United States v. Johnny Vasquez-Algarin , 821 F.3d 467 ( 2016 )

  •                                         PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 15-1941
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. No. 1-11-cr-00200-001)
    District Judge: Honorable Sylvia Rambo
    Argued: February 11, 2016
    Before: FUENTES, KRAUSE, and ROTH Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: May 2, 2016)
    Ronald A. Krauss, Esq.
    Frederick W. Ulrich, Esq. (Argued)
    Office of Federal Public Defender
    100 Chestnut Street
    Suite 306
    Harrisburg, PA 17101
    (Counsel for Appellant)
    Daryl F. Bloom, Esq. (Argued)
    Stephen R. Cerutti, II, Esq.
    Office of United States Attorney
    228 Walnut Street, P.O. Box 11754
    220 Federal Building and Courthouse
    Harrisburg, PA 17108
    (Counsel for Appellee)
    KRAUSE, Circuit Judge.
    Law enforcement officers need both an arrest warrant
    and a search warrant to apprehend a suspect at what they
    know to be a third party’s home. If the suspect resides at the
    address in question, however, officers need only an arrest
    warrant and a “reason to believe” that the individual is
    present at the time of their entry. This case sits between these
    two rules and calls on us to decide their critical point of
    inflection: how certain must officers be that a suspect resides
    at and is present at a particular address before forcing entry
    into a private dwelling?
    A careful examination of the Supreme Court’s Fourth
    Amendment jurisprudence reveals that the standard cannot be
    anything less than probable cause. Because here, law
    enforcement acted on information that fell short of the
    standard, we will vacate the conviction and remand to the
    District Court.
    I.     Background
    A.     Facts
    In 2010, an arrest warrant was issued for Edguardo
    Rivera,1 a suspect in a homicide case. Deputy U.S. Marshal
    Gary Duncan, a member of the Dauphin County Fugitive
    Task Force, received information from another law
    enforcement officer and from street informants that Rivera
    was “staying” or “residing” at an address on North 13th Street
    in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. App. 25–26, 35–36. With the
    arrest warrant for Rivera in hand, Deputy Marshal Duncan
    and officers from the Harrisburg Bureau of Police and the
    Dauphin County Drug Task Force arrived at the apartment
    and knocked on the door. They received no response but
    “heard a lot of movement inside,” as well as a phone ring
    once or twice and stop ringing and a dog bark and cease
    barking, giving the officers the impression that a person had
    The District Court uses a different spelling than the
    party briefs and the court transcripts, referring to the suspect
    as “Edwardo Rivera.”
    manually silenced the phone and muzzled the dog. App. 29–
    30. The officers then forcibly entered the home.
    As it turned out, however, the sought fugitive, Rivera,
    did not live in the apartment and was not present.2 Instead,
    upon entering, the officers saw Appellant Johnny Vasquez-
    Algarin, and, during a protective sweep, they identified in
    plain view sandwich baggies, a razor blade, and what
    appeared to be powder cocaine. After Vasquez-Algarin
    declined to grant consent for a search, one officer obtained a
    search warrant while the other officers waited at the
    apartment. During the subsequent search conducted pursuant
    to the warrant, the officers discovered ammunition, unused
    plastic bags, and hundreds of small black bands, as well as a
    cell phone in the master bedroom that was later searched
    pursuant to another search warrant. At some point during the
    search, the officers identified a set of car keys, which they
    used to open a stolen Mazda located across from the
    apartment.      Vasquez-Algarin, who had no outstanding
    warrants, was then arrested.
    B.     Proceedings
    Vasquez-Algarin and the two brothers with whom he
    shared the apartment were each charged with distribution and
    possession with intent to distribute cocaine in violation of 21
    U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) and (b)(1)(A)(ii) and conspiracy to do the
    same in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846. In October 2013,
    Vasquez-Algarin pleaded not guilty to the charges.
    The record contains no evidence of any connection
    between the two men.
    The month before trial, Vasquez-Algarin moved to
    suppress the evidence seized from the North 13th Street
    residence, arguing that law enforcement’s forced entry into
    the apartment was unconstitutional. At his suppression
    hearing, the Government presented three witnesses, all
    officers involved in various stages of Vasquez-Algarin’s
    apprehension and arrest. Two witnesses, Deputy Marshal
    Duncan and Middletown Borough Police Detective Dennis
    Morris, testified about the sounds that officers heard coming
    from inside the residence on their arrival, but only Deputy
    Marshal Duncan could speak to the circumstances that led
    law enforcement to Vasquez-Algarin’s residence.
    Deputy Marshal Duncan testified that he had an arrest
    warrant for Edguardo Rivera and was given “reliable”
    information from a detective from the Harrisburg Bureau of
    Police and informants that Rivera lived at the North 13th
    Street address. App. 25, 26. During cross-examination, when
    defense counsel pressed Deputy Marshal Duncan to elaborate
    on “the exact factors” that led him to believe that Rivera lived
    at the address, Deputy Marshal Duncan reiterated that he had
    relied on “[i]nformation being provided to me by another law
    enforcement officer, information that we had from informants
    on the street that that address was being used by Mr. Rivera.”
    App. 36. When counsel asked if, prior to going to the
    residence, Deputy Marshal Duncan had checked records for
    the resident of the apartment, he confirmed that he had but
    was unable to recall whether he had identified the renter of
    the apartment.
    The District Court denied Vasquez-Algarin’s motion
    to suppress, concluding from Deputy Marshal Duncan and
    Detective Morris’s testimony that the officers had a
    “reasonable belief” and “probable cause to believe” that the
    fugitive, Rivera, resided at the apartment and was present at
    the time of the officers’ entry and that their entry was
    therefore constitutional.3 United States v. Vasquez-Algarin,
    No. 1:11-CR-0200-01, 
    2014 WL 1672008
    , at *1–2 (M.D. Pa.
    Apr. 28, 2014). At trial the next month, Deputy Marshal
    Duncan provided substantially the same information about
    what had led him to the North 13th Street address to
    apprehend Rivera.4 However, he offered a different answer to
    At the suppression hearing, there was some question
    as to Vasquez-Algarin’s standing to challenge the search
    because he testified that the apartment was merely rented in
    his name and that he had moved out two months before the
    search, leaving only his dog in the apartment with his
    brothers. He further represented he was in the apartment at
    the time of the search only because he had received a call
    from the landlord about problems with the rent and
    electricity. The District Court determined that the master
    bedroom belonged to Vasquez-Algarin, “as he could not
    identify key details related to his alleged other residence, and
    was the individual on the lease of the 142 North 13th Street
    residence and kept possessions therein,” and expressly
    rejected as “not credible” Vasquez-Algarin’s claim that he no
    longer resided at the apartment at the time of the search.
    2014 WL 1672008
    , at *2 n.2. In addition,
    Vasquez-Algarin maintained at the suppression hearing that
    he had standing to assert a Fourth Amendment claim, and the
    Government does not now challenge his standing.
    Specifically, at trial Deputy Marshal Duncan testified
    that the U.S. Marshals Service “received information that Mr.
    Rivera could possibly be residing at an address on North 13th
    Street,” App. 136, and that “the information . . . was provided
    a question he also had been asked at the suppression hearing
    about why he spent significant time knocking and yelling at
    the door. At the suppression hearing, Deputy Marshal
    Duncan had testified that often residents will not come to the
    door for law enforcement but “if we stay there for a while,
    and you continue to knock and continue to not leave, typically
    you’ll gain some response from somebody inside.” App. 29.
    In his trial testimony, however, he identified a second reason
    he knocked for so long at the door in this case: “The address
    was not the address of record for Mr. Rivera, so we wanted to
    knock and attempt to gain contact with somebody inside and
    gain their consent to search the address.” App. 138.
    After a two-day trial, a jury convicted Vasquez-
    Algarin on both drug counts. He now appeals the District
    Court’s denial of his suppression motion.5 We review the
    District Court’s legal conclusions de novo and the underlying
    factual findings for clear error. United States v. Torres, 
    534 F.3d 207
    , 209 (3d Cir. 2008). In the present context, where
    we are reviewing the denial of a motion to suppress to
    to [him] by a detective from the City of Harrisburg who
    received the information that Mr. Rivera may be staying
    there,” App. 137.
    The District Court had jurisdiction pursuant to 18
    U.S.C. § 3231, and we have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
    § 1291. Because we vacate the conviction, we do not reach
    the second issue Vasquez-Algarin raises on appeal, whether
    the District Court committed clear error in applying a two-
    level sentencing enhancement for Vasquez-Algarin’s role as
    an organizer, leader, manager or supervisor in the criminal
    activity under § 3B1.1(c) of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines.
    determine whether police officers had probable cause to
    believe the subject of their arrest warrant lived in the
    apartment they entered, we may look to the entire record and
    are “not restricted to the evidence presented at the
    suppression hearing where the motion was denied.” United
    States v. Silveus, 
    542 F.3d 993
    , 1001 (3d Cir. 2008) (quoting
    Gov’t of the V.I. v. Williams, 
    739 F.2d 936
    , 939 (3d Cir.
    II.   Discussion
    Vasquez-Algarin argues that law enforcement officers
    needed a search warrant to enter the North 13th Street
    apartment because the subject of their arrest warrant (the
    “arrestee”6) did not in fact reside there. As we will explain
    below, however, their entry was constitutional if they had
    sufficient information to support a reasonable belief that the
    arrestee resided at and was present within the targeted home.
    To determine what reasonable belief requires, we will look to
    the principles set forth in the Supreme Court’s key
    precedents, the views expressed by our sister Circuits and,
    most importantly, the fundamental tenets of Fourth
    The term “arrestee” is usually used to describe an
    individual who was been arrested, see Black’s Law
    Dictionary (10th ed. 2014) (defining “arrestee” as “[s]omeone
    who has been taken into custody by legal authority; a person
    who has been arrested”), but in the Payton context, the courts
    regularly use the term to refer to the intended target of the
    arrest warrant. For ease of reference, we use the term in this
    sense throughout the opinion, although the person eventually
    arrested in this case differed from the person named on the
    Amendment jurisprudence governing the home. We conclude
    that to satisfy the reasonable belief standard law enforcement
    required, but lacked, probable cause. The officers’ entry was
    therefore unconstitutional and, because the good-faith
    exception to the exclusionary rule is inapplicable here, the
    evidence seized from Vasquez-Algarin’s apartment should
    have been suppressed.
    A.     Payton and Steagald
    The Supreme Court has issued two major decisions
    regarding the constitutionality of in-home arrests. Because
    here law enforcement officers believed, albeit mistakenly,
    that the home they were entering was the residence of the
    subject of their arrest warrant, the controlling authority is the
    first of these decisions, Payton v. New York, 
    445 U.S. 573
    (1980).      There, the Supreme Court considered two
    consolidated cases in which police officers entered private
    residences without any kind of warrant to make routine felony
    arrests and held that the state statutes that had authorized
    these warrantless entries were unconstitutional; the officers
    were required to have an arrest warrant to arrest a suspect in
    his home. 
    Id. at 602–03.
    In a dictum that has since evolved
    into a tenet of Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, the Court
    also observed that a search warrant would not be required in
    that circumstance because “an arrest warrant founded on
    probable cause implicitly carries with it the limited authority
    to enter a dwelling in which the suspect lives when there is
    reason to believe the suspect is within.” 
    Id. at 603
    In the wake of Payton, to assess the constitutionality of
    an officer’s entry into a home to execute an arrest warrant, the
    Courts of Appeals have drawn upon the Supreme Court’s
    language to develop a two-prong test that extends to
    residency: the officer must have a “reasonable belief”7 that
    Close examination reveals the Courts of Appeals
    have uniformly cast Payton’s “reason to believe” language as
    a reasonable belief standard. See, e.g., United States v.
    314 F.3d 1105
    , 1114–15 (9th Cir. 2002). However,
    (1) the arrestee resides at the dwelling, and (2) the arrestee is
    present at the time of the entry. See, e.g., United States v.
    453 F.3d 164
    , 167 (3d Cir. 2006) (quoting United States
    v. Gay, 
    240 F.3d 1222
    , 1226 (10th Cir. 2001)).
    A different framework applies, however, where
    officers believe an individual for whom they have an arrest
    warrant is a guest in a third-party home. A year after handing
    down Payton, the Supreme Court held in Steagald v. United
    451 U.S. 204
    (1981), that officers may not enter a
    third party’s residence to execute an arrest warrant without
    first obtaining a search warrant “based on their belief that [the
    suspect] might be a guest there,” unless the search is
    consensual or justified by exigent circumstances. 
    Id. at 213,
    216. In so reasoning, the Court rejected the Government’s
    argument as to the “practical problems [that] might arise if
    law enforcement officers are required to obtain a search
    warrant before entering the home of a third party to make an
    arrest,” and concluded that “the inconvenience incurred by
    the police is simply not that significant” and in any event
    “cannot outweigh the constitutional interests at stake.” 
    Id. at 220–22.
    Before us is a case of mistaken belief that underscores
    the tension between the residency test that the Courts of
    Appeals have derived from Payton and the relatively robust
    Fourth Amendment protections guaranteed to third-party
    homes under Steagald.8 Because officers may force entry
    as discussed infra in Section II.B, they diverge on what that
    standard requires.
    Vasquez-Algarin was not the arrestee sought nor, as
    far as the record shows, connected to the arrestee in any way.
    into a home as long as they have a reasonable belief the
    suspect resides and is present there, but must have nothing
    short of a search warrant where the suspect is a guest in a
    third party’s home, law enforcement’s assessment of a
    suspect’s residency is, in effect, a determination of the level
    of protection to which a dwelling is entitled. Our choice
    about how much and what kind of information must form the
    basis for that critical determination thus affects not only the
    homes of arrestees but also any home that could be mistaken
    for one. For that reason, we must draw not only from the
    principles laid out in Payton but also from those set forth in
    Steagald when determining just how stringent the reasonable
    belief standard must be. With these principles in mind, we
    next consider our own precedent relevant to this issue and the
    case law of our sister Circuits that have addressed the issue
    squarely, but with divergent results.
    B.     The reasonable belief standard
    Vasquez-Algarin contends that this Court has already
    equated “reason to believe” or “reasonable belief” with a
    probable cause standard, and the District Court appears to
    have assumed probable cause applied as well. Vasquez-
    2014 WL 1672008
    , at *1. The issue, however,
    remains an open question in our Circuit.
    This distinguishes this case from any of our relevant
    precedents and from many of the cases in which other Courts
    of Appeals have had occasion to interpret and apply the
    Payton reasonable belief standard. See, e.g., Veal, 
    453 F.3d 164
    (defendant was the intended arrestee); United States v.
    407 F.3d 193
    (3d Cir. 2005) (same).
    Vazquez-Algarin is correct that we treated reasonable
    belief and probable cause as equivalent in United States v.
    407 F.3d 193
    (3d Cir. 2005). There, in applying the
    Payton reasonable belief test, we observed that “police may
    enter a suspect’s residence to make an arrest armed only with
    an arrest warrant if they have probable cause to believe that
    the suspect is in the home.” 
    Id. at 196.
    Yet in that case the
    government possessed sufficient information to meet the
    standard irrespective of its precise definition, so we had no
    occasion to analyze the point and it had no effect on our
    holding. Recognizing as much, we observed the following
    year in Veal that although “[o]ur Court . . . has described the
    test using the language of ‘probable cause,’” the courts had
    taken different approaches to the question, and we decided,
    under these circumstances, that we would “determine whether
    a possibly lower standard of reasonable belief should be
    applied” another 
    day. 453 F.3d at 167
    That day has arrived. Because a number of our sister
    Circuits have opined on this issue, we review their
    approaches for their persuasive value before staking out our
    own. As described below, these approaches vary widely:
    Although the Courts of Appeals once overwhelmingly
    interpreted reasonable belief as less stringent than probable
    cause, they are now nearly evenly divided on this point.9
    In the last decade, a number of Courts of Appeals
    have expressed agreement with the Ninth Circuit’s
    longstanding view that reasonable belief amounts to probable
    cause. See United States v. Harper, 
    928 F.2d 894
    , 897 (9th
    Cir. 1991), overruled on other grounds by United States v.
    687 F.3d 1189
    , 1189 (9th Cir. 2012) (en banc) (per
    curiam); accord United States v. Jackson, 
    576 F.3d 465
    , 469
    The D.C., First, Second and Tenth Circuits have
    determined that reasonable belief requires less than probable
    cause.10 See United States v. Thomas, 
    429 F.3d 282
    , 286
    (D.C. Cir. 2005); United States v. Werra, 
    638 F.3d 326
    , 337
    (1st Cir. 2011); United States v. Lauter, 
    57 F.3d 212
    , 215 (2d
    Cir. 1995); Valdez v. McPheters, 
    172 F.3d 1220
    , 1224–25
    (10th Cir. 1999). But those courts have offered little by way
    of explanation for this interpretation. In Thomas, the D.C.
    Circuit observed that, to date, most of the appellate courts had
    determined that reasonable belief is a less stringent standard
    than probable cause and that it was “more likely . . . that the
    Supreme Court in Payton used a phrase other than ‘probable
    cause’ because it meant something other than ‘probable
    cause.’” 429 F.3d at 286
    . In Valdez, the Tenth Circuit
    offered a more detailed explanation for its adoption of a
    standard less stringent than probable cause, but rather than
    explaining why probable cause would be inappropriate, the
    court focused entirely on the impracticability of imposing on
    (7th Cir. 2009); United States v. Hardin, 
    539 F.3d 404
    , 416 &
    n.6 (6th Cir. 2008); see also United States v. Barrera, 
    464 F.3d 496
    , 501 & n.5 (5th Cir. 2006) (equating the two terms
    and describing the disagreement among the appellate courts
    as “semantic”); United States v. Route, 
    104 F.3d 59
    , 62 (5th
    Cir. 1997) (analogizing reasonable belief to probable cause
    but ultimately rejecting the latter standard).
    Even those courts that agree that reasonable belief is
    a lower standard than probable cause disagree on its precise
    definition. Compare, e.g., 
    Gay, 240 F.3d at 1227
    reasonable belief and reasonable suspicion as “two different
    legal standards”); with 
    Werra, 638 F.3d at 337
    reasonable belief to reasonable suspicion).
    officers an “actual knowledge” requirement, which none of
    the Courts of Appeals has imposed in applying Payton. See
    Valdez, 172 F.3d at 1224
    –25 (10th Cir. 1999) (criticizing the
    Ninth Circuit’s adoption of the probable cause standard in
    part because “requiring actual knowledge of the suspect’s true
    residence would effectively make Payton a dead letter”). But
    see United States v. Hill, 
    649 F.3d 258
    , 274 (4th Cir. 2011)
    (Agee, J., dissenting) (“[N]o court applying [Payton] has ever
    held[] that the police must have seen the defendant nearby or
    have actual knowledge that he is inside a residence before
    they can enter.”); United States v. Magluta, 
    44 F.3d 1530
    1535 (11th Cir. 1995) (“[P]robable cause itself is a doctrine of
    reasonable probability and not certainty.”).
    The Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Ninth Circuits have
    endorsed—or, in the case of the Seventh Circuit, “inclined”
    toward—interpreting reasonable belief as the equivalent, or
    functional equivalent, of probable cause. See United States v.
    464 F.3d 496
    , 500-01 & n.5 (5th Cir. 2006); United
    States v. Hardin, 
    539 F.3d 404
    , 415–16 & n.6 (6th Cir. 2008);
    United States v. Jackson, 
    576 F.3d 465
    , 469 (7th Cir. 2009);
    United States v. Gorman, 
    314 F.3d 1105
    , 1114–15 (9th Cir.
    2002). 11 To reach this conclusion, some of these Courts of
    Appeals have looked to the Supreme Court’s own post-
    The Sixth Circuit has reconsidered its position on
    the issue. In Hardin, the Sixth Circuit rejected as dictum its
    previous determination in United States v. Pruitt that
    reasonable belief is a less stringent standard than probable
    cause, and, in new dictum, endorsed Judge Clay’s concurring
    opinion in Pruitt that equated the two standards. 
    Hardin, 539 F.3d at 415
    & n.6 (citing United States v. Pruitt, 
    458 F.3d 477
    , 490 (6th Cir. 2006) (Clay, J., concurring)).
    Payton characterization of its “reason to believe” language, as
    well as the terms with which the Court has generally defined
    the probable cause standard.
    Most notably, in Maryland v. Buie, 
    494 U.S. 325
    (1990), when considering whether officers executing a home
    arrest pursuant to Payton could also perform a protective
    sweep of the residence, the Supreme Court concluded that
    “[p]ossessing an arrest warrant and probable cause to believe
    Buie was in his home, the officers were entitled to enter and
    to search anywhere in the house in which Buie might be
    Id. at 332–33
    (emphasis added). According to the
    Sixth and Ninth Circuits, this passage is most naturally read
    to mean that the Supreme Court intended the Payton “reason
    to believe” language to serve as a reference to probable cause.
    Hardin, 539 F.3d at 416
    n.6 (“Had the Court truly
    intended the ‘reason to believe’ language in Payton to set
    forth a new, lesser standard, surely the Court in Buie would
    have explained that the officers were entitled to be inside
    Buie’s residence on the basis of an arrest warrant and a
    ‘reasonable belief’ as to Buie’s presence, but the Court used
    the term ‘probable cause’ instead.”); accord 
    Gorman, 314 F.3d at 1114
    As these courts have pointed out, Justice White’s
    description of the majority opinion in his dissent in Payton
    provides additional support for interpreting Payton’s “reason
    to believe” language as a reference to probable cause.
    Hardin, 539 F.3d at 410
    Gorman, 314 F.3d at 1114
    & n.10.
    His disagreement with the majority was predicated in part on
    his understanding that “under [the majority’s] decision, the
    officers apparently need an extra increment of probable cause
    when executing the arrest warrant, namely, grounds to believe
    As further evidence that reasonable belief amounts to
    probable cause, some of these Courts of Appeals have also
    considered the Supreme Court’s tendency to explain and
    define the term “probable cause” using “grammatical
    analogues” of “reason to believe.” 
    Hardin, 539 F.3d at 416
    n.6 (citing 
    Pruitt, 458 F.3d at 490
    (Clay, J., concurring)). For
    example, the Court has described probable cause as requiring
    a “reasonable ground for belief.” 
    Pruitt, 458 F.3d at 490
    (Clay, J., concurring) (quoting Maryland v. Pringle, 
    540 U.S. 366
    , 370–71 (2003); Ybarra v. Illinois, 
    444 U.S. 85
    , 91
    (1979)); see also Illinois v. Gates, 
    462 U.S. 213
    , 243 (1983)
    (suggesting that “probable cause” is synonymous with
    “‘reasonable grounds’ to believe”).
    Among the Courts of Appeals that have equated
    reasonable belief with probable cause, the Fifth Circuit is
    notable in that it has also concluded that “the courts that
    distinguish the terms have done so because ‘probable cause’
    is a term of art.” See 
    Barrera, 464 F.3d at 501
    & n.5 (citing
    United States v. Woods, 
    560 F.2d 660
    (5th Cir. 1977); United
    States v. Route, 
    104 F.3d 59
    , 62 (5th Cir. 1997)). We do not
    necessarily agree with the suggestion in Barrera that the
    disagreement among the Circuits as to whether reasonable
    belief equates to probable cause is “more about semantics
    than substance.” 
    Id. The D.C.
    Circuit, for instance, appears
    to require significantly less evidence to support a belief of
    residency than the other Courts of Appeals, presumably in
    part as a result of its choice to depart from the probable cause
    standard and the protections it affords. See, e.g., 
    Thomas, 429 F.3d at 286
    (holding that officers had requisite reasonable
    that the suspect is within the dwelling.” 
    Payton, 445 U.S. at 616
    n.13 (White, J., dissenting) (emphasis added).
    belief to enter residence where arresting marshals provided no
    testimony about where they had obtained the parolee’s
    address except to say that an “investigation was done” and the
    address “turned up”).
    We do agree with the Fifth Circuit, however, that
    probable cause has specialized usage and is not a standard
    typically applied by police to settle a question of the kind
    before us about where an individual lives.13 Although the
    Supreme Court has long insisted on a “practical,
    nontechnical” definition of probable cause, 
    Gates, 462 U.S. at 231
    (quoting Brinegar v. United States, 
    338 U.S. 160
    , 176
    (1949)), describing it as a “fluid concept” that defies
    “reduc[tion] to a neat set of legal rules,” 
    id. at 232,
    fluidity of the concept has not translated into diverse
    application. A close reading of the case law shows that the
    Supreme Court uses the “probable cause” standard almost
    exclusively to assess the basis and strength of an officer or
    The awkwardness that the Fifth Circuit has
    identified, of applying the probable cause standard in the
    Payton context, see 
    Route, 104 F.3d at 62
    , may be a function
    of the appellate courts’ recasting of the Payton “reason to
    believe” standard—which the Supreme Court used to describe
    only whether the arrestee was present within the residence—
    as a two-part test in which that same standard governs both
    whether the dwelling is the arrestee’s residence and whether
    the arrestee is inside. Applying the probable cause standard
    to determine only whether the arrestee is present within the
    home presents no such difficulties. Cf. 
    Steagald, 451 U.S. at 213
    –14 n.7 (“[T]he plain wording of the Fourth Amendment
    admits of no exemption from the warrant requirement when
    the search of a home is for a person rather than for a thing.”).
    magistrate’s belief that a particular person has committed a
    particular crime or that an article subject to seizure can be
    found at a particular location—in short, whether criminal
    activity is afoot. See, e.g., 
    Brinegar, 338 U.S. at 175
    substance of all the definitions of probable cause is a
    reasonable ground for belief of guilt.” (internal quotation
    marks omitted)).
    The Supreme Court’s general practice of reserving
    probable cause language to these circumstances perhaps helps
    account for the Eighth and Eleventh Circuits’ decision to
    simply treat reasonable belief as its own standard for purposes
    of applying the Payton test. The Eleventh Circuit in Magluta,
    observing that “it is difficult to define the Payton ‘reason to
    believe’ standard, or to compare the quantum of proof the
    standard requires with the proof that probable cause requires,”
    side-stepped the comparison altogether and treated the inquiry
    as, in essence, its own reasonableness 
    determination. 44 F.3d at 1535
    –36 (citing 
    Woods, 560 F.2d at 665
    ); accord United
    States v. Risse, 
    83 F.3d 212
    , 216–17 (8th Cir. 1996)
    (employing a similar test and citing Magluta).14 Relying on
    the same case law as the Fifth Circuit in Barrera, the
    Eleventh Circuit thus opted for a “practical interpretation of
    Payton” that resembles probable cause in that “in order for
    law enforcement officials to enter a residence to execute an
    arrest warrant for a resident of the premises, the facts and
    Although Woods predated Payton, the Eleventh
    Circuit has deemed the cases consistent. 
    Magluta, 44 F.3d at 1536
    . Decisions of the former Fifth Circuit rendered prior to
    October 1, 1981, are precedent in the Eleventh Circuit.
    Bonner v. City of Prichard, 
    661 F.2d 1206
    , 1209 (11th Cir.
    1981) (en banc).
    circumstances within the knowledge of the law enforcement
    agents, when viewed in the totality, must warrant a reasonable
    belief that the location to be searched is the suspect’s
    dwelling, and that the suspect is within the residence at the
    time of entry.” 
    Magluta, 44 F.3d at 1535
    ; cf. 
    Gates, 462 U.S. at 238
    (explaining that, for purposes of a probable cause
    determination, a “totality of the circumstances” analysis
    requires the magistrate issuing a warrant “simply to make a
    practical, common-sense decision whether . . . there is a fair
    probability that contraband or evidence of a crime will be
    found in a particular place.”).
    C.     Reasonable belief as probable cause
    Having considered the different approaches of our
    sister Circuits and their reasoning where provided, we join the
    Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Ninth Circuits in holding that
    Payton’s “reason to believe” language amounts to a probable
    cause standard.15 As explained more fully below, we do so
    for two reasons. First, the Supreme Court’s use of the phrase
    “reason to believe,” when considered in the context of Payton
    and more generally the Court’s Fourth Amendment
    jurisprudence, supports a probable cause standard. Second,
    and more fundamentally, requiring that law enforcement
    The Seventh Circuit has stated its “inclin[ation] to
    adopt the view . . . that ‘reasonable belief’ is synonymous
    with probable cause,” 
    Jackson, 576 F.3d at 469
    , and the Sixth
    Circuit has endorsed the view that the two standards are
    synonymous in what it conceded was dictum, 
    Hardin, 539 F.3d at 415
    –16 & n.6.
    officers have probable cause to believe their suspect resides at
    and is present within the dwelling before making a forced
    entry is the only conclusion commensurate with the
    constitutional protections the Supreme Court has accorded to
    the home.
    We consider first the Court’s use of the term “reason
    to believe” in Payton and other criminal cases. On careful
    reading, Payton appears to be a case in which the Court used
    the terms “probable cause” and “reason to believe” in close
    proximity and interchangeably. This is readily apparent when
    we examine how the Payton Court couched its analysis.
    Expressly “put[ting] to one side related problems that are not
    presented today,” the Court noted that neither of the
    consolidated cases before it in Payton involved exigent
    circumstances or consent, the home of a third party, or
    allegations “that the police lacked probable cause to believe
    that the suspect was at home when they entered.” 
    Payton, 445 U.S. at 582
    –84. It is within this carefully bounded
    factual framework—the search of an arrestee’s home without
    exigent circumstances or consent but with probable cause to
    believe he was present—that the Court concluded its decision
    with the observation that “an arrest warrant founded on
    probable cause implicitly carries with it the limited authority
    to enter a dwelling in which the suspect lives when there is
    reason to believe the suspect is within.” 
    Id. at 603
    Payton is not an anomaly. On several occasions, the
    Supreme Court has used the very same “reason to believe”
    language that appears in Payton as a stand-in for “probable
    cause.” For example, in the landmark case Berger v. New
    388 U.S. 41
    (1967), where the Court held that the
    wiretapping statute in question violated the Fourth
    Amendment       because    it   authorized     suspicionless
    eavesdropping, the Court explained that “[t]he purpose of the
    probable cause requirement of the Fourth Amendment [is] to
    keep the state out of constitutionally protected areas until it
    has reason to believe that a specific crime has been or is
    being committed.” 
    Id. at 59
    (emphases added). In Gerstein v.
    420 U.S. 103
    (1975), the Court likewise observed that
    at common law the justice of the peace would “determine
    whether there was reason to believe the prisoner had
    committed a crime” and that this “initial determination of
    probable cause” could be reviewed on a writ of habeas
    Id. at 114–15.
    And in Cardwell v. Lewis, 
    417 U.S. 583
    (1974) (plurality opinion), after recounting all of the
    evidence that established that police had “probable cause to
    search [the suspect’s] car,” the Court concluded that the
    resulting composite “provided reason to believe that the car
    was used in the commission of the crime.” 
    Id. at 59
    Examples of this kind serve to undercut the D.C. Circuit’s
    conclusion that Payton’s “reason to believe” should be
    construed loosely simply because the Court elected to use a
    phrase other than “probable cause” to describe the requisite
    belief law enforcement must have that an arrestee is present
    in his dwelling at the time of the search. 
    Thomas, 429 F.3d at 286
    Although the language of Payton and the Supreme
    Court’s other Fourth Amendment decisions provides strong
    support for interpreting reasonable belief as a probable cause
    standard, it is the nature of the privacy interests at stake that
    solidifies our conclusion.16 Without question, the home takes
    We recognize that there are limits to parsing
    language alone to determine what the Supreme Court
    intended by its use of the phrase “reason to believe” in
    pride of place in our constitutional jurisprudence. As the
    Supreme Court has reiterated on numerous occasions, “when
    it comes to the Fourth Amendment, the home is first among
    equals. At the Amendment’s ‘very core’ stands ‘the right of a
    man to retreat into his own home and there be free from
    Payton, because the Court has not adhered to hard and fast
    rules when using “reasonableness” language. For example,
    the Court has sometimes referred to “reasonable belief” when
    discussing “reasonable suspicion,” see, e.g., 
    Buie, 494 U.S. at 336
    –37; United States v. Place, 
    462 U.S. 696
    , 703–04 (1983),
    a practice that has been cited by at least one Court of Appeals
    to suggest Payton may require less than probable cause, see,
    Pruitt, 458 F.3d at 484
    . The Court’s references to
    “reasonable belief” outside the Payton context, however, have
    little relevance to our inquiry, particularly as the phrase
    “reasonable belief” does not actually appear in Payton and
    using it as shorthand for “reason to believe” is an adaptation
    of the Courts of Appeals. Conversely, our holding today that
    the “reason to believe” or short-hand “reasonable belief”
    standard equates to probable cause is limited to the Payton
    context and should not be construed to mean that “reasonable
    belief,” “reasonable grounds to believe,” or a substantially
    similar iteration means probable cause in other circumstances.
    While the Supreme Court has occasionally discussed
    reasonable suspicion in terms of “reasonable belief,” for
    example, reasonable suspicion is “obviously less demanding”
    than probable cause, United States v. Sokolow, 
    490 U.S. 1
    , 7
    (1989), and nothing we have said today bears on that line of
    cases, see, e.g., United States v. Arvizu, 
    534 U.S. 266
    Alabama v. White, 
    496 U.S. 325
    (1990); Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    unreasonable governmental intrusion.’” Florida v. Jardines,
    133 S. Ct. 1409
    , 1414 (2013) (quoting Silverman v. United
    365 U.S. 505
    , 511 (1961)). Indeed, such intrusion is
    “the chief evil against which the wording of the Fourth
    Amendment is directed.” 
    Payton, 445 U.S. at 585
    The vaunted place of the home in our constitutional
    privacy jurisprudence was central to the Supreme Court’s
    analysis in Payton and Steagald. See, e.g., 
    Payton, 445 U.S. at 585
    Steagald, 451 U.S. at 220
    , 222. These cases
    together provide insight that neither case provides alone—
    insight that leads inexorably to the conclusion that the
    Circuit-created two-prong test is workable only if governed
    by a robust reasonableness standard akin to probable cause,
    and that anything less would defeat the “stringent . . .
    protection” the home is due. United States v. Martinez-
    428 U.S. 543
    , 561 (1976) (private homes are
    “ordinarily afforded the most stringent Fourth Amendment
    On one hand, adopting a too-rigorous interpretation of
    “reason to believe” seems at odds with the portion of Payton
    leading up to the Court’s articulation of the “reason to
    believe” rule:
    It is true that an arrest warrant requirement may
    afford less protection than a search warrant
    requirement, but it will suffice to interpose the
    magistrate's determination of probable cause
    between the zealous officer and the citizen. If
    there is sufficient evidence of a citizen’s
    participation in a felony to persuade a judicial
    officer that his arrest is justified, it is
    constitutionally reasonable to require him to
    open his doors to the officers of the law. Thus,
    for Fourth Amendment purposes, an arrest
    warrant founded on probable cause implicitly
    carries with it the limited authority to enter a
    dwelling in which the suspect lives when there
    is reason to believe the suspect is within.
    Payton, 445 U.S. at 602
    –03 (emphasis added). This language
    seems to cut against interpreting the “reason to believe”
    standard too stringently insofar as the Court clearly indicates
    that the probable cause determination required for an arrest
    warrant already offers much of the requisite protection.
    Payton, by its terms, however, applies only with respect to an
    individual for whom an arrest warrant has been issued and
    with respect to the place where he resides. See 
    id. at 583.
    On the other hand, where there is uncertainty about
    where the arrestee resides—a situation not presented in
    Payton but encompassed within the Circuit-created two-prong
    test—we must take care not to adopt an interpretation of
    “reason to believe” that requires of law enforcement so little
    evidence that an arrestee resides at a dwelling as to expose all
    dwellings to an unacceptable risk of police error and
    warrantless entry. Here, Steagald comes into play, for to
    adopt such an interpretation would be to disregard the
    explanation the Court provides there for why it chose to
    distinguish Payton and to conclude, in effect, that the homes
    of fugitives and non-fugitives are entitled to different degrees
    of Fourth Amendment protection:
    Because an arrest warrant authorizes the police
    to deprive a person of his liberty, it necessarily
    also authorizes a limited invasion of that
    person’s privacy interest when it is necessary to
    arrest him in his home. This analysis, however,
    is plainly inapplicable when the police seek to
    use an arrest warrant as legal authority to enter
    the home of a third party to conduct a search.
    Such a warrant embodies no judicial
    determination whatsoever regarding the person
    whose home is to be searched. Because it does
    not authorize the police to deprive the third
    person of his liberty, it cannot embody any
    derivative authority to deprive this person of his
    interest in the privacy of his home. Such a
    deprivation must instead be based on an
    independent showing that a legitimate object of
    a search is located in the third party’s home.
    We have consistently held, however, that such a
    determination is the province of the magistrate,
    and not that of the police officer.
    Steagald, 451 U.S. at 214
    n.7 (emphasis added). Like
    Payton, Steagald does not contemplate the possibility of
    uncertain residency, nor does it address the proper means of
    resolving that uncertainty. But read alongside Payton, the
    Court’s reasoning in Steagald makes clear that its
    determination of the legality of a forced home entry in this
    context turns on whether the officer has the benefit of some
    type of probable cause determination by a neutral arbiter, be
    that by way of an arrest warrant or search warrant.
    Given this precedent and the constitutional principles
    at stake, law enforcement armed with only an arrest warrant
    may not force entry into a home based on anything less than
    probable cause to believe an arrestee resides at and is then
    present within the residence. A laxer standard would effect
    an end-run around the stringent baseline protection
    established in Steagald and render all private homes—the
    most sacred of Fourth Amendment spaces—susceptible to
    search by dint of mere suspicion or uncorroborated
    information and without the benefit of any judicial
    determination. Such intrusions are “the chief evil against
    which the wording of the Fourth Amendment is directed.”
    Payton, 445 U.S. at 585
    . We therefore join those Courts of
    Appeals that have held that reasonable belief in the Payton
    context “embodies the same standard of reasonableness
    inherent in probable cause.” 
    Gorman, 314 F.3d at 1111
    Barrera, 464 F.3d at 501
    D.      Application
    Having defined the reasonable belief standard as
    equivalent to probable cause, we have no trouble concluding
    that law enforcement did not meet that standard as to either
    prong of the Payton test here, and the District Court erred in
    concluding otherwise.
    To make a probable cause determination, we must
    consider the “totality of the circumstances,” 
    Silveus, 542 F.3d at 1000
    Gates, 462 U.S. at 238
    ), which, in the context
    of second-hand information, encompasses considerations
    such as the basis and reliability of the information and the
    receiving officer’s ability to corroborate its content, United
    States v. Ritter, 
    416 F.3d 256
    , 262–64 (3d Cir. 2005) (citing
    Alabama v. White, 
    496 U.S. 325
    Here, to meet Payton’s first prong, Deputy Marshal
    Duncan relied entirely on informant tips and the word of
    another detective but provided little information by which the
    District Court could assess the information he obtained. At
    the suppression hearing, Deputy Marshal Duncan explained
    only that he had based his belief that the intended arrestee,
    Rivera, lived at the North 13th Street address on information
    conveyed to him by another officer and by informants. He
    did not identify the number of informants, their reliability
    based on any prior interactions he may have had with them,
    the specific information they related, or even whether he
    obtained information from “informants on the street” first-
    hand or through the other officer. App. 36. Nor did he
    describe with any specificity the information provided by that
    other officer or the basis for that officer’s statement. See
    Whiteley v. Warden, 
    401 U.S. 560
    , 568 (1971) (“[A]n
    otherwise illegal arrest cannot be insulated from challenge by
    the decision of the instigating officer to rely on fellow
    officers to make the arrest.”); Rogers v. Powell, 
    120 F.3d 446
    453 (3d Cir. 1997) (“[S]tatements by fellow officers
    conveying that there is probable cause for a person’s arrest,
    by themselves, cannot provide the “facts and circumstances”
    necessary to support a finding of probable cause . . . . The
    legality of a seizure based solely on statements issued by
    fellow officers depends on whether the officers who issued
    the statements possessed the requisite basis to seize the
    In his trial testimony, moreover, Deputy Marshal
    Duncan cast further doubt on the reasonableness of his belief
    that the dwelling was Rivera’s residence when he explained
    that the officers knocked vigorously and waited at the door
    for a prolonged period in part because “[t]he address was not
    the address of record for Mr. Rivera, so we wanted to knock
    and attempt to gain contact with somebody inside and gain
    their consent to search the address.” App. 138. This
    explanation suggests that, at the time of entry, Deputy
    Marshal Duncan not only had limited basis to believe Rivera
    resided at the apartment but also possessed evidence that gave
    him significant doubt. Cf. 
    Hill, 649 F.3d at 263
    –64 (officers
    did not have reason to believe arrestee was present, because,
    among other things, police had documented another residence
    for arrestee based on a recent traffic citation, and the lead
    officer on the scene testified that he did not believe the
    arrestee would be present).
    Nor are we persuaded that the Government met its
    burden as to Payton’s second prong, i.e., that it established
    probable cause to believe Rivera was present in the apartment
    by way of the suspicious sounds the officers heard coming
    from inside. True, the Government's burden at this stage is
    not onerous, for the threshold determination that there is
    probable cause to believe the home is the arrestee’s residence
    not only entitles that home to lesser protections under Payton
    but also, as a logical matter, increases the likelihood the
    arrestee can be found within it. See 
    Payton 445 U.S. at 602
    (recognizing “that an arrest warrant requirement may afford
    less protection than a search warrant requirement”). Thus,
    once the predicate of residency is established, that alone
    carries significant weight in establishing probable cause to
    believe the arrestee is present, necessarily reducing the
    quantum of proof needed to meet Payton’s second prong in
    the totality of the circumstances analysis.
    Ultimately, however, that analysis must be made on a
    case-by-case basis, accounting not only for the fact that there
    is an increased likelihood the arrestee will be found in his
    own home but also for other indicia supporting law
    enforcement’s belief that the suspect is then inside. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Diaz, 
    491 F.3d 1074
    , 1078 (9th Cir. 2007)
    (officers reasonably believed that arrestee was home because
    he himself told government agents that he was usually home
    during the day, they knew he worked at home as a mechanic,
    and when they had previously visited he was absent only
    Pruitt, 458 F.3d at 483
    (officers had reasonable belief
    parolee was inside the residence where, among other things,
    an individual exiting the residence matched the parolee’s
    picture to the person selling drugs inside); United States v.
    729 F.2d 1329
    , 1331–32 (11th Cir. 1984) (per curiam)
    (“Beck’s car, identified by the agents, was parked nearby; and
    it was reasonable to believe that one would be at home at 7:30
    a.m. and be sound asleep . . . .” (footnote omitted)).
    Here, because the officers lacked probable cause to
    believe Rivera lived in the home, mere signs of life inside,
    even if suspicious, could not establish probable cause to
    believe he was present and could not justify their warrantless
    entry into Vasquez-Algarin’s apartment.          Indeed, such
    bootstrapping would be clearly untenable as a logical matter,
    for law enforcement cannot compensate for the deficiency of
    the information underlying its belief that a suspect even lives
    at a particular residence by way of generic evidence
    indicating merely that someone is inside the home. Cf. Shea
    v. Smith, 
    966 F.2d 127
    , 131 (3d Cir. 1992) (observing that
    “[i]f the police lack probable cause to believe the suspect is
    an actual resident, but have probable cause to believe he’s
    present, they must get a search warrant.” (quoting 
    Harper, 928 F.2d at 896
    In sum, we note that on both prongs of the Payton test,
    the information that law enforcement relied upon to justify
    breaking into Vasquez-Algarin’s apartment contrasts sharply
    in kind and quantity from the information deemed sufficient
    by this Court and other Courts of Appeals applying the
    probable cause standard. See, e.g., 
    Veal, 453 F.3d at 168
    (officers lawfully entered the home of the arrestee’s wife
    where the parole violation warrant indicated he was no longer
    living at his last known address and listed his wife as a
    possible lead, his former landlord reported that the couple had
    lived together in the apartment they rented from him, and the
    car the arrestee allegedly drove was registered to his wife and
    parked near her home); 
    Route, 104 F.3d at 62
    –63 (officer
    confirmed that the arrestee’s credit card applications, utility
    bills and vehicle registration matched the address of the
    residence, and at the residence observed a known associate
    backing out of the driveway, another vehicle in the driveway,
    and noise coming from a television inside the home);
    Jackson, 576 F.3d at 469
    (concluding “the police had enough
    evidence to easily satisfy a probable cause standard” where
    they received a tip that the arrestee was residing at a friend’s
    apartment and, on their arrival, the arrestee’s girlfriend
    confirmed he was inside).
    Just as private citizens are provided protection from
    mistaken arrest by the requirement that law enforcement have
    probable cause to believe they committed the crime in
    question, private homes must be protected from mistaken
    entry by, at minimum, a probable cause determination as to
    whether the suspect sought even lives there. Because the
    officers lacked information sufficient to meet that threshold in
    this case, their entry into Vasquez-Algarin’s home and the
    subsequent searches were unconstitutional, and, absent some
    exception to the exclusionary rule, the evidence they seized
    should have been suppressed. We turn, then, to the
    Government’s argument that one such exception is
    E. The good-faith exception
    The Government argues that even if officers
    unlawfully entered Vasquez-Algarin’s home, his conviction
    should stand because the exclusionary rule has no application
    and the evidence is admissible under the good-faith exception
    where law enforcement’s conduct was not “deliberate,
    reckless, or grossly negligent.” Gov’t Br. at 24–25 (citing
    Herring v. United States, 
    555 U.S. 135
    (2009)). We are not
    persuaded on these facts by the Government’s invocation of
    the good-faith exception.
    The Supreme Court has “over time applied [the] good-
    faith exception across a range of cases” where applying the
    exclusionary rule would not “yield ‘appreciable deterrence.’”
    Davis v. United States, 
    131 S. Ct. 2419
    , 2426, 2428 (2011)
    (quoting United States v. Janis, 
    428 U.S. 433
    , 454 (1976)).
    For example, the Court has held that, under the good-faith
    exception, evidence need not be suppressed where police
    conduct a search in “objectively reasonable reliance” on a
    search warrant subsequently deemed invalid, United States v.
    468 U.S. 897
    , 922 (1984), or on a statute subsequently
    held unconstitutional, Illinois v. Krull, 
    480 U.S. 340
    , 360
    Drawing on this line of cases, in Davis, the Supreme
    Court held that “[e]vidence obtained during a search
    conducted in reasonable reliance on binding precedent is not
    subject to the exclusionary 
    rule.” 131 S. Ct. at 2429
    . And in
    our en banc decision in United States v. Katzin, 
    769 F.3d 163
    (3d Cir. 2014), this Court, in turn, relied on Davis and the
    Supreme Court’s prior good-faith decisions to conclude that
    the exception applies not only where law enforcement agents
    act on binding appellate precedent but also, and more
    fundamentally, where the officers act “upon an objectively
    reasonable good faith belief in the legality of their conduct.”
    Id. at 182.
    In neither respect is the exception warranted in this
    case. First, the Government does not purport to rely on
    binding appellate precedent for its assertion that the officers
    had sufficient information to forcibly enter Vasquez-
    Algarin’s home, nor could it in view of the binding Supreme
    Court authority in Payton and Steagald that points the other
    way. Even Herring—which the Government cites not as
    binding appellate precedent on these facts but for the general
    proposition that a finding of a Fourth Amendment violation
    does not compel automatic reversal—weighs in favor of
    suppression. Herring involved a county’s inadvertent failure
    to update its database concerning a recalled arrest warrant—
    “isolated negligence attenuated from the arrest” that the Court
    determined was not “sufficiently deliberate that exclusion can
    meaningfully deter it” or “sufficiently culpable that such
    deterrence is worth the price paid by the justice 
    system.” 555 U.S. at 137
    –38, 144. In contrast, here we are confronted not
    with an inadvertent recordkeeping error but with a deliberate
    decision to force entry into a home based on only vague and
    uncorroborated information as to whether the subject of the
    arrest warrant even lived there. The gulf between this case
    and Herring is only reinforced by Deputy Marshal Duncan’s
    trial testimony acknowledging documentation in his
    possession that caused him concern that this was a third-party
    residence for which he needed consent to search.
    We thus turn to the second and more fundamental
    inquiry we undertook in Katzin, the “objectively ascertainable
    question whether a reasonably well trained officer would
    have known that the search was illegal under all of the
    circumstances.” 769 F.3d at 179
    Leon, 468 U.S. at 922
    n.23). In making this determination, we consider the
    decisions set forth by the Supreme Court, our Court and our
    sister Circuits. See 
    id. at 182–84.
    As is apparent from our
    survey of the case law, however, those decisions also favor
    Read together, Payton and Steagald make clear that,
    because of the sanctity of the home, nothing less than
    probable cause is appropriate when it comes to determining
    whether a home belongs to an arrestee and to undertaking a
    forced entry on the basis of an arrest warrant alone. 
    See supra
    Section II.A. As for our own precedent, although we
    have clarified today that “reasonable belief” in the Payton
    context does indeed amount to probable cause, our decisions
    to date have assumed as much and used probable cause as the
    applicable standard. See 
    Veal, 453 F.3d at 167
    Agnew, 407 F.3d at 196
    . Lastly, where this Court and our sister
    Circuits have upheld the validity of police entries into homes
    under Payton, it has been on the basis of far more specific and
    reliable information than what the officers relied upon here to
    enter Vasquez-Algarin’s apartment, see Section II.D, and
    conversely, where the only evidence available has been of
    such meager quantity and quality, the Courts of Appeals have
    held that suppression is appropriate, see, e.g., 
    Werra, 638 F.3d at 341
    Hardin, 539 F.3d at 427
    . Thus, in contrast with
    Katzin, where “[t]he constellation of circumstances that
    appeared to authorize [the officers’] conduct included well
    settled principles of Fourth Amendment law as articulated by
    the Supreme Court [and] a near-unanimity of circuit courts
    applying these principles to the same 
    conduct,” 769 F.3d at 182
    , the very opposite is true here.
    We do not take lightly the “significant social costs of
    suppressing reliable, probative evidence.” 
    Id. However, we
    are compelled to enforce the exclusionary rule where law
    enforcement officers, “at the time they acted, would have or
    should have known their [conduct] w[as] unconstitutional.”
    Id. at 179.
    The Government’s argument in this case boils
    down to the proposition that law enforcement officers may
    forcibly enter a home based on nothing more than the general
    representation of another law enforcement officer and the
    vague and uncorroborated assertions of unidentified
    informants that the intended arrestee lives there. We reject
    this position as inconsistent with fundamental Fourth
    Amendment principles and the language and logic of
    Supreme Court precedent governing in-home arrests. Given
    the dictates of Payton and Steagald, our prior applications of
    Payton in Veal and Agnew, and the out-of-Circuit precedent
    consistently holding law enforcement to a higher bar than
    what was proffered here to justify a forced home entry, we
    conclude the officers’ conduct was, at a minimum, “grossly
    negligent,” and thus was “sufficiently deliberate that
    exclusion can meaningfully deter it, and sufficiently culpable
    that such deterrence is worth the price paid by the justice
    Herring, 555 U.S. at 144
    III.   Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we will reverse the District
    Court’s denial of Vasquez-Algarin’s motion to suppress,
    vacate the conviction, and remand for proceedings consistent
    with this opinion.