Fawcett v. McRoberts ( 2003 )

  •                                             Filed:   May 6, 2003
    No. 01-2406
    Jean Fawcett,
    Petitioner - Appellee,
    Colin McRoberts; Tammy McRoberts,
    Respondents - Appellants.
    O R D E R
    The court further amends its opinion filed April 15, 2003, and
    amended April 18, 2003, as follows:
    On page 12, second full paragraph -- the first sentence is
    deleted, and is replaced with the following:
    As Sheriff David Kelbie noted in his commentary to the
    Scottish Court of Sessions’s opinion in Donofrio v. Bur-
    rell, 2000 S.C.L.R. 465 at 16 (1999), a parent “clearly”
    loses “[her] ‘rights of custody’ [under the Convention]
    if the other parent is awarded a residence order.
    For the Court - By Direction
    /s/ Patricia S. Connor
    Filed:   April 18, 2003
    No. 01-2406
    Jean Fawcett,
    Petitioner - Appellee,
    Colin McRoberts; Tammy McRoberts,
    Respondents - Appellants.
    O R D E R
    The court amends its opinion filed April 15, 2003, as follows:
    On the cover sheet, section 7, line 6 -- the counsel listing
    on brief “for Appellants” is corrected to read “for Appellee.”
    For the Court - By Direction
    /s/ Patricia S. Connor
    v.                                                  No. 01-2406
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Virginia, at Lynchburg.
    Norman K. Moon, District Judge.
    Argued: January 24, 2003
    Decided: April 15, 2003
    Before LUTTIG, MOTZ, and TRAXLER, Circuit Judges.
    Reversed and remanded by published opinion. Judge Motz wrote the
    opinion, in which Judge Luttig and Judge Traxler joined.
    ARGUED: Patricia Emily Apy, PARAS, APY & REISS, P.C., Red
    Bank, New Jersey, for Appellants. Stephen John Cullen, MILES &
    STOCKBRIDGE, P.C., Towson, Maryland, for Appellee. ON
    BRIEF: Jamison G. White, MILES & STOCKBRIDGE, P.C., Wash-
    ington, D.C.; Victor S. Skaff, III, GENTRY, LOCKE, RAKES &
    MOORE, Roanoke, Virginia, for Appellee.
    DIANA GRIBBON MOTZ, Circuit Judge:
    After Colin McRoberts and Jean Fawcett divorced, Mr. McRoberts
    moved from Scotland to Virginia with the couple's son, Travis. Ms.
    Fawcett filed a petition in federal court in Virginia requesting that the
    court order Travis's return to Scotland pursuant to the Hague Conven-
    tion on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (the "Con-
    vention"), and the International Child Abduction Remedies Act
    42 U.S.C.A. §§ 11601-11610
     (West 1995). The district
    court granted Ms. Fawcett's petition and Mr. McRoberts has
    appealed. Because the district court erred in its interpretation and
    application of Scottish law, we reverse and remand to the district
    court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    Mr. McRoberts and Ms. Fawcett married in Scotland in 1986. Dur-
    ing their marriage they had two children: Melody (whose custody is
    not at issue here), in 1990, and Travis, in 1994. By 1998, their mar-
    riage was experiencing difficulties, and on November 20, 1998, a
    Scottish Sheriff Court issued a decree divorcing Mr. McRoberts and
    Ms. Fawcett. This divorce decree made a "Residence Order in respect
    of . . . TRAVIS COLIN PATRICK MCROBERTS . . . requiring that
    [he] live with" Mr. McRoberts, and a "Contact Order" that allowed
    Ms. Fawcett contact with Travis on weekends and other specified
    times, for two weeks during the summer, and one week during each
    of the October, Christmas, and Easter holidays.
    Over the next two and a half years, Ms. Fawcett made more than
    fifty attempts to modify her contact order. The record reveals only
    two instances in which the Sheriff Court modified the order; in each
    case, it imposed greater limitations on Ms. Fawcett's contact rights.
    A February 11, 2000 order restricted Ms. Fawcett's visits with Travis
    to "every second Saturday between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.," and required
    that the visits be supervised. A June 23, 2000 order created a four-
    week contact cycle granting Ms. Fawcett no contact in Week 1, "resi-
    dential contact" on the weekend of Week 2, no contact in Week 3, and
    Saturday contact in Week 4.
    In February 2001, Ms. Fawcett grew concerned that Mr. McRo-
    berts might take Travis to the United States and sought an interdiction
    order from the Sheriff Court to prevent Mr. McRoberts from doing so.
    On February 15, the Sheriff Court "refuse[d] [the] same as Mr.
    McRoberts . . . gave an undertaking to the Court that he will not
    remove the aforementioned children from Scotland to the United
    States. . . ." The court then adjourned the hearing "for further evi-
    dence to be led."
    Sometime shortly after this hearing, Mr. McRoberts and his second
    wife, Mrs. Tammy McRoberts, moved to the United States with
    Travis, and took efforts to conceal his whereabouts from Ms. Fawcett.
    In an opinion issued March 29, 2001, the Sheriff Court, "on the
    Motion of [Ms. Fawcett] Sist[ed] the cause pending the outcome of
    a `Hague Convention' application to be made by [Mr. McRoberts]."1
    The court held that Mr. McRoberts
    (1) unlawfully and wrongfully removed [Travis] outwith the
    jurisdiction of this Court without the express permission of
    [Ms. Fawcett] in Contravention of her parental rights in
    terms of Section 2(3) and 2(6) of the Children Scotland Act
    1995; (2) failed to attend the diets of this Court on 26 and
    29 March 2001 without an acceptable excuse; (3) removed
    [Travis] from the jurisdiction of this Court by taking him to
    the United States of America in breach of a specific under-
    taking . . . not to do so pending determination of the present
    proceedings; and (4) Continues to retain [Travis] in the
    United States of America without disclosing his present
    whereabouts thereby depriving [Ms. Fawcett] of lawful con-
    tact with the said child.
    The Sheriff Court then found Mr. McRoberts in contempt of court,
    fined him, and instructed the Sheriff Clerk to "take all necessary steps
    . . . to recover" the fine.
    Webster's Third New International Dictionary 2128 (1993) defines
    "Sist" as "1. chiefly Scot: to bring into court: SUMMON 2. chiefly Scot:
    a stay or suspension of legal proceedings; also : an order for a stay of pro-
    On September 25, 2001, a lawyer acting for Ms. Fawcett filed a
    Petition for Return of Child and a Request for Emergency Ex Parte
    Hearing in the United States District Court for the Western District
    of Virginia. The court granted her request for an emergency ex parte
    hearing, which it held later that day. The court also held a hearing on
    that same day at which Mr. McRoberts was present and testified. In
    that proceeding, the court verbally ordered Mr. McRoberts not to
    remove Travis from the jurisdiction or seek any state court order. On
    October 2, 2001, the court held another hearing on Ms. Fawcett's
    petition, at which Mr. McRoberts again presented the only testimony.
    On October 11, the district court granted Ms. Fawcett's petition
    and ordered that Travis be taken into custody by the Bedford County
    Department of Social Services and returned to the jurisdiction of the
    Sheriff Court in Ayr, Scotland. Fawcett v. McRoberts, 
    168 F. Supp. 2d 595
     (W.D. Va. 2001). Mr. McRoberts complied with this order and
    Travis was returned to Scotland. The court also ordered Mr. McRo-
    berts to pay costs and Ms. Fawcett's attorney's fees. Mr. McRoberts
    filed a timely appeal from both orders.
    As a threshold matter, we must determine whether Mr. McRo-
    berts's appeal is moot. We have "no authority`to give opinions upon
    moot questions or abstract propositions, or to declare principles or
    rules of law which cannot affect the matter in issue in the case
    before'" us. Church of Scientology v. United States, 
    506 U.S. 9
    , 12
    (1992) (quoting Mills v. Green, 
    159 U.S. 651
    , 653 (1895)). Though
    Ms. Fawcett does not contend that the case is moot, a court must
    resolve issues such as mootness, that concern its own jurisdiction,
    even when the parties do not raise such issues. See Steel Co. v. Citi-
    zens for a Better Env't, 
    523 U.S. 83
    , 94-95 (1998); Iron Arrow Honor
    Soc'y v. Heckler, 
    464 U.S. 67
    , 70 (1983).
    Of course, "compliance [with a trial court's order] does not [ordi-
    narily] moot an appeal [of that order] if it remains possible to undo
    the effects of compliance or if the order will have a continuing impact
    on future action." 13A Charles A. Wright, et al., Federal Practice &
    Procedure § 3533.2 (2d ed. 1984); see also Graddick v. Newman, 
    453 U.S. 928
    , 937 (1981) (concluding that Court had the "power . . . to
    enter an injunction ordering restoration of the prior status quo"); 
    at 945 n.* (Rehnquist, J., writing separately) ("[I]ssuance of a court's
    mandate or obedience to its judgment does not bar timely appellate
    review.") (citations omitted)). However, because in compliance with
    the district court's order in this case Travis has returned to Scotland,
    we must assure ourselves that a decision by this court can "affect the
    matter in issue." Church of Scientology, 
    506 U.S. at 12
     (internal quo-
    tation marks and citation omitted). We believe that a decision favor-
    able to Mr. McRoberts can clearly "affect the matter in issue" in this
    Indeed, our recent opinion in Miller v. Miller, 
    240 F.3d 393
    Cir. 2001), is an implicit adoption of this view. In that case we con-
    sidered the merits of an appeal from an order returning a child to Can-
    ada, even though the father had complied with the order, and the child
    was in Canada at the time of the appeal. 
    Id. at 395, 404
    . Although we
    ultimately affirmed the district court's order, we could not have con-
    sidered the merits of the appeal if the case had been rendered moot
    by the child's return to Canada pursuant to the district court's order.
    See Steel Co., 
    523 U.S. at 94
     (rejecting notion that courts may exer-
    cise "hypothetical jurisdiction").
    The overwhelming majority of other courts have also evidenced
    their agreement with this position by routinely considering the merits
    of an appeal from an order returning a child to a foreign country, even
    when compliance with the order has resulted in the child's presence
    in a foreign country. See, e.g., Ohlander v. Larson, 
    114 F.3d 1531
    1538-39 (10th Cir. 2000) (rejecting mother's arguments that her peti-
    tion should be dismissed because it "was moot and because [the child]
    was no longer in Utah" and noting that accepting such arguments
    "could give parents an undue incentive to flee from Hague Conven-
    tion proceedings"); Janakakis-Kostun v. Janakakis, 
    6 S.W.3d 843
    (Ky. Ct. App. 1999) (reviewing merits of an appeal, even after child
    had been returned to Greece in compliance with trial court order made
    pursuant to Convention and ICARA); see also, e.g., Rydder v. Rydder,
    49 F.3d 369
     (8th Cir. 1995) (reviewing merits of appeal from district
    court order that child be returned to foreign country pursuant to Con-
    vention and ICARA and in which no stay appears to have been
    issued); Dalmasso v. Dalmasso, 
    9 P.3d 551
     (Kan. 2000) (same);
    Sampson v. Sampson, 
    975 P.2d 1211
     (Kan. 1999) (same); Harkness
    v. Harkness, 
    577 N.W.2d 116
     (Mich. Ct. App. 1998) (same).
    Indeed, at least two appellate courts have recently granted the pre-
    cise relief Mr. McRoberts seeks, i.e., reversal of a trial court's order
    returning a child to a foreign country even after the child has left the
    United States. See In re Marriage of Jeffers, 
    992 P.2d 686
    , 689, 692
    (Co. Ct. App. 1999) (reversing "[t]he portion of the judgment return-
    ing the children to Greece" notwithstanding fact that children had
    already been returned to Greece in compliance with original order);
    Bless v. Bless, 
    723 A.2d 67
    , 75 (N.J. Super. Ct. 1998) (reversing and
    remanding to trial court, concluding "that jurisdiction has not been
    obliterated by [the child's] court-ordered presence in Switzerland").
    Obviously these courts too concluded that their decision would "affect
    the matter in issue." Church of Scientology, 
    506 U.S. at 12
    quotation marks and citation omitted).
    Notwithstanding this wealth of authority, and without acknowledg-
    ing any of it, the Eleventh Circuit recently did dismiss as moot an
    appeal from a district court's order that a child be returned to a for-
    eign country. Bekier v. Bekier, 
    248 F.3d 1051
     (11th Cir. 2001). The
    district court had ruled that Ms. Bekier had wrongfully removed the
    child from his habitual residence in Israel. 
    Id. at 1053
    . Ms. Bekier
    appealed, requesting that the court reverse the decision below or
    remand for further evidentiary hearings. 
    Id. at 1054
    . While her appeal
    was pending, Mr. Bekier returned to Israel with their son. The Elev-
    enth Circuit held Ms. Bekier's appeal moot because the return of the
    child to Israel left the court "powerless to grant the relief requested
    by Ms. Bekier." 
    Id. at 1055
    ; cf. March v. Levine, 
    136 F. Supp. 2d 831
    861 (M.D. Tenn.), aff'd, 
    249 F.3d 462
     (6th Cir. 2001) (granting stay
    of order to return child, "[r]ecognizing that immediate return of the
    children to Mexico may effectively moot any appeal" (emphasis
    It is unclear why the Bekier court came to this conclusion.
    Although it cites several cases that purportedly support its mootness
    holding, all of those cases involve markedly different facts. For exam-
    ple, the Bekier court relied heavily on B&B Chemical Co., Inc. v.
    United States EPA, 
    806 F.2d 987
    , 989 (11th Cir. 1986), a case hold-
    ing that a challenge to the execution of a warrant to enter property
    was moot because the warrant had already been executed.2 B&B
    Chemical was moot, however, because it would have been literally
    impossible to "un-enter" the property, even if the court had so
    ordered. The same logic applied to finding the university's appeal
    moot in University of Texas v. Camenisch, 
    451 U.S. 390
    , 398 (1981),
    where the university had complied with a court order to provide
    Camenisch with a sign-language interpreter, and Camenisch had grad-
    uated while the appeal was pending. Because the interpreter had
    already been provided, it would have been literally impossible for the
    court to un-provide the service (short of reversing time — a power
    that, perhaps regrettably, Congress has not yet granted the United
    States Courts of Appeals). As one court has noted, in some cases, like
    these, once an action has been taken "there is no way to unscramble
    the egg." In re Ford, 
    110 F.3d 954
    , 963 (3d Cir. 1997).
    Such cases, however, present altogether different issues than the
    case at hand. Here, no law of physics would make it impossible for
    Ms. Fawcett to comply with an order by the district court that she
    return Travis to the United States. To the contrary, such orders are
    fully within the district court's power and are commonly issued by
    courts in the United States. See, e.g., Ohlander, 114 F.3d at 1535;
    Goldstein v. Goldstein, 
    494 S.E.2d 745
    , 747 (Ga. Ct. App. 1998);
    Hernandez v. Branciforte, 
    770 N.E.2d 41
    , 45, 49 (Mass. Ct. App.
    2002); Roszkowski v. Roszkowska, 
    644 A.2d 1150
    , 1160 (N.J. Super.
    Ct. 1993); In re Vernor, 
    94 S.W.3d 201
    , 206 (Tex. Ct. App. 2002);
    Johnson v. Johnson, 
    493 S.E.2d 668
    , 671 (Va. Ct. App. 1997); see
    also, e.g., Horlander v. Horlander, 
    579 N.E.2d 91
    , 97 (Ind. Ct. App.
    The Bekier court also cited two unpublished opinions in which a case
    involving a petition under the Hague Convention was dismissed as moot.
    See Bekier, 
    248 F.3d at
    1055 (citing Brown v. Orange County Dep't of
    Soc. Serv., 1996 U.S. App. Lexis 15921 (9th Cir. July 1, 1996); Mah-
    moud v. Mahmoud, 
    1997 WL 43524
     (E.D.N.Y. Jan. 29, 1997)). These
    cases, however, like B&B Chemical, have no bearing on the mootness of
    Mr. McRoberts's appeal. Though both cases involved children who had
    been removed from the United States, this was not the basis of the
    courts' mootness holding. Rather, both the appellant in Brown v. Orange
    County, and the petitioner in Mahmoud, already had physical custody of
    their children, and had thus received the primary relief they sought. Mr.
    McRoberts, however, has plainly not yet received the relief he now
    1991) (concluding that court had jurisdiction to issue custody order
    even though child was in foreign country); Ivaldi v. Ivaldi, 
    685 A.2d 1319
    , 1326 (N.J. 1996) (same); Middleton v. Middleton, 
    314 S.E.2d 362
    , 367 (Va. 1984) (same).
    One concern that may have prompted the Bekier court's decision
    is that while the remedy Ms. Bekier sought might not have been
    impossible to grant, as it was in B&B Chemical, the Bekier court may
    have believed that there would have been no mechanism for effec-
    tively enforcing an order that a child living outside the United States
    be returned to this country. See Bekier, 
    248 F.3d at 1054
    Bekier's potential remedies now lie in the Israeli courts. Any words
    by us would be merely advisory.").
    As an initial matter, it is not at all clear to us that a lack of effective
    methods for enforcing a court order necessarily means that the court's
    opinion "cannot affect the matter in issue," Church of Scientology,
    506 U.S. at 12
     (internal quotation marks and citation omitted), and
    therefore renders the case moot. In Kadic v. Karadzic, 
    70 F.3d 232
    (2d Cir. 1995), for example, there was little hope that any court would
    be able to enforce a judgment against Radovan Karadzic, who was,
    at the time, the President of the self-proclaimed Bosnian-Serb repub-
    lic "Srpska." See Jerry Adler, Suing Bin Laden, American Lawyer,
    Nov. 2001 at 30 (noting that even one of the plaintiffs' lawyers didn't
    "really expect the plaintiffs to collect anything from Karadzic, who is
    still a fugitive from the International War Crimes Tribunal at The
    Hague."). Nevertheless, the Second Circuit did not dismiss the plain-
    tiffs' claims as moot, but rather after reversing the district court's
    holding that no jurisdiction existed, remanded to allow the case to
    proceed. Kadic, 70 F.3d at 236. Nor was enforcement regarded as a
    stumbling block in the cases cited above in which courts ordered a
    child returned to the United States from a foreign country. See ante
    at 7-8.
    However, even if, hypothetically, the lack of an enforcement mech-
    anism could leave a court completely unable to "affect the matter in
    issue," and render an appeal moot, Mr. McRoberts's appeal would
    still not be moot because he does have a mechanism for enforcing a
    judgment by this court or the district court on remand. The Child
    Abduction and Custody Act 1985, the United Kingdom's analogue to
    ICARA, codifying the Hague Convention there, provides that "[a]
    decision to which [Articles 7 and 12 of the Hague Convention]
    appl[y] which was made in a Contracting State other than the United
    Kingdom shall be recognized in each part of the United Kingdom as
    if made by a court having jurisdiction to make it in that part." 1985,
    c. 60, Pt. II, § 15. Furthermore, that statute explicitly contemplates a
    revocation or variation of an order issued by a Contracting State and
    previously recognized by a court in the United Kingdom, and pro-
    vides that in such circumstances the United Kingdom court shall
    either cancel its original order, § 17(2), or vary it, § 17(3). See c.60,
    Pt. II, § 17. Thus, Mr. McRoberts would be able to seek enforcement
    through the United Kingdom's courts of an order that Ms. Fawcett
    and Travis return to Virginia, were the district court, on remand, to
    issue such an order.
    Although Mr. McRoberts could have proceeded directly to the
    United Kingdom's courts without seeking a reversal of the district
    court's order in the United States, there can nonetheless be no ques-
    tion that an order from the district court that Ms. Fawcett return to the
    United States with Travis would "affect the matter in issue in [this]
    case." Church of Scientology, 
    506 U.S. at 12
     (internal quotation
    marks and citation omitted). Such an order would permit Mr. McRo-
    berts to appear in the Scottish courts simply to seek enforcement of
    the United States judgment, rather than to re-argue the merits of any
    custody dispute respecting Travis (if, indeed, there even is a dispute
    over who has the right to custody of Travis).
    Furthermore, even if the United Kingdom's courts did not recog-
    nize the order of a United States court, such an order could still "af-
    fect the matter in issue." 
     For example, Ms. Fawcett could comply
    with the court's order of her own volition. Or, if Ms. Fawcett failed
    to comply with the order, she could be held in contempt, and penalties
    could be assessed. See, e.g., Ohlander, 114 F.3d at 1535; Hernandez,
    770 N.E.2d at 49. Alternatively, it seems not too remote a possibility
    that Ms. Fawcett could at some point return to the United States with
    Travis, at which time Mr. McRoberts could seek to enforce such an
    order. Cf. Michigan v. Doran, 
    439 U.S. 282
    , 285 n.2 (1978) (rejecting
    argument that appeal from order granting writ of habeas corpus was
    moot because the prisoner had been released and could no longer be
    located (citation omitted)); Eagles v. United States ex rel. Samuels,
    329 U.S. 304
    , 307-08 (1946) ("Though the writ has been granted and
    the prisoner released, the appellate court by what it does is not render-
    ing an opinion and issuing an order which cannot affect the litigants
    in the case before it. Affirmance makes the prisoner's release final
    and unconditional. Reversal undoes what the habeas corpus court did
    and makes lawful a resumption of the custody." (citations omitted)).
    In sum, it is clear that a decision reversing the district court's order
    in this case does not violate the prohibition against "opinions upon
    moot questions or abstract propositions, or to declare principles or
    rules of law which cannot affect the matter in issue in the case before
    it." Church of Scientology, 
    506 U.S. at 12
     (internal quotation marks
    and citation omitted). We therefore conclude that Mr. McRoberts's
    appeal is not moot, and turn now to the merits of that appeal.3
    In an action under the Convention and ICARA, a petitioner must
    "establish, by a preponderance of the evidence, that her child[ ] w[as]
    `wrongfully removed or retained within the meaning of the Conven-
    tion.'" Miller v. Miller, 
    240 F.3d 392
    , 398 (4th Cir. 2001) (quoting 
    42 U.S.C. § 11603
    (e)(1)(A)). The Convention provides that:
    The removal or the retention of a child is to be considered
    wrongful where —
    [a] it is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a per-
    son, an institution or any other body . . . under the law
    of the State in which the child was habitually resident,
    immediately before the removal or retention; and
    Even if Mr. McRoberts's appeal were otherwise moot, we would still
    have ancillary jurisdiction to consider his appeal based on the district
    court's order that Mr. McRoberts pay Ms. Fawcett's attorney's fees and
    costs. See Arlington County Republican Comm. v. Arlington County, 
    983 F.2d 587
    , 596 (4th Cir. 1994) (denying motion to dismiss appeal as moot
    because appellate court's determination of underlying action "may affect
    the amount of the attorneys' fees award").
    [b] at the time of removal or retention those rights were
    actually exercised, either jointly or alone, or would
    have been so exercised but for the removal or reten-
    Convention, art. 3.
    In this case, the district court held that Mr. McRoberts wrongfully
    removed Travis from his habitual residence in Scotland, in breach of
    the "rights of custody," held by both Ms. Fawcett and the Sheriff
    Court. The court also held that both Ms. Fawcett and the Sheriff Court
    were actually exercising their custody rights at the time of Travis's
    removal. We address first Ms. Fawcett's asserted rights of custody,
    and then those of the Sheriff Court.
    The Convention provides that the removal of a child is wrongful
    if "it is in breach of rights of custody," Convention, art. 3(a), with
    "rights of custody . . . includ[ing] rights relating to the care of the per-
    son of the child and, in particular, the right to determine the child's
    place of residence." Convention, art. 5(a). The Convention also
    defines, by contrast, "rights of access," which "include the right to
    take a child for a limited period of time to a place other than the
    child's habitual residence." Convention, art. 5(b).
    The district court correctly noted that Section 2 of the Children
    (Scotland) Act provides that a parent has the right, inter alia, "`to
    have the child living with him or otherwise to regulate the child's res-
    idence' and `if the child is not living with him, to maintain personal
    relations and direct contact with the child on a regular basis.'" Faw-
    168 F. Supp. 2d at 601
     (quoting Children (Scotland) Act
    §§ 2(1)(a), (c)) (emphasis added by district court). The court found
    that this statute gave Ms. Fawcett, as one of Travis' parents, the right
    to determine his residence, and thus, "rights of custody" as defined by
    the Convention.
    The rights provided under § 2 of the Children (Scotland) Act, how-
    ever, can be modified by court order or decree. Section 11 of that stat-
    ute explicitly provides that a Sheriff Court may make "an order
    depriving a person of some or all of his parental responsibilities or
    parental rights in relation to a child." Children (Scotland) Act
    § 11(2)(a).4
    In this case, the Sheriff Court did precisely that — the decree it
    issued divorcing Mr. McRoberts and Ms. Fawcett modified the paren-
    tal rights that Ms. Fawcett would have otherwise had under § 2 of the
    Children (Scotland) Act. The "Residence Order" contained in the
    decree gives Mr. McRoberts the exclusive power to determine Trav-
    is's residence, thereby necessarily depriving Ms. Fawcett of that same
    right. Indeed, Ms. Fawcett's counsel conceded at oral argument that
    Ms. Fawcett had no right to determine Travis's residence within Scot-
    land, and that that right rested exclusively with Mr. McRoberts.
    As Sheriff David Kelbie noted in his commentary to the Scottish
    Court of Sessions’s opinion in Donofrio v. Burrell, 2000 S.C.L.R.
    465 at 16 (1999), a parent “clearly” loses “[her] ‘rights of cus-
    tody’ [under the Convention] if the other parent is awarded a resi-
    dence order.” Thus, Ms. Fawcett's attorney admitted before the
    district court that "under the divorce decree and the subsequent
    interim orders, [Mr. McRoberts had] the notion of custody." See also
    In re H (A Minor), 
    1999 WL 1319095
    , at *2 (House of Lords 1999)
    (noting without disapproval lower court's rejection of a parent's claim
    to "rights of custody" under Convention based on contact order and
    parent's failure to appeal the issue). Because the divorce decree of the
    Sheriff Court deprived Ms. Fawcett of her right to determine Travis's
    place of residence, the district court erred in holding that Ms. Fawcett
    had "rights of custody" as that term is used in the Convention.5
    Ms. Fawcett's similar argument that § 3 of the Children (Scotland)
    Act grants her affirmative rights as a mother, in addition to her rights as
    a parent under § 2, is subject to similar analysis (and rejection) because
    the rights under § 3, like those under § 2, can be modified by court orders
    made pursuant to § 11.
    The district court acknowledged that § 11 of the Children (Scotland)
    Act permitted a court to modify the parental rights provided under § 2.
    But after noting that "the contempt order [against Mr. McRoberts] stated
    that Travis's abduction was `in Contravention of her parental rights,'" the
    court found no "evidence that the sheriff court in Ayr has deprived Ms.
    Fawcett of her parental rights." Fawcett, 
    168 F. Supp. 2d at
    602 n.11
    While Ms. Fawcett has conceded that she had no right to determine
    Travis's residence within Scotland, she argues that § 2(3) of the Chil-
    dren (Scotland) Act gives her some rights to determine Travis's place
    of residence, and thereby confers upon her "rights of custody" under
    the Convention. Section 2(3) of the Children (Scotland) Act provides
    that, "[w]ithout prejudice to any court order, no person shall be enti-
    tled to remove a child habitually resident in Scotland from, or to
    retain any such child outwith, the United Kingdom without the con-
    sent of a person described in subsection (6) below." Subsection (6),
    in turn, applies subsection (3) to a person "who for the time being has
    and is exercising in relation to him" either the right "to have the child
    living with him or otherwise to regulate the child's residence" or "if
    the child is not living with him, to maintain personal relations and
    direct contact with the child on a regular basis." Children (Scotland)
    Act §§ 2(6), 2(3)(a) & (c). Assuming Ms. Fawcett was exercising the
    right to maintain personal relations and direct contact with Travis,
    § 2(3) does appear to prohibit Mr. McRoberts from removing Travis
    from the United Kingdom without Ms. Fawcett's consent. Indeed, Mr.
    McRoberts makes no argument to the contrary. What Mr. McRoberts
    does contest is Ms. Fawcett's assertion that the prohibition contained
    in § 2(3) conferred "rights of custody" upon her.
    Two of our sister circuits have recently considered this question
    and agreed with Mr. McRoberts, rejecting arguments very similar to
    Ms. Fawcett's. Both Gonzalez v. Gutierrez, 
    311 F.3d 942
     (9th Cir.
    2002), and Croll v. Croll, 
    229 F.3d 133
     (2d Cir. 2000), involved par-
    ents who brought a child to the United States in contravention of a ne
    exeat clause. Ms. Fawcett concedes that the substance of such clauses
    (quoting Sheriff Court's contempt order). However, as explained above,
    the Sheriff Court's original divorce decree (not the later contact or con-
    tempt orders) deprived Ms. Fawcett of certain parental rights. Of course,
    the divorce decree also permitted Ms. Fawcett to retain other parental
    rights. Thus, while Travis's removal may have been "in contravention"
    of Ms. Fawcett's parental right to maintain contact with Travis, the
    removal was not "wrongful" within the terms of the Convention because
    the Sheriff Court had previously deprived Ms. Fawcett of the parental
    right to determine Travis's place of residence, and therefore she did not
    retain "rights of custody" of Travis under the Convention.
    is indistinguishable from that of § 2(3) of the Children (Scotland) Act.
    Both the Second and Ninth Circuits held that a ne exeat clause does
    not confer "rights of custody" under the Convention upon a parent
    who otherwise holds only "rights of access." Gonzalez, 
    311 F.3d at 944
    ; see also Croll, 
    229 F.3d at 135
     (same). They reasoned that such
    clauses grant, "at most, a veto power." Gonzalez, 
    311 F.3d at 949
    ; see
    also Croll, 
    229 F.3d at 140
     (same). Thus, like § 2(3) of the Children
    (Scotland) Act, these clauses "serve[ ] only to allow a parent with
    access rights to impose a limitation on the custodial parent's right to
    expatriate his child. . . . [T]his hardly amounts to a right of custody."
    311 F.3d at 949
    . We find the reasoning of those courts per-
    suasive and hold that § 2(3) of the Children (Scotland) Act does not
    confer "rights of custody" on Ms. Fawcett.
    The district court also found that "Travis was the subject of rights
    of custody "attributed to . . . an institution," namely, the Sheriff Court.
    168 F. Supp. 2d at 603
     (quoting Convention, art. 3). In so
    ruling, the district court misapprehended the nature of the proceedings
    pending in the Sheriff Court at the time Mr. McRoberts took Travis
    from Scotland, and therefore erred in its conclusion that the Sheriff
    Court was exercising "rights of custody" over Travis at the time of
    Travis's removal.
    In reaching the conclusion that the Sheriff Court in Scotland was
    exercising "rights of custody" over Travis, the district court relied pri-
    marily on a case arising from a custody dispute in Ireland, In re H,
    1999 WL 1319095
    . In In re H, a court initially awarded custody of
    the child to her mother, and gave only access rights to the child's
    father. Two years later, the father applied for guardianship, which
    under Irish law would have conferred upon him equal rights of cus-
    Id. at *4
    . While the father's application for guardianship was
    pending, the mother left Ireland with the child and the father peti-
    tioned under the Convention for return of the child. The House of
    Lords held that the Irish court "had rights of custody in respect of H.
    at the time of her removal and that these rights were being exercised
    by reason of the pending application of her father to be appointed her
     (emphasis added).
    Though we are obviously not bound by a decision from the House
    of Lords, judicial "opinions of our sister signatories" to the Conven-
    tion are "entitled to considerable weight." Air France v. Saks, 
    470 U.S. 392
    , 404 (1985) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted).
    Thus, we will accept the holding of In re H, and assume, without
    deciding, that if an "application to the court . . . raise[s] matters of
    custody within the meaning of the Convention" the court may have
    "rights of custody," and further that a third party (such as a parent)
    may assert those rights in a petition for return of child. In re H, 
    1999 WL 1319095
    , at *3.
    Even granting Ms. Fawcett the benefit of these assumptions, how-
    ever, her argument fails because the application pending in the Sheriff
    Court at the time Mr. McRoberts left Scotland with Travis did not
    "raise matters of custody within the meaning of the Convention." 
    Indeed, Ms. Fawcett conceded at oral argument that she had not been
    seeking a residence order with respect to Travis at either the February
    15 hearing, or in any other application pending before the Sheriff
    Court, but was rather seeking a court order prohibiting Mr. McRo-
    berts from leaving Scotland.
    Ms. Fawcett's application thus did not "raise matters of custody
    within the meaning of the Convention." 
     Even if the Sheriff Court
    had issued the order Ms. Fawcett had been seeking, the order would
    not have conferred any greater "rights of custody" on Ms. Fawcett
    than § 2(3) of the Children (Scotland) Act, or the ne exeat clauses dis-
    cussed in Gonzalez, 
    311 F.3d at 944
    , and Croll, 
    229 F.3d at 135
    . See
    ante at 13-14. Therefore, the matter pending before the Sheriff Court
    did not "raise matters of custody within the meaning of the Conven-
    tion," In re H, 
    1999 WL 1319095
    , at *3, and the Sheriff Court was
    not "actually exercis[ing]" any "rights of custody" over Travis at the
    time of his removal from Scotland. Convention, art. 3.
    In sum, the district court erred in holding that Ms. Fawcett or the
    Sheriff Court had "rights of custody" under the Convention.6 Accord-
    In light of this holding, we must also hold the district court erred in
    awarding costs and attorney's fees to Ms. Fawcett.
    ingly, we reverse and remand to the district court for further proceed-
    ings consistent with this opinion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 01-2406

Filed Date: 5/6/2003

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/22/2015

Authorities (23)

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