Laboreres' Internat'l Union v. Foster Wheeler Corp. , 26 F.3d 375 ( 1994 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1994 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Laboreres' Internat'l Union v. Foster Wheeler
    Corp., et al.
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 93-5208
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    NOS. 93-5208, 93-5233, 93-5243
    Appellant in No. 93-5208
    Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation
    Appellant in No. 93-5233
    Foster Wheeler Corporation
    Appellant in No. 93-5243
    On Appeal From the United States District Court
    For the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. Civ. No. 85-04240)
    Argued: December 10, 1993
    Before: BECKER and NYGAARD, Circuit Judges, and
    YOHN, District Judge.0
    (Filed May 20, 1994)
    International Laborers Union of
    North America
    905 16th Street, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20006
    Attorneys for Laborers' Internation-
    al Union of North America
    FRANCIS A. MASTRO, Esquire
    Apruzzese, McDermott, Mastro & Murphy
    25 Independence Boulevard
    Somerset Hills Corporate Center
    Liberty Corner, New Jersey 07938
    Attorneys for Foster Wheeler Corpo-
    DAVID D. DIBARI, Esquire
    Rogers & Wells
    607 14th Street, N.W., 9th Floor
    Washington, DC 20005-2011
    Attorneys for Foster Wheeler Energy
    BECKER, Circuit Judge.
    This appeal arises out of bitterly contested litigation
    over the applicability of a national "prehire" labor agreement to a
    worksite in Alabama.     At ultimate issue is the defendant employers'
    failure to hire the employees engaged at the site from the plaintiff
    Honorable William H. Yohn, Jr., United States District Court for the
    Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation.
    union's hiring hall.               The parties have been ceaselessly embroiled in
    this   matter        for    over    eight       years.     During      this    time    they    have
    appeared before the district court thrice and an arbitrator once;
    they are now before this Court for the third time.                                    Given what
    appears to us to be the relatively modest stakes and the fact that
    the primary point of contention in the case will probably never
    recur,0    it   is     unfortunate         that    their    litigation         strategies      have
    prevented them from settling. We can only hope that the opinion that
    follows will edge them toward a swift resolution of their remaining
    disputes    instead         of     propelling      them    back   to     the    arbitrator      for
    another round of pugnacious battle.
    The principal question before us, one we will answer in
    the affirmative, is whether the district court erred in not applying
    retrospectively the National Labor Relation Board's decision in John
    Deklewa & Sons, Inc., 
    282 N.L.R.B. 1375
    (1987), enf'd sub nom. Iron
    Workers, Local 3 v. NLRB, 
    843 F.2d 770
    (3d Cir.) (per curiam), cert.
    488 U.S. 889
    109 S. Ct. 222
    (1988).                                  A host of other
    questions       is    also       before     us,     but    many   of     them    are    rendered
    extraneous by our resolution of the retrospectivity question.                                 As to
    those we need reach, we first conclude that the district court
    properly referred the issue of damages to the arbitrator, but should
    also have referred the question of breach as well.                             In addition, we
    will   clarify        the    mandate       we     issued   the    last    time    the    parties
    appeared    before         this    Court    --specifically,         we    will    describe      its
    effect on two factual findings which an arbitrator had made and the
    See Letter from John D. Burgoyne, Assistant General Counsel,
    National Labor Relations Board, to Stuart Rothman, Esq., Counsel to
    Foster Wheeler Energy Corp. (Aug. 4, 1993), in Reply Br. of FWEC,
    App. A.
    district court had adopted prior to the parties' second rendezvous
    here -- and comment on the employers' contention that no damages may
    flow from their alleged breach of the prehire agreement because the
    union   operated   an    illegal    hiring     hall    in    contravention    of   the
    prehire agreement as well as state and federal law.
    In the end, we will instruct the district court to modify
    its Order of June 22, 1992, as modified on March 11 and 31, 1993,
    and to direct the parties to arbitrate the issue of breach of their
    pre-hire agreement in addition to the issue of damages, if any,
    flowing therefrom.
    A.     Facts
    1.       The Parties
    Foster Wheeler Corporation ("FWC") is a major internation-
    al construction firm with its principal place of business in Living-
    ston, New Jersey.       For a long time it was an exclusively union shop
    employer. It entered into its first National Agreement with the
    Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO ("LIUNA") in
    1973,   agreeing   thereby,    among       other      things,   to   recognize     and
    acknowledge LIUNA as the exclusive bargaining representative for all
    field   construction    workers     it    would    employ.      LIUNA,   in   return,
    guaranteed that the terms of the agreement would govern irrespective
    of locale.
    In 1974, in pursuit of a longterm expansion plan, FWC
    reorganized its commercial operations and became a holding company.
    Among FWC's motives for reorganizing was to become a double-breasted
    contractor, that is, to establish the capability to compete in both
    the open shop and the union shop markets.                 On November 11, 1974, FWC
    notified LIUNA that it had transferred its domestic engineering,
    manufacturing, and construction activities to Foster Wheeler Energy
    Corporation ("FWEC"), a newly formed, wholly-owned subsidiary, and
    that it had correspondingly assigned to FWEC all labor agreements
    covering    the     affected       employees.       Since      then   FWC   has   neither
    performed field construction work nor entered into field construc-
    tion labor agreements; instead, FWEC (but not FWC) was listed as the
    employer in each subsequent National Agreement with LIUNA.                           FWEC
    itself     was     segmented       into     independently        operated     divisions,
    including Foster Wheeler World Services ("FWWS"), which performed
    all of FWEC's field construction work on a union basis, and Houston
    Engineering Center ("HEC"), which performed FWEC's engineering and
    procurement services.
    Four years later, FWC furthered its 1974 reorganization
    plan and spawned Energy Plant Constructors, Inc. ("EPC"), a wholly-
    owned subsidiary which FWC formed and designed as the open shop
    counterpart to FWEC.         To implement its open-shop policies, EPC hired
    its own employees and administered its own labor relations policies.
    EPC discontinued business operations in 1987.
    LIUNA is the parent body of LIUNA Local 70 of Mobile,
    Alabama.      The Local, in accordance with its constitution and bylaws,
    is affiliated with a regional building and trades council, Mobile
    Building    Trades       Council    ("MBTC").      MBTC     represents      and   acts   on
    behalf   of      LIUNA    Local    70     with   regard   to    the   negotiation        and
    administration of labor agreements.
    2.    The Agreement
    On   April    20,     1982,    FWEC       and    LIUNA    entered    into    the
    National Agreement (the "Agreement") at issue here.                        The Agreement
    applied to all construction projects "performed by the Employer or
    by any person, firm or corporation owned or financially controlled
    by   the   Employer"      within    the    political         boundaries   of     the   United
    States, except for those performed in one of three states (not
    including Alabama) already subject to a Tri-State Agreement.
    On   covered     projects,          the    Agreement       imposed        several
    noteworthy requirements on FWEC:                   to hire employees through the
    referral systems of LIUNA's local affiliates; to recognize LIUNA as
    the exclusive bargaining agent for those employees; to adhere to
    certain requirements regarding wages, fringe benefits, and overtime;
    and to compel its subcontractors to comply with the substantive
    terms of the Agreement. The Agreement, however, expressly relieved
    FWEC of any obligation to recruit laborers through any local area
    hiring     hall   whose   procedures       violated      state    or    federal    laws    or
    discriminated for or against laborers on the basis of their union
    3.    The Project
    At approximately the same time as FWEC was entering into
    its new agreement with LIUNA, Mobil Oil Exploration & Producing
    Southeast, Inc. ("MOEPSI") began the process of selecting a general
    contractor to oversee the engineering and construction of a sour gas
    treatment and sulfur recovery facility it wanted built at Bayou
    Jonas near Mobile. The project consisted of an offshore platform and
    natural   gas    production        facility,    a   pipeline    to    carry    the   gas
    onshore, and a sour gas treatment and sulfur recovery plant (the
    only portion of the project to which this case relates).                      Through a
    rather convoluted set of developments, MOEPSI eventually nominally
    awarded the construction contract for the gas processing plant to
    EPC in October 1984, with FWC guaranteeing EPC's performance and EPC
    nominally   subletting       the    engineering     work   to   HEC   (a   divison    of
    FWEC).    This arrangement as depicted by the documents was suffused
    with subterfuge, however, for it is quite clear from the record, as
    both the district court and the arbitrator independently found, that
    in   reality    FWEC   was   the    actual     prime   contractor     on   the   MOEPSI
    project and EPC its subcontractor.0
    As the first step in its selection process, MOEPSI sent detailed
    questionnaires to 21 companies, including FWC. Since it no longer
    had any engineering or construction capabilities of its own, FWC
    referred the questionnaire to FWEC. Although neither FWEC nor FWC
    had ever engineered or constructed the precise type of facility
    MOEPSI specified, FWC forwarded the questionnaire to FWEC and not
    EPC, because only FWEC (which had worked on many more projects than
    had EPC) had the experience MOEPSI demanded.
    During 1982 and 1983, MOEPSI twice reviewed and pared down
    the initial solicited applications, and on August 22, 1983 MOEPSI
    revealed a "short" list of five contractors which it asked to submit
    comprehensive bids. FWEC did not make the "short" list, but Ortloff
    Corporation ("Ortloff"), a Midland, Texas contractor with close ties
    to FWEC, did. Ortloff and FWEC had earlier reached an understanding
    that each would consider bringing the other one in on projects in
    the $10-$150 million range that it was awarded or was pursuing.
    That option appealed to Ortloff when FWEC suggested they jointly
    pursue the MOEPSI project because it did not wish to individually
    take on the risks involved.       The two agreed to cooperate on
    preparation of a joint bid, but MOEPSI conditioned consideration of
    a joint bid on a single entity taking overall responsibility for the
    project.   As a result of Ortloff's equivocations, FWEC agreed to
    serve as the prime contractor for the project and Ortloff assumed
    responsibility for the construction work and certain specialized
    engineering services.
    In the course of preparing its proposal for a joint bid
    with Ortloff, FWEC apparently determined that MOEPSI wanted to use
    non-union labor on the Bayou Jonas project, and therefore FWEC
    arranged with Ortloff to have Foster Wheeler Intercontinental
    Corporation ("FWIC") -- an international subsidiary of FWC with no
    employees in the United States but subject to no union obligations
    -- substitute as the prime contractor. The only practical effect of
    having FWIC rather than FWEC be the contracting party was that a
    non-union entity would bid on the construction work. There ensued a
    campaign of subterfuge directed at MOEPSI and LIUNA, only a portion
    of which we will recount here, which entailed FWEC holding out FWIC
    as the non-union bidder, whereas in fact only FWEC, a signatory to
    the Agreement, was working on the project.
    On February 8, 1984, John Sarappo, Vice President of FWEC,
    sent the joint bid to MOEPSI on FWIC letterhead, in which he
    proposed that FWEC's engineering and procurement services division,
    HEC, manage the project and engineer the utility and supporting
    facilities, and that Ortloff engineer the process units and
    construct all the facilities. MOEPSI promptly agreed, whereupon the
    staff of FWEC (rather than that of FWIC) began preparing the bid
    Shortly before the bid package was to be submitted,
    however, MOEPSI in a sudden about-face determined that Ortloff
    lacked the capacity to construct the project, placing FWEC under
    significant time constraints to find an acceptable replacement
    subcontractor.   Following a quick review of three alternative open
    shop companies, including EPC, FWEC's open-shop sibling construction
    company, Sarappo approved the selection of EPC to supplant Ortloff
    in all its responsibilities except for those in connection with
    certain specialized engineering technologies. FWIC, in keeping with
    its disguised role as the prime contractor, submitted the bid
    package to MOEPSI on May 1, 1984, designating FWEC and EPC -- the
    actual work engines -- as its subcontractors. The bid was signed by
    W. Robert Campbell, who falsely identified himself as the area sales
    manager for FWIC whereas in fact FWEC employed him as an account
    sales engineer.
    MOEPSI negotiated with the five qualified bidders and
    scrutinized their bid packages over the next five months.         It
    eventually narrowed the candidate pool down to two, of which the
    FWIC/FWEC/EPC/Ortloff combined bid earned the highest marks. In the
    final days before the bid was to be awarded, however, MOEPSI's legal
    counsel determined that the prime contractor should have an Alabama
    general contractor's license. As FWIC -- an international contrac-
    tor -- was not in possession of the requisite license, MOEPSI
    decided it could no longer serve as even the nominal prime
    contractor.    To preserve the FWIC/FWEC/EPC/Ortloff bid package,
    MOEPSI assented to EPC, which did hold an Alabama general contrac-
    tor's license, replacing FWIC as the prime contractor (FWC, of
    course, preferred substituting EPC instead of FWEC for FWIC so that
    it could continue its pretense about the prime contractor being open
    shop), but only under the qualification that FWC guarantee EPC's
    performance. FWC willingly executed the requested guarantee.
    The local press widely publicized MOEPSI's award of the
    contract to EPC -- as well as EPC's open-shop policy -- during the
    fall and winter of 1984.           LIUNA officials, suspicious of the goings-
    on, made numerous inquiries to the defendants concerning the appli-
    cation of the Agreement to the MOEPSI project.                   Apparently in each
    instance the defendants informally told the LIUNA officials that EPC
    was a non-union contractor not bound by the Agreement, and that,
    accordingly,       the   project   would   be    completed    by    non-union    labor.
    There    is   disputed    evidence    regarding     whether      FWEC   affirmatively
    misrepresented to LIUNA its part in the project and its relationship
    to EPC.
    As   already    mentioned,   the    Agreement      required      signatory
    employers to comply with the hiring provisions of local affiliates,
    but only if they were operated legally and did not discriminate
    against non-union laborers.           MBTC, LIUNA's local affiliate, operated
    a hiring hall for construction workers, but, to LIUNA's chagrin, it
    discriminated       against    non-union   members.0         Seemingly    unaware     of
    MBTC's    discrimination,       EPC   --   itself    not     a     signatory    to   the
    With this final obstacle overcome, MOEPSI awarded the
    contract to EPC during the last week of September, 1984.         The
    contract was formally executed on October 1, 1984.    In a separate
    contract, EPC nominally sublet the engineering work on the project
    to FWEC.
    Testimony at trial from the secretary-treasurer of MBTC, who was
    responsible for making referrals, casts substantial doubt on the
    equality of the hall's treatment of non-union members. The evidence
    led the district court to find that the procedures MBTC employed to
    fulfill work requests favored union over non-union workers, and
    hence to conclude that MBTC ran an illegal hiring hall. Because at
    the time LIUNA had placed the local into trusteeship, LIUNA was
    responsible for the discrimination.     No evidence was proffered,
    however, showing that any of the defendants knew about this practice
    (or that LIUNA officials in fact knew about it) during the period
    the MOEPSI project underwent construction.
    Agreement --opened its own hiring office for the MOEPSI project on
    January 29, 1985.           Since the local press had widely publicized the
    available job opportunities, EPC received over 5,000 applications in
    the three days the hiring office accepted them.                         EPC hired all the
    construction        workers     it    employed        on   the    MOEPSI    project    either
    through the applications that were submitted at that office or at
    the entrance to the job site.                   On April 2, 1985, the day EPC hired
    its first laborer for the project, the local union had over 200
    union    supporters        on   the    local      hiring     hall's     out-of-work        list,
    although some unspecified number of them were busy working for non-
    union contractors.
    4.   The Dispute
    On April 9, 1985, LIUNA sent out a formal grievance letter
    to the various entities related to FWC involved with the MOEPSI
    project -- namely, FWC, FWIC, FWEC, and EPC -- claiming that each of
    them    was    in    violation        of   the       Agreement    as    a   result    of     its
    participation in the MOEPSI project (insofar as the laborers had not
    been hired out of LIUNA's affiliate's, MBTC's, hiring hall).                           FWEC's
    counsel responded about one month later that FWEC would sometime in
    the future formally address the matters raised in LIUNA's letter,
    but    that   in     the   meanwhile       he    would     meet   informally    with       LIUNA
    representatives to discuss any difficulties clouding their relation-
    ship.     Approximately one month after that, on June 3, 1985, EPC
    through its president also answered LIUNA's letter by denying any
    contractual         obligation       toward      LIUNA     and,    in   the    alternative,
    providing      notice      of    termination          of   any    collective     bargaining
    agreement it may have been a party to, whether by operation of law
    or otherwise.           When several subsequent meetings between FWEC and
    LIUNA    failed    to    resolve   the     matter,   FWEC    formally     responded    to
    LIUNA's grievance in a letter dated July 11, 1985, reiterating its
    previous position and stating:
    Since the work in question is presently being
    undertaken by a company over which FWEC does not have and
    can exert no control, the LIU[NA]/FWEC National Agreement
    is not applicable.   There is a different bargaining unit
    there with a different employer who, as we have very
    recently been given to understand, is proceeding pursuant
    to its agreement with the owner.    FWEC employs no field
    construction laborers or mechanics at Mobile.    There is
    nothing FWEC could do to make local labor agreements
    Less    than    one    month    later,     EPC   filed    a   Petition    for
    Election with the National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB" or "Board")
    to elect a union representative for all EPC's field construction
    employees at the MOEPSI project, or, more precisely, to dispel any
    doubts or reservations concerning whether the Agreement applied to
    the project at all by demonstrating LIUNA's lack of majority support
    amongst the workers. The Board failed to reach a decision on EPC's
    petition for several months and never completed the election.
    In the meantime FWEC formally modified its stance toward
    LIUNA:     although it still maintained that the Agreement did not
    pertain to its activities on the MOEPSI project, on August 9, 1985
    it   expressly     repudiated      the     Agreement    to   the     extent   that    the
    Agreement was found to apply to the MOEPSI project.                       It identified
    Painters Local Union No. 64 of Brotherhood of Painters v. Epley, 
    764 F.2d 1509
    (11th Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 
    475 U.S. 1120
    106 S. Ct. 1636
    (1986) as establishing its right to limit its repudiation of an
    area-wide prehire agreement to a single job site.                         The Eleventh
    Circuit Court of Appeals, the court exercising jurisdiction over the
    situs of the MOEPSI project, had handed down Epley a scant month
    earlier.     At that time, of course, FWEC had already committed itself
    internally     to   using     non-union   labor,     and,   furthermore,    had
    contractually bound itself to MOEPSI to use EPC as the non-union
    construction subcontractor (although, as structured on paper, EPC
    was   the    (nominal)      prime   contractor     and   FWEC   the   (nominal)
    see supra
    at Error! Bookmark not defined. n.Error!
    Bookmark not defined.).0
    About this time the parties became enmeshed in some collateral
    litigation before the Board, litigation which does not directly
    affect the outcome here but which helps set the stage. Coinciden-
    tally on the same day that FWEC notified LIUNA of its limited
    repudiation, LIUNA filed separate unfair labor practices actions
    against FWC, FWEC, and EPC for their failure to provide it with
    information it alleged § 8(a)(5) of the National Labor Relations Act
    ("NLRA"), 11 U.S.C.A. § 158(a)(5) (1973), gave it a right to. Each
    action was in turn dismissed by three different Regional Directors
    of the NLRB, principally on the ground that the Agreement was a
    prehire agreement pursuant to § 8(f), 
    id. § 158(f),
    but that LIUNA
    had not demonstrated that it had achieved majority status at the
    work site as was necessary to convert the § 8(f) prehire agreement
    into a § 9(a), see 
    id. § 159(a),
    collective bargaining agreement.
    That conversion was crucial to the charges LIUNA levelled against
    FWC, FWEC, and EPC, because only a collective bargaining agreement
    imposes on the employer the statutory duty to bargain with the
    employees' union representative and derivatively to supply that
    representative with information. The three regional decisions were
    joined for purposes of appeal and thereafter affirmed by the Board's
    General Counsel for substantially the reasons given by the Regional
    As the text above touched upon, EPC for its part on August
    1, 1985, filed a petition in Region 15 of the NLRB (encompassing
    Mobile) to hold a representation election, in which EPC requested an
    election among all its field construction employees at the MOEPSI
    project.    NLRB Petition 15-RM-387.    LIUNA moved to dismiss the
    petition, asserting that the election was slated to poll all of
    EPC's field construction workers whereas it had disclaimed any
    interest in representing all those employees because traditionally
    it represented only some categories of workers at the site -- the
    construction workers but not the skilled craftspersons and their
    associates.    On November 18, 1985, over LIUNA's objection, the
    Regional Director issued a Decision and Direction of Election in
    By letter dated May 15, 1986, FWEC validly repudiated the
    entire (National) Agreement according to its terms effective July
    15, 1986.
    B.   Procedural History
    1.   Round 1
    On August 29, 1985, LIUNA filed this action on behalf of
    itself, its local, and its membership against FWEC and FWC under
    §301(a) of the Labor Management Relations Act ("LMRA"), 29 U.S.C.A.
    §185(a) (1978).     LIUNA sought to compel FWEC and FWC to submit to
    arbitration LIUNA's grievance concerning the applicability of the
    Agreement to the MOEPSI project.        The Complaint alleged that FWEC,
    FWC, FWIC, and EPC were alter egos and/or a single employer, and
    hence that all of them were bound by the Agreement.           The Complaint
    further alleged that EPC, FWC, and FWIC each had breached the Agree-
    ment in connection with the MOEPSI project.
    Upon   considering    defendants'   alternative    motions   to
    dismiss, change venue, and stay the proceedings pending the outcome
    response to EPC's petition. Among other conclusions, he resolved
    that 1) the Agreement constituted a prehire agreement under § 8(f);
    2) the work unit could not be split into different sub-units for
    election purposes; 3) LIUNA had not demonstrated it had achieved
    majority status at the work site; and 4) EPC's filing of the Peti-
    tion for Election would allow it to repudiate any prehire agreement
    which might have been in effect between EPC and LIUNA if the vote
    demonstrated that LIUNA lacked majority status among all the field
    construction workers at the work site. Based on these conclusions,
    the   Director  ordered   an   election  involving  all   the field
    construction employees, and apparently one was held. LIUNA appealed
    from that decision, however, and when the appeal was granted the
    ballots were impounded.      The Board remanded the matter to the
    Regional Director, but since another election was never held before
    FWEC and EPC completed the project, the Board on June 1, 1988
    vacated its remand order and dismissed the petition as moot.
    of the representation election scheduled at the MOEPSI site as well
    as plaintiff's motion for summary judgment, the district court on
    December 9, 1985 granted plaintiff's motion and ordered FWC and FWEC
    to submit LIUNA's grievance to arbitration.          The court decided first
    that the Agreement as signed was a prehire agreement pursuant to §
    8(f) of the National Labor Relations Act ("NLRA"), 29 U.S.C.A. §
    158(f) (1973), not a collective bargaining agreement pursuant to §
    9(a) of the NLRA, see 
    id. § 159(a).0
             Next, it resolved that since
    EPC's   employees   at   MOEPSI   had   not    yet   elected   a   bargaining
    The distinguishing feature of a prehire agreement as compared to a
    collective bargaining agreement is that an employer and a union
    enter into it before the workers to be covered by the agreement and
    represented by the union have even been hired. The basic provisions
    of the NLRA forbid the employer from bargaining with a union which
    has not been "designated or selected by the majority of the employ-
    ees in a unit appropriate for such purposes." 29 U.S.C.A. § 159(a)
    (1978). Although other methods exist, designation or selection is
    best accomplished by the cumbersome and time-consuming instrument of
    election by secret ballot.     See 
    id. § 159(c)(1)
    (providing for
    certification as the employees' representative). Prehire agreements
    developed in the fluctuant construction trade because the typically
    short duration and seasonal variation of employment in that industry
    make designating a union representative using the procedures
    developed for the more stable industries, such as manufacturing,
    Responding to the particularized needs of the construction
    industry and recognizing the practices prevailing prior to the
    Board's invalidation of prehire agreements (the Board disapproved of
    prehire agreements shortly after obtaining jurisdiction over the
    construction industry in 1947, see NLRB v. Irvin, 
    475 F.2d 1265
    1267 (3d Cir. 1973)), Congress engrafted § 8(f) onto the NLRA in
    1959.   That amendment allowed a union to act as the bargaining
    representative for employees before the Board certified it as
    enjoying majority status. See Iron Workers, Local 
    3, 843 F.2d at 772-74
    ; S. REP. No. 187, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. (1959), reprinted in
    LAW, at 48, 714-15 (3d ed. Patrick Hardin ed. 1992). Once the union
    has attained majority status, the § 8(f) prehire agreement is
    converted into a § 9(a) collective bargaining agreement.     See NLRB
    v. Local Union No. 103, Int'l Ass'n of Iron Workers (Higdon Constr.
    434 U.S. 335
    , 349-50, 
    98 S. Ct. 651
    , 660 (1978); see 
    also supra
    at Error! Bookmark not defined. n.Error! Bookmark not
    representative and since LIUNA did not even claim majority status at
    the MOEPSI site, the Agreement had not yet been converted into a
    collective bargaining agreement under § 9(a).
    The court then ordered arbitration solely on the issue of
    whether the Agreement applied to the MOEPSI site vel non, reasoning
    that LIUNA had raised a colorable claim that EPC was FWEC's alter
    ego and that the question of the application of the Agreement to any
    specific project fell within the scope of the Agreement's capacious
    arbitration clause.     The court reserved for itself, however, the
    questions    of   LIUNA's   majority     representation,   the   size   and
    composition of the appropriate bargaining units, and defendants'
    alleged repudiation of the Agreement.         We dismissed the defendants'
    appeal from the district court's arbitration order as interlocutory.
    See Laborer's Int'l Union v. Foster Wheeler Corp., Nos. 86-5079, 86-
    5080 (3d Cir. May 1, 1986).
    2.   Round 2
    On November 10, 1986, after a lengthy hearing and extended
    briefing, Arbitrator Sam Kagel issued a decison in LIUNA's favor.
    The arbitrator found that FWEC and FWC were alter egos and that EPC
    was a joint or single employer with FWEC.         Based on these findings,
    he concluded that EPC (through FWEC) was a party to the Agreement
    and consequently that both FWC and FWEC had breached the Agreement.
    He additionally determined that, contrary to the arrangements as
    they existed on paper, FWEC was the prime contractor and EPC the
    subcontractor at the MOEPSI site, and that the defendants had listed
    EPC as the prime contractor with the express intent to delude LIUNA.
    3.    Round 3
    Just over a year later, the district court entered an
    order confirming the arbitrator's award insofar as he had found that
    the Agreement applied to the MOEPSI project, but rejecting as an
    improper and unnecessary appendage beyond the scope of the reference
    that portion of the arbitrator's decision which found that FWC and
    FWEC    had    breached       the    Agreement.          After       rejecting     numerous
    contentions raised by the defendants, the district court turned to
    the    date    of   defendants'       alleged      repudiation       of    the    Agreement.
    Because of Deklewa's supposed deviation from the decision reached by
    the Supreme Court in Jim McNeff, Inc. v. Todd, 
    461 U.S. 260
    , 103 S.
    Ct. 1753 (1983) (approving the pre-Deklewa rule), the district court
    held that Deklewa (discussed at length infra Part 21) was invalid
    and refused to acquiesce in the rule it announced.                        This cleared the
    way    for    the   court   to      find    that   FWC   and     FWEC     had    effectively
    repudiated      the    Agreement      on    June   6,    1985,    the     date    LIUNA   had
    received EPC's June 3 letter repudiating any agreement which may
    have existed between them.
    The court wrapped up its decision with the observation
    that only the issues of defendants' breach and liability for damages
    accruing      before   June    6,    1985    remained.         The   parties     thereafter
    stipulated to $18,500 in damages so as to expedite their appeal to
    this Court.
    4.    Round 4
    On February 22, 1989, this Court partially vacated the
    district court's order, holding that the district court had errone-
    ously allowed the arbitrator to decide whether FWC was FWEC's alter
    ego.     The district court's error in ordering arbitration of the
    alter ego issue lay in its failure to realize that the question of
    the duty to arbitrate is one for judicial resolution, and therefore
    that "it is the role of the district court, not the arbitrator, to
    pierce   the   corporate   veil   and    require   a   parent   corporation   to
    participate in arbitration of a contract to which a subsidiary is
    formally a party."     Laborer's Int'l Union v. Foster Wheeler Corp.,
    868 F.2d 573
    , 576-77 (3d Cir. 1989) (per curiam).0
    Accordingly, we remanded for the district court to deter-
    mine whether the two corporations were alter egos.              In the process,
    we vacated all of the district court's orders subsequent to the one
    allowing discovery on the alter ego issue which were "predicated on
    the assumption that FWEC was FWC's alter ego," and instructed the
    district court that it "may reconsider the[ vacated orders] in light
    of our recent decision in International Ass'n of Iron Workers, Local
    3 v. NLRB, 
    843 F.2d 770
    (3d Cir.), cert. denied, 
    488 U.S. 889
    109 S. Ct. 222
    (1988)[, and enforcing 
    Deklewa, supra
    Id. at 577.
    5.    Round 5
    After the district court's proceedings recommenced, FWC
    and FWEC conceded in open court on January 22, 1991 that FWC was
    Cf. United Ass'n of Journeymen & Apprentices of Plumbing &
    Pipefitting Indus. Union, Local 342 v. Valley Eng'rs, 
    975 F.2d 611
    614-15 & n.7 (9th Cir. 1992) (holding that a district court must
    usually stay its proceedings if the Board is in the process of
    determining an employer's alter ego or single employer status).
    FWEC's alter ego.               After presiding over a two-day bench trial, the
    district court filed the opinion and order now under review on June
    22, 1992.
    The    court       first    reaffirmed           its    prior         ruling      that    the
    Deklewa rule did not apply, but, since Iron Workers, Local 3 had
    approved       of     the       Deklewa        rule,      did    so        on    a    revised      basis.
    Specifically, it adjudged that it would be manifestly unjust to
    apply the rule retrospectively to these defendants, and concluded
    that this Court's decision in Iron Workers, Local 3 did not dictate
    the    automatic          retrospective          application          of    Deklewa        but    instead
    required a case-by-case evaluation of the justice of so doing.                                          Mem.
    Op. at 27-29, 37-38.                Analyzing the three Chevron Oil factors for
    guidance       on    whether       or    not    to     apply    Deklewa's            new   rule    of   law
    retrospectively, see Chevron Oil Co. v. Huson, 
    404 U.S. 97
    , 106-08,
    92     S.    Ct.     349,       355-56    (1971),         the    court          concluded     that      its
    application          of     the    rule        would      further      the       rule's       underlying
    principles, but that the rule clearly departed from prior precedent
    and that its application would lead to an inequitable result.                                             As
    part    of    its     analysis       of    this      issue,     the        court      determined        that
    LIUNA's unclean hands, due to the discriminatory referral practices
    of MBTC's hiring hall, equitably estopped it from arguing that FWEC
    and FWC (which had cirumvented the Agreement's hiring procedures)
    were        barred        (by     equitable          estoppel)        from        justifying         their
    repudiation of the Agreement by reason of LIUNA's lack of majority
    support at the MOEPSI work site.
    Next, the court rescinded its earlier finding of a June 3,
    1985 repudiation date, finding instead that the defendants had not
    repudiated the Agreement until three months later on August 9, 1985.
    It explained that FWEC's repudiation could not have occurred before
    June 3, 1985 because before then FWEC and EPC had simply claimed
    that the Agreement did not apply to the MOEPSI project.                 Moreover,
    due to its conclusion that the defendants' scheme involving FWIC was
    designed    to   deceive   LIUNA    regarding   the     applicability    of   the
    Agreement, the court withdrew from its earlier position and found
    that EPC's June 3, 1985 letter to LIUNA, in which it had repudiated
    any agreement with LIUNA to which it may have been a party, did not
    suffice to repudiate the Agreement.           It reasoned that EPC's June 3
    repudiation did not extend to FWEC, despite the facts that FWEC and
    EPC were alter egos and that LIUNA had suspected that EPC was bound
    by   the   Agreement,   because    the    defendants'    calculated     deception
    prevented LIUNA from being certain that EPC intended its repudiation
    to apply to FWEC as well.         Finally, the court concluded that FWEC's
    August 9, 1985 single-site repudiation was effective.                 Thus, the
    court held that FWEC would be liable for damages LIUNA sustained up
    to August 9, 1985.
    Having disposed of the main issue of liability, the court
    ordered the parties to notify it within twenty days if they could
    settle on LIUNA's damages, or else to submit to it the issue of
    damages.    Upon LIUNA's Motion for Reconsideration and Clarification,
    the court on March 11, 1993 modified its prior order and directed
    the parties to submit the issue of damages to arbitration.              On March
    31, the court denied defendants' application to file a Motion for
    Reconsideration of the court's March 11 Order.            It is from the June
    22, 1992 Order, as modified on March 11 and 31, 1993, that the
    parties appeal.
    6.    Round 6
    This appeal followed.       The district court had original
    jurisdiction to determine whether the defendants are obligated to
    arbitrate   a   grievance   arising   under   a   §   8(f)   prehire   agreement
    pursuant to 29 U.S.C.A. § 185 (1978), see Jim McNeff, Inc. v. Todd,
    461 U.S. 260
    , 271-72, 
    103 S. Ct. 1753
    , 1759 (1983), and we have
    appellate jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C.A. § 1291 (1993).0
    Although the district court referred the question of damages to the
    arbitrator without designating its order as "final," we are
    satisfied that we have jurisdiction pursuant to § 1291.     On March
    31, 1993, the district court by letter denied defendants' second
    Motion for Reconsideration, explaining that "[t]he issues of whether
    there has been any breach of the agreement and what damages might
    flow from that shall, as provided in the National Agreement and as I
    ruled on March 15, be resolved through arbitration."     Letter from
    Honorable Harold A. Ackerman, U.S. District Judge, to Litigants in
    Laborer's Int'l Union v. Foster Wheeler Corp., No. 85-4240 (D.N.J.
    Aug. 24, 1985) (Mar. 29, 1993) (emphasis added).
    In its complaint, LIUNA had sought a variety of relief in
    addition to an order compelling arbitration.     But it submitted in
    its letter defending this Court's jurisdiction that "[a]lthough the
    remedy portion of the complaint also sought the alternative relief
    of a money judgment from the court, the plaintiff has not pursued
    that remedy. Instead, the plaintiff has consistently maintained that
    the damages are an issue for the arbitrator . . . ."     Letter from
    Theodore T. Green, Counsel for LIUNA, to P. Douglas Sisk, Clerk,
    U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, at 2-3 (Apr. 29, 1993).
    The defendants have not disputed this assertion, see Letter from
    Francis A. Mastro, Counsel for FWC, to P. Douglas Sisk, Clerk, U.S.
    Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, at 4 n.4 (April 30, 1993),
    and we have not found anything in the record to the contrary.
    Thus, the order compelling arbitration is the "full
    relief" LIUNA seeks, and no substantial issue remains outstanding
    for the district court to decide after the arbitration.     Although
    the district court may still need to issue an order enforcing any
    arbitration award LIUNA may secure -- a fact which obtains virtually
    whenever a court orders a recalcitrant party to arbitrate a dispute
    -- the cases make clear that such a limited potential future
    undertaking does not torpedo an appeal prior to the arbitration.
    In Deklewa, the Board abruptly reversed seventeen years of
    precedent established by R.J. Smith Construction Co., 
    191 N.L.R.B. 693
    , 695 & n.5 (1971), enforcement denied sub nom. Local No. 150,
    International Union of Operating Engineers v. NLRB, 
    480 F.2d 1186
    (D.C. Cir. 1973) and Ruttman Construction Co., 
    191 N.L.R.B. 701
    , 702
    (1971),   and   held   that    construction     industry           prehire   agreements
    negotiated under §8(f) of the NLRA, 29 U.S.C. § 158(f), are no
    longer subject to unilateral repudiation by either the employer or
    the union.      See 
    Deklewa, 282 N.L.R.B. at 1377-78
    .                  The Board held
    instead that both parties must observe such contracts until "the
    employees vote, in a Board-conducted election, to reject (decertify)
    or change their bargaining representative."                 See 
    id. at 1385.
    represented a complete about-face:           before that decision, under the
    reign of the R.J. Smith rule, the employer was free to repudiate a
    prehire agreement at any time unless the union obtained majority
    status.    The union's attainment of majority status at any time
    subsequent to the parties' entering into the prehire agreement would
    "convert" the § 8(f) pre-hire into a § 9(a) collective bargaining
    agreement and thereby consummate a full bargaining relationship,
    regardless of whether the union had majority support at the time of
    See Zosky v. Boyer, 
    856 F.2d 554
    , 558-60 (3d Cir. 1988), cert.
    488 U.S. 1042
    109 S. Ct. 868
    (1989) (discussing cases); cf.
    Goodall-Sanford, Inc. v. United Textile Workers, 
    353 U.S. 550
    , 551-
    77 S. Ct. 920
    , 921 (1957) ("A decree under § 301(a) ordering
    enforcement of an arbitration provision in a collective bargaining
    agreement is . . . a `final decision' within the meaning of 28
    U.S.C. § 1291.").     If any substantial issues remained for the
    district court to resolve after the arbitration, of course, there
    would have been no final order and we would lack jurisdiction. See,
    Zosky, 856 F.2d at 557-58
    ; Nationwide Ins. Co. v. Patterson,
    953 F.2d 44
    , 45-46 (3d Cir. 1991); Patten Sec. Corp. v. Diamond
    Greyhound & Genetics, Inc., 
    819 F.2d 400
    , 403 (3d Cir. 1987).
    repudiation.     See NLRB v. Local Union No. 103, Int'l Ass'n of Iron
    Workers (Higdon Constr. Co.), 
    434 U.S. 335
    , 345, 349-50, 
    98 S. Ct. 651
    , 657-58, 660 (1978); 
    Deklewa, 282 N.L.R.B. at 1378
    ; Ruttman
    Co., 191 N.L.R.B. at 702
    The   controlling         question      presented   by    this    appeal   is
    whether this new rule (issued on February 20, 1987) -- which turned
    the old rule on its head -- should be retrospectively applied to
    conduct by the parties transpiring in mid-1985.                     The Board for its
    part   determined    to     apply    the   rule    retrospectively      to   all   cases
    pending   before      it.           See    
    Deklewa, 282 N.L.R.B. at 1389
    Nevertheless,       the     district       court     correctly      determined      that
    retrospectivity      must    be     decided   on    a    case-by-case     basis:      in
    affirming Deklewa, this Court applied the new rule retrospectively
    to the parties before it only after engaging in a case-sensitive
    review of the parties' circumstances.                   See Iron Workers, Local 
    3, 843 F.2d at 780
    LIUNA contends that the retrospectivity analysis at work here is
    affected by the decisions in James B. Beam Distilling Co. v.
    501 U.S. 529
    111 S. Ct. 2439
    (1991) and Harper v. Virginia
    Department of Taxation, 
    113 S. Ct. 2510
    (1993), which worked a major
    substantive change in the federal law of retrospectivity.       Both
    decisions ruled that the Constitution outlaws selective prospecti-
    vity of Supreme Court decisions, that is, the practice of applying a
    new rule of law promulgated by the Court to some but not all parties
    in pending cases.    See 
    Harper, 113 S. Ct. at 2516
    n.9, 2517-18;
    James B. 
    Beam, 111 S. Ct. at 2447-48
    (Souter, J., plurality
    id. at 2451
    (Scalia, J., concurring); cf. 
    id. at 2449
    (White, J., concurring); 
    id. at 2451
    -53 (O'Connor, J., dissenting);
    see also 
    id. at 2451
    (Scalia, J., concurring) (finding "both `selec-
    tive prospectivity' and `pure prospectivity' beyond [the Court's]
    power").   James B. Beam produced a fragmented decision of five
    opinions, with no opinion garnering more than three votes, so in our
    discussion we will focus on Harper, the majority opinion of which
    attracted five votes.
    Although both opinions dealt with decisions issued by the
    Supreme Court, given the ratio decidendi of both cases, we suspect
    that other courts are probably correct that there is no cogent basis
    for distinguishing decisions handed down by the inferior federal
    courts. See Eckstein v. Balcor Film Investors, 
    8 F.3d 1121
    , 1128
    (7th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 
    114 S. Ct. 883
    (1994); Newport News
    Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. v. Garrett, 
    6 F.3d 1547
    , 1554 (Fed. Cir.
    1993); United States v. Goodner Bros. Aircraft, Inc., 
    966 F.2d 380
    385 (8th Cir. 1992), cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 967
    (1993); Sterling
    v. Block, 
    953 F.2d 198
    , 200 (5th Cir. 1992); May v. Hobart Corp.,
    839 F. Supp. 309
    , 318 (E.D. Pa. 1993); Hebert v. Manchester, N.H.,
    Sch. Dist., 
    833 F. Supp. 80
    , 84 (D.N.H. 1993).       But see, e.g.,
    Gruber v. Price Waterhouse, 
    911 F.2d 960
    , 965 (3d Cir. 1990) (pre-
    dating Harper and Beam) ("the determination of retroactivity vel non
    involves a balancing which must be done on a case by case basis");
    Gatto v. Meridian Medical Assocs., Inc., 
    882 F.2d 840
    , 842-43 (3d
    Cir. 1989) (applying a case-by-case selective prospectivity analysis
    under Chevron Oil), cert. denied, 
    493 U.S. 1080
    110 S. Ct. 1136
    (1990).   However, we do believe that there are cogent grounds for
    distinguishing administrative agencies from federal courts, meaning
    that the Supreme Court likely would not extend the doctrine disap-
    proving of "selective prospectivity" to agencies or Article I
    Both Beam's and Harper's rejection of selective prospecti-
    vity turned on principles of stare decisis and equal treatment of
    those appearing before the Court; those Justices who rejected pure
    prospectivity additionally invoked the Cases or Controversies
    Clause, see U.S. CONST. art. III, § 2, cl. 1.    Harper placed heavy
    emphasis on Griffith v. Kentucky, 
    479 U.S. 314
    107 S. Ct. 708
    (1987), overruling Linkletter v. Walker, 
    381 U.S. 618
    85 S. Ct. 1731
    (1965), which "eliminated limits on retroactivity in the
    criminal context." 
    Harper, 113 S. Ct. at 2516
    . Griffith reasoned
    that the
    failure to apply a newly declared constitutional rule to
    criminal cases pending on direct review violates basic
    norms of constitutional adjudication.      First, it is a
    settled principle that this Court adjudicates only "cases"
    and "controversies."     See U.S. Const., Art. III, § 2.
    Unlike a legislature, we do not promulgate new rules of
    constitutional criminal procedure on a broad basis.
    Rather, the nature of judicial review requires that we
    adjudicate specific cases . . . . But after we have decid-
    ed a new rule in the case selected, the integrity of
    judicial review requires that we apply that rule to all
    similar cases pending on direct review.
    . . .
    Second, selective application of new rules violates
    the principle of treating similarly situated defendants
    the same. . . . As we pointed out in United States v.
    Johnson, [
    457 U.S. 537
    102 S. Ct. 2579
    (1982),] the
    problem with not applying new rules to cases pending on
    direct review is "the actual inequity that results when
    the Court chooses which of many similarly situated defen-
    dants should be the chance beneficiary" of a new 
    rule. 457 U.S., at 556
    n.16, 102 S. Ct., at 2590
    , n. 16 (empha-
    sis in original).
    Griffith, 479 U.S. at 322-23
    , 107 S. Ct. at 713; see Beam, 111 S.
    Ct. at 2444, 2446 (plurality) (Souter, J.) (raising the equality and
    stare decisis rationales); 
    id. at 2450
    (Blackmun, J., concurring)
    (stressing the equality rationale derived from the integrity of the
    judicial process and referring to the stare decisis rationale); 
    id. at 2450
    -51 (Scalia, J., concurring) (referring to the stare decisis
    These rationales do not apply analogously to administra-
    tive agency adjudications, cf. Atlantic Richfield Co. v. United
    States Dep't of Energy, 
    977 F.2d 611
    , 614 (Temp. Emer. Ct. App.
    1992) ("Whether Beam has any application to agency adjudications is
    questionable."), cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 1256
    (1993); District
    Lodge 64, Int'l Ass'n of Aerospace Workers v. NLRB, 
    949 F.2d 441
    447 (D.C. Cir. 1991) ("Whether Beam should apply to agency adjudica-
    tions is unclear." (emphasis in original)); United Food & Commercial
    Workers Int'l Union, Local No. 150-A v. NLRB, 
    1 F.3d 24
    , 35 (D.C.
    Cir. 1993) (same), cert. granted sub nom. Dubuque Packing Co. v.
    United Food & Commercial Workers, Local No. 150-A, 
    62 U.S.L.W. 3657
    (U.S. Apr. 4, 1994) (No. 93-1103), primarily because the doctrine of
    stare decisis is far less rigorous in that context, see NLRB v.
    Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 
    494 U.S. 775
    , 787, 
    110 S. Ct. 1542
    , 1549 (1990) ("[A] Board rule is entitled to deference even if
    it represents a departure from the Board's prior policy."); NLRB v.
    Local 103, Int'l Ass'n of Iron Workers, 
    434 U.S. 335
    , 351, 
    98 S. Ct. 651
    , 660-61 (1978) ("An administrative agency is not disqualified
    from changing its mind; and when it does, the courts still sit in
    review of the administrative decision and should not approach the
    statutory construction issue de novo and without regard to the
    administrative understanding of the statutes."); NLRB v. J.
    Weingarten, Inc., 
    420 U.S. 251
    , 265-66, 
    95 S. Ct. 959
    , 967-68 (1975)
    ("The use by an administrative agency of the evolutional approach is
    particularly fitting.   To hold that the Board's earlier decisions
    froze the development of this important aspect of the national labor
    law    would    misconceive    the    nature    of    administrative
    decisionmaking."); NLRB v. Wyman-Gordon Co., 
    394 U.S. 759
    , 766, 
    89 S. Ct. 1426
    , 1429 (1969) (plurality) (referring to the "qualified
    role of stare decisis in the administrative process"); NLRB v.
    Seven-Up Co., 
    344 U.S. 344
    , 349, 
    73 S. Ct. 287
    , 290 (1953) ("The
    constant process of trial and error, on a wider and fuller scale
    than a single adversary litigation permits, differentiates perhaps
    more than anything else the administrative from the judicial
    process."); Iron Workers, Local 
    3, 843 F.2d at 776
    ("As decisional
    law has made clear, it is not the function of the courts to
    interpret § 8(f), nor is any initial interpretation of one act made
    by the Board to be deemed `frozen in concrete.'"); see also
    Lechmere, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    112 S. Ct. 841
    , 847-48 (1992) ("`Once we
    have determined a statute's clear meaning, we adhere to that
    determination under the doctrine of stare decisis, and we judge an
    agency's later interpretation of the statute against our prior
    determination of the statute's meaning.'" (quoting Maislim Indus.,
    U.S., Inc. v. Primary Steel, Inc., 497 U.S. --, --, 
    110 S. Ct. 2759
    2768 (1990) (emphasis added)).
    A second, fundamental difference between agencies and
    Article III courts is that an agency boasts both judicial and
    legislative powers.      When an agency exercises its legislative
    powers, neither the "cases" or "controversies" prerequisite, nor the
    rule of stare decisis, rears its head. And, as Chenery illustrates,
    agencies are free to exercise their legislative powers in adjudica-
    tions.   See SEC v. Chenery Corp., 
    332 U.S. 194
    , 202-03, 
    67 S. Ct. 1575
    , 1580 (1947) ("[A]ny rigid requirement [that the agency fill
    interstices in its organic statute through rulemaking] would make
    the administrative process inflexible and incapable of dealing with
    many of the specialized problems which arise. . . . Not every
    principle essential to the effective administration of a statute can
    or should be cast immediately into the mold of a general rule. Some
    principles must await their own development, while others must be
    adjusted to meet particular, unforeseeable situations. In perform-
    ing its important functions in these respects, therefore, an
    administrative agency must be equipped to act either by general rule
    or by individual order. . . . There is thus a very definite place
    for the case-by-case evolution of statutory standards."); NLRB v.
    Bell Aerospace Co. Div. of Textron, Inc., 
    416 U.S. 267
    , 293, 94 S.
    Ct. 1757, 1771 (1974).     Although arguably an agency endowed with
    rule-making powers may not announce purely prospective rules in
    adjudications, the restriction is not of constitutional origin. See
    Co., 394 U.S. at 761-64
    , 89 S. Ct. at 1427-29
    (plurality of four) (stating that the Board cannot circumvent the
    rule-making   procedural   provisions  of   the  NLRA   with   purely
    prospective adjudications); 
    id. at 779,
    89 S. Ct. at 1436 (Douglas,
    J., dissenting) ("I would hold the agencies governed by the rule
    making procedure strictly to its requirements . . . ."); 
    id. at 781,
    89 S. Ct. at 1437 (Harlan, J., dissenting) ("[T]he Labor Board has
    promulgated a rule in violation of the governing statute . . . .").
    Finally, some agencies lack rulemaking powers, and requir-
    ing them to always apply each of their new rules retrospectively
    would effectively deny them the flexibility which is the cornerstone
    of administrative action and the sine qua non of administrative
    responsiveness.   Especially as to them, a retrospective straight-
    jacket would be counterproductive.
    Thus, the considerations prompting the Beam and Harper
    decisions cannot simply be transposed to the administrative context.
    In recognition of these important distinguishing characteristics,
    courts insulated from the dynamic political pressures agencies face
    should jealously guard their protective power to watch over agen-
    cies, so that agencies' retrospective changes to the law do not
    brand conduct that was legal when performed illegal when challenged
    when to do so would cause "manifest injustice."         See NLRB v.
    Majestic Weaving Co., 
    355 F.2d 854
    , 860 (2d Cir. 1966) (Friendly,
    Applying what the district court believed to be the proper
    test, it decided not to apply Deklewa retrospectively.0   See Mem. Op.
    J.) ("Although courts have not generally balked at allowing
    administrative agencies to apply a rule newly fashioned in an
    adjudicative proceeding to past conduct, a decision branding as
    `unfair' conduct stamped `fair' at the time a party acted, raises
    judicial hackles . . . ."); cf. Landgraf v. USI Film Prods., 
    62 U.S.L.W. 4255
    , 4262 (U.S. Apr. 26, 1994) ("[R]etroactive statutes
    raise particular concerns. The Legislature's . . . responsivity to
    political pressures poses a risk that it may be tempted to use
    retroactive legislation as a means of retribution against unpopular
    groups or individuals."). But agencies should retain their power to
    administer their organic statutes flexibly.   Expansion of Beam and
    Harper to the administrative agency context is, in short, far from a
    foregone conclusion, and because we conclude that even under a
    choice-of-law analysis the Dekelwa rule applies retrospectively, we
    need not definitively decide this question.
    We also do not think that the fact that this Court in Iron
    Workers, Local 3 applied the Deklewa rule retrospectively implies
    that Beam and Harper require this Court to apply it retrospectively
    again to this case. There exists a substantial distinction between
    Beam and Harper on the one hand and Iron Workers, Local 3 on the
    other, in that in Iron Workers, Local 3 this Court deferred to the
    Board's revised construction of its organic statute; it did not
    construe the statute for itself.     See Iron Workers, Local 
    3, 843 F.2d at 776
    (noting that while the Supreme Court had twice applied
    the pre-Deklewa rule, that rule was not stare decisis because the
    Court was merely reviewing the Board's interpretation and not
    announcing its own).      Were a court's application of law as
    proclaimed by an agency binding in subsequent cases before that
    court, agencies would effectively labor under the same stringent
    stare decisis doctrine which binds courts, and this has never been
    the case.    
    See supra
    .    To the extent that here the agency was
    exercising its legislative powers, moreover, Iron Workers, Local 3
    construed the law as expounded by the agency to be that the new rule
    applies lest manifest injustice would result. We do not doubt that
    legislative rules may within bounds incorporate some forms of
    selective prospectivity.    See, e.g., 28 U.S.C.A. § 2074(a) (Supp.
    1993) (granting the Supreme Court the authority to fix the extent to
    which a newly promulgated rule of civil procedure or evidence shall
    apply to pending proceedings, but only "to the extent that, in the
    opinion of the court in which such proceedings are pending, the
    application of such rule . . . would not . . . work injustice"); cf.
    Bradley v. School Bd., 
    416 U.S. 696
    , 716-21, 
    94 S. Ct. 2006
    , 2019-21
    (1974) (determining whether retrospective application of a newly
    enacted procedural statute in that case would breed manifest
    The question whether in a particular instance the retrospective
    application by a district court of a rule of law announced in an
    at    26-29.         That    court     erred,     however,    when    it    departed       from
    Chenery's      "manifest           injustice"    analysis     appropriate       for   agency
    adjudications         and     instead      applied   the     three-prong        Chevron     Oil
    analysis once appropriate for judicial adjudications.                           See Chevron
    Oil v. Huson, 
    404 U.S. 97
    , 106-08, 
    92 S. Ct. 349
    , 355-56 (1971)
    (setting forth the test for retrospective application of new rules
    of law announced in "judicial decisions").                     As we explained in Iron
    Workers, Local 3, while SEC v. Chenery Corp., 
    332 U.S. 194
    , 67 S.
    Ct.   1575     (1947)       "has    been   applied   exclusively      to    administrative
    agency adjudications," Chevron Oil "appears to have been applied
    exclusively      to     judicial       
    adjudications." 843 F.2d at 780
      n.   12.
    Thus,   to     the    extent       that    the   Chenery    inquiry   differs      from     the
    Chevron Oil test, the district court committed legal error.0
    agency adjudication will cause manifest injustice is a question of
    law, not one of equity, notwithstanding the fact that some
    "equitable" considerations may play a role in the outcome. See In
    re Graham, 
    973 F.2d 1089
    , 1093 (3d Cir. 1992) (holding that we
    exercise plenary review over the district court's retrospective
    application of a Supreme Court decision); cf. Gruber v. Price
    911 F.2d 960
    , 965 (3d Cir. 1990) (deciding de novo
    whether a decision by this Court applied retrospectively); Gatto v.
    Meridian Medical Assocs., Inc., 
    882 F.2d 840
    , 842-44, (3d Cir. 1989)
    (same), cert. denied, 
    493 U.S. 1080
    110 S. Ct. 1136
    (1990); Hill v.
    Equitable Trust Co., 
    851 F.2d 691
    , 696-99 (3d Cir. 1988) (same),
    cert. denied, 
    488 U.S. 1008
    109 S. Ct. 791
    (1989); see also Iron
    Workers, Local 
    3, 843 F.2d at 780
    -81 (holding review of the Board's
    decision to apply a new rule of law retrospectively is deferential
    and that the Board's ruling will be disturbed only if it wreaks
    manifest injustice); Harper v. Virginia Dep't of Taxation, 113 S.
    Ct. 2510, 2516 n.9 (1993) (not deciding whether Chevron Oil v.
    404 U.S. 97
    92 S. Ct. 349
    (1971) was a "choice-of-law
    principle" or "a remedial principle for the exercise of equitable
    discretion").    A court of law is not blind to injustice. Hence
    although we pay deference to an agency's ruling on the retrospec-
    tivity of a rule it announces in an adjudication unless to do so
    would cause a manifest injustice, we apply plenary review to a
    district court's determination whether retrospective application of
    such a rule would indeed cause manifest injustice.
    In Iron Workers, Local 3 we mentioned the equivalency of the Chevron
    Oil and Chenery analyses on the facts then before us. See 
    843 F.2d 27
                 The   numerous   other    courts    to   have   considered   the
    retrospectivity of the Deklewa rule have divided over the issue,
    with   the     slight   majority      of   the   cases   not   applying    it
    at 780 n.12 ("[O]n this record an independent analysis under either
    test would reach the same result here."). Given that the factors in
    Chevron Oil and Chenery vary in their emphasis, the same may not
    hold in all cases, and, in particular, it may be that the district
    court was correct when it decided that a Chevron Oil analysis would
    not countenance retrospective application of Deklewa to this case
    (although that is doubtful considering Iron Workers, Local 3).
    The key discrepancy between the two inquiries is that,
    whereas Chevron Oil focuses on the reasonable expectations of the
    class of persons who will be adversely affected by retrospective
    application of the newly announced rule of law, Chenery concentrates
    on the actual reliance on the prior rule by the particular adversely
    affected party before the court.    That means that the Chevron Oil
    analysis needs only be done once, in the decision first recognizing
    the new rule; by contrast, the Chenery analysis must be repeated in
    each case where the rule may be retrospectively applied.
    This difference in application flows from the elemental
    dissimilarity between the two doctrines: Chevron Oil dealt with the
    question of pure prospectivity -- i.e., whether the rule should have
    future effect as to all parties, see Chevron 
    Oil, 404 U.S. at 105
    08, 92 S. Ct. at 355-56
    (holding that the new rule of law "should
    not be applied retroactively in the present case"); cf. Beam, 111 S.
    Ct. at 2445 (plurality) (Souter, J.) ("selective prospectivity
    appears never to have been endorsed in the civil context"); 
    id. at 2449
    (White, J., concurring) -- whereas Chenery dealt with the
    question of selective prospectivity -- i.e., roughly, whether a rule
    otherwise applied retrospectively should not apply retrospectively
    to the particular parties before the court, see 
    Chenery, 332 U.S. at 202-03
    , 67 S. Ct. at 1580-81; e.g., Ryan Heating Co. v. NLRB, 
    942 F.2d 1287
    , 1288-89 (8th Cir. 1991) (considering the adversely
    affected parties' actual reliance on the discarded rule); Fox
    Painting Co. v. NLRB, 
    919 F.2d 53
    , 56 (6th Cir. 1990) (same); Ballbe
    v. INS, 
    886 F.2d 306
    , 310 (11th Cir. 1989) (same), cert. denied, 
    495 U.S. 929
    110 S. Ct. 2166
    (1990); Ewing v. NLRB, 
    861 F.2d 353
    , 362
    (2d Cir. 1988) (same); Southwestern Public Serv. Co. v. FERC, 
    842 F.2d 1204
    , 1208-09 (10th Cir. 1988) (same); Oil, Chem. & Atomic
    Workers Int'l Union, Local 1-547 v. NLRB, 
    842 F.2d 1141
    , 1145 (9th
    Cir. 1988) (same); NLRB v. Wayne Transp., Div. of Wayne Corp., 
    776 F.2d 745
    , 751 n.8 (7th Cir. 1985) (same); NLRB v. Ensign Elec. Div.
    of Harvey Hubble, Inc., 
    767 F.2d 1100
    , 1102 n.2 (4th Cir. 1985)
    (same), cert. denied, 
    479 U.S. 984
    107 S. Ct. 573
    (1986); McDonald
    v. Watt, 
    653 F.2d 1035
    , 1042-45 (5th Cir. Unit A Aug. 1981) (same);
    Standard Oil Co. v. Department of Energy, 
    596 F.2d 1029
    , 1063-65
    (Temp. Emer. Ct. App. 1978) (same); Retail, Wholesale & Dep't Store
    Union v. NLRB, 
    466 F.2d 380
    , 390 (D.C. Cir. 1972) (same).
    retrospectively; the roster is set forth in the margin.0   FWEC tries
    Compare NLRB v. Viola Indus.-Elevator Div., 
    979 F.2d 1384
    , 1396-97
    (10th Cir. 1992) (applying Deklewa retrospectively) (using the
    "manifest injustice" standard and noting in passing that the union
    had achieved majority status prior to the employer's repudiation),
    Iron Workers, Local 
    3, 843 F.2d at 781
    (same), NLRB v. Bufco Corp.,
    899 F.2d 608
    , 611-12 (7th Cir. 1990) (using the "manifest injustice"
    standard and relying on the union's attainment of majority status to
    find no manifest injustice), NLRB v. W.L. Miller Co., 
    871 F.2d 745
    748-50 (8th Cir. 1989) (same, but due to the Board's incredible
    delay finding manifest injustice with respect to the interest the
    Board assessed), appeal after remand, 
    988 F.2d 834
    (8th Cir. 1993)
    (denying enforcement), R.W. Granger & Sons, Inc. v. Eastern Mass.
    686 F. Supp. 22
    , 28-30 (D. Mass. 1988) (using the
    "manifest injustice" standard but finding none as a general matter
    because of the uncertainty prevailing under the old rule) and
    National Elevator Indus. Welfare Plan v. Viola Indus., Inc., 684 F.
    Supp. 1560, 1561, 1563 (D. Kan. 1987) (deferring to the Board's
    retrospectivity ruling without analysis although the union had
    failed to achieve majority status) with C.E.K. Indus. Mechanical
    Contractors, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    921 F.2d 350
    , 357-59 (1st Cir. 1990) (not
    applying Deklewa retrospectively) (using the "manifest injustice"
    standard and finding manifest injustice because there was no evi-
    dence the union had achieved majority status, the dispute was purely
    historical, and application of the rule would disappoint reasonable
    private expectations and "penalize" the employer for having taken
    action lawful when taken), Fox Painting Co. v. NLRB, 
    919 F.2d 53
    , 56
    (6th Cir. 1990) (using the "manifest injustice" standard and defer-
    ring to the Board's rule that it would not apply Deklewa retrospec-
    tively to cases where an appellate court had already affirmed a
    finding of liability before Deklewa was decided), United Bhd. of
    Carpenters & Joiners Local Union 953 v. Mar-Len of La., Inc., 
    906 F.2d 200
    , 203-04 (5th Cir. 1990) (applying the Chevron Oil factors
    and finding that the employer relied on the old rule when entering
    into the prehire agreement and when repudiating it, that the work on
    the site had been completed, and that there was no evidence the
    union had obtained majority status), Sheet Metal Workers Local Union
    No. 54 v. E.F. Etie Sheet Metal Co., 
    1 F.3d 1464
    , 1472 n.8 (5th Cir.
    1993) (affirming Mar-Len of 
    La., supra
    ), cert. denied, 
    114 S. Ct. 1067
    (1994), Mesa Verde Constr. Co. v. Northern Cal. Dist. Council
    of Laborers, 
    895 F.2d 516
    , 518-19 & n.1 (9th Cir. 1989) (using the
    "manifest injustice" standard and applying the Chevron Oil analysis,
    finding that the employer had relied on the old rule when it repudi-
    ated the prehire agreement, that the dispute was "strictly histori-
    cal," that there was no way to determine if the union had enjoyed
    majority support, and that retrospective application would "penal-
    ize" the employer for taking action possibly legal when taken),
    cert. denied, 
    498 U.S. 877
    111 S. Ct. 209
    (1990), Camping Constr.
    Co. v. District Council of Iron Workers, 
    915 F.2d 1333
    , 1337 n.2
    (9th Cir. 1990) (affirming Mesa Verde Constr. Co., supra), cert.
    to distinguish the cases applying Deklewa retrospectively from those
    refusing to do so on the grounds that in all the former cases (i)
    the proceedings were pending in the Board at the time Deklewa was
    decided, and (ii) the employer effectively repudiated the agreement
    before Deklewa was decided.   The district court tried to distinguish
    the cases on the basis of whether the union had clearly obtained
    majority status or not prior to the employer's repudiation of the
    prehire agreement.   See Mem. Op. at 38.     We think, however, that
    these attempts to reconcile the cases along the lines of one or
    another singular criterion must fail.
    111 S. Ct. 1684
    and 2260 (1991), Trustees for Mich. Laborers
    Health Care Fund v. M.M. Vander Veen Constr. Co., 
    736 F. Supp. 138
    141-42 (W.D. Mich. 1989) (applying the Chevron Oil factors, finding
    actual reliance by the employer on the old law, and without explana-
    tion disagreeing with the Board that retrospective application of
    Deklewa would promote the purposes of the NLRA), Trustees of Nat'l
    Automatic Sprinkler Indus. Pension Fund v. American Automatic Fire
    680 F. Supp. 731
    , 734-35 (D. Md. 1988) (finding that the
    controversy was strictly historical, which means that, unlike in
    proceedings before the Board, the parties could not hold an election
    to test the union's majority status, and that applying the new rule
    would penalize the employer for taking action possibly legal when
    taken) and Construction Indus. Welfare Fund of Rockford, Ill. v.
    672 F. Supp. 291
    , 293-94 (N.D. Ill. 1987) (using the "mani-
    fest injustice" standard and finding that the controversy was
    strictly historical, that the defendant actually relied on the old
    rule, and that application of the new rule would "effectively punish
    the [employer] for doing an act which was legally sanctioned at the
    time it was committed"). But cf. Sheet Metal Workers, Local Union
    #312 v. Action Enters., 
    136 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2743
    , 2745 (D. Utah 1987)
    (relying on prior Tenth Circuit precedent adopting the R.J. Smith
    rule to reject Deklewa altogether).
    Those courts applying Deklewa retrospectively in cases
    where the union had obtained majority status, especially where that
    factor was stressed, arguably did not truly apply the Deklewa rule
    retrospectively, as under the old R.J. Smith rule those courts would
    have reached the same result.    Under the "conversion" doctrine of
    the R.J. Smith rule, once the union had obtained majority status,
    the pre-hire agreement became a collective bargaining agreement, and
    the employer was no longer free to repudiate the agreement at its
    First,   not    every       court    applies     the   same   standard     of
    review: some courts do not defer to the administrative agency's
    determination of retrospectivity at all, whereas this Court in Iron
    Workers,    Local    3     held     that        it   would     follow     the    Board's
    retrospectivity ruling absent a manifest injustice.                       See NLRB v.
    W.L. Miller Co., 
    871 F.2d 745
    , 748 & n.2 (8th Cir. 1989) (noting the
    incongruity), appeal after remand, 
    988 F.2d 834
    (8th Cir. 1993)
    (denying    enforcement    of     the    NLRB's      order).   Compare,      e.g.,   Iron
    Workers, Local 
    3, 843 F.2d at 781
    and C.E.K. Indus. Mechanical
    Contractors, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    921 F.2d 350
    , 357 (1st Cir. 1990) with,
    e.g., Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. 54 v. E.F. Etie Sheet
    Metal Co., 
    1 F.3d 1464
    , 1472 n.8 (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 
    114 S. Ct. 1067
    (1994) and Mesa Verde Constr. Co. v. Northern Cal. Dist.
    Council of Laborers, 
    895 F.2d 516
    , 519 n.1 (9th Cir.), cert. denied,
    498 U.S. 877
    111 S. Ct. 209
    (1990).                 Moreover, the fact that some
    recurring     circumstances        have     been       identified       as      rendering
    retrospective application of the Deklewa rule manifestly unjust does
    not dictate a similar result in other cases presenting a dissimilar
    coincidence of circumstances.             Finally, it appears that the courts
    are inconsistent and somewhat divided over the meaning and applica-
    tion of the "manifest injustice" doctrine.0
    FWEC also argues that the Board only intended retrospective
    application in cases pending before the agency, not those pending in
    federal courts. See Construction Indus. Welfare Fund v. Jones, 
    672 F. Supp. 291
    , 293 (N.D. Ill. 1987).      In Deklewa, the Board was
    quoting from Deluxe Metal Furniture Co., 
    121 N.L.R.B. 995
    , 1006-07
    (1958) when it determined to apply the new rule overruling R.J.
    Smith "`to all pending cases in whatever stage.'"       
    Deklewa, 282 N.L.R.B. at 1389
    . The Board, citing administrative efficiency, had
    decided in Deluxe Metal Furniture that it would apply its new rule
    retrospectively "not only [to] the case in which such revisions are
    first announced and applied, but also [to] any other case which has
    not yet been decided, because it has not reached the Board's level
    or is at one of the other stages of the administrative process such
    as the hearing." 
    Id., 121 N.L.R.B.
    at 1006. The Board's reliance
    on Deluxe Metal Furniture, then, seems to indicate to FWEC that the
    Board meant the Deklewa rule to be applied retrospectively only to
    cases before the agency, not to those brought in the district courts
    under § 301 of the LMRA. Cf. Trustees of Nat'l Automatic Sprinkler
    Indus. Pension Fund v. American Automatic Fire Protection, 680 F.
    Supp. 731, 734-35 (D. Md. 1988) (suggesting that a rule different
    from that applied by the Board in unfair labor practice proceedings
    under § 8(f) might apply in § 301 proceedings); Construction Indus.
    Welfare Fund of Rockford, Ill. v. Jones, 
    672 F. Supp. 291
    , 293 (N.D.
    Ill. 1987) (intimating the same).
    We hesitate to read too much into the Board's circumspect
    retrospective application of its new rule, however, because we think
    perhaps the Board was only being politic when it chose not to direct
    federal courts as to which rule of law to apply. In our view, the
    retrospectivity standard should be the same whether the proceeding
    was initiated in a district court or the agency. The whole concept
    of a uniform national law is thwarted if the parties can select the
    substance of federal law by the simple expedient of forum shopping.
    Cf. Harper v. Virginia Dep't of Taxation, 
    113 S. Ct. 2510
    , 2516-17
    (1993) (stressing equality of treatment and stating that the
    "`substantive law [cannot] shift and spring' according to `the
    particular equities of [individual parties'] claims'"); see also
    Erie R.R. Co. v. Tompkins, 
    304 U.S. 64
    , 74-78, 
    58 S. Ct. 817
    , 820-22
    (1938) (stressing equality of the law). The defendants' rule would
    raise the spectre, too, that this Court would eventually be placed
    in the compromising and awkward position of applying two irreconcil-
    able rules of law to the same transaction between the same parties,
    one upon appeal from a district court and the other upon appeal from
    the Board.
    Furthermore, we do not wish thoughtlessly to set in motion
    a practice of interpreting statutes administered by dedicated
    agencies without affording the agency due deference simply because
    the initial forum was a federal district court rather than the
    agency.    Not only would the practice unjustifiably undermine the
    effectiveness with which agencies may cultivate their organic
    statutes by adjudication instead of rulemaking, but the paramount
    rationales    undergirding   deference   --agency    expertise    and
    congressional intent, see Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources
    Defense Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    , 843-45 
    104 S. Ct. 2778
    , 2782-83
    (1984) -- are by no means less pressing when the action is initiated
    in a federal district court instead of a federal agency.       When a
    federal agency pronounces a rule of law subject to stage two Chevron
    deference, see 
    Chevron, 467 U.S. at 842-44
    n.9, 104 S. Ct. at 2781-82
    & n.9 (Congress may impliedly or expressly delegate
    "authority to the agency to elucidate a specific provision of the
    statute by regulation"), assuming the construction is a permissible
    one, the pronouncement essentially defines what the federal law is,
    not merely what the agency considers it to be for its own purposes.
    See, e.g., Ford Motor Credit Co. v. Milhollin, 
    444 U.S. 555
    , 565-70,
    As mentioned above, the decision controlling retrospective
    application of a rule of law an agency promulgates in an adjudi-
    cation    and   providing    the   benchmark    for     the    "manifest    injustice"
    inquiry remains Chenery.           Chenery stated as the general rule that
    the ill effects of retrospectivity
    must be balanced against the mischief of producing a
    result which is contrary to a statutory design or to legal
    and equitable principles.    If that mischief is greater
    than the ill effect of the retroactive application of a
    new standard, it is not the type of retroactivity which is
    condemned by law.
    Chenery, 332 U.S. at 203
    , 67 S. Ct. at 1581.                  This Court has not had
    many opportunities to apply Chenery, however, and indeed the only
    case we have found decided by this Court that discusses Chenery in a
    helpful way is E.L. Wiegand Div. v. NLRB, 
    650 F.2d 463
    (3d Cir.
    1981), cert. denied, 
    455 U.S. 939
    102 S. Ct. 1429
    (1982).0                     There we
    referenced five factors announced by Retail, Wholesale & Dep't Store
    Union    v.   NLRB,   
    466 F.2d 380
    ,   390   (D.C.    Cir.    1972)     to   evaluate
    "whether the inequity of retroactive applications is counterbalanced
    100 S. Ct. 790
    , 796-99 (1980) (deferring to the construction of the
    Federal Truth in Lending Act by the Federal Reserve Board's staff in
    a case originally brought in a district court).
    The reference to NLRB v. Semco Printing Ctr., Inc., 
    721 F.2d 886
    892 (2d Cir. 1983) in Iron Workers, Local 3, 
    see 843 F.2d at 780
    was dicta and also, we think, not fully considered. Semco Printing
    relied on a line of cases considering retrospective legislative
    lawmaking   or   agency   rulemaking   of   procedural   rules,  not
    retrospective agency adjudication of substantive rules. See Bradley
    v. School Bd., 
    416 U.S. 696
    , 709-10, 
    94 S. Ct. 2006
    , 2015 (1974)
    (fee-shifting statute enacted by Congress); Thorpe v. Housing Auth.
    of Durham, 
    393 U.S. 268
    , 274-77, 
    89 S. Ct. 518
    , 522-23 (1969)
    (circular issued pursuant to agency's rulemaking powers); Landgraf
    v. USI Film Prods., 
    62 U.S.L.W. 4255
    , 4264-66 (U.S. Apr. 26, 1994)
    (explaining that Bradley and Thorpe dealt with procedural rules and
    that legislation changing substantive rules has a different
    presumption regarding retrospectivity).     We have no occasion to
    consider how retrospectivity differs between agency rulemaking and
    agency adjudication, if at all, but insofar as we have not ruled out
    the possibility that the standards may diverge somewhat, we think it
    prudent to draw on precedent dealing with adjudications.
    by    sufficiently   significant   statutory    interests."     E.L.   Wiegand
    Div., 650 F.2d at 471
    . Although the factors could be characterized
    as dicta insofar as this Court never applied them in that case, they
    originate from the District of Columbia Circuit's landmark decision
    in Retail, Wholesale and appear to be in accord with other courts'
    interpretation of Chenery, 
    see supra
    at Error! Bookmark not defined.
    n.Error! Bookmark not defined., and thus we will adopt those five
    factors and apply them to this case.
    The five factors we will consider are "(1) whether the
    particular case is one of first impression, (2) whether the new rule
    represents an abrupt departure from well established practice or
    merely occupies a void in an unsettled area of law, (3) the extent
    to which the party against whom the new holding is applied in fact
    relied on the former rule, (4) the degree of the burden imposed, and
    (5) the statutory interest in application of this new rule."            E. L.
    Div., 650 F.2d at 471
    n.5.        We determine that the first and
    fourth factors favor neither party, that the third and fifth factors
    militate in favor of the Union, and that the second factor favors
    the   defendants.     After   going   through   a   balancing   operation,   we
    conclude that Deklewa applies retrospectively to this case.0
    Three of these factors can quickly be disposed of.          First,
    as we are not newly announcing the Deklewa rule in this case, the
    In light of our resolution of the "manifest injustice" inquiry, we
    may disregard LIUNA's contention that FWEC and FWC are equitably
    estopped from complaining that retrospective application of Deklewa
    to this case would be manifestly unjust because of their deceptive
    conduct and their calculated failure to utilize MBTC's hiring hall.
    Br. of LIUNA at 25-29. We digress to observe, however, that it is
    far from clear that equitable principles apply to the "manifest
    injustice" choice-of-law inquiry. 
    See supra
    at Error! Bookmark not
    defined. n.Error! Bookmark not defined..
    issue is not one of first impression.                    If it were, we would be
    compelled either to apply the new rule retrospectively or to reject
    it,    as    the    prohibition   against       advisory    opinions,    see    Retail,
    Wholesale, 466 F.2d at 390
    ; NLRB v. Majestic Weaving Co., 
    355 F.2d 854
    ,   860    (2d    Cir.    1966),     assures   that     "[e]very    case    of   first
    impression has a retroactive effect," 
    Chenery, 332 U.S. at 203
    , 67
    S. Ct. at 1581.        Subsequent cases, on the other hand, do not always
    demand retrospective application of the "new" rule (we speak now
    only of agency adjudications). 
    See supra
    at Error! Bookmark not
    defined. n.Error! Bookmark not defined..                 Second, as all agree, the
    rule "represents an abrupt departure from well-established prece-
    dent."      This fact cuts against retrospective operation, since the
    parties'      reliance      interests    will     more   likely   be    disappointed.
    Third, the Board found, and this Court in Iron Workers, Local 3
    concurred, that there was a great statutory interest in the retro-
    spective application of Deklewa, even in cases (like Deklewa itself)
    where the dispute was purely of historical interest.0                     This factor
    accordingly weighs in on the side of retrospectivity.
    We are not unaware of the fact that many courts have stressed that
    applying Deklewa retrospectively to a dispute of purely historical
    interest does not further the interests which the new rule was
    fashioned to advance, namely, labor stability and employee freedom
    of choice, see Iron Workers, Local 
    3, 843 F.2d at 780
    -81.        See
    United Bhd. of Carpenters & Joiners Local Union 953 v. Mar-Len of
    La., Inc., 
    906 F.2d 200
    , 203, 204 n.4 (5th Cir. 1990); Mesa Verde
    Constr., 895 F.2d at 519
    ; Trustees for Mich. Laborers Health Care
    Fund v. M.M. Vander Veen Constr. Co., 
    736 F. Supp. 138
    , 142 (W.D.
    Mich. 1989); Trustees of Nat'l Automatic Sprinkler Indus. Pension
    Fund v. American Automatic Fire Protection, 
    680 F. Supp. 731
    , 735
    (D. Md. 1988). But we have already held in a case which was only of
    historical interest that Deklewa applies restrospectively without
    being moved by that fact, see Iron Workers, Local 
    3, 843 F.2d at 772
    , 780-81; 
    Deklewa, 282 N.L.R.B. at 1376
    , 1385 n.40, 1386, 1389,
    and under our Internal Operating Procedure 9.1 we are not competent
    to retreat from that position even if we were inclined to do so.
    As to the question of the substantiality of the burden,
    the record is unclear.         The parties stipulated that if FWEC's breach
    of the Agreement dated only from April to June 1985, LIUNA's damages
    would come in under $20,000, almost a trifling sum in this context
    even when compared just to the costs and fees presumably expended in
    this 8-year litigation.           If the period of the breach is extended to
    July   1986,    the   damages      may      not    be    disproportionately          larger,
    although under some remedial theories advanced by LIUNA at oral
    argument, ones obviously different from those upon which the $20,000
    calculation     was   premised,       the   damages      might     grow     substantially.0
    Counterbalancing      this    fact     is    the    defendants'        great       size    and
    considerable     wealth,     as   financial       fortitude        blunts    the    blow   of
    damages.   In sum, this inconclusive factor might favor either side.
    Finally, as to the weighty factor of actual reliance by
    the adversely affected party, the record convincingly establishes
    that   there    was   no     actual     reliance        by   the    defendants       on    the
    superseded rule. While true that an abrupt about-face in the law
    (the   second    factor)      "strongly       advises"       the     conclusion      of     an
    "inequitable result" under the inapposite Chevron analysis, Gruber
    v. Price Waterhouse, 
    911 F.2d 960
    , 968 (3d Cir. 1990), this Chenery
    actual reliance factor spotlights the subjective question whether
    the party opposing retrospective application did, in fact, rely upon
    the retracted rule, rather than the objective question whether that
    LIUNA orally argued that it might be entitled to recover the full
    amount of salary lost by (presumably identified) workers who desired
    employment at the MOEPSI project, regardless of mitigation of
    damages. The defendants rejoin that this position is preposterous.
    Neither party cites any authority on the point, but that is of
    little concern to us, as the fashioning of remedies for breach of a
    prehire agreement is, as we explain below at 56, suited especially
    for the experience and expertise of a labor arbitrator.
    party reasonably and justifiably could have relied upon it, 
    see supra
      at    Error!   Bookmark    not   defined.    n.Error!     Bookmark    not
    defined.; see also infra at Error! Bookmark not defined. n.Error!
    Bookmark not defined..
    The district court found that "the defendants tried to
    deceive the union about the applicability of the [Agreement] to the
    MOEPSI project for a long time," Mem. Op. at 37, which strongly
    suggests that the defendants themselves felt bound by the Agreement
    at   that    site.0    In   essence,   they   perpetrated   the   deception   by
    pretending that the nominal contractor FWIC was the prime contractor
    on the project.0       Furthermore, the district court found that "the
    defendants initially believed they could not repudiate the agreement
    The court determined in this regard:
    [A]s part of their effort to support their claims that the
    National Agreement did not apply to EPC or the MOEPSI
    project, I find the defendants worked to conceal the ample
    evidence of FWEC's extensive involvement in the bidding
    process and in MOEPSI's project management. For instance,
    during the bidding process, FWEC officials and employees
    used FWIC's letterhead to communicate with [MOEPSI].
    Similarly, although FWEC employees actually prepared the
    bid and Mr. Sarappo suggested conducting the project
    management from FWEC's headquarters at the Houston
    Engineering Center, FWIC and later EPC were technically
    designated as MOEPSI's project managers.     These actions
    and the others detailed in the findings of fact convince
    this court that the defendants not only failed to
    repudiate the National Agreement prior to June 3, 1985 but
    that   they   actively   deceived  LIUNA   regarding   its
    Mem. Op. at 44.
    FWEC attempts to deride the district court's finding of deception by
    focusing on the fact that EPC was openly and notoriously non-union.
    See Br. of FWEC at 29-31.        But the trial court's finding was
    predicated on FWEC's surreptitious use of FWIC as a surrogate
    contractor and its subsequent misidentification of EPC as the prime
    contractor rather than as the subcontractor, not on any action taken
    by EPC to conceal the fact that it ran an open shop.
    for a single project and that they did not want to repudiate the
    agreement as a whole," seemingly because they wished to reap the
    rewards of the Agreement in other regions of the country where union
    influence was stronger.       Mem. Op. at 32.
    The defendants' initial belief was justified until they
    learned about Painters Local Union No. 64 of Brotherhood of Painters
    v. Epley, 
    764 F.2d 1509
    (11th Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 
    475 U.S. 1120
    106 S. Ct. 1636
    (1986), in which the Eleventh Circuit held
    that an employer could repudiate an area-wide prehire agreement with
    respect to a particular job site without affecting the agreement at
    other job sites.       Undoubtedly the defendants' early belief that they
    could   not    selectively   repudiate     the    Agreement     with    regard         to   a
    particular site accounts for the deception noted above.                       But Epley
    was handed down on July 12, 1985 (the district court found that FWEC
    explicitly repudiated the Agreement as to the MOEPSI site alone on
    August 9, 1985), months after the defendants had fully committed
    themselves,     both    internally   and    contractually,      to     use    non-union
    labor, and saddled themselves with that obligation by opening their
    own hiring hall (in January 1985) and hiring their workers from
    there (commencing on April 2, 1985) instead of from MBTC's hiring
    See supra
    at 10.
    Given this state of affairs, we do not see how, measured
    from the moment the defendants reached their decision to "repudiate"
    the Agreement (which we think happened at the time FWEC decided to
    use FWIC as the nominal contractor, sometime before February 1984,
    see supra
    at Error! Bookmark not defined. n.Error! Bookmark not
    defined.),     they    possibly   could    have   relied   on   their        as   of    yet
    unestablished    right    to     repudiate     the   Agreement      selectively      with
    respect to a single job site.0           Rather, it is abundantly clear from
    the measures they undertook to conceal FWEC's involvement in the
    project that they in fact believed they had no such right.                              In
    short, we are persuaded that had Deklewa been decided and entrenched
    long before the defendants ever heard of the MOEPSI project, neither
    FWEC nor FWC would have behaved any differently.                    At all events, in
    February 1984 -- the date, as noted above, when the defendants chose
    to bypass the Agreement at the MOEPSI site -- the defendants could
    not have been very confident that LIUNA would not enjoy majority
    support   at   the   MOEPSI    site.     
    See supra
      at       Error!   Bookmark      not
    defined. n.Error! Bookmark not defined. (discussing the implications
    of a union obtaining majority status).
    We turn now to the balancing exercise.                    We bear in mind
    the   backdrop   that    "when    the   Board   changes      a    rule    and   makes    it
    retroactive, particularly when the Board assigns as its reasons for
    doing so the furtherance of the fundamental statutory policies of
    employee free choice and labor relations stability, the Board should
    be entitled to exercise its broadest power."              Iron Workers, Local 
    3, 843 F.2d at 780
    . We are also reminded of the truism that in the
    context of adjudication, retrospectivity is, and has since the birth
    of this nation been, the norm.           See, e.g., Harper v. Virginia Dep't
    of Taxation, 
    113 S. Ct. 2510
    , 2516 (1993); cf. Hill v. Equitable
    Even in its brief before this Court, neither FWEC nor FWC cites a
    case predating Epley which approved of a single-site repudiation,
    and our own research has shown Epley to be a ground-breaking case.
    See, e.g., New Mex. Dist. Council of Carpenters & Joiners v. Jordan
    & Nobles Constr. Co., 
    802 F.2d 1253
    , 1255-56 (10th Cir. 1986);
    Trustess for Mich. Laborers Health Care Fund v. M.M. Vander Veen
    Constr. Co., 
    736 F. Supp. 138
    , 143-44 (W.D. Mich. 1989).
    Trust Co., 
    851 F.2d 691
    , 695-96 (3d Cir. 1988) (discussing the
    competing views on retrospectivity), cert. denied, 
    488 U.S. 1008
    109 S. Ct. 791
    Although retrospectivity is not mandated, as this case is
    not one of first impression, the sole factor opposing retrospec-
    tivity is the fact that the rule signalled an abrupt departure from
    prior precedent.   But this factor itself was considered in Deklewa
    and, on appeal, in Iron Workers, Local 3, and neither tribunal found
    it defeated retrospective application of the Deklewa rule then.0
    The Board in Deklewa abstractly addressed the reliance interest in
    the old rule as follows:
    Some employers probably have relied on R.J. Smith as a
    means of repudiating a prehire agreement.    However, that
    reliance interest is not a particularly strong one in
    light of the purposes that Congress sought to achieve
    under Sec. 8(f). The interest that is entitled to protec-
    tion is the ability of an employer to avail itself of the
    Board processes to determine whether there is continued
    majority support to undergird the union and the agreement.
    The new rule, which affirms the Board's election proce-
    dures for resolving that issue, does not seriously detract
    from what an employer should appropriately expect in the
    way of protection under the old 
    rule. 282 N.L.R.B. at 1389
    n.61. The Board is correct that generally an
    employer could not reasonably rely on a right of repudiation that
    was contingent on the union not acquiring majority status, but there
    may be an exception if the employer was realistically confident that
    the union would not obtain majority status. For this reason we have
    focused on the particular evidence of lack of reliance in this case.
    It may well be true that the repudiator's reliance
    interest is less compelling when the case is still pending before
    the Board, since then the Board could perhaps conduct an election
    "to test the union's majority status." Trustees of Nat'l Automatic
    Sprinkler Indus. Pension Fund v. American Automatic Fire Protection,
    680 F. Supp. 731
    , 735 (D. Md. 1988).      But the Board has applied
    Deklewa retrospectively, found the employer guilty of an unfair
    labor practice, and ordered appropriate remedies without first
    holding an election.    See, e.g., MIS, Inc., 289 N.L.R.B. No. 62
    (1988) (ordering an employer to make its employees whole but not
    scheduling an election). Moreover, contrasting the sluggish rate at
    which the Board's bureaucratic wheels sometimes rotate with the
    Indeed, defendants have not in fact relied to their detriment upon
    the discarded rule, a factor of primary importance.                Moreover, we
    held   in   Iron   Workers,   Local   3   that   the   statutory   interest   in
    application of the new rule is substantial.            Finally, the burden the
    defendants might bear does not look to be disproportionately large
    given their means.      In view of the foregoing, we conclude that the
    factors strongly weigh in favor of retrospective application of the
    Deklewa rule to this case.0
    rapid turnaround prevalent in the construction industry convinces us
    that even in cases pending before the Board an election will quite
    often be impracticable. For example, in this case the Board had to
    dismiss a petition for election when the sizable MOEPSI project
    terminated before the election could be held.       In any event, we
    agreed with the Board in Iron Workers, Local 3, 
    see 843 F.2d at 781
    so the issue is water over the dam.
    Because of this disposition we are not called upon to reach the
    question whether the defendants were precluded from repudiating the
    Agreement at their pleasure for purposes of an action under § 301
    notwithstanding the fact that under the R.J. Smith rule it would not
    have been an unfair labor practice for them to do so. That is to
    say, merely because repudiation would not have been an unfair labor
    practice under R.J. Smith would by no means have been conclusive as
    to whether or not the repudiator would have breached the pre-hire
    agreement and the other party would be entitled to damages.       The
    parties have approached and argued this case as if the issue of
    whether the Board would consider repudiation an unfair labor
    practice were dispositive of whether there was a breach of the §
    8(f) prehire agreement, and consequently whether the other party
    could recoup damages for said breach. Such assumption was unwise.
    See, e.g., Jim McNeff, Inc. v. Todd, 
    461 U.S. 260
    , 267, 
    103 S. Ct. 1753
    , 1757 (1980) (differentiating between duties under the NLRA and
    "contractual obligations that accrued" under a prehire agreement).
    Although some language in Jim McNeff may have led the
    parties to believe that to be the proper strategy, the Supreme Court
    there   expressly  declined   to  address   whether   valid   §  8(f)
    repudiations under the NLRA are also valid for § 301 purposes. 
    See 461 U.S. at 271
    n.13, 103 S. Ct. at 1759 
    n.13.        Because of our
    resolution of the Deklewa issue, we easily conclude, however, that
    FWEC was not at liberty to repudiate the Agreement.         We do not
    decide, as we need not, whether our decision as to the continued
    vitality of the Agreement for purposes of § 301 would have been
    different had we concluded that the defendants validly repudiated
    the Agreement for purposes of an unfair labor practice charge before
    the Board.
    The consequence of our conclusion that Deklewa applies
    retrospectively is that the Agreement at the MOEPSI site was never
    repudiated by the defendants until they rightfully terminated it
    effective July 15, 1986.           Under Deklewa, an employer cannot repudi-
    ate a prehire agreement unless the Board first conducts an election
    decertifying        the   union.    
    See 282 N.L.R.B. at 1385
    .       The   facts
    indicate that no effective election was ever held (the NLRB did
    conduct an election, but on appeal from the election petition the
    ballots were impounded and by the time the Board remanded the matter
    the election had been mooted).                  
    See supra
    at Error! Bookmark not
    defined.      n.Error!      Bookmark      not    defined..         Thus,     the    parties
    continued to be bound by the Agreement at the MOEPSI site until July
    15, 1986, when FWEC within the window provided therefor properly
    terminated the Agreement in its entirety.0
    The    arbitrator    made     several   findings        of    fact    in   his
    arbitration decision, a decision which preceded the parties' second
    appeal   to    this       Court.    The    two    important    facts        found   by   the
    arbitrator were that (i) FWEC and EPC were a "single employer," and
    (ii) FWEC was the prime contractor at the MOEPSI site, contrary
    representations in the paper trail notwithstanding.                          The district
    The parties expend much effort debating the precise date of each
    defendant's supposed repudiation of the Agreement.   See, e.g., Br.
    of FWC at 38-48; Br. of FWEC at 35-42; Reply Br. of LIUNA at 33-39;
    Reply Br. of FWC at 21-23; Reply Br. of FWEC at 10-16.     Since we
    conclude that Deklewa operates retrospectively to this case, the
    issue of what constitutes a repudiation is mooted.
    This disposition also allows us to avoid the question
    whether as a matter of choice of law we would need to apply the law
    of the Eleventh Circuit as defined by 
    Epley, 764 F.2d at 1513-14
    the issue of repudiation.
    court   adopted   those   findings    as    its    own,    but   then    the    parties
    appealed   to   this   court,   disputing     the   legality      of    the    district
    court's arbitration order.         On appeal we vacated some, but not all,
    of the district court's orders subsequent to the arbitration order.
    See supra
    at 48; infra at 48.               Upon remand, the district court
    concluded that we had vacated all of its post-arbitration orders,
    including the one adopting some of the arbitrator's facts as its
    The parties now dispute whether those findings survived
    our vacatur of portions of the district court's orders linked to the
    arbitration.      The employers argue that our prior decision vacated
    the district court's entire order, including those factual findings;
    the union, conversely, maintains that those factual determinations
    survived and are now the law of the case.                 Because the answer lies
    in this Court's prior opinion in this case, we are called upon to
    interpret it.
    On December 9, 1985, the district court ordered the defen-
    dants to "participate in an arbitration of the Plaintiff's grievance
    concerning the applicability of Section 1 of the parties' National
    Agreement [(Scope)] to the construction project."                      Order at 1-2.
    The court in its accompanying decision explained this order:
    I warn the parties not to attempt to confuse the
    narrow question I have found arbitrable with other issues
    such as majority representation, bargaining units and
    repudiation. Before anything else is to be determined in
    this suit, the threshold issue of whether the Section 8(f)
    agreement applies must be determined.
    Mem. Op. at 19 (Dec. 9, 1985).         After a hotly contested arbitration
    --the   arbitrator     conducted   three    days    of    hearings,     reviewed   192
    exhibits, and considered 299 pages of briefs -- Arbitrator Kagel
    concluded, inter alia, that (1) FWEC and FWC were alter egos; (2)
    EPC was a joint or single employer with FWEC; (3) EPC had been
    listed as the prime contractor on the MOEPSI site only to dupe LIUNA
    and that FWEC was the actual prime contractor; and (4) the Agreement
    obligated FWC and FWEC to apply its terms to the MOEPSI project.
    Mem. Op. at 2; see Op. & Dec. at 33-35 (Kagel, Arb.) (Nov. 10,
    One   year   later,    the    district    court    partially    granted
    plaintiff's motion to confirm the arbitrator's award.                  Order at 1
    (Nov. 17, 1987).         In its opinion, the court explained that the
    arbitrator's conclusion that FWC and FWEC breached the Agreement
    (derived from finding 
    (4), supra
    ), went beyond the scope of its
    reference and hence it would not defer to that finding, but it let
    stand his other conclusions.             Mem. Op. at 7-10 ("Aside from his
    final conclusion regarding breach, the arbitrator's decision falls
    within the four corners of my intended submission.").
    LIUNA now claims that FWEC in its earlier appeal to this
    Court argued only that Deklewa should not be applied retrospectively0
    and that it had repudiated the Agreement on or before June 6, 1985,
    but did not attack finding (2) (to the effect that EPC and FWEC were
    a   joint   employer)    or   finding    (3)   (to   the   effect   that   FWEC   was
    actually the prime contractor on the MOEPSI site), and submits that
    therefore both the findings became res judicata.0              Assuming arguendo
    On the parties' prior successful appeal we did not resolve that
    question, remanding the issue instead for the district court to
    reconsider in light of Iron Workers, Local 3. See Laborer's Int'l
    Union, 868 F.2d at 577
    Assuming the validity of its premise that the defendants did not
    attack the entire judgment on their previous appeal, LIUNA appears
    to be correct on the res judicata point:
    that    the   defendants   appealed   from    the   district    court's   entire
    judgment rather than simply from some subset of issues, the decision
    would have established the law of the case solely with respect to
    those    issues    the   decision   reached   explicitly   or    by   necessary
    The parties did not include the initial notice of appeal
    in the record, and neither FWEC nor FWC asserts that it noticed its
    appeal from the entire judgment in its 1988 cross-appeal.              Nonethe-
    If an appeal is taken from only part of the judg-
    ment, the remaining part is res judicata, and the vacation
    of the portion appealed from and remand of the case for
    further proceedings does not revive the trial court juris-
    diction of the unappealed portion of the judgment.
    (2d ed. 1993); see Habecker v. Clark Equip. Co., 
    942 F.2d 210
    , 218
    (3d Cir. 1991) (stating that a district court may enter any order or
    reach any decision so long as it was neither disposed of by an
    earlier district court order and not pursued on appeal, nor disposed
    of by the appellate court's mandate in the earlier appeal); Seese v.
    Volkswagenwerk, A.G., 
    679 F.2d 336
    , 337 (3d Cir. 1982) (per curiam)
    ("The district court is without jurisdiction to alter the mandate of
    this court on the basis of matters included or includable in defen-
    dants' prior appeal." (emphasis added)); Aubrey v. Director, Office
    of Worker's Compensation Programs, 
    916 F.2d 451
    , 456 (8th Cir. 1990)
    ("failure to cross-appeal prohibits an appellee from attempting to
    enlarge her rights or to lessen her adversary's rights" upon remand
    (citing cases)); Payne v. Travenol Lab., Inc., 
    673 F.2d 798
    , 816 &
    n.24 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    459 U.S. 1038
    103 S. Ct. 451
    But if the appeal stems from the entire judgment and the judgment is
    reversed or vacated and the case remanded generally for further
    proceedings, the district court, barring some narrow exceptions
    finding no application here, must apply the mandate as established
    explicitly or by necessary inference by the appellate court (though
    it is free to reconsider other issues). See, e.g., United States v.
    947 F.2d 72
    , 76 (3d Cir. 1991); Day v. Moscow, 
    955 F.2d 807
    , 812 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 71
    (1992); 1B MOORE ET.
    AL., MOORE'S FEDERAL PRACTICE ¶ 0.404[4.-3], at II-17; 
    id. ¶ 0.404[10];
    AND PROCEDURE § 4478, at 792-94 (1981); cf. In re Resyn Corp. (Resyn
    Corp. v. United States), 
    945 F.2d 1279
    , 1281-82 (3d Cir. 1991)
    (holding that issues raised but not reached on a prior appeal are
    not within the law of the case doctrine); Elias v. Ford Motor Co.,
    734 F.2d 463
    , 465 (1st Cir. 1984) (affirmance).
    less, because it is not outcome-determinative, we will give the
    defendants the benefit of the doubt and assume that they noticed
    their appeal from the entire judgment.           The defendants' case falters
    because (1) in their briefs on the earlier appeal they did not
    actually attack the district court's adoption of the arbitrator's
    factual findings; (2) this Court did not expressly or by necessary
    implication reverse the district court's earlier validation of the
    arbitrator's two factual findings; and (3) this Court did not vacate
    that portion of the district court's order adopting the factual
    findings.      Consequently, the two findings became res judicata after
    the remand -- hence, absent certain extraordinary circumstances,
    they were beyond the authority of the district court to revisit.
    In the Statement of Issues in its 1988 appellate brief,
    FWEC   posed    the   question   "[w]hether   the    District     Court     erred   in
    compelling Arbitration on any issue and in later failing to set
    aside the arbitrator's decision in its entirety."                 1988 Br. of FWEC
    at 2 (emphasis added).           But beyond that brief reference it never
    mentioned or developed that issue in its argument section.                  In fact,
    after asserting in a conclusory fashion that it could establish that
    the district court should have vacated the arbitrator's decision,
    FWEC stated that it "will not, however, address these issues herein
    because, although it would result in a reduction or total vacation
    of   damages,    it   would   require   remand      and   trial    and/or    another
    arbitration which would serve only to prolong a small dispute which
    has been out of control for much too long."               
    Id. at 5
    (Statement of
    the Case).
    To     complicate     matters,     though,   FWEC      followed   its
    disclaimer with the declaration that it would "adopt[] those argu-
    ments of . . . FWC which establish why the arbitrator exceeded his
    jurisdiction,    why   the   District   Court's   refusal   to   overturn   the
    Arbitrator's decision should be vacated and why the court's order
    compelling arbitration should be overturned."          
    Id. at 5
    -6; see FED.
    R. APP. P. 28(i) ("In cases involving more than one appellant or
    appellee, . . . any appellant or appellee may adopt by reference any
    part of the brief of another.").           However, a perusal of FWC's 1988
    brief finds no argument that helps FWEC.0
    LIUNA concedes that FWEC addressed the arbitration issue
    in its 1988 reply brief (which was not placed in the record), see
    Reply & Opp'n Br. of LIUNA at 31, but argues that by then it was too
    late to do so.    We agree.     An issue is waived unless a party raises
    it in its opening brief, and for those purposes "a passing reference
    to an issue . . . will not suffice to bring that issue before this
    court."   Simmons v. City of Philadelphia, 
    947 F.2d 1042
    , 1066 (3d
    Cir. 1991) (plurality opinion) (Becker, J.), cert. denied, 112 S.
    Ct. 1671 (1992); International Raw Materials v. Stauffer Chem. Co. ,
    FWC raised four issues on appeal.       First, it argued that the
    district court improperly compelled it (FWC) to submit to arbi-
    tration since it was not a signatory to the Agreement; FWEC being a
    signatory, the argument did not pertain to it. 1988 Br. of FWC at
    14-24.   Second, it argued that if it were bound by the Agreement,
    then FWEC's and EPC's repudiations were effective as to it too. 
    Id. at 25-31.
    Third, FWC did argue that the arbitrator's award should
    be set aside, but it did not challenge the arbitrator's factual
    filings, restricting itself to arguing that the arbitrator erred in
    considering "external law" when he construed the Agreement. 
    Id. at 31-34.
      Although FWC prayed for relief that the entire arbitration
    award be vacated, it advanced no arguments addressing why the
    factual findings in particular should have been vacated.     Fourth,
    FWC argued Deklewa should not be retrospectively applied to this
    Id. at 34-40.
    978 F.2d 1318
    , 1327 n.11 (3d Cir. 1992), cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 1588
    (1993).       Accordingly, unless the 1989 decision reversed that
    portion of the district court's order affirming the arbitrator's
    findings of fact or vacated the corresponding portion of its order,
    FWEC's failure to contest those points on appeal renders them res
    See supra
      at     Error!      Bookmark   not      defined.   n.Error!
    Bookmark not defined.
    Nowhere did the 1989 decision reverse the district court's
    order   adopting      the   facts,    although      it   did    vacate   the    district
    court's orders "predicated on the assumption that FWEC was FWC's
    alter ego." Laborer's Int'l 
    Union, 868 F.2d at 577
    .                        We conclude
    that    the    1989   decision       did   not    vacate       the   district    court's
    ratification of the arbitrator's two findings of fact (which had to
    do with FWEC and EPC's relationship) because that portion of the
    district court's order was the only portion of the order which both
    was not predicated on the alter ego finding and remained contested.0
    The district court issued three "subsequent orders."      First, the
    district court denied defendants' motion to vacate the arbitration
    decision and granted plaintiff's motion to affirm it except insofar
    as the arbitrator found that the defendants breached the Agreement.
    As should be clear, while some of the arbitration decision was
    predicated on the assumption that FWEC was FWC's alter ego, 
    see 868 F.2d at 577
    , the two factual findings at issue which the court had
    embraced were not, as they dealt exclusively with the relationship
    obtaining between FWEC and EPC.         Second, the court denied
    defendants' motion for summary judgment and partially granted
    plaintiff's motion for summary judgment. This order was obviously
    predicated on the defendants' alter ego status, hence it was
    vacated.   Third, the court ordered the parties to stipulate to
    damages within 60 days or the court would hold a further hearing to
    "determine the appropriate forum and procedure by which said issue
    may be resolved." Order at 1-2. Because the parties stipulated to
    damages prior to taking the 1989 appeal, this order had already been
    rendered moot. Thus, by necessary implication, the district court's
    confirmation of the arbitrator's two factual findings must have been
    the portion of the district court's "subsequent orders" which this
    Court did not vacate.
    We    hesitate   to   construe    a   carefully      crafted   vacatur    as   having
    vacated the entire matter under review.                  This interpretation is
    reinforced by the absence of any reason this Court would have had
    for   vacating   those      particular     factual    findings    and    requiring   a
    duplication of effort:           FWEC was properly compelled to arbitrate
    those factual issues, and an arbitrator eventually would have needed
    to resolve them anyway to settle FWEC's liability.
    Nevertheless, the district court interpreted this Court's
    1988 mandate to vacate all of the arbitrator's factual findings.
    Mem. Op. at 5 n.3.          Therefore, the court decided to "review this
    matter afresh."       
    Id. Unfortunately, that
    alternative route ignores
    the fact that the parties had contractually agreed to have exactly
    these questions answered by an arbitrator.               The moment FWC conceded
    that it was FWEC's alter ego, the central question whether it could
    be compelled to arbitrate the dispute was affirmatively answered,
    and the district court should thereupon have dispatched the parties
    to     arbitration     as     soon    as     it      determined    the     effective
    repudiation/termination date of the Agreement.                 See infra at Error!
    Bookmark not defined. n.Error! Bookmark not defined..
    In any event, we believe that the district court miscon-
    strued this Court's mandate.          Even if this Court meant to vacate the
    order compelling FWEC (as opposed to FWC) to submit to arbitration,
    an issue which was not presented to this Court,0 as stated above, we
    This Court vacated the arbitration order because the district court,
    not the arbitrator, was to decide whether FWC was bound by the
    Agreement, since if it were not bound, it could not be commanded to
    submit to arbitration.    
    See 868 F.2d at 576-77
    .     The reason is
    straightforward:   a party cannot be compelled to arbitrate the
    arbitrability issue. See, e.g., Litton Fin. Printing Div. v. NLRB,
    501 U.S. 190
    111 S. Ct. 2215
    , 2226 (1991). As a signatory to the
    Agreement, FWEC was unquestionably obligated to arbitrate the
    did not vacate the district court's subsequent confirmation of the
    arbitrator's        factual      findings.               Accordingly,            the    arbitrator's
    findings once adopted by the district court, namely, that FWEC and
    EPC   were    a    single     employer      and      that     FWEC    was        really      the prime
    contractor at the MOEPSI site, are res judicata, and the district
    court should not have revisited them.
    A.     Introduction
    Where no factual determinations are involved, this Court
    reviews the district court's decision to send the issues of damages
    and breach to arbitration as a matter of law.                                     See Sheet Metal
    Workers Int'l Ass'n, Local 19 v. 2300 Group, Inc., 
    949 F.2d 1274
    1278-79 (3d Cir. 1991) ("We have plenary review on whether the terms
    of the collective bargaining agreements are ambiguous.                                  Moreover, we
    review de novo the district court's construction of the collective
    bargaining        agreements,      which      is     a    question          of    law."      (citation
    omitted)); cf. Lukens Steel Co. v. United Steelworkers, 
    989 F.2d 668
    , 672 (3d Cir. 1993) (where a collective bargaining agreement is
    ambiguous     and       the   parties'      intent       is   controlling,             the   scope    of
    review   is       for   clear    error).       See       generally          Ram    Constr.     Co.    v.
    American States Ins. Co., 
    749 F.2d 1049
    , 1052-53 (3d Cir. 1984)
    (comparing when plenary and clear error review is appropriate).                                      Our
    primary guide is the strong federal labor policy favoring arbitra-
    tion, a policy in large part premised on the arbitrator's superior
    dispute. FWC, on the other hand, was not a signatory thereto, and
    hence the court could direct it to arbitration only if the court
    first determined that somehow FWC had become bound by the Agreement.
    expertise in the mechanics of collective bargaining and collective
    bargaining agreements, greater understanding of the law of the shop,
    and greater efficiency in resolving labor disputes.                           See Luden's
    Inc. v. Bakery, Confectionery & Tobacco Worker's Int'l Union Local
    6, -- F.3d --, -- (3d Cir. 1994).
    The parties inserted an extremely capacious arbitration
    clause into the Agreement:                  it provided that "all grievances and
    disputes [over the application or interpretation of this Agreement],
    excluding jurisdictional disputes, shall be handled as hereinafter
    provided."0        Agreement art. XV.                Given the jurisprudence in this
    area,      see,    e.g.,   A   T   &   T    Technologies,    Inc.     v.   Communications
    475 U.S. 643
    , 650, 
    106 S. Ct. 1415
    , 1419 (1986) ("`[An]
    order to arbitrate the particular grievance should not be denied
    unless it may be said with positive assurance that the arbitration
    clause     is     not   susceptible        of   an   interpretation    that   covers   the
    asserted dispute. Doubts should be resolved in favor of coverage.'"
    (quoting United Steelworkers v. Warrior & Gulf Nav. Co., 
    363 U.S. 574
    , 582-83, 
    80 S. Ct. 1347
    , 1352-53 (1960))), neither defendant
    could plausibly argue that such an inclusive arbitration clause can
    be read to exclude a dispute over whether the agreement applies to a
    certain work site or not, and neither does.
    B.   The Enforceability of Arbitration Clauses in Prehire Agreements
    A jurisdictional dispute in this context signifies not a dispute
    over the application of the Agreement to a specific construction
    site, but rather a dispute over the proper labor organization to be
    assigned a given job. See 
    id. art. XIV.
    See generally II CHARLES J.
    MORRIS, THE DEVELOPING LABOR LAW, at 1366-98 (3d ed. Patrick Hardin ed.
    Defendants       do   argue    that     prehire      agreements       are     not
    subject       to    arbitration     and     attempt    to   anchor        this    innovative
    argument in Jim McNeff, Inc. v. Todd, 
    461 U.S. 260
    103 S. Ct. 1753
    (1983).       In Jim McNeff a union brought suit under § 301 of the LMRA,
    29 U.S.C.A. § 185 (1978), complaining that the employer had breached
    a prehire agreement by failing to make contributions to the union's
    fringe    benefit      trust    fund.        The   Court    made     no    mention     of    an
    arbitration clause, but alluded to the "critical distinction between
    an   employer's       obligation     under     the    [NLRA]    to    bargain       with    the
    representative of the majority of its employees and its duty to
    satisfy lawful contractual obligations that accrued after it enters
    a prehire contract."            Jim 
    McNeff, 461 U.S. at 267
    , 103 S. Ct. at
    1757.     Thus, the Court held that while an employer must not bargain
    with    the    union    before      the   union      obtains    majority         status,    the
    conditions of § 9(a) of the NLRA not having been fulfilled, when a
    union and employer enter into a prehire agreement, "both parties
    must abide by its terms until it is repudiated."                     
    Id. at 271,
    103 S.
    Ct. at 1759.         We note that Jim McNeff predated Deklewa, and thus at
    the time either party could have unilaterally repudiated a prehire
    agreement without contravening the NLRA (that is, the R.J. Smith
    rule was then in effect).            
    Ibid. The defendants maintain
          that   McNeff     implies       quite    the
    opposite of what it says.             They urge that a signatory to a prehire
    agreement containing an arbitration clause cannot be compelled to
    arbitrate until the § 8(f) prehire agreement has been transmogrified
    into a § 9(a) collective bargaining agreement.                       Br. of FWEC at 48-
    49. Without giving any reason for so doing, the defendants attempt
    to confine Jim McNeff to its narrow holding that "the monetary
    obligations assumed by an employer under a prehire contract may be
    recovered    in    a    §    301    action     brought     by    a    union   prior   to   the
    repudiation of the contract, even though the union has not attained
    majority support in the relevant unit."                     
    Id. at 271-72,
    103 S. Ct.
    at 1759.     Based on this niggardly understanding of Jim McNeff, they
    contend that LIUNA is limited to recovering damages in the district
    court.    But clearly their reading of Jim McNeff misses its essential
    point     that    the       terms   of    an    operative        prehire      agreement    are
    enforceable despite the union's lack of majority status.                           The Court
    analyzed the statutory text and purposes of § 8(f) to arrive at this
    preeminently logical conclusion.
    FWEC additionally attempts to distinguish Jim McNeff on
    the ground that here FWEC repudiated the Agreement before LIUNA
    sought    arbitration,        whereas     in    Jim     McNeff   the    prehire    agreement
    remained in effect throughout the litigation.                        Reply Br. of FWEC at
    18.     But even if that distinction could hold water, which it cannot,
    see Litton Fin. Printing Div. v. NLRB, 
    501 U.S. 190
    111 S. Ct. 2215
    ,    2225     (1991)      (holding    that      a    postexpiration        grievance   is
    subject     to    arbitration        if   the       grievance        "involves    facts    and
    occurrences that arose before expiration"); Nolde Bros., Inc. v.
    Bakery & Confectionary Workers Union, 
    430 U.S. 243
    , 255, 
    97 S. Ct. 1067
    , 1074 (1977) ("the parties' failure to exclude from arbitrabi-
    lity contract disputes arising after termination . . . affords a
    basis for concluding that they intended to arbitrate all grievances
    arising out of the contractual relationship"), the retrospectivity
    analysis we engaged in eliminates that distinction: since Deklewa
    applies retrospectively, the parties continued to be bound by the
    Agreement at the MOEPSI site until FWEC terminated it effective July
    15, 1986, a long time ago but still almost a full year after LIUNA
    instituted this action to compel arbitration.
    C.    Relevancy of the Merits of the Dispute
    The defendants also argue that arbitration is improper in
    this case in particular because no damages can flow from a finding
    they breached the Agreement, as LIUNA operated an illegal hiring
    hall.    They    are     correct   that   discriminatory      hiring     halls    are
    probably illegal, e.g., NLRB v. International Bhd. of Elec. Workers
    Local   322,    
    597 F.2d 1326
    ,   1330   (10th   Cir.   1979),      that    they
    apparently violate the Agreement, see Agreement art. V §§ 1-2, that
    the district court found the local hiring hall to be run in a
    discriminatory fashion, see Mem. Op. at 18 n.6, and, the local union
    having been under LIUNA's trusteeship since May 1984, that LIUNA
    cannot distance itself from the illegal conduct.               Thus it may very
    well be true that LIUNA is entitled to no damages.0
    We cannot be certain of that, however, as the correct
    answer completely depends on the interpretation to be given the
    Agreement.     Because    it    appears   that   neither     defendant    in     fact
    suspected that the union hiring hall was being run illegally until
    well after the filing of the complaint in this case, and because of
    the defendants' deception described earlier, the arbitrator may have
    to name a winner in the battle of the unclean hands.              It may also be
    However, if LIUNA may recover damages on behalf of its injured
    membership, this equitable defense may not aid defendants with
    respect to LIUNA's membership, even if dispositive vis-à-vis LIUNA.
    that, insofar as FWEC never attempted to invoke the Agreement and
    make use of MBTC's hiring hall (i.e., insofar as FWEC never tendered
    performance), it cannot establish LIUNA even breached, much less
    materially     breached,      the    Agreement    by     not   having      a     non-
    discriminatory hiring hall available for its use.
    The arbitrator may also deem it possible that, had FWEC
    requested referrals from MBTC's hiring hall, the hall would have
    ceased its illicit ways and changed its procedures to bring the
    local into compliance with the Agreement and the law.                   That is,
    LIUNA's illegal operation of a hiring hall with respect to other
    employers would not necessarily mean it would run the hall the same
    way   with   FWEC    and   hence    excuse   FWEC's    non-compliance   with     the
    Agreement.     Alternatively, the arbitrator could perhaps construe the
    Agreement     to    have   forbidden    FWEC   from    repudiating   the       entire
    Agreement until it had provided LIUNA with a reasonable opportunity
    to cure by bringing its hiring hall into compliance with the law and
    the terms of the Agreement.0
    All this is not to imply LIUNA is entitled to damages, but
    only to show that an arbitrator might award LIUNA damages.                     It is
    not our place to resolve or even to speculate on the solution to the
    questions we have posed in the preceding paragraph or to others
    which we have not raised, because they are matters of interpretation
    of the parties' pre-hire agreement, and as such are matters the
    Although the district court charged LIUNA with constructive knowl-
    edge of the illegality of the local hiring hall's procedures because
    it had placed the local in trusteeship, there is no evidence in the
    record that LIUNA officials actually knew that the hall was being
    run illegally. In fact, the evidence indicates that no party ever
    complained that the hiring hall was discriminating against non-union
    members.   Perhaps, given the stakes, LIUNA would have promptly
    remedied the deficiency had someone brought it to LIUNA's attention.
    parties entrusted to the sound judgment of a labor arbitrator.                          A
    court cannot refuse to order arbitration based on its perception of
    the frivolousness of the claim or the futility of doing so.                           See,
    e.g., A T & T Technologies, Inc. v. Communications Workers, 
    475 U.S. 643
    , 649-50, 
    106 S. Ct. 1415
    , 1419 (1986) ("Whether `arguable' or
    not, indeed even if it appears to the court to be frivolous, the
    union's    claim     that     the    employer       has    violated    the    collective
    bargaining agreement is to be decided, not by the court asked to
    order     arbitration,      but     as     the     parties     have   agreed,    by    the
    arbitrator."); Beck v. Reliance Steel Prods. Co., 
    860 F.2d 576
    , 579
    (3d Cir. 1988).
    Moreover, as the Supreme Court has explained, the arbitra-
    tor's informed judgment is "especially [helpful in reaching a fair
    solution    to   a   problem]       when   it     comes   to   formulating    remedies."
    United Paperworkers Int'l Union v. Misco, Inc., 
    484 U.S. 29
    , 41, 
    108 S. Ct. 364
    , 372 (1987) (emphasis and internal quotations omitted).
    In light of these considerations, we conclude that the district
    court's finding that LIUNA operated an illegal hiring hall provides
    no reason to deny LIUNA's prayer for relief, compelled arbitration.
    D.    What Should Be Arbitrated
    We also conclude that on remand the district court should
    compel both FWEC and FWC to submit to arbitration.                           FWEC should
    arbitrate the dispute because it is a signatory to the Agreement.
    And as FWEC's admitted alter ego, FWC should also be ordered to
    submit to arbitration.              As this Court's opinion in the parties'
    prior appeal made abundantly clear, the defendants' stipulation that
    FWC and FWEC were alter egos0 was critical to the determination of
    the arbitrability of LIUNA's claim against FWC, since unless the
    defendants were alter egos the district court could not compel FWC
    to arbitration under the Agreement.            See Laborers' Int'l 
    Union, 868 F.2d at 576-77
    ("The district court erred by letting an arbitrator
    determine whether FWC was an alter ego of FWEC and hence a party to
    the National Agreement.       That question is for the district court,
    not an arbitrator.").         Accordingly, that concession will now be
    The validity of the Agreement and the expansiveness of its
    arbitration    clause    having      already    been     established,   once   the
    defendants made this concession the district court's role in the
    grievance should have been over.            It should not have entertained the
    case beyond establishing those facts necessary to determine that the
    defendants     were     duty-bound     to      arbitrate    LIUNA's     grievance.
    Accordingly,    its     conclusion     that    the     defendants   breached   the
    Agreement exceeded its authority -- the broad arbitration clause
    reserved for an arbitrator the power to answer that question.0
    The colloquy at trial was as follows:
    THE COURT:   It is my understanding . . . that it is the
    defendants' position today that they are going to drop the
    alter ego issue before this Court. Is that correct?
    MR. APRUZZESE:    We do not choose to contest it, your
    THE COURT: I assume there's no objection. . . .
    MR. GREEN:   . . . The plaintiff has no objection to that
    amendment (sic).
    Tr. at 6 (Jan. 22, 1991).
    We have assumed throughout this opinion without having expressly
    decided that the court, not the arbitrator, is the proper body to
    decide the date of repudiation insofar as it impacts the extent of
    the parties' duty to arbitrate.      Because the parties have not
    briefed the question, and seem to have accepted that as proper, both
    Because      the    Board's      ruling   in     Deklewa       applies
    retrospectively to the parties, FWEC never successfully repudiated
    the Agreement as to any location prior to its total termination of
    that   agreement   in   July   1986.     The   Agreement   contains   a    broad,
    inclusive arbitration clause, one whose reach extends to whether the
    Agreement governs operations at a specific construction site or not.
    Therefore, FWEC must arbitrate the dispute over application of the
    Agreement to the MOEPSI site with LIUNA according to the procedure
    specified in Article XV thereof. Since FWC is FWEC's alter ego, it
    too must comply with Article XV of the Agreement and proceed to
    arbitration alongside its subsidiary.
    Accordingly, we will reverse the district court's June 22,
    1992 order insofar as it concludes that Deklewa does not apply
    retrospectively to this case, that our earlier mandate vacated the
    arbitrator's two factual findings, and that the defendants breached
    the Agreement.       We will remand with instructions that the court
    modify its June 22, 1992 Order, as revised by the orders of March 11
    and 31, 1993, to direct the parties to submit to arbitration the
    issues of breach and the amount of damages allegedly sustained by
    LIUNA, its local, and its membership0 on account of FWEC's alleged
    breach of the pre-hire agreement at the MOEPSI site up to the date
    of FWEC's effective termination of the Agreement, July 15, 1986.
    parties have waived the issue, and our treatment           of that issue does
    not imply that a court is always the proper forum          to address it.
    We intimate no view whether LIUNA may pursue or           recover damages on
    behalf of its local affiliate and/or membership            under the facts of
    this case.

Document Info

Docket Number: 93-5208

Citation Numbers: 26 F.3d 375

Filed Date: 5/20/1994

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

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