Fox v. General Motors Corp. ( 2001 )

  •                            PUBLISHED
    ROBERT J. FOX,                          
    Defendant-Appellant,               No. 00-1589
    ROBERT TRUMBLE, Bankruptcy
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of West Virginia, at Martinsburg.
    W. Craig Broadwater, District Judge.
    Argued: March 1, 2001
    Decided: April 13, 2001
    Before WILKINS, MOTZ, and TRAXLER, Circuit Judges.
    Affirmed in part and reversed in part by published opinion. Judge
    Motz wrote the opinion, in which Judge Wilkins and Judge Traxler
    ARGUED: Susan Renee Snowden, MARTIN & SEIBERT, L.C.,
    Martinsburg, West Virginia, for Appellant. Terry Lane Armentrout,
    2                   FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.
    ARMENTROUT & ARMENTROUT, P.L.C., Harrisonburg, Virginia,
    for Appellee. ON BRIEF: Ronald S. Rossi, Michele L. Dearing,
    MARTIN & SEIBERT, L.C., Martinsburg, West Virginia, for Appel-
    DIANA GRIBBON MOTZ, Circuit Judge:
    This case requires us to resolve an issue of first impression in the
    appellate courts: is a hostile work environment claim cognizable
    under the Americans with Disabilities Act? We conclude that it is,
    and that the plaintiff here presented sufficient evidence to establish
    such a claim. Accordingly, we affirm the jury verdict for the plaintiff,
    but vacate, as without basis, a portion of the damages awarded to him.
    Robert Fox began working for General Motors in Wilmington, Del-
    aware in 1968. Shortly thereafter, Fox moved to GM’s newly-opened
    Martinsburg, West Virginia plant. For the next twelve years, from
    1968 until 1980, Fox worked at the Martinsburg plant as a tool han-
    dler, stock attendant, and finally truck driver.
    In 1980, Fox suffered a non-work related injury to his back and
    became unable to work. Fox remained employed at GM, but was on
    disability leave until September 1991, at which time Fox returned to
    the plant to work in the unitizing department. In August 1992, Fox re-
    injured his back and was forced to take disability leave again. He was
    able to return to work, with light duty restrictions in October 1992.
    In November 1993, Fox aggravated his back again and took disability
    leave, this time for nearly a year. Fox returned to work in the unitiz-
    ing department in October 1994 and remained there until August
    1995, when he again went on disability leave. It is the period of
    employment preceding this leave — from October 1994 until August
    1995 — that is at issue in this case.1 When Fox returned to work in
    Fox returned to work at the Martinsburg GM plant in May 1998 and,
    supervised by different personnel, has continued to work there since that
    FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.                        3
    October 1994, his doctor restricted him to light-duty work. Fox testi-
    fied that because of his disability his supervisors and co-workers sub-
    jected him to a barrage of harassment and his supervisors often
    ordered him to perform jobs beyond his physical abilities.
    Specifically, Fox testified that when his immediate supervisor, Jim
    Pearrell, attempted to accommodate Fox’s restrictions, some of Fox’s
    co-workers resented this accommodation; they complained to another
    supervisor, Tom Dame, and the general foreman, Bill Okal. Dame and
    Okal then sought to prevent Pearrell from accommodating Fox; they
    took pictures of the tasks that Fox performed and asserted that those
    tasks were no different, in terms of the effect on Fox’s back, than the
    tasks Fox refused to perform because of his disability. Okal then
    insisted that Pearrell require Fox to perform the tasks that Fox main-
    tained aggravated his back.
    In December 1994, Dame directly supervised Fox for a period of
    two days. On the second day, Dame approached Fox, who was work-
    ing at the light-duty table, and, in a loud voice, using profane lan-
    guage, asked Fox to perform a task that was beyond his physical
    ability. When Fox responded that he could not perform the requested
    task, Dame asked "Why the F--- can’t you do it?" Fox explained that
    his abilities were medically limited because of his back. Dame then
    stated "I don’t need any of you handicapped M-----F-----’s. As far as
    I am concerned you can go the H--- home."2
    On another occasion, when a supervisor again assigned Fox a spe-
    cific task that would likely hurt his back, he requested a meeting with
    Pearrell, Okal, several management officials, and his union represen-
    tative. At the meeting, Okal began by telling Fox that he knew how
    Fox felt because he too had back problems. Fox responded, "Mr.
    Okal, you do not know how I feel. My back don’t speak to yours . . . .
    I have back problems and I can’t go by your feelings." Okal became
    upset and then told Fox that he would like to know "[h]ow in the F----
    do you take a S-H-I-T with these restrictions?" At this point, some of
    At trial, Fox and many of the other witnesses were reluctant to repeat
    some of the language that their supervisors had used and so instead they
    just said the first letter of, or spelled out, the word in question.
    4                   FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.
    the other officials at the meeting began making fun of the disabled
    After that meeting, Fox continued to be able to perform, and did
    perform, numerous jobs in the unitizing department, but Okal none-
    theless "kept putting [Fox] in jobs [he] couldn’t do." Fox then con-
    sulted his neurologist, Dr. Liberman, who issued new medical
    restrictions for Fox, under which Fox was limited to working at the
    light-duty table. Prior to that time, workers with medical restrictions
    performed light-duty tasks at a large group table, but after Dr. Liber-
    man restricted Fox to tasks at the light-duty table, Okal assigned Fox
    to a small individual table and chair directly in front of his office. Not
    only were the table and chair located in a hazardous area, but they
    were also too low for Fox, who testified that he was six feet seven
    inches tall. As a result, he re-aggravated his back injury.
    Because of Okal’s harassment, Fox decided to apply for a truck
    driver position, which met his medical restrictions and for which he
    was otherwise qualified. Okal, however, refused to allow Fox to take
    the physical examination that was a prerequisite for obtaining the
    truck driver position.
    In addition to these incidents, Fox testified to constant verbal
    harassment and insults directed at him and other disabled workers;
    indeed, Fox testified that "it was brought up all the time." For exam-
    ple, at safety meetings, held each week, Okal referred to the disabled
    workers as "handicapped people" and "hospital people." Okal and
    Dame also frequently called Fox and other disabled workers "handi-
    capped MFs" and "911 hospital people." Fox also testified that Okal
    instructed the other employees not to talk to the disabled employees.
    Perhaps because of this, Fox’s co-workers ostracized the disabled
    employees and refused to bring needed materials to the light-duty
    table where they worked. Fox also testified that Okal refused to per-
    mit disabled employees to work overtime.
    Several other employees at the GM plant similarly testified that
    they themselves had been harassed because of their disabilities or had
    witnessed harassment of Fox and other disabled workers. Andrew
    Young explained that he heard Okal and Dame make disparaging
    comments about the disabled employees at the light-duty table, call-
    FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.                         5
    ing them "hospital people." Vince Largent recalled that both Dame
    and Okal directed profanity and insults at the disabled workers and
    that Okal instructed the other employees not to talk to the disabled
    workers at the light-duty table. Lewis Washington testified that Dame
    and Okal used profanity and insulted the employees who had medical
    restrictions and that other workers treated those employees "like they
    had a disease." Finally, John Green recalled that Okal supervised the
    disabled workers at the light-duty table more closely than other
    employees and segregated them from other employees.
    Fox testified that the harassment he experienced at GM caused him
    both physical and emotional injury. Additionally, Fox offered testi-
    mony from his psychiatrist, Dr. Soule, and his neurologist, Dr. Liber-
    Dr. Soule, who had been treating Fox since January 1994 for
    depression caused by his back pain, his divorce, and the death of his
    daughter, testified that in April 1995 Fox came to him complaining
    of harassment at work.3 Fox told the psychiatrist that he was being
    "openly joked about" because of his disability, and was being asked
    to perform tasks that aggravated his back injury. Fox reported that he
    "fe[lt] ready to explode." For these reasons, Dr. Soule ordered that
    Fox be placed on medical leave from work for a few weeks in the
    Dr. Liberman testified that Fox came to him in July 1995, com-
    plaining that he was being forced to work at a chair and table that hurt
    his back, and that he was being harassed at work and "deliberately
    given things to do" that aggravated his back injury. On August 14,
    1995, Fox returned to Dr. Liberman complaining of worsening back
    pain, anxiety, and severe depression, including some suicidal
    thoughts. Dr. Liberman concluded that, although Fox was physically
    capable of performing light-duty work, the constant harassment pre-
    cluded Fox from continuing to work at the GM plant. Dr. Liberman
    explained that the harassment caused depression and anxiety, which
    in turn led to a worsening of Fox’s physical condition. At that time,
    Dr. Soule was unavailable at the time of the second trial, so his testi-
    mony from the first trial was read into the record.
    6                   FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.
    then, Dr. Liberman recommended that Fox be placed on disability
    Fox went on disability leave as recommended by Dr. Liberman in
    August 1995 and remained on leave until May 1998. Fox sought
    workers’ compensation benefits from the state of West Virginia for
    that period of leave. Although his request was initially denied, he
    eventually received temporary total disability benefits for the period
    August 15, 1995 through October 11, 1997. Dr. Liberman completed
    Fox’s workers’ compensation forms. On those forms, he indicated
    that Fox was totally disabled and could not do any work. In 1997, Fox
    initiated this action against GM. Fox alleged that, after his return to
    work in October 1994, GM discriminated against him and subjected
    him to a hostile work environment in violation of the Americans with
    Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq. (1994). After the
    first trial resulted in a hung jury, the case was retried and the jury
    returned a verdict for Fox on his hostile environment claim, but found
    for GM on Fox’s claim of discriminatory treatment. The jury awarded
    Fox $200,000 in compensatory damages, $3,000 for medical
    expenses, and $4,000 for lost overtime. The district court denied
    GM’s post-trial motions for judgment notwithstanding the verdict, to
    alter or amend the judgment, and for a new trial. GM now appeals on
    several grounds.
    Initially (and somewhat summarily), GM contends that a claim for
    hostile work environment is not actionable under the ADA. The com-
    pany maintains that this is so because the Supreme Court and the fed-
    eral appellate courts have not yet expressly upheld such a claim.
    However, GM has not cited and we have not found any case holding
    that the ADA does not allow such a claim. Accord Walton v. Mental
    Health Ass’n, 
    168 F.3d 661
    , 666-67 n.2 (3d Cir. 1999) ("[W]e have
    not discovered any case holding that [a hostile environment] claim
    cannot be asserted under the ADA."). Moreover, GM points to no
    statutory language that would assertedly foreclose such a claim.
    In fact, the ADA mandates that "[n]o covered entity shall discrimi-
    nate against a qualified individual with a disability because of the dis-
    ability of such individual in regard to job application procedures, the
    FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.                      7
    hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensa-
    tion, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of
    employment." 42 U.S.C. § 12112(a) (emphasis added). The Supreme
    Court has expressly held that very similar language creates a cause of
    action for hostile work environment under Title VII. See Harris v.
    Forklift Sys., Inc., 
    510 U.S. 17
    , 21 (1993); Patterson v. McLean
    Credit Union, 
    491 U.S. 164
    , 180 (1989); Meritor Sav. Bank v. Vinson,
    477 U.S. 57
    , 64-66 (1986).
    Title VII provides in pertinent part: "It shall be an unlawful
    employment practice for an employer . . . to discriminate against any
    individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or
    privileges of employment . . . ." 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(a) (1994)
    (emphasis added). In Patterson, the Court explained that, "harassment
    in the course of employment is actionable under Title VII’s prohibi-
    tion against discrimination in the terms, conditions, or privileges of
    Patterson, 491 U.S. at 180
    (internal quotation marks
    Congress enacted the ADA after the Supreme Court’s holding in
    Patterson. Thus, we can presume that Congress was aware of the
    Court’s interpretation of "terms, conditions, or privileges of employ-
    ment" when it chose to use parallel language in the ADA. See Cannon
    v. Univ. of Chicago, 
    441 U.S. 677
    , 696-97 (1979) (holding that it is
    appropriate to assume that Congress is aware of the federal courts’
    interpretation of statutory language and that use of similar language
    in a subsequent statute reflects an intent to have that statute inter-
    preted similarly). Here, this presumption appears particularly valid.
    For in the ADA itself Congress evidenced its knowledge of, and reli-
    ance on, the parallel nature of the two statutes, providing that "the
    powers, remedies, and procedures set forth in [Title VII] shall be the
    powers, remedies, and procedures [the ADA] provides." 42 U.S.C.
    § 12117(a).
    Because the ADA echoes and expressly refers to Title VII, and
    because the two statutes have the same purpose — the prohibition of
    illegal discrimination in employment — courts have routinely used
    Title VII precedent in ADA cases. See Miranda v. Wisconsin Power
    & Light Co., 
    91 F.3d 1011
    , 1017 (7th Cir. 1996) ("[I]n analyzing
    claims under the ADA, it is appropriate to borrow from our approach
    8                   FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.
    to the respective analog under Title VII."); Newman v. GHS Osteo-
    pathic, Inc., 
    60 F.3d 153
    , 157 (3d Cir. 1995) ("[I]t follows that the
    methods and manner of proof under one statute should inform the
    standards under the other[ ] as well."). See also Baird v. Rose, 
    192 F.3d 462
    , 470 (4th Cir. 1999) (holding that Title VII causation stan-
    dards apply in ADA cases); Ennis v. Nat’l Ass’n of Bus. and Educ.
    Radio, Inc., 
    53 F.3d 55
    , 58 (4th Cir. 1995) (holding Title VII burden
    shifting rules apply in ADA cases).
    For these reasons, we have little difficulty in concluding that the
    ADA, like Title VII, creates a cause of action for hostile work envi-
    ronment harassment. Cf. Crawford v. Medina Gen. Hosp., 
    96 F.3d 830
    , 834 (6th Cir. 1996) (concluding that a hostile work environment
    claim is actionable under the ADEA because of the use of the "terms,
    conditions, or privileges of employment" language and "the general
    similarity of purpose shared by Title VII and the ADEA"). This view
    appears to be sanctioned by the EEOC, whose regulations implement-
    ing the ADA state that "[i]t is unlawful to coerce, intimidate, threaten,
    harass or interfere with any individual in the exercise or enjoyment
    of . . . any right granted or protected by" the employment provisions
    of the ADA. 29 C.F.R. § 1630.12(b) (emphasis added). We further
    note that several of our sister circuits have assumed that the ADA
    includes a cause of action for hostile environment harassment mod-
    eled after the Title VII cause of action. See Silk v. City of Chicago,
    194 F.3d 788
    , 804 (7th Cir. 1999) (proceeding on the assumption that
    a hostile environment claim is cognizable under the ADA); 
    Walton, 168 F.3d at 666-67
    (assuming without deciding that cause of action
    exists); Wallin v. Minn. Dep’t. of Corr., 
    153 F.3d 681
    , 688 (8th Cir.
    1998) (same); McConathy v. Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Corp., 
    131 F.3d 558
    , 563 (5th Cir. 1998) (same). In addition, many district courts
    faced with resolving the question have recognized the existence of an
    ADA hostile environment claim. See, e.g., Gray v. Ameritech Corp.,
    937 F. Supp. 762
    , 771 (N.D. Ill. 1996); Henry v. Guest Servs., Inc.,
    902 F. Supp. 245
    , 251-52 & n.9 (D.D.C. 1995); Mannell v. Am.
    Tobacco Co., 
    871 F. Supp. 854
    , 860 (E.D. Va. 1994). Today, we too,
    expressly so hold.
    GM maintains that even if the ADA does create a cause of action
    based on a hostile work environment, we must reverse the jury verdict
    FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.                         9
    because Fox did not offer evidence sufficient to prove such a claim.
    Appropriately modifying the parallel Title VII methodology, an ADA
    plaintiff must prove the following to establish a hostile work environ-
    ment claim: (1) he is a qualified individual with a disability; (2) he
    was subjected to unwelcome harassment; (3) the harassment was
    based on his disability; (4) the harassment was sufficiently severe or
    pervasive to alter a term, condition, or privilege of employment; and
    (5) some factual basis exists to impute liability for the harassment to
    the employer. See Brown v. Perry, 
    184 F.3d 388
    , 393 (4th Cir. 1999)
    (stating elements of a sexual harassment hostile work environment
    claim). GM maintains that Fox has failed to satisfy the first and fourth
    elements because he did not prove that he was a qualified individual
    with a disability or that he suffered severe or pervasive harassment.
    We consider each contention in turn.
    The ADA prohibits discrimination only against a "qualified indi-
    vidual with a disability," 42 U.S.C. § 12112(a), and defines such a
    person as "an individual with a disability who, with or without rea-
    sonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions" of his
    job. 42 U.S.C. § 12111(8). GM contends that because Fox claimed
    total temporary disability when applying for workers’ compensation
    benefits for the period after August 15, 1995, he could not have been
    able, even with accommodation, to perform the essential functions of
    his job at GM for the period prior to August 15, 1995 at issue in his
    ADA claim.
    The mere act of applying for disability benefits does not estop a
    plaintiff from making a subsequent ADA claim. See EEOC v. Stowe-
    Pharr Mills, Inc., 
    216 F.3d 373
    , 378 (4th Cir. 2000). In an analogous
    case, in which the plaintiff in an ADA action had applied for, and
    received, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), the Supreme
    Court recently held that "despite the appearance of conflict that arises
    from the language of the two statutes, the two claims do not inher-
    ently conflict to the point where courts should" presume that "the
    claimant or recipient of . . . benefits is judicially estopped from assert-
    ing that he is a qualified individual with a disability." Cleveland v.
    Policy Mgmt. Sys. Corp., 
    526 U.S. 795
    , 800-02 (1999) (internal quo-
    tation marks omitted). This is so because the two statutes "pursue dif-
    10                  FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.
    ferent statutory purposes and require different, though related,
    inquiries into an individual’s disability." Feldman v. Am. Mem’l Life
    Ins. Co., 
    196 F.3d 783
    , 790 (7th Cir. 1999). For example, the ADA
    considers a plaintiff to be a qualified individual with a disability if he
    is able to perform the job in question with reasonable accommoda-
    tion, whereas other statutes, like the Social Security Act, do not con-
    sider the possibility of reasonable accommodation when determining
    whether a claimant is disabled. See 
    Cleveland, 526 U.S. at 803
    However, because of the possibility of inconsistency, to avoid sum-
    mary judgment, an ADA plaintiff who is shown to have claimed total
    disability in the context of another statutory scheme "is required to
    proffer a sufficient explanation for any apparent contradiction
    between the two claims." 
    Stowe-Pharr, 216 F.3d at 378
    . "[T]hat
    explanation must be sufficient to warrant a reasonable juror’s con-
    cluding that, assuming the truth of, or the plaintiff’s good faith belief
    in, the earlier statement, the plaintiff could nonetheless perform the
    essential functions of her job, with or without reasonable accommoda-
    Cleveland, 526 U.S. at 807
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    In this case, Fox has offered two explanations as to why he was
    both totally disabled, and so entitled to workers’ compensation bene-
    fits, and a qualified individual with a disability entitled to bring a
    claim under the ADA. Each reason satisfactorily reconciles any
    apparent contradiction between the two claims.
    First, as Fox notes, his two claims do not overlap temporally. Fox’s
    ADA claim concerns the period from October 1994 to mid-August
    1995. Fox sought workers’ compensation from the state of West Vir-
    ginia for the period of disability leave beginning in mid-August 1995
    after he left the plant. Thus, application for and receipt of workers’
    compensation benefits for total temporary disability for the period
    after mid-August 1995 does not preclude the damages Fox seeks
    under the ADA for the harassment that he experienced prior to mid-
    August 1995.
    Furthermore, as Fox also points out, he produced evidence that he
    could have, and would have, continued to work (with reasonable
    accommodation) at the GM plant in August 1995 but for the hostile
    work environment to which he was subjected at the plant. Fox so tes-
    FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.                      11
    tified and his treating physician, Dr. Liberman, corroborated this
    explanation. Dr. Liberman explained that had Fox’s supervisors not
    required him to perform tasks that aggravated his back and not sub-
    jected him to constant harassment — which increased his anxiety
    level, thereby aggravating his back injury — Fox could have contin-
    ued to work at the GM plant in August 1995. However, Dr. Liberman
    concluded that the harassment rendered Fox unable to work even with
    accommodation. In other words, when Fox returned to work in Octo-
    ber 1994, he was able to perform the essential functions of his job,
    with reasonable accommodation for his disability, and he would have
    continued to be able to do so had he not been harassed on the job.
    This harassment caused total, albeit temporary, disability.
    In sum, Fox has proffered a "sufficient explanation for any appar-
    ent contradiction" between his ADA and workers’ compensation
    Stowe-Pharr, 216 F.3d at 378
    Even so, GM contends that we must reverse the jury verdict
    because Fox assertedly failed to demonstrate that the harassment he
    experienced was sufficiently severe or pervasive to create a hostile
    work environment.
    To recover on a hostile environment claim, a plaintiff must demon-
    strate not only that he subjectively perceived his workplace environ-
    ment as hostile, but also that a reasonable person would so perceive
    it, i.e., that it was objectively hostile. See 
    Silk, 194 F.3d at 804
    Although GM makes no claim as to Fox’s subjective beliefs, the com-
    pany does contend that, in this case, no reasonable person could find
    the workplace hostile. Factors to be considered with respect to the
    objective component include "the frequency of the discriminatory
    conduct; its severity; whether it is physically threatening or humiliat-
    ing, or a mere offensive utterance; and whether it unreasonably inter-
    feres with an employee’s work performance." 
    Walton, 168 F.3d at 667
    Harris, 510 U.S. at 23
    ). The district court instructed the
    jury as to the elements of a hostile work environment claim, including
    the "severe or pervasive" element, and the jury concluded that Fox
    had been subjected to a hostile work environment at the Martinsburg
    plant. We will not disturb a jury finding unless, drawing all reason-
    12                  FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.
    able inferences in favor of the plaintiff, there was "no legally suffi-
    cient evidentiary basis for a reasonable jury" to so find. Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 50(a)(1); Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing Prods., Inc., 
    530 U.S. 133
    149-50 (2000).
    Review of the record reveals that Fox offered a good deal of evi-
    dence that supervisors Okal and Dame, in vulgar and profane lan-
    guage, constantly berated and harassed him and the other disabled
    workers; indeed, Fox presented evidence that such harassment
    occurred at least weekly. He also proffered evidence that Okal and
    Dame encouraged other employees to ostracize the disabled workers
    and prevent them from doing their assigned tasks by refusing to give
    them necessary materials. Moreover, according to Fox’s testimony,
    his supervisors’ harassment exposed him to some physical harm, i.e.,
    aggravation of his back injury when they required him to perform
    tasks that were too physically demanding and to sit at a too-small
    work table in a hazardous area. A fact finder could conclude from this
    evidence that the harassment Fox experienced was frequent, severe,
    physically harmful, and interfered with his ability to perform his job.
    In other words, Fox presented evidence of a workplace environment
    that a reasonable person could easily find hostile. Consequently, we
    cannot hold that there was "no legally sufficient evidentiary basis" for
    the jury to find for Fox on his hostile work environment claim.
    Nor are the cases on which GM relies to the contrary. In many of
    those cases, the court rejected the plaintiff’s claim because the plain-
    tiff failed to demonstrate that the harassment was sufficiently related
    to the plaintiff’s disability. See, e.g., Cannice v. Norwest Bank Iowa,
    189 F.3d 723
    , 726 (8th Cir. 1999); 
    Walton, 168 F.3d at 667
    Wallin, 153 F.3d at 688
    . That was plainly not the situation here; all of the ver-
    bal harassment directed at Fox and the other disabled workers, terms
    such as "handicapped MF," and "hospital people," expressly refer-
    enced their disabilities and resulting medical restrictions. Further,
    requiring Fox to perform tasks beyond his medical restrictions, as
    Okal and Dame did, certainly targeted that disability. Thus, the
    harassment at issue in this case was not mere "workplace friction"
    unrelated to Fox’s disability, 
    Wallin, 153 F.3d at 688
    , but rather abuse
    directly attributable to Fox’s medical condition.
    Moreover, the harassment Fox suffered was far more severe and
    pervasive than the harassment experienced by the plaintiffs in the
    FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.                        13
    cases cited by GM. In each of those cases, the court noted that the
    incidents relied on by the plaintiffs to create a hostile work environ-
    ment were too "isolated," 
    Wallin, 153 F.3d at 688
    , or amounted to no
    more than "a few harsh words." 
    McConathy, 131 F.3d at 564
    ; see also
    Cannice, 189 F.3d at 726
    (harassment not severe or pervasive where
    only two incidents "could even colorably be connected" to plaintiff’s
    disability). Here, we are presented with evidence not of a few isolated
    incidents of harsh language, teasing, or insensitivity, but rather of reg-
    ular verbal harassment and occasional physical harassment over a
    period of nearly ten months directed at Fox because of his disability.
    In sum, Fox presented evidence of objectively severe and pervasive
    workplace harassment. We, therefore, cannot disturb the jury’s find-
    ing in his favor.
    GM also challenges the jury award to Fox of $200,000 in compen-
    satory damages, $3,000 in medical expenses, and $4,000 in lost over-
    Under the ADA, compensatory damages are available for "future
    pecuniary losses, emotional pain, suffering, inconvenience, mental
    anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and other nonpecuniary losses." 42
    U.S.C. § 1981a(b)(3). GM contends, however, that the evidence
    adduced at trial does not support the jury’s award of $200,000 in
    compensatory damages.
    "A jury’s award of damages stands unless it is grossly excessive or
    shocking to the conscience." O’Rourke v. City of Providence, 
    235 F.3d 713
    , 733 (1st Cir. 2001) (internal quotation marks omitted); see
    also Hetzel v. County of Prince William, 
    89 F.3d 169
    , 171 (4th Cir.
    1996) (holding that a jury’s award of compensatory damages will be
    set aside on the grounds of excessiveness only if the verdict is against
    the clear weight of the evidence or will result in a miscarriage of jus-
    tice). Courts defer to a jury’s award of damages for intangible harms,
    such as emotional distress, "because the harm is subjective and evalu-
    14                  FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.
    ating it depends considerably on the demeanor of the witnesses."
    Giles v. Gen. Elec. Co., ___ F.3d ___, 
    2001 WL 184579
    , at *9 (5th
    Cir. Feb. 26, 2001) (upholding award of $100,000 in compensatory
    damages for ADA plaintiff who suffered sleeplessness, headaches,
    marital difficulties and lost "the prestige and social connections asso-
    ciated with his position" as a result of employer’s actions).
    Fox testified that he suffered anxiety, severe depression, and a
    worsening of his already fragile physical condition as a result of the
    constant harassment and humiliation he experienced at the hands of
    his supervisors at GM. Both Fox’s neurologist, Dr. Liberman, and his
    psychiatrist, Dr. Soule, offered testimony that supported these claims.
    Although Fox’s depression admittedly had other causes, such as his
    health and personal problems, there can be no doubt that it was at
    least in part attributable to the hostile work environment at GM. Fur-
    thermore, the worsening of Fox’s back injury, which led to increased
    pain and suffering, appears to have been triggered solely by the
    harassment Fox experienced at work.
    Given Fox’s testimony as to the specific nature of his "emotional
    pain, suffering, inconvenience, mental anguish, [and] loss of enjoy-
    ment of life," 42 U.S.C. § 1981a(b)(3), and the corroboration of his
    claim by medical professionals, we cannot conclude that the $200,000
    award was "grossly excessive or shocking to the conscience".
    O’Rourke, 235 F.3d at 733
    . See also Hogan v. Bangor & Aroostook
    R.R. Co., 
    61 F.3d 1034
    , 1037-38 (1st Cir. 1995) (upholding $200,000
    compensatory damages award to ADA plaintiff who "became
    depressed, withdrawn, and gave up his usual activities" due to
    employer’s refusal to allow him to return to work after work-related
    GM also contends that we should reduce the compensatory damages
    award to reflect the fact that Fox received workers’ compensation after
    he left work on disability leave in mid-August 1995. However, the com-
    pensatory damages award and the workers’ compensation benefits did
    not serve the same purpose or compensate for the same period. The com-
    pensatory damages award was designed to compensate Fox for his non-
    pecuniary losses, such as pain and suffering, because of harassment from
    October 1994 to mid-August 1995, whereas the workers’ compensation
    benefits Fox received compensated him for the wages he lost due to his
    inability to work after mid-August 1995.
    FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.                       15
    GM maintains that the jury’s award of $3,000 for medical expenses
    — specifically Fox’s psychiatric expenses related to treatment for
    depression — should be overturned because the evidence assertedly
    demonstrated that Fox’s personal problems, rather than any work-
    place harassment, necessitated depression counseling. As indicated
    above, Dr. Soule testified that multiple factors, some of which were
    personal in nature, caused Fox’s depression. But Dr. Soule also con-
    firmed that the harassment Fox experienced at work caused some of
    Fox’s depression. Obviously, the jury carefully considered all of this
    testimony; although Dr. Soule testified that Fox’s medical expenses
    for his psychiatric treatment totaled approximately $6,000, the jury
    awarded Fox only $3,000 in medical expenses. Thus, the jurors
    decided that some portion, but not all, of the expenses, should be
    charged to GM, and they calculated the award accordingly. We can
    find no error in this award.
    GM’s final contention — that the jury’s award of $4,000 for unpaid
    overtime is unjustified — is more persuasive. In support of his claim
    that GM discriminated against him because of his disability, Fox testi-
    fied that Okal denied him the opportunity to work overtime because
    of his disability. The jurors found, however, that GM had not inten-
    tionally discriminated against Fox; rather, they only found for Fox on
    his hostile work environment claim.
    We cannot reconcile the jury’s verdict for GM on the discrimina-
    tion claim with its award to Fox of unpaid overtime. If GM prevented
    Fox from working overtime because of his disability, then it inten-
    tionally discriminated against him based on disability. But, in this
    case, the jury concluded that GM did not intentionally discriminate
    against Fox. The finding of no intentional discrimination precludes a
    finding that GM denied Fox overtime because of his disability.
    Accordingly, we vacate the award for lost overtime pay.5
    GM also raises several challenges to the district court’s instructions
    on damages. We review challenges to jury instructions for abuse of dis-
    16                    FOX v. GENERAL MOTORS CORP.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district court is
    cretion. See United States v. Helem, 
    186 F.3d 449
    , 454 (4th Cir. 1999).
    "A judgment will be reversed for error in jury instructions only if the
    error is determined to have been prejudicial, based on a review of the
    record as a whole." Abraham v. County of Greenville, 
    237 F.3d 386
    , 393
    (4th Cir. 2001) (internal quotation marks omitted). We have examined
    GM’s contentions and the record, and conclude that the district court did
    not abuse its discretion in instructing the jury, nor did the instructions
    cause any discernible prejudice to GM.

Document Info

Docket Number: 00-1589

Filed Date: 4/13/2001

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/22/2015

Authorities (27)

Julia M. O'ROuRke v. City of Providence , 235 F.3d 713 ( 2001 )

Donald Hogan v. Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company, ... , 61 F.3d 1034 ( 1995 )

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Stowe-Pharr ... , 216 F.3d 373 ( 2000 )

Sandra J. Walton v. Mental Health Association of ... , 168 F.3d 661 ( 1999 )

United States v. Charles Wesley Helem , 186 F.3d 449 ( 1999 )

Jeffrey B. Newman v. Ghs Osteopathic, Inc., Parkview ... , 60 F.3d 153 ( 1995 )

Marge J. McConathy v. Dr. Pepper/seven Up Corporation , 131 F.3d 558 ( 1998 )

janice-e-hetzel-v-county-of-prince-william-charlie-t-deane-and-gw , 89 F.3d 169 ( 1996 )

Wendy Jo Brown v. William J. Perry, Secretary of Defense , 184 F.3d 388 ( 1999 )

Mary Lou Miranda v. Wisconsin Power & Light Company , 91 F.3d 1011 ( 1996 )

Joan M. Ennis v. The National Association of Business and ... , 53 F.3d 55 ( 1995 )

michael-b-abraham-shirley-b-keaton-don-hensley-harry-h-nelson-mildred-j , 237 F.3d 386 ( 2001 )

Mary Ann Crawford v. Medina General Hospital, Darla ... , 96 F.3d 830 ( 1996 )

kristen-elisabeth-baird-a-minor-by-her-next-friend-and-parent-nancy-baird , 192 F.3d 462 ( 1999 )

Peter Cannice,appellee/cross-Appellant v. Norwest Bank Iowa ... , 189 F.3d 723 ( 1999 )

Donna Feldman v. American Memorial Life Insurance Company, ... , 196 F.3d 783 ( 1999 )

william-h-silk-v-city-of-chicago-william-batts-in-his-individual-and , 194 F.3d 788 ( 1999 )

craig-p-wallin-v-minnesota-department-of-corrections-dennis-benson , 153 F.3d 681 ( 1998 )

Gray v. Ameritech Corp. , 937 F. Supp. 762 ( 1996 )

Henry v. Guest Services, Inc. , 902 F. Supp. 245 ( 1995 )

View All Authorities »