Velasquez-Gabriel v. INS , 263 F.3d 102 ( 2001 )

  •                            PUBLISHED
    LOUIS D. CROCETTI, JR., District
    Director for the Immigration and                No. 00-1755
    Naturalization Service; U.S.
    On Petition for Review of an Order
    of the Board of Immigration Appeals.
    Argued: April 2, 2001
    Decided: August 22, 2001
    Before MOTZ and GREGORY, Circuit Judges, and
    Frederic N. SMALKIN, United States District Judge
    for the District of Maryland, sitting by designation.
    Petition for review denied in part and dismissed in part. Judge Motz
    wrote the opinion, in which Judge Gregory and Judge Smalkin joined.
    ARGUED: Jaime Wintheysen Aparisi, Silver Spring, Maryland, for
    Petitioner. Papu Sandhu, Senior Litigation Counsel, Office of Immi-
    2                  VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI
    gration Litigation, Civil Division, UNITED STATES DEPART-
    MENT OF JUSTICE, Washington, D.C., for Respondents. ON
    BRIEF: David W. Ogden, Assistant Attorney General, Emily Anne
    Radford, Assistant Director, Office of Immigration Litigation, Civil
    ington, D.C., for Respondents.
    DIANA GRIBBON MOTZ, Circuit Judge:
    Francisco Velasquez-Gabriel challenges, as impermissibly retroac-
    tive, the Immigration and Naturalization Service’s (INS) reinstate-
    ment of his prior deportation pursuant to § 241(a)(5) of the
    Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. § 1231(a)(5) (Supp.
    V 1999). We hold that § 241(a)(5) does not have a retroactive effect
    on Velasquez-Gabriel and thus affirm reinstatement of the prior order
    deporting him.
    Velasquez-Gabriel, a native and citizen of Guatemala, entered the
    United States illegally in 1992. An immigration judge ordered him
    deported on September 29, 1994; he was finally removed from the
    United States on October 19, 1995. Upon his brief return to Guate-
    mala, in November 1995, Velasquez-Gabriel divorced his Guatema-
    lan wife of 23 years. Shortly thereafter, he illegally reentered the
    United States and, on February 9, 1996, married Lorraine Boyce, a
    United States citizen.
    On September 30, 1996, Congress enacted major immigration
    reform legislation, entitled the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immi-
    grant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), Pub. L. No. 104-208, 110
    Stat. 3009-546 (1996). Title III, Subtitle A of IIRIRA instituted a
    complete "Revision of Procedures for Removal of Aliens." 110 Stat.
    3009-575. Congress included in that subtitle IIRIRA § 305(a), creat-
    ing new § 241(a)(5) of the INA, which provides:
    VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI                      3
    If the Attorney General finds that an alien has reentered
    the United States illegally after having been removed or
    having departed voluntarily, under an order of removal, the
    prior order of removal is reinstated from its original date and
    is not subject to being reopened or reviewed, the alien is not
    eligible and may not apply for any relief under this chapter,
    and the alien shall be removed under the prior order at any
    time after the reentry.
    INA § 241(a)(5), 8 U.S.C. § 1231(a)(5). The statute defines "order of
    removal" as follows:
    For purposes of carrying out the Immigration and National-
    ity Act, as amended by this subtitle
    (2) any reference in law to an order of removal shall be
    deemed to include a reference to an order of exclusion and
    deportation or an order of deportation.
    IIRIRA § 309(d). Congress also stated that Subtitle A, which revised
    the procedures for removing aliens, "shall take effect on" April 1,
    1997. IIRIRA § 309(a).
    In November 1997, more than seven months after § 241(a)(5) took
    effect, Velasquez-Gabriel’s wife, Lorraine Boyce, filed a Form I-130
    (Petition for Alien Relative) on his behalf and he simultaneously filed
    a Form I-485 (Application to Adjust to Register Permanent Residence
    or Adjust Status) based on his marriage to a United States citizen. On
    March 17, 2000, the INS denied Velasquez-Gabriel’s application for
    adjustment of status because he entered the United States without
    inspection, citing INA § 212(a)(6)(A), 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(6)(A), and
    reentered the United States illegally after previous removal, citing
    INA § 212(a)(9)(A), 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(9)(A), and 8 C.F.R. § 241.8
    (1999) (implementing § 241(a)(5)).
    On May 16, 2000, Velasquez-Gabriel filed an Application for Per-
    mission to Reapply for Admission Into the United States After Depor-
    4                   VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI
    tation or Removal. On the same day, however, the INS reinstated
    Velasquez-Gabriel’s prior order of deportation "in accordance with
    section 241(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (Act) and 8
    C.F.R. 241.8." The immigration judge denied Velasquez-Gabriel’s
    subsequent application for asylum, finding Velasquez-Gabriel did not
    have a "reasonable fear" of persecution or torture; he does not seek
    review of this ruling.
    Rather, Velasquez-Gabriel petitions this court to review and
    reverse the INS’s May 16, 2000 order reinstating the 1994 order
    deporting him.1 For the reasons that follow, we deny his petition.
    At the outset, we dispose of two preliminary matters.
    First, we note that, as the INS concedes, we clearly have subject
    matter jurisdiction in this case. Congress has expressly provided that
    aliens seeking to challenge an "order of removal" may file a petition
    for review with "the court of appeals for the judicial circuit in which
    the immigration judge completed the proceedings." See INA § 242(b),
    8 U.S.C. § 1252(b) (Supp. V 1999).
    Second, contrary to Velasquez-Gabriel’s suggestion, his status as
    a "deported" rather than a "removed" alien does not render
    § 241(a)(5) of the INA (§ 305(a) of the IIRIRA) inapplicable to him.
    Although Velasquez-Gabriel acknowledges that IIRIRA § 309(d)(2)
    expands the definition of removal in § 241(a)(5) to include deporta-
    tion, he suggests that § 309(d)(2) applies only to those "removal" pro-
    ceedings ongoing at the time of IIRIRA’s enactment.
    Velasquez-Gabriel also seeks direct review of the INS’s March 17,
    2000 order denying status adjustment. We lack jurisdiction to review a
    denial of status adjustment, see INA § 242(a)(2)(B), 8 U.S.C.
    § 1252(a)(2)(B) ("[N]o court shall have jurisdiction to review . . . any
    judgment regarding the granting of relief under section . . . 1255."); INA
    § 245, 8 U.S.C. § 1255 (governing "[a]djustment of status of nonimmi-
    grant to that of person admitted for permanent residence"), and therefore
    dismiss this portion of the petition.
    VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI                      5
    That theory finds no support in the plain language of § 309(a),
    which states that Subtitle A "and the amendments made by this subti-
    tle shall take effect on the first day of the first month beginning more
    than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [April 1,
    1997]." Section 309(c) establishes transitional rules for ongoing pro-
    ceedings, but there is no indication that § 309(d) is also a transitional
    rule that applies solely to ongoing, not post-enactment, proceedings.
    In fact, such a reading would eviscerate IIRIRA’s streamlined
    removal procedures by resurrecting the distinctions between "re-
    moval," "deportation," and "exclusion" that § 309(d)(2) sought to
    abolish. See United States v. Lopez-Gonzalez, 
    183 F.3d 933
    , 934 (9th
    Cir. 1999) (holding that IIRIRA "eliminate[d] the previous legal dis-
    tinction between deportation, removal and exclusion"); see also INS
    v. St. Cyr, ___ U.S. ___, 
    121 S. Ct. 2271
    , 2287 (2001) (noting that
    IIRIRA substituted "the term ‘removal’ . . . for ‘deportation’").
    Velasquez-Gabriel’s contention also contradicts the relevant regula-
    tion, which applies § 241(a)(5) to "an order of exclusion, deportation,
    or removal." 8 C.F.R. § 241.8(a) (1999). Accordingly, we reject it.
    We now turn to Velasquez-Gabriel’s principal argument.
    Velasquez-Gabriel contends that Congress did not intend INA
    § 241(a)(5) "to apply retroactively to pre-IIRIRA deportation orders,"
    and that, even if the statute’s temporal reach is ambiguous, to apply
    it to him would have an impermissible retroactive effect. To resolve
    this question, we must first ascertain "whether Congress expressly
    prescribed the statute’s reach." Landgraf v. USI Film Prods., 
    511 U.S. 244
    , 280 (1994). "If there is no congressional directive on the tempo-
    ral reach of a statute, we determine whether the application of the
    statute to the conduct at issue would result in a retroactive effect. If
    so, then in keeping with our ‘traditional presumption’ against retroac-
    tivity, we presume that the statute does not apply to that conduct."
    Tasios v. Reno, 
    204 F.3d 544
    , 547-48 (4th Cir. 2000) (quoting Martin
    v. Hadix, 
    527 U.S. 343
    We held this case in abeyance, awaiting the Supreme Court’s deci-
    sion in INS v. St. Cyr, which provides substantial guidance as to sev-
    eral of the retroactivity questions presented here. In St. Cyr, the Court
    6                    VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI
    rejected the INS’s contention that Congress clearly intended to apply
    retroactively IIRIRA’s repeal of former INA § 212(c), see IIRIRA
    § 304(b), which provided for a discretionary waiver of deportation
    even for those aliens that had committed certain aggravated felonies.
    See St. 
    Cyr, 121 S. Ct. at 2290
    . The Court further held that this repeal
    had a retroactive effect on aliens that pled guilty to one of those speci-
    fied crimes in reliance on the availability and reasonable likelihood
    of obtaining a discretionary deportation waiver. See 
    id. at 2293.
    these holdings in mind, we turn to the case at hand.
    Although § 241(a)(5) does not explicitly state whether it applies
    retroactively or prospectively, the INS and Velasquez-Gabriel each
    contend that Congress unambiguously defined the statute’s temporal
    The INS asserts that Congress clearly indicated, in IIRIRA, that
    § 241(a)(5) is to apply to all aliens, including those, like Velasquez-
    Gabriel, who illegally reentered the United States prior to the effec-
    tive date of that statute. The INS maintains that the comprehensive
    nature of IIRIRA’s revision, the statute’s general effective date, the
    presence of transitional rules, and the prospective nature of immigra-
    tion deportation proceedings require this conclusion.
    The Supreme Court’s recent analysis in St. Cyr forecloses all of
    these arguments. See St. 
    Cyr, 121 S. Ct. at 2287-90
    .2 The St. Cyr
    Court concluded that despite these very features, § 304(b) of IIRIRA
    St. Cyr also precludes the INS’s contention that we should defer to the
    Board of Immigration Appeals’s alleged retroactive application of
    § 241(a)(5). See St. Cyr, 121 S. Ct at 2290 n.45 ("We only defer, how-
    ever, to agency interpretations of statutes that, applying the normal ‘tools
    of statutory construction,’ are ambiguous. Because a statute that is
    ambiguous with respect to retroactive application is construed under our
    precedent to be unambiguously prospective, there is, for Chevron pur-
    poses, no ambiguity in such a statute for an agency to resolve.") (cita-
    tions omitted).
    VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI                      7
    was ambiguous and "the longstanding principle of construing any lin-
    gering ambiguities in deportation statutes in favor of the alien . . .
    forecloses the conclusion that, in enacting § 304(b), Congress itself
    has affirmatively considered the potential unfairness of retroactive
    application and determined that it is an acceptable price to pay for the
    counteracting benefits." 
    Id. at 2290
    (internal quotation marks omit-
    Velasquez-Gabriel’s contrary argument is equally untenable.
    Velasquez-Gabriel acknowledges that Congress failed to insert any
    express statement as to whether § 241(a)(5) applies to those aliens
    that reentered the country prior to the statute’s effective date. He
    notes, however, that Congress did expressly state that several other
    provisions of Title III of IIRIRA apply retroactively. See, e.g.,
    IIRIRA § 321(c) ("The amendments made by this section [amending
    the definition of aggravated felony] shall apply to actions taken on or
    after the date of the enactment of this Act, regardless of when convic-
    tion occurred.") (emphasis added); IIRIRA § 322(c) ("The amend-
    ments [defining conviction and sentences] . . . shall apply to
    convictions and sentences entered before, on, or after the date of the
    enactment of this Act.") (emphasis added); IIRIRA § 324(c) ("The
    amendment [regarding penalties for reentry of deported aliens] . . .
    shall apply to departures that occurred before, on, or after the date of
    the enactment of this Act, but only with respect to entries (and
    attempted entries) occurring on or after such date.") (emphasis
    added); IIRIRA § 347(c) ("The amendments made by this section
    [regarding the removal of aliens who have unlawfully voted] shall
    apply to voting occurring before, on, or after the date of the enactment
    of this Act") (emphasis added).
    According to Velasquez-Gabriel, because Congress explicitly man-
    dated that these provisions of the statute apply to pre-enactment con-
    duct, a court must make a negative inference as to § 241(a)(5). That
    is, since Congress failed to include a similar express mandate with
    respect to § 241(a)(5), he contends that a court must infer that the leg-
    islature intended § 241(a)(5) to apply only to reentries that occurred
    8                  VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI
    after its enactment. See Lindh v. Murphy, 
    521 U.S. 320
    , 329 (1997).
    This argument fails for two reasons.
    First, although Congress certainly made several provisions in Title
    III explicitly retroactive, it also expressly provided that other provi-
    sions apply only prospectively. See, e.g., IIRIRA § 352(b) ("The
    amendment made by subsection (a) [excluding aliens who have
    renounced citizenship for tax reasons] shall apply to individuals who
    renounce United States citizenship on and after the date of the enact-
    ment of this Act.") (emphasis added). See also IIRIRA § 105(c) ("The
    amendments made by subsection (a) [regarding civil penalties for ille-
    gal entry] shall apply to illegal entries or attempts to enter occurring
    on or after the first day of the sixth month beginning after the date
    of the enactment of this Act."). As such, IIRIRA is not an instance in
    which Congress specifically stated that one provision applies retroac-
    tively, thus leading a court to the logical inference that Congress’s
    silence in other, closely related provisions indicated a contrary inten-
    tion. Cf. 
    Lindh, 521 U.S. at 326-27
    . Rather, as in Tasios, "[o]ur exam-
    ination of the sometimes retrospective, sometimes prospective
    provisions that surround [the statute] unveils the Janus-like faces of
    Congress, but leaves its mind concealed." 
    Tasios, 204 F.3d at 549
    Moreover, all of the expressly retroactive statutory provisions on
    which Velasquez-Gabriel relies appear in separate, unrelated subtitles
    of the act. See 
    id. Specifically, they
    are contained in Subtitle B,
    IIRIRA §§ 321-334, 110 Stat. 3009-627 to 3009-635 (Criminal Alien
    Provisions), and Subtitle C, IIRIRA §§ 341-353, 110 Stat. 3009-635
    to 3009-641 (Revision of Grounds for Exclusion and Deportation), of
    IIRIRA, Title III. Those subtitles govern different conduct and have
    no relation to the comprehensive revision of removal procedures con-
    tained in Subtitle A, which are at issue in this case. Unlike Subtitles
    B and C, Subtitle A includes a general effective date that applies to
    almost all of its provisions. See IIRIRA § 309(a). Thus, it is not sur-
    prising that many sections of Subtitles B and C have their own effec-
    tive dates and § 241(a)(5) does not. The mere fact that the individual
    effective date provisions in Subtitles B and C contain express tempo-
    ral restrictions sheds no light on Congress’s intent regarding
    § 241(a)(5)’s application to pre-enactment reentries.3
    Relying heavily on the "negative implication" analysis in Lindh, the
    Ninth Circuit recently held that Congress did not intend to apply
    VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI                        9
    For these reasons, we must reject both the INS’s and Velasquez-
    Gabriel’s contentions. Because we cannot conclude that Congress
    unambiguously indicated either that § 241(a)(5) applies to all aliens
    or that it applies only to aliens that reentered the country after the stat-
    ute’s effective date, we must proceed to the second step of the retro-
    activity analysis and determine whether § 241(a)(5) operates in an
    impermissibly retroactive manner when applied to Velasquez-Gabriel.
    "The inquiry into whether a statute operates retroactively demands
    a commonsense, functional judgment about ‘whether the new provi-
    sion attaches new legal consequences to events completed before its
    enactment.’" St. 
    Cyr, 121 S. Ct. at 2290
    Martin, 527 U.S. at 357-58
    Landgraf, 511 U.S. at 270
    )). A court must bear in
    mind that "[a] statute does not operate ‘retrospectively’ merely
    because it is applied in a case arising from conduct antedating the
    statute’s enactment . . . or upsets expectations based in prior law,"
    Landgraf, 511 U.S. at 269
    (citation omitted), and that normally "a
    court is to apply the law in effect at the time it renders its decision,"
    id. at 264.
    The Supreme Court has "repeatedly counseled" that "the
    judgment whether a particular statute acts retroactively should be
    informed and guided by familiar considerations of fair notice, reason-
    able reliance, and settled expectations," St. 
    Cyr, 121 S. Ct. at 2291
    (internal quotation marks omitted); "individuals should have an
    opportunity to know what the law is and to conform their conduct
    Tasios, 204 F.3d at 550
    Landgraf, 511 U.S. at 263
    § 241(a)(5) to pre-enactment reentries. See Castro-Cortez v. INS, 
    239 F.3d 1037
    , 1050-52 (9th Cir. 2001). Our reading of Lindh, however, is
    more limited, especially in interpreting statutory provisions that "address
    distinct subject matters" and where Congress has included both retroac-
    tive and prospective provisions in contrast to the "neat distinction"
    between silence and the clear statement of retroactivity presented in
    Tasios, 204 F.3d at 548-49
    10                  VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI
    Velasquez-Gabriel asserts that § 241(a)(5) has an impermissibly
    retroactive effect on him because it impairs a right he possessed prior
    to its enactment, see 
    Landgraf, 511 U.S. at 280
    , i.e., the right to
    request adjustment of his immigration status based on his marriage to
    a United States citizen.
    Again, St. Cyr provides significant assistance in resolving the ques-
    tion. On one hand, St. Cyr precludes the government’s contention that
    Velasquez-Gabriel cannot prevail because the relief he seeks was
    vested within the discretion of the INS or because he "cannot demon-
    strate that he had any vested right to adjust his status." Brief of
    Respondent at 40. The St. Cyr Court stated that the discretionary
    nature of the relief sought "d[id] not affect" its holding that the statute
    had an impermissibly retroactive effect, explaining that "[t]here is a
    clear difference, for the purposes of retroactivity analysis, between
    facing possible deportation and facing certain 
    deportation." 121 S. Ct. at 2293
    . On the other hand, in reaching this decision, the St. Cyr
    Court heavily relied on two factors not present here: (1) "aliens like
    St. Cyr had a significant likelihood of receiving" the relief they
    sought under the old law and (2) they "almost certainly relied upon
    that likelihood" to their detriment. 
    Id. These two
    factors similarly
    formed the basis for our retroactivity holding in 
    Tasios. 204 F.3d at 551-52
    Ultimately, Velasquez-Gabriel’s case differs critically from St. Cyr
    and Tasios in both respects. Velasquez-Gabriel has shown neither a
    reasonable likelihood of success under pre-IIRIRA law nor a detri-
    mental reliance on pre-IIRIRA law. Assuming for purposes of this
    appeal that, as Velasquez-Gabriel maintains, the INS prevented him
    from demonstrating the likelihood of receiving relief by refusing to
    permit him to offer any evidence on this point, nothing prevented him
    from articulating facts constituting his asserted detrimental reliance.
    Yet, Velasquez-Gabriel’s sole reliance argument is that he and his
    wife "relied to their detriment on petitioner’s ability to adjust status
    in the United States when they were married, and may have chosen
    not to get married but proceed on a fiancee (K-1 visa) or may not
    have married at all." Brief of Petitioner at 23. This does not constitute
    detrimental reliance for purposes of assessing the retroactive effect of
    § 241(a)(5). In contrast to the aliens in St. Cyr and Tasios, Velasquez-
    Gabriel posits no way in which his marriage in "reliance" on preexist-
    VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI                       11
    ing law weakened his immigration status under the new law or hurt
    his chances of remaining in this country. Simply stating that he relied
    to his detriment proves nothing. Accordingly, even if he could dem-
    onstrate a significant likelihood of receiving the relief he sought under
    the old law, he offers no "detrimental reliance" of the sort which
    played such a critical role in the St. Cyr and Tasios holdings.
    That Velasquez-Gabriel did not detrimentally rely on prior law
    may not, however, foreclose a claim that § 241(a)(5) nonetheless
    operates retroactively. See Hughes Aircraft Co. v. United States, 
    520 U.S. 939
    (1997) (holding that the amended False Claims Act operated
    retroactively without discussing whether any party detrimentally
    relied on previous law). But we need not decide that question because
    there is a far simpler reason compelling our conclusion that the appli-
    cation of § 241(a)(5) is not impermissibly retroactive in this case: not
    until well after § 241(a)(5) took effect did Velasquez-Gabriel apply to
    adjust his status or did his wife file for a visa petition on his behalf.
    In order to obtain an adjustment of status, an application must have
    been filed and an immigrant visa must be immediately available to the
    applicant, 8 U.S.C. § 1255(a)(3) (Supp. V 1999); Velasquez-Gabriel
    did not attempt to meet either of these requirements until after the
    effective date of § 241(a)(5).
    Velasquez-Gabriel and Boyce married on February 9, 1996. Con-
    gress did not enact IIRIRA until seven months later, on September 30,
    1996. Section 241(a)(5) did not take effect for another six months
    after that. See IIRIRA § 309(a). Thus, Boyce and Velasquez-Gabriel
    were married for more than a year before § 241(a)(5) took effect, but
    she did not file a visa petition for him and he did not apply to adjust
    his status until November 1997, more than a year after IIRIRA was
    passed, even though he was represented by counsel the entire time.
    See Brief of Petitioner at 23. ("After petitioner’s reentry . . . he sought
    the advice of counsel and counsel advised him that he would in fact
    be eligible to adjust his status based upon his marriage to a United
    States citizen. That was the state of the law on February 9, 1996,
    when the petitioner was married.").
    Velasquez-Gabriel does not suggest, let alone contend, that he had
    insufficient time to apply for a status adjustment. Cf. Brown v. Ange-
    150 F.3d 370
    , 374 (4th Cir. 1998) (holding that denial of habeas
    12                 VELASQUEZ-GABRIEL v. CROCETTI
    petition was impermissibly retroactive because even though the peti-
    tion was filed after enactment of the new law, it did not provide "a
    reasonable time after the effective date . . . in which to initiate
    action"). Indeed, he states that immigration counsel represented him
    since at least 1996 and informed him of his rights under pre-IIRIRA
    law. Velasquez-Gabriel obviously had considerable "opportunity to
    know what the law [was] and to conform [his] conduct accordingly."
    Tasios, 204 F.3d at 550
    Landgraf, 511 U.S. at 265
    Accordingly, Velasquez-Gabriel’s failure to apply to adjust his res-
    ident status before the new law took effect fatally undermines his con-
    tention that § 241(a)(5)’s application to him "attaches new legal
    consequences to events completed before its enactment." St. 
    Cyr, 121 S. Ct. at 2290
    (emphasis added).
    For the foregoing reasons, we deny Velasquez-Gabriel’s petition to
    review the INS’s reinstatement of the prior order deporting him and
    dismiss his appeal of the INS’s denial of his application to adjust his
    Although Velasquez-Gabriel mentions the Due Process Clause in
    passing, he does not articulate any constitutional challenge to
    § 241(a)(5), thus we express no opinion on that issue.