Gardiner v. VI Water Power Auth , 145 F.3d 635 ( 1998 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1998 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Gardiner v. VI Water Power Auth
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 96-7565
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    Filed June 8, 1998
    No. 96-7565
    Third-Party Plaintiff
    Third-Party Defendants
    Virgin Islands Water &
    Power Authority,
    On Appeal from the District Court of the Virgin Islands
    Division of St. Croix
    (D.C. Civil Action No. 90-cv-00295)
    Argued April 8, 1997
    Before: BECKER, ROTH and WEIS, Circuit Judges
    (Opinion Filed June 8, 1998)
    John K. Dema, Esq. (Argued)
    Carey-Anne Moody, Esq.
    Law Offices of John K. Dema
    1236 Strand Street, Suite 103
    Christiansted, St. Croix
    U.S. Virgin Islands 00820-5008
    Attorneys for Appellee
    John J. Cooney, Esq. (Argued)
    Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti
    1201 New York Avenue, N.W.
    Suite 1000
    Washington, DC 20005
    Barbara Twine-Thomas, Esq.
    Virgin Islands Water & Power
    P.O. Box 1450
    Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas
    U.S. Virgin Islands 00804
    Attorneys for Appellant
    ROTH, Circuit Judge
    When Hurricane Hugo hit the Virgin Islands on
    September 17 and 18, 1989, it destroyed the potable water
    delivery system on St. Croix. The Virgin Islands Water and
    Power Authority (WAPA),1 and officials of the United States
    government immediately began efforts to restore water
    service, using fresh water wells. Because the equipment
    being used at each well site was in high demand on the
    island, FitzRoy Gardiner and his company, Western Trading
    Enterprises (Gardiner), were hired to perform security and
    maintenance service at the wells 24 hours a day. The bill
    for Gardiner's services over the following ten weeks came to
    $1,245,178, of which WAPA has paid $616,538. In this
    action Gardiner sought the balance from WAPA. WAPA
    1. WAPA has the statutory obligation to provide water for the residents
    of the Virgin Islands, V.I. Code Ann. tit. 30 S 105(a).
    based its refusal to pay on its contention that it did not
    contract with Gardiner but that Gardiner contracted
    instead with the United States.
    I. Factual Background
    In the days following the hurricane, the United States
    and WAPA worked together to implement a water
    distribution system using about 45 fresh water wells
    located in well fields owned by WAPA. Each well required a
    pump and a generator to power it. From the wells, water
    was pumped into storage tanks and then into pressurized
    distribution lines. These too required pumps and
    generators. The Army Corps of Engineers, along with the
    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and WAPA,
    obtained the necessary equipment, which was apparently
    owned, at least in part, by the federal government.
    By early October the new system was in place, but
    security at the wells quickly became a serious problem
    despite a tightly-enforced curfew to prevent violence and
    looting. The lack of electric power on the Island made the
    generators very desirable; the wells themselves were located
    in remote areas, covered with dense vegetation up to six
    and a half feet high. WAPA employees provided security
    services during the first few days of October, until several
    employees were threatened by persons who were attempting
    to steal the generators and pumps. The United States
    Army, the National Guard, and the Virgin Islands Police
    Department refused to provide the necessary 24 hour
    security. WAPA acknowledges that providing the security
    was hazardous work.
    Bruce Green, an employee of the United States Geological
    Survey assigned by FEMA to work on the Islands, and
    Romeo Cipriani, Superintendent of the Water Distribution
    System for WAPA on St. Croix, met with Gardiner in early
    October to discuss security at the well fields. Gardiner had
    previously worked for WAPA and was already doing work
    for WAPA on another project. Green and Cipriani reviewed
    the problems at the wells with Gardiner, and Gardiner
    orally agreed to provide both security and maintenance
    services 24 hours a day. According to Bruce Green's
    deposition, Gardiner was told at this initial meeting that
    WAPA would be reimbursed by the federal government for
    the payments to Gardiner. Gardiner, on the other hand,
    testified that he did not learn this until later. There was no
    written contract. Gardiner began to perform the services
    immediately. He had people in the field within hours. By all
    accounts, Gardiner and his crews were resourceful and
    highly successful. In order to assure uninterrupted service,
    Gardiner constructed shelters for his crews at the wells. His
    crews kept the equipment fueled and performed
    maintenance services such as changing oil, adjusting
    carburetors, and repairing and replacing filters, mufflers,
    starter cords, and other parts. When three generators
    failed, Gardiner replaced them with his own.
    On October 25, 1989, Gardiner, Cipriani, and Fred
    Rounsaville of the Army Corps of Engineers met to discuss
    Gardiner's fee for his services. Gardiner agreed to lower his
    rates from $30 to $22.50 per person per hour during the
    day and from $35 to $27.50 per hour at night.2 In a
    memorandum discussing this negotiation, Rounsaville
    wrote that the "charges of $30 and $35 per hour" were
    "excessive and I requested a meeting with Mr. Cipriani of
    WAPA, the contractor and Mr. Green." Rounsaville also
    wrote that he thought the new rates were still too high but
    that "I agreed to the hourly rates" because of the
    "importance of providing drinking water to the residence
    [sic]." Gardiner, according to the memo, threatened to
    withdraw all workers by nightfall if his terms were not met.
    Finally, Rounsaville's memo states that "I discussed this
    with John Swanson and he agreed with my conclusion even
    though the rates were higher than usual the need
    outweighed the costs."
    The United States was still unhappy with Gardiner's fees,
    however, and on November 2, 1989, Rounsaville and
    2. These figures are taken from the district court's opinion at page 6.
    court's findings of fact and conclusions of law, which followed the bench
    trial on damages, reflect that the billing was actually somewhat more
    complicated. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law at PP 17-22. The
    billing rates and amount of damages are not at issue on this appeal
    except that WAPA has challenged the award (but not the amount) of
    prejudgment interest.
    Gardiner agreed to lower the rates to $20 per hour during
    the day and $25 per hour at night, beginning with the sixth
    week of service. WAPA maintains that none of its employees
    participated in this meeting.
    As discussed by Green, Cipriani, and Gardiner at their
    initial meeting, Gardiner submitted his invoices to WAPA.
    On November 2, 1989, WAPA paid the invoices, which
    totaled $282,275 for the weeks ending October 7 and 14.
    Gardiner received payment for the last two weeks of
    October, more than $334,000, on approximately November
    7. The checks to Gardiner were signed by Nellon Bowry,
    chief financial officer of WAPA, and Alberto Bruno-Vega,
    Executive Director of WAPA.
    On November 21, 1989 the WAPA Governing Board
    passed a resolution that, according to Bruno-Vega's
    deposition testimony, ratified his expenditures in excess of
    $75,000 in the immediate wake of the hurricane. The
    resolution provided in part:
    WHEREAS, in an informal emergency meeting of the
    Governing Board, and in other meetings of the
    Governing Board's Finance Committee, since Hurricane
    Hugo, the Governing Board informally granted the
    Executive Director the authority to temporarily
    negotiate, sign and execute contracts and other
    transactions of the Authority for amounts in excess of
    $75,000, without prior consent of the Governing Board;
    the Executive Director of the Authority, Alberto Bruno-
    Vega, be authorized to negotiate, sign and execute
    contracts and other necessary transactions of the
    Authority for amounts in excess of $75,000, without
    prior consent and knowledge of the Governing Board,
    during the Authority's emergency efforts to restore
    service and to repair its facilities from the damage
    caused by Hurricane Hugo. Said authorization shall
    terminate upon the entry of a resolution of the
    Governing Board expressly terminating said temporary
    After paying Gardiner for the last two weeks of October,
    WAPA refused to make any further payments. WAPA paid
    Gardiner $616,538 in total, covering the first four weeks of
    services. Gardiner billed WAPA a total of $1,245,178 for the
    ten weeks of services. Gardiner testified that he was shown
    a check in the middle of November that had been made out
    to him by a WAPA employee, but that he was told there was
    a problem and it would not be delivered immediately. WAPA
    did not, however, tell Gardiner to stop protecting the wells
    or to seek payment from the federal government. Gardiner
    continued to provide services through the middle of
    December. Beginning in November, WAPA charged its
    customers for the water supplied by the well fields.
    Under the system set up for Gardiner's payments, WAPA
    paid Gardiner and then sought reimbursement from the
    United States. WAPA claims that it stopped paying Gardiner
    when it realized that FEMA might not reimburse it for
    Gardiner's services. WAPA has stipulated that each time it
    requested reimbursement for expenses, it had tofile a "form
    No. 270," which stated, in part that "FEMA is not a party
    to this contract." Damage Survey Reports ("DSR"), which
    accompany requests for assistance after a natural disaster,
    were compiled by Fred Rounsaville and submitted to FEMA.
    Although Rounsaville approved Gardiner's rates and told
    WAPA officials that senior FEMA officials approved them as
    well, FEMA initially authorized payment of $830,000 to
    WAPA, more than $400,000 less than Gardiner was owed.
    This figure was further reduced by the Inspector General's
    review of the billing after Gardiner had finished the work.
    After this audit, FEMA agreed to reimburse WAPA a total of
    only $443,000.
    II. Procedural Background
    Gardiner filed suit against WAPA in November, 1990, in
    the District Court of the Virgin Islands. The complaint
    alleges that WAPA breached a contract with Gardiner when
    it refused to pay for Gardiner's services.
    On January 25, 1991, WAPA filed a third party complaint
    against FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers and the United
    States Geological Society. The third party defendants, along
    with Gardiner, moved to dismiss. The court granted the
    motion on April 17, 1991, in a two page order, which read
    in part:
    The third party plaintiff having conceded that the
    jurisdiction of the third party claim belongs with the
    United States Claims Court; and
    It appearing that the United States Claims Court does
    not have jurisdiction over the plaintiff's claim against
    the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority as that
    court does not have jurisdiction over suits between
    private parties [citation omitted]...IT IS...ORDERED
    that the motion of the third party defendants is
    On July 12, 1991, WAPA moved to "Amend and/or
    Reinstate a Third-Party Complaint and a Cross Claim
    Against the United States of America and to Transfer Entire
    Matter to the United States Claims Court." WAPA argued in
    support of the second motion that under 28 U.S.C. S 1631,
    the district court could transfer the case to the Court of
    Claims after joining the United States as a party.
    The district court granted WAPA's motion to amend
    and/or reinstate its third party complaint on June 30,
    1992. The district court reasoned that the transfer was
    appropriate pursuant to 28 U.S.C. S 1406(c). Gardiner
    appealed. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
    reversed and remanded on September 2, 1993. The Court
    of Appeals determined, in part, that "the district court
    relied on 28 U.S.C. S 1406(c) as it existed prior to 1982 in
    transferring this case to the claims court," that this statute
    "was repealed by Congress in 1982," and no longer
    provided the court with authority to transfer the case. The
    Court of Appeals also noted that WAPA did not allege in its
    pleadings that it had a contract with the United States and
    that WAPA therefore did not state "a claim upon which
    relief may be granted by the claims court."
    On September 10, 1993, WAPA renewed its earlier
    motion, dated May 10, 1991, to dismiss for failure to join
    an indispensable party, the United States. The district
    court heard argument on the motion on December 20,
    1993, and denied it "for the reasons stated on the record."
    The court stated that "[t]his is a case we've struggled with
    and struggled with, and based on law and a growing equity
    of claims of injustice [sic] compelled and must be denied."
    The court also said that it would let WAPA use "the
    evidence of FEMA assurances" and the evidence of an
    agreement between the plaintiff and the United States "to
    disprove the plaintiff 's claim of a contract between it and
    WAPA." WAPA filed a notice of appeal on January 19, 1994.
    The appeal was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction on
    November 18, 1994.
    The district court granted a motion by Gardiner for
    partial summary judgment on August 17, 1995. The court
    held that Gardiner and WAPA had a binding contract, but
    reserved the issue of damages for trial. After a bench trial
    on January 23 and 24, 1996, the court issued findings of
    fact and conclusions of law on August 14, 1996. The court
    found that WAPA owed Gardiner $628,640 for unpaid
    services performed by Gardiner under the contract and that
    WAPA was liable for prejudgment interest in the amount of
    $377,184. The interest represented 9% simple interest per
    annum from December 9, 1989, to August 8, 1996. The
    court entered judgment for Gardiner in the amount of
    $1,005,824. The court also awarded Gardiner attorney's
    fees and set a briefing schedule to determine the amount.
    WAPA appealed to this Court on September 12, 1996.
    The district court had jurisdiction of this case under 48
    U.S.C. S 1612. We have appellate jurisdiction under 28
    U.S.C. S 1291.
    III. Motion to Dismiss for Lack of an
    Indispensable Party
    WAPA argues that under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    19(b) the district court should have dismissed this case
    because the United States is an indispensable party which
    cannot be joined. WAPA maintains that because the United
    States was not a party, WAPA was not able to demonstrate
    that Gardiner contracted with the United States instead of
    with WAPA. WAPA bases this claim in part on the fact that
    it had only limited discovery against the United States.
    WAPA also contends that this action will impact the United
    States because the decision will resolve some of the terms
    of the contract, such as the amount that Gardiner is
    entitled to recover. Finally, WAPA claims that failure to
    include the United States as a party forces WAPA to
    assume the risk of inconsistent obligations.
    In determining whether a district court should have
    dismissed a case under Rule 19(b) for failure to join an
    indispensable party, we must make a preliminary
    determination that the non-joined party cannot be joined
    under Rule 19(a). Only if a party cannot be joined under
    Rule 19(a), does Rule 19(b) come into play.3 Shetter v.
    3. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 19 provides in part that:
    (a) Persons to be Joined if Feasible. A person who is subject to
    service of process and whose joinder will not deprive the court of
    jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action shall be joined
    a party in the action if
    (1) in the person's absence complete relief cannot be accorded
    among those already parties, or
    (2) the person claims an interest relating to the subject of the
    action and is so situated that the disposition of the action in the
    person's absence may
    (I) as a practical matter impair or imped the person's ability to
    protect that interest or
    (ii) leave any of the persons already parties subject to a
    substantial risk of incurring double, multiple, or otherwise
    inconsistent obligations by reason of the claimed interest.
    If the person has not been so joined, the court shall order that
    person be made a party. If the person should join as a plaintiff
    refuses to do so, the person may be made a defendant, or, in a
    proper case, an involuntary plaintiff. If the joined party objects
    venue and joinder of that party would render the venue of the
    improper, that party shall be dismissed from the action.
    (b) Determination by the Court Whenever Joinder Not Feasible.
    If a person as described in subdivision (a)(1)-(2) hereof cannot be
    made a party, the court shall determine whether in equity and good
    conscience the action should proceed among the parties before it,
    should be dismissed, the absent person being thus regarded as
    indispensable. The factors to be considered by the court include:
    first, to what extent a judgment rendered in the person's absence
    might be prejudicial to the person or those already parties;
    the extent to which, by protective provisions in the judgment, by
    shaping of relief, or other measures, the prejudice can be lessened
    or avoided; third, whether a judgment rendered in the person's
    absence will be adequate; fourth, whether the plaintiff will have
    adequate remedy if the action is dismissed for nonjoinder.
    (emphasis added).
    Amerada Hess Corporation, 
    14 F.3d 934
    , 941 (3d Cir.
    1993); Janney Montgomery Scott, Inc. v. Shepard Niles, Inc.,
    11 F.3d 399
    , 404 (3d Cir. 1993).
    We exercise plenary reviews over a Rule 19(a)
    determination to the extent that it is based on conclusions
    of law; as to subsidiary findings of fact we apply a clear
    error standard. HB General Corp. v. Manchester Partners,
    95 F.3d 1185
    , 1189 (3d Cir. 1996) (citing Janney, 
    11 F.3d at 404
    ). Rule 19(b) determinations are reviewed for an
    abuse of discretion. HB General Corp., 
    95 F.3d at 1189
    Even assuming that the United States could not have
    been joined under Rule 19(a), we cannot conclude that the
    district court abused its discretion in refusing to dismiss
    under Rule 19(b). See Schulman v. J.P. Morgan Inv.
    Management, Inc., 
    35 F.3d 799
    , 806 (3d Cir. 1994). Under
    Rule 19(b), the district court had to decide whether the
    United States's participation in the litigation was so
    important that "in equity and good conscience the
    action...should be dismissed, the absent person being thus
    regarded as indispensable." The four factors listed in the
    Rule are not exhaustive, but they are the most important
    considerations in deciding whether to dismiss the action.
    Wright, Miller & Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure
    S 1608 at 91 (2d Ed. 1986).
    The first and second factors under Rule 19(b) are "to
    what extent a judgment rendered in the person's absence
    might be prejudicial to the person or those already parties,"
    and to what extent such prejudice can be avoided. Here,
    there is little danger of prejudice to the absent party -- the
    United States -- if this case goes forward without it. Indeed,
    the United States does not want to become a party to the
    suit, strongly suggesting that its interests will not be
    impeded if the suit goes forward without it. See Sindia
    Expedition v. Wrecked & Abandoned Vessel, 
    895 F.2d 116
    121 (3d Cir. 1990) (reasoning that Rule 19(a)(2)(I) did not
    apply because New Jersey was "manifestly unconcerned
    with any adjudication in its absence");4 see also Peregrine
    4. The first factor under Rule 19(b) overlaps considerably with the Rule
    19(a) analysis. Wright, Miller & Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure
    S 1608 at 91.
    Myanmar Ltd. v. Segal, 
    89 F.3d 41
    , 49 (2d Cir. 1996).
    Moreover, there is no prejudice to Gardiner in excluding the
    United States. Gardiner can recover fully from WAPA, the
    party with whom Gardiner claims it has a contract.
    WAPA, on the other hand, argues that the absence of the
    United States has seriously hampered WAPA's effort to
    show that there was no contract between WAPA and
    Gardiner. WAPA has not, however, come forward with much
    to support this claim. Indeed, as Gardiner points out,
    WAPA deposed a number of federal officials: Fred
    Rounsaville, Edward Orchowski, Steve Singer, Thomas
    Barbee, Adair Martin, David Shriver, Wynn Fuller, Colonel
    Cox, and Gerald Connolly. Despite the depositions, WAPA
    claims that it was unable to obtain relevant "internal
    documents" from the government, but WAPA has not
    presented specific evidence of prejudice. Although we do
    not suggest that WAPA must identify beforehand the
    contents of the documents that it seeks, WAPA must
    nonetheless identify with greater specificity the information
    that it needs. For example, WAPA might, argue that it could
    not show which federal officials had the implied authority
    to contract with Gardiner because it was not given
    information about their jobs and responsibilities. Or WAPA
    might assert that it could not learn who the contracting
    officers on St. Croix were immediately after Hugo hit. WAPA
    has not, however, made any such contention. Given the
    extensive discovery permitted in this case, WAPA should be
    able to identify any missing information with more detail
    than the phrase "internal documents."
    WAPA also argues that it "runs the risk of inconsistent
    adjudication of its rights" if the United States is not joined
    because, if Gardiner prevails, WAPA must then pursue a
    remedy against the United States in a different action. The
    risk of inconsistent judgments, although mentioned
    specifically in Rule 19(a)(2)(ii), is relevant under Rule 19(b)
    as well. Schulman, 
    35 F.3d at 806
    . In general, however, "a
    defendant's right to contribution or indemnity from an
    absent non-diverse party does not render that absentee
    indispensable pursuant to Rule 19." Janney, 
    11 F.3d at 412
    . In Janney, we considered an agreement in which
    Janney would serve as an advisor to Underwood and its
    subsidiary, Shepard Niles. Janney sued Shepard Niles, and
    Shepard Niles contended that Underwood, as a co-obligor to
    the contract, was a party to be joined if feasible under Rule
    19(a). If joined, Underwood would have destroyed diversity
    We concluded that the outcome of the case would be"res
    judicata or collateral estoppel as between Janney and
    Shepard Niles," but that Janney "remain[ed] free to claim
    contribution or indemnity from Underwood." We went on
    the explain that "a defendant's right to contribution or
    indemnity from an absent non-diverse party does not
    render that absentee indispensable pursuant to Rule 19."
    11 F.3d at 412
     (quoting Bank of America National Trust and
    Savings Association, 
    844 F.2d 150
    , 1054 (3d Cir. 1988)). A
    defendant may implead the absent party under Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 14, but is not required to do so,
    "and if it does not, its right to bring a separate action for
    contribution or indemnity is unaffected." Id.5
    In this case, unlike Janney, the defendant does not have
    the option to implead the absent party because we lack
    jurisdiction over the United States. Indeed, the third-party
    complaint which WAPA filed against FEMA, the Army Corps
    of Engineers, and the United States Geological Society, was
    dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. But the reasoning of
    Janney -- if a defendant does not implead an absent party,
    there is no legal effect on its rights of contribution or
    indemnification -- applies with equal force here.6 WAPA is
    free to pursue any claim it has against the United States in
    5. Some courts, and Wright, Miller & Kane, reason that joint obligors to
    a contract "are treated as Rule 19(a) parties, but are not deemed
    indispensable under Rule 19(b). Wright, Miller & Kane, Federal Practice
    & Procedure S 1613 at 182-183."
    6. WAPA suggests that the terms of a contract between it and the United
    States could be determined in the litigation between WAPA and Gardiner.
    Specifically, WAPA points to the issue of what rates Gardiner was
    entitled to receive. It is not clear, however, how the determination of
    rates in a contract between Gardiner and WAPA necessarily resolves the
    issue of the reimbursement which the United States may have agreed to
    pay WAPA. WAPA, for example, may have agreed to pay Gardiner's high
    rates, while the United States may have contracted with WAPA to
    reimburse standard or reasonable rates. We express no opinion on these
    issues and raise them only to note the problems in WAPA's claim.
    Contrary to WAPA's claim, this litigation will only bind the parties
    involved and those in privity with them; this does not appear to include
    the United States. 18 Moore's Federal Practice, S 132.01[1] (Matthew
    Bender 3d ed.)
    a separate action. We recognize that this is a less
    convenient remedy for WAPA. Nevertheless, it is a means of
    resolving WAPA's claim of the risk of inconsistent
    WAPA's final argument on the issue of prejudice is that
    the district court did not permit it to present its defense
    that Gardiner contracted not with WAPA, but with the
    United States. In support, WAPA points to the district
    court's statements that the involvement of the United
    States was not "material" or "pertinent." These statements
    reflect, however, the district court's conclusion that
    Gardiner had demonstrated that Gardiner and WAPA had a
    contract, making summary judgment appropriate. If the
    district court determined that a contract existed between
    WAPA and Gardiner, Gardiner was entitled to summary
    judgment, regardless of what agreement WAPA may have
    had with the United States. We will consider the district
    court's grant of summary judgment in the next section. We
    note only that whatever "prejudice" may have enured from
    the district court's conclusions on materiality and
    pertinence goes only to the issue of the propriety of
    summary judgment. The district court's statement that
    certain activities by federal officials were not"material" to
    its determination that Gardiner's contract was with WAPA
    was made in the context of the consideration of summary
    judgment and it has no bearing on whether joinder of the
    United States was feasible under Rule 19(b).
    The third factor under Rule 19(b) is "whether a judgment
    rendered in the person's absence will be adequate." This
    element allows the court to consider whether the relief it
    may grant will be an adequate remedy for the plaintiff.
    Provident Bank & Trust Co. v. Patterson, 
    390 U.S. 102
    , 112
    (1968). Wright, Miller & Kane, Federal Practice & Procedure
    S 1608 at 116. This factor weighs, in our view, in favor of
    WAPA. WAPA's claim, as construed by the district court,
    will be resolved in one action. Moreover, as we note above,
    the possibility that the defendant may have a claim for
    contribution or indemnity does not render an absentee
    indispensable. The right to contribution and indemnity
    should not, therefore, be considered to cause inadequacy of
    the resulting judgment.
    The fourth Rule 19(b) factor, whether the plaintiff has a
    remedy if the action is dismissed, counsels strongly against
    dismissal in this case. WAPA argues that "Gardiner could
    have filed the same action in the Court of Federal Claims,
    where all parties could be joined in one action, for a
    conclusive and mutually consistent resolution of their
    rights and responsibilities." The problem with this
    argument, however, is that Gardiner does not allege that he
    had a contract of any sort with the United States. Gardiner
    has not alleged a cause of action against the United States;
    thus, he does not have a remedy in the Court of Claims.
    Unless Gardiner claims a contractual relationship with the
    United States, the Court of Claims simply has no
    jurisdiction over the case. The Court of Appeals for the
    Federal Circuit reversed Judge Brotman's transfer of the
    case to the Court of Claims for exactly this reason-- that
    court had no jurisdiction over a dispute between WAPA and
    Gardiner. Decision of the Court of Appeals for the Federal
    Circuit, September 2, 1993; Appendix at 2167, 2171-2172.
    WAPA's argument that Gardiner should file in the Court of
    Claims implies that Gardiner has to rewrite his claim to
    assert that his contract was with the United States. Such
    a revision would, however, provide no remedy for the claim
    that Gardiner makes against WAPA for breach of contract.
    With these considerations in mind, we conclude that the
    district court did not abuse its discretion in denying the
    Rule 19(b) motion. Gardiner would have had to have alleged
    an entirely new cause of action against the United States in
    order to bring this suit in the Court of Claims. Indeed,
    Gardiner would have had to have alleged something that it
    maintains did not exist -- a contract with the United
    States. Moreover, WAPA's claim of prejudice in discovery
    matters, as we have seen, adds little. For these reasons, it
    was well within the discretion of the district court to deny
    WAPA's motion.
    IV. Summary Judgment
    In granting summary judgment for Gardiner, the district
    court reasoned that neither Cipriani for WAPA nor Green
    for FEMA had the authority to enter into a contract on
    behalf of the parties that they represented. The district
    court concluded, however, that the actions of Cipriani were
    later ratified by Bruno-Vega and the WAPA Board, resulting
    in an enforceable contract. On the other hand, the court
    reasoned that there "is simply no evidence of ratification of
    the agreement by any other individual who could have
    ratified a contract entered into by Mr. Green." The court
    accordingly granted summary judgment on the issue of
    liability in favor of Gardiner and against WAPA. We exercise
    plenary review. Public Interest Research of N.J. v. Powell
    Duffryn Terminals Inc., 
    913 F.2d 64
    , 71 (3d Cir. 1991).
    WAPA make three basic arguments that summary
    judgment for Gardiner was error. First, it points to evidence
    that FEMA officials ratified Green's actions and made
    binding the alleged contract between Green and Gardiner.
    Second, WAPA argues that in this emergency situation
    where the United States played a large role in negotiating
    and overseeing the contract, WAPA can recover if it proves
    an implied-in-fact contract, even if no "contracting officer"
    with specific authority to bind the United States approved
    the contract. Finally, WAPA maintains that, even if it had a
    contract with Gardiner, there is evidence that the contract
    included a term that Gardiner would only be paid to the
    extent that WAPA was reimbursed by the government,
    precluding summary judgment for Gardiner.
    The government enters into contracts with the public
    through "contracting officers." LDG Timber Enterprises, Inc.
    v. Glickman, 
    114 F.3d 1140
    , 1143 (Fed. Cir. 1997). The
    Federal Acquisition Regulation ("FAR") defines a contracting
    officer as "a person with the authority to enter into,
    administer and/or terminate contracts and make related
    determinations and findings." 48 CFR S 2.101 (1996). The
    regulations also provide that "[c]ontracts may be entered
    into and signed on behalf of the Government only by
    contracting officers," 48 CFR S 1.601(a), and that
    "[c]ontracting officers may bind the Government only to the
    extent of the authority delegated to them." 48 CFR S 1.602-
    1(a). Part 4401 of FAR "sets forth policies and procedures
    concerning the Federal Emergency Management Agency
    Acquisition Regulation (FEMAAR) System." 48 CFR
    S 4401.000. This part states the qualifications required for
    contracting officers within FEMA and explains that except
    for "disaster-related activities and unusual circumstances
    as determined by the head of the contracting activity, it is
    policy to delegate contracting officer authority to individuals
    rather than positions." 48 CFR SS 4401.603-2(a) and
    As the discussion above makes clear, only those with
    specific authority can bind the government contractually;
    even those persons may do so only to the extent that their
    authority permits. Moreover, a party who seeks to contract
    with the government bears the burden of making sure that
    the person who purportedly represents the government
    actually has that authority:
    Whatever the form in which the Government functions,
    anyone entering into an arrangement with the
    Government takes the risk of having accurately
    ascertained that he who purports to act for the
    Government stays within the bounds of his authority.
    The scope of this authority may be explicitly defined by
    Congress or be limited by delegated legislation,
    properly exercised through the rule-making power. And
    this is so even though, as here, the agent himself may
    have been unaware of the limitations upon his power.
    Fed. Crop Ins. Corp. v. Merrill, 
    332 U.S. 380
    , 384 (1947).
    This allocation of risk, the Court reasoned, "does not
    reflect a callous outlook," but instead "merely expresses the
    duty of all courts to observe the conditions defined by
    Congress for charging the public treasury," whether those
    conditions appear in the statutes themselves or are part of
    regulations that implement those statutes. 
    Id. at 384-385
    Other policy grounds supporting this rule were stated more
    recently by the Federal Circuit: "The United States
    Government employs over 3 million civilian employees.
    Clearly, federal expenditures would be wholly
    uncontrollable if Government employees could, of their own
    volition, enter into contracts obliging the United States."
    City of El Centro v. U.S., 
    922 F.2d 816
    , 820 (Fed. Cir. 1990).
    In this case, Gardiner claims that WAPA's defense that
    Gardiner actually had a contract with the United States,
    not WAPA, is defeated by WAPA's failure to identify a
    contracting officer who could have bound the United States.
    We agree. It is undisputed that Bruce Green had no such
    authority; neither did Gerald Connolly, the federal
    coordinating officer for the Virgin Islands disaster, or
    Steven Singer, the deputy federal coordinating officer for St.
    Croix. WAPA argues that it has presented evidence of
    ratification of the contract by "senior officials in the FEMA
    disaster relief effort," namely Connolly and John Swanson.
    WAPA has pointed to absolutely no evidence that Swanson
    had the authority to contract on behalf of the government.
    The record is clear that Connolly did not. Although WAPA
    contends it has been unable to get information that it needs
    from the United States during the course of this litigation,
    it deposed at least five FEMA officials and has pointed to no
    unanswered question as to who the contracting officers
    were in FEMA or on St. Croix. Because there is no evidence
    to support WAPA's claim that the contract was ratified by
    someone in the federal government who had the authority
    to do so, summary judgment was appropriate unless, as
    WAPA also argues, the approval of a contracting officer was
    not necessary.
    WAPA maintains that no contracting officer needed to
    approve the agreement for the United States because this
    case comes within a "branch of the implied-in-fact contract
    doctrine that applies specifically in emergency situations."
    To prove an implied-in-fact contract, the party alleging that
    contract must show the same elements required in an
    express contract: offer, acceptance, and consideration. See
    Trauma Services Group v. United States, 
    104 F.3d 1321
    1325 (Fed. Cir. 1997). Proof of an implied-in-fact contract
    comes not from an express agreement, however, but from
    "conduct of the parties showing, in the light of the
    surrounding circumstances, their tacit understanding." 
    (quoting Hercules, Inc. v. United States, 
    116 S.Ct. 981
    , 985
    (1996) (quoting Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Co. v. United States,
    261 U.S. 592
    , 597 (1923))). Significantly, an implied-in-fact
    contract, like an express contract, must include
    authorization (whether implied or express) by an agent with
    the authority to bind the United States. Trauma Services,
    104 F.3d at 1326
    ; City of El Centro, 
    922 F.2d at 820
    WAPA argues that the required authorization can be
    implied from the high-ranking officials who tacitly approved
    the contract and that because this was an emergency
    situation a contracting officer was not required to bind the
    United States. There is, as WAPA maintains, evidence that
    federal officials played a major part in negotiating and
    overseeing Gardiner's contract to provide security and
    maintenance services. This evidence also indicates that the
    federal government may have benefitted from the security
    services because of its ownership of the generators. Federal
    officials also negotiated fee reductions on at least two
    occasions; in one instance WAPA claims that none of its
    officials were even present. WAPA sought and obtained
    assurance from Rounsaville that the rates were acceptable
    to FEMA officials. Apparently, Rounsaville also cleared the
    rates with John Swanson and Gerald Connolly, FEMA's
    coordinating officer in the Virgin Islands. The Hurricane
    Hugo emergency required, at least initially, quick action by
    WAPA and federal officials.
    We cannot agree with WAPA, however, that this evidence
    creates a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the
    actions of the senior FEMA officials bound the United
    States in a contract with Gardiner. The possibility that the
    contract was implied-in-fact does not dispense with the
    requirement that those whose course of conduct show
    contractual intent have the actual authority to bind the
    government. Trauma Services, 
    104 F.3d at 1326
    . "Senior"
    officials may or may not have contracting authority; WAPA
    has come forward with nothing suggesting that those
    involved with the procurement of Gardiner's services did.
    See City of El Centro, 
    922 F.2d at 821
     (placing burden of
    showing that government agent had requisite contracting
    authority with the party seeking to show an implied-in-fact
    contract with the government).7
    7. In some situations authority to bind the government can be implied
    "when such authority is considered to be an integral part of the duties
    assigned to a [g]overnment employee." H. Landau & Co. v. United States,
    886 F.2d 322
    , 324 (Fed. Cir. 1989) (quoting J. Cibinic & R. Nash,
    Formation of Government Contracts 43 (1982)). WAPA has not advanced
    this argument however, and has accordingly not pointed to evidence
    specifically suggesting that the authority to bind the government was
    "necessary or essential" to the duties of the federal officials involved.
    v. United States, 
    38 Fed. Cl. 184
    , 188 (1997). It seems that to the extent
    Neither does the urgency of the situation suggest a
    different outcome. WAPA relies on Halvorson v. United
    126 F. Supp. 898
     (E.D. Wash. 1954), in which the
    court concluded that under the emergency conditions
    created by a blizzard, the United States was responsible for
    the costs incurred when federal officials directed
    contractors to remove snow from the interior of a buildings
    that was under construction. The contractors had made
    clear that the building should not include uncovered
    ventilation slots, but the Corps of Engineers insisted that it
    should. As the contractors predicted, snow blew into the
    interior of the unfinished buildings, threatening to do
    substantial damage if it melted. The local job inspector, and
    his immediate supervisor, directed the contractors to
    remove the snow, which significantly reduced damages. The
    Corps of Engineers refused to pay for the removal. The
    court reasoned that:
    Whether or not the Resident Inspector, Mr. Jackson,
    and his supervisor, the Resident Engineer, had
    authority to bind the government by express contract,
    or to modify the written contract by oral agreement,
    they did, in the emergency situation created by the
    such authority was an integral part of the duties assigned to the first
    officials that arrived on the Island, it would not extend to a contract
    services lasting ten weeks. Moreover, application of this doctrine is
    on "the existence of some express actual authority." Id. at 189, n.18.
    Thus in Landau, the Federal Circuit concluded that two federal officials
    who had the authority to co-sign for withdrawals from a joint bank
    account that provided advance financing to government contractor, may
    have had the implied authority to bind the government. A supplier to the
    contractor sought letters from the federal officials -- who were not
    contracting officers -- guaranteeing payment from the joint bank
    account. The officials provided two such letters, the contractor did not
    pay, and the government argued that its guarantee was invalid because
    the officials lacked authority to bind it. The court concluded that the
    explicit authority to draw checks on the account, considered with the
    responsibility of finding suppliers, "may have carried with it the
    authority to assure suppliers that they would be paid for providing the
    886 F.2d at 324
    . Here, WAPA has pointed to no official who
    had express actual authority, of any sort, from which further authority
    could be implied.
    damage done by the blizzard, have authority to direct
    the contractors to proceed at once to minimize the
    damage by immediate remedial action.
    126 F. Supp. at 900
    Whatever the continuing vitality of this doctrine, it is
    inapposite here. First, in Halvorson the government and the
    plaintiffs had already entered into a contract with each
    other, duly authorized by a contracting officer of the United
    States. Payment for the snow removal would fall either to
    the government -- the party who was benefited by the
    removal and whose negligence created the problem in the
    first place -- or to the contractor had who recommended
    constructing the building so as to avoid the problem.
    In this case, the existence of a contractual relationship
    between Gardiner and the United States is itself at issue.
    Standard Form 270, provided by the government of the
    Virgin Islands for use in requesting reimbursements from
    the United States, explains that
    FEMA is not a party to this contract. Disputes arising
    between the parties to the contract will be resolved
    between the contractual parties by such means are
    available under the contract. Payment to the
    CONTRACTOR will not be contingent upon FEMA
    Thus, it appears that FEMA believed that there was no
    contract between it and Gardiner and that WAPA and
    Gardiner should sort out between themselves any disputes
    over payment. Moreover, even if the government benefited
    from Gardiner's services because it owned the generators,
    WAPA's benefit was at least as substantial because
    Gardiner enabled WAPA to restore drinking water, and
    ultimately to charge its customers for that water.
    Moreover, despite the devastation created by Hurricane
    Hugo and the urgent need to supply a fresh water to the
    island, the policy implicit in Halvorson does not apply here.
    In Halvorson, the contractor's efforts were directed at
    removing snow as quickly as possible before a thaw melted
    the snow and destroyed the interior of the building. To this
    end it used "all of [its] men on the job and all of the men
    they could employ in Havre," and even so some of the snow
    melted before it was removed. 
    126 F. Supp. 900
    . In this
    case, on the other hand, Gardiner provided emergency
    services for ten weeks, the provision of those services
    ultimately involved the highest level officials in WAPA, and
    the emergency brought federal officials with contracting
    powers to the Virgin Islands, although WAPA has presented
    no evidence that these officials were involved in this
    contract. If this case concerned only emergency services
    provided in the first hours or days after the hurricane, we
    would consider this claim in a different light, particularly in
    view of WAPA's evidence of significant involvement of
    federal officials in all aspects of procuring Gardiner's
    services. But the federal government reimbursed WAPA in
    the amount of $443,000, which paid for more than thefirst
    two weeks of services by Gardiner. WAPA had ten weeks
    during which it could have made sure that a contracting
    officer approved any contract between Gardiner and the
    United States or it could have asked Gardiner to
    discontinue his services. WAPA did neither.
    Finally, WAPA argues that summary judgment was
    inappropriate because "the Gardiner contract, whomever it
    was with, contained a term that payment would be made
    only in amounts FEMA found were reimbursable." Gardiner
    asserts that this issue was not raised in the district court
    and should not be considered on appeal. WAPA responded,
    in its reply brief, that the "evidentiary submission on this
    point in district court refutes Gardiner's contention that
    this issue is being raised for the first time on appeal." At
    oral argument, WAPA maintained that this issue had been
    raised to the district court through WAPA's disputed
    findings of fact, particular disputed fact number eight,
    submitted in opposition to Gardiner's motion for summary
    judgment. This factual submission presents evidence that
    Gardiner knew the government thought his rates were too
    high and that the government negotiated with Gardiner to
    reduce his charges. It does not, however, show that there
    was a contract term that Gardiner would be paid only those
    amounts that FEMA found to be reasonable.
    As a "general rule" we do not review "issues raised for the
    first time at the appellate level." United Parcel Serv. v.
    Intern. Broth. Local No. 430, 
    55 F.3d 138
    , 140 n. 5 (3d Cir.
    1995). Although we have the discretion to review an
    argument not raised below, we will ordinarily refuse to do
    so. Id.; see also Singleton v. Wulff, 
    428 U.S. 106
    , 120-121
    (1976). WAPA's argument that "evidentiary submissions"
    supporting its new claim preserved the issue on appeal is
    essentially a claim that new arguments should be
    considered on appeal, as long as the evidence supporting
    them was submitted to the district court. In United Parcel,
    however, UPS failed to raise a legal theory -- that a clause
    of the contract violated public policy -- and we refused to
    consider that theory on appeal, although the evidence in
    support of the theory was presented to the district court.
    We considered a new legal theory for the first time on
    appeal in Salvation Army v. N.J. Dept. of Community Affairs,
    919 F.2d 183
    , 196 (3d Cir. 1990), but only because the
    case law on the subject had changed.
    WAPA has not persuaded us that this is a case in which
    we should disregard our general rule and consider on
    appeal a new argument in opposition to summary
    judgment. Nothing unusual, like an intervening change in
    the law or the lack of representation by an attorney,
    prevented WAPA from raising this issue below. This claim,
    moreover, contradicts WAPA's main argument -- that it had
    no contract with Gardiner. WAPA may have decided not to
    take such a position in the district court for fear that it
    would undermine WAPA's central claim. Under these
    circumstances, in the interest of fairness to the district
    court and to the plaintiff, not to mention the conservation
    of judicial resources, we will not consider this claim.8
    8. We will also affirm the award of pre-judgment interest. WAPA has
    argued in opposition to this award that pre-judgment interest cannot be
    awarded against the United States or against a party, like WAPA, that
    has a right to seek indemnity from the United States. Although the
    principle of sovereign immunity bars the collection of pre-judgment
    interest against the United States, courts have not extended the United
    States' sovereign immunity to a private party, even when the private
    party has an explicit indemnity agreement with the United States. See,
    e.g., Rochester Methodist Hospital v. Travelers Insurance Co., 
    728 F.2d 1006
    , 1012-13 (8th Cir. 1984). In reaching this conclusion, the
    Rochester court reasoned that sovereign immunity bars recovery only
    V. Conclusion
    For the reasons stated above, we will affirm the district
    court's denial of WAPA's Rule 19(b) motion and we will also
    affirm the judgment in favor of Gardiner.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    when the suit is in fact a suit against the United States; in a suit for
    damages against a government agent, it is the agent who is liable even
    if the agent then turns to the United States for reimbursement. The
    present case is in fact an easier one because WAPA does not have an
    explicit indemnity agreement with the federal authorities. For this
    reason, a verdict against WAPA does not indirectly constitute a
    determination of liability against the United States.
    WAPA further contends that it would be inequitable to award pre-
    judgment interest against WAPA because the non-payment to Gardiner
    was a result of FEMA's failure to pay WAPA after FEMA had assured
    WAPA that its payments to Gardiner would be reimbursed. This
    contention is merely a recharacterization of WAPA's argument that
    reimbursement by FEMA was a precondition to its duty to pay Gardiner.
    Since we have upheld the district court's entry of summary judgment for
    Gardiner, it follows that the award of pre-judgment interest is equitable.
    The district court has determined that WAPA's duty to pay on the
    contract was independent of any reimbursement agreement between
    WAPA and the US government. Whether it is equitable to award pre-
    judgment interest to Gardiner relates to the relationship between
    Gardiner and WAPA, and WAPA failed to pay on the contract when
    payment was due.

Document Info

Docket Number: 96-7565

Citation Numbers: 145 F.3d 635, 39 V.I. 519

Filed Date: 6/8/1998

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023

Authorities (18)

Peregrine Myanmar Ltd. And Peregrine Capital Myanmar Ltd. v.... , 89 F.3d 41 ( 1996 )

Janney Montgomery Scott, Inc. v. Shepard Niles, Inc. , 11 F.3d 399 ( 1993 )

United Parcel Service, Inc. v. International Brotherhood of ... , 55 F.3d 138 ( 1995 )

Robert D. Schulman, T/a Maxi's Express v. J.P. Morgan ... , 35 F.3d 799 ( 1994 )

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City of El Centro v. The United States , 922 F.2d 816 ( 1990 )

Ldg Timber Enterprises, Inc. v. Dan Glickman, Secretary of ... , 114 F.3d 1140 ( 1997 )

H. Landau & Company v. The United States , 886 F.2d 322 ( 1989 )

Trauma Service Group v. United States , 104 F.3d 1321 ( 1997 )

4-socsecrepser-216-medicaremedicaid-gu-33636-rochester-methodist , 728 F.2d 1006 ( 1984 )

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad v. United States , 43 S. Ct. 425 ( 1923 )

No. 89-5485 , 895 F.2d 116 ( 1990 )

Federal Crop Ins. Corp. v. Merrill , 68 S. Ct. 1 ( 1947 )

Singleton v. Wulff , 96 S. Ct. 2868 ( 1976 )

Provident Tradesmens Bank & Trust Co. v. Patterson , 88 S. Ct. 733 ( 1968 )

Hercules, Inc. v. United States , 116 S. Ct. 981 ( 1996 )

Halvorson v. United States , 126 F. Supp. 898 ( 1954 )

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