Bhatnagar v. Surrendra , 52 F.3d 1220 ( 1995 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1995 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Bhatnagar v Surrendra
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 93-2059
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    Nos. 93-2059 and 93-2076
    URVASHI BHATNAGAR, an Infant by her Mother
    and Natural Guardian, Kaplana Bhatnagar;
    KAPLANA BHATNAGAR, Individually
    personam; M.V. APJ KARAN, her engines,
    boilers, tackle, etc. in rem
    the Res; APEEJAY LINES, in personam and
    the M/V APJ KARAN, her engines, boilers,
    etc. in rem,
    Appellants in No. 93-2059
    URVASHI BHATNAGAR, an Infant by her Mother
    and Natural Guardian, Kaplana Bhatnagar;
    KAPLANA BHATNAGAR, Individually
    personam; M.V. APJ KARAN, her engines,
    boilers, tackle, etc. in rem
    Urvashi Bhatnagar, an infant by her
    Mother and Natural Guardian,
    Kalpana Bhatnagar, and Kalpana
    Bhatnagar, Individually,
    Appellants in No. 93-2076
    (D.C. Civil No. 92-06321)
    ARGUED JULY 19, 1994
    BEFORE:   SCIRICA, LEWIS and ROSENN, Circuit Judges.
    (Filed    April 17, 1995)
    William G. Downey (ARGUED)
    Michael D. Greenberg
    Clark, Ladner, Fortenbaugh & Young
    2005 Market Street
    One Commerce Square, 22nd Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Attorneys for Surrendra Overseas, Apeejay
    Lines and M/V APJ Karan
    Lenore E. McQuilling (ARGUED)
    Harold Gordon
    Kahn & Gordon, P.C.
    30 Vesey Street, Suite 1400
    New York, NY 10007
    Attorneys for Urvashi Bhatnagar and Kalpana
    LEWIS, Circuit Judge.
    This case principally involves an issue of first
    impression for this court:     can extreme delay in an alternative
    forum render that forum inadequate for purposes of assessing a
    forum non conveniens motion?    We answer that question in the
    affirmative, and then address a number of issues arising from the
    trial of this matter.
    This case comes to us after final judgment in rem in
    favor of plaintiff Urvashi Bhatnagar, a young female Indian
    national, against Surrendra Overseas Ltd. ("Surrendra"), an
    Indian shipping company, Apeejay Lines, an unincorporated
    division of Surrendra,1 and the M/V APJ KARAN, an Indian vessel,
    for injuries that Urvashi sustained aboard the APJ KARAN on the
    high seas.    In 1991, while six-year old Urvashi was playing a
    "game" with one of the ship's crew on the bridge of the APJ
    KARAN, her right hand and arm were severely lacerated when they
    came in contact with a device used to repel water from the
    windows of the bridge.
    Urvashi and her mother, Kalpana, sued Surrendra in
    federal court in New York under the court's admiralty
    jurisdiction, then transferred the action to the Eastern District
    of Pennsylvania.    After discovery, Surrendra filed a series of
    motions seeking to dismiss the complaint on the grounds of forum
    non conveniens.     The district court denied the motions, however,
    .    Surrendra states in its brief that ApeeJay "is not a legal
    entity" (Appellant-Cross-Appellee's Br. 5), and in its answer to
    the Bhatnagars' complaint, Surrendra alleged that "there is not a
    separate corporation as ApeeJay Lines." Joint Appendix
    ("J.A.") 2. The Bhatnagars accept Surrendra's characterization
    of ApeeJay. Appellees-Cross-Appellants' Br. 4. We treat
    Surrendra, ApeeJay, and the APJ KARAN as one defendant for
    purposes of this appeal.
    and after a two-day bench trial during which the court purported
    to apply Indian law, the court awarded Urvashi a total of
    $189,331.00 in damages.   Surrendra appeals the judgment, and
    Urvashi and her mother cross-appeal.   We will affirm in most
    respects but will remand for a redetermination of damages under
    Indian law.
    The Bhatnagars are a family of Indian citizens.    Sanjay
    Bhatnagar, Urvashi's father, was hired in India as an assistant
    engineer aboard the vessel APJ KARAN, one of eight vessels owned
    and operated in international commerce by Surrendra.   Sanjay
    boarded the APJ KARAN in the Indian territory of Goa in November
    1990.   With Surrendra's permission, Sanjay's wife, son and
    daughter were to join him on the vessel.
    The family had planned to board the vessel in India
    with Sanjay, but were unable to obtain the requisite visas.     With
    the Surrendra's assistance, however, Sanjay's wife Kalpana
    Bhatnagar and her two children flew to the United States and
    boarded the ship in Portland, Oregon, where the APJ KARAN took on
    a cargo of grain destined for Alexandria, Egypt.
    On board the APJ KARAN, rules and regulations
    designated areas where unauthorized people were not allowed to
    go.   Notices were posted in several places indicating which areas
    were off limits.   For example, there was a sign posted at the top
    of the stairs leading to the bridge which said "off limits," and
    a sign posted outside the radio room which said "Navigators
    Only."   The captain of the APJ KARAN testified that he spoke with
    Sanjay Bhatnagar and his family and instructed them not to enter
    the restricted areas, and Sanjay also testified that he spoke
    with his family concerning the areas they were not allowed to
    Despite these rules, on March 17, 1991, the ship's
    steward took Urvashi to the bridge -- an "off limits" area --
    while he was serving tea to the duty officer.    Once on the
    bridge, the steward left Urvashi, and the six-year old approached
    the helmsman.    The helmsman picked her up and placed her upon a
    railing facing the windows and a "clearview screen," a device
    which repels rain and other moisture by revolving at a high rate
    of speed.    It was rainy that day, and the clearview screen
    revolved rapidly to provide the helm with an unimpeded view of
    the ocean ahead.
    For some reason, the helmsman decided to show Urvashi
    how to play a "game":    he feigned putting his hand on the
    clearview screen, then encouraged her to do the same.    However,
    when Urvashi followed the helmsman's lead her hand slipped, and
    the clearview screen severely injured her right hand and portions
    of her arm.
    The APJ KARAN was steaming in international waters when
    the accident occurred.    The captain immediately radioed for help
    and was transferred to the United States Coast Guard, which
    directed the captain to divert the vessel to the nearest
    landfall.    That turned out to be the island of Antigua, and
    Urvashi, her brother and her mother were evacuated there.
    After receiving emergency medical treatment on Antigua,
    on March 20, 1991 Urvashi and her mother and brother flew to New
    York, where their relatives, who are doctors, arranged for
    further medical assistance.   The three Bhatnagars (later joined
    by Sanjay) entered the United States on emergency medical visas
    valid for six months.
    Despite the expiration of their emergency medical
    visas in September 1991, the Bhatnagars have remained in New York
    living with relatives since the accident.   Urvashi has undergone
    therapy for her wounds and has attended school in West Islip, New
    York.   In all, Urvashi had a series of six operations from March
    1991 through May 1992 to repair her hand.
    Urvashi and Kalpana Bhatnagar brought suit in September
    1992 against Surrendra, ApeeJay Lines, and the APJ KARAN in the
    United States District Court for the Southern District of New
    York.   Urvashi alleged negligence, lack of adequate medical care
    and gross negligence, and Kalpana claimed loss of services
    resulting from the injuries to her daughter.   When the APJ KARAN
    was docked at the Port of Philadelphia in October 1992, however,
    the plaintiffs transferred the case to the United States District
    Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and Surrendra
    issued to the plaintiffs a letter of undertaking of $2 million in
    lieu of the vessel's arrest and detention in Philadelphia.
    After substantial discovery, Surrendra moved to dismiss
    the Bhatnagar's complaint on the ground that it was barred by the
    forum selection clause in Sanjay Bhatnagar's employment contract2
    or, alternatively, that the district court should exercise its
    discretion and dismiss the case under the doctrine of forum non
    conveniens.    The district court denied the initial motion, denied
    Surrendra's motion for reconsideration or certification of the
    forum non conveniens ruling under Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b), and also
    denied a second motion for reconsideration filed after further
    discovery.    Thus, the case went to trial.
    The district court, after a bench trial in which it
    purported to apply Indian law, awarded Urvashi $33,133 in
    pecuniary damages for past medical expenses, $6,000 for future
    medical expenses, and $150,000 for pain and suffering,
    disability, disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, mental
    anguish and emotional injury.    The court ruled in favor of
    Surrendra on Kalpana Bhatnagar's claims, finding that she had not
    proven any loss of service or psychiatric injury as a result of
    Urvashi's injuries.
    Surrendra appeals the denial of the district court's
    rulings with respect to forum non conveniens and also contends
    that the district court made numerous errors at trial.    Urvashi
    and Kalpana Bhatnagar cross-appeal the adequacy of the judgment
    in favor of Urvashi and also challenge the district court's
    judgment in favor of Surrendra on Kalpana Bhatnagar's claims.
    The district court had jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1333.
    We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291.
    .         This ground is not pressed by Surrendra on appeal.
    Surrendra makes three claims of error:    (1) the
    district court abused its discretion when it failed to dismiss
    the case under the doctrine of forum non conveniens; (2) the
    court erred in imposing liability upon Surrendra; and (3) the
    court erroneously calculated Urvashi's damages.    We address each
    of these issues in turn.
    It is undisputed that the parties in this case are
    Indian nationals and the ship on which Urvashi's accident
    occurred was an Indian-flagged ship on the high seas.     Before the
    district court rejected Surrendra's motion to dismiss on the
    grounds of forum non conveniens and proceeded to trial, the only
    links with the United States present in this case were the
    following:    (1) the Bhatnagars claim residence in the United
    States; (2) Urvashi was treated in the United States by doctors
    who were therefore available here to testify about the nature and
    extent of her injuries; and (3) the Bhatnagars were able to
    secure a letter of undertaking by Surrendra in the United States
    -- after the suit was filed -- when the APJ KARAN dropped anchor
    in the Port of Philadelphia.
    Given these circumstances, it is hardly surprising that
    Surrendra argued to the district court that this case should be
    heard in India, rather than the United States.     Surrendra
    contended that the case had a close factual nexus with India and
    an absence of ties to the United States.     The company also
    submitted an affidavit of an Indian law expert noting that India
    has a well-developed legal system which would be able to handle
    the issues presented in this case.   Furthermore, although in
    effect conceding that the Indian legal system moves much less
    expeditiously than our domestic courts, Surrendra submitted
    another affidavit stating that if the case were refiled in India,
    it would join in petitioning the appropriate judicial officer for
    expedited hearing of the matter, and that it would not file any
    unnecessary pleadings or requests that would impede the case.
    Surrendra's legal expert, moreover, opined that because of
    Urvashi's young age, the Calcutta High Court (which would hear
    the case) "would undoubtedly grant an `expedited hearing'
    request" if the parties made such a motion.   Joint Appendix
    ("J.A.") 240.   Despite Surrendra's arguments, however, the
    district court refused to dismiss.
    Surrendra complains that the district court abused its
    discretion not only when it failed to grant this original motion,
    but also when it rejected Surrendra's motion for reconsideration
    and, later, rejected a second motion seeking reconsideration
    because of alleged discovery abuses by the Bhatnagars.   We
    conclude that none of Surrendra's contentions has merit.
    A district court's determination with respect to forum
    non conveniens "may be reversed only when there has been a clear
    abuse of discretion; where the court has considered all relevant
    public and private interest factors, and where its balancing of
    these factors is reasonable, its decision deserves substantial
    deference."    Lacey v. Cessna Aircraft Co., 
    932 F.2d 170
    , 178 (3d
    Cir. 1991) (Lacey II), quoting Piper Aircraft Co. v. Reyno, 
    454 U.S. 235
    , 257 (1981).    Certainly, our case law demands that we
    accord deference even to a trial court's decision to refuse to
    exercise its lawful jurisdiction, dismiss on grounds of forum non
    conveniens and deny the plaintiff the opportunity to litigate in
    a United States court.    Our deference should be at least as
    great, if not greater, when a district court decides not to
    dismiss.3   The district court is capable of measuring its own
    .    A rough suggestion of the deference accorded district court
    decisions rejecting motions to dismiss on the ground of forum non
    conveniens is found in the case law: while hundreds of forum non
    conveniens decisions have been reported over the years, one
    article concluded that, as of March 1991, only six reported
    decisions involved pretrial decisions not to dismiss. See Note,
    Review and Appeal of Forum Non Conveniens and Venue Transfer
    Orders, 59 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 715 at 727-28 (1991). "Only once
    did an appellate court reverse the denial of a motion to dismiss
    for forum non conveniens." 
    Id. at 728
    (footnotes omitted). That
    case was Gonzalez v. Naviera Neptuno A.A., 
    832 F.2d 876
    (5th Cir.
    1987), a case very different from the one before us. In
    Gonzalez, "the overwhelming majority" of the witnesses were in
    the alternative jurisdiction, and the Fifth Circuit found there
    would be difficulties in enforcing a judgment against the
    defendant in the United States. 
    Gonzalez, 832 F.2d at 879
    Here, by contrast, Urvashi and her mother, as well as Urvashi's
    treating physician, were present in the United States, and the
    letter of undertaking would make it possible to enforce a
    judgment against Surrendra in the United States. Even more
    importantly, in Gonzalez there was no issue of whether the
    alternative forum in that case (Peru) was adequate. As noted
    infra pp. 15-23, here that issue is dispositive.
    docket and assessing the practical administrative difficulties
    that may flow from denying such a motion.   Indeed, while we may
    be able to provide some perspective on the systemic consequences
    of individual denials of forum non conveniens motions -- in terms
    of future case load and other administrative difficulties that
    may result -- we are aware of no evidence suggesting that
    district courts are unable similarly to take the long view of a
    particular situation.   To the contrary, we believe that district
    courts are well aware of the caseload pressures they face and
    rather zealous in their efforts to control their ever-burgeoning
    responsibilities.   Given the incentives that press our district
    courts to reduce their caseload, we should take particular care
    before second-guessing a district court that rejects a forum non
    conveniens motion after considering the factors that we and the
    Supreme Court have deemed relevant.
    The factors to be evaluated in assessing whether to
    dismiss for forum non conveniens are by now familiar.   First --
    and of dispositive significance here -- a district court cannot
    dismiss on forum non conveniens grounds if that decision would
    render a plaintiff unable to pursue his or her action elsewhere.
    That is, since a district court entertaining a forum non
    conveniens motion has jurisdiction over the dispute, it is only
    when some other forum that would also have jurisdiction is better
    suited to adjudicate the controversy that a district court may
    exercise its discretion and dismiss the case.   See Gulf Oil Corp.
    v. Gilbert, 
    330 U.S. 501
    , 506-07 (1947) ("In all cases in which
    the doctrine of forum non conveniens comes into play, it
    presupposes at least two forums in which the defendant is
    amenable to process; the doctrine furnishes criteria for choice
    between them").   Thus, as we explained in Lacey v. Cessna
    Aircraft Co., 
    862 F.2d 38
    (3d Cir. 1988) (Lacey I), at the outset
    of its analysis, "[a] district court entertaining a forum non
    conveniens motion must first decide whether an adequate
    alternative forum exists to hear the case."   
    Id. at 43.
    Provided that an adequate alternative forum is
    available, the district court must address an additional
    threshold issue when the case is brought by a foreigner --
    namely, the amount of weight that should be accorded to the
    plaintiff's decision to sue in the United States.4   Then, "the
    district court must consider and balance several private and
    . Ordinarily, a plaintiff's choice of forum is entitled to
    great deference, but the amount of deference is lessened when a
    foreigner has brought suit because we are more skeptical of a
    foreigner's claim that a United States forum is in fact the most
    convenient forum available. Piper Aircraft Co. v. Reyno, 
    454 U.S. 235
    , 255 (1981). The fact that a plaintiff is a foreigner
    does not disqualify him or her from suing in the courts of the
    United States, nor does it mean that his or her decision to sue
    in the United States is entitled to no deference. "Piper[
    Aircraft]'s language about according less deference to a foreign
    plaintiff's forum choice is `not an invitation to accord a
    foreign plaintiff's selection of an American forum no deference
    since dismissal for forum non conveniens is the exception rather
    than the rule.'" Lacey v. Cessna Aircraft Co., 
    862 F.2d 38
    45-46 (3d Cir. 1988) (Lacey I), quoting and adding emphasis to In
    re Air Crash Disaster Near New Orleans, Louisiana on July 9,
    821 F.2d 1147
    , 1164 n.26 (5th Cir. 1987). Although we have
    acknowledged that the deference evaluation cannot be done with
    mathematical precision, the district court must provide some
    reasoned indication of how much deference it is according to the
    particular foreign plaintiff's decision to sue in the United
    States. Lacey v. Cessna Aircraft Co., 
    932 F.2d 170
    , 179 (3d Cir.
    1991) (Lacey II).
    public interest factors that are relevant to the forum non
    conveniens determination."    Lacey 
    I, 862 F.2d at 43
    .5   It is the
    defendant's burden to demonstrate that forum non conveniens
    dismissal is warranted.    E.g., Lacey 
    I, 862 F.2d at 43
    -44; Gulf
    Oil, 330 U.S. at 508
    .     Surrendra failed to carry that burden
    because it did not make its threshold demonstration that an
    adequate alternative forum was available for this litigation.
    The Bhatnagars argued in the district court that India
    did not constitute an adequate alternative forum because its
    court system was in a state of virtual collapse.    Plaintiffs
    submitted affidavits from Marc S. Galanter and Shardul Shroff in
    .    Certain of these factors were identified in Gulf Oil Corp.
    v. Gilbert, 330 U.S.501 (1947). The private interest factors
    include such considerations as "the relative ease of access to
    sources of proof; availability of compulsory process for
    attendance of unwilling, and the cost of obtaining attendance of
    willing, witnesses; possibility of view of premises, if view
    would be appropriate to the action," and other factors "that make
    trial of a case easy, expeditious and inexpensive." 
    Id. at 508.
    With respect to the public interest factors, the Supreme
    Court has noted that courts should be wary of increasing the
    congestion in domestic courts and forcing jury duty upon those
    who have no relation to or interest in a particular controversy.
    Oil, 330 U.S. at 508
    -09. Additionally, courts should prefer
    to have cases adjudicated in the forum familiar with the law to
    be applied, instead of taking it upon themselves to become
    educated about foreign law. 
    Id. at 509.
    We have further
    explained that "[i]n evaluating the public interest factors the
    district court must `consider the locus of the alleged culpable
    conduct, often a disputed issue, and the connection of that
    conduct to plaintiff's chosen forum.'" Lacey 
    I, 862 F.2d at 48
    quoting Van Cauwenberghe v. Biard, 
    486 U.S. 517
    , 528 (1988).
    The Supreme Court has cautioned, however, that the list of
    public and private factors in Gulf Oil "is by no means
    exhaustive, and some factors may not be relevant in the context
    of a particular case." Van 
    Cauwenberghe, 486 U.S. at 528-29
    support of this contention (respectively, the "Galanter Aff." and
    the "Shroff Aff.").   Surrendra responded by proffering the
    affidavit of Talat M. Ansari, who stated that there are numerous
    ways in which litigation can be expedited in India, including
    appointment of special judges, intervention by the Supreme Court
    of India or State High Court, or even requests by the parties for
    expedition.   J.A. 240.   Furthermore, Ansari stated that "given
    the tender age of the child, the Calcutta High Court (which would
    be the court in which the action would have to be filed, given
    the amount of compensation claimed) would undoubtedly grant an
    `expedited hearing' request."   
    Id. Surrendra also
    offered the
    affidavit of Captain Khosla, the company's General Manager, who
    promised that if the district court dismissed this case Surrendra
    would cooperate in seeking expedited treatment of any suit
    brought by the Bhatnagars in India.
    The district court agreed with the Bhatnagars.
    Crediting their legal experts, the court found that the Indian
    legal system has a tremendous backlog of cases -- so great that
    it could take up to a quarter of a century to resolve this
    litigation if it were filed in India.     J.A. 15-16.   Finding that
    "this remedy is inadequate and unsatisfactory," the court ruled
    that dismissal was inappropriate.     Id at 17.6
    .    Although the district court also evaluated the Bhatnagars'
    case under the private and public interest factors of Gulf Oil,
    we do not reach that analysis because of our affirmance on the
    threshold issue of whether an alternative forum is available.
    Surrendra contends on appeal that this analysis
    constituted an abuse of discretion for two central reasons.      The
    company contends that the district court committed legal error in
    finding that mere litigation delay can render an alternative
    forum inadequate, and that in any event the court's fact-finding
    with respect to delay in the Indian legal system was clearly
    erroneous.    We disagree.
    Surrendra's first attack focuses on the court's premise
    that litigation backlog can render an alternative forum
    inadequate for purposes of forum non conveniens analysis.
    Surrendra argues that the alternative forum factor may be used to
    deny a motion to dismiss only in "extreme cases, such as where an
    action is barred by an alternative forum . . . ."    Appellant-
    Cross-Appellee's Br. 14.     Quoting Piper Aircraft, Surrendra
    contends that unless "the remedy provided by the alternative
    forum is so clearly inadequate or unsatisfactory that it is no
    remedy at all" (Piper 
    Aircraft, 454 U.S. at 254
    ), the alternative
    forum must be deemed to be adequate.    Appellant-Cross-Appellee's
    Br. 14.    Thus, although Surrendra does not say so in as many
    words, it apparently believes that the district court committed
    legal error in finding that mere delay can render the Indian
    court system inadequate for purposes of a forum non conveniens
    The Supreme Court in Piper Aircraft stated that the
    alternative forum requirement "[o]rdinarily . . . will be
    satisfied when the defendant is `amenable to process' in the
    other jurisdiction."    Piper 
    Aircraft, 454 U.S. at 254
    quoting Gulf 
    Oil, 330 U.S. at 506-07
    .    Yet the Court qualified
    this statement:
    In rare circumstances, however, where the
    remedy offered by the other forum is clearly
    unsatisfactory, the other forum may not be an
    adequate alternative, and the initial
    requirement may not be satisfied. Thus, for
    example, dismissal would not be appropriate
    where the alternative forum does not permit
    litigation of the subject matter of the
    Id. (emphasis added).
    We have never addressed the issue of whether litigation
    delay could render an alternative forum so "clearly
    unsatisfactory" as to be inadequate.    Nor has the Supreme Court
    or any of our sister circuits.    Thus, we face an issue of first
    At the outset of this discussion, it is necessary to
    recognize that delay is an unfortunate but ubiquitous aspect of
    the legal process.   Our own courts suffer from delay, as does any
    other system that attempts to accord some modicum of process.
    E.g., Rosewell v. LaSalle Nat'l Bank, 
    450 U.S. 503
    , 519-20 (1981)
    (noting that delay is pervasive aspect of American courts); see
    also Report of the Federal Courts Study Committee 5-6 (Apr. 2,
    1990).   Because litigation delay is so pervasive, minor delay
    could not possibly serve to undermine the adequacy of an
    alternative forum.   Thus, we agree with those courts that have
    found delays of a few years to be of no legal significance in the
    forum non conveniens calculus.   E.g., Brazilian Investment
    Advisory Services, Ltda. v. United Merchants & Manufacturing,
    667 F. Supp. 136
    , 138 (S.D. N.Y. 1987) (delay of up to two
    and one-half years); Broadcasting Rights Int'l Corp. v. Societe
    du Tour de France, S.A.R.L., 
    708 F. Supp. 83
    , 85 (S.D. N.Y. 1989)
    (delay of at least two years "and possibly longer").
    At some point, however, the prospect of judicial remedy
    becomes so temporally remote that it is no remedy at all.
    Thus, in a variety of circumstances, we and other courts have
    recognized that delay can, in extreme cases, render meaningless a
    putative remedy.   This principle has been recognized, for
    example, in the context of habeas corpus law.   In Burkett v.
    826 F.2d 1208
    (3d Cir. 1987), we excused a state
    prisoner's failure to exhaust his state-law remedies before
    seeking federal habeas corpus relief on the ground that he had
    suffered five and one-half years of delay in attempting to
    vindicate himself in state court.   Such delay, we found, "as a
    matter of law excuses exhaustion" (id. at 1218), and we
    reiterated the well-worn but nevertheless truthful aphorism that
    "justice delayed is justice denied" (id.).    The same result has
    obtained in our sister circuits.    E.g., Simmons v. Reynolds, 
    898 F.2d 865
    (2d Cir. 1990) (six-year delay in state appeal excused
    exhaustion requirement in federal habeas action); Harris v.
    938 F.2d 1062
    (10th Cir. 1991) (four-year delay before
    briefing of prisoner's state appeal and indeterminate amount of
    time before appeal would be decided); Coe v. Thurman, 
    922 F.2d 528
    (9th Cir. 1990) (three-year delay).
    Similarly, it is well established in administrative law
    that excessive delay may, in some circumstances, excuse
    exhaustion requirements.   E.g., McCarthy v. Madigan, 
    503 U.S. 140
    , 147 (1992); Coit Independence Joint Venture v. FSLIC, 
    489 U.S. 561
    , 587 (1989); Gibson v. Berryhill, 
    411 U.S. 564
    , 575 n.14
    (1973).   Although part of the concern voiced in such cases
    undoubtedly stems from the possibility that a litigant's
    subsequent court action may be prejudiced by undue postponement,
    courts have also recognized the fundamental principle that a
    remedy too long delayed is tantamount to no remedy at all.     E.g.,
    Smith v. Illinois Bell Telephone Co., 
    270 U.S. 587
    , 591 (1926)
    ("[p]roperty may be as effectively taken by long-continued and
    unreasonable delay in putting an end to confiscatory rates as by
    an express affirmance of them").
    Returning to the facts at hand with these legal
    principles in mind, the delay in the Indian legal system
    described by plaintiffs' experts in this case is much more than
    mere minor delay of the sort long tolerated, albeit ruefully, in
    courts of justice.   To the contrary, the delay described by the
    Bhatnagars' experts is profound and extreme.   J.A. 41, 55-65
    (Galanter Aff., characterizing Indian legal system as having
    delays of "Bleak House dimensions"); J.A. 1368, 1374 (Shroff
    Aff., quoting former Chief Justice of India as saying that Indian
    legal system is "almost on the verge of collapse").   The district
    court explained that, "[i]f this case is an `average' case,
    Calcutta's High Court would take 15-20 years to resolve it.
    Shroff Aff., p. 7.   However, the case would also be subject to
    another three to six years of appeals after that."      J.A. 16.
    Thus, "[i]f this case were to proceed in the Indian court system
    it might not be resolved until [Urvashi] is an adult."      J.A. 17.
    Wherever the line might be drawn separating tolerable
    delay from intolerable -- that is, delay that does not vitiate a
    remedy and that which does -- delays of up to a quarter of a
    century fall on the intolerable side of that line.      Delays of
    such egregious magnitude would render a remedy "clearly
    inadequate" under Piper Aircraft.      Thus, we agree with the
    district court that delay of the magnitude described in the
    Bhatnagars' experts' affidavits can render an alternative forum
    inadequate as a matter of law.
    Surrendra also argues, however, that regardless of
    whether delay of such proportions can render an alternative forum
    inadequate, the district court's fact-finding concerning delay in
    India was fatally flawed in this case.      Specifically, Surrendra
    contends that the district court credited without question the
    plaintiffs' Shroff Affidavit, while ignoring Surrendra's
    affidavits from Ansari and Khosla.      Appellant-Cross-Appellee's
    Br. 14-15.    However, keeping in mind that it was Surrendra's
    burden to prove that India was a viable alternative forum, the
    company's arguments are unpersuasive.
    Contrary to Surrendra's contention that the district
    court "unquestioningly" accepted the Shroff affidavit, the record
    reflects that the district court relied on both the Shroff and
    Galanter affidavits in making its fact-finding.      J.A. 15 (citing
    both Shroff Aff. and Galanter Aff.).   Additionally, despite
    Surrendra's complaints about the district court's reliance on
    plaintiffs' experts' affidavits, the company fails to provide a
    single reason why the Galanter and Shroff affidavits were not
    worthy of credence.   Thus, Surrendra's indictment of the district
    court's reliance on the Bhatnagars' evidence amounts to a
    plaintive assertion that "my experts were better."
    In addition to failing to undermine the credibility of
    the Bhatnagars' affiants, however, Surrendra also failed to
    counter effectively the Bhatnagars' affidavits with evidence of
    its own demonstrating that the delays in India's legal system
    either were not present or would not make a suit by the
    Bhatnagars in India an exercise in futility.   Surrendra's expert,
    Ansari, stated that there are ways that parties may expedite
    litigation in India, but with one exception he did not state that
    any of the methods he listed would in fact lead to expedited
    treatment of a suit filed by the Bhatnagars.   The sole exception
    was his assertion that the Calcutta High Court "would undoubtedly
    grant an `expedited hearing' request" in Urvashi's case "given
    the tender age of the child . . . ."   J.A. 240.   Evidently, the
    district court did not believe Ansari, because it held that the
    Bhatnagars' suit was "an average case which would probably not
    receive expedited treatment."   J.A. 16.
    We do not believe this ruling was clearly erroneous.
    Ansari cited no legal authority for his hopeful pronouncement,
    whereas plaintiffs' experts, Galanter and Shroff, provided both
    statistical and anecdotal evidence documenting litigation delays
    and tending to show that a suit like the Bhatnagars' would likely
    not receive expedited treatment.7
    Turning to the Khosla affidavit, the company contends
    that the court "ignored" this evidence, but that also is simply
    not true.   Khosla stated that if the Bhatnagars' suit were
    brought in India, Surrendra would cooperate in seeking expedited
    treatment of the matter and would not take actions that would
    unnecessarily interfere with swift resolution of the case.    He
    also stated that if Surrendra failed to meet his promises, the
    company agreed that the district court could reassume
    jurisdiction over the case.   As Surrendra is forced to concede
    (Appellant-Cross-Appellee's Br. 16), however, the district court
    acknowledged on the record that it had reviewed the Khosla
    affidavit and "recognize[d] that the defendants would not delay
    and would cooperate in requesting the Court to hear the matter
    expeditiously" in India (J.A. 285).   The court was unpersuaded by
    this evidence, noting that even though Surrendra had promised to
    cooperate, "there's nothing that gives me comfort that the matter
    would be heard in India within a reasonable time."   J.A. 285.     It
    .    See Galanter Aff., J.A. 60-63 (noting backlog); 
    id. 63-65 (average
    duration of reported tort suits 1975-84 was 12 years and
    nine months); 
    id. 68-70 (results
    of Bhopal litigation "gives
    little reason to believe that the Indian courts presently afford
    an adequate forum for an ordinary personal injury case like this
    one"); Shroff Aff., J.A. 1375 (stating that if suit were filed in
    Calcutta High Court it would "normally" take "about 15-20 years
    before it is finally disposed of since, at present, there are
    only two judges who are singly hearing suits and proceedings for
    final disposal"); 
    id. (quoting retired
    Chief Justice of India in
    1985 speech as noting that "[t]he delay in the disposal of cases
    has affected not only the ordinary type of cases but also those
    which, by their very nature, call for early relief").
    is clear from the record, therefore, that far from "ignoring" the
    Khosla affidavit, the district court concluded that Surrendra's
    promise to cooperate in trying to expedite litigation in India
    did not amount to proof that the litigation would avoid the
    unreasonable delays that plaintiffs' experts said were endemic in
    that judicial system.   Thus, it was not clearly erroneous for the
    district court to decide that India was not an adequate
    alternative forum based on the evidence before it.
    Surrendra contends that "[e]very other court which has
    considered this issue has found that India courts do provide an
    adequate alternative forum in the forum non conveniens context."
    Appellant-Cross-Appellee's Br. 17.     Even if that were so, it
    would be irrelevant to the issue of whether Surrendra met its
    burden of proof on the issue here.     We note, however, that the
    cases relied upon by Surrendra are factually distinguishable.           In
    In re Union Carbide Corp. Gas Plant Disaster at Bhopal, India in
    Dec., 1984, 
    809 F.2d 195
    (2d Cir. 1987), the court merely found
    that the district court's finding that India was a reasonably
    adequate alternative forum did not constitute clear error.        
    Id. at 202-03.
       Significantly, the district court in that case had
    found that India was an adequate alternative forum only because
    it expected that the Indian Government would not treat the
    litigation arising from the Bhopal tragedy "in ordinary fashion,"
    given that it was the "most significant, urgent and extensive
    litigation ever to arise from a single event . . . ."     In re
    Union Carbide Corp. Gas Plant Disaster at Bhopal, India in
    December, 1984, 
    634 F. Supp. 842
    , 848 (S.D. N.Y. 1986).8
    .    In the only other case cited by Surrendra which
    specifically addressed litigation delay in India, the court noted
    that the plaintiff's evidence of delay consisted of "one
    newspaper article, which includes anecdotal references to
    congestion in Indian courts." Chhawchharia v. Boeing Co., 657 F.
    Supp. 1157, 1160 (S.D. N.Y. 1987). Such meager support is
    nowhere near as extensive as the evidence submitted by the
    Bhatnagars in this case. Furthermore, in both Chhawchharia and
    R. Maganlal & Co. v. M.G. Chemical Co., Inc., No. 88 Civ. 4896
    1990 WL 200621
    (S.D. N.Y. 1990), also cited by Surrendra,
    the district courts relied upon In re Union Carbide Corp. Gas
    Plant Disaster, 
    809 F.2d 195
    (2d Cir. 1987), for the proposition
    that India provided an adequate alternative forum. As noted in
    the text, relying on that case for that proposition is at least
    misleading, given the special circumstances of the Bhopal
    disaster litigation and the other significant factors that formed
    the basis of the decision. Surrendra's other putative precedents
    are similarly unpersuasive. There is no suggestion that the
    issue of delay was briefed in Neo Sack, Ltd. v. Vinmar Impex,
    810 F. Supp. 829
    (S.D. Tex. 1993), or Vaz v. United States
    Surgical Corp., No. B-90-328 (WWE), 
    1991 WL 47341
    (D. Conn.
    March 13, 1991), neither of which expended any significant effort
    in determining the adequacy of India's legal system as an
    alternative to litigation in the United States. Surrendra also
    cites ETPM v. Noble Drilling Corp., No. H-92-0682 (S.D. Tex.
    Jan. 12, 1993), but does not even provide us with a copy of the
    case, so that we could not rely upon it even if we were disposed
    to credit an unpublished and unreported district court decision
    from another circuit.
    We should not be read to conclude that the courts of
    India are always inadequate fora, making forum non conveniens
    dismissal inappropriate whenever an Indian national sues in the
    United States.    That is neither the thrust nor the end point of
    our analysis.    In reaching its conclusion that India was an
    inadequate alternative forum in this case, the district court was
    essentially concluding that Surrendra had not met its burden of
    proof on that threshold issue.   We agree.9    It may well be that
    the next defendant to face the same issue faced by Surrendra
    would reach a different result because it would marshal more --
    or better -- proof.   Furthermore, another district court
    presented with the same raw evidence might reach different
    factual conclusions, and we might be constrained under our
    lenient standards of review to affirm in that case, as well.
    Here, however, the district court did not commit legal error in
    concluding that delay can render a putative alternative forum
    clearly inadequate.   Nor did it commit clear error in its factual
    findings relating to the issue of delay.      That being so, we are
    constrained to affirm the district court's exercise of discretion
    .    While defending the district court's finding that India is
    an inadequate alternative to the United States because of the
    delays endemic in the Indian legal system, on appeal the
    Bhatnagars also argue that we can affirm the district court's
    finding in this respect on an alternative ground. According to
    the Bhatnagars, their claims are now time-barred in India; thus,
    they argue, "the court [sic] in India cannot hear the case since
    the statute of limitations has expired and cannot be waived."
    Appellees-Cross-Appellants' Br. 10. Because we have found that
    the district court did not abuse its discretion in ruling that
    India was an inadequate forum based on the evidence of delay
    presented to that court, we do not reach the Bhatnagars' statute
    of limitations argument.
    under which it retained jurisdiction over this case and
    adjudicated the Bhatnagars' claims.
    Ten days after losing the forum non conveniens motion,
    Surrendra submitted a motion for reconsideration which included
    the unsworn declaration of Shri Venkiteswaran pursuant to 28
    U.S.C. § 1746.    J.A. 289.10   Venkiteswaran agreed with the
    plaintiffs' experts on Indian law that "if no order for
    expedition is made there could be" significant delay -- "anywhere
    between 10 and 12 years in Bombay and about 10 to 15 years in
    Calcutta" -- before the Bhatnagars' claims were resolved.       J.A.
    292.   However, Venkiteswaran disagreed with Surrendra's own
    original India law expert (Ansari) as well as both of plaintiffs'
    experts by stating that, contrary to the assumptions of those
    experts, the Bhatnagars' case could be adjudicated in India as an
    admiralty case.    
    Id. Treating the
    suit as an admiralty action,
    Venkiteswaran stated, would reduce the delay to "4 to 5 years if
    the plaintiffs pursue their action diligently and if the
    defendants are not obstructive in having the matter heard."      
    Id. In its
    motion for reconsideration, Surrendra argued that the
    Venkiteswaran affidavit demonstrated that the court had erred in
    finding that India was an inadequate forum, and that the court
    had abused its discretion in evaluating the public and private
    interest factors implicated by the case.     Alternatively,
    .    28 U.S.C. § 1746 permits parties to submit unsworn
    declarations in lieu of sworn statements in certain
    Surrendra requested that the district court certify the forum non
    conveniens issue for immediate review.     The district court denied
    this motion without a written opinion, noting in its order that
    "[t]he court considered the factors mentioned in the Motion in
    reaching its original conclusion."   J.A. 22.
    Surrendra contends on appeal that the district court
    abused its discretion in failing to change its mind and dismiss
    this case on forum non conveniens grounds in the face of
    Surrendra's new evidence.11   We disagree for two reasons.    First,
    Surrendra's motion for reconsideration strikes us as a classic
    attempt at a "second bite at the apple."    Having failed in its
    first effort to persuade the court to dismiss on forum non
    conveniens grounds, Surrendra simply changed theories and tried
    again, contradicting its earlier evidence with its factual
    support for the new theory.   We have explained that although we
    are not "prepared to enunciate a rule precluding [a] district
    court from reconsidering the issue" of forum non conveniens "on
    an expanded record in all circumstances," nevertheless we "assume
    that such reconsideration [will] be limited to exceptional
    circumstances."   Lony v. E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., 
    935 F.2d 604
    , 608 (3d Cir. 1991).   Whatever other circumstances may
    .    In its brief, Surrendra also suggests that, in the
    alternative, the district court should have granted the company's
    request for interlocutory review of the forum non conveniens
    decision under Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b). Appellant-Cross-Appellee's
    Br. 18 n.1. The company does not appeal the denial of
    certification, however, so we need not address the knotty
    question of whether we could take jurisdiction over a denial of
    Rule 54(b) certification. See Republic of the Philippines v.
    Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 
    43 F.3d 65
    , 81 (3d Cir. 1994).
    justify reconsideration, mere presentation of arguments or
    evidence seriatim does not.   See Brambles USA, Inc. v. Blocker,
    735 F. Supp. 1239
    , 1240 (D. Del. 1990) (reargument "should not be
    used as a means to argue new facts or issues that inexcusably
    were not presented to the court in the matter previously
    In any event, the district court was entitled to
    disbelieve the Venkiteswaran declaration.   Venkiteswaran
    contradicted the Ansari affidavit, which -- according to
    Surrendra in its earlier papers -- had accurately stated the law.
    Thus, the district court may reasonably have concluded that the
    putative new "expert" testimony was of no evidentiary value.
    Furthermore, Venkiteswaran provided the district court with no
    citation to legal authority suggesting that his conclusion that
    the Bhatnagars could bring an admiralty action in India was
    entitled to any weight.   Given the incompatibility of his
    testimony with that of Ansari and the Bhatnagars' experts, the
    district court may reasonably have concluded that it should not
    credit the newly proffered opinion.   We cannot conclude that the
    district court abused its discretion in denying the motion for
    After denial of the motion for reconsideration,
    discovery proceeded apace for another two and one-half months.
    Then, on the day after the Bhatnagars' trial brief was submitted,
    Surrendra filed a Motion for Relief from the Order Denying
    Claimant's Motion to Dismiss on Grounds of Forum Non Conveniens.
    See J.A. 9.     In this motion, Surrendra again contended that the
    district court should reconsider the motion to dismiss.    This
    time, Surrendra premised its request for relief on allegations
    that the Bhatnagars, in a wilful abuse of discovery, had
    misrepresented their immigration status to Surrendra and the
    court.   In fact, Surrendra contended, the Bhatnagars had been
    illegal aliens when they first brought their action in
    Pennsylvania.    Had the Bhatnagars not wilfully misrepresented
    their immigration status to the court, the company claimed, the
    court would have granted the forum non conveniens motion because
    the withheld information would have negated the court's findings
    of fact -- namely, that Urvashi intended to reside in the United
    States until all medical treatment was completed and that she
    sought to remain permanently in the United States, if permitted.
    Surrendra apparently also contended that the motion to dismiss
    should be reconsidered and granted as a sanction for the
    Bhatnagars' bad faith during discovery.
    The district court rejected this third bite at the
    apple, noting that this case was "not an immigration appeal."
    J.A. 26.   Furthermore, although the court stated that the
    "court's role is not to determine . . . whether the plaintiffs
    reside here legally," the court explained that it had "considered
    the possibility that the minor plaintiff could be deported" at
    the hearing on Surrendra's initial motion to dismiss.    
    Id. (Indeed, the
    court had done so, apparently aware at that time
    that the plaintiffs were potentially residing in the United
    States illegally.   J.A. 272.)   Additionally, relying on Hagl v.
    Jacob Stern & Sons, Inc., 
    396 F. Supp. 779
    , 784 (E.D. Pa. 1975),
    the court ruled that "even if the minor plaintiff is an illegal
    alien, she still has the right to use this country's courts to
    sue those persons who allegedly physically injured her."
    J.A. 26.
    The district court did not abuse its discretion in
    denying this second motion for reconsideration, which amounted to
    a third motion to dismiss on the ground of forum non conveniens,
    and which asserted grounds already briefed to the district court.
    Reconsideration "should not be granted where it would merely
    `allow wasteful repetition of arguments already briefed,
    considered and decided.'"   Brambles 
    USA, 735 F. Supp. at 1240
    quoting Weissman v. Fruchtman, 
    124 F.R.D. 559
    , 560 (S.D. N.Y.
    1989).   Furthermore, despite Surrendra's protestations of bad
    faith and lack of candor by the Bhatnagars, the evidence does not
    compel the conclusion that the Bhatnagars acted with bad faith,
    and the district court found no such bad faith.    In short,
    Surrendra has provided no reason to upset the district court's
    discretionary decision to deny this final motion for
    Turning to the merits of the trial, Surrendra next
    contends that the court erred in finding the company negligent
    under Indian law.12   Surrendra's challenge takes two forms.
    First, the company alleges that the court erred in finding that
    liability could be imposed upon the company on the ground that
    Surrendra's duty officer should have known of Urvashi's presence
    on the bridge at the time of the accident.   Alternatively,
    Surrendra argues that the court erred in denying Surrendra's
    motion for a directed verdict on the ground that there was
    insufficient evidence either that Surrendra's steward and
    helmsman had acted within the scope of their employment or that
    the duty officer had become aware of Urvashi's presence on the
    bridge.   Surrendra's arguments, however, leave us unpersuaded.
    .    In their cross-appeal, the Bhatnagars contend that the
    district court erred in concluding that Indian law applied. They
    reason that because Indian and American law are essentially
    identical with respect to principles of negligence, the court did
    not have to find that Indian law applied because there was no
    "true conflict" of law. See Coons v. Lawlor, 
    804 F.2d 28
    , 30 (3d
    Cir. 1986). We agree with the Bhatnagars that Indian and
    American negligence law are essentially the same with respect to
    duty, breach, cause-in-fact and proximate cause, as well as how
    one determines the scope of the duty owed by the defendant to the
    plaintiff, if any. However, as we discuss infra pp. 33-36,
    Indian courts award damages in a manner different from American
    courts. Thus, the district court did not err in making a choice
    of law inquiry. Furthermore, despite the Bhatnagars' contentions
    to the contrary, it is clear that, under Lauritzen v. Larsen, 
    345 U.S. 571
    (1958), Indian law applies to this dispute. The law of
    the flag and the allegiance of the parties to India at the time
    of the accident point strongly towards the application of Indian
    law, and the Bhatnagars' subsequent sojourn in the United States
    does not create sufficient counterbalance to require application
    of domestic law to the dispute.
    The district court made the following findings of fact
    relevant to this portion of the appeal:
    16. On March 17, 1991, the ship's steward, Mr. Abdul
    Mutalib, took the plaintiff, Urvashi, to the
    bridge of the vessel.
    17.   At the time in question the duty watch officer was
    on the bridge together with the duty helmsman.
    The duty watch officer's duties included enforcing
    the ship's rules that the Bridge of the ship was
    off limits to all unauthorized persons.
    18.   At approximately 4:00 p.m. while the plaintiff and
    Mr. Mutalib were on the bridge, the helmsman
    picked up plaintiff Urvashi and placed her on a
    ledge in front of the clear view screen on the
    bridge. . . .
    20.   The helmsman of the vessel showed the minor
    plaintiff how to put her hand on the clear screen
    a [sic] part of a "game." He feigned putting the
    palm of his hand on the clear screen [sic] and
    asked her to do likewise. When minor plaintiff
    placed her hand on the clear view screen, her
    right hand and portions of her arm were injured.
    The helmsman fainted on the bridge.
    21.   The defendant admits that the acts of the helmsman
    and steward were negligent. The steward was
    taking tea to the duty officer on the bridge at
    the time just before the accident.
    22.   The duty officer, who is in charge of the bridge,
    did not stop the helmsman and steward from acting
    negligently. The duty officer should have known
    of their permitting the minor plaintiff to play on
    the bridge.
    23.   The duty officer, acting for the defendant,
    breached a duty of care owed to plaintiffs [sic]
    by permitting plaintiff to be on the bridge, an
    unauthorized area, and on the ledge in front of
    the clear view screen. The duty officer should
    have known of the minor plaintiff's presence on
    the bridge.
    24.   The duty officer's failure to stop the helmsman's
    and steward's negligent acts was a substantial
    factor in bringing about the harm to the
    25.    Plaintiff's injury was proximately caused and
    caused in fact by defendant's breach of duty owed
    to plaintiff.
    26.    It was reasonably foreseeable to the duty officer
    that plaintiff was in danger of sustaining injury
    on the bridge in general and on the ledge in front
    of the clear view screen in particular.
    J.A. 31-33.     As these findings of fact indicate, the district
    court found that the duty officer had a duty to prevent Urvashi
    and other unauthorized persons from being on the bridge and to
    enforce safety precautions during his watch.    This finding is
    amply supported in the record by the unambiguous testimony of the
    Captain of the APJ KARAN.    J.A. 1055.   The duty officer breached
    that duty by failing to act in a manner that would have permitted
    him to avert the negligent actions of the steward and helmsman.
    Contrary to Surrendra's argument, the district court's
    decision did not constitute a finding of strict liability.      In
    fact, we find Surrendra's contention quite puzzling.    It is
    permissible to find that someone breached a duty of care owed to
    another without actually knowing that a victim has been harmed
    until after the fact, so long as a reasonable person would know
    that acting or failing to act would create an unreasonable risk
    of harm to a class of persons that includes the plaintiff.      See
    generally Restatement (Second) of Torts § 281, comment "c"
    (1965).   Surrendra concedes that under Indian law, like American
    law, negligence
    consists in the neglect of ordinary care or
    skill towards a person to whom the defendant
    owes a duty of observing ordinary care . . .
    the standard of care which would determine
    whether or not there has been a breach of
    duty is that of a reasonable person who must
    be presumed to have foreseen the consequence,
    or at least, ought to have seen it.
    Appellant-Cross-Appellee's Br. 37.    Under this standard, the
    district court could properly conclude that, had the duty officer
    (Surrendra's agent, acting within the scope of his employment)
    reasonably fulfilled his duty to enforce the rules of the bridge,
    Urvashi would not have been harmed.    Thus, the district court did
    not err in finding Surrendra liable.
    Furthermore, because of this conclusion, it was
    entirely proper for the district court to reject Surrendra's
    motion for directed verdict based on the sufficiency of the
    evidence.    It did not matter whether the plaintiffs had
    established that the steward and helmsman were acting within the
    scope of their employment.13   Nor did it matter whether there was
    evidence that the duty officer actually knew of Urvashi's
    presence on the bridge, given that the district court had
    reasonably concluded that if the duty officer had been performing
    his job properly, she would not have been.    Thus, the district
    court did not err in denying the motion for a directed verdict.
    .    Although we see no reason why the court could not have
    concluded that Surrendra was liable through the actions of the
    helmsman and steward, the court made no findings to that effect.
    Surrendra next contends that the district court erred
    in awarding Urvashi a total of $189,331.00 in damages, including
    $39,133 in pecuniary losses and $150,000 in non-pecuniary losses,
    "including pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, loss of
    enjoyment of life, mental anguish and emotional injury, past,
    present and future as a result of the accident . . . ."   J.A. 37.
    According to the company, the district court's non-pecuniary
    damages award was grossly excessive under Indian law.14   We agree
    with Surrendra that the district court erred in its application
    of Indian damages principles regarding non-pecuniary damages.
    Under Indian law, three principles govern awards of
    "non-pecuniary" or "general" damages:   "(1) Compensation must be
    reasonable and must be assessed with moderation[;] (2) Regard
    must be had to awards in comparable cases[; and] (3) sums awarded
    should, to a considerable extent, be conventional."   J.A. 1444
    (Opinion of S.C. Pratap (Sept. 16, 1993));15 J.A. 1397 (Affidavit
    of Shardul S. Shroff (Sept. 30, 1993)) ("Shroff Aff. II")   As the
    experts for the Bhatnagars and Surrendra agree, in applying these
    .    Surrendra does not appear to contest the district court's
    award of $39,133.00 in pecuniary damages. See Appellant-Cross-
    Appellee's Third Step Reply Br. 21. In any event, we find no
    error in the district court's award of pecuniary damages. See,
    e.g., J.A. 1443 (discussing permissible pecuniary damages under
    Indian law).
    .    This document, an opinion by a former judge of the High
    Court of Bombay and ex-Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh, was
    accompanied by an unsworn declaration of Shri Venkiteswaran under
    28 U.S.C. § 1746 (see J.A. 1466), and is admissible under Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 44.1 for purposes of determining the law of India.
    principles Indian courts attempt to make awards comparable and
    uniform among Indian tort victims.   J.A. 1398 (Shroff Aff. II);
    1448 (Pratap Opinion).   Thus, Urvashi was entitled to an award of
    non-pecuniary damages, but she was not entitled to an award
    comparable to what a similarly situated American would receive in
    this country.    Rather, the district court should have sought to
    award an amount comparable to what a similarly situated plaintiff
    would have received in India.16
    Viewed in this light, the district court's award of
    $150,000 in non-pecuniary damages may be grossly excessive.    One
    American dollar in early 1995 is worth approximately 31.39
    rupees.17   Thus, the district court's award, in rupees, was in
    the neighborhood of Rs. 4,708,500.   The parties' experts have
    provided a number of examples of compensation by Indian court
    victims for various personal injuries, but the highest award
    mentioned is less than 20 percent of the amount awarded in this
    .    As the Supreme Court explained in Lauritzen v. Larsen, 
    345 U.S. 571
    (1952), "[t]he purpose of a conflict-of-laws doctrine is
    to assure that a case will be treated in the same way under the
    appropriate law regardless of the fortuitous circumstances which
    often determine the forum." 
    Id. at 591.
    .    The Wall Street Journal (Feb. 28, 1995) p. C6. Of course,
    the relevant exchange rate is actually the one in effect on the
    date of the verdict and judgment in the district court. However,
    Surrendra asserted that the exchange rate of rupees to dollars
    was "more than" 31:1 during the relevant period (Appellant-Cross-
    Appellee's Br. 42, and the Bhatnagars do not contest this
    assertion. Thus, the calculation in the text is a reasonable
    approximation of the value of the district court's award in
    case, and it was awarded for an injury that was much more serious
    than that suffered by Urvashi.18
    Because the award in this case was so disproportionate
    to the amounts awarded in other Indian tort cases, we will vacate
    the award of non-pecuniary damages and remand with instructions
    to reassess those damages in accordance with Indian law.   We
    leave it to the district court to determine whether there is
    sufficient material in the record to make that determination, or
    whether supplemental briefing and evidence will be necessary.19
    .    The amounts awarded in the cases cited by the Bhatnagars'
    damage expert, Shroff, range from 5500 rupees (for damage to a
    left arm) to 143,400 rupees (for an "arm injury"), although in
    neither of these extreme cases does Shroff note whether the
    figure is for both pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages, or only
    non-pecuniary. J.A. 1400. Surrendra's damages expert, Pratap,
    describes a great many more cases with a broader range of awards
    (id. 1448-56), but the largest award listed was 857,352 rupees,
    awarded to a former judge who was injured in an automobile
    accident and suffered 100 percent disability and paraplegia below
    the waist.
    . We also note an apparent scrivener's error in the district
    court's rendition of judgment: also the court's award amounts to
    only $189,133 ($39,133 + $150,000), the court's judgment was
    rendered in favor of Urvashi Bhatnagar for $189,331. J.A. 40.
    Since we are vacating this judgment so that the district court
    can properly determine non-pecuniary damages under Indian law,
    the typographical error is of no moment because the district
    court will undoubtedly correct its calculation upon remand.
    We have already addressed and rejected one of the
    contentions raised in the Bhatnagars' cross-appeal -- namely,
    that the district court erred in concluding that the law of India
    applied in this case.   
    See supra
    n.12.   However, the Bhatnagars
    also argue that the court erred in failing to award damages to
    Kalpana Bhatnagar, and that the court erred in rendering a
    "clearly inadequate" award in favor of Urvashi.20   We address
    these contentions below.
    .    The Bhatnagars also contend that the district court erred
    in admitting certain testimony of the Captain of the APJ KARAN
    which the Bhatnagars contend was hearsay. However, given that
    this testimony pertained to the finding of negligence against
    Surrendra, and given that we have affirmed that finding of
    negligence, we find that this claim of error is moot.
    The district court found that Kalpana Bhatnagar had
    "not demonstrated a loss of service as a result of plaintiff
    Urvashi's injury."   J.A. 37.   In their cross-appeal, the
    Bhatnagars contend that this finding was erroneous, but they
    provide no evidence that damages for loss of services are
    compensable under Indian law (see Appellees-Cross-Appellants' Br.
    43-45), whereas Surrendra's expert opined that Kalpana's claim is
    "unsustainable" under Indian law (J.A. 1458).    Furthermore, the
    Bhatnagars failed to demonstrate that Kalpana lost any of
    Urvashi's services, even assuming that compensation for such loss
    is cognizable under Indian law.    For these two independent
    reasons, the district court did not commit error in denying
    Kalpana recovery.
    The Bhatnagars also contend that the district court
    erred in awarding a "clearly inadequate" award in favor of
    Urvashi.   Their argument, however, is confined to the district
    court's "non-pecuniary" award, which we have already explained in
    section II(C) must be vacated and remanded for redetermination
    because of its excessiveness under Indian law.    We reject the
    Bhatnagars' claim that Urvashi's award was inadequate for the
    reasons we noted in finding that the award was grossly excessive
    under Indian law.
    Prophets of litigation doom may contend that our forum
    non conveniens analysis in this case will cause a flood of
    litigation as foreigners rush to the United States to bring
    claims that have nothing to do with our nation, our people or our
    business.     We recognize that the possibility of securing a trial
    before an American jury, under American law, provides a strong
    draw to foreigners.     Indeed, the Supreme Court itself has
    recognized that our courts are "extremely attractive to foreign
    plaintiffs."     Piper 
    Aircraft, 454 U.S. at 252
    Still, we are not troubled by the precedential effect
    of our decision.     A careful reading of section II(A) makes clear
    just how narrow and unusual are the facts and circumstances of
    this case.     Additionally, it is likely that future defendants
    will develop a record (if such can be made) adequate to support
    dismissal in similar circumstances.     Finally, we have confidence
    that our district courts well understand the weight of their
    dockets and will not hesitate to dismiss those actions that have
    no business being before them.     Of course, if they do not, we
    will exercise our superintendence at that time, but we see no
    reason to reverse a defensible decision to retain jurisdiction in
    the face of a claim of forum non conveniens based upon mere
    speculation that our courts may have to exercise their discretion
    more often in the future.
    The judgment of the district court will be affirmed
    except as to the award for non-pecuniary damages.     As to the non-
    pecuniary damages, the judgment of the district court will be
    vacated and the case remanded to the district court to
    redetermine those damages in accordance with Indian law.
    Two-thirds of plaintiffs' costs will be taxed against the

Document Info

Docket Number: 93-2059

Citation Numbers: 52 F.3d 1220

Filed Date: 4/17/1995

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

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