Benjamin Hines, Jr. v. Triad Marine Center, Incorporated , 487 F. App'x 58 ( 2012 )

  •                             UNPUBLISHED
    No. 11-1052
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    Defendants - Appellants.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of North Carolina, at Raleigh. W. Earl Britt, District
    Judge. (4:09-cv-00003-BR)
    Argued:   May 15, 2012                     Decided:   July 9, 2012
    Before DAVIS and KEENAN, Circuit Judges, and James R. Spencer,
    United States District Judge for the Eastern District of
    Virginia, sitting by designation.
    Affirmed by unpublished opinion.        Judge Keenan wrote     the
    opinion, in which Judge Davis and Judge Spencer joined.
    RICE, PLLC, Raleigh, North Carolina; Julius Holman Hines, WOMBLE
    CARLYLE SANDRIDGE & RICE, PLLC, Charleston, South Carolina, for
    Appellants. Stevenson Lee Weeks, Sr., WHEATLY, WHEATLY, WEEKS &
    LUPTON, PA, Beaufort, North Carolina; Charles R. Hardee, HARDEE
    & HARDEE, Greenville, North Carolina, for Appellee.    ON BRIEF:
    Mary C. Adams, James R. Morgan, Jr., WOMBLE CARLYLE SANDRIDGE &
    RICE, PLLC, Winston-Salem, North Carolina; John T. Pion, L.
    Lawson Johnston, PION, JOHNSTON, NERONE, GIRMAN,       CLEMENTS   &
    SMITH, PC, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for Appellants.
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    In this maritime personal injury case, Triad Marine Center,
    Inc.    (Triad   Marine),         and    its    employee,       John    Banister       Hyde
    (collectively, the defendants) appeal from the district court’s
    judgment    awarding       more    than    $10    million       in     damages    to    Dr.
    Benjamin G. Hines, Jr.            The district court’s judgment was based
    on injuries Hines suffered during a sea trial of a boat offered
    for sale by Triad Marine.               The defendants assert that the court
    committed    clear    error       in    concluding       that    they    breached       the
    standard of care, and in determining damages based in part on
    the    court’s   finding     that       Hines   no   longer     can     engage    in    any
    gainful     employment.           The    defendants      also    argue     that    their
    substantial rights were affected by the exclusion of evidence
    regarding Hines’ disability insurance income, and that the court
    abused its discretion by applying the North Carolina statutory
    interest rate in the calculation of prejudgment interest.                                We
    disagree, and hold that the district court neither committed
    clear error nor abused its discretion.                    Accordingly, we affirm
    the district court’s judgment.
    On   March    20,     2006,       Hines,      a   urologist        who    owns     a
    condominium in Beaufort, North Carolina, was shopping for a boat
    in New Bern, North Carolina. 1              Hines and his wife owned a small
    flat-bottomed skiff, but they were looking for a larger boat
    that would provide a more comfortable ride and would minimize
    the     “splash”     they      experienced      during    their   boat     outings.
    Accordingly, Hines visited Triad Marine and spoke with one of
    its employees, Hyde.            Based on Hines’ description of his needs,
    Hyde recommended that Hines consider purchasing a Triton model
    2286.        Hines requested a sea trial of the vessel, and Hyde
    agreed to bring the boat to Beaufort the following day.
    Later that night, the National Weather Service issued a
    small craft advisory for the area, including Beaufort, effective
    from       5:00   a.m.    on   March   21    through     the   afternoon    of   the
    following day. 2         Nevertheless, Hyde brought the boat to Beaufort,
    where Hines and his friend, Neil Wagoner, who previously had
    purchased a boat from Triad Marine, boarded the Triton.                          From
    Beaufort, Hines drove the boat in a southeast direction toward
    Shackleford Banks.             On the inland side of Shackleford Banks,
    We describe the facts in this case in the light most
    favorable to Dr. Hines, the prevailing party in the district
    court.   See F.C. Wheat Mar. Corp. v. United States, 
    663 F.3d 714
    , 723 (4th Cir. 2011) (applying standard in admiralty case).
    On the east coast of the United States, from Maine to
    South Carolina, the National Weather Service issues a small
    craft advisory when sustained winds or frequent gusts are
    expected to range between 25 and 33 knots, or waves are expected
    between five and seven feet or greater.
    where the waves were only about one foot high, Hines brought the
    boat to “planing speed.” 3
    In order to achieve planing speed, Hines found that he had
    to attain speeds of about 20 miles per hour.                          Further, after
    reaching    this     speed,       he     observed       that     the    boat       began
    “porpoising,” that is, the bow of the boat repeatedly dipped and
    rose during travel.          When he had encountered porpoising during a
    sea trial in the past, Hines relinquished control of the boat to
    the   salesman     who     had   accompanied     him.         Accordingly,     in   the
    present    sea    trial,    after   experiencing        the    boat    move   in    this
    manner, Hines asked Hyde to demonstrate the proper way to handle
    the boat.
    As Hyde assumed the boat’s controls, Hines moved aside,
    holding    onto    the    “T-top”      frame   that   surrounded       the    vessel’s
    center console.          With his left hand grasping the handle of the
    frame’s vertical support, and his right hand holding onto the
    top of the frame, Hines was able to observe Hyde operating the
    boat.     Once in control of the vessel, Hyde again brought the
    boat to planing speed.
    The return trip took the party north of Beaufort Inlet.                        At
    this time, four-foot waves from the ocean were moving through
    Planing speed is the velocity at which an accelerating
    ship’s hull rises to the top of the water’s surface.
    the inlet, and wind was blowing from the north at a speed of
    between   20     and    25     miles    per       hour.           Without       providing       any
    warning, Hyde turned the boat directly into the oncoming waves
    passing through the inlet.              Hyde then accelerated in a southerly
    direction,     and     struck     an     oncoming            wave    “head-on”          that    was
    between five and six feet in height.
    As the wave passed beneath the boat, the bow lost contact
    with the water and rose into the air.                          Immediately thereafter,
    the bow “slammed back down,” causing Hines to strike his head on
    the underside of the T-top.                  At this time, Hines fell to the
    deck,   injuring       both     his    ankles.            Hyde      had       not    warned     the
    passengers     about     the    oncoming          wave,      or     of    its       potential     to
    affect the boat’s movement.
    Upon      the     boat’s    return       to       the     dock       in     Beaufort,       an
    ambulance    transported         Hines       to    a    nearby        hospital.           At     the
    hospital,    Hines      learned       that    he       had    sustained         a    bimalleolar
    fracture to his left ankle, and a less severe injury to his
    right ankle.         After receiving initial treatment at the hospital,
    Hines   received       additional        medical         care       from       Dr.     Deanna    M.
    Boyette, who performed surgery on his left ankle.                                Because Hines
    continued to complain of chronic pain in his left ankle, Dr.
    Boyette   also       referred    Hines       to    Dr.       Ronald      M.     Long    for     pain
    Based on Hines’ previous experience with pain medicines,
    Dr.     Long    prescribed          Percocet,        a     medication           containing        a
    combination of acetaminophen and oxycodone, an opioid.                                      Hines
    later    reported      experiencing        cognitive            impairment,        which    is    a
    potential side effect of opioid use.                           Also, despite taking this
    medication, Hines reported that he was experiencing continuing
    chronic pain.          Hines has continued to consult with Dr. Long
    regarding this ankle pain between two and four times per year.
    Because of this pain, and Hines’ intake of opioids and their
    effect on his cognitive functions, Hines has withdrawn from the
    practice of medicine.
    In    January         2009,     Hines     filed          a     complaint      under     the
    admiralty jurisdiction of the district court, alleging one cause
    of action in negligence against Hyde and Triad Marine.                                 After a
    four-day bench trial, the district court concluded that Hyde was
    negligent       in    his     operation        of    the           Triton,   and     that     his
    negligence was imputed to Triad Marine, as Hyde’s employer.                                   The
    court    also    determined         that   Hines         had    a    20   percent    permanent
    partial    impairment         with     respect       to        his    left    ankle,       which,
    together with his chronic pain and use of narcotics medication,
    prevented       him     from        engaging        in     any        gainful      employment.
    Accordingly,         the    court     entered        judgment          in    the    amount       of
    $10,397,291.58, jointly and severally, against Hyde and Triad
    Marine.        Included in this award were $900,000 in compensatory
    damages      for     future    pain    and    suffering,       and    $3,320,995.58     in
    prejudgment interest, which the court determined by using the
    North Carolina statutory interest rate of eight percent.                               The
    defendants timely appealed from the district court’s judgment.
    The defendants raise four challenges on appeal.                             First,
    they contend that the district court erred in finding that Hyde
    violated the standard of care applicable to a boat operator when
    piloting the Triton in Beaufort Inlet.                        Second, the defendants
    argue that the court clearly erred in concluding that Hines was
    totally disabled and was entitled to significant damages for
    lost    wages      and   for    future       pain   and   suffering.         Third,    the
    defendants assert that the court committed reversible error by
    limiting      their      cross-examination          regarding    Hines’      receipt    of
    disability      income.         Fourth,       the   defendants        contend   that   the
    court       abused     its     discretion      in     using     the     North   Carolina
    statutory      interest        rate    in    fixing    the    amount    of   prejudgment
    interest.       We address these issues in turn.
    We    first    consider        the   issue     whether    the    district    court
    erred in concluding that the defendants violated the standard of
    care applicable to a boat operator.                       In particular, the court
    found that Hyde was negligent in failing to reduce the speed of
    the boat when necessary, and in failing to navigate properly the
    waves in Beaufort Inlet.
    In     reviewing    a     district        court’s   factual      findings,   we
    examine the record for clear error, viewing the evidence in the
    light most favorable to the prevailing party in the district
    court.     Martin v. Harris, 
    560 F.3d 210
    , 217 (4th Cir. 2009).                    In
    admiralty cases, issues of negligence are treated as factual
    issues,    and    therefore,       are   subject    to   the   clearly    erroneous
    standard of review.          
    “It     is    axiomatic        that       credibility     choices    and     the
    resolution of conflicting testimony are within the province of
    the court sitting without a jury,” and are subject to review
    only under the clear error rule of Fed. R. Civ. P. 52(a).                       Parks
    v. Dowell Div. of Dow Chem. Corp., 
    712 F.2d 154
    , 159 (5th Cir.
    1983) (quotation marks omitted) (applying standard in admiralty
    case).     A finding is clearly erroneous when, although there is
    evidence to support the finding, the reviewing court considering
    all the evidence is “left with a definite and firm conviction
    that a mistake has been committed.”                  Evergreen Int’l, S.A. v.
    Norfolk Dredging Co., 
    531 F.3d 302
    , 308 (4th Cir. 2008).
    The    defendants       contend     that     present    record    contains   no
    evidence,    expert     or    otherwise,       establishing    a   breach   of    the
    standard of care.       We disagree.
    Both Hines and his expert witness, Captain Donald Davis,
    provided evidence from which the district court could conclude
    that the defendants breached the standard of care.                      Using data
    gathered from a buoy located close to the Beaufort Inlet, Davis
    determined    that     waves    in   the   area      of   Hines’   accident    varied
    between four and five feet in height at the time the accident
    occurred.     Davis also testified that, given the wind conditions
    and the geography of the inlet, the interval of time between
    waves would have shortened as the Triton approached the area of
    the accident.      Davis opined that under these conditions, vessels
    of   the    size   and    configuration         of    the    Triton   should     have
    proceeded at idle speed and have approached the oncoming waves
    at an angle.       Davis further concluded that the act of operating
    the boat at speeds between 15 and 20 miles per hour “straight
    over” a wave constituted a failure to exercise due care.
    In challenging Davis’ conclusion, the defendants focus on a
    single     statement     that    Davis      made     during    cross-examination.
    During their questioning, the defendants asked Davis whether he
    still would have concluded that Hyde failed to exercise due care
    if Hines had not suffered an injury.                 Davis replied, “[P]robably
    When the defendants raised this issue before the district
    court, the court observed that the defendants successfully had
    elicited testimony from Davis that, absent the injury, he would
    not have concluded that Hyde had failed to exercise due care.
    However, the court further observed that Davis had rehabilitated
    his     testimony    by     opining     that     all   the     factors       involved,
    including Hyde’s navigation of the Triton under the prevailing
    conditions, contributed to his conclusion that Hyde breached the
    applicable standard of care.
    We    hold    that      Davis’    expert     opinion,         when    considered
    together with Hines’ testimony, provided sufficient evidence to
    support    the     district    court’s    conclusion         that    the     defendants
    breached the standard of care.                 Hines testified regarding the
    height of the waves, the orientation of the vessel relative to
    the oncoming waves, and the porpoising that caused the bow of
    the Triton to leave the surface of the water.                          Additionally,
    Davis testified that in view of the conditions present during
    the small craft advisory, the proper operation of a vessel the
    size of the Triton required that the boat be operated at idle
    speed    and    approach    oncoming     waves    at   an    angle.         Given   this
    testimony, we cannot say that we are “left with a definite and
    firm conviction that a mistake has been committed.”                        
    Id. at 308
    The defendants next raise a number of challenges to the
    district       court’s     findings     regarding      Hines’       damages.        The
    defendants      contend    that   the    evidence      did    not    establish      that
    Hines was unable to return to work, and that objective evidence
    in the record clearly refuted the court’s finding that he was
    totally      disabled.            The    defendants          also    maintain          that      Hines
    failed       to    mitigate       his     damages,      and      challenge           the    court’s
    determination concerning Hines’ pain and suffering.
    The     defendants         advance       three       reasons        to    support         their
    contention that the district court clearly erred in concluding
    that Hines was unable to return to work.                             The defendants assert
    that   the        medical    evidence         established        that      Hines’       ankle     had
    healed,       that       Hines     provided         insufficient           evidence         of    his
    continuing         pain,    and    that       the   court     did     not       give    sufficient
    weight to a surveillance video, which showed Hines engaging in
    various      post-injury          activities.           We    find        no    merit      in    these
    First, although Dr. Boyette testified that Hines’ ankle had
    healed from the original trauma he sustained, she nevertheless
    concluded         that    Hines’       left    ankle    has      a   20    percent         permanent
    impairment as a result of his injury.                            Therefore, the evidence
    supported         the    district       court’s      conclusion       that       Hines       suffers
    from a disability that will never completely “heal.”                                    The court
    further      found        that    in    addition       to    the     permanent          structural
    damage to Hines’ left ankle, his disability also is based on the
    continuing         pain    he    has    suffered       as    a   result         of   the     injury.
    Although the defendants produced evidence from other witnesses
    expressing contrary opinions regarding the permanent nature of
    Hines’ injury, the district court acted within its discretion in
    crediting   the     testimony    of   Hines’     experts    over   that    of   the
    defendants’ experts.
    Second, Hines’ inability to return to work was supported by
    his own testimony concerning his degree of pain and suffering.
    Contrary to the defendants’ suggestion, this type of testimony
    is not inherently weak simply because it rests on an injured
    party’s own subjective assessment of pain.                 Such an assessment
    necessarily    is   subjective     and    defies   any     objective   means     of
    measurement.      Further, Hines’ pain management expert, Dr. Long,
    testified that Hines will require pain management for the rest
    of his life, that opioids were the only form of medication that
    provided Hines sufficient relief, and that Hines’ pain would
    progressively       worsen.       Although       the     defendants       produced
    testimony from other witnesses that, if believed, would have
    undermined this testimony from Dr. Long and Hines, such issues
    of credibility were properly resolved by the district court as
    the finder of fact.
    The      defendants        argue,        nonetheless,     that        certain
    surveillance footage taken of Hines after the accident shows
    that the district court clearly erred in determining that Hines
    is totally disabled.       Citing our decision in Nicholson v. Mullis
    Engineering & Manufacturing Co., 
    315 F.2d 532
     (4th Cir. 1963),
    the   defendants        assert        that    the      objective         nature    of     the
    surveillance        footage      justifies         a    relaxation        of    the     usual
    deference that we accord to a district court’s factual findings,
    including the district court’s conclusion here that Hines is
    totally disabled.
    The defendants’ argument is unpersuasive, however, because
    it essentially asks us to reweigh one piece of evidence and to
    afford     it    more   weight     than      did    the   district        court.        After
    considering all the evidence, the district court determined that
    Hines’ disability results from his chronic ankle pain, which can
    be managed effectively only by the use of narcotics.                              Moreover,
    the   surveillance         video      does    not      undermine   this        conclusion,
    because     the    video      fails    to    demonstrate      that       the    activities
    recorded        could   not    have    been    performed      by     a    person      having
    chronic ankle pain who must rely on the use of narcotics to
    manage that pain.          Therefore, based on our review of the record,
    we are not “left with a definite and firm conviction that a
    mistake has been committed” with regard to the district court’s
    disability determination.               Evergreen Int’l, 
    531 F.3d at 308
    Accordingly, we conclude that the district court did not clearly
    err   in   determining        that     Hines’       injury,   pain,       and     necessary
    medications prohibit him from pursuing gainful employment.
    The defendants also challenge the district court’s decision
    awarding Hines $900,000 in compensatory damages for future pain
    and   suffering.         They      contend        that    this       award    was   clearly
    erroneous     because     it       was    not     based       on     sufficient     medical
    evidence.     We disagree with the defendants’ argument.
    As described above, Dr. Boyette testified that Hines has a
    20 percent permanent impairment of his left ankle, and Dr. Long
    testified     that     Hines’      pain    resulting          from    that    injury     will
    increase      progressively         in     the     future.             Therefore,       Hines
    presented evidence sufficient to support the district court’s
    conclusion      that    he      will      continue       to     experience       pain     and
    The    defendants       argue,      however,       that        the   amount   of    the
    court’s award for future pain and suffering exceeds the bounds
    of reason and is punitive in nature.                      We are not persuaded by
    this argument.
    Trial    courts     retain         “great    latitude”          in   assessing      the
    proper amount of damages that should be awarded to an injured
    party.      Parks, 
    712 F.2d at 160
    .              An award for pain and suffering
    necessarily     depends       in    large       measure       on     the   trial    court’s
    observations     of     the     witnesses         and     the      court’s     credibility
    determinations regarding their testimony.                          
           On the record
    before us, we cannot conclude that the district court committed
    clear    error    in   awarding       Hines    $900,000      for   future    pain    and
    The defendants also argue that the district court committed
    clear error in its award of damages, because the evidence showed
    that    Hines    failed   to    mitigate       his   damages.        The    defendants
    contend that undisputed medical evidence showed that Hines could
    alleviate some of his pain by losing weight and by using his
    cane    in   a   different      manner.         These     remedial       actions,    the
    defendants contend, could minimize the stress on Hines’ ankle,
    possibly to the extent that he would no longer require narcotics
    for pain management.            The defendants assert that without the
    cognitive impairment caused by narcotics, Hines may be able to
    resume gainful employment.
    We reject this argument, because it is purely speculative
    in nature.       There is no evidence in the record to support the
    defendants’      contention      that     if    Hines       took   the     steps    they
    suggest, his pain would decrease to a level that he would no
    longer require the use of narcotics.
    The   defendants        also    contend       that    the    district       court
    committed reversible error in barring them from cross-examining
    Hines about the income he receives from disability insurance.
    We disagree.
    We    examine     the    district      court’s     evidentiary       ruling   for
    abuse of discretion.             United States v. Cole, 
    631 F.3d 146
    , 153
    (4th    Cir.      2011).        Before       trial,   Hines    requested      that    the
    district court prohibit the admission of evidence of payments
    from collateral sources.                    The defendants responded that they
    sought       to   introduce     evidence       of   Hines’    income    received      from
    disability insurance to challenge his credibility, rather than
    to show that he was receiving income from other sources as a
    result of his injury.                The defendants argued that such evidence
    would show that Hines had no incentive to return to the practice
    of medicine.
    With respect to the motion in limine, the district court
    observed that “it’s pretty clear that evidence by defendant[s]
    of      collateral         source       payments       are      not      permissible.”
    Nevertheless, the court allowed the defendants to cross-examine
    Hines    about      the    information         he   provided    on     his   disability
    insurance application.                In sustaining Hines’ objection to the
    defendants’ attempt to question him about income he received
    from such insurance, the court ruled that the defendants “can go
    into what he made on the applications, but what he’s getting [in
    the form of insurance proceeds] is irrelevant.”
    The defendants were permitted to question Hines regarding
    his multiple insurance policies, and they did so.                              The only
    restriction        imposed      on    the    defendants’     questioning      was    their
    ability to inquire about the actual amounts Hines was being paid
    based on his insurance policies.         Under these circumstances, we
    conclude that the district court did not abuse its discretion in
    limiting the defendants’ cross-examination in this regard.
    The   district   court,   in   an   exercise   of   its   discretion,
    applied the North Carolina statutory rate of eight percent 4 in
    calculating its award of prejudgment interest.            The defendants
    argue that the court’s application of this rate was unfairly
    punitive, and that, compared to the prevailing market rate of
    interest during the time period covering this award, the use of
    the North Carolina rate resulted in a windfall for Hines.
    We review an award of prejudgment interest for abuse of
    discretion.   Jauch v. Nautical Servs., 
    470 F.3d 207
    , 214 (5th
    Cir. 2006) (applying standard in admiralty case).          “The award of
    prejudgment interest in admiralty cases rests within the sound
    discretion of the district court.”        Ameejee Valleejee & Sons v.
    M/V Victoria U., 
    661 F.2d 310
    , 313-14 (4th Cir. 1981).
    Under maritime law, an award of prejudgment interest is
    “the rule rather than the exception, and, in practice, is well-
    This interest rate is set forth in 
    N.C. Gen. Stat. § 24-1
    which provides that “[t]he legal rate of interest shall be eight
    percent (8%) per annum for such time as interest may accrue, and
    no more.”
    nigh automatic.”        U.S. Fire Ins. Co. v. Allied Towing Corp., 
    966 F.2d 820
    , 828 (4th Cir. 1992) (quoting Reeled Tubing, Inc. v.
    M/V Chad G, 
    794 F.2d 1026
    , 1029 (5th Cir. 1986)).                             In setting
    the proper rate of prejudgment interest, admiralty courts “have
    broad discretion and may look to state law or other reasonable
    guideposts      indicating    a     fair      level    of    compensation.”            Todd
    Shipyards Corp. v. Auto Transp., S.A., 
    763 F.2d 745
    , 753 (5th
    Cir.      1985)     (applying        Louisiana             statutory        rate);     see
    also Ameejee, 
    661 F.2d at 313-14
     (“district courts are not bound
    by state statutory maximums in setting the rate of prejudgment
    interest in admiralty cases”).
    The    defendants    cite    a    number       of    cases    from    around    the
    country in which our sister circuits have reversed awards of
    prejudgment interest.         See, e.g., Ohio River Co. v. Peavey Co.,
    731 F.2d 547
    , 549-50 (8th Cir. 1984).                       However, such reversals
    generally have occurred because the district courts failed to
    provide      adequate   reasoning       for     the   rates    selected.         See   
    Other   appellate       decisions    have       vacated      trial     courts’   use    of
    certain interest rates because the methods of calculating the
    rates were unsound.          See, e.g., First Nat’l Bank of Chicago v.
    Standard Bank & Trust, 
    172 F.3d 472
    , 480 (7th Cir. 1999).
    In the present case, the district court, located in North
    Carolina and hearing a personal injury case arising within its
    admiralty jurisdiction, expressly elected to employ the North
    Carolina        statutory     rate.       We    decline       to     hold     that    such   an
    election constitutes an abuse of discretion.
    The      defendants      assert,     nevertheless,            that     the    district
    court’s determination was inconsistent with other calculations
    made by the court, creating a discrepancy that constituted an
    abuse of discretion.              The defendants argue that the court’s use
    of   an    eight      percent     rate   for    the       prejudgment        interest   award
    cannot be reconciled with the court’s use of a 4.11 percent rate
    when      arriving     at   the    “present         value”    determination          regarding
    amounts of damages to be incurred in the future.                                We disagree
    with the defendants’ argument.
    In reaching its “present value” determination, the district
    court adopted the damages calculation presented by Hines’ expert
    witness.        It was only in this manner that the court employed the
    4.11      percent     rate.       The    court’s          adoption     of    that    witness’
    calculations         does   not    render      invalid       the     court’s    independent
    election of the statutory rate for the assessment of prejudgment
    interest.           Additionally, the determination of the 4.11 percent
    discount rate, to convert future dollars into present dollars,
    involved        a    fundamentally       different           task     than     the    one    of
    assessing interest on dollars remaining within the defendants’
    control from the date of the accident.                              Accordingly, we hold
    that      the    district       court    did        not    abuse     its     discretion      by
    employing     two    different      interest      rates   in    making    the     two
    distinctly different types of calculations.
    In   conclusion,     we     hold    that   the   district   court    did    not
    clearly err with respect to any of its factual findings or its
    awards of damages.        We also conclude that the district court did
    not abuse its discretion with regard to its evidentiary rulings,
    or   by    using    the   North    Carolina      statutory     interest    rate    in
    calculating        the    court’s        award    of    prejudgment       interest.
    Accordingly, we affirm the district court’s judgment.