Eber Noriega-Martinez v. Attorney General United States ( 2020 )

  •                                                                    NOT PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 19-3375
    On Petition for Review from an
    Order of the Board of Immigration Appeals
    (Board No. A206-192-261)
    Immigration Judge: Charles M. Honeyman
    Submitted Pursuant to Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)
    April 22, 2020
    Before: HARDIMAN, RENDELL and FISHER, Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: May 19, 2020)
    FISHER, Circuit Judge.
    This disposition is not an opinion of the full Court and pursuant to I.O.P. 5.7 does not
    constitute binding precedent.
    Petitioner Eber Noriega-Martinez, a native and citizen of Mexico, seeks review of
    a final order of removal. The immigration judge (IJ) denied his request for cancellation of
    removal and the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) affirmed without an opinion.1
    Noriega-Martinez argues that the IJ erred in minimizing the hardship his three children
    would experience if he is removed and in not considering the facts regarding the hardship
    cumulatively. Because we lack jurisdiction to consider these arguments, we will dismiss
    the petition.
    The Attorney General may cancel the removal of an alien who (1) has been in the
    United States continuously for ten years, (2) has good moral character, (3) has not been
    convicted of certain crimes, and (4) “establishes that removal would result in exceptional
    and extremely unusual hardship to the alien’s spouse, parent, or child, who is a citizen of
    the United States.” 2 Congress worded the fourth requirement as it did “to emphasize that
    the alien must provide evidence of harm . . . substantially beyond that which ordinarily
    would be expected to result from the alien’s deportation.” 3
    The Government concedes that Noriega-Martinez has been in the United States for
    ten years and has good moral character. There is no indication that he has been convicted
    “Although our jurisdiction only extends to final orders of removal and thus only to
    decisions of the BIA,” here the BIA “adopted [and] affirmed” the IJ’s decision, so that is
    the decision we review. Guzman Orellana v. Att’y Gen., 
    956 F.3d 171
    , 177 (3d Cir. 2020)
    (citations omitted).
    8 U.S.C. § 1229b(b)(1).
    Mejia-Castanon v. Att’y Gen., 
    931 F.3d 224
    , 228 (3d Cir. 2019) (quoting H.R. Rep. No.
    104-828, at 213 (1996) (Conf. Rep.)).
    of one of the crimes enumerated in the statute. Therefore, the only issue before the IJ and
    BIA was whether his removal would cause exceptional and extremely unusual hardship
    to his three U.S. citizen children. The IJ reviewed the parties’ arguments thoroughly,
    calling this a difficult case. He concluded that although Noriega-Martinez’s children
    would suffer hardship, Noriega-Martinez did not “prove[] by a preponderance of the
    evidence that there is such cumulative hardship that indeed is substantially beyond that
    which would ordinarily be suffered.” 4
    The Immigration and Nationality Act deprives us of jurisdiction to review the
    agency’s determination regarding cancellation of removal. 5 Our jurisdiction extends only
    to the “review of constitutional claims or questions of law.”6 In light of the statute’s clear
    language, we have squarely and repeatedly held that, in the context of requests for
    cancellation of removal, we lack “jurisdiction to review the decision of the [IJ] and the
    [BIA] that [a petitioner’s] U.S. citizen children would not suffer an extreme and unusual
    hardship as a result of [the petitioner’s] deportation.” 7
    Arguments like the ones Noriega-Martinez makes, that “the IJ gave short shrift to
    crucial evidence, ignored crucial and uncontradicted evidence, . . . and . . . simply looked
    8 U.S.C. § 1252(a)(2)(B)(i) (“[N]o court shall have jurisdiction to review . . . any
    judgment regarding the granting of relief under section . . . 1229b [cancellation of
    Id. § 1252(a)(2)(D).
    Mendez-Moranchel v. Ashcroft, 
    338 F.3d 176
    , 176-77 (3d Cir. 2003); see also
    Radiowala v. Att’y Gen., 
    930 F.3d 577
    , 582 (3d Cir. 2019); Patel v. Att’y Gen., 
    619 F.3d 230
    , 233 (3d Cir. 2010).
    at individual factors rather than provide an evaluation of the factors in the aggregate[,]
    . . . do not raise constitutional claims or questions of law.”8 Rather, they are unreviewable
    disputes about “the exercise of discretion and the correctness of the factual findings
    reached by the agency.”9
    Noriega-Martinez’s second argument—that the IJ failed to consider all the facts
    cumulatively—could conceivably be construed as a legal argument that the IJ did not
    “appl[y] the appropriate standard.” 10 As explained, we do not view the argument that
    way; but even if we did, it would be unavailing. In his lengthy and careful opinion, the IJ
    clearly considered the hardships to Noriega-Martinez’s children cumulatively, as the
    opinion repeatedly states.
    For these reasons, we will dismiss the petition.
    Cospito v. Att’y Gen., 
    539 F.3d 166
    , 170 (3d Cir. 2008) (per curiam) (internal quotation
    marks and citations omitted).
    Id. (quoting Emokah
    v. Mukasey, 
    523 F.3d 110
    , 119 (2d Cir. 2008)).
    Radiowala, 930 F.3d at 582