CPR Management SA v. Devon Park Bioventures LP ( 2021 )

  •                                      PRECEDENTIAL
    Nos. 20-2343, 20-2344
    Appellants in 20-2344
    Deutsche Bank A.G.,
    Appellant in 2343
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. No. 2-18-cv-01973)
    District Judge: Hon. Cynthia M. Rufe
    Argued October 14, 2021
    Before: SHWARTZ, NYGAARD, and FISHER, Circuit
    (Filed: November 22, 2021)
    K. Tyler O’Connell
    Morris James
    500 Delaware Avenue
    Suite 1500
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Michael E. Gehring [ARGUED]
    Stephen G. Harvey
    Steve Harvey Law
    1880 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
    Suite 1715
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Counsel for Plaintiff-Appellee
    James M. Yoch, Jr.
    Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor
    1000 North King Street
    Rodney Square
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Quincy M. Crawford, III [ARGUED]
    Kevin C. Maclay
    Nathaniel R. Miller
    Todd E. Phillips
    Caplin & Drysdale
    One Thomas Circle, N.W.
    Suite 1100
    Washington, DC 20005
    Counsel for Defendants-Appellees
    Forrest R. Hansen
    Robert M. Palumbos [ARGUED]
    Duane Morris
    30 South 17th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    David G. Januszewski
    Cahill Gordon & Reindel
    32 Old Slip
    New York, NY 10005
    Counsel for Third Party-Appellant
    SHWARTZ, Circuit Judge.
    CPR Management, S.A. (“CPR”) and Deutsche Bank
    A.G. (“Deutsche Bank”) both claim entitlement to the proceeds
    emanating from a $50 million partnership interest (the
    “Proceeds”) in Devon Park Bioventures, L.P. (the “Devon Park
    Interest”). An arbitrator directed Devon Park Bioventures,
    L.P. and its general partner, Devon Park Associates, L.P.
    (collectively, “Devon Park”), to distribute the Proceeds to
    CPR. Pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), CPR
    seeks to confirm the award, and Devon Park and Deutsche
    Bank seek to vacate it. In addition, Devon Park, who has no
    claim to the Proceeds, seeks to interplead Deutsche Bank for a
    determination as to who is entitled to the Proceeds. Because
    the District Court properly (1) struck Devon Park’s
    interpleader claim, (2) confirmed the arbitration award, and (3)
    awarded prejudgment interest, we will affirm.
    Sebastian Holdings, Inc. (“SHI”), owned by Alexander
    Vik, borrowed funds from Deutsche Bank. App. 740 ¶ 42;
    App. 741 ¶¶ 46-47; App. 737-38 ¶¶ 20-23. SHI entered a
    limited partnership agreement with Devon Park (the “LP
    Agreement”), App. 157, and invested $25 million to acquire
    the Devon Park Interest, App. 132 ¶ 16.
    Deutsche Bank issued margin calls in connection with
    its loan to SHI, but SHI claimed that it lacked funds to satisfy
    the calls. App. 737 ¶ 21. Deutsche Bank then sued SHI in the
    Commercial Court, Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court
    of Justice in England and Wales for repayment of the loan and
    received a $235,646,345 judgment, which SHI has not
    satisfied. App. 737 ¶¶ 17, 22; App. 738 ¶ 28; App. 742 ¶
    SHI, however, twice transferred the Devon Park
    Interest. First, it allegedly sold the Devon Park Interest to VBI
    Corporation (“VBI”), a company allegedly controlled by Vik’s
    father (“Vik, Sr.”). App. 737-38 ¶ 23; App. 137 ¶ 43. SHI
    later allegedly assigned (via an Assignment Agreement) the
    Devon Park Interest to Universal Logistic Matters, S.A.
    (“ULM”), which later changed its name to CPR (another
    company allegedly related to Vik, Sr.).
    1 App. 762
    -63 ¶ 132;
    App. 133 ¶ 17; App. 133 ¶ 20. SHI paid Devon Park millions
    of dollars for transferring the Devon Park Interest to ULM.
    App. 765 ¶¶ 148-50.
    Devon Park eventually made fund distributions to the
    limited partners, but it had difficulties transmitting the
    Proceeds to CPR, App. 134 ¶¶ 22-25; App. 135-36 ¶¶ 32-41;
    App. 766, ¶ 155, so it withheld most of them. App. 136 ¶ 41;
    App. 134 ¶ 24.
    CPR believed that the failure to distribute the Proceeds
    violated the LP Agreement, so it initiated an arbitration to
    compel Devon Park to turn over the Proceeds. App. 769 ¶ 177.
    Deutsche Bank asked to intervene in the arbitration, but the
    arbitrator denied the request. App. 770 ¶ 178. Devon Park
    then answered CPR’s arbitration demand and raised two
    counterclaims, one of which sought a declaration whether the
    Assignment Agreement is a valid, binding, and enforceable
    contract. App. 527.
    While the arbitration was pending, Deutsche Bank sued
    CPR, SHI, and Devon Park in Delaware Chancery Court (the
    “Delaware Action”), and CPR and SHI in New York state court
    (the “New York Action”), alleging a conspiracy to commit
    fraud and seeking to unwind SHI’s allegedly fraudulent
    transfer of the Devon Park Interest to CPR. App. 770-71 ¶¶
    The parties stipulated that CPR is the entity formerly
    known as ULM, App. 600, mooting the second counterclaim.
    179-89. Devon Park moved to stay the arbitration pending
    resolution of these state actions. App. 274-81. The arbitrator
    denied Devon Park’s motion. App. 139 ¶ 60. In response,
    Devon Park informed the arbitrator that it would no longer
    participate in the arbitration. App. 139 ¶ 62; App. 628-31;
    App. 140 ¶ 69. The arbitrator thereafter held the scheduled
    final hearing and awarded CPR the Proceeds, plus prejudgment
    interest compounded quarterly, Supp. App. 209, but stayed
    Devon Park’s obligation to pay CPR if doing so conflicted with
    any orders in the Delaware Action, App. 140 ¶¶ 66-67; App.
    CPR petitioned the Pennsylvania Court of Common
    Pleas to confirm the arbitration award. App. 141 ¶ 75. Devon
    Park removed CPR’s petition to the United States District
    Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, App. 46,
    answered the petition, and attempted to interplead Deutsche
    Bank pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 22. App.
    46-49; App. 142 ¶¶ 81-84. Deutsche Bank answered the
    interpleader complaint and brought its own claims, seeking to
    set aside the purported transfer of the Devon Park Interest from
    SHI to CPR, to declare SHI and CPR alter egos, and to find
    Devon Park, CPR, and SHI liable for fraud and conspiracy.
    App. 775-81 ¶¶ 208-72.
    Before the final arbitration hearing, the Delaware
    Chancery Court entered a temporary restraining order
    prohibiting Devon Park from distributing the Proceeds to CPR.
    App. 771 ¶ 185.
    The District Court struck the interpleader complaint and
    dismissed all third parties and claims, reasoning that (1) a
    motion to confirm an arbitration award is a motion, not a
    pleading; and (2) a pleading is a prerequisite to Rule 22
    interpleader; so (3) Devon Park’s interpleader action was
    procedurally improper. App. 1-4. The District Court then
    granted CPR’s petition to confirm the arbitration award
    because the arbitrator had a basis to (1) refuse postponing the
    final hearing under 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a)(3), as the parties had
    months to develop their case and had already engaged in
    substantial discovery; (2) dismiss Devon Park’s counterclaim
    seeking a declaratory judgment concerning the Assignment
    Agreement’s validity under 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a)(4), as the
    arbitrator expressly allowed Devon Park to pursue discovery
    but Devon Park chose to quit the arbitration and thus failed to
    present its evidence concerning the counterclaim; and (3)
    award prejudgment interest, compounded quarterly. CPR
    Mgmt., S.A. v. Devon Park Bioventures, L.P., 
    463 F. Supp. 3d 525
    , 532-39 (E.D. Pa. 2020).
    Devon Park and Deutsche Bank appeal.
    We have jurisdiction over Devon Park’s appeal of the
    interpleader and confirmation orders pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
    The District Court had jurisdiction over the petition to
    confirm the arbitration award pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    9 U.S.C. § 203
    § 1291 and 
    9 U.S.C. § 16
    (a). We also have jurisdiction over
    Deutsche Bank’s appeal of the interpleader order.
    Generally, we have jurisdiction over only “final
    decisions of the district courts of the United States[.]” 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . “A final order is one that ‘ends the litigation
    on the merits and leaves nothing for the court to do but execute
    the judgment.’” Gen. Motors Corp. v. New A.C. Chevrolet,
    263 F.3d 296
    , 311 n.3 (3d Cir. 2001) (quoting Catlin v.
    United States, 
    324 U.S. 229
    , 233 (1945)). The order striking
    Devon Park’s interpleader did not end this litigation as to all
    claims and parties. When the District Court entered that order,
    it still had to address the arbitration dispute between CPR and
    Devon Park. Thus, the interpleader order was not then a final,
    appealable order. Cf. Gaines v. Sunray Oil Co., 
    539 F.2d 1136
    1140 (8th Cir. 1976) (holding that an order dismissing certain
    interpleader defendants from the action was not a final,
    appealable order because it “did not dispose of the rights and
    liabilities of all of the parties to this litigation”); CBS Steel &
    Forge Co. v. Shultz, 
    191 F.2d 683
    , 683 (9th Cir. 1951) (per
    curiam) (holding that an order dismissing a third-party
    complaint “was not a final decision, within the meaning of 28
    U.S.C.[] § 1291, and was not appealable”).
    CPR wrongly contends that an order striking an
    interpleader complaint is equivalent to an immediately
    appealable order denying intervention under Rule 24 of the
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and so Deutsche Bank should
    have filed its appeal within thirty days of that order. See
    United States v. Alcan Aluminum, Inc., 
    25 F.3d 1174
    , 1179
    (3d Cir. 1994). Rule 22 and Rule 24 serve different purposes.
    On one hand, Rule 22 interpleader allows a person or entity in
    possession of disputed property in which it has no interest to
    place the property with a court and then permits parties with an
    interest in the property to ask a court to resolve who has the
    right to the property. On the other hand, Rule 24 allows non-
    parties to ensure their interests in the merits of the case are not
    “adversely affected by litigation conducted without their
    participation.” Stallworth v. Monsanto Co., 
    558 F.2d 257
    , 265
    (5th Cir. 1977); see also Buckner v. Schaefer, 
    14 F.3d 593
    , *1
    (4th Cir. 1993) (Table) (per curiam) (noting that an important
    purpose of Rule 24 is the “protection of nonparties from
    adverse judgments entered in their absence”). When a non-
    party is denied intervention, it loses its ability to protect its
    interest in the merits of the litigation, and that ability can only
    be restored by a successful, immediate appeal. Here, the
    arbitration focused on whether Devon Park wrongly withheld
    the Proceeds from a limited partner under the terms of the LP
    Agreement. Deutsche Bank was not a party to that agreement
    and thus any ruling would not have resulted in an “adverse
    judgment” against it. While the award may have an impact on
    Deutsche Bank’s collection efforts, that is not equivalent to an
    adverse judgment. Thus, the purpose of Rule 24 and the
    reasons why an order denying intervention is immediately
    appealable are not implicated.
    Therefore, we will deny CPR’s motion to dismiss
    Deutsche Bank’s appeal of the interpleader order based on
    purported untimeliness.
    “The District Court’s interpretation of the Federal
    Rules of Civil Procedure is a legal issue that we review de
    novo.” EBC, Inc. v. Clark Bldg. Sys., Inc., 
    618 F.3d 253
    , 264
    (3d Cir. 2010) (alteration omitted).
    The District Court properly struck Devon Park’s Rule
    22 interpleader complaint. To reach this conclusion, we
    examine the relationship between the Federal Rules of Civil
    Procedure and the FAA.
    The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure apply to
    proceedings “relating to arbitration” under the FAA, “except
    as [the FAA] provide[s] other procedures.” Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 81(a)(6)(B). One such procedure is set forth in 
    9 U.S.C. § 6
    which states that “[a]ny application to the court [under the
    FAA] shall be made and heard in the manner provided by law
    for the making and hearing of motions, except as otherwise
    herein expressly provided.” Therefore, a petition to confirm an
    arbitration award under the FAA is “a motion, not a pleading.”
    IFC Interconsult, AG v. Safeguard Int’l Partners, LLC., 
    438 F.3d 298
    , 308 (3d Cir. 2006). The Federal Rules of Civil
    Procedure separate pleadings from motions. Pleadings provide
    notice to an adverse party that it has a claim or defense and is
    seeking court intervention. Rule 7 sets forth various pleadings,
    including a third-party complaint, see Fed. R. Civ. P. 7(a), and
    Rule 13 further provides that crossclaims and counterclaims
    must proceed via pleadings, see Fed. R. Civ. P. 13(b), (g).
    Motions, on the other hand, ask a court to take an action and
    seek “a court order.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 7(b). Mindful of the
    distinction between pleadings and motions, we have held that
    parts of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that apply to
    pleadings do not apply to cases commenced by way of a motion
    to confirm or vacate an arbitration award pursuant to the FAA.
    See IFC Interconsult, 
    438 F.3d at 309
     (holding that Rule
    12(a)(4)(A), which then sets forth the timing for a responsive
    pleading, is not applicable to FAA motions because such
    motions are not pleadings).5
    Our sister circuit courts have also held that other
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure do not apply in proceedings
    to confirm or vacate an arbitration award. See D.H. Blair &
    Co. v. Gottdiener, 
    462 F.3d 95
    , 107-08 (2d Cir. 2006) (holding
    that Rule 55, governing default judgment, “does not operate
    well in the context of a motion to confirm or vacate an
    arbitration award” because such motions are “motions in an
    ongoing proceeding rather than a complaint initiating a plenary
    action”); Productos Mercantiles E Industriales, S.A. v. Faberge
    USA, Inc., 
    23 F.3d 41
    , 46 (2d Cir. 1994) (same, regarding Rule
    12(b)’s pleading requirements because the petitioner
    “appropriately sought relief in the form of a motion”); Health
    Servs. Mgmt. Corp. v. Hughes, 
    975 F.2d 1253
    , 1257-58 (7th
    Cir. 1992) (same, regarding Rule 16’s scheduling and briefing
    requirements because 
    9 U.S.C. § 6
     “preempts” the Federal
    Rules of Civil Procedure and provides that a petition to vacate
    “is to be treated procedurally in the manner of a motion”); O.R.
    Sec., Inc. v. Pro. Plan. Assocs., Inc., 
    857 F.2d 742
    , 748 (11th
    Cir. 1988) (same, regarding Rule 8’s notice pleading
    requirements); see also Chelmowski v. AT&T Mobility, LLC,
    615 F. App’x 380, 381 (7th Cir. 2015) (non-precedential)
    (holding that Rule 15(a)(1)(B), governing amendments to
    pleadings, “applies to pleadings, not to motions, and so is
    inapplicable in proceedings to vacate an arbitration award”);
    cf. ISC Holding AG v. Nobel Biocare Fin. AG, 
    688 F.3d 98
    116 (2d Cir. 2012) (“We conclude that [the petitioner] could
    not [voluntarily] dismiss its petition to compel arbitration
    pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) because that provision does not
    apply to petitions to compel under 
    9 U.S.C. § 4
     in the
    circumstances here.”).
    Because Rule 22 interpleader proceeds via pleading, it
    is not a motion and is thus not permitted under the FAA. Rule
    22 allows a plaintiff with “claims” that potentially expose it “to
    double or multiple liability” to initiate an interpleader action.
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 22(a). A “defendant exposed to similar liability
    may [also] seek interpleader through a crossclaim or
    counterclaim.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 22(a)(2). Devon Park is the
    respondent in this case, and its Rule 22 interpleader complaint
    attempted to assert a counterclaim against CPR and a third-
    party complaint against Deutsche Bank. Supp. App. 108. In
    doing so, Devon Park proceeded via pleading rather than
    motion. However, because this action is one to confirm an
    arbitration award, it is governed by the FAA, which, as
    explained above, provides for motion practice rather than
    pleading practice. See 
    9 U.S.C. § 6
    . Since Devon Park’s effort
    to invoke Rule 22 conflicts with the FAA’s motion approach,
    Devon Park is not permitted to initiate an interpleader action in
    this FAA confirmation proceeding.6 See Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 81(a)(6)(B).
    Deutsche Bank and Devon Park cite cases that they
    argue allowed interpleader claims to proceed concurrently with
    motions to confirm or vacate an arbitration award. See
    Deutsche Br. at 15; Devon Park Br. at 38-39. At oral
    argument, Devon Park focused specifically on United States ex
    rel. Milestone Tarant, LLC v. Federal Insurance Co., 
    815 F. Supp. 2d 41
     (D.D.C. 2011). Tarant is distinguishable,
    however, because unlike the present action that was initiated
    by a motion pursuant to the FAA, the Tarant action was
    initiated via complaint. Id. at 42-43; see also No. 1:08-CV-
    02186, ECF No. 1 (complaint). Thus, the FAA and its
    distinction between motion and pleading practice were not
    implicated in Tarant. The other cases relied on by Deutsche
    This conclusion comports with the fact that petitions to
    confirm or vacate arbitration awards are “summary
    proceeding[s]” that “do[] not [require] the district court to carry
    on a formal judicial proceeding,” Teamsters Loc. 177 v. United
    Parcel Serv., 
    966 F.3d 245
    , 255 (3d Cir. 2020), and furthers the
    FAA’s “national policy favoring arbitration with just the
    limited review needed to maintain arbitration’s essential virtue
    of resolving disputes straightaway,” Hall St. Assocs., LLC v.
    Mattel, Inc., 
    552 U.S. 576
    , 588 (2008); see also Booth v. Hume
    Pub., Inc., 
    902 F.2d 925
    , 933 (11th Cir. 1990) (“To allow a
    respondent to assert counterclaims that are beyond the scope of
    the defenses enumerated in the [FAA] would change the nature
    of the confirmation proceedings and would defeat the purpose
    of the [FAA].”); Ottley v. Schwartzberg, 
    819 F.2d 373
    , 377 (2d
    Cir. 1987) (“Actions to confirm arbitration awards . . . are
    straightforward proceedings in which no other claims are to be
    The District Court therefore correctly struck the
    interpleader application as a procedurally improper response to
    CPR’s petition to confirm the arbitration award.7
    Bank and Devon Park are similarly inapposite. See, e.g.,
    Lynch v. Whitney, 419 F. App’x 826 (10th Cir. 2011) (non-
    precedential); Tittle v. Enron Corp., 
    463 F.3d 410
     (5th Cir.
    2006); Caro v. Fid. Brokerage Servs., LLC, No. 3:12-CV-
    2014 WL 3907920
     (D. Conn. Aug. 11, 2014); Sullivan
    v. Lumber Liquidators, Inc., No. 2:13-CV-00070, 
    2013 WL 4049102
     (D. Nev. Aug. 9, 2013); Holborn Oil Trading Ltd. v.
    Interpetrol Bermuda Ltd., 
    658 F. Supp. 1205
     (S.D.N.Y. 1987).
    Contrary to Devon Park’s assertion, Devon Park Br.
    at 40-41, the District Court resolved Devon Park’s declaratory
    judgment request set forth in the second count of its
    We next address whether the District Court erred in
    granting the petition to confirm the arbitration award in favor
    of CPR.9 We conclude it did not.
    A district court may vacate an arbitration award on four
    “narrow grounds”:
    interpleader complaint, Supp. App. 119, when the Court
    struck Devon Park’s “interpleader claims” and “all third-party
    claims and parties.” App. 4. Moreover, as explained, Devon
    Park failed to present evidence supporting its entitlement to
    such relief when it declined to participate in the final arbitration
    Because of “the strong federal policy in favor of
    commercial arbitration, [district courts] begin with the
    presumption that the award is enforceable” and enforce the
    award “absent a reason to doubt the authority or integrity of the
    arbitral forum.” Sutter v. Oxford Health Plans LLC, 
    675 F.3d 215
    , 219 (3d Cir. 2012), as amended (Apr. 4, 2012), aff’d, 
    569 U.S. 564
     (2013). “On appeal from a district court’s ruling on
    a motion to confirm or vacate an arbitration award, we review
    its legal conclusions de novo and its factual findings for clear
    Both Devon Park and Deutsche Bank cross-petitioned
    to vacate the arbitration award. CPR moved to dismiss
    Deutsche Bank’s petition for lack of standing.
    To understand Deutsche Bank’s theory of standing, it is
    necessary to review its actions before the arbitrator. Deutsche
    Bank sought to intervene in the arbitration as part of its efforts
    (1) where the award was procured
    by corruption, fraud, or undue
    to collect its foreign judgment. It contended that the Proceeds
    belonged to the judgment debtor and, as the judgment creditor,
    it had a stake in the outcome of the arbitration. Deutsche Bank,
    however, was not a party to the arbitration agreement, and its
    efforts to intervene in the arbitration were denied. As a result,
    it was not a party to the arbitration itself and lacks statutory
    standing to challenge the award. See 
    9 U.S.C. §§ 10
    (a), 11
    (allowing district courts to vacate or modify an arbitration
    award upon the application of “any party to the arbitration”);
    see also Katir v. Columbia Univ., 
    15 F.3d 23
    , 24-25 (2d Cir.
    1994) (holding that an individual “lack[ed] standing to
    challenge [an arbitration award]” because “[she] was not a
    party to the arbitration”). Deutsche Bank did, however,
    attempt to participate in the arbitration and asks that we review
    the arbitrator’s order denying its request to intervene. It asserts
    it has standing to do so primarily based on Caplan v. Fellheimer
    Eichen Braverman & Kaskey, 
    68 F.3d 828
     (3d Cir. 1995).
    Caplan, however, dealt with a situation where an entity who
    was not a party to a district court proceeding attempted to file
    an appeal. 
    Id. at 836
    Even assuming Caplan is applicable here and provides
    Deutsche Bank standing, Deutsche Bank still failed to present
    its arguments challenging the arbitrator’s order to the District
    Court. It has therefore forfeited its challenge to the arbitrator’s
    order. See DIRECTV Inc. v. Seijas, 
    508 F.3d 123
    , 125 n.1 (3d
    Cir. 2007) (“It is well established that arguments not raised
    before the District Court are waived on appeal.”).
    (2) where there was evident
    partiality or corruption in the
    arbitrators, or either of them;
    (3) where the arbitrators were
    guilty of misconduct in refusing to
    postpone the hearing, upon
    sufficient cause shown, or in
    refusing to hear evidence pertinent
    and material to the controversy; or
    of any other misbehavior by which
    the rights of any party have been
    prejudiced; or
    (4) where the arbitrators exceeded
    their powers, or so imperfectly
    executed them that a mutual, final,
    and definite award upon the
    subject matter submitted was not
    Sutter v. Oxford Health Plans LLC, 
    675 F.3d 215
    , 219 (3d Cir.
    2012), as amended (Apr. 4, 2012) (quoting 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    569 U.S. 564
     (2013). Devon Park claims that the award
    should be vacated based upon § 10(a)(3) for the arbitrator’s
    refusal to postpone the hearing and refusal to consider evidence
    and upon § 10(a)(4) for exceeding his powers. Neither
    provision provides a basis for relief.
    Under § 10(a)(3), a court may vacate an arbitration
    award where the arbitrator engages in “misconduct” in refusing
    to adjourn the hearing or hear relevant evidence or engaging in
    “any other misbehavior” that prejudices a party. 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a)(3). “Misconduct” is conduct that “so affects the rights
    of a party that it may be said that he was deprived of a fair
    hearing.” Newark Stereotypers’ Union No. 18 v. Newark
    Morning Ledger Co., 
    397 F.2d 594
    , 599 (3d Cir. 1968); see
    also Apex Fountain Sales, Inc. v. Kleinfeld, 
    818 F.2d 1089
    1094 (3d Cir. 1987) (“Under Federal law, misconduct apart
    from corruption, fraud, or partiality in the arbitrators justifies
    reversal only if it so prejudices the rights of a party that it
    denies the party a fundamentally fair hearing.”). A “fair
    hearing” is one where the parties have notice and an
    opportunity to present evidence and arguments before an
    impartial arbitrator. Newark Stereotypers’ Union, 
    397 F.2d at 600
    ; see also Bowles Fin. Grp., Inc. v. Stifel, Nicolaus & Co.,
    22 F.3d 1010
    , 1013 (10th Cir. 1994) (collecting cases holding
    “that a fundamentally fair hearing requires only notice,
    opportunity to be heard and to present relevant and material
    evidence and argument before [unbiased] decision makers”).
    The arbitrator provided the parties an opportunity to
    have a fair hearing and was prepared to hear relevant evidence.
    See Newark Stereotypers’ Union, 
    397 F.2d at 599
     (stating that
    misconduct occurs when the conduct “so affects the rights of a
    party that it may be said that he was deprived of a fair
    hearing”). CPR and Devon Park were provided with notice of
    the claims, App. 527, 541, were given an opportunity to obtain
    discovery from each other as well as from Deutsche Bank, SHI,
    VBI, Vik, Vik Sr., and other related entities, App. 527, 529,
    including discovery about the validity of the Assignment
    Agreement, and had the chance to present their evidence and
    arguments to an unbiased arbitrator. Devon Park, however,
    declined to gather certain evidence and abandoned its right to
    present evidence, defend itself, and participate in the hearing
    the arbitrator convened. App. 529.
    The arbitrator’s refusal to postpone the hearing also did
    not constitute misconduct because the arbitrator had a
    “reasonable basis” to deny the requested stay. Schmidt v.
    942 F.2d 1571
    , 1574 (11th Cir. 1991); see also Laws
    v. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, 
    452 F.3d 398
    , 400 (5th Cir.
    2006); Floyd Cnty. Bd. of Educ. v. EUA Cogenex Corp., 
    198 F.3d 245
     (6th Cir. 1999) (Table); DVC-JPW Invs. v.
    5 F.3d 1172
    , 1174 (8th Cir. 1993). Devon Park
    moved to stay the arbitration, App. 528, after CPR and Devon
    Park had (1) agreed that their claims were arbitrable, App. 541,
    (2) served and responded to pleadings, App. 526-27, (3)
    engaged in months of discovery, App. 527, and (4) received a
    final hearing date, App. 527. Thus, the arbitrator gave the
    parties months to prepare for the arbitration and had an interest
    in moving the case to its conclusion. Devon Park also did not
    show “sufficient cause,” 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a)(3), to postpone the
    hearing. Simply because other fora were being asked to decide
    whether certain entities were responsible for satisfying
    Deutsche Bank’s judgment did not mean that the contractual
    issues concerning the LP and Assignment Agreements became
    moot. Finally, Devon Park was not prejudiced by the absence
    of the stay. Devon Park could have sought, and in fact
    received, protection from competing orders when the arbitrator
    sua sponte suspended Devon Park’s obligation to pay CPR if
    payment conflicted with any order in the Delaware Action.
    App. 536.
    The District Court also correctly found that the
    arbitrator did not exceed his powers in finding in favor of CPR
    and therefore did not violate § 10(a)(4). “An arbitrator
    oversteps these limits . . . when he[,] [for example,] grants
    relief in a form that cannot be rationally derived from the
    parties’ agreement and submissions[] or issues an award that is
    so completely irrational that it lacks support altogether.”
    Sutter, 675 F.3d at 219-20. The award is supported by the
    evidence and “rationally derived from the parties’ agreement.”
    Id. (citation omitted). The evidence confirms the arbitrator’s
    finding that there was a valid contract between Devon Park and
    CPR. App. 532. The Assignment Agreement showed that SHI
    assigned the Devon Park Interest to ULM, and the record
    reflects that Devon Park consented to this assignment. App.
    236, 248, 532. Consistent with the parties’ stipulation, the
    arbitrator then determined that ULM and CPR were the same
    entity. App. 532, 284. Since SHI assigned its interest to ULM,
    and ULM and CPR are the same entity, the arbitrator correctly
    found that CPR was a party to the LP Agreement. App. 532.
    Devon Park contends that the arbitrator failed to address
    whether CPR procured the Assignment Agreement by fraud,
    but Devon Park failed to appear at the final hearing and make
    its argument about this subject. Thus, it cannot now claim that
    the arbitrator acted irrationally on a subject Devon Park failed
    to present at the hearing.
    Furthermore, the arbitrator’s interpretation of the LP
    Agreement is supported by its terms. Section 5.2(a) of the LP
    Agreement required Devon Park to pay distributions to limited
    partners on a pro rata basis. App. 178, 532. The record shows
    that Devon Park paid its first distribution to CPR in March
    2015 but then failed to make other distributions. App. 532-34;
    App. 134 ¶ 23; App. 137 ¶ 46. Accordingly, the arbitrator
    appropriately found that Devon Park violated the LP
    Agreement and that, under the LP Agreement, CPR was
    entitled to the withheld distributions. App. 536.
    The arbitrator also correctly awarded prejudgment
    interest. The FAA provides three grounds for modifying or
    correcting an arbitration award, namely where (a) there has
    been a “material miscalculation” or mistake in identifying a
    party or property, (b) an award was based upon matters not
    presented to the arbitrator, or (c) the award “is imperfect” in its
    form that does not affect the merits.10 
    9 U.S.C. § 11
    (a)-(c). If
    9 U.S.C. § 11
    In either of the following cases the
    United States court in and for the
    district wherein the award was
    made may make an order
    modifying or correcting the award
    upon the application of any party
    to the arbitration--
    (a) Where there was an
    evident              material
    miscalculation of figures or
    an evident material mistake
    in the description of any
    person, thing, or property
    referred to in the award.
    one of these events has occurred, then the court “may modify
    and correct the award, so as to effect the intent thereof and
    promote justice.” 
    Devon Park argues only that the prejudgment interest
    award should be eliminated to promote justice between the
    parties. Devon Park Br. at 30 (quoting 
    9 U.S.C. § 11
    Promoting justice, standing alone, is not one of the enumerated
    grounds for modifying or correcting an arbitration award. See
    9 U.S.C. § 11
    (a)-(c). Rather, the structure of § 11 shows that a
    district court must first conclude that at least one of the grounds
    for modification exists and, if so, then the court may modify
    the award “to effect the intent thereof and promote justice
    between the parties.” 
    9 U.S.C. § 11
    . In other words, the
    enumerated subsections set forth the conditions that must exist
    (b) Where the arbitrators
    have awarded upon a matter
    not submitted to them,
    unless it is a matter not
    affecting the merits of the
    decision upon the matter
    (c) Where the award is
    imperfect in matter of form
    not affecting the merits of
    the controversy.
    The order may modify and correct
    the award, so as to effect the intent
    thereof and promote justice
    between the parties.
    before the court may even consider § 11’s final sentence,
    which tells the court that any resulting order must effectuate
    the intent of the award and promote justice. Thus, as the
    District Court succinctly explained, “[j]ustice only comes into
    the equation after the district court determines that one of the
    three grounds for modification stated in § 11 applies.”11 CPR,
    463 F. Supp. 3d at 537-38. Thus, Devon Park’s assertion that
    the promotion of justice alone stands as an independent basis
    to modify an award is wrong.
    Devon Park also incorrectly asserts that a prejudgment
    interest award is limited to simple interest under 6 Del. C.
    § 2301(a). Even assuming a mistake of law falls within one of
    the enumerated § 11 grounds to modify an arbitration award,
    there was no mistake here. Delaware courts have interpreted
    § 2301(a) to give courts the discretion to award compound
    interest. See Gotham Partners, L.P. v. Hallwood Realty
    Partners, L.P., 
    817 A.2d 160
    , 173 (Del. 2002); Edgewater
    Growth Cap. Partners LP v. H.I.G. Cap., Inc., 
    68 A.3d 197
    , 238
    Several of our sister circuit courts have endorsed this
    reading of 
    9 U.S.C. § 11
    . See UBS Fin. Servs., Inc. v.
    842 F.3d 336
    , 342 (4th Cir. 2016); UHC Mgmt. Co.
    v. Computer Scis. Corp., 
    148 F.3d 992
    , 998 (8th Cir. 1998);
    Corey v. New York Stock Exch., 
    691 F.2d 1205
    , 1212 (6th Cir.
    1982); see also Barranco v. 3D Sys. Corp., 734 F. App’x 885,
    887 (4th Cir. 2018) (non-precedential) (stating that “[w]e may
    modify an arbitration award in order to effect the intent of the
    award and ‘promote justice between the parties’ when there is
    ‘an evident material miscalculation of figures,’” (citation
    (Del. Ch. 2013). Thus, we will not disturb the arbitrator’s
    award of prejudgment interest, compounded quarterly.12
    For the foregoing reasons, we will deny CPR’s motion
    to dismiss Deutsche Bank’s appeal and affirm the District
    Court’s orders striking the interpleader motion and confirming
    the arbitration award.
    Because Devon Park’s arguments for vacating or
    modifying the arbitration award clearly fail on their merits, we
    do not rely on whether Devon Park waived its confirmation
    defenses by prematurely quitting the arbitration. However, we
    firmly admonish Devon Park for its choice to do so. Failure to
    attend an arbitration may result in waiver. See Int’l Bhd. of
    Elec. Workers, Loc. Union No. 545 v. Hope Elec. Corp., 
    380 F.3d 1084
    , 1101 (8th Cir. 2004) (where a “particular issue is
    arbitrable, . . . a party cannot refuse to participate in arbitration
    or fail in arbitration to raise a particular argument concerning
    the merits of the grievance and later seek judicial resolution of
    that same issue”); see also Dean v. Sullivan, 
    118 F.3d 1170
    1172 (7th Cir. 1997) (“A disputant cannot stand by during
    arbitration, withholding certain arguments, then, upon losing
    the arbitration, raise such arguments in federal court.”
    (quotation marks omitted)); Teamsters Loc. Union No. 764 v.
    J.H. Merritt & Co., 
    770 F.2d 40
    , 42-43 (3d Cir. 1985) (“[A]
    party may waive its right to raise on appeal an objection to the
    decision of an arbitrator when the party failed to address the
    objection before the arbitrator in the first instance.”).

Document Info

Docket Number: 20-2343

Filed Date: 11/22/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 11/22/2021

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