United States v. New Jersey , 194 F.3d 426 ( 1999 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1999 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    United States v New Jersey
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 98-6447
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    Filed October 13, 1999
    No. 98-6447
    (Newark, New Jersey District Civil No. 88-5087)
    (Newark, New Jersey District Civil No. 87-2331
    (Newark, New Jersey District Civil No. 88-4080)
    State of New Jersey; New Jersey State
    Department of Personnel; and *Anthony J.
    Cimino, Commissioner of Personnel, New
    Jersey State Department of Personnel,
    *(Pursuant to Rule 12(a), F.R.A.P.)
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. Civ. Nos. 88-05087, 87-02331, and 88-4080)
    District Judge: Honorable William G. Bassler
    Argued September 13, 1999
    Circuit Judges
    (Filed: October 13, 1999)
    John J. Farmer, Jr.
    Attorney General of New Jersey
    Joseph L. Yannotti
    Assistant Attorney General
    Don E. Catinello (argued)
    Deputy Attorney General
    Todd A. Widger
    Deputy Attorney General
    P.O. Box 112
    Trenton, NJ 08625
    Attorneys for Appellants,
    State of New Jersey, New Jersey
    State Department of Personnel and
    Anthony J. Cimino, Commissioner
    of Personnel, New Jersey State
    Department of Personnel
    Bill Lann Lee
    Acting Assistant Attorney General
    Dennis J. Dimsey
    Timothy J. Moran (argued)
    Attorneys, Department of Justice
    P.O. Box 66078
    Washington, DC 20035-6078
    Attorneys for Appellee
    United States of America
    Peter W. Till
    Wilf & Silverman
    820 Morris Turnpike
    Suite 201
    Short Hills, NJ 07078
    Attorneys for Appellee
    Ronald Burkhardt
    GREENBERG, Circuit Judge.
    A. Factual History
    This matter comes on before this court on an appeal from
    an order entered on September 30, 1998, enforcing a
    settlement decree. The background of the case is as follows.
    In 1988, the United States sued the State of New Jersey,
    the New Jersey Department of Personnel and the New
    Jersey Commissioner of Personnel under Title VII of the
    Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. S 2000e et seq., alleging
    that the State had violated the federal civil rights of women
    and minorities seeking state entry-level law enforcement
    positions by using written and physical performance
    examinations that had a discriminatory impact on these
    groups and did not significantly serve legitimate business
    goals. In an amendment to its complaint, the United States
    extended the charges of discrimination to include the hiring
    of county and municipal entry-level law enforcement
    officers as well as state correction officer recruits. The
    district court eventually consolidated the United States' suit
    with discrimination cases brought by individual plaintiffs
    Armadina Tahaney, Donna Roman, Mary Vasquez, Cecilia
    Shinn and Carrie Reed against the State and the City of
    In March 1995, the United States and the State entered
    into a consent decree, which the district court approved, to
    settle the litigation. The State did not admit any
    wrongdoing in the decree and instead expressly denied that
    it had engaged in the discriminatory hiring practices the
    United States asserted. The State did agree, however, to use
    non-discriminatory criteria in selecting law enforcement
    officers and to discontinue the use of certain employment
    As significant here, the consent decree established
    procedures for ascertaining the alleged victims of
    discrimination entitled to relief. Eligible individuals received
    back pay from a $6,500,000 fund, and a retroactive
    pension benefit, subject to a $625,000 cap on the total
    amount the State would pay. Additionally, the State was to
    place eligible individuals on certification lists for
    appointment to designated law enforcement positions as
    those positions became available. Eligible women and
    minorities appointed to state positions received a"remedial
    seniority date" based on the date they would have been
    hired but for the State's alleged discrimination. 1 Most
    importantly for the purposes of this appeal, the decree
    provided that those individuals who were hired were
    entitled to "all the emoluments of the job title to which they
    are appointed, including full retroactive seniority and the
    extent of pension credit provided under P 29[of the
    decree]." (Emphasis added.) The court retained jurisdiction
    to implement the decree.
    B. Procedural History
    The United States moved to enforce the decree in the
    district court in February 1998, claiming that the State was
    violating its terms by failing to provide retroactive salary
    "step-increases" to the alleged victims of discrimination it
    had hired. In New Jersey, state agencies determine a state
    law enforcement officer's salary on a nine-step
    compensation schedule. Normally, officers are promoted to
    the next step for every year of satisfactory service, and, as
    a result, an officer's salary increases with seniority until the
    1. The decree did not provide retroactive seniority relief to applicants
    county and municipal positions because providing such relief would have
    required joining as parties approximately 280 county and municipal civil
    service jurisdictions that would have been obligated to bear the costs
    associated with such seniority.
    highest step is reached. The United States claimed that the
    salary of individuals hired under the decree should reflect
    the number of step increases that they would have received
    based on their determined date of hire, the "remedial
    seniority date."
    The State disagreed. It argued that it was inappropriate
    to award salary increases for years of satisfactory service
    when the beneficiaries of the increases had not performed
    satisfactory service or, indeed, any service at all during the
    years. The State further argued that the term "seniority" in
    the consent decree referred only to seniority for purposes of
    promotions, benefits and layoffs but not for purposes of
    salary. In support of its position, the State submitted an
    affidavit from Douglass L. Derry, a senior deputy attorney
    general who had negotiated the decree on the State's
    behalf. The affidavit stated in relevant part:"It was the
    State's understanding that retroactive seniority would be
    given to priority hires in terms of their rights under New
    Jersey civil service law, that is for use in promotions,
    benefits and layoffs. I did not agree on behalf of the State
    to provide salary increases as part of retroactive seniority."
    The United States did not submit an affidavit contradicting
    Derry's statements.
    In an opinion dated September 29, 1998, the district
    court granted the United States' motion to enforce the
    consent decree and ordered the State to award retroactive
    step increases to individuals hired under the decree.
    Treating the decree as a contract, the court indicated that
    its terms were not ambiguous, and thus its plain language
    controlled. The court stated that the only limitation on the
    terms "full seniority" and "emolument" in the decree was
    the phrase "and the extent of retroactive pension credit
    provided under P 29 [of the decree]." Applying the
    interpretative maxim of expressio unis est exclusio alterius
    (the expression of one thing is the exclusion of the other),
    the court concluded that the only limitation in the decree
    on seniority benefits was the capping of pension payments.
    Thus, the court reasoned that the decree's terms covered
    salary raises associated with seniority. Inasmuch as step
    increases in New Jersey are essentially automatic, the court
    found little reason to conclude that the decree's
    beneficiaries should not receive such increases
    retroactively, particularly as those awarded permanent law
    enforcement positions under the decree were required to
    complete a "working test period" that allowed the State to
    evaluate their job performance. The court therefore held
    that the decree's plain language, when considered in light
    of New Jersey practices, provided for retroactive salary
    The district court made two additional points in its
    opinion that supported its result. First, it noted that in case
    law the term "retroactive seniority" traditionally connotes
    seniority for purposes of determining salary, and thus the
    parties must have intended to include salary increases
    when they used that term in the decree. Second, it stated
    that, all other interpretative factors aside, it had explained
    in its opinion approving the decree that merit increases
    were included in the remedial seniority to which the hired
    individuals were entitled. Thus, the court ruled that the
    State had to live up to the promises made in the decree and
    ordered it to award the salary increases to the eligible
    individuals. Accordingly, it entered the order of September
    30, 1998, from which the State has appealed.
    We are exercising plenary review of this appeal. See
    Harris v. City of Philadelphia, 
    137 F.3d 209
    , 212 (3d Cir.
    1998). The district court had original jurisdiction under 42
    U.S.C. S 2000e-6(b), 28 U.S.C. S 1343(a), and 28 U.S.C.
    S 1345, and we have jurisdiction under either 28 U.S.C.
    S 1291 or 28 U.S.C. S 1292(a)(1) to review the district
    court's interlocutory order granting the United States'
    motion to enforce a previously entered consent decree. See
    Bogard v. Wright, 
    159 F.3d 1060
    , 1062 (7th Cir. 1998).
    Initially we set forth a court's function in interpretating a
    consent decree. As we indicated in Harris,"[w]e discern the
    scope of a consent decree by examining the language within
    its four corners." Harris, 
    137 F.3d at
    212 (citing United
    States v. Armour & Co., 
    402 U.S. 673
    , 681-82, 
    91 S.Ct.
    1752, 1757 (1971)); see also Farley v. Philadelphia Hous.
    102 F.3d 697
    , 700-01 (3d Cir. 1996) (emphasizing
    importance of focusing on decree's language rather than on
    court's notion of its purpose). "In so doing, we must not
    strain the decree's precise terms or impose other terms in
    an attempt to reconcile the decree with our own conception
    of its purpose." Harris, 
    137 F.3d at 212
    . Further, as
    consent decrees have many of the attributes of contracts,
    we interpret them with reference to traditional principles of
    contract interpretation. See Fox v. United States Dep't of
    Hous. and Urban Dev., 
    680 F.2d 315
    , 319 (3d Cir. 1982)
    (citing United States v. ITT Continental Baking Co., 
    420 U.S. 223
    , 236-38, 
    95 S.Ct. 926
    , 932-35 (1975)). Thus, resort to
    extrinsic evidence is permissible, but only when the decree
    itself is ambiguous, although circumstances surrounding
    its formation are always relevant to its meaning. See Fox,
    680 F.2d at 319-20
    . Whether extrinsic evidence is required
    to interpret a consent decree is itself a question of law
    subject to plenary review. See 
    id. at 320
    . Our first task in
    interpreting a consent decree, therefore, is to determine
    whether its terms unambiguously cover the dispute in
    question. See 
    In addressing the question of ambiguity, our focus
    remains on the contractual language itself, rather than on
    the parties' subjective understanding of the language. See
    In re Unisys Corp., 
    97 F.3d 710
    , 715 (3d Cir. 1996) (citing
    Mellon Bank, N.A. v. Aetna Bus. Credit, Inc., 
    619 F.2d 1001
    1009 (3d Cir. 1980)). The parties are bound by the
    "objective definition of the words they use to express their
    intent," including the specialized meaning of any legal
    terms of art. See Unisys, 
    97 F.3d at 715
    . Thus, a provision
    in a decree is ambiguous only when, from an objective
    standpoint, it is reasonably susceptible to at least two
    different interpretations. See Hullet v. Towers, Perrin,
    Forster & Crosby, Inc., 
    38 F.3d 107
    , 111 (3d Cir. 1994).
    The contractual phrase at issue in this case provides that
    candidates who are appointed to state jobs under the
    decree will receive "all the emoluments of the job title to
    which they are appointed, including full retroactive
    seniority and the extent of pension credit provided under
    P 29 [of the decree]." Applying the case law described above,
    our first step is to determine whether this phrase is
    ambiguous in light of the context in which the decree was
    signed and the specialized meaning of any words used. We
    conclude that regardless of the perspective from which we
    consider the decree's language, its terms unambiguously
    guarantee to its beneficiaries a salary that includes
    retroactive step increases.
    As the United States points out, the word "emolument" is
    defined to include salary received from employment. See
    Webster's Third New International Dictionary 742 (1986).
    Thus, the plain language of the decree provides to
    beneficiaries the salary associated with their job title,
    including "full retroactive seniority." The State does not
    dispute that seniority is a factor in determining the salary
    of state employees in the positions involved here, for it
    recognizes that the State awards salary step increases
    based on each year of satisfactory service and thus the
    increases are essentially automatic. See Supp. App. 86
    (statement by New Jersey's counsel at oral argument that
    as "a practical matter," there are "very few" individuals who
    do not receive the step increase). Given this factual context,
    the decree's guarantee of a salary that includes full
    retroactive seniority is reasonably susceptible to only one
    meaning: that beneficiaries will receive the same salary as
    other employees with the same seniority date.2
    2. Our result here is not inconsistent with our recent opinion in Fultz v.
    165 F.3d 215
     (3d Cir. 1998), cert. denied, 
    119 S.Ct. 2342
    which involved the calculation of seniority in the implementation of a
    settlement agreement of earlier litigation providing for reemployment of
    a terminated employee. There we held that the terminated employee
    could not be successful in a First Amendment retaliation action
    challenging the seniority calculation because the applicable state
    regulations required the challenged calculations. We also indicated that
    the reemployed employee "did not bargain for recognition of seniority
    based on his terminated employment in the settlement agreement." Id. at
    219. Thus, if the defendant in Fultz had invented a term to recapture the
    plaintiff 's seniority, "he would have been giving [him] more than he
    bargained for when he came to an agreement" settling the underlying
    action. Id. at 221. Here the situation is different, as the order of
    September 30, 1998, merely gave the beneficiaries of the consent decree
    the benefits agreed upon.
    Considering the phrase "full retroactive seniority" in
    isolation leads to the same result. This phrase is a term of
    art that the Supreme Court discussed in Franks v. Bowman
    Transportation Co., 
    424 U.S. 747
    96 S.Ct. 1251
     (1976). In
    Franks, the Court ruled that Title VII permits an award of
    retroactive seniority to individuals who had not been hired
    because of discrimination. See 
    id. at 779-80
    96 S.Ct. at 1271-72
    . In its opinion, the Court used the term
    "retroactive seniority" to describe both "competitive"
    seniority, which is used to allocate scarce resources such
    as promotions and retentions, and "benefit" seniority, which
    assigns non-competitive benefits that are tied to years of
    service, such as pensions, vacations and salary. See 
    id. at 766-67
    96 S.Ct. at 1265
    ; see also United States v. City of
    140 F.3d 968
    , 972 (11th Cir. 1998) (including
    compensation based on employee's "longevity" in definition
    of benefit seniority). When the Supreme Court wished to
    distinguish between the two types of seniority, it did so
    specifically. See Franks, 
    424 U.S. at
    773 n.33, 
    96 S.Ct. at
    1268 n.33. Based on the established meaning of
    "retroactive seniority," the only reasonable interpretation of
    the decree's provision for "full retroactive seniority" is that
    it encompasses both types of seniority, competitive and
    benefit. See ITT Continental, 
    420 U.S. at 238
    95 S.Ct. at 935
     (stating that in interpreting a decree's language, it is
    appropriate to consider "any technical meaning words used
    may have had to the parties"). Because in New Jersey an
    employee's seniority does determine the salary benefit, we
    interpret the decree to include the salary step increases.3
    The context in which the district court entered the decree
    provides additional support for interpreting it to guarantee
    beneficiaries retroactive step increases in their salaries. In
    its comprehensive opinion approving the consent decree
    after a fairness hearing, the district court stated:
    3. At oral argument before us, the State argued that we must ascertain
    the parties' intent in coming to the settlement and agreeing upon the
    disputed provision. We agree with that contention and thus we do not
    doubt that if it could be demonstrated that the parties did not intend a
    term of art to have the meaning that it had in another context, their
    intent should be honored. The State's problem is that it did not make
    that showing.
    "Retroactive seniority was not provided for persons who
    applied for county and municipal jobs, in part, because
    providing such relief would have required joining as parties
    and reaching settlement with approximately 280 county
    and municipal civil service jurisdictions that would have
    borne the costs associated with retroactive seniority, e.g.,
    salary increases and benefits based on years of service."
    (Emphasis added.) This statement clearly demonstrates the
    court's understanding that the retroactive seniority
    provided in the decree extended to salary increases.
    Further, in discussing the objections made by individuals
    at the fairness hearing to the seniority granted in the
    decree, the court noted that most objections did not relate
    to "benefit" seniority, such as "merit increases," but to
    "competitive" seniority, such as the order of promotions or
    layoffs. Thus, the court again highlighted its understanding
    that merit increases were part of the retroactive seniority
    awarded to individuals hired under the decree. Neither of
    the parties objected to the court's comments. Given these
    statements in the district court's opinion, the
    circumstances surrounding the formal entry of the decree
    also point to interpreting the phrase "full retroactive
    seniority" to include retroactive step increases.
    The State's attempts to inject ambiguity into the decree's
    language are unconvincing. The State first claims that step
    increases cannot be imposed retroactively because the
    decree does not provide specifically for such increases. This
    argument, however, is not persuasive. The decree also does
    not provide specifically for vacation time based on the
    retroactive seniority date, but New Jersey does not dispute
    that appointees hired under the decree are entitled to such
    benefits. The State's claim that the decree provides for
    some types of seniority benefits but not others is not
    supported by the decree's language. The decree states that
    beneficiaries will receive "full retroactive seniority;" the only
    exception to "full" seniority benefits in the decree is the cap
    on pension benefits in paragraph 29 of the decree. Thus,
    there is no basis in the decree's terms for distinguishing
    between types of seniority benefits other than pension
    The State next contends that salary increases are not
    part of seniority because they are not an entitlement;
    instead, it claims that the State awards increases only after
    successful completion of years of service. As we explained
    above, however, the State conceded at oral argument in the
    district court that as a practical matter it rarely denies step
    increases to state employees. It did not retreat from that
    position on this appeal. See also County of Bergen, 23 N.J.
    Pub. Employee Rep. P 28017 (1996) (describing step
    increases that are "based only upon the satisfactory
    completion of another year of service" as "automatic"),
    recommendation of dismissal adopted, 23 N.J. Pub.
    Employee Rep. P 28136 (1997). Clearly, then, the district
    court correctly determined that in New Jersey, a step
    increase is an entitlement that automatically accrues with
    seniority. See Galloway Township Bd. of Ed. v. Galloway
    Township Ed. Ass'n, 
    393 A.2d 218
    , 230-32 (N.J. 1978).
    Moreover, as the district court pointed out, the State has
    no reason to conclude that individuals hired under the
    decree would be those unusual employees who performed
    their jobs unsatisfactorily. All individuals who received
    permanent employment offers under the decree first had to
    complete a "working test period." Under New Jersey law,
    this period is "a part of the examination process. . . during
    which time the work performance and conduct of the
    employee is evaluated to determine if permanent status is
    merited." N.J. Admin. Code tit. 4A, S 1-1.3 (1999). Thus, the
    individuals employed demonstrated an ability to perform
    their jobs adequately. There is therefore no reason based on
    the record to conclude that the beneficiaries of the decree
    should be denied the step increases that they would have
    received if they had been hired on their retroactive seniority
    Next, the State argues that awarding the step increases
    would violate the parties' agreement in the decree limiting
    the State's monetary liability to $6.5 million in back pay
    and $625,000 in pension benefits. According to the State,
    this $7.125 million sum was the only monetary
    compensation that it agreed to pay; therefore, it claims that
    awarding retroactive step increases would violate the
    decree. In fact, however, the State did agree to pay
    additional funds to the decree's beneficiaries in the form of
    salaries to those hired, and it is not claiming that salaries
    without the step increases are "extra" compensation.
    Because the United States merely is protesting the amount
    of salary paid rather than requesting additional funds for
    purposes other than salary, interpreting the decree to
    require a salary that reflects the retroactive seniority date
    would not violate the consent decree's terms.
    The State also contends that the district court
    erroneously ignored its undisputed evidence in Derry's
    affidavit that the State never intended to provide retroactive
    step increases to individuals hired under the consent
    decree. But as the United States correctly points out, the
    district court could not consider such evidence once it
    determined that the decree's language was clear. Our case
    law plainly establishes that a court can consult extrinsic
    evidence in interpreting a consent decree only when the
    language of the decree is ambiguous. See Fox, 
    680 F.2d at 319
    . When the decree's language is not reasonably
    susceptible to two different meanings, the court must
    determine the parties' intent from the language itself, not
    by the subjective impressions of the parties. See Hullett, 
    38 F.3d at 111
    . Thus, the district court correctly refused to
    consider the affidavit given the lack of ambiguity in the
    decree's terms.
    The same analysis befalls the State's claim that the
    district court should have interpreted the language of the
    decree against its drafter, the United States. Like extrinsic
    evidence, courts turn to this interpretative aid only after
    concluding that a document's terms are ambiguous. See In
    re Nelson Co., 
    959 F.2d 1260
    , 1263-64 (3d Cir. 1992).
    Thus, the court did not err by failing to invoke this
    principle of contract interpretation. In this regard, we point
    out that the State is a sophisticated litigant that at the time
    of the settlement was dealing with its own procedures and
    regulations. In these circumstances, we question whether a
    court should place much weight on a contention that it
    should interpret the document at issue against its drafter.
    Finally, we reject the State's argument that the decree
    cannot be interpreted to provide for retroactive step
    increases as such increases would violate a state
    administrative regulation. The New Jersey Administrative
    Code provides that a new employee may be placed at no
    higher than the fourth step of the salary range for his or
    her title. See N.J. Admin. Code tit. 4A,S 3-4.4 (a) (1999).
    Because some of the individuals hired under the decree had
    retroactive seniority dates more than four years in the past,
    providing them with retroactive step increases would have
    required New Jersey to place them at higher than the
    fourth step of the relevant salary range. The State argues
    that it would not have agreed to violate its own regulation
    in this manner without declaring its intent to do so
    explicitly in the decree.
    As the United States points out, however, individuals
    hired under the decree were not "new employees" in the
    sense intended by the regulation. The regulation states that
    a new employee "is one who has had no immediate prior
    State service with that appointing authority." 
     But the
    beneficiaries of the decree were deemed, for most intents
    and purposes, to have been hired in the past. The United
    States therefore contends that individuals hired under the
    decree should receive the salary that correlates to the years
    of service assumed by their retroactive seniority date. Thus,
    to rule in favor of the United States' position requires only
    paying the appointees under the decree the same salary as
    other individuals with an equal number of "years" on the
    job. We do not regard this interpretation as violating the
    administrative regulation highlighted by the State. 4
    In sum we therefore reject all of the State's arguments for
    finding ambiguity in the consent decree. Instead, we
    conclude that the district court correctly held that the
    consent decree, by guaranteeing "full retroactive seniority"
    to those hired, unambiguously guaranteed to them
    retroactive salary increases that accompany seniority under
    4. Even though we conclude that the decree is unambiguous, and thus
    no hearing to consider extrinsic evidence was necessary, we note that
    the State may have waived the right to request such a hearing in any
    case. At oral argument before the district court, the State's attorney
    passed on the court's offer to hold a hearing if counsel felt that the
    decree was ambiguous. The State's attorney instead replied: "I'm not
    sure that I'm arguing that it's an ambiguous contract."
    New Jersey procedures. Accordingly, the order of September
    30, 1999, will be affirmed.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit