Ernesto Galarza v. Mark Szalczyk , 745 F.3d 634 ( 2014 )

  •                                       PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 12-3991
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (Civil Action No. 10-cv-6815)
    District Judge: Hon. James Knoll Gardner
    Argued: October 10, 2013
    Before: FUENTES, COWEN, and BARRY, Circuit Judges.
    (Opinion Filed: March 4, 2014)
    Mary Catherine Roper, Esq.
    Molly M. Tack-Hooper, Esq.
    American Civil Liberty Union Foundation of Pennsylvania
    P.O. Box 40008
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Omar C. Jadwat, Esq.
    Esha Bhandari, Esq.
    American Civil Liberties Union Foundation
    Immigrants’ Rights Project
    125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
    New York, NY 10004
    Jonathon H. Feinberg, Esq.
    Kairy, Rudovsky, Messing & Feinberg LLP
    718 Arch Street, Suite 501 South
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Cecilia Wang, Esq.
    Katherine Desormeau, Esq. [ARGUED]
    American Civil Liberties Union Foundation
    Immigrants’ Rights Project
    39 Drumm Street
    San Francisco, CA 94111
    Seith Kreimer, Esq.
    3400 Chestnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19104
    Attorneys for Appellant Ernesto Galarza
    Thomas M. Caffrey, Esq. [ARGUED]
    532 Walnut Street
    Allentown, PA 18101
    Attorney for Appellee Lehigh County
    Christopher N. Lasch, Esq.
    University of Denver Envirorment Center
    Environmental Law Clinic
    2255 East Evans Avenue
    Suite 335
    Denver, CO 80298
    Rebecca A. Sharpless, Esq.
    University of Miami School of Law
    1311 Miller Drive
    Coral Gables, FL 33146
    Attorneys for Amicus Appellant Law Professors and Scholars
    who Teach, Research, and Practice in the Area of
    Immigration and Nationality Law and Criminal Law
    Andrew C. Nichols, Esq.
    Winston & Strawn
    1700 K Street, N.W.
    Washington, DC 2006
    Attorney for Amicus Appellant National Immigration Project
    of the National Lawyers Guild
    FUENTES, Circuit Judge.
    Ernesto Galarza is a U.S. citizen who was arrested for
    a drug offense, posted bail, and instead of being released, was
    held in custody by Lehigh County under an immigration
    detainer issued by federal immigration officials. Three days
    after Galarza posted bail, immigration officials learned that he
    was a U.S. citizen. The detainer was withdrawn and Galarza
    was released. Galarza then filed this § 1983 action against, in
    relevant part, Lehigh County, contending that Lehigh County
    detained Galarza without probable cause for more than 48
    hours, without notice of the basis of his detention or the
    ability to contest it. The District Court dismissed the
    complaint against Lehigh County on the basis that it could not
    be held responsible for Galarza’s detention because it was
    compelled to follow the immigration detainer. On appeal,
    Galarza argues that under a plain reading of the relevant
    federal regulation, immigration detainers are permissive and,
    to hold otherwise, would violate the anti-comandeering
    principles inherent in the Tenth Amendment. We agree with
    Galarza that immigration detainers do not and cannot compel
    a state or local law enforcement agency to detain suspected
    aliens subject to removal. Accordingly, we vacate and remand
    for further proceedings.
    This case arises out of Ernesto Galarza’s detention by
    the Allentown Police Department and the Lehigh County
    Prison in November 2008. Galarza is a U.S. Citizen, born in
    Perth Amboy, New Jersey. He is a Hispanic man of Puerto
    Rican heritage. On November 20, 2008, Galarza was
    performing construction work on a house in Allentown,
    Pennsylvania. Sometime that day, the contractor on the
    construction site sold cocaine to an undercover Allentown
    Police detective, Christie Correa. Detective Correa arrested
    the contractor, along with Galarza and two other employees
    who were working at the site. All were charged with
    conspiracy to deliver cocaine in violation of Pennsylvania
    law. Two of the other workers arrested were citizens of the
    Dominican Republic, and the third was a citizen of Honduras.
    At the time of Galarza’s arrest, he had a wallet, which
    contained his Pennsylvania driver’s license, his Social
    Security Card, a debit card, and his health insurance card.
    After his arrest, Galarza was detained by the Allentown
    Police Department. The Criminal Complaint prepared by
    Correa at the time of Galarza’s arrest listed Galarza’s place of
    birth as Perth Amboy, N.J. and contained Galarza’s Social
    Security Number and date of birth. In accordance with
    The District Court had federal question jurisdiction over this
    case pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    . This Court has appellate
    jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . Because we are
    reviewing the appeal of a grant of a motion to dismiss under
    Rule 12(b)(6), our review is plenary. Great W. Mining &
    Mineral Co. v. Fox Rothschild LLP, 
    615 F.3d 159
    , 163 (3d
    Cir. 2010). For the same reason, we state the facts in the
    amended complaint in the light most favorable to the non-
    moving party below, Galarza. See Grammer v. John J. Kane
    Reg’l Ctrs.-Glen Hazel, 
    570 F.3d 520
    , 523 (3d Cir. 2009).
    Allentown’s policy to contact Immigration and Customs
    Enforcement (“ICE”)2 whenever persons arrested are
    suspected of being “aliens subject to deportation,” Correa
    called ICE and provided immigration officials with Galarza’s
    name, date and place of birth, ethnicity, and Social Security
    number. Galarza contends that, by making this call, Correa
    gave ICE reason to believe that she suspected Galarza had
    given false information about his identity.
    That evening, Galarza was transported to Lehigh
    County Prison and his bail was set at $15,000. The following
    morning, Friday, November 21, Galarza went through the
    booking process, and during this process, he told prison
    officials that he was born in New Jersey. The officials took
    his wallet, containing his driver’s license, Social Security
    Card, debit card, and health insurance card.
    At some point that day, ICE Agent Mark Szalczyk,
    acting on the information relayed by Correa, filed an
    immigration detainer with Lehigh County Prison. The
    detainer described Galarza as a suspected “alien” and citizen
    of the Dominican Republic. The detainer read:
    Investigation has been initiated to determine
    whether     this  person     is   subject      to
    removal/deportation from the United States. . . .
    ICE is the investigative arm of the Department of Homeland
    Security (“DHS”). DHS assumed the responsibilities of the
    former Immigration and Naturilization Service (“INS”) in
    2002. See Homeland Security Act of 2002, 
    6 U.S.C. § 101
    It is requested that you: Please accept this notice
    as a detainer. This is for notification purposes
    only. . . . Federal regulations (8 CFR 287.7)
    require that you detain the alien for a period not
    to exceed 48 hours (excluding Saturdays,
    Sundays and Federal holidays) to provide
    adequate time for ICE to assume custody of the
    alien. You may notify ICE by calling (610) 374-
    0743 during business hours or 802 872-6020
    after hours in an emergency.
    App. at 105. The detainer was accompanied by neither a
    warrant, an affidavit of probable cause, nor a removal order.
    That same day, a surety company posted bail for Galarza, and
    a Lehigh County Prison official told Galarza that he would be
    released. Shortly thereafter, the same official informed
    Galarza that he would not be released because he was the
    subject of a detainer.
    When Galarza protested that there should be no
    detainer preventing his release, the official told Galarza that
    he would have to wait through the weekend until Monday,
    November 24 to speak with a counselor. Galarza had not been
    interviewed by ICE or provided with a copy of the detainer. It
    was not until that Monday, three days after his arrest, that a
    Lehigh County Prison counselor told Galarza for the first time
    that the detainer holding him was an immigration detainer
    filed by ICE. Galarza immediately protested that he was a
    U.S. Citizen, and he urged the counselor to retrieve his wallet
    from the property room in order to look at Galarza’s driver’s
    license and Social Security Card, but the counselor refused.
    Shortly thereafter, Galarza met with two ICE officers, who
    questioned him extensively about his statement that he was
    born in New Jersey. Galarza gave the immigration officials
    his Social Security Number and date of birth. The officials
    left and returned to inform Galarza that the detainer was
    being lifted. The detainer was in fact removed at 2:05 pm on
    Monday, November 24. Lehigh County did not release him
    until more than six hours later, at about 8:30 pm. Galarza was
    eventually acquitted by a jury of the charge stemming from
    his November 20, 2008 arrest.
    Galarza filed two complaints: the first against Lehigh
    County, the City of Allentown, and various individual federal
    and municipal defendants for violations of his constitutional
    rights, and the second against the United States under the
    Federal Tort Claims Act (“FTCA”), 
    28 U.S.C. § 1346
    These cases were consolidated. All defendants in the
    consolidated case, except the United States, moved to dismiss
    under Rule 12(b)(6). Galarza v Szalczyk, 
    2012 WL 1080020
    at *1 (E.D. Pa. Mar. 30, 2012). The District Court held that
    the claims against ICE Agent Szalczyk and Allentown
    Detective Correa, for violations of the Fourth Amendment
    and the Equal Protection Clause, could go forward and that
    these officials were not entitled to qualified immunity. 
    Id. at *2
    . The District Court dismissed a procedural due process
    claim against ICE Agent Szalczyk on qualified immunity
    grounds and dismissed all claims against another ICE official,
    the City of Allentown, and Lehigh County. 
    In relevant part, the District Court determined that
    Galarza’s continued detention after he posted bail constituted
    a seizure within the Fourth Amendment and that the seizure
    was unsupported by probable cause. 
    Id. at *9-14
    . Specifically,
    the District Court found that Galarza had stated a Fourth
    Amendment claim against Correa and Szalczyk because these
    officers lacked probable cause to issue an immigration
    detainer. The District Court reasoned: “[t]he fact that Mr.
    Galarza is Hispanic and was working at a construction site
    with three other Hispanic men—two of whom are citizens of
    foreign countries and another who claimed to have been born
    in Puerto Rico but is a citizen of the Dominican Republic—
    does not amount to probable cause to believe that Mr. Galarza
    is an alien not lawfully present in the United States.” 
    Id. at *14
    . It also denied these officers’ motions to dismiss these
    claims on grounds of qualified immunity. 
    Id. at *14-15
    However, the District Court dismissed the Fourth
    Amendment and procedural due process claims against
    Lehigh County on the ground that “neither of the policies
    identified    in    plaintiff’s   Amended      Complaint      is
    unconstitutional [because] both are consistent with federal
    statutes and regulations.” 
    Id. at *18
    . In doing so, the District
    Court relied on 
    8 C.F.R. § 287.7
    , concluding that detainers
    issued pursuant to this regulation impose mandatory
    obligations on state or local law enforcement agencies
    (“LEA”s), including municipalities, to follow such a detainer
    once it is received. 
    Id. at *19
    . The District Court also
    dismissed Galarza’s procedural due process claim on the
    ground that Lehigh County complied with the federal
    regulation setting the time limits on detention because it did
    not hold Galarza for more than 48 hours, not including
     The Court then dismissed the procedural due
    process claim against Szalczyk on grounds of the qualified
    immunity doctrine, noting that “even if the period of
    detention specified by the regulation were found to be
    unconstitutional, it would not be clear to every reasonable
    officer that the detention for a period expressly provided by
    federal regulation was unlawful.” 
    Id. at *18
    Following the issuance of the District Court opinion,
    Galarza reached a settlement with the remaining individual
    defendants, the City of Allentown, and the United States,
    resulting in a final order dismissing the case as to all
    defendants. Galarza appeals only the dismissal of his
    complaint against Lehigh County.
    Galarza’s claims against Lehigh County arise under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    . To establish municipal liability under § 1983,
    Galarza must plead two elements: first, that he was deprived
    of rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the
    Constitution and laws, and, second that the deprivation of
    those rights was caused by an official government policy or
    custom. Mulholland v. Gov’t Cnty. of Berks, Pa., 
    706 F.3d 227
    , 238 (3d Cir. 2013). Regarding his Fourth Amendment
    rights, Galarza contends that his detention resulted from
    Lehigh County’s stated policy and practice of enforcing all
    immigration detainers received from ICE, regardless of
    whether ICE had, or even claimed to have, probable cause to
    detain the suspected immigration violator. To support his
    claim, Galarza contends that: (1) when a Lehigh County
    Prison counselor first told Galarza that he had been held on an
    immigration detainer, the official refused to look into
    Galarza’s stated proof that he was a U.S. Citizen, instead
    waiting for ICE officers to arrive; (2) Lehigh County Prison
    honored the ICE detainer in this case on less than probable
    cause; and (3) ICE has a history of issuing and then
    cancelling improper ICE detainers lodged against inmates at
    the Lehigh County Prison. Regarding his procedural due
    process claim, Galarza contends that, under Lehigh County’s
    policies, he was held for three days without any notice of the
    basis for his detention or a meaningful opportunity to explain
    that he was a U.S. Citizen, despite his repeated requests to
    contest his detention.
    At oral argument, counsel for Lehigh County conceded
    that the policies as alleged would be unconstitutional, and that
    Lehigh County’s sole basis for seeking dismissal of Galarza’s
    claims is the allegedly mandatory nature of ICE detainers. In
    this light, the only question on appeal is whether Galarza has
    sufficiently pleaded facts to support his claims that Lehigh
    County’s unconstitutional policies or customs caused the
    deprivations of his Fourth Amendment and procedural due
    process rights.
    A.     Interpretation of 
    8 C.F.R. § 287.73
    The parties’ dispute centers on whether immigration
    detainers issued pursuant to 
    8 C.F.R. § 287.7
    mandatory obligations on state and local LEAs to detain
    suspected aliens subject to removal. The regulation at issues
    provides, in relevant part, as follows:
    It is true, as the dissent points out, that neither the U.S.
    Government or any of its agencies continues to be a party in
    this appeal. However, as the dissent also recognizes, the U.S.
    Government, as well as two of its agents, were parties to this
    case when the District Court articulated the principle that we
    review here. See Galarza v. Szalczyk, 10-cv-6815, Docs. 96 &
    99 (July 26, Aug. 22, 2012, E.D. Pa.) (orders dismissing the
    claims against ICE Agent Scalczyk and the U.S.
    Government); Galarza, 
    2012 WL 1080020
     , at * 22
    (dismissing claims against ICE Agent Gregory Marino). In
    any event, as further explained supra, Part II.A., we doubt
    that the U.S. Government and its immigration agencies would
    disagree with our interpretation of the regulation. In fact, the
    Office of Immigration Litigation of the Department of Justice
    representing Janet Napolitano, then Secretary of the
    Department of Homeland Security, and other federal officials,
    admitted in a request for admission in a recent litigation that
    “ICE has no legal authority to require state o[r] local law
    enforcement to detain an individual during the 48-hour
    detention period.” Supp. App. at 8 (Apr. 5, 2013); see Jose
    Jimenez Moreno v. Janet Napolitano,11-cv-5452 (N.D. Ill.,
    Nov. 8, 2011) (date of case filing).
    (a) Detainers in general. Detainers are issued
    pursuant to sections 236 and 287 of the Act and
    this chapter 1. Any authorized immigration
    officer may at any time issue a Form I–247,
    Immigration Detainer–Notice of Action, to any
    other Federal, State, or local law enforcement
    agency. A detainer serves to advise another law
    enforcement agency that the Department seeks
    custody of an alien presently in the custody of
    that agency, for the purpose of arresting and
    removing the alien. The detainer is a request
    that such agency advise the Department, prior to
    release of the alien, in order for the Department
    to arrange to assume custody, in situations
    when gaining immediate physical custody is
    either impracticable or impossible.
    (d) Temporary detention at Department request.
    Upon a determination by the Department to
    issue a detainer for an alien not otherwise
    detained by a criminal justice agency, such
    agency shall maintain custody of the alien for a
    period not to exceed 48 hours, excluding
    Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays in order to
    permit assumption of custody by the
    8 C.F.R. § 287.7
    (a), (d) (emphasis added). Lehigh County
    argues that the phrase “shall maintain custody” contained in
    § 287.7(d) means that detainers issued under § 287.7 are
    mandatory. Lehigh County acknowledges that § 287.7(d) is
    titled “Temporary detention at Department request” and that
    § 287.7(a) provides that “[t]he detainer is a request.”
    However, Lehigh County maintains this language is
    overshadowed by the use of the word “shall” in § 287.7(d).
    According to Lehigh County, the word “shall” means that the
    “request” is not really a request at all, but an order. Meaning,
    Lehigh County cannot be held responsible for Galarza’s
    three-day detention after he posted bail. Galarza argues that
    the word “shall” serves only to inform an agency that
    otherwise decides to comply with an ICE detainer that it
    should hold the person no longer than 48 hours.
    We believe that Galarza’s interpretation is correct. The
    words “shall maintain custody,” in the context of the
    regulation as a whole, appear next to the use of the word
    “request” throughout the regulation. Given that the title of
    § 287.7(d) is “Temporary detention at Department request”
    and that § 287.7(a) generally defines a detainer as a “request,”
    it is hard to read the use of the word “shall” in the timing
    section to change the nature of the entire regulation. Cf.
    Almendarez-Torres v. United States, 
    523 U.S. 224
    , 234
    (1998) (observing that a statute’s title and a section’s heading
    may be considered in resolving doubt about a provision’s
    However, even if we credit that the use of the word
    “shall” raises some ambiguity as to whether detainers impose
    mandatory obligations, this ambiguity is clarified on
    numerous fronts. First, no U.S. Court of Appeals has ever
    described ICE detainers as anything but requests. Second, no
    provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”), 
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
     et seq., authorize federal officials to command
    local or state officials to detain suspected aliens subject to
    removal. Lastly, all federal agencies and departments having
    an interest in the matter have consistently described such
    detainers as requests. We will address each of these factors in
    First is the case law. All Courts of Appeals to have
    commented on the character of ICE detainers refer to them as
    “requests” or as part of an “informal procedure.” See, e.g.,
    Ortega v. U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement, 
    737 F.3d 435
    , 438 (6th Cir. Dec. 10, 2013) (noting that federal
    immigration officials issue detainers to local LEAs “asking
    the institution to keep custody of the prisoner for the [federal
    immigration] agency or to let the agency know when the
    prisoner is about to be released”); Liranzo v. United States,
    690 F.3d 78
    , 82 (2d Cir. 2012) (noting that “ICE issued an
    immigration detainer to [jail] officials requesting that they
    release Liranzo only into ICE’s custody” so that he could be
    removed from the United States); United States v. Uribe-Rios,
    558 F.3d 347
    , 350 n.1 (4th Cir. 2009) (defining detainers as a
    “request that another law enforcement agency temporarily
    detain an alien” to permit immigration officials to assume
    custody (citing 
    8 C.F.R. § 287.7
    )); United States v. Female
    Juvenile, A.F.S., 
    377 F.3d 27
    , 35 (1st Cir. 2004) (noting that a
    “detainer . . . serves as a request that another law enforcement
    agency notify the INS before releasing an alien from
    detention” (citing 
    8 C.F.R. § 287.7
    (a))); Giddings v.
    979 F.2d 1104
    , 1105 n.3 (5th Cir. 1992)
    (describing the procedure under § 287.7 as “an informal [one]
    in which the INS informs prison officials that a person is
    subject to deportation and requests that officials give the INS
    notice of the person’s death, impending release, or transfer to
    another institution”).
    Second, Congress’s only specific mention of detainers
    appears in INA § 287, 
    8 U.S.C. § 1357
    (d). The Act does not
    authorize federal officials to command state or local officials
    to detain suspected aliens subject to removal. Moreover, in
    reviewing this statute, the Supreme Court has noted that
    § 1357(d) is a request for notice of a prisoner’s release, not a
    command (or even a request) to LEAs to detain suspects on
    behalf of the federal government. Arizona v. United States,
    132 S. Ct. 2492
    , 2507 (2012) (observing that “[s]tate officials
    can also assist the Federal Government by responding to
    requests for information about when an alien will be released
    from their custody. See § 1357(d).”).
    Contrary to Lehigh County’s assertion, ICE’s (and its
    precursor INS’s) policy statements also hold persuasive
    weight in this context. See Mercy Catholic Med. Ctr. v.
    380 F.3d 142
    , 155 (3d Cir. 2004). Since at least
    1994, and perhaps as early as 1988, ICE (and its precursor
    INS) have consistently construed detainers as requests rather
    than mandatory orders. In 1994, when responding to
    comments provided in the process of administrative “Notice
    and Comment” before a “Final Rule” change amending 
    8 C.F.R. § 287.7
    , the INS wrote that, “A detainer is the
    mechanism by which the Service requests that the detaining
    agency notify the Service of the date, time, or place of release
    of an alien who has been arrested or convicted under federal,
    state, or local law.” 
    59 Fed. Reg. 42406
    , 42407 (Aug. 17,
    1994). Moreover, in a 2010 policy memo, ICE describes a
    detainer as a “request that the LEA maintain custody of an
    alien who would otherwise be released for a period not to
    exceed 48 hours.”4 This description is restated on ICE’s
    website under “Frequently Asked Questions” about ICE
    detainers in response to the specific question “What is an
    immigration detainer?”5 In response to a local official’s letter
    asking whether “localities are required to hold individuals
    ICE, Interim Policy Number 10074.1: Detainers, ¶ 2.1 (Aug.
    2, 2010), available at
    policy.PDF (last visited Dec. 13, 2013).
    ICE, ICE Detainers: Frequently Asked Questions,
    (last visited Dec. 23, 2013) (noting that an immigration
    detainer serves, in relevant part, as a “request that the LEA
    maintain custody of an alien who would otherwise be released
    for a period not to exceed 48 hours”).
    pursuant to [ICE detainers],” a senior ICE official responded:
    “ICE views an immigration detainer as a request that a law
    enforcement agency maintain custody of an alien who may
    otherwise be released[.]”6 And in a 2010 briefing to the
    Congressional Hispanic Caucus, agency representatives told
    congressional staff that “local [law enforcement] are not
    mandated to honor a detainer, and in some jurisdictions they
    do not.”7
    These policy statements are also consistent with ICE’s
    (and previously INS’s) litigation position that detainers are
    requests or notifications. For example, in 1998, the INS
    argued that a detainer it issued was “not a detainer but merely
    serve[d] to advise [a] correctional facility that the INS may
    find [an inmate] excludable and request[ed] that the
    institution inform the INS of Vargas’s expected release.”
    Vargas v. Swan, 
    854 F.2d 1028
    , 1030 (7th Cir. 1988).
    Furthermore, the immigration agency there noted “that the
    face of the detainer states that it is ‘for notification purposes
    only,’” and that it was “nothing more than ‘an internal
    administrative mechanism,’ . . . accompanied by neither a
    warrant of arrest nor by an order to show cause.” 
    Letter from David Venturella, Secure Communities
    Assistant Director, ICE, to Miguel Márquez, Santa Clara
    County Counsel, ¶ 2(a) (Sept. 27, 2010) (emphasis added),
    available at
    Responding-to-SCC-Re-S-Comm-9-28-10 (last visited Dec.
    23, 2013).
    ICE FOIA 2674.020612, Draft Memorandum to David
    Venturella, Secure Communities Assistant Director, ICE,
    “Secure Communities Briefing (Congressional Hispanic
    Caucus)” at 3 (Oct. 28, 2010), available at
    FOIA-2674.020612.pdf (last visited Dec. 23, 2013).
    To rebut the evidence that detainers are not mandatory
    or commands to other LEAs, Lehigh County suggests that
    these statements are contradicted by the language of the
    detainer form that was issued in Galarza’s case. Lehigh
    County’s argument here is similar to the one it made
    regarding the regulation itself: Because the detainer issued to
    Lehigh County stated that “Federal regulations (8 CFR 287.7)
    require that you detain the alien for a period not to exceed 48
    hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Federal holidays),”
    the detainer was mandatory. App. at 105. Again, Lehigh
    County overlooks the first part of the detainer filed with
    Lehigh County, which read at the time, “It is requested that
    you: Please accept this notice as a detainer. This is for
    notification purposes only.” 
     (emphasis added).
    Lehigh County seeks to bolster its argument by
    highlighting the fact that the detainer forms were altered in
    2010 so that the word “require” does not appear anywhere on
    the current detainer form. The form now reads: “IT IS
    REQUESTED THAT YOU: Maintain custody of the subject
    for a period NOT TO EXCEED 48 HOURS.”8 We believe
    that, on its own, this alteration in the detainer form does not
    support Lehigh County’s conclusion that ICE’s position
    changed—the alteration is also consistent with the view that
    ICE was merely clarifying its detainer form to reflect its
    longstanding interpretation of the regulation. In short, the
    position of federal immigration agencies has remained
    constant: detainers are not mandatory.9
    ACTION, available at
    communities/pdf/immigration-detainer-form.pdf (last visited
    Dec. 23, 2013).
    To further respond to Lehigh County’s argument that these
    policy statements and litigation positions should not be
    B.     Constitutional Concerns
    Even if there were any doubt about whether
    immigration detainers are requests and not mandatory orders
    to local law enforcement officials, settled constitutional law
    clearly establishes that they must be deemed requests. When
    confronted with two plausible interpretations of a statute, one
    which could require the Court to interpret the regulation as
    unconstitutional and one which poses no constitutional
    problem, we are obliged to adopt the latter interpretation,
    “unless such construction is plainly contrary to the intent of
    Congress.” Edward J. DeBartolo Corp. v. Fla. Gulf Coast
    Bldg. & Const. Trades Council, 
    485 U.S. 568
    , 575 (1988).
    Under the Tenth Amendment, immigration officials
    may not order state and local officials to imprison suspected
    aliens subject to removal at the request of the federal
    government. Essentially, the federal government cannot
    command the government agencies of the states to imprison
    persons of interest to federal officials.
    relevant in our analysis, we note that the particular weight to
    give to ICE’s and INS’s policy statements depends on a
    number of factors. These include “the thoroughness evident in
    [their] consideration, the validity of [their] reasoning, [their]
    consistency with earlier and later pronouncements, and all
    those factors which give [them] power to persuade, if lacking
    power to control.” Mercy, 
    380 F.3d at 155
     (internal quotation
    marks omitted). ICE’s and INS’s policy statements and
    litigation positions are probative here because they are
    internally consistent over a lengthy period of time and align
    with the most logical reading of the regulation, thus lending
    further support to our determination that ICE detainers are
    indeed permissive, not mandatory.
    As we have previously recognized, “all powers not
    explicitly conferred to the federal government are reserved to
    the states, a maxim reflected in the text of the Tenth
    Amendment.” Nat’l Collegiate Athletic Ass’n (“NCAA”) v.
    Governor of N.J., 
    730 F.3d 208
    , 227 (3d Cir. 2013). It follows
    that “any law that commandeers the legislative processes [and
    agencies] of the States by directly compelling them to enact
    and enforce a federal regulatory program is beyond the
    inherent limitations on federal power within our dual system.”
     (quoting Hodel v. Va. Surface Mining & Reclamation
    452 U.S. 264
    , 283 (1981)) (internal quotation marks
    omitted). In other words, a conclusion that a detainer issued
    by a federal agency is an order that state and local agencies
    are compelled to follow, is inconsistent with the anti-
    commandeering principle of the Tenth Amendment.
    On two occasions the Supreme Court has struck down
    portions of federal laws that compelled states or local state
    agencies on anti-commandeering grounds. The first case was
    New York v. United States, 
    505 U.S. 144
     (1992), which
    concerned a federal law to regulate the disposal of radioactive
    wastes by the states. The most problematic aspect of this
    complex regulatory scheme was the requirement that a state
    “take title” to radioactive material, if that state could not
    arrange for disposal of the hazardous material within a
    specified date. 
    Id. at 153-54
    . The Supreme Court struck down
    the “take title” provision based on the idea that “Congress
    may not simply ‘commandeer the legislative processes of the
    States by directly compelling them to enact and enforce a
    federal regulatory program.’” 
    Id. at 161
     (quoting Hodel, 
    452 U.S. at 288
    ) (alterations omitted). As we stated in NCAA, the
    Court concluded that the “take title” provision did, in fact,
    “compel the states to either enact a regulatory program, or
    expend resources in taking title to the waste.” NCAA, 730
    F.3d at 229 (citing New York, 
    505 U.S. at 176
    ). The Court
    also observed that “the anti-commandeering principle was
    designed, in part, to stop Congress from blurring the line of
    accountability between federal and state officials and from
    skirting responsibility for its choices by foisting them on the
     (citing New York, 
    505 U.S. at 168
    The Court next applied this anti-comandeering
    principle in Printz v. United States, 
    521 U.S. 898
     (1997), to
    invalidate provisions of the Brady Handgun Violence
    Prevention Act that compelled local authorities of certain
    states to conduct background checks on persons applying to
    purchase guns. Printz is relevant in determining whether
    federal officials can order local and state LEAs to hold
    suspected aliens subject to removal in detention on behalf of
    the federal government. The Court noted that, “[t]he power of
    the Federal Government would be augmented immeasurably
    if it were able to impress into its service—and at no cost to
    itself—the police officers of the 50 States.” 
    Id. at 922
    . The
    Court concluded that Congress “may neither issue directives
    requiring the States to address particular problems, nor
    command the States’ officers . . . to administer or enforce a
    federal regulatory program.” 
    Id. at 935
    . The Court was clearly
    concerned that portions of the Brady Act required states to
    “absorb the financial burden of implementing a federal
    regulatory program” and “tak[e] the blame for its . . .
    Id. at 930
    In light of these principles, it is clear to us that reading
    § 287.7 to mean that a federal detainer filed with a state or
    local LEA is a command to detain an individual on behalf of
    the federal govenment, would violate the anti-commandeering
    doctrine of the Tenth Amendment. As in New York and
    Printz, immigration officials may not compel state and local
    agencies to expend funds and resources to effectuate a federal
    regulatory scheme. The District Court’s interpretation of
    § 287.7 as compelling Lehigh County to detain prisoners for
    the federal government is contrary to the Federal Constitution
    and Supreme Court precedents.
    There is no meaningful distinction between the Brady
    Act provisions and the regulation at issue here which would,
    according to Lehigh County, require state and local
    governments to spend public funds in order to detain suspects
    on behalf of the federal government for the 48-hour period. In
    fact, the federal government has made clear that local LEAs
    have to foot the bill, providing that “[n]o detainer issued as a
    result of a determination made under this chapter . . . shall
    incur any fiscal obligation on the part of the Department.”
    8 C.F.R. § 287.7
    (e). Even though, as the Amici Curiae Law
    Professors explain, the issue of commandeering is not one of
    degree, “[s]uch direct federal control over state officials far
    exceeds the regulatory regime Printz invalidated.” Br. for
    Law Professors at 14.
    Furthermore, the command to detain federal prisoners
    at state expense is exactly the type of command that has
    historically disrupted our system of federalism. As Galarza
    points out, the federal government has made requests to states
    to house federal prisoners since the Founding of the Republic,
    and such requests represent the quintessential type of
    cooperation sanctioned by the Framers. The Court in Printz
    relied on this history in developing the contours of the
    concept of commandeering that must have existed at the time
    of the Constitution’s Framing. See Printz, 
    521 U.S. at 909-10
    (discussing the practice of early Congress (1789-91) issuing
    recommendations to state legislatures to house federal
    prisoners and noting that when states failed to comply,
    Congress’s reaction was simply “to rent a temporary jail until
    provision for a permanent one could be made”).
    Because of this potential constitutional problem, and
    because Congress has made no mention in the INA that it
    intends for DHS to issue mandatory detainers, see supra Part
    II.A., we must read the regulation as authorizing only
    permissive requests that local LEAs keep suspected aliens
    subject to deportation in custody. In fact, in recognition of
    their right to refuse requests under § 287.7, a number of local
    governments, the District of Columbia, and now the state of
    California, have established official policies whereby they
    will only detain suspects pursuant to ICE detainers in
    situations where the suspect named in an immigration
    detainer has been convicted of or is charged with a serious
    See, e.g., Santa Clara County, Cal., Board of Supervisors’
    Policy Manual § 3.54, Civil Immigration Detainer Requests
    (resolution adopting § 3.54) (2010), available at (“No County department, agency, officer,
    or employee shall use any County funds, resources, or
    personnel to investigate, question, apprehend, or arrest an
    individual solely for an actual or suspected civil violation of
    federal immigration law.”); Cook County, Ill., Ordinance
    § 46-37, available at (“WHEREAS, 
    8 CFR § 287.7
     expressly provides that ICE detainers are merely
    ‘requests’ that local law enforcement advise DHS when the
    individual is due to be released, and that the agency continue
    holding the individual beyond the scheduled time of release
    for up to 48 hours, excluding weekends and federal holidays,
    in order for ICE to arrange to assume custody … (a) The
    Sheriff of Cook County shall decline ICE detainer requests
    unless there is a written agreement with the federal
    government by which all costs incurred by Cook County in
    complying with the ICE detainer shall be reimbursed.”);
    Chicago Municipal Code §§ 2-173-05, 2-173-042 (first
    adopted 2012), available at (declining
    to honor detainers unless the subject of the investigation has
    an oustanding criminal warrant, has been convicted of a
    felony, has a felony charge pending, or has been identified as
    Thus, any remaining ambiguity must be resolved in
    favor of a constitutional reading of the regulation. In this
    case, that means we must read the regulation as authorizing
    only requests that state and local law enforcement agencies
    detain suspected aliens subject to removal.
    For these reasons, we conclude that 8 C.R.F. § 287.7
    does not compel state or local LEAs to detain suspected
    aliens subject to removal pending release to immigration
    officials. Section 287.7 merely authorizes the issuance of
    detainers as requests to local LEAs. Given this, Lehigh
    County was free to disregard the ICE detainer, and it
    therefore cannot use as a defense that its own policy did not
    cause the deprivation of Galarza’s constitutional rights.
    Accordingly, the District Court’s judgment dismissing
    Galarza’s complaint against Lehigh County is VACATED
    a known gang member); N.Y.C., N.Y., Administrative Code
    § 9-131(first adopted 2012) (same, and adding a condition
    that a detainer could be honored for a terrorism suspect as
    well); City of Berkeley, California Council, Regular Meeting
    Annotated Agenda (Oct. 30, 2012), available at (similar to N.Y.C. and Chicago
    policies); D.C. Acts 19-442, Immigration Detainer
    Compliance Amendment Act of 2012, 
    59 D.C. Reg. 10153
    (same); Brent Begin, San Francisco County Jail Won’t Hold
    Inmates for ICE, SF EXAMINER (May 6, 2011) (describing
    policy adopted by San Francisco Sheriff Michael Hennessey
    to not honor detainers for those arrested for minor crimes). In
    fact, just recently, California adopted a statute limiting LEAs
    throughout the entire state from cooperating with ICE
    detainers. Cal Gov’t Code § 7282 et seq. (effective Jan. 1,
    and the matter is REVERSED for proceedings consistent with
    this opinion.
    Galarza v. Lehigh County, No. 12-3991
    BARRY, Circuit Judge, dissenting
    I am deeply concerned that the United States has not
    been heard on the seminal issue in this appeal, an issue that
    goes to the heart of the enforcement of our nation’s
    immigration laws. And make no mistake about it. The
    conclusion reached by my friends in the Majority that
    immigration detainers issued pursuant to 
    8 C.F.R. § 287.7
    not impose any obligation on state and local law enforcement
    agencies to detain suspected aliens subject to removal, but are
    merely requests that they do so, has enormous implications
    and will have, I predict, enormous ramifications.
    Maybe the Majority is right when it says that the
    language that the particular agency “shall maintain custody,”
    § 287.7(d), is really only “a request,” § 287.7(a). And maybe
    the Majority is wrong. I’m simply not ready to make that
    call; indeed, I believe that it is a mistake to do so without the
    input of the United States, on whom the Opinion will impact
    most immediately and most profoundly. 1 And even aside
    from that impact will be the impact on state and local law
    enforcement agencies, not the least of which will be for them
    to figure out what hoops they will have to jump through to
    inform their decision as to whether or not to grant a particular
    “request.” Will, for example, they have to determine if, in the
    first instance, ICE had probable cause to issue the detainer?
    Will the detainee have a right to be heard? And, pray tell,
    how and when will they do all of that? And that’s just for
    ICE issued 273,982 immigration detainers from October 1,
    2011 to September 30, 2012 (Fiscal Year 2012). In the first
    four months of Fiscal Year 2013, it issued 73,709 detainers,
    corresponding to an annualized figure of 221,124. See
    Number of ICE Detainers Drops by 19 Percent.
    Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse
    Univ.                (July              25,           2013), These numbers,
    I recognize, cover all detainers issued by ICE, and not just
    those which direct a law enforcement agency to maintain
    custody over a suspected removable alien.
    This was, until now, a comparatively uncomplicated
    case brought by Mr. Galarza, who, as relevant here, was
    detained within the brief period of time set forth in § 287.7(d)
    after bail was posted on his criminal charges. The United
    States was not a party in this § 1983 action,2 and the only
    defendants were Lehigh County, the City of Allentown and
    one of its detectives, and two ICE agents, named only in their
    individual capacities. Parenthetically, although the ICE
    agents were represented by counsel from the Department of
    Justice, counsel made it abundantly clear to the District Court
    that she did not represent ICE and represented only her
    clients. See, e.g., Tr. of Dec. 15, 2011 at 48-49. The District
    Court well understood that fact. Id.
    The sole appellee in this case is Lehigh County, whose
    only involvement with reference to the central issue before us
    on appeal is that Galarza was briefly housed in one of its
    prisons, and that it, through its prison, complied with the
    immigration detainer once the detainer kicked in. The
    County, not surprisingly, argued to the District Court why the
    “shall maintain custody” language was mandatory—it had, it
    said, no choice in the matter. Galarza, also not surprisingly,
    argued that the language was not mandatory, and that the
    District Court’s erroneous conclusion to the contrary was the
    result of a “misunderstanding of immigration detainers”
    because of Lehigh County’s arguments, “not the federal
    government’s.” Appellant’s Br. at 23, 29. Indeed, Galarza
    concedes that the United States was not heard as to § 287.7
    nor even as to its “own statements” that immigration detainers
    The United States was named as a defendant in a separate
    negligence action filed by Galarza under the Federal Tort
    Claims Act. The central issue before us here was never
    squarely raised there, and neither the Majority nor Galarza
    suggests that it was or should have been. Although the FTCA
    action was subsequently consolidated with this § 1983 action,
    presumably so that they could be before one judge, not two, it
    was separately treated and resolved. Thus, it is only in the
    most technical sense that one can say, as the Majority says at
    note 3, that the “U.S. Government,” which it “doubt[s]”
    would disagree with its interpretation of § 287.7, was a
    “part[y] to this case” when the District Court articulated the
    principle before us on appeal.
    are requests, not orders. Id. at 29. Of course, we don’t know
    what the “federal government” would have argued—it was
    not in the case.
    And the record before the District Court on the central
    issue before us was barebones. In this connection, it bears
    emphasis that that issue, i.e. whether or not detainers issued
    pursuant to § 287.7 impose a mandatory obligation to detain
    on state and local law enforcement agencies, was but one of
    numerous issues raised in the District Court against the
    various defendants and combinations of defendants. The
    District Court issued an extremely thoughtful and very
    thorough 56-page Opinion, with its finding as to the issue
    before us essentially tucked away in little more than one
    paragraph near the end, see JA 55-56, undoubtedly because
    there had been no emphasis on the issue in the District Court
    and little record made as to it.
    In the face of all of this, the Majority, in a sweeping
    Opinion, has decided this enormously important issue. And it
    did not stop there. Rather, it went on to conclude that “[e]ven
    if there were any doubt about whether immigration detainers
    are requests and not mandatory orders,” to read § 287.7 to
    mean that a federal detainer is a command to a law
    enforcement agency to detain an individual would violate the
    anti-commandeering principle of the Tenth Amendment.
    Maj. Op. at 17.
    Maybe it would, and maybe it wouldn’t, even
    assuming, with no great confidence, that the Tenth
    Amendment issue should have been reached. Galarza did,
    indeed, raise the issue in the District Court. The County,
    however, never offered a full-throated response on the merits,
    or lack thereof, of that issue, arguing instead that the
    constitutionality of § 287.7 should be litigated in another,
    more appropriate, case. Not unimportantly, the District Court
    did not in its lengthy Opinion even mention, much less
    decide, anything to do with the Tenth Amendment. Very
    importantly, the United States was not heard as to it.
    All of this makes me very uncomfortable. Given the
    posture of the case before the District Court, I’m not sure
    how, if at all, the United States could have been brought in.
    What I am sure of is that we have gone very far in this very
    important case without any input from the United States, and
    we should pull back now. For now, though, I’m not prepared
    to say, on what has essentially been a one-sided presentation,
    that “shall” really doesn’t mean “shall” but, instead, means
    “please.” I respectfully dissent.