Pearson v. Miller , 211 F.3d 57 ( 2000 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2000 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Pearson v. Miller, et al.
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 99-7047
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    Filed April 26, 2000
    No: 99-7047
    JACQUELINE PEARSON, Individually and
    as Parent & Natural Guardian of Lindsay Pearson
    Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff
    Third Party Defendant
    Luzerne County Children & Youth
    Services, Inc.; KidsPeace National
    Centers for Kids in Crisis, Inc.,
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. No. 97-764)
    District Judge: Honorable Yvette Kane
    Argued September 22, 1999
    Before: BECKER, Chief Judge, and GARTH, Circuit Judge,
    and POLLAK, District Judge.*
    * Honorable Louis H. Pollak, United States District Judge for the Eastern
    District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation.
    (Filed April 26, 2000)
    Chester F. Dudick, Jr., Esq.
    Dudick & Decker, P.C.
    1043 Wyoming Avenue
    Forty Fort, PA 18704
    Richard M. Hughes, III, Esq.
    387 Wyoming Avenue
    Kingston, PA 18704
    Counsel for Appellee
    Bruce Miller #CY-4190
    Luzerne County Prison
    99 Water Street
    Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
    Pro Se Appellee
    Barbara O'Connell, Esq. (Argued)
    Sweeney & Sheehan
    1515 Market Street, 19th Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Counsel for Appellant Luzerne
    County Children & Youth Services,
    Richard F. Stevens, Esq.
    Timothy T. Stevens, Esq. (Argued)
    Stevens & Johnson
    740 Hamilton Mall
    Allentown, PA 18101
    Counsel for Appellant KidsPeace
    National Center for Kids in Crisis,
    POLLAK, District Judge.
    This is an interlocutory appeal1 from a discovery order of
    the United States District Court for the Middle District of
    Pennsylvania in a suit presenting claims arising under 42
    U.S.C. S 1983, to which are annexed a variety of pendent
    state law claims. The order appealed from granted--subject
    to certain restrictions--plaintiff/appellee Jacqueline
    Pearson's motions to compel discovery. In the same order,
    the District Court denied, to the same extent, motions of
    defendants/appellants Luzerne County Children and Youth
    Services, Inc. (LCCYS) and KidsPeace National Centers for
    Kids in Crisis, Inc. (KidsPeace) which sought protective
    orders authorizing LCCYS and KidsPeace to refrain from
    providing plaintiff with the information sought under
    plaintiff 's motion to compel.
    The information at the center of the present discovery
    dispute is information in the possession of LCCYS and
    KidsPeace concerning defendant Bruce Miller, who was a
    foster child under the supervision of LCCYS and KidsPeace
    in December of 1993, when he sexually assaulted Ms.
    Pearson's daughter. Ms. Pearson seeks to establish that the
    defendant agencies had knowledge of Mr. Miller's violent
    sexual propensities sufficient to establish their liability for
    the assault. Ms. Pearson thus seeks discovery of material
    that might evidence such knowledge. LCCYS and KidsPeace
    have resisted plaintiff 's discovery requests on the grounds
    that such discovery would violate the confidentiality of that
    information in breach of an array of Pennsylvania statutes.
    Primarily on the basis of an "Authorization to Release
    Information" signed by Mr. Miller, the District Court
    rejected the argument of LCCYS and KidsPeace that the
    Pennsylvania statutes barred the sought after discovery.
    The court held that, subject to certain restrictions
    1. Because interlocutory appeals are not normally permitted, a
    discussion of the basis of our appellate jurisdiction is necessary. We
    undertake that discussion in Section II, infra .
    necessary to protect other people's interests, Mr. Miller's
    release was sufficient to waive the bulk of the protections
    afforded by the Pennsylvania statutes. The District Court
    thus fashioned an order that compelled discovery of all
    material sought except to the extent that such material
    contained information the release of which would violate
    the rights of third parties protected by the Pennsylvania
    statutes, as those statutes were interpreted by the District
    Because, however, discovery disputes in federal courts
    are governed by federal law, especially the Federal Rules of
    Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Evidence, the state
    statutory confidentiality provisions that have been invoked
    by appellants--and on the basis of which the District Court
    fashioned its order--do not directly govern the present
    dispute. Only to the extent that federal law may recognize
    the force of those provisions are they relevant here. The
    ultimate issue is whether the discovery sought is permitted
    as a matter of federal law.
    Acknowledging the applicability of federal law, appellants
    contend that the state confidentiality provisions ought to be
    recognized under the federal law of evidentiary privileges.
    We are thus directed to the question whether the
    applicability of the federal law governing discovery disputes
    bars the release of the demanded information either--as
    appellants have chiefly argued--because federal law
    recognizes one or more applicable evidentiary privileges, or
    because federal law otherwise provides for the protection of
    the information here in dispute.
    For the reasons discussed below, we reject appellants'
    argument that the disputed material is protected by a
    federal evidentiary privilege. While we accept that
    appellants may have very legitimate concerns regarding the
    confidentiality of the information sought, we believe that
    those concerns are better addressed in the context of the
    District Court's power to impose reasonable limits on the
    discovery of sensitive information pursuant to Federal Rule
    of Civil Procedure 26(c). To enable the District Court to
    fashion the appropriate accommodation of the competing
    interests, we will vacate the order appealed from and
    remand for further proceedings consistent with this
    The facts relevant to the resolution of the issue before
    this court are largely undisputed. Plaintiff Jacqueline
    Pearson--appellee in this court--brought this action on her
    own behalf and as parent of her daughter Lindsay Pearson.
    Ms. Pearson alleges, and appellants do not contest, that
    defendant Bruce Miller abducted and sexually assaulted
    twelve-year-old Lindsay on December 19, 1993. Mr. Miller
    was, at the time of the assault and for the previous ten
    months, living in a foster home in Luzerne County,
    Pennsylvania. He was under the custody and supervision of
    LCCYS, a county government agency, as he had been for
    the previous several years. Mr. Miller was placed in the
    particular foster home in which he lived by KidsPeace, a
    private organization under contract with LCCYS to provide
    services to LCCYS's clients. Beyond this general
    characterization, it is unclear how Mr. Miller's supervision
    was divided between the two organizations.
    Following the attack, a criminal rape charge was brought
    against Mr. Miller. He pled nolo contendere to the charge,
    and was sentenced to five to ten years in prison. As far as
    we are aware, he is currently serving that sentence.
    Ms. Pearson initiated the present action against Mr.
    Miller and appellant LCCYS in December of 1995 in the
    Court of Common Pleas for Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
    Thereafter, LCCYS removed the case to the United States
    District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.
    LCCYS then brought in appellant KidsPeace as a third-
    party defendant. Ms. Pearson then amended her complaint
    to assert claims against both agencies.
    Ms. Pearson's primary cause of action against appellants
    is a S 1983 claim alleging that they are liable for the
    consequences of a "state-created danger." In particular,
    appellee Pearson alleges that appellants knew Mr. Miller to
    have had violent sexual propensities that made him a
    predictable danger to young girls. In light of this knowledge,
    appellee contends that Mr. Miller "should not have been
    allowed access to young girls such as he gained by his
    foster care placement, by being permitted to attend public
    school, and by being allowed to ride a school bus on his
    own." In addition to her S 1983 claim, appellee's second
    amended complaint includes federal equal protection and
    common law negligence and invasion of privacy claims
    against appellants, as well as a prayer for punitive
    damages. On July 10, 1998, the District Court dismissed
    with prejudice, as against LCCYS only, Ms. Pearson's state
    law claims, as well as all claims for punitive damages.
    Thus, appellee's remaining claims against LCCYS are
    limited to federal ones; as against KidsPeace, on the other
    hand, the above-noted state law claims remain in the case
    together with the federal claims.
    During the discovery period, Ms. Pearson filed notices of
    deposition directed to both appellants announcing an
    intention to depose "all case managers and their
    supervisors who had responsibility for the management and
    supervision of Bruce Miller for the five (5) years prior to
    December 17, 1993." Soon thereafter, plaintiff served
    interrogatories on LCCYS and KidsPeace that included
    requests for information which--so both appellants contend
    --would require the release of sensitive confidential
    information contained in their respective files on Bruce
    Miller. In order to avoid that perceived outcome, KidsPeace
    and LCCYS filed motions for protective orders seeking
    protection from each of these requests. Appellee responded
    by filing a motion to compel discovery of the disputed
    After appellants had filed their motions for protective
    orders, but prior to the filing of the motion to compel, Ms.
    Pearson's attorneys obtained an "Authorization to Release
    Records" signed by Bruce Miller. Mr. Miller had, by that
    time, reached majority, and was acting as his own attorney.
    The text of that document is as follows:
    I, BRUCE MILLER, hereby authorize Luzerne County
    Children and Youth Services and/or KidsPeace
    National Centers for Kids in Crisis, Inc. to release my
    entire file, including, but not limited to, any and all
    evaluations, memoranda, correspondence, personal
    data, recommendations and requests to Chester
    Dudick, Jr. Esquire and Richard M. Hughes, III,
    Appellants sought protection from discovery on the basis
    of the confidentiality provisions contained in three statutes:
    The first statute, the Child Protective Services Law
    (CPSL), 23 Pa. Cons. Stat. S 6301 et seq., mandates that
    the confidentiality of reports of child abuse made pursuant
    to that law be preserved. It provides that such reports are
    to be made available only to a limited number of persons,
    among whom are the subject of any report and a guardian
    ad litem of the child.2
    2. The arguably relevant exceptions to the general rule of confidentiality
    are contained in 23 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. S 6340:
    (a) General rule.--Reports specified in sectio n 6339 (relating to
    confidentiality of reports) shall only be made available to:
    . . . .
    (3) A guardian ad litem or court designated advoca te for the
    . . . .
    (5) A court of competent jurisdiction, 8 pursuant to court order or
    subpoena in a criminal matter involving a charge of child abuse
    . . . .
    (5.1) A court of common pleas in connection with any matter
    involving custody of a child. . . .
    . . . .
    (b) Release of information to subject of report.--At any time and
    upon written request, a subject of a report may receive a copy of
    information, except that prohibited from being disclosed by
    subsection (c), contained in the Statewide central register or in
    report filed pursuant to section 6313 (relating to reporting
    (c) Protecting identity of person making report.--Except for
    pursuant to subsection (a)(9) and (10), the release of data that
    would identify the person who made a report of suspected child
    abuse or the person who cooperated in a subsequent investigation
    is prohibited unless the secretary finds that the release will not
    detrimental to the safety of that person. Law enforcement officials
    shall treat all reporting sources as confidential sources.
    The second statute, the Juvenile Act, 42 Pa. Cons. Stat.
    S 6501 et seq., restricts access to "files and records of the
    court" related to proceedings under the Act, which include
    custody disputes, delinquency proceedings, et cetera. Such
    files are to be kept confidential, except that certain
    excepted persons, including parties "and their counsel and
    representatives" are permitted to view the documents
    contained therein. Even those granted access by an
    exception to the general confidentiality rule, however, "shall
    not be permitted to see reports revealing the names of
    confidential sources of information contained in social
    reports, except at the discretion of the court." 42 Pa. Cons.
    Stat. S 6307(2).
    The third statute invoked by appellants is the Mental
    Health Procedures Act (MHPA), 50 Pa. Cons. Stat.S 7101 et
    seq. That statute directs that "[a]ll documents concerning
    persons in treatment shall be kept confidential." 50 Pa.
    Cons. Stat. Ann. S 7111(a).3 Such documents may be
    released only by the consent of the subject, or in other
    limited circumstances.4
    3. In pertinent part, the MHPA provides that:
    (a) All documents concerning persons in treatment shall be kept
    confidential and, without the person's written consent, may not be
    released or their contents disclosed to anyone except:
    (1) those engaged in providing treatment for the p erson;
    (2) the county administrator, pursuant to section 110;
    (3) a court in the course of legal proceedings aut horized by this
    act; and
    (4) pursuant to Federal rules, statutes and regula tions governing
    disclosure of patient information where treatment is undertaken
    in a Federal agency.
    In no event, however, shall privileged communications, whether
    written or oral, be disclosed to anyone without such written
    50 Pa. C.S.A. S 7111.
    4. Appellants also sought protection under the County Youth Services
    Law, 55 Pa. Code S 3130 et seq., a regulation that governs county youth
    services agencies, such as LCCYS. The law contains, inter alia,
    requirements that such agencies maintain the confidentiality of their
    records. Because these requirements are broadly similar to those
    contained in the CPSL, we will, for the most part, restrict our discussion
    to the three statutes noted above.
    The District Court rejected the appellants' contention
    that these statutes together created a comprehensive shield
    protecting most, if not all, of the information held by the
    two organizations concerning Mr. Miller. The court did so
    on the basis of its view that the release signed by Mr. Miller
    was sufficient to waive the bulk of the confidentiality
    protections contemplated by the statutes. The District
    Court accepted that the statutes--including the
    confidentiality provisions therein--were, in thefirst
    instance, applicable to the dispute at hand, but held that
    Mr. Miller had effectively waived his interests in protection,
    thus allowing the bulk of the material to be turned over,
    subject to limited restrictions primarily aimed at the
    protection of other people whose privacy interests might be
    compromised by the unhindered release of the information.5
    Before we turn to the merits of this discovery dispute, we
    are faced with the issue of appellate jurisdiction. The
    District Court had original federal question jurisdiction of
    this case pursuant to 28 U.S.C. S 1331. This case comes to
    this court, however, as an interlocutory appeal of a
    discovery order. "As a general rule, a district court's order
    enforcing a discovery request is not a `final order' subject to
    appellate review." Church of Scientology v. United States,
    5. The District Court imposed the following restrictions:
    a. In accordance with section 6307(2) of the Juvenile Act, 42 Pa.
    Cons. Stat. S 6303-6365 (1982 & Supp. 1998), neither Mr. Miller
    nor his counsel or representative may see any courtfiles or
    records of Juvenile Act proceedings which contain the names of
    confidential sources of information.
    b. Pursuant to 55 Pa. Code S 3680.35(b)(5), defendants shall redact
    the names and other identifying information of individuals other
    than Mr. Miller, when the disclosure of such information would
    violate the legitimate privacy expectations of any individual other
    than Mr. Miller.
    c. It is further ordered that plaintiff shall maintain as
    all documents received from defendants.
    Pearson v. Miller, No. 97-764 (M.D. Pa. Dec. 14, 1998).
    506 U.S. 9
    , 18 n.11 (1992). This court has jurisdiction over
    this appeal, therefore, only if it fits within one of the
    exceptions to that general rule. Because we find that the
    present case fits within the collateral order doctrine--the
    exception to the final order rule which the Supreme Court
    fashioned in Cohen v. Beneficial Indus. Loan Corp. 337 U.S.
    541(1949)--we hold that we properly have jurisdiction over
    the appeal. This court has interpreted the Cohen test as
    An appeal of a nonfinal order will lie if (1) the order
    from which the appellant appeals conclusively
    determines the disputed question; (2) the order resolves
    an important issue that is completely separate from the
    merits of the dispute; and (3) the order is effectively
    unreviewable on appeal from the judgment.
    In re Ford Motor Co., 
    110 F.3d 954
    , 958 (3d Cir. 1997).
    In Ford, this court held that an appeal from a denial of
    the application of the attorney-client privilege was
    reviewable under the collateral order doctrine. See 
    Ford, 110 F.3d at 964
    . For similar reasons, we find that each of
    the requirements of the test is met in the present case. An
    order denying the applicability of a claimed privilege
    conclusively determines the question, and does so in a way
    that is effectively unreviewable: once released, information
    has lost a measure of confidentiality that can never fully be
    regained. See 
    id. at 963.
    Further, it is clear that resolution
    of the present issue in this forum--which concerns only the
    scope of state or federal privileges--would not require the
    court to delve into the substance of the underlying dispute
    --which concerns appellants' knowledge of Mr. Miller's
    violent sexual proclivities--in any apparent way. And it is
    beyond dispute that the issue in the present action is an
    important one. Cf. Jaffee v. Redmond, 
    518 U.S. 1
    , 8 (1996)
    (granting certiorari on the question whether federal law
    recognizes a psychotherapist-patient privilege, in part
    because of "the importance of the question"). Thus, the
    order appealed from "resolves an important issue that is
    completely separate from the merits of the dispute." 
    Ford, 110 F.3d at 958
    Having found that each of the requirements of the
    collateral order exception to the final order doctrine
    obtains, we now turn to the merits of the discovery dispute.6
    The general framework for determining the scope of
    allowable discovery for cases in federal courts is provided
    by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26, which provides that
    "parties may obtain discovery regarding any matter, not
    privileged, which is relevant to the subject matter involved
    in the pending action." Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1). As an initial
    matter, therefore, all relevant material is discoverable
    unless an applicable evidentiary privilege is asserted. The
    presumption that such matter is discoverable, however, is
    defeasible. Rule 26(c) grants federal judges the discretion to
    issue protective orders that impose restrictions on the
    extent and manner of discovery where necessary "to protect
    a party or person from annoyance, embarrassment,
    oppression, or undue burden or expense." Fed. R. Civ. P.
    Rule 26 thus allows for two approaches to seeking the
    protection of sensitive--but relevant--information, like that
    at issue here. A party seeking to protect the confidentiality
    of such information may argue, as appellants have here,
    that the information is protected by an evidentiary privilege.
    Any material covered by a properly asserted privilege would
    necessarily be protected from discovery, pursuant to Rule
    26(b)(1). Where such a privilege is not available, a party
    may petition the court for a protective order that limits
    6. Because the order appealed from concerns claims of privilege, our
    conclusion that, pursuant to the collateral order doctrine, we have
    appellate jurisdiction to review that order is in harmony with our
    decision just a few days ago in Bacher v. Allstate Insurance Company,
    No. 99-1572 (April 20, 2000). In Bacher we dismissed an appeal from a
    discovery order requiring a defendant insurance carrier to disclose
    amounts paid in settlement of other assertedly similar lawsuits. We there
    held that, "[i]n light of Cunningham[v. Hamilton County, 
    119 S. Ct. 1915
    (1999)] and Digital Equipment [v. Desktop Direct, Inc., 
    511 U.S. 863
    (1994)] and the approach taken by other courts of appeals we determine
    that we should not extend our case law beyond the narrow categories of
    trade secrets and traditionally recognized privileges, such as attorney-
    client and work product."
    discovery in accordance with Rule 26(c). The court, in its
    discretion, is authorized by this subsection to fashion a set
    of limitations that allows as much relevant material to be
    discovered as possible, while preventing unnecessary
    intrusions into the legitimate interests--including privacy
    and other confidentiality interests--that might be harmed
    by the release of the material sought.
    Appellants, in this court, have primarily pursued the
    approach of seeking the protection of an evidentiary
    privilege. Thus, while acknowledging that the District Court
    erred in applying state law directly, they argue that, as a
    matter of federal law, the concerns captured by the
    Commonwealth's confidentiality statutes ought to be
    reflected in federal recognition of an evidentiary privilege
    that would allow appellants to properly resist all, or nearly
    all, of the discovery attempted by appellee. We therefore
    turn first to appellants' claim that the material sought is
    protected by an evidentiary privilege under federal law.
    All evidentiary privileges asserted in federal court are
    governed, in the first instance, by Federal Rule of Evidence
    501, which provides:
    [T]he privilege of a witness, person, government, State,
    or political subdivision thereof shall be governed by the
    principles of the common law as they may be
    interpreted by the courts of the United States in the
    light of reason and experience. However, in civil actions
    and proceedings, with respect to an element of a claim
    or defense as to which State law supplies the rule of
    decision, the privilege of a witness, person,
    government, State, or political subdivision thereof shall
    be determined in accordance with State law.
    Thus, federal courts are to apply federal law of privilege
    to all elements of claims except those "as to which State
    law supplies the rule of decision." In general, federal
    privileges apply to federal law claims, and state privileges
    apply to claims arising under state law. The present case,
    however, presents the complexity of having both federal and
    state law claims in the same action.7 The problems
    associated with the application of two separate privilege
    rules in the same case are readily apparent, especially
    where, as here, the evidence in dispute is apparently
    relevant to both the state and the federal claims. This court
    has resolved this potential conflict in favor of federal
    privilege law. Noting that "applying two separate disclosure
    rules with respect to different claims tried to the same jury
    would be unworkable," we held that "when there are federal
    law claims in a case also presenting state law claims, the
    federal rule favoring admissibility, rather than any state law
    privilege, is the controlling rule." Wm. T. Thompson Co. v.
    General Nutrition Corp., 
    671 F.2d 100
    , 104 (3d Cir. 1982).8
    Accordingly, for the resolution of the present discovery
    dispute, which concerns material relevant to both federal
    and state claims, Rule 501 directs us to apply federal
    privilege law.
    Federal privilege law, as conceived by Rule 501, is
    determined by "the principles of common law as they may
    be interpreted by the courts of the United States in the light
    of reason and experience." No decisions of this court have,
    as a matter of federal common law, recognized privileges of
    the sort contemplated by the CPSL, the Juvenile Act, or the
    MHPA. And so far as we have been able to determine, none
    of our sister circuits has recognized cognate privileges as a
    matter of federal common law. Thus, appellants are
    effectively requesting that we recognize quite novel
    privileges as part of the federal common law.9
    7. As discussed above, both federal and state claims remain in the case
    against KidsPeace, while each of the remaining claims against LCCYS is
    8. Here, as in Thompson, the disputed discovery material is relevant to
    both the state and federal claims. We thus need not reach the question
    of whether material that went only to the state claims would be
    controlled by federal law simply because distinct federal claims had also
    been raised. But see Doe v. Special Investigations Agency, Inc., 779 F.
    Supp. 21 (E.D. Pa. 1991) (holding that federal law governs all privilege
    questions in cases in which a federal claim has been raised, without
    regard to whether the privilege sought would protect information relevant
    to the federal claims).
    9. It should be noted that one district court has recognized a privilege
    the kind here sought. That court adopted a Rule 501 privilege protecting
    The federal approach to the recognition of new privileges
    is characterized by two principal features. First,"Rule 501
    `should be understood as reflecting the view that the
    recognition of a privilege based on a confidential
    relationship . . . should be determined on a case-by-case
    basis.' " Jaffee v. Redmond, 
    518 U.S. 1
    , 9 (1996)
    (recognizing a psychotherapist-patient privilege under Rule
    501). "Congress manifested an affirmative intention not to
    freeze the law of privilege. Its purpose rather was to `provide
    the courts with the flexibility to develop rules of privilege on
    a case-by-case basis,' 120 Cong. Rec. 40891 (1974)
    (statement of Rep. Hungate), and to leave the door open to
    change." Trammel v. United States, 
    445 U.S. 40
    , 47 (1980);
    see also In re Grand Jury, 
    103 F.3d 1140
    , 1149 (3d Cir.
    1997). The general test to be applied in assessing privilege
    candidates is whether such a privilege "promotes
    sufficiently important interests to outweigh the need for
    probative evidence." 
    Trammel, 445 U.S. at 51
    Jaffee, 518 U.S. at 9-10
    The other principal feature of the federal approach is that
    the considerations against the recognition of new privileges
    that would impede access to probative evidence are granted
    very significant weight. " `For more than three centuries it
    has now been recognized as a fundamental maxim that the
    public . . . has a right to every man's evidence. When we
    come to examine the various claims of exemption, we start
    with the primary assumption that there is a general duty to
    give what testimony one is capable of giving, and that any
    exemptions which may exist are distinctly exceptional.' "
    Jaffee, 518 U.S. at 9
    (quoting 8 J. Wigmore, Evidence
    the confidentiality of child abuse reports whose confidentiality is
    protected by Tennessee's analog to the CPSL. See Farley v. Farley, 
    952 F. Supp. 1232
    (M.D. Tenn. 1997) ("This Court has little difficulty in
    concluding the T.C.A. SS 37-1-409 and 37-1-612 establish an evidentiary
    privilege that is entitled to deference under the principles of federalism
    and comity that are an implicit component of Rule 501.").
    On the other hand, a district court in this circuit has expressly
    rejected the privilege here sought under the Juvenile Act. See
    Longenbach v. McGonigle, 
    750 F. Supp. 178
    , 180 (E.D. Pa. 1990) ("We
    know of no common law federal privilege against disclosing juvenile
    S 2192, p. 64 (3d ed. 1940)). This court has recently stated
    that "privileges are disfavored." In re Grand 
    Jury, 103 F.3d at 1149
    (rejecting parent-child privilege); see also 
    Nixon, 418 U.S. at 710
    (cautioning that privileges "are not lightly
    created nor expansively construed"). Thus, with very limited
    exceptions, federal courts have generally declined to grant
    requests for new privileges. See, e.g. , University of
    Pennsylvania v. EEOC, 
    493 U.S. 182
    , 189 (1990) (declining
    to adopt academic peer-review privilege); In re Sealed Case,
    148 F.3d 1073
    (D.C. Cir.) (declining to adopt "protective
    function" privilege requested by the Secret Service), cert.
    denied, Rubin v. United States, 
    119 S. Ct. 461
    Carman v. McDonnell Douglas Corp., 
    114 F.3d 790
    , 794 (8th
    Cir. 1997) (rejecting a corporate ombudsman privilege and
    stating that "[t]he creation of a wholly new evidentiary
    privilege is a big step"); Linde Thomson Langworthy Kohn &
    Van Dyke, P.C. v. Resolution Trust Corp., 
    5 F.3d 1508
    , 1514
    (D.C. Cir. 1993) ("Federal courts have never recognized an
    insured-insurer privilege as such."); EEOC v. Illinois Dept. of
    Employment Sec., 
    995 F.2d 106
    (7th Cir. 1993) (rejecting
    Rule 501 privilege for records of unemployment hearings);
    United States v. Holmes, 
    594 F.2d 1167
    (8th Cir. 1979)
    (declining to recognize probation officer privilege). Thus,
    federal courts are to assess the appropriateness of new
    privileges as they arise in particular cases, but they are to
    conduct that assessment with a recognition that only the
    most compelling candidates will overcome the law's weighty
    dependence on the availability of relevant evidence.
    The case for recognizing a particular federal privilege is
    stronger, however, where the information sought is
    protected by a state privilege. "[T]he policy decisions of the
    States bear on the question whether federal courts should
    recognize a new privilege or amend the coverage of an
    existing one." 
    Jaffee, 518 U.S. at 12-13
    ."A strong policy of
    comity between state and federal sovereignties impels
    federal courts to recognize state privileges where this can
    be accomplished at no substantial cost to federal
    substantive and procedural policy." United States v. King,
    73 F.R.D. 103
    , 105 (E.D.N.Y. 1976); see also Memorial
    Hosp. v. Shadur, 
    664 F.2d 1058
    , 1061 (7th Cir. 1981); Lora
    v. Board of Educ., 
    74 F.R.D. 565
    (E.D.N.Y. 1977); Johnson
    v. City of Philadelphia, 
    1994 WL 612785
    , at *10 (E.D. Pa.
    Nov. 7, 1994). Thus, a federal court "may seefit for special
    reasons to give the law of a particular state highly
    persuasive or even controlling effect, but in the last
    analysis its decision turns upon the law of the United
    States, not that of any state." Riley v. City of Chester, 
    612 F.2d 708
    , 715 (3d Cir. 1979) (quoting D'Oench, Duhme &
    Co. v. FDIC, 
    315 U.S. 447
    , 471 (1942)) (emphasis omitted).
    The appropriateness of deference to a state's law of
    privilege is diminished, however, in cases in which a
    defendant state actor alleged to have violated citizens'
    federal rights is asserting the privilege. "[T]here is a `special
    danger' in permitting state governments to define the scope
    of their own privilege when the misconduct of their agents
    is alleged." ACLU v. Finch, 
    638 F.2d 1336
    , 1344 (5th Cir.
    1981); see also 
    Longenbach, 750 F. Supp. at 180-81
    does it make any sense to allow the state, under whose
    color of authority officers have allegedly violated rights, to
    limit unilaterally the availability of evidence.").10
    Appellants have urged that the appropriate level of
    respect due to state law in the present case requires that
    the Pennsylvania privileges be recognized as a matter of
    federal law. A necessary predicate of appellants' favored
    outcome, of course, is that Pennsylvania in fact recognizes
    evidentiary privileges associated with the statutes in
    question. As an initial matter, however, it is not clear that
    the statutes in question create evidentiary privileges at all.
    Indeed, neither the CPSL nor the Juvenile Act contains the
    word "privilege."11 The relevant provisions contained therein
    speak primarily of confidentiality, not privilege. On their
    face, therefore, these statutes do not appear to establish
    evidentiary privileges constituting a bar to the discovery of
    10. This concern is especially strong where, as here, a government
    agency asserting the privilege is itself a defendant (as distinct from
    the employer of a defendant governmental official).
    11. The MHPA, on the other hand, does use the word "privilege."
    However, the language containing that word does not, on its face, create
    a privilege. Following the statute's language mandating confidentiality,
    refers to "privileged communications," but does so in a way that suggests
    that the privilege must be defined elsewhere:"In no event, however, shall
    privileged communications, whether written or oral, be disclosed to
    anyone without such written consent." 50 Pa. St.S 7111(a).
    relevant information. Statutory provisions providing for
    duties of confidentiality do not automatically imply the
    creation of evidentiary privileges binding on courts. "Merely
    asserting that a state statute declares that the records in
    question are `confidential' does not make out a sufficient
    claim that the records are `privileged' within the meaning of
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1) and Fed R. Evid. 501." Martin v.
    122 F.R.D. 143
    , 146 (W.D.N.Y. 1988); see also
    Nguyen Da Yen v. Kissinger, 
    528 F.2d 1194
    , 1205 (9th Cir.
    1975) ("The records are confidential but not privileged.").
    It does not follow, however, that a statute providing for a
    duty of confidentiality--but lacking an express provision for
    an evidentiary privilege, per se--could not also be
    interpreted as creating such a privilege. Indeed,
    Pennsylvania courts have described each of the statutes
    here at issue as creating an evidentiary privilege of one
    kind or another. See Commonwealth v. Moyer, 
    595 A.2d 1177
    , 1180 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1991) ("[T]hefirst sentence of
    [section 7111 of the MHPA] confers a statutory privilege of
    confidentiality on the patient's records."); 12 V.B.T. v. Family
    705 A.2d 1325
    , 1334 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1998) (noting
    that the CPSL creates a privilege, albeit one that is "not
    absolute and disclosure of otherwise confidential
    information is therefore permitted where compelled by
    sufficiently weighty interests") (citing Commonwealth v.
    502 A.2d 148
    (Pa. 1985), rev'd on other grounds,
    480 U.S. 39
    id. at 1331
    ("[T]he privilege created by
    the Juvenile Act is qualified, i.e., creates, by its own terms,
    exceptions to the confidentiality of juvenile court records.").
    To be sure, what these opinions have characterized as
    "privileges" are not necessarily privileges within the
    meaning of Rule 501. It is clear, however, that the
    Commonwealth does recognize a series of rights, variously
    defined, to withhold relevant evidence from judicial
    proceedings on the basis of the confidentiality provisions
    12. This court, following Moyer, has reached a similar conclusion with
    respect to Pennsylvania law. See Hahnemann Univ. Hosp. v. Edgar, 
    74 F.3d 456
    , 465 (3d Cir. 1996) (stating that the MHPA"presents an
    absolute confidentiality privilege against the disclosure of documents
    that `concern[ ] persons in treatment' ").
    contained in the Pennsylvania statutes. Considerations of
    comity require that we at least consider these "privileges,"
    as well as the confidentiality interests otherwise protected
    under the laws of the Commonwealth, although our
    ultimate task remains the determination of the issue of
    whether privileges associated with these statutes and the
    confidentiality that they seek to protect are cognizable
    under Federal Rule of Evidence 501.13
    In sum, we must determine whether to recognize a
    federal privilege that would allow the evidence here sought
    to be kept from appellee, notwithstanding its relevance. We
    are, in essence, to determine whether there are federal law
    privileges that amount to parallels of the state law
    privileges that appellants have argued would bar the
    discovery here sought, had the present suit been brought in
    the courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Thus, we
    are to determine, granting due respect to Pennsylvania's
    protections, whether a privilege of the kind sought by
    appellants "promotes sufficiently important interests to
    outweigh the need for probative evidence," 
    Trammel, 445 U.S. at 5
    , where the need for probative evidence is viewed
    as a very weighty consideration indeed--to the extent that
    only the strongest considerations on the other side of the
    scale are capable of outweighing it.
    With that framework in place, we turn to the particular
    privileges sought by appellants. As we discuss below, we
    will decline to recognize any of the privileges under which
    appellants have sought protection from discovery. Because
    of the particular circumstances of this case, in which Mr.
    13. This approach is consistent with that employed in Jaffee. The Court
    there based its decision to recognize a psychotherapist-patient privilege
    in part on the fact that all fifty states had done so. And while the
    majority of the statutes cited in support of this proposition expressly
    create such a privilege, not all of them do so. For example, the Rhode
    Island statute cited, R.I. Gen. Laws. SS 5-37.3-3 and -4, speaks only of
    confidentiality. Like the statutes at issue here, however, the Rhode
    Island statute has been interpreted by its courts as creating a privilege.
    See Lewis v. Roderick, 
    617 A.2d 119
    , 121 (R.I. 1992).
    Miller has waived assertion of his confidentiality interests,
    in order for appellants to be protected by such a privilege,
    it would have to be a privilege of a very unusual sort--one
    whose breadth and scope would appear to make it
    particularly unsuited for recognition within the framework
    of Rule 501. This conclusion is only strengthened by our
    view, discussed in the next section, that a far more
    appropriate mechanism exists for protecting the legitimate
    interests at stake: namely, a Rule 26(c) protective order. In
    light of the disfavor with which federal law looks upon new
    privileges, these considerations are sufficient to provide a
    basis for the rejection of appellants' proposed privileges.
    Because Mr. Miller has effectively waived his
    confidentiality interests, appellants have been forced to
    invoke privileges directed entirely at interests other than
    those of Mr. Miller.14 Thus, the question presented is not
    whether there are evidentiary privileges protecting Mr.
    Miller's interests under Rule 501, but whether federal law
    is to recognize one or more privileges directed at the
    interests of third parties whose interests may be affected by
    the release of the information here in dispute. Because the
    primary interests at stake--Mr. Miller's--have been taken
    off of the table, the privileges sought by the appellants must
    necessarily focus on the secondary interests at stake.
    Once our inquiry is confined to the consideration of
    potential privileges characterized in that way, it is clear that
    appellants' requested privileges must be rejected. We
    consider first appellants' invocation of the Mental Health
    Procedures Act. It is settled under Pennsylvania law that
    the MHPA gives rise to "an absolute confidentiality
    privilege" covering documents related to the treatment of
    mental health problems. 
    Hahnemann, 74 F.3d at 465
    ; see
    Moyer, 595 A.2d at 1180
    . That privilege, however, is
    held by the patient, who is permitted to waive it and to
    14. Appellants have suggested that the validity of the waiver signed by
    Mr. Miller is in question. They point to nothing in the record, however,
    that casts even the smallest amount of doubt on its authenticity. We
    find, therefore, as a matter of law, that Mr. Miller has waived his rights
    in the confidentiality of the materials here sought to the extent
    by law.
    allow the protected information to be released. See Sprague
    v. Walter, 
    656 A.2d 890
    , 910-911 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1995)
    (finding the MHPA privilege to have been waived by former
    patient who had allowed records to become publicly
    available). It follows that any privilege that would spring
    from the MHPA in the present case would necessarily have
    been waived by Mr. Miller's release.
    Notably, federal law does recognize a privilege that would
    seem to overlap the privilege under the MHPA: the
    psychotherapist privilege. See 
    Jaffee, 518 U.S. at 15
    . Again,
    like that associated with the MHPA, the federal
    psychotherapist privilege is owned by--and fully waivable
    by--the patient. See 
    id. at 15
    n.14. Thus, any such
    privilege could not provide the basis for the protection here
    sought, because if such a privilege did protect any of the
    information at issue, Mr. Miller would be deemed to have
    effectively waived that protection.
    The privileges associated with the Child Protective
    Services Law and Juvenile Act are not so readily
    dismissible. For with respect to those statutes, protecting
    third-party interests is undoubtedly an important
    ingrediant of the confidentiality provisions. The CPSL's
    confidentiality provision, for instance, is directed at the
    confidentiality interests not only of the child, but also of
    those who file child abuse reports, of those who work with
    the child, and, perhaps, of the state agencies themselves.15
    15. The Pennsylvania Superior Court has stated that:
    The confidentiality provisions of the CPSL have several clear
    functions in light of the statute's broad purposes: to encourage
    reporting of abuse by ensuring that persons with knowledge of
    abuse are not deterred from reporting it by the prospect of the
    abuser learning their identity and seeking retribution; to
    the investigation of abuse by assuring potential witnesses that the
    information they provide to investigators will not be made public;
    facilitate the rehabilitation and treatment of abused children and
    their families by encouraging open, frank communications with
    agency personnel and treatment providers; to encourage the
    operation of the child protective service by enabling it to keep
    complete and comprehensive files on all aspects of a family's
    circumstances without fear that information placed in such files
    There is little question that many of these interests are of
    very substantial weight. Indeed, it is difficult to overstate
    the importance of a state's activities directed at the welfare
    of children. And the prevention and detection of child abuse
    are among the most compelling of these activities. The need
    to protect the confidence of the children involved in these
    programs and proceedings is crucial to their maximal
    effectiveness. Additionally, the importance of protecting
    those who file child abuse reports is clear. It is essential
    that people be encouraged to make such reports, and
    confidentiality is a valuable tool to that end."Recognizing
    this, the Commonwealth--like all other States--has made a
    commendable effort to assure victims and witnesses that
    they may speak to the CYS counselors without fear of
    general disclosure." 
    Ritchie, 480 U.S. at 60-61
    ; see also
    Farley, 952 F. Supp. at 1240
    ("Without question, the
    investigation and resolution of incidents of child abuse is
    one of the most important regulatory objectives that a state
    may undertake.").
    Thus, in addition to the interests of the child, it is evident
    that a large number of persons have significant interests in
    maintaining the confidentiality of the kinds of records here
    sought. If we were to recognize a privilege that protected all
    of the interests at which the confidentiality provisions of the
    Pennsylvania statutes are directed, Mr. Miller's waiver
    would not be adequate to waive the privilege in its entirety.
    However, the same factor that would allow these
    privileges to survive Mr. Miller's waiver--the number and
    variety of interests that appellants would have us hold to be
    a basis for such privileges--makes them poor candidates
    for the protection of a Rule 501 privilege. Initially, we note
    that such a privilege would be unlike any currently
    recognized Rule 501 privilege. As a general matter,
    be subject to scrutiny by persons not involved in the process of
    rehabilitating the family; and to prevent the innocent victims of
    abuse from also becoming victims of public stigma by guarding
    information about the intimate details of their lives from the
    eyes of outsiders.
    705 A.2d 1325
    , 1335-36.
    privileges are ordinarily found in bilateral confidential
    relations: attorney-client, husband-wife, clergy-
    communicator, reporter-source, government-informer. And,
    of course, the privilege most recently recognized by the
    Supreme Court, the psychotherapist-patient privilege
    recognized in Jaffee, fits this standard schema.
    There is good reason for favoring relatively uncomplicated
    confidential relationships in assessing candidates for the
    application of evidentiary privileges as contemplated by
    Rule 501. Complex multilateral privileges such as the ones
    here sought would necessarily be extremely broad and
    unwieldy to enforce. We might, for instance, recognize such
    a privilege held by all of those with significant interests in
    confidentiality. Presumably, however, it would follow that
    the privilege could not be waived without the consent of all
    the potentially vast number of "holders" of the privilege.
    Such a privilege would essentially be unwaivable. Indeed, it
    is far from clear that such a protection would appropriately
    be labeled a "privilege," in the sense employed in Rule 501,
    at all. Cf. 
    Jaffee, 518 U.S. at 15
    n.14 ("Like other
    testimonial privileges, the patient may of course waive the
    We might, on the other hand, view such a privilege as
    held by the state on behalf of all of those who have
    interests in confidentiality under the statutes. While such a
    solution would have certain practical advantages over the
    "privilege" just described, it would remain a poor fit for the
    framework of Rule 501. First of all, by placing the power to
    assert or waive the privilege in the hands of the
    government, the value of the privilege in promoting
    unhindered communication would be undermined. Because
    those who would benefit from the privilege would lack the
    power to control its application, they would be less able to
    rely on its protection when deciding whether to provide
    sensitive information. "An uncertain privilege . . . is little
    better than no privilege at all." 
    Jaffee, 518 U.S. at 18
    (quoting Upjohn v. United States, 
    449 U.S. 383
    , 393 (1981));
    see also In re Grand 
    Jury, 103 F.3d at 1153-54
    (noting the
    problems that would be created in allowing a parent to
    assert or waive a privilege created to protect the interests of
    a child). To the extent that the value of a privilege is thus
    weakened, it is that much less able to overcome the value
    of promoting the availability of probative evidence. 16
    Furthermore, the variety--both in kind and in magnitude
    --of the interests at stake calls for a more flexible approach
    than that possible with a Rule 501 privilege. For such a
    privilege would effectively grant to the state--or, more
    precisely, to a congeries of state and municipal agencies--
    the power to withhold, or make available, an entire class of
    documents regardless of the particular complexities of the
    case. The resolution of discovery disputes of the sort
    presented in the case at bar would be best served by an
    approach that allowed the potentially wide variety of
    interests at stake to be incorporated into a solution
    balancing the need to protect sensitive information with the
    need to make relevant material available. Because the
    interests on both sides have the potential to be so very
    significant, it is especially important to define the scope of
    the release of information very carefully. And it seems
    unreasonable to expect that a government agency, in the
    midst of litigation, would be best placed to determine
    whether and to what extent sensitive information should be
    released. In short, a Rule 501 evidentiary privilege held by
    the government would be an unacceptably imprecise tool
    for the protection of a broad and varied landscape of
    interests. And given the fact that, as we discuss in the next
    subsection, a more precise and better located tool is
    available for that purpose, there is little reason to adopt
    such a problematic device.
    16. We note that while separation of the privilege holder from the
    interested party substantially undermines the value of the privilege, such
    a separation is not always fatal to a privilege's recognition. The
    informer's privilege, for instance, is designed in large part to protect
    privacy interests of the informer. It is held, however, by the government,
    which may freely waive it notwithstanding the desires of the informer.
    See Roviaro v. United States, 
    353 U.S. 53
    , 59 (1957) ("What is usually
    referred to as the informer's privilege is in reality the Government's
    privilege to withhold from disclosure the identity of persons who furnish
    information of violations of law to officers charged with enforcement of
    that law."). Once the government reveals the identity of the informer, the
    privilege is waived. 
    Id. at 60.
    Because of the inherent difficulties with
    such bifurcated privileges, however, they are very rare indeed.
    In sum, we find that Rule 501 is unsuited for the kind of
    privilege that appellants have requested: one that maintains
    its protection despite the express waiver of the primary
    holder of interests in confidentiality. Given the caution with
    which federal courts are to approach all questions of novel
    privileges, we have little trouble rejecting any such
    Our rejection of appellants' requested privilege under
    Federal Rule of Evidence 501 should not be taken to
    amount to a determination that the unhindered release of
    the information here in dispute is appropriate. On the
    contrary, district courts have the power, under Federal Rule
    of Civil Procedure 26(c), to issue protective orders
    constraining--in any of a variety of ways--the release of
    sensitive information. Given the potential weight of the
    considerations in favor of confidentiality of the information
    here in dispute, the present case is a good candidate for a
    thorough and conscientious assessment of the various
    considerations for and against confidentiality.
    Rule 26(c) empowers the court to issue protective orders
    "which justice requires to protect a party or person from
    annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden
    or expense." Legitimate interests in privacy are among the
    proper subjects of this provision's protection."It is
    appropriate for courts to order confidentiality to prevent the
    infliction of unnecessary or serious pain on parties who the
    court reasonably finds are entitled to such protection."
    Pansy v. Borough of Stroudsburg, 
    23 F.3d 772
    , 787 (3d Cir.
    1994). Such an order is only appropriate, however, where
    the party seeking the order "show[s] good cause by
    demonstrating a particular need for protection." 
    Id. To make
    a showing of good cause, the party seeking
    confidentiality has the burden of showing the injury "with
    specificity." Publicker Indus., Inc. v. Cohen, 
    733 F.2d 1059
    1071 (3d Cir. 1984). The injury shown, however, need be no
    more than "embarrassment"; thus, a party need not
    establish a monetizable injury. See Cipollone v. Liggett
    Group, Inc., 
    785 F.2d 1108
    , 1121 (3d Cir. 1986). Further, in
    appropriate circumstances, a district court is empowered to
    issue umbrella protective orders protecting classes of
    documents after a threshold showing by the party seeking
    protection. See 
    id. at 1122.
    Rule 26(c) further provides that such orders may be
    crafted to create any of a broad range of requirements,
    (1) that the disclosure or discovery not be had; (2) that
    the disclosure or discovery may be had only on
    specified terms and conditions, including a designation
    of time or place; (3) that the discovery may be had only
    by a method of discovery other than that selected by
    the party seeking discovery; (4) that certain matters not
    be inquired into, or that the scope of the disclosure or
    discovery be limited to certain matters; [and] (5) that
    discovery be conducted with no one present except
    persons designated by the court . . . .
    Thus, Rule 26(c) provides district courts with the power
    to formulate a detailed solution that reflects the concerns of
    particular individual disputes. To that extent, it provides a
    superior mechanism for the resolution of the present
    dispute than does Federal Rule of Evidence 501.
    The District Court order appealed from in this case
    contains some restrictions of the kind authorized by Rule
    26(c). In particular, the District Court ordered that certain
    identifying characteristics be redacted from certainfiles,
    that certain files not be viewed by plaintiff 's attorneys, and
    that all documents received by plaintiff be kept confidential.
    See supra, note 5. It is clear from the language of that
    order, however, that it represents an attempt to permit
    discovery to the extent possible consistent with the District
    Court's view of the restrictions created by the Pennsylvania
    statutes.17 A more apt approach to the resolution of this
    dispute would focus less on the letter of the Pennsylvania
    statutes than on an accommodation of plaintiff 's legitimate
    discovery interests with the legitimate interests of third
    17. One of the three restrictions imposed by the District Court begins,
    "In accordance with section 6307(2) of the Juvenile Act," and another
    purports to be imposed "[p]ursuant to 55 Pa. Code S 3680.35(b)(5)." See
    supra, note 5.
    parties in the confidentiality of portions of the requested
    The flexibility of Rule 26 also allows the court to take into
    account the particular needs of the parties at the present
    stage of litigation, a consideration that we view as
    appropriate in this case. We note that the needs of
    appellant at this stage are relatively modest. As counsel for
    Ms. Pearson acknowledged at oral argument, her attorneys
    are simply interested in developing her case, and would not
    object to an order that, for instance, prevented anyone
    other than counsel from viewing or learning the contents of
    any of the material sought. Such a restriction seems
    entirely sensible at this point, since any restrictions that
    would (a) further legitimate interests in confidentiality, but
    (b) would not interfere with appellee's needs at this early
    stage, would be appropriate. Indeed, in view of the
    considerable significance of the interests in confidentiality
    here at stake, it would appear proper for the District Court
    to permit no greater release of the information sought by
    appellee than is absolutely necessary for the particular
    purposes for which it is sought. The parties may later seek
    to modify the order as appropriate at a later stage. See
    Pansy, 23 F.3d at 784
    ("It is well-established that a district
    court retains the power to modify or lift confidentiality
    orders that it has entered.").
    Accordingly, we reject appellants' request for the federal
    recognition of one or more evidentiary privileges derived
    from the Pennsylvania confidentiality provisions under
    which appellants have sought protection from discovery. We
    will vacate the order of the District Court, however, for
    reconsideration of the present discovery dispute in the light
    of this opinion. Because the District Court placed
    conditions upon discovery pursuant to inapplicable
    Pennsylvania law, we will direct the District Court to modify
    its discovery order to remove any conditions that were
    imposed solely to conform to state law. At that time, the
    District Court should entertain requests for protective
    orders under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c) and
    impose such restrictions upon discovery as it deems
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 99-7047

Citation Numbers: 211 F.3d 57

Filed Date: 4/26/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (32)

In Re Grand Jury Proceedings , 103 F.3d 1140 ( 1997 )

Wm. T. Thompson Co. v. General Nutrition Corp., Inc. ... , 671 F.2d 100 ( 1982 )

john-a-pansy-v-borough-of-stroudsburg-harold-a-bentzoni-kathryn-mikels , 23 F.3d 772 ( 1994 )

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American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi, Inc., ... , 638 F.2d 1336 ( 1981 )

Nguyen Da Yen, Cross-Appellees v. Henry Kissinger, ... , 528 F.2d 1194 ( 1975 )

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Illinois ... , 995 F.2d 106 ( 1993 )

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Linde Thomson Langworthy Kohn & Van Dyke, P.C. v. ... , 5 F.3d 1508 ( 1993 )

Sprague v. Walter , 441 Pa. Super. 1 ( 1995 )

Commonwealth v. Ritchie , 509 Pa. 357 ( 1985 )

Commonwealth v. Moyer , 407 Pa. Super. 336 ( 1991 )

V.B.T. v. Family Services of Western Pennsylvania , 705 A.2d 1325 ( 1998 )

Longenbach v. McGonigle , 750 F. Supp. 178 ( 1990 )

View All Authorities »