SD3, LLC v. Black & Decker (U.S.) Inc. , 801 F.3d 412 ( 2015 )

  •                                PUBLISHED
    No. 14-1746
    Plaintiffs – Appellants,
    Defendants – Appellees,
    Amici Supporting Appellants.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Virginia, at Alexandria.    Claude M. Hilton, Senior
    District Judge. (1:14−cv−00191−CMH−IDD)
    Argued:   May 12, 2015               Decided:   September 15, 2015
    Before WILKINSON, AGEE, and WYNN, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed in part, vacated in part, and remanded by published
    opinion.   Judge Agee wrote the opinion, in which Judge Wynn
    joined. Judge Wynn wrote a separate concurring opinion. Judge
    Wilkinson wrote an opinion concurring in part and dissenting in
    ARGUED: Joel Davidow, CUNEO GILBERT & LADUCA, LLP, Washington,
    D.C., for Appellants. James Scott Ballenger, LATHAM & WATKINS,
    LLP, Washington, D.C., for Appellees.     ON BRIEF: Jonathan W.
    Cuneo, Matthew E. Miller, CUNEO GILBERT & LADUCA, LLP,
    Washington, D.C., for Appellants. John D. Harkrider, Richard B.
    Dagen, AXINN, VELTROP & HARKRIDER LLP, Washington, D.C., Bernard
    J. DiMuro, DIMURO GINSBERG PC, Alexandria, Virginia, for
    Appellees Stanley Black & Decker, Incorporated, Black & Decker
    (U.S.) Incorporated, and Black & Decker Corporation; Christopher
    S. Yates, Christopher B. Campbell, Aaron T. Chiu, LATHAM &
    WATKINS LLP, San Francisco, California, for Appellee Emerson
    Electric Company; Paul Devinsky, Stefan M. Meisner, MCDERMOTT
    WILL & EMERY LLP, Washington, D.C., for Appellees Hitachi Koki
    USA Ltd. and Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd.; Lee H. Simowitz, Elizabeth
    A. Scully, Katherine L. McKnight, BAKER & HOSTETLER LLP,
    Washington, D.C., for Appellees Makita USA Incorporated and
    Makita Corporation; David M. Foster, Washington, D.C., Layne E.
    Kruse, Eliot Fielding Turner, FULBRIGHT & JAWORSKI LLP, Houston,
    Texas, for Appellees Robert Bosch Tool Corporation and Robert
    Bosch GmbH; James G. Kress, BAKER BOTTS L.L.P., Washington,
    D.C., Scott W. Hansen, Steven P. Bogart, James N. Law, REINHART
    BOERNER VAN DEUREN S.C., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for Appellees
    Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation, One World Technologies,
    Incorporated, OWT Industries, Incorporated, Ryobi Technologies,
    Incorporated, Techtronics Industries Co., Ltd., and Techtronic
    Industries North America, Incorporated.     Seth D. Greenstein,
    David D. Golden, CONSTANTINE CANNON LLP, Washington, D.C., for
    Amici Curiae.
    AGEE, Circuit Judge:
    SD3,    LLC    and        its   subsidiary,            SawStop,        LLC    (together,
    “SawStop”), contend that several major table-saw manufacturers
    conspired to boycott SawStop’s safety technology and corrupt a
    private      safety-standard-setting                   process,      all   with      the   aim   of
    keeping that technology off the market.                               Consequently, SawStop
    sued nearly two dozen saw manufacturers and affiliated entities,
    alleging that they violated § 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act, 
    15 U.S.C. § 1
    .     The    district         court       dismissed        SawStop’s       amended
    complaint based on, among other things, its belief that SawStop
    had failed to plead facts establishing an unlawful agreement.
    See SD3, LLC v. Black & Decker (U.S.), Inc., No. 11:14-cv-191,
    2014 WL 3500674
     (E.D. Va. July 15, 2014).                            SawStop appealed.
    We   agree    with     the      district        court       that   several     parts     of
    SawStop’s case cannot go forward.                        SawStop’s complaint does not
    plausibly allege any conspiracy to manipulate safety standards,
    so we affirm the district court’s decision to dismiss SawStop’s
    claims       concerning      standard-setting.                     Likewise,    the    complaint
    fails    to    allege       any    facts      at       all    against      several     corporate
    parents       and    affiliates,         so    we       affirm       the   district        court’s
    decision to dismiss all claims against those defendants.
    But as to the remaining defendants, SawStop has alleged
    enough to suggest a plausible agreement to engage in a group
    boycott.            Although       that       claim          may    not    prove      ultimately
    successful      at   trial,    or    even       survive   summary    judgment,       the
    complaint offers enough to survive the defendants’ motion to
    dismiss.       “[A] well-pleaded complaint may proceed even if it
    strikes    a   savvy   judge       that    actual    proof   of     those    facts   is
    improbable, and that a recovery is very remote and unlikely.” 1
    Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 556 (2007).                        Thus, we
    vacate the district court’s decision dismissing SawStop’s group-
    boycott claim and remand for further proceedings.
    I.        Background
    A.     Relevant Facts
    This appeal concerns a decision on a motion to dismiss, so
    we draw the relevant facts only from allegations in SawStop’s
    complaint      and   from   sources       incorporated     into     that    complaint.
    “In reviewing the dismissal of a complaint, we must assume all
    well-pled facts to be true and draw all reasonable inferences in
    favor of the plaintiff.”            Cooksey v. Futrell, 
    721 F.3d 226
    , 234
    (4th Cir. 2013).       Keeping that standard in mind, we now consider
    the relevant facts.
    1 We have omitted any internal quotation marks, alterations,
    emphasis, or citations here and throughout this opinion, unless
    otherwise noted.
    In the 1990s, SawStop’s founder, Dr. Stephen Gass, created
    a form of “active injury mitigation technology” (“AIMT”) meant
    to prevent some hand and finger injuries on table saws.                               In
    basic terms, Gass’ technology “detects contact between a person
    and the blade and then stops and retracts the blade to mitigate
    injury.”     J.A. 83 ¶ 60.       When this system works as it should, a
    table-saw user who makes contact with the blade will suffer only
    a small nick rather than more serious injury.
    Gass and his co-inventors initially sought to capitalize on
    their invention by pursuing licensing agreements with the major
    table-saw manufacturers.         The effort began in August 2000, when
    SawStop first took a “prototype table saw” to a trade show to
    publicly     demonstrate   the    technology.        J.A.    86    ¶    66.         That
    demonstration       spurred        meetings        with      some         table-saw
    manufacturers, including S-B Power Tool Corp.; Black & Decker
    (U.S.), Inc.; Emerson Electric Company; and Ryobi Technologies,
    Inc.     J.A. 86 ¶ 67.        During these meetings, SawStop sought
    royalties     at   “typical      commercial      rates”     of    about       “8%    of
    wholesale prices” in any license agreement.               J.A. 86 ¶ 65.
    The   technology    “impressed”     the    manufacturers.           J.A.       87
    ¶ 68.    Ryobi, for instance, formed a team to determine whether
    it   could   incorporate    SawStop’s      technology     into    its     products;
    Ryobi’s counsel wanted to adopt the technology “as fast as they
    [could].”       J.A. 87 ¶ 69.           S-B Power Tool likewise expressed
    interest in “going forward.”             J.A. 88 ¶ 73.        One Black & Decker
    U.S. employee told Gass that he felt a licensing agreement was
    “inevitable,” even though Black & Decker was “used to being able
    to crush little guys.”           J.A. 88 ¶ 76.        Emerson’s then-president
    also held in-person meetings with SawStop to discuss a potential
    deal.      J.A.    88-89     ¶   77.      Several     manufacturers        conducted
    technical      studies      to    evaluate     SawStop’s      effectiveness          in
    preventing table-saw accidents, which produced positive results.
    J.A. 87-88 ¶¶ 70, 74.
    Still, table-saw manufacturers also held reservations, one
    of which was product liability exposure.                 If some manufacturers
    adopted AIMT while others did not, then an issue could arise as
    to   whether    the    non-adopters      might   be   sued    for    producing       an
    inherently unsafe product.             J.A. 90 ¶ 81.     But a lawyer for one
    defendant      noted     that    the   AIMT    technology      might      be     deemed
    infeasible,     and    therefore       less   relevant   in    product-liability
    suits, if it did not enter the market for some period.                         J.A. 87-
    88 ¶ 72.
    Putting     aside    product      liability,    some    saw   manufacturers
    held other concerns, including that engineering and cost factors
    could   render     the     technology     infeasible.         By    all    accounts,
    SawStop had not yet tested its technology in the marketplace.
    That testing would take some time, and SawStop itself estimated
    that the device could not have been fully implemented on all
    table saws until as late as 2008.                      J.A. 92 ¶ 90.           At least one
    industry insider also believed that SawStop’s AIMT could induce
    consumers to dispense with other safety features.                             J.A. 87 ¶ 71.
    Furthermore, AIMT did not prevent certain other common table-saw
    injuries, like kickback.             
    SawStop’s      licensing         discussions        did         not     produce     any
    immediate      results.        One    manufacturer,            S-B    Power     Tool,    ended
    licensing discussions in September 2001.                       J.A. 88 ¶ 75.
    In October 2001, table-saw manufacturers allegedly met and
    “decide[d]      how    to     respond,      as    an    industry,        to    the    SawStop
    [t]echnology.”          J.A.     89     ¶    80.         The     meeting       occurred     in
    conjunction with the annual meeting of the Power Tool Institute,
    a    trade    association.        Like      the     broader      annual       meeting,    the
    table-saw session drew representatives from across the industry,
    including      S-B    Power    Tool;       Ryobi;      Makita    USA,        Inc.;   Emerson;
    Porter-Cable Corp.; Hitachi Koki USA Ltd.; Black & Decker U.S.;
    and Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp.                  J.A. 89 ¶ 79.
    SawStop alleges that the October 2001 meeting gave birth to
    a    group    boycott       against     SawStop.          The        manufacturers       first
    purportedly determined to take an “all” or “nothing” approach,
    in    which    all    table-saw       manufacturers            would     adopt       SawStop’s
    technology      or    none     would.        J.A.      89-90     ¶     80.       Then,    they
    allegedly took the latter path: they “agree[d] not to purchase
    technology licenses from [SawStop] or otherwise implement AIMT.”
    J.A. 90 ¶ 80.           “[N]o contrary views [were] articulated.”                       
    By keeping SawStop out of the market, the manufacturers hoped
    that “it would remain . . . at least plausible for [them] to
    contend, in defending product liability lawsuits, that AIMT was
    not viable.”          J.A. 90 ¶ 81.
    Ultimately, SawStop contends, the group boycott succeeded.
    “[T]hose Defendants not yet in license negotiations with SawStop
    refrained from requesting a license, [while] Defendants who were
    already     in        negotiations         found       ways    to     abort      them   as
    opportunities arose.”              J.A. 91 ¶ 85.
    According to the complaint, it took only a matter of months
    for the few defendants who had been negotiating with SawStop to
    find   ways   to       end    those    discussions.           In    January   2002,     for
    instance,     Ryobi          had     agreed     to     a   non-exclusive       licensing
    agreement with an initial 3% royalty and a 5% to 8% escalator
    clause.     J.A. 91-92 ¶ 87.              SawStop, however, identified a “minor
    ambiguity”       in    the    agreement       and     asked   Ryobi    to   correct     the
    “error.”      J.A.       92    ¶    87.       Although     Ryobi’s     counsel    assured
    SawStop    that       would    happen,        Ryobi    instead      ended   negotiations
    entirely; Ryobi stopped responding to SawStop’s communications,
    and never explained its failure to communicate further.                                 
    Similarly,       Emerson           abruptly     ended      negotiations,       “offering
    pretextual reasons for its lack of interest.”                         J.A. 92 ¶ 88.
    And Black & Decker U.S. offered a “disingenuous and not made in
    good faith” offer: a 1% royalty, paired with an indemnification
    provision      that    would       have      placed    liability     on   SawStop    for
    “various risks.”        J.A. 92 ¶ 89.
    Having      failed       to     sign    any   manufacturer      to   a   licensing
    agreement, SawStop turned to a private safety-standard-setting
    organization, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (“UL”), to advance
    the AIMT product.         In December 2002, Gass submitted a proposal
    to   UL    suggesting         that    the     organization     modify     its    widely
    accepted safety standards to require AIMT on all table saws.
    J.A. 96 ¶ 104.          UL in turn referred the proposal to Standards
    Technical Panel 745 (“STP 745”), a subgroup of UL that sets
    standards for table saws.              J.A. 96 ¶ 104.
    SawStop’s proposal to modify the UL standards failed, and
    SawStop alleges that the failure traces to a second conspiracy,
    which     we   will    term    the     “standard-rejection         conspiracy.”       In
    SawStop’s      view,    STP    745     was    “under    the   firm   control    of   the
    Defendants,” as its members comprised “either employees of the
    Defendants or . . . purportedly unaffiliated consultants . . .
    who are aligned with the Defendants.”                   J.A. 97 ¶ 106.        Thus, the
    defendants allegedly “agreed to vote as a bloc” to “thwart” the
    proposal.       J.A. 97 ¶ 105.              After the vote, the defendants are
    said to have “promulgated falsehoods, factual distortions and
    product defamation” to ensure that STP 745 would not adopt any
    standard incorporating AIMT.                  J.A. 101 ¶ 123.
    Later,   the       defendants         are    alleged   to    have    additionally
    conspired to develop their own safety standards, purportedly to
    impose   unnecessary           costs     on    SawStop   and    foreclose         any    wide
    adoption of AIMT.              SawStop says that the defendants implemented
    this conspiracy in multiple stages.                      First, in October 2003,
    several defendants -- Black & Decker Corp.; Hitachi; Pentair,
    Inc.; Robert Bosch Tool Corp.; Robert Bosch GmbH; Ryobi; One
    World Technologies Inc.; and Techtronics Industries Co., Ltd. --
    formed a joint venture to develop blade avoidance technology.
    J.A. 97 ¶ 109.            SawStop maintains that this venture was a mere
    “smokescreen”        to    “fend       off”     intervention       from     the    Consumer
    Products    Safety         Commission,         a    federal     safety      agency,       and
    constituted     an    “act       of     fraudulent      concealment.”             
    venture failed to produce any results.                    Later, in November 2004,
    four   defendants         --    Black    &    Decker   Corp.,      Makita    USA,       Robert
    Bosch Tool Corp., and Techtronic Industries North America --
    formed another joint venture.                      J.A. 98 ¶ 111.          This venture,
    too, was alleged to be a fake effort “to develop a uniform blade
    guard standard to preclude quality competition on blade guard
        Members of the Power Tool Institute also began
    work on a new blade guard design around the same time.
    This third conspiracy, which we will call the “contrived-
    standards conspiracy,” led to two standards changes adopted by
    UL in 2005 and 2007.            The first change added certain anti-
    kickback devices.        The second “specified that the blade guard
    should not be a hood, but rather a modular design with a top-
    barrier element and two side-barrier guarding elements.”                      J.A.
    99 ¶ 115.       SawStop maintains that this second change is too
    designed-focused      and    ineffective;   it    deduces   that   the    change
    must therefore serve an illegitimate purpose.
    SawStop further believes that the manufacturers are trying
    to   extend   the   contrived-standards      conspiracy     abroad,      as   they
    “control”     the   International      Electrotechnical     Commission,        the
    European counterpart to UL.          J.A. 100 ¶ 122.
    SawStop maintains that all of the alleged conspiracies have
    continued     through       today,    and   the    defendants      purportedly
    communicate weekly “to maintain” the conspiracies.                    J.A. 100
    ¶ 121.    Nonetheless, SawStop was eventually able to enter the
    market by making its own table saws employing AIMT in 2004.
    J.A. 95 ¶ 101.        When SawStop filed its complaint, it sold three
    types of these saws.         J.A. 95-96 ¶ 102.     The company represented
    at oral argument that it now makes additional models.
    B.      Proceedings Below
    Based on the three purported conspiracies, SawStop filed a
    complaint in February 2014 in the U.S. District Court for the
    Eastern       District     of       Virginia.                 The    original          three-count
    complaint       against     22      separate            defendants         alleged          that     the
    manufacturer-defendants, conspiring with UL and the Power Tool
    Institute,       violated        § 1      of       the    Sherman          Act.         After       the
    defendants      moved     to    dismiss,           however,         SawStop       filed      a     first
    amended       complaint     --      the     operative           pleading          on    appeal       --
    dropping some defendants and adding three new counts under state
    law.     For convenience, we refer to the first amended complaint
    as simply “the complaint.”
    The     district    court       dismissed              SawStop’s        complaint           under
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) after identifying a
    number    of    problems       that    it      perceived            in   the      facts      alleged.
    First,       “Plaintiffs’       conspiracy           allegations           [were]       belied       by
    their negotiating history with varying Defendants.”                                       SD3, LLC,
    2014 WL 3500674
    , at *3.                In the district court’s view, SawStop
    could    not    plausibly        allege        a    refusal         to     deal     when      several
    defendants had actually offered to deal, and the facts alleged
    did not “tend[] to exclude” lawful explanations.                                       
    Id. at *4
    Second,       SawStop     failed       to      allege          anything        as      to     several
    defendants,       instead       choosing           to    lump       them    together          in    the
    complaint      without    explanation.                  
          Third,        SawStop       did    not
    allege “direct evidence” of agreement by referring to testimony
    from a Ryobi engineer, David Peot.                The district court found
    that Peot’s testimony, when read in its full context, indicated
    only that certain defendants launched a joint venture to develop
    technology to prevent table-saw accidents.                
    Id. at *5
    .     Fourth,
    SawStop had not established any harm from any of its alleged
    conspiracies because the “purported motivation for the alleged
    conspiracy      is   non-existent.”         
          And    fifth,     SawStop’s
    standard-setting conspiracies alleged nothing more than ordinary
    participation in trade groups, standard-setting organizations,
    and joint ventures, which does not create antitrust liability.
    Id. at *6
    SawStop timely appealed, challenging the district court’s
    decision as to its three Sherman Act claims.                 SawStop does not
    address   the    district   court’s   decision       to    dismiss     its    three
    remaining state law claims.           As to those claims, SawStop has
    forfeited review, and we do not consider them.                   See Powell v.
    Palisades    Acquisition    XVI,   LLC,    
    782 F.3d 119
    ,   127   (4th    Cir.
    2014).    We have jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    II.   Standard of Review
    “We review the district court’s grant of the defendants’
    motion to dismiss de novo.”           Johnson v. Am. Towers, LLC, 
    781 F.3d 693
    , 706 (4th Cir. 2015).             “[W]e accept as true all well-
    pled facts in the complaint and construe them in the light most
    favorable to [SawStop].”              United States v. Triple Canopy, Inc.,
    775 F.3d 628
    , 632 n.1 (4th Cir. 2015).                        We do not, however,
    “accept   as    true       a    legal    conclusion      couched      as    a     factual
    allegation.”      Anand v. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC, 
    754 F.3d 195
    198 (4th Cir. 2014).             Nor do we accept “unwarranted inferences,
    unreasonable conclusions, or arguments.”                     United States ex rel.
    Oberg v. Pa. Higher Educ. Assistance Agency, 
    745 F.3d 131
    , 136
    (4th Cir. 2014).        We can further put aside any “naked assertions
    devoid of further factual enhancement.”                 
    III. Allegations Against Parents and Affiliates
    We begin by addressing a problem common to all counts of
    the complaint.
    A plaintiff in a § 1 case cannot assemble some collection
    of   defendants      and       then   make   vague,    non-specific        allegations
    against all of them as a group.                   At trial, a § 1 plaintiff will
    be   required   to     make      a    “factual     showing    that   each       defendant
    conspired in violation of the antitrust laws.”                       AD/SAT, Div. of
    Skylight, Inc. v. Associated Press, 
    181 F.3d 216
    , 234 (2d Cir.
    1999); cf. United States v. Foley, 
    598 F.2d 1323
    , 1336 (4th Cir.
    1979) (examining whether a jury charge in a criminal antitrust
    case “require[d] a sufficient involvement by each defendant”).
    Thus, the complaint must forecast that factual showing, and if
    it   fails    to     allege     particular       facts    against    a    particular
    defendant,     then    the    defendant      must    be   dismissed.        In   other
    words, the complaint must “specify how these defendants [were]
    involved     in    the      alleged     conspiracy,”       without       relying      on
    “indeterminate        assertions”      against      all   “defendants.”          In   re
    Travel Agent Comm’n Antitrust Litig., 
    583 F.3d 896
    , 905 (6th
    Cir. 2009); see also Total Benefits Planning Agency, Inc. v.
    Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield, 
    552 F.3d 430
    , 436 (6th Cir.
    2008); In re Elevator Antitrust Litig., 
    502 F.3d 47
    , 50-51 (2d
    Cir. 2007).
    Nevertheless, SawStop means to bring claims against some
    corporate parents -- including Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd.; Makita
    Corporation; and Chang Type Industrial Co., Ltd. -- even though
    no factual allegations are made against them.                    Instead, SawStop
    nakedly alleges only that all of the corporate subsidiaries are
    “dominated     by,    and     [are]    alter     ego[s]   of,”   these      corporate
    parents.      J.A.     73-78.        That   allegation     offers    only    a   legal
    conclusion, and SawStop has alleged no facts suggesting the kind
    of unity of interests that we usually require a party to plead
    before permitting them to advance an alter ego theory.                             See,
    e.g., C.F. Trust, Inc. v. First Flight Ltd. P’ship, 
    306 F.3d 126
    , 134 (4th Cir. 2002).               “The fact that two separate legal
    entities may have a corporate affiliation does not alter [the]
    pleading     requirement”       to    separately     identify    each    defendant’s
    involvement         in    the    conspiracy.          In    re     Aluminum        Warehousing
    Antitrust Litig., No. 13–md–2481 (KBF), 
    2015 WL 1344429
    , at *2
    (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 23, 2015).
    The complaint also fails to allege any facts pertaining to
    certain      of     the    corporate         subsidiaries.             In    discussing       the
    alleged      group       boycott,      for     example,      SawStop         never      mentions
    Techtronic Industries North America, Inc.; OWT Industries, Inc.;
    or Pentair Water Group, Inc.                   OWT Industries, Inc. and Pentair
    Water Group also go unmentioned in SawStop’s allegations as to
    the UL safety standards.                   A defendant obviously may not pursue
    an antitrust claim against a defendant who is not alleged to
    have    done      anything      at    all.      Antitrust        law    doesn’t         recognize
    guilt by mere association, imputing corporate liability to any
    affiliate company unlucky enough to be a bystander to its sister
    company’s alleged misdeeds.
    SawStop      tries       to   tie     other   defendants         to     the      purported
    conspiracies with nothing more than conclusory statements, even
    though    those      defendants         entered      the    table-saw          industry       well
    after    these      conspiracies           allegedly       began.           Stanley      Black   &
    Decker,      Inc.,        for   instance,       is     purportedly           liable       because
    “persons       speaking         for     [the        company]        have       affirmed        its
    understanding of the purpose of [the conspiracies], and agreed
    to participate in [them].”                   J.A. 99 ¶ 117.            SawStop alleges the
    same    as     to    Delta      Power      Equipment,       Inc.            J.A.   99     ¶   116.
    “[U]nadorned conclusory allegations” like these are akin to no
    allegations at all.       Vitol, S.A. v. Primerose Shipping Co., 
    708 F.3d 527
    , 543 (4th Cir. 2013).
    For these reasons, SawStop cannot proceed against all of
    the defendants.     In particular, Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd.; Makita
    Corporation; Chang Type Industrial Co., Ltd.; OWT Industries,
    Inc.; Pentair Water Group, Inc.; Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.;
    and Delta Power Equipment, Inc. must be dismissed as to all
    counts.     The group-boycott claim against Techtronic Industries
    North America, Inc. must also be dismissed.                The district court
    correctly dismissed these defendants because, at least as to
    them, the “complaint was vague, never explained its case, and
    lumped [them] together without sufficient detail.”                       Bates v.
    City of Chicago, 
    726 F.3d 951
    , 958 (7th Cir. 2013).
    We now consider whether SawStop has properly alleged an
    antitrust conspiracy against the remaining manufacturers.
    IV.    Pleading a § 1 Conspiracy
    Section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act prohibits “[e]very
    contract,   combination    .   .    .,    or   conspiracy       in   restraint   of
    15 U.S.C. § 1
    .        “To   establish    a    §   1   antitrust
    violation, a plaintiff must prove (1) a contract, combination,
    or conspiracy; (2) that imposed an unreasonable restraint of
    trade.”       N.C. State Bd. of Dental Exam’rs v. FTC, 
    717 F.3d 359
    371 (4th Cir. 2013).
    This    appeal   principally     concerns     the   first    element,    the
    conspiracy.       “[S]ection one’s prohibition against restraint of
    trade applies only to concerted action, which requires evidence
    of a relationship between at least two legally distinct persons
    or entities.”      Robertson v. Sea Pines Real Estate Cos., 
    679 F.3d 278
    , 284 (4th Cir. 2012).            To be actionable, the defendants must
    have   specifically       made   a   “conscious     commitment      to   a   common
    scheme designed to achieve an unlawful objective.”                  Monsanto Co.
    v. Spray-Rite Serv. Corp., 
    465 U.S. 752
    , 764 (1984).                     Not even
    “conscious parallelism” is enough, Brooke Grp. Ltd. v. Brown &
    Williamson      Tobacco    Corp.,      
    509 U.S. 209
    ,    227    (1993),    as
    “independent action is not proscribed by § 1,” Va. Vermiculite,
    Ltd. v. Historic Green Springs, Inc., 
    307 F.3d 277
    , 280 (4th
    Cir. 2002).
    Accordingly, a plaintiff bringing a § 1 claim must first
    plead an agreement to restrain trade.               In Bell Atlantic Corp. v.
    550 U.S. 544
    , 556 (2007), the Supreme Court explained
    that such a plaintiff must plead “enough factual matter (taken
    as true) to suggest that [the requisite] agreement was made.”
    In other words, the complaint must contain “enough fact to raise
    a reasonable expectation that discovery will reveal evidence of
    illegal   agreement.”        
           For   this   reason,   “allegations       of
    parallel conduct [on the part of the defendants] . . . must be
    placed in a context that raises a suggestion of a preceding
    agreement, not merely parallel conduct that could just as well
    be independent action.”        
    Id. at 557
    .          “[A] conclusory allegation
    of agreement at some unidentified point [also] does not supply
    facts adequate to show illegality.”             
    At    bottom,    Twombly    applies        a     long-held     principle   in
    antitrust law to the pleading stage: parallel conduct, standing
    alone, does not establish the required agreement because it is
    equally consistent with lawful conduct.                 The Twombly plaintiffs
    asked the Court to reject that idea and assume a conspiracy
    “exclusively” from action that seemed too coincidentally similar
    to be independent.      
     at 565 n.11.            The Court refused, and for
    good reason.     “Parallel conduct or interdependence,” after all,
    is “just as much in line with a wide swath of rational and
    competitive    business   strategy      unilaterally        prompted   by   common
    perceptions of the market.”          
    Id. at 554
    .        Thus, the complaint in
    Twombly    failed    because    it     rested    only      on   “descriptions   of
    parallel   conduct”    that    could    be   just     as   easily   explained   by
    “natural, unilateral reaction[s]” from each defendant.                      
    Id. at 564, 566
    ; see also Robertson, 
    679 F.3d at 289
     (“Twombly required
    contextual evidence to substantiate a speculative claim about
    the existence and substance of a conspiracy.”).
    For a § 1 claim to survive, then, a plaintiff must plead
    parallel conduct and something “more.”                         Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 557
    .      That     “more”     must    consist       of    “further       circumstance[s]
    pointing toward a meeting of the minds.”                       
        Allegations could
    suffice, for instance, where a plaintiff demonstrates that the
    parallel     behavior        “would       probably       not    result      from     chance,
    coincidence, independent responses to common stimuli, or mere
    interdependence unaided by an advance understanding among the
     at 556 n.4.            Often “characterized as ‘parallel
    plus’   or   ‘plus     factors,”          Evergreen      Partnering      Grp.,      Inc.    v.
    Pactiv Corp., 
    720 F.3d 33
    , 45 (1st Cir. 2013), these facts must
    be evaluated holistically, see Cont’l Ore Co. v. Union Carbide &
    Carbon Corp., 
    370 U.S. 690
    , 699 (1962) (cautioning courts not to
    “compartmentaliz[e]           the     various       factual       components”        of     an
    antitrust case).
    We do not take the approach that the dissent pursues, which
    seems to parse each “plus factor” individually and ask whether
    that factor, standing alone, would be sufficient to provide the
    “more.”      Cf. Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd., 
    551 U.S. 308
    , 310 (2007) (explaining that “courts must consider the
    complaint     in    its   entirety”        to   determine       whether      “all    of    the
    facts     alleged,     taken        collectively,”         give      rise    to     relevant
    inferences,         rather     than        asking        “whether      any        individual
    allegation,        scrutinized       in    isolation,      meets      that    standard”).
    Actions that might seem otherwise neutral in isolation can take
    on a different shape when considered in conjunction with other
    surrounding circumstances.            See William E. Kovacic, et al., Plus
    Factors and Agreement in Antitrust Law, 
    110 Mich. L. Rev. 393
    426-34 (2011) (explaining why plus factors must be analyzed in
    groups or “constellations”).
    Importantly,           Twombly’s       requirement        to    plead      something
    “more”    than       parallel     conduct       does    not   impose    a     probability
    standard at the motion-to-dismiss stage.                      See Ashcroft v. Iqbal,
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009).             Courts must be careful, then, not to
    subject        the     complaint’s          allegations         to     the       familiar
    “preponderance         of   the    evidence”           standard.       Text     Messaging
    Antitrust Litig., 
    630 F.3d 622
    , 629 (7th Cir. 2010).                              When a
    court     confuses      probability     and        plausibility,       it      inevitably
    begins weighing the competing inferences that can be drawn from
    the complaint.         But it is not our task at the motion-to-dismiss
    stage    to    determine     “whether       a    lawful    alternative        explanation
    appear[s] more likely” from the facts of the complaint.                             Houck
    v. Substitute Tr. Servs., Inc., 
    791 F.3d 473
    , 484 (4th Cir.
    2015).        Post-Twombly appellate courts have often been called
    upon to correct district courts that mistakenly engaged in this
    sort of premature weighing exercise in antitrust cases.                              See,
    e.g., Evergreen Partnering Grp., 720 F.3d at 50; Erie Cnty.,
    Ohio v. Morton Salt, Inc., 
    702 F.3d 860
    , 868-69 (6th Cir. 2012);
    Anderson News, L.L.C. v. Am. Media, Inc., 
    680 F.3d 162
    , 189 (2d
    Cir. 2012).
    Similarly,     courts        must      be      careful         not     to    import      the
    summary-judgment standard into the motion-to-dismiss stage.                                       At
    summary     judgment      in    a     §    1     case,       a       plaintiff      must     summon
    “evidence    tending       to    exclude         the      possibility          of    independent
    action.”     Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 554
    ; see also Monsanto, 
    465 U.S. at 764
    ; Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 
    475 U.S. 574
    , 588 (1986).               But the motion-to-dismiss stage concerns
    an “antecedent question,” Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 554
    , and “[t]he
    ‘plausibly       suggesting’        threshold          for       a    conspiracy          complaint
    remains    considerably         less       than       the    ‘tends       to      rule     out   the
    possibility’ standard for summary judgment,” Starr v. Sony BMG
    Music     Entm’t,    
    592 F.3d 314
    ,      325     (2d       Cir.     2010).         Thus,
    “[a]lthough Twombly’s articulation of the pleading standard for
    §   1    cases    draws    from       summary          judgment         jurisprudence,           the
    standards applicable to Rule 12(b)(6) and Rule 56 motions remain
    distinct.”       In re Ins. Brokerage Antitrust Litig., 
    618 F.3d 300
    323 n. 21 (3d Cir. 2010).                  “[T]here is no authority . . . for
    extending    the     [Monsanto/Matsushita]                  standard         to     the   pleading
    stage.”     Erie Cnty., 702 F.3d at 869.                     Indeed, such an extension
    would be wholly unrealistic, as “a plaintiff may only have so
    much information at his disposal at the outset.”                                  Robertson, 
    679 F.3d at 291
    .        Here, for instance, SawStop was three months into
    its case and had not conducted any discovery when the defendants
    moved to dismiss.      We can hardly expect it to have built its
    entire case so early on.
    We therefore consider whether the district court properly
    applied this plausibility-focused standard.
    V.   Group Boycott
    SawStop initially alleges a group boycott, which generally
    constitutes a “concerted refusal[] by traders to deal with other
    traders.”     Klor’s, Inc. v. Broadway-Hale Stores, Inc., 
    359 U.S. 207
    , 212 (1959).     Most often, group boycotts involve “horizontal
    agreements among direct competitors” with the aim of injuring a
    rival.    NYNEX Corp. v. Discon, Inc., 
    525 U.S. 128
    , 135 (1998).
    This sort of “naked concerted refusal occurs when the defendants
    are not engaged in any significant integration of production or
    distribution, and the only rationale for the restraint is the
    elimination of additional, lower-cost, higher-quality, or more
    innovative output from the market.”     Phillip E. Areeda & Herbert
    Hovenkamp, Fundamentals of Antitrust Law § 22.02a (4th ed. 2014
    supp.).     “[S]uch agreements . . . cripple the freedom of traders
    and thereby restrain their ability to sell in accordance with
    their own judgment.”     Kiefer-Stewart Co. v. Joseph E. Seagram &
    340 U.S. 211
    , 213 (1951).
    The district court held that SawStop had not adequately
    alleged    an   agreement       to   boycott.         However,       in    reaching      that
    conclusion, the district court committed the two errors that we
    earlier cautioned against.
    First, it confused the motion-to-dismiss standard with the
    standard for summary judgment.                    The district court twice cited
    Matsushita -- the case defining the “tends to exclude” standard
    for summary judgment -- as a basis for its ruling.                                See SD3,
    2014 WL 3500674
    , at *3, 4.                     It then mistakenly dismissed
    certain    claims    because     the    facts       alleged     did       not   “tend[]    to
    exclude”    independent     action.           
    Id. at *4
    .        It    made   explicit
    findings of fact -- including a finding that motive was “non-
    existent” -- that were plainly contradicted by the terms of the
    complaint.        See J.A. 89-90 ¶¶ 80-81 (alleging motive).                              The
    district court further required SawStop to definitively “show an
    agreement,” SD3, LLC, 
    2014 WL 3500674
    , at *3, rather than asking
    whether     the     allegations         “plausibly         suggest[ed]”           such    an
    agreement, Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 557
    .                   And it erroneously looked
    to   summary    judgment    cases       to    define      the   relevant        standards.
    See,   e.g.,      SD3,   LLC,    
    2014 WL 3500674
    ,      at    *3    (citing      Gtr.
    Rockford Energy & Tech. Corp. v. Shell Oil Co., 
    998 F.2d 391
    396 (7th Cir. 1993)).
    Second, the district court applied a standard much closer
    to probability than plausibility.                   For instance, the district
    court’s    opinion       adopts      defendants’        characterizations        of     the
    licensing       negotiations        and   then    draws    unsurprisingly        adverse
    inferences against SawStop based on them.                        The district court
    noted, for example, that Emerson had made a pre-conspiracy offer
    to license, but believed that SawStop had made “no allegation
    that Emerson rescinded that offer.”                 SD3, LLC, 
    2014 WL 3500674
    at   *4.     SawStop       specifically        alleged     to    the    contrary       that
    “Emerson cut off all license negotiations with SawStop, offering
    pretextual reasons for its lack of interest, and did not renew
    them.”     J.A. 92 ¶ 88.        In much the same way, it concluded that a
    “disingenuous”         offer   to    license     from    Black    &    Decker    USA   was
    inconsistent with conspiracy, SD3, LLC, 
    2014 WL 3500674
    , at *4,
    without explaining why an offer that SawStop pled was intended
    to be rejected was unavoidably inconsistent with a refusal to
    license.        On   the   whole,     these      inferences      seem    to   have     been
    colored    by    the    district      court’s     belief    that       SawStop   was    “a
    technology with uncertain commercial viability and safety.”                            
    Id. at *5
    In short, the district court imposed a heightened pleading
    requirement -- but such a standard does not apply on a Rule
    12(b)(6) motion, even in an antitrust case.                      See Marucci Sports,
    L.L.C. v. Nat’l Collegiate Ath. Ass’n, 
    751 F.3d 368
    , 373 (4th
    Cir. 2014); W. Penn Allegheny Health Sys., Inc. v. UPMC, 
    627 F.3d 85
    , 98 (3d Cir. 2010).                 This heightened pleading standard
    was   error.     Instead,        the    district       court   should     have   asked
    whether SawStop has alleged parallel action and something “more”
    that indicates agreement, as Twombly provides.
    Our de novo standard of review means that we can decide the
    matter without deference to the lower court.                    Thus, we may apply
    the   appropriate,     Twombly-based         standard     ourselves     rather    than
    remanding to the district court for another attempt of its own.
    See, e.g., Houck, 791 F.3d at 484-86; Triple Canopy, 775 F.3d at
    637-40.    Further, we enjoy the benefit of the parties’ briefs,
    and can read and understand the complaint in the same way as
    could the district court.              Thus, we proceed to consider whether
    SawStop has adequately alleged a group boycott.
    A   plaintiff    establishes          parallel    conduct    when    it    pleads
    facts     indicating      that     the       defendants        acted    “similarly.”
    Petruzzi’s IGA Supermarkets, Inc. v. Darling-Delaware Co., 
    998 F.2d 1224
    , 1243 (3d Cir. 1993); see also Hyland v. HomeServices
    of Am., Inc., 
    771 F.3d 310
    , 320 (6th Cir. 2014) (considering
    whether the defendants’ actions were “uniform”).
    SawStop adequately alleged parallel conduct.                        The similar
    or uniform actions alleged are obvious: none of the defendants
    ultimately     took   a   license      or    otherwise    implemented       SawStop’s
    technology.      As a result, SawStop could not pursue its initial
    business     strategy    of     entering          the   market     through      a   license
    agreement with a major table-saw manufacturer.                          Such actions are
    classically anticompetitive, as “parallel action that excludes
    new   entrants    both    facilitates         price       elevation       and    can     slow
    innovation.”     C. Scott Hemphill & Tim Wu, Price Exclusion, 
    122 Yale L.J. 1182
    , 1185 (2013).
    The    manufacturers       incorrectly            insist    that    their     conduct
    must be deemed dissimilar at this stage because some licensing
    negotiations     continued          after     the       conspiracy       formed.         The
    district court agreed.              See SD3, LLC, 
    2014 WL 3500674
    , at *4
    (“The sequence of all of these events undermines the Plaintiffs’
    group boycott allegations.”).               So does the dissent.
    But that argument misunderstands the nature of the alleged
    boycott,       while          again         confusing            “probability”           with
    “plausibility.”         The    manufacturers            could    have    achieved      their
    alleged     objective    of    keeping       SawStop       off    the    market     in    any
    number of ways: they could refuse any licensing discussions at
    all, they could engage in spurious licensing discussions, see,
    e.g., J.A. 93 ¶ 94, they could sign a license agreement and then
    never   implement       it,    or     they    could       scare     SawStop     off      with
    commercially unreasonable offers.                  All of these actions could be
    consistent     with     the     boycott’s          ultimate       alleged       objective,
    exclusion from the marketplace.                   See Evergreen Partnering Grp.,
    720 F.3d      at   51    (faulting   the     district        court      for    “improperly
    weigh[ing]         [the]      defendants’          alleged[ly]                inconsistent
    responses”);       Anderson    News,     
    680 F.3d at 191
           (holding    that
    defendants’ “varied” actions during the initial stages of the
    alleged conspiracy did not render the existence of a conspiracy
    SawStop never alleged that the manufacturers agreed on a
    common manner of preventing SawStop’s entry into the market.
    That’s not surprising.          Commercially sophisticated parties like
    the defendants could well understand the red flags that would be
    raised from a blanket, total refusal to negotiate.                             See, e.g.,
    Am. Tobacco Co. v. United States, 
    328 U.S. 781
    , 800-01 (1946)
    (detailing     a    price-fixing     conspiracy         in     which    the     defendants
    used a variety of differing methods to achieve the same ultimate
    objective,     an       understood   and        settled        price     for    tobacco).
    SawStop might have become suspicious if all of the defendants
    fled the negotiations en masse without any pretextual cover.
    But if the defendants employed different courses of action, then
    their conspiracy might better avoid detection.                          SawStop alleges
    they    did    exactly      that.      See       J.A.     94      ¶    96     (“Defendants
    fraudulently concealed the AIMT Boycott by, among other things,
    giving separate excuses for not taking a license[.]”); J.A. 95
    ¶ 100   (“[SawStop]’s        inquiries      were    met        with     silence,       false
    denials . . . and misleading explanations[.]”).
    The    dissent,       however,          is    unwilling         to    credit         SawStop’s
    factual allegation that the different paths of negotiations were
    themselves part of the claimed conspiratorial ruse.                                     It contends
    that, in crediting SawStop’s allegation, we “underestimate[] the
    difficulty      of     getting         a    group     of     competitors          to    agree     on   a
    course of action that separate contract negotiations may or may
    not     have    shown       to    be       in   their       best     commercial          interest.”
    Dissenting op. at 85.                  But the same thing could be said about
    most any alleged agreement between competing businesses -- and
    yet the law has never embraced a presumption against business
    agreements.            Much       of       antitrust        law      is      premised        on   such
    agreements.           More importantly, we are in no position at this
    stage to make “estimates” of the sort the dissent posits.                                              It
    should hardly need to be said again that we must proceed “on the
    assumption that all the allegations in the complaint are true
    (even    if    doubtful          in    fact).”            Twombly,      
    550 U.S. 555
    .      “Rule
    12(b)(6)       does    not       countenance          dismissals          based    on    a    judge’s
    disbelief of a complaint’s factual allegations.”                                       Colon Health
    Ctrs. of Am., LLLC v. Hazel, 
    733 F.3d 535
    , 545 (4th Cir. 2013).
    We    must    be    careful         not      to    rely    on     our     own    subjective
    disbelief here, as even the acts that the manufacturers and the
    dissent       say     are    dissimilar           might      also       be    read      to    suggest
    deception.           Ryobi       and       Emerson,        for    example,        suddenly        ended
    negotiations without sufficient explanation after proceeding all
    the way to a draft license agreement.                       See J.A. 92 ¶¶ 77, 87-88.
    This    sort    of    abrupt        and    unexplained          shift    in     behavior      can
    suggest that a defendant’s acts were not entirely independent,
    as the shift came after the alleged October 2001 agreement to
    launch the boycott.                See, e.g., Toys “R” Us, Inc. v. FTC, 
    221 F.3d 928
    , 935 (7th Cir. 2000) (explaining that the defendants’
    sudden “decision to stop dealing,” which was an “abrupt shift
    from    the    past,”       provided       more    reason       to   infer        a   horizontal
    agreement).           For    its     part,    Black     &       Decker      USA       purportedly
    tendered only a “disingenuous” offer that was “not made in good
    faith.”        J.A.    92     ¶    89.       Assuming       that     characterization          is
    accurate (as we must), few benign purposes would be served by
    such an offer.
    But    the    dissent       would     require    more,        even      at     this   early
    stage of the proceedings; it would find “parallel conduct” only
    when    defendants          move    in     relative     lockstep,           achieving        their
    common anticompetitive              ends     (exclusion)         only     by    substantially
    identical means.            So far as we can tell, this standard finds no
    support in any existing authority.
    The three decisions that the dissent cites do not support
    the proposed rule, as they all involved non-parallel “ends.” One
    involved       inconsistent          pricing       in      an      alleged          price-fixing
    conspiracy, see City of Moundridge v. Exxon Mobil Corp., 
    429 F. Supp. 2d 117
    ,    131-32       (D.D.C.       2006),     while       another       addressed
    wildly    varying         surcharges    (in       both   amount       and    timing)       in   an
    alleged      fuel-surcharge-fixing            conspiracy,         LaFlamme         v.    Societe
    Air France, 
    702 F. Supp. 2d 136
    , 151 (E.D.N.Y. 2010).                               The last,
    an appeal from a summary judgment decision, held only that the
    defendant had not established conscious parallelism on the part
    of one defendant; it assumed, however, that the actions alleged
    were    parallel.           See    Cosmetic        Gallery,     Inc.        v.   Schoeneneman
    495 F.3d 46
    , 54 (3d Cir. 2007).                           At best, these cases
    stand    for    an     unremarkable       proposition:          parallel         conduct    must
    produce parallel results.                 And they further recognize the very
    point so hotly contested by the dissent: parallel conduct “need
    not be exactly simultaneous and identical in order to give rise
    to an inference of agreement.”                       LaFlamme, 
    702 F. Supp. 2d at 151
    ; cf. City of Moundridge v. Exxon Mobil Corp., Civil Action
    No. 04-940 (RWR), 
    2009 WL 5385975
    , at *5 (D.D.C. Sept. 30, 2009)
    (“Price-fixing can occur even though the price increases are not
    identical in absolute or relative terms.”).
    Our     own   precedent      does      not     support     the       dissent’s      view.
    Take, for example, United States v. Foley, 
    598 F.2d 1323
    Cir.    1979),       in    which    a   group       of   real    estate          brokers    were
    convicted      of    violating      § 1      by    conspiring     to    fix       real    estate
    commissions.         It seems an understatement to say that the Foley
    defendants did not move in any way close to perfect tandem: some
    defendants       did      not     act   to        implement     the     commission-fixing
    agreement      until       months       after     it    formed,      while       at    least    one
    defendant implemented the new commissions before the conspiracy
    formed.        Id.        at        1332-34.          Still      other      defendants         only
    “partially” joined, taking higher commissions when available but
    otherwise pursuing lower ones.                         Id.       Had Foley been decided
    under the dissent’s framework, these “divergent paths to the
    same end” (higher commissions) would apparently have required
    reversal    of      the    convictions.              The    Court,       however,       reached    a
    different result -- it affirmed all nine criminal convictions
    after finding sufficient evidence of agreement.                                  Id. at 1335.
    Foley,     then,          effectively           rejects       the    dissent’s           proposed
    Lastly, we disagree that the dissent’s definition is needed
    to avoid imposing antitrust liability on innocent activities.
    The   dissent       proceeds          as   if    a     finding      of     parallel       conduct
    inexorably       leads         to    liability.            But    Twombly’s       foundational
    principle      is    that       parallel        conduct,         standing       alone,    is    not
    enough    to   impose          antitrust        liability.          In    other       words,    the
    plaintiff’s      initial            showing     of     parallel      conduct       is    only     an
    initial step in a multi-step process.                               It is the additional
    steps    required         of    an    antitrust        plaintiff         that    are    meant     to
    ensure    that      innocent          business       activities       are       not    tarred     as
    antitrust violations, whether at the motion-to-dismiss stage or
    Thus,    we    think       it   plain      that      SawStop        alleged    parallel
    conduct.      The remaining question is whether SawStop also pleads
    the   requisite      “more”      that    “point[s]         toward     a    meeting    of   the
    minds.”     Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 557
    SawStop       has    alleged       the    “more”      necessary        to     move   its
    allegations of parallel conduct into the realm of plausibility.
    The    group-boycott        claim        pled   in    the      complaint      builds   a
    detailed story.           SawStop identifies the particular time, place,
    and manner in which the boycott initially formed, describing a
    separate meeting held for that purpose during the Power Tool
    Institute’s October 2001 annual meeting.                        See J.A. 89-90 ¶¶ 79-
    81.     The complaint names at least six specific individuals who
    took part in forming the boycott, noting which defendant each
    person    ostensibly       represented.             See    J.A.      89    ¶¶ 78-79.       The
    complaint further tells us the means by which the defendants
    sealed their boycott agreement: a majority vote.                               See J.A. 89
    ¶ 80.       And the complaint then explains how the manufacturers
    implemented the boycott: refusing to respond to entreaties from
    SawStop, going silent after long negotiations, or offering only
    bad-faith     terms       that    were    intended         to   be    rejected.        Thus,
    “[u]nlike the plaintiffs in Twombly . . ., [SawStop] clearly has
    alleged an express agreement to restrain trade.”                             Watson Carpet
    & Floor Covering, Inc. v. Mohawk Indus., Inc., 
    648 F.3d 452
    , 457
    (6th Cir. 2011); cf. Swierkiewicz v. Sorema N.A., 
    534 U.S. 506
    514 (2002) (explaining that a Title VII complaint should not
    have been dismissed where it “detailed the events leading to his
    termination, provided relevant dates, and included the ages and
    nationalities of at least some of the relevant persons involved
    with his termination”).
    Antitrust     complaints,       like      SawStop’s,        “that    include
    detailed fact allegations as to the ‘who, what, when and where’
    of   the   claimed    antitrust      misconduct    not   surprisingly       survive
    dismissal.”        William Holmes & Melissa Mangiaracina, Antitrust
    Law Handbook § 9:14 (2014 supp.); see also Carrier Corp. v.
    Outokumpu Oyj, 
    673 F.3d 430
    , 445 (6th Cir. 2012); Kendall v.
    Visa U.S.A., Inc., 
    518 F.3d 1042
    , 1048 (9th Cir. 2008); cf.
    Goldfarb v. Mayor & City Council of Balt., 
    791 F.3d 500
    , 511
    (4th Cir. 2015) (“A complaint should not be dismissed as long as
    it provides sufficient detail about the claim to show that the
    plaintiff has a more-than-conceivable chance of success on the
    merits.”).      Detail      in   a   complaint    of   “further      circumstances
    pointing toward a meeting of the minds” allays the suspicion
    that   the    plaintiff     is   merely    speculating       a    conspiracy   into
    existence from coincidentally similar action.                    Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 557
    .      That, after all, was Twombly’s principal concern.                  See
    Swanson v. Citibank, N.A., 
    614 F.3d 400
    , 405 (7th Cir. 2010) (“A
    more    complex      case    [like     one]      involving       . . .     antitrust
    violations[] will require more detail, both to give the opposing
    party notice of what the case is all about and to show how, in
    the plaintiff’s mind at least, the dots should be connected.”).
    The dissent contends that the complaint rests on a “casual
    presumption”       of     liability.             But     that     view     overlooks        the
    complaint’s detailed account of the alleged events -- an account
    that, again, we must take as true for Rule 12(b)(6) purposes.
    Instead,    the    dissent       seems      to    rely      on   a     series    of   factual
    suppositions that might “perhaps” explain the relevant parallel
    conduct.      But that approach forces us to ignore the factual
    allegations       that    form      the     heart      of    SawStop’s         complaint:    a
    particular     meeting         on     a     particular           day     with     particular
    participants making a particular agreement that generated the
    conspiracy at issue.                And by favoring its perception of the
    relevant events over the narrative offered by the complaint, the
    dissent makes the very mistake that the district court made,
    recasting “plausibility” into “probability.”
    The dissent underscores the weakness in its position by
    mischaracterizing the factual allegations in SawStop’s complaint
    as “conclusory” in an effort to avoid them.                            It may be that the
    dissent    doesn’t       believe     the    complaint’s          detailed       allegations,
    but   that        skepticism         does        not     render         the      allegations
    “conclusory.”            See     Iqbal,      
    556 U.S. at 681
    allegations cannot be called “conclusory” merely because a judge
    views        them    as     “extravagantly            fanciful,”         “unrealistic,”            or
    “nonsensical”).                 Indeed,    just       two   weeks      after       Twombly,       the
    Supreme Court reversed one of our sister circuits for making
    much the same error.                See Erickson v. Pardus, 
    551 U.S. 89
    , 90
    (2007) (reversing dismissal of a complaint as “conclusory” where
    the complaint alleged harm only by saying that prison officials
    “endanger[ed] his life” by taking away needed treatment).                                        And,
    as a practical matter, demanding more than the particularized
    allegations that SawStop offered here would compel an antitrust
    plaintiff to plead evidence -- and we have already expressly
    refused to impose such a requirement.                         See Robertson, 
    679 F.3d at 291
    In any event, we observe that SawStop not only alleges the
    “who, what, when, and where” in its complaint, but also the
    “why.”       “[M]otivation for common action” is a key circumstantial
    fact.        Einer R. Elhauge & Damien Geradin, Global Antitrust Law
    and    Economics          837    (2007);    see     also    Hyland,          771   F.3d     at    320
    (listing        “common         motive     to    conspire”        as     a    potential          plus
    factor); Mayor & City Council of Balt. v. Citigroup, Inc., 
    709 F.3d 129
    ,       136    (2d     Cir.     2013)       (same).          According        to      the
    complaint, the defendants here were motivated to conspire out of
    a     fear    of     product-liability            exposure:         if       one   manufacturer
    adopted       the    technology,          then    non-adopting         manufacturers           could
    face    liability          exposure       from    their     failure          to    employ      AIMT.
    Thus,     under    SawStop’s      theory,    the     manufacturers       conceived      a
    group boycott to keep AIMT off the market, thereby preventing
    its use as a design alternative in product-liability cases.                           And
    even though a complaint need not “forecast evidence” to support
    its theory, Robertson, 
    679 F.3d at 291
    , SawStop’s complaint does
    so   by    referencing          testimony    from      Peot     (the   former     Ryobi
    engineer),       who    agrees    that    non-adopting        manufacturers      “could”
    have been in “real legal trouble” if a major manufacturer had
    adopted AIMT.          Transcript of Trial at 4-125, Osorio v. One World
    Techs. Inc., No. 06-CV-10725 (D. Mass. Feb. 25, 2010), ECF No.
    137 (cited at J.A. 89 ¶ 80).                 The complaint further describes
    statements in which Black & Decker’s counsel is alleged to have
    said that product liability could be lessened “if a couple of
    years      passed         without        implementation         of     the       SawStop
    [t]echnology.”          J.A. 87 ¶ 72.
    The     defendants          insist     that     this      alleged       motive    is
    implausible, and the dissent agrees.                      They theorize that, if
    SawStop’s theory of motive were true, one would have expected
    all of the manufacturers to take a license once SawStop began
    making     its    own     AIMT-equipped      saws    in     2004.      The    complaint
    indicates that course of events did not occur.
    Once more, the manufacturers’ argument -- embraced by the
    dissent    --     seems    to    misconstrue     the    complaint’s      allegations.
    SawStop     entered       the    market     as   a     peripheral      player.        See
    Appellant’s       Br.      44   (“SawStop’s       sales       .     .    .    did   not      even
    constitute       1%   of    total    industry         sales   of    table       saws    in    the
    United     States[.]”).             Thus,       the     manufacturers            were     still
    conceptually able to argue that SawStop was peddling a fringe
    technology,        as      reflected       in     its     “marginaliz[ed]”              market
    position.        See J.A. 90 ¶ 81; see, e.g., Osorio v. One World
    Techs., Inc., 
    659 F.3d 81
    , 87-88 (1st Cir. 2011) (describing
    defendant’s argument that SawStop’s technology was not viable).
    Indeed,    the     fact     that    the    conspiracy         did       not   include     every
    player in the table-saw industry implies that the conspirators
    were concerned with major manufacturers taking a license, not
    smaller ones.         Thus, the defendants’ post-2004 actions -- which,
    in any event, are not fully discussed in the complaint -- are
    not     much     help      in   evaluating        the     manufacturers’            potential
    Even if the “who, what, where, when, and why” were not
    enough, the complaint also describes a number of communications
    among     the     defendants.             Allegations         of    communications           and
    meetings        among      conspirators         can     support         an     inference       of
    agreement       because     they    provide       the    means      and       opportunity      to
    conspire.       See, e.g.,         Evergreen Partnering Grp., Inc., 720 F.3d
    at 49; Hyland, 771 F.3d at 320; Mayor & City Council of Balt.,
    709 F.3d at 136.            Here, in addition to discussing the October
    2001 meeting where the alleged conspiracy formed, the complaint
    describes      phone      calls,     meetings,       and    discussions       among    the
    various       conspirators.               Such    “allegation[s]         identif[y]      a
    practice, not illegal in itself, that facilitates [an antitrust
    conspiracy]      that       would    be    difficult       for   the    authorities     to
    detect.”      Text Messaging, 
    630 F.3d at 628
    ; accord Todd v. Exxon
    275 F.3d 191
    , 213 (2d Cir. 2001); see also Sharon E.
    Foster, LIBOR Manipulation and Antitrust Allegations, 
    11 DePaul Bus. & Com. L.J. 291
    , 304 (2013) (“Facilitating practices . . .
    may    evidence       the    plus    factors        necessary      to   establish      the
    inference of an agreement.”).
    A market in which sales power is concentrated in the hands
    of the few can also facilitate coercion.                         See, e.g., Evergreen
    Partnering Grp., 720 F.3d at 48; Todd, 
    275 F.3d at 208
    ; In re
    High Fructose Corn Syrup Antitrust Litig., 
    295 F.3d 651
    , 656
    (7th Cir. 2002).            Fewer “minds” must “meet” in a concentrated
    market.       And the complaint implies that the table-saw market is
    so concentrated, as the defendants here purportedly control 85%
    of that market.           J.A. 81 ¶¶ 44, 48; see, e.g., Starr, 
    592 F.3d at 323
     (listing the defendants’ control of 80% of the market as
    a relevant plus factor).              Further, the complaint describes ways
    in    which    the    manufacturers         attempted      to    hide   their   actions,
    including a mutual agreement not to “leave a paper trail.”                             See
    J.A.    93-94        ¶¶     92-97.          These    alleged       attempts      by    the
    manufacturers        to     hide    their    actions       could   suggest      that   the
    defendants   knew   their   actions       “would   attract   antitrust
    scrutiny,” Starr, 
    592 F.3d at 324
    ; in other words, the alleged
    facts suggest consciousness of guilt.          Those actions give us
    further reason to conclude that a group boycott is plausibly
    alleged. 2
    Generally, “[i]n addition to establishing a conspiracy, a
    successful plaintiff must also show . . . that the conspiracy
    produced adverse, anti-competitive effects within the relevant
    product and geographic market.”        Terry’s Floor Fashions, Inc. v.
    Burlington Indus., Inc., 
    763 F.2d 604
    , 611 n.10 (4th Cir. 1985).
    In a viable complaint, “the plaintiff must allege, not only an
    injury to himself, but an injury to the market as well.”         Agnew
    v. Nat’l Collegiate Ath. Ass’n, 
    683 F.3d 328
    , 335 (7th Cir.
    2012); accord Todd, 
    275 F.3d at 213
    .          “Actual anticompetitive
    effects include, but are not limited to, reduction of output,
    2 SawStop also argued that the complaint alleged sufficient
    direct evidence of a conspiracy to avoid dismissal.          See
    679 F.3d at 289
     (holding that a complaint can state a
    § 1 claim if it alleges “direct evidence” of the agreement
    itself); but see Am. Chiropractic Ass’n v. Trigon Healthcare,
    367 F.3d 212
    , 226 (4th Cir. 2004) (indicating that
    “smoking gun” direct evidence is “extremely rare in antitrust
    cases”).   As SawStop’s complaint meets “Twombly’s requirements
    with respect to allegations of illegal parallel conduct,”
    679 F.3d at 290
    , we need not determine whether
    SawStop has adequately alleged direct evidence.
    increase    in    price,      or    deterioration           in   quality.”        Jacobs      v.
    Tempur-Pedic Int’l, Inc., 
    626 F.3d 1327
    , 1339 (11th Cir. 2010).
    In cases involving “per se” violations of the Sherman Act,
    however,    this      anti-competitive          harm        is   essentially        presumed.
    “[C]ertain       agreements        or   practices”          have    such    a    “pernicious
    effect on competition” that they “are conclusively presumed to
    be unreasonable and therefore illegal without elaborate inquiry
    as   to   the    precise      harm”     that        they    caused.         TFWS,     Inc.   v.
    242 F.3d 198
    , 209 (4th Cir. 2001).                            Claims that such
    agreements       “lacked   anticompetitive                effects   .   .    .   are     simply
    irrelevant.”         In re Cardizem CD Antitrust Litig., 
    332 F.3d 896
    909 (6th Cir. 2003).
    Although the manufacturers contend that SawStop failed to
    allege anticompetitive harm, SawStop maintains that its alleged
    group boycott violates the Sherman Act per se -- such that no
    separate     allegations           of   harm    were        necessary.           “[I]n    some
    circumstances        a   group      boycott         may    be    considered       a    per    se
    violation.”          Precision Piping & Instruments, Inc. v. E.I. du
    Pont de Nemours & Co., 
    951 F.2d 613
    , 617 n.4 (4th Cir. 1991).
    And the alleged agreement here comes close to the “paradigmatic
    boycott,”       in    which        “a   group       of     competitors”          (here,      the
    manufacturers) take “collective action” (here, the refusal to
    license or implement) that “may inhibit the competitive vitality
    of rivals” (here, SawStop).               NYNEX Corp., 
    525 U.S. at 135
    ; see
    also     Nw.     Wholesale      Stationers,          Inc.    v.    Pac.    Stationery    &
    Printing Co., 
    472 U.S. 284
    , 294 (1985) (explaining that per se
    illegal boycotts “often cut off access to a supply, facility, or
    market necessary to enable the boycotted firm to compete and
    frequently the boycotting firms possessed a dominant position in
    the relevant market”).
    Despite the facial appeal of SawStop’s per se argument,
    neither        the    manufacturer’s         brief     nor    the    district     court’s
    opinion directly address it.                  The district court remarked only
    in   passing         that   SawStop    had    “fail[ed]       to    establish    a   naked
    boycott organized for a concerted refusal to deal.”                             SD3, LLC,
    2014 WL 3500674
    , at *5.               It did not discuss the issue further,
    and offered only a cursory citation to Northwest Wholesale.                             The
    manufacturers           similarly      assert,        without       explanation,      that
    SawStop “failed to allege any per se violation of the Sherman
    Act.”    Response Br. 58.
    Because        the   issue     of   competitive        harm    is    inadequately
    briefed, and because the district court’s opinion likewise gives
    us no guidance, we cannot decide that issue or affirm on that
    basis.     If the manufacturers so choose, however, they may again
    raise the issue of competitive harm before the district court on
    remand so that it may fully consider and discuss the question
    with the benefit of proper argument.
    In sum, SawStop’s complaint is very different from the one
    seen     in   Twombly,      which       rested    solely        on    “descriptions        of
    parallel conduct and not on any independent allegation of actual
    agreement.”          Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 564
    ; see also 
    id. at 548
    (“[T]he question . . . is               whether       a § 1 complaint can survive
    when it alleges . . . certain parallel conduct . . . , absent
    some factual context suggesting agreement[.]” (emphasis added)).
    SawStop’s complaint alleges an actual agreement to boycott in
    detail and does not rely, as in Twombly, on parallel conduct
    alone.         The    dissent’s         observation        to        the     contrary     is,
    respectfully,        simply      an    inaccurate     reading        of    Twombly.       See
    Dissenting Op. 75.            In particular, the Supreme Court directly
    rejected      the     dissent’s        reading     of     the     Twombly       complaint:
    “Although in form a few stray statements sp[oke] directly of
    agreement, on fair reading these [were] merely legal conclusions
    resting on the prior allegations.”                      Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 564
    The    Supreme      Court   was       explicit   in     finding       that    the   Twombly
    complaint did not contain “any independent allegation of actual
    agreement among the ILECs.”              
    As to the district court, it erred by applying a summary-
    judgment      standard      to    SawStop’s       group    boycott         claim    and    by
    confusing “plausibility” with “probability.”                         Again, because the
    complaint        pleads       parallel         conduct     in         conjunction         with
    “circumstance[s]       pointing     toward      a   meeting     of    the     minds,”
    550 U.S. at 557
    , SawStop has adequately alleged the
    agreement needed to support a Sherman Act § 1 conspiracy.                            Of
    course,     it    remains     to   be    seen    whether    SawStop      has        also
    adequately alleged any requisite harm to the market.
    Our decision should not be mistaken for an endorsement of
    the ultimate merits of SawStop’s case.               At this point, SawStop’s
    prospects for success are largely irrelevant, as “[a] lawsuit
    need not be meritorious to proceed past the motion-to-dismiss
    stage.”      Ringgold-Lockhart v. Cnty. of Los Angeles, 
    761 F.3d 1057
    , 1066 (9th Cir. 2014).             In fact, “a well-pleaded complaint
    may proceed even if it strikes a savvy judge that actual proof
    of those facts is improbable, and that a recovery is very remote
    and   unlikely.”       Twombly,        
    550 U.S. at 556
    ;   accord       Cardigan
    Mountain Sch. v. N.H. Ins. Co., 
    787 F.3d 82
    , 89 (1st Cir. 2015);
    N.J. Carpenters Health Fund v. Royal Bank of Scotland Grp., PLC,
    709 F.3d 109
    , 125 (2d Cir. 2013); cf. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. at 681
    (“[W]e do not reject these bald allegations on the ground that
    they are unrealistic or nonsensical.”).                   To dismiss SawStop’s
    complaint    because     of     some    initial     skepticism       would     be    to
    mistakenly       “collapse    discovery,      summary    judgment[,]     and    trial
    into the pleading stages of a case.”                     Petro-Hunt, L.L.C. v.
    United States, 
    90 Fed. Cl. 51
    , 71 (2009).
    Our decision also is not meant to afford SawStop a license
    for unlimited discovery.             Like the dissent, we are well aware of
    the substantial cost that discovery in an antitrust case can
    impose, Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 558-59
    , and recognize that the cost
    largely      falls     on   the     defendants.              When    not     appropriately
    managed, that cost can have an extortionate effect, compelling
    some defendants to enter early settlements even in meritless
    suits.    But we are neither the Advisory Committee on the Rules
    of Civil Procedure, nor the Supreme Court, nor Congress.                                 We
    must take the rules as we find them.
    District      courts     possess        a    number    of    tools    --    including
    limitations on discovery or consideration of a timely motion for
    summary judgment -- to combat any sort of predatory discovery.
    See    Federal       Judicial     Center,          Manual    for    Complex       Litigation
    § 30.1    (4th       ed.    2004)    (“Effective            management       of    antitrust
    litigation       requires       identifying,           clarifying,          and    narrowing
    pivotal factual and legal issues as soon as practicable[.]”).
    Although tools like these do not permit us to give the benefit
    of the doubt to groundless claims, Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 559
    they confirm that our antitrust jurisprudence cannot be driven
    solely    by      fears      about       the       expense     of        modern    antitrust
    litigation.       We have faith that district courts possess both the
    will   and     the    ability       to   make       good     use    of    available    case-
    management mechanisms, employing them as needed to preserve a
    level playing field -- particularly in antitrust cases. 3
    VI.   Standard-Setting Conspiracies
    In addition to its group-boycott claim, SawStop alleges two
    separate but related conspiracies concerning private standard-
    setting -- the standard-rejection conspiracy and the contrived-
    standards conspriacy.          Industry particpants allegedly used their
    influence    over    UL   to    prevent    the       private    organization   from
    adopting AIMT as a required safety device.                     The defendants then
    purportedly encouraged UL to adopt other standards that imposed
    needless    costs   on    SawStop   and        insulated    the   defendants   from
    We find that the complaint does not plausibly establish
    either     conspiracy.          Although        the     standard-rejection      and
    contrived-standards       conspiracies         are    separately    alleged,   they
    fail for the same fundamental reason: the facts alleged imply
    nothing beyond ordinary participation in lawful standard-setting
    processes.      Thus,     in    contrast        to    its   group-boycott   claim,
    3  Many of the same allegations that carry SawStop’s
    complaint past a motion to dismiss –- the “who, what, when, and
    where” –- may substantially focus the discovery in a way that
    was not possible in Twombly.    See 
     at 560 n.6 (noting the
    difficulty and expense of discovery directed toward “some
    illegal agreement” “between unspecific persons” “at some point
    over seven years.”).
    SawStop’s      standards-focused           conspiracies         fail     to       allege   the
    “more” necessary to raise an inference of agreement.
    Standard-setting            organizations           are   voluntary          membership
    organizations           whose            participants           develop            “technical
    specifications         to        ensure       that        products     from         different
    manufacturers are compatible with each other,” address certain
    threshold safety concerns, or serve other beneficial functions.
    Microsoft Corp. v. Motorola, Inc., 
    696 F.3d 872
    , 875 (9th Cir.
    2012).       These organizations have enjoyed a rather complicated
    relationship         with        antitrust         law.         “[M]embers          of     such
    associations         often       have     economic          incentives        to     restrain
    competition      and        []     the     product         standards        set     by     such
    associations have a serious potential for anticompetitive harm.”
    Allied Tube & Conduit Corp. v. Indian Head, Inc., 
    486 U.S. 492
    500 (1998); see also Soc’y of Mech. Eng’rs v. Hydrolevel Corp.,
    456 U.S. 556
    ,    571     (1982).         As    a     result,    “private       standard-
    setting      associations          have       traditionally          been      objects      of
    antitrust scrutiny.”             Allied Tube, 486 U.S. at 500.
    Still,         such        ventures          can      also      have         “decidedly
    procompetitive         effects”          by     encouraging          “greater         product
    interoperability,”           generating       “network       effects,”        and    building
    “incentives to innovate.”                 Princo Corp. v. Int’l Trade Comm’n,
    616 F.3d 1318
    , 1335 (Fed. Cir. 2010); accord Lotes Co., Ltd. v.
    Hon Hai Precision Indus. Co., 
    753 F.3d 395
    , 400 (2d Cir. 2014);
    Broadcom Corp. v. Qualcomm Inc., 
    501 F.3d 297
    , 308 (3d Cir.
    2007).      “As   a     result,     one    can   hardly      infer     anticompetitive
    intent to exclude from rule making alone[.]                         . . .       Antitrust
    must therefore seek out the exceptional case, where rule making
    is used to facilitate collusion or the exclusion of rivals whose
    competitiveness        or    innovation     threatens       the     relevant     decision
    makers.”    Areeda & Hovenkamp, supra, § 22.06b.
    Courts have found standard-setting organizations and their
    members to have violated the antitrust laws in some cases, but
    those    cases    are       relatively     few   and     far    between.         Of     most
    relevance here, “an entity may be prosecuted for an antitrust
    violation    on   the       basis   of    improper     coercion      of   a    standards-
    setting    body.”           Coalition     for    ICANN      Transparency,        Inc.    v.
    VeriSign, Inc., 
    611 F.3d 495
    , 506 (9th Cir. 2010).                            Allied Tube
    is the oft-cited example of that concept.                           In that case, the
    defendant deliberately packed a standard-setting panel with paid
    supporters who then banned a competing product.                           Allied Tube,
    486 U.S. at 496.             Coalition for ICANN Transparency is another
    example.     There, the Ninth Circuit found potential antitrust
    liability when a powerful corporation allegedly used vexatious
    litigation       and    financial         pressure     to      coerce     a     standards
    organization      into       providing      advantages         to    that      defendant.
    Coalition for ICANN Transparency, 
    611 F.3d at 501, 506
    The common thread in the few cases finding liability in the
    private     standard-setting          context         is    unique,          external        pressure
    applied to achieve an anti-competitive end.                                      “[T]he principal
    concern has been the use of standards setting as a predatory
    device . . . ; normally there is a showing that the standard was
    deliberately        distorted        by    competitors            of       the    injured     party,
    sometimes     through       lies,      bribes,        or     other          improper     forms    of
    influence,      in     addition           to    a     further              showing      of    market
    foreclosure.”        DM Research, Inc. v. Coll. of Am. Pathologists,
    170 F.3d 53
    , 57-58 (1st Cir. 1999).                        In other words, a plaintiff
    must ordinarily show that the standard-setting activity had a
    market-closing effect that was committed “through the use of
    unfair, or improper practices or procedures.”                                     Clamp-All Corp.
    v. Cast Iron Soil Pipe Inst., 
    851 F.2d 478
    , 488 (1st Cir. 1998)
    (Breyer, J.).
    In     the     usual          case,      neither            the           standard-setting
    organization nor its participants will run afoul of antitrust
    law    when   they    use    ordinary          processes          to       adopt     unexceptional
    standards.           It     is       “axiomatic            that        a     standard        setting
    organization must exclude some products, and such exclusions are
    not themselves antitrust violations.”                        Golden Bridge Tech., Inc.
    v. Motorola, Inc., 
    547 F.3d 266
    , 273 (5th Cir. 2008); see also
    Gtr.    Rockford     Energy      &    Tech.         Corp.,    998          F.2d    at   396     (“The
    failure of a private, standard-setting body to certify a product
    is not, by itself, a violation of § 1.”); Plant Oil Powered
    Diesel Fuel Sys., Inc. v. ExxonMobil Corp., 
    801 F. Supp. 2d 1163
    , 1193 (D.N.M. 2011) (holding that the plaintiff did not
    plausibly     allege       an      antitrust          conspiracy        based    on      the
    defendant’s mere opposition to a particular standard).                           “To hold
    otherwise     would       stifle     the        beneficial       functions       of     such
    organizations[.]”           Golden        Bridge      Tech.,     
    547 F.3d at 273
    Similarly, it is not problematic, standing alone, for market
    participants to try to influence the standard-setting process
    through the organization’s ordinary procedures.                           See Clamp-All
    Corp., 851 F.2d at 488.
    SawStop      never    alleges        that     UL’s   normal        procedures      were
    thwarted,    or    that     the     defendants         engaged     in    some    form    of
    external misconduct.            Instead, it asks us to infer malfeasance
    because some of the defendants’ representative served on the
    relevant     standard-setting         panel.           But     SawStop     provides       no
    authority    drawing      that     sort    of    naked    inference,       and   we     have
    found none.       “Certifiers may reasonably believe that they can do
    their job properly (a job that benefits consumers) only if all
    interested    parties      are     allowed       to   present     proposals,      frankly
    present their views, and vote.”                 Id.
    SawStop’s complaint takes issue with UL’s actions largely
    because the organization is alleged to have erred in rejecting
    SawStop’s        proposed       standard    and       selecting         another    one.        The
    unstated assumption of this argument is that, lacking a valid
    “technical” justification, the only remaining explanation must
    be an antirust conspiracy.
    Even if UL’s ultimate decision can be called “wrong,” that
    mistake alone does not indicate concerted action to manipulate
    the    result.        “[S]tandard-setting               bodies      sometimes      err,”      but
    simple      error    creates       no   reason         for    liability         without       some
    further      indication          that   the          organization’s         activities         are
    “merely      a    ploy     to     obscure        a    conspiracy         against    competing
    producers.”         Consol. Metal Prods., Inc. v. Am. Petroleum Inst.,
    846 F.2d 284
    , 294 (5th Cir. 1988); see also DM Research, 
    170 F.3d at 57
     (“Merely to say that the standards are disputable or
    have      some    market    effects        has       not   generally        been   enough      to
    condemn them as ‘unreasonable’ under the Sherman Act.”); Moore
    v. Boating Indus. Ass’ns, 
    819 F.2d 693
    , 711-13 (7th Cir. 1987)
    (finding no evidence of an actionable conspiracy despite the
    jury’s      finding      that     the      association            was    “unreasonable         and
    arbitrary” in setting standards); cf. Brookins v. Int’l Motor
    Contest Ass’n, 
    219 F.3d 849
    , 854 (8th Cir. 2000) (“So long as
    IMCA made game-defining rules decisions based upon its purposes
    as    a    sports    organization,          an       antitrust          court   need    not    be
    concerned         with      the     rationality              or     fairness       of     those
    decisions.”); M & H Tire Co. v. Hoosier Racing Tire Corp., 733
    51 F.2d 973
    , 984 (1st Cir. 1984) (“We discern no duty to provide an
    absolutely       objective      or     scientific      basis      for     decision.”).
    “[A]ntitrust is not concerned with whether a standard might be
    unreasonable as an abstract proposition.”                     Areeda & Hovenkamp,
    supra, § 22.06c.
    If   antitrust     suits      were   permitted      to     go    forward    based
    solely on an allegation that the standard-setting body erred,
    courts would be cast into the role of standard-setting appellate
    bodies.         Consol.    Metal       Prods.,     
    846 F.2d at 297
    .       Any
    disagreement big or small with the ultimate adoption of a safety
    standard would, to follow SawStop’s reasoning, create potential
    antitrust liability.           “Not only would this tax the abilities of
    the    federal   courts,       but   fear   of    treble   damages       and    judicial
    second-guessing        would    discourage       the   establishment        of    useful
    industry standards.”           
    Beyond    its    error-based      allegations,      the     complaint’s      only
    assertions of concerted action are conclusory and non-specific:
    “a collective decision was made,” or the defendants “agreed to
    vote as a bloc,” or non-SawStop designs were a “smokescreen.”
    J.A. 96-97 ¶¶ 103, 105, 109.                The complaint identifies no fact
    other than consistent votes against SawStop’s proposal (and for
    the other designs) to establish the alleged illegal agreements.
    That    would    be    parallel      conduct,    but   such     conduct    is    equally
    consistent with legal behavior.                  After all, even if SawStop is
    right   that   technical      reasons    did   not   support   the    standard-
    setting     organizations      decisions,       other    non-anticompetitive
    explanations remain.         See, e.g., Golden Bridge Tech., 
    547 F.3d at 272-73
     (“[T]he existence of an independent financial motive
    to [change the standard] might be an independent reason for each
    Appellee    company     to   support    [the   change].”);     Advanced    Tech.
    Corp., Inc. v. Instron, Inc., 
    925 F. Supp. 2d 170
    , 179 (D. Mass.
    2013)     (dismissing    a    complaint      where   “[t]he    crux   of   [the
    plaintiff’s] antitrust claim [wa]s simply that competitors in a
    market declined to support a standard that would promote another
    competitor’s technology”).
    Lastly, we note that SawStop does not allege the sort of
    anticompetitive objectives that are ordinarily seen in standard-
    setting cases.     Usually, standard-setting cases are brought when
    products are effectively excluded from the market by adopted
    safety standards.       Here, SawStop largely complains that it could
    not use the standard-setting process to impose its own product
    on everyone else.        The anticompetitive harms of a “refusal to
    impose” are much harder to identify.                 Nothing that UL or the
    standards-setting groups did barred SawStop’s AIMT-equipped saws
    from the market, as SawStop’s entry into the competitive table-
    saw market establishes.         From all appearances, SawStop remains
    free to offer its saws with the UL seal of approval, along with
    its perceived market advantage of also offering AIMT on those
    saws.         And   if     UL’s    newer   standards       generate       some    additional
    costs, those costs are common to each member of the industry who
    chooses       to    make    a     UL-compliant         table    saw.      We    see    nothing
    anticompetitive or exclusionary in that.
    The    district         court    thus     did     not    err    in     granting    the
    defendants’ motions to dismiss on the standard-setting claims.
    For    the       reasons     described          above,    the     district      court
    correctly dismissed the standard-setting claims as to all the
    defendants.          The district court also correctly dismissed the
    group-boycott         claims       against       Hitachi       Koki    Co.,    Ltd.;   Makita
    Corporation; Chang Type Industrial Co., Ltd.; OWT Industries,
    Inc.; Pentair Water Group, Inc.; Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.;
    Delta    Power       Equipment,         Inc.;    and    Techtronic       Industries       North
    America, Inc.            However, the district court erred in dismissing
    the group-boycott claims against the remaining defendants.
    Therefore,             the     district          court’s     decision        dismissing
    SawStop’s complaint is
    WYNN, Circuit Judge, concurring:
    “Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere,
    and not jus dare—to interpret law, and not to make law, or give
    law.”     Francis Bacon, “Essay LVI: Of Judicature,” Essays (1625),
    reported in Richard Whately, Bacon’s Essays With Annotations 511
    (1857).     Here, the judiciously well-reasoned majority opinion
    resists the temptation to move beyond our limited role and into
    the    colorful   realm   of   policy.     Respectfully,      the     dissenting
    opinion strays beyond our limited review here and encroaches on
    policy issues best left to other branches of government.
    First, rather than confront the issues actually in play,
    the dissenting opinion dresses up points of agreement as dire
    rifts.     The dissent asserts, for example, that plaintiffs “seek
    to achieve through litigation a monopoly for their product” and
    claims    that    the   majority   opinion       “turns   a   blind    eye”   to
    “anticompetitive impulse[s]” driving SawStop’s claims.                  Post at
    70, 96.     The dissenting opinion claims that the majority opinion
    “ignores all [the benefits of ventures such as standards setters
    and trade groups] in its rush to flatten pleading standards,
    make    communications    perilous,      and    consign   antitrust     law   to
    isolationist ends.”        
    Id. at 97
    .          Thus, the dissent takes the
    policy view that today’s opinion will doom “American companies”
    to “competitive disadvantage at the very time global commercial
    interactions      are    becoming       more      commonplace.”       
    (beyond the obvious problem that a competitive disadvantage is
    meaningful only in the context of a comparison with America’s
    global competitors, many of whom also have antitrust laws).
    The   majority         opinion    fully      accords    with   the         view    that
    “[j]oint     ventures,        standard-setting         organizations,         and       trade
    association       meetings       may      allow       individuals       of       different
    specialties to benefit from each other’s expertise. These fora
    may     prove    invaluable       for     efficient       and    effective         product
    development.”          Post at 96.           As the majority opinion plainly
    states,     “such      ventures”       can     have    “decidedly       procompetitive
    effects     by        encouraging       greater       product      interoperability,
    generating       network       effects,        and     building      incentives           to
    innovate.”       Ante at 47 (quotation marks and citations omitted).
    The majority opinion in no uncertain terms affirms the district
    court’s dismissal of SawStop’s standards-setting-related claims—
    a crucial fact relegated to a dissenting footnote.
    Second, rather than address SawStop’s complaint as it is
    written,        the     dissenting        opinion        employs     verbiage            like
    “commercial interactions” to revise the complaint so as to omit
    the allegations of a secret agreement to refuse to deal.                                Again
    sounding    in    policy,      the     dissenting      opinion     asserts        that    the
    majority     “drape[s]        innocent       commercial      activity       in    sinister
    garb”     because      the    complaint        “hardly    bespeaks      a        collective
    agreement not to deal.”       Post at 67, 73.     Thus, the dissenting
    opinion editorializes that due to the majority opinion, “HOLDING
    Id. at 68
     (emphasis added).
    Yet, when read with a judicious eye, SawStop’s complaint
    clearly alleges that Defendants entered into a secret agreement
    to refuse to deal at a trade association meeting—not just that
    Defendants   “held”   or   “attended”   such   meetings.   Indeed,   the
    complaint plainly bespeaks a collective agreement not to deal.
    Specifically, the complaint alleges, among other things:
    •   “In conjunction with the [Power Tool Institute] annual
    meeting, a separate meeting of representatives of
    table saw manufacturers was held.    Attendees at the
    meeting included, but were not necessarily limited to,
    Domeny (on behalf of SBTC and Bosch), Peot (on behalf
    of Ryobi, TIC and affiliates), Stanley Rodrigues (for
    Makita), Ray Mayginnes (for Emerson), David V. Keller
    (of Porter-Cable, who also spoke for Pentair and
    DICM),    Steven    Karaga    (for    Hitachi),    and
    representatives of B&D and Milwaukee Electric.     Mr.
    Domeny, at the time, was the Chair of the [Power Tool
    Institute]’s Product Liability Committee, and chaired
    the meeting.” J.A. 89 ¶ 79 (emphasis added).
    •   “At the meeting, Mr. Domeny and the other participants
    expressed concerns that if one manufacturer adopted
    SawStop Technology, then all manufacturers would be
    subject   to  greater   liability in   future  product
    liability cases.      Mr. Peot shared this concern.
    [Power Tool Institute]’s table saw manufacturers
    determined at that meeting that they would decide how
    to respond, as an industry, to the SawStop Technology.
    A consensus was reached that (1) all should take a
    SawStop license and/or implement AIMT, or (2) none
    take it or otherwise implement AIMT; since if one or
    more took a license and/or offered a product with
    AIMT, the others would be more vulnerable to product
    liability.   It was also agreed that collective action
    would proceed only if all, or at least a substantial
    majority,   of  participants   voted  to  participate.
    Members also discussed developing something like
    SawStop Technology, without having to pay a royalty to
    Dr. Gass.    The consensus reached by the attendees,
    with no contrary views articulated, was that industry
    members would collectively agree not to purchase
    technology licenses from Plaintiffs or otherwise
    implement AIMT.” J.A. 89-90 ¶ 80 (emphasis added and
    citations omitted).
    •   “The consensus reached at the meeting was based on a
    calculated     economic   determination    that    the
    manufacturers would, collectively, fare better by
    collectively agreeing to marginalize SawStop and AIMT,
    than by allowing the marketplace to determine whether
    any   manufacturers   did business  with   SawStop  or
    otherwise implemented AIMT.    The Defendants believed
    that bringing AIMT into the mass market would have
    catastrophic product liability consequences for them.
    Purchasers of their existing and prior inventories of
    table saws (and, perhaps, other products) would point
    to the viability of AIMT as evidence that other
    products were inherently unsafe because they lacked
    AIMT. Defendants believed that, in the short term, if
    SawStop was unable to obtain a major manufacturing
    partner, it would not be able to produce or market a
    meaningful quantity of saws with its AIMT – this way,
    the major manufacturers could continue to earn current
    profit margins on their existing inferior product
    lines without paying royalties to Plaintiffs, and it
    would remain (for the time being) at least plausible
    for the major manufacturers to contend, in defending
    product liability lawsuits, that AIMT was not viable.
    Thus, Defendants’ business calculation was that they,
    collectively, would fare better by marginalizing
    SawStop and AIMT, than by working with SawStop and/or
    otherwise adopting AIMT.” J.A. 90 ¶ 81.
    •   “It was agreed at the meeting and thereafter that all
    discussions concerning a collaborative response to
    SawStop would be confidential and concealed from
    persons other than [Power Tool Institute] members who
    manufactured table saws.  It was further agreed that,
    going forward, information relevant to SawStop and
    table saw product liability defense issues would only
    be shared among those industry participants who
    affirmatively agreed to act collectively in response
    to SawStop.” J.A. 90 ¶ 82 (emphasis added).
    •    “At, or within a period of months following the
    October 2001 meeting, each of Defendants Bosch, Ryobi,
    Makita,   Hitachi,  Pentair,  Emerson   and  Milwaukee
    Electric, and entities affiliated with them, had
    agreed to enter into a boycott (the ‘AIMT Boycott’) of
    SawStop’s intellectual property, by collectively (1)
    refusing to license SawStop technology, and (2)
    agreeing not to otherwise implement AIMT.” J.A. 90-91
    ¶ 83 (emphasis added).
    •    “During this time frame, in which [Power Tool
    Institute]’s table saw manufacturers voted to respond
    collectively to SawStop Technology, those Defendants
    not yet in license negotiations with SawStop refrained
    from requesting a license, and the Defendants who were
    already in negotiations found ways to abort them as
    opportunities arose.” J.A. 91 ¶ 85 (emphasis added).
    In other words, SawStop’s complaint alleges a specific meeting
    in which Defendants agreed to refuse to deal with SawStop and to
    keep   that    pact    a    secret.         Around     the   same   time,   Defendants
    refrained from seeking SawStop’s technology or, if in licensing
    negotiations     with       SawStop,    found         ways   to   abort   them.     The
    dissenting      opinion’s        dismissive           characterization      of     these
    detailed allegations as mere “conclusory assertions,” post at
    71, thus plainly misses the mark.
    On the contrary, SawStop’s allegations squarely conform to
    what   we    require       Sherman    Act    §    1   plaintiffs    to    plead.     “To
    establish a § 1 antitrust violation, a plaintiff must prove, and
    therefore plead, (1) a contract, combination, or conspiracy; (2)
    that imposed an unreasonable restraint of trade.”                         Robertson v.
    Sea Pines Real Estate Companies, Inc., 
    679 F.3d 278
    , 284 (4th
    Cir.     2012)    (Wilkinson,       J.)   (quotation        marks    and        citation
    omitted).         Further,     “Iqbal     and     Twombly    do     not    require      a
    plaintiff to prove his case in the complaint.”                            
    Id. at 291
    Instead, the complaint “need only allege facts sufficient to
    state    elements       of    the   claim.”        
       (quotation        marks     and
    citations omitted).           And at the Rule 12(b)(6) stage, which is
    where we are, the complaint is to be “construed liberally so as
    to do substantial justice.”             Pub. Employees’ Ret. Ass’n of Colo.
    v. Deloitte & Touche LLP, 
    551 F.3d 305
    , 311 (4th Cir. 2009)
    (Wilkinson, J.) (quotation marks and citation omitted).
    In its revisionist account of SawStop’s allegations, the
    dissenting opinion essentially turns the Rule 12(b)(6) standard
    on its head.       “A motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6) tests the
    sufficiency of a complaint; importantly, it does not resolve
    contests surrounding the facts, the merits of a claim, or the
    applicability of defenses.”             Republican Party of N.C. v. Martin,
    980 F.2d 943
    , 952 (4th Cir. 1992).                   Instead, “a well-pleaded
    complaint may proceed even if it strikes a savvy judge that
    actual    proof    of   the    facts    alleged    is    improbable       and    that   a
    recovery is very remote and unlikely.”                   Bell Atlantic Corp. v.
    550 U.S. 544
    , 556 (2007) (quotation marks and citation
    Despite our crystal-clear mandate in reviewing this Rule
    12(b)(6) dismissal, the dissenting opinion nevertheless attacks
    the complaint in a light least favorable to SawStop, viewing the
    facts and reasonable inferences in the light most favorable to
    Defendants.       For example, the dissenting opinion opines that
    “[i]gnoring the many practical reasons for declining [SawStop]’s
    offers, the majority hones in on the fear of product liability
    as the key motivation behind defendants’ alleged boycott.”                      Post
    at   91.   Yet,      the   majority      opinion    rightly     focuses    on   the
    products       liability        reasoning—because        SawStop     specifically
    alleges it.      See, e.g., J.A. 89-91.           We are thus not at liberty
    to swap that pled reasoning out for other “practical reasons” we
    might   make    up   out   of    whole   cloth.      A    further    example:    The
    dissenting opinion asserts that “it was consistent with each
    manufacturer’s best interest to reject an expensive, unproven,
    undeveloped,      and   possibly      unsafe   technology.      Each    defendant
    could easily have arrived at this business decision on its own.”
    Post at 90.      But SawStop alleges that they didn’t arrive at that
    decision   independently.           Instead,   the       complaint   specifically
    alleges that Defendants expressly agreed to refuse to deal and
    to keep that agreement secret.            See, e.g., J.A. 89-91.          Ignoring
    such specific allegations to SawStop’s detriment is nothing shy
    of an all-out perversion of the generous lens through which we
    must view the complaint.              Pub. Employees’ Ret. Ass’n of Colo.,
    551 F.3d at 311
    Finally, the dissenting opinion focuses on its own policy
    preferences, thereby abandoning this Court’s limited role—which
    is   simply       to    assess     whether      SawStop       plausibly      alleges   the
    elements of its Section 1 claim.                     Because the majority opinion
    sticks     to    its     limited    role,      it    steers    clear    of   considering
    things         like     different     “approach[es]”             in     a     “globalized
    marketplace,” whether the word “‘conspiracy’ is bound to stoke
    paranoia,” or the appropriate amount of “lag time” in “product
    development.”          Post at 66, 79, 91.
    The dissenting opinion sees itself in no way so bound and
    thus insists, for example, that “[h]ere, plaintiffs are the ones
    acting anti-competitively.”               Post at 70.          It is simply not our
    job in reviewing a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to assess which party’s
    conduct we deem more pro-competitive.                      In refusing to stick to
    our limited role, the dissenting opinion engages in breathtaking
    judicial activism.
    “As   the     Supreme   Court    has       repeatedly    emphasized,      .   .   .
    Congress is the policymaker—not the courts.”                            In re Sunterra
    361 F.3d 257
    , 269 (4th Cir. 2004).                              See also, e.g.,
    Hartford Underwriters Ins. Co. v. Union Planters Bank, N.A., 
    530 U.S. 1
    , 13-14 (2000) (“Achieving a better policy outcome . . .
    is   a    task    for     Congress,      not        the   courts.”).         It   is   thus
    inappropriate to suggest, for example, that, as a matter of law,
    a boycott conspiracy may not be motivated by liability concerns.
    Congress    can    pencil     such    categorical      limitations       into    the
    Sherman Act; we cannot.
    The dissenting opinion embarks on yet another odyssey into
    policy, as well as assumptions untethered to reality, much less
    the complaint at issue here, when it asserts that “[t]hese days
    secrets are harder to keep. A secret is something that is held
    by only one. Or maybe two. But twenty-two? Managers everywhere
    must be relieved to learn from my concurring colleague that you
    can let twenty-two people in on a secret and have nothing leak
    out.”      Post   at   87.    Yet    in    reviewing   a   complaint     for    Rule
    12(b)(6)    purposes,    we   may    not    peer   into    a   crystal   ball   and
    decide how many people we personally believe can keep a secret
    and kick complaints out of court on such a basis.
    Moreover,     to   the   extent       the   dissenting    opinion    suggests
    that a large, multi-firm conspiracy by definition cannot exist,
    it is simply uninformed.            Large antitrust conspiracies have not
    only existed but have been caught—a perfect example being the
    famous international vitamin scandal of the 1990s—which involved
    21 firms engaged in a conspiracy that lasted over a decade:
    From 1988 to 1992 21 chemical manufacturers
    headquartered in seven nations joined . . . vitamins
    cartels . . . . Sales by these cartels exceeded $30
    billion . . . . The pharmaceutical manufacturers
    involved became virtually addicted to the infusion of
    monopoly   profits,   giddy   financial    results  that
    prompted    the   conspirators    to    continue   their
    clandestine activities for up to 15 years. These
    illegal activities persisted in the face of [among
    other things] several public prosecutions of parallel
    conspiracies [and] multiple antitrust investigations .
    . . . The conspirators simply burrowed deeper and
    developed more elaborate methods of subterfuge.
    John M. Connor, The Great Global Vitamins Cartels 8, available
    In other words, large, multi-player conspiracies involving
    elaborate ruses can indeed exist as a matter of law and fact.
    And here, SawStop alleges that one did, and that it undertook a
    group     boycott      to   freeze    SawStop     technology          out   of    the
    marketplace.        In refusing to accept those allegations, as we
    must at this stage, the dissenting opinion plainly oversteps its
    In sum, courts exist to resolve disputes, not to pervert
    procedural rules into swords with which to fight policy battles.
    And today, we do not confront whether SawStop should ultimately
    succeed     on   its    boycott    claim.       Instead,    we    confront       only
    whether, when viewing SawStop’s complaint with an unjaundiced
    eye and using the proper standard, we can say that it has made
    allegations      sufficient   to     withstand    a    motion    to    dismiss    for
    failure to state such a claim.               It has.    Accordingly, with all
    due respect for the dissenting view, I join in the judicious and
    well-reasoned majority opinion.
    WILKINSON, Circuit Judge, concurring in part and dissenting in
    The majority’s view of modern commerce is unfortunate. It
    takes an isolationist approach in which each business must all
    but lock itself in semi-solitary or risk the taint of antitrust
    claims.   Whatever        validity    the    isolationist        approach    may    once
    have    had,   it    is     profoundly       injurious      in     an    increasingly
    interconnected,        necessarily          collaborative,         and      globalized
    marketplace. The majority rightly observes that agreement is the
    crux of an antitrust claim, but it has made mere communication
    the touchstone of liability. Ante at 29.
    The majority rejects this as a statement of policy, ante at
    45, 56, but it is hardly that. It is rather a statement of
    consequences that flow from the majority’s refusal to follow the
    Supreme Court’s decision in Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
     (2007), which established pleading requirements for a
    Sherman Act Section 1 complaint. The Supreme Court lacks the
    institutional       resources    to    ensure     full   compliance         with    its
    decisions. Among other things, it has room on its docket for a
    limited   number     of    cases,    and    the   Twombly    decisions       from   the
    lower courts may be routinely pitched as pertaining to no more
    than the particulars of an individual complaint.
    It just may be, however, that the institutional limitations
    at the Court impart institutional obligations on the courts of
    appeals      to     respect          in     fullest           measure       the       highest    Court’s
    approach.          In    this        obligation,              I    believe       the     majority      has
    defaulted. I shall show throughout how it has failed to follow
    Twombly at every turn. I would suggest, most respectfully, that
    the majority has committed basic conceptual errors and that the
    consequences of those errors, which the majority prefers not to
    face     and        to        dismiss          as     policy,         are        regrettable.          Most
    regrettable,            however,          is    the       treatment         of    a     Supreme       Court
    decision, even a controversial one, at the hands of this court.
    Among Twombly’s insights was that markets, every bit as
    much   as      conspiracies,              play       a    significant            role    in     governing
    commercial conduct. See 
    550 U.S. at 557
    . Twombly counsels that
    we not leap to pejorative explanations when legitimate business
    considerations are more likely at play. 
    Id. at 554
    . The fact
    that Sherman Act conspiracies in restraint of trade do assuredly
    continue to exist does not mean that we should rush too quickly
    to drape innocent commercial activity in sinister garb.
    The     majority,         however,            adopts         the   reverse        sequence.      It
    fashions       a    template          for       the       frustrated         market         participant:
    Whenever       routine         business             decisions        don’t       go     your    way,    for
    whatever reason, simply claim an industry conspiracy under the
    Sherman      Act        and    the    courts         will         infer   malfeasance.          But    such
    casual    presumptions               of    antitrust              infractions         can     only    chill
    communications among companies, which in turn may hinder product
    development,       innovative       joint        ventures,     and        useful     trade
    The    chilling       effect     is    most     acute     when       the     majority
    considers      independent       market-driven        behavior       to    be     parallel
    conduct warranting antitrust scrutiny. Parallel industry conduct
    is, of course, the lynchpin of many a Sherman Act Section 1
    claim.   The     majority’s      cardinal        conceptual    error       lies    in    the
    adoption    of    an    ends-based      approach     to   parallel        conduct       in    a
    circumstantial antitrust case. See infra Part II.A. The end of
    course is the fact that a plaintiff’s product was not adopted.
    But the products most likely to meet the end of rejection are
    those of the least utility or those that would cause the most
    expense.    The       majority   thus      uses    its    ends-based       analysis          to
    reward     the    least     marketable           products     with        the     greatest
    possibility      of    litigation     success.      WARNING:     FAILURE        TO   ADOPT
    This treatment of ends and means in antitrust litigation
    undermines the Twombly decision. An analysis of means rather
    than ends is the most sensitive tool we possess to measure the
    plausibility of a complaint. See                    Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    . And
    here, the means by which the so-called conspiracy was carried
    out paint a clear picture of non-parallel conduct. The complaint
    is the best evidence of that. After SD3 introduced its product,
    certain       defendants        entered       into    licensing        negotiations         that
    continued well after the alleged group boycott agreement. Some
    of   them     offered      to     license     the    technology,        again      after     the
    supposed agreement, and were rebuffed by SD3. Other negotiations
    yielded     no    offers,       with    one    defendant        leaving     the     table    saw
    industry altogether. The vast majority of named defendants are
    not even mentioned in SD3’s account of the supposedly “parallel”
    behavior.        Their    negotiation          posture,      which      would      seem     well
    within plaintiffs’ knowledge, is nowhere set forth or detailed.
    While     the     majority       highlights        cases   in    which      plaintiffs
    successfully       alleged        parallel      conduct,        none   of    them     features
    disparate        actions        such    as     these.      If     defendants’         behavior
    qualifies as parallel conduct, then plainly divergent actions
    among competitors in any field will now give rise to antitrust
    claims. This is but part and parcel of the majority’s attempt to
    impose a presumption of guilt on antitrust defendants who now
    must    bear     the     burden    of    proving      a    negative     when      the     burden
    properly lies with the party bringing the claim.
    It   is    no   accident        that    Twombly      itself     was    an    antitrust
    decision. For what we confront in antitrust law is a perfect
    storm    of    treble      damages,       large      discovery     costs,       and     relaxed
    pleading standards. It is the three factors in combination that
    pose a threat to legitimate marketplace behavior. The Supreme
    Court in Twombly sought to calm the waters by addressing the
    latter two. The majority, however, adds to the turbulence by
    sanctioning complaints that would in all likelihood have failed
    even under pre-Twombly standards. Here, plaintiffs are the ones
    acting        anti-competitively.        They       seek      to     achieve    through
    litigation a monopoly for their product that neither the table
    saw market nor contractual negotiations would yield. The result,
    as noted, is that marketplace failures will increasingly lead to
    litigation       success.    And      that    is   only      the   beginning        of    the
    The majority appears to believe that the full course of
    discovery is the proper mechanism for winnowing out meritless
    claims. In many fields, that observation would be correct. The
    bone     of     contention       in   federal       civil     litigation       is        most
    frequently over summary judgment versus trial. In antitrust law,
    however, the flashpoint is often over motions to dismiss versus
    summary judgment. For the Supreme Court has clearly recognized
    that   in      the   area   of    antitrust        it   is   the     threat    of    steep
    litigation costs that produces deleterious consequences in and
    of itself, no matter who the victor in the antitrust marathon
    may ultimately prove to be.
    As     Twombly   emphasized,          discovery       costs    have     escalated
    dramatically since the adoption of the Federal Rules. Twombly,
    550 U.S. at 558-60
    ; see Brian T. Fitzpatrick, Twombly and Iqbal
    87 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1621
    ,     1638     (2012).
    Multiplying     electronic     and      paper     records,        combined      with
    increased regulatory obligations, have caused discovery costs to
    mount even further since the issuance of Twombly itself. Before
    we impose these climbing costs on companies, there must exist
    confidence that the claims leveled against them allege actual
    facts   that    make   conspiracy       and      other    illicit        intentions
    plausible. SD3 fails to clear this bar, but still the majority
    just piles it on.
    The   majority’s        approach       to    Twombly        tells     an    old
    intermediate appellate story. The majority alights on a minor
    motif of that Supreme Court decision, while leaving its main
    point wholly unobserved. The Court made clear in Twombly, and
    reiterated in Iqbal, that a plaintiff must allege enough factual
    content in the complaint to render his legal claim for relief
    “plausible on its face” in order to survive a motion to dismiss
    under Rule 12(b)(6). Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009)
    (citing Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 570
    ). Plausibility requires “more
    than a sheer possibility that a defendant acted unlawfully.” 
    (citation omitted). SD3’s complaint cannot clear this hurdle.
    Its conclusory assertions that defendants agreed to an industry-
    wide “boycott” of its product are fully consistent with, and
    most    plausibly            reflect,          independent         and      legitimate         business
    decisions. Put simply, the majority proceeds as if Twombly were
    at most persuasive authority, and not very persuasive authority
    at that.
    Twombly         is     particularly           important         here,      for    the     Supreme
    Court in that case addressed the meaning of plausibility in the
    context      of    a     conspiracy            allegation        based      on    descriptions            of
    parallel conduct. The Court instructed that “when allegations of
    parallel conduct are set out in order to make a § 1 claim, they
    must    be   placed           in    a    context      that       raises      a    suggestion         of     a
    preceding agreement, not merely parallel conduct that could just
    as well be independent action.” Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 557
    . “Even
    ‘conscious         parallelism,’               a    common    reaction           of     ‘firms       in    a
    concentrated            market           that       recognize       their         shared       economic
    interests and their interdependence with respect to price and
    output decisions’ is ‘not in itself unlawful.’” 
    Id. at 553-54
    (citations         omitted).             Nor       should    a     court         infer       “that     the
    companies         had       agreed       among       themselves        to    do       what    was     only
    natural      anyway.”              
    Id. at 566
    .    Thus,       a    plaintiff         fails        to
    adequately plead his claim that a defendant unlawfully conspired
    under     Section           1      if     there      exists       an       “obvious       alternative
    explanation”            for        the    defendant’s         conduct        that        renders          the
    prohibited      explanation         implausible.          Iqbal,        
    556 U.S. at 682
    (citation omitted); Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 567
    This   could       not     be   more      clear.      In     light       of    Twombly’s
    directives,         SD3’s       allegations          fall        well      short       of      the
    plausibility        requirement.         The       complaint        hardly          bespeaks     a
    collective agreement not to deal. Instead, it most plausibly
    reflects typical market forces at work and rational business
    choices being made -- the kind of things that happen every day.
    Why did the manufacturers not adopt SD3’s product? Perhaps they
    realized the technology was too nascent to license, in short
    unproven. Perhaps it would not have been cost effective for the
    manufacturers        to    incorporate        it.    Or     perhaps        SD3’s      incipient
    product    actually        increased       the     risk     of    injury       to    consumers.
    These varied market explanations may well have been different
    for different companies. They reflect business decisions of the
    most    common       and        ordinary       character.          They        are     “obvious
    alternative         explanations”        and       have      not        been     sufficiently
    rebutted by any valid assertions of a preceding agreement to
    collude.      All    the     behavior      described         by     SD3       “was    not    only
    compatible      with,       but    indeed      was    more        likely       explained       by,
    lawful, unchoreographed free-market behavior.” Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. at 680
     (quoting Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 567
    In the majority’s eyes, however, the above discussion is
    all    wasted    effort,        merely     “practical            reasons”      and     “factual
    suppositions”      that   must   not    be   considered.     Ante    at    35,   61.
    Instead, we should take plaintiffs’ allegations at face value
    and call it a day. It is certainly true that we assume the truth
    of factual allegations at the motion-to-dismiss stage. Twombly,
    550 U.S. at 572
        (citations     omitted).    Even    after       accepting
    plaintiffs’    claims     as   true,    however,    the   court     must    further
    analyze whether those allegations are “plausible” under Twombly.
    Id. at 556
    . The majority refuses to undertake this second, more
    analytic step. My concurring colleague simply wishes it away.
    There is a time warp here, a nostalgia for the old pleading ways
    and days. Those earlier standards were easier on us, I admit.
    But our nostalgia now flies in the face of a controlling Supreme
    Court decision.
    SD3’s boycott claim is not “plausible” for the same reasons
    Twombly’s    was   not    plausible.     SD3’s     boycott   claim    is    hardly
    distinguishable from the very allegations that the Supreme Court
    rejected in Twombly. According to the complaint in that case,
    defendants -- who, like the defendants here, owned a significant
    share of the market -- agreed to “engage in parallel conduct”
    and “prevent competitive entry.” Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 550-51
    550 n.1. The complaint charged that the defendants’ “‘compelling
    common   motivation’      to   thwart    plaintiffs’      competitive      efforts
    naturally led them to form a conspiracy.” 
    Id. at 551
    . If these
    allegations sound familiar, it is because they almost perfectly
    parrot the claims made by SD3 in its complaint. SD3 argued that
    the defendants -- at least the few named defendants it actually
    bothered to discuss -- “agreed among themselves to collectively
    refuse” SD3’s licensing offers “based on a calculated economic
    determination” that they would fare better in the marketplace if
    SD3 were excluded. J.A. 71, 90. If Twombly’s complaint could not
    pass as well-pleaded, then SD3’s should not fare any better.
    The majority claims that the complaint in Twombly “rested
    solely      on       descriptions      of     parallel   conduct,     and    not       on       any
    independent           allegation       of      actual    agreement.”        Ante       at        43
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). This is simply
    incorrect. The majority overlooks the actual language in the
    Twombly complaint: “Defendants had compelling common motivations
    to include in their unlawful horizontal agreement an agreement
    that each of them would engage in a course of concerted conduct
    calculated to prevent effective competition from [plaintiffs] .
    . . .” Amended Complaint at ¶ 50, Twombly v. Bell Atl. Corp.,
    313 F. Supp. 2d 174
       (S.D.N.Y.       2003);   see   also    id.    at       ¶    51
    (noting that defendants “have agreed not to compete with one
    another”).           To   be   sure,   after     Twombly      complaints     have       sought
    length in the hope that courts would mistake such length for
    substance. But the substance here is thin gruel. The complaint’s
    allegation of an agreement is weaker than in Twombly, boiling
    down    to       a    contention       that    the     defendants    met    at     a    trade
    association meeting followed by the inconvenient fact for the
    majority that non-parallel conduct ensued.
    In fact, the Twombly complaint was much stronger than the
    one in this case and it went much further. That complaint relied
    on evidence that defendants refused to provide plaintiffs with
    network connections and services of equal quality, that they
    billed plaintiffs’ customers in a manner to ruin plaintiffs’
    customer     relations,         that     they    refused      plaintiffs      access     to
    certain facilities and delayed the provision of network elements
    after    plaintiffs       had    invested        tens    of     billions    of    dollars.
    Twombly,     313    F.    Supp.     at    177-78.       Despite    this     support      for
    plaintiffs’     conspiracy         allegations,         the   Court   maintained       that
    each    defendant        “had    reason     to    want     to    avoid     dealing     with
    plaintiffs,”        and     each       defendant        “would     attempt       to     keep
    plaintiffs     out,       regardless       of     the     actions     of    the       other”
    defendants. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 566
    .                         Defendants’ actions in
    Twombly, like defendants’ actions in this case, were “just as
    much    in   line   with    a    wide     swath    of    rational     and    competitive
    business strategy unilaterally prompted by common perceptions of
    the     market.”    
    Id. at 554
        (citation       omitted).        Consequently,
    plaintiffs’ conspiracy claims in both cases “stop short of the
    line between possibility and plausibility.” 
    Id. at 557
    omitted). If only the plaintiffs in Twombly could have called
    upon this court to refashion their complaint.
    But,   insists     the      majority,        “[t]o   dismiss       SawStop’s
    complaint     because   of      some   initial       skepticism    would        be    to
    mistakenly    ‘collapse      discovery,       summary   judgment[,]       and    trial
    into the pleading stages of a case.’ . . . District courts
    possess a number of tools . . . to combat any sort of predatory
    discovery.” Ante at 45-46 (citation omitted). That approach is
    astonishing, for it is precisely what Twombly warned against:
    “It is no answer to say that a claim just shy of a plausible
    entitlement to relief can, if groundless, be weeded out early in
    the discovery process . . . given the common lament that the
    success of judicial supervision in checking discovery abuse has
    been on the modest side.” Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 559
    The majority’s assurance that of course district courts can
    control   discovery     is   the     sort     of   appellate   wand-waving           that
    ignores every reality on the ground. Trial judges are busy; they
    must   set    priorities.     Many     understandably       feel   that    time       is
    better spent in trial or in dealing with dispositive motions to
    dismiss or for summary judgment than in wading into the big
    muddy of discovery disputes. There is the temptation, and it is
    again an understandable one, to say to the parties, “Folks, go
    work this out among yourselves.” The problem has become even
    more acute with the advent of e-discovery. Modern electronic
    devices    generate         and     record      a    great      variety         and    volume   of
    information.      It    is    now       easier      and     faster       to    store    evidence,
    which in turn has spawned greater opportunities for discovery
    requests and conflict. Regulatory mandates from governments at
    every level add to the store of both paper and electronic files.
    All of this makes companies more and more vulnerable to open-
    ended discovery requests. The majority pays no more than lip
    service to what has become a serious problem. Its casualness
    stands    in   contrast           to    the    gravity         of      the    Twombly     Court’s
    To overlook this concern is to resurrect the dangers that
    Twombly sought to lay to rest. Conley v. Gibson was doubtless
    correct    when    decided.            See    
    355 U.S. 41
       (1957),         abrogated    by
    550 U.S. 544
    .       It    made       sense     to       skip   through     the
    pleadings on the theory that discovery would somehow sort it all
    out. See id. at 47-48. But times have changed. Although the
    majority       pooh-poohs              “the     expense           of      modern        antitrust
    litigation,” ante at 46, it is altogether legitimate for the
    Supreme    Court       to    take       cognizance        of    the      shifting       interplay
    between causes of action (here Sherman Act Section 1 claims) and
    the Federal Rules (here those of pleading and discovery). Thus,
    the Court in Twombly sought to shield defendants from what it
    later described as the “heavy costs of litigation in terms of
    efficiency and expenditure of valuable time and resources” by
    allocating the plausibility burden to those who allege unlawful
    conduct. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. at 685
    The Court understood what the majority does not: that an
    antitrust       complaint             is   often      too   tempting       to     pass        up.    It
    provides        a    tantalizing             weapon       for    parties        whose     business
    endeavors are going badly. The term “conspiracy” is bound to
    stoke paranoia, and to kindle an effort to pin on others the
    blame for business failures of one’s own. The treble damages
    awards     of       antitrust          actions      are     a    further        temptation          for
    floundering companies armed with the knowledge that defendants
    would    rather          settle       than   face     the   prospect       of    such     damages,
    especially          with        the     attendant         high    litigation        costs.          See
    550 U.S. at 558-59
    .     Twombly      sought     to    reduce        these
    dangers in language of no moment to the majority: “It is only by
    taking     care          to     require       allegations        that      reach        the     level
    suggesting conspiracy that we can hope to avoid the potentially
    enormous expense of discovery . . . .” 
    Id. at 559
    . So much for
    that hope: the majority just loads it on.
    With its inverted version of Twombly, the majority allows
    plaintiffs          to        contort      normal        marketplace      behavior        into       a
    potential antitrust violation. Even by the majority’s diluted
    pleading standard, however, SD3’s group boycott claim fails as
    its complaint plainly alleges non-parallel conduct. The majority
    bases    its   contrary      conclusion      on    an     expansive      definition       of
    parallel conduct focused solely on a perceived uniformity of
    ends    without     regard   to     dissimilarity         of    means.    The    majority
    observes: “The similar or uniform actions alleged are obvious:
    none of the defendants ultimately took a license or otherwise
    implemented         SawStop’s       technology.”          Ante     at     26-27.         The
    defendants’ vastly “different courses of action” are seen as
    part of some grand scheme to conceal the underlying conspiracy.
    Ante at 28. By that logic, the majority would find parallel
    conduct as long as defendants all allegedly reached the same end
    -- not adopting a product -- regardless of how the dealings
    between plaintiffs and defendants proceeded or fell apart.
    Such    an    ends-based      focus       misses     the    entire       point    of
    Twombly, which is to determine whether allegedly anticompetitive
    conduct “stems from independent decision or from an agreement,
    tacit or express.” Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 553
     (citation omitted).
    If defendants act in parallel whenever they arrive at the same
    general    end      or   outcome,    then    parallel          conduct   will        embrace
    independent      but     identical    business      decisions       borne       by    market
    forces    --   precisely      the    conduct      that     Twombly       excluded       from
    antitrust liability. In distinguishing horizontal conspiracies
    from innocuous coincidences, the means matter. That competitors
    travelled divergent paths to the same end reflects the absence,
    not the presence, of illicit coordination or agreement.
    Certainly, direct evidence of a collusive end would amount
    to a plausible Section 1 claim. See American Chiropractic Ass’n
    v. Trigon Healthcare, Inc., 
    367 F.3d 212
    , 226 (4th Cir. 2004)
    (“Direct evidence in antitrust cases is explicit and requires no
    inferences      to    establish     the     proposition     or       conclusion      being
    asserted.”). By contrast, when plaintiffs rely on circumstantial
    evidence of conspiracy, as in Twombly and the case at hand, the
    ends-based approach carries an unacceptably high risk of finding
    parallel      conduct     in    wildly    disparate      behaviors       motivated     by
    independent        economic     concerns.    With   its     over-inclusive        sweep,
    the majority erodes the long-recognized right of one party not
    to deal with another. Monsanto Co. v. Spray-Rite Service Corp.,
    465 U.S. 752
    , 761 (1984). As long as competitors respond in the
    same    way    to    an   unappealing       offer   or    product,      a    business’s
    refusal to deal now becomes part of parallel conduct potentially
    triggering antitrust liability.
    The    assumption       running    throughout      the    complaint      is    that
    SawStop      was    the   only    product     anyone     could       have    thought   of
    adopting. No other business decision could have been reasonable.
    Therefore, defendants’ rejection of SawStop must have been part
    of a group boycott. Case closed. We are not told exactly why
    SD3’s    product      was      demonstrably      superior       to   other    competing
    products in terms of cost effectiveness and safety, such that
    only one business decision with respect to it was conceivable.
    The naked assumption of its irresistible appeal and inevitable
    adoption operates in a comparative vacuum. But defendants faced
    comparative decisions. They had to weigh options. The majority’s
    ready acceptance of SD3’s unsupported superiority assumption is
    part of the fallacy of its ends-based perspective, namely that
    any ultimate refusal to adopt is nothing more than one more
    instance of parallel behavior.
    A means-based analysis, one that focuses on the means by
    which    the    so-called     conspiracy      was   carried     out,   is   the   most
    sensitive gauge of parallel conduct and complaint plausibility.
    The majority contends the dissent would find parallel conduct
    “only    when     defendants     move    in     relative        lockstep”    or   “by
    substantially identical means.” Ante at 30. Not so. A focus on
    means-based analysis comes nowhere close to requiring identical
    means.    As     circumstantial      evidence        of     a    conspiracy,       the
    similarity of conduct lies along a spectrum. Beyond a certain
    point, starkly dissimilar means render a secret agreement among
    competitors less plausible. The majority dismisses this means-
    based analysis, apparently because dissimilar means “might also
    be read to suggest deception” rather than independent business
    activity. Ante at 29. The majority thus sets a nifty trap: if
    defendants      engage   in    similar     means,    it’s     collusion;    if    they
    engage in dissimilar means, it’s deceit. Given those options,
    businesses should either keep to themselves or close up shop.
    For      good       reason     then,     courts       have      shied      away   from       the
    majority’s         ends-driven         conception          of     parallel        conduct         and
    instead required more specific similarities. See, e.g., Cosmetic
    Gallery, Inc. v. Schoeneman Corp., 
    495 F.3d 46
    , 54 (3d. Cir.
    2007)   (deeming          uniform     refusal       to     sell      insufficient        to    show
    conscious      parallelism          because     one      distributor          decided       not    to
    deal prior to the alleged agreement); LaFlamme v. Societe Air
    702 F. Supp. 2d 136
    , 151 (E.D.N.Y. 2010) (casting doubt
    on parallel conduct claim where defendants engaged in disparate
    strategies         at    different     times);       City       of     Moundridge      v.     Exxon
    Mobil     Corp.,         
    429 F. Supp. 2d 117
    ,     131-32        (D.D.C.       2006)
    (expressing skepticism towards an allegation of parallel conduct
    based   on    evidence         that   defendants         did      no    more    than    exchange
    information).            Although      the     majority           insists        these        cases
    foundered      on       findings      of    “non-parallel              ends,”    their      common
    failing      was    in    fact      patently    disparate            means.     Ante   at     30-31
    (emphasis added) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Turning to the means here, there is simply nothing parallel
    about separate licensing discussions proceeding along separate
    timetables with different results and different motivations. SD3
    alleges that defendants collectively agreed not to license its
    technology         in     October      2001.        J.A.        89-90.     Defendants         then
    supposedly “found ways to abort” the negotiations and conceal
    their agreement by “giving separate excuses.” J.A. 91, 94. As
    stated in the complaint, however, three defendants continued to
    negotiate with SD3 after October 2001 while the fourth, Bosch,
    ended   negotiations      a     month    before     and       restarted      discussions
    years   later.     J.A.   88,    92.    Ryobi     sent    a    signed    non-exclusive
    licensing agreement to SD3 in January 2002 -- three months after
    the   so-called      collective        refusal     to    deal.    J.A.       91-92.       The
    contract offered a 3% royalty initially that would increase to
    5%-8% if the technology proved successful on the market. J.A.
    91-92. SD3 refused to accept what appear to be generous terms
    based on a minor wording issue. J.A. 92. Emerson offered the
    same royalty rate as Ryobi and participated in negotiations for
    several months after October 2001, eventually ending talks and
    leaving the table saw industry altogether the following year.
    J.A. 56-57, 97. Six months after the alleged refusal to deal,
    Black   &   Decker    offered     SD3    a    licensing       agreement      with     a    1%
    royalty. J.A. 92. SD3 balked at what it considered unreasonably
    stingy terms for its untested and undeveloped technology. 
    all this is parallel conduct and evidence of a refusal to deal,
    well then anything will qualify.
    And   yet,     despite    all     this,     the    agreement      is    repeatedly
    characterized as a refusal to deal. E.g., ante at 27-28. How can
    this be? Defendants did deal and did offer to purchase SD3’s
    technology. How were the eighteen defendants not discussed in
    the complaint supposed to deal when, insofar as the complaint is
    concerned, they were never even approached?
    In short, all four discussed defendants were willing to
    deal with SD3 but their negotiations broke down at various times
    for various reasons, not least because SD3 demanded more than
    defendants were willing to offer. The record shows no refusal to
    deal, much less parallel means to that end. It is not plausible
    to think that the defendants’ disparate actions were somehow a
    carefully choreographed plan to exclude SD3 from the market. By
    supposing it possible, the majority severely underestimates the
    difficulty     of    getting   a   group    of   competitors   to     agree   on   a
    course of action that separate contract negotiations may or may
    not have shown to be in their best commercial interest. It would
    be quite a feat of stage management, moreover, to have some of
    those   competitors         actually   extend      generous     but     different
    licensing offers at different times to the very party that was
    the subject of the supposed group boycott. This is the type of
    claim   on     the    far    margins   of    conceivability      that     Twombly
    The Hail Mary nature of SD3’s complaint is underscored by
    the fact that only four of twenty-two named defendants are even
    so much as discussed in the allegations (the “twenty-two” figure
    comes   from    the    original    complaint      as   one   defendant    somehow
    failed    to    appear      in    the   amended   version).         Compare    J.A.    30
    (original complaint) with J.A. 70 (amended complaint). Indeed,
    even    the     majority     chides     plaintiffs     for     “assembl[ing]         some
    collection of defendants and then mak[ing] vague, non-specific
    allegations against all of them as a group.” Ante at 14.
    Even plaintiffs appear to realize how tenuous their claim
    of parallel conduct is. In contrast to the original complaint,
    SD3’s amended complaint collapses its description of the various
    negotiations and timelines to create an illusion of uniformity.
    Compare J.A. 55-58 (original complaint) with J.A. 88-93 (amended
    complaint).         While   the    original     version      details    each    of    the
    discussed defendant’s negotiation history in a separate section,
    plaintiffs’ second effort weaves those divergent strands into
    one vague narrative, obscuring dates and distinctions along the
    This attempt at obfuscation hardly inspires confidence in
    SD3’s promise that discovery will bolster its claims. Even with
    its    artful       redrafting,    however,     SD3   falls    short    of     the   bare
    minimum required for alleging a group boycott. To hold otherwise
    is to use antitrust law to badly skew the market forces normally
    at    play     in    contract     negotiations.       From    now    on,     defendants
    decline to deal with an entity proposing any new design feature
    of product development at their peril. They also cannot refuse
    to purchase a product in the course of licensing negotiations
    because that too, under the majority’s rubric, is grounds for
    possible antitrust liability if others arrive independently at a
    similar   business     judgment.      Again,    SD3’s    attempt    to    achieve
    through litigation more than what markets or contracts would
    ever   independently       confer   is   precisely   the   kind    of    abuse   of
    Sherman Act claims that Twombly sought to prohibit.
    The majority believes that all the non-parallel behavior
    and disparate means of proceeding were hatched in secret. The
    concurrence makes much of the fact that the meeting among table
    saw manufacturers was “secret.” Ante at 56-58. In fact, no fewer
    than four times does the concurring opinion refer to the alleged
    agreement not to deal as a “secret agreement” or a “pact [kept]
     This is manifestly a cover for the fact that my
    concurring colleague is unable to point to the traces of an
    agreement, hoping, I suppose, that a fishing expedition will
    unearth them.
    But there is a larger problem here. These days secrets are
    harder to keep. A secret is something that is held by only one.
    Or   maybe   two.    But    twenty-two?       Managers   everywhere      must    be
    relieved to learn from my concurring colleague that you can let
    twenty-two people in on a secret and have nothing leak out.
    We also run into a significant collective action difficulty
    here. The larger the alleged conspiracy, the larger the number
    of alleged participants that need to be brought into line both
    as to the object and execution of the conspiracy as well as the
    need   to    keep   it   secret.   The   vast   number     of   antitrust   cases
    involve a much smaller number of conspirators, and it is telling
    that my concurring friend must venture back to the 1990s even to
    find an inapposite situation. The concurrence again labels the
    dissent’s discussion of collective action problems a foray into
    policy. It is not. It is an inquiry into plausibility, which
    Twombly absolutely requires that we undertake. The failure to do
    this is but one more example of the majority’s failure to follow
    that decision.
    Assuming,     though    only   for     the   sake   of   argument,   that
    plaintiffs had properly alleged parallel conduct, the amended
    complaint still fails to show the “something more” needed to
    turn conscious parallelism into a plausible conspiracy. Twombly,
    550 U.S. at 560
    . The majority contends that the “more” necessary
    to nudge SD3’s group boycott claim across the goal line is the
    complaint’s identification of “the particular time, place, and
    manner      in   which   the   boycott   initially     formed,    describing   a
    separate meeting [among table saw manufacturers] held for that
    purpose during the Power Tool Institute’s October 2001 annual
    meeting.” Ante at 33 (citation omitted). This, we are told, is
    “the heart of SawStop’s complaint.” Ante at 35.
    But perfectly lawful trade association meetings do in fact
    take    place    on    a     particular       day       at     a    particular         time       for     a
    particular purpose. And the majority’s assertion that table saw
    manufacturers broke off in a “separate meeting” in the course of
    a larger trade convention is nothing more than a description of
    ordinary       conduct.       Indeed,        it     would          be    unusual        for       a     bar
    association       meeting,          health        care        convention,         or        any       other
    industry-wide gathering not to break out into more specialized
    subgroups to discuss matters of common interest. We need not
    coin the term “breakout discussion liability” to note that these
    sessions have long been a staple of business and professional
    life,    and     the       majority        has     now        made       even     this        form      of
    communication more perilous.
    Courts     have       recognized       behavior             contrary      to     defendants’
    economic       interests       as    a     plus        factor       for     showing          concerted
    action. See, e.g., Hyland v. HomeServices of America, Inc., 
    771 F.3d 310
    ,    320    (6th     Cir.       2014).        It    is       hard    to    see     how      any
    defendant in this case acted against its economic interest. SD3
    boldly     asserts         that,     but     for       the      boycott,         all        table       saw
    manufacturers would have licensed its technology. J.A. 92. There
    is little support for such inflated self-confidence. Plaintiffs
    conceded       that    any    licensing          agreements             could   not     have          taken
    effect until 2004, and that its technology would not have been
    fully    implemented          until        2008        --     years       after        it     demanded
    industry-wide       acceptance.         J.A.       92.     Defendants       were      also
    concerned that the new technology could actually increase hand
    injuries,    discourage        the    use    of    blade       guards,    and    fail     to
    address “kickback” injuries. J.A. 87, 101. Despite the lukewarm
    reception,    SD3    set      its    royalty      rate    at    approximately        8%   of
    wholesale prices, a costly gamble for manufacturers operating on
    often thin and always uncertain profit margins. Response Br. 1;
    J.A. 86. For all these reasons, it was consistent with each
    manufacturer’s best interest to reject an expensive, unproven,
    undeveloped,       and   possibly      unsafe       technology.      Each       defendant
    could easily have arrived at this business decision on its own.
    One recalls the World’s Fairs at the end of the nineteenth
    and beginning of the twentieth century. They were held almost
    annually,    most    often      serving      as    the    epicenter       for    a   brisk
    competition among participating countries to produce the most
    creative and technologically advanced exhibitions. It was then,
    as now, a time of unusual inventiveness. The fairs were humming
    with booths, tables, exhibits, and displays all designed to show
    off new technologies and create a buzz about new products. Some
    of those products succeeded spectacularly; a far larger number
    cratered. The point is simply that manufacturers should be able
    to take into account the time it takes, after the initial hype,
    for   an   invention     to    become       one   of     practical   and    marketable
    utility     that     would      not     expose         consumers     to     injury        or
    manufacturers      to    liability.      The    majority,        however,        takes    no
    cognizance of lag time, which not only exists, as it always has,
    in product development but in the most highly touted medical
    discoveries.      Yet    consciousness         of    lag    time     is   something       no
    prudent business is without.
    Ignoring    the    many    practical         reasons    for    declining     SD3’s
    offers, the majority hones in on the fear of product liability
    as the key motivation behind defendants’ alleged boycott. Ante
    at    37-39.    This,    we     are    told,   is     the     “why.” 1    Ante    at     37.
    Defendants counter that no manufacturer rushed to adopt SawStop
    technology even after SD3 began producing its own saws in 2004.
    Response Br. 32. The majority answers on plaintiffs’ behalf:
    SD3 remained too small a player in the table saw market to pose
    a significant threat in products liability suits. Ante at 38.
    Yet    the     earlier    products      liability       cases      involving      SawStop
    technology      focused    on    the    “mechanical         feasibility,”        not     the
    In making this point, the majority credits scraps of
    testimony from David Peot cherry-picked by SD3 while it ignores
    the district court’s diligent review of the full trial
    transcript. Ante at 37. When read in full, Peot’s testimony
    focused on defendants’ joint venture, formed years after the
    alleged group boycott. J.A. 134-40. Far from revealing a
    collective refusal to deal, Peot clarified that defendants
    planned “to use whatever technology we felt would be best to
    prevent table saw accidents. There were no limitations that I
    can remember one way or the other.” J.A. 140. This discrepancy
    is emblematic of plaintiffs’ attempt to conjure a conspiracy and
    of the majority’s willingness to overlook the holes in the
    market share, of a “safer alternative design.” Osorio v. One
    World       Technologies        Inc.,    
    659 F.3d 81
    ,    85    (1st       Cir.      2011)
    (citation omitted). Different design features anywhere in use
    are     routinely          used      comparatively           in        products       liability
    litigation.       SD3’s         entry    into        the    market       should       have     put
    defendants       at    a    serious      disadvantage             in    products      liability
    suits. J.A. 90. And yet still defendants refused to bite at
    SD3’s    product.       Either       they      were    never       motivated        by    product
    liability concerns in the first place or those concerns were
    outweighed       by    other      drawbacks          (too    costly,         ineffective,       or
    unsafe) to licensing SawStop technology.
    Of    course,       if    manufacturers         miscalculate           in    failing     to
    adopt safer technologies, products liability lies in wait. But
    products liability and antitrust law each serve different and
    valid interests. Nothing is to be gained by scrambling them in a
    way that has the two bodies of law working at cross purposes
    such    that    manufacturers           are    forbidden,         on    pain    of    antitrust
    liability,       from       discussing         and     weighing         product       liability
    By    casting       product      liability       concerns        as    the     driver     of
    anticompetitive            conduct,           the     majority          risks        curtailing
    communication         critical     to    technological            development.           We   would
    seemingly      want     manufacturers           to    be    concerned         about      products
    liability.       Products       liability     law    exists           to    make     businesses
    cognizant of the risks their products create and to encourage
    them to take steps to avoid such liability. Open and honest
    dialogue        among          competitors         can         help         locate     product
    vulnerabilities         and     formulate    solutions,          hopefully          leading   to
    improved consumer safety. But the majority forces the defendants
    into    yet    another     a    double   bind:      They       face        product   liability
    suits either for refusing to use what SD3 alleges is a safer
    product or for adopting an untested product that could well fail
    to work as advertised. The industry would have been foolish not
    to discuss the risks either way. It makes little sense to dampen
    such    discussions        prematurely       with        the     specter       of    antitrust
    Working together, whether cooperating in a joint venture or
    simply exchanging information at a trade association meeting,
    can     not    only   save       industry     participants             --     and    therefore
    consumers -- time and money but can also spawn innovations that
    no participant could have achieved alone. Given the speed at
    which     product        development         now     moves        and        the      increased
    specialization        of   many      industries,         “much    innovation          today   is
    likely to require lateral and horizontal linkages as well as
    vertical ones.” Thomas M. Jorde & David J. Teece, Rule of Reason
    Analysis       of   Horizontal        Arrangements:         Agreements          Designed      to
    Advance       Innovation       and   Commercialize        Technology,           61    Antitrust
    L.J.    579,    590        (1993).       Particularly             for       smaller     firms       with
    limited     resources         or    in    patent-heavy            industries,         professional
    conclaves offer an efficient means of acquiring information. In
    an ever more complex world, sharing information becomes vital to
    the    holistic         perspectives           so    crucial       for       highly     specialized
    companies to keep pace. To that end, sharing information assists
    American       industry         in       the        increasingly             competitive          global
    To   take        but   one    example,            industry-wide         coordination          has
    been   a    driving        force     for       technological            progress       in    American
    semiconductor           manufacturing.              In   1987,     semiconductor            producers
    established         a    consortium        that          pooled    resources          and    gathered
    information         from      across      what       was    then        a    stagnant       industry.
    Thomas M. Jorde & David J. Teece, Innovation, Cooperation and
    4 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1
    ,     35       (1989).    Since       then,
    semiconductor manufacturers not only reduced the size of their
    circuits -- from 500 nanometers (nm) to 45 nm -- but they also
    more than quadrupled the number of transitors, or amplifiers, in
    semiconductor chips. Rahul Kapoor & Patia J. McGrath, Unmasking
    the     Interplay             Between          Technology               Evolution           and      R&D
    Collaboration:             Evidence            from        the      Global            Semiconductor
    Manufacturing           Industry,        1990-2010,           43    Res.        Pol’y       555,     559
    Standard-setting          bodies         offer       similar      advantages.          See
    Allied Tube & Conduit Corp. v. Indian Head, Inc., 
    486 U.S. 492
    500-01       (1988).       Compatibility         standards          make       markets      more
    efficient       by     making    parts       interchangeable,           benefitting         both
    producers      and     consumers     who       want    to    change     products       or   shop
    around.       Joseph       Farrell      &      Garth        Saloner,       Standardization,
    Compatibility, & Innovation, 16 Rand J. Econ. 70, 70-71 (1985).
    And    properly      devised     safety        standards         both   provide       consumers
    some       guarantee    of    minimum       safety     and       encourage     producers       to
    adopt safer albeit more expensive features, buoyed by the hope
    that consumers may realize these products are more expensive
    because       they   are     safer   to      use.     The     standards        thus    help   to
    prevent      cheaper,       shoddy   or     unsafe      products        from    undercutting
    manufacturers trying to protect consumer welfare. These and many
    other benefits to consumers and competition alike can accrue
    from standardization.
    I commend the majority for recognizing some of the virtues
    of standard-setting organizations. 2 Ante at                            48.    In doing so,
    however,       it    gets     caught      in    a     contradiction:           the    majority
    acknowledges         the     monopolistic        aims       in    plaintiffs’         standard-
    2I thus concur in Part VI of the majority opinion
    dismissing SD3’s challenge to the actions of the standard-
    setting organization, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). I
    also concur in Part III rejecting SD3’s claims against a number
    of defendants simply lumped into a conspiracy through nothing
    more than conclusory allegations.
    setting   conspiracy     claim   but     turns   a    blind    eye   to   the   same
    anticompetitive impulse driving SD3’s group boycott allegation.
    Compare ante at 51-54 with ante at 37. Its opinion fails to
    comprehend the totality of what SD3 aims to achieve here.
    When taken in its entirety, plaintiffs’ use of antitrust
    law    strikes   at     the   heart    of     even    the     most   constructive
    horizontal cooperation. I recognize that collaboration may shade
    into collusion, the very evil that the Sherman Act was designed
    to    prevent.   See,   e.g.,    Am.   Soc’y     of   Mech.    Eng’rs,    Inc.    v.
    Hydrolevel Corp., 
    456 U.S. 556
     (1982) (finding liability where
    competitors incorrectly declared product unsafe to exclude it
    from market); Radiant Burners, Inc. v. Peoples Gas Light & Coke
    364 U.S. 656
     (1961) (finding valid cause of action when
    competitors excluded innovative product from market through non-
    objective safety standards).
    And yet many minds may be better than one. Joint ventures,
    standard-setting organizations, and trade association meetings
    may allow individuals of different specialties to benefit from
    each   other’s   expertise.      These    fora   may    prove    invaluable      for
    efficient and effective product development. Those efficiencies
    in turn generate reduced costs of doing business that can then
    be passed along to the consumer in the form of reduced prices
    and better products. Some forms of collaborative endeavors, in
    other words, are not so inherently conspiratorial that their
    benefits can be overlooked. The majority ignores all this in its
    rush    to        flatten         pleading       standards,            make       communications
    perilous, and consign antitrust law to isolationist ends. It is
    an    odd   time     for     the    majority         to    assume      a    more       isolationist
    stance.      It    raises         the   risk     that       antitrust           law    will      render
    American companies comparatively incommunicative and thus at a
    competitive        disadvantage           at    the       very   time       global         commercial
    interactions are becoming more commonplace.
    I have seldom read a complaint where so many defendants
    were    named      in     the      complaint         (twenty-two)           and       so   few    were
    actually discussed (four). I have seldom seen a complaint in
    which a supposed group boycott fell apart for so many reasons
    and    in   so     many      directions.         Even      applying         the    most     generous
    assumptions,        one      is    hard    pressed         to    find       a    plausible        group
    boycott      claim      in    defendants’            divergent        and       market-explicable
    conduct.      After        all,     SD3        has    not       been    excluded           from    the
    marketplace.         Its      SawStop       technology           is     currently           available
    through its own production. Though it would have liked to corner
    the    market      through        the     industry’s        leading         manufacturers          and
    standard-setting organization, it had no right to establish what
    was in effect a monopoly all its own. SD3 aims to force all
    manufacturers, through its group boycott claim, to adopt its
    technology at its prices and to have the industry’s standard-
    setting organization do the same.
    It is disappointing that such a skimpy complaint pressing
    such   anticompetitive        ends    should    be   allowed       to     traduce    the
    Twombly     standard    and     coopt    antitrust      law      for    the   precise
    monopolistic      purposes     that     the   Sherman      Act    was     designed    to
    prevent. The fallout will disable American companies from all
    sorts of cooperative communication, from the most innocuous to
    the most productive. If the complaint had spun even a remotely
    plausible narrative of impermissible collusion, I should have
    been the first to wave it through the Twombly gates. See, e.g.,
    Robertson    v.   Sea   Pines    Real    Estate,     
    679 F.3d 278
         (4th    Cir.
    2012). But I cannot conspire with my colleagues in the demise of
    the    Twombly     decision.      For     the    reasons         stated     above,    I
    respectfully dissent.

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-1746

Citation Numbers: 801 F.3d 412

Filed Date: 9/15/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (60)

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