O.S. v. Fairfax County School Board , 804 F.3d 354 ( 2015 )

  •                                 PUBLISHED
    No. 14-1994
    O.S., by and through his Parents; MICHAEL S. and AMY S., of
    Fairfax County, VA,
    Plaintiffs - Appellants,
    Defendant - Appellee.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Virginia, at Alexandria.   T. S. Ellis, III, Senior
    District Judge. (1:13-cv-01580-TSE-IDD)
    Argued:   September 16, 2015                 Decided:   October 19, 2015
    Before MOTZ and WYNN, Circuit Judges, and DAVIS, Senior Circuit
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Motz wrote the opinion, in
    which Judge Wynn and Senior Judge Davis joined.
    ARGUED: Dennis Craig McAndrews, MCANDREWS LAW OFFICES, Berwyn,
    Pennsylvania,   for   Appellants.     John   Francis   Cafferky,
    BLANKINGSHIP & KEITH, P.C., Fairfax, Virginia, for Appellee. ON
    BRIEF: Michael Edward Gehring, Caitlin Elizabeth McAndrews,
    MCANDREWS LAW OFFICES, Berwyn, Pennsylvania, for Appellants.
    Patricia A. Minson, BLANKINGSHIP & KEITH, P.C., Fairfax,
    Virginia, for Appellee.
    DIANA GRIBBON MOTZ, Circuit Judge:
    This case poses the question of whether the standard for a
    free   appropriate    public    education     under   the   Individuals      with
    Disabilities Education Act has changed since Board of Education
    v. Rowley, 
    458 U.S. 176
     (1982).              We hold that it has not and
    affirm   the   judgment    of   the    district   court     that   the    Fairfax
    County School Board did not violate that standard in this case.
    The   Individuals   with   Disabilities        Education     Act    (IDEA)
    creates a federal grant program to assist states in educating
    children with disabilities.           See 
    20 U.S.C. § 1411
     (2012).             To
    receive federal funding, states must provide each student with a
    disability a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE).                      
    § 1412(a)(1).        States,    through      local    educational     agencies,
    achieve this by developing an “individualized education program”
    (IEP) for each child who has a disability.                  Id. § 1412(a)(4).
    The IEP documents the student’s current level of achievement,
    sets annual goals, states how to measure progress, and specifies
    special education services.           See id. § 1414(d)(1)(A).        Educators
    work with the student’s parents as part of an “IEP team” to
    develop the IEP.        Id. § 1414(d)(1)(B), (d)(3)(A).                  At least
    annually,     that    team    must       review    the     IEP   and       revise    it   as
    appropriate.        Id. § 1414(d)(4).
    Additionally,         the   IDEA     establishes        procedural      safeguards
    for students and their parents.                  Id. § 1415.         These include the
    right    to   an     impartial       due    process        hearing     if     the    local
    educational agency and parents disagree on the appropriate IEP.
    Id.      § 1415(b)(6), (f).              After the hearing officer makes a
    decision,     any    unsatisfied      party       may    bring   a   civil     action     in
    federal court.        Id.     § 1415(i)(2).             The court then reviews the
    record, hears additional evidence if requested by either party,
    and makes a decision as to the appropriateness of the IEP based
    on the preponderance of the evidence.                   Id.   § 1415(i)(2)(C).
    Appellant O.S. attended public school in Fairfax County for
    kindergarten and first grade.               He has several medical disorders:
    Doose Syndrome (a seizure disorder), Atrial Septal Defect (a
    small hole in his heart), and ankyloglossia (a disorder commonly
    referred to as tongue-tie).                 Those disorders qualify him for
    special education under the other health impairment category.
    For kindergarten and first grade, O.S.’s school developed and
    revised IEPs for him with his parents’ approval.
    Under his initial kindergarten IEP, O.S. received special
    education services during fifteen of the thirty hours in his
    school    week.        He    received       those       services      in    his     general
    education       classroom       with     a     special        education         teacher     or
    instructional         assistant      working        with    him    on     his    IEP   goals.
    Additionally, O.S. received two hours each month of occupational
    therapy in a special education classroom.                         Later that year, the
    IEP     team    added     two    hours       each     month       of    adapted     physical
    education.       After a speech evaluation, it also added four hours
    of speech and language therapy each month, which later increased
    to six hours each month.
    For first grade, the team revised O.S.’s IEP to meet his
    goals      in         communication,           reading            readiness,           reading
    comprehension,           writing,        writing            readiness,          mathematics
    readiness,      attending       skills,      and     adapted       physical       education.
    O.S.    continued       receiving      six    hours    each       month    of    speech    and
    language       therapy    and     two    hours       each     month      of     occupational
    therapy, but his adapted physical education increased to four
    hours each month.          The team gradually shifted O.S.’s hours away
    from the general education classroom until ten of his fifteen
    hours were in the special education classroom.
    Over the course of first grade, O.S. missed over thirty
    full school days, and part of almost twenty additional days.
    Toward the end of that year, a committee designated by Fairfax
    County    reviewed       psychological,           sociocultural,          and   educational
    evaluations      of     O.S.    to   determine        if    he    still       qualified    for
    special education.          It also reviewed testing results that O.S.’s
    parents submitted from the Kennedy Krieger Institute, a private
    institution.        The committee included representatives from the
    Fairfax County School Board (School Board), as well as O.S.’s
    mother and a family friend.                 It again found O.S. eligible for
    special education under the other health impairment category.
    For   second    grade,       the    IEP    team     proposed      new     goals    in
    writing       and      written         language,          reading,            mathematics,
    communications,       and    behavior       improvements.           In    the    proposed
    plan, O.S. would continue to receive two hours each month of
    occupational       therapy    and    six    hours       each   month     of    speech    and
    language therapy, both in a special education setting.                           He would
    also    continue      to     receive       fifteen      hours    of      other    special
    education services, but with more of those hours in his general
    education     classroom.            This     time,       however,      O.S.’s     parents
    rejected     the    school’s    proposed         IEP.      The   team     attempted       to
    address some of their concerns by adding and modifying goals in
    writing, reading, math, organization, and behavior.                            But O.S.’s
    parents also requested a one-on-one aide, extended school year
    services, and that FCPS assign a full-time nurse to the school.
    The team did not adopt those requests, and the parents did not
    agree to the new IEP.
    Instead, O.S.’s parents, on his behalf, requested a due
    process hearing to determine whether the School Board provided
    him a FAPE.        They challenged the adequacy of his education on
    six grounds:        (1) inadequate instruction in reading, math, and
    writing;    (2)    inadequate     occupational         therapy    and    speech      and
    language services; (3) lack of extended school year services;
    (4) lack of a one-on-one aide; (5) failure to program for his
    safety (lack of a full-time nurse); and (6) failure to develop
    an appropriate IEP for second grade.                  As evidence that O.S. had
    not progressed, he pointed to results from the Woodcock-Johnson-
    Third    Edition;    the     Kaufman    Test     of    Educational      Achievement,
    Second Edition; and the School Board’s sociocultural evaluation.
    Based on those evaluations, O.S. argued that he had actually
    regressed academically.
    After conducting a three-day hearing, in which the hearing
    officer    heard    from     fourteen    witnesses      and    received       over    200
    exhibits, the officer issued a detailed written opinion.                              In
    that opinion, the officer first recognized that the IEP team had
    complied with the IDEA’s procedural requirements in developing
    O.S.’s IEPs, and then evaluated the implementation of the IEPs.
    The     officer     considered     O.S.’s       IEPs     and     progress      reports
    particularly       important     exhibits       and    noted   that     all    of    the
    testifying witnesses were “open and honest.”
    The officer then credited ten witnesses in particular, who
    were     O.S.’s    teachers     and     other    educational       experts.          All
    testified    to     O.S.’s     progress    during       kindergarten      and       first
    grade, and explained why each additional accommodation that his
    parents    requested       was    unnecessary         for    second    grade.           While
    acknowledging that the IDEA does not require parents to present
    expert testimony, the officer noted that, in contrast to the
    School Board’s showing, O.S.’s parents “offer[ed] virtually no
    witnesses, other than the parent,” to support their position.
    The hearing officer concluded that the School Board had provided
    O.S. a FAPE.
    O.S. filed a complaint in federal court challenging the
    decision.     Both parties moved for judgment on the administrative
    record.      The    district      court   held    that       the    hearing       officer’s
    findings     were     regularly      made,      and     thus       “entitled      to    some
    deference.”        The court then rejected each of O.S.’s challenges,
    concluding     that    the       School   Board        did     provide      a    FAPE      and
    affirming    the     hearing      officer’s      decision.           O.S.       noted     this
    timely appeal.
    Initially and principally, O.S. argues that the district
    court    applied     the    wrong    standard         in     evaluating         whether    he
    received a FAPE.        Specifically, he maintains that in the current
    version of the IDEA, a FAPE requires “meaningful” rather than
    “some” educational benefit.               Our analysis of the statute is a
    question of law that we review de novo.        See WLR Foods, Inc. v.
    Tyson Foods, Inc., 
    65 F.3d 1172
    , 1178 (4th Cir. 1995).
    Congress first required a FAPE as part of the Education for
    All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (EHA).          See Education for
    All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, Pub. L. No. 94-142, sec.
    3-4, §§ 601-602, 
    89 Stat. 773
    , 775.          Since then, Congress has
    amended the Act multiple times.         The 1990 amendment renamed the
    EHA as the IDEA.      See Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1990,
    Pub. L. No. 101-476, 
    104 Stat. 1103
    .          The IDEA, as amended in
    2004,    remains     in   effect   today.      See   Individuals   with
    Disabilities Act of 2004, Pub. L. No. 108-446, 
    118 Stat. 2647
    (codified as amended at 
    20 U.S.C. § 1400
     (2012)).             Both the
    original EHA and the current IDEA require the states to provide
    a FAPE to students with disabilities.        They define it in almost
    identical terms. 1
    In Board of Education v. Rowley, 
    458 U.S. 176
     (1982), the
    Supreme Court provided more content to the FAPE requirement.        In
    1 See 
    20 U.S.C. § 1401
    (9) (“The term ‘free appropriate
    public education’ means special education and related services
    that -- (A) have been provided at public expense, under public
    supervision and direction, and without charge; (B) meet the
    standards of the State educational agency; (C) include an
    appropriate preschool, elementary school, or secondary school
    education in the State involved; and (D) are provided in
    conformity with the individualized education program required
    under section 1414(d) of this title.”).         The EHA used
    essentially the same definition.     See Pub. L. No. 94-142,
    § 602(18), 
    89 Stat. 773
    , 775.
    that case, a deaf first-grade student challenged her IEP because
    her school refused to provide her an interpreter.                         
     at 184-
    85.    Although she performed better than many of her peers, she
    understood “considerably less” than she would have without her
    Id. at 185
    .          She argued that the school did not
    provide a FAPE because of the disparity between her potential
    and her achievement.            
    Id. at 185-86, 198
    The     Supreme    Court     rejected    this     argument,    holding    that
    schools need not “maximize each child’s potential.”                       
    Id. at 198
    The    Court    held     that   a   FAPE   requires      “access”    to   instruction
    “individually designed to provide educational benefit.”                        
    Id. at 201
    .    Because that access to education must be “meaningful,” 
    id. at 192
    , schools have to provide “some educational benefit” to
    fulfill Congress’s intent, 
    id. at 200
    Despite various amendments to the IDEA since 1982, we have
    continued to follow the Rowley definition of a FAPE.                       See, e.g.,
    E.L. ex rel. Lorsson v. Chapel Hill-Carrboro Bd. of Educ., 
    773 F.3d 509
    ,    517    (4th     Cir.   2014)    (“some    educational      benefit”);
    Sumter Cty. Sch. Dist. 17 v. Heffernan ex rel. T.H., 
    642 F.3d 478
    , 484 (4th Cir. 2011) (same); J.H. ex rel. J.D. v. Henrico
    Cty. Sch. Bd., 
    395 F.3d 185
    , 187 (4th Cir. 2005) (same); A.B. ex
    rel. D.B. v. Lawson, 
    354 F.3d 315
    , 319 (4th Cir. 2004) (same).
    O.S. asks us to find that, in the 1997 and 2004 amendments
    to    the    statute,     Congress     replaced    the     Rowley    standard.     He
    points to the 2004 congressional findings in the IDEA preamble
    as evidence that the law now focuses on results rather than mere
    access.    The congressional findings lament “low expectations” of
    children with disabilities, and state that educating children
    with   disabilities       is    “more   effective”     when    there   are    “high
    expectations” of them “to the maximum extent possible.”                      See 
    20 U.S.C. § 1400
    (c) (2012).            While the EHA succeeded in providing
    access to education and improving educational results, 
    argues that the IDEA aimed to go further.
    The legislature’s shift from requiring access to requiring
    results does not necessarily establish a shift in the meaning of
    FAPE   from     providing      “some”   benefit   to   providing     “meaningful”
    benefit.        When Congress changes the law on an issue already
    decided by the Supreme Court, it typically does so explicitly.
    See, e.g., Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, Pub. L. No.
    123 Stat. 5
    ,   5   (expressly     responding    to   the   Supreme
    Court’s decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 
    550 U.S. 618
     (2007)); Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993,
    Pub. L. No. 103-141, 
    107 Stat. 1488
    , 1488 (expressly responding
    to the Supreme Court’s decision in Employment Division v. Smith,
    494 U.S. 872
     (1990)); cf. Examining Recommendations to Reform
    FISA Authorities: Hearing Before the H. Comm. on the Judiciary,
    113th Cong. 107, 113, 128-29, 153, 171, 191 (2014) (expressly
    discussing      whether     Congress    should    limit   the   application      of
    Smith v. Maryland, 
    442 U.S. 735
     (1979), given advancements in
    technology).         Congress       did   not   do    that   with    respect      to   the
    definition of FAPE.
    Rather than articulate a new definition of FAPE, Congress
    amended the IDEA in other ways.                      For example, the IDEA now
    requires     that      an     IEP     document       “academic      achievement        and
    functional        performance,”       rather    than    educational        performance.
    Pub. L. No. 108-446, § 614(d)(1)(A)(i)(I), 
    118 Stat. 2647
    , 2707
    (2004).      Schools        must    include     students     with   disabilities        in
    statewide assessments, and now must justify a decision to give a
    student      an     alternative        assessment.           
         §§     612(a)(16),
    614(d)(1)(A)(i)(VI).           Schools must produce progress reports for
    children with disabilities with the same frequency as they issue
    regular report cards.              Id. § 614(d)(1)(A)(i)(III).             Schools must
    now base special education on peer-reviewed research, to the
    extent practicable.          Id. § 614(d)(1)(A)(i)(IV).
    These examples suffice to show that Congress implemented
    the IDEA’s higher expectations in specific ways, and altering
    the standard for providing a FAPE was not one of them.                           In fact,
    the IDEA calls for schools to evaluate a child’s “progress,” but
    does    so    without       any     quantifier.         See,       e.g.,    
    20 U.S.C. § 1414
    (d)(1)(A)(i)(II)(aa) (requiring IEP goals that “enable the
    child to . . . make progress”).                      Congress could easily have
    modified “progress” with “meaningful” if that were its intent.
    We note that we have never held “some” educational benefit
    means only “some minimal academic advancement, no matter how
    trivial.”         Hall ex rel. Hall v. Vance Cty. Bd. of Educ., 
    774 F.2d 629
    , 636 (4th Cir. 1985).                 Rather, we have used the word
    “meaningful” to describe what a FAPE requires, even before the
    2004 amendments.         G. ex rel. R.G. v. Fort Bragg Dependent Schs.,
    343 F.3d 295
    , 306 (4th Cir. 2003).                    But in doing so, we have
    cited Rowley’s “educational benefit” requirement.                     
    Id. at 303
    Using “meaningful,” as the Court also did in Rowley, was simply
    another way to characterize the requirement that an IEP must
    provide a child with more than minimal, trivial progress.
    O.S.    cites      cases    from   some    of    our   sister   circuits   in
    support      of    the    view    that   the     IDEA    requires     “meaningful”
    educational benefit as distinct from “some” educational benefit.
    Some courts do explicitly hold that the IDEA as amended requires
    school districts to meet a heightened standard.                  See, e.g., N.B.
    v. Hellgate Elementary Sch. Dist., 
    541 F.3d 1202
    , 1212-13 (9th
    Cir. 2008).        Others, although using the word “meaningful,” seem
    to describe the same standard developed in Rowley.                      See, e.g.,
    D.B. ex rel. Elizabeth B. v. Esposito, 
    675 F.3d 26
    , 34 (1st Cir.
    2012) (holding that Rowley’s “some educational benefit” requires
    “meaningful” as opposed to “trivial” educational benefit).                       For
    our   part,        we    are     loath   to     hold,    without      any   express
    acknowledgment of its intent to do so, that Congress abrogated
    Supreme    Court       precedent.             We    note     that   recently         the    Tenth
    Circuit also rejected a similar contention that a heightened
    “meaningful benefit” standard had replaced the “some benefit”
    standard.       Endrew F. ex rel. Joseph F. v. Douglas Cty. Sch.
    Dist. RE-1, No. 14-1417, 
    2015 WL 5011927
    , at *6-8 (10th Cir.
    Aug. 25, 2015).
    In this circuit, the standard remains the same as it has
    been for decades:          a school provides a FAPE so long as a child
    receives some educational benefit, meaning a benefit that is
    more    than    minimal       or    trivial,         from    special       instruction        and
    O.S.    maintains,          in   the        alternative,         that    even    if    the
    district       court    applied         the        correct    standard         in    evaluating
    whether he received a FAPE, as we have held it did, the court
    erred     in   finding     that         he    had     received      a    FAPE       under    that
    In IDEA cases, a district court conducts “modified de novo
    review,    giving      ‘due    weight’         to     the    underlying        administrative
    proceedings.”          M.S. ex rel. Simchick v. Fairfax Cty. Sch. Bd.,
    553 F.3d 315
    , 323 (4th Cir. 2009) (quoting Rowley, 
    458 U.S. at 206
    ).     While the court must make an independent determination on
    whether the school complied with the IDEA, the hearing officer’s
    factual findings are “considered prima facie correct.”                                E.L.,
    773 F.3d at 517.            “[W]hether or not a program is appropriate” is
    itself a question of fact.                 Doyle v. Arlington Cty. Sch. Bd.,
    953 F.2d 100
    ,      105   (4th    Cir.    1991).        At    the   request    of   the
    parties,       a    court      shall    also        hear   and     consider    additional
    evidence.       E.L., 773 F.3d at 516-17.
    A district court determines whether a school provided a
    FAPE based on the preponderance of the evidence.                           Id.     It must
    “afford        great      deference       to        the     judgment      of     education
    professionals in implementing the IDEA,” id. at 517, because the
    IDEA    does       not   allow   federal      courts       “to    substitute     their   own
    notions of sound educational policy” for those of local school
    authorities, A.B., 
    354 F.3d at 325
     (quoting Rowley, 
    458 U.S. at 207
    ).        Finally, the party seeking relief bears the burden of
    proof.        Schaffer ex rel. Schaffer v. Weast, 
    546 U.S. 49
    , 51
    (2005).       On appeal, we “apply[] the standard of review utilized
    by the district court.”                E.L., 773 F.3d at 517 (quoting M.M. ex
    rel. D.M. v. Sch. Dist., 
    303 F.3d 523
    , 531 (4th Cir. 2002)). 2
    For     kindergarten       and     first       grade,      O.S.   challenges      the
    implementation of his IEP rather than specific aspects of it.
    2This court has sometimes stated that we review the
    district court for clear error.     See, e.g., Cty. Sch. Bd. v.
    Z.P. ex rel. R.P., 
    399 F.3d 298
    , 309 & n.7 (4th Cir. 2005)
    (noting tension in the way we describe the standard of review).
    We need not resolve that possible tension in this case because
    the outcome here is the same under both standards.
    He argues that he did not make sufficient educational progress,
    and as evidence, he relies on a few evaluations to contend he
    actually    regressed.         Those     evaluations         do    measure      academic
    achievement, but, as the district court noted, they are not the
    only evidence in the record as to the sufficiency of O.S.’s
    progress.       The hearing officer credited numerous IEP progress
    reports and the testimony of O.S.’s teachers and other education
    experts that O.S. did progress on many of his individualized
    For    example,      experts      in     elementary      education,         physical
    education, and speech and language all testified that the IEP
    was appropriate and that O.S. had made progress.                       An expert in
    special education testified that it was “not surprising” O.S.
    progressed at a slower rate than students without disabilities,
    but that he was “still making progress.”                      In fact, that same
    expert   said      that   at   the     end    of    the   year,     O.S.     “had     made
    tremendous    progress.”         O.S.’s       kindergarten        teacher       explained
    that O.S. “definitely” made progress towards his IEP goals, and
    an expert in occupational therapy noted that O.S. “made very
    nice progress” over the course of two years.                      In sum, all of the
    educators    who     testified,       many    of   whom   qualified        as    experts,
    opined that O.S. made progress under the School Board’s IEP.
    Further,    addressing     his    parents’         concern   that    O.S.       at   times
    regressed,      an    expert     in    special       education      attributed        the
    regression in part to O.S.’s extensive absences.                                   Even so, the
    expert      did     not        consider           this     occasional         regression          so
    significant that O.S. could not catch up.
    In   addition          to    evaluating         O.S.’s     progress,        the     hearing
    officer considered whether additional accommodations should have
    been included in O.S.’s second grade IEP.                               The hearing officer
    credited unrebutted testimony that a one-on-one aide was only
    necessary        when    a    student       required       help    with     “even        the   basic
    needs of the day.”                 The hearing officer found no evidence that
    O.S. needed that sort of support, and that O.S. already had
    “teachers and assistan[ts] nearby on a routine basis.”                                     And the
    hearing      officer         credited        an     expert       in     school      health      who
    testified that “a nurse is not necessary for the child to be
    safe in school” because the school already had “protocols in
    place”      to    address          O.S.’s    needs       should       he    have     a    seizure.
    Further, because O.S. did not show “significant” regression, the
    hearing officer found that he did not require extended school
    year     services.                 The   officer         noted        evidence       that      O.S.
    nevertheless could have attended summer school, but that his
    parents decided not to enroll him in it.
    Given      that       the     record       supports        the      hearing       officer’s
    findings, we cannot conclude as a matter of law that the School
    Board did not provide O.S. with a FAPE.                            To do so would ignore
    our    obligation        to    give      due      weight    to    the      hearing       officer’s
    findings,      and   to    defer   to    the    judgment   of   professional
    educators. 3
    We hold that, in evaluating whether a school provides a
    FAPE, we still look to whether the IEP provides some educational
    benefit to the student.        Here, the district court did not err in
    finding     that     the    School      Board    met   that     requirement.
    Accordingly, the judgment of the district court is
    3 Because the School Board did not fail in its obligation
    “to provide educational benefit to a disabled student,” we
    reject O.S.’s request for an award of compensatory education.
    See M.S., 
    553 F.3d at 325
     (discussing compensatory education as
    a possible remedy for failure to provide a FAPE).