Lodge No. 5 of the Fraternal O v. City of Philadelphia , 763 F.3d 358 ( 2014 )

  •                                        PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 13-1516
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. No. 11-cv-03256)
    District Judge: Honorable Juan R. Sanchez
    Argued November 12, 2013
    and NYGAARD , Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: August 18, 2014)
    Thomas W. Jennings [Argued]
    Marc L. Gelman
    Jennings Sigmond
    510 Walnut Street
    The Penn Mutual Towers, 16th Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Attorneys for Plaintiffs-Appellants
    Eleanor N. Ewing [Argued]
    Robert D. Aversa
    Mark Maguire
    City of Philadelphia
    Law Department
    1515 Arch Street
    One Parkway
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Attorneys for Defendants-Appellees
    HARDIMAN, Circuit Judge.
    In 1951, the Philadelphia City Council enacted a Home
    Rule Charter which, informed by Philadelphia’s history of
    political patronage, restricted certain political activities by
    city employees. In this appeal we must decide whether one
    such restriction, which prevents members of the Philadelphia
    Police Department from making contributions to their union’s
    political action committee, violates the First Amendment. We
    hold that it does.
    Appellant Lodge No. 5 of the Fraternal Order of Police
    (FOP) is an incorporated collective bargaining organization
    that represents the approximately 6,600 active police officers
    employed by the City of Philadelphia. FOP operates a
    political action committee, Appellant COPPAC, for the
    purpose of distributing contributions to candidates for local
    and state office. According to FOP’s leadership, COPPAC
    affords police officers an opportunity to speak on issues of
    concern with a “collective voice,” which include
    departmental interests in “better equipment, manpower, [and]
    livable conditions.” A132. COPPAC funds information
    campaigns that educate the public about issues important to
    the police, and contributes to political candidates who support
    the department’s positions on these issues. To date, COPPAC
    has donated to city, state, and judicial campaigns.
    In this case, FOP, COPPAC, and four police officers
    (collectively, the FOP Plaintiffs)1 challenge the
    constitutionality of section 10-107(3) of the Philadelphia
    Home Rule Charter, which prohibits employees of the
    Philadelphia Police Department from making contributions
    “for any political purpose.”2 351 Pa. Code § 10.10-107(3). As
    interpreted by its implementing regulation, the Charter
    The individual officers are David Byrne, Shawn
    Carey, Jeffrey Seamon, and Les Baker. The FOP Plaintiffs
    sued the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Mayor Michael A.
    Nutter, the Philadelphia Board of Ethics (Ethics Board), and
    individual members of the Ethics Board (collectively, the
    City). The individual Ethics Board members are J. Shane
    Creamer, William H. Brown, Richard Glazer, Sanjuanita
    Gonzalez, Phyllis Beck, and Michael H. Reed.
    The Ethics Board was established in 2006 to
    “administer and enforce all provisions of [the] Charter and
    ordinances pertaining to ethical matters,” including
    “prohibited political activities.” Phila. Home Rule Charter §
    4-1100. It promulgates rules and regulations that interpret
    provisions of the Charter, and investigates and enforces
    violations of the Charter. See Phila. Code § 20-606(1)(a).
    The provision provides in full:
    No officer or member of the Philadelphia Police
    or of the Fire Department shall pay or give any
    money or valuable thing or make any
    subscription or contribution, whether voluntary
    or involuntary, for any political purpose
    prohibits police officers from making donations “received by
    a candidate . . . for use in advocating or influencing the
    election of the candidate,” or providing donations “received
    by a political committee, political party, or partisan political
    group.” Bd. of Ethics Reg. No. 8, § 8.1(f); see 
    id. § 8.8.3
    Accordingly, employees of the Philadelphia Police
    Department cannot donate to COPPAC because it uses some
    of its funds for partisan political purposes. Notably, the
    Charter ban applies only to the police, and does not proscribe
    political donations made by Philadelphia’s other 20,000
    employees, the vast majority of whom are represented by
    organized interests.4
    COPPAC presently operates out of an account that
    contains approximately $25,000. FOP solicits funds for
    COPPAC by mail and hosts regular fundraisers, at which
    large donors receive so-called “courtesy cards” from the
    Regulation 8, which interprets section 10-107,
    reiterates the Charter’s prohibition on political contributions
    by the police, providing that no “appointed officer or
    employee of the Police Department . . . may make
    contributions intended for a political purpose.” Bd. of Ethics
    Reg. No. 8, § 8.8.
    Of the city’s 27,000 employees, approximately
    20,000 are represented by four unions: FOP, Fire Fighters
    Local Union No. 22, and District Councils 33 and 47 of the
    American Federation of State, County and Municipal
    Employees. Each of the three unions that represent the
    balance of the city’s unionized employees has established
    political action committees that regularly contribute to
    candidates for political office.
    union that extend “all courtesies of [the] organization” to the
    donor. A139. FOP also endorses candidates for local office
    and regularly holds fundraisers for them. The City is
    concerned that officers may have inadvertently violated the
    contribution ban during these fundraisers, but has indicated
    that it is willing to forego enforcement of past transgressions.5
    The FOP Plaintiffs maintain that COPPAC’s current
    funds cannot support the committee’s operational costs or
    effectively advance the union’s political agenda. They claim
    that COPPAC’s relatively meager account—which has
    prevented the committee from purchasing expensive
    television advertisements and from contributing to
    candidates’ campaigns—has placed the police at a
    competitive disadvantage, especially in labor negotiations
    where they compete with other municipal workers. As recent
    examples, the FOP Plaintiffs cite instances where FOP has
    failed to convince legislators to increase officers’ pensions, to
    prevent an interagency reorganization that reduced the police
    department’s workload, and to improve officers’ working
    In a May 5, 2011, letter to FOP, Appellee J. Shane
    Creamer, the Executive Director of the Ethics Board,
    suggested that FOP “remind members who are current Police
    Department employees that they cannot make political
    contributions,” lest they be “subject to penalties . . . which
    include a $300 fine and removal from office or immediate
    dismissal.” A98. Creamer indicated that the Ethics Board
    would not enforce violations if donors wrote to the candidate,
    with a copy to Creamer, requesting reimbursement of their
    contributions. The Ethics Board intends to enforce future
    violations of the Charter ban, however.
    The contribution ban prevents COPPAC from
    accessing a potentially significant source of funds—FOP’s
    own members. On May 4, 2006, the Philadelphia City
    Council, under the administration of then-Mayor John F.
    Street, passed City Bill No. 060181, an ordinance that
    authorized payroll deductions for FOP members who elected
    to contribute to COPPAC. If the ordinance were
    implemented, COPPAC could receive funds that are
    automatically deducted from officers’ paychecks on a
    biweekly basis. COPPAC emphasizes that individual
    contributors would have no ability to direct who receives their
    donations because they are distributed at the discretion of
    FOP’s executive board, which chooses whom to fund.
    Although City Bill No. 060181 remains on the books,
    the current administration, under Mayor Michael A. Nutter,
    refuses to implement it as violative of the Charter ban. If the
    ban is lifted, FOP intends to distribute forms to all recruits on
    “the first day they would be in attendance” at the police
    academy, so they may authorize paycheck deductions to
    COPPAC. A135.
    The Charter’s contribution ban is but one of many
    prohibitions that aim to insulate the police from political
    influence. In 2006, the Ethics Board issued Regulation 8,
    which interprets the political restrictions on city employees in
    the Charter. While only the police are subject to the
    contribution ban, see Bd. of Ethics Reg. No. 8, § 8.8,
    Regulation 8 bars all city employees from engaging in a wide
    range of political activities—defined as “activity directed
    toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate, or
    partisan political group.” 
    Id. § 8.1(n).6
    The Ethics Board has
    construed Regulation 8 to forbid all city employees from
    engaging in political activity while on duty, in uniform, or
    using city resources; using their authority for any political
    purpose; serving on the national, state, or local committee of
    a political party; serving as an officer of a partisan political
    group; or taking part in the management or affairs of a
    political party, campaign, or partisan political group. See 
    id. §§ 8.3–11.
    These restrictions mirror those in the Hatch Act, 5
    U.S.C. § 7324(a)(2), which prohibits federal employees from
    taking “an active part in political management or in political
    campaigns,” and has withstood multiple challenges to its
    constitutionality. See, e.g., U.S. Civil Serv. Comm’n v. Nat’l
    Ass’n of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO (Letter Carriers), 
    413 U.S. 548
    , 566–67 (1973) (holding that Congress’s interest in
    maintaining an apolitical bureaucracy justified the Hatch
    Act’s restrictions on political activity); United Pub. Workers
    of Am. (C.I.O.) v. Mitchell, 
    330 U.S. 75
    , 101 (1947) (same);
    see also Broadrick v. Okla., 
    413 U.S. 601
    , 611–12 (1973)
    (holding, in a companion case to Letter Carriers, that States
    may enact Hatch Act-type restrictions on the political
    activities of their civil servants). The FOP Plaintiffs do not
    challenge these restrictions in this case.
    A “partisan political group” is defined, tautologically,
    as “[a]ny committee, club, or other organization that is
    affiliated with a political party or candidate or whose primary
    purpose is to engage in political activity.” Bd. of Ethics Reg.
    No. 8, § 8.1(l).
    Regulation 8 does not preclude city employees from
    participating in all forms of political activity. The Ethics
    Board has read the regulation as permitting the right to
    register and vote in any election; to belong to a political party
    or partisan group, but not to the group’s political committee;
    and to engage in personal political expression “uncoordinated
    with a party, candidate, or partisan group.” See Bd. of Ethics
    Reg. No. 8, §§ 8.12–14.
    Most notably, subpart G of the regulation specifically
    exempts from restriction “expression and activity that is not
    political and not directed toward the success or failure of a
    political party, candidate or partisan political group.” 
    Id. § 8.17.
    Accordingly, city employees may publicly express their
    opinions on political matters or candidates; sign political
    petitions; and attend political rallies, conventions, fundraisers,
    and other political events, albeit only as spectators. 
    Id. § 8.15.
    Pursuant to this carve-out, police officers may contribute time
    and money to nonpolitical organizations that promote causes
    they care about. As the District Court found, they may donate
    to groups such as the Sierra Club and the National Rifle
    Association. Moreover, Regulation 8 does not prohibit city
    employees from aggregating their voices in political groups,
    such as FOP, which may endorse and fund political
    candidates, and publicize the groups’ positions on legislative
    and executive matters.
    One cannot understand the prohibitions in the
    Philadelphia Home Rule Charter without reference to its
    origins and Philadelphia’s efforts to combat patronage. In the
    century preceding the adoption of the 1951 Charter,
    Philadelphia’s civic government was dominated by political
    party organizations. The city’s then-powerful Republican
    Party machine had a stranglehold on local government,
    determining who was elected, who was hired, and who
    received lucrative government contracts. Because it
    controlled every level of government, the machine built a
    “patronage army” of city employees, rewarding its own
    members and subordinates with paid office positions. Phila.
    Comm. of Seventy, The Charter: A History, at 1 (1980)
    (hereinafter Charter History). The machine’s reach was so
    pervasive that citizens’ access to basic services, such as street
    cleaning or police protection, depended on their political
    support for machine candidates. As one observer summarized,
    Philadelphia was “a city of petty crimes, small-time gamblers,
    and five-and-dime shakedowns, where too often a citizen’s
    first protection [was] not the law, the courts or the police, but
    his ward leader.” 
    Id. (quoting Dickson
    Philadelphia: Corrupt and Not Contented, Collier’s, Aug. 7,
    1948, at 14).
    According to an expert report submitted by the City,7
    the Charter focused on the police because they were used by
    machine politicians to control voting. Expert Report by Elliott
    Shore, at 1 (hereinafter Shore Report). In the late 19th and
    early 20th centuries, the police engaged in aggressive get-out-
    the-vote efforts, voter fraud, and voter intimidation, often
    resorting to brute force. For example, police officers turned a
    blind eye when “professional repeaters” cast fraudulent votes,
    The District Court found that the reports submitted
    by the City were “well-researched and credible.” A5 n.3. The
    FOP Plaintiffs have neither objected to the reports nor
    questioned their veracity.
    and in some instances, beat those who protested these
    Id. at 3.
    Individual officers who took offense at these excesses
    had “little choice but to comply with the wishes of the
    party—they held their jobs as long as they toed the line.” 
    Id. In addition
    to distributing plum city jobs, the Republican
    machine taxed “political assessments” against the police and
    other    city   employees.     These      assessments—forced
    contributions often collected directly from the wages of city
    employees—were levied twice a year before general and
    primary elections. 
    Id. at 2.
    By the first decade of the 20th
    century, approximately 94 percent of all city employees paid
    assessments to the Republican machine.
    The nefarious relationship between Philadelphia’s
    Republican machine and its police force culminated in
    September 1917 with the scandal of the “Bloody Fifth” Ward,
    where officers beat an opposition candidate, terrorized his
    supporters, and killed a detective who attempted to
    intervene.8 The incident led to the arrest of the mayor and the
    According to one description of the incident:
    In the weeks leading up to the primary, police
    had terrorized anyone in the ward who appeared
    to support [outsider] James Carey over his
    [machine-backed]         opponent,     Common
    Councilman Isaac Deutsch. . . . During the
    campaign, businesses owned by Carey
    supporters were raided and closed down, and
    their owners were beaten and arrested. A
    reporter who tried to attend a Deutsch campaign
    meeting was dragged outside by police,
    conviction of six police officers, as well as public outcry for
    the insulation of the civic bureaucracy from politics. Amidst
    these calls for reform, in 1919 the Pennsylvania Assembly
    granted Philadelphia a new Charter, which enacted a series of
    reforms aimed at reducing corruption within government and
    the police department.9 For example, one provision of the
    1919 Charter forbade all police officers from coming within
    50 feet of a polling place, except to vote or when needed to
    make an arrest, after which the officers were required to “at
    once withdraw.” 1919 P.L. 581, Art. XIX, § 23. Another
    provision, targeted at the local machine’s practice of levying
    political assessments, prohibited members of the Philadelphia
    punched, and then arrested. Any “bluecoat,” as
    policemen were called, who refused to
    participate in the terror was transferred out of
    the district.
    Maximilian Potter, The Last Days of the Bloody Fifth, Phila.
    Magazine,        Aug.       2000,        available        at
    The 1919 Charter included several provisions that
    were contained in the Shern Law, a civil service code enacted
    by the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1905 that prohibited certain
    political activities by city employees. Among other
    restrictions, the Shern Law barred city employees from
    making and soliciting political assessments. Shore Report at
    5. Like the 1919 Charter, the Shern Law’s “effort to prohibit
    political activity by city employees . . . proved to be an abject
    Id. (quoting Clinton
    R. Woodruff, Some Permanent
    Results of the Philadelphia Upheaval of 1905–06, 13 Am. J.
    Soc. 252, 263 (1907)).
    Police and Fire Departments from making any political
    contributions—the predecessor of the contribution ban at
    issue in this case. 
    Id. One commentator
    described the purpose
    of the 1919 Charter’s restrictions, as well as early attempts at
    civil service regulations, this way:
    The history of the urban police in the early part
    of the twentieth century is closely entwined
    with the political history of the city. . . .
    Municipal and police corruption scandals
    profoundly affected police departments as
    reformers attempted to neutralize the police
    from political patronage and to curb police
    protection of rackets and organized criminal
    activity. . . . The first step was to transform the
    quasi-military       bureaucracy       of     police
    organizations into a legalistic and technocratic
    bureaucracy. . . . It was a way to hold police
    accountable to bureaucratic rather than political
    authority. . . . Moreover, bureaucratization was
    a means of insulating the appointment and
    promotion of police officers from political
    patronage by requiring standards of merit.
    Shore Report at 5 (quoting Albert J. Reiss, Jr., Police
    Organization in the Twentieth Century, 15 Crime & Just. 51,
    57 (1992)) (emphases added and internal quotation marks
    These efforts in 1919 had only minimal effect, as the
    patronage system persisted through the 1940s, and with it,
    rampant corruption, including politically sanctioned criminal
    enterprises facilitated by the police. Charter History at 4. “A
    vast three-cornered and intimate alliance was set up [among]
    police, the corrupt politician and the gangster. Tributes were
    paid systematically by the privileged law-breaker to certain of
    the police and divided with certain of the politicians.” Shore
    Report at 7–8 (quoting David Harold Kurtzman, Methods of
    Controlling Votes in Philadelphia, Ph.D. dissertation,
    University of Pennsylvania, at 97–98 (1935)).
    It appears from the City’s reports that the 1919 Charter
    was ineffective not because it failed to place adequate
    restrictions on municipal employees, but because it retained a
    weak executive that was subject to political manipulation.
    See, e.g., Charter History at 3. Management was shared by
    the mayor, who was popularly elected, and members of the
    City Council, who were overwhelmingly selected and
    endorsed by the Republican machine. The City Council also
    retained the authority to appoint the Civil Service
    Commission; as a result, any civil service requirements that
    should have insulated public employees from political
    patronage were easily circumvented, and the restrictions in
    the 1919 Charter—such as the prohibition on collecting
    political assessments—were ignored.
    Attempts at reform were unsuccessful until 1949,
    when candidates endorsed by the Republican machine, who
    had stymied attempts to overhaul the 1919 Charter, were
    defeated in municipal elections. Charter History at 10. The
    Committee responsible for drafting what would later become
    the 1951 Home Rule Charter—the document at issue in this
    case—was emphatic about the city’s need for a strong,
    popularly elected executive. It also insisted that the reformed
    Charter be approved by the electorate of Philadelphia, so “the
    city could move away from the discredited 1919 Charter and
    the depredations of machine politics in the city.” 
    Id. In addition
    to enacting structural changes to city government,
    the 1951 Charter incorporated its predecessors’ controls on
    public employees’ participation in political activities in an
    attempt to move toward cleaner government.
    One of the restrictions carried over from the 1919
    Charter was section 10-107(3), the ban on political
    contributions by police officers that is at issue in this case.
    The annotation to that section elaborates the rationale for
    retaining the ban: “Voluntary contributions for political
    purposes are permitted to be made by civil service employees
    except that, because of the nature of their duties, policemen . .
    . may not under any circumstances make any contributions
    for political purposes.” Ann. to 351 Pa. Code § 10.10-107(3)
    (emphasis added). The annotation continues: “[m]erit
    principles of government employment require the
    divorcement of politics from such employment. They
    presuppose employment upon merit and not because of
    political connections, powers and pressures. They also
    presuppose that governmental employment will not serve as a
    means for political tribute to maintain political parties and
    Id. In addition
    to the 1951 Home Rule Charter, the City of
    Philadelphia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have
    instituted a number of other reforms to promote integrity and
    professionalism within the police force. The Philadelphia
    Civil Service Regulations, which were enacted in 1953,
    contain detailed rules as to the hiring, transfer, layoff, and
    discipline of city employees. Likewise, Pennsylvania Act 111
    of 1968, 43 Pa. Cons. Stat. §§ 217.1–10, and the
    Pennsylvania Labor Relations Act, 43 Pa. Cons. Stat. §§
    211.1–13, have enabled police officers to organize in unions
    for collective bargaining purposes, with the result of
    insulating individual officers from the political pressure of
    negotiating their own employment contracts. As the FOP
    Plaintiffs observe in their appellate brief, “[n]ow, virtually
    every aspect of the working conditions of police officers is
    subjected to scrutiny by labor arbitrators, the judiciary, and
    the Civil Service Commission.” FOP Br. at 6.
    For its part, the City maintains that police corruption
    remains a serious concern. As support for this position, the
    City entered into the record newspaper articles about police
    and official misconduct, which describe, inter alia, police
    officers disciplined for committing crimes, engaging in drug
    dealing, and abusing citizens. One article notes that
    “corruption on the force has always been a problem,” and
    details the Philadelphia Police Department’s ongoing
    attempts to address the “public’s confidence in the
    department’s ability to rid itself of bad cops.” A333–34.
    Another article reports that the department’s reputation for
    integrity was significantly undermined when twenty-nine
    officers were convicted of corruption. The record is replete
    with articles about the recent trials and convictions of judges
    and public employees for fraud, kickbacks, and extortion.
    It is important to note that the Charter ban applied
    originally not only to the police, but also to the fire
    department. This changed in 2003, however, when the
    Philadelphia firefighters’ union, in a case remarkably similar
    to this one, successfully challenged the ban as an
    unconstitutional infringement on its members’ First
    Amendment rights. Phila. Fire Fighters’ Union Local 22,
    AFL-CIO v. City of Phila., 
    286 F. Supp. 2d 476
    , 482 (E.D. Pa.
    2003). As a result, the union obtained a permanent injunction
    preventing the City from disciplining uniformed firefighters
    who contributed to the union’s political action committee,
    FIREPAC. The City did not appeal the decision and no longer
    enforces the ban against Philadelphia firefighters.
    On April 28, 2011, FOP, relying on the Fire Fighters
    decision and the City Council’s enactment of Bill No.
    060181, demanded that the City initiate payroll deductions to
    COPPAC for FOP members. The City responded that the
    Charter ban remained in effect against the police despite the
    Fire Fighters decision, which it considered distinguishable.
    The City continues to maintain that the Charter ban is
    justified against the police in light of the “unique and
    critically important nature of the duties of the Police
    Department and its status in the community.” A92. It notes
    that “[p]olice, because of their position as guardians of the
    public safety and impartial enforcers of the law, must be, and
    must be perceived to be, above reproach and shielded from
    politically-influenced decision making.” 
    Id. According to
    City, “[s]uch public entanglement in politics, potentially
    damaging to public trust in police impartiality, is legitimately
    sought to be avoided by the complete divorcement of the
    police from financial support of particular candidates.” A93.
    On May 18, 2011, after learning that the City intended
    to enforce violations of the Charter ban, the FOP Plaintiffs
    commenced this action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 in the United
    States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
    claiming, inter alia, that the ban violated their First
    Amendment rights to political expression and association.
    The District Court granted the City’s motion for summary
    judgment and dismissed the case. Lodge No. 5 of the
    Fraternal Order of Police v. City of Phila., No. cv-11-3256,
    2013 WL 638615
    (E.D. Pa. Feb. 21, 2013).
    The District Court determined that the standard set
    forth in the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v.
    National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), 
    513 U.S. 454
    (1995), controlled, and required the City to establish that “the
    interests of [police department] members, and of the public,
    in [police department] members’ political contributions are
    outweighed by the City’s interest in preventing those
    contributions’ necessary impact on the actual operation of
    city government.” 
    2013 WL 638615
    , at *4 (citing 
    NTEU, 513 U.S. at 468
    The District Court noted that the ban’s impact on
    speech regarding issues of public concern was mitigated by
    the fact that police officers, pursuant to the Charter’s
    implementing regulation, could still express their views about
    city government in a nonpartisan way. 
    Id. at *7.
    “Philadelphia’s history of government corruption reveals [the
    City’s concerns] are real and the need for the ban is
    Id. at *8.
    The Court found that while the precise
    impact of the ban was unclear, it was a part of comprehensive
    reforms that played a role in dismantling the old Republican
    political machine, curtailing unchecked political patronage,
    and rebuilding public confidence in the police department and
    city government. 
    Id. at *9.
    Further, “the record . . . does not
    demonstrate that the threat of political corruption has been
    eliminated,” and “corruption within city government,
    including within the [police department], remains a major
    Id. Having determined
    that the City established real
    harms, the Court ruled that the ban “alleviate[d] these harms
    in a direct and material way,” and constituted a “reasonable
    response to the posited harms.” 
    Id. at *10
    NTEU, 513 U.S. at 475
    –76). It found the ban was narrowly tailored
    because the City identified a “means through which the
    corrupt patronage was sustained—compelled political
    contributions from [police department] members—and cut off
    that source of party control.” 
    Id. The Court
    also ruled that the
    fact that donations to political candidates would be made by
    COPPAC did not insulate members of the police department
    from political pressure. 
    Id. Accordingly, it
    concluded that the
    Charter ban and its implementing regulation did not violate
    the First Amendment rights of the union and its members.
    This timely appeal followed.
    The District Court had jurisdiction over this action
    pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331. We have jurisdiction under 28
    U.S.C. § 1291.
    We exercise plenary review over the District Court’s
    summary judgment, Horvath v. Keystone Health Plan E.,
    333 F.3d 450
    , 454 (3d Cir. 2003), and will affirm if the
    moving party establishes that there is no genuine dispute as to
    any material fact and that it is entitled to judgment as a matter
    of law. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).
    This case presents a narrow question: whether the
    Charter ban and its implementing regulation, as applied to the
    FOP Plaintiffs, violate the First Amendment. We do not
    consider the full sweep of activities potentially restricted by
    the ban—for instance, whether police officers may be
    prohibited from contributing directly to political candidates.
    Instead, we review whether the Charter ban, in the context of
    the other political activities permitted and prohibited by
    Regulation 8, may constitutionally bar Philadelphia police
    officers from making voluntary contributions to a political
    action committee.
    As the City rightly concedes, the Charter ban on
    political contributions constitutes a substantial burden on the
    FOP Plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights. See Buckley v.
    424 U.S. 1
    , 21 (1976); see also McCutcheon v. Fed.
    Election Comm’n, 
    134 S. Ct. 1434
    , 1440–41 (2014) (plurality
    opinion) (“There is no right more basic in our democracy than
    the right to participate in electing our political leaders.”).
    Indeed, “the First Amendment ‘has its fullest and most urgent
    application precisely to the conduct of campaigns for political
    McCutcheon, 134 S. Ct. at 1441
    (quoting Monitor
    Patriot Co. v. Roy, 
    401 U.S. 265
    , 272 (1971)). Limitations on
    campaign contributions, such as the Charter ban at issue here,
    prevent the “symbolic expression of support” evidenced by
    that donation. 
    Buckley, 424 U.S. at 21
    . Therefore, such
    restrictions significantly curtail the exercise of an individual’s
    right to participate in the electoral process through both
    political expression and political association. See 
    id. at 44–45.
    There is no question that “money amassed from the
    economic marketplace” has a significant role in funding
    political speech. Citizens United v. Fed. Election Comm’n,
    558 U.S. 310
    , 314 (2010). The amount an individual or group
    spends on political communication during a campaign
    necessarily affects “the number of issues discussed, the depth
    of their exploration, and the size of the audience reached.”
    Buckley, 424 U.S. at 19
    . For this reason, political action
    committees, such as COPPAC, play an increasingly dominant
    role in politics: by pooling funds and voices, they present an
    opportunity for individuals to participate effectively in the
    political process. Cf. Fed. Election Comm’n v. Nat’l
    Conservative Action Comm., 
    470 U.S. 480
    , 495 (1985) (“To
    say that [plaintiffs’] collective action in pooling their
    resources to amplify their voices is not entitled to First
    Amendment protection would subordinate the voices of those
    with modest means as opposed to those sufficiently wealthy
    to be able to buy expensive media ads with their own
    Here, the FOP Plaintiffs claim that their inability to
    contribute to COPPAC has prevented the police from
    advocating effectively on issues of concern. They have
    presented compelling evidence that the Charter ban has hurt
    the interests of the police, and that FOP, with its depleted
    accounts, has been unable to disseminate information or
    convince legislators of police officers’ needs and concerns
    regarding wages, pension benefits, and working conditions.
    Because the Charter ban restricts officers’ rights to
    speak on matters of public concern, see Connick v. Myers,
    461 U.S. 138
    , 146 (1983), we review the ban using the
    framework of Pickering v. Board of Education, 
    391 U.S. 563
    (1968), and balance “the interests of the [public employee], as
    a citizen, in commenting upon matters of public concern and
    the interest of the [government], as an employer, in promoting
    the efficiency of the public services it performs through its
    Id. at 568.
    In NTEU, the Supreme Court clarified how courts
    should apply Pickering when a restriction operated as an ex
    ante prohibition on 
    speech. 513 U.S. at 467
    . NTEU involved a
    provision of the Ethics in Government Act, 5 U.S.C. § 501(b),
    that prohibited government employees from accepting
    honoraria for making speeches or writing articles, without
    regard to whether the speech or article was related to the
    official’s duties. 
    See 513 U.S. at 457
    . In striking down the
    honoraria ban, the Court noted that, unlike in Pickering and
    its progeny, the statute did “not involve a post hoc analysis of
    one employee’s speech and its impact on that employee’s
    public responsibilities,” but rather resulted in a “wholesale
    deterrent to a broad category of expression by a massive
    number of potential speakers.” 
    Id. at 466–67.
    Because the ban
    chilled speech before it occurred, the Court stated “the
    Government’s burden is greater with respect to this statutory
    restriction on expression than with respect to an isolated
    disciplinary decision.” 
    Id. at 468.
    “The Government must
    show that the interests of both potential audiences and a vast
    group of present and future employees in a broad range of
    present and future expression are outweighed by the
    expression’s ‘necessary impact on the actual operation’ of the
    Id. (quoting Pickering,
    391 U.S. at 571).
    [w]hen the Government defends a regulation on
    speech as a means to redress past harms or
    prevent anticipated harms, it must do more than
    simply “posit the existence of the disease
    sought to be cured.” It must demonstrate that
    the recited harms are real, not merely
    conjectural, and that the regulation will in fact
    alleviate these harms in a direct and material
    Id. at 475
    (quoting Turner Broad. Sys., Inc. v. Fed. Commc’ns
    512 U.S. 622
    , 664 (1994)) (emphases added).
    While the Court in NTEU recognized that Congress
    had an “undeniably powerful” interest in maintaining its
    employees’ administrative integrity, it deemed the ban
    “crudely crafted” to serve this interest. 
    Id. at 477.
    example, although payment of honoraria to higher-ranking
    officials could create an appearance of impropriety, the same
    could not be said of the “vast group of present and future
    employees” “with negligible power to confer favor on those
    who might pay to hear them speak or to read their articles.”
    Id. at 468,
    473. Nor had Congress provided any “evidence of
    misconduct related to honoraria in the vast rank and file of
    federal employees.” 
    Id. at 472.
    The Court also questioned
    Congress’s rationale for applying the honoraria ban to
    speeches and articles that had nothing to do with employees’
    official duties, as well as its justification for limiting the ban
    to “expressive activities” when other extracurricular activities
    had similar opportunity for abuse. 
    Id. at 472–74,
    475. These
    inconsistencies, among others, “diminish[ed] the credibility
    of the Government’s rationale.” 
    Id. at 476.
    We had occasion to review the Supreme Court’s
    decision in NTEU in Swartzwelder v. McNeilly, 
    297 F.3d 228
    (3d Cir. 2002). In that case, we held that the NTEU rubric
    applied whenever a “‘generally applicable statute or
    regulation, as opposed to a particular disciplinary action,’
    restricts a government employee’s expression on a matter of
    public concern.” 
    Id. at 237
    (quoting Latino Officers Ass’n v.
    City of New York, 
    196 F.3d 458
    , 464 (2d Cir. 1999)). We
    clarified that the NTEU standard governed even when a law
    regulated only a narrow category of speech of employees of a
    single city department—in Swartzwelder, a municipal order
    that required employees of the Pittsburgh Police Bureau to
    obtain permission before testifying as an expert witness in
    court. See 
    id. The Charter
    ban at issue in this appeal is similarly a
    “generally applicable statute” that applies to employees of the
    Philadelphia     Police    Department.       Consistent   with
    Swartzwelder, we agree with the District Court that NTEU
    provides the standard applicable to this case.10
    Perhaps anticipating it has not made a sufficient
    showing under NTEU, the City urges us to eschew that case
    and instead follow an alternative framework purportedly set
    forth in U.S. Civil Service Commission v. National
    Association of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO (Letter Carriers),
    413 U.S. 548
    (1973). There, the Supreme Court found that
    Congress’s concerns about bureaucratic efficiency and
    political influence justified certain restrictions on employees’
    overt political participation. 
    Id. at 564.
    The City asks us to
    extend Letter Carriers’s holding to restrictions on political
    contributions, contending that “restrictions on government
    employee political activity are accorded greater deference
    than other restrictions on employee speech.” City Br. at 20
    (emphasis added).
    However, as we discuss in section V.A, infra, Letter
    Carriers did not set forth a different standard for reviewing
    restrictions on political activity, but instead represents an
    Accordingly, to prevail, the City must make two
    showings: first, that it has “real, not merely conjectural”
    harms; and second, that the ban as applied to the FOP
    Plaintiffs addresses these harms in a “direct and material
    NTEU, 513 U.S. at 475
    . As we shall explain, we agree
    with the District Court that the City has established real
    harms, but we disagree with its conclusion that the Charter
    ban is an appropriately tailored means of addressing those
    instance where the Supreme Court applied Pickering’s case-
    by-case balancing test and found that the government’s
    interests prevailed. Nor did the NTEU Court, in distinguishing
    Letter Carriers, suggest that political restrictions should be
    reviewed under a more deferential framework. Rather, it
    found that the Hatch Act’s “employee-protective rationale”
    was more compelling than the honoraria ban’s “general
    interest in workplace efficiency,” and that, unlike its efforts
    with the honoraria ban, “Congress effectively designed the
    Hatch Act to combat demonstrated ill effects” of its 
    interests. 513 U.S. at 471
    . Indeed, the NTEU Court explicitly cast
    Letter Carriers as a specific application of the Pickering test,
    clarifying: “Because the discussion in [Letter Carriers]
    essentially restated in balancing terms our approval of the
    Hatch Act in Public Workers v. Mitchell, we did not
    determine how the components of the Pickering balance
    should be analyzed in the context of a sweeping statutory
    impediment to speech.” 
    Id. at 467
    (citation omitted). Absent a
    more persuasive argument, we decline to read Letter Carriers
    as creating a separate framework for review, and apply NTEU
    in accordance with our prior opinion in Swartzwelder.
    To demonstrate “real, not merely conjectural” harms, a
    government must not only identify legitimate interests, but
    also provide evidence that those concerns exist. 
    Id. at 472
    (finding that Congress had failed to show “real” harms
    because, while its “interest [was] undeniably powerful,” it
    failed to cite evidence of misconduct); cf. Nixon v. Shrink Mo.
    Gov’t PAC, 
    528 U.S. 377
    , 392 (2000) (“We have never
    accepted mere conjecture as adequate to carry a First
    Amendment burden.”).
    Here, the City has articulated four legitimate interests
    drawn from its experience with machine politics. First, the
    City must ensure that the police enforce the law without bias
    or favoritism, which includes even the appearance of
    “practicing political justice.” City Br. at 26. Second, it seeks
    to enable employment and advancement within the
    Philadelphia Police Department based on merit, not political
    affiliation or performance. Third, the City wishes to protect
    subordinate employees from having to support candidates
    favored by their superiors. And finally, the City has an
    interest in maintaining the efficiency and quality of the
    services provided by the police.
    The interests identified by the City have longstanding
    pedigree and have been repeatedly recognized by the
    Supreme Court as justifying the curtailment of public
    employee speech. See, e.g., Letter 
    Carriers, 413 U.S. at 564
    see also Citizens 
    United, 558 U.S. at 341
    (emphasizing the
    continued validity of Letter Carriers and its proposition that
    “there are certain governmental functions that cannot operate
    without some restrictions on particular kinds of speech”);
    Broadrick, 413 U.S. at 611
    Mitchell, 330 U.S. at 101
    In Letter Carriers, for example, the Supreme Court
    upheld the constitutionality of a section of the Hatch Act that
    prohibited federal employees from taking “an active part in
    political management or in political 
    campaigns.” 413 U.S. at 550
    (quoting 5 U.S.C. § 7324(A)(2)). Under that law, federal
    employees were precluded from, inter alia, running for
    political office, organizing a partisan political campaign, and
    actively soliciting votes and funds for a candidate.11 
    Id. at 556.
    The provision of the Hatch Act at issue in Letter
    Carriers, 5 U.S.C. § 7324(A)(2), provides in part:
    (a) An employee in an Executive agency or an
    individual employee employed by the
    government of the District of Columbia may
    (1) use his official authority or influence for the
    purpose of interfering with or affecting the
    result of an election; or
    (2) take an active part in political management
    or in political campaigns.
    For the purpose of this subsection, the phrase
    “an active part in political management or in
    political campaigns” means those acts of
    political management or political campaigning
    which were prohibited on the part of employees
    in the competitive service before July 19, 1940,
    by determinations of the Civil Service
    The Supreme Court’s decision turned on Congress’s
    legitimate interest in regulating the conduct of its employees:
    it reasoned that such restrictions were necessary if
    government were “to operate effectively and fairly, elections
    are to play their proper part in representative government, and
    employees themselves are to be sufficiently free from
    improper influences.” 
    Id. at 564.
    Four interests—which the
    City echoes in this case—were particularly pertinent. First,
    Congress had a generalized interest in ensuring that federal
    employees administered the “impartial execution of the laws”
    in accordance with congressional, not partisan, will. 
    Id. at 565.
    The Hatch Act’s mandate against partisan political
    activities “reduce[d] [such] hazards to fair and effective
    Id. Second, it
    was important for Congress to maintain a
    civil service that was politically neutral in fact and in
    appearance, “if confidence in the system of representative
    Commission under the rules prescribed by the
    (b) An employee or individual to whom
    subsection (a) of this section applies retains the
    right to vote as he chooses and to express his
    opinion on political subjects and candidates.
    The Hatch Act included a specific exemption for political
    contributions, providing that “[a]n employee may make
    political contributions to any committee, organization, or
    person not employed by the United States.” Id.; see also 5
    C.F.R. pt. 733 (allowing employees to “[m]ake a financial
    contribution to a political party or organization”).
    Government is not to be eroded to a disastrous extent.” 
    Id. Relatedly, Congress
    expressed a legitimate interest in
    preventing “the rapidly expanding Government work force
    [from being] employed to build a powerful, invincible and
    perhaps corrupt political machine.” 
    Id. The Hatch
    Act, by
    barring federal employees from formal positions in partisan
    political groups, addressed these concerns because it
    precluded parties from “using . . . federal employees . . . to
    man [their] political structure and political campaigns.” 
    Id. at 565–66.
    Finally, the Court highlighted Congress’s interest in
    ensuring that federal employees did not feel pressured or
    coerced, either expressly or implicitly, to vote or perform
    political chores “to curry favor with their superiors rather than
    act out of their own beliefs.” 
    Id. at 566.
    These, the Court held,
    were “obviously important interests sought to be served by
    the limitations on partisan political activities.” 
    Id. at 564
    (emphasis added).
    The Supreme Court’s recognition of these interests in
    Letter Carriers adhered to almost a century of consistent
    precedent. In Mitchell, a case whose holding Letter Carriers
    “unhesitatingly reaffirm[ed],” 
    id. at 556,
    the Supreme Court
    upheld the Hatch Act’s restrictions against an employee who
    had neither policymaking authority nor contact with the
    public, reasoning that Congress had a legitimate fear of “the
    cumulative effect on employee morale of political activity by
    all employees who could be induced to participate 
    actively.” 330 U.S. at 101
    . Mitchell, in turn, relied on Ex parte Curtis,
    106 U.S. 371
    (1882), which permitted Congress to prohibit
    political contributions between government employees.
    There, the Supreme Court validated Congress’s concern that
    government favor could be channeled through political
    connections: “If contributions . . . may be solicited by others
    in official authority, it is easy to see that what begins as a
    request may end as a demand.” 
    Id. at 374.
    The Curtis Court
    noted that such contributions would “quite as likely be made .
    . . to avoid a discharge from service, not to exercise a political
    Id. In light
    of the City’s “obviously important interests,”
    Carriers, 413 U.S. at 564
    , our inquiry turns to whether
    the City has presented adequate evidence of harm connecting
    political contributions with systemic corruption by the police.
    As we summarized in section 
    I.C, supra
    , the City has entered
    into the record over a century of “concrete experience with
    the evils of the political spoils system.” 
    NTEU, 513 U.S. at 483
    (O’Connor, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part).
    The City has shown, and the FOP Plaintiffs concede, that the
    City’s concerns about the connection between police abuse
    and machine politics were justified when the Home Rule
    Charter was enacted in 1951.
    Over sixty years later, however, the record is
    essentially devoid of the harms that motivated the Charter’s
    passage. To suggest today that there is a Republican machine
    that controls Philadelphia politics would be viewed as absurd
    by even a casual political observer. Indeed, with that party
    having been reduced to a mere 12 percent of registered
    voters,12 it is now reasonable to conclude that the Democratic
    As of June 30, 2014, of the 1,031,913 registered
    voters in Philadelphia County, 78 percent identified as
    Democrats and 12 percent registered as Republicans. See Pa.
    Dep’t of State, Voter Registration Statistics, available at
    registration_statistics/12725. Over the last decade alone,
    Party dominates the city’s politics.13 Regardless of whether
    such is the case, the City submitted no evidence to suggest
    that the Democratic Party has corrupted, or is attempting to
    corrupt, the Philadelphia Police as the Republican Party had
    done during the first half of the twentieth century.14
    Republicans have experienced a 30 percent decline in
    registered voters. 
    Id. 13 In
    the 2012 general election, Democrats won all 40
    of the races on the ballot in Philadelphia County. In 2007,
    they prevailed in 21 of 22 races in Philadelphia’s municipal
    elections. See Office of Phila. City Comm’rs, Prior Year
    Election            Results,           available          at:
    Our observation that the City failed to offer evidence
    of such harm should not be taken to mean that political
    corruption writ large no longer exists. The relatively recent
    convictions of local Democratic politicians suggest that
    corruption remains an ongoing problem in Philadelphia. See,
    e.g., Ex-City Official Is Convicted in Philadelphia Corruption
    Case, N.Y. Times, May 10, 2005, available at
    ta=y&_r= (conviction of Philadelphia City Treasurer in 2005
    for, inter alia, fraud and extortion); Councilman Found Guilty
    on 18 Counts, The Daily Pennsylvanian, Mar. 20, 2006,
    available                                                      at
    lty_on_18_counts (conviction of City Councilman Rick
    Mariano in 2006 for bribery); see also George Anastasia,
    George Schwartz, Abscam Figure, is Dead at 95, Phila.
    Further, the statutory backdrop of the Charter ban has
    changed significantly since it was first enacted in 1951. The
    City now has in place a system of comprehensive civil service
    regulations that detail requirements for civic employment,
    advancement, and dismissal. Collective bargaining
    arrangements further insulate individual officers from the
    pressure of negotiating their own employment contracts.
    Moreover, the City offered no evidence that FOP’s internal
    mechanisms are linked with hiring and advancement within
    the Philadelphia Police Department or that officers are
    pressured to contribute to political causes supported by FOP.
    In fact, the City’s only showing of present-day police
    corruption consists of articles about “dirty cops” and corrupt
    politicians. We recognize that such misconduct by officers
    and politicians remains a significant concern. But these
    problems are of a completely different nature than those that
    gave rise to the 1951 Charter. Unlike the systemic corruption
    that led to the Charter ban, the City’s episodic and
    individualized evidence shows only that human frailty affects
    police officers, just as it affects all walks of life. Cf.
    Wachsman v. City of Dallas, 
    704 F.2d 160
    , 167 (5th Cir.
    1983) (noting that similar contribution restrictions targeted
    “such human traits as personal ambition, greed, fear, and the
    like”). Thus, while the City has demonstrated historic harm in
    Inquirer,        Mar.      27,     2010,       available     at
    political-career (describing the role of several members of the
    Philadelphia City Council in the 1980 Abscam scandal). We
    emphasize that the City has provided no evidence that these
    convictions are related to systemic police corruption.
    spades, its evidence of recent politically-orchestrated harm is
    This inadequacy does not, however, render incorrect
    the District Court’s finding that the City satisfied the first
    prong of NTEU. A legislature need not, in the absence of
    concrete evidence to the contrary, rejustify past harms in light
    of changed circumstances.15 See, e.g., Fed. Election Comm’n
    v. Beaumont, 
    539 U.S. 146
    , 162 n.9 (2003), abrogated on
    other grounds by Citizens United, 
    558 U.S. 310
    ; Letter
    Carriers, 413 U.S. at 567
    ; United States v. Carolene Prods.
    304 U.S. 144
    , 153 (1938). Courts have taken a cautious
    approach when reviewing longstanding restrictions,
    acknowledging that when regulation has succeeded, it is often
    difficult to discover evidence that the targeted abuses
    continue to exist. See Fed. Election Comm’n v. Colo.
    Republican Fed. Campaign Comm., 
    533 U.S. 431
    , 457 (2001)
    (recognizing the “difficulty of mustering evidence to support
    long-enforced statutes” because there is no recent experience
    absent the restriction) (citation and internal quotation marks
    omitted); Letter 
    Carriers, 413 U.S. at 567
    (deferring to
    Congress’s determination of harm, as the Court was “not now
    in any position to dispute it”). This is true with corruption,
    which, given its amorphous nature, is particularly hard to
    quantify and prove. As a result, “judicial restraint is
    particularly warranted where . . . we deal with a [legislative]
    This rule does not, as the FOP Plaintiffs contend,
    place an improper burden on the police to prove an absence
    of harm. The City has already demonstrated harm through
    historic data; its concerns are not “merely conjectural”
    because they actually occurred. 
    NTEU, 513 U.S. at 475
    judgment that has remained           essentially   unchanged.”
    Beaumont, 539 U.S. at 162
    In our opinion, the Charter ban warrants such judicial
    caution: it addressed real harms at the time of its enactment,
    was the product of decades of legislative adjustment, and has
    remained unchanged for more than six decades.16 Cf. Fed.
    Commc’ns Comm’n v. League of Women Voters of Cal., 
    468 U.S. 364
    , 401 n.27 (1984) (noting that the Hatch Act
    “evolved over a century of governmental experience with less
    restrictive alternatives that proved to be inadequate to
    maintain the effective operation of government”). This does
    not mean that a government may indefinitely restrict its
    employees’ First Amendment rights by referencing some
    bygone harm. Cf. 
    McCutcheon, 134 S. Ct. at 1456
    absence of such a prospect today belies the Government’s
    asserted objective of preventing corruption or its
    appearance.”). But here, the FOP Plaintiffs have offered little
    to dispel the City’s concerns. Although civil service reforms
    and collective bargaining legislation have significantly altered
    the regulatory environment, the FOP Plaintiffs have not
    The FOP Plaintiffs contend that City Bill No.
    060181—the ordinance that provides for payroll deductions
    to COPPAC—constituted a legislative determination that the
    contribution ban is no longer necessary. We disagree because
    the ordinance itself has no legal significance, as there is no
    evidence the City Council had the Charter ban in mind when
    it enacted the ordinance, and the Charter may be amended
    only through the submission of proposed changes to the
    general electorate. See Pa. Cons. Stat. § 13106.
    shown that the City’s concerns of police partiality and
    politicized personnel practices are now unfounded.17
    The FOP Plaintiffs cite Fire Fighters and Shelby
    County, Alabama v. Holder, 
    133 S. Ct. 2612
    (2013), as
    requiring legislators to provide present-day evidence of harm.
    These cases, however, are distinguishable because those
    plaintiffs demonstrated an absence of harm.
    In Fire Fighters, which struck down the Charter ban as
    applied against Philadelphia’s firefighters, the district court
    found that the City’s two proffered concerns were
    unsubstantiated by the 
    record. 286 F. Supp. 2d at 482
    . First,
    the City contended—as it does in this appeal—that the ban on
    political contributions was necessary to prevent politicized
    hiring and promotion practices. However, the union presented
    evidence that in spite of politician intervention, “the [Fire]
    Commissioner relied on detailed protocols on making
    personnel decisions.” 
    Id. at 481.
    Philadelphia’s police, by
    contrast, have not made such a demonstration. Second, the
    City contended that firefighters’ donations would
    compromise the integrity of fire code inspections. This, too,
    the district court found illogical, as non-uniformed employees
    of the fire department, who could contribute to FIREPAC (the
    union’s political action committee), also conducted fire
    Id. at 481–82.
    Similarly, the Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby
    County rested on conclusive evidence that the circumstances
    motivating the enactment of section 4 of the Voting Rights
    Act had changed 
    “dramatically.” 133 S. Ct. at 2625
    . There,
    the Shelby County Court, in assessing the validity of section 4
    under the Fourteenth Amendment, found that the provision’s
    Moreover, the City has demonstrated a real risk of
    future harm. For example, COPPAC’s ability to fund
    candidates for judicial office may prove to be a concern, as
    the police frequently testify in court and interact with the
    judicial system. FOP’s practice of distributing “courtesy
    cards” to large donors also may threaten public confidence in
    the police’s impartial enforcement of the law: because police
    exercise significant discretion in their everyday work, a card
    that extends the union’s “every courtesy” to its holder may
    become an improper ticket to preferential treatment.
    Similarly, the institution of paycheck deduction
    mechanisms—here, City Bill No. 060181—may create
    pressure on individual officers to donate to COPPAC,
    because when contributions are “solicited by others in official
    authority . . . what begins as a request may end as a demand.”
    Curtis, 106 U.S. at 374
    In sum, the District Court did not err when it found
    that the City identified legitimate interests in the efficiency
    and integrity of its police. And while there is no recent
    evidence of systemic political corruption of the police, the
    FOP Plaintiffs have failed to dispel the City’s legitimate
    historic concerns. Accordingly, we conclude that the City has
    demonstrated “real, not merely conjectural” harms under
    formula relied on decades-old data that captured
    discriminatory literacy tests and poll taxes—practices that had
    since been eliminated. See 
    id. at 2621–22.
    This showing of harm does not render the Charter ban
    constitutional, however, as the City must also satisfy NTEU’s
    second prong—namely, that the ban will “in fact alleviate [its
    proposed] harms in a direct and material 
    way.” 513 U.S. at 475
    (citation omitted).
    While NTEU did not explicitly establish a tailoring
    requirement, we have noted that “such a requirement seems to
    be implicit in the Court’s discussion.” 
    Swartzwelder, 297 F.3d at 236
    . Indeed, in holding unconstitutional the honoraria ban
    at issue in that case, the NTEU Court found that the ban was
    “crudely crafted” and not “a reasonable response to the
    [government’s] posited 
    harms.” 513 U.S. at 475
    –77; see also
    McCutcheon, 134 S. Ct. at 1456
    (“In the First Amendment
    context, fit matters.”). Proper tailoring does not require the
    regulation to redress the harm entirely. See Mariani v. United
    212 F.3d 761
    , 774 (3d Cir. 2000). But when “the
    burden comes closer to impairing core first amendment
    values, or impairs some given first amendment value more
    substantially, the requisite closeness of fit of means and end
    increases accordingly.” Morial v. Judiciary Comm’n of La.,
    565 F.2d 295
    , 300 (5th Cir. 1977) (distilling Elrod v. Burns,
    427 U.S. 347
    (1976), Buckley, 
    424 U.S. 1
    , and Letter
    413 U.S. 548
    ); see also 
    NTEU, 513 U.S. at 483
    (O’Connor, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part)
    (under Pickering, “[a]s the magnitude of intrusion on
    employees’ interests rises, so does the Government’s burden
    of justification”).
    Traditionally, contributions are not afforded the same
    protections as direct forms of political expression—for
    example,       campaign       expenditures—because        “the
    transformation of contributions into political debates involves
    speech by someone other than the contributor.” 
    Beaumont, 539 U.S. at 161
    –62 (citing 
    Buckley, 424 U.S. at 20
    “[B]ecause contributions lie closer to the edges than to the
    core of political expression,” restrictions on political
    contributions are “merely ‘marginal,’” 
    id. at 161,
    and are
    permissible if the government can show they are “closely
    drawn” to serve a “sufficiently important interest.” 
    Buckley, 424 U.S. at 25
    ; see also 
    McCutcheon, 134 S. Ct. at 1437
    (adhering to “Buckley’s distinction between contributions and
    expenditures and the corresponding distinction in standards of
    But “[e]ven when the Court is not applying strict
    scrutiny,” it still requires “a fit that is not necessarily perfect,
    but reasonable; that represents not necessarily the single best
    disposition but one whose scope is in proportion to the
    interest served, . . . that employs not necessarily the least
    restrictive means but . . . a means narrowly tailored to achieve
    the desired objective.” 
    McCutcheon, 134 S. Ct. at 1456
    (quoting Bd. of Trustees of State Univ. of N.Y. v. Fox, 
    492 U.S. 469
    , 480 (1989)) (internal quotation marks omitted). For
    the reasons that follow, we find that the Charter ban, as
    implemented and applied in this case, is poorly tailored to the
    City’s articulated interests. Because the ban is not “closely
    drawn to avoid unnecessary abridgment of associational
    Buckley, 424 U.S. at 25
    , it unconstitutionally
    restricts the FOP Plaintiffs’ participation in the political
    The City argues that Letter Carriers requires us to
    defer to legislative judgment when determining whether a
    restriction on political activity adequately balances the
    interests of the government and its employees. As support for
    this proposition, it emphasizes the following quotation from
    Letter Carriers:
    Although Congress is free to strike a different
    balance than it has, if it so chooses, we think the
    balance it has so far struck is sustainable by the
    obviously important interests sought to be
    served by the limitations on partisan political
    activities now contained in the Hatch 
    Act. 413 U.S. at 564
    . Several courts, including two other courts of
    appeals, have relied on this language to uphold regulations
    prohibiting public employees from contributing directly to
    political campaigns. See, e.g., Int’l Ass’n of Fire Fighters v.
    City of Ferguson, 
    283 F.3d 969
    , 971 (8th Cir. 2002)
    (upholding a provision that prohibited employees from giving
    money to any candidate for mayor or city council); Reeder v.
    Bd. of Police Comm’rs, 
    733 F.2d 543
    , 547 (8th Cir. 1984)
    (upholding a Missouri statute that prevented police officers
    from contributing to political campaigns); 
    Wachsman, 704 F.2d at 165
    (upholding a provision in Dallas’s municipal
    charter that banned public employees from donating to local
    We decline the City’s invitation to read Letter Carriers
    as requiring us to abandon the NTEU fit analysis. The
    Supreme Court in Letter Carriers did not simply defer to
    legislative judgment as to what constituted appropriate
    regulation. Instead, after a careful weighing of the relevant
    interests, the Court held that Congress had satisfied the
    Pickering analysis. 
    413 U.S. 564
    Pickering, 391 U.S. at 568
    ). Indeed, the Court devoted much of its analysis
    to matching the Hatch Act’s restrictions to Congress’s
    interests. It found that Congress had demonstrated how
    federal employees’ public participation in political
    campaigns—for example, as a candidate or the head of a
    political group—had the direct effect of creating an
    appearance of impropriety and of risking that federal service
    could be used for political ends. See 
    id. In essence,
    had found a proper solution—perhaps one among many—that
    created a “sustainable” balance between its concerns and its
    employees’ First Amendment interests. Id.; see also 
    NTEU, 513 U.S. at 467
    (characterizing the Letter Carriers decision
    as an application of the Pickering balancing test).
    Nor does the City’s invocation of Curtis and Kelley v.
    425 U.S. 238
    (1976), prove persuasive. In Curtis,
    the Supreme Court upheld a statute that prohibited federal
    employees from soliciting, receiving, and donating political
    contributions to each 
    other. 106 U.S. at 371
    . In sustaining the
    ban, the Court was convinced by Congress’s rationales,
    reminiscent of those offered here, that “government itself may
    be made to furnish indirectly the money to defray the
    expenses of keeping the [controlling] political party in
    power,” and that “a refusal [to contribute] may lead to putting
    good men out of the service, [and] liberal payments may be
    made the ground for keeping poor ones in.” 
    Id. at 375.
    In our
    view, Curtis is of limited relevance to this appeal because it
    was limited to contributions between employees. In fact, the
    Curtis Court was explicit in clarifying that the statute at issue
    did not “prohibit all contributions” by federal employees for
    political purposes, but “simply forbids their receiving from or
    giving to each other.” 
    Id. at 371–72
    (emphasis added). Curtis
    thus left for another day the consideration of other types of
    political contributions, such as those made directly to
    candidates and to political action committees.
    In Kelley, the Supreme Court upheld a county
    regulation that limited the hair length of male police officers,
    reasoning that the restriction was justified given the “overall
    need for discipline, esprit de corps, and uniformity” in the
    force. 425 U.S. at 246
    . In doing so, the Court included
    broad dicta regarding appropriate restrictions on the police:
    [The county] has, in accordance with its well-
    established duty to keep the peace, placed
    myriad demands upon the members of the
    police force, duties which have no counterpart
    with respect to the public at large. Respondent
    must wear a standard uniform, specific in each
    detail. When in uniform he must salute the flag.
    He may not take an active role in local political
    affairs by way of being a party delegate or
    contributing      or     soliciting     political
    contributions. He may not smoke in public.
    Id. at 245–46
    (emphasis added). The City views the expansive
    language italicized above as a “fairly clear implication . . .
    that a restriction on contributions would be upheld.” City Br.
    at 29 (quoting 
    Reeder, 733 F.2d at 548
    ). We disagree,
    because the dicta cited cannot bear the weight the City places
    upon it. See Toucey v. N.Y. Life Ins. Co., 
    314 U.S. 118
    , 139–
    40 (1941) (departing from “[l]oose language” when
    considering a question “with our eyes open and in the light of
    full consideration”); cf. 
    McCutcheon, 134 S. Ct. at 1447
    (declining to be bound by Buckley’s anticircumvention
    holding because the discussion consisted of “three sentences .
    . . that were written without the benefit of full briefing or
    The Eighth Circuit’s decision in Reeder, though it too
    upheld a ban on contributions by police officers, is similarly
    distinguishable. The plaintiff in Reeder, an officer of the
    Kansas City Police Department, was fired for donating to the
    campaign of a congressional candidate in Independence,
    Missouri. 733 F.2d at 545
    . He claimed that the ban should not
    apply to his donation because the candidate had no
    connection with local politics or the city’s police department.
    Id. The Eighth
    Circuit, citing a similar state court decision,
    Pollard v. Board of Police Commissioners, 
    665 S.W.2d 333
    (Mo. 1984) (en banc),18 rejected this argument, reasoning that
    In Pollard, a Kansas City police officer was
    dismissed after his superiors discovered he had contributed to
    the campaign of a candidate for his congressional district, in
    violation of the same Missouri 
    statute. 665 S.W.2d at 335
    The Reeder court adopted the reasoning in Pollard in its
    entirety. 733 F.2d at 545
    (“[T]here is no point in repeating an
    analysis already so well set out.”).
    Like Philadelphia, Kansas City was beholden to a
    patronage system of politics—there, the Democratic Party
    controlled by “Boss Tom” Pendergast—which was sustained
    in part by police brutality:
    Policemen who belonged to the party out of
    power were discharged. Those who remained,
    and those newly hired, were obliged to profess
    adherence to and to contribute a portion of their
    salaries to the support of the dominant political
    party. There followed substantial discoveries of
    the ban was rational given the close connection between
    local, state, and federal politics. See 
    Pollard, 665 S.W.2d at 340
    . According to the Reeder court, a contribution to a
    federal congressional campaign might well benefit a Kansas
    City politician who had “made common cause” with a federal
    733 F.2d 547
    Pollard, 665 S.W.2d at 340
    ), raising the concern that a politician could “influence for
    good or ill the career of a city police officer.” 
    Id. Unlike Reeder,
    this appeal does not involve officers’
    direct contributions to political candidates, and thus does not
    implicate the Eighth Circuit’s concerns about quid pro quo
    corruption.19 The Supreme Court reiterated just last Term that
    corruption touching not only the police
    department but the entire governmental
    structure of Kansas City.
    Pollard, 665 S.W.2d at 335
    . Like the Charter ban in this case,
    the Missouri statute aimed to protect the police from the
    pressure to contribute to the party in power, to protect the
    public from a politicized police force, and to guard against a
    general rise in municipal corruption. 
    Id. 19 It
    is also important to note that Reeder predates
    NTEU, which imposed a higher burden on the government to
    justify ex ante restrictions on employee speech, and
    demanded that the government articulate a tighter fit between
    its means and ends. Reeder’s reliance on Letter Carriers—the
    most relevant case at the time—and its since-repudiated
    characterization of public employment as a conditional
    privilege, compare McAuliffe v. Mayor of New Bedford, 
    29 N.E. 517
    , 517–18 (Mass. 1892) (“[A policeman] may have a
    constitutional right to talk politics, but he has no
    “there is not the same risk of quid pro quo corruption or its
    appearance when money flows through independent actors
    [such as a political action committee] to a candidate, as when
    a donor contributes to a candidate directly.” 
    McCutcheon, 134 S. Ct. at 1452
    . “The risk of quid pro quo corruption is
    generally applicable only to ‘the narrow category of money
    gifts that are directed . . . to a candidate or officeholder.’” 
    Id. (quoting McConnell
    v. Fed. Election Comm’n, 
    540 U.S. 93
    310 (2003) (Kennedy, J., concurring in part and dissenting in
    part)); see also Ariz. Free Enter. Club’s Freedom Club PAC
    v. Bennett, 
    131 S. Ct. 2806
    , 2826 (2011) (finding that the
    intervention of a political action committee that is
    independent of a specific candidate breaks the “candidate-
    funding circuit”).
    Here, the individual Appellants wish to contribute to
    COPPAC, a political action committee that serves as an
    intermediary between donors and candidates. As the FOP
    Plaintiffs emphasize, donors to COPPAC have no say in how
    the funds are disbursed because FOP’s leadership determines
    whether funds are used for information or for political
    campaigns. In light of this separation, since Citizens United,
    courts of appeals have consistently invalidated restrictions on
    contributions to political action committees, even under
    Buckley’s more relaxed standard for restrictions on
    contributions. See N.Y. Progress & Protection PAC v. Walsh,
    constitutional right to be a policeman.”), with Keyishian v.
    Bd. of Regents, 
    385 U.S. 589
    , 603–04 (1967), suggest that the
    Eighth Circuit may have given undue deference to the
    government’s interests.
    733 F.3d 483
    , 487 (2d Cir. 2013) (collecting cases).20 For this
    reason, we are unpersuaded by the City’s reliance on the
    Eighth Circuit’s 1984 Reeder decision—and its concern
    regarding quid pro quo corruption—to justify the Charter
    ban’s restriction on Appellants’ First Amendment rights.
    As our preceding discussion demonstrates, we face a
    unique regulatory scheme forged from Philadelphia’s
    experience with political patronage, “at a different point in
    the development of campaign finance regulation.”
    McCutcheon, 134 S. Ct. at 1447
    (reconsidering anew
    Buckley’s anticircumvention holding in light of current
    campaign finance decisions). The FOP Plaintiffs’ challenge
    against the Charter ban, as implemented by the current
    regulatory scheme, “thus merits our plenary consideration.”
    Id. The Supreme
    Court has expressed skepticism of
    political speech restrictions based on broad anticorruption
    rationales in recent campaign finance decisions. Last Term, in
    McCutcheon, it reiterated that Congress may take action only
    to address quid pro quo corruption and not “the appearance of
    mere influence or access.” 
    Id. at 1451.
    This development,
    See, e.g., Texans for Free Enter. v. Tex. Ethics
    732 F.3d 535
    , 537 (5th Cir. 2013); Long Beach
    Area Chamber of Commerce v. City of Long Beach, 
    603 F.3d 684
    , 696 (9th Cir. 2010); SpeechNow.org v. Fed. Election
    599 F.3d 686
    , 695 (D.C. Cir. 2010) (en banc); see
    also N.C. Right to Life, Inc. v. Leake, 
    525 F.3d 274
    , 293 (4th
    Cir. 2008) (pre-Citizens United).
    coupled with the Court’s increased solicitude for the First
    Amendment rights of government workers, see, e.g.,
    Keyishian v. Bd. of Regents, 
    385 U.S. 589
    , 603–04 (1967),
    requires us to take care in determining that the Charter ban is
    closely tailored to the City’s aims. Contrary to the District
    Court, we find that the lack of fit between the City’s
    purported interests and the Charter ban renders the restriction
    an unacceptable response to the posited harms.
    The District Court held that the contribution ban was a
    reasonable regulation, as it was enacted to end the practice of
    compulsory       political   contributions     that    sustained
    Philadelphia’s political machine. Despite this conclusion, the
    City has failed, before both the District Court and this Court,
    to cite a single explanation as to how the contribution ban has
    directly mitigated its concerns. In fact, the record
    demonstrates the exact opposite: the 1919 Charter contained
    the same prohibition on political contributions by the police,
    but did nothing to undermine the patronage system. Even
    with the contribution ban in place, machine politics persisted,
    as the 1919 Charter’s perpetuation of a weak executive
    enabled the manipulation and circumvention of its edicts. For
    that reason, the District Court expressed uncertainty about the
    independent impact of the ban:
    It is impossible to determine the degree to
    which the contributions ban has reduced and
    continues to ward off endemic corruption in
    City Government and the [Philadelphia Police
    Department], although the likely answer is that
    Philadelphia’s era of machine politics ended as
    a result of the combined effect of several
    measures, including Civil Service reforms, laws
    insulating government administration from
    political forces, as well as the challenged ban.
    Lodge No. 5, 
    2013 WL 638615
    , at *9 (emphasis added).
    Similarly, none of the City’s expert reports, which discuss the
    efficacy of the Home Rule Charter, attribute success to the
    contribution ban. Rather, they point to the Charter’s
    institution of a strong mayoral position—a reform made
    possible only by the concurrent dismantling of the Republican
    political machine—and the execution of comprehensive civil
    service regulations as the strongest reasons for reform. See
    Charter History at 3; Shore Report at 7. Thus, even if the
    Charter ban had effect at the time of its enactment—a fact
    belied by the record—the City now has in place a system of
    statutory safeguards that more directly address its concerns.
    In light of these more targeted measures, the Charter ban
    appears “particularly heavy-handed.” Cf. McCutcheon, 134 S.
    Ct. at 1446.
    The City also fails to persuade us why the contribution
    ban should apply only to the police, and not to the
    approximately 20,000 other individuals in its employ. The
    record shows that the Republican machine historically
    extracted political assessments from all civic employees: the
    practice was so pervasive that, in the early 20th century, the
    machine collected contributions from 94 percent of the city’s
    workforce. Shore Report at 2. If the Charter ban’s purpose
    was to end such compulsory wage contributions, it is unclear
    why the City would enforce the ban only against the police.
    Moreover, the City has made no attempt to show that the
    Democratic Party’s recent dominance in Philadelphia politics
    was achieved through corruption.
    We understand that in certain circumstances, the City
    may distinguish police officers from other public employees
    because of their unique role in law enforcement. Cf.
    Broadrick, 413 U.S. at 607
    n.5 (holding, in response to an
    equal protection challenge, that the government may single
    out certain classes of employees for restrictions on political
    expression). No other public role is “charged with the duty to
    protect life and property, prevent crime, and preserve the
    public peace and enforce the laws,” and the police are the
    only civic employees entrusted with the legitimate use of
    lethal force. Note, The Policeman: Must He Be A Second-
    Class Citizen With Regard to His First Amendment Rights?,
    46 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 536, 538 (1971) (internal quotation marks
    omitted). For this reason, we and other courts have allowed
    legislatures to regulate the police to a greater degree than
    other civic employees when the restriction serves a
    meaningful end. See, e.g., Webb v. City of Phila., 
    562 F.3d 256
    , 261 (3d Cir. 2009) (prohibiting a policewoman from
    wearing a headscarf, as it would threaten the perception of
    neutrality); see also 
    Kelley, 425 U.S. at 246
    Reeder, 733 F.2d at 547
    ; Muller v. Conlisk, 
    429 F.2d 901
    , 904 (7th Cir. 1970)
    (finding that the need for internal discipline and paramilitary
    structure distinguishes policemen from other public servants).
    Here, however, the City’s concern that the police
    remain “above reproach,” A92, relates only to its general
    interest in the impartial and apolitical provision of its
    services—a concern that applies equally to all city employees.
    The four interests the City has advanced in this case—
    unbiased law enforcement, merit-based advancement,
    employee protection, and departmental integrity—speak
    generally to the efficient operation of civic bureaucracy.
    Moreover, that the police are involved in public safety does
    not salvage the City’s cause, as Philadelphia firefighters, who
    also discharge a critical public safety duty, are not subject to
    the Charter ban and can readily contribute to FIREPAC.
    Although the City expresses strong interests in this case, its
    general power to regulate political expression does not
    automatically trigger the “lesser included authority” to ban
    speech by certain groups; its “selectivity must itself pass
    constitutional muster.” Latino Officers 
    Ass’n, 196 F.3d at 468
    (citing Schacht v. United States, 
    398 U.S. 58
    , 62–63 (1970)).
    Because the City does not enforce the Charter ban against the
    balance of its employees, it must explain why the ban has
    special significance against the police. We find that its
    invocation of historic police abuse—when the record shows
    that the contribution ban in fact aimed to dismantle political
    assessments levied against almost all of the city’s
    employees—is insufficient to justify the second-class
    treatment of the police.
    In lieu of a more precise explanation, the City focuses
    its appeal on an amorphous justification for the Charter ban,
    claiming that the ban is an integral part of a carefully
    calibrated, comprehensive scheme that insulates the police
    from “all political activity.” A265 (emphasis added). The
    City therefore contends that any change in this carefully
    designed scheme—for example, striking down the
    contribution ban—would lead to the parade of horribles
    detailed in its brief.
    The City’s argument in this respect is undermined
    thoroughly by the under-inclusiveness of the current scheme.
    As Regulation 8 makes clear, the police are hardly removed
    from politics. Officers, for instance, may engage in political
    expression so long as it is not coordinated with a partisan
    political group, and they may, among other activities, belong
    to a political party, sign political petitions, and attend political
    events. They may also contribute time and money to
    nonpartisan political causes, including to organizations that
    advocate issues of concern to the police. See generally Bd. of
    Ethics Reg. No. 8. Given these exceptions, the contribution
    ban alone cannot insulate officers from having to curry
    political favor with superiors who might demand that they do
    so: although individual officers cannot contribute funds, they
    can provide many other resources to advance their superiors’
    preferred political causes. The premise of the City’s
    justification, then, is false. Because police officers are
    engaged in politics, the City cannot rest on the vague and
    inaccurate notion of insulating them from “all political
    activity” to justify the Charter ban. NTEU demands a more
    concrete and credible connection between means and ends.
    Philadelphia’s scheme also draws an arbitrary
    distinction between associations of employees, who are not
    subject to the Charter restrictions, and individuals. As the
    District Court found, police officers may join groups and
    associations that advance their political agendas. Some of
    those groups, including FOP, endorse candidates for local
    elections and contribute to their political campaigns. FOP also
    holds fundraisers for these candidates, at which they hand out
    “courtesy cards” to large donors—practices also permitted
    under the regulations. These concerted acts, more than the
    activities of any individual officer, implicate the City’s
    interests in ensuring the impartial enforcement of the law and
    in maintaining the public’s perception of police integrity. But
    the City has not explained why it permits the police union (a
    group perceived to be the collective voice of the police) to
    engage in such expressive activities, while it precludes
    individual police officers (whose involvement is not
    necessarily representative) from doing the same. The current
    scheme, therefore, fails to regulate a substantial part of the
    activity that gives rise to the alleged harms. Cf. Florida Star
    v. B.J.F., 
    491 U.S. 524
    , 540 (1989) (professing “serious
    doubts about whether [the government] is, in fact, serving . . .
    the significant interests which [it] invoke[d]” where the
    statute was under-inclusive); Smith v. Daily Mail Publ’g Co.,
    443 U.S. 97
    , 104–05 (1979) (striking down a statute that
    prohibited the distribution of juvenile defendants’ names
    because the law did not regulate similar dissemination via
    electronic media).
    Our analysis is informed by the D.C. Circuit’s decision
    in Sanjour v. Environmental Protection Agency, 
    56 F.3d 85
    (D.C. Cir. 1995), which held that an under-inclusive
    regulation could not survive under NTEU even though the
    government had presented a real interest. In that case, agency
    employees challenged a regulation that prohibited expense
    reimbursement from private sources only for “non-official
    appearances”; employees could be reimbursed if their
    appearance was approved by the 
    agency. 56 F.3d at 88
    . The
    D.C. Circuit found that this dichotomy between “official” and
    “non-official” events undermined the agency’s rationale, as
    the agency’s interest—to curtail the “threat to the integrity of
    the government occasioned by employees using their public
    office for private gain”—was implicated whether employees’
    business was official or not. 
    Id. at 94–95.
    First, an employee
    would receive the same private benefit “whether the agency
    ‘approve[d]’ [the reimbursement] or not”; second, officially
    sanctioned benefits “create[d] a greater appearance that
    government employment systematically translates into social
    advantage than would the unsanctioned perks of individual
    Id. at 95–96.
    Thus, the regulation, at least based
    on the agency’s articulated interest, could not stand.
    Likewise, here FOP’s involvement in politics raises
    the specter of three of the City’s four stated harms: ensuring
    that the police enforce the law without bias or favoritism;
    protecting subordinate employees from currying the political
    favor of their superiors; and maintaining the efficiency and
    quality, both actual and perceived, of the services provided by
    the police force. As the strongest proof that the “politicization
    of the police” remains a threat, City Br. at 51, the City
    pointed not to instances of individual officer misconduct, but
    to FOP’s practice of handing out courtesy cards and its
    endorsement and financing of local candidates. Because the
    Charter ban applies only to individual officers, it serves no
    appreciable function in curbing these purportedly harmful
    practices. Furthermore, because FOP’s actions are permitted,
    the ban impedes the strength of its lawful message by
    preventing COPPAC from collecting sufficient funds from
    willing union members. This is a strange dichotomy: allowing
    FOP to participate directly in partisan political campaigns,
    while preventing officers from contributing to a political
    action committee unaffiliated with any political candidate.
    Regardless of whether more comprehensive
    restrictions on FOP and officers would be permissible—a
    question we need not determine here—the City’s inconsistent
    treatment of the union and its members fatally erodes its
    justifications for the Charter ban. In this respect, the ban
    operates differently than those considered by the Fifth and
    Eighth Circuits. The contribution ban upheld by the Fifth
    Circuit in Wachsman was part of a larger scheme that
    restricted almost all of city employees’ political expression,
    either in individual or in collective form. There, the city not
    only prohibited its employees from contributing to
    campaigns, but also mandated that “[n]o employee of the city
    or association of such employees may publicly endorse or
    actively support 
    candidates.” 704 F.2d at 162
    (quoting City
    Charter of the City of Dallas § 16(b)(1)) (emphasis added).
    Similarly, the Missouri Supreme Court’s decision in
    Pollard—which was adopted in its entirety by the Eighth
    Circuit in Reeder—reasoned that the state’s ban on political
    donations represented the legislature’s determination that a
    contribution’s “public demonstration of support” was one “a
    police officer should not make.” 
    Pollard, 665 S.W.2d at 341
    Here, the City is of two minds: Regulation 8 expressly
    permits a police officer to make public demonstrations of
    support, either through his union or on his own time, while
    prohibiting him from providing financial support. It is hard to
    fathom how the latter is a more pernicious form of expression
    than the former. Cf. 
    NTEU, 513 U.S. at 475
    (finding that
    “[i]mposing a greater burden on speech than on other off-duty
    activities assumed to pose the same threat to the efficiency of
    the federal service is, at best, anomalous”). And while the
    contribution ban may be directed generally at the problem of
    money in politics, that rationale cannot save the day, for the
    City has not relied upon it in this case. See 
    Sanjour, 56 F.3d at 96
    (“The Pickering/NTEU question . . . is not whether
    some conceivable ‘governmental’ interest might be
    constitutionally advanced by the regulations; . . . we must
    limit our inquiry to the ‘interests the State itself asserts.’”)
    (quoting Edenfield v. Fane, 
    507 U.S. 761
    , 768 (1993)).
    Based on the foregoing, only the City’s third rationale
    for the ban—protecting officers from politically motivated
    practices—has force. The City contends that officers may be
    subject to subtle pressures to contribute to COPPAC, and thus
    “an officer [may] make[] a contribution based on a desire to
    please or avoid the displeasure of superior officers.” A290–
    91; see also City Br. at 51–52. As discussed earlier, FOP
    intends to encourage new recruits to consent to have funds
    automatically deducted from their paychecks and sent to
    COPPAC, raising the concern that officers would be forced to
    donate out of professional obligation instead of personal
    belief. If contributing to COPPAC becomes a mark of an
    officer’s merit, it is possible that these donations could lead to
    the City’s concern of politically motivated hiring and
    advancement. See 
    Wachsman, 704 F.2d at 175
    (finding that
    the contribution ban was “reasonably necessary” to protect
    employees from “undue employee influence”). While the
    FOP Plaintiffs insist that the ban is restrictive and not
    protective, the City’s legitimate goal of shielding employees
    may extend to “employees who do not wish to be protected.”
    Id. In our
    view, the City’s concern is not so much a
    function of an officer’s ability to make contributions; rather,
    it is a consequence of the method by which FOP seeks to
    extract such donations. The FOP Plaintiffs brought this suit to
    compel the City to implement City Bill No. 060181, a payroll
    deduction procedure that would enable the union (and
    potentially an officer’s superiors, who are members of the
    union) to facilitate officers’ recruitment as COPPAC donors.
    We understand why FOP would desire an automatic payroll
    deduction insofar as it stands to reason that its inherently
    coercive nature would probably maximize the amount of
    funds it could raise. Cf. Ysursa v. Pocatello Educ. Ass’n, 
    555 U.S. 353
    , 355 (2009) (recognizing that “unions face
    substantial difficulties in collecting funds for political speech
    without using payroll deductions”). But if the City truly cares
    about insulating its police from such subtle pressures, the
    solution is within its power: it could repeal City Bill No.
    060181. See 
    id. (“The First
    Amendment . . . does not confer
    an affirmative right to use government payroll mechanisms
    for the purpose of obtaining funds for expression.”).
    Furthermore, the City could enforce a more direct restriction
    in Regulation 8, which prohibits employees from soliciting
    contributions at the workplace.
    The Supreme Court recently stated in McCutcheon that
    a contribution restriction is not “closely drawn” if there are
    more targeted alternatives that would serve the government’s
    interests. 134 S. Ct. at 1458
    . There, the Court considered the
    constitutionality of a provision in the Bipartisan Campaign
    Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA), which capped the total amount
    an individual could donate to political candidates and to
    political action committees.21 
    Id. at 1442.
    The government
    argued that the aggregate cap was necessary to prevent the
    circumvention of contribution caps to individual candidates.
    Id. The Court
    found that the aggregate cap was not adequately
    tailored, given the existence of more targeted means to
    accomplish the same objective. 
    Id. at 1458.
    It placed
    particular emphasis on three anticircumvention alternatives.
    First, it found that restrictions on transfers between candidates
    and political committees would more directly address
    Congress’s concern about circumvention without the
    “unnecessary abridgment” of First Amendment rights. 
    Id. 21 BCRA
    imposed two separate limits on campaign
    contributions. Base limits restricted the amount a donor could
    contribute to a particular candidate or committee. Aggregate
    limits, in turn, restricted how much a donor could give in total
    to all candidates or committees. See 2 U.S.C. § 441a.
    Second, tighter earmarking rules would accomplish the same
    Id. at 1458–59.
    And finally, the Court found that, in the
    Internet age, disclosure of the identities of campaign donors
    provided robust protections against corruption. 
    Id. at 1459–
    60. Likewise here, the possibility of multiple solutions for the
    City’s stated concerns—for example, the prohibition of
    automatic paycheck deductions, or greater enforcement of
    existing anti-solicitation measures—bolster our conclusion
    that the Charter’s ban on contributions to a political action
    committee is unconstitutional under the First Amendment.
    In sum, the City has not demonstrated that the Charter
    ban as applied in this case is “closely drawn” to its interests,
    Buckley, 424 U.S. at 25
    , such that it addresses those interests
    in a “direct and material way.” 
    NTEU, 513 U.S. at 475
    Several features of the current scheme demonstrate that the
    City has not met these criteria. The ban prevents police
    officers from donating to a political action committee
    unaffiliated with any political candidate, an act that the
    Supreme Court has stated does not implicate concerns of quid
    pro quo corruption. Nor has the City shown how the ban has
    any causal impact on its stated harms, and the ban is
    illogically under-inclusive, permitting many of the harms that
    the City purportedly seeks to address. These features,
    especially given the availability of less restrictive alternatives,
    compel us to invalidate the Charter ban.
    *      *       *
    We are loath to disturb a component of the Home Rule
    Charter’s legislative scheme, particularly in light of
    Philadelphia’s historic struggles with police and political
    corruption and the Charter’s centrality to the City’s efforts to
    foster good government. The City has satisfied its burden
    under NTEU that it has veritable interests in maintaining the
    integrity and impartiality of its police force, in promoting
    merit-based hiring and advancement, in insulating officers
    from political pressure, and in ensuring the efficiency and
    quality of police services.
    But as the NTEU Court reiterated: “Fear of serious
    injury cannot alone justify suppression of free speech and
    assembly. . . . To justify suppression of free speech there must
    be reasonable ground to fear that serious evil will result if free
    speech is practiced.” 
    NTEU, 513 U.S. at 475
    Whitney v. California, 
    274 U.S. 357
    , 376 (1927) (Brandeis, J.,
    concurring)). Despite its valid concerns, the City has not
    explained how the Charter ban serves in a direct and material
    way to address these harms. Most troubling, the City claims
    that the ban is part and parcel of a larger scheme that insulates
    police officers from all politics, while simultaneously
    condoning political activities by the police that have similar,
    if not more pernicious, implications. Given the lack of fit
    between the City’s stated objectives and the means selected to
    achieve it, we hold the Charter ban unconstitutional.
    We will reverse the order of the District Court granting
    summary judgment to the City and remand the case for
    judgment to be entered in favor of the Appellants.

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-1516

Citation Numbers: 763 F.3d 358

Filed Date: 8/18/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (47)

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