Langlais v. Pennmont Benefit Services, Inc. , 527 F. App'x 215 ( 2013 )

  •                                                            NOT PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 12-3234
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (No. 2-11-cv-05275)
    District Judge: Honorable Mary A. McLaughlin
    Submitted Pursuant to Third Circuit L.A.R. 34.1(a)
    March 19, 2013
    Before: FUENTES, CHAGARES, and BARRY, Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: June 7, 2013)
    CHAGARES, Circuit Judge.
    PennMont Benefit Services, Inc. (“PennMont”) challenges the order of the District
    Court confirming an arbitration award of $3.8 million in favor of the seven appellees.
    For the reasons stated below, we will affirm the judgment of the District Court.
    We write solely for the parties and will therefore recount only those facts that are
    essential to our disposition. In 2002, Jorli McLain and Wendy Hoffman, owner-
    employees of a company called, signed an agreement to provide
    the company‟s employees with death benefits through the REAL VEBA Health and
    Welfare Plan and Trust. McLain died in 2010, and the appellees filed a claim with plan
    administrator PennMont to recover on McLain‟s policy. In September 2010, PennMont
    denied the claim. The claim denial letter explained that because McLain did not receive a
    salary for the years preceding her death, she was not considered an employee and thus
    was ineligible for benefits. The appellees‟ attorney then contacted John Koresko,
    PennMont‟s attorney (and a party to this case), to discuss an appeal of PennMont‟s
    decision and the possibility of arbitrating the dispute.
    While agreements governing McLain‟s policy clearly provide for arbitration of a
    dispute over claims, the parties disagreed about procedural aspects of the arbitration. In
    November 2010, the appellees filed a demand for arbitration with the American
    Arbitration Association (“AAA”) pursuant to a provision in the governing documents of
    the benefit plan. Koresko wrote to the appellees‟ attorney and to an assistant supervisor
    at the AAA stating that the demand for arbitration was premature because there had not
    yet been an internal appeal of the claim denial. The AAA proceeded with the arbitration
    in June 2011, but neither Koresko nor any other person representing the appellants
    appeared at the arbitration or filed a brief. After the arbitration hearing was held but
    before the decision was rendered, Koresko sued the AAA, the arbitrator, and the AAA
    assistant supervisor in order to halt the arbitration process. Those cases were removed to
    federal court and dismissed. In September 2011, the arbitrator decided in favor of the
    appellees and awarded them $3.8 million. The appellees moved to confirm the award in
    District Court. Their motion was granted as to PennMont, though the court declined to
    consider whether the award should be confirmed against other parties that had not signed
    the arbitration clause.
    The District Court refused to consider most of PennMont‟s arguments because it
    concluded that they were waived due to PennMont‟s failure to appear at the arbitration
    hearing. It held that the question of substantive arbitrability – whether an arbitrator had
    jurisdiction over the dispute in question – was the only issue not waived. PennMont now
    appeals, arguing that the District Court erred in its waiver analysis and in failing to
    recognize that the arbitrator exceeded his powers.
    The arguments raised in this case require us first to distinguish between questions
    of substantive arbitrability and procedural arbitrability. As the District Court explained,
    The District Court had jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    , and we have appellate
    jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . We exercise plenary review of the District
    Court‟s legal conclusions and review its findings of fact for clear error.
    Century Indem. Co. v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd‟s, London, subscribing to
    Retrocessional Agreement Nos. 950548, 950549, 950646, 
    584 F.3d 513
    , 521 (3d Cir.
    the question of substantive arbitrability arises when we must determine (1) if parties have
    entered into a valid arbitration agreement, or (2) whether a valid agreement applies to a
    specific controversy. Appendix (“App.”) 21. Unless the parties have clearly agreed
    otherwise, courts determine whether a certain dispute is substantively arbitrable.
    Howsam v. Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., 
    537 U.S. 79
    , 83 (2002). Yet procedural
    questions, such as those concerning waiver, delay, or the procedural prerequisites to
    arbitration, are for the arbitrator to decide. 
    Id. at 84
     (explaining that arbitrators should be
    presented with issues of procedural arbitrability “where parties would likely expect that
    an arbitrator would decide the gateway matter”); Puleo v. Chase Bank USA, N.A., 
    605 F.3d 172
    , 179 (3d Cir. 2010).
    The appellees first contend that questions of procedural arbitrability are solely for
    the arbitrator to decide, and that consequently courts may not address those issues. In
    support of this argument they cite John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v. Livingston, which held that
    “„procedural‟ questions which grow out of the dispute and bear on its final disposition
    should be left to the arbitrator.” 
    376 U.S. 543
    , 557 (1964).
    While the appellees are undoubtedly correct that the procedural arbitrability
    questions now raised by PennMont were appropriate for review by the arbitrator in the
    first instance, none of the cases they rely upon establish that questions of procedural
    arbitrability are not reviewable by a court on a motion to confirm the arbitration award.
    The appellees have presented no argument as to why questions of procedural arbitrability
    should be distinguished from questions concerning the merits of the underlying
    controversy upon review by a District Court. Thus, we conclude that we are not free to
    ignore questions of procedural arbitrability simply because courts have held that those are
    questions properly presented to an arbitrator in the first instance.
    The appellees assert that even if we reject their argument concerning the
    reviewability of procedural arbitrability questions, PennMont has waived its procedural
    arbitrability arguments because of its failure to appear at the arbitration. The District
    Court agreed with the appellees on this point, holding that “[t]he Koresko Parties cannot
    refuse to participate in the arbitration and then raise procedural arbitrability objections for
    the first time in federal court.” App. 24. PennMont disputes the District Court‟s
    characterization, stating that the issues were raised “in correspondence before the
    arbitration occurred, presented to the arbitrator in the submissions the petitioners made at
    the arbitration, and addressed and decided adversely to the respondents by the arbitrator.”
    PennMont Br. 18.
    We have held that when a party fails to object to an arbitrator‟s jurisdiction during
    the arbitration, the party may not later raise those jurisdictional issues in federal court.
    Teamsters Local Union No. 764 v. J.H. Merritt & Co., 
    770 F.2d 40
    , 42 (3d Cir. 1985).
    Yet in J.H. Merritt, the party challenging the arbitrability of the dispute in federal court
    had willingly participated in the arbitration and appeared to object to the arbitrator‟s
    jurisdiction only because it had not prevailed before the arbitrator. That case does not
    squarely apply here because PennMont clearly objected to the timing of arbitration and
    never accepted the AAA‟s decision to proceed with arbitration.
    The District Court correctly noted that other courts of appeals have faced
    situations similar to the one before us today. In International Brotherhood of Electrical
    Workers, Local Union No. 545 v. Hope Electrical Corp., 
    380 F.3d 1084
     (8th Cir. 2004),
    one party to the dispute refused to participate in the arbitration, but then filed a motion to
    vacate the arbitration award. While the Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
    concluded that it could determine questions of substantive arbitrability, it held that
    challenges to both procedural arbitrability and to the merits of the arbitrators‟ decision
    were waived. 
    Id. at 1099-1101
     ( “[W]hether we apply a theory of waiver or merely
    recognize the fact that arbitrators and not judges are empowered to decide such issues, we
    refuse to address Hope Electrical‟s procedural challenges to arbitrability.”). The Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit reached a similar result in Dean v. Sullivan, 
    118 F.3d 1170
     (7th Cir. 1997). In that case, a union investigated a plumbing contractor for failing
    to pay money owed to the union, and the dispute was submitted to arbitration. The
    contractor attended the first three hearings, but then informed the arbitration board he
    believed he was not bound by the arbitration and failed to attend the fourth hearing. In
    federal court, he argued for the first time that the arbitration was flawed due to a
    procedural irregularity during the hearings. The Court refused to consider the argument,
    explaining that “Dean‟s refusal to appear before the arbitral Board and his subsequent
    attack in federal court on the Board‟s composition is just another species of . . .
    Id. at 1172
    Like the District Court, we agree with the reasoning of Hope Electrical and Dean.
    If a party has clearly agreed to arbitrate and has qualms only with procedural issues
    concerning the arbitration, then it must present those issues to the arbitrator rather than
    save them for presentation to the District Court. To sanction parties‟ refusal to
    participate in arbitration proceedings when procedural issues arise would threaten the
    very nature of arbitration, which is intended as a “quicker, less structured way of
    resolving disputes.” Dean, 
    118 F.3d at 1173
    PennMont maintains that even if we agree that waiver is appropriate in certain
    circumstances, we should not apply the waiver doctrine here because the “issues were not
    raised „for the first time in federal court,‟” as the District Court concluded. PennMont Br.
    18 (emphasis in original). As mentioned above, PennMont argues that the issues were
    properly raised because Koresko made his objections clear to the AAA before the hearing
    occurred, and because his arguments were contained in materials presented to the
    arbitrator by the appellees. While PennMont undoubtedly made its position clear, it has
    provided no case law indicating that a party can avoid waiver of procedural arbitrability
    arguments simply by demonstrating that an arbitrator was aware of some or all of the
    issues presented.
    It appears that we have not addressed the specific issue of whether a party can
    raise an issue to an arbitrator by sending preliminary e-mails and filing suit in federal
    court before the decision is rendered. However, the concerns we have addressed when
    discussing waiver issues lead us to reject PennMont‟s contention. We recently reiterated,
    while discussing appellate waiver of arguments not made at the district court level, that
    “the doctrine of appellate waiver „is essential in order that parties may have the
    opportunity to offer all the evidence they believe relevant to the issues.‟” Freeman v.
    Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC, 
    709 F.3d 240
    , 249 (3d Cir. 2013) (quoting Hormel v.
    312 U.S. 552
    , 556 (1941)). Furthermore, we have emphasized that in order to
    preserve an issue for appeal, a party must present an issue to the district court with some
    “minimum level of thoroughness.” In re Ins. Brokerage Antitrust Litig., 
    579 F.3d 241
    262 (3d Cir. 2009). If anything, it is more important for parties to raise issues for the first
    time at arbitration because of the limited nature of judicial review of arbitration awards.
    Though the appellees must have been aware of PennMont‟s position that the
    arbitration was proceeding prematurely, PennMont‟s argument was not made with
    sufficient thoroughness. The appellees did not have the benefit of PennMont‟s
    appearance at the arbitration to rebut its arguments before the arbitrator. Raising
    arguments through e-mails and relying on one‟s adversaries to present those arguments to
    the arbitrator is insufficient, especially when parties have agreed to allow an arbitrator
    rather than a court to decide the merits of a dispute. We hold that PennMont failed to
    raise its objections to procedural arbitrability before the arbitrator. Consequently, we will
    not review procedural arbitrability arguments that were not raised at arbitration.
    Having determined that PennMont‟s procedural arbitrability arguments were
    waived because of its failure to appear at arbitration, we must address the same issue as
    applied to PennMont‟s disagreements with the merits of the arbitrator‟s decision. The
    District Court held that “where the Koresko Parties were notified of but did not appear at
    the arbitration hearing, review of the merits is foreclosed entirely.” App. 9. PennMont
    has presented no reason why, if its procedural arbitrability arguments are held to be
    waived, its arguments on the merits should meet a different fate. See Hope Electric, 
    380 F.3d at 1101
     (“To the extent that a particular issue is arbitrable, then, a party cannot
    refuse to participate in arbitration or fail in arbitration to raise a particular argument
    concerning the merits of the grievance and later seek judicial resolution of that same
    The only potential basis for distinguishing our review of the merits of PennMont‟s
    claim from our review of the procedural arbitrability issue is that the arbitrator possessed
    PennMont‟s claim denial letter, allowing him to assess some of the reasoning behind
    PennMont‟s decision. While the denial letter was likely helpful to the arbitrator, it was
    not enough to allow PennMont to avoid waiver. The denial letter essentially described
    PennMont‟s interpretation of the relevant agreements and stated that PennMont had
    determined McLain was not an employee because she earned no money in the years
    leading to her death, and, therefore, no benefits should be awarded. App. 494-516. Yet
    the arbitrator was presented with conflicting evidence, some showing that McLain did
    earn an income in 2010. Id. 525. The arbitrator also found that there was conflicting
    language in the governing documents that called into question PennMont‟s claim
    determination. Id. 527. Of course, these are the disagreements that PennMont could
    have addressed had it appeared at the arbitration or in a brief filed with the arbitrator.
    The claim denial letter simply did not suffice to give the arbitrator or the appellees a
    reasonable opportunity to respond to PennMont‟s factual and legal contentions.
    Therefore, we agree with the District Court that PennMont waived its arguments
    concerning the merits of the arbitrator‟s decision.
    For these reasons, we will affirm the judgment of the District Court.