United States v. Hildago Cabrera , 651 F. App'x 118 ( 2016 )

  •                                                                NOT PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 15-1827
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Delaware
    (Crim. No. 1-11-cr-00117-001)
    District Judge: Gregory M. Sleet
    Submitted Under Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)
    February 8, 2016
    BEFORE: FUENTES, KRAUSE, and RENDELL, Circuit Judges
    (Opinion Filed: June 9, 2016)
    Fuentes, Circuit Judge.
    This disposition is not an opinion of the full Court and pursuant to I.O.P. 5.7 does
    not constitute binding precedent.
    Defendant, Hidalgo Cabrera, appeals the District Court’s denial of his motion to
    suppress certain physical evidence, arguing that the evidence was obtained in violation of
    his Fourth Amendment rights. For the following reasons, we will affirm.
    This case involves the often controversial use of Global Positioning System (GPS)
    technology by law enforcement to covertly track suspects without a warrant.          Juan
    Rodriguez and Hidalgo Cabrera were the subjects of two separate investigations by
    federal and state authorities into their efforts to traffic cocaine between New York and
    Delaware. Sometime in May 2011, the DEA received information from a confidential
    informant suggesting that Rodriguez was heavily involved in narcotics trafficking. For
    instance, the informant described how Rodriguez had charged him a certain amount per
    kilogram of cocaine, the means by which Rodriguez distributed his cocaine, and the
    phone numbers and vehicles that Rodriguez used. The informant also said that Rodriguez
    drove a Dodge Ram pickup truck, which contained a hidden compartment. On one
    occasion, officers conducted a traffic stop and confirmed that the driver of the pickup
    identified by the informant was indeed Rodriguez.
    Another investigation took place in Delaware. Authorities had been monitoring a
    drug-trafficking organization in which they believed that Cabrera was involved. To that
    end, Detective Ronald Marzec of the Delaware Police Department had identified two
    The District Court had subject matter jurisdiction under 
    18 U.S.C. § 3231
    . We have
    jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    apartments – units 1407 and 4807 – at the Christiana Meadows apartment complex as
    being somehow associated with Cabrera’s organization.
    Based on this and other information, Special Agent Hall received approval from
    his DEA supervisor, the DEA Assistant Special Agent in Charge, and an Assistant U.S.
    Attorney for the District of New Jersey to install a GPS tracking device on Rodriguez’s
    Dodge Ram pickup truck. He did not obtain a warrant to do so. The device was installed
    by an IT specialist while the truck was parked on a public street in New York. After
    monitoring the truck’s activity over the course of several months, Agent Hall noticed that
    it was frequently traveling between New York and Delaware, staying in Delaware for less
    than an hour and then returning to New York. This was consistent with the information
    provided by the informant, who told investigators that Rodriguez frequently traveled out
    of state to conduct narcotics transactions.
    On one occasion, Agent Hall received a phone call from the DEA, which informed
    him that the tracking device on the Dodge Ram had crossed the Verrazano Bridge,
    traveling towards Delaware. Agents followed the truck to a furniture store parking lot in
    Newark, Delaware. Rodriguez was seen getting out of his truck, at which time he looked
    at a Toyota Corolla parked nearby. Shortly after, Cabrera was seen leaving the Corolla
    and getting into Rodriguez’s truck. Moments later, Cabrera got out of the truck and
    returned to the Corolla with a plastic bag. The truck and the Corolla then left the parking
    lot. The police followed the Corolla out of the parking lot and pulled the vehicle over for
    failure to signal a lane change. Following a search, to which Cabrera consented, officers
    seized $20,000 or $30,000 in cash from Cabrera. Cabrera was not taken into custody but
    agreed to follow the police to the Delaware State Police office. There, a drug-sniffing
    dog detected the odor of controlled substances around the money. At the police station,
    Cabrera was observed by one officer to be distraught, speaking on his cell phone. There
    were no significant developments in the investigation until Rodriguez’s truck was
    identified several weeks later crossing the Verrazano Bridge en route to Delaware once
    DEA agents and the Delaware police followed Rodriguez to the Christiana Mall
    parking lot. Officers observed Rodriguez exit the vehicle and enter a Macy’s department
    store and then exit a short while later with Cabrera. Both men got into Rodriguez’s truck
    and drove off.     The agents followed the truck to the nearby Christiana Meadows
    apartment complex. Detective Marzec told the agents that they should check the 4800
    building. There, they found the truck parked in front of the building. After about 20
    minutes, Cabrera and Rodriguez were then seen leaving the building, and Rodriguez was
    carrying a duffel bag. Rodriguez entered the driver’s seat of the Dodge Ram while
    Cabrera entered the passenger seat.
    The two men drove back towards the Christiana Mall, and federal agents and local
    police followed. The police then stopped the truck in the parking lot on the ground that
    the vehicle’s window tint was too dark. Following a search of the truck with Rodriguez’s
    consent and with the help of a drug-sniffing dog, police found several kilograms of
    cocaine in the truck’s secret compartment. Rodriguez and Cabrera were arrested.
    At the DEA Office in Wilmington, Cabrera consented to a search of his residence
    located at 1407 Christiana Meadows. After his arrest, the police also discovered a set of
    keys on Cabrera’s person, one of which was associated with apartment 4807. The DEA
    and Delaware police thereafter went to the apartment complex. When they arrived at unit
    1407, they encountered Cabrera’s girlfriend, who also consented to a search of the
    apartment. Once inside, agents seized $10,000 and a shoe box containing rubber bands
    and finger moisturizer.    They did not locate any drugs or other contraband in the
    apartment. The agents also went to unit 4807. Before entering, they swept the grounds
    with a drug-sniffing dog, which alerted them to narcotics in the area of the apartment.
    Police then obtained a search warrant for the apartment. After executing the warrant,
    they discovered money on the kitchen counter and two duffel bags, one in a bedroom and
    one in the laundry room. Combined, the duffel bags contained 19 kilograms of cocaine.
    Cabrera and Rodriguez were thereafter indicted in United States District Court for
    the District of Delaware and convicted on one count of conspiracy to possess a controlled
    substance with intent to distribute and one count of possession with intent to distribute
    the same. Before the District Court, Cabrera moved to suppress the evidence obtained
    from the vehicle. The District Court denied the motion. Cabrera eventually pled guilty to
    Count One of the indictment, charging conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute
    5000 grams or more of cocaine in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 846
    . In his memorandum of
    plea agreement, however, he reserved the right to appeal the denial of his motion to
    suppress. Here, Cabrera argues that DEA agents acted in bad faith when they used a GPS
    tracking device without a warrant to monitor the truck’s activity. Cabrera also argues that
    the District Court erroneously concluded that he did not have standing to challenge the
    various searches.
    Cabrera argues that the District Court erred by concluding that he lacked standing
    to challenge the installation and use of the GPS tracker to monitor the Dodge Ram’s
    movements over the course of the investigation, and the search of the Dodge Ram pickup
    truck that followed a traffic stop and was aided by the use of the GPS tracker. He also
    challenges the searches of apartments 4807 and 1407 at Christiana Meadows and the
    search of his person after his arrest as fruits of the installation of the GPS tracker and the
    traffic stop.2 We discern no error in the District Court’s conclusions.
    We first address Cabrera’s contention that he has standing to challenge the search
    of the installation of the GPS device. Two months after Cabrera’s arrest, the Supreme
    Court issued an opinion in United States v. Jones, 
    132 S. Ct. 945
     (2012). In Jones, the
    Court affirmed the suppression of location data generated by a GPS tracking device that
    law enforcement secretly affixed to a defendant’s vehicle and monitored, continuously,
    Cabrera argues in his brief that he has standing to challenge the searches of his
    residence and of his person. The District Court, however, never concluded otherwise, and
    in any event, we see no error in the District Court’s conclusions that the search of his
    residence was consented to, see Illinois v. Rodriguez, 
    497 U.S. 177
    , 181 (1990), and that
    the search of his person was a lawful search incident to arrest, see Chimel v. California,
    395 U.S. 752
    , 762-63 (1969).
    As for the search of apartment 4807, the District Court did not err in finding that
    Cabrera lacks standing to challenge the search. The mere fact that he had a key to the
    apartment is insufficient to support either that Cabrera had a property interest or a
    reasonable expectation of privacy in the apartment, especially given that Cabrera
    specifically identified apartment 1407, and not apartment 4807, as his home and that the
    evidence strongly suggests that unit 4807 was used solely for purposes of facilitating the
    drug trafficking operation.
    over a 28-day period without a warrant.3 In doing so, the Court concluded that the
    installation of the GPS device and the monitoring of the vehicle constituted a “search”
    under the Fourth Amendment because it involved a trespass on a protected property
    interest in the vehicle.4 The majority’s reasoning in Jones was thus rooted in private
    property rights and common-law trespass.5
    In United States v. Katzin, 
    769 F.3d 163
     (3d Cir. 2014), an en banc decision from
    our Court that was issued after the Supreme Court’s decision in Jones, we concluded – on
    very similar facts – that the exclusionary rule did not apply to evidence obtained as a
    result of GPS tracking, as a reasonable agent would have believed in good faith that the
    use of a GPS device without a warrant was lawful prior to the Jones decision.6 Other
    courts have also tackled the tension between pre-Jones decision warrantless GPS
    searches and the Fourth Amendment’s protections. Many of those courts have concluded
    that the good-faith exception would apply even if the searches were unconstitutional.7
    And, moreover, certain courts that have found a warrant was required for GPS tracking
    prior to Jones have typically reached that conclusion by rejecting the government’s
    3 Jones, 132
     S. Ct. at 948-54.
    Id. at 949
    See United States v. Perea-Rey, 
    680 F.3d 1179
    , 1185 (9th Cir. 2012) (citing Jones,
    132 S. Ct. at 949
    Id. at 176-77.
    E.g., United States v. Andres, 
    703 F.3d 828
    , 834–35 (5th Cir. 2013); United States v.
    688 F.3d 1087
    , 1090 (9th Cir. 2012).
    attempts to fit GPS tracking within the Fourth Amendment’s automobile exception.8
    Some have also broadly considered the balance of privacy and governmental interests at
    stake, concluding that the scales tip in favor of requiring a warrant.9
    In light of these decisions, we first agree with the District Court’s conclusion that
    Cabrera lacked standing to challenge the installation of the GPS tracker to monitor the
    Dodge Ram’s movements. It is clear that Cabrera was a mere passenger in the vehicle
    and had no protected property interest in it when the GPS device was installed or at any
    time thereafter.10 He therefore lacks standing to challenge the installation of the GPS
    Moreover, even if we were to find that Cabrera had standing to challenge the GPS
    installation, we would conclude, as we did in Katzin, that the utilization of the device was
    reasonable in these circumstances under the good-faith exception to the Fourth
    Amendment’s protections. Because Jones had not yet been decided and there was no
    other binding precedent to suggest that a warrant was required before installing the
    device, Special Agent Hall obtained and reasonably relied on his supervisor’s approval
    when his application for use of the GPS was approved and the tracker was placed on the
    vehicle. We also find it to be persuasive that the confidential informant had already
    See United States v. Ortiz, 
    878 F. Supp. 2d 515
    , 535–36 (E.D. Pa. 2012).
    See United States v. Ford, No. 11–CR–42, 
    2012 WL 5366049
    , at *8 (E.D. Tenn. Oct.
    30, 2012); see also Jones, 
    132 S. Ct. at 955
     (Sotomayor, J., concurring) (emphasizing the
    impact that GPS monitoring can have on a person’s privacy); United States v. Maynard,
    615 F.3d 544
    , 562 (D.C. Cir. 2010) (same).
    See Katzin, 769 F.3d at 170.
    identified the driver of the Dodge Ram as Rodriguez after his initial traffic stop.
    Moreover, authorities had obtained other information suggesting that Rodriguez was
    using to the truck to traffic drugs. Thus, while these points are not dispositive to our
    decision, we believe that the officers acted in good faith.
    We also find no merit in Cabrera’s contention that the traffic stop was illegal, as
    we agree with the District Court’s additional conclusion that the Delaware State Police
    had an independent basis for concluding that the tint on the pickup truck violated Section
    4313(a) of the Delaware Motor Vehicle Code.11 Having found that Cabrera lacks standing
    to challenge the installation of the GPS device or the stop of the Dodge Ram, we also find
    that his challenges to the fruits of these searches are unavailing.
    III.        CONCLUSION
    For substantially the same reasons set forth in the District Court’s thorough and
    persuasive opinion, we will affirm the judgment of the District Court.
    When a vehicle is illegally stopped, passengers do have standing to object to the
    stop itself, and “may seek to suppress the evidentiary fruits of that illegal seizure under
    the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine.” United States v. Mosley, 
    454 F.3d 249
    , 253