Feldman v. Law Enforcement Associates Corp. , 752 F.3d 339 ( 2014 )

  •                                PUBLISHED
    No. 13-1849
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Defendants – Appellees,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of North Carolina, at Raleigh. W. Earl Britt, Senior
    District Judge. (5:10-cv-00008-BR)
    Argued:   March 18, 2014                    Decided:   May 12, 2014
    Before GREGORY, WYNN, and THACKER, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed by published opinion. Judge Gregory wrote the opinion,
    in which Judge Wynn and Judge Thacker joined.
    ARGUED: Adam Augustine Carter, EMPLOYMENT LAW GROUP, PC,
    Washington, D.C., for Appellant.   Amy Yager Jenkins, MCANGUS,
    GOUDELOCK & COURIE, LLC, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, for
    Appellees. ON BRIEF: R. Scott Oswald, John T. Harrington, Jr.,
    EMPLOYMENT LAW GROUP, PC, Washington, D.C.; Michael C. Byrne,
    LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL C. BYRNE, PC, Raleigh, North Carolina,
    for Appellant. Helen F. Hiser, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina,
    for Appellees.
    GREGORY, Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiff Paul Feldman, who asserts that he was unlawfully
    terminated   from     his   employment       in   retaliation   for    protected
    activity under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (“SOX”), 18 U.S.C.
    § 1514A, appeals the district court’s grant of summary judgment
    to Defendants Anthony Rand, James Lindsay, Joseph Jordan, Paul
    Briggs,   and   Law    Enforcement    Associates         Corporation   (“LEA”).
    Because we find that Feldman failed to sufficiently establish
    that his alleged protected activities were a contributing factor
    to his termination, we affirm.
    Sometime prior to 2001, Feldman became President of LEA, a
    company that manufactures security and surveillance equipment. 1
    He remained President and CEO until his termination on August
    27, 2009.    In 2005, LEA’s founder, John Carrington, pled guilty
    to   criminal   export      violations       involving    another   company   he
    owned, and was ordered to refrain from certain export activities
    for five years.       Though Carrington remained a major stockholder,
    he resigned from LEA’s Board of Directors (“Board”) and has not
    We resolve any factual disputes and competing, rational
    inferences in the light most favorable to Feldman, as the party
    opposing summary judgment. Rossignol v. Voorhaar, 
    316 F.3d 516
    523 (4th Cir. 2003).
    been an officer or employee of LEA since.                     During the relevant
    time period, the Board consisted of two “Inside Directors” —
    Feldman and Martin Perry — and three “Outside Directors” — Rand,
    Lindsay, and Jordan.
    Since     at   least      November       1,    2007,   an      “extraordinarily
    palpable” split existed between the Inside Directors and the
    Outside Directors, J.A. 4282, due in some part to the fact that
    Carrington planned to sell LEA without first giving Feldman an
    opportunity to buy it, as well as the Board’s decision not to
    approve a written employment contract that would have increased
    Feldman’s salary.          The tension deepened after Feldman confirmed
    in   December      2007    that     Carrington      owned    fifty     percent    of   a
    company called SAFE Source, to which LEA had shipped some of its
    products in 2005 or 2006.              SAFE Source exported these products
    overseas, but because Carrington was still banned from making
    exports, Feldman became concerned that the exports were illegal.
    The issue of LEA’s business with SAFE Source arose in a
    December 27, 2007 Board meeting, but the parties dispute exactly
    what was said and by whom.             There are competing versions of the
    meeting    minutes,       but   a   majority    of    the    Board    —   the   Outside
    Directors — adopted the version produced by Mark Finkelstein, a
    lawyer Rand hired for the company, over the version produced by
    Eric Littman, another LEA attorney.                    Feldman asserts that he
    objected    that     Finkelstein’s      minutes       were   falsified.         Feldman
    further     contends       that    he    saw    Rand    and       Finkelstein      meet      with
    Carrington immediately after the meeting, and suspects that they
    informed Carrington of his intention to report the issue to the
    government.         On January 14, 2008, Feldman and Perry wrote the
    United      States    Department         of     Commerce      about       the     potentially
    illegal exports, resulting in a federal investigation and a raid
    of SAFE Source’s headquarters shortly thereafter.
    A    number    of    other       conflicts       subsequently         arose      between
    Feldman      and    Appellees.          In     February      or    March     2008,      Feldman
    relocated LEA’s headquarters from Youngsville, North Carolina to
    Raleigh, North Carolina, claiming that it benefitted the company
    in    various      ways.     The    Outside         Directors       viewed      this    act    as
    insubordinate        since    Feldman         entered       the    new    lease    on    office
    space without their prior approval.                     At some point in 2008, the
    Outside Directors also took issue with the financial information
    and meeting agendas they received from Feldman, asserting that
    the     requested     information            was    either        not    provided       or    was
    insufficient.         At a March 13, 2008 Board meeting, Finkelstein
    became LEA’s primary counsel, while Littman remained on as LEA’s
    securities counsel.           Finkelstein submitted various bills for his
    legal      services    on    May    1,    2008,       but    Feldman      considered         them
    fraudulent      because      they       were    for    services         rendered     prior     to
    March 13, 2008, and he refused to pay.
    In April 2009, Feldman and other LEA representatives met
    with   Joseph   and     Barbara         Wortley,    LEA    shareholders         who     were
    threatening to sue LEA over a contractual dispute.                         When Joseph
    Wortley     expressed       dissatisfaction         with     the       Board,     Feldman
    replied that the Board “could do more to help the company,” and
    that “he too wished they would do more.”                    J.A. 4285.          At a July
    27, 2009 meeting with Joseph Wortley and Wortley’s son, Feldman
    further     stated    that     the       Outside    Directors       were        loyal     to
    Carrington    rather    than       to    the    company.        Shortly    after        this
    meeting, Feldman wrote a letter to the Outside Directors urging
    them to resign from the Board.                  Lastly, in July or August 2009,
    Feldman and Perry reported to the Department of Commerce their
    suspicion    that     LEA    was    involved       in   insider    trading        because
    several prominent North Carolina politicians were shareholders.
    On   August    26,    2009,       Rand    told   Perry    that     the     Outside
    Directors    planned    to    terminate         Feldman    at    the    Board     meeting
    scheduled for the next day because they had lost confidence in
    him and because of the Wortley situation.                       However, Rand told
    Perry that the Outside Directors wanted Perry to stay on at LEA.
    Perry advised Feldman of the conversation, and neither he nor
    Feldman attended the August 27, 2009 Board meeting.                             Feldman’s
    employment          was     terminated              at     that      meeting,          and    Perry’s
    employment was terminated on September 23, 2009. 2
    Feldman          asserts     that       in    the       months      just      prior     to    his
    termination, he successfully led negotiations to secure a $225
    million          contract       with     the    Department            of       Homeland      Security
    (“DHS”), and that, only ten days before firing him, LEA reported
    record income and a 260% increase in sales.                                    Appellees counter
    that       the    substantive          work    on        the   DHS   contract         was     done    by
    another employee, and that LEA had record income in 2009 only
    because they unexpectedly received an unsolicited job from the
    Census      Bureau       worth     roughly          $7.3       million.         Aside       from    this
    particular          contract,       Appellees             claim      LEA       was    a     break-even
    business         that     was    not    doing        well      during      the       last    years    of
    Feldman’s leadership.
    Feldman filed suit against LEA, Rand, Lindsay, Jordan, and
    Carrington         on     January      8,     2010,       asserting        a    claim       under    the
    Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) as well as state claims
    After learning of his pending termination, Feldman went to
    the hospital on August 26, 2009 claiming that he might be having
    a transient ischemic attack.      Perry, who had a history of
    multiple sclerosis, went to the hospital on August 27, 2009,
    where he was diagnosed as having suffered an acute multiple
    sclerosis flare.   Perry did not return to work thereafter, and
    when he failed to respond to LEA’s inquiries about when he would
    return, LEA sent him a letter on September 23, 2009 stating that
    they had to conclude from his lack of response that he had
    voluntarily quit.
    for civil conspiracy and wrongful termination.                 Perry had sued
    separately, and they consolidated their complaints on April 16,
    2010.     On June 7, 2010, Feldman and Perry amended the complaint, 3
    adding their respective SOX claims that had since become ripe.
    The   court   granted    in   part   and    denied    in    part   a    motion   to
    dismiss, and all that remained at issue was their ADA and SOX
    claims, Perry’s state law claims, and a counterclaim by LEA.
    Feldman argues that he was unlawfully fired in retaliation
    for   engaging    in   activities    protected     under    SOX    between   late
    December 2007 and early May 2008.              These activities include:
    (1) reporting to the Board and the federal government about the
    potentially illegal exports with SAFE Source; (2) objecting to
    falsified     Board    meeting   minutes;    (3)     objecting     to   leaks    of
    information      by    the    Outside   Directors      to     Carrington;        (4)
    objecting to and refusing to pay Finkelstein’s legal bills; and
    (5) notifying the government of suspected insider trading.
    The district court granted summary judgment to Appellees
    and held that plaintiffs failed to make a prima facie showing of
    their SOX claims because they did not sufficiently prove that
    the alleged protected activities 4 were a contributing factor to
    The amended complaint also added Briggs as a defendant.
    On March 10, 2011, Carrington was dismissed as a defendant.
    The court held that plaintiffs had not sufficiently shown
    that their report of suspected insider trading was protected
    their respective terminations.                    The court therefore found that
    it need not decide whether LEA could show that it would have
    terminated Feldman and Perry otherwise, but noted that LEA had a
    legitimate     business       reason      for     its   actions.       Feldman   timely
    appealed,     arguing    that       the   court      erred    by    holding    that   the
    activities were not contributing factors to his termination and
    by failing to decide whether Appellees had sufficiently shown
    that   he    would   have     been     fired       regardless.        This    Court   has
    jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1291.
    The Sarbanes-Oxley Act protects whistleblowers of publicly-
    traded      companies    by     prohibiting          employers      from     retaliating
    against      employees        who      have        provided        information    about
    potentially illegal conduct.               Welch v. Chao, 
    536 F.3d 269
    , 275
    (4th Cir. 2008).        SOX specifically provides that:
    no [publicly traded] company, or any officer [or]
    employee . . . of such company . . . may discharge
    . . . an employee . . . because of any lawful act done
    by the employee . . . to provide information . . . or
    otherwise assist in an investigation regarding any
    conduct   which  the   employee   reasonably  believes
    constitutes a violation of section 1341 [mail fraud],
    1343 [wire fraud], 1344 [bank fraud], or 1348
    [securities fraud], any rule or regulation of the
    activity under SOX, but assumed without deciding that                                 the
    remaining four activities did constitute protected activity.
    Securities and Exchange Commission, or any provision
    of Federal law relating to fraud against shareholders,
    when the information or assistance is provided to or
    the investigation is conducted by (A) a Federal
    regulatory or law enforcement agency; (B) any Member
    of Congress or any committee of Congress; or (C) a
    person with supervisory authority over the employee
    (or such other person working for the employer who has
    the authority to investigate, discover, or terminate
    misconduct) . . . .
    18 U.S.C. § 1514A(a).
    We apply a burden-shifting framework to SOX whistleblower
    claims incorporated from the Whistleblower Protection Program of
    the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the
    21st Century (“AIR 21”), 49 U.S.C. § 42121(b).       
    Welch, 536 F.3d at 275
    .   The plaintiff must first establish a prima facie case
    by proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, that:        “(1) she
    engaged in protected activity; 5 (2) the employer knew that she
    engaged   in   the   protected   activity;   (3)   she   suffered   an
    unfavorable personnel action; and (4) the protected activity was
    In Welch, we held that in order to establish that he
    engaged in protected activity, “an employee must show that his
    communications to his employer ‘definitively and specifically
    relate[d]’ to one of the laws listed in § 
    1514A.” 536 F.3d at 275
    (internal citations omitted).    The Department of Labor has
    since concluded that this standard is applied too strictly, and
    that “the critical focus is on whether the employee reported
    conduct that he or she reasonably believes constituted a
    violation of federal law.” Sylvester v. Parexel Int’l LLC, ARB
    Case No. 07-123, 
    2011 WL 2165854
    , at * 15 (Dep’t of Labor May
    25, 2011) (emphasis in original). In light of our holding that
    Feldman did not satisfy the fourth prima facie prong, we need
    not clarify here where Welch stands since Sylvester was decided.
    a contributing factor in the unfavorable action.” 
    6 Allen v
    Admin.    Review    Bd.,   
    514 F.3d 468
    ,    475-76      (5th   Cir.    2008)
    (internal citations omitted).              See 29 C.F.R. § 1980.109(a); 49
    U.S.C.    § 42121(b)(2)(B)(iii).               If     the    employee     meets       this
    burden,   the    defendant      must    then     “rebut      the    employee’s    prima
    facie case by demonstrating by clear and convincing evidence
    that the employer would have taken the same personnel action in
    the absence of the protected activity.”                     
    Welch, 536 F.3d at 275
    (citing   § 42121(b)(2)(B)).            Feldman’s       appeal       centers     on   the
    fourth prima facie prong and his claim that the burden shifted
    to   Appellees     to   prove    that    they       would    have    terminated       him
    Notably, we relied in Welch on a four-part standard which
    frames the fourth element as requiring a prima facie showing
    that “[t]he circumstances were sufficient to raise the inference
    that the protected activity was a contributing factor in the
    adverse decision.”   See 
    Welch, 536 F.3d at 275
    .    However, the
    regulation cited in Welch relates to a complainant’s burden to
    allege a legally sufficient whistleblower retaliation claim at
    the investigatory stage.   See 29 C.F.R. § 1980.104.   “As other
    circuits and the [Administrative Review Board (“ARB”)] have
    noted, however, at the evidentiary stage, the fourth element
    requires the complainant to prove by a preponderance of the
    evidence that the ‘protected activity was a contributing factor
    in the adverse action,’ 29 C.F.R. § 1980.109(a), and not merely
    show that ‘[t]he circumstances were sufficient to raise the
    inference that the protected activity was a contributing factor
    in the adverse action,’ 29 C.F.R. § 1980.104(e)(2).” Bechtel v.
    Admin. Review Bd., U.S. Dep’t of Labor, 
    710 F.3d 443
    , 448 n.5
    (2d Cir. 2013) (emphasis in original) (internal citations
    omitted). In this case, wherein we consider Feldman’s claims on
    summary judgment, we therefore apply the contributing factor
    element as articulated in § 1980.109(a).      See Livingston v.
    Wyeth, Inc., 
    520 F.3d 344
    , 351 (4th Cir. 2008) (citing 49 U.S.C.
    § 42121(b)(2)(B)).
    regardless.         Before    turning    to    the    merits,        however,       we    must
    first    address     whether    the     district      court     properly          exercised
    jurisdiction over this claim.
    In order to obtain relief under SOX, a plaintiff must file
    a complaint with the Secretary of Labor through his designee,
    the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”).                                See
    § 1514A(b)(1)(A); 29 C.F.R. § 1980.103.                    If the Secretary has
    not issued a final decision within 180 days of the filing of the
    complaint, and there is no showing that the delay is due to any
    bad   faith    by   the     plaintiff,    the    plaintiff       may       file     suit    in
    federal district court, “which shall have jurisdiction over such
    an    action    without       regard     to    the     amount        in     controversy.”
    § 1514A(b)(1)(B).            “The   Supreme      Court    has    indicated          that     a
    statute requiring plaintiffs to exhaust administrative remedies
    before coming into federal court may be either jurisdictional in
    nature    or   non     jurisdictional,         depending        on        the    intent     of
    Congress as evinced by the language used.”                           Ace Prop. & Cas.
    Ins. Co. v. Fed. Crop Ins. Corp., 
    440 F.3d 992
    , 996 (8th Cir.
    2006) (citing Weinberger v. Salfi, 
    422 U.S. 749
    (1975)).                                   For
    the purposes of this appeal, we assume, without deciding, that
    the   requirement      to    exhaust     one’s       administrative             remedies    as
    provided   for   in   § 1514A    is    jurisdictional. 7         See    Stone    v.
    Instrumentation    Lab.   Co.,   
    591 F.3d 239
    ,   240   (4th      Cir.   2009)
    (“[T]he Sarbanes-Oxley Act expressly provides a United States
    District   Court      jurisdiction     to      entertain     a   whistleblower
    action.”); Stone v. Duke Energy Corp., 
    432 F.3d 320
    , 322-23 (4th
    Cir. 2005) (“Section 1514A(b)(1)(B) confers jurisdiction on a
    district court when a qualifying complainant files his complaint
    “[I]t is the ‘special obligation’ of appellate courts to
    evaluate not only their own subject matter jurisdiction ‘but
    also [the jurisdiction] of the lower courts in a cause under
    review, even though the parties are prepared to concede it.’”
    Although it does not appear that any federal circuit court
    has yet reached this issue, several district courts have held
    that a plaintiff’s failure to exhaust his remedies under § 1514A
    deprives the district court of jurisdiction. See, e.g., Nieman
    v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co., 
    706 F. Supp. 2d 897
    , 907 (C.D. Ill.
    2010); JDS Uniphase Corp. v. Jennings, 
    473 F. Supp. 2d 705
    , 710
    (E.D.Va. 2007); Murray v. TXU Corp., 
    279 F. Supp. 2d 799
    , 802
    (N.D. Tex. 2003).    Moreover, the Department of Labor suggested
    as much when it denied a complainant’s motion to withdraw his
    claim from the agency proceedings and file a de novo lawsuit in
    federal district court, stating that “[v]oluntary withdrawal
    would be inconsistent with the general principle of exhaustion
    of administrative remedies and could arguably run contrary to
    Complainant’s expressed intent by depriving the district court
    of jurisdiction.” Nixon v. Stewart & Stevenson Services, Inc.,
    2005 WL 4889007
    , at *5 (Dep’t of Labor Feb. 16,
    2005).    We need not and do not answer this question here,
    however, because we hold for the reasons explained below that
    the   district   court   properly  exercised  jurisdiction   over
    Feldman’s SOX claims, even assuming that a failure to exhaust
    does impose a jurisdictional bar.
    Interstate Petroleum Corp. v. Morgan, 
    249 F.3d 215
    , 219 (4th
    Cir. 2001) (internal citations omitted) (second alteration in
    original).       “[W]e must consider questions regarding jurisdiction
    whenever they are raised, and even sua sponte.”                                  
    Id. (citing Plyler
         v.   Moore,      
    129 F.3d 728
    ,   731    n.6       (4th    Cir.     1997)).
    Feldman’s initial complaint was filed before the required 180-
    day waiting period expired, but his amended complaint was filed
    more than 180 days after he filed his OSHA complaint.                                  Although
    neither      party     raised           the   issue,       we        therefore       requested
    supplemental briefing to address the following question:
    Does Feldman’s amended complaint, wherein he asserts
    his claim under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, relate
    back to the date of the original complaint under Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 15(c), and if so, did the district court
    properly exercise jurisdiction over this claim?
    Under Rule 15(c), an amended pleading relates back to the
    date   of    the   original        pleading     when   “the          amendment     asserts     a
    claim or defense that arose out of the conduct, transaction, or
    occurrence       set   out    —     or    attempted    to       be    set    out   —    in   the
    original pleading.”           Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(c)(1)(B).                     Thus, when a
    pleading relates back under Rule 15(c), the amended pleading is
    considered to have been filed on the date that the original
    pleading which it replaces was filed.
    In this case, Feldman filed his OSHA complaint alleging
    that LEA had violated the whistleblower protections of SOX on
    November     17,   2009.           He    therefore    could      only       obtain     de    novo
    review of this claim in federal court if, in the absence of any
    bad faith on his part, the Secretary had not issued a final
    decision within 180 days, that is, by May 16, 2010.                   Although
    Feldman filed his initial lawsuit more than four months prior to
    this date, there is no dispute that the Secretary never issued a
    final decision.         In a motion filed on March 23, 2010, Feldman
    indicated that he intended to amend his complaint to add the SOX
    claim once it became ripe, and Appellees expressly agreed to the
    inclusion of this claim in the plaintiffs’ amended complaint.
    Upon reviewing both complaints, it is evident that, under
    Rule 15(c), the SOX claim raised in the amended complaint arises
    out of the conduct, transactions, and occurrences set out in the
    first      complaint.      Feldman’s    initial   complaint       details     his
    reports about SAFE Source and also his claim that he and Perry
    told Paul Briggs, LEA’s Chief Financial Officer at the time,
    that they intended to report their suspicions of insider trading
    to   the    government.      The   complaint   then     alleges    that     Rand,
    Lindsay, Jordan, and Carrington thereafter “undertook a campaign
    to   discredit,     undermine,     intimidate,    and    retaliate     against
    Feldman for his report to the federal government and for his
    ongoing cooperation with the resulting federal investigations.”
    Appellant’s Supplemental Br. 34-36; see 
    id. 55-56. It
    alleges that this retaliatory campaign included the production
    of falsified Board meeting minutes and leaks of information to
    By comparison, Feldman’s second complaint alleges that he
    engaged in protected activity under SOX by, among other things,
    reporting his concerns about SAFE Source to the Board and the
    government, asking Board members to affirm that they did not
    leak information to Carrington, objecting to the falsification
    of meeting minutes, and reporting suspected insider trading.                                It
    cannot be seriously doubted that this SOX claim arises out of
    the same conduct, transactions, and occurrences as the first
    complaint.       Thus, under Rule 15(c), the second complaint does
    relate back to the date of the first complaint, at which point
    the court did not have jurisdiction over Feldman’s SOX claim.
    However,      we   have    previously         held    that    “the    filing    of    a
    supplemental      pleading        is    an   appropriate         mechanism     for    curing
    numerous possible defects in a complaint.”                          Franks v. Ross, 
    313 F.3d 184
    ,   198    (4th       Cir.   2002)      (internal       citations    omitted).
    Feldman concedes that he should have presented his SOX claim in
    a supplemental pleading under Rule 15(d), pursuant to which the
    court    may   “permit       a    party      to    serve    a    supplemental    pleading
    setting out any transaction, occurrence, or event that happened
    after the date of the pleading to be supplemented.”                                  Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 15(d).            Considering a similar circumstance, the Eighth
    Circuit    has    held     that    “[e]ven        when     the   District    Court     lacks
    jurisdiction over a claim at the time of its original filing, a
    supplemental      complaint            may    cure       the     defect    by    alleging       the
    subsequent       fact    which          eliminates          the     jurisdictional          bar.”
    Wilson v. Westinghouse Elec. Corp, 
    838 F.3d 286
    , 290 (8th Cir.
    1988) (internal citations omitted).
    In Wilson, a plaintiff alleging that his employer refused
    to     rehire    him    in       violation         of     the     Age     Discrimination        in
    Employment Act filed suit without waiting the required 60 days
    after filing his claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity
    Id. at 289.
               He sought to cure this jurisdictional
    defect    by    filing       a    supplemental            complaint       under     Rule    15(d)
    reasserting the claim after the 60 days passed, but the district
    court    dismissed       the      claim       on    the    ground       that     the    pleading
    related    back    to    the      date       of    the    first     complaint       under    Rule
    Id. The Eighth
    Circuit rejected this “hypertechnical
    interpretation of Rule 15(c),” 
    id. at 290,
    as it resulted in a
    “procedural mousetrap” in which the premature assertion of the
    claim became an “irretrievable mistake that bars jurisdiction
    for the duration of th[e] lawsuit,” 
    id. at 289.
                                    The court thus
    held    that    “[w]hile         the   District          Court    was     clearly      unable   to
    exercise jurisdiction over Wilson’s rehire claim upon the filing
    of his original complaint, the expiration of the 60-day waiting
    period was exactly the kind of event occurring after firing that
    Wilson should have been allowed to set forth in a supplementary
    pleading under Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(d).”            
    Id. at 290.
    Likewise, although Feldman presented his SOX claim in the
    form of an amended pleading, he clearly sought and was allowed
    by the court — with Appellees’ consent — to add this claim due
    to the fact that the 180-day waiting period had since expired.
    Because “we are not required to apply the doctrine of relation
    back so literally as to carry [a claim] to a time within the
    [requisite waiting period] so as to prevent the maintenance of
    the action in the first place,” Security Ins. Co. of New Haven,
    Connecticut v. United States ex rel. Haydis, 
    338 F.2d 444
    , 449
    (9th     Cir.   1964),   we   construe     the    present     complaint    as     a
    supplemental     pleading     under   Rule      15(d),   thereby      curing    the
    defect which otherwise would have deprived the district court of
    jurisdiction under Rule 15(c).           See United States v. C.J. Elec.
    Contractors, Inc., 
    535 F.2d 1326
    , 1329 (1st Cir. 1976) (citing
    Security Ins. Co.).         See also Mathews v. Diaz, 
    426 U.S. 67
    , 75
    (1976)      (treating     a     plaintiff’s       pleadings      as      properly
    supplemented     under   Rule    15(d)     in    light   of   the     defendant’s
    stipulation that the jurisdictional prerequisites were satisfied
    while the case was pending in the district court); Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 8(e) (“Pleadings must be construed so as to do justice.”)
    Finding that the district court had jurisdiction over Feldman’s
    SOX claim, we now turn to the merits of his appeal. 8
    We       review    a   court’s    order     granting     summary     judgment   de
    novo.       Hill v. Lockheed Martin Logistics Mgmt., Inc., 
    354 F.3d 277
    , 283 (4th Cir. 2004).                   Summary judgment should be granted
    only when “there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and
    the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.”                          Fed. R.
    Civ.       P.    56(c).       Further,      summary       judgment   must   be   entered
    against         “a   party    who   fails    to    make    a   showing   sufficient    to
    establish the existence of an element essential to that party’s
    case, and on which that party will bear the burden of proof at
    trial.”         Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 322-23 (1986).
    “A contributing factor is ‘any factor, which alone or in
    combination with other factors, tends to affect in any way the
    outcome of the decision.’”                  
    Allen, 514 F.3d at 476
    n.3 (citing
    Klopfenstein v. PCC Flow Techs. Holdings, Inc., ARB Case No. 04-
    In response to our inquiry, Appellees argue alternatively
    that if the second complaint does not relate back to the first
    complaint, then the SOX claim is barred by a two-year statute of
    limitations borrowed from 28 U.S.C. § 1658(b).          Even if
    Appellees are correct that we should impute a limitations period
    from § 1658(b), a question that we do not decide here, this
    reasoning would force the Court into a “legal merry-go-round.”
    Security Ins. 
    Co., 338 F.2d at 446
    .    As did the Ninth Circuit,
    id., we reject
    this circuitous approach.
    2006 WL 3246904
    , at * 13 (Dep’t of Labor May 31, 2006)).
    “This element is broad and forgiving,” Lockheed Martin Corp. v.
    Dep’t    of    Labor,    
    717 F.3d 1121
    ,    1136        (10th    Cir.    2013),    and
    “[t]his test is specifically intended to overrule existing case
    law, which requires a whistleblower to prove that his protected
    conduct       was   a   ‘significant’,    ‘motivating’,             ‘substantial’,         or
    ‘predominant’ factor in a personnel action in order to overturn
    that action,” Marano v. Dep’t of Justice, 
    2 F.3d 1137
    , 1140
    (Fed. Cir. 1993) (construing the contributing factor standard in
    a   Whistleblower        Protection     Act    case     and        citing    explanatory
    statements from the congressional record).                      “Temporal proximity
    between    the      protected    activity      and    the     adverse       action    is    a
    significant factor in considering a circumstantial showing of
    causation,” Tice v. Bristol-Meyers Squibb Co., 2006-SOX-20, 
    2006 WL 3246825
    , at *20 (Dep’t of Labor Apr. 26, 2006) (internal
    citations omitted), and “[t]he causal connection may be severed
    by the passage of a significant amount of time, or by some
    legitimate intervening event,” Halloum v. Intel Corp., ALJ No.
    2003-SOX-7, 2004 DOLSOX LEXIS 73, at *13 (Dep’t of Labor Mar. 4,
    In   this     case,   Feldman    argues        that    the    court    imposed       an
    improperly onerous burden on him to prove that his protected
    activities solely or substantially caused his termination.                                 We
    agree that Feldman need not show that the activities were a
    primary    or    even     a     significant     cause     of    his     termination.
    However, he has nonetheless failed to satisfy his rather light
    burden    of    showing    by    a   preponderance      of     evidence    that   the
    activities tended to affect his termination in at least some
    way.     Firstly, Feldman concedes the complete absence of temporal
    proximity here, and his most significant protected activity, his
    reports regarding SAFE Source, occurred roughly twenty months
    before    his   termination.         Such   a   lengthy      gap   in   time   weighs
    against a finding that it is more likely than not that the
    alleged protected activities played a role in his termination.
    See Fraser v. Fiduciary Trust Co. Int’l, No. 04 Civ. 6958 (PAC),
    2009 WL 2601389
    , at *6 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 25, 2009) (ten month gap
    defeated the contributing factor element).
    Secondly, and most significantly, Feldman admits that the
    Outside Directors considered him to have thrown them under the
    bus during his meetings with the Wortleys.                   Tellingly, Feldman’s
    termination came less than one month after his July 27, 2009
    meeting with Joseph Wortley and his son, in which he told them
    that the Outside Directors were loyal to Carrington and “were
    basically worthless.”           J.A. 1057-35.     He then wrote the Outside
    Directors telling them it would be in LEA’s best interest if
    they resigned, and stating that Wortley would sue them if they
    did not do so.            Feldman’s conduct in the meetings with the
    Wortleys, whom he was supposed to convince not to sue LEA, and
    his    subsequent     letter     to   the      Outside    Directors         undoubtedly
    constitute a legitimate intervening event further undermining a
    finding that his long-past protected activities played any role
    in the termination.            Accordingly, this legitimate intervening
    event, coupled with the passage of a significant amount of time
    after Feldman’s alleged protected activities, severs the causal
    connection.      See Halloum, 2004 DOLSOX LEXIS 73, at *13.
    Feldman     nonetheless    urges      us   to    find   that    the     asserted
    protected activities played some role in his termination from
    his proffered evidence of recurring retaliatory animus.                              For
    instance, he claims that the leak of information to Carrington
    after his reports regarding SAFE Source is proof of retaliatory
    animus.      Certainly, Feldman’s reporting about SAFE Source was
    the activity that was most likely to prompt retaliation against
    him, as it resulted in a federal investigation.                         Still, most
    damaging to his claim, Feldman does not dispute that Perry also
    reported the impropriety but was asked to remain at LEA.                          Given
    the fact that Perry was urged to stay despite participating in
    the very same conduct, Feldman has not shown that it is more
    likely the case than not that this particular activity played a
    role    in   his    termination.          With    respect        to   the     remaining
    activities,      there   was   indeed       animus     between    Feldman      and   the
    Outside Directors after Feldman’s conduct, but he has not shown
    that the animus was a retaliatory response to his activities.
    Instead,     he   acknowledges      that     the   acrimony       began    nearly     two
    months before his first activity, and has offered no evidence
    that his conduct changed the bitter status quo in any way.
    Feldman     further     attempts       to    show    recurring       retaliatory
    animus by asserting that the Outside Directors deviated from
    LEA’s policies after his protected activities by requiring him
    to obtain prior approval before entering a new lease, falsifying
    Board   meeting     minutes,       and    asserting       that     he   had    produced
    insufficient      financial    information.             Firstly,    Feldman     himself
    argued on appeal that the Outside Directors expressed concerns
    about entering a new lease in November 2007, before any alleged
    protected activity occurred, and that they opposed the move only
    because    they    thought    it     would      upset     Carrington.         Thus,   by
    Feldman’s own assertions, the change in policy regarding his
    ability to enter a new lease was based on a desire to appease
    Carrington, rather than a desire to retaliate against him for
    conduct that had yet to occur.               Feldman’s claim that LEA changed
    its   policies     by   falsifying        its     minutes    is     also   unavailing
    because Littman and Finkelstein had produced competing versions
    of the meeting minutes starting from the November 1, 2007 Board
    meeting, again before any alleged protected activity.
    With    respect    to    the       Board’s    dissatisfaction           with    the
    financial information that Feldman provided, he has offered no
    evidence to refute Littman’s testimony that there was no per se
    policy on what had to be provided, but rather a practice where
    the Board could contact himself, Littman, or Briggs when they
    wanted further information.               Thus, even if the Outside Directors
    became unhappy with the information Feldman provided after his
    alleged protected activity, their indication that they wanted
    more information is consistent with the only record evidence as
    to the Board’s practices for accessing financial information.
    Lastly, Feldman argues that his strong work performance and
    the company’s successes during his tenure are further proof that
    his     termination   was     in     retaliation        for     protected     conduct.
    Assuming that LEA was successful during this time because of
    Feldman’s      efforts,      he     has     offered      no    evidence     that     LEA
    considered him to have a strong performance record.                         See Smith
    v. Flax, 
    618 F.2d 1062
    , 1067 (4th Cir. 1980) (age discrimination
    case    explaining    that    an     employee’s        perception     of   himself    is
    irrelevant, and “[i]t is the perception of the decision maker
    which    is   relevant.”)         Further,       LEA   did    not   cite   substandard
    performance as the reason for Feldman’s termination, but rather,
    insubordination.       Feldman disputes that he was insubordinate,
    but we do not decide whether LEA’s reason for terminating him
    was wise, fair, or correct, nor do we “sit as a kind of super-
    personnel      department         weighing       the    prudence      of    employment
    decisions made by firms charged with employment discrimination.”
    DeJarnette v. Corning Inc., 
    133 F.3d 293
    , 299 (4th Cir. 1998)
    (internal citations omitted).
    The contributing factor standard in SOX cases is indeed
    meant    to    be   quite    broad    and   forgiving.        However,   under     the
    particular      circumstances         presented    here,     the   standard    would
    simply    be    toothless     if     we   held   that   a   preponderance     of   the
    evidence       shows    that       these     long-past      activities      affected
    Feldman’s termination given the lengthy history of antagonism
    and the intervening events which caused the Outside Directors to
    view Feldman as insubordinate.                   Feldman has not successfully
    established the contributing factor element of his prima facie
    case, and we therefore need not consider whether Appellees can
    show by clear and convincing evidence that he would have been
    fired    regardless     of     any    protected     activities.       Accordingly,
    Appellees are entitled to judgment as a matter of law.
    For the aforementioned reasons, the district court is

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-1849

Citation Numbers: 752 F.3d 339

Judges: Gregory, Thacker, Wynn

Filed Date: 5/12/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023

Authorities (19)

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