In Re: Hechinger Inv , 298 F.3d 219 ( 2002 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2002 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    In Re: Hechinger Inv
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 01-2018
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    Filed July 26, 2002
    No. 01-2018
    IN RE:
    Edmund Adams, Vera L. Addison, Paul Ambrose,
    Mary Jo-Andrews, Kok Ang, Richard C. Athey,
    Chris Ausse, Carl F. Baker, William C. Barnes,
    Sharon Baum, Lois J. Bednarski, William F. Behl,
    Janet E. Bell, J. Brian Bird, Cheryl Blackburn,
    Denise Booker, Ruth A. Borling, Carol Ann Bosley,
    Myra Bowyer, Wallace E. Boykin Jr., Jim Brearley,
    Richard Brimer, Yvonne D. Brooks, Shari L. Brown,
    John H. Brown, William Brundies, Ella Ruth Bryant,
    Daniel Bucel, Blanche Bulley, Kathleen Bush,
    Charles Cahlik, Jeffery S. Cajka, Ronald T. Caldwell,
    Dianne Calloway, Chester A. Capron III,
    Kevin L. Carpenter, James Caswell, Sandra Cicak,
    Bradley Clark, Thomas A. Clay, Mary Jo Cleary,
    William Cogar, Tricia L. Cole, Stephanie Covington,
    Wanda Cruz, Linda Csensich, Kenneth E. Curtis,
    Karen Cusano, Michael J. D’Onofrio, Yvonne Dagy,
    Sabrina Davis, Richard C. Davis, Richard R. DeJean,
    Eugene DeMarco, Susan L. Dennison, Arthur J. Derk,
    Martin Disque, Virginia Donnnenwirth,
    Margaret Drechney, Michael E. Dubay, Thomas P. Dudley,
    Thomas E. Dumski, Clarence Eacott, Barbara L. Erwin,
    Jeffrey F. Evans, Daniel W. Fava Jr., Sandra Fazzini,
    Debbie Felix, Kenneth M. Ferrence, Carl P. Fetsko,
    Lori A. Fetsko, Michael W. Fletcher, Gary W. Flint,
    Matt Forkapa, Karen E. Foster, Troy K. Fowler,
    Donald E. Fowler, Jennifer J. Frank, Robert W. Frazier,
    Kathleen Frederick, Patricia Galderio, Daniel E. Gallagher,
    David A. Gansel, John R. Gardner, Brenda C. Getz,
    Bonnie K. Gorski, James P. Gourley, Sandra L. Grace,
    Robyn C. Green, David D. Gregory, Sharon Grimm,
    Vivian Grimsley, Debra Gullickson, Joann M. Hale,
    Joseph L. Hall Sr., James L. Harris, John F. Hausen,
    Donna Hazelip, Kenneth R. Heizer, Dale A. Heppner,
    David Hercules, John J. Hereshko, Tracy Hill,
    Patricia A. Holt, Imre Horvath, Kim Hricko,
    Dana M. Hudson, Donna J. Huelsman, William S.
    Hundsdorf, Todd L. Huston, Peggy A. Huwig, Michael
    Kelly Irwin, Tracy Jablonske, Frederick Jacobs, Nancy J.
    Jessel, Madelyn Johanyak, Marlene Johns, George F.
    Johns, Ralph Johnson, William L. Jones, Ronald W.
    Kammer, Thomas P. Kanesky, Marie T. Kerg, Thomas
    Kilroy, Gerald O. King, Melissa Kinsinger, Gloria Kinzig,
    John Kirby, Alice M. Kissner, LeRoy N. Kline, Richard L.
    Klotz III, Francis M. Kovach Jr., Clarence J. Krejci,
    Cynthia C. Lacek, Kirk W. Lambert, Joseph E. Lamp, Bob
    Largent, Patricia A. Latshaw, Grover E. Lawrence, Frank
    D. Leatherman, Roselynn Leone, Wayne E. Lindblom,
    Devon D. Logan, Mark Logan, Vickie L. Lohr, Samuel
    Lopez, Lourdes Lopez, Marc Madden, Debra A. Magpoc,
    Mary Kay Maihle, Fred Martz, Terrie Mast, Sharon Mauro,
    Frederick McCloud, Michael G. McConnell, Norman E.
    McFeeders, Robert C. Mehaffie, Sharon A. Meredith, Lana
    L. Mieyal, Vincent Miller, Richard Miller, LaDonna Miller,
    Patricia A. Millman, John L. Minute, Laverne K. Miozzi,
    Patricia Mitchell, Ann Moody, Michelle K. Morgan, Alan R.
    Moriarty, Cathy J. Moulin, Steven W. Murray, Mark R.
    Muska, Phillip E. Nelson, Kenneth P. Nemeth, Marlin
    Nester, Lori Nimnicht, Joseph H. O’Neill, Karen M.
    Oakley, Marcia E. Orr, Charles R. Owens, Roger E. Paden,
    Harold L. Pair, Albert Parker, Marilyn J. Parks, Pravin A.
    Patel, Terry L. Peoples, Lisa Pettit, Holly K. Phipps,
    Kenneth Phipps, Robert H. Pierson, Gregory J. Plasity,
    Joanne M. Pratt, Cheryl Priebe, Margaret A. Pullin,
    Thomas D. Purtell, Maxine Rak, Jeffrey E. Randall,
    Brittany E. Reed, Kathy L. Reed, Jeff Reed, Lance Reep,
    Debra V. Rhoad, Betty J. Riley, Thomas R. Rister, Angus
    R. Robinson, Jerry L. Rose, Daniel J. Ross, Scott Roten,
    Robin Roy, Debra Rumbaugh, Linda L. Runchey, Theresa
    E. Sabatino, Peggy Sawyers, Willie J. Scott, Daniel A.
    Sedlak, Patrick V. Seymour, Christopher Shane, Seth
    Sherban, Joseph A. Sherbert Jr., Geraldine Shukait,
    Robert Sines, Barbara A. Slade, Steve Smith, Larry Smith,
    Elaine T. Snider, Theodore J. Snyder, Charity A. Spicer,
    James Staats, Michael J. Stauder, Sharlene Stevens,
    Shirley H. Stewart, Mark Stoughton, Barbara J.
    Stoughton, Norman J. Suplicki, Linda M. Swihart, Lynette
    Szymczyk, Darrell Tarver, Andrew S. Taylor, Patricia
    Taylor, Valerie A. Terry, Debra S. Thomas, Eric
    Thompson, Gary G. Tichy, Paul T. Tinch, Erik Toth,
    Nicolinna Travaglini, Roger Tubbs Jr., Patricia A. Turley,
    Judith M. Tyree, Kim VanBlaricum, Frank Villwock,
    Louise Walunis, Michael T. Ward, Donald Watson, Brian
    D. Watts, Susan Wendling, Lora R. Wheeler, Julie
    Wiencek, Gladys M. Wilders, Williams Williams, James W.
    Willis, Joseph P. Wilson, Brian C. Winland, John Yencho,
    Danena Young, Jimmie D. Young,
    *Pursuant to Rule 12(a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate
    (Dist. Court No. 00-CV-00171)
    District Court Judge: Joseph J. Farnan, Jr.
    Argued: March 5, 2002
    Before: ALITO, RENDELL, and HALL,1
    Circuit Judges.
    1. The Honorable Cynthia Holcomb Hall, Circuit Judge for the Ninth
    Circuit, sitting by designation.
    (Opinion Filed: July 26, 2002)
    Brain E. O’Connor (Argued)
    Julie O. Veit
    Willkie Farr & Gallagher
    787 Seventh Avenue
    New York, NY 10019
    Deborah E. Spivack
    Mark D. Collins
    Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A.
    One Rodney Square
    Wilmington, DE 19899
    Counsel for Appellee
    Lawrence E. Oscar
    Alan S. Kopit
    Julie K. Zurn (Argued)
    Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP
    3300 BP Tower
    200 Public Square
    Cleveland, OH 44114
    Robert D. Gary
    Thomas R. Theado
    Thomas A. Downie
    Gary, Naegele & Theado
    446 Broadway
    Lorain, OH 44042
    Morton Branzburgh
    Klehr Harrison Harvey
    Branzburgh & Ellers LLP
    260 South Broad Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Steven K. Kortanek
    Klehr Harrison Harvey
    Branzburgh & Ellers LLP
    919 N. Market Street
    Wilmington, DE 19083
    Counsel for Appellants
    ALITO, Circuit Judge:
    In this bankruptcy appeal, former employees of
    Hechinger Investment Company and related entities
    ("Hechinger") contest an order under which certain
    employee benefits are treated as administrative expenses
    only to the extent that they are attributable to employment
    services performed after Hechinger filed for relief under
    Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. For the reasons stated
    below, we affirm the order of the District Court.
    Hechinger operated 206 general home improvement
    stores under a variety of names, including Hechinger,
    Builders Square, and Home Quarters Warehouse. Due to
    financial difficulties, Hechinger decided to close 34 of its
    Builders Square Stores in February of 1999. In order to
    liquidate the inventory of these stores, Hechinger held
    "going out of business" sales. Wishing to ensure that each
    store would retain experienced staff to run these sales,
    Hechinger offered two types of special benefits (hereinafter
    collectively "Stay-On Benefits"). First, Hechinger offered to
    increase the percentage of "BHQ Time" for which an
    employee would be paid on termination. Employees
    accumulated BHQ Time (a combination of vacation, sick,
    holiday, and personal days) at rates that varied based on
    length of service. Employees not participating in the Stay-
    On Benefits program, received payment for 50% of their
    BHQ time upon termination. Under the Stay-On Benefits
    program, however, employees were to be paid for 100% of
    this time. Second, participating employees were to receive
    severance pay in amounts that varied based on length of
    service with the company. Full-time employees who had
    completed at least nine months of continuous service as of
    the date of termination were eligible to receive one week of
    severance for each completed year of service, up to a
    maximum of 13 weeks. To be eligible to receive any of these
    enhanced benefits, however, an employee had to remain
    with the company until the employee’s store was closed or
    the employee was released by the company.
    On June 11, 1999, Hechinger voluntarily filed petitions
    for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. On
    August 3, 1999, employees of the 34 closing Builders
    Square stores ("employees") filed a motion in the United
    States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware
    requesting immediate payment of benefits owed under the
    Stay-On Benefits plan as administrative expenses under 11
    U.S.C. SS 503(b)(1)(A), 507(a)(1), and 105.
    The Bankruptcy Court granted this relief only in part.
    The Court apportioned both the BHQ time payments and
    the severance pay between the period of pre- and post-
    petition employment and treated only the latter as
    administrative expenses. The District Court affirmed, and
    this appeal followed.
    We have appellate jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
    S 158(d). Our review of the District Court’s decision
    effectively amounts to review of the bankruptcy court’s
    opinion in the first instance. See In re Telegroup, Inc., 
    281 F.3d 133
    , 136 (3d Cir. 2002). Interpretations of the
    Bankruptcy Code are subject to plenary review. See In re
    Abbotts Dairies, 
    788 F.2d 143
    , 147 (3d Cir. 1986). We
    review a refusal to exercise jurisdiction under 11 U.S.C.
    S 105 for an abuse of discretion. See Nordhoff Invs., Inc. v.
    258 F.3d 180
    , 182 (3d Cir. 2001).
    The dispute between the parties is limited to the priority
    to be afforded to the Stay-On Benefits claims. The
    employees argue that the entirety of their claims qualify as
    administrative expenses under S 503(b)(1)(A) because the
    benefits were not "earned," i.e., employees could not expect
    payment, until after the last day of business of the
    individual store or the individual employee’s release date.
    Each named employee completed employment after
    Hechinger’s petition date. The employees contend that this
    feature of the Stay-On Benefits distinguishes them from
    conventional severance pay and that therefore this case is
    not controlled by our precedents allowing administrative
    priority to claims for severance benefits only inasmuch as
    the claims arose post-petition. Based on their contention
    that the benefits at issue here were earned after the
    petitions were filed, the employees argue that they are
    administrative expenses under S 503(b)(1)(A).
    Section 503(b) provides:
    After notice and a hearing, there shall be allowed
    administrative expenses, other than claims allowed
    under section 502(f) of this title, including
    (1)(A) the actual, necessary costs and expenses of
    preserving the estate, including wages, salaries, or
    commissions for services rendered after the
    commencement of the case.
    11 U.S.C. S 503(b) (emphasis added).
    Under S 507, certain categories of expenses and claims
    enjoy priority. Administrative expenses allowed under
    S 503(b) receive first priority in the distribution of the assets
    of the debtor’s estate. See 11 U.S.C. S 507(a)(1). In a
    Chapter 11 case, a court cannot confirm a distribution plan
    unless the plan provides full cash payment of allS 503(b)
    administrative expense claims or the claim holder agrees to
    different treatment. See 11 U.S.C. SS 943(b)(5),
    The employees also argue that Hechinger will be unjustly
    enriched if all Stay-On Benefits are not treated as
    administrative expenses and that immediate payment of
    their claims should be ordered under Bankruptcy Code
    Section 105, 11 U.S.C. S 105.
    The employees’ principal argument is that the Stay-On
    Benefits are entitled to administrative expense priority
    because they were earned after the filing of the petition and
    directly and substantially benefitted the estate. Noting that
    employees qualified for these benefits only if they remained
    until released, the employees state that these benefits "were
    not earned ratably over time" but "were earned upon the
    Employees’ release." Appellants’ Br. at 7 - 8. The employees
    [T]he "Stay-On Benefits" are distinct from wages and
    other traditional compensation benefits which
    compensate employees for their daily work. This
    separate element cannot be prorated between
    prepetition and postpetition periods; no Stay-On
    Benefits would be due and owing if an employee left
    the employ of Hechinger before his/her release by
    Appellants’ Br. at 12. In addition, the employees argue that,
    even if the Stay-On Benefits are treated like ordinary
    severance benefits, the Stay-On Benefits must be classified
    as administrative expenses because the employees’
    consideration -- remaining in good standing at the time of
    termination -- was furnished after the filing of the petition.
    In analyzing the employees’ argument, we begin with the
    language of Section 503(b)(1)(A). Under that provision, as
    noted, "wages, salaries, or commissions for services
    rendered after the commencement of the case" may be
    allowed as administrative expenses. Thus, in order for the
    Stay-On Benefits to qualify in toto, as the employees desire,
    these benefits must have been "for services rendered after
    the commencement of the case." It is apparent, however,
    that all of the Stay-On Benefits cannot meet this
    requirement. Suppose that the employees, after enlisting in
    the Stay-On Benefits program, had absented themselves
    from work until the moment when the bankruptcy petition
    was filed and had then showed up professing a willingness
    to remain on the job until release. The employees would
    have been ready to perform all of the services to be
    "rendered after the commencement of the case," but
    because they had not rendered the specified services prior
    to that point, they would not qualify for the Stay-On
    Benefits (or, presumably, for continued employment with
    the debtor).
    Under the Stay-On Benefits program, the consideration
    furnished by the employees was the work that they did
    every day from the time when they agreed to the Stay-On
    Benefits program until the closing of their stores or their
    release by the company. Some of these services were
    rendered before the bankruptcy case was commenced and
    some were rendered after. Accordingly, it seems clear to us
    that some sort of apportionment between the two periods is
    The employees’ reliance on the date when the Stay-On
    Benefits were to be paid -- at the end of the employees’
    term -- is misplaced. Section 503(b)(1)(A) does not give
    administrative priority to "wages, salaries, or commissions
    due to be paid after the commencement of the case." It looks
    to the time when the services were "rendered" not when
    they were scheduled for payment. See e.g., In re Commercial
    Fin. Servs., Inc., 
    246 F.3d 1291
    , 1295 (10th Cir. 2001) (to
    determine administrative priority, courts look to"when the
    acts giving rise to a liability took place, not when they
    accrued") (quotation omitted); In re Sunarhauserman, Inc.,
    126 F.3d 811
    , 818-19 (6th Cir. 1997) (same); In re
    Continental Airlines, Inc., 
    148 B.R. 207
    , 212 (D. Del. 1992)
    ("Congress was quite specific about which wage claims were
    to receive administrative priority . . . [and] made it clear
    that the only wages which were to be given priority in
    S 503(b)(1)(A) were those for services rendered post-
    petition"); In re M Group, Inc, 
    268 B.R. 896
    , 900-02 (Bankr.
    D. Del. 2001) (it was not determinative that the payment of
    a lump sum severance was contingent on termination,
    which occurred post-petition).
    It is similarly irrelevant whether the services that the
    employees performed prior to the filing of the petition
    continued to benefit the debtor after the case was
    commenced. Section 503(b)(1)(A) does not provide that
    services that have the effect of benefitting the estate are
    entitled to treatment as administrative expenses. (Such a
    test would be unworkable because services rendered years
    before the commencement of a bankruptcy case -- e.g.,
    constructing the steps leading to the debtor’s principal
    facility -- might well continue to result in benefit for the
    estate during the post-petition period.) Instead,
    S 503(b)(1)(A) refers to services that are"rendered after the
    commencement of the case" and that are needed for the
    purpose "of preserving the estate." An estate cannot be
    preserved until it comes into existence, and as the
    Bankruptcy Court observed, "[t]he estate does not exist
    prepetition." App. 34.
    We also note that the employees have not shown that the
    work performed pre-petition represents an "actual,
    necessary cost[ ] and expense[ ] of preserving the estate." 11
    U.S.C. S 503(b)(1)(A). Hechinger’s closed the stores in an
    attempt to remain liquid. It is easy to imagine a case in
    which the pre-petition sale of inventory decreases the value
    of the estate because inventory is sold at drastically
    reduced prices in an attempt to remain liquid and avoid
    bankruptcy. An expense incurred "in exchange for
    something that is not beneficial to the estate cannot be
    considered as an expense necessary for preserving the
    estate." 2 Collier Bankruptcy Manual S 503-18 (3d ed.
    2002). For all these reasons, it seems clear that some
    method of allocation between the pre- and post-petition
    periods must be used.
    Under some circumstances, an argument that the
    allocation should not be based strictly on the length of the
    two periods might make sense. (Suppose that a company’s
    business is seasonal, that the going wage varies based on
    the season, and that the company would have paid different
    daily wages if it had entered into contracts for two separate
    periods of time.) But here, the employees do not argue that
    the Bankruptcy Court used the wrong allocation method;
    rather, they argue that no allocation was proper. We reject
    that argument and thus have no occasion to consider
    alternative methods of allocation.
    The appellees argue, and we agree, that the decisions of
    the District Court and the Bankruptcy Court are supported
    by circuit precedent. Our Court first addressed the
    classification of employment benefits as administrative
    expenses in In re Public Ledger, Inc., 
    161 F.2d 762
    , 771-73
    (3d Cir. 1947). In that case, several different types of
    benefits were at issue. The first concerned vacation pay.
    Under the company’s contract with one of its unions,
    covered employees who worked for the full calendar year
    received two weeks of paid vacation, while all others
    received one day’s vacation with pay for each 26 days
    Id. at 765.
    The Court held that only the vacation
    pay earned after the trustees took charged should be
    classified as administrative expenses. 
    Id. at 773.
    The Court
    [T]he vacation pay . . . earned before the trustees took
    charge does not constitute wages as administration
    expenses because the service was not given during the
    reorganization period, and it follows logically that
    vacation pay earned under the trustees’ management
    does not constitute administration expense, and is
    within the priority such status entitles it to enjoy.
    Id. at 768.
    Some of the company’s employees were also entitled to
    severance pay in amounts that varied based on the length
    of their employment. The Court held that these benefits,
    like the vacation pay, should be allocated between the
    periods before and after the beginning of the trustees’
    Id. at 772.
    The final type of benefit was based on a provision of a
    contract entitling covered employees to two days’ notice
    before layoff. Such notice was not given, and the Court held
    that payment for the two days’ lost wages was an
    administrative expense. 
    Id. at 769.
    The court wrote that
    this pay, "in that it moves to all employees regardless of
    length of service, is held to be wages wholly earned and
    accrued under the trustees’ management and, therefore is
    entitled to priority as such." 
    Id. at 770.
    Using the Public Ledger framework, we have
    distinguished between "(i) pay at termination in lieu of
    notice; and (ii) pay at termination based on length of
    employment," with the prior receiving administrative
    expense priority and the latter receiving no additional
    priority other than that allowed under S 507(a)(3). In re Roth
    American, Inc., 
    975 F.2d 949
    , 957 (3d Cir. 1992) (quotation
    omitted). Traditionally, pay at termination in lieu of notice
    is allowed administrative expense priority because the
    payments are made in consideration of quick departure
    from employment after the petition date -- consideration
    given after the petition. Severance pay at termination based
    on length of employment is given in consideration of work
    performed both pre- and post-petition, and thus not all
    such pay is entitled to treatment as an administrative
    Id. at 958;
    see also In re Health Maintenance
    680 F.2d 619
    , 621 (9th Cir. 1982); In re Mammoth
    Mart, Inc., 
    536 F.2d 950
    , 955 (1st Cir. 1976); In re
    Allegheny Int’l, Inc. 
    118 B.R. 276
    , 280 (Bank. W.D. Pa.
    Numerous courts have followed Roth American’s
    teachings that length-of-service severance pay should be
    allowed administrative expense priority only to the extent
    that the entitlement arose post-petition. See e.g. In re World
    Sales, Inc., 
    183 B.R. 872
    (B.A.P. 9th Cir. 1995) (the division
    of severance benefits between pre- and post-petition
    employment was appropriate); In re Wean Inc., 
    171 B.R. 528
    , 531-32 (Bankr. W.D. Pa. 1994) (even though
    employees were paid severance benefits only if they stayed
    until their severance date, "portions of severance pay
    attributable to services performed for Debtor post petition
    [we]re entitled to administrative priority under Roth
    American . . . Amounts in excess of the [service performed
    post-petition] constitute unsecured claims"); In re Allegheny
    Inc., 118 B.R. at 280
    (severance benefit tied to
    seniority was awarded priority "only to the extent that it
    was earned post-filing or within 90 days prior thereto"). But
    see In re Finley, Kumble, Wagner, Heine, Underberg,
    Manley, Myerson & Casey, 
    160 B.R. 882
    , 890 (Bankr.
    S.D.N.Y. 1993) (when termination occurs post-petition,
    severance pay is automatically classified as an
    administrative expense regardless of the benefit to the
    Under the Roth American taxonomy, the Stay-On Benefits
    resemble length-of-service pay much more closely than
    severance pay in lieu of notice. Under the Stay-On Benefits
    plan, as noted, employees were obligated to provide services
    both before and after the filing of the bankruptcy petition.
    Under Roth American, severance pay claims"only have
    administrative priority to the extent that they are based on
    services provided to the bankruptcy estate 
    post-petition." 975 F.2d at 757
    ; see also In re Health Maintenance 
    Found., 680 F.2d at 621
    ; In re Mammoth Mart, 
    Inc., 536 F.2d at 953
    . Consequently, only the Stay-On Benefits attributable
    to post-petition services are entitled to administrative
    expense priority.
    The employees’ remaining arguments do not require
    lengthy discussion. The employees argue that the debtor
    and its creditors will be unjustly enriched if all of the Stay-
    On Benefits are not classified as administrative expenses.
    According to the employees, this will allow "them to retain
    the benefit of the [employees’] consideration without
    expending the promised compensation." Appellants’ Br. at
    22. The employees do not cite any provision of the
    Bankruptcy Code in support of this argument, but they rely
    on our decision in In re Visual Indus., Inc., 
    57 F.3d 321
    Cir. 1995), and several bankruptcy court decisions.
    In re Visual Indus., Inc. concerned Section 506(c) of the
    Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. S 506(c), which provides that
    "[t]he trustee may recover from property securing an
    allowed secured claim the reasonable, necessary costs and
    expenses of preserving, or disposing of, such property to
    the extent of any benefit to the holder of such claim." The
    employees do not explain how this provision can be applied
    in the present case, and we see no basis for doing so. We
    have considered all of the employees’ authorities but are
    not persuaded that the decision of the Bankruptcy Court in
    this case results in unjust enrichment or that there is a
    ground under the Code for treating all of the Stay-On
    Benefits as administrative expenses.
    The employees finally assert that immediate payment
    should be ordered under 11 U.S.C. S 105, which provides:
    The court may issue any order, process, or judgment
    that is necessary or appropriate to carry out the
    provisions of this title. No provision of this title
    providing for the raising of an issue by a party in
    interest shall be construed to preclude the court from,
    sua sponte, taking any action or making any
    determination necessary or appropriate to enforce or
    implement court orders or rules, or to prevent an
    abuse of process.
    Here, where other provisions of the Code are specifically
    controlling, the Bankruptcy Court did not abuse its
    discretion under S 105. See In re Arrowmill Dev. Corp., 
    211 B.R. 497
    , 505 n.9 (Bankr. D. N.J. 1997) ("section 105 does
    not authorize relief inconsistent with more specific law")
    (quotation and citations omitted). The Bankruptcy Court
    determined "[t]o the extent that the clear language of S 503
    relegates their claims to general prepetition status, an order
    for immediate payment under S 105 is inappropriate," and
    ordered that "[t]o the extent that S 503 and S 507 grant
    administrative expense status to the Employees’ claims,
    payment will be made according to the schedule of
    payments for similar claims." App. at 396 n.8. This order is
    a clear application of S 503 and does not represent an
    abuse of discretion under S 105.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the
    District Court.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit