Jeffrey Norman v. David Elkin , 860 F.3d 111 ( 2017 )

  •                               PRECEDENTIAL
    Nos. 16-1924 and 16-2164
    Appellant in No. 16-1924
    Appellants in No. 16-2164
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Delaware
    (D.C. No. 1-06-cv-00005)
    District Judge: Hon. Leonard P. Stark
    January 13, 2017
    Before: SMITH, Chief Judge, JORDAN, and SHWARTZ,
    Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: June 13, 2017)
    David A. Felice (Argued)
    Bailey & Glasser
    2961 Centerville Rd.
    Suite 302
    Wilmington, DE 19808
    Counsel for Appellant/Cross-Appellee
    Steven L. Caponi (Argued)
    David A. Dorey
    Adam V. Orlacchio
    Blank Rome
    1201 Market St.
    Suite 800
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Counsel for Appellees/Cross-Appellants
    JORDAN, Circuit Judge
    Jeffrey Norman and David Elkin were the only two
    shareholders of US MobilComm Inc. (“USM”), a Delaware
    company that acquired and sold rights to radio frequencies.
    Norman held a minority interest and sought legal relief after
    he discovered that Elkin had transferred to another company
    the ownership of several frequencies purchased by USM, that
    Elkin had treated capital contributions as loans, and that Elkin
    had paid himself from USM funds without giving Norman
    any return on his minority investment. It was the beginning
    of a long and tortuous litigation trail. Despite two juries
    having sided with Norman, the verdicts in his favor were
    overturned. Most of his claims were ultimately held to be
    barred by the statute of limitations, after the District Court
    rejected his argument that a state court case he had brought to
    inspect USM’s books and records pursuant to § 220 of Title 8
    of the Delaware Code tolled the statute of limitations. Other
    claims were eliminated for insufficient evidence. Norman
    now appeals, seeking to restore portions of each of the two
    jury verdicts he won and also to allow him to pursue certain
    claims that had been foreclosed by the District Court. Elkin
    cross-appeals and asks us to affirm on alternative grounds the
    several rulings rejecting Norman’s claims.
    We conclude that the District Court erred in
    concluding that tolling of the statute of limitations is
    categorically inappropriate when a plaintiff has inquiry notice
    before initiating a books and records action in the Delaware
    courts. Accordingly, we will send most of the claims back to
    the District Court to determine whether tolling should have
    applied and, if so, whether any of the claims are nevertheless
    time-barred. We also conclude that the District Court erred
    when it vacated the jury’s award of nominal damages for one
    of Norman’s breach of contract claims. Finally, we hold that
    Norman’s fraud claim was not supported by sufficient proof
    of damages and we thus affirm judgment as a matter of law
    on that claim on the alternative grounds that Elkin has
    In the early 1990s, the FCC announced plans to grant
    licenses for the commercialization of 220 megahertz (“MHz”)
    radio frequencies. Those frequencies had previously been
    available only for non-commercial purposes, so entrepreneurs
    anticipated that the newly available frequencies would create
    lucrative business opportunities.      Such ambitions were
    frustrated, however, by technological failures and regulatory
    logjams, and investor hopes eventually turned to
    disappointment. This case is a consequence of the bursting of
    the 220 MHz bubble.
    A.     The Auction and Sale of Frequencies
    Norman and Elkin founded USM in order to acquire,
    develop, and sell licenses to 220 MHz frequencies. In 1991-
    92, the FCC granted the first wave (Phase I) of 220 MHz
    licenses by lottery. Norman’s primary responsibility at USM
    was to acquire, aggregate, and manage licenses held by
    individual Phase I license holders throughout the country. By
    1996, USM had successfully acquired around 40-50 licenses
    and entered into agreements to manage over 150 more. At
    that point, Norman’s involvement in the day-to-day business
    affairs of USM ceased. Elkin, by contrast, continued to
    manage the company.
    Because Norman’s claims were dismissed pursuant to
    Elkin’s post-trial motions for judgment as a matter of law, we
    must “view[] the evidence in the light most favorable to
    [Norman] and giv[e] [him] the advantage of every fair and
    reasonable inference[.]” Lightning Lube, Inc. v. Witco Corp.,
    4 F.3d 1153
    , 1166 (3d Cir. 1993).
    In 1998, the FCC began the second phase of licensing
    through a competitive auction. Elkin registered USM for the
    auction and USM won the rights to several frequencies.
    Those rights were subsequently registered in the name of
    another company that Elkin owned, The Elkin Group
    (“TEG”). According to Elkin, the involvement of TEG was
    necessary because USM did not have the funds to participate
    in the auction or bid on any of the licenses without TEG’s
    assistance. Elkin also said he wanted to make sure that a
    friendly corporation acquired the licenses that overlapped
    with those already owned by USM. Norman v. Elkin
    (“Norman I”), CIV. A. No. 06-005, 
    2007 WL 2822798
    , at *2
    (D. Del. Sept. 26, 2007).
    Norman closely monitored the FCC’s bidding process
    and, a few days after the auction, he e-mailed Elkin asking for
    more information about the auction results. He also called the
    FCC to inquire into the status of USM’s licenses acquired
    through the second phase auction. Some FCC notices
    referred to USM as the winning bidder, while other public
    documents referred to TEG as the owner of the licenses.
    B.     Capitalization and the Shareholder Loan
    Norman owns 25% of the stock of USM and Elkin
    owns 75%. When they founded USM, they entered into an
    oral agreement to invest a proportional share of capital in the
    company to meet a million dollar capital requirement –
    Norman promised to invest $250,000 while Elkin promised to
    invest $750,000. Despite those promises, disputes over
    contributions quickly arose.        Norman allegedly only
    contributed $200,000 of his $250,000 obligation. Elkin also
    failed to make his full capital contribution; he initially
    furnished around $360,000. Further complicating what was
    supposed to be a straightforward capitalization story, Elkin
    and Richard Shorin, the Assistant Secretary of USM, felt that
    Norman had spent USM’s funds on personal matters and so,
    at Elkin’s direction, USM treated those expenditures as
    capital outlays and reduced Norman’s capital contribution to
    approximately $140,000.
    Elkin claimed to believe that he was only required to
    maintain a capital contribution proportional to Norman’s
    contribution. So he reduced his own contribution target to
    $420,000. He did that by causing USM to enter into a
    “Shareholder Loan Agreement” sometime between 1995 and
    2002. Consistent with that document, USM agreed to treat
    any amount that Elkin contributed to the company above
    $420,000 as a loan.2 Subsequently, Elkin gave additional
    sums to keep USM afloat, and a document listing all of
    Elkin’s purported loans (the “Shareholder Loan Schedule”)
    showed that Elkin had loaned USM more than $690,000,
    including certain capital contributions that were converted
    into loans.
    In 2000 and 2001, USM sold off its Phase I licenses.
    It prioritized repayment of Elkin’s loans and paid him
    $615,026, without giving Norman any money. One of the
    The Shareholder Loan Agreement itself is dated
    September 1, 1995, but Elkin could not recall exactly when
    he entered into the Agreement, and at trial he testified that it
    was agreed to in 1997 and executed in 2000. Other trial
    documents provide conflicting dates. The actual date is not
    relevant to this appeal.
    key issues in this case is when Norman knew or should have
    known about those payments. He received federal income tax
    K-1 forms from USM each year, and in 2000 and 2001 the
    forms declared that USM had realized a capital gain. Those
    K-1 forms did not state what had been sold, and they did not
    list any shareholder loans or distributions. However, in a
    deposition, Norman admitted that “a capital gain, by
    definition … has to be sale of a license[.]” (App. at 512.)
    In the summer of 2002, Norman and Elkin had a
    telephone conversation, after not having spoken in a long
    time. Elkin said that some licenses had been sold. Norman
    described the call as follows:
    I logged a call into him and said: Hey, what is
    going on with the company? And he was a little
    bit evasive as I recall. And then I pointedly
    asked him: Has anything been sold? And he
    said: Yes. And I said: Well, what? And he goes:
    Well, we sold some licenses. And I forget the
    cities he even said.
    I said: Well, did you take a distribution? And
    he said: Yeah. I said: Well, you know, what
    about me basically? And he said: Oh, it wasn’t
    your turn.
    (App. at 860-61.) Norman asked for additional information,
    which Elkin never sent. Later, on October 2, 2002, Norman’s
    attorney sent a letter (the “October 2002 Letter”) requesting
    information pursuant to 8 Del. C. § 220.3 Specifically, the
    letter requested information regarding “the sale or other
    disposition of any assets or stock of [USM] over the past
    three (3) years, and the distribution or use of any proceeds of
    any such sales or dispositions.” (App. at 228.)
    Approximately two months passed and, on
    December 3, 2002, Norman received a letter (the “December
    2002 Letter”) from Elkin acknowledging that USM had sold
    the licenses “it owned.” (App. at 231). The letter included
    purchase and sale agreements which revealed that TEG sold
    some of the Phase II licenses acquired during the auction.
    The letter also included a breakdown of the uses of the
    proceeds, including repayment of what were characterized as
    shareholder loans, but it significantly understated the amount
    paid to Elkin. The Shareholder Loan Agreement was
    subsequently included in a letter that USM sent to Norman’s
    attorney in October 2003 (the “October 2003 Letter”) in
    response to a request for further information. Norman v.
    Elkin (“Norman II”), 
    726 F. Supp. 2d 464
    , 472 (D. Del.
    2010); (App. at 128, 131).
    The in-court battles between the parties began on
    November 16, 2004, more than a year before the fight became
    a federal case. Norman filed suit under 8 Del. C. § 220 in the
    Section 220 allows a stockholder to request
    inspection of the books and records of a corporation and, if
    his request is rebuffed, he is entitled to bring an action in the
    Delaware Court of Chancery to compel inspection. 8 Del. C.
    § 220(b)-(c).
    Delaware Court of Chancery to compel Elkin to allow
    inspection of USM’s books and records. Elkin vigorously
    opposed that proceeding and it dragged on for almost a year,
    until October 2, 2005, when the Chancery Court compelled
    USM to disclose the requested documents.4
    Norman filed the complaint that is the foundation of
    this appeal on December 5, 2005. Though he filed it in the
    Court of Chancery, the case was, at Elkin’s instigation,
    promptly removed to the District Court. Norman raised a
    wide variety of tort and contract claims against Elkin,5 USM,
    and TEG (collectively, the “Defendants”) including breach of
    contract, usurpation of corporate opportunities, conversion,
    fraud, breach of fiduciary duties, and unjust enrichment.6
    Elkin argues unconvincingly that the Chancery
    Court’s order in the § 220 action is not part of the record in
    this appeal. Norman had offered the order into evidence but
    the order was excluded by the District Court. It is,
    nonetheless, part of the record. See Morton Int’l, Inc. v. A.E.
    Staley Mfg. Co., 
    343 F.3d 669
    , 682 (3d Cir. 2003) (explaining
    that the record on appeal “includes items admitted into
    evidence, but also includes items presented to the district
    court and not admitted into evidence” (quoting Waldorf v.
    142 F.3d 601
    , 620 (3d Cir. 1998))).
    Elkin filed counterclaims, none of which are
    pertinent at this point.
    More precisely, Norman’s claims were: 1) breach of
    the oral contract between Norman and Elkin regarding capital
    contributions and equity in USM, 2) usurpation of corporate
    opportunities by bidding on FCC licenses for TEG rather than
    With regard to his breach of contract claim, Norman alleged
    that he and Elkin entered into an oral contract about the
    amount of capital they would contribute and the equity they
    would each receive. Norman advanced three theories of
    breach: 1) that Elkin had failed to pay him his (Norman’s) pro
    rata share of all proceeds, 2) that Elkin had refused to
    maintain his (Elkin’s) full capital contribution of $750,000,
    and 3) that Elkin had improperly caused USM to enter into
    the Shareholder Loan Agreement.7
    A.     Summary Judgment Opinion (Norman I)
    The Defendants eventually moved for summary
    judgment, arguing that all of Norman’s claims were barred by
    the statute of limitations. Norman I, 
    2007 WL 2822798
    , at
    USM, 3) breach of fiduciary duty (including the duties of
    loyalty, care, and good faith), 4) breach of the duty of
    disclosure, 5) conversion and misappropriation of the Phase II
    licenses, 6) fraudulent misrepresentation (via the December
    2002 Letter), and 7) unjust enrichment. Norman also claimed
    that Shorin aided and abetted Elkin’s wrongful conduct, but
    the District Court granted Shorin summary judgment on that
    claim and it is not part of this appeal. Norman v. Elkin
    (“Norman II”), 
    726 F. Supp. 2d 464
    , 478-79 (D. Del. 2010).
    In his amended complaint, Norman listed four bases
    for his breach of contract claim. By the time of the first trial,
    however, Norman’s position was “that Elkin breached [his]
    agreement in [the] three (3) distinct ways,” as discussed
    above. (Norman v. Elkin, CIV. A. No. 06-005, Docket Item
    (“D.I.”) 61 at p 3.)
    *3-4. In the course of denying that motion, the District Court
    made several rulings relevant to this appeal. It first
    determined the applicable statute of limitations. Id. at *3.
    Since the suit was brought in Delaware, it applied Delaware’s
    procedural law, including the state’s borrowing statute, 10
    Del. C. § 8121.8 Norman I, 
    2007 WL 2822798
    , at *4. On
    that basis, it decided that Delaware law required that
    Pennsylvania’s two-year statute of limitations be applied to
    all but the breach of contract claim, since Pennsylvania’s
    limitations period was shorter than Delaware’s for those non-
    contract claims.9 
     For the breach of contract claim, the
    That statute provides in relevant part:
    Where a cause of action arises outside of this
    State, an action cannot be brought in a court of
    this State to enforce such cause of action after
    the expiration of whichever is shorter, the time
    limited by the law of this State, or the time
    limited by the law of the state or country where
    the cause of action arose, for bringing an action
    upon such cause of action.
    10 Del. C. § 8121.
    At the time that Norman filed suit, Elkin and Shorin
    were both residents of Pennsylvania and TEG was
    incorporated in Pennsylvania. USM’s principal place of
    business was also in Pennsylvania. Given the several
    connections between the dispute and Pennsylvania, the
    District Court concluded that, for purposes of the Delaware
    borrowing statute, “[t]he parties do not dispute that … the
    conduct underlying the causes of action arose in
    Court applied Delaware’s three-year limitations period, rather
    than Pennsylvania’s four-year period. Id.
    The District Court then accepted Norman’s argument
    that the statute of limitations for all of the claims was tolled
    as a result of Elkin’s alleged wrongdoing and concealment of
    facts. Id. at *5. Accordingly, “the statute of limitations
    began to run at the time [Norman] knew or had reason to
    know of the facts constituting the alleged wrong.” Id. The
    Court emphasized that “the date on which [Norman] knew or
    should have known the facts constituting his claims is a
    material dispute of fact” and therefore concluded that the
    claims could not be ruled untimely at the summary judgment
    stage. Id.
    B.     First Trial and Post-Trial Motions (Norman II)
    Three of Norman’s nine claims went to trial: breach of
    contract, fraud, and conversion. Norman II, 
    726 F. Supp. 2d at 468
    . The District Court did not allow the other claims to
    go to the jury and stated that it would reserve judgment as to
    whether any of them were viable.10 
     After a three-day
    Pennsylvania.” Norman v. Elkin (“Norman I”), CIV. A. No.
    2007 WL 2822798
    , at *4 (D. Del. Sept. 26, 2007).
    That conclusion has not been challenged on appeal.
    The District Court stated that it was “going to
    reserve for post-trial briefing the question of whether the
    [other] claims … [were] direct or derivative in nature.” (D.I.
    129 at p. 2-3.) However, after trial the Court dismissed the
    other claims solely on the basis of the statute of limitations.
    Norman II, 
    726 F. Supp. 2d at 468-76
    . Federal Rule of Civil
    trial, the jury returned a verdict for Norman and awarded him
    $105,756 in compensatory damages and $48,000 in punitive
    damages on the fraud claim, $38,000 in compensatory
    damages on the conversion claim, and $1 in nominal damages
    on the breach of contract claim. 
     The combined verdict
    was “equal to $1 more than [Norman’s] 25% share of
    distributions.” Norman v. Elkin (“Norman III”), 
    849 F. Supp. 2d 418
    , 421 (D. Del. 2012) (citation omitted).
    In post-trial motions, Elkin once again argued that
    Norman’s claims were barred by the statute of limitations.
    Norman II, 
    726 F. Supp. 2d at 469
    . The District Court agreed
    with that argument with regard to all claims except for the
    breach of contract claim. 
    Id. at 468-76
    . It held that two of
    Norman’s three breach of contract theories were not barred –
    the one dealing with Elkin’s failure to make pro rata
    distributions, and the other with the creation of the
    Shareholder Loan Agreement. 
    Id. at 471, 479
    . But the Court
    decided that the breach of contract theory based on Elkin’s
    failure to provide his promised capital contribution was time-
    barred because Norman had been aware of that failure since
    Id. at 471
    Procedure 50(b) notes that a post-trial motion for judgment as
    a matter of law may “address[] a jury issue not decided by a
    verdict” and that the Court may “decid[e] the legal questions
    raised by the motion.”
    In his complaint, Norman framed a single breach of
    contract claim, but the verdict form used at the first trial
    asked the jury to state, for each of Norman’s three theories of
    breach, whether Elkin had breached the alleged contract
    dealing with capital contributions and equity ownership. The
    For the theory of breach based on the pro rata
    distribution, the Court concluded, “based on the evidence
    adduced at trial, that [Norman] did not learn of [the] …
    purported recharacterization of Defendant Elkin’s equity
    contributions into shareholder loans … until October 2003.”
     Consequently, that theory of breach was held to be timely
    For the theory of breach based on the Shareholder
    Loan Agreement, the Court noted that Elkin had not raised a
    statute of limitations defense. 
    Id. at 476
    . The Court also
    rejected Elkin’s argument that the breach of contract theory
    based on the Shareholder Loan Agreement was merely
    duplicative of the other breach of contract theories,
    concluding that there was sufficient evidence “on which the
    jury could have concluded that an agreement between
    [Norman] and [Elkin] existed for [Elkin] to contribute
    form then asked the jury to reach a single sum to compensate
    Norman for all of the damages he suffered due to a breach
    under any of the three theories. In contrast, the verdict form
    used at the second trial treated the two remaining breach of
    contract theories as if they were separate claims. That form
    asked the jury to decide whether the execution of the
    Shareholder Loan Agreement constituted a breach of Elkin’s
    oral contract with Norman, and asked the jury to determine
    damages. It then asked the jury about the failure to make pro
    rata distributions and asked the jury to list a separate damages
    amount. In his post-trial motion after the second trial, Elkin
    argued that the District Court erred in allowing the jury to
    consider two separate claims when the amended complaint
    had only one. As discussed further herein, we conclude that
    Norman was entitled to present two claims to the jury.
    $750,000 in capital, and that [Elkin] breached that agreement
    when he executed the Shareholder Loan Agreement to
    convert any funds in excess of $420,000 from capital to
    Id. at 477
    The Court ruled that the fraud claim was time-barred
    because Norman had been on notice of the alleged fraud no
    later than when he received the October 2003 Letter, which
    was outside the two year limitations period. 
    Id. at 472
    . The
    conversion claim was also barred either because “the
    existence of publicly available information concerning
    [TEG’s] purported ownership demonstrates that [Norman]
    was not incapable of learning the facts giving rise to his
    conversion and usurpation claims until the § 220 Action,” or
    because of the December 2002 Letter. Id. at 473. Norman’s
    other claims were held to be time-barred on the basis of a
    combination of the December 2002 Letter and the October
    2003 Letter, which, the District Court concluded, put him on
    inquiry notice. Id. at 470-76. The Court rejected Norman’s
    argument that the statute of limitations should have been
    tolled when he filed his § 220 action in November 2004. Id.
    at 470-73. As the Court saw it, inquiry notice existed before
    that action was filed and so § 220 could not be a basis for
    tolling. Id. at 472.
    In short, the District Court affirmed the jury’s
    judgment only as to the breach of contract claim and the
    attendant nominal damages. Id. at 479. It therefore entered
    an Amended Judgment in July 2010, substantially altering the
    jury’s verdict.
    C.     Granting a New Trial (Norman III)
    Norman promptly moved to alter or amend the
    judgment or for a new trial, arguing that the jury’s verdict of
    only $1 in damages should be vacated.12 The Court agreed,
    concluding that $1 in damages was “against the clear weight
    of the evidence” since the jury’s verdict was plainly
    predicated on a finding that Norman did not receive his pro
    rata share of the proceeds from the sale of USM’s assets.
    Norman III, 849 F. Supp. 2d at 424. A new trial was thus
    ordered “limited exclusively to the issue of appropriate
    damages for the breach of contract claim.” Id. at 425. Elkin
    responded with a motion for reconsideration, challenging the
    limited scope of the new trial. The District Court then
    changed its order and granted a new trial on the merits of the
    breach of contract claim because, the Court concluded, there
    were disputed issues of material fact that remained. The
    Court also ruled that the statute of limitations could once
    again be raised as a defense.
    D.     Second Trial and Post-Trial Motions (Norman
    The second jury trial was held in December 2014, and
    the result was again a verdict in Norman’s favor. The jury
    awarded him nominal damages for Elkin’s breach of contract
    arising from the recharacterization of capital pursuant to the
    Shareholder Loan Agreement, and $73,180.17 for Elkin’s
    breach of contract for failing to distribute proceeds from the
    At this point in the proceedings, the District Judge
    who had been handling the case retired and the matter was
    license sales in a pro rata fashion. The verdict was equal to a
    pro rata portion of the amount that Elkin received from USM,
    minus Elkin’s claimed loans to USM in excess of $750,000.
    The parties again filed a variety of post-trial motions.
    Elkin argued that no damages arose as a result of “the mere
    act of executing the Shareholder Loan Agreement[.]”
    Norman v. Elkin (“Norman IV”), CIV. A. No. 06-005, 
    2015 WL 4886049
    , at *2 (D. Del. Aug. 14, 2015). The District
    Court agreed and noted that “Norman’s counsel conceded that
    he did not present evidence that Norman was damaged by the
    execution of the [Shareholder Loan Agreement], independent
    of the alleged derivative damages resulting from execution of
    the Agreement.” 
     By “derivative damages,” the Court
    apparently meant the failure to pay Norman a pro rata share
    from the sale of licenses because the Shareholder Loan
    Agreement had reclassified some of Elkin’s capital
    contributions as loans. The claim of breach based on the
    Shareholder Loan Agreement was, in other words, viewed by
    the Court as duplicative of the other remaining breach of
    contract claim. The Court accordingly entered judgment in
    favor of Elkin on the Shareholder Loan Agreement claim.
    Elkin also argued once again that the statute of
    limitations barred the breach of contract claim that was based
    on the failure to make pro rata distributions. 
     This time,
    the Court agreed. 
     It reconsidered its prior ruling on this
    point because, it said, the evidence presented in the second
    trial filled an “evidentiary hole” from the first trial. 
    Court concluded that “[t]he evidence now in the record shows
    that a reasonable person in Norman’s position would have
    had inquiry notice of his claims before December 2, 2002.”
    Id. at *3. In reaching that conclusion, the District Court
    relied on several things: the tax documents (i.e., the K-1’s)
    that Norman received in 2001 and 2002, the summer 2002
    phone call during which Elkin admitted to taking a
    distribution, and the fact that, in the October 2002 Letter,
    Norman and his attorney requested additional information
    about sales and distributions. Id. Under those circumstances,
    the Court decided, “a person would know enough to put him
    on notice that he should undertake further inquiry, in order to
    determine if a wrong had been committed against him.” Id.
    Accordingly, the District Court vacated the jury’s verdict and
    entered a final judgment in Elkin’s favor. Norman appealed.
    So did Elkin, focusing on the sufficiency of the evidence for
    the fraud and conversion claims.
    A.     Timeliness of the Claims
    On appeal, Norman challenges many of the District
    Court’s rulings on the statute of limitations.14 He argues that
    This case was removed from the Delaware Court of
    Chancery, under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1441
    , on the basis of diversity
    28 U.S.C. § 1332
    (a). We have jurisdiction
    pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . “We exercise plenary review
    of an order granting or denying a motion for judgment as a
    matter of law and apply the same standard as the district
    court.” Lightning Lube, Inc., 
    4 F.3d at 1166
     (3d Cir. 1993)
    (citation omitted); cf. Lake v. Arnold, 
    232 F.3d 360
    , 365 (3d
    Cir. 2000) (“[P]lenary review extends to the District Court’s
    choice and interpretation of applicable tolling principles and
    its conclusion that the facts prevented a tolling of the statute
    of limitations.”). “[A]lthough the court draws all reasonable
    and logical inferences in the nonmovant’s favor, we must
    affirm an order granting judgment as a matter of law if, upon
    review of the record, it is apparent that the verdict is not
    supported by legally sufficient evidence.” Lightning Lube,
    4 F.3d at 1166
    . As to Elkin’s sufficiency of the evidence
    arguments, we likewise “view[] the evidence in the light most
    favorable to [Norman]” and will affirm the District Court
    only if there “is insufficient evidence from which a jury
    reasonably could find liability [against Elkin].” 
    Norman does not challenge the judgment entered
    against his claim that Elkin breached his contract by failing to
    contribute his full capital contribution. Because that issue is
    the Court applied the wrong statute of limitations and also
    that it should have tolled the limitations period. We conclude
    that the District Court applied the correct limitations period
    but that it erred by applying the wrong standard when
    determining whether to toll the limitations period after
    Norman filed his § 220 action. Accordingly, we will remand
    to allow reconsideration of whether the limitations period
    should have been tolled and whether Norman’s claims are
    1.     The Limitations Period for the Non-
    Contract Claims
    Norman claims that Delaware’s longer limitations
    period should be applied to his non-fraud claims, particularly
    the conversion claim, since, under what is often called the
    “internal affairs doctrine,” Delaware law generally applies to
    disputes involving Delaware corporations and their
    shareholders. See Citigroup Inc. v. AHW Inv. P’ship, 
    140 A.3d 1125
    , 1135 (Del. 2016) (explaining that such disputes
    are “governed by the law of the state of incorporation
    exclusively”). According to Norman, “this would necessarily
    include the choice of the relevant statute of limitations.”
    (Opening Br. at 52.)
    Norman points to no case law in support of the
    dubious premise that the internal affairs doctrine requires the
    application of Delaware’s statute of limitations to all claims
    in every case involving a Delaware-chartered corporation and
    not preserved on appeal, it is waived. Kost v. Kozakiewicz, 
    1 F.3d 176
    , 182 (3d Cir. 1993).
    its stockholders. We do not need to consider the full reach of
    the internal affairs doctrine to recognize that premise as an
    overreach. See McDermott Inc. v. Lewis, 
    531 A.2d 206
    , 214
    (Del. 1987) (noting that the internal affairs doctrine extends
    only to “those matters which are peculiar to the relationships
    among or between the corporation and its current officers,
    directors, and shareholders”). And, in any event, Norman has
    no legitimate cause for complaint about the choice of law
    here because the District Court did apply Delaware law,
    namely the Delaware borrowing statute, to determine that
    application of Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations was
    required. See Nat’l Iranian Oil Co. v. Mapco Int’l, Inc., 
    983 F.2d 485
    , 494 (3d Cir. 1992) (noting that “the traditional rule
    that statutes of limitations are governed by forum law has
    been modified by [the borrowing] statute”).15
    The District Court observed that “[t]he parties do not
    dispute that the causes of action arose outside of Delaware.”
    Norman I, 
    2007 WL 2822798
    , at *4. Under Delaware law,
    the question of where a cause of action arose is determined by
    reference “to Delaware’s conflict of law rules.” TrustCo
    Bank v. Mathews, CIV. A. No. 8374, 
    2015 WL 295373
    , at *9
    (Del. Ch. Jan. 22, 2015). And for disputes involving the
    internal affairs of Delaware corporations, the internal affairs
    doctrine does indeed counsel the selection of Delaware’s
    substantive law. Citigroup Inc. v. AHW Inv. P’ship, 
    140 A.3d 1125
    , 1135 (Del. 2016). Accordingly, Norman might have
    argued that some of his causes of action arose in Delaware
    rather than Pennsylvania. But he did not. He has not
    challenged the District Court’s conclusion – evidently based
    on positions taken during the litigation – that his causes of
    action arose in Pennsylvania. Instead, he advances the
    separate argument that because the “internal affairs doctrine
    Norman also argues that, because of Elkin’s allegedly
    fraudulent self-dealing, the District Court should have
    forbidden Elkin from asserting a statute of limitations defense
    and should have instead applied the equitable doctrine of
    laches. In support, Norman relies on a line of authority
    flowing from the Delaware Supreme Court’s decision in
    Bovay v. H.M. Byllesby & Co., which held that, in cases
    involving corporate fiduciaries engaged in fraudulent self-
    dealing at the expense of the corporation, the statute of
    limitations for fraud claims will not necessarily apply. 
    38 A.2d 808
    , 814 (Del. 1944). We have interpreted Bovay to
    provide an exception to the applicable statute of limitations
    when a controlling shareholder “derive[s] personal profits
    from his manipulation of [a corporation] in violation of his
    fiduciary obligations.” Borden v. Sinskey, 
    530 F.2d 478
    , 488
    (3d Cir. 1976). In such circumstances, “the timeliness of
    plaintiffs’ … claims [is] to be determined by the doctrine of
    laches.” Cantor v. Perelman, 
    414 F.3d 430
    , 439 (3d Cir.
    2005). That may be pertinent to some of Norman’s claims.
    But, even if the District Court should have applied
    laches, that would not have changed the outcome.16 Laches
    occupies the entire relationship between a fiduciary and the
    stockholder. … even procedural considerations are governed
    by Delaware law .” (Opening Br. at 51.) That argument fails
    for the reasons just explained.
    Subsequent cases have called the scope of Bovay
    into question and limited its application to particularly
    egregious cases. See Halpern v. Barran, 
    313 A.2d 139
    , 142
    (Del. Ch. 1973) (noting that Bovay “involved particularly
    egregious conduct and its application has been consistently
    ordinarily runs parallel to the statute of limitations, Bovay, 38
    A.2d at 815, and extends the limitations period only when
    “extraordinary circumstances make it inequitable” to allow
    the statute of limitations to operate as a bar, id. (citation
    omitted). Delaware courts have concluded that “equity will
    not relieve against the bar of the statute [of limitations] in
    favor of a party who has been in laches in not using means
    within his power to discover the fraud.” Kahn v. Seaboard
    625 A.2d 269
    , 276 (Del. Ch. 1993) (quoting Sparks v.
    Farmers’ Bank, 
    3 Del. Ch. 274
    , 306 (1869)). Accordingly,
    “where wrongful self-dealing is alleged,” a claim will not be
    barred until “the plaintiff … knew or had reason to know the
    facts alleged to give rise to the wrong.” Id. at 276-77 (relying
    on Bokat v. Getty Oil Co., 
    262 A.2d 246
    , 251 (Del. 1970),
    disapproved of on other grounds by Tooley v. Donaldson,
    Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc., 
    845 A.2d 1031
     (Del. 2004)). That is
    exactly the approach the District Court took. It tolled the
    limitations period until Norman should have become aware of
    Elkin’s alleged improprieties. Accordingly, there was no
    discernible error in its ruling on the timeliness of the non-
    breach of contract claims.
    2.     Section 220 Tolling
    Delaware law, embodied in § 220 of Title 8 of the
    Delaware Code, allows stockholders to demand the right to
    inspect the books and records of a corporation and to seek an
    order from the Delaware Court of Chancery compelling such
    inspection if a demand is ignored or rebuffed. The courts of
    restricted in later decisions”). We need not decide whether
    Bovay would apply here.
    Delaware have, on several occasions, tolled the limitations
    period for claims of fiduciary malfeasance while a § 220
    action is pending. Sutherland v. Sutherland, CIV. A. No.
    2013 WL 2362263
    , at *6 n.70 (Del. Ch. May 30, 2013)
    (involving self-dealing); Orloff v. Shulman, CIV. A. No. 852,
    2005 WL 3272355
    , at *10 (Del. Ch. Nov. 23, 2005)
    (involving fraud and breach of fiduciary duty); Technicorp
    Intern. II, Inc. v. Johnston, CIV. A. No. 15084, 
    2000 WL 713750
     at *9 (Del. Ch. May 31, 2000) (involving fraudulent
    self-dealing). The District Court, however, concluded that a
    Ҥ 220 [a]ction will not operate to toll the statute of
    limitations in a situation such as this, where [Norman] had
    inquiry notice of his … claim before initiating the § 220
    [a]ction.” Norman II, 
    726 F. Supp. 2d at 472
    . We have never
    before considered the extent of tolling offered by a
    stockholder’s resort to a § 220 action, but we are persuaded
    that the District Court’s interpretation of Delaware law on this
    point was flawed.
    Delaware case law does not support a categorical rule
    forbidding tolling when a § 220 action is filed after a plaintiff
    has inquiry notice. Indeed, the primary opinion relied upon
    by the District Court, Technicorp International II, Inc. v.
    Johnston, suggests that a § 220 action may operate to toll a
    limitations period even when there is inquiry notice. In that
    case, the Court of Chancery held that it was “settled Delaware
    Law” that the applicable statute of limitations “was tolled
    during the pendency of ... [the] § 220 … action[].” 
    2000 WL 713750
    , at *9. There is no indication in Technicorp that
    inquiry notice should necessarily vitiate tolling. To the
    contrary, the shareholder in that case almost certainly had
    inquiry notice due to a report from a forensic accounting firm,
    id. at *6, and the Chancery Court noted that pursuit of an
    action under § 220 is “regarded as strong evidence that [a]
    plaintiff was aggressively asserting its claims at that time[,]”
    id. at *9 n.26 (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    So Technicorp cuts against the rule adopted by the District
    The District Court’s categorical denial of tolling is also
    incompatible with Delaware’s apparent intent to encourage
    § 220 actions as a way to allow stockholders to resolve
    disputes with the aid of a streamlined books and records
    proceeding. See Cal. State Teachers’ Ret. Sys. v. Alvarez,
    CIV. A. No. 7455, 
    2017 WL 239364
    , at *3 (Del. Jan. 18,
    2017) (noting that “Section 220 proceedings are supposed to
    be streamlined and summary”); see also King v. VeriFone
    Holdings, Inc., 
    12 A.3d 1140
    , 1145 (Del. 2011) (noting that
    “Delaware courts have strongly encouraged stockholder-
    plaintiffs to utilize Section 220”). The Delaware Supreme
    Court has explained, in a different context, that courts should
    not “penaliz[e] diligent counsel who has employed [§ 220] …
    in a deliberate and thorough manner in preparing a
    complaint[.]” Rales v. Blasband, 
    634 A.2d 927
    , 934 n.10
    (Del. 1993) (applying the “first to file” rule for derivative
    litigation); see also Technicorp, 
    2000 WL 713750
    , at *9 n.26
    (“[A]ccept[ing] … [D]efendants’ time-bar argument would
    penalize, not encourage, the use of those important tools.”).
    But a rule that automatically forbade tolling once a party had
    inquiry notice would do just that. Indeed, if a shareholder has
    enough suspicion of wrongdoing to file a successful § 220
    action, then there is some probability that the shareholder also
    has inquiry notice. See, Sec. First Corp. v. U.S. Die Casting
    & Dev. Co., 
    687 A.2d 563
    , 567 (Del. 1997) (holding that, to
    institute a proper § 220 action to investigate fraud, the
    plaintiff must demonstrate “a credible basis to find probable
    wrongdoing”). The District Court’s categorical exception
    would seem to swallow the general principle that tolling may
    apply after the filing of a § 220 action, and that ruling thus
    cannot stand.17
    The filing of a § 220 action does not, however,
    automatically toll the applicable limitations period. Delaware
    courts have refused to draw such a bright line and have
    instead said that “there is no hard and fast rule tolling the
    running of the statute of limitations during the pendency of
    books and records litigation[,]” but that “[t]he pendency of
    such an action, and the relationship between it and the claims
    eventually filed, may in some circumstances operate to toll
    the limitations period[.]” Sutherland v. Sutherland, 
    2009 WL 1177047
    , at *1 (Del. Ch. Apr. 22, 2009). Considerations such
    as the existence of “deceitful, bad faith conduct,” Technicorp,
    2000 WL 713750
    , at *7, or evidence that, “without the
    information gathered during the [§] 220 action,” suit could
    not have been brought, Orloff, 
    2005 WL 3272355
    , at *10, are
    Elkin suggests that tolling should apply to only
    equitable rather than legal claims. But Technicorp offers no
    support for that conclusion. In that case, the plaintiff sought
    $28.5 million dollars in damages in addition to a variety of
    equitable remedies. Technicorp Intern. II, Inc. v. Johnston,
    CIV. A. No. 15084, 
    2000 WL 713750
    , at *1-2 (Del. Ch.
    May 31, 2000). The Chancery Court noted that even if some
    of the claims were subject to the statute of limitations, the
    limitations period would be tolled due to the § 220 action. Id.
    at *9. Thus, tolling could apply to both the legal and
    equitable claims, were this case still being litigated in a
    Delaware court.
    factors favoring tolling. But such factors do not appear to be
    prerequisites to tolling. The parties have not directed us to
    any case (apart from the District Court’s opinion here)
    refusing to toll the limitations period after a successful § 220
    action. It seems, instead, that Delaware law preserves a
    court’s discretion to toll or not toll the limitations period on
    claims that may be informed by the results of a § 220 action.
    The decision to toll is not dependent upon inquiry notice. 18
    Judge Shwartz has a different perspective on this
    point. To her, this test could allow a plaintiff who already has
    sufficient facts to bring suit to use the filing of a § 220 action
    to avoid promptly proceeding – in effect, to use it as a shield
    from the statute of limitations. Judge Shwartz is of the view
    that, under Delaware law, a § 220 action tolls the statute of
    limitations when the plaintiff could not have filed his
    complaint without the information obtained through that
    action, see Orloff, 
    2005 WL 3272355
    , at *10, or at least could
    not have developed his claims without access to the
    corporation’s books and records, see Sutherland, 
    2013 WL 2362263
    , at *6 n.70, and, by extension, that tolling would be
    improper where a plaintiff has sufficient evidence to proceed,
    such as where the information acquired through the § 220
    action was not necessary for the plaintiff to file his complaint.
    To hold otherwise, she believes, could enable a plaintiff to
    use a § 220 action to delay filing a lawsuit to gain a tactical
    advantage. She notes that because a § 220 action provides a
    means for early and expedited discovery, a plaintiff may seek
    to use the action for purposes beyond simply determining
    whether he has a cause of action. See Rales v. Blasband, 
    634 A.2d 927
    , 934 n.10 (Del. 1993) (describing § 220 “as an
    information-gathering tool” available to shareholders
    investigating the “possibility” of wrongdoing).
    Courts in our Circuit should proceed with due regard
    for the positive role that § 220 actions are meant to play under
    Delaware law. That is especially true when, as in this case, a
    Delaware court has exercised its judgment and concluded that
    a § 220 action has merit.19 See Wolst v. Monster Beverage
    Corp., CIV. A. No. 9154, 
    2014 WL 4966139
    , at *1 (Del. Ch.
    Oct. 3, 2014) (noting that “[a] stockholder invoking her rights
    under Section 220 must demonstrate a ‘proper purpose’ for
    the inspection” (quoting 8 Del. C. § 220(b))). In such
    circumstances, tolling is likely appropriate absent a
    countermanding consideration, such as evidence that a
    shareholder pursued the § 220 action in bad faith or in order
    to stall.
    Norman did successfully seek relief under § 220 and
    there is no indication that he proceeded in bad faith. In fact,
    he can point to valuable information that he acquired through
    his § 220 action. For instance, relevant to his fraud claim, he
    gained access to the Shareholder Loan Schedule which
    contained loan repayment figures that differed from those in
    In this case, the Court of Chancery found “incredible
    sloppiness” and a “complete inattention to the corporate
    forms and formalities.” (App. at 342.) And it saw “a credible
    basis here for inferring possible mismanagement and
    wrongdoing on the part of Mr. Elkin.” (App. at 341.) The
    Court expressed doubt that “serious damage” had been done
    to Norman, but nevertheless concluded that there was a
    sufficient basis to allow Norman access to USM records to
    look for signs of wrongdoing. (App. at 342.) Weight must be
    given to that judgment when considering the propriety of
    the December 2002 Letter he received from USM. We will
    therefore remand to allow the District Court to determine,
    consistent with our reasoning above, whether the statute of
    limitations was tolled from the initiation of Norman’s § 220
    action in November 2004 until the successful completion of it
    in October 2005. Cf. Technicorp, 
    2000 WL 713750
    , at *9
    (indicating that it is the institution of the § 220 action (or
    other litigation) “to ascertain the facts involved in the later
    suit” that tolls the limitations period).
    Because the District Court rejected the argument for
    § 220-based tolling, it has never conclusively resolved
    whether Norman’s claims would be timely if tolling were to
    apply. It is possible that the District Court may still conclude
    that several of the claims were already barred when Norman
    filed his § 220 action in November 2004. With regard to the
    conversion claim, the Court strongly suggested, but did not
    definitively determine, that public records would have put
    Norman on notice of the transfer of licenses to TEG in 1998.
    Norman II, 
    726 F. Supp. 2d at 473
    .20 With regard to the
    breach of contract theories, the District Court indicated that
    an unspecified combination of the 2000 and 2001 K-1 forms,
    the summer 2002 phone call, the December 2002 Letter, and
    the October 2003 Letter had put Norman on inquiry notice.
    The District Court noted “that [Norman] was not
    incapable of learning the facts giving rise to his conversion
    and usurpation claims” in 1998. Norman II, 
    726 F. Supp. 2d at 473
    . However, it did not definitively determine that
    Norman’s notice of the sale was sufficient because it
    concluded that the events of 2002, such as the December
    2002 letter, were clearly adequate. 
    Norman IV, 
    2015 WL 4886049
    , at *3. 21 And with regard to
    the breach of fiduciary duty claims, the Court decided that
    Norman argues that the District Court should have
    been bound by its earlier decision in Norman II that the
    breach of contract claim based on Elkin’s failure to make a
    pro rata distribution was timely. But “we have consistently
    held” that reconsideration is appropriate when “new evidence
    is available … or … the earlier decision was clearly
    erroneous and would create manifest injustice[.]” Roberts v.
    826 F.3d 117
    , 126 (3d Cir. 2016) (quoting Pub.
    Interest Research Grp. of N.J., Inc. v. Magnesium Elektron,
    123 F.3d 111
    , 117 (3d Cir. 1997)).                 In such
    circumstances, a District Court is entitled to reconsider its
    decision if it “explain[s] on the record the reasoning behind
    its decision to reconsider the prior ruling … [and] take[s]
    appropriate steps so that the parties are not prejudiced by
    reliance on the prior ruling.” Williams v. Runyon, 
    130 F.3d 568
    , 573 (3d Cir. 1997).
    The District Court explained that it was re-evaluating
    Norman II because the earlier decisions were based “on a
    more limited evidentiary record” and there was an
    “evidentiary hole in the first trial” that was filled by evidence
    provided in the second trial. Norman v. Elkin (“Norman IV”),
    CIV. A. No. 06-005-LPS, 
    2015 WL 4886049
    , at *3 n.5 (D.
    Del. Aug. 14, 2015) (citation omitted from second quotation).
    In particular, the October 2002 Letter was part of the record
    in the first trial, but the Court in Norman II erroneously
    concluded that “[t]he letter sent from [Norman’s] counsel to
    Defendant Elkin is not in evidence, and therefore, the Court
    cannot consider it.” 
    726 F. Supp. 2d at 471
    . The District
    Court was therefore entitled to reconsider its decision in light
    of the new evidence of the content of the letter and in order to
    Norman had inquiry notice “by December 2002” but did not
    decide whether Norman had notice at an earlier point.
    Norman II, 
    726 F. Supp. 2d at 474-75
    . The Court also
    dismissed, without additional clarification, the declaratory
    judgment and unjust enrichment claims, because they were
    “based on the same facts as previously addressed in
    [Norman’s] other claims[.]” 
    Id. at 476
    . Since determining
    precisely when Norman had inquiry notice is a highly fact-
    intensive question, see Cantor, 
    414 F.3d at 441
    that determining “when a reasonable person in plaintiffs’
    position knew or should have known of the claim” is “a fact
    intensive inquiry”), the District Court should address it in the
    first instance, with the purpose of determining whether
    Norman should benefit from tolling as a result of the filing of
    the § 220 action and, if so, whether his claims are timely even
    if tolling based on the § 220 action is appropriate.22
    correct an erroneous ruling. The Court explained its
    reasoning at length on the record and also made efforts to
    minimize undue prejudice by allowing both parties to
    extensively brief and argue the statute of limitations issue.
    Norman IV, 
    2015 WL 4886049
    , at *2-3. Accordingly, there
    was no error in that regard.
    As is discussed herein, we conclude that Norman’s
    fraud claim can be rejected on alternative grounds.
    Therefore, we do not opine on the timeliness of that claim.
    Norman’s appellate briefs only lightly touch upon his claims
    other than breach of contract, conversion, and fraud. Our
    basis for vacatur (the failure to apply the correct test for
    tolling in light of § 220) applies fully to Norman’s other
    claims, and Norman argued that “the [D]istrict [C]ourt erred
    when it held that Norman’s pursuit of his statutory books and
    B.     Breach of Contract via the Shareholder Loan
    The District Court overturned the jury’s verdict that
    Elkin had committed a breach of contract when he caused
    USM to enter into the Shareholder Loan Agreement with him.
    As the Court saw it, the claim failed because Norman could
    not point to any independent damages flowing from the
    signing of the Shareholder Loan Agreement.23 Norman, of
    course, argues that the Court’s analysis and conclusion are
    wrong. In response, Elkin says that Norman waived any such
    argument when he conceded before the District Court that
    records demands and lawsuit under [8 Del. C. § 220] did not
    toll his statute of limitations for all claims[.]” (Opening Br. at
    2 (emphasis added).) Therefore, we also vacate the judgment
    against Norman’s claims for usurpation of corporate
    opportunity, breach of fiduciary duty, aiding and abetting, and
    unjust enrichment. The District Court should consider
    whether the other claims were in fact timely and should be
    put before a jury.
    See Norman IV, 
    2015 WL 4886049
    , at *2 (“At trial,
    Norman failed to present evidence from which a reasonable
    factfinder, even drawing all reasonable inferences in favor of
    Norman, could have found that Norman proved he was
    damaged as a result of Elkin’s signing the [Shareholder Loan
    Agreement]. At the hearing, Norman’s counsel conceded that
    he did not present evidence that Norman was damaged by the
    execution of the [Shareholder Loan Agreement], independent
    of the alleged derivative damages resulting from execution of
    the Agreement.”).
    there were “no independent damages” flowing from the
    signing of the Shareholder Loan Agreement. (App. at 951.)
    The two breach of contract claims Norman continues
    to press are before us in a peculiar posture. Both stem from
    the same oral agreement, and both allegedly led to the same
    injury, namely the failure to receive distributions according to
    the equity structure of USM. In this case in which the parties
    agree on practically nothing, everyone agrees that Norman
    sought the same set of damages through the claim of breach
    by failure to make pro rata distributions and the claim of
    breach by entering the Shareholder Loan Agreement.
    The confounding factor is that, procedurally, the pro
    rata distribution breach is arguably untimely and has been
    objected to, while the Shareholder Loan Agreement breach
    might also be untimely but was not objected to as such.
    Therefore, the statute of limitations might stand as a bar to the
    former claim but not the latter. Norman has endeavored to
    use his Shareholder Loan Agreement claim as a way to reach
    the pool of damages that existed only derivatively from the
    failure to make pro rata distributions, while he sidesteps the
    issue of timeliness. This may be what led the District Court
    to conclude that Norman was required to prove damages other
    than those barred by the statute of limitations in order to
    prevail on his breach of contract claim concerning the
    Shareholder Loan Agreement.
    Assuming it turns out to be the case that the pro rata
    distribution claim is time-barred, we agree with the District
    Court that Norman should not be able to rely on an earlier
    breach of the oral agreement in order to bypass the statute of
    limitations and reach the same set of damages that would
    otherwise be off limits. If Norman knew about the improper
    distributions and failed to bring a timely suit, he cannot revive
    his claim by asserting that the Shareholder Loan Agreement
    ultimately resulted in the same damages, even if Elkin did not
    raise a statute of limitations defense with respect to that
    earlier breach. Cf. Klehr v. A.O. Smith Corp., 
    521 U.S. 179
    190 (1997) (concluding in the antitrust and RICO contexts
    that a “plaintiff cannot use an independent, new predicate act
    as a bootstrap to recover for injuries caused by other earlier
    predicate acts that took place outside the limitations period”);
    Annulli v. Panikkar, 
    200 F.3d 189
    , 197 (3d Cir. 1999),
    (applying Klehr and concluding that plaintiffs “cannot rely on
    new injuries arising out of predicate acts of racketeering … to
    recover for any injuries caused by these ‘earlier predicate acts
    that took place outside the limitations period’” (quoting
    521 U.S. at 190
    )), overruled on other grounds by
    Rotella v. Wood, 
    528 U.S. 549
    That does not mean, however, that Elkin’s breach via
    the Shareholder Loan Agreement was not a breach. It was,
    and the District Court erred in rejecting the breach of contract
    claim regarding the Shareholder Loan Agreement on the
    grounds that Norman could not prove anything but nominal
    damages. Delaware courts have followed the approach of the
    Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 346, which states that
    “[t]here are … instances in which loss is caused but recovery
    for that loss is precluded because it cannot be proved with
    reasonable certainty … . In all these instances the injured
    party will nevertheless get judgment for nominal damages[.]”
    See Ivize of Milwaukee, LLC v. Compex Litig. Support, LLC,
    CIV. A. Nos. 3158, 3406, 
    2009 WL 1111179
    , at *12 n.48
    (Del. Ch. Apr. 27, 2009) (quoting the Restatement (Second)
    of Contracts § 346); Richard A. Lord, Williston on Contracts
    § 64:6 (4th ed. 2017) (“An unexcused failure to perform a
    contract is a legal wrong. An action will therefore lie for the
    breach although it causes no injury”). Even if the damage
    from Elkin’s execution of the Shareholder Loan Agreement
    was limited to the disavowal of his obligation to contribute
    $750,000 in capital and the wrongful recharacterization of
    some of his contributions as “loans,” Norman would still at
    least be entitled to nominal damages. We therefore conclude
    that the District Court erred in vacating the jury’s verdict with
    regard to the Shareholder Loan Agreement. At a minimum,
    on remand, Norman is entitled to reinstatement of the jury’s
    verdict with respect to that breach of contract and to nominal
    Since the District Court concluded that there were
    no damages, it did not consider Elkin’s alternative argument
    that there was insufficient evidence of an agreement
    preventing him from causing the company to execute the
    Shareholder Loan Agreement. But in Norman II, the District
    Court had already decided that “sufficient evidence was
    presented on which the jury could have concluded that an
    agreement between [Norman] and Defendant Elkin existed
    for Defendant Elkin to contribute $750,000 in capital, and
    that Defendant Elkin breached that agreement when he
    executed the Shareholder Loan Agreement to convert any
    funds in excess of $420,000 from capital to loans.” 
    726 F. Supp. 2d at 477
    . We see no reason to overturn that well-
    reasoned ruling.
    Elkin filed a cross-appeal and argues that, even if
    Norman’s fraud and conversion claims were timely, we can
    affirm the District Court’s entry of judgment on those claims
    because Norman did not support them with sufficient
    evidence. Affirmance on that basis is appropriate “only if,
    viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to [Norman]
    and giving [him] the advantage of every fair and reasonable
    inference, there is insufficient evidence from which a jury
    reasonably could find liability [against Elkin].” Lightning
    Lube, Inc. v. Witco Corp., 
    4 F.3d 1153
    , 1166 (3d Cir. 1993).
    Such a “judgment as a matter of law should be granted
    sparingly, [but] a scintilla of evidence is not enough to sustain
    a verdict of liability.” 
     We conclude that Elkin’s argument
    about conversion was inadequately briefed and, accordingly,
    has been effectively waived.          Elkin’s fraud argument,
    however, was fully developed and we agree that under
    Delaware law, Norman failed to prove that Elkin’s fraudulent
    conduct damaged him.
    A.     Conversion
    For an argument to be preserved on appeal it must be
    presented “together with supporting arguments and citations.”
    Simmons v. City of Phila., 
    947 F.2d 1042
    , 1065 (3d Cir. 1991)
    (citation omitted). “It is well settled that if an appellant fails
    to comply with these requirements on a particular issue, the
    appellant normally has abandoned and waived that issue on
    appeal and it need not be addressed by the court of appeals.”
    Kost v. Kozakiewicz, 
    1 F.3d 176
    , 182 (3d Cir. 1993).
    Elkin’s argument with regard to conversion is cursory
    at best. After stating the legal tests for conversion and
    misappropriation, Elkin asserts that “Norman offered no
    evidence of any property interest that was convertible” and no
    evidence “of any appropriate measure of damages that the
    jury could employ to develop a reasonable award[.]” (Ans.
    Br. at 77 (internal quotation marks omitted).) The support
    offered for that assertion is a reference to a memorandum
    filed in the District Court in connection with Elkin’s motion
    for judgment as a matter of law. But an attempt to
    incorporate by reference arguments made in the District Court
    does not satisfy the rules of appellate procedure. See Fed. R.
    App. P. 28(a)(8) and (b) (stating that a party’s brief must
    contain “the argument” including “contentions and the
    reasons for them, with citations to the authorities and parts of
    the record on which the [party] relies”); cf. Nagle v. Alspach,
    8 F.3d 141
    , 143 (3d Cir. 1993) (“When an issue is either not
    set forth in the statement of issues presented or not pursued in
    the argument section of the brief, the appellant has abandoned
    and waived that issue on appeal.”). Elkin has thus waived his
    argument with respect to the conversion claim.
    B.     Fraud
    Elkin also argues that there was insufficient evidence
    to justify the jury’s verdict on the fraud claim. Under
    Delaware law, the elements of fraud are:
    (1) a false representation of (or concealment of)
    a fact; (2) defendant’s knowledge or belief that
    the representation was false, or was made with
    reckless indifference to the truth; (3) an intent to
    induce the plaintiff or to cause plaintiff to
    refrain from acting; (4) [plaintiff’s] action or
    inaction taken in justifiable reliance upon the
    representation; and (5) damage to plaintiff as a
    result of such reliance.
    Yarger v. ING Bank, fsb, 
    285 F.R.D. 308
    , 327 (D. Del. 2012).
    Importantly, in cases involving both a breach of contract and
    an allegation of fraud, damages from the fraud must be pled
    “separate and apart from … breach damages.” Cornell
    Glasgow, LLC v. La Grange Properties, LLC, CIV. A. No.
    2012 WL 2106945
    , at *9 (Del. Super. Ct.
    June 6, 2012); see also Lazard Debt Recovery GP, LLC v.
    864 A.2d 955
    , 972 (Del. Ch. 2004) (dismissing a
    fraud claim for failure “to plead loss causation sufficiently”).
    While there may have been sufficient evidence to support all
    of the other elements of fraud, there is no evidence in the
    record that Norman suffered damages as a result of the fraud
    that are separate and apart from the damages alleged for
    breaches of contract.
    The basis for Norman’s fraud claim was the December
    2002 Letter that understated the amount that Elkin paid
    himself from USM’s coffers.         However, the improper
    distributions had already occurred by the time the December
    2002 Letter was sent.25 Norman has not presented any
    evidence to the contrary.26 Nor has he pointed to any other
    The only transaction listed on the Shareholder Loan
    Schedule after the December 2002 Letter is a loan of $12,000
    from Elkin on December 21, 2002.
    Norman attempts to incorporate by reference his
    post-trial briefing in the District Court. Again, that is
    way that the damages he suffered would have been lessened
    had he found out about the full extent of the payments made
    to Elkin at the time of the December 2002 Letter rather than
    as a result of the October 2003 Letter.
    In other words, the damages that Norman suffered
    from Elkin’s failure to make pro rata distributions were not
    caused by the allegedly fraudulent December 2002 Letter.
    Instead, the damages Norman claims he suffered as a result of
    the fraud are merely a “rehash” of damages claimed for the
    alleged breaches of the oral contract. See Cornell Glasgow,
    2012 WL 2106945
    , at *9 (“Delaware courts have consistently
    held that to successfully plead a fraud claim, the allegedly
    defrauded plaintiff must have sustained damages as a result of
    a defendant’s actions. And the damages allegations may not
    simply ‘rehash’ the damages allegedly caused by the breach
    of contract.” (internal quotation marks omitted)). Because
    Norman did not show “with particularity what [Elkin]
    obtained through [his] alleged fraud,” Albert v. Alex. Brown
    Mgmt. Servs., Inc., CIV. A. Nos. 762-N, 763-N, 
    2005 WL 2130607
    , at *7 (Del. Ch. Aug. 26, 2005), there was no basis
    for the jury to find that Elkin’s fraud had damaged Norman.
    See ITW Glob. Invs. Inc. v. Am. Indus. Partners Capital Fund
    IV, L.P., CIV. A. No. N14C-10-236, 
    2015 WL 3970908
    , at *5
    (Del. Super. Ct. June 24, 2015) (“Because [the plaintiff] has
    pleaded materially identical damages … they fail to separate
    the damages incurred by any alleged fraudulent
    misrepresentation and any alleged breach of contract … .
    Accordingly, [the] Count … for fraud must be dismissed
    impermissible. Nagle v. Alspach, 
    8 F.3d 141
    , 143 (3d Cir.
    1993). And in any event, the brief that he cites does not point
    to any specific evidence in the record.
    because it pleads damages that are simply a ‘rehash’ of the
    breach of contract damages.”). We will therefore affirm the
    District Court’s decision to vacate the fraud judgment and to
    grant judgment as a matter of law in Elkin’s favor on that
    For the foregoing reasons, we will affirm on
    alternative grounds the decision to enter judgment in Elkin’s
    favor on the claim of fraud. We will vacate the entry of
    judgment in Elkin’s favor on Norman’s other claims and will
    remand to the District Court to reinstate the award of nominal
    damages for the breach of contract claim concerning the
    Shareholder Loan Agreement and to determine whether § 220
    tolling should apply, and, if so, whether any of the remaining
    claims are timely.

Document Info

Docket Number: 16-1924

Citation Numbers: 860 F.3d 111

Filed Date: 6/13/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

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