Nederland Shipping Corp v. United States ( 2021 )

  •                              PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 20-2269
    Nederland Shipping Corporation,
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Delaware
    (D.C. No. 1-19-cv-01302)
    District Judge: Hon. Richard G. Andrews
    April 14, 2021
    Before: CHAGARES, JORDAN, and SCIRICA, Circuit
    (Filed: November 16, 2021)
    George M. Chalos [ARGUED]
    Chalos & Co.
    55 Hamilton Avenue
    Oyster Bay, NY 11771
    Counsel for Appellant
    Anne Murphy [ARGUED]
    United States Department of Justice
    Appellate Section
    Room 7644
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20004
    Charles W. Scarborough
    United States Department of Justice
    Appellate Section
    Room 7244
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20004
    Counsel for Appellee
    JORDAN, Circuit Judge.
    Delay is a serious problem in the transportation
    business, especially for shippers of perishable goods. So, when
    a ship called the M/V Nederland Reefer (the “Reefer” or the
    “Vessel”), carrying a cargo of fruit, arrived in the Port of
    Wilmington, Delaware in February of 2019, its crew thought
    the layover would be brief. Things did not turn out that way.
    After a Coast Guard inspection of the ship revealed evidence
    of an illegal discharge of bilge water,1 the Reefer was held in
    port pending an investigation. The Reefer’s owner, Nederland
    Shipping Corporation (“Nederland”), wanted to get the ship
    back to sea as rapidly as possible and so entered into a contract
    with the United States government to allow for the release of
    the Reefer in exchange for, among other consideration, a surety
    bond to cover potential fines.
    Although Nederland delivered the bond and met its
    other requirements under the contract, the Vessel was detained
    in Wilmington for at least two additional weeks. Nederland
    sued in the United States District Court for the District of
    Delaware, but the government moved to dismiss the suit,
    arguing among other things that the District Court lacked
    subject matter jurisdiction. The District Court accepted that
    argument and dismissed the complaint, holding that
    Nederland’s claims had to be brought in the United States
    Court of Federal Claims. More specifically, the District Court
    “Bilge,” as a shorthand expression for bilge water, is
    sometimes used as a synonym for “nonsense,” denoting
    disbelief and derision, Bilge, Cambridge Dictionary (2021),,
    but it has a literal maritime meaning too. Bilge water is the
    often noxious mixture of liquids that collects in the lowest
    compartment of a ship. Bilge Water, Cambridge Dictionary
    water. Improperly disposing of it can lead to criminal liability,
    as further discussed herein.
    held that the breach of contract claim did not invoke the
    Court’s admiralty jurisdiction and that the statutory cause of
    action under the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (the
    “APPS”) failed because the APPS did not waive the
    government’s sovereign immunity. We disagree on both
    counts and will accordingly reverse and remand for further
    The Reefer arrived at the Port of Wilmington, Delaware
    on February 20, 2019 for what Nederland expected to be a short
    stay. Upon shipboard inspection, however, the Coast Guard
    noticed evidence suggesting that the Vessel had violated the
    APPS.2 Specifically, the Coast Guard suspected that the
    Vessel had discharged dirty bilge water directly overboard and
    misrepresented in its record book that the ship’s oil water
    separator had been used to clean the bilge water prior to
    discharge. The Coast Guard accordingly detained the Reefer
    The Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships authorizes the
    Department of Homeland Security to enforce the 1973
    International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
    Ships (“MARPOL”) and to “prescribe any necessary or desired
    regulations to carry out” that treaty. 
    33 U.S.C. § 1903
    see United States v. Abrogar, 
    459 F.3d 430
    , 431-32 (3d Cir.
    2006). It is a crime to “knowingly violate[ ]” those regulations
    or the APPS. 
    33 U.S.C. § 1908
    (a). “A ship operated in
    violation of” those laws “is liable in rem for any fine
     § 1908(d).
    by withholding a departure clearance, under 
    33 U.S.C. § 1908
    (e) of the APPS.3
    The Coast Guard’s Captain of the Port issued a letter to
    the Vessel’s representative on February 22, 2019, explaining
    the Coast Guard’s authority to withhold the departure
    clearance and that clearance could be granted if the Vessel
    entered into a surety agreement that included providing a
    financial bond. To negotiate that agreement, Nederland sought
    The Coast Guard may “refuse or revoke” a vessel’s
    departure clearance “if reasonable cause exists to believe” that
    the vessel may be subject to a fine under the APPS. 
    33 U.S.C. § 1908
    (e). The departure clearance may nonetheless be
    granted “upon the filing of a bond or other surety satisfactory
    to the Secretary” of Homeland Security. 
     Entitled “Ship
    clearance or permits; refusal or revocation; bond or other
    33 U.S.C. § 1908
    (e) provides:
    If any ship subject to the MARPOL Protocol,
    Annex IV to the Antarctic Protocol, or this
    chapter, its owner, operator, or person in charge
    is liable for a fine or civil penalty under this
    section, or if reasonable cause exists to believe
    that the ship, its owner, operator, or person in
    charge may be subject to a fine or civil penalty
    under this section, the Secretary of the Treasury,
    upon the request of the Secretary [of Homeland
    Security], shall refuse or revoke the clearance
    required by section 60105 of Title 46 [to proceed
    from a port]. Clearance may be granted upon the
    filing of a bond or other surety satisfactory to the
    out Commander Robert Pirone of the Coast Guard.          On
    March 7, Commander Pirone repeated that departure clearance
    could be obtained upon the issuance of a bond as part of a
    security agreement. He also told Nederland that the alleged
    discharge of bilge water had been referred to the Department
    of Justice for criminal prosecution under the APPS.
    Seeking to get the Reefer underway again, Nederland
    signed an “Agreement on Security” (the “Agreement”) with
    the United States on March 8, 2019. Nederland agreed to post
    a surety bond of $1 million, which would act as security for
    any adjudicated fines or penalties for violations of the APPS.4
    It also agreed to other provisions “[a]s consideration for surety
    satisfactory to the Secretary [of Homeland Security] for the
    release of the Vessel.” (App. at 37.) Those provisions included
    consent to the jurisdiction of the United States over the
    criminal case and assurance that the thirteen crewmembers of
    the Reefer would remain in the United States to participate in
    the criminal trial, at the expense of Nederland. The Agreement
    also provided that “[a]ny dispute between the United States and
    Owner or Operator[, i.e., Nederland,] regarding payment under
    this paragraph shall be submitted to the United States District
    Court for the District of Delaware. ... [T]he party asserting that
    there has been a breach of the Agreement shall bear the burden
    of proof.” (App. at 39.) In addition, the parties agreed that
    “the criminal and civil penalty claims of the United States
    against the Vessel in rem shall attach to the Vessel release’s
    security as provided pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil
    Nederland ended up entering a guilty plea in the
    criminal case. It paid a $900,000 fine.
    Procedure, Admiralty, Maritime Claims, Supplemental Rule
    E(5).” (App. at 46.)
    On that same day, March 8, Coast Guard agents served
    the Reefer’s crewmembers with subpoenas to testify before a
    grand jury in April. Three days later, on March 11,
    Nederland’s attorney informed Commander Pirone that all
    replacement crewmembers were on board the Reefer and had
    completed the handover from the thirteen crewmembers who
    were required to stay in Delaware. But the Vessel did not
    receive a departure clearance. After sending several emails
    asking for updates on the processing of paperwork for the
    detained crewmembers, Nederland’s attorney told the
    government that the continuing delay of the Vessel had become
    unreasonable. He also highlighted Nederland’s right to pursue
    damages under 
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    (h).5 In particular, he
    emphasized the economic losses that the Vessel would
    experience if the delay continued, including the costs
    associated with making alternative arrangements for its
    perishable cargoes and missing its next commercial
    commitment. Nederland continued to ask for updates from the
    government, with little to no response, until March 28, 2019,
    when the Vessel was finally permitted to leave port.
    Approximately three months later, Nederland filed for
    declaratory relief in the District Court under 
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    (h), seeking a declaratory judgment that the Agreement
    Section 1904(h) provides: “Compensation for loss or
    damage [-] A ship unreasonably detained or delayed by
    the Secretary acting under the authority of this chapter is
    entitled to compensation for any loss or damage suffered
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    was null and void ab initio and asking for damages for breach
    of contract and compensation for unreasonable delay in
    allowing the Vessel’s departure. The government moved to
    dismiss for failure to state a claim and for lack of subject matter
    The District Court was persuaded by the government’s
    attack on subject matter jurisdiction. As to Nederland’s breach
    of contract claim, the Court held that it did not have jurisdiction
    in admiralty because the Agreement is not a maritime contract,
    as the “principal objective of the Agreement is to permit the
    ship’s departure clearance while preserving the Government’s
    ability to investigate.” (App. at 9.) Without the waiver of
    sovereign immunity attendant to admiralty jurisdiction, the
    claim could not proceed, the Court said, because the
    Agreement itself did not amount to a waiver of that immunity.
    As to the APPS cause of action under 
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    (h), the
    Court held that § 1904(h) does not expressly waive sovereign
    immunity. According to the Court, the waiver of sovereign
    immunity found in the Tucker Act, 
    28 U.S.C. § 1491
    , could
    instead provide an avenue for relief for Nederland, but any
    such claim would have to be brought in the Court of Federal
    Nederland now appeals.
    Nederland argues that the District Court erred in
    holding that it lacked subject matter jurisdiction in this case.
    We have appellate jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . Nederland asserted jurisdiction in the District Court
    According to Nederland, the Agreement it entered with the
    government is maritime in nature and thus vested the Court
    with admiralty jurisdiction.7 Nederland also contends that its
    statutory cause of action for monetary damages under 
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    (h) provides subject matter jurisdiction because
    it is an independent cause of action that waives the
    government’s sovereign immunity. The government counters
    that the Tucker Act waives sovereign immunity for non-tort
    monetary claims against the United States “founded …
    upon … any Act of Congress[,] … or upon any express or
    implied contract with the United States,” and also provides
    exclusive jurisdiction for such claims in the Court of Federal
    28 U.S.C. § 1491
    (a)(1), so that Nederland’s suit must
    instead be brought in that court.
    To prevail in this jurisdictional dispute, Nederland must
    clear two hurdles: it has to demonstrate that Congress provided
    for subject matter jurisdiction in the district courts over the
    claims at issue and that Congress waived sovereign immunity.
    See United States v. Bormes, 
    568 U.S. 6
    , 9-10 (2012)
    (explaining plaintiffs may only sue the United States for
    28 U.S.C. §§ 1331
     and 2201. We address the District
    Court’s jurisdiction herein. We exercise plenary review to
    determine whether the District Court enjoyed subject matter
    jurisdiction. In re Allen, 
    768 F.3d 274
    , 279 (3d Cir. 2014).
    Nederland also argues that the parties contracted for
    subject matter jurisdiction in the District Court. That argument
    plainly fails because parties cannot create subject matter
    jurisdiction. See Samuel-Bassett v. KIA Motors Am., Inc., 
    357 F.3d 392
    , 396 (3d Cir. 2004) (“[P]arties may not confer subject
    matter jurisdiction by consent.”).
    monetary damages where sovereign immunity has been waived
    and subject matter jurisdiction exists). The parties do not
    dispute that if there is admiralty jurisdiction in this case, both
    conditions are satisfied for the contract claim, since federal
    courts have power to hear “all Cases of admiralty and maritime
    Jurisdiction[,]” U.S. Const. art. III, § 2, cl. 1; 
    28 U.S.C. § 1333
    and Congress has waived sovereign immunity for claims
    brought in admiralty, Henderson v. United States, 
    517 U.S. 654
    , 665 (1996); 
    46 U.S.C. § 30903
    . The fight over the
    contract claim is thus whether it is a maritime claim and so
    properly subject to admiralty jurisdiction. As to the APPS
    statutory claim, the fight is whether 
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    waives sovereign immunity.
    A.      The Agreement is a maritime contract.
    Nederland argues that the Agreement is maritime in
    nature and thus invokes the District Court’s admiralty
    jurisdiction. The government responds that the Agreement
    primarily sought to facilitate a criminal investigation pursuant
    to the APPS and so is not a maritime contract. Nederland has
    the better of the argument.
    The Supreme Court emphasized in Norfolk Southern
    Railway Co. v. Kirby that the primary interest of maritime
    jurisdiction is “the protection of maritime commerce.” 
    543 U.S. 14
    , 25 (2004) (emphasis in original) (quoting Exxon Corp.
    v. Cent. Gulf Lines, Inc., 
    500 U.S. 603
    , 608 (1991)).
    Consequently, we are looking to “the nature and character of
    the contract” at issue to determine whether it has “reference to
    maritime service or maritime transactions.” Id. at 24 (quoting
    N. Pac. S.S. Co. v. Hall Bros. Marine Ry. & Shipbuilding Co.,
    249 U.S. 119
    , 125 (1919)). A ship does not need to be directly
    involved in the dispute for admiralty jurisdiction to attach, as
    “the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ... extends to and
    includes cases of injury or damage ... caused by a vessel on
    navigable waters even though the injury or damage is done or
    consummated on land.” Id. at 23-24 (quoting the Admiralty
    Jurisdiction Extension Act, 
    46 U.S.C. § 30101
    Following the two-step inquiry established more than a
    half-century ago in Kossick v. United Fruit Co., 
    365 U.S. 731
    735 (1961), the Kirby Court asked first whether the contracts
    under review were maritime, and, second, whether they dealt
    with an inherently local dispute such that federal law should
    not control. Kirby, 
    543 U.S. at 22-23
    . It held that bills of
    lading for the transport of goods from Australia to Alabama
    were maritime contracts even though the final leg of the
    journey was via rail. 
    Id. at 23-24
    . Because the bills of ladings’
    “primary objective” under the first step of Kossick was to
    “accomplish the transportation of goods by sea from Australia
    to the eastern coast of the United States[,]” the Court held that
    it was beside the point that part of the journey was by rail. 
    Id. at 24
    . The Court also indicated, at the second step of Kossick,
    that no local interests had been suggested that would call
    federal jurisdiction into question. 
    Id. at 27
    Following the same analytical path here, but in reverse
    order, we can quickly dispose of the “inherently local” issue.
    The dispute before us clearly implicates federal law – the APPS
    – and international concern with sea-going commerce and
    ocean pollution. It is thus obviously not inherently local. The
    issue, then, is the first question posed in Kossick and Kirby:
    what is the primary objective of the contract at issue. Not
    surprisingly, each party characterizes the Agreement’s
    “primary objective” differently. 
     The government says the
    primary objective of the Agreement was to allow “the criminal
    proceedings to continue to conclusion, including the payment
    of a potential criminal penalty.” (Answering Br. at 23.)
    Nederland says instead that the primary objective of the
    Agreement was to provide sufficient security to obtain the
    Vessel’s departure clearance so it could continue its trade.
    Both objectives are, it is true, contemplated in the Agreement,
    but the government’s characterization ignores every interest
    but its own and, even at that, fails to acknowledge that the
    crime under investigation was itself particularly maritime in
    character. The government chooses to define its objective as
    simply pursuing a criminal prosecution, but that does not
    change the fact that the charge it was pursuing was a crime on
    the seas, outlawed by a maritime treaty. Nor does it change
    that both the Agreement (App. at 46) and the statute under
    which the government detained the vessel, 
    33 U.S.C. § 1908
    (d), speak in terms of liability in rem, which is language
    classically associated with admiralty jurisdiction. See, e.g.,
    Leon v. Galceran, 
    78 U.S. 185
    , 190 (1870) (“[A] party may
    proceed in rem in the admiralty, and if he elects to pursue his
    remedy in that mode he cannot proceed in any other form, as
    the jurisdiction of the admiralty courts is exclusive in respect
    to that mode of proceeding[.]”). That is not determinative here,
    but it is telling.
    What is determinative is that, contrary to the
    government’s position, it did not need the Agreement to permit
    the criminal proceeding to continue to conclusion. The result
    of there having been no agreement and no surety bond would
    not have been the Reefer sailing away scot-free. It would have
    been the Coast Guard withholding the Vessel’s departure
    clearance until the criminal proceedings ended. Watervale
    Marine Co. v. U.S. Dep’t of Homeland Sec., 
    807 F.3d 325
    , 330
    (D.C. Cir. 2015) (Section 1908(e) “clearly provides authority
    in the Coast Guard to simply hold the ship in port until legal
    proceedings are completed.”); see also Angelex Ltd. v. United
    States (Angelex I), 
    723 F.3d 500
    , 507 (4th Cir. 2013) (Section
    1908(e) “grants the Coast Guard broad discretion to deny bond
    altogether[.]”). So the essential character and purpose of the
    Agreement was not to secure the Vessel and crew in port; that
    was already done. The primary objective of the Agreement
    was rather to set the Reefer free to pursue maritime commerce.8
    The parties also discuss the purposes of the APPS and
    MARPOL, both pointing to various aims of the treaty and its
    enacting legislation to support their characterizations of their
    Agreement’s primary objective. The government argues that
    the APPS was “passed to implement various environmental
    obligations that the United States assumed when it entered
    into” MARPOL. (Answering Br. at 16 (quoting Watervale
    Marine Co. v. U.S. Dep’t of Homeland Sec., 
    807 F.3d 325
    , 327
    (D.C. Cir. 2015)).) And Nederland contends that MARPOL
    not only sought to preserve the marine environment, but to
    balance those environmental concerns with “the desire not to
    impose laws which make shipping prohibitively expensive.”
    (Reply Br. at 4-5 (quoting United States v. Apex Oil Co. Inc.,
    132 F.3d 1287
    , 1291 (9th Cir. 1997)).) Such a concern was
    codified in § 1904(h), which provides a means by which ships
    unreasonably detained can seek compensation. 
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    (h). Ultimately, however, “the nature and character of
    the contract” itself must guide our admiralty jurisdiction
    analysis – not a broader review of the treaty or the enabling
    legislation behind the particular contract. Norfolk S. Ry. Co. v.
    543 U.S. 14
    , 24 (2004) (citation omitted).
    The conclusion that the Agreement here has, as the
    saying goes, a “genuinely salty flavor,” Kirby, 
    543 U.S. at 22
    (citation omitted), is confirmed by other cases considering
    contracts that provide security in exchange for a vessel’s
    freedom to continue on its journey. For example, in Deval
    Denizcilik Ve Tigaret A.S. v. Agenzia Tripcovich S.R.L., the
    district court held that it had admiralty jurisdiction over a
    bank’s guaranty to pay as a substitute for releasing cargo from
    arrest because it “ultimately hastened the delivery of the cargo
    by sea.” 
    513 F. Supp. 2d 6
    , 9 (S.D.N.Y. 2007). Just as the
    ship’s “cargo would not have been released had [the bank] not
    issued the guarantee[,]” Nederland’s Vessel would not have
    been allowed to continue its maritime trade but for the
     Similarly, in Great Eastern Shipping Co. v.
    Binani Cement Ltd., the district court held that a letter of
    indemnity promising to pay a bond to secure the release of a
    ship in exchange for the delivery of cargo was a maritime
    655 F. Supp. 2d 395
    , 399 (S.D.N.Y. 2009); see also
    Compagnie Francaise De Navigation a Vapeur v. Bonnasse,
    19 F.2d 777
    , 778-79 (2d Cir. 1927) (holding admiralty
    jurisdiction existed over a contract to assume the performance
    of a bond “to release the res, or to prevent its arrest”).
    The government attempts to distinguish those cases by
    arguing that the security agreements at issue in them were for
    inherently maritime obligations, while securing a potential
    criminal penalty is not a maritime obligation. In drawing that
    contrast, the government again views its Agreement with
    Nederland solely from its own perspective, not recognizing the
    obvious commercial benefit to Nederland of freeing the Reefer
    to go to sea. On top of that, the distinction the government
    draws is unfounded. The Deval court did not premise its
    decision on the underlying charter contract, but instead
    emphasized that the guaranty permitted maritime commerce to
    513 F. Supp. 2d at 9
    . That is a precise analog of deal
    in the Agreement here. So too in Great Eastern Shipping, the
    court stated that “Great Eastern’s consideration was the prompt
    discharge of the cargo, a quintessentially maritime service, in
    forbearance of its right to demand the bills of lading on
    discharge, a quintessentially maritime right.” 
    655 F. Supp. 2d at 399
    . It thus relied on its finding that the “overall purpose of
    the transaction ... was maritime” to conclude that the letter of
    indemnity was maritime in nature. 
     While the government
    rightly points out that both cases involved underlying
    commercial contracts, it was the discharge of the cargo to allow
    for uninterrupted maritime trade that rendered the contracts
    maritime in nature.
    The government would prefer that we rely upon a case
    from the District of New Hampshire that was decided before
    Kirby. In Chi Shun Hua Steel Co. v. Crest Tankers, Inc., the
    district court held that an agreement releasing the attachment
    of a vessel in exchange for posting security or bringing the
    vessel the following day to be reattached was a non-maritime
    708 F. Supp. 18
    , 22 (D.N.H. 1989). But, lacking the
    later guidance that the Supreme Court provided in the Kirby
    opinion, the Crest Tankers court determined whether the
    contract was maritime in nature by asking whether the contract
    “concerns transportation by sea, relates to navigation and
    concerns maritime employment.” 
     Applying that outdated
    rule, the court held that the involvement of a ship did not bring
    the matter within its admiralty jurisdiction because “the
    settlement agreement itself was of a non-maritime nature.” 
    Even if that reasoning were persuasive, it does not survive after
    Kirby. The Kirby Court specifically noted that “reference to
    maritime service or maritime transactions” can make a contract
    maritime in nature. 
    543 U.S. at 24
     (quoting Hall Bros., 
    249 U.S. at 125
    ). Reference to a vessel which has been detained,
    and which a surety agreement would free to continue its
    maritime trade, falls within the Supreme Court’s definitional
    For much the same reason, we are not persuaded by the
    cases that the District Court cited to support its jurisdictional
    conclusion. In saying it lacked jurisdiction, the Court first
    pointed to Angelex I, 723 F.3d at 509, which is inapposite
    because, although it concerned the withholding of a departure
    clearance for a vessel accused of violating the APPS, there was
    no underlying contractual agreement in that dispute. There, the
    Fourth Circuit held that the withholding of a vessel’s departure
    clearance for an indeterminate amount of time – where the
    vessel owner could not afford to post bond – was
    not “tantamount to an arrest of the ship” and thus did not
    invoke in rem admiralty jurisdiction. Id. Because in rem
    admiralty actions involve a vessel being “treated as the
    offender and made the defendant by name or description in
    order to enforce a lien[,]” and “discretionary action on the part
    of the Coast Guard under APPS” cannot be considered “an
    offense to the ship itself,” the Fourth Circuit concluded that
    subject matter jurisdiction was lacking. Id. at 509-10. That
    case would surely be on point and we would have to address
    its analysis if Nederland and the government had failed to
    negotiate a security agreement. But the parties here did
    negotiate a contract, and our jurisdictional inquiry must focus
    on whether the Agreement they entered into, pursuant to
    § 1908(e), constitutes a maritime contract – a question not
    raised in Angelex I.
    The District Court also relied on Retif Oil & Fuel, LLC
    v. Offshore Specialty Fabricators, LLC, which held that a
    guaranty agreement to pay the debt owed on a contract for ship
    fuel and lube was a maritime contract. No. 17-7831, 
    2018 WL 4680125
    , at *5 (E.D. La. Sept. 28, 2018). The District Court
    in the instant case quoted Retif Oil for the proposition that “a
    ‘surety agreement is held not to be an admiralty contract, since
    the obligation of the surety is only to pay damages in the event
    of liability on the underlying contract[.]’” (App. at 9 (quoting
    Retif Oil, 
    2018 WL 4680125
    , at *5).) The Retif Oil court
    concluded that the guaranty agreement before it, in contrast,
    was a promise to step into the shoes of the obligor and fully
    perform the underlying obligation by paying for the provisions
    if the other party did not. 
    2018 WL 4680125
    , at *6. So, the
    guaranty agreement at issue was more than a bare promise to
    pay damages and, thus, was a maritime contract. 
     But the
    hypothetical surety contract discussed in Retif Oil differs from
    the Agreement before us in a key aspect. Nederland did not
    merely promise to pay money in the event of liability; it
    promised to pay money and perform other undertakings in
    order to obtain a departure clearance so the Reefer could leave
    port and continue its maritime trade. In sum, both cases relied
    on by the District Court – Angelex I and Retif Oil – are
    distinguishable because they did not determine whether
    contracts providing security to allow a vessel to continue
    seagoing commerce are maritime in nature.
    Finally, we note that the Agreement, which was drafted
    by the government, is premised on the explicit understanding
    that subject matter jurisdiction is proper in the District Court.
    For example, the Agreement provides that “the criminal and
    civil penalty claims of the United States against the Vessel in
    rem shall attach to the Vessel release’s security as provided
    pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Admiralty,
    Maritime Claims, Supplemental Rule E(5).” (App. at 46.) We
    cannot conceive of a circumstance in which the government
    would contract to the applicability of Admiralty Supplemental
    Rule E(5) if it viewed potential breaches of the contract as not
    falling under admiralty jurisdiction.9        In addition, the
    government agreed that “any” dispute “regarding payment
    under this paragraph shall be submitted to the United States
    District Court for the District of Delaware.” (App. at 39.) At
    oral argument, counsel for the government said that this
    provision only refers to the United States’ ability to sue
    Nederland for the payment of the bond. (See audio recording
    of oral argument held on April 14, 2021 at 30:00-31:57
    2269_NederlandShippingv.USA.mp3).) But that assertion is
    belied by the very next sentence in the Agreement: “In any
    such dispute wherein one party claims a breach of the terms
    and conditions herein, the party asserting that there has been a
    breach of the Agreement shall bear the burden of proof.” (App.
    at 39.) The use of the generic term “party[,]” rather than
    specifying that only the United States may sue in the District
    Court, plainly means that either party could commence
    litigation in the District Court. While the parties to a contract
    cannot confer subject matter jurisdiction on federal courts, and
    while the government’s past or present positions on
    jurisdiction do not determine our conclusion, it is nevertheless
    revealing that the government’s pre-litigation view of the law,
    The Supplemental Admiralty and Maritime Claims
    Rule E contemplates jurisdiction over “actions in personam
    with process of maritime attachment and garnishment, actions
    in rem, and petitory, possessory, and partition actions[.]” Fed.
    R. Civ. P. Adm. Rule E(1) (emphasis added).
    as embodied in the form of contract it drafted, was that
    admiralty jurisdiction in a case like this existed in the District
    Given all of the foregoing, our view is that the District
    Court has admiralty jurisdiction over the breach of contract
    claim, as the primary objective of the Agreement was to secure
    the Vessel’s departure clearance, so that it could continue its
    maritime trade.10
    Nederland fleetingly argues in the alternative that the
    contract is a “mixed” contract, meaning it contains both
    maritime and non-maritime elements. Mixed contracts do not
    fall within admiralty jurisdiction unless they are severable and
    may be separately adjudicated, Berkshire Fashions, Inc. v.
    M.V. Hakusan II, 
    954 F.2d 874
    , 880 (3d Cir. 1992), and
    Nederland suggests only in a conclusory manner that the
    Agreement is severable. Because the contract’s primary
    objective is maritime in nature and thus falls within admiralty
    jurisdiction, we need not address that alternative argument.
    We do, however, briefly note the government’s
    subsidiary arguments. It says that the Agreement contains no
    maritime clauses or terms “that might require the district court
    to draw upon its maritime expertise[.]” (Answering Br. at 25.)
    It fails, however, to cite any precedent to support its suggestion
    that a contract can only be maritime in nature if it requires a
    court to analyze the meaning of a maritime term. Lastly, it
    relies on Kirby to contend that “the core purpose of admiralty
    jurisdiction, uniformity in the law,” is best served if APPS
    security agreements are always adjudicated in the Court of
    Federal Claims. (Answering Br. at 25-26.) But any uniformity
    concern cited by Kirby involved whether the contract at issue
    was inherently local or federal, not where in the federal system
    B.     The District Court erred in holding that it
    lacked subject matter jurisdiction over the
    APPS cause of action.
    Nederland also contends that the District Court has
    federal question jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    its statutory cause of action because Congress explicitly
    waived the government’s sovereign immunity for damages
    claimed under the APPS in 
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    (h).11 The
    government argues that Nederland’s § 1904(h) claim is not
    cognizable as an independent cause of action and thus must be
    transferred to the Court of Federal Claims under the waiver of
    sovereign immunity provided by the Tucker Act.12 We agree
    with Nederland because the APPS explicitly waives the
    government’s sovereign immunity, making the Tucker Act
    immaterial to this dispute.
    The Tucker Act waives the government’s sovereign
    immunity for non-tort monetary claims against the United
    States founded upon “any Act of Congress,” the Constitution,
    the contract claim should be adjudicated. Kirby, 
    543 U.S. at 27-28
    Nederland does not contend that the District Court
    enjoyed admiralty jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1333
     over the
    statutory cause of action, and it is not necessary to consider that
    The government also says that Nederland forfeited its
    sovereign immunity waiver argument on appeal. Not so:
    Nederland argued that the APPS permits claims against the
    government through waiver of sovereign immunity.
    or contracts, but it vests jurisdiction only in the Court of
    Federal Claims. 
    28 U.S.C. § 1491
    (a)(1).13 With that waiver,
    the Tucker Act “supplied the missing ingredient for an action
    against the United States for the breach of monetary
    obligations not otherwise judicially enforceable.” Bormes, 
    568 U.S. at 12
    . It does not provide a substantive right to damages
    but instead opens the door to government liability for claims
    falling under its purview. Chabal v. Reagan, 
    822 F.2d 349
    355 (3d Cir. 1987). For a claim to have the advantage granted
    by the Tucker Act, it need only “fairly be interpreted as
    mandating compensation by the Federal Government for the
    damage sustained.” United States v. White Mountain Apache
    537 U.S. 465
    , 472 (2003) (citation omitted). That “‘fair
    interpretation’ rule demands a showing demonstrably lower
    than the standard for the initial waiver of sovereign
    immunity[,]” and thus “an explicit provision for money
    damages” is not necessary. 
    Id. at 472, 477
    Not all claims against the government, however, are
    reliant on the Tucker Act. Claims premised upon statutes that
    provide for independent causes of action and that waive the
    The Tucker Act provides:
    The United States Court of Federal Claims shall
    have jurisdiction to render judgment upon any
    claim against the United States founded either
    upon the Constitution, or any Act of Congress or
    any regulations of an executive department, or
    upon any express or implied contract with the
    United States, or for liquidated or unliquidated
    damages in cases not sounding in tort.
    28 U.S.C. § 1491
    government’s sovereign immunity need not be channeled
    through the Tucker Act. See Bowen v. Massachusetts, 
    487 U.S. 879
    , 910 n.48 (1988) (“Rather, [the Court of Federal
    Claims’] jurisdiction is ‘exclusive’ only to the extent that
    Congress has not granted any other court authority to hear the
    claims that may be decided by the Claims Court.”); Franklin-
    Mason v. Mabus, 
    742 F.3d 1051
    , 1055 (D.C. Cir. 2014) (“If a
    separate waiver of sovereign immunity and grant of
    jurisdiction exist, district courts may hear cases over which,
    under the Tucker Act alone, the Court of Federal Claims would
    have exclusive jurisdiction.” (citation omitted)); Tritz v. U.S.
    Postal Serv., 
    721 F.3d 1133
    , 1137 (9th Cir. 2013) (While
    the Tucker Act “create[s] a presumption of exclusive
    jurisdiction in the Court of Federal Claims, ... that presumption
    can be overcome by an independent statutory grant of
    jurisdiction to another court.”). Nederland argues that the
    APPS is one such statute, as it waives sovereign immunity and
    provides jurisdiction in the district courts, so resort to the
    Tucker Act, and transfer to the Court of Federal Claims, is
    unnecessary. The government, on the other hand, contends
    that the APPS should be interpreted as providing a cause of
    action under the Tucker Act but not as an independent waiver
    of sovereign immunity.
    The government does not dispute that if the APPS
    waives sovereign immunity, jurisdiction would be proper in the
    District Court.14 The question before us, then, is whether the
    The government cites Chabal v. Reagan, where, in
    denying jurisdiction over a former U.S. Marshal’s suit for
    reinstatement, back pay, and damages for an allegedly
    improper removal, we explained: “Jurisdiction over non-tort
    monetary claims against the United States is exclusively
    APPS indeed waives the government’s sovereign immunity.
    The United States is immune from suit unless it expressly and
    unequivocally waives its immunity. United States v. Mitchell,
    445 U.S. 535
    , 538 (1980).            Statutory text purporting
    to waive governmental immunity is strictly construed “in favor
    of the sovereign.” United States v. Nordic Vill., Inc., 
    503 U.S. 30
    , 34 (1992) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted).
    Thus, “[a]ny ambiguities in the statutory language are to be
    construed in favor of immunity,” and “[a]mbiguity exists if
    there is a plausible interpretation of the statute that would not
    authorize money damages against the [g]overnment.” F.A.A.
    v. Cooper, 
    566 U.S. 284
    , 290-91 (2012). There is no particular
    set of words that must be invoked to waive sovereign
    immunity, but the waiver must be discernable and explicit
    through traditional tools of statutory interpretation. 
    Id. at 291
    Furthermore, “[a] statutory waiver of sovereign immunity …
    defines the scope of a court’s jurisdiction to entertain the suit.”
    Gentile v. Sec. & Exch. Comm’n, 
    974 F.3d 311
    , 316 (3d Cir.
    2020) (internal quotation marks and citations omitted).
    Consequently, “[t]o sustain a claim that the Government is
    liable for awards of monetary damages, the waiver of
    sovereign immunity must extend unambiguously to such
    monetary claims.” Lane v. Pena, 
    518 U.S. 187
    , 192 (1996).
    defined by the Tucker Act, as codified at 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 1346
    1491, because it is only under the terms of the Tucker Act that
    the United States waives its sovereign immunity to non-tort
    claims seeking monetary relief.” 
    822 F.2d 349
    , 353 (3d Cir.
    1987). But, as later explained by the Supreme Court, that is
    merely an “assumption[,]” and Congress has the ability to
    waive sovereign immunity for other claims. Bowen, 
    487 U.S. at
    910 n.48.
    With all of that in mind, we conclude that there is a
    waiver of sovereign immunity for monetary damages in the
    plain text of the APPS. Section 1904(h), under which
    Nederland brings its statutory cause of action, provides:
    “Compensation for loss or damage [–] A ship unreasonably
    detained or delayed by the Secretary acting under the authority
    of this chapter is entitled to compensation for any loss or
    damage suffered thereby.” 
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    (h). The Fourth
    Circuit has dubbed that provision an “after-the-fact damages
    remedy against the United States for unreasonable detention or
    delay.” Angelex I, 723 F.3d at 509.
    By “entitl[ing] [a ship] to compensation for any loss or
    damage suffered” due to its detention or delay by the Secretary
    of Homeland Security, § 1904(h) clearly goes beyond
    providing a cause of action that is cognizable only under the
    Tucker Act. Cf. White Mountain Apache Tribe, 
    537 U.S. at 477
     (comparing “the less demanding requirement” for finding
    a cause of action under the Tucker Act with the more
    demanding requirement for finding an independent waiver of
    sovereign immunity). We thus do not agree with the
    government that § 1904(h) provides a cause of action only in
    tandem with the Tucker Act’s waiver of sovereign immunity.
    Rather, Congress provided “an explicit provision for money
    damages” by allowing for “compensation for any loss” caused
    by the Secretary’s unreasonable detention of a ship. Id.; 
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    (h). The provision need not explicitly state that
    “the United States” will pay compensation for any loss
    because, reading the provision in context as we must, see King
    v. Burwell, 
    576 U.S. 473
    , 486 (2015) (“Our duty ... is to
    construe statutes, not isolated provisions” (internal quotation
    marks and citation omitted)), no other actor could logically be
    held liable. The federal government causes the unreasonable
    detention, and the federal government thus provides
    compensation for the resulting loss or damage. Cf. Cooper,
    566 U.S. at 291
     (“We have never required that Congress use
    magic words” to waive sovereign immunity.). Congress
    intended to make the United States liable when a vessel is
    unreasonably detained by the Secretary of Homeland Security,
    and § 1904(h) is express and unequivocal in stating that waiver
    of sovereign immunity.15 Mitchell, 
    445 U.S. at 538
    That conclusion comports with the opinion of the only
    other court of appeals to have considered a claim under
    § 1904(h). See Angelex, Ltd. v. United States (Angelex II), 
    907 F.3d 612
    , 623 (D.C. Cir. 2018) (affirming a grant of summary
    judgment for the government where a ship owner sought
    compensation under § 1904(h) for expenses after an allegedly
    unreasonable delay of its ship). In Angelex II, the D.C. Circuit
    Nederland also argues that Congress waived
    sovereign immunity for claims brought under the APPS
    through § 1910. That provision, entitled “Legal Actions[,]”
    provides that “any person having an interest which is, or can
    be, adversely affected, may bring an action” upon certain stated
    grounds “in the United States district court for any judicial
    district wherein the ship or its owner or operator may be
    33 U.S.C. § 1910
    (a), (c)(3). Because we read
    § 1904(h) to expressly waive sovereign immunity, we need not
    resort to other sections of the APPS to reach our conclusion.
    As a reminder, the government does not dispute
    jurisdiction in the District Court if the APPS waives sovereign
    immunity. As contemplated by 
    33 U.S.C. § 1908
    (d), “[a] ship
    operated in violation of the MARPOL Protocol … may be
    proceeded against in the United States district court of any
    district in which the ship may be found.”
    addressed a § 1904(h) claim on its merits without questioning
    or discussing subject matter jurisdiction. Id. at 618. The
    district court in that case had noted at the motion to dismiss
    stage that the government did not contest jurisdiction. Angelex,
    Ltd. v. United States, 
    123 F. Supp. 3d 66
    , 74 n.4 (D.D.C. 2015).
    While the government is correct to point out that “drive-by
    jurisdictional ruling[s]” carry little precedential weight, Del.
    Riverkeeper Network v. Sec’y Pa. Dep’t of Env’t Prot., 
    903 F.3d 65
    , 71 (3d Cir. 2018), it is notable that neither the district
    court nor the D.C. Circuit viewed subject matter jurisdiction
    over the § 1904(h) claim as worthy of discussion.
    The government would have us reason that Congress
    may only displace the provisions of the Tucker Act through a
    statute with a “specific remedial scheme[,]” which the APPS
    does not have. (Answering Br. at 29 (quoting Bormes, 
    568 U.S. at 12
    ).) Relying on United States v. Bormes, the
    government notes that the Supreme Court held a plaintiff could
    not avail himself of the Tucker Act’s waiver of sovereign
    immunity because the Fair Credit Reporting Act contained its
    own self-executing remedial scheme, indicating that Congress
    intended to displace the Tucker Act. 
    568 U.S. at 10-11
    . When
    a litigant brings a claim under a statute with a self-executing
    remedial scheme that imposes monetary liability on the
    government, that law “supersedes the gap-filling role of the
    Tucker Act” because “precisely drawn, detailed statute[s] pre-
    empt[ ] more general remedies[.]” 
    Id. at 12-13
    . So the
    government is quite right that Bormes described how “[t]he
    Tucker Act yields when the obligation-creating statute
    provides its own detailed remedies[.]” Maine Cmty. Health
    Options v. United States, 
    140 S. Ct. 1308
    , 1328 (2020) (citing
    568 U.S. at 13
    ). But that case does not mandate
    deferral to the Tucker Act unless the other statute at issue has
    a detailed remedial scheme. The issue is not the level of detail
    surrounding an alternative remedy; the issue is whether there
    is a clear waiver, and in the APPS there is.
    Because there is no “plausible interpretation of the
    statute that would not authorize money damages against the
    [g]overnment[,]” we conclude that § 1904(h) waives the
    federal government’s sovereign immunity. Cooper, 
    566 U.S. 284
     at 290-91. Thus, under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    , the District
    Court enjoyed jurisdiction over the independent statutory cause
    of action provided in 
    33 U.S.C. § 1904
    For the foregoing reasons, we will reverse the order of
    the District Court and remand for consideration of Nederland’s

Document Info

Docket Number: 20-2269

Filed Date: 11/16/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 11/16/2021

Authorities (21)

Compagnie Francaise De Navigation a Vapeur v. Bonnasse , 19 F.2d 777 ( 1927 )

Shamell Samuel-Bassett, on Behalf of Herself and All Others ... , 357 F.3d 392 ( 2004 )

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Norfolk Southern Railway Co. v. James N. Kirby, Pty Ltd. , 125 S. Ct. 385 ( 2004 )

Federal Aviation Administration v. Cooper , 132 S. Ct. 1441 ( 2012 )

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