Nancy Williams v. GENEX Services, LLC , 809 F.3d 103 ( 2015 )

  •                                  PUBLISHED
    No. 14-1966
    NANCY A. WILLIAMS, on her own behalf and on behalf of all
    others similarly situated,
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Defendant - Appellee.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
    Maryland, at Baltimore.     Marvin J. Garbis, Senior District
    Judge. (1:13-cv-01942-MJG)
    Argued:   October 28, 2015                   Decided:    December 18, 2015
    Before AGEE and      WYNN,     Circuit   Judges,   and   HAMILTON,   Senior
    Circuit Judge.
    Affirmed by published opinion. Senior Judge Hamilton wrote the
    opinion in which Judge Agee and Judge Wynn joined.
    ARGUED: Nicholas Woodfield, THE EMPLOYMENT LAW GROUP, P.C.,
    Washington, D.C., for Appellant.  Russell Robert Bruch, MORGAN,
    LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP, Washington, D.C., for Appellee. ON BRIEF:
    R. Scott Oswald, THE EMPLOYMENT LAW GROUP, P.C., Washington,
    D.C.,   for   Appellant.     Michael J. Puma,   Philadelphia,
    Pennsylvania, Allyson N. Ho, MORGAN, LEWIS &    BOCKIUS LLP,
    Dallas, Texas, for Appellee.
    HAMILTON, Senior Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiff-Appellant, Nancy Williams (Williams), is employed
    by Defendant-Appellee, Genex Services, LLC (Genex), as a Field
    Medical Case Manager (FMCM).              She brought this action against
    Genex claiming that Genex was required to pay her overtime under
    the Fair Labor Standards Act (the FLSA or the Act), 
    29 U.S.C. §§ 201
     to 219, and the Maryland Wage and Hour Law (MWHL), Md.
    Code Lab. & Empl. §§ 3–401 to 3-431, for the overtime hours she
    worked.     The district court granted summary judgment in favor of
    Genex.     Williams appeals, and we now affirm.
    The    FLSA    protects     “all    covered   workers   from    substandard
    wages and oppressive working hours.”                Barrentine v. Arkansas-
    Best Freight Sys., Inc., 
    450 U.S. 728
    , 739 (1981); see also 
    29 U.S.C. § 202
    (a)    (noting    that    the   FLSA   protects     “the   minimum
    standard of living necessary for health, efficiency, and general
    well-being     of     workers”).          Toward   these     ends,     the   FLSA
    establishes the general rule that employers must pay overtime
    compensation to employees who work more than forty hours during
    a seven-day work week.           
    29 U.S.C. § 207
    (a)(1). 1         Employees are
    1 Overtime compensation is paid “at a rate not less than one
    and one-half times the regular rate at which [the employee] is
    29 U.S.C. § 207
    entitled to overtime compensation according to the general rule
    unless    their      employer       proves       that    one   of    the    Act’s        many
    exemptions applies.        See Arnold v. Ben Kanowsky, Inc., 
    361 U.S. 388
    , 392 (1960) (noting that the FLSA’s “exemptions are to be
    narrowly construed against the employers seeking to assert them
    and their application limited to those establishments plainly
    and unmistakably within their terms and spirit”).                          Genex asserts
    that Williams is not entitled to overtime compensation under the
    general rule because she is “employed in a bona fide . . .
    professional capacity.”         
    29 U.S.C. § 213
    The FLSA provides that any “employee employed in a bona
    fide . . . professional capacity” is exempt from the general
    rule requiring overtime compensation.                      
     § 213(a)(1).              The
    responsibility for outlining the contours of this exemption lies
    with     the   Secretary       of     Labor       (the    Secretary).          See        id.
    (permitting the Secretary to “define[] and delimit[]” various
    terms in the FLSA).             The relevant Department of Labor (DOL)
    regulations     define    “employee      employed         in   a    bona   fide     .    .    .
    professional         capacity,”       id.,        as     any       employee       who        is
    “[c]ompensated on a salary or fee basis at a rate of not less
    than   $455    per    week,”    
    29 C.F.R. § 541.300
    (a)(1),       and       whose
    “primary duty is the performance of work,” 
     § 541.300(a)(2),
    “[r]equiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science
    or   learning     customarily        acquired       by    a    prolonged      course         of
    specialized    intellectual      instruction,”            id.   § 541.300(a)(2)(i),
    or “[r]equiring invention, imagination, originality or talent in
    a   recognized     field   of    artistic          or    creative     endeavor,”     id.
    § 541.300(a)(2)(ii). 2
    The    DOL    regulations       define            “primary     duty”     as   “the
    principal, main, major or most important duty that the employee
    performs.”    Id. § 541.700(a).        Under § 541.700(a),
    [d]etermination of an employee’s primary duty must be
    based on all the facts in a particular case, with the
    major emphasis on the character of the employee’s job
    as a whole. Factors to consider when determining the
    primary duty of an employee include, but are not
    limited to, the relative importance of the exempt
    duties as compared with other types of duties; the
    amount of time spent performing exempt work; the
    employee’s relative freedom from direct supervision;
    and the relationship between the employee’s salary and
    the wages paid to other employees for the kind of
    nonexempt work performed by the employee.
    The DOL regulations recognize that the amount of time spent
    performing    exempt   work     can   be       a   useful    guide    in     determining
    whether exempt work is the primary duty of an employee:
    2The parties agree that “professional capacity” has the
    same meaning under the FLSA and the MWHL.     Consequently, an
    employee who is employed in a professional capacity under the
    FLSA necessarily is employed in a professional capacity under
    the MWHL.     See MD. Code Regs. (“‘Professional
    capacity’ has the meaning stated in 
    29 CFR §541.300
     et seq.”).
    Because the viability of Williams’ MWHL claim turns on the
    viability of her FLSA claim, we focus our analysis on her FLSA
    [E]mployees who spend more than 50 percent of their
    time performing exempt work will generally satisfy the
    primary duty requirement. Time alone, however, is not
    the sole test, and nothing in this section requires
    that exempt employees spend more than 50 percent of
    their time performing exempt work.    Employees who do
    not spend more than 50 percent of their time
    performing exempt duties may nonetheless meet the
    primary duty requirement if the other factors support
    such a conclusion.
     § 541.700(b).
    There is no dispute that Williams earns more than $455 per
    week.      However, Genex claims that Williams’ primary duty is the
    performance of work (1) requiring advanced knowledge, (2) in a
    field of science or learning, (3) that is customarily acquired
    by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction,
    and, thus, the exemption, referred to in the DOL regulations as
    the       “[l]earned   professional[]”        exemption,     id.   § 541.301,
    applies. 3      Williams counters by arguing that she is not engaged
    in the performance of such work.
    Genex   provides   integrated       managed   care   services   to   its
    3 Under the DOL regulations, a registered nurse generally
    meets the learned professional definition.       See 
    29 C.F.R. § 541.301
    (e)(2) (“Registered nurses who are registered by the
    appropriate State examining board generally meet the duties
    requirements for the learned professional exemption.”).       In
    contrast, a licensed practical nurse generally does not meet the
    learned   professional  definition   because “possession   of  a
    specialized advanced degree is not a prerequisite for entry
    into” such an occupation.    
       It is a stipulated fact that
    Williams is a registered nurse.
    clients,      which       include     various         employers       and      workers’
    compensation      insurers.         Such    services       focus     on    controlling
    health care and disability costs, ensuring that quality health
    care is provided to injured workers, and improving return-to-
    work rates.      At Genex, FMCMs help injured workers return to work
    as quickly, safely, and cost-effectively as possible.
    Williams began working for Genex as an FMCM in 2011 after
    Genex acquired the assets of her former employer, Intracorp. 4
    Williams is paid a salary by Genex.                   She received $83,354.14 in
    total compensation in 2012 and $81,103.29 in total compensation
    in 2013.
    Williams      has     two   supervisors          at   Genex,     Andy     Nussdorf
    (Nussdorf),      Branch    Manager    for      Genex’s     Field    Case     Management
    Branch in Elkridge, Maryland, and Sofia Harris (Harris), the
    Case Management Supervisor for Genex’s Elkridge Office.                        Because
    FMCMs at Genex work in the field, rather than in an office,
    Williams   rarely     sees    her    supervisors.          She     testified    at   her
    November    5,    2013    deposition       that   she      last    saw    Nussdorf   in
    September 2011 and that she last saw Harris in the summer of
    2012.      Williams      testified    that      she    had   “[i]rregular”       phone
    4 Williams received a Bachelor of Science in nursing from
    Villa Julie College in 2007. In addition to being a registered
    nurse, Williams holds several professional certifications,
    including   Certified   Case    Manager,   Certified    Disability
    Management Specialist, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified
    Critical Care Nurse, and Medicare Set Aside Consultant.
    contact with Nussdorf and Harris, indicating that “a week or a
    month might go by without a phone call with them.”                           (J.A. 247).
    With regard to emails, Williams acknowledged that “sometimes a
    long time goes by and there’s no communication” between her and
    either Nussdorf or Harris.         (J.A. 252).
    The parties agree that Maryland law requires an FMCM to be
    a registered nurse (RN) and to have a Workers Compensation Case
    Manager     Certification    from        the   Maryland         Board       of      Nursing.
    Although Williams holds these credentials, she does not provide
    hands-on     care.      Rather,          according     to       Genex’s          FMCM     job
    description,      Williams        is     “[r]esponsible              for     assessment,
    planning,     coordination,        implementation              and        evaluation      of
    injured/disabled     individuals          involved        in        the    medical      case
    management     process.”         (J.A.    682).            FMCMs          “work[]    as   an
    intermediary      between        carriers,        attorneys,              medical       care
    providers,    employers     and    employees      to   ensure         appropriate         and
    cost-effective healthcare services and a medically rehabilitated
    individual who is ready to return to an optimal level of work
    and functioning.”       (J.A. 682).        As a result, each FMCM at Genex
    is required to: (1) “[u]se[] clinical/nursing skills to help
    coordinate the individual’s treatment program while maximizing
    cost    containment”;      (2)     “[s]erve[]        as        an     intermediary        to
    interpret and educate the individual on his/her disability, and
    the treatment plan established by the case manager, physicians,
    and     therapists”;       (3)         “[w]ork[]      with      the      physicians      and
    therapists to set up medical assessments to develop an overall
    treatment plan that ensures cost containment while meeting state
    and other regulator’s guidelines”; (4) “[r]esearch[] alternative
    treatment programs such as pain clinics, home health care, and
    work    hardening”;       and    (5)     “[w]ork[]       with    [the]      employer[]    on
    modifications to job duties based on medical limitations and the
    employee[’]s functional assessment.”                    (J.A. 683).
    When    working     with        an     injured     worker’s       case,      Williams
    assesses the injured worker’s medical condition and treatments
    in an effort to better understand the case and to look for
    opportunities to minimize the injured worker’s time away from
    work.      She     interviews         the    injured     worker       and   analyzes     the
    injured       worker’s     pertinent           medical       information,        including
    medical       history,    current           status,     diagnosis,       prognosis,      and
    current treatment plan.                 From there, she continues to monitor
    the    injured     worker’s      medical       condition.          She      often   attends
    medical appointments with the injured worker and is free to ask
    physicians about the course of treatment.                       She educates both the
    injured worker and the insurance claims adjuster on the injured
    worker’s       injuries         and      treatments,         and      sometimes       makes
    recommendations for alternative forms of treatment.
    Williams     is         also        responsible         for      developing       an
    individualized care plan that will assist the injured worker in
    returning to work in a timely and safe manner.                           Essential parts
    of developing that plan include
    setting mutually agreed-upon goals with measurable
    objectives, determining action steps toward achieving
    goals, and selecting essential resources and services
    through consultation and collaboration with health
    care professionals, the ill/injured person, and the
    family or other support persons.
    (J.A.    183-84).       Each      individualized          care    plan    that     Williams
    develops must establish and document measurable short- and long-
    term goals for the injured worker.                        Williams performs medical
    research when needed to develop individualized care plans and
    analyzes whether the goals established in the care plans have
    been met.      Individualized care plans also contain information on
    whether     the      existing      and        planned      medical       treatments       are
    consistent with clinical criteria and treatment guidelines for
    the medical condition.
    FMCMs at Genex also prepare periodic status reports on the
    condition      and/or    progress        of    the      injured   worker.          Most    of
    Genex’s clients have a template or report format that FMCM’s use
    in   preparing       these    reports.          Williams       admits     she     uses    her
    medical    knowledge        and   training         in   developing      care      plans   and
    status reports        and    recognizes        that      the   standard      of    care   for
    nurses    in   Maryland      requires         that      care   plans    be   tailored      to
    reflect current nursing practices.                       She also uses her medical
    knowledge      and    training      to    provide         relevant       information       to
    physicians        so    that   the    physicians    can   make    the    appropriate
    decisions regarding the injured worker’s treatment.                     She is also
    free to make recommendations to physicians concerning a specific
    course of treatment, and the record reflects that on occasion
    her recommendations are followed.
    In addition to creating her own individualized care plans,
    Williams evaluates life care plans to assist Genex clients in
    litigation.         For example, in one evaluation, Williams examined
    the patient’s extensive medical records, interviewed the patient
    and her mother, conducted research, and explained why the life
    care       plan   proposed     was    “wholly     void”   because,      among   other
    things,       the      patient’s     disability    was,   in     her    professional
    opinion, attributable to a preexisting condition rather than an
    auto accident.          (J.A. 544).
    On July 3, 2013, Williams brought a two-count complaint
    against      Genex      in   the   United   States    District     Court    for   the
    District of Maryland.              Count I pled a claim under the MWHL, and
    Count II pled a FLSA claim. 5               Following discovery, GENEX moved
    Williams filed the complaint as a class action pursuant to
    Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on behalf of
    herself and others similarly situated to her.       At least one
    individual, Sandra Sherman, sought to join the purported class.
    No class certification order was entered by the district court
    pursuant to Rule 23(c)(1), and the parties agreed, “for the sake
    of efficiency,” (Appellant’s Br. at 3), to limit discovery to
    for    summary      judgment,       asserting   that       Williams   was   a    learned
    professional.          On September 4, 2014, in a written memorandum
    opinion, the district court agreed that Williams was a learned
    professional.        Because Williams is a licensed RN and is required
    to be an RN to work for Genex in Maryland, the district court
    determined that Williams performed work in a field of science
    that       is   customarily         acquired    by     a     prolonged      course   of
    specialized intellectual instruction.                      The district court then
    turned to the work requiring advanced knowledge prong, which is
    defined in relevant part as follows:
    The phrase “work requiring advanced knowledge” means
    work which is predominantly intellectual in character,
    and which includes work requiring the consistent
    exercise of discretion and judgment, as distinguished
    from performance of routine mental, manual, mechanical
    or physical work.     An employee who performs work
    requiring   advanced  knowledge   generally  uses  the
    advanced knowledge to analyze, interpret or make
    deductions from varying facts or circumstances.
    29 C.F.R. § 541.301
    (b).               Applying this definition to the facts
    in    a    light    most    favorable     to    Williams,      the    district    court
    concluded       that       Williams    performed       work    requiring        advanced
    knowledge.         The district court observed that Williams “uses her
    advanced        knowledge      to     examine    injured       employees’        medical
    whether Williams’ job as an FMCM was properly classified as
    exempt under the FLSA and the MWHL.      In effect, the parties
    agreed that if Williams’ claims failed, so too did the claims of
    any purported class members.
    conditions and advise[s] them on what to expect.” (J.A. 75-76).
    The    district   court   further   observed     that    Williams’     status
    reports “indicate that she not only . . . assesses and analyzes
    claimants’     medical    conditions,     but   also    provides   her    own
    commentary and suggestions.”         (J.A. 76).         The district court
    also cited the fact that Williams was not closely supervised and
    the fact that she regularly exercises judgment and discretion in
    support of its conclusion that Williams’ work required the use
    of her advanced knowledge.
    Based on her job duties, the lack of close supervision, and
    the wide discretion exercised by Williams, the district court
    rejected Williams’ argument that she performed mainly clerical
    tasks, noting that “even though Williams does not have ultimate
    decision-making power as to an injured employee’s treatment or
    care   plan,   she   still   uses   her    discretion    and   judgment    to
    evaluate cases and make recommendations for future courses of
    action, much like a licensed RN engaged in direct patient care.”
    (J.A. 78).     The district court also rejected Williams’ argument
    that because her status reports are prepared using templates,
    she is nothing more than a “mere scribe.”                 (J.A. 79).      The
    district court noted that report preparation only accounted for
    a small part of Williams’ job duties, and, in any event, the
    preparation of these reports required the use of her advanced
    nursing knowledge.
    The district court entered judgment in favor of Genex on
    the same day it issued its memorandum opinion.                      Following the
    entry of judgment, Williams noted a timely appeal.
    Under Rule 56(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
    the district court “shall grant summary judgment if the movant
    shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact
    and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.”
    Fed.   R.   Civ.     P.   56(a).     In    making    that    determination,       the
    district     court    must    view   the       evidence     in    the     light   most
    favorable to the nonmoving party. Tolan v. Cotton, 
    134 S. Ct. 1861
    , 1866 (2014).
    Although we view all the underlying facts and inferences in
    the record in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party,
    the    nonmoving     party    nonetheless        must     offer    some     “concrete
    evidence from which a reasonable juror could return a verdict in
    his [or her] favor.”         Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 256 (1986).          Consequently, summary judgment is appropriate
    when the nonmoving party has the burden of proof on an essential
    element of her case and does not make, after adequate time for
    discovery,    a    showing    sufficient        to   establish      that     element.
    Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 322–23 (1986).                            The
    nonmoving party must satisfy this burden of proof by offering
    more    than    a    mere     “scintilla       of   evidence”        in   support    of    her
    position.       Anderson, 
    477 U.S. at 252
    .                    We review the grant of
    summary judgment de novo.                Henry v. Purnell, 
    652 F.3d 524
    , 531
    (4th Cir. 2011) (en banc).
    Whether      an    employee      is   exempt      from    the      FLSA’s    overtime
    requirements         is   a     mixed    question        of    law    and   fact;    “[t]he
    question of how the [employees] spent their working time . . .
    is a question of fact.                  The question whether their particular
    activities excluded them from the overtime benefits of the FLSA
    is a question of law.”                  Icicle Seafoods, Inc. v. Worthington,
    475 U.S. 709
    , 714 (1986); see also Walton v. Greenbrier Ford,
    370 F.3d 446
    , 450 (4th Cir. 2004) (“The determination of
    whether an employee falls within the scope of a FLSA exemption
    is ultimately a legal question.”).                       An employer must prove by
    clear and convincing evidence that an employee qualifies for
    exemption.          Shockley v. City of Newport News, 
    997 F.2d 18
    , 21
    (4th Cir. 1993).
    Genex    argues        that    Williams      is   not    entitled      to    overtime
    compensation because, based on the undisputed facts concerning
    her job responsibilities, her position was properly classified
    as     exempt    under        the    learned    professional          exemption.          More
    specifically,        Genex      claims    that      Williams     exercises     discretion
    and judgment every day, is not closely monitored or supervised,
    and    most    importantly,        predominately       uses       her    RN    skills      on    a
    daily basis in the performance of her duties.
    In response, Williams claims that the learned professional
    exemption       does   not    apply     and     that,       at    a     minimum,     factual
    disputes preclude entry of summary judgment in Genex’s favor.
    From Williams’ point of view, her duties consist of nothing more
    than    clerical,          nondiscretionary,          and        routine        work.      More
    specifically,        she    claims    that      her   primary           duty    is   not    the
    performance of exempt work; rather she claims that: (1) she is a
    mere “liaison between employer and doctor to keep the doctor
    appraised on what the physical requirements the claimant’s job
    entails,”       (Appellant’s         Br.      at      36);        (2)     that       she        is
    “nothing more than a scribe relaying information back to the
    id. at 38
    ; and (3) that any “lay person” can perform
    the job of FMCM.            At bottom, Williams posits that, even if she
    uses her advanced knowledge in the performance of her duties on
    occasion, she does so substantially less than the 50 percent
    threshold set forth in § 541.700(b).
    In     our   view,    the    district       court     did      not      err   when       it
    concluded that Williams’ primary duty involved the performance
    of exempt work.             First off, Williams’ own description of her
    core job responsibilities fatally undermines her argument that
    her    work     involves     primarily        clerical,          nondiscretionary,          and
    routine work.        On her resume, Williams describes her job as
    Serve as case manager for multidisciplinary files
    assessing patient needs, designing research-driven
    life care plans, and coordinating [the] delivery of
    care.    Oversee medical record reviews, extensive
    client interview process, collaboration with the
    treatment team, data analysis, and research to project
    current and long-term medical needs and their economic
    impact.   Coordinating case management initiatives in
    concert with providers.    Develop strong professional
    relationships   through  proactive   communication and
    coalition-building, facilitating life care planning,
    trust management, litigation support.
    (J.A. 340).     This description conflicts with the labels Williams
    applies to her job duties in the context of this litigation,
    namely that her work is clerical, nondiscretionary, and routine.
    It    is   well-settled    that    a    plaintiff          may   not   avoid     summary
    judgment by submitting contradictory evidence.                         See Barwick v.
    Celotex Corp., 
    736 F.2d 946
    , 960 (4th Cir. 1984) (“A genuine
    issue of material fact is not created where the only issue of
    fact is to determine which of the two conflicting versions of
    the    plaintiff’s   testimony         is    correct.”).          To   do   so   “would
    greatly diminish the utility of summary judgment as a procedure
    for   screening   out     sham    issues     of        fact.”    
       (citation     and
    internal quotation marks omitted).
    Notwithstanding     this    ploy,         the    record   evidence   submitted
    demonstrates beyond question that Williams regularly uses her
    skills, training, and knowledge as an RN to perform her duties
    as an FMCM.           See 
    29 C.F.R. § 541.301
    (e)(2) (“Registered nurses
    who    are    registered       by    the     appropriate      State    examining         board
    generally       meet     the        duties     requirements         for     the       learned
    professional          exemption.”).            Consistent      with       her     core      job
    responsibilities which focus on the use of her “clinical/nursing
    skills,” (J.A. 683), Williams develops individual care plans by
    reviewing injured workers’ medical records and interviewing such
    workers      about     their    medical        conditions      and    recovery.             The
    development of these care plans must be consistent with clinical
    criteria and follow current nursing practices in Maryland.                                  She
    also    coordinates       medical       care    and    communicates        with       medical
    providers, insurers, employers, and attorneys to assess whether
    injured workers are receiving appropriate care.                             She educates
    injured workers on their disabilities and answers any questions
    they may have in an effort to facilitate their return to work.
    In    the    exercise     of    her    discretion       and    judgment,         she     makes
    recommendations concerning alternate forms of treatment.                               In her
    periodic reports on injured workers, she assesses and analyzes
    the    injured    workers’          conditions,       but   also     provides         her   own
    commentary and suggestions.                  Her training and experience as an
    RN is indispensable in the performance of these duties.                                      In
    other        words,      the        record     makes        clear     that           Williams’
    responsibilities,          performed           with     little        or        no     direct
    supervision, involve the consistent exercise of discretion and
    judgment as well as the use of her advanced nursing knowledge to
    “analyze, interpret or make deductions from varying facts or
    29 C.F.R. § 541.301
    Sensing that her work involves the use of her RN skills,
    Williams points us to the 50 percent threshold in § 541.700(b),
    suggesting that she needs to spend at least 50 percent of her
    time doing exempt work to qualify for the learned professional
    exemption.     Such     is    not    the    case.      The   amount   of   time   an
    employee spends on exempt work is not dispositive of whether the
    employee is a learned professional.                 See id. § 541.700(b) (“Time
    alone,    however,    is     not    the    sole   test,   and   nothing    in   this
    section    requires    that        exempt    employees    spend   more     than   50
    percent of their time performing exempt work.”).                      And even if
    some of her job duties fell under the rubric of nonexempt work,
    such job duties only amounted to a small portion of her overall
    job duties, as the record reflects that the vast majority of her
    work involved the use and application of her RN skills.
    We also note that Williams’ high salary, over $80,000.00 in
    the two years preceding this litigation, itself creates doubt as
    to whether she falls within the FLSA’s intended protected class.
    We have previously emphasized that, “[a]lthough salary alone is
    not dispositive under the FLSA, . . . the FLSA was meant to
    protect low paid rank and file employees.”                   Darveau v. Detecon,
    515 F.3d 334
    , 338 (4th Cir. 2008) (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted); see also Marshall v. Western Union
    Tel. Co., 
    621 F.2d 1246
    , 1251 (3d Cir. 1980) (noting that the
    FLSA was meant to protect low paid “rank and file” employees,
    not higher salaried managerial and administrative employees who
    are “seldom the victims of substandard working conditions and
    low wages.”).      Indeed, the FLSA’s implementing regulations state
    that “[a] high level of compensation is a strong indicator of an
    employee’s exempt status.”           
    29 C.F.R. § 541.601
    In   sum,   Williams     has    failed   to    come   forward   with    any
    persuasive evidence that Genex violated the FLSA by classifying
    her   primary     duty   as   professional.         Thus,   we   conclude    that
    Williams is exempt from the mandatory overtime provisions of the
    For the reasons stated herein, the judgment of the district
    court is affirmed.