Local Union 735-S v. N Amer Directory II ( 1996 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1996 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Local Union 735-S v. N Amer Directory II
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 96-7089
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    No. 96-7089
    UNION, LOCAL 735-S,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civ. No. 93-cv-01991)
    August 6, 1996
    Before:   MANSMANN, SCIRICA and WEIS, Circuit Judges.
    (Filed October 17, 1996)
    Ira H. Weinstock, Esquire
    Jason M. Weinstock, Esquire (ARGUED)
    Ira H. Weinstock, P.C.
    800 North 2nd Street
    Suite 100
    Harrisburg, PA 17102
    Steven R. Semler, Esquire (ARGUED)
    Semler & Pritzker
    5301 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
    Suite 610
    Washington, D.C. 20015
    MANSMANN, Circuit Judge.
    Today we determine if the normally favored "presumption
    of arbitrability," in section 301 labor relation cases, has been
    overcome by language in a collective bargaining agreement
    circumscribing the jurisdiction of a dispute resolution body.
    Here the union filed a grievance before the Peer Review Panel
    over the extent of health insurance benefits.
    Because we find that the union, in essence, seeks to
    have the Peer Review Panel effectuate a change in benefits, a
    matter expressly reserved from its jurisdiction in the collective
    bargaining agreement, we will affirm the judgment of the district
    court entered in favor of the company.
    North American Directory Corporation II, ("NADCO"),
    produces telephone directories. At the time of this litigation,
    its Hazelton, Pennsylvania, plant employed approximately 200
    production and maintenance employees who were represented by
    Local 735-S of the Graphic Communications International Union.
    NADCO and the union entered into a collective
    bargaining agreement effective December 1, 1992 to November 30,
    1995. During the negotiation period, the concept of "peer
    review" was introduced by NADCO as an alternative to the
    traditional arbitration system. Under this peer review system,
    employee grievances are brought before a 5-person panel dominated
    by non-managerial members (3 employees/2 management).    Despite
    some initial skepticism, the union agreed to accept the Peer
    Review Panel as the decision maker in certain workplace
    The description of the Peer Review Panel process at
    NADCO is found in Article 26 of the parties' collective
    bargaining agreement. The procedure for the filing of
    grievances, abbreviated for our purposes, is as follows:
    Article 26.1 A grievance is defined and restricted to
    an allegation that the employer has violated a specific
    provision of the collective bargaining agreement. A
    grievance as defined herein, shall be processed as
    STEP 1: A grievance shall be brought to the
    attention of the grievant's supervisor within
    five (5) working days of the act or omission
    being grieved . . . . The supervisor must
    answer the grievance within three (3) working
    days of the presentation.
    STEP 2: If agreement is not reached at the
    Step 1 discussion, the grievant shall have
    three (3) working days thereafter in which to
    file a written grievance with his/her
    department head (or designated Company
    representative) . . . . The department head
    (or designated Company representative) must
    answer the grievance in writing within five
    (5) working days of its presentation or any
    STEP 3: If the grievance is not settled at
    Step 2, the grievant shall have three (3)
    working days from receipt of the Step 2
    answer in which to appeal the Step 2 decision
    in writing, by submitting the grievance to 1)
    a Peer Review Panel, or 2) the Plant Manager
    (Senior Management), whose decision(s) will
    be final and binding on the grievant,
    management and the Union. . . . The Peer
    Review Panel or Plant Manager shall have five
    (5) working days after meeting in which to
    answer the grievance in writing.
    * * *
    The Panel will not have the authority to
    render a decision which will add to, subtract
    from, or change the meaning of specific
    provisions of the contract; nor shall the
    Panel have any authority to change Company or
    plant policy, pay rates, benefits, work rules
    or to determine future contract terms.
    Details of the peer review procedure were finalized by
    a joint committee of union members and NADCO management and were
    incorporated into the collective bargaining agreement. The
    addendum reads in relevant part:
    The company and the union recognize that from
    time to time an associate may encounter a
    problem, question or complaint that, if left
    unresolved, could affect job satisfaction and
    work performance. . . .
    * * *
    [W]hen an associate is faced with a situation
    that has not been satisfactorily resolved by
    traditional means, the PEER REVIEW procedure
    may be used. Peer Review is a formal problem
    solving system designed to ensure that each
    associate's concerns are given careful
    consideration and conflicts are resolved
    quickly and fairly.
    A Peer Review Panel will hear grievances that
    have not been resolved at an earlier step of
    the Grievance Procedure. In other words,
    peer panels may review management's actions
    to ensure that the application of the
    contract was followed correctly and fairly.
    If they find otherwise, they have the
    authority to rectify the situation consistent
    with contract provisions, company practices
    and/or policies.
    (Emphasis added.)
    The Peer Review Panel can not change contract
    provisions, company policy, work rules, wage
    scales, or benefits. When a promotion is
    grieved, the panel can determine whether or
    not the job was filled in accordance with
    Article 16.0 of the contract. If the Peer
    Review panel decides it was not done
    properly, the panel can require the process
    be re-done in accordance with the contract.
    (Emphasis in original.) The addendum further delineates the
    selection process for the members of the panel and describes the
    format of its meetings.
    The mechanics of the grievance procedure were invoked
    when a dispute arose under the provision of the collective
    bargaining agreement which obligates NADCO to provide health
    insurance coverage. Article 17.1 succinctly states: "NADCO will
    provide Health Insurance benefits, including dental, as described
    12/22/92, subject to employee copay of 10% of prevailing premium
    rate." No further written elucidation of the benefits exists and
    the parties join issue over the particulars of the agreed-upon
    The parties do agree, however, that the insurance
    coverage changed under the new agreement. Facts not in dispute
    are that, effective February 1, 1993, NADCO increased its payment
    of existing premiums from 85% to 90% and that the annual major
    medical deductible payments were increased from $100 to $200 per
    individual and from $200 to $400 per family. There is no such
    mutual understanding, however, concerning other changes to the
    package. Particularly, the union disputes its acceptance of the
    portion of the insurance program which includes a deductible and
    an employee across-the-board 20% copay of the first $2,000 in
    covered medical bills. Previously, with the exception of major
    medical costs, employees had been afforded first dollar coverage
    (no deductible and no copay) for these expenses.
    Union members began complaining to their supervisors
    regarding reduced coverages and voiced their concerns that these
    changes were not bargained for in the new agreement. Their
    objections culminated in August 1993 by a written filing of a
    Step 2 grievance. The union expressed its complaint as follows:
    The health plan currently in effect at NADCO
    is not the plan we agreed to implement in
    negotiations which took place on 12/22/92.
    Our understanding was the plan we had was to
    remain the same except that the deductible
    would change from $100.00 single/$200.00
    family to $200.00 single/$400.00 family.
    Also the copay of 15% would decrease 5% to
    10% copay. We also agreed the carrier would
    remain the same. (Blue Cross/Blue Shield of
    Northeast Pa. Wilkes-Barre) The Major
    Medical portion of the plan would be 80/20 of
    the next $2,000.00 dollars after the
    deductible is met. Instead we now pay 80/20
    of all charges up to $2,000.00. . . . The
    coverage by Blue Shield has also changed.
    (ex. Surgical Services)
    The union then requested the following relief:
    Remedy: We want the same Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan
    provided by NADCO to it's [sic] employees as we
    understood it to be on 12/22/92. This plan is the same
    plan the employees had prior to signing the contract
    with the following exceptions:
    1.   $200.00 single/$400.00 family
    2.   Copay at 10%
    This plan will be provided by Blue Cross/Blue
    Shield of Northeast Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
    Also, All employees who had to use the other
    plan will be reimbursed for any payment they
    may have made that should have been covered.
    NADCO rejected the grievance, citing two reasons -- one
    procedural, that the grievance was untimely filed, and one
    substantive, that the benefits provided are the benefits as
    bargained for and agreed upon. The denial further stated:
    Finally, while we expect the above
    explanation will amicably resolve this
    grievance, I want to point your attention to
    Step 4 of the Grievance Procedure, which,
    among other things, precludes the peer review
    mechanism from changing benefits.
    By this language NADCO implicitly precluded appeal to the Step 3
    level, the convocation of the Peer Review Panel.
    Following this denial, the union filed a complaint in
    the district court under Section 301 of the Labor Relations
    Management Act of 1947, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 185, to compel
    NADCO to accept the grievance for peer review adjudication.
    After discovery, both parties filed motions for summary judgment.
    The district court granted NADCO's motion, holding that
    the union grievance sought to impose a change in the health
    insurance benefits, a matter strictly precluded from the
    jurisdiction of the Peer Review Panel: "The [collective
    bargaining agreement] limitation is expansive and unambiguous --
    a peer review panel cannot reach a decision that requires the
    Company to provide benefits different from those benefits which
    the Company believes it is obligated to pay under the CBA."
    Graphic Communications International Union, Local 735-S v. North
    American Directory Corporation II, No. 93-CV-1991, slip op. at 12
    (M.D. Pa. filed Jan. 12, 1996). The union filed a timely
    The dispositive issue is whether adjudication of the
    union's grievance falls within the jurisdictional purview of the
    Peer Review Panel.
    We recognize initially that the question of whether the
    union's grievance is arbitrable is one for the court to decide.
    AT&T Technologies Inc. v. Communication Workers of America, 
    475 U.S. 643
    , 649 (1986). Second, we acknowledge the general
    presumption favoring arbitrability of labor matters. The Supreme
    Court's decisions in the Steelworkers Trilogy firmly established
    these principles and AT&T Technologies revalidated arbitration's
    special status:
    [W]here the contract contains an arbitration
    clause, there is a presumption of
    arbitrability in the sense that "[a]n order
    to arbitrate the particular grievance should
    not be denied unless it may be said with
    positive assurance that the arbitration
    clause is not susceptible of an
    interpretation that covers the asserted
    dispute. Doubts should be resolved in favor
    of coverage." Warrior & Gulf, 
    363 U.S. 582
    83. . . . "In the absence of any express
    provision excluding a particular grievance
    from arbitration, we think only the most
    forceful evidence of a purpose to exclude the
    claim from arbitration can prevail." Warrior
    Gulf, supra, at 584-85
    475 U.S. at 650.
    Finally, we refer to the Court's caution that since
    arbitration is a contractual matter, there must be agreement to
    submit the dispute to arbitration before the obligation arises.
    Id. at 649,
    citing John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v. Livingston, 
    376 U.S. 543
    , 546-47 (1964).
    Of course, this deference is to be afforded only when
    the grievance at issue is properly before the arbitral body. As
    we noted, federal labor policy is well disposed toward congenial
    labor/management relations and will liberally apply contract law
    in favor of the existence of a collective bargaining agreement.
    Ludens, 28 F.3d at 359
    . Yet it is essential that the dispute
    falls within the purview of the arbitration clause. Trap 
    Rock, 982 F.2d at 888
    . We thus turn immediately to the collective
    bargaining agreement.
    The language in the collective bargaining agreement
    before us allows generally for access to the grievance procedure
    where there is an allegation that the employer has violated a
    provision of the agreement. Because the union's present
    grievance asserts that NADCO has not provided health insurance
    coverage in conformity with Article 17.1, the complaint facially
    appears amendable to the Peer Review Panel process.
    We next inquire whether the parties intended, by either
    "express exclusion or other forceful evidence," AT&T
    Technologies, 475 U.S. at 652
    , to bar the Peer Review Panel from
    resolving this dispute. By the terms of the contract, the Peer
    Review Panel is empowered to evaluate management actions. If it
    determines that management has not acted in conformity with the
    collective bargaining agreement, the Panel is commissioned to
    rectify the problem in light of the contract and company
    practices. Exclusionary language, however, confines the
    decisionmaking role of the panel: it "can not change contract
    provisions, company policy, work rules, wage scales, or
    benefits." (Emphasis in original.)
    Here, the union's grievance presented to the panel
    requested a direct remedy -- implementation of the medical
    insurance plan as the union understood it. Despite its demand,
    the union characterizes the grievance as requesting only an
    interpretation of the Article 17 description of the health care
    package. We note that the substance, not the phrasing, of the
    grievance governs its arbitrability. Morristown Daily Record v.
    Graphics Communications Union, Local 8N, 
    832 F.2d 31
    , 34 (3d Cir.
    The union then asserts that the language limiting the
    jurisdiction of the Panel serves to define its role as a "rights"
    and not an "interest" arbitrator. In interest arbitration, it is
    within the province of the decisionmaker to "set new terms and
    conditions of employment. . . ." Lodge 802, International
    Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilders, Blacksmiths,
    Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO v. Pennsylvania Shipping Company,
    835 F.2d 1045
    , 1046 (3d Cir. 1987). Rights arbitrators, on the
    other hand, "resolve disputes involving the interpretation or
    application of terms and conditions of employment." 
    Id. at 1047.
             The asserted similarity to the rights arbitration
    depicted in Lodge 802 does not exist here. In that case, there
    was a clear intent to establish a rights only arbitration system.
    While the arbitrator was authorized to adjudicate differences as
    to "meaning, application or interpretation of any terms and
    conditions of this Agreement," he was specifically denied the
    "power to alter or modify" the terms and conditions of the
    collective bargaining agreement. 
    Id. In the
    present dispute, the Peer Review Panel's
    authority is not couched in terms limiting its function to an
    interpretative one. Nor are its powers unfettered. Instead, a
    hybrid body has been established by the collective bargaining
    agreement. The Panel is authorized to review certain management
    actions, and, when appropriate, dictate relief. Having granted
    such license, however, the agreement then clearly restrains it.
    Paramount to this case, the Peer Review Panel cannot change
    The union's claim that it is seeking an interpretation
    of the contract is belied by its request for a specific remedy
    calling for direct action. The present grievance can only be
    understood as an attempt to effectuate a change in the medical
    benefits provided under the collective bargaining agreement, a
    matter forbidden of consideration by the Peer Review Panel.
    We have also considered the hollow result which would
    necessarily follow. If the Peer Review Panel decided that the
    health care package actually provided by NADCO was not that
    bargained for on 12/22/92, a change in benefits would be
    mandated. The union does not, and could not, argue that any
    reading of its contract with NADCO permits such action be taken
    by the Panel. Such an outcome is not contemplated by the policy
    favoring arbitration or the basic integrity of the contract here.
    We therefore conclude that the presumption of
    arbitrability has been overcome by express exclusion. A
    presumption, by its very definition, is an attitude dictated by
    probability. There is no need to presume anything here where the
    intent is expressly stated.
    We will affirm the order of the district court awarding
    judgment to NADCO.
    Graphic Communications International Union, Local 735-S v. North
    American Director Corporation II, No. 96-7089
    WEIS, Circuit Judge, Dissenting.
    The majority carefully explains that the dispute
    between the parties is limited to whether the phrase in the
    health benefits portion of the collective bargaining agreement
    "as described 12/22/92" imposes increases in deductible and co-
    payment provisions. The union asserts that the increases are not
    "as described 12/22/92," and the employer says they are. The
    disagreement then is straightforward and focuses on the meaning
    to be given the cryptic statement, "as described 12/22/92."
    The union contends that the dispute is an appropriate
    subject for a grievance, defined by the collective bargaining
    agreement as "an allegation that the employer has violated a
    specific provision of the collective bargaining agreement."
    According to the union, the employer's insistence that employees
    pay an increased deductible and co-payment for hospital and
    surgical expenses violates the health benefits provision in the
    collective bargaining agreement.
    Although it disagrees with the union's version of what
    was "described 12/22/92," the employer sidesteps that issue and,
    instead, maintains that the peer review panel, as the final step
    of the grievance procedure, lacks the authority to resolve the
    issue. The employer points out that the collective bargaining
    agreement states: "The peer review panel can not change contract
    provisions, company policy, work rules, wage scales or benefits,"
    and argues that the union seeks to "change" the benefits
    In its brief, the employer makes it clear that, in its
    view, "change" refers to the benefits that have "indisputably . .
    . been in effect for six and one [half] months before the subject
    grievance was filed." Appellee Brief at 21. That statement is
    based on the facts that the collective bargaining agreement was
    signed on January 9, 1993, and, on February 1, 1993, the employer
    began to impose the deductible and co-payment provisions.
    Despite grumbling by employees beginning at that time, the union
    did not file a formal grievance until August 16, 1993.
    When it attacks the peer review panel's authority to
    "change" benefits, the employer focuses on those benefits in
    existence at the time the grievance was filed -- not necessarily
    those due under the collective bargaining agreement. The
    employer's contention is that its action in putting lesser
    benefits into effect sets the standard, which the peer review
    panel may not "change."
    Assuming arguendo that the union's position on the
    understanding of 12/22/92 is correct and that the increases in
    deductibles and co-payments were not included, it follows that
    using management's approach would result in denying the peer
    review panel the authority to remedy the employer's violation of
    the collective bargaining agreement. Adopting such an
    interpretation of the panel's authority makes the description of
    benefits in the collective bargaining agreement irrelevant when
    the employer unilaterally imposes a different health insurance
    program before the grievance occurs.
    Indeed, had the collective bargaining agreement
    explicitly provided that no deductibles or co-payments would be
    applicable, under the employer's interpretation, the peer review
    panel would still lack power to alter the benefits program
    implemented on February 1, 1993, even though the employer acted
    unilaterally. In sum, according to its view, the employer may
    circumvent peer review simply by adopting a new benefit, wage
    scale or work rule despite collective bargaining provisions to
    the contrary.
    It seems to me that the district court misapprehended
    the parties' positions when it stated that "the remedy sought by
    the Union is to change benefits provided by the Company under the
    terms of the CBA that went into effect on December 1, 1992."
    Actually, the union seeks to reinstate, not change, the benefits
    it says were provided by the collective bargaining agreement.
    Of course, the parties to a collective bargaining
    agreement are free to adopt a wide range of methods for resolving
    disputes over contract interpretation, including a veto power.
    In this case, however, the employer did not retain the
    nullification right it now claims.
    The peer review procedure adopted by the parties
    provides that "peer panels may review management's actions to
    ensure that the application of the contract was followed
    correctly and fairly. If they find otherwise, they have the
    authority to rectify the situation consistent with contract
    provisions, company practices and/or policies." That section
    clearly sets out the provisions of the collective bargaining
    agreement as the basis for determining if management's action's
    are correct and fair.
    In deciding whether a ruling of a peer review panel is
    a "change," therefore, the point of reference is the collective
    bargaining agreement -- not a practice instituted by the employer
    after the agreement was adopted. The employer's insistence that
    the peer review panel cannot act in the circumstances here is
    simply inconsistent with the provisions of the peer review
    Even if there were a conflict or ambiguity between
    various provisions of the peer review agreement, the Court is
    required to adopt an interpretation favoring the means of dispute
    resolution provided in the collective bargaining agreement. "An
    order to arbitrate the particular grievance should not be denied
    unless it can be said with positive assurance that the
    arbitration clause is not susceptible of an interpretation that
    covers the asserted dispute. Doubts should be resolved in favor
    of coverage." United Steelworkers of America v. Warrior & Gulf
    Navigation Co., 
    363 U.S. 574
    , 582-83 (1960). See also 5
    Theodore Kheel, Labor Law § 23.07[2] (1995) (presumption of
    arbitrability compels arbitration even when parties do not
    clearly evidence a contractual intention to do so.)
    The employer's proposed construction of the peer review
    panel's authority not only guts the dispute resolution procedure
    set up by the collective bargaining agreement, but is in conflict
    with basic tenets of labor law. When there are gaps in a
    contract, it is generally within the purview of the arbitrator to
    resolve them. Price v. Internal Board of Teamsters, 
    457 F.2d 605
    , 610 (3d Cir. 1972). See also United Steelworkers of America
    v. Lukens Steel Co., 
    969 F.2d 1468
    (3d Cir. 1992) (where
    collective bargaining agreement does not state who decides if
    grievance is valid, it is left to the arbitrator.).
    I would reverse the judgment of the district court and
    remand with instructions to direct the parties to submit the
    dispute for resolution by a peer review panel.