United States v. Saada ( 2000 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2000 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    United States v. Saada
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 99-5126 & 99-5148
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    Filed May 15, 2000
    Nos. 99-5126 & 99-5148
    NEIL SAADA and ISAAC SAADA, a/k/a Zuckie,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    D.C. Criminal No. 96-cr-00047
    District Judge: Honorable John C. Lifland
    Argued: December 16, 1999
    Before: NYGAARD and RENDELL, Circuit Judges, and
    HARRIS, District Judge.*
    (Filed: May 15, 2000)
    * Stanley S. Harris, Senior District Judge for the District of Columbia,
    sitting by designation.
    Edna Ball Axelrod, Esq. (Argued)
    76 South Orange Avenue, Suite 305
    South Orange, N.J. 07079
    Paul Brickfield, Esq.
    70 Grand Avenue
    River Edge, N.J. 07661
    Norman Gross, Esq. (Argued)
    Office of the United States Attorney
    One John F. Gerry Plaza
    Fourth and Cooper Streets
    Camden, N.J. 08101-2098
    James F. McMahon, Esq.
    Office of the United States Attorney
    970 Broad Street
    Newark, N.J. 07102-2535
    HARRIS, District Judge.
    This appeal arises out of a factual setting of unusual
    corruption, involving a flooded portion of a warehouse
    resulting from a broken sprinkler head; a fraudulent
    insurance claim filed by a father and son; a cousin who
    took part in the scheme, but later testified against his
    relatives as a government witness, only to be caught on
    tape by the government encouraging an individual to falsely
    implicate someone in a different crime; and the use at trial
    of a statement by a deceased state court judge who had
    been removed from the bench and disbarred for unethical
    conduct. It requires us to apply our standards governing
    new trials under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 33 and
    a prosecutor's vouching for the credibility of witnesses, and
    to interpret the intersection of two rules of evidence.
    A jury convicted Isaac Saada and his son, Neil Saada
    (collectively "appellants" and sometimes identified by their
    first names), of one count of conspiracy to defraud an
    insurance company in violation of 18 U.S.C. S 371, two
    counts of mail fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. S 1341, and
    one count of wire fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C.S 1343.
    The District Court sentenced Isaac to concurrent prison
    terms of 36 months, and Neil to concurrent prison terms of
    30 months. Shortly after being sentenced, appellantsfiled
    a motion for a new trial on the basis of newly discovered
    evidence, which the District Court denied. Appellants
    challenge the District Court's denial of their motion for a
    new trial, a number of its evidentiary rulings made during
    the trial, and the propriety of certain statements made by
    the government during its rebuttal argument. We will
    A. Factual Background
    Appellants owned and operated a business named
    Scrimshaw Handicrafts ("Scrimshaw") in New Jersey that
    purchased, manufactured, and sold items made from ivory,
    jewels, gold, and other materials. Appellants faced
    significant financial difficulties. In August 1990, they were
    sued on a $6 million bank loan made to an entity named
    Kiddie Craft; each appellant had personally guaranteed the
    total amount of the loan, and each thus was liable for the
    amount of the subsequent settlement of the lawsuit-- $3.8
    million. During this period, Scrimshaw was operating at a
    net loss, and ultimately it filed for bankruptcy in June
    The government's evidence at trial showed that, in 1990,
    appellants contacted Ezra Rishty, Isaac's cousin, for help in
    an insurance fraud scheme. Rishty was a public insurance
    adjuster in New York City who had conspired with various
    clients in over 200 fraudulent insurance schemes in the
    past. Rishty agreed to assist Isaac in filing a fraudulent
    insurance claim, and enlisted the help of Morris Beyda, a
    former employee who by then owned his own business.
    Rishty also enlisted the help of Sal Marchello, a general
    adjuster for the Chubb Insurance Group ("Chubb"), which
    was Scrimshaw's insurer. Marchello assured Rishty that
    Chubb would assign him to handle the future Scrimshaw
    The basis of the fraudulent insurance claim was a staged
    flooding in Scrimshaw's warehouse caused by a broken
    sprinkler head. Beyda testified that, on November 28, 1990,
    he went to the warehouse and, with the assistance of Neil,
    broke a sprinkler head located above a caged area
    containing Scrimshaw's most valuable merchandise. When
    Neil and Beyda broke the sprinkler head, Isaac was in his
    office with Tom Yaccarino, a vice-president of Scrimshaw
    and former New Jersey state court judge. Breaking the
    sprinkler head caused a flood of dirty water to fall on the
    boxes in the cage, which triggered an automatic alarm and
    prompted police and fire fighters to go to the Scrimshaw
    warehouse. Neil told them the agreed-upon cover story --
    that he had accidentally broken the sprinkler head while
    moving a heavy box that was piled on top of other boxes in
    the storage area, near the ceiling. A few days later, Beyda
    returned to the warehouse and increased the damage by
    spraying water on boxes of merchandise that previously
    had not been damaged.
    Appellants submitted an insurance claim and proof of
    loss to Chubb for the merchandise damaged by the
    purported accident. The proof of loss contained an
    inventory of the damaged items, which included items that
    had in fact not been damaged. Appellants retained Rishty's
    company, United International Adjusters, to assist them
    with this claim. Chubb assigned Marchello to investigate
    the claim, who in turn hired Kurt Wagner -- an insurance
    salver -- to assess the extent of damage and to valuate the
    merchandise. Wagner took part in the fraudulent scheme
    by vouching for the accuracy of the proof of loss, without
    actually inspecting the inventory listed.
    Chubb hired an accounting firm to review the valuation
    in the proof of loss. Appellants were unable to provide
    invoices for certain merchandise valued at approximately
    $500,000 that was listed in their claim. Neil informed the
    accountants that they were having trouble locating these
    invoices because they were old and stored away in a trailer.
    Appellants thereafter submitted forged invoices indicating
    that Scrimshaw had purchased the merchandise in
    question from a jewelry wholesaler in New York. When the
    accountants became suspicious about these invoices
    because they were in "pristine" condition, Marchello told
    them to accept the invoices and not to investigate any
    Chubb also sent an investigator to interview appellants
    regarding the water damage claim. In separate interviews,
    at which Rishty was present, appellants stated that their
    business was not facing financial difficulties. Isaac also
    stated that he had hired Rishty as a public adjuster
    because he had seen an advertisement of his company, but
    did not state that he was related to Rishty.
    Chubb ultimately paid appellants $865,000 on the
    fraudulent claim, $270,000 of which appellants paid to
    Rishty for his role in the scheme. Rishty paid Beyda,
    Marchello, and Wagner for their roles in the scheme out of
    his share of the money.
    B. Procedural Background
    In December 1992, federal agents executed search
    warrants for the business offices of Rishty and Beyda in
    New York. Shortly thereafter, Rishty and Beyda agreed to
    cooperate with the government.1 Between 1992 and 1997,
    Rishty spent approximately 3,000 hours, and Beyda spent
    over 1,000 hours, cooperating with the government in
    various insurance fraud investigations. In the course of this
    cooperation, Rishty admitted to having participated in over
    200 fraudulent insurance claims. Rishty and Beyda also
    advised the government of the fraudulent water damage
    claim submitted by Scrimshaw. Pursuant to their
    cooperation agreements, Rishty and Beyda pleaded guilty to
    various fraud-related offenses in the United States District
    Court for the Eastern District of New York. Rishty also
    pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail fraud in the
    United States District Court for the District of New Jersey
    for his role in the Scrimshaw claim.
    1. Rishty entered into one cooperation agreement with the United States
    Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, and another with the
    United States Attorneys for the District of New Jersey and the District of
    Connecticut. Beyda entered into a cooperation agreement only with the
    United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
    In an indictment filed in the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey, appellants were charged with
    one count of conspiracy to defraud an insurance company,
    three counts of mail fraud, and one count of wire fraud.2
    Before trial, the District Court dismissed one of the mail
    fraud counts pursuant to a government motion. At trial,
    both Rishty and Beyda testified for the government,
    pursuant to their cooperation agreements, as to appellants'
    involvement in the fraudulent water damage claim.
    Appellants' defense was that Rishty and Beyda were falsely
    implicating them in order to receive the benefit of motions
    for reduced sentences on the charges to which they had
    pled guilty. The jury convicted appellants on the four
    remaining counts in the indictment. After being sentenced,
    appellants moved unsuccessfully for a new trial on the
    basis of newly discovered evidence. We now turn to the
    contentions raised in this appeal.
    Appellants first challenge the District Court's denial of
    their motion for a new trial under Federal Rule of Criminal
    Procedure 33. We review that decision for an abuse of
    discretion. See Government of the Virgin Islands v. Lima,
    774 F.2d 1245
    , 1250 (3d Cir. 1985); United States v.
    759 F.2d 1099
    , 1108 (3d Cir. 1985).
    The new evidence forming the basis of appellants' motion
    consists of a crime committed by Rishty after appellants
    had been convicted. In July 1997, Rishty advised an
    individual named Robert Falack to give false testimony
    against an innocent third party, under the guise of
    cooperating with the government, in order to receive a
    reduced sentence on a pending criminal charge.3 Rishty's
    urging was captured on audio tape, as Falack wore a wire
    2. The indictment also charged Isaac separately in five other counts, but
    the District Court granted a motion to sever those counts.
    3. Because Rishty's conduct violated the terms of his cooperation
    agreement with the government, the United States Attorney for the
    Eastern District of New York did not file a motion under S 5K1.1 of the
    Sentencing Guidelines for a reduced sentence on the charges to which
    he had pled guilty.
    during the conversation. The tape reveals that Rishty also
    told Falack that he would "back up" his story"100
    percent," that Rishty admitted to withholding information
    from the government during his cooperation, and that the
    government sometimes gave him information about a
    particular crime when asking him whether it had occurred.
    Appellants claim that this newly discovered evidence
    warrants a new trial because it undermines Rishty's
    testimony and bolsters their trial defense by providing
    powerful evidence of Rishty's willingness falsely to implicate
    innocent people in order to receive leniency at sentencing.
    At the outset, we note that the newly discovered evidence
    may also be characterized as "newly created" evidence
    because Rishty did not encourage Falack to give false
    testimony until after appellants had been convicted. We
    share the skepticism expressed by the trial court over the
    viability of a defendant's application for a new trial that
    relies solely on evidence of a government witness' bad acts
    committed after the defendant has been convicted.
    However, we need not resolve whether this type of evidence
    may ever warrant a new trial because the relevant evidence
    in this case does not meet our well-established standard for
    a new trial. Our case law makes clear that five
    requirements must be met before a trial court may grant a
    new trial on the basis of newly discovered evidence:
    (a) the evidence must be in fact newly discovered, i.e.
    discovered since trial; (b) facts must be alleged from
    which the court may infer diligence on the part of the
    movant; (c) the evidence relied on must not be merely
    cumulative or impeaching; (d) it must be material to
    the issues involved; and (e) it must be such, and of
    such nature, as that, on a new trial, the newly
    discovered evidence would probably produce an
    Lima, 774 F.2d at 1250
    (quoting United States v. Ianelli,
    528 F.2d 1290
    , 1292 (3d Cir. 1976)). The movant has a
    "heavy burden" in meeting these requirements. United
    States v. Ashfield, 
    735 F.2d 101
    , 112 (3d Cir. 1984). We
    agree with the District Court that appellants did not meet
    their burden.
    First, the new evidence in this case fails the requirement
    that it not be merely cumulative or impeaching. The
    evidence is only impeaching because there is no
    exculpatory connection between Rishty's act of counseling
    Falack to falsely implicate an innocent person in another
    case and appellants' acts of causing a flooding of their
    storage area and filing a fraudulent insurance claim.
    Nothing in Rishty's conversation with Falack supports an
    inference that appellants were innocent of the charges for
    which they were convicted.4 The evidence is only cumulative
    because the jury heard an overwhelming amount of
    evidence impeaching Rishty's credibility. Among other
    things, that evidence probed the extent of Rishty's
    participation in over 200 fraudulent insurance schemes, his
    criminal record, and his cooperation agreement with the
    government, under which he was eligible to receive the
    benefit of a S 5K1.1 motion for a reduced sentence.5 This
    evidence undoubtedly caused the jury to question the
    veracity of Rishty's testimony implicating appellants in the
    fraudulent insurance scheme. Given the abundance of
    impeachment evidence presented at trial detailing Rishty's
    propensity for deceitful acts and his incentive for testifying
    as a government witness, we conclude that the District
    Court did not abuse its discretion in ruling that the new
    evidence was merely cumulative.
    4. In his conversation with Falack, Rishty referred to Isaac as a "moron"
    who had "caused his own problem" by backing out of a purportedly
    favorable plea offer with prosecutors. This comment is not probative of
    innocence because it evidences Rishty's belief that appellants were
    5. For example, the jury heard evidence that: (1) the total value of the
    fraudulent claims in which Rishty had participated was approximately
    $38 million; (2) approximately 20 of Rishty's employees had participated
    in his fraudulent insurance schemes; (3) Rishty had routinely bribed
    insurance adjusters and others in the insurance industry in connection
    with these schemes; (4) Rishty had taken money from his clients by
    telling them that he needed it for bribes, but had then kept it for
    (5) Rishty had received approximately $5 million for his work on
    fraudulent claims over 6 years; (6) Rishty had pled guilty to mail fraud
    and tax evasion in federal court in New York, and had pled guilty to
    insurance fraud in federal court in New Jersey; (7) Rishty had another
    prior conviction for larceny; and (8) Rishty was testifying as a
    with the hope of receiving a reduced sentence.
    Nor did the District Court err in concluding that the new
    evidence failed another requirement for a new trial-- that
    it would probably produce an acquittal. The District Court
    reasoned that there was sufficient evidence, independent of
    Rishty's testimony, to support the jury's findings of guilt.6
    In doing so, it emphasized that portions of Beyda's
    testimony indicating his presence at the Scrimshaw
    warehouse on the night of the staged flooding had been
    corroborated by independent evidence. This corroborating
    evidence established Beyda's familiarity with the layout of
    the warehouse, the individuals present on the night of the
    flooding, and the details of the flooding as they unfolded,
    and accordingly laid the foundation for his elaborate
    testimony implicating appellants in the fraudulent scheme.
    Appellants contend, however, that the new evidence would
    lead a jury to discredit Beyda's testimony because his
    testimony was inextricably linked to Rishty's testimony.
    Appellants seek to account (as they must) for the
    independent corroboration of Beyda's testimony by arguing
    that Beyda could have learned about the warehouse and
    flooding from Rishty, who would have acquired those
    details through his purportedly lawful role as Scrimshaw's
    public claims adjuster.7
    Appellants' argument is unpersuasive. First, the jury did
    not credit it at trial, even though it heard evidence that
    Rishty and Beyda had been debriefed together by the
    government, and had continued to communicate with each
    other while they were cooperating. The new evidence would
    not prompt a jury to accept appellants' theory because
    6. Appellants argue that the District Court's conclusion was based on an
    incorrect legal standard insofar as it assessed whether there was
    sufficient independent evidence to support a conviction, instead of
    whether the new evidence was likely to create a"reasonable doubt."
    Appellants' argument is unavailing; we previously have employed an
    approach focusing on the sufficiency of evidence when reviewing the
    denial of a motion for a new trial. See Adams , 759 F.2d at 1108 (stating
    that "other [non-tainted] evidence in the case was more than sufficient
    to sustain a finding of guilt").
    7. At trial, the defense denied Rishty's and Beyda's presence at the
    warehouse on the night of the flooding, but did not deny that Rishty
    subsequently had assisted appellants in filing their insurance claim.
    Rishty's incriminating conversation with Falack does not
    suggest that Beyda was falsely implicating people in crimes.
    In any event, appellants' argument does not account for
    certain aspects of Beyda's independently corroborated
    testimony. For example, Beyda correctly testified that a
    police officer responding to the alarm triggered by the
    broken sprinkler head had radioed his headquarters, upon
    arriving at the warehouse, to inform it that there was no
    fire; there is no indication that Rishty knew of this
    statement because Rishty was not present during the
    flooding and would not necessarily have learned of it
    through his role as a public adjuster. Thus, we conclude
    that the new evidence did not undermine the strength of
    Beyda's testimony implicating appellants in the fraudulent
    insurance scheme. The government also presented other
    evidence probative of appellants' guilt, such as their
    financial motive to commit insurance fraud, their false
    statements to the Chubb investigator, their forging of
    invoices for merchandise they claimed had been damaged
    during the staged flooding, and the positioning and design
    of the sprinkler head, which undermined the strength of
    their cover story about the cause of the broken sprinkler
    head. Given this independent evidence of appellants' guilt,
    and the strength of Beyda's untainted testimony, the
    District Court's conclusion that the new evidence would not
    probably produce an acquittal was hardly erroneous.
    Because the District Court did not abuse its discretion in
    concluding that the new evidence failed not only one but
    two of the necessary requirements for a new trial, we will
    affirm its decision denying appellants' Rule 33 motion.
    Appellants challenge the admission of two pieces of
    evidence at trial: evidence of prior misconduct by Tom
    Yaccarino, a former judge and vice-president of Scrimshaw
    at the time of the flooding, and evidence of Isaac's
    participation in another fraudulent insurance scheme with
    Rishty. We find error in the admission of thefirst piece of
    evidence, but conclude that it was harmless. We also
    conclude that there was no error with respect to the second
    piece of evidence.
    A. Evidence of Yaccarino's Prior Misconduct
    Appellants contend that the District Court improperly
    admitted evidence of specific instances of misconduct by
    Yaccarino to impeach his credibility. The impetus for the
    admission of this evidence was the prior admission of a
    statement made by Yaccarino at the time of the water
    damage. Linda Chewning, a Scrimshaw employee, testified
    that she was working in the warehouse on the night in
    question. During cross-examination by defense counsel,
    she testified that Yaccarino had run into the office kitchen
    screaming words to the effect of "oh my God, Neil did
    something stupid, [threw] something, now he has got a
    mess . . . . I can't believe it. He is so stupid. He threw it.
    He is stupid, he is dumb." Yaccarino was deceased at the
    time of trial. The District Court admitted his statement as
    hearsay under the excited utterance exception in Fed. R.
    Evid. 803(2).8
    8. Rule 801(c) defines hearsay as "a statement, other than one made by
    the declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered in
    to prove the truth of the matter asserted." As this makes clear, not every
    extrajudicial statement constitutes hearsay. Rather,"[i]f the significance
    of an offered statement lies solely in the fact that it was made, no issue
    is raised as to the truth of the matter asserted, and the statement is not
    hearsay." Fed. R. Evid. 801(c) advisory committee's note. Typically
    known as "verbal acts" (or perhaps more logically as "verbal utterances"),
    such statements thus give rise to legal consequences independent of
    their assertive quality. See, e.g., Mueller v. Abdnor, 
    972 F.2d 931
    , 937
    (8th Cir. 1992); United States v. Cardascia, 
    951 F.2d 474
    , 486-87 (2d
    Cir. 1991); Weinstein's Evidence P 801.03[2] (1999).
    Appellants sought to have Yaccarino's statement admitted to prove the
    truth of the assertion that Neil had accidentally broken the sprinkler
    head, while the government maintained that his statement was for
    "show" and merely part of the larger cover story. The excited utterance
    exception, pursuant to which the District Court admitted Yaccarino's
    statement, allows admission of a hearsay "statement relating to a
    startling event or condition made while the declarant was under the
    stress of excitement caused by the event or condition." Fed. R. Evid.
    803(2). We are doubtful, however, that appellants were entitled to
    admission of Yaccarino's statement under this exception because case
    law imposes a requirement that the declarant "personally perceived the
    event or condition about which the statement is made." United States v.
    145 F.3d 572
    , 576 (3d Cir. 1998) (citing Miller v. Keating, 754
    Yaccarino's statement was important to appellants'
    defense because it purportedly provided contemporaneous
    evidence supporting their claim that Neil accidentally had
    broken the sprinkler head. Accordingly, the government
    sought to attack the statement by impeaching Yaccarino's
    credibility. The government asked the District Court to take
    judicial notice of two New Jersey Supreme Court decisions
    ordering Yaccarino's removal from the bench and
    disbarment for unethical conduct, as well as the factual
    details supporting those decisions, which reflected his
    unethical conduct.9 Appellants objected to that evidence on
    the grounds that the credibility of a hearsay declarant may
    not be impeached with extrinsic evidence of bad acts, and
    that the danger of unfair prejudice from this evidence
    substantially outweighed its probative value. Overruling
    these objections, the District Court took judicial notice of
    the two New Jersey Supreme Court decisions and their
    factual underpinnings. Appellants renew their objections to
    this evidence, and raise new challenges on the grounds that
    judicial notice of the facts in the two court opinions was not
    proper, and that the District Court conveyed an
    unfavorable assessment of Yaccarino's credibility to the jury
    in taking such judicial notice.
    F.2d 507, 511 (3d Cir. 1985)). The record is bereft of any suggestion that
    Yaccarino perceived Neil's purported act of throwing a box and
    accidentally breaking the sprinkler head; to the contrary, it shows that
    Yaccarino was in Isaac's office when the sprinkler head was broken, and
    that Neil subsequently ran into the office to inform them of the alleged
    accident. Nevertheless, despite our skepticism over whether the personal
    perception requirement was in fact met, for review purposes we defer to
    the District Court's ruling admitting Yaccarino's statement for the truth
    of the matter asserted under the excited utterance exception.
    9. The extent of Yaccarino's unethical conduct was substantial. Among
    other things, Yaccarino had attempted to buy real estate that was the
    subject of litigation before him and, after learning that the property
    owner had recorded incriminating statements he had made, Yaccarino
    attempted to persuade the property owner to submit a false affidavit or
    give false testimony in court which would exonerate him. Yaccarino also
    failed to disclose his interest in two liquor licenses that he held in
    violation of New Jersey law. See generally In the Matter of Yaccarino, 
    101 N.J. 342
    502 A.2d 3
    Appellants first argue that the judicially noticed evidence
    was admitted improperly because, although Federal Rule of
    Evidence 806 provides for the impeachment of a hearsay
    declarant, it limits that impeachment to "any evidence
    which would be admissible for [impeachment purposes]
    . . . if declarant had testified as a witness." Here, the
    judicially noticed evidence involved specific instances of
    Yaccarino's misconduct and, as the government
    acknowledged at trial, constituted extrinsic evidence.
    Federal Rule of Evidence 608(b) states:
    Specific instances of the conduct of a witness, for the
    purpose of attacking or supporting the witness'
    credibility, other than conviction of crime as provided
    in rule 609, may not be proved by extrinsic evidence.
    They may, however, in the discretion of the court, if
    probative of truthfulness or untruthfulness, be
    inquired into on cross-examination of the witness (1)
    concerning the witness' character for truthfulness or
    untruthfulness, or (2) concerning the character for
    truthfulness or untruthfulness of another witness as to
    which character the witness being cross-examined has
    Appellants argue that if Yaccarino had testified, Rule 608(b)
    would have prevented the government from introducing
    extrinsic evidence of his unethical conduct, and would have
    limited the government to questioning him about that
    conduct on cross-examination. Thus, appellants argue,
    judicial notice of the evidence constituted improper
    impeachment of a hearsay declarant. The government
    correctly avers that it would have been allowed to inquire
    into Yaccarino's misconduct on cross-examination if he had
    testified at trial because Rule 806 allows a party against
    whom a hearsay statement is admitted to call the declarant
    as a witness and "to examine the declarant on the
    statement as if under cross-examination." Because
    Yaccarino's death foreclosed eliciting the facts of his
    misconduct in this manner, the government argues that it
    was entitled to introduce extrinsic evidence of his
    misconduct. In effect, the government argues that, read in
    concert, Rules 806 and 608(b) permit the introduction of
    extrinsic evidence of misconduct when a hearsay declarant
    is unavailable to testify.
    Our standard of review is tied to the resolution of the
    very issue about which the parties disagree -- the interplay
    of Rules 806 and 608(b). We afford a district court's
    evidentiary ruling plenary review insofar as it was based on
    an interpretation of the Federal Rules of Evidence, but
    review a ruling to admit or exclude evidence, if based on a
    permissible interpretation of those rules, for an abuse of
    discretion. See, e.g., United States v. Sokolow, 
    91 F.3d 396
    402 (3d Cir. 1996); United States v. Console, 
    13 F.3d 641
    656 (3d Cir. 1993). In this case, the District Court implicitly
    interpreted Rule 806 to modify Rule 608(b)'s ban on the
    introduction of extrinsic evidence in the context of a
    hearsay declarant.10 Accordingly, we must determine
    whether that interpretation is permissible to ascertain
    whether the District Court's admission of the evidence
    should be reviewed for an abuse of discretion.
    At the outset, we note that the issue of whether Rule 806
    modifies Rule 608(b)'s ban on extrinsic evidence is a matter
    of first impression in this circuit, and a matter which the
    majority of our sister courts likewise has not yet addressed.
    Indeed, there are only two circuit court opinions construing
    the effect of Rule 806's intersection with Rule 608(b). Those
    cases are themselves in conflict. In United States v.
    854 F.2d 535
    (2d Cir. 1988), the Second Circuit
    held that the trial court properly excluded impeachment
    evidence that a hearsay declarant had lied to the police
    because that evidence was not probative of the truthfulness
    of the hearsay statement there at issue. 
    Id. at 569-70.
    doing so, however, the court suggested that extrinsic
    10. In ruling that the evidence of Yaccarino's misconduct was admissible,
    the District Judge stated, in part:
    The situation involving former Judge Yaccarino clearly comes within
    Rule 806 in that his statement has been admitted in evidence, and
    the question is an attack upon his credibility. Rule 806 says it
    be attacked by any evidence which would be admissible if former
    Judge Yaccarino had testified. If former Judge Yaccarino had
    testified, I would allow the government to cross-examine him with
    respect to the removal from office, and disbarment under the second
    sentence of Rule 608(b). Certainly his disbarment and removal from
    office would relate to his character for truthfulness or
    evidence of such misconduct would have been admissible
    had the misconduct been probative of truthfulness:"[Rule
    608(b)] limits such evidence of `specific instances' to cross-
    examination. Rule 806 applies, of course, when the
    declarant has not testified and there has by definition been
    no cross-examination, and resort to extrinsic evidence may
    be the only means of presenting such evidence to the jury."
    Id. at 570
    n.8. The Second Circuit's position in Friedman
    conflicts with the District of Columbia Circuit's more recent
    statement in United States v. White, 
    116 F.3d 903
    (D.C. Cir.
    1997). In that case, the district court had allowed defense
    counsel to cross-examine a police officer about a hearsay
    declarant's drug use, drug dealing, and prior convictions,
    but had not allowed defense counsel to impeach the
    declarant's credibility by asking the officer whether the
    declarant had ever made false statements on an
    employment form or disobeyed a court order. 
    Id. at 920.
    The declarant was unavailable because he had been
    Id. at 911.
    The court of appeals concluded that
    defense counsel should have been allowed to cross-examine
    the officer about the declarant's making false statements
    and disobeying a court order.11 In doing so, the court
    observed that defense counsel "could not have made
    reference to any extrinsic proof of those acts" during cross-
    Id. at 920.
    Thus, in contrast to the Second
    Circuit in Friedman, the D.C. Circuit in White took the
    position that the ban on extrinsic evidence of misconduct
    applies in the context of hearsay declarants, even when
    those declarants are unavailable to testify.
    We agree with the approach taken by the court in White,
    and conclude that Rule 806 does not modify Rule 608(b)'s
    ban on extrinsic evidence of prior bad acts in the context of
    hearsay declarants, even when those declarants are
    unavailable to testify. We perceive our holding to be
    dictated by the plain -- albeit imperfectly meshed--
    language of Rules 806 and 608(b). As discussed, Rule 806
    allows impeachment of a hearsay declarant only to the
    11. The court in White went on to conclude that the district court had
    not abused its discretion in disallowing the testimony because the
    testimony would have been of marginal utility given the declarant's
    already damaged credibility. 
    Id. at 920.
    extent that impeachment would be permissible had the
    declarant testified as a witness, which, in the case of
    specific instances of misconduct, is limited to cross-
    examination under Rule 608(b). The asserted basis for
    declining to adhere to the clear thrust of these rules is that
    the only avenue for using information of prior bad acts to
    impeach the credibility of a witness -- cross-examination --
    is closed if the hearsay declarant cannot be called to testify.
    We are unpersuaded by this rationale. First, the
    unavailability of the declarant will not always foreclose
    using prior misconduct as an impeachment tool because
    the witness testifying to the hearsay statement may be
    questioned about the declarant's misconduct -- without
    reference to extrinsic evidence thereof -- on cross-
    examination concerning knowledge of the declarant's
    character for truthfulness or untruthfulness.12 And, even if
    a hearsay declarant's credibility may not be impeached with
    evidence of prior misconduct, other avenues for impeaching
    the hearsay statement remain open. For example, the
    credibility of the hearsay declarant -- and indeed that of
    the witness testifying to the hearsay statement-- may be
    impeached with opinion and reputation evidence of
    character under Rule 608(a), evidence of criminal
    convictions under Rule 609, and evidence of prior
    inconsistent statements under Rule 613. The unavailability
    of one form of impeachment, under a specific set of
    circumstances, does not justify overriding the plain
    language of the Rules of Evidence. Cf. United States v.
    934 F.2d 837
    , 839 (7th Cir. 1991) ("Rule 806
    extends the privilege of impeaching the declarant of a
    hearsay statement but does not obliterate the rules of
    evidence that govern how impeachment is to proceed").
    12. We recognize the dilemma presented if the witness has no knowledge
    of the hearsay declarant's misconduct. One solution:firm adherence to
    the hearsay rules (Rules 801-807) in determining whether a proffered
    statement truly is admissible in the first instance. It is, of course, not
    the role of the trial judge to make a credibility determination in a
    criminal jury trial. Nonetheless, when an out-of-court declaration is
    offered for the truth of the matter asserted, it becomes "hearsay,"
    to the exclusions in Rule 801(d), and is presumptively inadmissible,
    subject only to carefully defined exceptions. See Fed. R. Evid. 802-804,
    We also read the language of Rule 806 implicitly to reject
    the asserted rationale for lifting the ban on extrinsic
    evidence. Rule 806 makes no allowance for the
    unavailability of a hearsay declarant in the context of
    impeachment by specific instances of misconduct, but
    makes such an allowance in the context of impeachment by
    prior inconsistent statements. Rule 613 requires that a
    witness be given the opportunity to admit or deny a prior
    inconsistent statement before extrinsic evidence of that
    statement may be introduced. If a hearsay declarant does
    not testify, however, this requirement will not usually be
    met. Rule 806 cures any problem over the admissibility of
    a non-testifying declarant's prior inconsistent statement by
    providing that evidence of the statement "is not subject to
    any requirement that the declarant may have been afforded
    an opportunity to deny or explain." See generally Fed. R.
    Evid. 806 advisory committee's notes. The fact that Rule
    806 does not provide a comparable allowance for the
    unavailability of a hearsay declarant in the context of Rule
    608(b)'s ban on extrinsic evidence indicates that the latter's
    ban on extrinsic evidence applies with equal force in the
    context of hearsay declarants.
    In reaching this conclusion, we are mindful of its
    consequences. Upholding the ban on extrinsic evidence in
    the case of a hearsay declarant may require the party
    against whom the hearsay statement was admitted to call
    the declarant to testify, even though it was the party's
    adversary who adduced the statement requiring
    impeachment in the first place. And, as here, where the
    declarant is unavailable to testify, the ban prevents using
    evidence of prior misconduct as a form of impeachment,
    unless the witness testifying to the hearsay has knowledge
    of the declarant's misconduct. See generally 4 Mueller &
    Kirkpatrick, Federal Evidence S 511 at 894 n.7 (2d ed.
    1994); Margaret Meriwether Cordray, Evidence Rule 806
    and the Problem of Impeaching the Nontestifying Declarant,
    56 Ohio St. L.J. 495, 525-530 (1995). Nevertheless, these
    possible drawbacks may not override the language of Rules
    806 and 608(b), and do not outweigh the reason for Rule
    608(b)'s ban on extrinsic evidence in the first place, which
    is "to avoid minitrials on wholly collateral matters which
    tend to distract and confuse the jury . . . and to prevent
    unfair surprise arising from false allegations of improper
    conduct." Carter v. Hewitt, 
    617 F.2d 961
    , 971 (3d Cir.
    1980) (internal quotations and citation omitted); accord
    United States v. Martz, 
    964 F.2d 787
    , 789 (8th Cir. 1992);
    Foster v. United States, 
    282 F.2d 222
    , 223 (10th Cir. 1960).
    From our conclusion that the ban on extrinsic evidence
    of misconduct applies in the context of hearsay declarants,
    it follows that the District Court's ruling admitting evidence
    of Yaccarino's misconduct was based on an incorrect
    interpretation of Rules 806 and 608(b). We conclude,
    therefore, that the District Court erred in admitting such
    evidence. Nevertheless, we find the error to be harmless. An
    error is harmless if "it is highly probable that the error did
    not contribute to the judgment." United States v. Gibbs, 
    190 F.3d 188
    , 213 n.16 (3d Cir. 1999) (quoting United States v.
    172 F.3d 288
    , 297 (3d Cir. 1999)). That
    standard is met "when the court possesses a `sure
    conviction' that the error did not prejudice the defendant."
    Id. The District
    Court's admission of extrinsic evidence of
    Yaccarino's misconduct did not prejudice appellants
    because, at the request of appellants' trial counsel, it also
    took judicial notice of Yaccarino's obituary to rehabilitate
    his credibility. The obituary cast Yaccarino in a very
    favorable light, as it contained salutary comments from two
    other judges, stated that he had done a lot of charitable
    work in the years preceding his death, and portrayed him
    as someone who believed steadfastly in the justice system,
    but who felt that the system had "let him down." In this
    last respect, the obituary provided an explanation for
    Yaccarino's conduct underlying his removal from the bench
    and his disbarment by describing his belief that his
    conduct resulted from a temporary mental disability he had
    suffered after undergoing open heart surgery in 1979. We
    are confident that the strength of these favorable comments
    counteracted the effects of the evidence impeaching
    Yaccarino's credibility.13 We conclude that the admission of
    Yaccarino's obituary, coupled with the District Court's
    13. Isaac's trial counsel acknowledged this point when he stated to the
    court: "I have no problem admitting the good with the bad. If they want
    to slam his character, all I want is an attempt to support his character."
    Although this comment referred more immediately to the mix of favorable
    and unfavorable comments about Yaccarino in the obituary, it evidenced
    counsel's belief in the rehabilitative effect of the favorable comments.
    also should be noted that the obituary itself included multiple examples
    of blatant inadmissible hearsay, but we shall not dwell on that facet of
    the puzzle.)
    instruction to the jury that it could not use evidence of
    Yaccarino's misconduct to find appellants guilty by
    association, removed any prejudice to appellants from the
    court's taking judicial notice of the two New Jersey state
    court opinions.14 The District Court's error in admitting the
    extrinsic impeachment evidence was, therefore, harmless.
    Our conclusion as to harmless error renders it
    unnecessary to address appellants' other two contentions
    challenging the admission of the impeachment evidence --
    that the requirements for taking judicial notice were not
    satisfied and that the evidence was unduly prejudicial.
    Thus, all that remains of appellants' challenge to the
    evidence of Yaccarino's prior misconduct is their objection
    to the manner in which it was admitted.
    Appellants contend that the District Court conveyed an
    unfavorable impression of Yaccarino's credibility when
    taking judicial notice of the facts of his misconduct.
    Specifically, they argue that the trial judge communicated
    a "personal concern" to the jury that, because Yaccarino
    was unavailable to be cross-examined, he had to advise it
    of certain negative facts bearing on Yaccarino's character,
    leaving the jury with "the clear message that the judge
    could not allow them to evaluate Yaccarino's statements
    without his warning . . . ." We review this claim for plain
    error because appellants did not make such an objection at
    trial. See Failla v. City of Passaic, 
    146 F.3d 149
    , 159 (3d
    Cir. 1998); United States v. Gambino, 
    926 F.2d 1355
    , 1363
    n.6 (3d Cir. 1991). Accordingly, we consider whether there
    was "error" that was "plain" and that affected "substantial
    rights." United States v. Olano, 
    507 U.S. 725
    , 732 (1993).
    We find no such error here because the fair and neutral
    approach of the District Court is evident from the overall
    record. In advising the jury of certain facts regarding
    Yaccarino's misconduct, the trial judge explained that he
    was doing so because Yaccarino would have been subject to
    14. Our skepticism as to the admissibility of Yaccarino's hearsay
    statement in the first instance, see supra n. 8, further assures us that
    appellants suffered no cognizable prejudice from the admission of
    extrinsic evidence impeaching his character for truthfulness or
    cross-examination if he had been alive, and instructed the
    jury that it was not required to consider those facts or
    accept them as conclusive. Appellants' claim that the effect
    of the judge's comments was to communicate a personal
    concern to the jury as to Yaccarino's credibility is meritless.
    B. Evidence of Isaac Saada's Participation in Another
    Fraudulent Insurance Scheme
    Appellants also challenge the District Court's decision
    admitting Rishty's testimony that Isaac had conspired with
    him to commit another insurance fraud -- the "Diadem
    claim" -- shortly after the warehouse flooding. We review
    the District Court's ruling for an abuse of discretion and
    will reverse only if it was "clearly contrary to reason and not
    justified by the evidence." United States v. Balter, 
    91 F.3d 427
    , 437 (3d Cir. 1996) (quoting United States v.
    65 F.3d 1074
    , 1079 (3d Cir. 1995)). That
    standard is not met here.
    Appellants first argue that the government and the trial
    judge did not properly articulate a basis for admission of
    Rishty's testimony under Fed. R. Evid. 404(b), which bars
    evidence of crimes and other bad acts to establish an
    individual's propensity for such acts "to show action in
    conformity therewith," because the government only read
    the "laundry list" of permissible, non-propensity bases
    under Rule 404(b), which the District Court accepted
    without analysis. We disagree. At trial, the government did
    not merely read the list of non-propensity bases under Rule
    404(b), but rather explained that the evidence of Isaac's
    involvement in another fraud was admissible because it
    showed his intent to defraud, knowledge of the fraudulent
    nature of the water damage claim, and financial motive to
    commit insurance fraud, as well as the unlawful nature of
    his relationship with Rishty -- which rebutted the defense's
    position that Rishty had served as Scrimshaw's public
    adjuster in a lawful capacity -- and the absence of any
    accident. Following that explanation, the District Court
    indicated that it was admitting the evidence on the bases
    recited by the government. We conclude that the court
    properly admitted this evidence under Rule 404(b) and, by
    referencing the government's position, reflected an adequate
    basis for its decision.15
    Appellants also raise a Rule 403 challenge to the
    admission of Rishty's testimony on the grounds that it
    created a danger that the jury would convict Isaac for being
    a repeat offender who had escaped punishment on another
    crime, and that this prejudice would spill over onto Neil. As
    relevant here, Rule 403 states that "evidence may be
    excluded if its probative value is substantially outweighed
    by the danger of unfair prejudice . . ." Evidence of Isaac's
    participation in the Diadem claim was highly probative
    because it rebutted the defense's contention that Rishty's
    involvement in the Scrimshaw claim was attributed to his
    purportedly lawful role as a public adjuster by establishing
    the unlawful nature of his relationship with Isaac. By
    contrast, the danger of unfair prejudice from the evidence
    was slight because Rishty already was implicating Isaac in
    the fraudulent Scrimshaw claim, and there was no evidence
    of the Diadem claim apart from his testimony; if the jury
    had been inclined to reject Rishty's testimony as to the
    Scrimshaw claim, Rishty's testimony as to the Diadem
    claim certainly would not have dissuaded it from doing so
    under a belief that Isaac was a repeat offender who should
    not escape punishment. The District Court's instruction to
    15. Appellants' citation to United States v. Murray, 
    103 F.3d 310
    1997), is unavailing. In that case, we stated that trial judges should
    exercise care in admitting evidence under Rule 404(b) by insisting that
    the party offering such evidence articulate the basis for its
    and by explaining the ruling admitting the evidence. 
    Id. at 316;
    see also
    United States v. Himmelwright, 
    42 F.3d 777
    , 781 (3d Cir. 1994). Here,
    the government's articulation, and the court's acceptance, of the non-
    propensity bases for admitting evidence of Isaac's participation in
    another fraudulent claim satisfy our admonition in Murray.
    Consistent with the language of Rule 404(b), virtually all such issues
    are raised pretrial, and the evidentiary subtleties are discussed other
    than before the jury. However, often the full context of Rule 404(b)
    evidence may not be evaluated until all evidence has been presented,
    following which the jury may be carefully instructed as to the limited
    way in which the evidence may be considered. See Huddleston v. United
    485 U.S. 681
    , 691 (1988); United States v. Jemal, 
    26 F.3d 1267
    1272 n.2 (3d Cir. 1994).
    the jury limiting the admission of the evidence to Isaac, and
    only for the limited purposes set forth by the judge, further
    minimized the danger of unfair prejudice. Thus, the District
    Court did not abuse its discretion in concluding that the
    danger of unfair prejudice did not substantially outweigh
    the highly probative value of the evidence.
    Appellants contend that the prosecutor improperly
    vouched for the credibility of Rishty and Beyda during
    rebuttal argument. Appellants' failure to object to what was
    said mandates a plain error analysis. See United States v.
    155 F.3d 180
    , 187-88 (3d Cir. 1998); 
    Bethancourt, 65 F.3d at 1079
    . Accordingly, we may reverse only if we
    "find error in the prosecutor's comments so serious as to
    undermine the fundamental fairness of the trial and
    contribute to a miscarriage of justice." 
    Walker, 155 F.3d at 188
    (internal quotations omitted). That standard is not met
    here; the prosecutor's arguments were entirely proper.
    As we stated recently in Walker, "[v]ouching constitutes
    an assurance by the prosecuting attorney of the credibility
    of a Government witness through personal knowledge or by
    other information outside of the testimony before the jury."
    Id. at 184.
    A prosecutor's vouching for the credibility of
    government witnesses poses two dangers:
    . . . such comments can convey the impression that
    evidence not presented to the jury, but known to the
    prosecutor, supports the charges against the defendant
    and can thus jeopardize the defendant's right to be
    tried solely on the basis of the evidence presented to
    the jury; and the prosecutor's opinion carries with it
    the imprimatur of the Government and may induce the
    jury to trust the Government's judgment rather than
    its own view of the evidence.
    United States v. Young, 
    470 U.S. 1
    , 18-19 (1985); accord
    United States v. Molina-Guevara, 
    96 F.3d 698
    , 704 (3d Cir.
    1998). Two criteria must be met in order to find vouching:
    (1) the prosecutor must assure the jury that the testimony
    of a government witness is credible, and (2) this assurance
    must be based on either the prosecutor's personal
    knowledge or other information not contained in the record.
    Walker, 155 F.3d at 187
    The prosecutor did not engage in vouching because he
    grounded his comments on the evidence presented at trial.
    Appellants complain that during closing argument, the
    prosecutor improperly argued that Rishty and Beyda were
    not lying because (1) the S 5K1.1 motion depended on the
    government's recommendation; (2) they knew the S 5K1.1
    motion required truthful testimony; (3) they would go to
    prison and possibly be prosecuted for perjury if they did
    not testify truthfully; and (4) they had plenty of other
    crimes on which to cooperate, and thus had no need to
    falsely implicate appellants. Appellants concede that the
    evidence had established the following: under the terms of
    their cooperation agreements, Rishty and Beyda were
    required to testify truthfully; the government would not be
    required to recommend a reduced sentence if they did not
    present truthful information; and Rishty had spent some
    3,000 hours, and Beyda had spent at least 1,000 hours,
    cooperating with the government.16 Because the
    prosecutor's comments as to why Rishty and Beyda had an
    incentive to tell the truth were based on this evidence, they
    constituted proper argument and not improper vouching.17
    16. Appellants also argue that the District Court erred in admitting this
    evidence because it improperly bolstered the credibility of Rishty and
    Beyda. We have approved the admissibility of a plea agreement's
    provision requiring truthful testimony by a cooperating witness on other
    occasions, see, e.g., United States v. Ramos, 
    27 F.3d 65
    , 67 n.4 (3d Cir.
    1994), and have stated that such evidence constitutes permissible
    rehabilitation where, as here, it is presented in response to, or in
    reasonable anticipation of, defense counsel's impeachment of the
    witness' credibility, see United States v. Oxman , 
    740 F.2d 1298
    , 1302-03
    (3d Cir. 1984), vacated on other grounds, sub nom. United States v.
    473 U.S. 922
    (1985). Appellants' bolstering argument lacks
    17. The cases cited by appellants, see United States v. DiLoreto, 
    888 F.2d 996
    , 999 (3d Cir. 1989), overruled on other grounds, United States v.
    47 F.3d 1252
    (3d Cir. 1995) (en banc); United States v. Dispoz-
    O-Plastics, Inc., 
    172 F.3d 275
    , 284 (3d Cir. 1999), are distinguishable;
    both cases, the prosecutor's statements were considered improper
    vouching because they referred to evidence outside the trial record.
    Walker, 155 F.3d at 187
    (citing United States v.
    910 F.2d 1084
    , 1125 (3d Cir. 1990)).
    Appellants argue that the prosecutor's comments and the
    related evidence at trial implied that the "government had
    some extra-record knowledge and capacity to monitor the
    truthfulness of the cooperating witnesses." The prosecutor,
    however, never suggested that the government's evaluation
    of the witnesses' testimony would be based on anything
    other than the testimony at trial. The District Court did not
    commit any error, much less plain error, in allowing the
    prosecutor's comments as to Rishty's and Beyda's
    credibility during rebuttal argument.
    Because we find the District Court's error in admitting
    extrinsic evidence of a hearsay declarant's prior bad acts to
    be harmless, because we conclude that the District Court
    did not err or abuse its discretion in its other challenged
    rulings, and because the prosecutor's closing argument
    presented no error, we will affirm the convictions.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 99-5126 & 99-5148

Filed Date: 5/15/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/12/2021

Authorities (33)

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