FDIC v. Wentz , 55 F.3d 905 ( 1995 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1995 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    FDIC v Wentz
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 94-5556
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    No. 94-5556
    as Receiver for The Howard Savings Bank,
    Natalie I. Koether and
    Sidney F. Wentz, Appellants
    (D.C. Civ. No. 94-cv-03287)
    Argued April 20, 1995
    Before:   STAPLETON, HUTCHINSON, and WEIS, Circuit Judges
    Filed June 5, 1995
    Laurence B. Orloff, Esquire (ARGUED)
    Laura V. Studwell, Esquire
    Orloff, Lowenbach, Stifelman & Siegel, P.A.
    101 Eisenhower Parkway
    Roseland, New Jersey 07068
    Attorneys for Appellants
    Jerome A. Madden, Esquire (ARGUED)
    Ann S. DuRoss, Esquire
    Richard J. Osterman, Jr., Esquire
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    550 17th Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20429
    Attorneys for Appellee
    WEIS, Circuit Judge.
    In the course of its investigation of a failed
    depository institution, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    issued a subpoena to former directors of the bank directing them
    to produce a wide variety of their personal financial records as
    well as those of family members.   The district court required the
    directors to produce only their own records, showing additions or
    reductions in their assets.    Rejecting the directors' claims of
    privacy violations, we will affirm the district court's order.
    Natalie I. Koether and Sidney F. Wentz were directors
    of The Howard Savings Bank of Livingston, New Jersey, which was
    declared insolvent on October 2, 1992.    On that same day, the
    FDIC was appointed receiver.
    In April 1993, the FDIC issued an "Order of
    Investigation" pursuant to 12 U.S.C. § 1820(c) and 12 C.F.R.
    § 303.9(i)(2), targeting former officers and directors of the
    bank.   Four purposes were cited in the order:   (1) determining
    whether the individuals may be liable as a result of any action
    or inaction that could have affected the bank; (2) assessing
    whether the pursuit of litigation would be cost effective by
    considering the ability of the individuals to satisfy a judgment;
    (3) establishing whether the FDIC should seek to avoid transfers
    of interests or incurrences of obligations; and (4) ascertaining
    whether the FDIC should seek attachments of assets.     The order
    authorized FDIC representatives to issue subpoenas duces tecum.
    The directors, together with other bank principals,
    were served with notices to appear for depositions and ordered to
    produce documents in some twenty-eight different categories
    covering the six-year period preceding October 1992.   Included
    were records in their possession pertaining to bank operations.
    In addition, the subpoena demanded production of such documents
    as financial statements and credit applications of the directors
    and their spouses; records of any bank accounts of the directors
    and those maintained by "any member of [their] immediate
    famil[ies]," including canceled checks and bank statements; tax
    returns; title and registration papers for motor vehicles, boats,
    and airplanes; pension and profit-sharing plans in which the
    directors or their spouses had an interest; insurance policies;
    and records of inheritance, and other such gifts received by the
    directors and "any member of [their] immediate famil[ies]."
    The directors timely complied with the requests for
    documents having any connection with their activities as
    officials of the bank, but refused to produce their personal
    records and those of their families.
    In seeking enforcement of the subpoena in the district
    court, the FDIC presented the affidavit of James M. Judd, an
    investigations specialist for the FDIC.   It stated that the
    documents were necessary to enable the FDIC to determine the
    nature and extent of any losses sustained by the bank because of
    negligence or breach of fiduciary duty by the directors, and to
    establish whether it would be cost-effective to pursue any such
    claims.   The affidavit alleged that the directors had approved
    transactions that resulted in losses of millions of dollars and
    that the transactions "appear[ed] to exhibit inadequate
    documentation, unsafe concentrations of credit, poor credit
    administration, and inadequate supervision of management."
    Finally, the affidavit asserted that the directors had been
    "warned repeatedly" by bank examiners about lax business
    practices at the bank, but that the deficiencies were not
    The district court conducted a hearing and, at its
    conclusion, ordered the directors to produce all records that
    demonstrated increases or depletions in, or transfers of, their
    assets.   As the judge explained,
    "I do not sanction an inquiry whose sole
    purpose is to find out whether these folks
    have money to respond to a judgment, if one
    should eventuate. . . . [M]y requirement of
    document production . . . is narrow enough to
    specifically address transfers or sudden
    accretions or depletions of wealth. . . . I
    feel that those purposes are reasonably
    within the power of the FDIC, and I feel that
    what I have ordered is a limited incursion
    into the financial affairs that is tailored
    to match up with the purposes that I have
    In a formal order filed a few days later, the court
    denied the FDIC's request for enforcement of the subpoena duces
    tecum, except that the directors were instructed to produce:
    "(a) All documents which relate to any increases or
    depletions of assets, or any transfer of assets, for the period
    October 1986 through the date of this Order; and
    (b) All financial statements prepared by
    or on behalf of [the directors] from October
    1986 through the date of this Order."
    The court then granted a stay of its order pending resolution of
    this appeal.
    The directors now contend that (1) the FDIC's statutory
    powers do not permit an unwarranted intrusion into their personal
    affairs, (2) the subpoenas were issued for an improper purpose,
    particularly in the context of "cost effectiveness" of potential
    litigation that might be initiated by the FDIC, and (3) the
    documents sought are not relevant.   The directors also complain
    that the FDIC offered no grounds for suspicion of wrongdoing to
    justify issuance of a subpoena, and hence, it violates the Fourth
    Preliminarily, we observe that the district court's
    order substantially narrows the subpoena in two significant
    aspects.   First, the demand for production of documents of the
    directors' spouses and immediate family members is no longer
    effective.   Second, the documents that the directors must produce
    are limited to those pertaining to additions or diminutions of
    their own assets.
    As an appellate court, we will affirm an order
    enforcing an agency's subpoena unless we conclude that the
    district court has abused its discretion.     NLRB v. Frazier, 
    966 F.2d 812
    , 815 (3d Cir. 1992).    To determine whether there has
    been an abuse of discretion, the reviewing court must consider
    whether the district court's decision was based on irrelevant
    factors or on clearly erroneous findings of fact, and whether
    there has been a clear error of judgment.     
    Id. "[T]he district
    court's role is not that of a mere rubber stamp, but of an
    independent reviewing authority called upon to insure the
    integrity of the proceeding."    Wearly v. FTC, 
    616 F.2d 662
    , 665
    (3d Cir. 1980).
    To obtain enforcement of an administrative subpoena,
    the agency must show that the investigation will be conducted
    pursuant to a legitimate purpose, that the inquiry is relevant,
    that the information demanded is not already within the agency's
    possession, and that the administrative steps required by the
    statute have been followed.     United States v. Powell, 
    379 U.S. 48
    , 57-58 (1964); United States v. Morton Salt Co., 
    338 U.S. 632
    652 (1950).   The demand for information must not be unreasonably
    broad or burdensome.   United States v. Westinghouse Elec. Corp.,
    788 F.2d 164
    , 166 (3d Cir. 1986).
    It is not necessary, in most instances, that the agency
    make a showing of liability before seeking to enforce a subpoena.
    As the Supreme Court has observed, an agency "`can investigate
    merely on suspicion that the law is being violated, or even just
    because it wants assurance that it is not.'"    
    Powell, 379 U.S. at 57
    (quoting Morton 
    Salt, 338 U.S. at 642-43
    ).    The subpoenaed
    party bears the heavy burden of establishing an abuse of the
    court's process.   United States v. Cortese, 
    614 F.2d 914
    , 919 (3d
    Cir. 1980).
    When personal documents of individuals, as contrasted
    with business records of corporations, are the subject of an
    administrative subpoena, privacy concerns must be considered.
    See Whalen v. Roe, 
    429 U.S. 589
    , 599 (1977).    Thus, in United
    States v. Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 
    638 F.2d 570
    , 578 (3d Cir.
    1980), where a governmental agency sought production of employee
    medical records, we listed as relevant factors such matters as
    the type of record requested, the information that it might
    contain, the potential for harm and subsequent nonconsensual
    disclosure, the adequacy of safeguards to prevent unauthorized
    disclosure, the degree of need for access, the specificity of the
    agency's statutory mandate, and the presence of recognizable
    public interests justifying access.   See also In re McVane, 
    44 F.3d 1127
    , 1137 (2d Cir. 1995) (agency subpoenas directed at
    individuals do implicate privacy rights); Resolution Trust Corp.
    v. Walde, 
    18 F.3d 943
    , 948 (D.C. Cir. 1994) (same).
    12 U.S.C. § 1818(n) supplies the FDIC with the power to
    issue subpoenas duces tecum.   The permissible purposes are set
    out in 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(2)(I)(i) as "carrying out any power,
    authority, or duty with respect to an insured depository
    institution (including determining any claim against the
    institution and determining and realizing upon any asset of any
    person in the course of collecting money due the institution)."
    The FDIC is empowered to avoid fraudulent asset transfers, 12
    U.S.C. § 1821(d)(17), assert claims against directors and
    id. § 1821(k),
    and seek court orders attaching assets,
    id. § 1821(d)(18).
    Against this sweeping grant of power to the FDIC, we
    consider the challenges mounted by the directors.    As noted
    earlier, the district court -- entertaining grave doubts about
    the breadth of the subpoena, the relevance of documents of family
    members, and the burdens of production imposed on the directors
    -- substantially reduced the original scope of the subpoena.    The
    FDIC has not challenged the district court's order, and as the
    record now stands, the directors object only to producing those
    personal records that would show additions and subtractions to
    their private assets.
    In applying the factors we identified in
    Westinghouse, 638 F.2d at 578
    , we observe at the outset that
    there is a significant public interest in promptly resolving the
    affairs of insolvent banks on behalf of their creditors and
    depositors, many of whom have lost significant sums of money and
    are often left with little hope for recovery.    Personal financial
    records have never been as tightly guarded as "information
    concerning one's body."   
    Id. at 577.
      Subpoenas and summonses of
    the Internal Revenue Service requiring production of such records
    have routinely been enforced.   See, e.g., Pickel v. United
    746 F.2d 176
    , 184 (3d Cir. 1984).
    The FDIC has shown a reasonable need for gaining access
    to the directors' records in order to determine whether they
    reveal breaches of fiduciary duties through the improper
    channeling of bank funds for personal benefit.   Moreover, the
    directors have not produced any evidence to show that the
    information contained in their personal financial records "is of
    such a high degree of sensitivity that the intrusion could be
    considered severe or that the [directors] are likely to suffer
    any adverse effects from disclosure to [FDIC] personnel."
    Westinghouse, 638 F.2d at 579
    .   Finally, we observe that
    regulatory provisions have been promulgated to guard against
    subsequent unauthorized disclosure of the subpoenaed information.
    See 12 C.F.R. pts. 309 & 310.
    Accordingly, we conclude that the strong public
    interest in safeguarding the FDIC's legislative mandate outweighs
    the minimal intrusion into the privacy that surrounds the
    directors' personal financial records and any accompanying
    burdens of production.
    In balancing competing interests in this case, we
    cannot say that the district court abused its discretion in
    concluding that the limited investigation it approved is relevant
    to the proper functions of the FDIC.   Without impugning in any
    way the integrity of the directors, it must be observed that the
    allegations of mishandling of certain loans by the bank furnishes
    a proper basis for an investigation into (1) whether the
    individuals might be liable, (2) whether there might be transfers
    that should be avoided, or (3) whether the FDIC should seek
    attachment of assets.
    We do not resolve the directors' contention that the
    FDIC must assert an articulable suspicion of liability before
    pursuing an inquiry into the cost-effectiveness of potential
    litigation against them.    The directors rely heavily on McVane
    and Walde.   However, in McVane, the Court found an adequate basis
    for enforcing the subpoena against directors even as to the cost-
    effectiveness factor.     Walde did sustain an objection to the
    disclosure of personal records of certain directors for that
    limited purpose, but we need not discuss that case further in
    view of the fact that the district court's order here is
    sustainable on any one of the FDIC's other three objectives.
    The directors also contend that the district court's
    order is too vague because, literally, a purchase of groceries
    would be included within the scope of the subpoena as a depletion
    of personal assets.     At oral argument, counsel for the FDIC
    suggested that this difficulty might be avoided by reading into
    the order the $5,000 limitation on items stated in the subpoena
    itself.   That appears to us to be a reasonable reading of the
    district court's order, but if it is not satisfactory to the
    parties, they may request further clarification from the district
    The order of the district court will be affirmed.