Pac Tell Group, Inc. v. NLRB , 817 F.3d 85 ( 2015 )

  •                               UNPUBLISHED
    No. 15-1111
    PAC TELL GROUP, INC., d/b/a U.S. Fibers,
    UNION, LOCAL 7898,
    No. 15-1186
    PAC TELL GROUP, INC., d/b/a U.S. Fibers,
    On Petition for Review and Cross-Application for Enforcement of
    an Order of the National Labor Relations Board. (10-CA-139779)
    Argued:   October 27, 2015              Decided:   December 23, 2015
    Before KEENAN, WYNN, and DIAZ, Circuit Judges.
    Petition for review denied; cross-application for enforcement
    granted by unpublished opinion. Judge Keenan wrote the opinion,
    in which Judge Wynn and Judge Diaz joined.
    ARGUED: Reyburn Williams Lominack, III, FISHER & PHILLIPS LLP,
    Columbia,   South   Carolina,    for    Petitioner/Cross-Respondent.
    Julie Brock Broido, NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD, Washington,
    D.C., for Respondent/Cross-Petitioner.       Mariana Padias, UNITED
    STEELWORKERS UNION, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for Intervenor.
    ON BRIEF: Michael D. Carrouth, Jonathan P. Pearson, FISHER &
    PHILLIPS LLP, Columbia, South Carolina, for Petitioner/Cross-
    Respondent.   Richard F. Griffin, Jr., General Counsel, Jennifer
    Abruzzo, Deputy General Counsel, John H. Ferguson, Associate
    General   Counsel,   Linda   Dreeben,    Deputy   Associate   General
    Counsel, Michael Randall Hickson, Attorney, NATIONAL LABOR
    RELATIONS   BOARD,    Washington,    D.C.,   for    Respondent/Cross-
    Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
    In this appeal, we consider the National Labor Relation
    Board’s (the Board) determination that four individuals employed
    by U.S. Fibers, who were engaged in pro-union activity before a
    union election, were not supervisors within the meaning of the
    National Labor Relations Act, 
    29 U.S.C. § 152
    (11) (the Act).
    Under our deferential standard of review, we conclude that the
    Board’s decision is supported by substantial evidence.                  We also
    agree with the Board’s conclusion that the four individuals did
    not engage in objectionable conduct sufficient to set aside the
    results of the election under the Board’s third-party misconduct
    standard.     For these reasons, we deny U.S. Fibers’ petition for
    review of the Board’s final order, and grant the Board’s cross-
    application for enforcement of its order.
    U.S. Fibers (the employer) recycles polyester fibers at a
    plant located in Trenton, South Carolina.              As relevant here, the
    employer utilized a tiered management structure as follows: Ted
    Oh   served    as   vice   president   of       operations,   Kevin   Corey    as
    director of manufacturing, Glenn Jang as production manager, and
    Kyong Kang as production and quality assurance manager.                      These
    positions     indisputably   qualify       as   managerial    in   nature.     At
    issue in this case is the alleged supervisory status under the
    Act    of    four    individuals,         Jose     Lal,    David      Martinez,      Eduardo
    Sanchez, and Adauco Torres, who were designated by management as
    “supervisors”           (the      putative       supervisors).              The    putative
    supervisors each oversaw the daily work performed by between 22
    and 40 hourly workers during each 12-hour shift.                             These groups
    working each shift were subdivided into smaller teams of between
    three and five persons.                  Each team was assigned a “team lead”
    who was more skilled and experienced than the other members of
    the    team.            The    “team      leads”      reported        to    the    putative
    The        United       Steel,        Paper        and      Forestry,        Rubber,
    Manufacturing,           Energy,    Allied-Industrial           and    Service      Workers
    International Union, Local 7898 (the union) filed an election
    petition with the Board, seeking to represent certain employees
    at the employer’s Trenton plant.                    The Board directed an election
    over   the       employer’s       objection        that   the   putative         supervisors
    should not be included in the bargaining unit because of their
    alleged supervisory status.                  See 
    29 U.S.C. § 152
    (3).              The union
    won the election by a twelve-vote margin, with four contested
    ballots cast by the putative supervisors.
    The       employer      filed     objections       to    the    results      of    the
    election, arguing that the putative supervisors had engaged in
    objectionable           conduct    and    that      the   results      of   the     election
    should      be    set    aside.        The    regional      director        of    the    Board
    concluded that the employer had failed to establish that Lal,
    Martinez, Sanchez, and Torres were supervisors as defined in the
    Act.        The Board adopted the regional director’s reasoning and
    affirmed his decision.                  The Board also rejected the employer’s
    alternative contention that the results of the election should
    be     set    aside       under     the     Board’s     standard     for    third-party
    objectionable            conduct.          The       regional    director     therefore
    certified         the    union     as     the    employees’     exclusive    collective
    bargaining representative. 1
    Following issuance of the certification order, the employer
    refused to recognize or engage in collective bargaining with the
    union.        The       employer    maintained        the   view    that    the   Board’s
    certification of the union was improper, and that the results of
    the election should be set aside.                      At the union’s request, the
    Board filed a complaint against the employer, alleging that the
    employer had engaged in unfair labor practices under 
    29 U.S.C. § 158
    (a)(1) and (5).           The Board ultimately ordered the employer to
    cease       and   desist    its     unfair      practices     and   to   recognize   and
    bargain with the union upon request (the final order).
    The certification included “[a]ll full-time and regular
    part-time production, janitorial, warehousemen, shipping and
    maintenance employees, employed by the Employer at its Trenton,
    South   Carolina   facility,   excluding  all  other  employees,
    including    office   clerical    employees,  professional   and
    confidential employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the
    The employer filed a petition for review of the Board’s
    final order in this Court.         The Board filed a cross-application
    for enforcement of the same order, and we granted the union’s
    motion to intervene in support of the Board’s decision.
    We first set forth the general principles governing the
    scope of our review of Board-supervised elections.                We presume
    that the results of such elections are valid, and we afford them
    great deference.    NLRB v. Media Gen. Operations, Inc., 
    360 F.3d 434
    , 440-41 (4th Cir. 2004).         Accordingly, we will set aside the
    results of an election only if the Board “has clearly abused its
    Id. at 441
    .        We will affirm the Board’s factual
    findings   if   they      are     supported    by   substantial     evidence
    considering the record as a whole.             CSX Hotels, Inc. v. NLRB,
    377 F.3d 394
    , 398 (4th Cir. 2004).               Substantial evidence is
    “such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as
    adequate   to   support    a    conclusion,”    that   is,   more    than   a
    scintilla of evidence, but less than a preponderance.                Gestamp
    South Carolina, L.L.C. v. NLRB, 
    769 F.3d 254
    , 263 (4th Cir.
    2014) (citation omitted).         We will defer to the Board’s factual
    determinations even if we might have reached a different result
    in the first instance.      
    The     employer        first     argues          that    the    Board        erred   in
    concluding       that    Lal,     Martinez,         Sanchez,      and    Torres       are    not
    supervisors under the Act. 2               According to the employer, these
    individuals engaged in certain supervisory functions enumerated
    in the Act, namely, exercising the authority to assign, reward,
    discipline,      and     responsibly       direct         employees.           The    employer
    therefore contends that the election should be set aside because
    of pro-union activity by these alleged supervisors.                               We disagree
    with the employer’s argument.                  Although the putative supervisors
    exercised some authority over other employees, we conclude that
    the Board’s determination that the putative supervisors were not
    “supervisors”          under     the     Act        is    supported       by      substantial
    The     Board    may     set    aside        an     election     if     “conduct       by
    supervisors, be it pro[-]union or anti[-]union, . . . interferes
    with the employees’ freedom of choice,” based on the reasoning
    that       “employees    may     be    induced       to    support/oppose          the     union
    because they fear future retaliation, or hope for preferential
    treatment, by the supervisor.”                  Harborside Healthcare, Inc., 
    343 N.L.R.B. 906
    ,     907     (2004).     It        is    the   burden      of      the   party
    Because the Board adopted the reasoning of the regional
    director, our references to the Board’s findings include those
    of the regional director.
    asserting supervisory status to prove by a preponderance of the
    evidence that particular persons qualify as supervisors under
    the Act.       Dean & Deluca N.Y., Inc., 
    338 N.L.R.B. 1046
    , 1047
    The Act defines “supervisor” as:
    [A]ny individual having authority, in the interest of
    the employer, to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off,
    recall,   promote,   discharge,  assign,  reward,   or
    discipline other employees, or responsibly to direct
    them, or to adjust their grievances, or effectively to
    recommend such action, if in connection with the
    foregoing the exercise of such authority is not of a
    merely routine or clerical nature, but requires the
    use of independent judgment.
    29 U.S.C. § 152
    (11)       (emphasis      added).          Individuals    therefore
    qualify as supervisors only if they have the authority to engage
    in   any     one    of   the   twelve    supervisory           functions    in   Section
    152(11), including the four functions at issue in this case.
    NLRB v. Ky. River Cmty. Care, Inc., 
    532 U.S. 706
    , 713 (2001).
    Additionally, putative supervisors’ “exercise of such authority
    [cannot be of] a merely routine or clerical nature, but requires
    the use of independent judgment,” and their authority must be
    “held   in    the    interest    of     the       employer.”      
        (citation    and
    internal quotation marks omitted).
    The     Act’s      definition      of       “supervisor”      is     intended   to
    distinguish        “true   supervisors        vested    with     ‘genuine    management
    prerogatives,’ [from] employees such as ‘straw bosses, lead men,
    and set-up men’ who are protected by the Act even though they
    perform ‘minor supervisory duties.’”              Oakwood Healthcare, Inc.,
    348 N.L.R.B. 686
    , 688 (2006) (citation omitted). 3                Accordingly,
    the exercise of “independent judgment” requires that a person
    “act, or effectively recommend action, free of the control of
    others      and    form   an   opinion   or   evaluation   by   discerning    and
    comparing data.”          
    Id. at 692-93
     (citation omitted).        Judgment is
    not independent under the Act if it is “dictated or controlled
    by detailed instructions, whether set forth in company policies
    or rules, the verbal instructions of a higher authority, or in
    the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement.”                   
    Id. at 693
    .       With these principles in mind, we turn to address each of
    the employer’s four asserted bases for a finding of supervisory
    We begin by considering the putative supervisors’ authority
    to assign the work of employees.              The Board has defined the term
    “assign”      in    Section    152(11)   as   “the   act   of   designating    an
    employee to a place (such as a location, department, or wing),
    appointing an employee to a time (such as a shift or overtime
    The employer does not challenge the reasonableness of the
    Board’s interpretation of the definition of “supervisor” set
    forth in Oakwood. Accordingly, we need not resolve the parties’
    dispute regarding whether this Court’s precedent pre-dating the
    Supreme Court’s decision in Kentucky River and the Board’s
    decision in Oakwood remains controlling.     Given the facts of
    this case, we can resolve the question of the putative
    supervisors’ authority based on Oakwood and other recent cases.
    period), or giving significant overall duties, i.e., tasks, to
    an employee.”       Oakwood, 348 N.L.R.B. at 689.                  “Assign” does not
    refer to an “ad hoc instruction that the employee perform a
    discrete task,” nor does it include assignments made “solely on
    the basis of equalizing workloads.”                   Id. at 689, 693.            In the
    present case, the Board found that the putative supervisors’
    roles in assigning work did not require the use of independent
    judgment necessary to constitute supervisory authority under the
    The     record      reveals            that     Lal’s           and      Sanchez’s
    responsibilities included creating employee work schedules on a
    form previously prepared by Jang, a manager, based on Jang’s
    instructions regarding the number of employees required for each
    shift.       The   evidence     supports       the   conclusion        that,    when    Lal
    assigned     employees     to    work     groups      based       on   the     employees’
    relative     “experience,”       he    only    did   so     within      the    team    lead
    structure imposed by management.                The putative supervisors also
    instructed     employees      whether     to    follow      the    plant’s      “rule    of
    thumb” to clean their work areas when machines malfunctioned, or
    instead to move to another work station.
    We conclude that the Board reasonably found that none of
    these    “assignment”    functions        required     the     use      of    independent
    judgment,      because     the        decisions      were     made       according       to
    parameters set by management or to equalize employee workloads. 4
    We   therefore        hold   that    the       Board’s       decision      regarding      the
    authority to assign is supported by substantial evidence.
    We turn to consider whether the putative supervisors had
    the authority to reward by evaluating employee performance for
    the purpose of recommending raises. 5                        A person satisfies the
    “authority      to     reward”      definition         in    Section      152(11)    if    he
    “play[s] a significant role in affecting” such raises.                                   Shaw,
    350 N.L.R.B. 354
    ,     357      (2007).          The    Board     found   that
    although       Lal,     Sanchez,         and         Martinez     were        involved     in
    recommending      employee       raises,        the     evidence        was    inconclusive
    regarding      the     extent       to    which        the      putative       supervisors’
    recommendations         affected         the     employer’s           ultimate    decision.
    4  We disagree with the employer’s contention that the
    putative supervisors necessarily exercised the authority to
    assign because they were the highest-ranking employees at the
    plant during certain shifts.   Although this is one factor to
    consider in our substantial evidence analysis, we cannot
    conclude that this factor overrides the evidence that the
    putative supervisors did not exercise independent judgment in
    assigning work.
    5 The employer also argues that the putative supervisors
    possessed the authority to reward because they could grant
    overtime hours to employees.    Because the employer failed to
    pursue this argument in the administrative proceedings, the
    issue has been waived.    See 
    29 U.S.C. § 160
    (e) (“No objection
    that has not been urged before the Board, its member, agent, or
    agency, shall be considered by the court, unless the failure or
    neglect to urge such objection shall be excused because of
    extraordinary circumstances.”).
    The record demonstrates that the putative supervisors were
    responsible for evaluating a list of designated employees on a
    biannual basis to help determine which employees should receive
    raises.     The putative supervisors made recommendations to the
    managers, in some cases proposing a specific amount of monetary
    increase,    without       the     benefit    of   written       guidelines.         After
    receiving the recommendation of the putative supervisors, the
    managers    offered        their    input     to   Oh,    who    made   the    ultimate
    decision.        According to Jang, because his opinion about which
    employees deserved raises sometimes differed from that of the
    putative supervisors, he “combine[d]” his opinion together with
    the     putative    supervisors’        opinions         to   determine      the     final
    proposal to give to Oh.              Jang testified that management agreed
    with the putative supervisors’ recommendations 90 percent of the
    In   our     view,    the    Board     could   have       concluded     from   this
    evidence     that    the     putative        supervisors        at   least     had    the
    authority “effectively to recommend” raises for employees.                             
    29 U.S.C. § 152
    (11).          Nevertheless, it also was reasonable for the
    Board to view this evidence of authority to reward as ambiguous
    with respect to the weight accorded to the putative supervisors’
    opinions, and to hold that the employer had failed to meet its
    burden of proving supervisory status.                         We therefore conclude
    that the Board’s determination regarding the authority to reward
    is supported by substantial evidence.
    Next,      we   consider       whether       the    putative      supervisors      were
    given the authority to discipline employees within the meaning
    of    Section     152(11),       because       the       putative      supervisors       were
    responsible for issuing written warnings.                           The Board held that
    the   employer        failed    to    prove    that       the       putative   supervisors
    exercised independent judgment when they disciplined employees.
    The   record       includes      Lal’s        testimony        that   the      managers
    provided      blank      warning      forms        to    the    putative       supervisors,
    advised them of possible infractions, and instructed them to
    complete a form every time a worker disobeyed safety rules.                              All
    warnings were subject to approval by management before issuance.
    Cf. General Die Casters, 359 N.L.R.B. No. 7, at *81-82 (2012)
    (concluding       that    a    putative    supervisor           exercised      independent
    judgment in issuing discipline in part because there was “no
    credible evidence of any other supervisor being involved in the
    issuing of the[] warnings”).                   The putative supervisors issued
    warnings    at    the     explicit     direction          of    a    manager    in   certain
    cases.      In    other       instances,      the       putative      supervisors      simply
    implemented in a routine fashion the requirement that they warn
    employees who did not comply with certain workplace rules.
    This   evidence    supports       the   Board’s       conclusion    that    the
    putative     supervisors   did     not    “act,       or   effectively    recommend
    action, free of the control of others” when they issued warnings
    to employees.     Oakwood, 348 N.L.R.B. at 692-93. 6               Accordingly, we
    conclude that substantial evidence supports the Board’s finding
    that the putative supervisors did not use independent judgment
    in exercising this supervisory function.
    Our conclusion with respect to disciplinary authority is
    not altered by the employer’s reliance on Metro Transport LLC,
    351 N.L.R.B. 657
        (2007),    in    which    a    putative    supervisor     was
    chastised by a manager for failing to exercise his discretionary
    authority to discipline employees.               
    Id. at 660
    .       The Board found
    that the putative supervisor possessed the authority to exercise
    independent judgment in disciplinary decisions because (1) the
    putative supervisor was not merely a conduit for management’s
    disciplinary     decisions,       (2)    management        did    not   conduct    an
    independent investigation of such decisions made by the putative
    supervisor, and (3) “the determination of what discipline to
    6 The employer relies on Sanchez’s statement that he
    disciplined an employee because the employee “disobeyed an order
    of work” by failing to “check all of the product” properly.
    Although this testimony could suggest that Sanchez used
    independent judgment in evaluating the need for certain
    discipline, it is unclear what “check[ing] all of the product”
    entails.    We therefore conclude that Sanchez’s unspecific
    testimony does not erode the substantial evidence supporting the
    Board’s conclusion that independent judgment was not used.
    impose would necessarily depend on [the putative supervisor’s]
    independent judgment of what the situation warranted.”                              
    Id. at 660-61
    In   the    present      case,   as    in       Metro   Transport,         management
    admonished putative supervisors for failing to issue warnings to
    employees    who      had   committed       safety      violations.           However,   in
    contrast to Metro Transport, the putative supervisors here did
    not   make       an     individualized        assessment        of      the      need    for
    discipline,       but    instead    acted        as    conduits      for     management’s
    directive to enforce particular safety protocols.                          See Shaw, 350
    N.L.R.B. at 356-57 (concluding that a putative supervisor did
    not exercise independent judgment in issuing discipline in part
    because the putative supervisor did not have the “discretion to
    decide which incidents to record” or to determine whether to
    complete a “write-up” form at all).                    Any discretion the putative
    supervisors had regarding the severity of appropriate discipline
    was limited to determining whether a first or subsequent warning
    was warranted given the employee’s prior disciplinary history.
    For all these reasons, we hold that the record supports the
    conclusion       that    the    putative         supervisors      did      not     exercise
    independent judgment in issuing discipline.
    Finally, we consider whether the putative supervisors had
    the   authority       responsibly      to   direct       employees      by    instructing
    them regarding the manner in which they were to perform their
    duties.      A    putative      supervisor       “responsibly   directs”     another
    employee if he “direct[s] and perform[s] the oversight of the
    employee,” and is “accountable for the performance of the task”
    by the employee “such that some adverse consequence may befall
    the one providing the oversight if the tasks performed by the
    employee are not performed properly.”                  Oakwood, 348 N.L.R.B. at
    690-92.      As with the “assignment” and “discipline” inquiries,
    the Board concluded that the employer had not established that
    the    putative         supervisors        used     independent       judgment    in
    responsibly directing employees’ work.                  Additionally, the Board
    concluded that the employer failed to show that the putative
    supervisors were held accountable for employees’ work.                       Because
    we    find    that       substantial        evidence    supports      the    Board’s
    independent-judgment determination, we have no need to consider
    the question of the putative supervisors’ accountability for the
    work of others.
    When   the        work    performed    by    employees    “is    routine   and
    repetitive” and does not require “more than minimal guidance,”
    direction        from     a     putative     supervisor      does     not    involve
    independent judgment.            Shaw, 350 N.L.R.B. at 356.            Accordingly,
    although Lal testified that he told the employees “what they are
    going to do and how they are going to do it,” and employees
    confirmed     that       they    received        direction   from     the   putative
    supervisors, this evidence is not dispositive of the responsible
    direction inquiry.       The record indicates that the work performed
    by hourly employees at the plant was sufficiently routine that
    the employees did not require extensive direction.                         The evidence
    also shows that the managers gave the putative supervisors a
    list of work orders to be completed by employees during each
    shift, and that the managers communicated frequently with the
    putative     supervisors       regarding          the     assigned     work,      again
    indicating     that     the    putative           supervisors’       discretion       in
    directing employees was minimal. 7                  Given the totality of the
    evidence,    we   conclude    that    substantial          evidence    supports      the
    Board’s    determination      that    the      putative     supervisors        did   not
    exercise independent judgment in their direction of employees.
    We acknowledge that there is some evidence in the record
    supporting    the     employer’s     view      of   the    putative        supervisors’
    authority    regarding       each    of     the     four    asserted        supervisory
    functions.    Nevertheless, we are not charged with evaluating the
    evidence de novo.        Applying the deferential standard of review
    for substantial evidence, we conclude that the Board reasonably
    determined    that     the    employer      did     not     meet     its    burden    of
    7 As with the authority to assign, we disagree with the
    employer that the putative supervisors exercised responsible
    direction merely because there were no managers present at the
    plant at certain times.      Although the putative supervisors
    clearly directed employees’ work to some extent, we must also
    analyze whether they did so with independent judgment.
    establishing the supervisory status of Lal, Martinez, Sanchez,
    or Torres under 
    29 U.S.C. § 152
    (11).                      Accordingly, we will not
    set   aside       the    results       of     the     election     on     the      basis     of
    objectionable conduct by statutory supervisors.                            Cf. generally
    Harborside Healthcare, Inc., 
    343 N.L.R.B. 906
     (2004) (explaining
    grounds     for       setting      aside      elections       based      on     supervisory
    The     employer         argues,       nonetheless,        that    even       if     Lal,
    Martinez, Sanchez, and Torres are not supervisors as defined in
    the Act, the Board election still should be set aside under the
    standard    for       objectionable          conduct    by    third-party          employees.
    The employer contends that Lal and Martinez “threatened” other
    employees that they could lose their jobs if the union did not
    win the election.            We disagree with the employer’s argument.
    The   Board       may    set    aside    an     election    based       on   employee,
    rather    than     supervisory,        misconduct        if    such     conduct      “was    so
    aggravated       as     to    create     a    general     atmosphere          of   fear     and
    reprisal     rendering         a     free     election       impossible.”            Westwood
    Horizons    Hotel,       
    270 N.L.R.B. 802
    ,    803    (1984).         To    determine
    whether     third-party            threats      are      sufficiently          serious       to
    establish “a general atmosphere of fear and reprisal,” we look
    the nature of the threat itself . . .[;] whether the
    threat encompassed the entire bargaining unit; whether
    reports of the threat were disseminated widely within
    the unit; whether the person making the threat was
    capable of carrying it out, and whether it is likely
    that the employees acted in fear of his capability of
    carrying out the threat; and whether the threat was
    ‘rejuvenated’ at or near the time of the election.
        However, “threats of job loss for not supporting the union,
    made       by    one    rank-and-file           employee     to    another,      are    not
    objectionable.”               Duralam,       Inc.,   
    284 N.L.R.B. 1419
    ,     1419    n.2
    (1987); see also Accubuilt, Inc., 
    340 N.L.R.B. 1337
    , 1338 (2003)
    We       conclude      that     the    challenged     statements    by    Lal    and
    Martinez do not meet the rigorous standard for objectionable
    third-party conduct.             For example, Martinez told other employees
    that “there could be a possibility of [the employer] letting
    [employees] go” if workers supported the company, and Lal stated
    that if the employees did not “sign the union form” it would be
    “a lot easier for the Company to be able to let employees go.”
    In our view, these statements merely constitute general comments
    about potential future job loss made by some employees to fellow
    employees. 8           Under     the    standards      set   forth    in   Duralam      and
    Westwood,        we    hold    that     the    Board   did   not   clearly      abuse   its
    We similarly are unpersuaded by the employer’s brief
    assertion that the putative supervisors’ attendance at union
    meetings and solicitation of union authorization cards amounted
    to a “general atmosphere of fear and reprisal rendering a free
    election impossible.” Westwood, 270 N.L.R.B. at 803.
    discretion    in    declining    to    invalidate      the    results    of   the
    election on the basis of these challenged statements.                   See Media
    Gen. Operations, Inc., 
    360 F.3d at 441
    For   these    reasons,    we    deny   the   employer’s    petition     for
    review   of   the   Board’s     order,   and   grant    the    Board’s     cross-
    application for enforcement.