    a private home.
    (b) Employees employed in dwelling places which ar e
    primarily rooming or boarding houses ar e not
    considered domestic service employees. The places
    8. Neither party disputes the role 29 C.F .R. SS 552.3 and 552.101 should
    play in our construction of 29 U.S.C. S 213(a)(15). If, as is the
    here, the underlying statute is ambiguous, we afford deference to formal
    agency regulations resulting from notice and comment rule making
    construing the statutory provision unless those regulations constitute an
    impermissible interpretation of the statute. See Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v.
    Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    (1984). There is no
    dispute the regulations construing 29 C.F .R. S 213(a)(15) are formal
    regulations. We find the pertinent r egulations to be reasonable and thus
    are guided by their definitions in our construction of the "companionship
    where they work are not private homes but commercial
    or business establishments. Likewise, employees
    employed in connection with a business or pr ofessional
    service which is conducted in a home (such as a r eal
    estate, doctor's, dentist's or lawyer's office) ar e not
    domestic service employees. . . .
    29 C.F.R. S 552.101. Although the r egulation provides some
    guidance as to what constitutes a "private home," it does
    not settle the question.
    The legislative history is similarly unhelpful. In
    discussing changes to the FLSA intended to cover domestic
    service employees--which in turn created the need for the
    companionship exemption at issue here--the House Report
    accompanying the 1974 Amendment to the FLSA noted:
    The domestic service must be performed in a private
    home which is a fixed place of abode of the individual
    or family. A separate and distinct dwelling maintained
    by the individual or family in an apartment house or
    hotel may constitute a private home. However , a
    dwelling house used primarily as a boarding or lodging
    house for the purposes of supplying such services to
    the public, as a business enterprise, is not a private
    House Rep. No. 93-913 reprinted in 1974 U.S.C.C.A.N.
    2811, 2845. This discussion of "private home" does not
    provide a definitive answer either.
    The case law is divergent. In Terwilliger v. Home of Hope,
    21 F. Supp. 2d 1294
    (N.D. Okla. 1998), the United
    States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma
    faced a similar factual scenario. See 
    id. at 1297-1298.
    Holding the homes in question were private, the court in
    Terwilliger noted the defendant did not acquire either the
    residence or the furniture for the client; 22% of the homes
    were owned by the client or the client's par ent or guardian,
    with the remainder rented or leased fr om third parties in
    the client's name; the defendant did not co-sign the lease
    and had no property interest in the client's residence; the
    defendant had keys to the residences only for emergency or
    consensual use; and the defendant paid rent fr om the
    client's trust account. 
    Id. at 1300.
    The Terwilliger court
    distinguished its holding from that in Linn v. Dev. Svcs.,
    891 F. Supp. 574
    (N.D. Okla. 1995). Linn held homes were
    not "private homes" because the defendant acquired the
    homes and furniture; maintained keys to the homes;
    decided how many and which clients lived in the homes;
    frequently signed leases for the clients; and r eceived state
    money on the clients' behalf, which it then used to pay rent
    on the clients' behalf. 
    Linn, 891 F. Supp. at 579
    . Terwilliger
    differed because the defendant ther e did not acquire the
    residences in question, maintained keys to the homes only
    for emergency and consensual use, and did not decide
    where and with whom clients would live. See 
    id. at 1300.
    Thus, the homes in Terwilliger wer e held to be private. See
    id. at 1300.
    The Utah Supreme Court also has consider ed when
    domestic services are provided in a "private home" and
    therefore covered by the FLSA companionship exemption.
    That court applied four factors to reach its decision: (1) the
    facility's source of funding; (2) the public's degree of access
    to the facility; (3) the facility's status as a for -profit or not-
    for-profit organization; and (4) the size of the organization.
    See Bowler v. Deseret Village Ass'n, Inc., 
    922 P.2d 8
    , 13-14
    (Utah 1996). Applying its test, the Court found the
    defendant, a "privately funded, nonprofit Utah corporation
    which provides a residential and vocational `development
    habitation' for fourteen marginally mentally and physically
    handicapped adults," was "more like a`private home' than
    an `institution' or a business enterprise." 
    Id. at 11,
    We conclude that none of these cases, nor the relevant
    administrative and legislative material, provides clear
    guidance in this matter. What is clear is that the
    determination of what constitutes a "private home" in the
    context of the FLSA companionship exemption must be
    made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account all
    aspects of the living arrangements.
    3. The Mandela and Visions programs residences
    are not "private"
    We construe FLSA exemptions narrowly against the
    employer. See Mitchell v. Kentucky Fin. Co., 
    359 U.S. 290
    295 (1959); Reich v. Gateway Press, Inc. , 
    13 F.3d 685
    , 694
    (3d Cir. 1994). The District Court concluded, as a matter of
    law, that RHD had not overcome its significant burden in
    establishing its affirmative defense. W e agree.
    Several aspects of the Mandela and Visions living
    arrangements support the District Court's conclusion that
    the companionship exemption does not apply. For example,
    RHD clients do not have a possessory interest in their RHD
    homes. The right of RHD clients to remain in their housing
    depends completely on their continued relationship with
    RHD. If clients terminate that relationship, they cannot
    remain in RHD housing. This is not the kind of possessory
    interest individuals enjoy in a private home.
    RHD clients do not have full control over others' access
    to their RHD homes. RHD retains keys to the homes of all
    clients in the Mandela and Visions pr ogram. Indeed, RHD
    keeps the only set of keys with respect to nearly half the
    clients in the Mandela program. Less than half of the
    clients in that program (five of eleven) have keys to their
    RHD clients do not have unfettered freedom in their day-
    to-day conduct. They must comply with rules that do not
    typically apply to adults in private homes. One such rule
    requires RHD clients to be dressed when outside their
    rooms between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. This
    rule is incongruous with the notion of a "private home."9
    Given the contours of the living arrangements at issue
    here, and the rule that FLSA exemptions should be
    narrowly construed against the employer , we conclude as a
    matter of law the RHD residences are not"private homes"
    9. As noted by the District Court, Terwilliger differs from this case in
    important respects. See Madison, Civ. No. 97-7402, slip op. at 8. In
    Terwilliger, the court placed a significant emphasis on the nature of the
    possessory interest clients had in the pr operty in question. The clients
    there had either an ownership or direct lessee interest in the property.
    Terwilliger, 21 F. Supp. 2d at 1299-1300
    . In contrast, RHD's clients
    have significant restrictions placed on their interest and rights
    concerning the property. They sublease the property from RHD, and
    their right to remain on the property is tied directly to their continued
    involvement in the RHD-administered program.
    for purposes of S 213(a)(15). We will affirm the District
    Court's holding that the FLSA applies to the plaintiffs'
    employment relationship with RHD.
    We now turn to the question whether RHD's
    contributions to the Fairshare accounts should be included
    in plaintiffs' regular and overtime pay rates.
    C. Applying FLSA to RHD's Fairshare Account
    FLSA requires overtime pay to be at least 1-1/2 times the
    "regular rate" of pay. See 29 U.S.C. S 207. Section 207(e)(4)
    provides the "regular rate" includes all remuneration paid
    to, or on behalf of, the employee, but does not include:
    (4) contributions irrevocably made by an employer to a
    trustee or third person pursuant to a bonafide plan for
    providing old-age, retirement, life, accident, or health
    insurance, or similar benefits for employees . . ..
    29 U.S.C. S 207(e)(4).
    The District Court concluded RHD's contributions to the
    Fairshare accounts were not excludable under S 207(e)(4).
    The court based its analysis on 29 C.F.R.S 778.215(a)(5),
    which provides:
    (a) General Rules. In order for an employer's
    contributions to qualify for exclusion from the regular
    rate under section 7(e)(4) of the Act, the following
    conditions must be met:
    . . .
    (5) The plan must not give an employee the right to
    assign his benefits under the plan nor the option to
    receive any part of the employer's contributions in
    cash instead of the benefits under the plan: Provided,
    however, That if a plan otherwise qualified as a bona
    fide benefit plan under section 7(e)(4) of the Act, it
    will still be regarded as a bona fide plan even though
    it provides, as an incidental part ther eof, for the
    payment to an employee in cash of all or a part of
    the amount standing to his credit (i) at the time of
    the severance of the employment relation due to
    causes other than retirement, disability, or death, or
    (ii) upon proper termination of the plan, or (iii)
    during the course of his employment under
    655circumstances specified in the plan and not
    inconsistent with the general purposes of the plan to
    provide the benefits described in section 7(e)(4) of the
    RHD claims the District Court erred in r elying on this
    regulatory provision because the gover ning statutory
    authority, 29 U.S.C. S 207(e)(4), is not ambiguous. It also
    argues that because the Administrator who issued 29
    C.F.R. S 778.215(a)(5) did not have delegated authority to
    interpret S 207(e)(4), "the Administrator's interpretation may
    be considered only if it is a well-reasoned, persuasive
    interpretation of S 207(e)(4) consistent with congressional
    intent." Even if 29 C.F.R. S 778.215(a)(5) governs, RHD
    insists its Fairshare Plan conforms with the Administrator's
    We agree S 207(e)(4) is ambiguous in this context. But we
    will vacate the District Court's denial of summary judgment
    for failure properly to analyze 29 C.F .R. S 778.215(a)(5). The
    District Court treated S 778.215(a)(5) as a formal agency
    regulation, when it is not.10 Section 778.215(a)(5) is merely
    an interpretative guideline of the agency.
    1. FLSA S 207(e)(4) is ambiguous
    It is well-settled that if a statute unambiguously
    expresses Congress's intent, courts must give effect to that
    intent. See, e.g., FDA v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.,
    529 U.S. 120
    120 S. Ct. 1291
    , 1297 (2000) (citing Chevron
    U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    , 842-43 (1984)). RHD argues S 207(e)(4) is clear
    and unambiguous, because although the statute does not
    define "bona fide," that term has an ordinary usage. Relying
    on Black's Law Dictionary and Random House Webster's
    Unabridged Dictionary, RHD contends "bonafide" means
    "good faith." It argues there is nothing to suggest its
    10. Because we will remand for the District Court to examine the
    administrative provision under the proper deference standard, we need
    not reach RHD's final argument that the Fairshare Plan conforms with
    the dictates of S 778.215(a)(5).
    Fairshare Plan is anything but a good faith attempt to
    provide its employees with benefits.
    Assuming arguendo that "bona fide" does not render
    S 207(e)(4) ambiguous, we cannot say the same of the
    remainder of the provision. As noted, the section allows
    exclusion of contributions to plans that provide "old-age,
    retirement, life, accident, or health insurance, or similar
    benefits for employees." 29 U.S.C. S 207(e)(4). The "or
    similar benefits" language is imprecise by its own terms
    and capable of ambiguity. Therefore, we hold the plain
    language of S 207(e)(4) does not provide sufficient guidance
    to govern the application of the statute in this case.
    2. The weight of authority of 29 C.F.R.
    S 778.215(a)(5)
    In light of the statutory ambiguity, we must examine 29
    C.F.R. S 778.215(a)(5) for guidance, and determine what
    deference, if any, it is owed in our construction of the
    statute. See Cleary v. Waldman, 167 F .3d 801, 808 (3d Cir.
    1999) cert. denied. 
    120 S. Ct. 170
    . That deter mination is
    crucial because formal agency regulations receive more
    deference than mere interpretive guidelines. See
    Christensen v. Harris County, 
    529 U.S. 576
    120 S. Ct. 1655
    , 1662 (2000) ("Interpretations such as those in
    opinion letters--like interpretations contained in policy
    statements, agency manuals, and enforcement guidelines,
    all of which lack the force of law--do not warrant Chevron-
    style deference.").
    a. 29 C.F.R. S 778.215(a)(5) is an interpretive
    The District Court appears to have interpreted 29 C.F.R.
    S 778.215(a)(5) as a formal agency regulation.11 See, e.g.,
    Madison, Civ. No. 97-7402, slip op. at 11 (r eferring to 29
    C.F.R. S 778.215(a)(5) as a "Department of Labor
    regulation[ ]"). But Section 778.215(a)(5) is not a formal
    administrative regulation. This is made clear by 28 C.F.R.
    11. The District Court did not explicitly addr ess the level of deference
    that it applied to S 778.215(a)(5).
    S 778.1, which lays out the purpose of Part 778 of the Code
    of Federal Regulations. Section 778.1 provides:
    This Part 778 constitutes the official interpr etation of
    the Department of Labor with respect to the meaning
    and application of the maximum hours and overtime
    pay requirements contained in section 7 of the Act. It
    is the purpose of this bulletin to make available in one
    place the interpretation so these provisions which will
    guide the Secretary of Labor and the Administrator in
    the performance of their duties under the Act unless
    they are otherwise directed by authoritative decisions
    of the court or conclude, upon reexamination of an
    interpretation, that it is incorrect. These official
    interpretations are issued by the Administrator on the
    advice of the Solicitor of Labor, as authorized by the
    29 C.F.R. S 778.1. Section 778.1 leaves no doubt that
    S 778.215(a)(5) is an interpretive guideline, issued on the
    advice of the Solicitor of Labor and authorized by the
    Secretary, not an official regulation pr omulgated after
    notice-and-comment rule making.
    b. Under Christensen v. Harris County, informal
    agency interpretations are not binding, but are
    entitled to respect to the extent they ar e
    We have made clear that agency interpr etive guidelines
    "do not rise to the level of a regulation and do not have the
    effect of law." Brooks v. V illage of Ridgefield Park, 
    185 F.3d 130
    , 135 (3d Cir. 1999). The Supreme Court recently
    clarified the distinction between the level of deference to be
    accorded formal agency regulations and informal agency
    interpretations. In Christensen v. Harris County, 
    529 U.S. 576
    120 S. Ct. 1655
    (2000), the Court explained that
    informal agency interpretations in "opinion letters and
    similar documents" are not entitled to Chevron deference.12
    12. As noted, Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    (1984), held courts must defer to an agency's regulation
    interpreting an ambiguous statute, if the statute is one the agency is
    charged to administer.
    Instead, they are "entitled to respect" under Skidmore v.
    323 U.S. 134
    (1944), but only to the extent they have
    the "power to persuade."13 Christensen, 
    529 U.S. 576
    , 120
    S.Ct. at 1663. To grant Chevron deference to informal
    agency interpretations would unduly validate the results of
    an informal process.
    The Supreme Court's clarification in Christensen requires
    us to revisit our previously applied parameters of deference.
    See, e.g., United States v. Occidental Chemical Corp., 
    200 F.3d 143
    , 151-52 (3d Cir. 1999) (following Cleary; court
    must defer to agency's statutory interpretation that find
    support in informal agency practice); Br ooks v. Ridgefield
    Park, 185 F.3d at 135
    (agency's interpr etive bulletins do not
    have the effect of law; level of defer ence due is governed by
    bulletin's persuasiveness); Cleary, 167 F .3d at 808
    (agency's informal interpretation is accorded deference if
    agency is charged to interpret the statute, if the
    interpretation is consistent with agency's other
    pronouncements, and if the interpretation furthers the
    statute's purposes). Christensen now confirms that informal
    agency interpretations are entitled to r espect based only on
    their persuasiveness. So that the District Court may apply
    this standard, we will remand this case for a determination
    of the "power to persuade" of S 778.215(a)(5) and the extent
    to which it is "entitled to respect" in interpreting FLSA
    S 207(e)(4).
    As to the persuasiveness of agency interpretive
    guidelines, we note our continued reliance on the
    framework laid out in Skidmore v. Swift , 
    323 U.S. 134
    (1944). See, e.g., Cleary, 167 F .3d at 809. The
    Skidmore Court explained:
    [R]ulings, interpretations and opinions of the
    Administrator under this Act, while not contr olling
    upon the courts by reason of their authority, do
    constitute a body of experience and informed judgment
    to which courts and litigants may properly r esort for
    13. As the Supreme Court noted, defer ence to agency interpretation is
    appropriate for an agency's interpretation of its own regulation where the
    regulation itself is ambiguous. Christensen , 
    529 U.S. 576
    , 120 S.Ct. at
    1663. That is not the case here.
    guidance. The weight of such a judgment in a
    particular case will depend upon the thoroughness
    evident in its consideration, the validity of its
    774reasoning, its consistency with earlier and later
    pronouncements, and all those factors which give it
    power to persuade, if lacking power to contr ol.
    Skidmore, 323 U.S. at 140
    . In applying the Skidmore test,
    the Supreme Court has noted that agency interpr etations
    issued contemporaneous with a statute are entitled to
    greater deference. See, e.g., Public Citizen v. Department of
    491 U.S. 440
    , 463 n.12 (1989) (one r eason
    deference was not due an agency interpr etation was the
    passage of time between enactment of the statute and
    promulgation of the regulation in question); General Electric
    Co. v. Gilbert, 
    429 U.S. 125
    , 142 (1976) (EEOC guideline
    did not "fare well" under Swift standards in part because it
    was "not a contemporaneous interpretation"). An agency
    interpretation's persuasiveness also is derived in part from
    the "thoroughness evident in its consideration, the validity
    of its reasoning, [and] its consistency with earlier and later
    Skidmore, 323 U.S. at 140
    . To be
    persuasive, an agency interpretation cannot run contrary to
    Congress's intent as reflected in a statute's plain language
    and purpose. See 
    Cleary, 167 F.3d at 808
    3. FLSA presumes remuneration is to be included
    in the regular pay rate
    We make a final observation. RHD ar gues Christensen
    stands for the proposition that unless a r elevant FLSA
    provision expressly or implicitly pr ohibits the employer's
    policy, an employee cannot demonstrate a statutory
    violation. That argument stretches Christensen in
    unconvincing fashion. The Court in Christensen was
    concerned with whether the FLSA prohibited municipal
    employers from compelling the use of compensatory time.
    See Christensen, 
    529 U.S. 576
    , 120 S.Ct. at 1658. The
    Court read the applicable provisions of the FLSA only to
    "guarantee that an employee will be able to make some use
    of compensatory time when he requests to use it." 
    Id. at 1662.
    The Court found the provision silent with respect to
    the employer's requiring employees to use compensatory
    time. See 
    id. ("[T]hat provision
    says nothing about
    restricting an employer's efforts to r equire employees to use
    compensatory time.").
    But here, the FLSA expressly provides the regular rate of
    pay "shall be deemed to include all remuneration for
    employment paid to, or on behalf of, the employee" unless
    it falls under a specific exemption. See 29 U.S.C. S 207(e).
    Unlike in Christensen, there is a statutory presumption
    here that remuneration in any form is included in the
    regular rate calculation. The burden is on the employer to
    establish that the remuneration in question falls under an
    exemption. Unlike in Christensen, the statutory silence in
    Section 207(e)(4) relied on by RHD cuts against it rather
    than in its favor. In short, Christensen does not compel
    summary judgment for RHD.
    IV. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we will vacate the District
    Court's grant of summary judgment and remand for
    proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit