International Brotherhood Elec v. Farfield Co ( 2021 )

  •                                           PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 20-1922
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. No. 5-09-cv-04230)
    District Judge: The Honorable Mark A. Kearney
    Argued March 10, 2021
    Before: SMITH, Chief Judge, McKEE and AMBRO, Circuit
    (Filed July 13, 2021)
    Susan R. Friedman                  [ARGUED]
    51 South Duke Street
    P.O. Box 1594
    Lancaster, PA 17602
    Thomas I. Vanaskie
    1500 Market Street
    Centre Square
    East Tower, Suite 1800
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Counsel for Appellant
    Marc L. Gelman                     [ARGUED]
    Richard B. Sigmond
    1835 Market Street, Suite 2800
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    James E. Goodley, I
    1650 Market Street, Suite 3600
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Ryan P. McCarthy
    1650 Market Street
    One Liberty Place, Suite 3600
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Counsel for Appellee
    Catherine Ruckelshaus
    90 Broad Street, Suite 1100
    New York, NY 10004
    Counsel for Amicus Appellees Community
    Justice Project, Community Legal Services, and
    National Employment Law Project
    Shauna B. Itri
    1515 Market Street, Suite 1380
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Counsel for Amicus Appellee Taxpayers against
    Fraud Education Fund
    Esmeralda Aguilar
    900 7th Street, N.W., Suite 1000
    Washington, DC 20001
    Counsel for Amicus Appellee North America
    Building Trades Unions
    Table of Contents
    I.      Legal Background .......................................................... 2
    A. The Davis-Bacon Act .................................................... 2
    B. The False Claims Act .................................................... 4
    II. Factual Background ....................................................... 6
    III. Procedural Background ............................................... 11
    IV. Jurisdiction & Standard of Review ............................ 15
    V. Discussion ...................................................................... 16
    A. Section 3729(a)(1)(B) Applies Retroactively to the
    Project and Does Not Violate the Ex Post Facto
    Clause.. ........................................................................ 16
    1. In context, “claims” can only mean cases……...….. 19
    2. Congress repudiated Allison Engine with clear intent
    for full retroactivity. ................................................... 24
    3. Applying § 3729(a)(1)(B) does not violate the Ex Post
    Facto Clause. .............................................................. 28
    B. Farfield Misclassified Its Employees. ......................... 34
    1. No clear error in finding that groundmen were not
    “assisting” linemen. ................................................... 34
    2. Local industry practice controls the propriety of
    worker classification. ................................................. 35
    C. Farfield’s False Certified Payrolls Were Material. ..... 42
    1. Proper classification and accurate certified payrolls
    were payment conditions. ........................................... 44
    2. No evidence of past relevant Government (in)action. 50
    3. Davis-Bacon compliance was essential to the
    D. The Facts Support the District Court’s Finding of
    Recklessness. ............................................................... 55
    1. The testimony supported the District Court’s
    recklessness finding. ................................................... 56
    2. No clear error based on DOL audit. .......................... 57
    3. Farfield’s other arguments fail. ................................. 58
    E. The District Court Properly Shifted the Burden of Proof
    on Damages to Farfield. .............................................. 60
    1. Mt. Clemens applies in an appropriate FCA case, like
    this one. ...................................................................... 61
    2. Local 98’s evidence was sufficiently
    representative……. ..................................................... 65
    F. The Award of Attorneys’ Fees Was Reasonable. ....... 67
    VI.    Conclusion .................................................................. 69
    SMITH, Chief Judge.
    Contractors on most federally funded construction pro-
    jects must pay their workers a minimum wage based on the
    type of work they perform. The Department of Labor (DOL)
    usually sets those prevailing wage rates for each classification
    of worker needed on such a project. A contractor who bids on
    a project knows well that compliance with these regulations is
    required. And once it commences work, the contractor knows
    that it must also certify its compliance on payrolls supporting
    invoices for payment.
    If a contractor misclassifies workers—thereby paying
    them less than required—the federal government may withhold
    funds in an amount proportionate to the affected work. The
    DOL is usually the forum for adjudicating claims of misclassi-
    fication, for misclassified employees to recover underpaid
    wages, and for aggrieved contractors to assert entitlement to
    withheld funds.
    But a contractor found to have misclassified employees
    can also face collateral consequences. For example, its certifi-
    cations of compliance with wage-and-hour regulations may
    have been false. And those same false certifications may, in
    turn, have been material to the Government’s decision to pay
    invoices associated with the misclassified work.
    So what happens when a contractor is sued under the
    False Claims Act for falsely certifying compliance, but the
    DOL declines to adjudicate the underlying issue of whether
    workers were misclassified? In this case, the results have been
    over a decade of litigation and a panoply of first-impression
    issues. We conclude that a 2009 amendment to the FCA’s lia-
    bility standard applies retroactively to cases, like this one,
    pending on or after June 7, 2008; that the record establishes the
    contractor’s misclassification of its workers; that its false cer-
    tified payrolls were material to the Government’s decision to
    pay for the associated work; and that the burden-shifting
    framework for damages in Fair Labor Standards Act cases
    applies. We also reject the appellant-contractor’s other argu-
    ments en route to affirming the challenged orders of the District
    A. The Davis-Bacon Act
    The Davis-Bacon Act, “[o]n its face,” is “a minimum
    wage law designed for the benefit of construction workers.”
    United States v. Binghamton Constr. Co., 
    347 U.S. 171
    , 178
    (1954). The Act was intended “to protect local wage standards
    by preventing contractors from basing their bids on wages
    lower than those prevailing in the area” where the work is to
    be done. Univs. Res. Ass’n v. Coutu, 
    450 U.S. 754
    , 773–74
    (1981) (quotation omitted); see 
    40 U.S.C. § 3142
    (a). Its pur-
    pose was “to give local labor and the local contractor a fair
    opportunity to participate in [] building program[s].” Coutu,
    450 U.S. at 774
     (quoting 74 Cong. Rec. 6510 (1931)). To that
    end, the Act requires contractors on most1 federally funded
    infrastructure projects to pay employees minimum wages
    based on the DOL’s determination of prevailing wages “for the
    corresponding classes of laborers and mechanics employed on
    projects of a character similar to the contract work in the civil
    subdivision of the State in which the work is to be performed.”
    40 U.S.C. § 3142
    Per DOL regulations, see 29 C.F.R. pts. 1, 5, 7, prevail-
    ing wage determinations are typically promulgated at the
    county level, 
    29 C.F.R. § 1.7
    (a), often based on survey data of
    wages paid or local collective bargaining agreements. See 
    40 U.S.C. § 3142
    29 C.F.R. § 1.3
    (b). Though the determina-
    tions sometimes don’t include detailed information about the
    duties covered by each job classification, the DOL’s regula-
    tions provide that “[a]ll questions relating to the application
    and interpretation of wage determinations (including the clas-
    sifications therein) . . . shall be referred to the Administrator
    for appropriate ruling or interpretation.” 
    29 C.F.R. § 5.13
    ; see
    also Coutu, 
    450 U.S. at
    760–61 (“Disputes over the proper
    classification of workers under a contract containing Davis-
    Bacon provision must be referred to the Secretary for determi-
    nation.” (citations omitted)).
    Shirking Davis-Bacon obligations can have dire conse-
    quences. For example, covered contracts must provide for the
    Government’s withholding from the contractor as much of the
    accrued payments as is necessary to pay the workers the differ-
    ence between the required wages and those paid. See 
    40 U.S.C. § 3142
    (c)(3). And if the contractor is found to have failed to
    The Act does not apply to federally funded construction con-
    tracts of $2,000 or less. See, e.g., 
    40 U.S.C. § 3142
    pay the specified prevailing wages, the Government “by writ-
    ten notice . . . may terminate the contractor’s right to proceed
    with the work or the part of the work as to which there has been
    a failure to pay the required wages.” § 3143 (providing also
    that contractor and its sureties “shall be liable to the Govern-
    ment for any excess costs the Government incurs”). When a
    contractor is determined to have “disregarded” its Davis-Bacon
    obligations to employees or subcontractors, it is barred from
    federal contracts for three years. See § 3144(b).
    B. The False Claims Act
    The False Claims Act (FCA) imposes civil liability for
    making a false or fraudulent “claim,” or a false record or state-
    ment material to such a claim, to obtain payment from the fed-
    eral government. 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (a)(1)(A)–(G), (b)(2). Both
    the Justice Department and private parties (called “relators”)
    may bring an FCA action. The FCA imposes civil penalties on
    a per-violation basis plus three times actual damages,
    § 3729(a)(1), and authorizes recovery of a relator’s attorneys’
    fees, § 3730(d)(1)–(2).
    In 2008, the Supreme Court held in Allison Engine Co.
    v. U.S. ex rel. Sanders, 
    553 U.S. 662
     (2008), that liability under
    (former) § 3729(a)(1) required a defendant’s direct present-
    ment of the false claim to an officer or employee of the Gov-
    ernment and that liability under (former) § 3729(a)(2) required
    proof of the defendant’s specific intent to defraud the Govern-
    ment. Id. at 668–72. To “clarify and correct [those] erroneous
    interpretations of the [FCA],” S. Rep. No. 111-10, at 10 (2009);
    see also id. at 4, Congress amended the FCA in the Fraud
    Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009 (FERA). Pub. L. No.
    111-21, § 4, 
    123 Stat. 1625
    . FERA eliminated (a)(1)’s
    requirement that the false claim be presented “to an officer or
    employee of the United States” and amended (a)(2) to remove
    the language that the Supreme Court had read to require spe-
    cific intent to defraud the Government. See, e.g., Pub. L. No.
    111-21, § 4; S. Rep. No. 111-10 at 11.
    FERA also amended the FCA to make clear that liability
    under the renumbered § 3729(a)(1)(B) (formerly (a)(2)), as
    well as another subsection not relevant here, requires that the
    false statement be material. So (a)(1)(B) liability now attaches
    when the defendant “knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be
    made or used, a false record or statement material to a false or
    fraudulent claim.” 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (a)(1)(B). After FERA,2
    materiality means “having the tendency to influence, or be
    capable of influencing, the payment or receipt of money or
    property.” § 3729(b)(4). And “knowingly” embraces actual
    knowledge of the false information, deliberate ignorance of its
    truth or falsity, and reckless disregard of its truth or falsity. See
    § 3729(b)(1)(A).
    Given FERA’s substantive changes to the sweep of
    FCA liability, Congress anticipated that disputes would arise
    over how to apply the amendments to conduct pre-dating
    FERA’s date of enactment. So Congress promulgated the fol-
    lowing “Effective Date and Application” provision in section
    4(f) of FERA:
    We have recognized that FERA’s materiality “changes
    merely made explicit and consistent that which had previously
    been a judicially-imposed, and oftentimes conflicting, stand-
    ard.” U.S. ex rel. Spay v. CVS Caremark Corp., 
    875 F.3d 746
    761 (3d Cir. 2017).
    The amendments made by this section shall take
    effect on the date of enactment of this Act [May
    20, 2009] and shall apply to conduct on or after
    the date of enactment, except that—
    (1) subparagraph (B) of subsection
    3729(a)(1) of title 31, United States Code,
    as added by subsection (a)(1), shall take
    effect as if enacted on June 7, 2008, and
    apply to all claims under the False Claims
    Act (31 U.S.C. 3729 et seq.) that are
    pending on or after that date; and
    (2) section 3731(b) of title 31, as amended
    by subsection (b); section 3733, of title
    31, as amended by subsection (c); and
    section 3732 of title 31, as amended by
    subsection (e); shall apply to cases
    pending on the date of enactment.
    Pub. L. No. 111-21, § 4(f), 
    123 Stat. 1617
    , 1625 (codified at 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
     note) [hereinafter “FERA § 4(f)”]. So the new
    liability standard in § 3729(a)(1)(B) for “knowingly . . .
    caus[ing] to be made or used, a false record or statement mate-
    rial to a false or fraudulent claim,” took effect “as if enacted on
    June 7, 2008, and appl[ies] to all claims under the [FCA] . . .
    pending on or after that date.” The June 7, 2008 effective date
    is two days before the Supreme Court issued its decision in
    Allison Engine.
    The Farfield Company is an open-shop construction
    company based in Lititz, Pennsylvania. It contracted with the
    Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA)
    for a track and signal improvement project on a 7.5-mile stretch
    of railroad track running from the Wayne Junction station to
    the Glenside station in the Philadelphia area (“the Project”).
    The federal government partially funded the Project. Work
    began in 2002 and concluded in 2007.
    The contract between Farfield and SEPTA was exe-
    cuted in 2002 and valued at $54.7 million. It included several
    provisions required by federal regulation, addressing how Far-
    field was to classify and pay its workers. For example, the
    contract provided that “[a]ll laborers and mechanics employed
    or working upon the site of the work . . . will be paid . . . at
    rates not less than those contained in the [incorporated] wage
    determination.” A8213; see 
    29 C.F.R. § 5.5
    (a)(1)(i). It also
    required that workers “be paid the appropriate wage rate and
    fringe benefits on the wage determination for the classification
    of work actually performed, without regard to skill.” 
    “[l]aborers or mechanics performing work in more than one
    classification may be compensated at the rate specified for each
    classification for the time actually worked therein: provided,
    that the employer’s payroll records accurately set forth the time
    spent in each classification in which work is performed.” 
    The DOL’s prevailing wage determinations incorpo-
    rated into the contract derived from the rates specified in local
    collective bargaining agreements (“CBAs”). The prevailing
    wage determinations referenced a CBA executed on December
    3, 2000, between a contractors’ association and Local 126 of
    Citations preceded by “A” refer to Appellant Farfield’s
    Appendix submitted on appeal.
    the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW),4
    and listed certain relevant worker classifications and their
    associated minimum rates of pay: “groundman” ($19.34 hourly
    plus fringes), “lineman” or “journeyman lineman” (total cash
    equivalent of $41.34 hourly), and “electrician” (total cash
    equivalent of $46.83 hourly). A832. From a May 1, 2001 CBA
    involving a separate laborers union, the prevailing wage deter-
    minations derived the classification of “laborer,” paid at a
    $32.70 cash equivalent for those able to lay “conduit and duct”
    and a $32.50 cash equivalent for laborers classified as “[y]ard
    workers.” A838.
    The contract also required that Farfield submit to
    SEPTA for transmission to the Federal Transit Administration
    (FTA) a copy of Farfield’s certified payroll, setting out all the
    information required to be maintained under various provisions
    of the Davis-Bacon Act.5 In each week’s certified payroll, Far-
    field had to include a “Statement of Compliance” averring,
    among other things, that the information in the payroll was cor-
    rect and complete and that each worker “has been paid not less
    Local 126 represents electrical workers in the Philadelphia
    area who perform electrical work outside a property line.
    Local 126 organizes this “outside” work in the railroad track
    area, such as the work on the Project.
    For example, under 
    29 C.F.R. § 5.5
    (a)(3)(i), “payrolls and
    basic records related thereto shall be maintained by the con-
    tractor during the course of the work and preserved for a period
    of three years thereafter for all laborers and mechanics working
    at the site of the work,” which records “shall contain” each
    worker’s “correct classification,” “hourly rates of wages paid,”
    and “actual wages paid.”
    than the applicable wage rates and fringe benefits or cash
    equivalents for the classification of work performed, as speci-
    fied in the applicable wage determination incorporated into the
    Contract.” A824; 
    29 C.F.R. § 5.5
    (a)(3)(ii)(B). Critically, “fal-
    sification” of a payroll certification could subject Farfield to
    criminal penalties or civil liability under the FCA. A824;
    § 5.5(a)(3)(ii)(D).
    A few years before the Project, Farfield formed a transit
    division with the objective of obtaining contracts for rail work.
    To that end, it hired Joseph McGee, Sr. to be vice president of
    the new division because of his expertise in “captur[ing]” rail
    work. A1823–24. McGee’s background included work with
    groundmen and linemen—experiences no one else at Farfield
    possessed when he was hired. Farfield relied on McGee to
    ensure that employees were properly classified based on the
    work they performed on the Project. Yet under McGee’s man-
    agement, Farfield’s forepersons exercised unfettered discretion
    over which individual employee would perform which tasks on
    Project job sites. Neither Farfield nor McGee instructed them
    on how to classify workers on rail projects.
    Farfield used daily “phase codes” internally to track
    labor, material, insurance, tax, overhead, subcontracting, and
    other costs of the Project. Farfield’s forepersons tracked labor
    on the Project by recording on handwritten or typed timesheets
    the daily hours an employee had worked and associating those
    hours with a particular phase code.6 These codes were applied
    irrespective of whether an employee was physically working
    Other than preparing these timesheets, Farfield did not docu-
    ment the work that a particular employee performed on the Pro-
    ject on any given day.
    or, instead, attending briefings, traveling to and from the
    worksite, or waiting for trains to pass. Each week, forepersons
    were given prepared sheets—reflecting information generated
    by Farfield’s corporate offices—that set forth phase codes
    associated with work needed on the Project, with a blank space
    for the foreperson to insert a phase code not already printed on
    the sheet. Forepersons prepared daily reports noting the work
    done by their crews as well as the number of workers in each
    classification who were part of a crew. But these reports did
    not identify which workers (or classifications of workers) per-
    formed which of the tasks embraced by the phase codes marked
    on the sheets.
    In September 2004, about midway through the Project,
    a DOL auditor reviewed some of Farfield’s certified payrolls
    and spoke with one of the company’s vice presidents as well as
    certain employees not identified in the record. After reviewing
    one particular payroll, the auditor asked the vice president, who
    in turn consulted McGee, why certain employees had been paid
    at the “yard worker” laborer category rather than the slightly
    higher-paying laborer category. A1028 (mentioning “laying
    conduit”). But besides finding that four carpenters who
    worked on Labor Day had been paid at the Farfield shop rate—
    instead of the higher rate for holidays demanded by the SEPTA
    contract—the DOL auditor unearthed no wage-and-hour viola-
    tions. Farfield paid $811.52 in holiday-pay arrears to the four
    On a few occasions, an unidentified SEPTA employee met
    with Farfield workers on the Project about their work and pay
    SEPTA made full payment of all monies that Farfield
    was due under the contract, with some funds ultimately reim-
    bursed to SEPTA by the FTA. On September 18, 2007, Far-
    field submitted its final bill to SEPTA for the Project. The bill
    was paid in early December of the same year.
    A business manager at IBEW Local 988 suspected that
    Farfield had won several government contracts with low bids
    by intending to pay less-skilled workers, such as groundmen,
    to perform certain work that would otherwise have been the
    bailiwick of higher-skilled (and higher-paid) workers, such as
    linemen.9 So the business manager requested copies of Far-
    field’s certified payrolls. His concerns unmollified, the busi-
    ness manager then contacted someone at Local 126 to discuss
    the Project. Local 98’s business manager and its attorneys
    eventually met to discuss worker classification issues with
    eight Farfield employees who had worked on the Project.
    On September 17, 2009, Local 98 filed a sealed qui tam
    FCA complaint in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Local
    98 alleged that, on the Project and four others, Farfield had
    schemed to intentionally pay wages lower than required by the
    Local 98 represents electrical workers in the Philadelphia area
    who perform electrical work inside a property line. Little, if
    any, such “inside” work was performed on the Project.
    Groundmen lack an apprenticeship program and had only to
    fill out an application to be hired by Farfield. Linemen receive
    7,000 hours of field training as an apprentice, including train-
    ing in aspects of conduit installation and electrical wire pulls.
    Davis-Bacon Act and then to submit claims to the federal gov-
    ernment for payment based on sworn certifications of compli-
    ance with the Act. About two years later, the United States
    Department of Justice elected not to intervene in the action.
    After the District Court unsealed the complaint and Local 98
    served it, Local 98 amended its complaint to allege that Far-
    field submitted fraudulent certified payrolls to SEPTA, intend-
    ing that SEPTA then use those documents to secure the federal
    government’s payment on the projects.
    Farfield moved to dismiss the amended complaint,
    arguing that the FCA did not apply to its contract with SEPTA
    and that the Court lacked subject-matter jurisdiction because
    the DOL had sole authority to adjudicate Davis-Bacon worker
    misclassifications. The District Court denied Farfield’s motion
    and appointed a Special Master to manage the discovery that
    ensued. Despite arguing that the case did not require the DOL
    to resolve complex worker classifications, Local 98 eventually
    requested expert witnesses to prove industry classification
    practices. So in a September 26, 2017 order, the District Court
    referred the case to the DOL as a complex Davis-Bacon worker
    classification case. Then the case stagnated. Local 98 took no
    action until November 2018 when the District Court ordered it
    to effectuate the DOL referral. But the DOL declined the
    referral, refusing to investigate chiefly due to “the passage of
    time and the significant resources that would be necessary to
    investigate a closed contract.” A183–84.
    With the case once again before the District Court, Far-
    field filed a renewed motion to dismiss. The District Court
    denied it. Local 98 then withdrew its claims arising out of Far-
    field’s work on four of the five projects, leaving only worker
    classifications on the Project to anchor its FCA suit. After
    deposing Local 98’s three experts, Farfield moved for sum-
    mary judgment. The District Court denied that motion and
    directed the parties to select a Special Master to conduct the
    trial. The parties designated the same Special Master who had
    presided over discovery.
    Local 98 sought to introduce before the Special Master
    six workers’ testimony about their own work and that of others
    on the Project as representative proof for the entire set of 42
    Farfield employees who, as groundmen or laborers, had their
    daily time logged under phase codes that purportedly signified
    lineman work. To the extent that Farfield’s phase codes fail to
    capture the work its employees performed, Local 98 argued,
    the burden should shift to Farfield—as it does in collective
    actions under the Fair Labor Standards Act—to show the
    amount of non-lineman work performed under those codes.
    The District Court granted Local 98’s motion to authorize this
    burden-shifting and, in an October 2019 order, held that the
    damages burden would shift to Farfield were the Special Mas-
    ter presented with such “representative” damages evidence.
    See A139–57.
    In his Report & Recommendation (“R&R”), the Special
    Master made extensive findings of fact and conclusions of law
    based on the evidence at trial. He found that employees whom
    Farfield classified (and thus paid) as laborers and groundmen
    had performed lineman work under six Farfield phase codes by
    pulling wire and laying conduit. He determined that local prac-
    tice does not permit laborers and groundmen to perform such
    tasks, as they are reserved for higher-paid linemen with elec-
    trical experience. Thus, the Special Master concluded, Farfield
    had falsely certified on payrolls submitted to the FTA that “the
    classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic
    conform with the work performed.”             A824 (Contract
    ¶ 7(c)(2)(b)).
    Concluding that wage underpayments were the measure
    of FCA damages, and after shifting the burden of proof to Far-
    field to rebut Local 98’s prima facie damages showing, the
    Special Master calculated $159,273.54 in total wage underpay-
    ments. Trebling under 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (a)(1) brought the sum
    to $477,820.62. Because the misclassifications occurred dur-
    ing 105 workweeks, thus tainting 105 certified payrolls sub-
    mitted to SEPTA and then the FTA, the Special Master found
    105 FCA violations. He imposed the minimum civil penalty
    of $5,500 per violation “because Farfield did not intend to
    make a false statement, but did so recklessly,” and because
    $577,500 (105 times $5,500) was still a weighty penalty in
    relation to the wage underpayments.10 A322 (Conclusions of
    Law ¶ 36). The Special Master recommended a total judgment
    of $1,055,320.62. Local 98, the relator, could recover between
    25 and 30 percent of the total judgment, 
    31 U.S.C. § 3730
    (d)(2), so the Special Master suggested that Local 98 be
    awarded 30 percent of the recommended judgment, or
    The District Court overruled Farfield’s challenges to the
    R&R, adopting it in its entirety. The Court entered judgment
    against Farfield in the amount of $1,055,320.62: $738,724.43
    In 1999, the Justice Department adjusted FCA penalties for
    violations occurring after September 29, 1999 to account for
    inflation. For those violations, it increased the civil penalty
    range to between $5,500 and $11,000. 
    64 Fed. Reg. 47099
    47103–04 at § 85.3(9). The range and method for computing
    penalties were later revised, but not as relevant here.
    to the United States and $316,596.19 to Local 98. In a subse-
    quent order and supporting opinion, it partially granted Local
    98’s motion for attorneys’ fees and costs, taxing $1,229,927.55
    in fees and $203,226.45 in costs. Farfield’s appeal followed.
    The District Court had jurisdiction over this action
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    . We have jurisdiction to review the
    District Court’s final orders under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    A district court’s findings of fact “must not be set aside
    unless clearly erroneous, and the reviewing court must give
    due regard to the trial court’s opportunity to judge the wit-
    nesses’ credibility.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 52(a)(6). A finding of fact
    is clearly erroneous when, “although there is evidence to sup-
    port it, the reviewing court on the entire evidence is left with
    the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been com-
    mitted.” United States v. U.S. Gypsum Co., 
    333 U.S. 364
    , 395
    (1948). When the disputed factual finding is based on a cred-
    ibility determination, “‘even greater deference’ is owed.”
    Alimbaev v. Att’y Gen. of U.S., 
    872 F.3d 188
    , 195 (3d Cir.
    2017) (quoting Anderson v. City of Bessemer, 
    470 U.S. 564
    575 (1985)).
    We review statutory constructions de novo. United
    States v. Hodge, 
    948 F.3d 160
    , 162 (3d Cir. 2020). We review
    any mixed questions of fact and law de novo insofar as “the
    primary facts are undisputed and only ultimate inferences and
    legal consequences are in contention.” U.S. Gypsum Co. v.
    Schiavo Bros., 
    668 F.2d 172
    , 176 (3d Cir. 1981). But when the
    mixed questions immersed the district court in case-specific
    factual issues, our review is a deferential one for clear error.
    See U.S. Bank Nat’l Ass’n ex rel. CW Cap. Asset Mgmt. LLC
    v. Village at Lakeridge, LLC, 
    138 S. Ct. 960
    , 967–69 (2018).
    Farfield appeals the District Court’s orders denying its
    initial and renewed motions to dismiss, referring the case to the
    DOL, denying its motion for summary judgment, shifting the
    damages burden of proof to Farfield, overruling its objections
    to and adopting the Special Master’s R&R, and awarding
    attorneys’ fees. We treat Farfield’s most substantial arguments
    at length and dispose of the remaining ones in short order. We
    will affirm all the District Court’s challenged orders.
    A. Section 3729(a)(1)(B) Applies Retroactively to
    the Project and Does Not Violate the Ex Post
    Facto Clause.
    This appeal presents a threshold issue of first impres-
    sion in our Circuit: whether 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (a)(1)(B) applies
    retroactively to conduct antedating that provision’s June 7,
    2008 effective date. Recall that FERA amended the provision
    to remove language that the Supreme Court had understood to
    require specific intent to defraud the Government.11 The Dis-
    trict Court found that Farfield’s reckless misconduct on the
    Project concluded by 2007, when its work terminated and the
    last invoice was paid. And Local 98 did not sue until Septem-
    ber 2009. So judgment must be entered for Farfield if
    § 3729(a)(1)(B) does not apply retroactively to pre-June 7,
    2008 conduct.
    It is undisputed that Farfield did not intentionally misclassify
    workers or intentionally falsify payroll certifications.
    Our retroactivity analysis is sequential. We first look
    for an “unambiguous directive” from Congress to apply the
    statute retroactively. Landgraf v. USI Film Prods., 
    511 U.S. 244
    , 263 (1994). If there is one, we follow it—and our inquiry
    ends. See id.; Mathews v. Kidder, Peabody & Co., Inc., 
    161 F.3d 156
    , 161 (3d Cir. 1998). But if the statute contains no
    express retroactivity command and normal rules of construc-
    tion do not require that it have only prospective reach, we next
    ask whether applying the statute would “impair rights a party
    possessed when he acted, increase a party’s liability for past
    conduct, or impose new duties with respect to transactions
    already completed?” 
    Id. at 280
    ; see Mathews, 
    161 F.3d at
    61 (also citing Lindh v. Murphy, 
    521 U.S. 320
    , 324–29 (1997)).
    If so, the statute has “retroactive effect”—and our final task is
    to employ the strong presumption against applying such stat-
    utes to pending cases unless Congress manifested clear intent
    that the statute apply retroactively. Landgraf, 
    511 U.S. at 280
    161 F.3d at 161, 166
    The critical language in FERA’s retroactivity provision
    applies § 3729(a)(1)(B) to “all claims under the False Claims
    Act (31 U.S.C. 3729 et seq.) that are pending on or after [June
    7, 2008].” FERA § 4(f)(1) (emphasis added). By designating
    a pre-enactment effective date for § 3729(a)(1)(B)’s new lia-
    bility standard, Congress sought to apply the provision to some
    conduct predating its enactment. Accordingly, we are applying
    a statute that includes an “express command” to apply it retro-
    actively. Landgraf, 
    511 U.S. at 280
    . The question is whether
    that command is limited in scope to conduct that occurred on
    or after June 7, 2008, or whether it embraces conduct—when-
    ever occurring—challenged in a lawsuit initiated on or after
    June 7, 2008. If it does not extend to the latter, then only Con-
    gress’s clear intent that § 3729(a)(1)(B) apply in such a manner
    can rebut the presumption against retroactivity. See Landgraf,
    511 U.S. at 263, 280
    ; Mathews, 
    161 F.3d at 161
    Whether Congress used “claims” in the FCA-specific
    sense as “requests for payment” (i.e., underlying conduct) or
    generically to mean “cases” has engendered a Circuit split.
    The Eleventh Circuit has interpreted FERA to apply
    § 3729(a)(1)(B) retroactively only to demands for payment
    that were pending on or after June 7, 2008. See Hopper v.
    Solvay Pharms., Inc., 
    588 F.3d 1318
    , 1327 n.3 (11th Cir. 2009)
    (“[T]he word ‘claim’ in [FERA] section 4(f) . . . mean[s] ‘any
    request or demand . . . for money or property,’ as defined by
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (b)(2)(A) . . . . While this case was pending
    on and after June 7, 2008, the relators do not allege that
    any claims, as defined by § 3729(b)(2)(A), were pending on or
    after June 7, 2008.’”). Fifth and Ninth Circuit decisions have
    endorsed Hopper, though with little analysis. See Gonzalez v.
    Fresenius Med. Care N. Am., 
    689 F.3d 470
    , 475 n.4 (5th Cir.
    2012) (adopting district court’s conclusion that FERA “did not
    apply to conduct occurring before [its] enactment” and that its
    retroactivity provision did not apply “because Relator’s
    ‘claims’ were not pending on June 7, 2008”); U.S. ex rel.
    Cafasso v. Gen. Dynamics C4 Sys., Inc., 
    637 F.3d 1047
    , 1051
    n.1 (9th Cir. 2011) (“[FERA’s] amendments do not apply ret-
    roactively to this case.” (citing Hopper, 
    588 F.3d at
    1327 n.3));
    but see U.S. ex rel. Rigsby v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 
    794 F.3d 457
    , 464 n.4 (5th Cir. 2015) (“[T]he 2009 version of
    The intermediate Landgraf step is met here: Section
    3729(a)(1)(B)’s liability standard has “retroactive effect”
    because, by applying to substantive conduct completed pre-
    enactment, it “increase[s] a party’s liability” for past conduct.
    511 U.S. at 280
    § 3729(a)(1)(B), which was formerly § 3729(a)(2), is retroac-
    tively applicable to the Rigsbys’ false record count.”).
    By contrast, the Sixth and Seventh Circuits have
    rejected Hopper’s reading in thorough opinions, holding that
    Congress used the term “claims” in § 4(f) of FERA simply to
    mean cases or lawsuits. See U.S. ex rel. Garbe v. Kmart Corp.,
    824 F.3d 632
    , 637–41 (7th Cir. 2016); Sanders v. Allison
    Engine Co., Inc., 
    703 F.3d 930
    , 936–42 (6th Cir. 2012). The
    Second Circuit has seemingly reached the same conclusion,
    though without detailed analysis. See U.S. ex rel. Kirk v.
    Schindler Elev. Corp., 
    601 F.3d 94
    , 113 (2d Cir. 2010) (con-
    cluding that § 3729(a)(1)(B) applied “[b]ecause Kirk’s claim
    was filed in March 2005, and was pending as of June 7, 2008”),
    rev’d on other grounds, 
    563 U.S. 401
    We agree with the more comprehensive decisions and
    conclude, following the Sixth and Seventh Circuits, that Con-
    gress used “claims” generically in FERA’s retroactivity provi-
    sion to mean cases or lawsuits. At any rate, Congress’s intent
    to apply § 3729(a)(1)(B) to all cases pending on or after June
    7, 2008 is sufficiently clear. Whether as an express command
    under the first step of Landgraf, or consistent with Congress’s
    clear intent under the last Landgraf prong, FERA subjects
    Farfield’s pre-2008 conduct to § 3729(a)(1)(B).
    1. In context, “claims” can only mean cases. Pro-
    ponents of limiting FERA’s retroactivity, including Farfield,
    urge that the FCA’s definition of “claim” controls Congress’s
    use of “claims” in § 4(f)(1). But the mere fact that “claim” is
    a defined term does not mean that it is used in that technical
    sense every time it appears in the statute. “A given term in the
    same statute may take on distinct characters from association
    with distinct statutory objects calling for different
    implementation strategies.” Envtl. Def. v. Duke Energy Corp.,
    549 U.S. 561
    , 574 (2007). With “several commonly under-
    stood meanings among which a speaker can alternate in the
    course of an ordinary conversation, without being confused or
    getting confusing,” the word “claim” eschews the presumption
    of uniform usage. Gen. Dynamics Land Sys., Inc. v. Cline, 
    540 U.S. 581
    , 595 (2004). Indeed, § 4(f)(1) speaks of “claims
    under the False Claims Act,” and FERA elsewhere uses
    “claims” as synonymous with cases. So Congress did not use
    “claims” in its technical sense in FERA’s retroactivity clause.
    First, in the specific context of the retroactivity provi-
    sion, replacing “claims” with the word’s technical definition
    “makes no sense.” Kmart, 824 F.3d at 640. Doing so yields
    this: “all request[s] or demand[s], whether under a contract or
    otherwise, for money or property . . . under the [FCA] that are
    pending on or after June 7, 2008.” It would be anomalous for
    Congress to say that a request for payment is submitted
    “under” a statute that only comes into play if the request vio-
    lates (or is alleged to violate) it. See, e.g., Matthew Titolo,
    Retroactivity and the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of
    2009, 86 IND. L.J. 257, 289 (2011). The FCA and its liability
    standards are more naturally understood to apply only once an
    allegedly fraudulent request for payment is made, and a civil
    action filed. Sanders, 703 F.3d at 938 & n.3; see Kmart, 824
    F.3d at 640 (“Rather, a claim ‘under the [FCA]’ is a legal action
    by the government or a relator to recover fraudulently obtained
    funds.” (alteration in original) (citations omitted)). To harmo-
    nize the technical definition of “claims” with the retroactivity
    clause, one must exclude the later phrase “under the False
    Claims Act.” That we are loath to do. See, e.g., Colautti v.
    439 U.S. 379
    , 392 (1979) (“[A] statute should be
    interpreted so as not to render one part inoperative.” (citation
    omitted)); United States v. Bass, 
    404 U.S. 336
    , 344 (1971)
    (“[C]ourts should interpret a statute with an eye to the sur-
    rounding statutory landscape and an ear for harmonizing
    potentially discordant provisions . . . .”). The generic reading
    of “claims,” on the other hand, avoids rendering superfluous
    the phrase “under the False Claims Act.”13
    Second, interpreting “claims” to mean legal actions
    reflects the broader statutory landscape. The FCA uses
    “claims” synonymously with “cases.” See, e.g., 
    31 U.S.C. § 3730
    (c)(5) (“the Government may elect to pursue its claim”);
    § 3730(d)(1) (discussing relator’s right to receive “proceeds of
    the action or settlement of the claim”); § 3730(d)(2) (“the per-
    son bringing the action or settling the claim”); § 3730(d)(4) (“if
    . . . the court finds that the claim of the person bringing the
    action was clearly frivolous”); § 3731(c) (“to clarify or add
    detail to the claims in which the Government is intervening and
    to add any additional claims”); § 3732(b) (“Claims Under State
    Law”). Indeed, when the FCA uses the term in its technical
    sense, “claim” usually comes after “false” or “fraudulent.” See
    Titolo, Retroactivity, at 291.
    Granted, the second retroactivity clause of § 4(f) of
    FERA uses the word “cases.” See FERA § 4(f)(2). But the
    negative contextual implication that Farfield would have us
    A common generic definition of “claim” is “[a]n interest or
    remedy recognized at law; the means by which a person can
    obtain a privilege, possession, or enjoyment of a right or thing;
    cause of action.” Claim, BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY (11th ed.
    draw—that Congress’s disparate use of “claims” in the preced-
    ing subsection reflects a different intent—is unreasonable.
    To begin with, “the presumption that ‘disparate inclu-
    sion or exclusion’ is purposeful is weakened when, as here, the
    provisions were not joined together or considered simultane-
    ously.” Kmart, 824 F.3d at 641 (quoting Sanders, 703 F.3d at
    937) (citation omitted). On the contrary, §§ 4(f)(1) and 4(f)(2)
    of FERA were drafted by different chambers of Congress, at
    different times. S. 386, 11th Cong. § 4(b) (as reported in Sen-
    ate, March 5, 2009); S. 386, 11th Cong. § 4(f) (House
    engrossed amendment, May 6, 2009); see also Titolo, Retro-
    activity, at 300. This drafting history undermines any negative
    inference that Congress’s differing word choice in the two
    subsections signals a different intention.
    What’s more, §§ 4(f)(1) and 4(f)(2) of FERA “address
    wholly distinct subject matters.” Martin v. Hadix, 
    527 U.S. 343
    , 356 (1999). So we should not infer that Congress’s use
    of different terms in the two sections is meaningful. Start, as
    did the Hadix Court, with Lindh. There, the Court concluded
    that Congress’s use of disparate language regarding pending-
    case applicability in two adjacent chapters was intentional
    because the two chapters addressed overlapping subject matter:
    “new standards for review of habeas corpus applications by
    state prisoners” and “new standards for review of habeas cor-
    pus applications by state prisoners under capital sentences.”
    527 U.S. at
    356 (citing Lindh, 
    521 U.S. at 329
    ). In
    Hadix, by contrast, the Court concluded that no such inference
    followed from disparate pending-case applicability language in
    two adjacent provisions because the two provisions covered
    different subject matters: “the propriety of various forms of
    relief and . . . the immediate termination of ongoing relief
    orders,” in the first, and “the award of attorneys’ fees,” in the
     at 356–57. What was true in Hadix is true here:
    The relevant provisions of FERA concern different subject
    matters. Section 4(f)(1) discusses retroactive application of the
    new liability standard in § 3729(a)(1)(B). By contrast,
    § 4(f)(2) of FERA deals with entirely different subject matter:
    the retroactivity of changes to FCA provisions relating to
    procedure and jurisdiction. See 
    31 U.S.C. §§ 3731
    claims procedure”), 3733 (“Civil investigative demands”), and
    3732 (“False claims jurisdiction”). Concern for the first’s ret-
    roactivity would thus not necessarily have mirrored that for the
    second’s, so we cannot say that Congress’s disparate use of
    words was intentional.
    Tools of statutory interpretation leave us, then, with a
    provision that admits of only “one interpretation.” INS v. St.
    533 U.S. 289
    , 316–17 (2001) (quoting Lindh, 
    521 U.S. at
    328 n.4). By using concrete temporal language (“pending on
    or after”) linked to a pre-enactment date and a word (“claims”)
    whose only logical meaning in context is as a synonym for
    “cases,” § 4(f)(1) of FERA expressly commands that the new
    liability standard in § 3729(a)(1)(B) apply to conduct
    challenged in a case pending on or after June 7, 2008.14 See,
    e.g., St. Cyr, 
    533 U.S. at
    318–19 (identifying amendment’s
    express application to “conviction[s] . . . entered before, on, or
    after” enactment date as clear retroactivity statement (internal
    quotation marks omitted)); Hadix, 
    527 U.S. at 355
    Landgraf’s presumption against retroactivity does not trump
    other interpretive principles. Lindh, 
    521 U.S. at
    324–26. So in
    deciding the scope of Congress’s express command, we do not
    impose a higher bar for legislative clarity than in other contexts
    demanding a clear statement.
    applying section “to all prospective relief whether such relief
    was originally granted or approved before, on, or after the date
    of the enactment of this title,” was clear statement (quotation
    omitted)); Graham v. Goodcell, 
    282 U.S. 409
    , 418–419 (1931)
    (clear statement rule satisfied where new tax refund statute
    “expressly applied to internal revenue taxes” assessed before
    pre-enactment date certain).
    2. Congress repudiated Allison Engine with clear
    intent for full retroactivity. Even if § 4(f)(1) lacks an express
    command to apply § 3729(a)(1)(B) retroactively to cases pend-
    ing on or after June 7, 2008, FERA otherwise shows Con-
    gress’s clear intent to subject to the new provision relevant con-
    duct, whenever occurring, that was subject to a lawsuit pending
    on or after that date. That clear intent suffices to rebut the pre-
    sumption against retroactively applying § 3729(a)(1)(B) in
    such a manner. See, e.g., Landgraf, 
    511 U.S. at
    272–73, 280;
    161 F.3d at
    The Supreme Court’s decision in Rivers v. Roadway
    Express, Inc., 
    511 U.S. 298
     (1994), is instructive. At issue was
    the retroactivity vel non of § 101 of the Civil Rights Act of
    1991, which defines “make and enforce contracts” in 
    42 U.S.C. § 1981
     to include “the making, performance, modification, and
    termination of contracts, and the enjoyment of all benefits,
    privileges, terms, and conditions of the contractual relation-
    ship.” § 1981(b) (emphasis added). Section 101 was passed
    in the wake of Patterson v. McLean Credit Union, 
    491 U.S. 164
     (1989), which held that § 1981 “does not apply to conduct
    which occurs after the formation of a contract.” Id. at 171.
    Section 101 thus enlarged the category of conduct that is sub-
    ject to § 1981 liability to include all aspects of the contractual
    relationship, including termination. Rivers, 
    511 U.S. at 303
    The Rivers petitioners, garage mechanics covered by a collec-
    tive-bargaining agreement who were allegedly fired in 1986
    for racially discriminatory reasons, argued that § 101 of the
    1991 Act applied retroactively because their appeal was pend-
    ing at the time of its passage. Id. at 301–03.
    In rejecting the petitioners’ arguments, the Rivers Court
    contrasted the 1991 Act with a prior version of the bill that the
    President had vetoed. The Court stated that Congress clearly
    intended for the vetoed bill to apply retroactively: Its express
    purpose was to “respond to the Supreme Court’s recent
    [Patterson] decision[] by restoring the civil rights protections
    that were dramatically limited [there]by.” Id. at 307–08 (quot-
    ing S. 2104, § 2(b)(1) (alterations omitted)). The section of the
    bill responding to Patterson was titled “Restoring Prohibition
    Against All Racial Discrimination in the Making and Enforce-
    ment of Contracts.” 511 U.S. at 307 (quoting S. 2104, § 12).
    The bill also included a provision establishing “that the amend-
    ment to § 1981 ‘shall apply to all proceedings pending on or
    commenced after’ the date of the Patterson decision.” 511
    U.S. at 307–08 (quoting S. 2104, § 15(a)(6)).15
    By contrast, the statute enacted in 1991 lacks compara-
    ble language about its application to pending proceedings,
    describes its function as “expanding the scope of relevant civil
    rights statutes” rather than restoring pre-existing rights, and
    “lacks any direct reference to cases arising before its enact-
    ment, or to the date of the Patterson decision.” 511 U.S. at 308
    (quoting Act of 1991 § 3(4), 
    105 Stat. 1071
    ). So the Court
    The Rivers Court also discussed legislative history. See, e.g.,
    511 U.S. at 306 n.6, 308. We rest our decision solely on the
    text of FERA and the implications following directly from it.
    could glean from the 1991 Act only that it was passed in
    response to Patterson. See id. at 308–09; see also id. at 304–
    05 (noting that legislatively overruling Supreme Court deci-
    sion, without more, does not “reveal whether Congress intends
    the ‘overruling’ statute to apply retroactively to events that
    would otherwise be governed by the judicial decision”).
    Like the vetoed bill in Rivers that sought to “restore”
    pre-existing rights supposedly trammeled by a Supreme Court
    decision, FERA’s amendments to the FCA after Allison Engine
    are expressly meant “to reflect the original intent of the law.”
    FERA § 4(f) (heading). And in setting § 3729(a)(1)(B)’s
    effective date as June 7, 2008—a Saturday, and two days
    before the decision—Congress abrogated Allison Engine’s
    construction of what was then § 3729(a)(2) to the fullest pos-
    sible extent “without reopening judgments that were already
    final when Allison Engine was decided.” Kmart, 824 F.3d at
    640; see also Plaut v. Spendthrift Farm, Inc., 
    514 U.S. 211
    217–19 (1995) (explaining that Congress cannot reopen final
    judgments without triggering separation-of-powers concerns).
    Conversely, Farfield’s interpretation of “claims” would
    subvert Congress’s intent to undo the effect of Allison Engine
    to the maximum extent possible. Indeed, on that reading, what
    significance would attach to Congress’ May 2009 choice of a
    June 2008 date? Just as FCA defendants in prior cases could
    not explain Congress’s choice of retroactivity date, see, e.g.,
    Kmart, 824 F.3d at 640 (concluding that Kmart’s reading
    rendered June 7, 2008 date meaningless), Farfield fails to do so
    as well.
    Reasons rooted in federal procedure also counsel
    against Farfield’s reading. “When a new law makes clear that
    it is retroactive, an appellate court must apply that law in
    reviewing judgments still on appeal that were rendered before
    the law was enacted, and must alter the outcome accordingly.”
    514 U.S. at 226
     (citations omitted). And even Farfield
    concedes that FERA’s choice of a pre-enactment effective date
    for § 3729(a)(1)(B) means that Congress expressly com-
    manded retroactivity, if only for underlying conduct occurring
    on or after June 7, 2008. But reading “claims” as the defined
    term would require post-FERA appellate courts to deviate from
    the Plaut rule when reviewing judgments related to pre-June 7,
    2008 conduct, without a separate directive from Congress (or
    anyone else) to do so.
    FERA’s express purpose of “clarify[ing]” the FCA “to
    reflect the original intent of the law” and the pre-enactment
    effective date chosen for § 3729(a)(1)(B) reveal Congress’s
    clear intent that the provision be applied retroactively to all
    conduct, whenever occurring, that was the subject of a non-
    final lawsuit at the time of (or after) Allison Engine.
    *         *          *
    There is no reasonable contextual reading of § 4(f) of
    FERA other than that it mandates applying § 3729(a)(1)(B) to
    cases pending on or after June 7, 2008. That makes it an
    express retroactivity command. At all events, Congress’s sta-
    ted purpose in passing FERA was to reinstitute the FCA’s
    “original intent” rather than expand its coverage, something
    highlighted by its pre-enactment date preceding Allison Engine
    by two non-business days. Reading “claims” as “cases”
    reflects that intent and recognizes Congress’s overruling of
    Allison Engine to the fullest extent allowed by the Constitution.
    3. Applying § 3729(a)(1)(B) does not violate the Ex
    Post Facto Clause. To be sure, even a law that Congress
    intended to apply retroactively may offend the Constitution’s
    Ex Post Facto Clause or otherwise fail to satisfy due process.16
    Farfield argues that retroactively applying § 3729(a)(1)(B)’s
    liability standard amounts to an unlawful ex post facto criminal
    penalty. We disagree, as have most federal courts to pass on
    such claims. See, e.g., Sanders, 703 F.3d at 948; see also U.S.
    ex rel. Miller v. Bill Harbert Int’l Const., Inc., 
    608 F.3d 871
    878–79 (D.C. Cir. 2010); Genty v. Resolution Tr. Corp., 
    937 F.2d 899
    , 912 & n.7 (3d Cir. 1991) (recognizing that FCA’s
    multiple damages provision is not punitive but provides for
    “liquidated damages to assure the plaintiff’s full compensa-
    tion” (citing United States v. Bornstein, 
    423 U.S. 303
    , 315
    Though Farfield stresses that its conduct here—reckless
    violations of worker-classification regulations—is inoffensive,
    it makes no argument that § 4(f) of FERA violates the Due Pro-
    cess Clause by failing to advance a rational legislative purpose.
    See, e.g., Pension Benefit Guar. Corp. v. R.A. Gray & Co., 
    467 U.S. 717
    , 730 (1984). Any due process argument is thus for-
    feited. See, e.g., N.J. Dep’t of Env’t Prot. v. Am. Thermoplas-
    tics Corp., 
    974 F.3d 486
    , 492 n.2 (3d Cir. 2020) (“argument
    . . . vaguely presented without legal or factual support . . . is
    forfeited”). And we would reject such a claim even if
    preserved because, as noted in Sanders, 703 F.3d at 948–49,
    Congress rationally sought to correct to the fullest extent what
    it deemed an erroneous interpretation of the FCA by passing
    FERA “to reflect the original intent” of its previously enacted
    legislation. FERA § 4 (heading).
    Our Constitution provides that “[n]o Bill of Attainder or
    ex post facto Law shall be passed.” U.S. CONST., art. I, § 9.
    This clause prohibits the enactment of any law that “retroac-
    tively alter[s] the definition of crimes or increase[s] the pun-
    ishment for criminal acts.” Collins v. Youngblood, 
    497 U.S. 37
    , 43 (1990). Applying the Clause requires us first to ask
    whether Congress “in establishing the penalizing mechanism,
    indicated either expressly or impliedly a preference for” a civil
    or criminal label. Hudson v. United States, 
    522 U.S. 93
    , 99–
    100 (1997) (quoting United States v. Ward, 
    448 U.S. 242
    , 248
    Congress intended the FCA to impose a “civil penalty”
    plus three times the amount of damages sustained by the Gov-
    ernment, and for a relator to bring a “civil action” on the Gov-
    ernment’s behalf for a violation. 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (a). The Act
    also authorizes lawsuits brought in accordance with the Federal
    Rules of Civil Procedure, and imposes a preponderance-of-the-
    evidence standard of proof. §§ 3732(a), 3731(d). It could
    hardly be clearer that Congress “meant the statute to establish
    ‘civil’ proceedings.” Kansas v. Hendricks, 
    521 U.S. 346
    , 361
    That said, it is possible for a civil statute to be criminally
    punitive in effect. But a finding of punitive effect requires the
    “clearest proof” to override legislative intent based on factors
    such as
    1) Whether the sanction involves an affirmative disa-
    bility or restraint;
    2) Whether it has historically been seen as punishment;
    3) Whether it comes into play only upon a finding of
    4) Whether its operation will promote the traditional
    aims of punishment—retribution and deterrence;
    5) Whether the behavior to which it applies is already
    a crime;
    6) Whether an alternative purpose to which it may
    rationally be connected is assignable for it; and
    7) Whether it appears excessive in relation to the alter-
    native purpose assigned.
    See Hudson, 
    522 U.S. at
    99–100 (citing Ward, 
    448 U.S. at 249
    Kennedy v. Mendoza-Martinez, 
    372 U.S. 144
    , 168–69 (1963)).
    Taking these factors in turn, we conclude that Farfield has not
    shown by the “clearest proof” that retroactively applying
    § 3729(a)(1)(B) amounts to criminal punishment in violation
    of the Ex Post Facto Clause.
    First, the FCA’s treble damages and civil fines do not
    involve an affirmative disability or restraint because they do
    not restrict one’s physical liberty similar to imprisonment. See,
    e.g., Myrie v. Comm’r, N.J. Dept. of Corr., 
    267 F.3d 251
    , 260–
    61 (3d Cir. 2011) (requiring comparison to “infamous punish-
    ment of imprisonment” (quoting Flemming v. Nestor, 
    363 U.S. 603
    , 617 (1960))). This factor does not favor characterizing
    the FCA as criminally punitive in effect.
    Second, the sanction here—monetary penalties—has
    not historically been viewed as punishment. See, e.g., Cook
    Cnty., Ill. v. U.S. ex rel. Chandler, 
    538 U.S. 119
    , 132 (2003)
    (“Treble damages certainly do not equate with classic punitive
    damages, which leave the jury with open-ended discretion
    . . . .”); Hudson, 
    522 U.S. at 104
     (“payment of fixed or variable
    sums of money . . . ha[s] been recognized as enforc[ea]ble by
    civil proceedings” (quotation omitted)). The second factor too
    disfavors viewing the FCA as criminally punitive.
    Third, the post-FERA FCA requires proof only of
    “reckless disregard” and thus penalizes acts committed without
    guilty knowledge. 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (b)(1); see United States
    v. Stadtmauer, 
    620 F.3d 238
    , 255–56 (3d Cir. 2010) (defining
    “scienter” to include knowledge and willful blindness, but not
    recklessness). Because the FCA does not come into play only
    upon a finding of (criminal) scienter, the third factor also sug-
    gests that the FCA’s effect is civil.
    Fourth, the FCA’s operation does promote deterrence—
    one of the traditional aims of punishment. Indeed, the original
    goal of the FCA was to stop massive frauds perpetrated by gov-
    ernment contractors during the Civil War. See, e.g., Bornstein,
    423 U.S. at 309
    . But “all civil penalties have some deterrent
    effect.” Hudson, 
    522 U.S. at 102
     (citations omitted). If the
    fourth factor favors a determination that the FCA is criminally
    punitive in effect, then it does so only slightly.
    Fifth, the conduct for which the FCA imposes sanctions
    may also bear criminal liability under 
    18 U.S.C. § 287
    . But it’s
    unclear which way this cuts. On one hand, it might stand to
    reason that the FCA has a criminally punitive effect by target-
    ing behavior that is already a crime. See, e.g., United States v.
    One Assortment of 89 Firearms, 
    465 U.S. 354
    , 365 (1984) (cit-
    ing Mendoza-Martinez, 
    372 U.S. at
    168–69). On the other
    hand, the post-FERA FCA covers more conduct than does the
    criminal fraudulent-claims statute.17 Sanders, 703 F.3d at 946;
    Section 287 criminalizes “mak[ing] or present[ing] to any
    [federal official or agency] any claim upon or against the
    cf. 89 Firearms, 
    465 U.S. at 366
     (“Congress in fact drafted
    § 924(d) to cover a broader range of conduct than is proscribed
    by the criminal provisions of § 922(a)(1).”). And the separate
    existence of a criminal statute suggests that the civil statute
    serves a different purpose. See, e.g., Hudson, 
    522 U.S. at 105
    This factor thus carries neutral weight or, at best for Farfield,
    only slightly favors a determination of criminally punitive
    Sixth, the FCA’s treble damages provision may be
    assigned a remedial (i.e., compensatory) purpose. See, e.g.,
    538 U.S. at
    130–31 (stating that “some liability
    beyond the amount of the fraud is usually ‘necessary to com-
    pensate the Government completely’” and that “[i]n qui tam
    cases the rough difference between double and triple damages
    may well serve not to punish” (quoting Bornstein, 
    423 U.S. at 315
    )). After all, the FCA does not authorize the award of pre-
    judgment interest or consequential damages, which typically
    accompany recovery for fraud. See id. at 131. Another unique
    purpose of the FCA’s treble damages function is to incentivize
    private enforcement, “to quicken the self-interest of some pri-
    vate plaintiff who can spot violations and start litigating to
    compensate the Government, while benefitting himself as
    well.” Id. (citation omitted) (“The most obvious indication that
    the treble damages ceiling has a remedial place under this
    statute is its qui tam feature with its possibility of diverting as
    much as 30 percent of the Government’s recovery to a private
    relator who began the action.”). This alternative remedial
    purpose supports a conclusion that the FCA operates civilly.
    United States, or any department or agency thereof, knowing
    such claim to be false, fictitious, or fraudulent.” 
    18 U.S.C. § 287
    Seventh, although recovery can significantly exceed the
    pecuniary loss sustained directly as a result of the false
    claims—as it arguably did here—this does not mean that the
    FCA permits sanctions that are constitutionally excessive in
    relation to their civil compensatory purpose. Farfield makes
    much of statements by the Supreme Court that Congress has
    increased the FCA’s civil penalties so that liability is “essen-
    tially punitive in nature.” Vt. Agency of Nat. Res. v. U.S. ex rel.
    529 U.S. 765
    , 784–85 (2000). And it is true that the
    Supreme Court cited this language from Stevens in Universal
    Health Services, Inc. v. United States ex rel. Escobar, 
    136 S. Ct. 1989
    , 1996 (2016). But other post-Stevens cases such as
     suggest that the Court does not view the
    Stevens characterization as exclusive and also endorses a
    “softe[r] . . . view of the role of the treble damages available
    under the FCA.” Sanders, 703 F.3d at 948 (citing PacifiCare
    Health Sys., Inc. v. Book, 
    538 U.S. 401
    , 405–06 (2003)). The
    most we can say is that the seventh factor “weakly favor[s] a
    finding of punitive effect,” Sanders, 703 F.3d at 948, making
    it only—at best for Farfield—the third factor (out of seven) to
    cut in that direction. And none of those three are strong indi-
    cators. So we lack the “clearest proof” necessary to override
    Congress’s intent that the FCA be civil in nature.
    *      *       *
    We therefore conclude that the FCA’s treble damages
    and civil penalties do not violate the Ex Post Facto Clause so
    as to vitiate Congress’s express command or, alternatively,
    clear intent that § 3729(a)(1)(B) apply retroactively to cases
    pending on or after June 7, 2008.
    B. Farfield Misclassified Its Employees.
    Farfield next contends that the District Court erred in
    adopting the Special Master’s conclusion that it misclassified
    certain of its employees as groundmen and laborers when what
    they actually performed was lineman work. First, Farfield
    urges, the record shows that a lineman was present on nearly
    every job site on the Project and, because a groundman was
    permitted to assist a lineman in performing all the relevant
    tasks, there was no misclassification. Second, Farfield presses
    that whatever the local industry practice, its worker classifica-
    tions were proper because they did not violate Local 126’s
    CBAs. Neither argument carries the day.
    1. No clear error in finding that groundmen were not
    “assisting” linemen. The Special Master’s factfinding dis-
    poses of Farfield’s first contention because he found the rele-
    vant testimony of Farfield’s witnesses “not . . . credible.” A292
    (Findings of Fact ¶ 144). Neither the Special Master’s findings
    of fact, nor the District Court’s adoption of his R&R, were
    clearly erroneous. Fed. R. Civ. P. 52(a)(6); U.S. Gypsum Co.,
    333 U.S. at 395
    . The evidence did not support a finding that
    groundmen and laborers were simply helping linemen install
    conduit or pull wire. Testimony highlighted that many ground-
    men and laborers performed all tasks associated with conduit
    installation and wire pulling. Other proof told a similar tale.
    For example, most crews were not limited in the work they
    performed; forepersons did not receive any training or instruc-
    tion from Farfield on how to assign workers of different clas-
    sifications to different tasks; classifications played only a
    minor role in the assignment of work to members of a crew;
    and tasks associated with “installing conduit and pulling were
    not performed by any particular classification” but by “all
    workers on a crew.” A290–91 (Findings of Fact ¶¶ 133–41).
    2. Local industry practice controls the propriety of
    worker classification. Farfield points out that nothing in
    contemporaneous CBAs negotiated by Local 126 restricted the
    work that a groundman could do, other than certain tasks not
    relevant here. These CBAs provided that the employer “ha[s]
    no restrictions, except those specifically provided for [herein],
    in planning, directing and controlling the operation of all his
    work [and] in deciding the number and kind of Employees to
    properly perform the work.” A853. So Farfield protests that it
    could classify workers based on what it views as the CBAs’
    permissive approach to the duties of groundmen. But neither
    the case law nor DOL authority supports that proposition.
    Under the Davis-Bacon Act, Farfield’s obligations flowed
    from local industry practices that sharply limited the range of
    electrical work that groundmen may perform.
    Davis-Bacon decisions establish that “[w]age determi-
    nations implicitly include the locally prevailing practice of
    classifying jobs [and] [w]here collective bargaining agree-
    ments form the basis of wage determinations, the practice of
    local signatory unions is conclusive.” Abhe & Svoboda, Inc.
    v. Chao, 
    508 F.3d 1052
    , 1058–59 (D.C. Cir. 2007) (emphasis
    added) (citations omitted) (citing In the Matter of Fry Bros.
    Corp., WAB Case No. 76-06, 
    1977 WL 24823
    , at *6 (June 14,
    1977)).18 And the DOL instructs that, when classifications are
    Circuits other than the D.C. Circuit follow Fry Brothers.
    See, e.g., U.S. ex rel. Plumbers & Steamfitters Loc. Union No.
    38 v. C.W. Roen Const. Co., 
    183 F.3d 1088
    , 1093–94 (9th Cir.
    unknown or disputed, “[i]f . . . the rates listed for all the classi-
    fications that may perform the work in question are union rates,
    the dispute will be resolved by examining the practice(s) of
    union contractors in classifying workers performing the duties
    in question on similar construction in the area (usually the
    same county).” U.S. DOL Field Ops. Handbook, Ch. 15,
    § 15f05(c)(5)(b) (emphasis added). The legal question as Far-
    field frames it, then, is whether local “practices” control even
    in the face of silent or potentially inconsistent CBAs.
    Before reaching the merits of Farfield’s argument, we
    first address a threshold issue. The DOL’s wage determination
    incorporated into the contract prescribes wage rates for
    groundmen under “ELEC0126D 12/03/2000,” which seem-
    ingly refers to a Local 126 CBA executed on December 3,
    2000. A832. See, e.g., Abhe & Svoboda, 
    508 F.3d at 1056
    (“[T]he wages for painters, laborers, and carpenters were each
    based on union collective bargaining agreements; the relevant
    unions were noted in the wage determinations by their ini-
     at 1056 n.1 (“[T]he general wage determination
    includes the initials PAIN0011C to indicate that wages for
    ‘Painters (Bridge Construction)’ were based on the wages
    established in a collective bargaining agreement signed by Dis-
    trict Council 11 of the International Brotherhood of Painters
    and Allied Trades.” (citation omitted)). But the earliest CBA
    in the record was executed December 3, 2001.19 And though
    In response to a question at oral argument, counsel for Far-
    field stated that “[a]ll of the collective bargaining agreements
    are in the record,” including “three that covered the time period
    of the project because it lasted four and a half years.” OA
    Trans. 12:13–23; see also 
     at 13:15–21. That is inaccurate,
    of course, inasmuch as no CBA relevant to the “laborer” clas-
    they contain a classification for “groundhands,” the Local 126
    CBAs in the record include no classification of “laborer”; the
    “laborer” classifications in the wage determination appear to
    derive from a Laborers’ Union CBA omitted from the record.20
    In other words, it is unclear whether the CBA on which the
    DOL’s prevailing wage determinations and classifications
    were based contains the same “permissive” approach to
    sification is before us. And though Farfield’s employees
    worked on the Project from 2002–2007, the prevailing wage
    determination incorporated into the SEPTA contract associated
    the electrician worker classifications with the earlier December
    3, 2000 CBA not in the record. Counsel represented at oral
    argument that “the relevant provisions didn’t change,” 
    13:21–22, so we will consider Farfield’s argument on the
    assumption that the subsequent CBAs in the record are indeed
    identical in relevant respects to the critical one cited in the pre-
    vailing wage determination.
    Confusingly, Farfield recognizes that “[t]he Laborers have
    their own collective bargaining agreement” and that “there
    isn’t a collective bargaining agreement that governs both the
    Laborers and the IBEW,” OA Tr. 14:24–25, 15:3–8, while also
    arguing that the relevant “classifications [are] all under one
    collective bargaining agreement.” OA Tr. 16:3–7. While
    groundmen and linemen may have been classifications con-
    templated by the same Local 126 CBA, that cannot be said for
    laborers, whom the District Court also found were misclassi-
    fied. So Farfield’s CBA-based argument, at best, constitutes
    only a partial defense to the Special Master’s findings that Far-
    field misclassified groundmen and laborers by having them
    perform lineman work (such as laying conduit and pulling
    groundman duties—to say nothing of “laborer” duties—as the
    later Local 126 CBAs included in the record.
    In any case, Farfield’s argument fails because it is not
    the language of a CBA but rather signatory parties’ local prac-
    tice that controls worker classifications under the Davis-Bacon
    Act. To that end, the DOL’s Field Operations Handbook pro-
    vides that when the applicable wage determination reflects
    union wage rates for the classifications involved, “the unions
    whose members may have performed the work in question”
    should be contacted “to determine whether the union workers
    performed the work on similar projects in the county in the year
    prior” to the relevant start date of the project. U.S. DOL Field
    Ops. Handbook, Ch. 15, § 15f05(d)(1)(a). “If union contrac-
    tors performed the work, each union should be asked how the
    individuals who performed the work in question were classi-
    fied.” § 15f05(d)(1)(c). That information “provided by the
    unions should be confirmed with collective bargaining repre-
    sentatives of management,” and “the area practice is estab-
    lished” only “[i]f all parties agree as to the proper classification
    of the work in question.” § 15f05(d)(1)(d)–(e). The Handbook
    thus requires that a contractor, rather than simply reading a
    CBA to determine for itself whether a classification is prohib-
    ited, achieve consensus with both labor and management on
    how individuals who perform comparable work are actually
    Following the Handbook’s dictates, the most compre-
    hensive court decision on point similarly holds that local prac-
    tices of the referenced CBA’s signatories control Davis-Bacon
    worker classifications.21 In Abhe & Svoboda, the D.C. Circuit
    held that wage determinations derived from CBAs require
    worker classifications to be “determined exclusively by the
    practices of signatory unions.” 
    508 F.3d at 1059
    added) (citations omitted). Farfield tries to minimize the
    import of this ruling, arguing that it doesn’t elevate local prac-
    tices over inconsistent terms of a CBA. While we acknowl-
    edge that such a proposition was unnecessary to the D.C.
    Circuit’s decision, large swaths of the opinion do, in fact,
    support such a holding in the case before us.
    Abhe & Svoboda arose out of a contractor’s classifica-
    tion of workers based on its own national “tools of the trade”
    analysis, which it claimed to have relied on for over 500 gov-
    ernment contract jobs across the country. 
    508 F.3d at 1056
    To be sure, two members of a Ninth Circuit panel held in
    Roen that “where the Department [of Labor] determines that
    prevailing wages are established by a collectively bargained
    agreement, the job classifications for the project or area at issue
    are also established by that agreement.” 
    183 F.3d at 1093
    . But
    the facts of Roen differed significantly from those we confront.
    The relevant job tasks were enumerated in an inter-union
    agreement on how to classify piping workers on Northern Cal-
    ifornia water treatment plant projects. See 
     at 1090–91. By
    formal letter, the DOL adopted that agreement because it
    reflected “the appropriate classifications and wages for work
    done on water treatment projects in Northern California.” 
    Not so here. The CBAs in the record did not affirmatively
    establish the duties of groundmen other than merely prohibit-
    ing them from performing certain tasks. Nor did the DOL so
    clearly and formally adopt the sparse work descriptions therein
    as the proper classifications on the Project.
    The court held that this practice strayed from DOL regulations
    and practices establishing “that contractors do not have the
    authority to determine the scope of job classifications based on
    their own methodologies.” 
     at 1061–62 (emphasis added).
    Noting the DOL’s Fry Brothers decision, the court held that
    the contractor was on notice of the need to “follow the practice
    of the local unions.” 
     at 1060–61 (citing Fry Bros., 
    1977 WL 24823
    , at *5–6). “From start to finish,” the court noted,
    “the focus of the [Davis-Bacon] Act is on local practice” such
    that a contractor’s application of its own classifications, even
    if based on a national standard, “is inconsistent with the funda-
    mental principle of the Davis-Bacon Act that local practice
    should control government contracts.” 
    Id. at 1061
    . The court
    rejected a narrow construction of Fry Brothers that would have
    “require[d] only that contractors abide by known union prac-
    tices,” instead faulting the contractor “for not contacting the
    relevant unions or inquiring of the Department [of Labor] if it
    was unclear about the local practices for classifying jobs.” 
    Id. at 1062
     (emphasis added) (“the Company made no effort to
    ascertain the practices of the unions noted in the wage determi-
    nation”).22 And the court was unpersuaded by the arguments
    of amici that contractors should not be saddled with
    “break[ing] through the union wall to adequately and clearly
    determine their invariably unwritten practices and rules.” 
    (emphasis added).
    The takeaway from Abhe & Svoboda is straightforward.
    If the DOL’s prevailing wage determinations rest on a particu-
    Contacting the union would have been especially fruitful for
    Farfield: The Local 126 business manager listed on every CBA
    is Thomas Leach, who served as Local 98’s expert on local
    industry practices in this case.
    lar CBA, then a contractor may not base classification practices
    on its own reading of that CBA. Rather, it must engage with
    the signatory union(s) and management on local classification
    practices, even if “unwritten.” Failing that, the contractor may
    contact the DOL for clarification.
    The evidence before the Special Master offers no quar-
    ter to Farfield. Local 98’s expert testified that under local prac-
    tice “groundmen are not permitted to connect conduit; thread
    conduit; lay conduit; connect or splice conduit at a manhole;
    pull wire; monitor[] or address[] tension of a cable through a
    conduit; terminate a cable run; and perform splicing and/or
    stripping functions.” A83–84. It is linemen who perform this
    work. Farfield offered no compelling evidence on the issue.23
    Farfield’s assigning groundmen and laborers to perform such
    tasks—its logging their hours under phase codes that reflected
    Farfield states that Local 98’s expert “admitted that under
    local union practice laborers also install and lay conduit and
    pull wire.” Appellant’s Br. 28. Though he acknowledged that
    members of other trades, such as laborers, do install conduit
    and pull wire, the expert testified that Local 126 is “adamantly
    against that” because such work “should be done by electrical
    workers and signatory electrical contractors.” A1653–54. And
    he later clarified that on Local 126 jobs, laborers do not pull
    wires. Farfield’s own witnesses established that “under local
    area practices, only journeymen [linemen], and not laborers,
    could install conduit on transit projects.” A298 (Findings of
    Fact ¶ 169). The Special Master thus found that “under local
    area practices in the Philadelphia area, only journeymen [line-
    men] may perform the tasks associated with installing electri-
    cal conduit” and “pulling electrical wires or cable.” A299
    (Findings of Fact ¶¶ 170–71).
    “journeyman [lineman] work, including installing electrical
    conduit [and] pulling electrical wires or cable,” A303
    (Findings of Fact ¶ 184)—conflicted with prevailing local
    practices and so amounted to misclassification of its workers.
    *       *       *
    The District Court, via the Special Master, did not
    clearly err in finding any of the relevant facts. We reject Far-
    field’s legal contention that it did not misclassify workers
    because one could read the relevant CBAs to permit its prac-
    tices. Instead, whether workers were properly classified turns
    on the local practices of the CBA signatories. And the direct
    evidence showed that, under such practices, only linemen
    could lay conduit and pull wire. So the District Court correctly
    held that Farfield misclassified workers on the Project.
    C. Farfield’s    False       Certified   Payrolls   Were
    A materiality inquiry under the FCA is a holistic, total-
    ity-of-the-circumstances examination of whether the false
    statement has “a natural tendency to influence, or be capable
    of influencing, the payment or receipt of money or property.”
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (b)(4); see Escobar, 136 S. Ct. at 2003–04.
    The Government’s “decision to expressly identify a provision
    as a condition of payment is relevant, but not automatically dis-
    positive” of materiality. Escobar, 136 S. Ct. at 2003. While
    materiality “cannot be found where noncompliance is minor or
    insubstantial,” it may be found where the Government “con-
    sistently refuses to pay claims in the mine run of cases based
    on noncompliance with the particular statutory, regulatory, or
    contractual requirement.” Id. In this context, as in all others,
    materiality “look[s] to the effect on the likely or actual behav-
    ior of the recipient of the alleged misrepresentation.” Id. at
    2002 (alteration in original) (quoting 26 R. Lord, WILLISON ON
    CONTRACTS § 69:12, p. 549 (4th ed. 2003)).
    Farfield argues that even if it misclassified workers, it
    cannot be liable under the FCA because the false certified pay-
    rolls that it submitted to SEPTA, which SEPTA in turn submit-
    ted to the FTA, were not material to the Government’s decision
    to pay.24 This is so, Farfield claims, because (1) the contract
    language permitted, but did not require, the Government to
    withhold payment from SEPTA if work was misclassified or
    certified payrolls were false; (2) the Government took no
    action at various stages of the Project and this litigation; and
    (3) the total amount of underpaid wages due to misclassifica-
    tions was small in relation to the overall value of the contract.
    But none of the relevant circumstances convince us that the
    false certified payrolls were immaterial to the Government’s
    decision to pay invoices for Farfield’s work. 25
    Farfield does not dispute its obligations to classify workers
    properly and submit accurate payrolls containing a sworn cer-
    tification of compliance. See 
    29 C.F.R. § 5.5
    Farfield also contends that the false certified payrolls (sub-
    mitted weekly) cannot anchor Local 98’s FCA claim because
    they are not a “request or demand” for payment within the
    FCA’s definition of “claims.” Appellant’s Br. 30, 50–53. Far-
    field argues that any FCA violations it committed must instead
    trace to (monthly) invoices affected by the worker misclassifi-
    cations. Not so. Post-FERA, the FCA imposes a civil penalty
    on any person who “knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be
    made or used, a false record or statement material to a false or
    1. Proper classification and accurate certified payrolls
    were payment conditions. After Escobar, the Government’s
    designation of compliance with a particular regulatory require-
    ment as a condition of payment is relevant to, but not disposi-
    tive of, materiality. 136 S. Ct. at 2003. The SEPTA contract
    incorporates several of the federal regulations pertinent to this
    fraudulent claim.” 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (a)(1)(B) (emphasis
    added). Farfield’s “false record or statement” was each certi-
    fied payroll report (more specifically, each certification of
    compliance) submitted to the FTA to backstop the associated
    invoices. See, e.g., U.S. ex rel. Sheet Metal Workers Int’l
    Ass’n, Loc. No. 20 v. Horning Inv., LLC, 
    828 F.3d 587
    , 591–
    92 (7th Cir. 2016) (highlighting evidence that defendant’s
    employee “submitted the Certified Payroll Reports and the
    eight applications that initially went to [the prime contractor]
    with the knowledge that they were to be presented to the
    Department of Veterans Affairs for payment” (citation
    omitted)); United States v. Saavedra, 661 F. App’x 37, 45–46
    (2d Cir. 2016) (“[N]othing in the [FCA] requires the court to
    impose penalties based on the number of false claims under
    § 3729(a)(1)(A), instead of the number of false statements
    under § 3729(a)(1)(B).”); see also U.S. ex rel. Schwedt v.
    Planning Res. Corp., 
    59 F.3d 196
    , 199 (D.C. Cir. 1995) (claim
    need not be an invoice but may be a progress report submitted
    to induce payment); United States v. Bd. of Educ. of City of
    Union City, 
    697 F. Supp. 167
    , 176 (D.N.J. 1988) (“Although
    each individual report did not trigger separate payments, the
    release of funds was predicated upon the grant agreement
    which required the periodic submission of accurate reports.”).
    materiality factor. These provisions give the Government the
    unilateral right to exercise withholding and debarment reme-
    dies in response to Farfield’s non-compliance with Davis-
    Bacon requirements.
    First, the federal agency (here, the FTA) “shall upon its
    own action or upon [application] of the Department of Labor
    withhold or cause to be withheld from the contractor . . . so
    much of the accrued payments or advances as may be consid-
    ered necessary to pay . . . the full amount of wages required by
    the contract.” 
    29 C.F.R. § 5.5
    (a)(2) (emphasis added).
    Second, “[i]n the event of failure to pay . . . all or part
    of the wages required by the contract, the (Agency) may, after
    written notice . . ., take such action as may be necessary to
    cause the suspension of any further payment, advance, or guar-
    antee of funds until such violations have ceased.” 
    sis added).
    Third, if the contractor fails to maintain or submit
    required documents, the Government “may, after written notice
    . . ., take such action as may be necessary to cause the suspen-
    sion of any further payment,” with “failure to submit the
    required records” a permissible “grounds for debarment” for a
    three-year period. 
    29 C.F.R. § 5.5
    (a)(3)(iii) (emphasis added)
    (citing § 5.12); see also § 5.5(a)(3)(ii)(A)–(D) (describing
    required payrolls and certifications of compliance).
    Still another regulation says that the Government
    “shall” suspend sufficient payments when a contractor fails “to
    comply with the labor standards clauses contained in § 5.5,” 
    29 C.F.R. § 5.9
     (emphasis added), but the relevant statute calls
    only for contractual stipulations that there “may be withheld
    from the contractor so much of the accrued payments as the
    contracting officer considers necessary” to pay the required
    40 U.S.C. § 3142
    (c)(3) (emphasis added); accord
    450 U.S. at 757
    The parties spill more ink than necessary arguing
    whether the Government has a mandatory obligation to sus-
    pend payment when it learns of Davis-Bacon noncompliance
    or merely the right to do so. Farfield claims that the Govern-
    ment has discretion and thus that Davis-Bacon compliance is
    not a condition of payment, whereas Local 98 presses that the
    Government must withhold payment for noncompliance.
    There is scant case law interpreting whether the Government
    must withhold funds sufficient to make misclassified employ-
    ees whole. See, e.g., Favel v. Am. Renovation and Const. Co.,
    59 P.3d 412
    , 420 (Mont. 2002) (“Whether [withholding was]
    discretionary or mandatory, the USAF Contracting Officer had
    the unilateral authority to make such a decision . . . .” (citing
    29 C.F.R. §§ 5.5
    (a)(2), 5.5(a)(3)(iii), 5.9; 40 U.S.C.
    § 276a(a))).
    We need not decide whether the Government lacks or
    indeed has discretion to withhold payment unilaterally. Its
    undisputed right to do so and to debar Farfield—combined
    with Farfield’s relevant actual knowledge and the lack of evi-
    dence that the Government would overlook misclassifica-
    tion—support the conclusion that proper worker classification
    and, by extension, submission of payrolls accurately certifying
    the same were conditions of payment. Post-Escobar, courts
    decide whether regulatory compliance is an express condition
    of payment based on what the regulation requires the
    defendant to do under the federal contract or program, not
    whether the Government must act in response.26 See, e.g., U.S.
    ex rel. Prather v. Brookdale Sr. Living Communities, Inc., 
    892 F.3d 822
    , 831–33 (6th Cir. 2018). Here, that analysis supports
    the District Court’s materiality finding.
    Compliance with the relevant Davis-Bacon regulations
    was mandatory for Farfield to bid on the contract and for the
    Government to perform under it. Under those regulations, Far-
    field’s workers “will be paid unconditionally . . . the full
    amount of wages . . . computed at rates not less than those con-
    tained in the wage determination.” 
    29 C.F.R. § 5.5
    Such workers “shall be paid the appropriate wage rate and
    fringe benefits on the wage determination for the classification
    of work actually performed.” 
     They may be compensated
    for work performed in more than one classification only if
    “payroll records accurately set forth the time spent in each clas-
    sification in which work is performed.” 
     “Payrolls and basic
    records relating thereto shall be maintained by the contractor,”
    and they “shall contain . . . [each worker’s] correct classifica-
    tion” and “hourly rates of wages paid.” § 5.5(a)(3)(i). And
    Farfield “shall submit weekly . . . a copy of all payrolls . . . to
    [SEPTA] for transmission to the [federal agency],” which
    “shall set out accurately and completely all of the information
    To the extent that Government action is relevant, it goes to
    the next Escobar factor we discuss below. If, for example, the
    Government exercised its discretion not to withhold pay-
    ment—and instead paid in full—despite knowledge of misclas-
    sifications or false certifications, then that would cut against
    materiality, per Escobar. But the mere existence of remedial
    discretion alone does not mean that the regulatory compliance
    otherwise required of the defendant was not an express condi-
    tion of payment.
    required to be maintained under [(a)(3)(i), except Social Secu-
    rity numbers].” § 5.5(a)(3)(ii)(A). Each payroll “submitted
    shall be accompanied by a ‘Statement of Compliance,’ signed
    by the contractor . . ., and shall certify,” among other things,
    that “each laborer or mechanic has been paid not less than the
    applicable wage rates . . . for the classification of work per-
    formed, as specified in the applicable wage determination
    incorporated into the contract.” § 5.5(a)(3)(ii)(B).27 If the con-
    tractor fails “to comply with the labor standards clauses in
    § 5.5” or “fails to submit the required records,” the
    Government unilaterally may withhold funds and, for records
    non-compliance, debar the contractor for three years.
    § 5.5(a)(3)(iii); § 5.9. And all of the above provisions “shall”
    be “insert[ed] in full in any [covered] contract,” § 5.5(a),
    making clear their centrality as contractual conditions.
    Farfield’s Davis-Bacon compliance and weekly submis-
    sion of complete and accurate certified payrolls were thus des-
    ignated conditions of the Government’s obligation to perform
    (i.e., pay) under the SEPTA contract. See Prather, 892 F.3d at
    832–33; U.S. ex rel. Absher v. Momence Meadows Nursing
    Ctr., Inc., 
    764 F.3d 699
    , 713 (7th Cir. 2014) (“[A] reasonable
    jury could certainly find that these MDS [Minimum Data
    Sheet] forms were conditions of payment because they specif-
    The contract, the regulations, and Farfield’s payroll certifi-
    cations all provide that “falsification of any of the above certi-
    fications” may subject the contractor to criminal prosecution
    18 U.S.C. § 1001
     or civil liability under the FCA. A824;
    29 C.F.R. § 5.5
    (a)(3)(ii)(D); A1265. Given the contemplated
    FCA liability, the submission of payrolls falsely certifying
    Davis-Bacon compliance must, at least in some cases, be
    material to the Government’s decision to pay.
    ically affirm that reimbursement is ‘conditioned on the accu-
    racy and truthfulness of [the] information’ contained in the
    forms. And such a certification of accuracy is required by the
    Medicare and Medicaid regulations.” (last alteration in origi-
    nal) (citing 
    42 C.F.R. § 483.20
    )). That conclusion finds further
    support in the Government’s recourse to debarment of a con-
    tractor that falsifies certified payrolls or otherwise disregards
    its Davis-Bacon obligations to employees.             
    29 C.F.R. § 5.12
    (a)(2); see, e.g., Metro. Home Improvement Roofing Co.,
    B-215945 (Comptr. Gen. Dec. Jan. 25, 1985). The express-
    condition-of-payment factor thus favors the District Court’s
    conclusion that Farfield’s submission of false certified payrolls
    was material to the Government’s decision to pay. Escobar,
    136 S. Ct. at 2003.
    Even were we disinclined to call Davis-Bacon compli-
    ance an express or designated condition of payment here, tes-
    timony of Farfield’s witnesses reveals actual knowledge that
    compliance was a de facto condition of both payment and Far-
    field’s continued eligibility for federally funded projects. “The
    existence of express contractual language specifically linking
    compliance to eligibility for payment . . . is not, as [defendant]
    argues, a necessary condition” for materiality. United States v.
    Sci. Apps. Int’l Corp., 
    626 F.3d 1257
    , 1269 (D.C. Cir. 2010).
    And the Supreme Court, endorsing a similar conception of
    materiality, recognizes that “[a] defendant can have ‘actual
    knowledge’ that a condition is material without the Govern-
    ment expressly calling it a condition of payment.” Escobar,
    136 S. Ct. at 2001–02; Sci. Apps., 
    626 F.3d at 1269
     (“The plain-
    tiff may establish materiality in other ways, such as through
    testimony demonstrating that both parties to the contract
    understood that payment was conditional on compliance with
    the requirement at issue.”).
    As the District Court summarized, one of Farfield’s vice
    presidents testified that he “understood if the DOL ever found
    Farfield to have . . . violated a prevailing wage act the conse-
    quence ‘would have put us out of business.’” A103. McGee
    testified that, based on “a problem years prior,” Farfield was
    “concern[ed]” at the Project’s inception “that we used the
    proper people in the proper positions and certified payrolls
    were accurate.” A1294. It was clear to McGee that “if there
    was a problem” with classification, it “would be a real prob-
    lem.” A1306. There was also evidence that Farfield had gen-
    erally “been very sensitive to [prevailing wage laws]” and per-
    ceived itself as “‘under a magnifying glass’ by the union.”
    A105. While a defendant’s actual knowledge “that the Gov-
    ernment would be entitled to refuse payment were it aware of
    the violation” is not dispositive of materiality, Escobar, 136 S.
    Ct. at 2004 (emphasis added), Farfield’s clear appreciation that
    Davis-Bacon violations would “likely” so affect the “behavior
    of the recipient of the alleged misrepresentation” is enough to
    tilt the condition-of-payment factor in favor of materiality. Id.
    at 2002 (emphasis added) (quoting WILLISTON ON
    CONTRACTS, at 549).
    2. No evidence of past relevant Government (in)action.
    The parties have pointed us to no record evidence showing that
    the Government “consistently refuses to pay claims in the mine
    run of cases based on noncompliance with” Davis-Bacon
    requirements or pays claims like those at issue here “despite its
    actual knowledge that certain requirements were violated.”
    Escobar, 136 S. Ct. at 2003–04. So nothing suggests that this
    is a case where the Government would have knowingly paid
    invoices associated with false certified payrolls or, by exten-
    sion, misclassified workers. Cf. U.S. ex rel. Spay v. CVS
    Caremark Corp., 
    875 F.3d 746
    , 764 (3d Cir. 2017) (summariz-
    ing evidence of Government’s knowledge that pharmacy ben-
    efit managers were submitting claims that flouted regulatory
    requirements and its payment of such claims anyway). Left
    intact is Local 98’s prima facie materiality showing based on
    the contract and regulations as well as the knowledge of Far-
    field decisionmakers. See, e.g., U.S. ex rel. Doe v. Heart Sol’n,
    923 F.3d 308
    , 318 (3d Cir. 2019) (faulting defendants for
    failing to show “that Medicare generally pays this type of claim
    ‘in full despite its actual knowledge that certain requirements
    were violated’” (quoting Escobar, 126 S. Ct. at 2003)).
    In a trompe l’œil, Farfield paints the Justice Depart-
    ment’s choice not to intervene in the litigation as a Government
    act that fatally undermines materiality. But intervention deci-
    sions are, at best, of minimal relevance. In Escobar, the Gov-
    ernment chose not to intervene, see 136 S. Ct. at 1998, yet the
    Supreme Court did not mention this as a pertinent materiality
    factor. And “[if] relators’ ability to [meet] the element of
    materiality were stymied by the government’s choice not to
    intervene, this would undermine the purposes of the Act.”
    Prather, 892 F.3d at 836 (citation omitted) (rejecting similar
    intervention argument); cf. U.S. ex rel. Petratos v. Genentech
    855 F.3d 481
    , 490 (3d Cir. 2017) (listing non-intervention
    as one among many Government actions and inactions that
    undermined relator’s materiality allegation). Nor do the
    “administrative mechanism[s]” for enforcing compliance with
    wage-and-hour laws weigh against materiality—at least not on
    the record we confront here. Appellant’s Br. 32–33. The DOL
    declined to act on the District Court’s referral of the case, mak-
    ing that forum well and truly unavailable to Local 98.28 And it
    did so based on the vintage of the facts and related concerns
    for investigatory resources, not on any grounds suggesting
    3. Davis-Bacon compliance was essential to the bar-
    gain. A third materiality factor is whether the noncompliance
    is “minor or insubstantial” or, instead, goes “to the very
    essence of the bargain.” Escobar, 136 S. Ct. at 2003 & n.5
    (quotation omitted). Farfield argues that its misclassification
    violations were small, calculated at just over $150,000 in wage
    underpayments, in comparison to the $54.7 million value of the
    SEPTA contract. We refuse to measure materiality based only
    on the monetary value of Farfield’s wrongdoing in relation to
    some larger, undefined whole. After all, Davis-Bacon compli-
    ance is concerned not with minimizing costs but, on the con-
    trary, aims to impose additional costs on contractors and the
    Government in pursuit of goals that Congress has prioritized
    for federally funded projects.
    Holding otherwise would require us to engage in diffi-
    cult, if not impossible, line-drawing. Even if valuing the
    affected work were easy to accomplish—something belied by
    the history of this case—at what level of generality should we
    Farfield points to one tangential circumstance that it claims
    weighs against a materiality determination: SEPTA spoke with
    Farfield’s workers during the Project but raised no concerns
    about worker classification. The District Court found that
    these alleged conversations lacked the necessary specificity to
    sway its materiality finding. We see no fault in that finding.
    And, in any case, such discussions would fail to show the Gov-
    ernment’s (i.e., the FTA’s) knowledge of the noncompliance.
    evaluate the materiality denominator? Should we look at the
    ratio between the affected work and the overall amount of elec-
    trical work performed on the Project? The overall dollar value
    of the Project? The overall budget of the FTA while the work
    was performed? And then, even if we could formulate the cor-
    rect denominator, what percentage of misclassified work in
    relation to that whole suffices to meet the materiality thresh-
    old? 0.1 percent? One percent? Ten percent? A search for
    answers proves a Sisyphean task. Neither Davis-Bacon nor
    case law provides a guide.
    And opposite the dollar magnitude of the violation are
    other factors one might reasonably consider in evaluating
    whether a contractor’s regulatory violations were minor or
    insubstantial. We might ask, for example, about temporal
    duration: For how long did the Davis-Bacon noncompliance
    affect the contractor’s work? Farfield falsely certified compli-
    ance 105 times—once a week for more than two years on the
    five-year Project. Arguably, undercutting the local labor mar-
    ket for over two years is neither minor nor insubstantial.
    Though we have no reason to think that any work on the Pro-
    ject was sub-standard, we might also consider in our objective
    materiality analysis the possible consequences to the public of
    unskilled workers building public infrastructure that local prac-
    tices reserve for an electrician’s skill and experience. Cf. Spay,
    875 F.3d at 764 (“The misstatements that gave rise to this qui
    tam action allowed patients to get their medication, and they
    are precisely the type of ‘minor or insubstantial’ misstatements
    where ‘materiality . . . cannot be found.’” (alteration omitted)
    (quoting Escobar, 136 S. Ct. at 2003)). Should the potential
    for widely felt negative consequences from public transit fail-
    ure lower the dollar threshold for materiality in cases like this
    one? One might even say that the Davis-Bacon Act’s debar-
    ment remedy implicitly recognizes that certain regulatory vio-
    lations on public works projects should have ramifications for
    the contractor beyond wage restoration. And, of course, Davis-
    Bacon compliance is a keystone of federally funded construc-
    tion projects. See, e.g., Coutu, 
    450 U.S. at 771
    , 773–76; Fry
    Bros. at *6. Whether a contractor “complied with the regula-
    tions” that are central to decisions about how to spend public
    funds “is a fact that a reasonable person would want to know.”
    Prather, 892 F.3d at 835; see also United States v. Luce, 
    873 F.3d 999
    , 1007–08 (7th Cir. 2017) (misrepresentation that no
    officers of loan-originating company were currently subject to
    criminal proceedings was material because certification
    “addressed a foundational part of the Government’s mortgage
    insurance regime, which was designed to avoid the systemic
    risk posed by unscrupulous loan originators”).
    In view of the totality of the circumstances, we conclude
    that Farfield’s Davis-Bacon violations were not minor or
    insubstantial. Farfield misclassified more than $150,000 in
    electrical work on a public infrastructure project. The conse-
    quence was that, on 105 occasions across more than two years’
    worth of payrolls, Farfield falsely certified its compliance to
    the Government. And it did so under a regulatory regime and
    a contract that authorized debarment as a remedy for misclas-
    sification and false certifications. This Escobar consideration
    also favors a conclusion that Farfield’s false statements were
    material to the Government’s decision to pay SEPTA invoices.
    *      *       *
    Proper worker classification and submission of accurate
    payroll certifications were express conditions of the Govern-
    ment’s payment—or, at minimum, de facto conditions of pay-
    ment based on Farfield’s knowledge of the Government’s
    likely response to non-compliance. And Farfield’s regulatory
    violations were not minor or insubstantial. Seeing no evidence
    of relevant Government (in)action, we conclude that Farfield’s
    false certified payrolls were material to the Government’s
    decision to pay.
    D. The Facts Support the District Court’s Finding
    of Recklessness.
    The District Court adopted the Special Master’s finding
    that Farfield recklessly ignored its worker classification obli-
    gations under the Davis-Bacon Act, and thus acted with reck-
    less disregard for the truth or falsity of its certified payrolls.
    Under the FCA, an individual or entity responsible for submit-
    ting an objective falsehood must have acted “knowingly”—
    that is, with actual knowledge of the falsehood, in deliberate
    ignorance of its truth or falsity, or in reckless disregard of its
    truth or falsity. See 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (b)(1)(A). Congress
    added the “reckless disregard” prong to the FCA’s definition
    of “knowingly” to target the defendant who has “buried his
    head in the sand” and failed to make an “inquiry into the
    claim’s validity” that is “reasonable and prudent under the cir-
    cumstances.” U.S. ex rel. Williams v. Renal Care Grp., Inc.,
    696 F.3d 518
    , 530 (6th Cir. 2012) (quoting S. Rep. 99-345, at
    21 (1986), reprinted in 1986 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5266, 5286).
    The Special Master’s essential conclusion from the facts
    was that Farfield, via McGee, delegated full discretion to fore-
    persons to use workers on their crews as they saw fit while, at
    the same time, fully aware of Farfield’s contractual and regu-
    latory obligations to ensure that employees were paid prevail-
    ing wages for the classification of work performed. Farfield
    raises a hodgepodge of factual objections that it claims render
    the recklessness finding erroneous, but none have merit.
    1. The testimony supported the District Court’s reck-
    lessness finding. Farfield contends that its forepersons and
    managers reasonably believed that groundmen could do what-
    ever work linemen could do. They testified that McGee told
    them so. Transit work was not something that Farfield special-
    ized in prior to undertaking the Project, and its supervisors may
    have understandably relied on McGee for direction. But Far-
    field’s argument fails to grapple with the District Court’s reck-
    lessness finding. For his part, McGee testified that a ground-
    man could not do all the work that a lineman could, including
    specifically “pulling wire through conduit,” A1338–39,
    because groundmen were “completely unskilled” “grunt[s].”
    A1313–14; A1341. So McGee’s statements to subordinates
    that “any worker could do any task” such that they needn’t
    worry about properly classifying groundmen, A291 (Findings
    of Fact ¶ 141), conflicted with his own knowledge of the
    proper role of groundmen and the centrality of proper classifi-
    cation to the health of Farfield’s business.29
    The District Court reasonably concluded from this con-
    flicting testimony that McGee, and thus Farfield, recklessly
    delegated to unknowledgeable individuals the responsibility
    A groundman could assist a lineman in most tasks, Farfield
    points out, and a lineman was usually included on a crew. But
    the Special Master found “not credible” the testimony of Far-
    field’s witnesses that only linemen performed the skilled tasks
    involved, with groundmen “simply ‘helping’ [them] with the
    installation of conduit and pulling of wire.” A292 (Findings of
    Fact ¶¶ 143–44); see supra Section V.B.1.
    for ensuring that employees were properly classified. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Krizek, 
    111 F.3d 934
    , 941–42 (D.C. Cir. 1997)
    (observing that, although FCA is “not intended to apply to
    mere negligence, it is intended to apply in situations that could
    be considered gross negligence where the submitted claims to
    the Government are prepared in such a sloppy or unsupervised
    fashion that resulted in overcharges to the Government”
    (emphasis added) (quotation omitted)); United States v.
    605 F. Supp. 2d 863
    , 867, 869 (W.D. Ky. 2008) (find-
    ing “reckless disregard” of physician’s duty as Medicare and
    Medicaid provider to “take reasonable steps to ensure that his
    clinic’s claims for reimbursement [were] accurate” where phy-
    sician “completely delegated” all billing responsibilities to
    someone with “absolutely no prior experience with medical
    billing” (emphases added)). That Farfield hired McGee for his
    knowledge of and experience with classifications on rail pro-
    jects, or that other individuals may have been ignorant for their
    part, does not mean that Farfield is unaccountable for McGee’s
    reckless actions. An entity’s knowledge for FCA purposes
    may be imputed based on that of a particular employee or
    officer. See, e.g., Sci. Apps., 
    626 F.3d at
    1272–73; U.S. ex rel.
    Harrison v. Westinghouse Savannah River Co., 
    352 F.3d 908
    919–20 & n.11–12 (4th Cir. 2003).
    2. No clear error based on DOL audit. Farfield next
    claims that the District Court’s recklessness finding was
    clearly erroneous for glossing over the DOL’s 2004 audit of
    the Project, which found only minor holiday-pay violations.
    But the District Court did indeed recognize that the DOL audit
    was “evidence going to whether a defendant acted in reckless
    disregard of wage and classification requirements.” A81 (cit-
    ing U.S. ex rel. Rueter v. Sparks, 
    939 F. Supp. 636
     (C.D. Ill.
    1996), aff’d, 
    111 F.3d 133
     (7th Cir. 1997)). The audit evidence
    simply wasn’t compelling or specific enough to rebut the oth-
    erwise strong proof that Farfield acted recklessly. For instance,
    though the DOL auditor appears to have reviewed some payroll
    information, the record does not show that he examined infor-
    mation about the work that groundmen and linemen were
    actually performing. In fact, the limited evidence related to the
    audit suggested that the auditor’s remit may have been much
    narrower than examining worker classification and prevailing
    wage compliance across the entire project.
    3. Farfield’s other arguments fail. Farfield throws
    additional facts at the wall, but none of them stick. Farfield
    contends that it could not have recklessly misclassified work-
    ers on the Project because Local 98 voluntarily dismissed its
    claims against Farfield related to four other projects. But that
    tells us nothing about recklessness as to the Project at issue.
    Nor does the Special Master’s description of the case as entail-
    ing “close questions of fact and law” mean that Farfield could
    not have acted recklessly. Appellant’s Br. 40–41. This case
    implicates fact-bound wage-and-hour issues and complex
    questions of law, including issues of statutory retroactivity, but
    nothing that would diminish Farfield’s culpability.30
    Farfield’s possible compliance with the CBAs’ restrictions
    on groundman work does not vitiate the recklessness finding.
    Even if Farfield or McGee relied on the CBAs when making
    decisions relevant to how employees would be classified
    (which was not proven), “parties dealing with the government
    are expected to know the law, and there is no grave injustice in
    holding parties to a reasonable knowledge of the law.” Abhe
    & Svoboda, 
    508 F.3d at 1060
     (cleaned up). As suggested by
    our earlier treatment of Farfield’s industry-practice argument,
    supra Section V.B.2, relying solely on the CBAs’ lack of
    Farfield also claims that it could not have recklessly dis-
    regarded its legal obligations so as to “cheat” or save money
    because it paid some employees wages higher than those
    required by Davis-Bacon and the SEPTA contract. Appellant’s
    Br. 41–43. But even if that were true, it is irrelevant. To
    “establish[] liability under the FCA, a plaintiff need not prove
    the defendant had a financial motive to make a false statement
    relating to a claim seeking government funds.” Harrison, 
    352 F.3d at 921
     (citation omitted). There may well have been rea-
    sons for Farfield’s recklessness besides aggregate profit. At all
    events, Farfield offers no legal support for offsetting amounts
    underpaid to certain employees with funds overpaid to others.
    Cf. Smiley v. E.I. Dupont De Nemours & Co., 
    839 F.3d 325
    332–35 (3d Cir. 2016) (declining to offset employer’s FLSA
    liability for unpaid pre- and post-shift work with amounts paid
    for unproductive lunch breaks).
    *      *       *
    The record supports the Special Master’s factual find-
    ings underpinning his conclusion that Farfield recklessly dis-
    regarded whether its workers were properly classified and paid,
    and thus recklessly disregarded the truth or falsity of the pay-
    rolls’ certifications of compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act.
    detailed classification strictures—without contacting the sig-
    natories or the DOL—would not have been reasonable enough
    to preclude “deliberate ignorance” or “reckless disregard”
    under the FCA.
    E. The District Court Properly Shifted the Burden
    of Proof on Damages to Farfield.
    Next, Farfield argues that the District Court improperly
    shifted the burden of proof on damages after Local 98 intro-
    duced “representative” evidence about the 42 employees found
    to have been misclassified and underpaid. Appellant’s Br. 44–
    50. Recall that Farfield did not segregate its employees’ hours
    spent performing groundman or laborer work from those per-
    forming lineman work. The Special Master found that substan-
    tial lineman work, such as laying conduit and pulling wire, was
    performed when an employee’s daily time was coded to six of
    the 12 Farfield phase codes that Local 98 challenged. He then
    required Farfield to show that the 42 groundmen and laborers
    whose time was recorded under those six codes actually per-
    formed non-lineman work for which they were paid appropri-
    ately. After crediting Farfield’s rebuttal evidence that an aver-
    age of 1.5 hours of unproductive time per day was billed to
    these codes, and after reducing the misclassified hours accord-
    ingly, the Special Master calculated damages based on the
    resulting hours recorded to those codes for the 42 employees.
    The Special Master awarded this recovery while acknowledg-
    ing that “it [wa]s possible . . . that some of the remaining time
    . . . was not [lineman] work.” A307.
    The District Court authorized this burden-shifting as an
    extension of the Supreme Court’s decision in Anderson v. Mt.
    Clemens Pottery Co., 
    328 U.S. 680
     (1946). Under Mt.
    Clemens, an FLSA plaintiff bears the initial burden of proving
    that employees have “in fact performed work for which [they
    were] improperly compensated” and “produc[ing] sufficient
    evidence to show the amount and extent of that work as a mat-
    ter of just and reasonable inference.” 
    Id. at 687
    . The burden
    “then shifts to the employer to come forward with evidence of
    the precise amount of work performed or with evidence to neg-
    ative the reasonableness of the inference to be drawn from the
    employee’s evidence.” 
     at 687–88. If the employer fails to
    do so, “the court may then award damages to the employee,
    even though the result be only approximate.” 
    omitted). Mt. Clemens also permits an award of back wages to
    non-testifying employees based on the representative testi-
    mony of only some employees. See 
    id. at 687
    ; see also
    Donovan v. New Floridian Hotel, Inc., 
    676 F.2d 468
    , 471–72
    (11th Cir. 1982) (“[E]ach employee need not testify in order to
    make out a prima facie case of the number of hours worked as
    a matter of ‘just and reasonable inference.’” (citing Brennan v.
    Gen. Motors Acceptance Corp., 
    482 F.2d 825
    , 829 (5th Cir.
    According to Farfield, the burden should have remained
    with Local 98 throughout to prove all damages with specificity.
    While granting that Mt. Clemens burden shifting is appropriate
    in FLSA cases, Farfield nonetheless argues that it cannot apply
    in this FCA case. It points out that no cases have applied Mt.
    Clemens to shift the damages burden to the defendant in an
    FCA case and that, unlike an FLSA case, the underpaid
    employees will not receive the damages award here. Farfield
    also challenges the “representativeness” of Local 98’s evi-
    dence. Appellant’s Br. 45–49. We reject both arguments.
    1. Mt. Clemens applies in an appropriate FCA case,
    like this one. Farfield correctly notes that Mt. Clemens burden-
    shifting has not been applied in an FCA case prior to this one.
    But Mt. Clemens has been either cited approvingly or applied
    outright in Davis-Bacon cases. See, e.g., Janik Paving &
    Const., Inc. v. Brock, 
    828 F.2d 84
    , 93 (2d Cir. 1987) (charac-
    terizing Mt. Clemens as “the burden of proof to which the
    Department [of Labor] and employees [a]re generally subject
    in wage-standard violations”); Pythagoras Gen. Contracting
    Corp. v. U.S. Dept. of Labor, 
    926 F. Supp. 2d 490
    , 495–96,
    498–99 (S.D.N.Y. 2013) (affirming DOL Administrative
    Review Board’s invocation of Mt. Clemens in Davis-Bacon
    dispute). And a contractor’s false certifications that its workers
    were paid at the rate legally required by the Davis-Bacon Act
    are fodder for an FCA claim.31 See, e.g., U.S. ex rel. Plumbers
    A line of cases can be read to preclude FCA claims where
    the falsity of the claim or statement depends on the determina-
    tion of complex Davis-Bacon classification issues. See U.S. ex
    rel. Windsor v. DynCorp, Inc., 
    895 F. Supp. 844
    , 851–53 (E.D.
    Va. 1995) (“[A] Davis-Bacon Act worker classification dis-
    pute, by itself, is not an FCA claim because such disputes must
    be resolved by the Department of Labor.”). Farfield has not
    argued that the District Court lacked jurisdiction on this basis,
    and it cites DynCorp. only in its Reply brief to counter an
    unrelated point made by one of amici. See Barna v. Bd. of Sch.
    877 F.3d 136
    , 146 (3d Cir. 2017) (noting that we will not
    “reach arguments raised for the first time in a reply brief or at
    oral argument”). Of course, the District Court did refer this
    case to the DOL for resolution of worker classification ques-
    tions. It is unclear whether DynCorp’s rationale still applies in
    the wake of a referral that the agency declines. Cf. U.S. ex rel.
    Wall v. Circle C Const., LLC, 
    697 F.3d 345
    , 353–54 (6th Cir.
    2012); U.S. ex rel. Plumbers & Steamfitters Loc. Union No.
    342 v. Dan Caputo Co., 
    152 F.3d 1060
    , 1062 (9th Cir. 1998)
    (per curiam). And the Supreme Court has said only that “[d]is-
    putes over the proper classification of workers under a contract
    containing Davis-Bacon provision must be referred to the Sec-
    retary [of Labor] for determination,” not that they must always
    & Steamfitters Local Union No. 38 v. C.W. Roen Const. Co.,
    183 F.3d 1088
    , 1091–92 (9th Cir. 1999) (“[A] false certifica-
    tion that workers have been paid at the legally required wage
    rate may give rise to liability under the FCA. If, as the Plumb-
    ers allege, [defendant and its agents] submitted such false cer-
    tifications, it may be liable under the False Claims Act.” (cita-
    tion omitted)).
    In this FCA false-certification case, the Davis-Bacon
    Act supplies the substantive law by which the falsity of Far-
    field’s statements is judged as well as the measure by which
    employees were misclassified and underpaid. Just because the
    employees themselves will not receive the underpayments
    originally owed them does not mean that an employer can, by
    keeping shoddy records, defeat the recovery of a person or
    entity statutorily entitled to those damages.32 Indeed, account-
    be adjudicated by the DOL for dependent federal-question
    claims to proceed. Coutu, 
    450 U.S. at 760
     (emphasis added).
    We are also guided by court decisions “narrowly draw[ing]”
    other jurisdictional bars to judicial review of Davis-Bacon
    issues. Abhe & Svoboda, 
    508 F.3d at 1058
     (“shield[ing] only
    the substance of wage determinations from judicial review”
    (citing Binghamton, 
    347 U.S. at 177
    40 U.S.C. § 3142
    So to the extent that we must independently assure the exist-
    ence of subject-matter jurisdiction, we conclude that the Dis-
    trict Court had jurisdiction to adjudicate the applicable worker
    classifications after it referred the case to the DOL and the
    DOL declined the referral.
    Though Farfield seeks to distinguish FLSA cases on the
    grounds that the underpaid employees enjoy the recovery, it
    does not challenge the District Court’s conclusion that the
    ability would seem at least equally important when a contractor
    recklessly fails to track its employees’ work on a project
    funded by the public fisc.
    While the FCA specifically places the burden of prov-
    ing damages by a preponderance of the evidence on the Gov-
    ernment or, as here, the relator, 
    31 U.S.C. § 3731
    (d), that bur-
    den is met where the Government establishes “the prima facie
    value” or “face amount” of the damages. United States v.
    709 F.2d 968
    , 972–73 (5th Cir. 1983). The burden
    then shifts to the defendant “to establish the actual value” of
    the damages. 
     Mt. Clemens enables a similar process in
    cases such as this one, where a relator draws prima facie evi-
    dence from the defendant’s own documents to ascribe a face
    value to the Government’s damages. Nor is the FLSA so
    unique as to monopolize the principles of Mt. Clemens; indeed,
    they have been applied in other contexts, including, for exam-
    ple, antitrust cases. See, e.g., Bigelow v. RKO Radio Pictures,
    327 U.S. 251
    , 264–266 (1946) (“[T]he wrongdoer may not
    object to the plaintiff's reasonable estimate of the cause of
    injury and of its amount, supported by the evidence, because
    not based on more accurate data which the wrongdoer's mis-
    conduct has rendered unavailable.”).
    Finally, though it argued as much to the District Court,
    Farfield does not sufficiently raise whether Mt. Clemens is
    inapplicable because Farfield complied with recordkeeping
    obligations, such as “the three-year record retention” regula-
    measure of the Government’s damages is the amount of under-
    paid wages. We assume without deciding that such damages
    were “sustain[ed]” by the Government “because of the act of
    [the defendant],” within the meaning of 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    tion under 
    29 C.F.R. § 5.5
    (a)(3)(i).33 A153. We cannot say
    whether Farfield violated any such requirements. Though
    Farfield may only have learned of a dispute about pay and
    hours four years after cessation of work on the Project, we do
    not know what records, if any, did not survive beyond the
    three-year period.34 And Farfield may have ignored its
    obligations by, for example, failing in the first instance to
    create records reflecting each worker’s “correct classification.”
    § 5.5(a)(3)(i). In any event, the issue is unpreserved—and we
    doubt that the employer’s actual violation of a recordkeeping
    regulation is the sine qua non of Mt. Clemens burden-shifting.
    See, e.g., Reich v. Gateway Press, Inc., 
    13 F.3d 685
    , 701–02
    (3d Cir. 1994) (applying Mt. Clemens burden-shifting due to
    employer’s inadequate records, with no mention of record-
    keeping violation).
    2. Local 98’s evidence was sufficiently representative.
    Farfield’s challenge to the “representativeness” of Local 98’s
    evidence also fails. Local 98 adduced direct testimony from
    six workers who were classified as groundmen or laborers on
    the Project yet whose work was logged using the phase codes
    associated with lineman tasks. Those witnesses testified about
    the work of 22 of the 42 affected groundmen and laborers (i.e.,
    a 52-percent sample). Contrary to Farfield’s argument, this
    evidence is quantitatively representative. See, e.g., Mt.
    328 U.S. at 680
     (8 out of 300 employees testified);
    Farfield argues in its opening brief only that it saw “no need
    to keep records of each task that every employee performed,
    nor is such required.” Appellant’s Br. 50.
    We express no view on whether Farfield violated record-
    keeping obligations.
    Reich v. S. New Eng. Tel. Corp., 
    121 F.3d 58
    , 66–68 (2d Cir.
    1997) (39 of 1,500 employees representative); Gateway Press,
    13 F.3d at 701
     (testimony of 22 out of 70 employees for whom
    back wages were sought); McLaughlin v. Ho Fat Seto, 
    850 F.2d 586
    , 589 (9th Cir. 1988) (5 out of 28), cert. denied, 
    488 U.S. 1040
     (1989); Donovan v. Simmons Petroleum Corp., 
    725 F.2d 83
    , 86 (10th Cir. 1983) (testimony of 12 employees suffi-
    cient for all former employees); New Floridian Hotel, 
    676 F.2d at 472
     (23 testified out of 207 receiving an award).
    The testimony of the six workers was also qualitatively
    representative. Farfield cites nothing suggesting that the fre-
    quency with which testifying workers performed lineman work
    under the relevant phase codes was so unique that it was
    unreasonable to conclude that they devoted “approximate[ly]”
    the same amount of time as the other affected workers to line-
    man work. Mt. Clemens. 
    328 U.S. at
    688: see also Tyson
    Foods, Inc. v. Bouaphakeo, 
    577 U.S. 442
    , 459 (2016) (“Rea-
    sonable minds may differ as to whether the average time [] cal-
    culated is probative as to the time actually worked by each
    employee. Resolving that question, however, is the near-
    exclusive province of the [factfinder]. The District Court could
    have denied class certification on this ground only if it con-
    cluded that no reasonable juror could have believed that the
    employees spent roughly equal time donning and doffing.”
    (citation omitted)). In fact, there was evidence that “most
    crews were not limited in the work they performed” and that
    “all workers on a crew performed all of these tasks [installing
    conduit and pulling wire] at various times.” A290–91 (Find-
    ings of Fact ¶¶ 135, 140). And to the extent that differences
    existed, the factfinding seems to have accounted for them.
    *      *      *
    Shifting the burden of proof on damages to Farfield
    after Local 98 made out a prima facie case valuing those dam-
    ages was justified here, just as it would have been in an FLSA
    case or a Davis-Bacon proceeding before the DOL. And the
    testifying workers’ incidence of lineman work under the rele-
    vant phase codes was representative of that experienced by the
    non-testifying affected workers.
    F. The Award of Attorneys’ Fees Was Reasonable.
    Finally, we reach Farfield’s challenge to the District
    Court’s award of $1,229,927.55 in attorneys’ fees to Local 98.
    Farfield does not claim that the District Court erred in award-
    ing $203,226.45 in costs, nor does it assert that any of the
    Court’s factual findings were erroneous. The core of Farfield’s
    argument is that Local 98’s attorneys’ fees incurred on the four
    voluntarily dismissed claims relating to other projects were not
    fully excluded from the lodestar, and that many of a paralegal’s
    time entries were too vague. Along with Farfield’s other argu-
    ments, these fail as well.
    Under our precedent, district courts have “substantial
    discretion to determine what constitutes reasonable attorneys’
    fees because they are better informed than an appellate court
    about the underlying litigation and an award of attorney fees is
    fact specific.” United States ex rel. Palmer v. C&D Techs.,
    897 F.3d 128
    , 137 (3d Cir. 2018) (cleaned up). So long
    as the District Court employed correct standards and proce-
    dures (as judged under de novo review) and made findings of
    fact that are not clearly erroneous, we should let its fee award
    stand. See, e.g., Pub. Interest Res. Grp. of N.J., Inc. v. Windall,
    51 F.3d 1179
    , 1184 (3d Cir. 1995).
    In a 54-page memorandum opinion and order, the Dis-
    trict Court granted in part Local 98’s motion for attorneys’ fees
    and costs. The Court made extensive findings of fact and
    rejected the same arguments Farfield makes here. On the point
    about limited success, the Court noted that Local 98’s attorneys
    cut over 1,000 hours to account for time spent pursuing work
    on the four voluntarily dismissed claims. The Court then
    applied the test announced in Hensley v. Eckerhart, 
    461 U.S. 424
     (1983), to conclude that no further reductions were war-
    ranted because “the legal theories and claim were the same
    across all five projects.” A19–24.35 And the Court rejected
    Farfield’s challenge to the paralegal’s time entries.
    The District Court applied the correct legal standards
    and procedures, and it made extensive findings of fact that are
    supported by the record and the posture of the litigation. We
    will affirm its award of attorneys’ fees to Local 98.
    Farfield cursorily states that the “multiplier” of fees over and
    above damages shows that the fees awarded were excessive in
    relation to the recovery—i.e., the degree of Local 98’s success
    on its claim relating to the Project. Appellant’s Br. 53. But
    here, there was no appreciable “multiplier”: Local 98 proved
    up a judgment of over $1 million (70 percent of which flows to
    the Government), and the attorneys’ fees awarded were more
    or less equivalent to that judgment. At all events, this recovery
    is substantial—if not “large” relative to the typical FCA case
    or the aggregate value of the Project. And “a plaintiff who has
    won substantial relief should not have his attorney’s fee
    reduced simply because the district court did not adopt each
    contention raised.” Hensley, 
    461 U.S. at 440
    In the preceding pages, we resolve several issues not
    previously decided by our Court. Congress’s 2009 amend-
    ments to 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (a)(1)(B) apply retroactively to cases
    pending on or after June 7, 2008, no matter when the underly-
    ing conduct occurred. When deciding how to classify workers
    on a federally funded project, a contractor must contact either
    the DOL or the signatories, including the union(s), to the CBA
    underpinning the prevailing wage determination incorporated
    into the contract. A contractor’s false certifications of Davis-
    Bacon compliance on payrolls submitted to the Government
    are material, absent evidence of the Government’s past action
    relevant to associated claims or proof that the contractor’s
    noncompliance was minor or insubstantial. And the damages
    burden-shifting framework applicable in FLSA and Davis-
    Bacon cases may apply in the appropriate FCA case. These
    holdings, along with the foregoing analysis, compel us to
    affirm the challenged orders of the District Court.

Document Info

Docket Number: 20-1922

Filed Date: 7/13/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 7/13/2021

Authorities (62)

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View All Authorities »