Parker Avenue L.P. v. City of Philadelphia , 660 F. App'x 155 ( 2016 )

  •                                                                    NOT PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 13-4049
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (E.D. Pa. No. 2-13-cv-00121)
    District Judge: Honorable Harvey Bartle, III
    Submitted Under Third Circuit L.A.R. 34.1(a)
    September 23, 2016
    Before: McKEE, Chief Judge, HARDIMAN, and RENDELL, Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: September 23, 2016)
    This disposition is not an opinion of the full Court and pursuant to I.O.P. 5.7 does
    not constitute binding precedent.
    HARDIMAN, Circuit Judge.
    Parker Avenue, L.P., appeals the District Court’s orders dismissing its amended
    complaint for failure to state a claim and denying its motion for reconsideration and leave
    to file a second amended complaint. We will affirm, essentially for the reasons stated by
    the District Court in its excellent opinion.
    Parker owns land in the 21st Ward of the City of Philadelphia upon which it has
    sought to build 48 semi-detached residential units for some 10 years. The proposed
    development complies with the applicable zoning ordinance and Parker has obtained the
    necessary approvals and clearances from the City and the Commonwealth. The
    development has been thwarted, however, by the City Council’s failure to pass an
    ordinance to pave Cinnaminson Street, which would provide the necessary ingress to and
    egress from the property.
    Two bills to pave Cinnaminson Street were introduced in 2007 and referred to the
    City Council’s Committee on Streets and Services, but they were later removed from the
    agenda. A neighborhood group—the Ridge Park Civic Association—opposed Parker’s
    development plan and persuaded the district’s councilwoman and her successor not to
    support the bills. Although Parker met with the Civic Association and tried to address its
    concerns, the bills to pave the street were never reintroduced, which has precluded
    development of the property.
    In its amended complaint, Parker lists 39 paving ordinances that were introduced
    in the last 10 years, 8 of which related to residential development. All of these paving
    ordinances were passed by the City Council, except for the one to pave Cinnaminson
    Street. Parker alleges that the City has intentionally treated it differently from other
    similarly situated landowners without any rational basis. As a result of the City’s conduct,
    Parker asserts that it has been prevented from reasonably using, developing, and enjoying
    its property.
    The District Court dismissed the amended complaint. Parker then moved for
    reconsideration and for leave to file a second amended complaint, but its motion was
    denied. Parker filed a timely notice of appeal.1
    After its original complaint was dismissed by the District Court, Parker filed a
    state court action alleging that the City Council’s failure to pave Cinnaminson Street was
    a de facto taking. The state trial court agreed, but its decision was reversed and vacated by
    the en banc Commonwealth Court. Parker Ave. v. City of Philadelphia, 
    122 A.3d 483
    485 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 2015). The Commonwealth Court found that “Parker Avenue is not
    entitled to the ordinances it proposed” and that “the City acted within its discretion by not
    addressing the ordinances.” 
     at 488–89. Parker’s petition for allowance of appeal was
    denied by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in March 2016. Parker Ave. L.P. v. City of
    132 A.3d 460
     (Pa. 2016). Contrary to the City’s argument, the
    Commonwealth Court’s order did not have preclusive effect as to Parker’s constitutional
    claims because the state court decided the case under Pennsylvania eminent domain law
    and did not address whether the City violated Parker’s federal constitutional rights. See R
    & J Holding Co. v. Redevelopment Auth. of Cty. of Montgomery, 
    670 F.3d 420
    , 430 (3d
    Cir. 2011) (finding no issue preclusion where parties never actually litigated federal
    constitutional claims).
    The District Court had jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    , and we have appellate
    jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . We exercise plenary review over the dismissal of a
    complaint for failure to state a claim. Maiden Creek Assocs., L.P. v. U.S. Dep’t of
    823 F.3d 184
    , 189 (3d Cir. 2016). We will affirm an order dismissing claims for
    failure to state a claim if the complaint lacks sufficient factual allegations, accepted as
    true, to state a plausible claim for relief. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6); Warren Gen. Hosp.
    v. Amgen Inc., 
    643 F.3d 77
    , 84 (3d Cir. 2011).
    Parker raises four arguments on appeal. First, it argues that the District Court
    applied an impermissibly high plausibility standard. We disagree. The District Court
    properly applied the pleading standards set forth in Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    (2009), and Bell Atlantic v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
     (2007), and found that the amended
    complaint failed to state plausible claims for relief. And as we explain below, the District
    Court’s analysis was not erroneous.
    Second, Parker argues that the District Court erred in dismissing its equal
    protection claim because the Court evaluated its allegations under an improper standard.
    In order to maintain a “class of one” equal protection claim, a plaintiff must allege that it
    “has been intentionally treated differently from others similarly situated and that there is
    no rational basis for the difference in treatment.” Vill. of Willowbrook v. Olech, 
    528 U.S.
    562, 564 (2000). The District Court applied this standard, but instead of stating “others
    similarly situated,” it stated “all others similarly situated.” App. 5 (emphasis added).
    Parker claims the word “all” suggested the imposition of an “impossible burden” of
    identifying every other similarly situated party and then demonstrating differential
    treatment, all without the benefit of discovery. Parker Br. 20–21.
    The District Court did not dismiss the equal protection claim, however, for failure
    to identify all other similarly situated landowners. Rather, the District Court dismissed the
    claim for failure to allege that Parker was treated differently from landowners who were
    “alike in all relevant aspects.” App. 4 (quoting Startzell v. City of Philadelphia, 
    533 F.3d 183
    , 203 (3d Cir. 2008)). Although the amended complaint identified a number of
    approved paving ordinances, including some for residential developments, it failed to
    allege whether any of them were opposed by neighbors or local civic groups, as was the
    paving ordinance for Cinnaminson Street. Nor did the amended complaint allege whether
    the approved ordinances were similar regarding their locations or surroundings, including
    with respect to issues such as traffic, noise, density, or size of the residential
    development. Without more specific facts, Parker has not alleged that these landowners
    are similarly situated, and has therefore failed to state an equal protection claim.
    Third, Parker claims the District Court erred in dismissing its substantive due
    process claim because the City’s failure to authorize the paving of Cinnaminson Street
    was arbitrary and irrational conduct that “shocks the conscience.” This is a difficult
    standard to meet, and the amended complaint falls short.2 Parker concedes, as it must, that
    the City has the authority to enact ordinances based on competing interests. Nevertheless,
    it argues that the City acted arbitrarily by acquiescing to a community group opposed to
    development and failing to enact the requested paving ordinance. As explained by the
    District Court, however, Parker did not allege irrational and arbitrary governmental
    conduct. It merely alleged a difference of opinion between a landowner and a civic
    association over the propriety of paving of a city street. These competing interests of the
    two sides are for the City to resolve. See CMR D.N. Corp. v. City of Philadelphia, 
    703 F.3d 612
    , 633 (3d Cir. 2013). Far from shocking the conscience, the amended complaint
    alleges local legislative judgment that appears to be rationally related to the concerns of
    some constituents. Accordingly, the District Court did not err in dismissing the
    substantive due process claim.
    Finally, we turn to Parker’s argument that the District Court erred when it denied
    its motion for leave to amend. “[A]lthough we review a denial of leave to amend for
    abuse of discretion, we review the District Court’s determination that the amendment
    would be futile de novo.” Maiden Creek Assocs. v. U.S. Dep’t of Transp., 
    823 F.3d 184
    The City argues that, because this case involves legislative action rather than
    executive action, the “no rational basis” standard should apply instead of the “shocks the
    conscience” standard. See Nicholas v. Pa. State Univ., 
    227 F.3d 133
    , 139 (3d Cir. 2000).
    The District Court recognized the distinction and found the alleged conduct neither
    irrational nor conscience-shocking. Since we agree, we need not explore the difference
    between the standards.
    189 (3d Cir. 2016). The proposed second amended complaint sought to add details about
    some of the residential developments for which paving bills had been passed, yet did not
    cure the deficiencies identified by the District Court. The proposed amendments did not,
    for example, include factual allegations of irrational or arbitrary conduct by the City
    Council in weighing the competing interests of the civic association and developer. Nor
    did the amendments allege that any of the other paving bills were either supported or
    opposed by a local neighborhood association. Because Parker did not cure these
    deficiencies, the District Court reasonably found that a second opportunity to amend
    would prove futile. We perceive no error in this determination.
    For the foregoing reasons, we will affirm the District Court’s orders.