Gruber v. Hubbard Bert Karle , 159 F.3d 780 ( 1998 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1998 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Gruber v. Hubbard Bert Karle
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 97-3477
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    Filed October 26, 1998
    NO. 97-3477
    themselves and all others similarily situated including
    their dependents; GLENWOOD BEER DISTRIBUTORS,
    INC.; BEECHWOOD INDUSTRIES, INC., on behalf of
    themselves and all other employers similarily situated;
    representative employee plaintiffs; PARAMOUNT LISTS,
    INC., as a representative employer plaintiff
    HUBBARD; BUCKLEY HUBBARD, III, individually and as
    duly elected members of the Board of Directors of LEEA
    and/or officers of LEEA
    Third-Party Defendant
    (D.C. Civil No. 85-00063E)
    ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA, individually and on behalf of all
    others similarly situated; ST. JOSEPH RIVERSIDE
    HOSPITAL; ROBERT GRUBER, individually and on behalf
    of all others similarly situated; and GLENWOOD BEER
    DISTRIBUTORS, INC. individually and on behalf of all
    others similarly situated; ERIE INDEMNITY COMPANY;
    (Intervenor in District Court)
    (D.C. Civil No. 87-00213E)
    Western World Insurance Company, Inc.
    and Tudor Insurance Company,
    On Appeal From the United States District Court
    For the Western District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civil Action No. 85-cv-00063E)
    (District Judge: Honorable Maurice B. Cohill, Jr.)
    Argued June 17, 1998
    Circuit Judges
    (Opinion Filed: October 26, 1998)
    Susan Katz Hoffman (Argued)
    L. Suzanne Forbis
    Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz
    3000 Two Logan Square
    Philadelphia, PA 19103-2799
    Attorneys for Appellants
    Craig A. Markham (Argued)
    Elderkin, Martin, Kelly & Messina
    150 East Eighth Street
    Erie, PA 16501
    Attorney for Appellees
    Robert Gruber, Theresa Penza, on
    behalf of themselves and all others
    similarly situated
    Richard W. Hosking
    Kirkpatrick & Lockhart
    1500 Oliver Building
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    Attorney for Appellees Hubbard,
    Bert, Karle, Weber, Inc.; J. Patrick
    Karle; Boyd Bert; C. John Weber,
    III; and Buckley Hubbard, III
    James D. Morton
    Buchanan Ingersoll Professional
    One Oxford Centre
    301 Grant Street, 20th Floor
    Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1410
    Attorney for Appellees John
    Gordon; Richard McClure; Ronald
    Maxwell; Timothy Mehl; and
    William Hilbert
    Edwin W. Smith
    Ely & Smith
    23 West Tenth Street
    Erie, PA 16501
    Attorney for Appellee Hamot
    Medical Center, individually and
    on behalf of all others similarly
    Michael S. Jan Janin
    Quinn, Buseck, Leemhuis,
    Toohey & Kroto
    2222 West Grandview Boulevard
    Erie, PA 16506-4508
    Attorney for Appellee
    Saint Vincent Health Center
    STAPLETON, Circuit Judge:
    This is the fourth installment in this lengthy and
    tortuous insurance saga. The case has come back to us
    after we dismissed it because the district court had not
    adjudicated all the claims in one of the actions in the
    consolidated case. The district court has since issued an
    order dismissing all ERISA claims, denying appellant's
    petition for a declaratory judgment, and entering final
    judgment pursuant to Rule 54(b) of the Federal Rules of
    Civil Procedure. We will affirm in part and reverse in part.
    The Lake Erie Employers' Association ("LEEA") was
    formed in September 1981 as a non-profit corporation with
    the stated purpose of "foster[ing] and promot[ing] the
    mutual interests of those individuals, partnerships,firms,
    associations, and corporations who are engaged in business
    in the Northwestern Pennsylvania Area" and "foster[ing] and
    advanc[ing] a mutual cooperation and understanding
    among such businesses with the other economic entities
    affecting business in the area." See LEEA Certificate of
    Incorporation, at A65. "Any individual, partnership, firm,
    association, or corporation . . . engaged in business in the
    Northwestern Pennsylvania area employing at leastfive (5)
    but less than 150 employees and who is interested in the
    purposes of the organization" could apply for membership
    in the association.1 LEEA Bylaws Art. IV, P 1, at A72.
    1. The Bylaws were amended on April 25, 1983, to permit businesses
    employing up to 225 employees to apply for membership. See A103-04.
    Associate membership was available for businesses having
    "a demonstrable material interest in the purposes of the
    organization" but not meeting the membership criteria. Id.
    P 3, at A72.
    LEEA was the brainchild of J. Patrick Karle, one of the
    principals of the brokerage firm Hubbard Bert Karle Weber,
    Inc. ("HBKW"). Karle, who also served as President and
    Chairman of the Board of LEEA, testified that the idea for
    LEEA arose when HBKW observed the success that large
    employers had with self-funded health and benefit plans,
    and concluded that it might be possible for smaller
    employers to enjoy the same success with a self-funded
    alternative if they banded together. Karle Dep. of Oct. 7,
    1986, at A743-44. He testified that LEEA was formed both
    to provide small businesses with an alternative health
    benefit option to that available from Blue Cross/Blue Shield
    and to serve as a forum where small business people could
    obtain information about changes in the laws and
    regulations governing employee benefits. Id. at A751.
    Toward the latter purpose, LEEA published a newsletter,
    approximately on a quarterly basis, that discussed changes
    in benefits law and provisions, as well as other matters that
    might be of interest to a small business person, such as tax
    and estate law. In addition, the association held two
    meetings a year at which legislators and other speakers
    would discuss topics of interest to the members or local
    health care providers would describe "wellness programs"
    that could assist the employers in the cost-effective
    provision of health benefits to their employees.
    Despite its informational activities, it is clear that LEEA's
    primary purpose was the provision of health and other
    benefits to the employees of its employer-members. The
    first order of business, after incorporation and the
    appointment of officers and directors, engaged in by the
    Board of Directors of LEEA was "a discussion of the need
    to provide self-insured health benefits and dental benefits
    for members of [LEEA]" and resolutions"to establish one or
    several health, dental, and such other benefit plans which
    shall be offered to the members of this corporation in
    Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York states" and to establish
    "the [LEEA] Benefit Trust and the [LEEA] Accident and
    Health Plan" effective November 1, 1981. Minutes of
    Meeting of Oct. 8, 1981, at A110-11. In addition, a review
    of those minutes of later Board meetings that are provided
    in the record reveals that discussion at the meetings
    centered almost exclusively on matters related to the
    various benefit plans administered by LEEA, including plan
    amendments, rate and billing adjustments, and collection
    procedures. In addition, there is no indication in the record
    that LEEA had any members that were not also
    participants in the LEEA Plan. Indeed, although "[a]ll
    proceedings in relation to membership applications [were]
    secret and confidential," LEEA Amended Bylaws, Art. V,
    P 2, at A89, there is an implication in the record that
    membership decisions were based on underwriting
    It is also clear that LEEA and HBKW, the brokeragefirm,
    were closely interrelated. As we have noted, the idea for
    LEEA came from an HBKW principal. LEEA's Board of
    Directors, which conducted all of LEEA's business and
    affairs, originally consisted of the five principals of HBKW,
    who were also the incorporators and officers of LEEA. In
    October 1982, four of the HBKW principals resigned--
    although Karle remained as Chairman--and four new
    employer-member directors joined the Board. However, the
    bylaws, as amended in December 1982, provided that the
    four former directors, who remained officers of LEEA, would
    be "ex-officio members of the Board of Directors by virtue of
    the independent management functions which they perform
    for the Corporation . . . . The ex-officio members shall have
    equal standing and authority with the other members of the
    Board." LEEA Amended Bylaws, Art. VII, P 1, at A90.
    HBKW and LEEA entered into an Administrative
    Agreement on October 31, 1981, under which LEEA
    appointed HBKW the Administrative Agent of the LEEA
    Plan and Benefit Trust. Under the agreement, HBKW
    received fees from LEEA in exchange for HBKW's
    maintaining records and processing claims in connection
    with the LEEA Plans. LEEA business was conducted out of
    the offices of HBKW, and LEEA and HBKW had the same
    address. There was no separately designated office space
    for LEEA within the HBKW offices, and LEEA had no
    employees during most of its existence.
    In 1985, LEEA became insolvent, and the Plan and Trust
    were terminated. This prompted employer-members and
    employee beneficiaries (and their dependents) of the LEEA
    Plan to file two suits against HBKW, HBKW's principals,
    and the officers and directors of LEEA. The complaints,
    which were consolidated in a single class action, alleged
    violations of fiduciary duty and other obligations under
    ERISA and state law breaches of contract, fiduciary duty,
    and duty of care.
    Appellants Western World Insurance Co. and Tudor
    Insurance Co. (collectively, "Western World") had issued
    directors' and officers' liability insurance policies to the
    officers and directors of LEEA. After the lawsuits were filed,
    Western World filed a declaratory judgment action seeking
    a declaration that it was not liable under those policies. It
    relied primarily on a policy exclusion for claims arising
    under ERISA.2 This declaratory judgment action was
    consolidated with the class action for all purposes.
    In response to a motion by Western World for summary
    judgment, the district court entered an order declaring that
    its ERISA policy exclusion was valid and that the policy did
    not, therefore, cover claims arising out of ERISA. The
    court's order did not, however, address whether any of the
    claims in the class suit were ERISA claims or whether
    Western World was liable with respect to any of those
    claims. Nonetheless, the court directed that the declaratory
    judgment action be closed and that the parties proceed
    with prosecuting the underlying actions. The district court
    certified the issue relating to the validity of the ERISA
    exclusion, the defendants appealed, and we affirmed the
    district court's decision. We expressly "assume[d] that the
    district court [would] now promptly address the overarching
    issue of the applicability of ERISA to the plans which are
    2. The insurance policy contains two significant clauses. The first is
    contained in a section entitled "Exclusions" and states that the policy
    does not apply to claims "[a]rising out of [ERISA]." A465. The second is
    found on a separate page entitled "ERISA Liability Exclusion
    Endorsement," which provides: "It is understood and agreed that the
    coverage afforded under this policy shall not apply as respects liability
    imposed upon an insured (or which is imputed to an insured) under
    [ERISA]." A467.
    the subject of the underlying actions against the directors."
    Western World Ins. Co., Inc. v. Hubbard, No. 96-3698, slip
    op. at 3 (3d Cir. July 16, 1993) (judgment order).
    On remand, Western World argued that the LEEA plan
    was an "employee welfare benefit plan" ("EWBP") within the
    meaning of ERISA.3 It also argued, in the alternative, that
    each member employer's individual plan was an EWBP
    within the meaning of ERISA. The district court granted
    partial summary judgment to the officers and directors of
    LEEA, holding that the LEEA plan was not an EWBP
    governed by ERISA because it was not "established or
    maintained by" an employer organization acting in the
    interests of its members. Over Western World's objection,
    the class action plaintiffs and defendants reached a
    settlement agreement. Western World appealed the district
    court's grant of partial summary judgment. We found that
    Western World's appeal was not moot, but dismissed for
    lack of jurisdiction, explaining:
    Absent a Rule 54(b) certification, an order is notfinal
    and appealable as such unless it disposes of all claims
    remaining before the court. Here we find no order
    adjudicating Western World's claim which seeks a
    declaratory judgment that "the Western World's policy
    provides no coverage for and is not applicable to any
    claim, demand, or cause of action arising from or
    relating to the HBKW litigation." Where cases are
    consolidated, a judgment on the claims in one
    consolidated action is not an appealable final order if it
    does not also adjudicate all claims in the other
    consolidated action.
    Gruber v. Hubbard, Bert, Karle, Weber, Inc., No. 96-3277,
    slip op. at 16 (3d Cir. July 18, 1997) (not-for-publication
    opinion). We dismissed the appeal and requested that the
    court, "before entering a final order, provide an explanation
    for its apparent rejection of Western World's contention that
    each employer's individual plan constitutes an `employee
    welfare benefit plan' and, accordingly, that the class
    plaintiffs' claims, by operation of the doctrine of complete
    preemption, can only be ERISA claims." Id. at 17.
    3. See 29 U.S.C. S 1002(1).
    The district court responded to the jurisdictional defect
    by amending its May 6, 1994, order to deny Western
    World's motion for a declaratory judgment that it is not
    liable for any claims flowing from the HBKW litigation. It
    As the policies issued by Western World contain an
    ERISA exclusion, the insurer is not liable for any
    ERISA claims. However, we have determined that the
    Plan does not fall within the scope of ERISA, and thus
    non-ERISA claims, for which Western World may
    indeed be liable, remain very much a part of this
    D. Ct. Op. at 3. The district court also responded to our
    request that it explain its apparent rejection of Western
    World's alternate line of argument. The court first
    acknowledged that "even where a multi-employer trust is
    not governed by ERISA, by subscribing to the trust, each
    individual employer may have established an individual
    ERISA plan." D. Ct. Op. at 5. The court then stated:
    Western World points to no evidence, however, to
    support its assertion that the individual plans at issue
    here are ERISA plans. It states that "the individual
    employers purchased health insurance for their
    employees after joining LEEA and agreeing to
    participate in the Trust. Although Western World
    claims this is "powerful proof that ERISA governs the
    individual plans," this assertion is contradicted by the
    case law. A mere purchase of insurance, although
    evidence that a plan may exist, is not in and of itself
    proof that an ERISA plan does exist.
    Western World points to no proof that the individual
    employers even "purchased" health insurance. Western
    World simply offers this Court no evidence from which
    to conclude that the employer members of the LEEA
    established individual benefit plans within the meaning
    of ERISA. Accordingly, we will affirm our grant of
    partial summary judgment . . . and hold that there are
    no ERISA claims remaining in this litigation.
    D. Ct. Op. at 5-6 (citations omitted). Western World appeals
    the district court's judgment. The class action plaintiffs are
    the appellees herein.
    We have jurisdiction over this appeal pursuant to 28
    U.S.C. S 1291. We must determine: first, whether the
    district court properly concluded that the LEEA plan was
    not an EWBP under ERISA; and, second, whether the court
    properly concluded that the individual employer-members
    of LEEA had not established single-employer EWBPs under
    We exercise plenary review over the district court's grant
    of partial summary judgment. See Bixler v. Central Pa.
    Teamsters Health & Welfare Fund, 
    12 F.3d 1292
    , 1297 (3d
    Cir. 1993). "A motion for summary judgment shall be
    granted if the court determines `that there is no genuine
    issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law.' " 
     (quoting Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 56(c)).
    A. The LEEA Plan
    The statutory provisions that determine whether a multi-
    employer plan is governed by ERISA define an "employee
    welfare benefit plan" as:
    any plan, fund, or program which was . . . established
    or maintained by an employer or by an employee
    organization, or by both, to the extent that such plan,
    fund or program was established or is maintained for
    the purpose of providing for its participants or their
    beneficiaries, through the purchase of insurance or
    otherwise . . . medical, surgical, or hospital care
    benefits. . . .
    29 U.S.C. S 1002(1). An "employer" includes "any person
    acting directly as an employer, or indirectly in the interest
    of an employer, in relation to an employee benefit plan; and
    includes a group or association of employers acting for an
    employer in such capacity." 
     S 1002(5). The question we
    must resolve, then, is whether the LEEA Plan was
    "established or maintained" by "a group of employers"
    acting "indirectly in the interest of " its member employers
    in relation to the Plan.
    Congressional commentary, Department of Labor (DOL)
    advisory opinions, and case law from other circuits
    applying ERISA to multi-employer plans have interpreted
    the statute to preclude ERISA coverage of plans established
    for entrepreneurial purposes. See, e.g., H.R. Rep. No. 1785,
    94th Cong., 2d Sess. 48 (1977) ("[P]lans . . . established
    and maintained by entrepreneurs for the purpose of
    marketing insurance products or services to others .. . are
    not established or maintained by the appropriate parties to
    confer ERISA jurisdiction, nor is the purpose for their
    establishment or maintenance appropriate to meet the
    jurisdictional prerequisites of the Act.");4 DOL Op. No. 81-
    1981 WL 17728
    , at *2 (E.R.I.S.A. Jan. 12, 1981)
    (stating that it is "the Department's position that an
    organization that functions as a vehicle for insurance
    entrepreneurs to market insurance products or services,
    not as a bona fide program to provide benefits to
    employees, is not an employee benefit plan within the
    meaning of ERISA"); MDPhysicians & Assoc., Inc. v. State
    Bd. of Ins., 
    957 F.2d 178
    , 185 (5th Cir. 1992) (holding that
    multi-employer plan sponsored by a physician's association
    was not an EWBP because association did not act
    "indirectly in the interest of" members; rather, it was an
    "entrepreneurial venture" that "acted for itself ").
    Giving effect to the intention to exclude entrepreneurial
    ventures, the cases and advisory opinions have imposed
    two broad requirements for a multi-employer plan to
    constitute an EWBP. First, the group of employers that
    establishes and maintains the plan must be a "bona fide"
    association of employers "tied by a common economic or
    representation interest, unrelated to the provision of
    benefits." Wisconsin Educ. Ass'n Trust v. Iowa State Bd.,
    804 F.2d 1059
    , 1063 (8th Cir. 1986); see also Moideen v.
    55 F.3d 1478
    , 1481 (9th Cir. 1995);
    957 F.2d at 185-86
    ; Credit Managers Ass'n
    4. This report has been described as " `virtually conclusive' as to
    legislative intent." MDPhysicians, 
    957 F.2d at 184
    ; Hamberlin v. VIP Ins.
    434 F. Supp. 1196
    , 1199 (D. Ariz. 1977); cf. Sioux Tribe v. United
    316 U.S. 317
    , 329 (1942) (describing committee report "made
    within five years of its passage" as "virtually conclusive as to the
    significance of th[e] Act" discussed therein).
    v. Kennesaw Life & Accident Ins. Co., 
    809 F.2d 617
    , 625
    (9th Cir. 1987). Second, the employer-members of the
    organization that sponsors the plan must exercise control,
    either directly or indirectly, both in form and in substance,
    over the plan. See DOL Op. No. 96-25A, 
    1996 WL 634362
    at *2-3 (E.R.I.S.A. Oct. 31, 1996) ("[I]t is the Department's
    view that the employers that participate in a benefit
    program must, either directly or indirectly, exercise control
    over the program, both in form and substance, to act as a
    bona fide employer group or association with respect to the
    The district court stated that both of the above factors
    must be considered in determining whether an organization
    is acting in the interests of an employer. We agree. The
    commonality of interest requirement is well-established in
    the case law, and the control factor has been consistently
    advanced as a requirement in DOL advisory letters since
    the early 1980s. See, e.g., DOL Op. No. 83-48A, 
    1983 WL 22533
    , at *3 (E.R.I.S.A. Sep. 14, 1983). In addition to the
    fact that "[t]he Department of Labor's construction of ERISA
    is entitled to a substantial measure of deference,"
    International Ass'n of Entrepreneurs of Am. Benefit Trust v.
    883 F. Supp. 1050
    , 1061 (E.D. Va. 1995), the
    control requirement is a reasonable means of ensuring that
    the administrators of multi-employer welfare benefit plans
    in fact act "in the interest of " their employer members.
    Therefore, we conclude that to qualify as an "employer" for
    ERISA purposes, an employer group or association must
    satisfy both the commonality of interest and control
    The district court found that the LEEA Plan satisfied
    neither of these requirements. It found that control was
    lacking because the employer members of the Plan's Board
    of Directors were outnumbered by HBKW principals with
    "ex officio" Board membership. Hence, the HBKW principals
    had the power to control the Board, and thus the power to
    control the Plan. Even though the ex-officio members never
    voted at meetings, the district court "assume[d] they would
    have exercised that power had the decisions of the board
    been contrary to their wishes." D. Ct. Op. (May 6, 1994) at
    7. The court also found commonality of interest to be
    lacking because "there was no nexus among the individuals
    benefitted by the Plan and the entity providing those
    benefits, other than the Plan itself" since LEEA "was
    comprised of disparate and unaffiliated businesses" who
    had no relationship prior to the inception of the Plan. Id. at
    We find that the district court erred on the control issue
    but decided the common interests issue correctly. On
    summary judgment, it was inappropriate for the court to
    base its conclusion that the HBKW principals controlled the
    Board on an assumption that they would vote at Board
    meetings if they so desired. Moreover, viewed in the light
    most favorable to Western World, the non-moving party,
    there was evidence in the record to suggest that the LEEA
    employer members did indirectly control the administration
    of the Plan through their representation on the Board. For
    example, the minutes of the Board meetings indicate that
    the employer members of the Board discussed and voted on
    many aspects of the day-to-day administration of the Plan,
    including amendments to the LEEA Plan and rate
    adjustments, whereas the ex-officio members were only
    considered "guests" at those meetings. See, e.g., Minutes of
    4/25/83 Meeting, at A124. Hence, the court erred in
    concluding that the employer-members lacked control over
    the Plan as a matter of law.
    Nonetheless, Western World has not established the
    requisite commonality of interest to survive summary
    judgment. Courts considering the issue have found that a
    sufficient bond exists between employers engaged in the
    same line of business in the same geographical area, see,
    e.g., Steen v. John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co., 
    106 F.3d 904
    , 916 (9th Cir. 1997), but they have consistently
    rejected the contention that heterogenous businesses that
    share nothing more than a common size and a high regard
    for the "entrepreneurial spirit" enjoy such a bond, see, e.g.,
    55 F.3d at 1481
     (no commonality of interest
    where membership limited to employers with fewer than
    500 employees); International Assoc. of Entrepreneurs, 
    883 F. Supp. at 1058-59
     (no commonality of interest where
    membership limited to employers sharing "adherence to the
    principles of entrepreneurial spirit and free enterprise").
    The LEEA Plan bears greater resemblance to the latter
    types of organizations than the former.
    LEEA membership included such diverse groups as tool
    and die makers, an extended health care facility, a
    manufacturer of airplane engine parts, the operator of the
    local Holiday Inns, local law firms, a manufacturer of office
    partitions, a local realtor group, a manufacturer of knives,
    a beer distributor, an automobile dealer, and several social
    clubs. In short, the only common trait that LEEA employer-
    members possessed was that they employed fewer than 225
    employees. However, common size is not a bona fide
    organizational relationship. See Smith, 
    1997 WL 297096
    *4; Moideen, 
    55 F.3d at 1481
    . Accordingly, LEEA was not a
    "bona fide employer organization" that could establish and
    maintain an EWBP within the meaning of ERISA.5
    5. This conclusion is buttressed by consideration of the factors that the
    DOL has suggested are relevant to the factual determination of whether
    a group of employers participating in a multi-employer plan is a "bona
    fide employer association" within the meaning of S 1002(5). They include:
    how members are solicited; who is entitled to participate and who
    actually participates in the association; the process by which the
    association was formed, the purposes for which it was formed, and
    what, if any, were the preexisting relationships of its members;
    powers, rights, and privileges of employer members that exist by
    reason of their status as employers; and who actually controls and
    directs the activities and operations of the benefit program.
    DOL Op. No. 96-25A, 
    1996 WL 634362
    , at *3.
    Consideration of the first three factors is particularly instructive in
    case. First, members of LEEA were solicited by salespeople working for
    HBKW who attempted to sell both participation in the LEEA Plan and
    other HBKW insurance products. See Karle Dep. of 5/22/86, at A723,
    729. Second, the restrictions placed on eligibility membership were few.
    Membership in LEEA was originally limited to employers with fewer than
    150 employees who did business in Northwestern Pennsylvania.
    However, membership was subsequently extended to employers with up
    to 225 employees and to those who did business in Northeastern Ohio.
    Additionally, the bylaws allowed the admission of"associate members"
    who did not satisfy the membership requirements. Third, there was no
    preexisting relationship between the employer members of LEEA, and
    solicitation of new members was based not on appeals to the shared
    interests of the organization, but on the sale by HBKW employees of
    participation in the Plan. Moreover, the organization was formed by a
    commercial organization that hoped to make a profit through the
    operation of the Plan. 
     at A728.
    Therefore, the district court's entry of summary judgment
    with respect to the LEEA Plan was proper.
    B. The Individual Plans
    The Department of Labor holds the view that "if an
    employer adopts for its employees a program of benefits
    sponsored by a group or association that does not itself
    constitute an `employer' or an `employee organization,' such
    an employer or employee organization may have established
    a separate, single-employer (or single employee
    organization) employee benefit plan covered by Title I of
    ERISA." DOL Op. No. 96-25A, 
    1996 WL 634362
    , at *3.
    Western World argues that because the individual
    employers in this case established single-employer EWBPs,
    ERISA preempts the plaintiff class members' state law
    Although plaintiff-appellees do not explicitly contest the
    DOL's position, they argue that it is irrelevant whether the
    individual plans constituted employee welfare benefit plans
    under ERISA. Appellees are incorrect. As we have
    previously indicated, if each employer's individual plan
    constituted an employee welfare benefit plan, then"the
    class plaintiffs' claims, by operation of the doctrine of
    complete preemption, can only be ERISA claims." Gruber v.
    HBKW, No. 96-3277, slip op. at 17 (3d Cir. July 18, 1997).
    Turning to the merits, we conclude that the district erred
    in granting summary judgment. "An employer . . . can
    establish an ERISA plan rather easily." Credit Managers
    809 F.2d at 625
    . An ERISA plan exists if" `from the
    surrounding circumstances a reasonable person can
    ascertain the intended benefits, a class of beneficiaries, the
    source of financing, and procedures for receiving benefits.' "
    Deibler, 973 F.2d at 209. We have stated, moreover, that
    the crucial factor in determining whether a "plan" has been
    established is whether the employer has expressed an
    intention to provide benefits on a regular and long-term
    basis. Id.
    Although the district court correctly observed that an
    employer's mere purchase of health insurance for its
    employees "is not in and of itself proof that an ERISA plan
    does exist," such a purchase does raise a genuine issue of
    material fact as to the existence of an ERISA plan. D. Ct.
    Op. at 6. "A number of courts have held that an employer's
    payment of insurance premiums, standing alone, is
    substantial evidence of the existence of an ERISA plan."
    Robinson v. Linomaz, 
    58 F.3d 365
    , 368 (8th Cir. 1995)
    (citing cases from Fourth, Seventh, Ninth, and Eleventh
    Circuits) (emphasis added). Even the district court itself
    conceded that a purchase of insurance is "evidence that a
    plan does exist." D. Ct. Op. at 6.
    The district court found, however, that Western World
    presented "no proof that the individual employers even
    `purchased' health insurance." D. Ct. Op. at 5-6. Appellee
    plaintiff class members, likewise, argue that the individual
    employers did not purchase insurance, that LEEA was not
    an insurer, and that the employers did not pay premiums
    to an insurer. Rather, "[t]hey made contributions to the
    LEEA trustee pursuant to the terms of the LEEA self-
    funded benefit trust. These contributions were pooled
    together in a trustee account and disbursed by the trustee
    to pay eligible medical expenses in accordance with the
    governing trust documents." Appellee's Br. at 15. This
    distinction is irrelevant, however. Since the crucial factor is
    "whether the employer has expressed an intention to
    provide benefits on a regular and long-term basis," Deibler,
    973 F.2d at 209, it does not matter whether the employer
    did so by "purchasing insurance" or by subscribing to a
    multi-employer trust. See also 29 U.S.C.S 1002 (employer
    establishes EWBP "through the purchase of insurance or
    otherwise") (emphasis added).
    We conclude that Western World has raised a genuine
    issue of material fact regarding whether the individual
    employer-members of LEEA established employee welfare
    benefit plans for ERISA purposes. As Western World
    argues, there was evidence that the individual employer
    plans satisfied the Deibler test for establishing an ERISA
    plan because each employee was given a copy of the
    summary plan description which indicated what benefits
    were available, which persons were eligible for coverage, the
    source of financing, and the procedures for receiving
    benefits. Moreover, it is clear that the individual employers
    made contributions to the LEEA Plan on behalf of their
    employees. These contributions alone constituted sufficient
    evidence of the existence of an ERISA plan to survive
    summary judgment.
    The Ninth Circuit has explained why summary judgment
    is improper in this situation:
    Even if an employer does no more than arrange for a
    "group-type insurance program," it can establish an
    ERISA plan, unless it is a mere advertiser who makes
    no contributions on behalf of its employees. This
    possibility should be explored in an appropriate
    manner before summary judgment is employed. We
    must remember that the existence of an ERISA plan is
    a question of fact, to be answered in the light of all the
    surrounding circumstances from the point of view of a
    reasonable person.
    Credit Managers Ass'n, 
    809 F.2d at 625
    . In this case, the
    individual employers arranged for a "group-type insurance
    program" by participating in the LEEA Plan. They were not
    mere advertisers, but rather made contributions to the Plan
    on behalf of their employees. Therefore, we will reverse the
    district court's grant of summary judgment on this issue.
    Because we find that the district court properly
    concluded that the LEEA plan was not an employee welfare
    benefit plan under ERISA, we will affirm the district court's
    grant of summary judgment to the class members on that
    issue. However, we hold that the court improperly granted
    summary judgment on the issue of whether the individual
    employer members of LEEA established single-employer
    employee welfare benefit plans under ERISA. Accordingly,
    the judgment of the district court will be reversed and the
    case remanded for further proceedings consistent with this
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit